View Full Version : Lost in Fog, a D20 Modern Adventure.

2011-05-22, 02:07 AM
The Carolinian countryside rolls by as you ride in a pair of puttering Model A Fords(except for Wolfgang, who rides his motorcycle). The agents driving inform you that micro is only an hour or so away, now; but you think back to the initial meeting yesterday...

The United States Bureau of Investigations Charlotte field office was a four story brownstone building with small, narrow windows, looming like a squat fortress. One by one, you were shown into a briefing room already occupied by two men in suits. The older of the two had graying hair and horn-rimmed glasses, seemed grouchy and less than pleased to see you. He introduced himself as Special Agent In Charge Geoffrey Gibson and identified the young man with him as Agent Patrick Wolfe with a dismissive wave of his hand, clearly not much happier at the young man's presence than with your own. For his part, Agent Wolfe shows a mixture of excitement tempered with apprehension.

When everyone was seated, he cleared his throat. “Let me make one thing perfectly clear, here: you are all here because to on extant or another, you believe in the supernatural. I think you should all be committed to an asylum, but my superiors have decided that I'm going to Micro with you. So here is what's going to happen: you can go to Micro, and do whatever sightseeing you need to do, but you will stay out of my way while I take care of this.” Glaring around the room again he stalked out, muttering darkly.

Agent Wolfe sighed and addressed the room in a distinctive accent that identified him as being of Irish descent. “I uh, I apologize on behalf of Special Agent Gibson. He's been under a lot of stress lately.” Glancing at the door Gibson had exited, he continues “I for one am glad to have you along. Nothing adds up about this case and the Bureau is stumped. “ Gathering up some papers he sighed again before shutting the door. “Okay, in a nutshell, the problem is that a small town effectively vanished off the face of the earth. In it's place is a dense fog bank that doesn't burn off in the sun, and appears to swallow people and animals. Oh, and now it's growing in size. Any questions?”

2011-05-22, 02:23 AM
"Yeah, we got enough rope to tie everyone together? We don't wanna get lost." John says, leaning back against the wall.

2011-05-22, 02:55 AM
"Anata baka." The two words, dripping with scorn, come from the mouth of the girl leaning against a wall (having refused to sit in the first place). She continues in English - her Japanese accent is heavy, but she's understandable. "Why do you send a man as leader who is too stupid to see what is in front of him? He sees fog and concludes that the whole world must be white. You should report him to your liege - I do not think even you Americans are so idiotic as to allow a madman to lead an important expedition."

Knowledge (Arcane Lore) check: [roll0] Has Miya ever heard of a fog like this before, in a myth or legend? If so, what caused it, what did it do, and how was it stopped (any of those that the roll qualifies to answer, anyway).

2011-05-22, 11:27 AM
Wolfgang towers above the rest at over 6 feet tall. He stands clad in his fullplate armor watching over the room. When he speaks it comes out in a booming tone that seems amplified by something in the armor.

"There is beauty in ignorance and I do what I do to preserve it. This is clearly the work of the deceiver. The fog must conceal a greater threat."

Wolfgang nods to the japanese warrior across the room.

Im glad to see another on our team has taken up the art of the blade. This fog will mean our fights will have to be up close.

Wolfgang nods to Agent Wolfe

Any information you have on this town needs to be given now. We need to know the history of the town, criminal records, what churches are active? How heavy is the police force? And even more importantly do you have a map?

2011-05-23, 11:49 AM
Marleena Feyr

Having turned on the safety of both her guns, she hefts the Springfield rifle so it rests on her shoulder, completely at ease. She frowns at the obvious frustration the senior officer displays. Turning to the younger Officer Wolfe, "I agree with what's been said so far. I agree with our armored friend that we should definitely look into whatever's been going on in the town recently."

She leans against a wall, still holding her rifle in one hand. She decides to observe the rest of the meeting to see what will happen.

2011-05-23, 12:34 PM
The girl who had introduced herself as Kirino glared at Wolfgang, taking a step away from the wall. A keen observer would note her wrist twitch towards the enormous sword slung in its sheath across her back. "There is no beauty in ignorance. That is a stupid thing, and you should feel stupid about saying it. Ignorance is ignorance. Preserving it is the work only of liars and idiots."

Her glare flicked to Wolfe. "But you should answer the idiot's questions, even if they make him also a hypocritical idiot. I would ask also the names and domains of the greater Yōkai of this place, but you probably have not even recorded them, let alone learned to pay them their respects."

2011-05-23, 02:52 PM
Wolfgang had trained with swords for long enough to know how to watch an opponent for subtle movements. How quickly her hand seemed to twitch for her sword prior to her outburst worried him. He hoped they would be able to stay civil for the mission.

It is ignorance that allows a grown man to sleep soundly at night knowing that the monsters he feared as a child were only the work of fiction. It is ignorance that allows a person to leave a full life without fear. I wish I did not know what i know. I wish I did not know that the monsters of nightmares are not only real but more powerful than any writer could have imagined. I wish my sleep was not wracked with nightmares of the monsters I have faced and will face in time. But I do not have that blessing. I am not ignorant. And I would not wish my enlightenment on anyone. That is why I fight. Clearly we both have different methods and reasons for what we do. I am sorry if I offended you in some way.

2011-05-23, 04:54 PM
Miya didn't turn her gaze towards the idiot saying stupid things. It was one of many rules of battle - just because everything was worth noting didn't mean that everything was worth deigning with a response. So she pointedly averted her eyes, spitting a short "Anata baka." out of the side of her mouth as she did so. Maybe later she'd explain to the tin wolf why he was an idiot. Maybe.

