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2011-05-22, 02:03 AM

Town: Jazmith
The house of Traia is in the crumbling city of Jazmith. Jazmith was once an extremely wealthy trade town until travel became nearly impossible after The Awakening.

Jazmith has a large population, and many districts within its large stone city walls. It's Western edge and castle are built into a mountain chain. The Eastern side is flanked by a calm sea port that leads to many rivers and the Deep Sea.

House of Traia
The House of Traia is a guild of ill-repute. At least that is the title they received after having been the first organization to unionize workers of its kind. The house was put together in times when men and women had money to spare. Its clientele and and employee's have severely dropped in number. So much that you are the only remaining two remaining "working ladies".

Workers of the house are distinct and must always present themselves with a large blue T on their scabbards and broaches. If not wearing an identifying signal, they are required to identify themselves as a member to everyone they speak with, and, before consenting to any "work".

The House of Traia is still run by the original Madam, Traia. The only other employee is Tupik.

The Awakening: 3 years prior
No-one saw it coming, no-one heard it coming, no books or legends predicted it.

The Befreier had always submitted to the other gods, yielding his animals and beasts both hideous and beautiful to the will of others. No more.

There was no conflict, just a change in... attitude...

Birds still flew, fish swam, bees buzzed. They just became more violent, and seem more intelligent and seemingly... organized.

The roads became unsafe to travel in small numbers, and the seas (although generally considered safer) were just as affected. Towns are subject to attack both by swarm and guerrilla tactics by animals they once never feared.

Its strange though. One will look at an animal and expect it to go along its normal business and it may change its mind and attack. Other times you may see an angry bear whom you've just disturbed, and it will just walk away.

Most people think it is best to just avoid most animals. Domesticated animals(including familiars, etc...) are just as prone to this behavior, therefore most have been abandoned to the wild. Even before attacking their master.

Humanoids have never been able to communicate with most animals, except basic training signals.(includes druids and other wilderness classes)

Before the awakening they were normal, and would run if scared. Now, some will attack on site, some will run away scared, and some may lead you into a trap while hunting them. They don't seem to have a particular agenda, but they are violent towards humanoids.

The Nation: Travest
Travest isn't a large nation. It is actually fairly small, but contains two important cities: Jazmith and Jordan(the Capital).

Cities have gone into a Martial Law sort of order, since even armies may have a hard time traveling outside of a cities limits. Even so, a peasant army/militia seems to be enough for small hamlets to defend themselves.

The most important duty of all rulers is providing food for the people. Since the Awakening farming has become a dangerous prospect, and most individuals aren't skilled enough to hunt animals that attack back.

There is not much correspondence between Jordan and any of the smaller cities. It would seem that they have the defense of their own walls and feeding the people are their main priority.

The main contact between cities comes from Runners.

The Befreier
The Befreier is a Demi-God who is also known as "The Beastmaster"

Most stories about how and why he started the Awakening are just that... stories. Nobody of note has come up with a reason that the gods would let him do what he's done, or why they haven't stopped him yet.

The Deep Sea
Much of this world is yet to be discovered. The deep sea has seen men leave, and return with riches/scars and stories of other men who insisted on exploring further. Occasionally men from unknown lands will arrive at port as well with spices, plants, animals, etc... that have never been seen on our shores before.

Madam Traia
Madam Traia loves her girls(and guys) and has always been good to them. She doesn't work for profit. She loves love, and she promotes her women as though they were her own children. She is middle aged, but looks much younger.

The Madam unfortunately was robbed of her chance to procreate by a priest of Vecna. She has never told you how or why.

Tupik is a youth who was publicly refused by the constantly hiring militia and army recruiters. He is also the son of the right hand man to the Freiherr(ruler) of Jazmith, Markov.

Tupik's father Travod most certainly has made an order that Tupik is not to be allowed into military duty.

Tupik and Travod don't speak to one another. This is well-known public information. It has been that way since Tupik became a teenager.

Tupik's job is to protect the working ladies. He never does anything beside wait outside the room though. He seems to have a fierce loyalty to the Madame, and you will occasionally hear him in his room alone crying.

Travod is publicly known as a wizard. One of few. Most who are gifted with magic are shunned, and have never been particularly organized.

It is a signal of great respect or fear to have a wizard sit amongst your advisors. Travod doesn't speak publically or in court, so his opinions and reasons for being included amongst the Frieherr's advisor's remain shrouded.

Runners are messengers that specialize in getting through the wilderness. They seem to have amazing luck, and are never attacked by groups of animals.

Pelor's Presence:

In times long since forgotten, when it is said that wars were as common as housemice, all gods waged war against one another using mortals as their chess pieces. As they were doing so they only realized that they were losing all of the people that they were trying to win over. Humanity had become nearly extinct. In a moment of compromise, all of the major gods agreed that the field of combat should be protected, no matter the alignment, race, or religious belief/disbelief of the participant.

All fields of honorable battle are protected by all gods. Any can ignore this protection in their opponent if they give it up themselves. The definition of "honorable field" changes depending on which god is watching at the moment It is considered extreemly poor taste drop Pelors Presence, and is a crime in most communities.

Assasination attempts are not covered, the gods deal with assasins themselves.

Magic, Personi
The language of magic has its own personality. It knows who weilds it, and how powerful they are. It can be fickle, and sometimes must be convinced. It is said it has some personality traits of Mystra herself.

Magic has been known to lend itself to a cause at times of great need or consequence... or fail.

Some hypothesize that magic has its own agenda seperate from Mystra's. Some say that Mystra's control over magic is absolute, while others say she created it, but now it is like an adolescent child - it is rebelling against her.

When it comes to the language itself, it is known to hide itself, or leave the minds of those who would weild it if they don't exhibit control. For example, a young mage listening or reading the words of an advanced spell, or a spell from a shunned school may hear words that sound like magic, but don't resemble the actual words at all. Other times the language is heard, then nearly immediatly forgotten.

The term that encompasses these effects is "Personi". Used like, I don't rememberwhat words he used because of the Personi. Or, "this is the first time Personi has let me hear that spell, the words were beautiful. Etc...

2011-05-22, 02:38 AM
It is a new day. You wake up in your own room in the guild.

Normally you two would go down to see the madame at this point. She'd make you breakfast!

2011-05-23, 03:52 PM

(Sya heads down stairs and takes a seat)

Who do you have to blow to get some breakfast around here?

2011-05-23, 11:51 PM
Waiting for Squirrel. Dakuwan, please post your character sheet on the OOC thread. Thanks!

Kato Locke
2011-05-24, 01:49 PM
Calixta wakes up in her bed and stretches. A ray of sunlight is streaming in through her window and makes its presence known by hurting her eyes. She rubs them liberally as she sits up, looking around her room as she does every morning. Her over sized bastard sword, the weapon she has been training with for two years and a gift from her big brother, sits beside the bed with the hilt leaning towards her. She'll have to train today at some point, after breakfast, and make sure its sharpened properly.

Yawning, she steps out of bed and goes downstairs where Sya is already sitting. She smiles at the dwarf's comment. "If you want, sausage I hear its extra. G'morn, darling."

2011-05-24, 04:16 PM
Sya: Just put something in my mouth

2011-05-24, 05:14 PM
You have all the means to cook at your disposal.

The kitchen is just as it always is: tidy, proper, and slightly smelling of lemon. The hardwood floors haven't seen a stain, and everything seems to be in its place.

There is one thing missing though.

Madame Traia almost never misses cooking breakfast. She generally feeds(read: overfeeds) you two and any guests you may have, then promptly takes the often generous leftovers to some of the less fortunate people nearby.

So many people have been put out by the recent Awakening that people have begun to clamor for her favor and scraps. Madame is however quit good at evenly dispersing the product and plays no favorites.

Topik is not as often at breakfast, although when he is seen, he sure eats well for his small frame.

2011-05-25, 11:03 AM
Sya:(leans over and kisses Calixta on the mouth and playfully pushes her away. Then sits for a few moments and looks around nervously. She then stands up awkwardly and slowly walks over to the cupboard and gets a frying pan and lays it atop the wood fire stove then checks it for wood then looks around some more) where is the Madame, this is weird...(to Calixta)can you go check out her room while I soak some bread and fry some meat.

Kato Locke
2011-05-25, 07:55 PM
Practice with the playful dwarf made it much easier to accept the kiss and Calixta remind herself that kisses are only a privilege she denies customers. The silence in the kitchen afterwards was more unsettling because it simply shouldnt have been there. There should be the smell of meat and eggs and laughing happening right now... Where could Madam Traia be? Calixta nodded, silently accepting Sya's prompt, and turned to leave the kitchen. "Dont burn anything, alright? You know how much the scorch marks annoyed Madam last time you tried this."

Calixta's five foot eleven frame swept from the kitchen with intent to return upstairs to perhaps knock on Madam Traia's door.

2011-05-26, 10:40 AM
Sya: To burn anything I would need matches (searches the kitchen for matches)

search check: (1d20+2)[5]

2011-05-26, 02:33 PM
Sya has no trouble finding matches, as they are right where they should be, and the kitchen is pristine. The shelves seem a bit light on foodstuffs. Its possible that the Madame needs to make a shopping trip.

Calixta moves towards the front of the house where the entertaining foyer and grand dining hall are. She begins to make her way up the grandiose stairway gaurded by an elegant chandellier(known as the stairway of heaven), but she halts for a moment when she hears an aggressive knocking on the door.

Calixta knows there is no way Sya heard that, and they didn't ring the "service bell" which rings everywhere in the house except the private rooms.

Kato Locke
2011-05-26, 05:36 PM
Calixta pauses on the stairwell, turns towards the front door and bites her lip. "Who..." Madam Traia would not like it if she mistreated guests or kept them waiting. Calixta looked down at herself. She was still mostly in her peasant's night clothing and felt like she would be a poor reception. Even still, she must represent Madam well. Putting on the best smile she could, though completely appearing as if she had just rolled out of bed, she proceeded down the stairs.

(Charisma check to be a friendly reception [roll0])

2011-05-26, 07:43 PM
Sya takes the matches and strikes one to light the kindling in the stove, and coaches the fire into life. She goes into the store of cured meat and find whats left of the bacon and ham, and puts it in her pan. She also gets eight bread rolls and soaks them in watered down honey but leaves four for people who would like to soak their bread in mead or eat it as is (the hard stuff). After attending to the meat until the bacon is crisp and the ham tender, she plates four pieces of bacon and two pieces of ham on two plates. Then she fills two separate bowls with soaked and unsoaked bread and sets them in the middle of the small kitchen table

Sya: I don't think Calixta would mind eating in here

She gets some mugs and a pitcher of mead and sets them on the table

2011-05-27, 12:21 AM
Calixta pauses on the stairwell, turns towards the front door and bites her lip. "Who..." Madam Traia would not like it if she mistreated guests or kept them waiting. Calixta looked down at herself. She was still mostly in her peasant's night clothing and felt like she would be a poor reception. Even still, she must represent Madam well. Putting on the best smile she could, though completely appearing as if she had just rolled out of bed, she proceeded down the stairs.

(Charisma check to be a friendly reception [roll0])

You are feeling quit open and inviting. As you reach for the handle another abrasive knock meets the wood.

(you had a successful listen check on your way to open the door): The men are mumbling to each other, saying: "I bet she ran off", "she knew we were coming", etc...

You pull the door open, and one of the three men outside is surprised and end up "knocking" the air.

"Ahhh... one of the whores boys! How about a little taste, butter-buns?"

He grabs his package in a sickening gesture.

The men are obviously rugged and probably battle-hardened. They seem bent on doing no good, and have no respect for the trade you offer. None are wearing armor, but the flash of a steel sheathe caught your attention.

He holds up a letter.

You know that correspondence in this nation is held in the highest regard, especially after the Awakening. A messenger wouldn't even think of viewing a letter sent by his hand... it would be blasphemy.

All the same, these men obviously look like they know something you don't, and they're not here for tea...

Kato Locke
2011-05-27, 02:05 AM
Calixta attempted to reign in her emotions over the revolting show and said, "Good morning, gentlemen. To whom is your message to be delivered?"

Calixta sorely missed Tupik in these situations. Though she trained and studied her small collection of scrolls daily, she had never laid a hand on another person. The sword she kept in pristine condition had only seen battle in Kameal's hands and she had little love for violence.

(Is there a warning system near the door? A bell, alarm, pot and wooden spoon? Anything?)

