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2011-05-23, 07:55 AM
Alexander Ferik: Your stay in the hospital lasted a very short time. Once the the doctors decided you fit for transportation you were quickly met by a pair of guardsmen wearing the Rosette of the Inquisition. Looking down at your battered frame lying on that hospital bed they simply said. "Your actions have been noted. You have been requisitioned." They bodily picked you up and slinging your arms over their shoulders and half-carried you to a waiting ship. Your belongings and your precious rifle were not forgotten. Bundled into a room with a the bare minimum of facilities you try to grasp what is happening. Soon the whir of engines filled your hearing...

The Inquisition. You have been recruited by the Inquisition. Your time spent aboard the ship was spent healing. Your chest no longer sports a gaping hole and though the pain still nips at your heels nothing is keeping you from active duty. The ship reaches it's destination. Escorted from the landing pad you quickly find yourself in front of an imposing set of double doors. Each is easily twice as tall as you. The wooden slabs are opened by your recruiters and you are given a gentle push forward. "Your Inquisitor awaits."

You enter the room. Directly in front of you sits Inquisitor Ziranest. On the table in front of him lies a book. It's pages lie open and the script grabs you attention. Before you have time to react you have been completely mesmerized by the crawling words. Your mind seems to of fled as you feel yourself take another step into the room and another. Suddenly you are at the desk of the Inquisitor. Yet the book still holds your gaze. The words are clearly written in some warped language. Unable to make sense of it you try to turn away. It's impossible your locked in position staring at the open pages. A silken voice whispers meanings into your mind. The book speaks to you. It too quiet. You feel your hand move towards it. Grasping at the... Suddenly a sharp pain shots through your brain. Your sight fogs over.Gain 1d5 Insanity Points.

When you again open your eyes the book has been covered over by a piece of cloth. The inquisitor looks down at you from behind the table. You realize you are on your knees and painfully rise. "I'm quite afraid you have failed already. A shame I had hopes for you. Perhaps you may yet live up to them. Remember that when fighting heretics a strong will is needed. Have faith in the emperor for you are his tool. An instrument of his wrath. Your work has already brought you to me. Now you are my tool. An instrument of my wrath. Now go Alice is waiting for you. Don't disappoint me again." He waves you away and you leave.
Vincenzo Vincetti: Olivia enters your room. However tonight she is not alone. She is flanked by a pair of Guardsmen. The Rosette of the Inquisition Proudly displayed on their carapace armour. She gestures to you and then she is gone. Fading like an apparition. Was she really there you wonder or was it a trick of the pain meds? The guardsman however briefly look at a data slate in their hands and then up at you. Your fate is sealed they march straight to you and clamping a hand on each shoulder one says. "You have been requisitioned." Quickly they guide you from the hospital and aboard a waiting ship. Your cell, for that is the best description of your room aboard the ship, is adequately furnished.Soon you feel the ship leave the docking platform. The ship lurches and Pity slides out from beneath your cot. A friendly face in these confusing circumstances. Whatever lies ahead you will face it prepared...

The Inquisition. You have been recruited by the Inquisition. Your wait is finally over. The ship reaches it's destination. Escorted from the landing pad you quickly find yourself in front of an imposing set of double doors. Each is easily twice as tall as you. The wooden slabs are opened by your recruiters and you are given a gentle push forward. "Your Inquisitor awaits."

Inside is a library the shelves stacked full of books have been pushed to the sides. The floor bares scrape marks that show this fact. Dominating the room is Inquisitor Ziranest. He sits behind a table with a large volume laid in front of him. A faint whirring sound can be heard as he studies the book. Mechandrites pour from his head like hair and his artificial eyes stayed trained on the book. You step closer. Glancing down at the book you see the words move. A faint whisper. Quickly you look back up at the Inquisitor. He now is looking straight at you. The servos in his eyes tightening as he scrutinizes you.

"Very good. You do well so far. You are here because you you noticed. Details and connections, but also because of your actions." He waves a data slate at you. "Olivia seems to think you would better serve the emperor as an acolyte of the Inquisition instead of as a corpse. It certainly would be a waste to have to dispose of such a brilliant mind. You must learn what it is accepted to notice. Luckily for you I'm hiring." He chuckles "And I need someone who notices. The right things. Report to Alice she will fill you in." He waves you gone and you leave.
Subject 31:"Now you serve the inquisition. You will report to Inquisitor Ziranest. We have shaped your mind into a tool. Use it to serve the God-Emperor. Do not let us down." You are handed over to a pair of Inquisition guardsmen who quickly transport you to a waiting ship. Empty memories flit at the edge of you mind and the past spans out behind you like a barren land. But the future, your future waits to filled...

The ship reaches it's destination. Escorted from the landing pad you quickly find yourself in front of an imposing set of double doors. Each is easily twice as tall as you. The wooden slabs are opened by your recruiters and you are given a gentle push forward. "Your Inquisitor awaits."

Inside you find Inquisitor Ziranest sat at a large table. Laying open on the table is a book. It's ancient pages stir thoughts in your mind. You try to hold those thoughts, but they slip away. The inquisitor's eye implants seem to bore into you. The silence is palpable. He waits and searches you for something. The physic aura that radiates from him begins to make your skin itch. You feel as though ants crawl across you skin. Time drags slowly on as he waits for some lapse.

"That will be all. Report to Alice for your mission." He waves you out and you almost flee the room with skin feeling like it's on fire. Whatever that was about you feel as though you escaped something much, much worse.
Millicent Richelieu: Your devoted actions to reveal the conspiracy around you was noticed. Summoned a second time to the Comtesse's chambers. You were met at the door by a pair of Inquisition guardsmen. Waving you inside they watched you enter the room. The Comtesse turned to you and said. "The emperor has plans for you it seems. The men outside are from the inquisition. They have use for you go with them and go with my blessing child." She waves you from the room and again you see the guardsmen waiting for you. Your belongings are now slung over the shoulder of one as the other fixes you with a stern gaze. "Are you prepared." You nod. "Then follow, quickly."They march of with you in tow and you quickly find yourself aboard a ship destination unknown. Wherever it may be though you will do you duty for the emperor...

The Inquisition. You have been recruited by the Inquisition. The Emperor has plans for you. That now is clear. The ship reaches it's destination. Escorted from the landing pad you quickly find yourself in front of an imposing set of double doors. Each is easily twice as tall as you. The wooden slabs are opened by your recruiters and you are given a gentle push forward. "Your Inquisitor awaits."

