View Full Version : To the Skies! Maybe

2011-05-21, 10:42 PM
So tomorrow I'm getting back into DnD with my friends after a year sabbatical (1st year of University) and I wish to play a race that flies, I was thinking Raptoran, Raptoran Fighter namely heading into Stormtalon, I'm definitely taking the Air Heritage Feat (Planar Handbook) gives me +30ft Fly Speed leaving me about 120 after I'm done Stormtalon, but back to my question, what is your opinion of the Raptorans? Are they Good? Bad? Ugly?

Alternatively if the party ends up not needing a Frontline Combatant, I'm going with a Fairy Warlock (Homebrew Race stats below for those that are curious, feel free to comment on that as well.)

Tiny Size. +2 bonus to Armor Class, +2 bonus on attack rolls, +8 bonus on hide checks, -8 penalty on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits ½ those of Medium characters.
+2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2Str, -2 Con
Fairies are nimble and posses charming qualities, however they are also very weak and frail.
Land Speed 10ft
Fly Speed 40ft (Perfect), Cannot fly with more than a light load.
Alignment: Almost always Chaotic Good, Fairies find it had to follow rules but usually would never commit an evil act.
Languages: Common, Sylvan, Bonus Languages: Elven, Gnome, Halfling and Auran.
Favored Class: Sorceror Female or Rogue Male

Thanks for any and all input.

2011-05-21, 10:49 PM
1. Capture a Narwhal
2. Capture a True Dragon
3. Mate them
4. Enjoy your new flying mount! :smallyuk:

All jokes aside, I would go with Raptoran for the lower LA. May I ask why Fighter?

2011-05-21, 10:52 PM
1. Capture a Narwhal
2. Capture a True Dragon
3. Mate them
4. Enjoy your new flying mount! :smallyuk:

Think I could get stats on that? And would it have trample as an automatic feat? :smalltongue:

2011-05-21, 10:54 PM
1. Capture a NarwhalYou can't! They're the jedi of the sea!

[Edit]: On the actual topic, raptoran are a decent race, but fighter, well, depends on what you want to do, and the op level of your group. Stormtalon, I'm sad to say, is a poor PrC.

2011-05-21, 10:56 PM
1. Capture a Narwhal
2. Capture a True Dragon
3. Mate them
4. Enjoy your new flying mount! :smallyuk:

All jokes aside, I would go with Raptoran for the lower LA. May I ask why Fighter?

Firstly, That's pretty cool, but why not skip Narwhal and go straight to Unicorn?

And Fighter because we have a Monk (Read Unarmed Swordsage), Ninja (Read Machine Gun Assassin, and A DMPC Cleric. And well I wasn't sure what they'd need and I don't usually go Fighter, so it's something new. Plus I like the Stormtalon Prestige Class, I'm just trying to find a way to get Improved Grab with the Talon attack so I can swoop down pick one up and fly off with them.

2011-05-21, 10:57 PM
Think I could get stats on that? And would it have trample as an automatic feat? :smalltongue:
That's how I did them in sky worlds; I can get you a more standard one as well.
The Unicorn Whagon: The Unicorn Whagon is perhaps the most beautiful of the Half-dragons, A Silver Dragon bred with a Narwal. The Unicorn Whagon is used exclusively as a human war mount, and is most often found as the mount of a Paladin.

They are Huge, with a fly speed of 60 and a swim of 80. They have a strength of 38, an Int of 3, a Dex of 9, a Wisdom of 12, a Con of 27, and a Charisma of 12. They get 3 natural attacks, a 2d6 gore attack and two 1d6 wing slaps, and it has the Powerful Charge feat, increasing its Gore attack to 4d8+Str 1.5 on a charge. A Unicorn Whagon has a base of 15D12 HD.

Just remember, there are no Narwhals in D&D, so this is what I invented based on Orcas and Rhinos.

Name: TV's Mount
Whale, Narwhal Half-dragon, Silver CR 7
XP 3200
Neutral Huge Animal
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60, Low-light Vision, Blind sight 120ft, Low-light Vision; Listen +16; Spot +16
AC 20, Touch 10, flat footed 18 (+ No Armour, + Shield, none)
(+2 Dex, +10 Natural, -2 size)
hp 106 (9d10+54++3);
Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +5
Immunity to Cold, sleep, paralysis
Speed 0, swim 50ft.
Gore +16 melee (3d6+12)
Full Attack
2 Claw +16 (1d4+6)
Bite +11 (1d6+6)
Gore +16 melee (3d6+12)
Space 10ft.; Reach 10ft.
Special Attacks
Breath Weapon DC(20) 1/day 6d8 damage 30ft cone of cold, Powerful Charge A Narwhal deals 6d6+24 points of damage when it makes a charge.
Str 35, Dex 15, Con 23, Int 4, Wis 14, Chr 8
Base Attack 6 Grapple 26
Alertness: +2 listen +2 spot,
Endurance: +4 on checks to resist non-lethal damage,
Run: Can run at 5 times normal speed,
Toughness: +3 Hit points
Skills Listen 16, Spot 16, Swim 20
Environment Cold aquatic
Organization Solitary, Pod 6-11
Treasure None
Hold breath 8 x con rounds

MAGIC ITEMS (max value 7200)