2011-05-27, 03:28 PM
This section is for Calixta

The house's Service Bell may serve your purpose, there is one outside, which can be disabled, but wouldn't be at this moment. There is also one right inside the door, within your arms reach. It would take a few seconds to pull it, as it is essentially a long rope and pulley system. There's no way to do it subtly.

The service bell is usually wrung when a customer has arrived and would like to see the house's "wares". When you(either of you!) yourself hear it, you would rush touch up make-up and put on appropriate attire, then meet the prospective customer in the foyer.

The letter is for the madame, and we need a response now. If she's not here, then we'll have a different set of problems. I hope she's not here...

The man grins widely.

The men are eyeing you up and down, you can read their minds as to what that might mean.

This section is for Sya

Its only been a few minutes since Calixta has left, and food preparation is easy enough with all the right tools here.

Still, as your mind wanders, you can't help but wonder why you haven't heard footfalls above you, as the floors above you have a familiar creek which hasn't been heard since Calixta left.

2011-05-27, 10:21 PM
Sya sits at the table and waits a moment. Wonders what the heck Cali is doing, cuz she didn't go upstairs, that silly ho . Sya moves on with the thought that she is hungry as demon and isn't going to wait anymore. She grabs a knife and starts cutting up her ham.

Kato Locke
2011-05-29, 08:43 AM
Calixta nodded her head and slightly bowed her knees. "I will inform the Madam forthwith and have her to see you in less than a minute." With that, Calixta closed the door.

2011-05-29, 02:15 PM

You hear the men saying stuff like, "take your time sweetie", "I'll be waiting for you", "can't wait 'till you get back", "looks better leaving" etc...

It is obvious they'll be waiting for a response, you probably have a few minutes until they get anxious though.

Kato Locke
2011-05-29, 07:28 PM
Calixta, still hand on the door, breathed a sigh of relief. While she may not be completely innocent of ever harming another being, she wished to continue her hot streak of poon before power a while longer. Gathering her skirts, she turned back toward the kitchen. "Sya!" she called into the house as she ran, "We have a problem and only your dwarven legs have the stability to handle three of them at once!"

2011-05-29, 08:32 PM
Sya: Cali is screaming and running, and deeply implying that I need to entertain three tricks at once. Damn, so early! A whores work is never done. (gets up from table and wipes her mouth, then runs out into the hallway and past Cali to the stairwell) SEND THEM UP TO MY ROOM I HAVE TO SCRUB!!!

Sya runs up the stairway to heaven and to her room and as quickly as that throws off her garments and kicks them into a corner and closes the door, indicated with her name on the front. She goes to a washbasin and washes her cooch and ass with a rag, then chews on a mint leaf then spits it into a corner, all with great haste. She takes a second to check and make sure her quarterstaff is beneath the bed in arms reach, a precaution she takes in case of emergencies which she has no problem using what so ever. She lays on the bed on her back, open for business, readying her slit for the over anxious. She looks too the top of the door frame.

Sya: Apparently I'm about to have three at once Jeremiah, lets hope their too excited and I burn them out quick, truth be told I'm still sleepy.

Jeremiah sits atop the door frame as tiny as can be, feeling nervous about the whole situation, whats a toad to do.

Kato Locke
2011-05-30, 02:39 PM
With the backup plan ready, Calixta follows Sya up the stairway to heaven and watches her run over to her room. Still nervous, she knocks on Madam Traia's door hard enough to show urgency. "Madam Traia? Are you in?"

If she really wasnt in the house, would she be allowed to read the letter herself in the Madam's place? (DM question)

2011-05-30, 06:29 PM

If she isn't available, you'd be able to take the letter to her. You wouldn't be able to read it.

As you are knocking on the madame's door, Topik surprises you by saying "She's not in, just take the letter". It was kind of weird how he showed up. Where did he come from? There's no doors nearby, just high ceilinged walls with tapestries.

Topik had a tendancy to do that though, often showing up at times when you needed him, and times when you didn't want to see him. He also generally has more information than one would expect.

Topik is slender in build, and has a questionable aura about him. Its no wonder his father and he don't get along. Markov and he both have dour demenours, although Topik seems to be fighting his, while Markov embraces it.

"Oh, grab that sword of yours, and let us know before you go down."

Topik moves smoothly into Sya's room.


"Hey Trick"

That's topik's nickname for you. You've never let him see you practice magic, but somehow it seems that he knows.

"We might have a little confrontation on our hands downstairs, so....."

He motions towards the staff that you've been keeping under your bed.

"I don't know if you wanted to bring that bullfrog too but..."

Kato Locke
2011-05-31, 02:09 AM
Calixta nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of Tupik's voice. Her spine went rigid at the mention of the weapon and she hurried to comply. As she ran to her room, she called over her shoulder, "Are you gonna help me into the armor too?" She was half joking but knew that if she was needed in a fight things were likely to be bad.

She opened her room door and moved around the side of the bed to the shining sheathe next to it. Calixta grasped the sheathe and drew the blade. It sung as it exited and gleamed in the early morning light. "Hello, old girl. May Kord smile upon the work you do today, if he deems it right to do so." The weapon was sharp and as ready as it would ever be. Laying the oversized and heavy bastard sword upon the bed, Calixta reached under the bed and pulled out a chest. She stored her studded leather inside. She often trained in it and she knew the weight of it well on her shoulders.

2011-05-31, 10:51 AM
Sya: Says you toothpick!(hops out of bed and grabs her quarterstaff and reaches into her stores to grab one of her few spell components, then marches out the door) watch my spell components (to Jeremiah) (continues down the stairs to the front door. Opens the door and confronts the men with staff in hand) Alright! You men have two choices, get some of this (plants her staff firmly) or do away with the violence and get some of this (gestures toward her naked form) I am eager to oblige you either way!

Profession Whore check


2011-05-31, 04:33 PM
Says the lead man,

"I could possibly let a few extra days pass before the deadline, especially if the help is this helpful".

He is a human, and a crude looking one at that. A chipped front tooth, and a face that only a mother could love.

He says, "Here, now." and gestures for Sya to kneel.

"Tupik, make sure the madame gets this."

He tosses the letter to the floor, and tosses his head back, waiting.

Sya is in the entryway, Tupik halfway up the stairs and moving down, and Cali admiring the sword on her bed.

2011-06-01, 10:57 AM
Sya:(leans her quarterstaff near the doorway and walks over and picks up the letter and throws it into the house, then walks up to the leader and kneels before him rubbing him tenderly) we could have our fun here but the city guard may gain interest, let us to my room where we can enjoy each other fully, and will your men join? The more the merrier, you know. And please get rid of the weapons they make me nervous, and if I'm nervous I am not at my best.

2011-06-01, 10:57 PM

He is slightly enamoured, but doesn't seem thrilled about sharing his "booty".

He will join you in one of the rooms(not your room, but a room that you use for work... clean sheets and all that...) while the other two men stand outside on guard.

He makes his way up the stairs mentioning that he hasn't had sex with a real woman for years. He has been away on the Deep Sea working for whomever payed him the best/was the most alive. He mentions that his work for Kurtiz should be much more steady and allow him to stay put more often. Perhaps if this is to his liking he will be back for pleasure sometime.... rather than work(he says with a wink).

Please make another profession check.


The situation seems to have died down as you step out of your room to see the three men being lead up the stairs, past Tupik, towards a working room. Sya takes the chipped-tooth man into the room while the other two men wait awkwardly outside. It is obvious that they aren't exactly professionals. They pace about, have poor postures, and carry on side conversation whilst one would think they would be honing in their senses on the surroundings.

You see Tupik has a letter in his hand and motions you to join him near the bottom of the grand stairway. He is slightly out of sight of the "guards", and they are distracted anyway. His motion implies that you should "play it cool".

2011-06-02, 11:25 AM
profession whore check


Sya comments here and there about his travels and his work, all admiration and compliments, and is being ever seductive as she does so, hinting and implying about how she will please him and how she is down for anything.

Kato Locke
2011-06-02, 06:18 PM
Taking the hint, Calixta leaves her weapon on the bed but with the hilt facing the door in case she needs to grab it in a hurry. She walks calmly over to Tupik and says in a voice just above a whisper, "What is going on?"

2011-06-03, 02:00 AM

You do your business as you've always done, but he doesn't seem particularly impressed. Even though he is not that experienced, he's probably had better. And you don't feel like you've even come close to your potential.

Must have been an off day.


Tupik says to you...
I know you're very interested in the details of this, but we can't really open it. It is intended for the madame.

I do know however that she owes some money to these people, and they are just starting to get feisty about it.

It is members of the thieves guild coming for us, which means they can probably be bought off, or killed with little repercussion, should we choose that violent route.... although that could easily be turned around on us....

But the real issue is how we take care of the debt. If we don't come up with the money, they will start taking what they want and demanding that "we" work for them.

It is almost certain that you should consider the Madame's opinion in this matter, as she would know the details about the debt that Tupik is speaking of. Just need to find her...

Kato Locke
2011-06-03, 04:32 PM
A frown crosses Calixta's brow as she thinks. "Like hell I'd work for just anyone. Madam Traia has standards and heart... So where is she? Surely she wouldnt just skip town without a hint as to where she might be." Calixta did not want to harm anyone so having the situation turned around on them just made it easier to avoid. Calixta had precious little money to offer the situation; two gold, enough for a peasant to live off for a couple weeks.

2011-06-04, 12:48 AM
She's at the market right now. I sent her because I saw the men coming.

I just don't have the heart to make her tell them we don't have their 50 gold.

Now is the time to start brainstorming a plan to make some big quick cash. I've got a couple of ideas, but maybe you'll come up with something better.

Kato Locke
2011-06-04, 02:18 PM
Fifty gold was likely more than she could make in a month's work. Unless the girls put on an extra show or took up second jobs it wasnt likely they could work their way through this with with current manpower. A gimmick for the house might be plausible, if Tupik worked too. Calixta spared the man a quick one over glance. Nah, he'd probably blow it off, she thought to herself. "If we had known about this sooner we could have had more time to talk it through. As it is now, we arent at full strength. Once Sya is finished upstairs we should send them off and speak to Madam Traia about how we could help her through this."

2011-06-07, 09:15 AM
OOC: still waiting on oscar, sorry for the delay.

The men leave in a decent mood, and the lead man introduces himself as Long John. Obviously a self made moniker.

It is not acurate.

"Probably best to wait until the madame gets back from her store run." Says Tupik.

You are free to move about the building, have dialougue, or ask any questions you have.

2011-06-08, 09:39 AM
Sya:(comes out of the room and heads to the bath room and scrubs herself down and washes her mouth out with lye soap, ew yuk, then heads back down to the common areas and meets up with Tupik and Calixta, still nude) What was all that about?

2011-06-08, 10:10 AM
I will let Cali fill you in. I will see if i can expedite the madame from the market.

We'll meet you two back here, should be no longer than an hour. See what you can come up with for cash ideas.

Tupik, apparently used to your unusual displays, looks Sya up and down as if to say "does she ever dress?", checks out the front window, and makes his way up to the second story.

The entryway is rather grandiose, and built for presentation. When the building was built recently it was with the blessing of the lawmakers, and was partially funded by several anonymous "donors". I bet you can guess how the organization garnered their donors...

Made of a combination of stone and wood the ceilings are high. The open area is in view of a U-shaped hardwood balcony area on the second floor. In the hey-day of operations, the women would line up on the balcony and the men would call forward a select few. They would descend the staircase and be presented in the dazzling light provided by the overhead glass chandelier.

The color scheme is grey(as rock) and blue with touches of purple in the carpets and paintings. There are several rooms and doors associated with this room. You could go upstairs to the entertaining area which has a lounge and private rooms, or stay on the main floor where most of the utility rooms are located. The entrance to the storage rooms are generally locked to you, but are located on the ground floor as well(the entrance being slightly hidden in the reverse side of the Stairway of Heaven.

Kato Locke
2011-06-08, 12:17 PM
Cash ideas, Calixta thinks to herself. We should not have to take on the debt of others to be able to sell our wares. She indicates to Sya with her chin to follow her, an unusual show of impatience from the large woman. "I'll explain it over breakfast. I have not had any yet and that only bothers me more." Calixta sits down heavily and takes her first bite, sighing with satisfaction after she swallows. "Ok, as far as Tupik has told me, Madam Traia owes the Thieves fifty gold. He sent her off to market this morning when he saw our friends coming. Now he wants us to come up with ideas for raising the money." Calixta scowls as she takes a bite of bacon.