You enter the room. Directly in front of you sits Inquisitor Ziranest. On the table in front of him lies a book. It's pages lie open and the script grabs you attention. Before you have time to react you have been completely mesmerized by the crawling words. Your mind seems to of fled as you feel yourself take another step into the room and another. Suddenly you are at the desk of the Inquisitor. Yet the book still holds your gaze. The words are clearly written in some warped language. Unable to make sense of it you try to turn away. It's impossible your locked in position staring at the open pages. A silken voice whispers meanings into your mind. The book speaks to you. It too quiet. You feel your hand move towards it. Grasping at the... Suddenly revulsion rises in your throat. You drag your eyes from the book and a harsh silence fills your mind.Gain 1 Insanity Point

The Inquisitor looks at you his mechanical eyes whirring as they focus. "Almost. Be careful what you try to touch dear. You work for the Inquisition now. You'll be dealing with things like this." He motions at the text in front of him. "A clear head is needed at all times. Never let the your guard down. Even when you think yourself among loyal servants of the Emperor. Heresy springs up everywhere and it is my job and now yours to uproot any and all that would profane the Emperor's works. You have proven yourself once and you should trust your instincts. Now go report to Alice." He waves his hand and you leave.
Ghost: Your unique skills are easily put to use within the inquisition. Eventually you are noticed by someone and singled out from the other acolytes. Inquisitor Ziranest has claimed you. Taken from your former master and loaded onto a separate ship the next leg of your journey begins...

The ship reaches it's destination. Escorted from the landing pad you quickly find yourself in front of an imposing set of double doors. Each is easily twice as tall as you. The wooden slabs are opened by your recruiters and you are given a gentle push forward. "Your Inquisitor awaits."

Even before you step past the threshold you are filled with a foreboding. You enter the room. Directly in front of you sits Inquisitor Ziranest. On the table in front of him lies a book. It's pages lie open and the script grabs you attention. Before you have time to react you have been completely mesmerized by the crawling words. Your mind seems to of fled as you feel yourself take another step into the room and another. Suddenly you are at the desk of the Inquisitor. Yet the book still holds your gaze. The words are clearly written in some warped language. Unable to make sense of it you try to turn away. It's impossible your locked in position staring at the open pages. A silken voice whispers meanings into your mind. The book speaks to you. It too quiet. You feel your hand move towards it. Grasping at the... You turn away. Your neck muscles tearing from the strain.Gain 1 Insanity Piont

The Inquisitor looks at you his eyes smiling. "Untrained minds often wander where they shouldn't. You need to be honed like a new sword. All the parts are there your potential is great. Perhaps too great. You will serve me either way. Report to Alice for your mission. Try not to fail that would be so... wasteful." He waves you gone and you depart.
Grendel Augustus: The hand of the inquisition reaches out and plucks from the imperial guard like a ripe fruit. The shining medal for bravery is barely pinned onto your dress uniform before a pair of Inquisition Guardsmen emerge. "Your bravery has been proven. You have been requisitioned by the the inquisition." Quickly you leave with them. A waiting ship takes you far from that which you know and onto an uncertain future. Yet you know that must do your family proud...

The Inquisition. You have been recruited by the Inquisition. This a great opportunity to serve the Emperor. One that you shall not be found lacking for. You only hope that you will survive even this. The ship reaches it's destination. Escorted from the landing pad you quickly find yourself in front of an imposing set of double doors. Each is easily twice as tall as you. The wooden slabs are opened by your recruiters and you are given a gentle push forward. "Your Inquisitor awaits."

Inside is a library the shelves stacked full of books have been pushed to the sides. The floor bares scrape marks that show this fact. Dominating the room is Inquisitor Ziranest. He sits behind a table with a large volume laid in front of him. A faint whirring sound can be heard as he studies the book. Mechandrites pour from his head like hair and his artificial eyes stayed trained on the book. You step closer. Glancing down at the book you see the words move. A faint whisper. The whisper of heresy. You push it easily from your mind. You look back up at the Inquisitor. He now is looking straight at you. The servos in his eyes tightening as he scrutinizes you.

"A strong mind it seems. Perhaps that is why the Emperor has kept you safe." He waves a data slate at you. "You should have died so long ago. Calling a bombardment down on you own location. Fool hardy it would seem. However under the circumstances, Correct. You must never suffer the heretic to live. To show mercy is to turn your back to the Emperor. I trust you will remain vigilant against the Emperor's enemies. They are at every turn. I can point you at them. I can arm you. But You, must have the will. Do not disappoint me. Report to Alice she is waiting for you now." He waves you gone and you leave.
Tully Ezendos: The inquisition interrogators were not easy on you. At the end of the fourth day however it wasn't another interrogator that entered your cell. Cassandra's broken body was hauled in between a pair of the Inquisition guardsmen, proudly displaying the Rosette of the Inquisition. Throwing her at your feet they leveled their guns at you. Cassandra's chest rose and fell as she dragged the ragged breaths into her mouth. One of the stone faced guardsmen throws you your pistol. "The inquisition gives you a choice. You know what must be done."

Seeing Cassandra in such a condition, Tully starts to move quickly towards her only to be warned off by one of the guards who raises a lasrifle in response.

"She didn't know! She isn't a Heretic!" he cries. Cassandra raises her head slightly at his voice and looking into her eyes Tully sees the pain and fear of her Interrogation but something more as well. Something deeper he cannot quite explain -- he knows she knew.

"Why! Why did you do this? What were you thinking? What have you done to me?" He looks to the gun on the floor and to the hard eyes of the guards. The Inquisition has offered him a choice... a choice to kill a Heretic before they do the same to him?

The path of his life to reach this point flashes before his eyes. He is guilty of so many things, but Heresy?!? He never thought about it before and perhaps the choice is here. Now. He can set out a new path, as short as it will be. A path to the Emperors Light even?

Tully bends down and picks up the pistol. The gun raises up to Cassandra's forehead. Her eyes bore into his own -- there is no fear in them now. This can't be happening. "I'm sorry Cass" he mutters as his eyes tear over. "I'm not. The Changer of Ways awaits." she replies. There is a flash and loud noise. Cassandra slowly falls to the side. The gun clatters to the ground.

Closing his eyes Tully waits for the searing heat of the lasrifles and briefly wonders how much it will hurt...

The pain never comes instead they pick you up and carry you from your cell. You are dragged through a series of lifts and passages and dropped at a pair of double doors. Each is easily twice as tall as you. The wooden slabs are opened by your recruiters and you are given a gentle push forward. "Your Inquisitor awaits."

Even before you step past the threshold you are filled with a foreboding. You enter the room. Directly in front of you sits Inquisitor Ziranest. On the table in front of him lies a book. It's pages lie open and the script grabs you attention. Before you have time to react you have been completely mesmerized by the crawling words. Your mind seems to of fled as you feel yourself take another step into the room and another. Suddenly you are at the desk of the Inquisitor. Yet the book still holds your gaze. The words are clearly written in some warped language. Unable to make sense of it you try to turn away. It's impossible your locked in position staring at the open pages. A silken voice whispers meanings into your mind. The book speaks to you. It too quiet. You feel your hand move towards it. Grasping at the... You turn away. Your neck muscles tearing from the strain.Gain 1 Insanity Piont

The inquisitors voice rushes in to fill the silence. "You are not dead now by the grace of the emperor alone. You know drugs and the underworld. You have proven your loyalty, under duress however." He waves a data slate at you. "And even then you hesitated. You have a weak will and a knack of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Let me be clear, whatever your past it's gone now." He puts the data slate down. "You know serve the inquisition and only the Inquistion. Report to Alice." He gestures and the pair of guardsmen take you away.