2011-05-23, 05:41 PM
Looking at Miya, Agent Wolfe silently mouthed the words "your liege". "I do not think he is mad. He rode with Theodore Roosevelt against the Spanish in Cuba and fought the Germans in the Great War. He's had a successful career against the Mob, and this fog is new. As far as I know, no fog has ever been observed to behave like this."

Turning to Wolfgang, he said "The population was last recorded at around a hundred people, covering an area of less than half a square mile. The police department consists of six officers, there is one church that I am aware of, and the heaviest criminal record in the town is five counts of disturbing the peace. Unfortunately, we do not have a map as Micro had never been deemed important until the fog came."

Agent Wolfe blinked at Miya's new verbal assault. "What's a yoaki?" He asked, mangling the word. "That some kinda ghost or something?" Rather than Gibson's utter disdain and flat out hostility about the supernatural, Patrick seems...curious.

2011-05-23, 06:21 PM
John looks at the Jap, and stands up. While not so big as the plated Wolfgang, he is still fairly large. "Just because someone doesn't believe in something that doesn't show up in their day to day life doesn't make them stupid. Not all of us have had the opportunity to fist fight with vampires." He says, clearly citing his own personal experience.
"But if we start fighting each other this early on, we won't last eight minutes in the fog. And don't call me Baka, cause I ain't."

2011-05-23, 06:52 PM
The warriors eyes widen somewhat at Wolfe's query - and at his mouthed phrase. "Naruhodo..." She muttered the swift phrase another might say 'ah' or 'hmmm'. "That is actually a smart thing to ask. I can not blame anyone for being ignorant - only idiots who wish they were. You I think are the more intelligent of the wolves in this room."

"The Yōkai are those among the kami who walk the lands. They have the blood of the Heavens, but they tread the earth like man and beast do. Some are wicked and cruel, like the Oni. Some are mischievous and cunning, like the Kappa, or wise and full of trickery like the Kitsune. And some are noble and kind, like the Tengu. Those in this lands are different from my home, but they are the same in that they have names and powers of their own. But the people of this country are stupid and blind. The Oni with no offerings rages and kills in the dead of night. The Kitsune whose messages are ignored might find tormenting the idiots who ignore him to be more amusing than aiding them."

She send another dagger-like glare at Wolfgang. "My family knows little of the names and customs of the Yōkai of America, but if they are raging against you for your willful stupidity and lack of respect, I can hardly see fit to blame them. Slay an Oni, and you have a hundred and eight days of peace before he returns in a fury. Hold a festival in his honor, and your village has an honorable protector for many years to come."

Her line of sight flicked again - she had a knack for seeming to redirect a great deal of ire while moving nothing but her eyes. It gave her a presence despite being the shortest person in the room by far. "I have read your histories, American. For hundreds and hundreds of years, your people believed just as much as I. But today you deny things in plain sight, and somehow claim that it makes you wiser! Soshi-te kon, anata wa gaikoku-jin, watashi no ie ni iki, peinto, sono shisen o nani seiki ni mo watatte meikaku ni sa rete iru hitobito no bijon de!" And now you foreigners go to my home, and paint over the vision of those whose gaze has been clear for centuries!

Her voice some perilously close to a shout, slipping into her natural language before locking her jaw in place and carefully regulating her breath again. Calmness was a virtue - to maintain a level head and steadfast demeanor. She... wasn't very good at it. "But... you are at least correct that we have no need to be divided. So you are all forgiven for prior idiocy." She said it in such a way as to make clear that future idiocy was a different matter entirely.

2011-05-24, 12:57 PM
Wolfgang smiles at John,
A fistfight with a nosferatu, Impressive. Im curious to know what everyone else brings to the team, and what experience everyone has.

Wolfgang turns his head to the investigator

And how thick is this fog? Will a length of rope be necessary?

2011-05-24, 05:56 PM
John smiles back at Wolfgang, cuffing him on the shoulder. "I fought three, actually. I'll tell you all about it sometime."

2011-05-24, 06:25 PM
A fistfight with a nosferatu, Impressive. Im curious to know what everyone else brings to the team, and what experience everyone has.

Looking around sheepishly at all the other heavy metal in the room, she smirked as she looked pitifully upon her Colt revolver in her hip holster, and the Springfield rifle resting on her shoulder. She knew that insulting a swordsman's abilities by uplifting a firearm's abilities was meaningless to some. Especially the proud Japanese. Training with a sword took years. Marksmanship wasn't any different, but so many petty thugs made it look easy to kill with firearms. In fact, she could easily, yet dishonorably, probably blow away all the current occupants in the room, barring the man in plate armor.

She decided to be humble, and stir up the least amount of trouble in the process. "Well, I can shoot really well. The Army sent me over here to help with fire support. I also have studied tactics for a long time. I'm also pretty good at staying alive in tough situations." She pointed to the insignia on her uniform shoulder, an indication of her position as Designated Marksman for her platoon in the Army. "I've never really dealt with the supernatural before, but I'll do what I can to help."

2011-05-24, 06:50 PM
John hears mention of army and does a double take. He extends his hand to the young marksman, who is probably his age, but still. "Major John Talvert, Acting paranormal Liaison for the army. I wasn't informed you would be joining us." It was strange he hadn't been told, but it didn't really matter.

2011-05-24, 08:26 PM
"I am Kirino Miya, daughter of Kirino Izo, granddaughter of Kirino Toshiaki, of the Bakumatsu Shidai Hitokiri. My family wishes to find something in a nation of the blind, and so I am here." She raises a hand, lightly brushing against the hilt of her massive sword. "This the the Most Great and Noble Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, who has deigned to accompany me as he did Lord Toshiaki, and his father before him, and his before him. I am honored without end by his decision."