2011-06-08, 10:24 PM
Sya: do you know why we owe this money, if its some horse dung then we should refuse pay. But if we do that then they may become violent, but I don't see any other way, as the economy is all messed up there is no quick way to make that kinda gold, there just isn't that kind of gold to be had. Perhaps I should seek the advise of my master, maybe she'll have an idea or two. This will require garments .Either way tell Toothpick me and he will have words when he comes back, I'm off.(leaves up to her room dresses herself. Straps her spellbook to her back and grabs her sack of spell components and grabs Jeremiah. Walks downstairs)

Sya:Ok Jeremiah, hide and stay hidden. Watch for danger.(releases Jeremiah)

Jeremiah hide check


Sya leaves the house and grabs her quarterstaff off the porch and heads up the road to seek out her master

Kato Locke
2011-06-09, 01:33 AM
((OOC: Wow dude, a 6? This just isnt your forum))

As Sya left even before Calixta could answer her question, she resigned herself to a lonely and quiet breakfast. She takes a few sullen bites before registering the memory that she still has the Madam to speak to in a short time. Frowning, she ran through a list of things she'd have to do: finish breakfast (nom); grab her blade, meditate and get in a short practice; clean herself; and dress in her traveling clothes.

If Sya leaves, the house is done for. The three remaining employees will simply be unable to attain the necessary gold. The thieves will likely be relentless for their money and neither Sya nor herself will be able to properly defend themselves solo. There is really only one place in town that Sya could go if she needed to stay some place and she may not even be able to stay there...
Her body moving in smooth, practiced steps, Calixta began to clean the dishes before she realized she had finished eating. After drying her hands, she climbed the stairs to her room, acquired her blade and moved outside, still in her night clothes, to get in a few minutes of practice. She will need to prepare her body and mind to deal with the day. It was already going poorly.

After practice, she returns to the house, bathes and dresses. She packs what few possessions she has: a small amount of clothes, her money, her brother's armor and the five scrolls of the Nine they collected together. She wore the signal whistle around her neck and left her pack near the door. She sheathed her weapon and brought it downstairs with her. She sat in the waiting area with her sword within reach but not threatening and began to brood. There were many possible ways things could turn out but her limited knowledge kept her from being able to pin down the best decision for herself.

2011-06-11, 01:57 PM
While walking Sya has a thought, and deters from her original path and heads down the the butcher shop, and knocks on the door.

2011-06-14, 11:13 PM
Sya easily finds the local meat-market, and is greeted at the door by a familiar face.

Jonathan Strapton(the other student mentored by the mage, known by few, who goes by Thrifton) opens the door with a bag in one hand and a huge salomi in the other.

He has always had a crush on you. He comes from a line of dwarves from the peasant class.

He stutters over himself: Uggmmmhh... Pleasant day so far Sya? Ummmmm..... how's work.... *gulp*

He gets so nervous in public because if anyone knew he or you was studying magic they would surely be treated differently, and most likely poorly.

OOCYou're magic studies are in cognito to most right? Who knows about it? Anybody besides the madame, Tupik, Jonathan, Thrifton, and Cali?


You spend about an hour and a half getting ready for the day, and are waiting in the entryway when you hear a sound from upstairs. Kind of like furniture getting moved around without purpose. Odd, because you should be the only one in the building at the moment.

2011-06-15, 10:45 AM
Sya: Hello Jonathan (she moves into his personal space with an inviting grin) is that big hard juicy salami for me?(speaking with heavy innuendo, then laughs it off, and moves past him into the shop)so anyway, I need to earn some dough so I was wondering what would you pay for fresh meat from the local forest? I think I can convince a girlfriend of mine that we should go hunting. Oh and do you need the meat prepared or should we just bring the whole thing in raw?

Back at the house of Traia

Jeremiah listen check


2011-06-15, 02:48 PM
Well, I don't know about me and my family personally, but you should check the post that the gaurd put up looking for prize hunters.

There's one over here.

You walk up to an area of postings on a post outside of the shop.


We are willing to pay top coin for any game.

Small game 1 gold per 15 lbs
Badgers 3 gold for 5
Fox 4 gold for 5
Dear 5 gold each fawn
Dear 10 gold adult female
Dear 15 gold adult male
Buffalo 40 gold - any adult

Other animals are negotiable. Please bring whole fresh carcuss.

See commander Haydn at central command depot for details.

2011-06-15, 03:24 PM
Well, I don't know about me and my family personally, but you should check the post that the gaurd put up looking for prize hunters.

There's one over here.

You walk up to an area of postings on a post outside of the shop.


We are willing to pay top coin for any game.

Small game 1 gold per 15 lbs
Badgers 3 gold for 5
Fox 4 gold for 5
Dear 5 gold each fawn
Dear 10 gold adult female
Dear 15 gold adult male
Buffalo 40 gold - any adult

Other animals are negotiable. Please bring whole fresh carcuss.

See commander Haydn at central command depot for details.

2011-06-15, 03:36 PM
Sya walks over to central command depot and starts asking around for Captain Haydn. Wanting to know if there is any permit needed to hunt or anything of that sort and if there is a stipend.

(OOC: is Sya feeling anything from Jeremiah)

2011-06-15, 06:45 PM
Is that...?

It is! Sya of House Traia! Maybe we'l have a special rate boys!

A soldier you've "serviced" says as you pass by.

Haydn is nearby and obviously hears the comment, but gets back to his current work, approving animal carcasses and payments. He is a man around 45, obviously a shell of the warrior he probably once was, but still a magnificant specimen.

When you ask about permits he laughs heartily...

"For this?"

No lassie, but ye' be cute fer askin'

Please stay aboot where ye can have a watchin' eye on ye.

In this society women are generally treated relativly equal as far as respect goes. The exeptions being combat and war.

2011-06-15, 07:31 PM
Sya: I'll cut my group rate in half if you boys are interested!(has a jovial smile on her face, but looks around for any takers)(to the captain) alright no permits needed but if I bring in good meat you'll cut me a fair deal?

(if he says yes then assume that Sya went back to House Traia to talk to Calixta about her great idea)

Kato Locke
2011-06-16, 10:15 AM
I should be... Calixta mentally shook off overthinking. If thieves are sneaking around in broad daylight to go through people's things, she'd wouldnt know what to do. What good is Tupik if he isnt around to take care of the working girls? Hopefully she just heard him doing something, for once in her life. Either way, she tried to hold onto her confrontational attitude and push her fear to the back of her mind. She climbed the Stairway to Heaven, not hurried or particularly silent, in the hopes she would sound as if she were walking past.

(Listen Check: [roll0])

2011-06-17, 05:00 PM
No takers from the men. Haydn says you'll get the same deal that everyone who brings meat in does.

This has never come up as a scam with all the people you've spoken with about the state of the city.

Jeramiah's emotional state hasn't changed.


You saunter past the door(an unoccupied working room), and the sound stops and starts again. Then you hear what seems to be crash and glass breaking. Then a squawk.

2011-06-17, 08:30 PM
Sya heads back to the house of Traia with a plan. She lets herself in and retrieves Jeremiah.


Kato Locke
2011-06-19, 02:04 PM
Calixta rushes into the room, one hand on the door and the other clenched into a tight fist.

2011-06-20, 06:16 PM

You burst into the doorway to find.....

Two eagles.

One a male, both about 2-3 times the size of a normal eagle. A distinct burning red feather protrudes from the scalp of the male. A sizzling foot long feather from the females head.

A quick glance at the window reveals that the glass was not broken through, but remains intact. The latch is not complicated, but could be easily undone by a humanoid if he were at the window. Eagles should have been thwarted.

Although you should have had the jump on them, neither moved, and both have their eyes fixated on you. Apparently waiting for your next brilliant move.

The male is perched on the nightstand and apparently just knocked off the candelabra. Around 10 feet away across a perfectly made bed.

The female must have been in the closet, as he body faces the opening, but her head is turned to face you. She's about 20 feet away, a desk impedes direct line.

You here from downstairs...

"hey cali, i have a great idea!"

Kato Locke
2011-06-20, 07:56 PM
Calixta quickly called to mind anything she could remember about eagles: they're big, they eat animals and they have incredible vision. None of that seemed helpful. Trying her best to not seem edible, she slowly exited the room and closed the door. "Sya!" Calixta yelled down the stairs. "I think someone just broke in and threw birds at me! Look at outside and see if you can spot anyone!"

2011-06-20, 09:11 PM
Sya:why is she always saying crazy ****?(moves outside the door and scans the outside, spot check [roll0])

Sya goes back in the house to report her findings and find out what the heck is going on.

2011-06-21, 07:53 AM
Can you make a full knowledge check in any areas you think would apply please?

2011-06-21, 08:19 AM
Sya steps outside and can only see the front of the building. Just random people walking by your semi-busy part of town.

2011-06-21, 08:43 AM
Sya: (walks up the stairs to meet Calixta) I didn't see anyone outside, running away or otherwise, just normal people on about their business. What makes you think someone threw birds at you? (leveling a condescending look at Calixta) and did Toothpick and the Madame come back?

Kato Locke
2011-06-21, 07:32 PM
((OOC: I only have Knowledge Local: [roll0] ))

Feeling unnecessarily confrontational, Calixta looked down angrily at Sya. "Because there are a couple of eagles inside this working room with a window open. The birds couldnt have done it, there is a latch on it. Someone had to have let them in. And no, I have not yet seen them. I was downstairs in the waiting area..." She trails off with a look of apprehension dawning. "You dont think something may have happened at market, do you?"

2011-06-22, 08:37 AM
Sya: One thing at a time (gestures for Calixta to wait, then enters the working room she indicated as if nothing were the matter, looks at the birds as if to simply register their presence, knowledge nature check [roll0], knowledge Arcana Check [roll1], knowledge planes check [roll2], and walks past the two birds as if they weren't there and closes the window and latches it, then just as casually walks back to the door and closes it while still in the room with the eagles, then turns to face them) May I ask why you are here?

2011-06-22, 10:28 AM
Here's what you can glean from your knowledge checks:

These are not your normal everyday eagles, although the feathering seems similiar. They probably weigh around 40-60 lbs, with the female being larger and more ornate. The tell-tale feather on their head is easily discernable as magical in origen. Fire for the red male, acidic based on sound and green colour for the female. If they aren't natural birds, there's a good chance they are intelligent.

As you take a step into the room, both fling magical energy towards you. The fire blob stings you directly in the chest(3 fire) whilst the other was blocked from doing you harm by the dresser, which now is slowly dissolving.

The female says, "hfiks sjiid8 bs2u2 iddbn d 89d d8" it seems to be directed at the male.

I don't see any languages on either of your sheets, so I guess you speak only common??

They stare back at you, seeming to be waiting for your next move....

Initiative? Talk? Your choice.

2011-06-22, 02:56 PM
Initiative check [roll0]

upon Sya's turn (whenever it comes) she will cast magic weapon on her staff on the defensive, concentration check [roll1]

(ooc: I always forget about languages, I know common and dwarven automatically, and if allowed to retroactively add stuff to my character that I should've been able to earlier I also speak draconic and Sylvan)

2011-06-22, 03:18 PM
Ooc: Any languages you didn't put on your sheet you'll either need it directly in your character background(draconic is for magic right, so that's ok), or roleplay learning it in game.

Kato Locke
2011-06-22, 03:32 PM
((Initiative: [roll0]))

(On her turn, Calixta will move to the side of the door to take cover. As a swift action, she'll switch into Punishing Stance and ready a maneuver if either of the eagles come through the door.)

2011-06-22, 05:57 PM
Addendum to my previous post: Sya uses her move action to get out of the doorway and post up beside the door with her back to the wall.

2011-06-22, 10:54 PM
Your actions both take place and you're posted outside the door peeking in.

Your spell has taken effect.

The female speaks again to the male in an unknown language.

They begin slowly moving toward the window,(5 foot step) now there is a male on the windowsill 5 feet from the open window, and the female is 10 feet away from the window on the floor just barely visable behind the bed.

Kato Locke
2011-06-23, 01:06 AM
Calixta chances a peek inside the room (as a move action) and relays their movements to Sya. "Looks like they're gonna make for the window and leave." (Maneuver is still ready)

2011-06-23, 09:51 AM
Sya: well let them leave, I don't feel like fighting. (remains by the door not in the doorway)

2011-06-23, 11:03 AM
The birds are watching your moves intently.

The female hops up to the windowsil and shoots a ball of acid toward the hinge of the door(which opens inward). The ball of acid goes a bit off mark and hits the doorframe above you. The wood is affected and acid is dripping from it.