2011-05-23, 03:45 PM
Report to Alice

Alice turns out to be waiting for you. One by one the acolytes arrive. You find yourselves in a garage with a military APC is busily being tended to by several Mechanics. Guardsmen are sat in a corner playing some sort of gambling game over one of the several crates that take up space. A mechanical door is closed through which you can hear howling winds. Dark sand is scattered around the entrance.

Alice herself is a hard faced woman dressed in a full body suit of tight-fitting, black material. She is sat cross-legged on a crate and watches you as you enter...

2011-05-23, 04:48 PM
Grendel remains silent in front of the Inquisitor, his only response is to bow while making the sign of the Aquila before executing an about-face and exiting the room

Grendel snaps to attention in front of Alice and gives her a crisp salute. "Lieutenant Grendel Augustus, formerly of the Lo 337th, reporting for duty ma'am"

2011-05-23, 05:03 PM
The psyker designated Abel strides purposefully towards the bodygloved woman, a moderate expression of discomfort on his indeterminately-aged face. He glances quickly at the Guardsmen enjoying their card game and feels a slight urge to join them, though he easily crushes the irrelevent emotion and returns to his duties. When he reaches his bodygloved target, he stands straight in front of her and taps his metal staff on the ground lightly. "Agent designated Abel reporting for assignment." His voice rasps slightly as though he's recovering from some sort of illness, but is otherwise quite bland in intonation and accent.

2011-05-23, 05:14 PM
Alex wanders over to Alice, trying his best to forget about the book.

"Alexander Ferrik here. I was told to report to you?"

2011-05-23, 07:52 PM
Millicent enters the garage looking somewhat lost and shaken. She does a bit of a doubletake upon spotting Alice. How could a woman wear something like that in public? The cleric regains her composure quickly, however, and presents herself to the woman with a respectful bow. "I am Millicent Richelieu, reporting as ordered, Madame Alice." Straightening, the young woman nods politely to the others gathered here.

2011-05-23, 11:34 PM
I shook my head as I walked away from the Inquisitor, knowing full well that what I was about to be sent on was a likely fatal mission. However, such deadly things weren't something that bothered me a whole lot. After all, that was life under the gray plated skies of Volg. Life was cheaper than a half-throne worth of bootleg rotgut.

When I entered the room, loading one of my ladies, the first thing I saw was the chippy (http://ryankamstra.blogspot.com/2010/08/glossary-of-hardboiled-slang.html) sitting on the crate, waiting for us. The tight black bodyglove...well, I had to admit it looked nice on her. Much better than the other frail in the room. I almost didn't notice the men, I admit, but I wouldn't have gotten this far if I hadn't. Something set me on edge around a couple of them. A gut feeling, one that I wasn't going to ignore.

Vinny is a tall and brutish looking man wearing an old style black flak cloak, what many people would call a trench coat. He enters the place loading what seems to be a short tri-barreled shotgun, "Pity" carved into it's stock. "Name's Vinny. What're we going to be doing?" He asks, getting right to the point as he stows away the gun in a special holster built into the interior of his jacket. Those who are watching carefully will see a large revolver at his waist, and what looks like a thick wooden stick hanging on the other side of his coat.

2011-05-24, 12:04 AM
One of the last arrivals is a young-ish man with a long lasrifle slung over his shoulder. He enters the room quietly, his mind on the book. The Ghost did not know what it meant, for the Ghost could not read. The Inquisitor had seemed happy, though... had he failed? The Ghost suspected he had. He would need to do better.

Picking a spot on one of the crates, the Ghost took a seat and watched Alice. She was to give the assignment, he knew. She worked with the Inquisitor. So the Ghost listened, and the Ghost waited.

2011-05-24, 01:26 PM
Alice nods her head slightly as each enters. "So you are the new team then. Let me welcome you to the inquisition. For some of you this may be new to you, but I'm sure you will catch on quickly... or not and that would be a pity. Any way enough introductions. I am Alice and you have a mission.And... We seem to be missing one...?" She tilts her head slightly. "No matter he is on his way. This is about Cobalt Triethelune. An important crystal highly sort after. Recently a mining outpost reported a strike of it." She slides of the crate.
Vinny:From where Vinny is stood he gets a good view of her as she seductively slides from the crate. Her are eyes locked on yours it is impossible to mistake what they say. Enjoying the view?
Gently she lifts the heavy crate, barely seeming to register it's obvious weight, into center stage and pops it open. Lifting the shard of crystal out, she holds it allowing you to observe it. It is about a foot long and dull blue it pluses slightly with a dim light. "This is considered top priority for your mission. We received a shipment of this from the compound and then a bio-hazard quarantine was called by the outpost commander Edilson. This was later lifted and we received a status update from Edilson, but no further deliveries have been received. Your job is to find out why they haven't got their operation back up and running yet. Hopefully before the Inquisitor has finished his business on this rock." She places the shard back into the crate and picks up a data slate. "Edilson believes symptoms to have been caused by a drug finding it's way into the facility. He was even kind enough to send us a confiscated sample. By now we would of thought that having identified the problem he would have taken steps to quash it." She snorts derisively "We've heard nothing from the outpost for weeks now. Whatever has happened I am sure you can handle it."

The lift opens and reveals a pair of Inquisition guardsmen with a ragged individual between them. His face bears fresh bruises and dried blood is visible on his dirty clothes."Ah our local expert has arrived." The guardsmen bring him to Alice. "Tully Ezendos delivered." Alice smiles warmly. "I'm glad you made the choice to join us. Welcome to your new family." She reaches into the crate again and pulls out a clear package with some sort of white powder and hands it to Tully. "Tell me in your extensive experience have you seen this before?"
Tully:It appears to be some kind of highly refined Obscura. Looking closely the fine white powder seems to contain some coarse purplish grains.

2011-05-24, 02:27 PM
Another test? They must know what it is already. Hoping they don't ask too many questions since he has never seen it with those particular grains before "It's obscura with a kicker. *cough* Too expensive for habber use."

Shaken from his ordeal and encounter with the Inquisitor, Tully glances briefly around the room after answering. Cold killers all. Can't be much worse than my real family I suppose.