She stopped there, falling silent again. That was all any of them needed to know. What did it matter if she had not slain any Yōkai? These idiots bragged and strutted like they were heroes - at least the green-eyed lady had the decency to admit her own cowardice for hiding behind that infernal contraption of a weapon. Miya had trained for this sort of thing her entire life, and she was determined not to fail.

OOC: Did my earlier Arcane Knowledge check on the fog back in my first post fail to yield any results, or did you just miss it?

2011-05-25, 04:48 PM
"Rope will be supplied, along with other supplies. If you can think of anything, let me know now."

A private message has been sent to you detailing what you know.

2011-05-25, 05:12 PM
Rope. That reminded her of something...

"We should leave a trail back, once we reach the edge of the mists. As solid as we can - rope, string... or marked stones or stakes within sight of one another, if we do not have enough rope. I have heard of mists that can steal away the very land itself, and those on it as well. If we leave a trail, perhaps we will not be stolen." She shrugged. "Or perhaps it will only tell us where lies of the edge of the Earth that was stolen away, once we are stolen along with it. I can not say. But I can not see it bringing us any harm either. One can never be too prepared in dealing with the creatures of Heaven."

2011-05-26, 09:54 AM
"...forces of Heaven. Great. How do they attack you? Claws? Teeth? Fire? I'd like to know beforehand what kind of injuries I'll be dealing with."

2011-05-26, 11:52 AM
Forces of he'll are more like it. The beasts attack with all man or of tooth, claw, spell, and some with steel. It depends on what we are up against. If it has turned the denizens of he village we can expect to be attacked with standard human guns and steel. I assume your inquiry makes you th group medic. A welcome addition indeed. I am Wolfgang, and I honed my skills in the Vatican Ingestigative branch. My knowledge comes from their archives. They don't part with their secrets lightly.

Wolfgang turns to Wolfe,
For the hellbeasts, silvers bullets would be a godsend, a few extra foglights and batteries would be useful for obvious reasons. The peoe in the town present a different problem. They may be being controlled or otherwise not responsible for their own actions. We may want some magnesium flash charges or some gas grenades to incapacitate them if need be.

2011-05-27, 12:34 AM
Miya spoke up yet again. For a girl speaking in her second (well... fourth...) language, she was awfully loquacious. It would be a shame if these people didn't understand her opinion on things, after all - seeing as how it was the correct one.

"The Bakaokami has simply given a list of common forms of attack, and common weaknesses even the most jaded and disbelieving fool has heard of. Would it not be simpler to say you do not know, idiot? It is of course true that to be equipped for everything is a boon. It is more true however, that one must be prepared. And trying to pin the Yōkai all into your people's small-minded view of burning pits of 'bad hell' and fluffy clouds of 'good heaven' is not doing that. Yōkai are Yōkai - some are good. Some are bad. Most are simply themselves. And all are children of the Heavens, however unruly. If they have turned against the children of Earth, Kusanagi shall remind them of their place."

2011-05-27, 12:49 AM
"I'm being ignored aren't I?" John says. He looks at the girl, and decides he's gonna do it. It goes against what he just said, but dammit he's gonna do it. "Ma'm, I understand you love your country and it's teaching in the way of the supernatural and religious, but if you're going to generalize another culture, I ask you generalize it correctly. First, the "burning" pits of Hell are mentioned as actually having fire a single time in the bible, and it does not claim that the whole of hell is on fire. It was popularized by renaissance era art. Second, all Demons and the Devil are, in-fact, fallen angels, also known as children of heaven. Now, can we both please stop this?" He nearly pleads with the woman.

2011-05-27, 01:13 PM
The child was becoming insufferable. Wolfgang stopped leaning on the wall and rose to his full height.

You once again insult me and don't even add anything helpful in the process. We both learned our trade from very different sources, you from your family, and me from the Vatican. I have fought that which I call demons, hellbeasts and their followers for years and a child is not about to tell me that I know nothing. Tell me child, have you ever actually tracked a cult, have you ever watched a man get torn apart by a monster from beyond this world. Have you ever embedded your sword in one of the beasts. I have experience. I have fought monsters detailed in the vatican archives and you are not about to tell me that im wrong. No one knows everything about these beasts. I sure don't and you sure as the saints don't either. The only way we can best them is to pool our combined knowledge. If you have anything to add to the conversation, by all means add it, but if you continue to disrespect myself or anyone else in this room you will be left behind.

wolfgang settles himself once again.

Now, based on anyone's experience with these beasts, Is there any other equipment or information we would like to request before we head out

2011-05-29, 06:10 PM
John slides up next to the sharp shooter. He is ready to order the girl restrained if she continues. Japan is a proud nation, and it is amazing they haven't tried to attack the Us already, if she is a typical girl.

2011-05-29, 08:38 PM
Eying her technically superior officer, the marks-woman weighs the situation at hand in her mind. As part of her duty to the Army, she would have to follow orders from this man. Also, her own training made it instinctive for her to follow military orders. While the Japanese lady showed no signs of calming down, there wasn't much Marleena could do in such an enclosed space. While aiming would be easy, any complication in the shot could cause a ricochet. Not a pretty way to start off an assignment. She watches John carefully, awaiting orders, though silently hoping she doesn't have to intervene.

She tries to ignore the situation, turning back to Agent Wolfe. "It sounds like I might need more than my normal arsenal, Agent Wolfe. Is there any way I could acquire any silver bullets? I would need .30 caliber and .45 caliber shells for each gun. It would be greatly appreciated."

