View Full Version : Gods From The Stone - In-Character

2011-05-22, 04:40 PM



Powerful gods once ruled over the world of Urak. Eventually, a great war reduced the world to rubble, forcing them to declare a long ceasefire. However, a single, powerful trickster god brought down the doom of the gods, causing some to kill eachother in duels, backstabbing and other treacheries. By the time the trickster's work was almost done the remaining gods poured their life force into a single sorcerer, descended from Chronarchs, Lunarians and Arcadians. This sorcerer battled the trickster, who had stolen the powers of the dead gods and after disfiguring the battered world even more savagely, he sealed him into a mystical stone.

The sorcerer, who's name has been forgotten, as the god's name has been forgotten, had studied the secrets of the gods for years before he had discovered one secret that had him in awe. Some say that this powerful secret caused him to abandon the stone, and to leave the world. Now, in the oldest ruins of the world, the Stone has made many gods. What will happen to the world now will be spoken of forever.

The gods are currently in The Ancient City of Lumis, which looms high above even the Highest Mountains. There is a great section of the city with the god's mansions. The rest of the City is in ruins.

2011-05-22, 04:58 PM
Argentia yawned and stretched out her back. As was her wont she looked through her mirror to see the state of the world and if anything interesting was happening down there.

2011-05-22, 05:20 PM
*Click clack* *click clack*

The loom, which was kept in motion the night long, falls silent, as the last shadow is finished. Moving past the shadowed tapestries that hang from the ceiling and the walls, a figure moves to the doorway. The door is flung open with the first light of sunrise brightening the world.

"Another night, and another morning. Perhaps tonight will be the last one, but likely not."

And with those words, Umbraga heads out into the ruins of the city.

2011-05-22, 05:48 PM
Nothing. Momento Moroi looked around and could remember nothing, although he was certain there should be something. How and why he was here was lost. The place itself seemed to have lost its past, a ruin without a living thing in sight. No past and entirely lost, after a few minutes drifting Moroi realizes that he is lost because he is nowhere. Thus the best way to find where he is would be to make it somewhere. So he steps off the street, onto a a large foundation down to two walls and an arch, and decided it was home.

2011-05-22, 05:49 PM
The young god Mojo snores away, his bed of white wool a mess and his clothes twisted every which way around him.


A loud yawn and he awakens, rubbing his eyes sleepily, and standing from his bed. He fixes his clothes slowly as a small group of rabbits goes to work making his bed.

I guess I should see what's gonna happen today...
He says dreamily as he again yawns and rubs his eyes, his clothes now the wrinkled but still presentable mess that is expected of him. He walks lightly from his room, down the hall and out into his yard. Onlookers may not the distinct lack of doors or windows, instead just large openings.

2011-05-22, 06:44 PM
"Gone. All of it, gone. The Father, Mother Earth, Sol, Nox...All dead." Above the remains of the great city, a storm brewed. All of Lumis was shrouded in the gloom of rain and wind. From within the storm, thoughts brewed. The great divinities had left, or died, or been murdered, The great mortal races, too, had gone, the last of their power departed with the mighty sorceror.
It was time to begin anew.
Down, the storm went. Twisting, turning, changing. A small twister formed on the outside of the city, moving ever downward. At last, the last of the clouds came to the ground. As the clouds disappated, something new stood in their place. A large, quadrapedial beast, with claws and fangs and glowing red eyes. Across his fur ran red runes, currently without meaning, but with the potential for great stories to be told. Walking away from the city of birth, the new being came across a river. Looking down at itself, it occured to the godling that it needed a name. "A name. Something strong, and fierce. But not evil. A hunter's name. Sealgair. Yes, Sealgair."

2011-05-22, 10:14 PM
Argentia learns of several very small human civilizations of humans. The largest civilizations have barely 1,000,000 people, and you are able to tell from the mirror and your divine senses that there are only slightly more than a handful of that number throughout the entire world. Lunarians, Arcadians, and Chronarchs, however, seem to have twice that number each, and live in countries witch much larger cities than human cities.

Garland, the mage god of thunder looks mournfully throughout the world. He seems to remember something for just a moment, and then forgets. He looks to the other gods who have come out of their estates and motions for them to gather around. "Something must be done." He states directly.

2011-05-22, 11:29 PM
It was strange. The material Moroi had pulled from the empty vessel seemed different. Wrong somehow. In a myriad of ways the palace he had begun to construct was off. Some parts lacked color, some cast no shadow. But everywhere something was wrong. For example the room Momento Moroi had been using as a study proved intangible to the weather, very annoying during a storm.

No use working now, Momento concentrated on the small box he had been using as the empty vessel, setting free the idea to be rebound to something else. With a little concentration Moroi moved himself through the walls and outside to see what the racket was. A slow sweep of the area showed him that dog thing coming and going. A closer look showed him the storm god. Drawing his rags tighter about him he went over to meet this new being.

2011-05-22, 11:33 PM
Umbraga hobbles over to Garland, a scowl on her face.

And what should be done then? Have any down below proven their worth? I think not. But since the rest of you will want to help them, I'll go along with this idea.

2011-05-22, 11:37 PM
Umbraga hobbles over to Garland, a scowl on her face.

And what should be done then? Have any down below proven their worth? I think not. But since the rest of you will want to help them, I'll go along with this idea.

It was strange. The material Moroi had pulled from the empty vessel seemed different. Wrong somehow. In a myriad of ways the palace he had begun to construct was off. Some parts lacked color, some cast no shadow. But everywhere something was wrong. For example the room Momento Moroi had been using as a study proved intangible to the weather, very annoying during a storm.

No use working now, Momento concentrated on the small box he had been using as the empty vessel, setting free the idea to be rebound to something else. With a little concentration Moroi moved himself through the walls and outside to see what the racket was. A slow sweep of the area showed him that dog thing coming and going. A closer look showed him the storm god. Drawing his rags tighter about him he went over to meet this new being.

"Umbraga, how typically selfish of you to think this has to do only with mortals. No. Something strange has happened. I don't know what it is. Our creation seemed as if it was long ago, and yet we know we've been here for what is to us, mere moments. Some of us are manifestations of the Stone's magic. Other's of us are manifestations only of certain attributes of the Stone that are quite spiritual rather than arcane. This. . . Stone. It has been here since the moment of our making. It has been our lifeforce, our food, our nourishment. Now it is. . . gone."


Question, are our gods newly created, or have we existed for some time
"The above answers that question."

2011-05-23, 12:18 AM
Svengal stepped out from behind Umbraga, growling at the thunder god. His body does shift and change, the waves rolling around his wolfin form seeping into what was now his skin, forming a human shape. He hefts the axe over his shoulder and tilts his head with a devrlish grin, adressing Garland. ''And who are you, that knows so much about all of us? Who are you to call one of you'r siblings selfish?''

2011-05-23, 12:40 AM
"Don't any of you remember?" Was all Garland could respond with. "Of course I'd remember Umbraga is evil, with his aura pouring with dark energy. Of course, I could ask why none of you remember our entire lives. It is as if our lives have been but a moment, and not yet moments. There is no need for suspicion of me, however, know that I am no enemy of any of you."

2011-05-23, 01:23 PM
The winds in front of the thunder god seem to coalesce and a young figure steps forth. His light blue hair standing almost completely upright with his elfin figure clothed only in white and blue leather garments. A long blue cloak flaps in the calm winds behind him.
"To be honest I think I've always had a problem with remembering my life, or maybe I haven't ever had that problem if what you're saying is right."

The figure looks around himself at the ruins.

"So, err... does anyone actually know what happened to this place?"

2011-05-23, 05:15 PM
The winds in front of the thunder god seem to coalesce and a young figure steps forth. His light blue hair standing almost completely upright with his elfin figure clothed only in white and blue leather garments. A long blue cloak flaps in the calm winds behind him.
"To be honest I think I've always had a problem with remembering my life, or maybe I haven't ever had that problem if what you're saying is right."

The figure looks around himself at the ruins.

"So, err... does anyone actually know what happened to this place?"

"It's always been like this. Don't you remember? But that's not what is important. The Stone is gone. Whomever has that Stone could have the Ultimate Power. This is not good."

2011-05-23, 06:16 PM
Argentia - The Silver Palace

Argentia observed the meeting of the gods and sighed. Garland was at it again, calling another pointless meeting. He should have learned better by now. They always forgot again once the wheel came round. Not that Argentia remembered any better than any of the other gods of course, but whatever wiped the memories of the gods did not seem to affect her mirror, or to completely affect Garland. Still, Argentia was bored by the loop of meetings she was being shown, although Garland did get more frustrated and more amusing with each one. It was still a rather boring sequence, and the world below didn't have anything interesting going on, so Argentia decided to leave her palace and join the meeting.

Argentia - The Divine Meeting

Argentia flowed to the meeting on a carpet of living quicksilver. Once arriving she said "I agree with Garland. Since the stone has vanished our memories have been vanishing with it with each divine cycle. Ignorance was fun at first, because everything was bright and new. I have grown weary of the repetition that this brings however, and I propose that we seek out the location of the stone, or at least some way to keep our memories from departing with the change of the cycle".

2011-05-23, 07:59 PM
Umbraga rolls her eyes. At least Garland does have a point, besides getting a hold of the stone would suit her plans to a T.

Well, since its so important, go and use that mirror of Argentia's to help you find it. I'll go and look in my tapestries. The odds of anyone hiding anything from both of us is slim.

2011-05-23, 08:23 PM
The Divine Meeting

Sealgair came lumbering up to the group of godlings, wondering at this other god who had called them together. A low growl briefly escaped his lips, and he stood upon his two hind legs. "Stone? Previous time? I am new. I know not of what you speak, Thunderer. All I know is that you and I are at odds. Thunderer, you step upon my domain. I am the storm. Give me a good reason why I should not strike you down now, why I should trust you. Thirty seconds. Go."

2011-05-23, 09:29 PM
The Divine Meeting

Sealgair came lumbering up to the group of godlings, wondering at this other god who had called them together. A low growl briefly escaped his lips, and he stood upon his two hind legs. "Stone? Previous time? I am new. I know not of what you speak, Thunderer. All I know is that you and I are at odds. Thunderer, you step upon my domain. I am the storm. Give me a good reason why I should not strike you down now, why I should trust you. Thirty seconds. Go."

"You are Storm . . .Storms can take many forms. I am not of the Storm. I merely possess the power of Thunder. Thunder is but one facet of the Storm."
"Besides, I can sense no evil in you. Why would you kill a kindred spirit?"

2011-05-23, 11:49 PM
Momento Moroi- Meeting of the Gods

After a few minutes silence Moroi asks, "The Stone seems a liability. We depend upon it, but we know little about it. Perhaps if there are none beyond here who can use it we could abandon it and find a new path."

2011-05-24, 08:50 PM
Momento Moroi- Meeting of the Gods

After a few minutes silence Moroi asks, "The Stone seems a liability. We depend upon it, but we know little about it. Perhaps if there are none beyond here who can use it we could abandon it and find a new path."

"Perhaps you are right. But we must stand firm and resolved if we are to survive against anyone wielding the Stone. The implications of what they could do to us with that is terrifying."

2011-05-24, 09:01 PM
Mojo approaches the other gods, his rabbits trailing behind,
What could they do?
He asks with a certain child-like curiosity the just seems so sweet.

He looks to the other gods wide eyed, siting on the ground cross legged and leaning against an exceptionably large rabbit.

2011-05-24, 09:05 PM
"Maybe whatever well we all can do. And that's a frightening thought." Was all Garland could respond with. "Someone with the evil of Umbraga, the wrath of Sealgair, my strength and power, and all the other things, would be able to do anything."

2011-05-24, 09:11 PM
Mojo shakes his head,
I don't think so. If we know so little about the Stone, why would they know more? And why would they want to be bad? We haven't hurt them.

He pets a bunny as he makes his confusion clear, why would this be a problem?

2011-05-24, 09:22 PM
Sealgair shook his head sadly. "Child, many a warrior does not need a reason to go to battle. They do so for the glory and the thrill. Others simply enjoy causing their enemies pain." As Sealgair turned back to the Thunder god, he looked at each of his siblings in turn. Sealgair nodded once to Garland. "Very well. I shall listen, Thunderer. For now. But, explain. I do not know what this "Stone" is. You speak of it as though it were some awe-inspiring weapon. But are we not Gods? Are we not the strongest of all creatures upon this forsaken world, now that those who came before us have passed?"

2011-05-24, 09:26 PM
Sealgair shook his head sadly. "Child, many a warrior does not need a reason to go to battle. They do so for the glory and the thrill. Others simply enjoy causing their enemies pain." As Sealgair turned back to the Thunder god, he looked at each of his siblings in turn. Sealgair nodded once to Garland. "Very well. I shall listen, Thunderer. For now. But, explain. I do not know what this "Stone" is. You speak of it as though it were some awe-inspiring weapon. But are we not Gods? Are we not the strongest of all creatures upon this forsaken world, now that those who came before us have passed?"

"Even those of us who have not been made directly by the Stone have been nourished and warmthed by it. We are all connected by the Stone, whoever we are, whatever our true origins. It was from the Stone that most of the powers of the previous gods have come from. And as far as the power of the Stone is concerned, it is so powerful that our greatest weapons are like crude stones and twigs compared to it."

2011-05-24, 09:56 PM
Well, since Garland can inform the rest of you of the importance of this task, I'll get to work on this.

Umbraga turns away from the group.

2011-05-24, 10:01 PM
Mojo gets up gracefully and steps over to Umbraga,
Would you like some help?

He doesn't want Umbraga to feel excluded, so he is gonna make them included. By including himself in their doings.

2011-05-24, 10:29 PM
Umbraga sighs, she doesn't like having guests in her home.

Fine, but if you mess up my tapestries, you will be sorry.

More eyes should help find anything important, and Mojo should be easy enough to beat to the stone if they find its location.

2011-05-24, 10:32 PM
He shakes his head softly,
I won't touch anything. What are we looking for?

He stares around curiously, he hands held firmly behind his back.

2011-05-24, 10:40 PM
Umbraga's Home

Umbraga's home appears to be a hut on the outside, on the inside is a different story.
Hallways with dark tapestries covering all but the floor fill the shadowed mansion.

Umbraga moves down the hallway, tapestries flowing after her.

These are too old to have the information we want.

2011-05-24, 10:49 PM
Mojo follows swiftly, his posse of rabbits left behind, he is now followed by a black sheep.
Did you make all these?

He stares in wonder, he hasn't been in any of the other gods homes before so doesn't know what to expect. Obviously he is surprised,
This is much more elaborate than my house...

2011-05-24, 11:04 PM
Umbraga's Home

Yes, I made them.

Umbraga heads deeper into her home.

The most recent should be with the loom.

Umbraga says to herself, forgeting that she has a guest.

2011-05-24, 11:11 PM
Oh. I don't know what that is... These are very nice though.
He smiles and keeps pace.

Skipping lightly, his black sheep trots along as well.

2011-05-24, 11:19 PM
Umbraga's Home

Umbraga heads for the center of her home. In the center, is a circular room, with a giant loom filling most of the room.

Now, where is it?

Umbraga looks at the tapestries, trying to location something about the stone.

2011-05-24, 11:25 PM
Umbraga's Home

Umbraga heads for the center of her home. In the center, is a circular room, with a giant loom filling most of the room.

Now, where is it?

Umbraga looks at the tapestries, trying to location something about the stone.

"Where is it?" Zarda heard a strange voice from above. She looked up, and yet she saw nothing. Umbraga could tell that the Stone had something to do with the strange village she saw inside the Cliff dweller's town she was now looking at. She did not quite see the Stone, and yet the townsfolk was there.

2011-05-24, 11:26 PM
Mojo and his sheepy friend look around timidly, not wanting anythig bad to happen. As they search Mojo finds a tapestry that is marked in such a way that it catches his eye.
Did I find it?

He asks somewhat rhetorically, knowing that he found something special.

2011-05-24, 11:43 PM
Umbraga's Home

Hmm, perhaps.

Umbraga moves over to her loom.

There is traces of the stone, but we cannot be certain. So, it seems we have a journey to make.

Umbraga starts to weave an image of the town of the cliff dwellers, to use as a means to travel there.

2011-05-25, 09:35 AM
Momento Moroi- His House

Reaching into a sack turned into the Empty Vessel Momento Moroi said, "The Dead remember, and they serve me." With a flourish he pulled forth several dozen wisps of smoke and threw them to the ground. There they roiled and swelled eventually taking the ghostly forms of all manner of creatures. "Find the Stone thingy everybody is talking about. I don't know where it is, who has it, what it looks like, just that it is powerful. Go!" With his contribution in play, Moroi returned to his work. He needed something big for his house, so he began to plan. And his plans twisted off into worlds of their own.

2011-05-25, 01:32 PM
Svengal shook his head at the departing gods, stating ''You and you'r seeing and stones bring nothing but trouble. The only way to end this cycle is to hack at the root of the problem!'' suddenly the surrounding area seems to be made of wood, the breaking buildings and debris gone, replaces by a great ship.'' I shall go down to the mortal realm myself, and find this ''stone'' no doubt some idiot mortal has it, and they think they can replace the power of the gods. Any of you with the strength to help me hunt.. You'r welcome aboard my home, if not.. Get the hell off of my ship'' With thayt he turned and walked to the helm of the ship, swinging his axe experimentaly.''

2011-05-25, 03:56 PM
Argentia laughs and flows aboard the great ship, carefully inspecting any artwork that she may find.

2011-05-26, 12:43 PM
Umbraga's Home

After a moment, the image is woven.

Now, its time to go

Umbraga hangs the image up, then moves to step through it, and therefore go to the village.

2011-05-26, 12:44 PM
Umbraga's Home

Hmm, perhaps.

Umbraga moves over to her loom.

There is traces of the stone, but we cannot be certain. So, it seems we have a journey to make.

Umbraga starts to weave an image of the town of the cliff dwellers, to use as a means to travel there.

You weave the image of the town you noticed, and you find yourself there in a matter of moments. You notice that the primitive society there seems to be absent of men at the moment. Most of the townsfolk are women or girls now.

Mojo and his sheepy friend look around timidly, not wanting anythig bad to happen. As they search Mojo finds a tapestry that is marked in such a way that it catches his eye.
Did I find it?

He asks somewhat rhetorically, knowing that he found something special.

Momento Moroi- His House

Reaching into a sack turned into the Empty Vessel Momento Moroi said, "The Dead remember, and they serve me." With a flourish he pulled forth several dozen wisps of smoke and threw them to the ground. There they roiled and swelled eventually taking the ghostly forms of all manner of creatures. "Find the Stone thingy everybody is talking about. I don't know where it is, who has it, what it looks like, just that it is powerful. Go!" With his contribution in play, Moroi returned to his work. He needed something big for his house, so he began to plan. And his plans twisted off into worlds of their own.

The creatures are sent to the same area where Umbraga has appeared, at the town of the Cliffdwellers.

Svengal shook his head at the departing gods, stating ''You and you'r seeing and stones bring nothing but trouble. The only way to end this cycle is to hack at the root of the problem!'' suddenly the surrounding area seems to be made of wood, the breaking buildings and debris gone, replaces by a great ship.'' I shall go down to the mortal realm myself, and find this ''stone'' no doubt some idiot mortal has it, and they think they can replace the power of the gods. Any of you with the strength to help me hunt.. You'r welcome aboard my home, if not.. Get the hell off of my ship'' With thayt he turned and walked to the helm of the ship, swinging his axe experimentaly.''

The ship instinctively seems to go towards the meeting area of the searching parties. Not too far from a large area of green mingled with rock, the ship will stop at a large beach.

2011-05-26, 01:42 PM
Cliffdweller town

Umbraga decides to use her shadowed shawl while she looks around. No point in letting others know that's she's here.

After this precaution, she heads out to explore this town. There must be a clue to the stone's location somewhere in this town.

2011-05-26, 02:32 PM
Cliffdweller's Town

Mojo follows after Umbraga, concealing himself as a young, snow white lamb. He looks around avidly, trying to find some clues.

2011-05-26, 03:33 PM
Argentia - A Ship Fit For Gods

Argentia slides around on the ship and says "What an interesting contraption. It seems to be lacking in the most important element of all though". She then uses her mirror to observe the nearby area and find any deposits or items made of silvery materials.

2011-05-26, 07:48 PM
Sealgair snorted as the other godlings went off to find this Stone. "Well, if they all feel the need to go chasing after some mysterious artifact, more power to them. I have more pressing matters to attend to." The memory of what had occured before Sealgair had named himself was slowly fading from his mind. But one thing rang loud and clear through Sealgair's being. Worship. He remembered the Old Gods speaking of mortals, who gave praise and sacrifice to the gods, filling them with power. Sealgair desired this power for himself. So, he galloped down, from the city of the gods, to explore the world below, and search for life.

2011-05-27, 12:29 PM
Argentia - A Ship Fit For Gods

Argentia slides around on the ship and says "What an interesting contraption. It seems to be lacking in the most important element of all though". She then uses her mirror to observe the nearby area and find any deposits or items made of silvery materials.

Results pending

Cliffdweller's Town

Mojo follows after Umbraga, concealing himself as a young, snow white lamb. He looks around avidly, trying to find some clues.

Mojo looks around and notices that as a snow white lamb, the rocks are leaking with energy.

Cliffdweller town

Umbraga decides to use her shadowed shawl while she looks around. No point in letting others know that's she's here.

After this precaution, she heads out to explore this town. There must be a clue to the stone's location somewhere in this town.

Umbraga can instinctively tell that energy is seeping through the rocks, the crevices, and everything.

2011-05-27, 12:33 PM
Umbraga, there's lots of energy around here, what's the Stone's energy like?
The lamb trots along and sniffs at rocks trying to determine which is which.

2011-05-27, 09:12 PM
Cliffdweller town

Powerful, very powerful. Hmm.

With this seeping, its likely that the stone is below the town, and the power is seeping up from below. Umbraga looks around for some way of getting under the town.

2011-05-28, 12:15 AM
Of the ghosts that found the town, most were timid creatures. Deer, mice, and other skittish things. All but one fled back to their master, the only one to remain had in life been the some great beast, and it still had its pride. It remained to stalk the cliffs until its master arrived.

Momento Moroi was satisfied at his work, his house seemed ignorant of geometry and twisted inward on itself. The ghosts that returned told Momento Moroi of what they had found and he thanked them. With a minutes hesitation he transformed himself, he took the form of a great blind crow that stirred up ghosts wherever it passed. Faster than any mortal bird it flew until it was a mile outside of the town.

2011-06-05, 03:59 PM
Argentia grows bored and begins to examine the populace of the village, looking for someone worthy of her blessing.

2011-06-16, 03:58 PM
No way, late again Rohdr thought. It was impressive that being able to move at the speed of light still didn't help him get where he needed to be on time.
He went as fast as he could, but once he got there he saw no-one and said to himself
"Damnit, too late. I hate it when I miss a meeting.
Rohdr felt really down. Nothing was going acording to plan. His favorite human race thought he was a god of sun, and offered other humans in his name, and now he came late for a meeting!
He went to look up another god to get informed. While exploring the earth he happened to come by Argentia. He liked her, she was always gracious and remained her posture no matter what.
"Silver Lady" he greeted.
"Would you be so kind as to bestow upon me the knowledge of the subjects from the last gathering of gods?" He liked to immitate the speech pattern that Sealgair had clamed for his own. Rodhr himself didn't like to talk too "correctly", he liked to say what he had to say, so that no mistakes could be afforded.

2011-06-16, 04:35 PM
derevo also descended in the word.
He found a high mountain and decided to go and grow the biggest forset someone eer seen around it.
he started putting seeds of giganitc trees, while in the mountain caves he started growing mushrooms .

2011-06-16, 07:15 PM
Argentia - No Longer Alone

Argentia glanced at the sun god and decided that she detected a distinct lack of silver in this one. Still, she supposed that she ought to speak to it or it would distract her all day, so she said "Good morning Sunshine. Apparently we all forget everything about the world every once in a while and Garland thinks that if we find the magical stone of Sir MacGuffin then we won't forget things anymore. The others seem to think that the stone is around here somewhere, but I can't seem to find the pure mithril that would likely be in such a magical stone. Now I'm looking for a fun mortal to bless. Would you like to come play hide and seek with me with the mortals? We can give them some excellent stories". Saying this she starts to drift off towards the village, taking the shape of a silver fox.

2011-06-16, 10:09 PM
Hrok - The Grand Forge

From afar Hrok had watched the meeting and listened to what was said. The wizard had spoken some truth, as he often did (though the earth god could not quite remember these other times). Yet... something...

Something did not ring quite true, and finding this unsettling enough to act upon, Hrok took hold of Skapandevasara. He must have long arms and far-seeing eyes he decided, as upon his forge he struck nine blows of creation.

From the first came a creature of earth;
and the second fire did sire;
from the third was copper spurred.

By the fourth brass burst forth;
iron the fifth, a thing of myth;
sixth came steel, to kill with zeal.

On seven mithril was risen;
and eight bore the adamantine great;
with the last did obdurium shine.

His work finished, Hrok turned and gave his creations a command:

"Through the heart of Earth, go forth and find the Stone, and to me make it known."

Edit: Changed "crystal" to the more thematically appropriate "mithril".