2011-05-24, 02:39 PM
Alice smiles kindly at Tully "Thank you. It'll be sent for analysis soon I suppose, but it seems far more expedient for you to simply ask the fool who is suppling it. Ah but I haven't told you yet. How rude of me. This stuff appears to be delaying the mining quota for a little outpost. You've got the job of cleaning the place up. You and your new friends." She gestures at the assembled acolytes.

2011-05-24, 03:16 PM
Grendel takes a mental roll call of his new "squad" as they enter, his former position as the commander of a penal legion company giving him some small idea as to each of their abilities. The entrance of the pysker cause him a small amount of discomfort, as during the campaign on Kuluth he had seen sanctioned psykers become overwhelmed by the powers of the warp and turn on their allies. The two snipers would be a welcome addition in any firefights and likely to be decent hands at stealth to boot, although like many of their breed were likely to have a few... quirks. The appearance of the young woman cause an almost imperceptible eye-twitch I wonder what she did to get lumped in with this crowd? he mused. The rather scarred fellow looked like he would be as useful in a bar brawl as he would in combat. The appearance of the prisoner caused a slight wave of nostalgia as he remembered the men he had served alongside in the guard. Despite being criminals, they had been good soldiers for the most part, and at the worst it seemed that this one would be able to serve as a local guide.

2011-05-24, 03:58 PM
The bald psyker looks over each of his new companions as they arrive, assessing their weaponry and equipment. He neither greets them or makes any other acknowledgement of their presence; he knows quite well that none of them have any desire to speak with a weapon such as he, and the mission does not require him to reach out to them. For the moment he is content to simply wait for his orders, as he has been trained to.

Abel stands passively through the briefing about the crystals, occasionally nodding or twitching slightly along with the explanations. He knows this information is for the others; they needed to be told what they were fighting for, he does not. When the prisoner is brought forth, a small frown flashes across his normally emotionless face. Beaten... Drugged... Why do I care? Abel shakes his head to clear away the irrelevent thoughts, then refocuses on his mission. When he speaks, the psyker's voice is as bland and uninflected as it was before. "Then our mission is to restore this mining outpost to proper Imperial control? Are we to eliminate the recidivists currently in control of the facility as well, or are they considered critical equipment?"

2011-05-24, 04:30 PM
Alice chokes back a laugh. "Critical equipment. No they are all considered expendable. They can be replaced easily. If they are found lacking in their duty to the imperium. Kill them." Her eyes burn with a sickening fervour. "Even the commander." She tilts her head. "Machine Operator Mandasue is considered critical to the outpost. His talents are not easily replaced. Finding him should be considered a secondary objective to the restoration of the facility." She recovers another data slate from the crate. holding it up so you can see she flicks through what looks like a work rooster. Beside each name is a small picture. She reaches Mandasue and enlarges his picture. He appears to be some sort of servitor. Large mechanical appendages replacing his original ones. "In the event that he is corrupted or infected or whatever is happening there has effected him. Disable do not kill. Return him to us alive."

2011-05-24, 04:56 PM
Looking around the rather rag-tag team before him, Alex's eye is immediately drawn to the other sniper. I wonder how good he is... The rest of the team seemed to be a rather odd mix of people... a bald and blank-faced psyker (who Alex found himself immediately distrustful of), this new kid (who lookd possibly not even Alex's age) in grubby overalls, a looming behemoth of a man with a facefull of scars, a man with a military appearance and expensive looking weapons and some priestly-looking girl. Quite the bunch of professionals.

"So then... secure the facility, investigate the drugs, find this 'operator' guy? Am I missing anything?

2011-05-24, 05:07 PM
(After Alice responds to Alex)"I assume we will be provided with intel on the compound such as a floor plan or the number of workers? Additionally, as this drug is likely the cause of all this, is there a way to requisitioning gas masks, re-breathers, or at the very least filtration plugs for those who need them?"

2011-05-24, 05:42 PM

"No you seem to understand fully."


"I suggest not inhaling." A grim smile on her face. She turns to the guardsmen playing cards. "Luke find some breathing equipment for these men." One of the guardsmen, you can only assume Luke, gets up a disappears through a small side door. Not before throwing something down on there communal crate with a pained look. "He'll probably find something he's resourceful. A detailed floor plan will not be forth coming however. The outpost is protected by a perimeter wall with automated turrets. The compound consists of warehouses and barracks for the miners. Garages for their mineral transports. I believe there is probably a command building. However the mine itself..." She shrugs. "I'm afraid you'll have play it by sight. The place is pre-hab shelters and sheds. That'll probably change now that it's struck something." She purses her lips. "Commander Edilson likely has a floor plan. Assuming he is efficient which it appears he is lacking in. If he was we wouldn't need you now would we?" She tilts her head. "The number of workers: 673 The full rooster is of course at your disposal." Luke reenters the room carrying a large box with a bright yellow Bio-hazard warning on it. The box is very dusty and Luke grunts with effort as he roughly drops it at your feet. " Some emergency gas mask back there. Doubt if they've been used should be good."

2011-05-24, 06:17 PM
"Thank you, ma'am, Luke." Grendel thanks them both as he opens up the crate, inspecting the gas masks and setting any with obvious flaws aside. "I recommend everyone grab one, you do NOT want to be caught in a chemical attack without at least some protection. Better to have one and not need it, than need one and not have it." He shivers slightly at the memory of watching men dying a slow, painful death from gas attacks.

2011-05-24, 06:26 PM
The box contains ancient but usable gas masks. They are painted bright yellow and designed to fit over the entire face with straps extending round behind the head. Two reinforced glass discs serve as eye holes. Grendel quickly sets those aside that have cracked eye pieces are faulty seals. The large mass of masks quickly dwindles leaving only a few that have survived the ravages of time. Still more than enough for all present however.
Gas Mask.(Poor Quality)

2011-05-24, 06:49 PM
Dusting off his hands, Grendel stands up after sorting out the gas masks. Better than nothing.
"What are the plans for deployment and extraction ma'am?"

2011-05-24, 07:05 PM
Alice jerks a thumb at the Military APC sat in the room with you. Mechanics a still busily fiddling with some unknown problem. "You're driving in and baring any unexpected problems that is how you should hope to leave. You leave as soon they've got the thing ready. " The rugged construction of the APC seems to be solid. A pintle mounted stubber sits atop the vehicle and it's rear loading door lies open exposing the interior. It doesn't look very comfortable.

2011-05-24, 07:18 PM
Abel sets his metal staff on the ground and turns one of the gas masks over in his hands, a look of concentration on his face. "Automated turrets. Those could be a problem, if the recidivists have corrupted them. What sort of design are they? How do they detect their targets? Is the machine-spirit inside of them easily distracted?" He turns to the APC, looking at it carefully. "Would they be able to penetrate the armour of our transport with their weaponry?" The psyker pauses for a moment, thinking to himself. "Hmm. Finally, was there an armoury on-site? Is there a strong possibility we will be facing armed resistance?" At this prospect one hand drifts slightly towards the pistol holstered at his hip, the other gripping the venerable gas mask, which he then stuffs into a pocket sewn into the inside of his robe.

2011-05-24, 09:48 PM
I listened and watched as the others asked their questions. I couldn't help but smile at Alice's look at me, but didn't let it effect what I was doing at the moment. Now, most people think I'm just a simple minded thug. Muscle in the brainpan, you know? I could tell from the glances that people already thought I was just another brute. I was happy to let them think that way too.

It was obvious from the way the latest addition handled the blow that he's been around it before. I'd have to keep an eye on that one.


Vinny gives a quick glance at everyone before a thought occurs to him. "D'we know where the blow came from?" He asks as he grabs a gasmask, a few other thoughts in mind.

2011-05-24, 10:07 PM
When the gas masks are brought out, Millicent tries to find one in decent condition and dusts it off, checking it over for defects. Though, she had to admit to herself, she'd never seen anything like it up close before. She prayed it would work correctly if she ever needed it. The young cleric stows the item away in her pack and continues to listen to the conversation. Something wasn't adding up for her.

"Perhaps I am missing something, but how exactly was this facility lost? You mentioned symptoms of something and the drug there," Millicent nods to the bag of white powder. "However you never explained what those symptoms were, or how they were effecting the facility. Are we certain that it is what triggered the biohazard alert or is it possible something else may be in play?" A drug bust seemed hardly worthy of the attention of the Inquisition, but the mineral was important. Still, Millicent suspected there was something more going on here. Sometimes a drugged up fool might come into the church, seeking aid. While they could sometimes be violent, they never struck her as the sort to organize well enough to shut down an entire mining operation.

"Secondly, I do not approve of the idea that we will try to drive through the front door of this heavily fortified position. It seems particularly suicidal. Unless you can guarantee that thing can protect us from the turrets, may I respectfully suggest we find another means of entry?"

Surely, they had not brought her here to be killed by such stupidity. Though, judging by some of her new companions, perhaps she had been brought here to save them from this sort of thing.

2011-05-24, 10:41 PM
Grendel begins to laugh in the middle of checking the charge level of his charge packs. "To be perfectly honest Miss Richelieu, until just now I was wondering how you got stuck with this lot of killers, but I think I'm starting to understand that we just might survive a little longer with you around."

2011-05-24, 10:57 PM
"I am here to bring the light of the Emperor to us, Monsieur." The cleric replies with a polite smile. "With his blessing we cannot fail. However, he will not help those who will not help themselves. We must think and do the best we can in his glorious name." She explains in a soft voice. "While I may not be a warrior, I have other talents."

2011-05-25, 12:03 AM
The Ghost took a gasmask, turning it over in his hands and expecting it. It was old, worn but functional. Like his lasgun. The Ghost clipped it to his belt, and shuffled back to his crate to sit down again. This mission worried him. There was somethingthey were not being told.

"Find the metal man," he muttered to himself. "Going to be the best approach. Check the command building first, yes."

The Ghost stopped his muttering to stare at the APC. "Go in the vehicle. Best plan. Armour between us and the guns."

2011-05-25, 02:01 AM
Turrets? Gas Masks? Emperor's balls! Are these maniacs really preparing an attack on some mining facility? And taking me with them!?!

Holding his hands a bit out to display the state he was delivered in, Tully catches Alice's eye "Lady Alice, may I inquire? I seem to be rather, uh, less well equipped than my companions here. If violent activities are pending, might you have some some weapons and protective gear I can, ah, requisition I believe the word is?"

If they cannot spare a Flack Coat, can I swap my AutoPistol + 5 thrones for one? I meant to do that but forgot to update my starting gear

2011-05-25, 07:35 AM

Alice tilts her head slightly. "The turrets will not need to concern you. They are small caliber arms. They should not penetrate the armour of your transport. Their purpose is not to defend from an assault they are their to control the local wildlife. A simple design if you will. They are hard-wired to attack unidentified targets. Your transport is identified as an inquisition transport. They should not open fire."

Alice tilts her head. "There is an on site armoury for the posted guard. It should be within the command section. If it has been breached expect lasguns and riot grenades. However their are not enough weapons stored there to present each miner with a gun."


"No that is your primary function. Find it's source and eliminate it."


"The symptoms were extreme fatigue, lack of functionality, dissociation with reality and loss of coordination and fine motor skills. Edilson thought it to be a disease of some sort because of the speed of which it spread. It made workers unsuitable for work. The Edilson sent us the the confiscated drug and a brief report saying he now believed that to be the cause. We haven't received transmission or delivery from the facility since. We need to know what has occurred there to determine an adequate response."

"We are certain Edilson triggered the original Bio-hazard warning. We can not be sure however that the drug is the cause. If you find it is in fact a biological hazard the entire base will of course be purged. That would be a shame, but necessary. "

"It is hardly heavily fortified. I am certain that the transport will be adequate for your purposes."


Alice looks over Tully with an appraising eye. "I suggest you try at the armoury on base. I grant you special requisition authorization for any on base resources." She produces a data slate from the crate and types a code into it before handing it to Tully. "Show that to Edilson or whoever is in charge of the armoury. It will allow you full access to whatever they have."

2011-05-25, 10:36 AM
"What kind of wildlife does this area have that a mining compound includes turrets that *might* penetrate an APC? Regardless, the way I see it from the information you've given us is we have three likely scenarios. First, their voxlinks and vehicle have all broken and they haven't been able to do at least a patch job on anything in the past few weeks. Second, the biohazard or local wildlife killed them all. Third, at least some of them have gone rogue, killed the rest, and are now up to Emperor knows what. Did I miss anything or do you have anything to add to that?"

2011-05-25, 02:38 PM
Abel nods judiciously in response. "The turrets should not be a concern, even if they are corrupted? Then our primary concern is the possibility of armed recidivists within the compound; I assess that a group as heavily armed as this should be able to eliminate such resistance fairly easily." The psyker smiles briefly, the first time he's shown any positive emotion. "I have no further questions. I shall wait in our vehicle until you have assuaged the doubts of the others." With that, Abel turns and walks into the APC, pausing for a moment to pick up his staff. Once he gets inside he quickly pulls off his robe, revealing a pair of camoflaged pants and a flak jacket underneath, as well as a pair of surprisingly well-muscled arms, which the psyker begins checking and adjusting in anticipation of enemy resistance.

2011-05-26, 02:37 PM
Salutations friends, I am named Tully. It seems the Inquisition has been kind enough to find a use for us in the Emperors service. I believe I can manage transportation in this thing to the mining base unless anyone objects? Tully tosses a bag that the guardsmen left with him into the cab area of the APC and pauses to see if anyone speaks up before he climbs aboard...

I have both drive and navigation so hopefully I wont run us off a cliff :smallyuk:

2011-05-26, 07:23 PM
"No objections. Can't pilot the ground ship." The Ghost climbs off his crate, carefully moving over to the APC and climbing inside to take a seat on something marginally more comfortable.

2011-05-26, 11:25 PM
"All I know about you is that the Inquisition felt it necessary to work you over, so you aren't my friend. Driving keeps you in front of me, but know this, if you betray us, make sure I'm dead. Because if I'm not, I will kill you. We clear Tully?" To emphasize his point, Zarkov slams the charge pack home into his Fury. "Regardless, the only way we're going to get answers is by finding them ourselves. The sooner we move out, the sooner we get back."

2011-05-27, 02:33 AM
Abel looks up from his adjustments to his body armour. "I have no objections. You know this region better than we do, and if you possess the skill to operate this machine then there is no reason for you not to." He turns then to Grendel and continues. "Please, focus on our mission. Whatever this individual may have been in the past, he is an Acolyte of the Inquisition now." He returns to working on his armour, checking the clasps and straps that hold it in place. His words now seem almost to be an afterthought, though they are carefully calculated. "Besides, if any of this group seek to betray our purpose, I can assure you I will shoot them before they act." The psyker is, after all, more than willing to play to the fears and superstitions of the others if it will help the group perform its duties.

2011-05-27, 07:42 AM
Grendel blinks in surprise at the psyker's comment Bloody creepy psykers. On the other hand, should've frightened any thought of escape or betrayal out of the scum's head. Having led a penal company, he knew that the best way to keep criminal conscripts on the firing line was to make them fear what was behind them more than they feared the enemy. But the psyker was right, focus on the mission, and ignore anything not directly affecting it. His weapons loaded and checked, he quickly dons his armour, attaching his respirator to his helmet, covering his face. He climbs in the apc to the seat closest to the top hatch, intending to spend the last klick of the ride manning the stubber.

2011-05-27, 10:26 AM
"Hey... Grendel, was it? Calm down. We're all on the same team here. Anyway, nice to meet ya, Tully. I know nothing of this region, and can't really drive besides, so I'm fine with you driving." Saying this, Alex makes his way towards the APC. "Also, If possible, I'm manning the stubber. No boasting, I'm probably the best shot in the group."

Interesting, the guardsman seems to possess quite a temper. Will have to remember that.

2011-05-27, 10:42 AM
Lt. Grendel Augustus moves over giving Alex the seat closest to the top hatch, choosing to ignoring the improper address. "Far be it from me to stand between a sniper and a firearm, so by all means." here he lowers his voice trying to pitch it just for Alex's ears "As far as team loyalties go, I have a difficult time instantly trusting someone the Inquisitor saw fit to torture and imprison. Without knowing his crime, or why the Inquisitor decided to let him join this mission, I'll hold off on befriending him. I've dealt with too many criminals forced into the front lines to trust him not to just cut and run until being in at least one combat situation with him."

2011-05-27, 04:36 PM
"Every man makes mistakes." Millicent comments. "But none of us can be allowed to redeem ourselves if we are not given that chance. Perhaps aiding us is his chance? His turning point? We will never know if we deny it to him." There was a slight rebuke in her tone. A lesson being taught. But the cleric had said her piece and moves to take a seat inside the APC. On the way she gives a friendly nod to Tully.

When she finds her place, Millicent sets her pack down, something heavy and metallic clunking as it hit the floor. "Do you really believe we will face armed opposition immediately?" She asks those already inside the vehicle.

2011-05-27, 04:43 PM
Lt. Grendel shrugs "Being fully armed and armoured at least will instill a little fear and respect into the workers we have to deal with, but I don't think enemies we stumble across will be willing to wait for us to don our protective gear prior to attacking us."

2011-05-27, 06:28 PM
With respect Mr. Grendel, you know nothing of me and why I was taken into the care of the Inquisition. Are you always so open with your doubts of the Inquisitor's judgment?

While everyone settles into the APC, Tully spends a few moments to familiarize himself with the controls and other systems. He punches the destination into the navigation system (if any) and gives a friendly wave to Alice as he engages the drive system of the APC...

2011-05-27, 06:52 PM
I looked at the others, mentally ranking them from the most useful and least troublesome, to the most. I wanted to toss the Psyker at the top, but after watching the military man and the scum, he got a nice solid Third. The little holy girl however, was at the bottom. Sure, she was likely a religious nutter, but she wasn't trying to pressure us into action. The broad stopped and thought, unlike so many of the others.


Vinny will head into the APC with a shake of his head before giving the guardsman a look as he pulls out Flo, spinning the chamber and looking over his rounds. They were dumdums, and he hoped they were good enough to do the job. "Ain' smart." He says before slamming the chamber shut and putting her back into her holster. "Threatening our ride like that. 'e may get the idea that he could survive a crash, and we might not."

2011-05-28, 05:54 AM
Grendel: " The sort of wildlife that can tear metal and people alike. The locals call them Vola Brutes. The PDF think they provide a valuable training resource. I expect they will provide more trouble that a couple of turrets programmed not to shoot you. The are other species alive on this rock too, of course, but most of them have the common sense to keep away from built up areas." Alice listens as Grendel list of the reasons why the compound might of gone dark. She nods as he counts each off. "One. I recommend shooting however is in charge of maintenance. Two. Confirm whether Machine Operator Mandasue is dead. Recover his body if possible. Three. Kill any who have turned against the Emperor's will. "

Abel: The mechanics working on the APC smile as you hop into the vehicle. "Should be ready to go soon. Make yourself comfortable."

Tully: Tully climbs past Abel and into the cab.Within you find the controls. The simple design make it easy to work out what to push. Standard controls are the same in most vehicles after all. The APC has a number of gears and a set of dials to control the suspension of each wheel. A small slit permits you a view of the garage shutters. This however this is protected by a large piece of armoured glass. A greater view however is afforded by a view screen also has a overlaid map of the area.

Ghost: Climbs into the APC and takes a seat.

Grendel: Climbs into the APC and takes a seat next to the hatch for the Stubber.

Alex: Climbs into the APC and takes Grendel's seat. Grendel shuffles over to a different seat.

Millicent: Climbs into the APC and takes a seat.

Tully:After a moment figuring out how the navigation system works you are able to punch up your destination. It has already been logged into the system. ---Mining outpost 6527--- It appears as a pulsing arrow on your screen. Eagerly you turn on the engine. The driving cab is immediately filled with a red light from a warning system. Quickly you flick the stuttering engine off.Make an easy Navigation Check. The engine of the APC roars into life. However the sound is not right. Something is wrong with the machine spirit. You hear one of the mechanics yell. "Hold on a minute. We are just putting her back together." Alice walks over to the mechanics. "Well hurry up then." The guardsmen hearing the commotion quickly finish their game and gather up their stuff.

Vinny: Climbs into the APC and takes a seat.

The guardsmen finish dividing their spoils, clip their helmets on and sling their lasguns over their shoulders. Alice looks them up and down. "Marcus don't forget the vox-caster. We don't want you falling off the scope too do we." A grizzled man picks up the vox-caster tucked away behind a crate. Five of the guardsmen enter the APC an settle themselves in the available eating. Tucking their lasguns between their legs and strapping themselves in. The others proceed back to the lift.
"You'd better strap yourselves in too I don't think he's driven one of these before.".
Luke pips up "There is a first time for everything. Could be worse you remember when John tried driving."
John seems to be nervously praying under his breath. However at the mention of his name he looks up. "I got you out of there alive didn't I?"
"Barely I..."
Tully:Inside the Cab the light flashes green.
The conversation is cut short by the mechanics entering the APC.
"We are ready to go." One enters the cab briefly.
Tully:A mechanic enters the cab and passes you a Headset. "It's to talk to the gunner. I hope you know what your doing." The other mechanic turns to Alex and passes him a headset. "If you are riding the gun I suggest you get up their now. If you see any local wildlife, shoot it."
"Good luck may the Emperor see fit to allow you to bask in his reflected glory." Alice slides the crate she was sat on into the APC. A small recess in the interior of the APC allows it to slot into place you hear an audible click. Alice leaves the APC. The noise of the wind can now be clearly heard.
Tully:Through your slit of vision you see Alice walk over to the Garage door and hold a button down. The shutters pull back into the ceiling. The path in front of you is clear and the engine start button flashes brightly. Also flashing are the Rear door light for the APC and several warning lights indicating a number of minor faults. Oh well it'll have to do.

2011-05-28, 08:20 AM
The Ghost, inside the APC, was looking around for a top hatch to see out of, and possibly to shoot from. The Ghost was sure that the man who took the turret gun knew what he was doing, but the Ghost was also sure that he was the second best shot, if not the best. It had been some time since the Ghost had been able to hunt something. He was looking forward to it.

2011-05-28, 01:32 PM
Grendel straps into his seat, face completely hidden behind his respirator. Almost like being back with the guard... although I am going to have to adjust to working with civvies. He pulls a well worn copy of the infantryman's uplifting primer, silently reading the familiar litanies and inspiring words therin.

2011-05-28, 07:04 PM
Double checking to make sure the gears are set to forward motion, Tully engages the APC drive systems and attempts to avoid the most obvious potholes in the way to the outpost.

Navigation check (30+30): [roll0]

2011-05-29, 12:58 AM
To the PC's By chance do any of you soldiers know the procedure to approach a camp? Do we vox ahead or just arrive at the gate and demand entrance?

2011-05-29, 05:59 PM
Millicent nods in agreement with Lt. Grendel. She'd best be prepared now. The Emperor favored the prepared. While the mechanics finish their work on the APC, the cleric takes the time to don her armor. From her pack she pulls many pieces of curved, worked steel held together by thick leather strapping. The pieces soon reveal themselves to be a full suit of plate armor, shining and new, engraved with filigree and holy symbols. Of particular note was the large Aquilla which spread its wings across the breastplate. With a bit of hesitation Millicent begins to put on the armor, fumbling a bit over the straps. Perhaps she was nervous. Perhaps she simply hadn't put on armor before. Perhaps it was a bit of both.

Despite not being a soldier by trade, Millicent focuses on Tully's question to the group, trying to remember something on the tactics of the situation. Should she recall, she will suggest it.

2011-05-29, 08:32 PM
I couldn't help but watch as the young girl put her armor on. Oddly, it calmed me and my opinion of her, seeing someone else make preparations. It proved she was a warrior just as much as she was a holy woman.

It meant, I could depend on her to stay stable both during a good brawl and from being brash if we found someone we needed to talk to.


Vinny reaches across the aisle in the APC and tightens on of Millicent's straps. "Priestess...warrior...ya remind me of a Sororitas." The detective says with a slight smile. "They're the ones who got me in this mess, but no worries, I won't hold it against ya."

2011-05-29, 09:29 PM
Millicent laughs a bit nervously. "That is quite a compliment, sir, but I could never be a match for a Sister of Battle."

2011-05-29, 10:18 PM
Vinny snorts and settles back down in his seat. "That's what I thought. But apparently, I did better than a couple of them." He admits before pulling out a rather bulky revolver and patting her lovingly. "Thanks ta Flo anyways."

2011-05-29, 11:44 PM
The cleric raises an eyebrow. "Did you name... her... for someone? If I may ask, of course."

2011-05-30, 01:13 AM
Vinny gives a pleasant sigh. "Yes, I did. Named her after the dame who gave it to me." He gives her a slight smile. "There's no point in being coy about it, but she was a Joygirl, a streetwalker. I frequented the joint she worked at quite a bit." He looks Milly over before giving a nod. "She was about your height, but a bit curvier with bright blue hair, down to her gams." He tells her, obviously relishing the memories. "Oh, she was a Mutie, just like a good fifth of the population that far down. Nothing too major though. A rather dextrous tail, pale blue skin and these wonderful rainbow colored eyes." He says, omitting the more detailed and...personal information. "It was nothing like love, just a matter of...what do they say? Convenience? Yeah, that's it. Just two tough people watching each others backs and enjoying the benefits of being close."

He sighs and pats the revolver. "Brothels in Volg have to cater to tough customers like myself quite a bit, but sometimes it's much worse. Sometimes, new group of Chippys would try to wipe them out. I was there on a night when that happened. A group of upstarts had been slowly claiming the district, but when they busted in..." He shakes his head. "This was a gift from her because of the night. They weren't bothered again, and the new group even went to another district."

With a sad look, he turns his head a bit and watches the ground, unable to meet Millicent's eyes. "She always wanted a kid, ya know? A little girl like herself. But sometimes..." he gives a bit of a cough. "It just don' work out, ya know? Didn't cause no trouble between us, but after a while, a few of the Lordlings from the Upper Levels came and spent a few weeks slumming. One took an interest in her, and ended up taking her back with him to be an exotic "servant". " Vinny says with a snort.

"She still visits sometimes." He tells her with a shrug. "Not sure if she ever got that kid or not, but she seems happier. Healthier too."

He doesn't seem too bothered by telling the story, even seems to like it. After all, if what he says is true, he had to have had a few good times.

2011-05-30, 03:23 AM
Abel replaces his robe over his Flak armour, then reaches into a pocket and pulls out a small wooden case, which he opens to reveal a masterful Tarot deck made of finely painted laquered sheafs, which he begins shuffling intently. However, as Millicent and Vinny begin their conversation his attention wanes and he quietly watches them from his seat, continuing to shuffle the Tarot cards absently. When Vinny launches into his story, the psyker slowly draws three cards from the deck, then places them face down on his knee. By this point, Abel is entirely unable to hide his fascination. Strange... I wonder if I had memories like this, once, before the Light of the Throne purged me of imperfections? He shakes his head, his expression once again turning neutral, and he whispers quietly to himself. "No matter. I am the hand of the Emperor, a perfect vessel forged of his Will." It has the steady cadence of a prayer, though it's clearly not a standard Ecclesiastical verse.