2011-05-30, 02:55 AM
Agent Wolfe frowned. "I believe I can scrounge up at least some of the specialty ammunition and the rope. Perhaps some other supplies as well." Turning his frown to the young Japanese girl and the big man in armor, he added "I imagine this will be more than difficult enough without everybody at everybody else's throats. So, if nothing else, I would take it as a personal favor if you could work together amicably."

2011-05-30, 06:26 PM
I will have no problem provided myself and everyone else in this room is treated with the respect each of us deserves.

2011-05-30, 08:12 PM
Miya glares at John, then back at Wolfgang. She seems to struggle for a moment, her pale blue eyes glinting like a blade's edge. "...fine. Take pride your battles. I am not going to stop you, Bakaokami. But that you can swing a blade in a skillful parody of a true warrior does not mean you are not an idiot." She looks away. "I see no reason to continue wasting words on you. This conversation is over now."

She finally moves fully, turning her back on the two and facing Agent Wolfe. "I will fight alongside these people to the best of my ability. I can only assume that your government would not choose to enlist incompetents, even if it apparently has no qualms about granting right of blade to morons. They are allies." Her expression chilled further. Most people would likely have taken a step forward here, but for someone with a stature as small as the daughter of Kiniro, doing so was hardly the most intimidating move. "But they are not nakama. I swore to take on this task, and it will be completed. I made no such oath to fake a show of respect to idiots who do not deserve it, and I will not. Now, shall we continue to belabor this stupidity, or shall we proceed to the actual task for which we were brought here?"

2011-06-03, 04:39 AM
So the initial meeting had gone...rather less than smoothly. Still, that had been yesterday and Gibson's temper hadn't improved any. As the strange little convoy continued it's journey you are informed that Micro should just be over the next hill. Cresting the hill, the vehicles come to a halt and you can finally see The Fog. And a strange fog it is.

You can just make out the peak of a church's steeple in the distance, poking through the roiling cloud. That's exactly what it looks like, too. Not the normal vague clumps of mist, but a dark gray cloud swirling as though it were water on the boil. Not a sound can be heard to emanate from inside, but the strangest thing of all is the edge of the "fogbank". It's edge is straight and flat, from the top all the way to the ground like a wall. Just to add an ominous overtone to the bizarre, ever so slowly, that wall is quite clearly coming closer.

Gibson grit his teeth and glared at Agent Wolfe when the young man let out a low whistle.

2011-06-03, 03:01 PM
For once, Miya seems too stunned to say anything at all. She makes a few motions with one hand, muttering beneath her breath and clenching tightly to the hilt of her massive weapon, seeming to draw some comfort from it. "Ten ga watashi ni chikara o kashi'te..." This was a place of gods and monsters. Humans would find little solace within, she knew...

2011-06-03, 03:23 PM
John jumped out the back , humping his pack over his shoulder and calling to the men in the back of the truck. "Get a move on, we're due through that fog far to soon." He slings his Thompson up onto his shoulder, checks it, and snaps the drum back into place. This was not going to end well, but he'd be damned if anyone got left behind.

2011-06-03, 04:14 PM
I think our first objective should be to find any survivors. When people are confronted by that they don't understand they first run to their protectors, then to their gods. They would run to the police station first and he church second. The pOlice would inevitably fail so i think we should go for the church first unless the police station is already on the way. We should at least fond some clues on the way. I should probably take point for obvious reasons

2011-06-04, 01:24 AM
"This has lain here for some time already. Rushing to find survivors is stupid - if there are people alive still, they have been so for days at least, possibly weeks. A few hours will not make a difference to them." As she speaks, she seems to regain some of the sharp-edged demeanor that had dulled with the first sight of the fog. Moving quickly, she grabs a tent spike and begins knotting rope around it. Taking a shot time, she walks to a distance of maybe ten meters from the fog, hauling a heavy armload of rope. Peg firmly in the ground, she turns and returns to the group at the edge, coiled rope under one arm.

"This is rather simple, but it should at least give us some idea if it functions as a barrier... and if it does not, we will know there must be some other reason that the residents of the village have not simply fled." Miya knots one end of the rope into a heavy weight, then begins twirling it like a sling. With a small shout, she releases it, letting the rope sail into the fog bank. Once it has flown to its limit, she begins slowly reeling it back, observing carefully. There were tales of heroes who charged valiantly to glory.

There were also tales of heroes who die horribly for neglecting use of their ten-foot poles and weighted ropes. She didn't care to join that group - there was no honor in an idiot's death.

2011-06-04, 10:44 AM
Even if there are no survivors the police station and church will probably have clues as to what happened. If not either of those where would you suggest we go?

2011-06-05, 12:24 AM
"To the center. A Yōkai would only be offended by a shrine to an arrogant One-God. I cannot imagine one working out of one unless it had no choice. Of course, the dwellers of the spirit realm may be as mad here as the humans of this land, so I cannot say for certain. But look at the fog spreading - it does not take the sharpest of minds to figure that it is likely originating somewhere near the center of the obscured area." She looked intently into the fog. "I hope that whatever has done this has not grown wrathful. Only a powerful Yōkai could have accomplished something like this."

2011-06-05, 04:06 AM
"Well, are you sure going right in the middle is the best idea for a first trip in there? I mean, if we start to find that things are messing up in there or you're wrong about some factor or another, we'll have a long way to go to get out of the fog."

2011-06-05, 10:16 AM
We also don't know where the exact center is, yet the church is a visible landmark.

2011-06-05, 12:52 PM
Having ridden with her rifle in one hand resting against her shoulder, she steps down from the car in a similar manner, but brings the rifle down so she is ready to fire it if need be. She double checks her safety switch. She raises her voice to alert the group at large, "Safeties are on." She checked again to make sure the safety was engaged. She found that it was, and proceeded to look at the strange sight in front of her. She listened to the opinions of the others.

"I'm not sure I like the idea of going to the middle of this weird stuff either. I think it would be wisest to secure some kind of perimeter and work our way inwards so that we can watch our backs easier."

While she believes in her words, she thinks about if there are any other immediate options available to the group.

Knowledge Check [Tactics] (I guess?) - [roll0]

2011-06-05, 10:45 PM
"It is one thing to exercise caution. But if you are letting your cowardice tint your decision-making, you are doomed to fail. The Bakumatsu Shidai Hitokiri themselves said that the first blow is everything. In battle, in strategy, in tactics, everything. To even conceive of a second blow before the first has followed through is idiocy. If one's foe is weak, they will fall to that blow. If your foe is strong, they must match that blow with the same intensity, or fall - in doing so, you gain their measure."

She gestured again at the fog. "I would strike our first blow with all our honor and strength. None of this cowardly creeping and skulking around the edges of the threat. Strike at its heart. Confront that which has done this, or whatever it places in our way. Once we have clashed with it, we will have gained more information than any amount of skulking in the dark could ever gain us."

2011-06-05, 11:13 PM
John groans and rubs his forehead.
"Here's an idea. We'll test it really quick. You guys tie a rope to me, round my waist, hold the other end. I'll run through the fog, then turn around. If I come back out, we know we have some time, if not, come in after me.

2011-06-05, 11:33 PM
"I already did that, unless you think a living subject might produce a different result." She nods at the knotted rope that she is reeling in very slowly, as if waiting for a response from some unseen entity in charge of relaying information to her. "It might though, so try if you wish."

2011-06-05, 11:58 PM
Again we don't know where the center of the fog is even if that was where we wanted to go there first. I say discretion is the better part of valor. Let's take it slow. First step is to try and test the fog itself. If you want to volunteer yourself know that if you don't come back in 2 minutes I will come right in after you

2011-06-06, 12:28 AM
John takes the rope in his hand, and runs into the fog. After ten seconds of running, he turns around a runs back, still following the rope.

2011-06-06, 04:56 AM
Miya is able to reel in the slack that is outside of the fog, but then it goes taut. The rest of the rope refuses to leave the fog. As close as you are, it's easy to see that the fog is advancing a couple of inches each minute. After John runs in, he fails to come back out.

Krennel: As you plunge through the fog, you are struck by...well, how foggy it is. Visibility is minimal as you can't make things out clearly more than fifteen or twenty feet away from you. It is much darker inside the fog bank, and much wetter. Blackened trees rear up out of the fog, clutching at the air like giant emaciated hands of ebony. When you turn to go, the fog is much thicker the way you came. You start back anyway, the rope going more and more slack as you approach the others, then you notice the rope is becoming less slack again, and you're still in the fog.

2011-06-06, 09:50 AM
"See? No need to run in to realize that it blocks the way out." She releases the rope in her hands, letting it hit the ground. "Of course, someone already has. Which I think makes that first choice rather nicely. We move."

Shrugging Kusanagi higher up on her shoulder and re-securing her pack, Miya strides into the wall of mist. As she does so, she takes a deep breath, closing her eyes. When she re-opens them on the other side, following John's rope, she finds herself looking around curiously at the interior. There was no immediate threat, and there was something... comforting, about the otherworldly mist.

2011-06-06, 12:06 PM
Marleena Feyr

She shook her head at the stubbornness of the warrior-girl. While it was one thing to bring up differing opinions, it was another to foolishly waste time bickering. She remembered hearing about the war her father died in, where heroic charges 'over the top' to bring down the foreign European armies ended up being epic massacres as poorly equipped soldiers threw themselves against the unrelenting fire of the machine guns. It was foolish to proceed without precaution. Maybe that's why Japan is losing their samurai...

She decided that since no one seemed to be coming out any time soon, she took a deep breath and held it, holding her rifle in a position where she was looking down the sight, but still able to focus on things around her. Then she too, stepped into the fog, watching every angle around her, swiveling her rifle around to watch for anything out of the ordinary. She switched off her safeties, and called out, "Safeties are off. Ready to fire."

2011-06-06, 02:19 PM
Wolfgang lowers the faceplate of his helmet. It was time. He slides his sword into the sheath he built into the motorcycle and drew his lance before reving his bikes engine and riding into the fog.

A promise is a promise

2011-06-08, 10:57 AM
Gibson swore when the crazies he had been saddled with went dashing off into the fog like a brace of rabbits. Yelling at Wolfe to get to the cars, he ran back up the hill.

************************************************** *********

As you enter the fog, the road changes. It goes from being graded to a muddy track, filled with black pools of water like dark mirrors. The fog appears to deepen in all directions, and the trees seem oppressive. Wolfgang's motorcycle makes it a few dozen feet in when the motor begins to cough and then fails to fire entirely. Barely minutes later, the two Bureau Fords bounce and slide through the mud as their engines splutter and die.

After exiting the vehicles, Gibson and Wolfe check the two cars and determine that there is nothing mechanically wrong with them. Gibson was about to elaborate further when he head jerked towards the town.

{Listen checks}

2011-06-08, 11:52 AM
So the automatons had broken down. No great loss, in her mind - Miya preferred walking in any case. She wondered if the wretched firearms would fail as well. Her allies relied on them... but she'd find it hard to mourn the loss of such soulless and cowardly contraptions.