The male rears back and hurls some fire onto the bed. It seems to have caught a slow burn. The flame is negligable, but without control could be an issue. The burn mark is about the size of a tea-kettle.

The male is now in the window, and the female is on the windowsil.

Their body language is focused towards the window.

2011-06-23, 12:47 PM
Sya: (back against the wall still talking to Calixta) what the hell is going on here? do you think they are really going to leave or just tear the place up?

Kato Locke
2011-06-23, 01:17 PM
"Probably both. They were obviously sent to mess the place up and I stick with someone put them in here. Thieves are sending us a message." Calixta wants very badly to cleave at least one of these birds for a counter message but being burned by fire and acid seems like a poor exchange, considering her profession.

2011-06-23, 03:20 PM
OH MY GOD! Girls if you're here, meet me in the cellar. OH DEAR GODS...(yelled)

You hear a huge thump, then what you assume to be Madame Traia's slight frame moving towards the stairs heading down.

The birds each take more pot shots into the room. The fire on the bed intensifies, and the hinge gets hit by a shot of acid. The door now hangs from the lower hinge.

The birds seem ready to move and are intensly watching your position. They exchange a few foreign words hastily.

2011-06-23, 03:48 PM
Sya:Forget that, we can't let the house burn, I'm going in.(runs into the room and takes a swing at the easiest bird to access. Attack check [roll0])

2011-06-23, 04:05 PM
As soon as you move aggresively both birds fly out of the window.

Your effort leaves you at the window looking out as both birds fly out into the distance, seeming to stick together.

Out of the corner of your eye you spot 2 leather hoods on the rooftop, as well as the top of a ladder.

2011-06-23, 08:34 PM
Sya: HELP ME SMOTHER THE FLAMES(starts trying to beat out the flames with her quarter staff, and searching for something heavy to put on the bed, spot check [roll0]) SOMEONE IS OR HAS BEEN ON THE ROOF!

Kato Locke
2011-06-24, 08:51 PM
Calixta grabs the door and attempts to pull it off the remaining hinge. Strength check: [roll0]

2011-06-26, 11:26 PM
The door is easily pulled off of it's remaining hinge.

(Assuming you were using it for the fire...)

You quite easily smother the flames on the bed by tossing the door lenghtwise onto the bed. A bit of overkill in fact.

A quick glance out the window from where you stand reveals the head of a ladder on the tiered roof of the building.

Madame Traia is calling you downstairs frantically.

2011-06-27, 10:40 AM
Sya: (Takes her quarterstaff and makes a reach for the top rung of the ladder and will attempt to pull it off the roof) Cali, lend me your strength!

Dex check [roll0] to stretch and reach the ladder

Str check [roll1] to pull the ladder off

2011-06-27, 11:37 AM
The ladder is actually quite far away from this window. You'll not be able to reach it from inside.

The roof is tiered and is walkable, meaning you could easily step outside the window(10foot drop) down to the roof and walk over to the ladder, which(based on your thurough knowledge of this building) will most likely lead to the back alley. Near an entrance to the cellar.

2011-06-27, 05:02 PM
Sya: (Stepping to the window) Go downstairs and talk to the madame, I have to check on something, (tosses her quarterstaff out the window then crawls out the window and hangs from it) If it all works out I'll meet you both in the cellar, if not I'll be dead, see ya(hangs from the window and drops)

dex check [roll0] str check [roll1] to crawl out and hang from the window

Kato Locke
2011-06-27, 06:01 PM
Oh great. "You better not die, sister." Calixta runs from the run and down the stairs, two at a time. She vaults over the railing near the bottom and runs over to her weapon. She draws the weapon and rushes out back to the cellar. "I'm coming, Madam!"

2011-06-27, 06:11 PM
As you crawl out the window you see an overturned bucket underneath you.

it will be easey enough to use the bucket to reduce the danger of the drop.

Please make a balance check for this.

I will need a tumble or balance check for reducing the time it takes you to get downstairs by skipping stairs and jumping banisters. You'll get a bonus for probably having done this occasionally.

Kato Locke
2011-06-27, 06:15 PM
Balance: [roll0]

2011-06-27, 06:21 PM
You deftly drop down to meet the bucket with your feet. You don't lose a step and make your way towards the ladder.

Looking down you see that the ladder is slighly askew. The base is about 3 feet away from where the center of gravity should be.

It may be dangerous to climb down it as is.

You see that the cellar door(two swinging doors with stairs leading down) is half open.

Kato Locke
2011-06-27, 06:45 PM
((OOC: I was running into the house, down the Stairway to Heaven and into the entry hall to grab my weapon before going through the back of the house, through the kitchens, to the cellar in the back.))

2011-06-27, 07:18 PM
You make large practiced strides through the manor as you've done many times before... for safety AND for fun.

Sword in hand you meet Madame Traia at the top of the discreet entrance to the cellar.

The Madame is an elf of many years who has managed to remain one of the most beautiful sights of her race. Some call her the second wonder(next to the sea which your town is a port to). She herself is not offered to the comman man for a price, but you two know that men of great power and status have attempted to win her grace. She is a woman of discretion and taste.

"Oh dear child, I think Tupik is about to kill him... please go try to speak some sense to him!"

"He found this man on the roof some time ago and has been mercilessly interigating him. I have no idea why he was there, becaus e Tupik sent me away. I trust him in this, but the sounds comeing from down there suggest something brutal is afoot."

2011-06-27, 07:18 PM
(ooc: I think you mistook squirrel's balance check for mine)

balance check [roll0]

2011-06-27, 07:19 PM
(ooc: if that balance check works I fast forward to the ladder)

Sya: (tries to adjust the ladder by wiggling it into place so it has better balance)

2011-06-27, 07:44 PM
Balance is ok.

Its no problem wiggling the ladder to a more suitable position.

As you descend, you see on the ground what may have been the cause of the ladder's unusual position. The normally loose gravel of the alley is riddled with harsh footmarks. The kind that are a sign of struggle.

As you get to the bottom of the ladder you hear some raised voices coming from the cellar. You can't hear what they're saying, but you do recognize Tupik's silky baritone.

Kato Locke
2011-06-27, 07:47 PM
For the time being, Calixta forgoes the need to yell at the Madam and merely scowls unwelcomingly before ducking into the cellar to see whats going on.

2011-06-27, 08:14 PM
As Cali enters the familiar cellar she overhears a conversation obviously driven by Tupik.

I'm not asking you again, who sent you!

No answer...


You can have it again if you want it!!!

An indescribable sound follows. Something you've never heard before. An annuatural sound. Its followed by the sound of human pain.

You can easily stay hidden behind a shelf nearly full with sacks of wheat if you want.

You weren't in time to see what caused that noise.

Do you attempt to view the scene from hiding or reveal yourself?

2011-06-27, 08:30 PM
Sya:(before heading down the ladder she collects her quarterstaff, after hearing Tupik's voice she enters the cellar and if logical sits at the bottom of the stairs and observes)

Kato Locke
2011-06-27, 09:31 PM
I step out where I can see the scene and be observed myself. I carry my sword in a non combative pose but it is obvious. "Tupik, what are you doing?"

2011-06-27, 09:39 PM

As the pair of you enter from opposite directions, Tupik is distracted and seems to unfocus his rage for the moment.

"Oh, you two..."

Tupik says:

"This man was obviously sent here to send us a message with his birds and his sneaking around. He won't tell me why, or who sent him. I'm about to make it obvious that I am deadly serious."

There is a man on a short stool who is crudely bound with rope. He hasn't spoken since you've been there. A human, about 45, gruff beard, black cape, no armor. No visible weapons.

Kato Locke
2011-06-27, 10:15 PM
"And beating him senseless will get the message done just fine, wouldnt it?" Calixta moves closer and allows the tip of her blade to get closer to the man strapped to the chair. "Who besides the thieves has any quarrel with us? Is there anyone else stupid enough to send a person to trash a business they wish to get money out of? You should let him go and have his face be message enough."

2011-06-28, 10:32 AM
Sya: (gets up and walks toward the guy on the stool) listen man, these two aren't thinking straight, they are real pissed, if you want to leave here alive you should start talking, and for the love you bear your fingers and toes make it the truth, because I'm a mage, I know if you're lying (casts light in her hand to illustrate her point) and we don't have time for horse dung.

bluff [roll0]

2011-06-28, 01:43 PM
He spits onto the ground.

"If I talk you'll need to kill me, or I'll receive much worse when I report."

He looks toward the stairs, and you both notice an odd-looking dagger which doesn't belong in this cellar. The hilt is an odd emerald green.

Sya reccognizes that the color scheme and wicked dagger design are close to the patterns used by several assasins guilds.

"So **** you."

2011-06-28, 01:50 PM
Sya:(her eyebrows jump when she notices the dagger, she dismisses the spell, and walks back to the stairs she came from) the dagger, its an assassin's guild trade tool, kill him, he won't talk(sits down form where she originally got up) they are sworn to secrecy by means we can't hope to bypass.

Kato Locke
2011-06-28, 03:32 PM
"Wait, assassins?" Calixta looks apprehensive, on the edge of being rather frightened. She makes a visible effort to compose herself. "No, why would we kill him? He's helpless here. I wont partake in murder."

2011-06-28, 04:39 PM
Tupik says,

"Well, we can either let him go, or kill him. I suppose we could get the Madame's opinion on this too. He tried to kill me, so wouldn't be opposed to killing him now."

2011-06-29, 08:33 AM
Sya: He is our enemy and is worthless to us since he won't talk, killing him will send the message that they shouldn't mess with us. We should leave his body in the middle of the street. And with him gone there is less people to come after us.

2011-06-29, 09:23 AM
please post some spot checks.


If you make the check you've seen the last few movements the assasin used to free himself of the rope. You get to act in the suprise round after the assasin. No one is flat footed.

As you three are talking, the obviously able assasin has managed to free himself of the rope bindings that Tupik had placed on him.

He pushes the stool out from under him and throws two(previously unseen) shurikens at Tupik then heads for the stairs.

Simultaniously Tupik roars and puts two hands forward. What you witness is something neither of you have seen of Tupik before.

A deep crimson color stretches from Tupik's hands and makes its way towards the assailants face. It strikes him there and visibly opens a wound.

Then Tupik falls unconsious.

The assailant is at the top of the cellar stairs and had to rush past Sya and skip several stairs to get there. He seems obviously athletic. (You have an opp for AoO).

2011-06-29, 06:05 PM
Spot Check [roll0]

Sya:(attempts to trip the fleeing assassin, touch attack [roll1]: if successful str check [roll2])

2011-06-29, 07:29 PM
No suprise round action for you!

The assailant skips a step traveling right past you unmolested as you grab for his ankles.

2011-06-29, 09:29 PM
Initiative [roll0]

Sya: (chases after the assassin ready to hit him with a ray of frost at first opportunity, if applicable touch attack [roll1] for ray of frost, damage [roll2])

2011-06-29, 09:33 PM
Addendum: (ooc: because I did this in reverse)

will save: [roll0]

2011-06-30, 09:25 AM
Can you trip as part of an AoO? I'm thinking that "one melee attack" that the AoO language has means a regular attack right? You'd have also inspired an AoO by attempting to trip without the proper feat?

Feel free to discuss this in the OOC.

The assasin drops out of sight as he takes his action before either of you.

Sya's turn is next.

Since he's out of sight, you chase his trail to the top of the stairs. You visually tracked him moving to the right of the entrance. You move actions end after you climb the stairs. You see the alleyway. The ladder is on the ground, and the alleyway is filled with (empty)storage crates and an unlit kerosene lantern.

You could go north or south.

Listen checks(both of you) reveal that the ladder was knocked down a few moments after the assasin disappeared.

Cali is up next.

Kato Locke
2011-07-01, 10:13 AM
Spot: [roll0]
Init: [roll1]

On her turn, Calixta will move at her best speed (sprinting at 120 ft a round), making appropriate checks if necessary, to keep up with the assassin.

2011-07-01, 10:24 AM
Sya:(heads back into the cellar and closes the door and locks it if possible, stops and looks over Tupik, then heads upstairs to Madam Traia, when she reaches her) Tupik is hurt, he is in the cellar and I don't know what to do for him, the assassin escaped and Cali went after her. What do we do?

2011-07-01, 10:47 AM
You get a favorable result on a dex check and a balance check for bounding up the stairs.

When you get to the top of the stairs, you see no immidiate signs of the bearded man. Since you saw him dissapear to the right, your travel takes you that way.

The corner of the house is about 50 feet away, and you are able to make it about halfway on this turn.

You two can take another turn in your initiative order.

