View Full Version : [DnD 3.5] Is Psionic Shot worth it for a Warlock?

2011-05-20, 07:16 PM
I'm redesigning a Warlock I've been playing, planning Warlock 8/Binder 1/Hellfire Warlock, and dropping a couple of Chameleon levels because I didn't like losing out so much on invocations(realizing I wouldn't get Greater until level 14, we're only level 5 right now). Since I don't need to be Human and/or have the Able Learner feat, I'm looking for alternative races/feats to take instead.

I started reading on Psionic Shot, and it looked like it could add a lot, but even with Psionic Meditation, it takes a move action to use. This wouldn't be a problem, but my character is using the Unseelie Fey template to fly around and use Flyby Attack, so consuming my move actions would keep me from flying, attacking, and flying away.

Is the Psionic Shot feat chain worth it in the long run? Is there any way to get psionic focus as less than a move action? Any other alternatives(I have read the Warlock Compilation already, but I'm still unsure). Also for the record, my current feats are: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Improved Maneuverability, and Flyby Attack.


Tokiko Mima
2011-05-20, 07:45 PM
I would say it's not really worth it. If you could manifest Hustle, that would be what I would do to gain psionic focus back fast. Sadly, there's a real dirth of psionic classes that work well with Warlocks, so that means you'd be sinking in at least a couple level in Psychic Warrior in order to do that, putting you as far behind as you were previously.

If you like ducking around and firing from range and a fey flavour, I strongly urge you to consider a Pixie as a race. I know, they have 4 LA, and that's HUGE to you.. but consider that they come with better versions of two Lesser/Greater invocation already(greater invis at will as a free action vs. Walk Unseen and 60' native flight vs. Fell Flight), have massive SR, DR 10, and a suite of spell-likes, and free Weapon Finesse (for Glaive attacks). Also, notice the free Permanent Illusion SLA: you can illusion yourself as whatever you want to be.

2011-05-20, 07:52 PM
A Warlock/Nosomatic Chirurgeon/Ardent could enter Cerebremancer with only two lost invoking levels, getting Hustle from the Freedom mantle. You need to blow a lot fewer feats on it if you go Ardent 3, admittedly.

2011-05-20, 08:01 PM
The fact that a lot of 'locks, for better or for worse, don't really need their move actions makes this, well, decent in a low-op game, but honestly, not even counting the source of your PP, two/three feats isn't a good trade for what you get in return, in my book.

In your specific case, with Flyby Attack, you really have no reason to do it.

2011-05-20, 08:49 PM
I've though about going Pixie Warlock, and while I still really like the idea, I just don't think it would work at the level we're currently at. That's why I'm using the Unseelie Fey template(houseruled to be +1LA), as it gives similar flavor, and most importantly, the exact same flight stats.

Talking with some other players, we seem to fight enough "living, nonoutsider" enemies for Mortalbane to be of use, though I wonder if I should really focus that much on just pure Eldritch Blast damage. But I'm not sure what other feat I might take.

2011-05-20, 09:02 PM
Talking with some other players, we seem to fight enough "living, nonoutsider" enemies for Mortalbane to be of use, though I wonder if I should really focus that much on just pure Eldritch Blast damage. But I'm not sure what other feat I might take.

Extra Invocation. Basically always; unless your DM has granted you bonus invocations for Cha or something similar, there is always another invocation worth having (especially if your DM will let you select from the Dragonfire Adept's invocations as well.) If you want Blast damage, Mortalbane and Quicken/Empower Spell-Like Ability are worth looking into.

I'm gonna agree with the rest of the thread- Psionic Shot is going to take too much investment to make efficient, unless you're ok with pre-charging it and just letting it loose 1/fight. In which case you have to ask yourself if +2d6/4d6 damage once is worth your precious feats, especially when said feats could be buying you more invocations.

2011-05-21, 12:28 AM
Point Blank and Precise Shot aren't worth taking, imo. With a positive dex modifier and 3/4 BAB, those touch attacks should land most of the time.

2011-05-21, 12:35 AM
I dunno, if you have any frontliners in your party, Precise Shot is nontrivial. It seriously blows that you have to take PBS to take it, but negating that friggin' –4 for firing into melee is basically the equivalent of negating the –4 for not being proficient with your bloody weapon. It's a raw deal, but touch attack or no touch attack, –4 is a big enough penalty to notice.

Thrice Dead Cat
2011-05-21, 01:04 AM
Consider, instead, grabbing Eldritch Glaive (Dragon Magic) or Eldritch Claws (Some dragon magazine) to instead get your eldritch blast on a full attack.:smallwink:

2011-05-21, 01:33 AM
Extra Invocation. Basically always; unless your DM has granted you bonus invocations for Cha or something similar, there is always another invocation worth having (especially if your DM will let you select from the Dragonfire Adept's invocations as well.) If you want Blast damage, Mortalbane and Quicken/Empower Spell-Like Ability are worth looking into.

I'd say your 12th level feat goes to Quicken SLA, but otherwise I agree. Warlocks are really easy to pick feats for:

1: ???
3: Craft Wondrous Item*
6: Extra Invocation (Least) or Empower SLA
9: Extra Invocation (Least)
12: Quicken SLA
15: Extra Invocation (Lesser)
18: Extra Invocation (Greater)

*Assumes your DM uses the item creation guidelines rather than strict item lists. Otherwise dip Chameleon or leave crafting to the psions and artificers.

I'm sure there are ways to do better, but all of these feats are clearly really good. When I built a warlock I used this as a baseline to see the opportunity cost for anything else I wanted. I could never justify taking anything else. (This was before Chameleon or Eldritch Glaive were printed though.)