Suddenly, her ears pricked. Did she just hear something through this blanket of fog...? Probably not, but the two agents' reactions to the same spoke differently. She wasn't sure what they were reacting to, but she readied herself all the same.

OOC: Listen Check [roll0]

2011-06-08, 02:25 PM
Wolfgang swore under his breath at his engine stopping. Wolfgang hopped off his bike and looked two the two investigators examining their car. He didn't know if they any mechanical skills, and figured it couldn't hurt to examine for himself. He pulls his tool kits and sword out of the bike and sets to the task while the investigators are working.

craft: mechanical


craft: electrical

And knowledge check to know what is going on:


I would also like to test out whether or not the floodlight built into my shield still works

2011-06-08, 02:26 PM
((sorry guys))

craft: mechanical


craft: electrical

And knowledge check to know what is going on:


2011-06-08, 02:29 PM
((this is clearly not my day))

craft: mechanical


craft: electrical

And knowledge: arcana check to know what is going on:


2011-06-08, 03:55 PM
OOC: Seconding the Knowledge - Arcane Lore check. Anything Miya's heard of that could cause technology to fail like this. No sense not trying, after all. [roll0]

2011-06-08, 04:35 PM
Marleena Feyr

The sudden silence brought Marleena to full military alertness as she raised her rifle, aiming around her. She was listening intently for any sound that she could direct the others to engage. She slowed her breathing listening intently, and also looking around to see where the most cover would be provided.

Listen Check - [roll0]
Tactics Check (to ascertain best cover to attack to and from) - [roll1]

2011-06-09, 06:05 AM
Gibson pulls out a revolver (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4154/4993470366_dde6982250.jpg) of some sort while Wolfe pulls out his own pistol (http://personalsecurityzone.com/images/CIMCA850lg.jpg). Gibson glances at him before commanding him to watch the vehicles before preparing to head in the direction of the sound.

{PMs have been sent to those who rolled for anything. Also, because I love guns, who can name the two pistols without using tineye?}

2011-06-09, 11:27 AM
Wolfgang jumps up at the sound of gunfire.

Somebody is alive, and still fighting.

Wolfgang drops the lance, its not useful anymore with out the bike.

He charges forward, sword and shield in hand

2011-06-09, 12:46 PM
Battle. Or at least, the Bakaokami thought there was one - she was going to murder him if this was a false alarm. She swung her massive greatsword over her shoulder, unsheathing it in the process as she began her own charge. She kept herself a few steps in front, but took care not to outpace the plate-clad man overmuch. She took a deep breath...

"Kusanagi wa, hanasu!" Miya's cry echos in the fog... and then matched by a roaring clap of thunder, as her ancestral blade roused itself to life, an impossibly keen edge of wind and thunder reinforcing its length.

2011-06-10, 02:00 AM
Not having paid any particular attention to what just happened. John just sort of charges in the same direction.

2011-06-10, 05:15 AM
Marleena Feyr

Taking up the rear, she follows, albeit very cautiously. While the woods provided the best cover for the attackers, the fact that the noise came from the town was comforting. It probably was a survivor, one who probably had a weapon on them. She moved forward quickly but cautiously.

Shotguns were devastating close range weapons. If this turned out to be a threat, she wanted to eliminate it from as far away as possible.

2011-06-10, 06:23 AM
As you move along, dark shapes loom from the dense fog, and the muddy ground underfoot gives way to slick, wet pavement. A ramshackle wooden sign reads "Welcome to Micro". As you get closer, the shapes resolve into buildings whose windows are boarded, broken, and lightless. Nothing moves nearby, though the fog limits visibility. Faint sounds, as of something groaning, echo hollowly from somewhere deeper in the town.

2011-06-10, 06:26 AM
"Well, this isn't good. Looks like the injuries are going to start around now..."

2011-06-10, 02:04 PM
John lets his Thompson rest on it's strap as he puts his hands up to his mouth. It's a long shot, but if anyone had read Huck Finn, it might work.
He sucks down some air and lets out a loud Whoop!

2011-06-11, 01:24 AM
In the space between one footfall and the next, the girl warrior focused herself, shutting her eyes as she continued her approach to the sounds.

Yōkai left traces of themselves when they tread the Earth, as did all thing of the Heavens. Most could see them only with special prayers or ancient arcana, but to a few it came naturally... if with limits. Calling on her blood, Kirino let her ice blue eyes snap open, something... unworldly in them as she continued her charge.

OOC: Activating the Shadow Slayer ability Detect Shadow, as soon as the moans seem close enough to plausibly be in range. Making note of any lingering auras as well, that might lead to that which they originate from.

2011-06-14, 06:14 AM
Fog shrouds the streets, limiting the vision to around a dozen yards. The buildings here at the edge of town look abandoned, burned out, or barricaded. Garbage litters the ground, and a carrion stench assaults your nose. Ahead, an overturned car blocks part of the intersection.


{The map is pretty crappy, but it's better than nothing (Pretend that circle in the intersection is an overturned car). Please indicate which square you would like to be in. (You're coming in from the bottom of the map). Selinia, I'll let you know what you detect after we determine where you are.}

2011-06-14, 03:30 PM
((put me one square in front of everyone else))

2011-06-19, 01:24 PM
{Finally got the map to cooperate with me. The circles should be in your dialogue colors, and the orange one is Gibson.}


2011-06-19, 08:37 PM
Miya abruptly slams to a halt, giving a wordless shout and gesturing for the others to do the same as she readied herself, blade in hand.

"We are not alone. There are things here not of this earth - ahead of us, and in the ally to the left. They are very close. Be ready." She glances around, peering fiercely into the mists. "Yōkai! Make yourself and your grievances known! I, Kirino Miya, daughter of Kirino Izo, granddaughter of Kirino Toshiaki, request your ear!" The words were highly formal, but no less fiery in tone for that fact.

2011-06-19, 08:40 PM
Wolfgang readies his sword and sheild and moves 5 feet forward, preparing to intercept any attack with his sheild

((total defense action))

2011-06-19, 08:42 PM
Wolfgang readies his sword and sheild and moves 5 feet forward, preparing to intercept any attack with his sheild

((total defense action))

2011-06-19, 08:52 PM
John advances to the corner, looking around with his Thompson in hand. He throws up his back hand and signals to the sniper to stay back and ready.

2011-06-20, 07:20 AM
Marleena Feyr

Nodding back at the officer, she raises the rifle so she's looking down the sight, moving down into a crouched position to get better aim. She checks her safeties, which are off, and waits for further orders.

2011-06-24, 01:46 AM
John Talvert
John shoulders his Thompson and crouches to give the sniper a better shot. He moves five feet past the corner, keeping his eyes peeled.
If he sees something, he'll shoot at it.

Ready an action to attack anything that moves. [roll0] damage [roll1]

2011-06-25, 03:20 PM
{Now with labelling! The 'S' signifies it's size category is small, while the 'M' indicates medium.}

Moving up to the corner, John can see two people just standing around. Neither look healthy and neither gives any indication they have noticed the party. However, John can also see a pair of quadrupedal animals that look like a cross between a giant rat and a wolf. They're jaws are extraordinary in size, and thier eyes glitter with rabid fury. The pair are streaked with gore.

{Would you like to keep your readied action, or use those rolls on one of your visible targets?}

2011-06-26, 02:12 AM
"Those are no longer humans, if they ever were!" Miya is still a few paces behind the swift gunman's reflexes, but she takes a moment to shout out what she can feel in her very flesh and bone. "Those are Yōkai, and they do not speak! Beware of them, and be ready!"

2011-06-26, 02:14 AM
OOC: Trawling for any recognition of what these things might be.
Arcane Lore check to ID the humanoid creatures: [roll0]
Arcane Lore check to ID the bestial creatures: [roll1]

2011-06-26, 08:44 AM
Wolfgang was inclined to agree with miya but still would not strike down a human if he didnt have to. They could be posessed and saveable. If they were undead however, there would be no redemption except that which could come through his blade.

free action to speak:

2011-06-26, 06:47 PM
I'll fire on the closest demon thing.
"Whatever the demons once were, these are clearly tortured beyond repair."

2011-06-27, 03:38 PM
John's Thompson thuds once as it spits a low velocity slug at the nearest four-legged creature. The bullet impacts in the chest, just below the neck and it staggers but remains upright, snarling viciously. A new figure appears in the mouth of the alley and speaks some words nobody understands. As it speaks, you can practically feel the hair stand on the back of your neck.


{I wanted to have a new map up, but it seems photobucket just loads a blank page. Also, Wolfgang needs to make a will save}

2011-06-27, 04:27 PM
Miya quickly takes in the revelation of the newcomer, adjusting her stance slightly and bracing herself. Taking a deep breath, she charged the arcane creature with a sharp battle cry, swinging Kusanagi in a devastating downward arc. Almost too fast to follow, the sword changes directions in complete contradiction of its previous momentum, coming in for another pass faster than ought to be humanly possible.


Arcane Lore to ID the spellcasting creature: [roll0]

Move to attack the creature - not sure where precisely it is. Assuming its one space into the alleyway, she'll occupy the square to the immediate southeast of Wolfgang.

First attack to-hit: [roll1]
First attack damage: [roll2] and sonic damage [roll3]

Second attack to-hit: [roll4]
Second attack damage: [roll5] and sonic damage [roll6]

2011-06-27, 04:33 PM
Critical confirmation roll, assuming this thing isn't immune to them: [roll0]

2011-06-27, 08:48 PM
will save


critical success!!!!

2011-06-28, 02:01 PM

For a moment, Wolfgang can feel his muscles seizing up. His muscles began to feel leaden and the strong desire not to anything so strenuous as actually moving rose up in his mind. Then it vanished as Wolfgang shook of the compulsion. Miya's stroke practically blows the creature to pieces, and it crumples lifelessly to the ground.

2011-06-30, 08:17 AM
Marleena Feyr

She rushes forward, still ready to fire so she can get a better shot at the nasty four-legged demons, as we are still unsure of what the humanoids are.

Move Action to go as far forward in a straight line as possible. If I can be in line with a carrion eater diagonally, I'll stop one space ahead of and to the right of WDM

2011-06-30, 12:55 PM

{Would you like to do anything else? You still have a standard action.}

2011-06-30, 06:13 PM
(I wasn't sure if I could move that far in one move)

Marleena opens fire on the other rodent-like animal.

Attack Roll - [roll0]
Damage Roll - [roll1]

2011-07-04, 12:29 PM
With a loud crack, Marleena shoots the other beast, nearly knocking it off its feet. It remains standing however, and growls at her.

{Volt, you're up.}

2011-07-04, 12:52 PM
James forwards, firing at the creature separate from the others. It looked too far for John to cover, so it would put the others at risk.

Moving forwards three squares, then shooting the rightmost enemy.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-07-04, 02:58 PM
James' pistol barked once as he fired at on of the fog-shrouded figures, drawing a low moan that causes your hair to stand on end.

2011-07-05, 02:24 PM

Attack Rolls






Edit: All enemy attacks missed.

The small beasts attack those that hurt them while the other figures shuffle forward to attack those nearest them. Overlaying the odor of rotting flesh, you smell the sickly sweet smell of disease.