Kato Locke
2011-07-01, 11:27 AM
Calixta continues to follow hot on the bearded man's heels, if for no other reason than because she needs to know how they arrived. She continues moving at her fastest speed with her weapon ready should she encounter resistance.

2011-07-01, 12:28 PM
There is a tallish(8 foot) brick wall to your left. There is a short fence(4 foot) blocking direct movement into your neighbors alley section. If you turn right you will be met by cobblestone that leads to the major roads.

You see nothing indicating which path the man is on, and don't have a visual on him.

Kato Locke
2011-07-01, 12:46 PM
Calixta gives up her chase as pointless and makes to return to the cellar. She is still wary on her way back.

2011-07-01, 12:50 PM
A few moments later, you return to the basement where Sya has been.....

???? What was Sya doing for about 3-5 rounds????? (Out of initiative about 1/2 a minute)

2011-07-01, 12:57 PM
(ooc:I would like to reference post #109)

2011-07-01, 02:51 PM
Close the double doors that lead down into the cellar, then throw the locking board into place. This is all easily done.

You go over to Tupik and see that he is still breathing. The shurikens are sticking out of his shoulder and his right leg. He also has a ripped cloak. No blood seems to be flowing. He must have been exhausted.

You move upstairs to speak with the Madame:

"Oh god! I hope he's ok, give him one of these." (Gives you a few berries(3) from the groceries she just brought in)

"You better check on Cali too! I'l be in the safe room, Tupik know's where its at."

She scurries off.

2011-07-02, 09:19 AM
Sya:Not sure if she is she is a coward, an idiot, lazy, or some kinda combination of the three(rushes down stairs to tend to Tupik, crushes the berries and puts them in his mouth then messages his throat to work them down, does this until she gets a reaction)

2011-07-02, 09:53 AM
Tupik returns to his senses upon the first touch of the berries' juice on his tongue.

"Ahhgmnn.... What happened? Where's Cali? The Madame?"

Assuming he gets a reasonable response, he tells you where the "safe room" is.

"She just tole me about that room. Its awesome, but I wish we had known about it sooner."

He describes a book in the library, near the back. You will need to pull out the leatherbound tome and read exactly what is on the 81st page.

2011-07-02, 10:53 AM
Sya: Find Cali, I'm gonna go meet up with the Madam in the panic room(heads to panic room)

Kato Locke
2011-07-03, 07:59 PM
Calixta is on her way back to the cellar, not knowing whats going on with any panic rooms or fancy berries.

2011-07-03, 08:15 PM
Cali arrives at the back door to find the cellar door shut and bolted. You could either go to the front or use you're house key on the nearby back door.

Sya arrives in the library. Make a wisdom check to follow the instructions.

2011-07-03, 09:57 PM

Wisdom check [roll0]

Kato Locke
2011-07-04, 01:42 AM
Oh great, Calixta thought to herself, everyone leaves and doesnt so much as leave a note. She pounds a fist on the cellar door. "You guys in there? Why'd you lock me out?"

2011-07-04, 09:38 AM

"Yeah, I'm in here"

You hear the exhausted voice of Tupik through the wood.

"Everything is safe now"

He rumbles around for a moment, and you hear the sound of the wood bracer being removed. The doors burst open and Tupik stands alone, bleeding.

"Let's go to the Library, that's where the Madame and Sya have gone."

The doors get shut and re-locked. You head over towards the Library where Sya has pulled out several books in the back corner of the room.


After pulling several different books, you've found one that feels slightly different in your hands. It seems obvious that this is the book you're looking for, it seems magical in nature now that you hold it in your hands. You scan the table of contents, and it seems to be about the exploits of a young boy. A fiction most likely.

You flip to the page you were instructed to and see that the story sets up a poem.

Cali and Tupik enter at this point.


The library is a relatively unexplored area of the house, considering most people spend their precious few hours here occupied by other worldly delights. Still it has been kept in decent order, even having lost the working lady who maintained the room.

The smell in here is distinct. Leather and dust.

The room istelf is only one floor, and there is a ladder on rails for the taller shelves in the corner. There are several basic sections of books, including research, history, House Traia, music, military, and other.

Sya stands in the "other" section holding a small book.

2011-07-04, 10:02 AM
Sya: hey guys, just trying to get in this panic room, I think I'm almost there (continues to try to get into the panic room)

2011-07-05, 01:14 PM

You start reciting the poem and as you do the words seem more difficult to read as the page goes on. You manage to read each word precisely, and as you get towards the bottom of the page you feel a tide of magic starting to wash over you.

Then you see something you've not seen before: an arcane mark appears on the end of the bookshelf. In draconic there is a word: "Trace"

You see representations of colors in pairs: green and blue, silver and white, orange and brown, and brown and green. They are in a diamond pattern

Underneath those is a phrase, again draconic.

"The world spins on the heel of cold vespers"

2011-07-05, 05:44 PM
Sya:(knowledge planes and Arcana on vespers)

Knowledge planes check [roll0]

Knowledge arcana check [roll1]

2011-07-05, 07:03 PM
You are able to glean from your checks that vespers is an evening-time prayer. The symbology used in the image are from the demi-god Turra. Turra is known for his ties to the nature gods, and has made a habit of showing his influence during the changing of the seasons. He is more apt to be involved in the plants, weather, and geology than with the animals.

The diamond pattern is known as Turra's Cleaver. Turra's Cleaver is an ideology that everything bows to changes in the weather/seasons.

"The Cleaver is mightier than a hundred armies" - Turra's followers would say referring to one of the allegories they are told.

The story states that once a King aligned with Turra was attacked by 100 armies from all different lands. They had few troops, but support from Turra himself.

The seasons did not change as normal for the attacking armies.

They attacked in summer, and when they got a days march away, winter came. They retreated to stock their packs with gloves and deerskin coats. Some died of freezing.

They came again and overnight it changed to the blistering heat of summer. The armies stripped down their gear and ran for the walls, unable to wear their full-plate armors in the bleeding sun. Many men were unable to continue for their skin was not fit.

They ran for half a day and started to see the torrential rains of spring start pouring on them. They could not make it to the walls, and many were exhausted. Some men were washed away from their groups in landslides.

The next day, malnourished, tired, and many fewer in number they reached the wall. They had no weapons to attack the wall. Still in number they urged the archers to fire into the wall. Thats when they noticed the howling winds of fall steering their arrows from the sky... away from the walls and into the other groups of men.

Turra's Cleaver had won the war and the King sang the praises of Turra evermore.

2011-07-06, 09:10 AM
Sya:(puts her finger on the diamond tracing from green and blue, to orange and brown, to brown and green, then finally to white and silver)

2011-07-07, 07:41 AM
As you finish tracing the pattern, you feel a prick of energy coming from the mark itself. Then the mark disappears.

[roll0] magical damage.

You'll need to reread the passage to see the arcane mark again.

2011-07-07, 08:42 AM
Sya:(rereads the passage, then traces her finger on the mark from orange and brown, to silver and white, back to orange and brown, then to green and blue, then finally to brown and green)

Kato Locke
2011-07-07, 04:18 PM
Calixta watches apprehensively, wincing when Sya is hurt. "Whats going on?" she whispers to Tupik. "How come we were never told there was a panic room? Why are you guys such jerks to us?"

2011-07-07, 04:33 PM

I'm a post when you need a rail

"The madame seemed to be surprised by it to, and I've only been in there once. Do you want to give it a shot? I'm not sure I can take much more punishment."

"Give it another try, that looked like what Madame did last time!"

2011-07-07, 05:08 PM
Say: Nah, I'm outta ideas(moves away, and offers the book to anyone who wants it)

Kato Locke
2011-07-08, 12:12 AM
((OOC: I have no idea what any of that meant))

Taking the book from Sya, Calixta reads the poem as Sya had and tries her best to emulate what she did. When the markings appear, she checks her thoughts several times against what she's reading and the labeling of the colors, murmuring aloud to herself. Starting with green and blue, she traces to silver and white, back to green and blue, then brown and green and, finally, orange and brown.

2011-07-11, 03:08 PM

Sya gets zapped with another magical mini-shock on her second failed attempt.

Cali's pattern ends up looking like an arrow (( -> )) facing downward.

When she finishes the pattern she hears the sound of a chime. Then a voice you're sure is only in your head says "How many?"


You can see a set of stairs now behind where the end of the bookshelf was. You'll have to step through in order to descend. The light below seems natural although there is no source. It is on the dim side. The stairs appear to be made of wood.


Sorry for the lack of recent posts, and if there was confusion on the last one. I was busy with work and had two events this weekend to DJ at. I'll try to be more clear.

It would help me out if you guys put your character names at the top of your posts. And when you use actual dialogue, put it in "quotes" or change the color(and stick to the same color).

Kato Locke
2011-07-11, 06:34 PM
Surprised, Calixta looks around for a moment, trying to find where the sound had come from. "Three?" She answers uncertainly, before looking over to Tupik and Sya. "I think I did it correctly. I see some stairs here but theres something talking and I dunno where it comes from. You arent supposed to trust anything that can think for itself if you cant see where it keeps its brain."

2011-07-11, 08:31 PM

"So what was the pattern and the idea behind it?"

2011-07-11, 09:16 PM

You can see the passageway and stairs.

Tupik: "Woah, just like last time. Its quiet in there, so don't be to alarmed"

Chimeing in after Cali,

"Yeah, what did you trace?"

Kato Locke
2011-07-11, 11:27 PM
Figuring the stairs to a panic room are as safe as she's likely to get at this point, Calixta sheathes her weapon and begins to walk down them, speaking over her shoulder. "The header for the poem talks about the might of the Cleaver, so I assumed the seasons meant something. The seasons are given in a specific order in the poem, the order in which they occurred. Put the colors to the correct season and all you have to do is trace them in the order they appear in the poem."

Calixta pauses before adding, "Stupid really. Who'd have time to read a poem and trace magic symbols if they were in desperate need to enter a panic room?"

2011-07-12, 08:42 AM

"Oh I'm not going down there, but yeah, thats what I did, i guess I didn't match the correct colors to the seasons. If you would, tell the madam to come up here, she has alot to answer for"

2011-07-12, 08:44 AM

So Tupik runs ahead offering to get the madame's attention, alone.


You can see the markings on the wall even after your correct answer.


You don't see the markings, but you see the stairs.


Assuming you start descending....

You decend the stairs and reach a landing '10 wide and '15 deep. You are met with an abrupt wall of blackness.

Tupik bounds foward and disappears into the black.

Kato Locke
2011-07-12, 11:25 AM
Acknowledging that Sya wishes to stay behind, Calixta moves down the stairs and watches as Tupik disappears. Calixta is unwilling to enter the darkness herself and chooses to remain near the bottom of the stairs. She bites her lip, worrying over Sya's injuries. Burned by fire and shocked by magic while she, Calixta, remained hidden around corners protecting herself.

2011-07-12, 11:28 AM
Danm! NINJA'D again!

So, madame came out, invited you all in, and now cali and tupik are inside.

Sya's move.


"Its not really a panic room, its more of a control room...."

Tupik dips his head into the blackness, and you can see the rear half of him fully. You don't hear him speaking, but you see that he is gesturing with his hands and arms.

A moment later he steps back out, bringing the madame with him.


"Oh young ones, I have a lot to confess. And I think you'd better see this."

She seems sad.

She motions for you to join her through the black, and Tupik shrugs and steps through.

The madame has always been pretty fair and straight with you guys. Deception is not really in her playbook. The one subject that everyone knows not to broach with her is her personal love-life. She always seems so sad when people talk of true and lasting love.

There are rumurs that swirl around this of course. Some say she lost a love to the sea, some say her true love was caught in her own brothel and she threw him out without chance of forgivness, and some say her love was not from this world, he left, and hasn't been back for her. There are many more stories like that, but for all you know, she said she has loved truly - once.

2011-07-12, 03:05 PM

"whatever you want to tell me you can tell me up here in the light, not down there in the shadow. Considering your extreme disregard for our well being I have no reason to trust that it is safe down there or you for that matter"

Sya gathers her traveling gear from her room and leaves the house, going out to seek her master

(her not telling anyone where she was going was done purposefully)

2011-07-12, 03:34 PM
When you plead to speak upstairs...


"I guess we can talk up here, wait up! Sya?"

Sya, do you continue to leave after this?

2011-07-12, 03:51 PM

Sya stops when the madame calls to her, and turns to her "Alright, explain yourself"

2011-07-12, 10:23 PM

"Well, let's start with the big one.... Tupik, you're my son. Travod is indeed your real father, and you're my son..."


"But... I'm human."


"Yes, that is true, you also have a twin brother, who is full elf. Your father, Travod, made certain that he would have a human "heir". That's why he won't let you join the military.

He spent a lot of time figuring out how to remove my "ancestry" from your blood."

You now have time to interject any questions or comments you would have.

Kato Locke
2011-07-13, 12:58 AM
Calixta stood impassively on the stairs, watching the scene. She leaned her shoulder against the wall, preferring to watch the scene unfold rather than interject at this time.

2011-07-13, 08:57 AM

"Travod is who? And what does this have to do with people trying to kill us"

Kato Locke
2011-07-13, 12:13 PM
Leaning now toward Sya, Calixta speaks in an undertone. "Travod is a magician, adviser to our king."

2011-07-13, 03:10 PM

"OK, so why are people trying to kill us?"

2011-07-13, 05:29 PM
OOC: Travod's info is in the introduction.

MadameSo, I've been told there is going to be a "convention" of sorts. And guess where it is supposed to take place? Right here, in House Traia.

There are only a few people who are aware of this, but they are powerful leaders and individuals. Whoever owns this property stands to make a significant sum of money. I suspect our current defaulted loan is just one of the ways someone will try to take ownership.

As to why this place was chosen, it is because of the control room. Travod himself had much to do with the construction of this building. The room has scrying abilities and door controls all in the control room. The safety this building can afford is tremendous, even if it has not been maintained, and is in disrepair.

I suspect they are trying to kill us in order to cause chaos around the event that is coming up. "The Explorer's Entrada".

You both have heard of the Explorer's Entrada. It is a once every 5 years event where all of the explorers, adventurers, traders, collectors, healers, wizards, prize-fighters, thugs, and assassins get together to exchange stories, goods, advice, drinks, camaraderie and fellowship.

Its all under the guise of "no-bad blood". I.E. nobody tries to kill anybody

2011-07-13, 06:29 PM

"So let me get this straight, our house was chosen for an event by... Travod I guess.... and now people want to take over this place to gain the prestige and wealth from being in control of this property. And the thieves guild is trying to cash in a debt, which no one has bothered to explain how we acquired, so they may gain control of the house as well. And you didn't tell us, even though you knew we would be put in harms way in some form or fashion. And to top it all off you kept secret the only room in the house that we could've run to save our own lives... Out of the respect and love I have for you I won't kill you, but I'm leaving"

Sya leaves the house, resisting and ignoring all attempts to stop her.

Kato Locke
2011-07-13, 07:28 PM
Calixta watches Sya go, not making any attempts to stop her. "See to your wounds, will you please?" Calixta shouts after her. Then she turns back to Madam Traia.

"She's right. Your secrecy in this matter has damaged any loyalty we may have otherwise shown to you. More, from the way that Tupik was talking to us before, you make it sound as if we were to be responsible for pulling you out of the fire on this one, which we were thinking of ways of doing. Now, I dont even know what to say to you."

2011-07-14, 02:34 PM

Well, I've not meant to keep this quiet for so long, but nows as good a time as any to come completely clean.

Our books our kept by a public accountant as per our agreemant with the leadership here. This building is Travod's pet project, so he's been pouring funds and development into it this whole time. He still wanted it to look as though we were as bad off as the rest of the city, so the appearance of debt was something he arranged.

As for the men that were here earlier, I'll make sure Travod doesn't let that happen again.

(OOC the thieves guild would more likely be hired as a Repo-man, not a loan-shark wanting payment)

It is unfortunate that Sya stormed off... so like her though.

Travod has influence everywhere, and knows that she's been learning. He thinks she has true potential.

And you Cali, he wants to set you up with a senior member of the guard, Tristan. He said that he had never seen anyone fight like Tristan, until you.

Tupik, I think you know why you're still here right?


Not really...


Maybe you should speak more with your father about this.


But we hardly speak at all! And why wouldn't he let me join the guard if he's the one who made me... like this...

(Tupik seems ashamed)


I think its best if you hear this from him, but I think he has plans for the three of you to be the prime ambassadors for this event.

Prime ambassador is an extreemly important position in the organisation and execution of an Explorer's Entrada. Almost everyone would take it as a great honour to be asked to do this.

2011-07-14, 02:48 PM

You gather your things with little trouble. You head out the door and barely make it a few steps out the door, when you notice someone hailing you with their hand.

A male dwarf stands just about as tall as the fence around the house.


Where you headed? You're Sya right? I've got a proposal for you.

You notice as he speaks that he as a long tooth on the lower row of teeth. It is on the right side of his mouth, and seems to cause him only a slight speech impediment.

He is dressed in fine clothing, probably quite exspensive. A sheath on both hips, one smaller than the other. Both ornately finished. He does not appear to be wearing armor.

2011-07-14, 02:59 PM

With an expression of doubt on her face, she approaches the dwarf "how do you know me"

2011-07-14, 03:33 PM

"Well my girl, I'm a southander dwarf, from the southern continent. And you're the only dwarf in the most excellent house Traia.

It is good for dwarves to stick together right?

Let me start again, I'm Llorat. I'm hoping I may be able to sit with you and speak about the wonderful bonds our two areas could share."

You know a little off the top of your head about Southanders. The region is hot, and rich. They have spices as a primary export. They are known for using slavery. Up here slavery is highly illegal, and down there it is common and regulated. A person may even sell themselves into slavery.

The primary population is dwarf, then 20% humans, then all else.

Those who are rich are extreemly so because of this system. They don't help the unfortunate, they become slaves. Anyone to old to work gets thrown out, and probably won't find work, and most likely will die of starvation or sickness.

Kato Locke
2011-07-14, 04:34 PM
Calixta frowned and stood up straighter, uncrossing her arms. "The appearance of debt? So nothing is owed? Tristan? And ambassadors... Why would Travod want these things?" She held one of her hands to the side of her head, as if all this new information might leak out if she didnt stem the flow.

2011-07-14, 09:56 PM

Looks him over and hold her staff in a gesture of warning "I don't hold with no slavers, and if you're thinking to slave me out you gotta anotha thang comin. Keep your distance and speak your peice"

2011-07-14, 11:59 PM


So ye'r an important one in the house right? I just want to make sure that when everything falls into place that I've got the support of my fellow dwarves, seems just natural right-o?

I want to be able to be a speaker, and have a prime booth for my wares, that's all. Nothin' crazy.

I know that you may not be fond of the way we do things in my neighborhood, but that's what the Entrada is about. Getting to know your neighbors without the bad blood.

Is there anything I can make happen for you so that you'll make this happen for me?

@Cali, Tupik


Well, nothing is owed that we need to worry about. The bookkeepers will take care of that.

Travod wants to make sure we look like we're coming from the people, not that he's hoisted up with his own power. Plus you know how Travod has always done things. He never shows his power, you just feel it.

He's been pulling the strings of the leadership here for so long that they don't even know how much they're being manipulated. Its not that he's doing bad things either. He just knows how to get things done very well, and he never tips his hand.

I suspect the reason he wants us to do it is because of our relationship...

She sputters over the words, like she's never said them before.

So he is making sure that you who are most loyal to me are trained and ready to perform the duties of a Prime Ambassador, as well as guardians of the house... and me.

2011-07-15, 04:27 AM

"you're barking up the wrong tree, I'm not of House Traia" with that she blows past him and heads in the direction of her teacher's place

2011-07-15, 07:15 AM

You blow by the dwarf, and he makes no effort to hide the fact that he is following you with his eyes.

Your travel takes you through a few initial turns and you no longer see Llorat.

I assume you're headed towards your mentor's place? His name is Pedant Langsay.

2011-07-15, 11:08 AM

Heads over to her mentors place, and tries to meet with him privately if possible, and ask for help and healing if its available

2011-07-16, 11:06 AM
You head up the back door to what could be described as a second level apartment. Pedant doesn't have the best accomadations.

On your way up the skinny stairwell, you pass by a runner whom you know:


"Hi Sya, just dropped something for you. Really urgent I guess."

The half-orc is dressed in minimal clothing, and carries no visable weapon. You happen to know that he's pretty good with one when he allows himself to be burdened with one.

If you don't start a conversation, you wind up on the doorstep of Pedant's. You would usually ring the bell 3 times in a specific rhythm to let him know its you. He is a very ocd/paraniod gnome.

2011-07-16, 11:17 PM

Catches Dradon before he heads off,"Hey, what do you mean you just dropped something for me, what a letter? a package? Whats up? And where did you drop it off at?"

2011-07-17, 09:11 AM

"Well, I'm not really supposed to give that kind of info out. Part of the job you know?"

Dradon hangs around for a moment as if he's not sure the conversation is finished..

(Might I suggest a diplomacy check?)

2011-07-17, 10:33 AM

Diplomacy check [roll0]

"if its for me why did you drop it off here? Unless it wasn't for me? Which means you looked at what it is to find out it was for me and was for someone else. Which means you are in a whole other world of trouble, unless you tell me what you 'dropped'."

2011-07-17, 10:52 AM
Maybe I wasn't clear in my description.

The stairwell you're in can only access Pedant's place. And in his conversation he gestured upwords toward the apartment.

If you want to edit your question/accusation feel free.

2011-07-17, 02:27 PM
I changed it only slightly, but still making the same accusation

2011-07-17, 02:44 PM

"Its for you sheesh. I was told to drop it off here urgently with Pedant."

He trops off, obviously frusterated with the exchange.

2011-07-17, 03:19 PM

Heads up the stairs, thoughts seriously concerned about who knows she is being taught by Pedant, and wondering if even going here is a good move. But knowing that she needs healing and Pedant would be the only one to know where to get it, Sya decides she is out of options. She heads up the steps and does the secret knock, when able to she enters.

Sya is definitely eager to get far away from this town as soon as possible, too many eyes in the shadows.

Kato Locke
2011-07-17, 09:33 PM
Calixta, still feeling confrontational, replied, "Seems like Travod's gotten too used to getting his way. He thinks I'll simply obey, agree to be trained and stand guard here? I'm not a lapdog."

Calixta sighed heavily, shaking her head as if trying to clear the anger out of it. She looked to Tupik. "And what about you? You buying this claptrap or what?"

2011-07-18, 11:19 PM


"He's not asking you to stand gaurd, he's going to ask you to represent all that we are proud of in our city and our nation. For you to be one of our head contacts you should be sharp and informed. You'll need to be able to think on your toes and make important decisions for the city with the king and Trvod's blessing and support.

You'll essentially have a free pass to nobility. And training in your specialty from a master as well?

Maybe you should take court with him, himself, and discuss these things."


"I dunno... why would you want someone l.i.k.e. m.e. in front of people trying to make a good impression?


"He's not asking you Tupik.."

Long silence..


(Breaking the silence)

"I think there's something else he wants for you, but I don't really know anything of it.

2011-07-18, 11:27 PM


"Oh gosh, you're here! You look horrible, here drink these"

He hands you two bottles clearly labeled -in his impeccable handwriting- Cure Light.

His house(apartment) is riddled with impossibly cramped but organized bottles and beakers and scrollcases, etc... nothing really looks out of place except a small package on the table.

"This came for you, I know where its from because of the seal. This came from the office of Travod himself. You're so lucky!

I've tried to gain an audience with him so many times, but he's never accepted. There was that one time where he told me to meet him in the graveyard arouind midnight, but that doesn't count because he never showed up.

Sorry to be snoopy, but I already detected magic on it and nothing showed up. That's to bad, I hear he has so many trinkets and magical baubles that he could stand to give a few away!!

Well well well, are you going to open it or what?"

You see the smallish box on the table, and it does indeed have royal symbols on it, as well as travod's intricatly engraved name and symbols.

2011-07-19, 10:37 AM

Sya paused and stared at the package for a couple of seconds then drank down the two bottles of cure light wounds. Then her eyes affixed the box again. What does Travod want with her? Is this box mundanely set up as a trap, if she opens it will she die. But why would Travod want to kill her? To eliminate anyone evolved with house Traia so he can absorb all profit from the convention. And what better way than a package, with royal seal no less. One would be a fool not to open it, usually, but in this case one would be a fool to do so. Sya would gain nothing from opening it, and might be killed from doing so. Its best not to open it, atleast not here with Pedant, he may get killed aswell.

Sya scoops the package up and puts it into her backpack, then goes to stand next to the door and leans on it. "Pedant, did you tell Travod about you teaching me?

2011-07-19, 12:34 PM


"Oh no, certainly I have not. I would suspect that he shouldn't even know of my exsistance exept for my constant nagging for a conversation with him.

