View Full Version : Anti-Paladin/Blood Knight Application of Skill Points

Ellen K
2011-05-21, 12:26 PM
Hello peoples,

(Disclaimer: I may be a bit long-winded.)

I'm currently in the process of creating an Anti-Paladin/Blood Knight. The way our group works is that we always make our characters at level 6 so the adventures can be more interesting for our newer characters.

I'm starting her at Anti-Paladin level 5 and Blood Knight level 1. This means she won't be able to level up as Anti-Paladin anymore, but I'm not worried about that. I basically just want a blood knight with a sweet awesome mount who can smite good.

My problem is that she has an intelligence score of 10 and therefore no modifier, so she only gets 2 skill points per level (x4 at level 1). I had planned on making her a half-elf, but have decided to make her human, because she gets 1 skill point per level, and an extra 4 at level one. BUT: Does this mean she gets them at ECL 1, or would these extra 4 also apply to Blood Knight level 1?

This is important because the prerequisites for blood knight are that she has Handle Animal 6 ranks, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) 4 ranks, and I'd like for her to have a couple other skills besides those.


2011-05-21, 12:43 PM
Nope, ECL 1. Sorry.

Ellen K
2011-05-21, 12:44 PM
Okay, thanks. :smallsmile: