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View Full Version : Astral versus Midnight?

2011-05-20, 09:41 PM
I was looking at the Midnight Construct and the Astral Construct spells/powers, and I was wondering which one of them tended to be better? Obviously Midnight Construct takes a multiclass build to get an essentia pool and casting, but as far as summons go which is better at any given level?

2011-05-20, 10:08 PM
Assuming Midnight has somehow maxed essentia by level, MC and AC stats are pretty similar level to level, barring any complicating feats or abilities. There are slight differences in attack bonuses and strength, but not enough for it to matter too much. The AC is slightly stronger at level 4, the MC pulls a bit further ahead from at level 8. [This is also assuming the errata/srd Astral Construct, not the one in EPH with the weird BA.]

Astral Construct is more versatile, and is more easily improved (Boost Construct, Constructor PrC, Shaper ACF, Overchannel, Torc of PP), so it's probably more useful in general. The MCs can get some things like slightly longer teleports or slightly faster fly speeds, but the AC can basically replicate those, and do more.

The Midnight Constructs have damage auras that ACs can't replicate, but the damage is low and the DCs are hard to boost, so I'm doubtful about their practicality.

This is also assuming you're ignoring the CPsi errata or limiting the summons to 1 construct/each. If one caster is spamming MCs while the other is sitting idly behind one AC, the results are going to swing crazily.

2011-05-20, 10:13 PM
I was thinking 1v1; otherwise we go into whether the base classes are better. The Astral Construct gets more options, but the Midnight gets to use more at the same time. It can teleport and fly :P