I've only a few students, and I keep my books private as well, as most mages this day should."

Pedant has a front as an herbalist and clothier. He actually has someone pick up the cloths to do the work for him. He is skilled as an herbalist, more than his shop would suggest.

2011-07-19, 04:06 PM

"Well, obviously he knows that we are associated deeply, and more than likely knows you are a mage, so I'll just assume he knows everything. He probably knows everything about everyone in town, so mysterious is the arcana and men with power. Pedant, do you think with what you have taught me so far I could continue learning on my own and maybe one day reach my full potential?"

2011-07-19, 07:44 PM


"Honestly, I haven't taught you anything yet. Most of what you've learned was your own study anyway. Now that you know how to read the language of arcana and have the ability to interpret the somatic gestures asked of you, you'll need real practice.

This is the secret of magic.

You need to use magic in difficult situations to truly master it. It is not enough to practice in your room.

As soon as you master the level of difficulty you've studied, you'll need to find someone to help you unlock the next level of arcana. This is where someone like me comes in.

You could do it without me, but you'll still need someone.

And I can't really help you surpass me in skill either."

2011-07-19, 09:00 PM

She sighs then looks off into nothing, "Well then it can't be helped, I will have to give up the magic or find a new master, I have to find a way out, this town isn't safe for me, not anymore. Thanks for everything, we may not see each other again". With that Sya leaves Pedant and heads off to find somewhere she can be alone, a lake if possible.

Kato Locke
2011-07-19, 11:06 PM
Nibbling on her lip in thought, Calixta seems to look off into the distance, though she faces only darkness.
A chance at nobility. Prestige and glory in this upcoming event. Real training and powerful backing. It's a dream, thrown at my feet. Simply because I am loyal to Madam Traia?

"When does all this sort of stuff start? What is needed from me?"

2011-07-20, 03:14 PM

As you move for the door Pedant, always the inquisitive one, wonders frantically...


"What!!? I want to know what's in the package! Why are you all of a sudden asking me of Travod? Am I wrapped up in something? Do I need to keep our conversation (he says in a semi-serious but way overdone whisper) secret?

Maybe Travod would consider an audience with me after you've gone from my tutelage. That is what you're suggesting your doing, right?

Also, I've got a few... final instructions and lessons... for you. Looks like you don't have time now, but maybe soon? Feel free to send a runner and the location of where you're staying if you want me to come to meet you.

Best of luck to you I guess. And remember to keep your magic only to those who need to know!"

2011-07-20, 03:23 PM
Nibbling on her lip in thought, Calixta seems to look off into the distance, though she faces only darkness.
A chance at nobility. Prestige and glory in this upcoming event. Real training and powerful backing. It's a dream, thrown at my feet. Simply because I am loyal to Madam Traia?

"When does all this sort of stuff start? What is needed from me?"

Well really, I think Travod is just looking for some kind of verbal commitment or some-such. He's never really been the contract sort of guy.

I can't stress enough that the reason it has been you two(meaning Sya)is because of the talent you've shown, and the dedication you've displayed for House Traia during this, our time of greatest poverty.

I know not where Sya has gone, but if I know her, she would resist anybody but you approaching her with the rest of this information. I would sincerely like to clear this up with her and set things straight.

If you could, would you seek her out and let her consider the additional information I gave you after she left?

She is of course free to make up her own mind, and if she decides not to be a part of the Entrada, she is more than welcome here at House Traia, and I don't believe Travod would persecute her. Its not really his way.

The Madame gives you some information on how to set-up a meeting with Travod on a written note.

Kato Locke
2011-07-20, 03:53 PM
She takes the note without reading it. "If Sya wishes to come back, I'll bring her. I'd like to talk to Travod myself before deciding." Her eyes shift between Tupik and Madam Traia. "Dont get yourselves into any more trouble while I'm gone."

Calixta troops back up the stairs. She pauses at the top, thinking, before nodding to herself and setting off to where she left her possessions. She takes a minute to don her armor and straps her greatsword on a sling across her back. She examines herself in the mirror before leaving, looking and feeling like a warrior. "Not exactly what men want in a good lay..."

Calixta knows where Sya would have gone but not where her teacher was. She had only mentioned his name once and it wasnt one that Calixta recognized at the time. She pauses at the front door to read the note Madam Traia had given her.

2011-07-21, 12:42 AM

You've got a few names scrambled in your head, maybe if you took a few moments to sort them out you could come up with the name.

(Wisdom or other applicable knowledge check please)


Aside from the last post, you know that it is extreemly dangerous to travel out side the city limits alone. The gaurds probably wouldn't even let you out. Do you have any applicable knowledge of local lakes? If not, you could consult a map.

You do know of a stream that flows in the citie's machine district. There are some hot-springs there that are sometimes used as romantic hot-spots.

Kato Locke
2011-07-21, 01:03 AM
Calixta's Wis check to remember a name: [roll0]

2011-07-21, 07:51 AM

Maybe it rhymes with "Ant"?

You do know that you've received some potions from him from time to time. Sya brought them back from him. Protection from diseases.

2011-07-21, 11:37 AM

Before she leaves Sya says to Pedant "You said the package was from Travod, why he sent the package here instead of House Traia deeply implies that he knows of our acquaintance. Yes I'm leaving, I don't know where yet or how I'm going to get there.And whats in this package may be dangerous and I'm not sure if I'm even going to open it, but I will be alone when I do so, if I do so. Good bye master, I wish nothing but good luck for you"

A lake isn't necessary, she just wants a nice spot where she can think in peace, please just say she finds such a location and sits down

Sitting while looking at the package, Sya thinks about her life. How its strange that just this morning everything was normal and in a few hours the whole world is upside down. Traia can't be trusted, who knows what other secrets she has, some can be even more dangerous then this one. She can't go back there. What does Travod want with her, there are millions of ways to have spoken to her, why not just a letter? why this package? It could be a deadly trap, a part to kill off all of house Traia, unless he only wanted to kill off the few other casters in town, to eliminate competition. Its not worth the risk.

Sya throws the package as far away as she can, making sure not to hit anyone.

Sya wants to go home to her family, to her father, then re-join the family trade. She heads off to talk to a city guard about transportation out of the city back to her home town.

Kato Locke
2011-07-21, 12:23 PM
Calixta will make a gather information check on where to get potions to protect from disease.

And try not to give potential costumers the wrong idea.
Gather information: [roll0]

2011-07-21, 08:05 PM

You only recall the area where most of the shops have moved to. There used to be many busy districts here, but now most customers will only travel to and from "The Row". There's a good chance that whatever type of business you need will be represented there. Its like the new main street.

You don't recall which business you've heard Tupik and Sya used to frequent.

You get many strange looks with your request for this particular potion.


You find a decent enough location to ditch the package and have some time alone with your thoughts. You're near the old machine district. There aren't many people hear anymore, but the blacksmiths and lumberyards are still filled with equipments that haven't seen use in a few years.

Is Jeremiah there?

Tell me about your family, were they in a rural area? The capital? When was last communication?

Also, need a spot check and a listen check. Also, you said you have all your stuff with you right? What weight are you at?

2011-07-21, 09:17 PM

Spot check [roll0]
listen check [roll1]

I always have Jeremiah, I'm at 26 pounds, and please reference my backstory for information on my family, and I have contacted them every month since I came to this city through the runners, unless finances made this impossible

2011-07-21, 10:35 PM

You're town will be easy enough to contact, but getting back there will be tough. There are three ways to get there. Boat followed by a 2 day climb(for the unskilled-dangerous), a few days travel on roads(animals being the biggest threat here), or the underground tunnels.

The tunnels are said only to be traversable via guide(because its like a maze), and that is expensive. May take up to three days. It is currently quite safe because the two regions trade frequently, and the caves are actually a bit easier to patrol and keep under critter control than the open plain and forest.

While pondering your options your mind wanders a bit...

Now you see in front of you a man. He stepped out from a building you were passing by. You were so oblivious that you may have just walked right by him without noticing, but he stepped into your way.


"Halt, wench. Look around you. Nice day for a walk eh?"

The man is referencing two more men who now seem to be all focused on you.

One more spot check please.


"How about we walk together?"

He turns his back and steps into the abandonded looking building from where he came...

2011-07-22, 11:41 AM

Spot Check [roll0]

In response Sya says, "how about no" then does a full withdraw action to a more populated area.

2011-07-22, 12:23 PM

The men seemed ready for you to make a run for it. The second you take a step to run, they both close the short distance to you and try to grab at you and your bags.

Two touch attacks. Feel free to make your aoo's. Unarmed would provoke an aoo from both of them.

Vs. Your touch Ac

If successfuly touched, grapple

Vs. Your grapple roll

2011-07-22, 12:45 PM

HOLD THE PHONE, there should be initiative considering I was not surprised, because they introduced themselves, and I knew something was gonna happen. I'm rolling initiative [roll0]

and knowing my tactical situation would be nice

2011-07-22, 01:32 PM
You were surprised, you lost your spot checks. They've had a bead on you for a while and have prepped actions that are still holding over since the surprise round(/since your conversation with the man).

You're in charge of asking questions about your tactical situation if you think you don't understand it. You could ask a clarifying question before the action.

I'll try to be better in explainations too.

Here you are now. Wandering through a mostly deserted neighborhood of town. Not know to be particularily dangerous, as the population has needed to band together to survive. As the man is confidently disappearing into a builing, the two other men have you pinned(pincer style in ff terms) as though they want you to go into the doorway. The street is '15 wide, but if you tried to get past either one, you'd come awefully close to them.

The nearest populated area is residential, and would take you about 4 minutes to run to.

You face N. There are buildings with doors at E and W. The man disappeared into the W building. Men are N and S of you in the middle of the road and probably came from a doorway or the edge of one of the buildings.

Unless you decide not to run given that info, the grapples stand. If you have more initiative ?'s you can put them in OOC.

2011-07-22, 02:14 PM

Your note mentions how you should contact a particular advisor, tell them your name and association with House Traia, and mention the word "entrada". Be discreet.

2011-07-22, 08:14 PM

Attack roll against the one coming from the south [roll0]

opposed grapple check [roll1]

2011-07-22, 11:32 PM
You smack the first guy who's grabbing at your satchel with your big stick. But just as you connect the second guy comes from behind you and is definitely preventing you from moving as you had planned. You are grappled.

(roll damage for quarterstaff)

You are now in a grapple with guy 2 mid-street. Guy 1 is next to you(standing if your damage isn't crazy). The boss guy has moved back out of the doorway and is watching how the two handle you, or you them. He is unflinching.

(Spot check)

Roll init(s, if you want Jeremiah to have separate turn.)

(frog doing anything? You can keep old init if you want)

Kato Locke
2011-07-23, 12:05 AM
Taking a new tactic, Calixta walks along The Row looking for potion shops. She'll stop in each one asking for Sya.

Gather Information: [roll0]

2011-07-23, 12:09 AM

Keeping old init, Jeremiah has no attack but will still act on my turn, he's on my shoulder if its important.

Quarterstaff Damage [roll0]

Spot check [roll1], +2 from familiars alertness feat

Jeremiah takes no action but takes his own spot check [roll2] +2 alertness feat, +2 wis mod

please let me know when my turn comes

2011-07-23, 02:20 PM

At the mention of Sya's name(you both are at least minor celebs because of you line of work and the state of House Traia and the "T" that you must wear everywhere) a few people know that she frequent's Pedant's shop. You also hear a rumor about how they might be romantically involved. The person asks you if it is true.

Assuming you head over to Pedant's place, you see a sign that says "by appointment or luck" in place of a sign that would show the hours of the shop.

Its now mid-morning, and this place is about as busy as its going to get.

2011-07-23, 02:36 PM
Your spot checks reveal that the man inside the doorway has a beard, a portion of which has been recently singed - magically.

This is definetly the guy from before.

He isn't joining the fray, rather still watching from the sidelines, he says

"Its best for you to give yourself up now!"

You win init. You are grappled, and there's another man in the square next to you two.

2011-07-23, 04:12 PM

"I'd rather die fighting, thank you"

escape artist check [roll0] +2 dex mod

if the escape attempt succeeds Sya will then take a five foot step to a non threatened square

2011-07-23, 05:42 PM
Opposed grapple

2011-07-23, 05:48 PM
You free yourself of the grapple by flinging his hands off of you(something you may have done once or twice before @work). You step backwords 5' away from both people who were on you.

The man says "Not bad, again!"

The men snap into action again and grab for your cloths.