2011-07-05, 04:58 PM
Seeing the beasts converge around John, Wolfgang says a prayer in latin as he charges in, bringing his sword down onto one of the shambling men attacking John



2011-07-05, 05:03 PM

2011-07-06, 01:13 PM
Knowing at such a close range his Rifle and Tommy gun are useless, he drops it to let it hang on it's strap. Instead he cross draws his trench knife and tackles the shambling horror in front of him. He roars as he does so, grabbing it's arms and keeping it's teeth away from him.

Grapple check: [roll0]

2011-07-06, 05:40 PM
Wolfgang's mighty stroke bites deeply into the creature he faces, yet it doesn't fall, nor does it bleed. The diseased smell emanates strongly from the cut it has received. While John's move catches his target off guard, causing it to lash out frantically.

Attack of Opportunity on John.


2011-07-06, 06:09 PM
{I totally forgot about Gibson.}

Gibson pulled his oldtimey revolver and put a round into the other beast.

...and he missed.


2011-07-06, 10:45 PM
Even as her swing is recovering from cleaving the spellcasting undead monstrosity nearly in two, Miya breaks into a short leaping run, using the heavy blade's weight to bank a sharp turn around Marleena and slamming the massive weapon into the man-thing that had tried to strike the marksman down. Again, the blade jerked oddly at the end of the swing and changed direction without regard to its significant momentum.


Move one space North-West, then one space North. Attack M3 twice.

Attack 1 to-hit: [roll0]
Attack 1 damage: [roll1] + Sonic: [roll2]

Attack 2 to-hit: [roll3]
Attack 2 damage: [roll4] + Sonic: [roll5]

2011-07-08, 09:52 AM
Both of Miya's swings pass wide of her mark, cutting only air.


2011-07-08, 10:59 AM
OOC: Just looked over my character sheet, and I forgot a few bonuses in my previous rounds. >.<
Marleena Feyr

Watching only for a second as the proud Japanese woman elegantly tried to attack the creatures, she waits for an open shot, squeezing the trigger to fire another round into the small creature. The humanoids seemed less aggressive, and could probably be beaten back with more ease than the ferocious creatures that looked as if they were ready to tear them apart.

Attack Roll - [roll0]
Damage Roll - [roll1]

2011-07-10, 03:10 PM
Marleena's shot goes wide and the enemy are quick take advantage of her distraction.

Attacks of Opportunity
S2:[roll0] for [roll1]
M3:[roll2] for [roll3]

{FlamingScales, please add your class bonus to defense to your sheet. Volt, you're up.}

2011-07-13, 05:41 AM
James sees an opening between two of his allies, and fires at the creature beyond it. Well, this is going well so far. No injuries on our side.

Aiming for the creature labelled S2.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-07-14, 02:29 AM
James' shot misses the creature as it attacks Marleena.

S1 to break grapple:[roll0] Fail.

M1 to attack John:[roll1] for [roll2] Miss.

M2 to attack Wolfgang:[roll3] for [roll4] Miss.

S2 to attack Marleena:[roll5] for [roll6] Miss.
[roll7] for [roll8] Miss.
[roll9] for [roll10] Miss.

M3 to attack Miya:[roll11] for [roll12] Hit. Requires a Fort save.

2011-07-14, 05:05 PM
OOC: M3 is actually a miss, unless I'm much mistaken. Her AC is 22 against melee attacks, since she has Defensive Martial Arts, and 23 against M3 specifically right now because its her current opponent (I think that's how dodge works anyway - its the last thing she attacked) Her AC at the top of her sheet doesn't include any of her feat modifiers.

Still, if its still needed, here's a Fort save. [roll0]

Also - though once again I'm not totally positive here on how the feats work - I think that lets her use Agile Riposite, right? If it does, then;

AoO vs M3 To-hit: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] + Sonic [roll3]

2011-07-14, 09:14 PM
{You are correct, so you do not have to worry about the fort save.}

2011-07-19, 04:02 PM
Wolfgang heaves his sword as hard as he can into the monster in front of him intent on cleaving it in 2

Power Attack


2011-07-23, 04:39 PM
Wolfgang's powerful cut swings wide of the mark, slicing only air.

His first shot having missed, Gibson figured it could count as a warning shot. Shouting at the enemy combatants, he yelled "Put your hands up, you're all under arrest!"

{Krennel, you're up.}

2011-07-23, 05:25 PM
Taking his knife, he stabs the beast as hard as he can as they roll on the ground.
"Gibs, I doubt they are going to listen!" He yells as he tries to avoid it's teeth and flailing limbs.

Not sure if I need an attack roll, but here it is.[roll0]And damage [roll1]

2011-07-24, 05:13 PM
{As far as i can remember, you just autohit with a light weapon if you control grappel.}

John's knife slides in and bites deep, killing the rabid little beast.


{i believe Selinia is up, now.}

2011-07-26, 10:39 AM
Frustrated by the prior miss, Miya gives a loud kiai as she whips the blade around for another series of blows at the shambling monstrosity, the wordless shout harmonizing oddly well with the dull rumble Kusanagi made as it trailed through the air.

OOC: Attack M3 twice. If it goes down, Miya's new dodge target it S2. Otherwise it remains M3.

Attack 1 to-hit: [roll0]
Attack 1 damage: [roll1] + Sonic: [roll2]

Attack 2 to-hit: [roll3]
Attack 2 damage: [roll4] + Sonic: [roll5]

2011-07-26, 11:30 AM
Miya's swordwork causes body parts fall from the creature, yet it remains standing and moans gloomily.