You can take an AOO against either.

Touch attacks:


Confirm the grab


Kato Locke
2011-07-23, 07:57 PM
Assuring the person who asked the question that she does not know about Sya's relationships, she proceeds to Pendant's shop.
I knew it had something to do with ants, she thinks to herself.

She enters, looking to speak with Pendant about when/if he had seen Sya and where she might be now. She does not mention Sya's training.

2011-07-23, 08:02 PM

Its a little meta, but can I direct my attack at the one who did not failed to touch?

Attack of opportunity [roll0] with quarterstaff

2011-07-23, 08:05 PM

opposed grapple check [roll0]

and if applicable on her turn escape artist check [roll1] +2 dex mod

2011-07-24, 12:16 AM
Doesn't matter which guy you attacked, because you're so distracted right now that you swing your staff wildly and connect with thin air.

(Ooc, you'd pick which guy to aoo before knowing their result rolls, so I was just going to have you swinging at the first guy you hit. Seems natural ;-))

Opposing guy 2(uninjured)
Latching on the grapple

If it holds, its your turn and he opposes your escape artist check.

Looks like its your turn, you're flanked on both sides in the middle of the street. No grappling at the moment.

2011-07-24, 12:25 AM


"Oh hai!"

You are met by a familiar face. Someone you know as another student of Pedant(not pendant) is minding shop, and when you walk in he seems slightly surprised and asks:


"The usual for this week right?"

He's making his way over to a package that you can see has been painstakingly prepared for delivery.


"Its usually Sya that comes in, but I don't mind this change at all."

The unusually confident young man says- you've always known him to fall over his words when Sya is around. You bet he'd rather be seeing her.

Kato Locke
2011-07-24, 12:29 AM
Calixta tries to hide the confused expression on her face [without actually making a bluff, it just sounds better this way] and accepts the package. "Uh, sure. I guess since I'm taking this Sya hasn't been in today? I was hoping to find her here."

2011-07-24, 01:05 AM

She screams,"What is this, some sort of test?"

makes a full withdraw action toward the more populated areas of the city, trying to put as much distance between her and her pursuers as possible.

2011-07-24, 09:54 PM


"Sya hasn't been in, I guess she might be at Pedant's if she's not at the house"

She preps a note for you with directions for his place. You two speak of each other often enough that they would likely trust you on the spot for most situations.


You should know that you'll still provoke aoo's with a full withdraw. I also don't see a straight line here...


You can give me a new plan if you've got one.

Kato Locke
2011-07-24, 10:11 PM
((OOC: Am I speaking to a male or female? Did this person's gender just spontaneously morph or something?))

Calixta takes the note while exchanging pleasantries. "Thanks, fantastic. And please, dont be afraid to let her know I came calling for her. Have a good day!"

Calixta reads the note as she leaves and places it with the other on her person while she follows its direction. How did someone with such short legs travel so quickly?

2011-07-25, 08:32 AM

I still plan to do the full withdraw, but I only plan to draw one attack of opportunity from the guy in the direction I am running by diagonally stepping into the 5 foot square next to him then continuing on my way since during a full withdraw the square you begin the round in is not considered threatened. Maybe two if the guy has high dex and combat reflexes. Sya really does not have any better options here, and if they are going to kill her, rape her, or rob her its probably going to happen no matter what she does considering the fight is three on one. And if that is not the case she has to get out of the flanked position at least.And last but not least a full withdraw does not require straight movement, I reference the example given on page 144 of the players handbook in the upper left corner featuring Tordek

2011-07-25, 10:34 AM

Lol, should be a he.

The note details a residential area near the deserted machine district. Pedant's apartment is will be easy enough to find.

There's a chance that you'll make your way through the machine district on your way.


Roll spot and listen checks.

Kato Locke
2011-07-25, 11:14 AM
Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2011-07-25, 12:23 PM

As you're passing through the edge of the nearly deserted machine district, you hear a scream:

What is this, some sort of test?

It's Sya's voice.

You are about another 8 min walk, 4 minute run from Pedant's neighborhood. The sound of the scream came from a few blocks beyond your intended path in the opposite direction.

p=intended path



You provoke one attack of oppurtunity which he uses to grab at you again.

If you take your Aoo you won't be able to continue your full escape(right?)

Touch attack[roll0]
To hold the grapple [roll1]

Edit: Looks like you made it out just fine. You're off.

They are in full pursuit, and you notice the bearded man stepping out of the doorway, but not chasing.

2011-07-25, 03:48 PM

when clear, Sya breaks into a full run, she screams "HELP! GUARDS!" when she believes anyone is in hearing range.

2011-07-25, 06:22 PM

When a foot pursuit is happening, the winner is generally the most nimble.

Give me:

Reflex save
Dex check


You hear the second scream and can track the movement towards the residential district. You know that guards don't frequent this area much, considering its deserted and anything worth looting has already been looted.

Kato Locke
2011-07-25, 07:36 PM
Fear and worry grip Calixta as she breaks into a run towards the sound of Sya's screams. If Travod has sort of weird "worthiness" test to go with all the other crap, Calixta is gonna have to yell at him along with refusing his (very) kind offer. Knowing the guards dont come 'round here, Calixta decides that calling for Sya by name would be a giveaway that no help of that sort is coming. "The screams came from over there. Help is on the way!"

Calixta runs at 4x speed (120ft) to catch up.

2011-07-25, 08:25 PM

(Sya doesn't have tumble, but I'll roll it anyway)

Balance [roll0] +2 dex

Reflex [roll1] +2 dex

Tumble [roll2] +2 dex

Dexterity Check [roll3] +2 dex

2011-07-25, 10:39 PM

You hear...


"I'll get one of you eventually!)

You take a peek over your shoulder and see that the men have stopped chasing you.

You hear Cali's voice call out as you go.


"The screams came from over there. Help is on the way"

(Spot check)


You hear a familiar male voice from over in that direction, can't really place it though.

You continue towards Sya's voice.

Kato Locke
2011-07-26, 12:52 AM

Calixta continues running full tilt toward where she heard Sya's voice. If anyone has hurt her...

2011-07-26, 08:30 AM

when she sees that the men have broke off pursuit she runs a little further, then stops and looks back. What does he want?

2011-07-26, 11:18 AM

After a few moments of stopping running, Sya sees/hears Cali running full tilt past her.

Since you stopped to turn around, you see "Beard" and company disappear into the buildings and alleys. Beard took a few extra moments to stare you down first.(this happens before Cali runs through)


Spot check

2011-07-26, 11:49 AM

More shocked than anything to see Calixta, Sya yells to her "CALIXTA!"

Thinks to herself "one of you..."

Kato Locke
2011-07-26, 01:35 PM
Spot: [roll0]
((OOC: If this werent E6 I would seriously consider putting cross class ranks into Spot. Having no mod for it sucks.))

If Calixta sees Sya, she will slow to 2x speed and stop next to her and catch her breathe. "What's... happening?" Calixta pants out.

2011-07-26, 05:13 PM

Sya is not tired because her con is 20 and she only ran like 5 blocks

"That bloody assassin from before came after me, when I was alone. But he wasn't trying to kill me, he had all the opportunity to do so but he didn't. Heck, he wasn't even trying to hurt me, his boys were careful not to.Its like he was testing his boys out, or testing me. He said that he won't give up till he has one of us, this doesn't make sense. I mean if he was hired to kill us, he is going the wrong way about it. He is a nuisance at best."

2011-07-26, 06:17 PM
@Sya &Cali

You two are free to converse at your leisure.


You're spot check result tells you that a man just dissapeared into a building like 3-4(large buildings)down. You couldn't tell which one exactly.

Kato Locke
2011-07-26, 06:59 PM
"Well... They know we're together now, don't they? Let's go someplace where they cant see us by sticking their heads out of a door, eh? I also have some stuff for you."

2011-07-26, 10:45 PM

"Really? They had me when it was just me. Now there are the two of us. I say we hunt him down, finish this once and for all. He's double edge, do you always want him lurking around the shadows?"

Kato Locke
2011-07-26, 11:05 PM
Calixta put on a face of mock surprise and anxiety. "Holy crap, did you see the axe and everything?" She raised her hand to the hilt of her weapon. "Maybe you're right... But we dont know how many are in there. If those birds are in there it could be a serious fight. Plus charging in through the front door after talking like this doesnt seem like the best way to be going about it. Maybe we should walk in with chainmail underwear and just ask what they want."

Calixta rubbed her backside. "Maybe plate underwear. You know, because its Double-Edge."

2011-07-26, 11:48 PM
You both had a spot check, failed.

From behind a building Llorat steps out.

Cali doesn't know this dwarf who is dressed in fine clothes and carries two weapons. Both sheathed at the moment.


"You two haven't got a clue huh? Those guys are from the "Publicans". They are on a clock and they know it.

Sya, you dropped this. I couldn't help but look. That's a small fortune there."

He holds the small package you tossed. The top is propped open and you can see that inside is an extreemly ornate scroll case with a scroll in it.

2011-07-26, 11:54 PM

"Oh yeah, i'd help you wipe them out if you'd like."

You see him put a hand on his hilt with confidence.

Kato Locke
2011-07-27, 02:11 AM
Generally speaking, offering to help murder people isnt the best way to endear themselves to Calixta. It made her very wary of the new dwarf on the block. "Someone you know?" she asked to Sya without taking her eyes on the newcomer.

Truth be told, now that they were away from away from their pursuers Calixta was more of a mind for information than bloodletting. If this person could tell them more about "politicians" it would be of much more value than a pile of bodies she'd have to explain to her conscience.

2011-07-27, 03:47 AM

With faint irritation in her voice "thought I was rid of this darn thing, seems like fate won't let me lose it" and she snatched up the scroll and the rest of the package and stored it in her bag.

"I'll to this later, Cali, this is Llorat, he's from the south. We met but for a moment. I wasn't inclined to trust him before but anyone who would bring me something like this and freely give it, is worth giving the benefit of a doubt. And I want to finish off these 'Publican' assassins. Cali, I'll ask for your assistance"

grins at Llorat for a moment then looks onto Cali for a reply

2011-07-27, 12:04 PM
Llorat gives away a slight smile thinking of bringing forth his two blades and looks to Cali for her response.

Both dwarves are on the warpath.

@Cali, Sya

You haven't moved to cover at this time yet, would you like to?

Also, some spot/listen checks please.

2011-07-27, 05:43 PM

Spot check [roll0] +2 familiar alertness feat

and yes moving to cover would be good

Kato Locke
2011-07-28, 02:08 PM
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

"Uh, what are Publicans?" asked Calixta, moving towards the new guy to seek cover. Having been attacked twice it may be smarter to take these people out rather than risk being attacked again. Worry gnawed at Calixta's stomach. This day was riddled with attempts to kill things and she really hadnt thought she would ever have to again.

2011-07-28, 02:15 PM

"Worry about that later, we need to move"

2011-07-28, 02:19 PM

listen check [roll0] +2 familiar alertness feat

2011-07-28, 02:47 PM

"The Publicans want the Entrada to be in the Capital instead. They've been bothering Markov for a while. Recently violently.

Maybe we'll go in here?"

Llorat gestures to the nearest building which is plain from the outside. Windows high and small every 30 ft. You can see into the foyer, hardwood covered in bird dung.


Your checks result in you seeing two figures in a nearby window. You heard the scuffling of their feet as well.

Kato Locke
2011-07-28, 02:59 PM
She takes a deep breathe to ready herself. "Ok, I guess. Whats the plan?

((OOC: Did I hear the shuffling then?))

2011-07-28, 03:03 PM

Sya taps Llorat on the shoulder, using two fingers point to her eyes then, points to the building where she sees people moving, then holds up two fingers in front of him with emphasis. Then moves deeper into cover and (as quietly as possible) casts mage armor on herself from their cover position.

move silently check [roll0] +2 dex mod

hide check [roll1] +2 dex mod

Kato Locke
2011-07-28, 03:06 PM
Not being entirely obtuse, Calixta understands the movements Sya is using. However, not being signaled herself, she is left to awkwardly stand in place wondering when and if she might be asked to do something.

2011-07-28, 03:24 PM
Yes you heard the scuffling.

2011-07-28, 05:04 PM
Its clear to all that they have been observing you. They are in a building that has a primary door close to you, and a second door near the corner of the building. The building itself is made of stone. The glasswork has all been punched out. The large portrait windows are throught the building.

Llorat stands near the door and motions for Calixta to join he and Cali inside this building.


*in a whispered tone*
"Come, I'll keep an eye on them."