With a slight sigh as the Volgite's story ends, the psyker picks up the three wooden cards he set aside at the beginning and looks at them one by one. The Despoiler, Reversed. The Harlequin, smiling balefully. Finally... The Inquisitor, again Reversed. Interesting. Of course... A strangely intent expression barely touching his eyes, the psyker draws one final card and places it on his lap, then quickly flips it up in a dramatic gesture. An image of a great, gilded sword is painted upon the final card, and after a few moments Abel places it with the other three and shuffles the lot into the Tarot deck once more. With a shrug he replaces the cards in their box and returns it to his pocket, then sits back to think.

2011-05-30, 01:16 PM
Lt. Grendel quietly listens to Vinny's tale keeping his shock at the extraordinary treatment the mutant received on Vinny's home world to himself. A convict and a mutie lover? The inquisitor surely has gathered an... eclectic group. But I must work on being more accepting of the habits and beliefs of my fellow Acolytes, so long as they do not stray into heresy. Behind the mask of his respirator, the Lieutenant softly recites the prayer he has opened his primer to:

For any who care to listen in:
"I offer my life to the Emperor.
I pray that He accepts it.
I offer my strength to the Emperor.
I pray that He redresses it.
I offer my blood for the Emperor.
I pray that it quenches His thirst.
I offer my body on the altar of the battlefield.
I pray He grants me a noble death.
I pray for His protection,
As I offer all that I am."

2011-05-30, 01:51 PM
"A Mutant?!" Millicent blurts out, perhaps a bit too loudly. Mutated humans were not nearly as common on her homeworld as they were in Vinny's hive. Most were slain at birth, left out in the wilderness to die of exposure or killed outright, sometimes drowned in holywater at some of the smaller churches. The rural villages had strange rituals and superstitions. Witches were often found and burned at the stake, purified by the fire. Mutants, those who survived to reach adulthood, were treated with scorn, seen as the result of an unholy union with a terrible daemon.

However, her new comrade realy seemed to care for this mutant, and perhaps something similar could be said for the nobles who hired her. Trying to remain somewhat openminded to the new world she'd found herself in, Millicent regains her composure and adds. "It is good that she found a better life for herself away from that place." Brothels weren't uncommon in Avignon, but they certainly weren't a place most women would choose to work at. She was tahnkful she had found her place in the church when she had come to the city.

2011-05-30, 02:52 PM
Alex accepts the headset with a nod of gratitude, before opening the hatch and taking a seat at the gun. He takes several seconds to examine the unknown gun, before settling down with it. This is more like it. Some of the best parts of my life have been just me, waiting with a gun.

2011-05-30, 08:23 PM
The Ghost listened to Vinny's story without saying much. He fished around in a pocket and produced a worn and battered gauge, like you might find on a flamer tank's regulator. This one, however, was seperated, long broken off from whatever it belonged to. The Ghost checked it, carefully adjusting the needle so the guage read as empty, and then returned it to its pocket.

"Mutants live in the dark places," he said offhand to nobody in particular. Then, switching his attention to Vinny, he asked "Are you from a dark place?"

2011-05-30, 09:19 PM
Vinny gives a nod to Millicent. "It is. Still miss her though." He admits before giving Ghost a strange look and a slight smirk. "One of the darkest. Volg Hive. It's a massive pit in the world. Halfway down, where I lived, the only light was either fire or electric. Everyone packs iron of some sort or another, because that far down, the creatures of the depths try to crawl up the gantries sometimes. We even have special teams with crank guns to kill them. This isn't even taking into account the Human element of it all. Murders, arsonists, kidnappers, thieves..."

2011-05-31, 08:11 AM
Ghost:There is no top hatch other than the one through which the gun is accessed.
Tully:The wastes of dust and sand stretch out in front of you the harsh sun burning down on the waterless desert and the heat blurred dunes all look the same. Luckily the piece of machinery next to you keeps you on the right path. Not that their is much of a path, but after several wide turns around impassable dunes or bright red points on the view screen you find yourself unable to distinguish the dunes that you've gone past with the ones ahead. The pulsing arrow however keeps you informed of the correct direction. Another piece of tech that you should silently thank the emperor for providing is the air recycling unit that passes cool air over you.

The hours drag by and you spot something through the small slit. One of the dunes moves slightly glancing at the view finder, however nothing seems out out the ordinary. Your path should go straight by the dune. As you draw closer it shifts again. You realize suddenly that it moved against the direction of the billowing sands. The dune isn't just shifting in the wind something is lurking underneath it.
Alex:The wastes of dust and sand stretch out in front of you the harsh sun burning down on the waterless desert and the heat blurred dunes all look the same. The harsh winds whip at you as you maintain your constant vigil, but at least they take some of the bite of the heat. Still as the hours go by the uncomfortable seat and sweltering heat wear down on you. Sweat drips into your eyes and the Heavy Stubber is unpleasantly warm to the touch. Waiting with a gun. However it seems, so far at least, nothing is presenting itself to be shot.
The APC smoothly rolls out through the open shutters and out into the rolling dunes of sand. Through the open rear door you can see Alice watching you leave. The shutters roll back down behind you and she disappears from your vision. As you pull further away the Hive looms up behind you. Soon however the dust that the APC's rear wheels kicks up obscures the view behind you. One of the mechanics finally reaches over a hit the emergency door control. The door slowly closes leaving you shut inside the metal box hurtling to your destination.
One of the Guardsmen speaks up "What I wouldn't give right now for a chimera. Is the tin of bolts going to survive till we get there?"
The Mechanic buckling himself back in says "Maybe I mean it should do."
The other Mechanic laughs saying " I seen these destroyed by mobs when they have the will. They are built for riot suppression, but they are not even up to that task."
John's prayers grow louder. "... Emperor protect..."

Listening to Vinny's tale one of the guardsmen says. "Back on my home world where the Emperor's lines are kept clean any mutants are killed at birth. It's a sad state that in some places a fifth of the people bear the taint of corruption."
Luke says "Is that why your so unhappy all the time eh Marcus no mutie pleasure doll in you past. Maybe if we survive this we can hook you up before we get off world."
Marcus just snarls at Luke.

The hours drag by and the temperature steadily rises within the APC. Bumps, uncomfortable seats and straps and the constant scraping noise of a loose piece of metal somewhere. It's not a pleasant ride and the interior of the APC has risen to an inhospitable temperature that make sweet drip from your faces and your clothes stick to your skin. The constant howl of the wind and patter and sand on the APC. All of these wear at you as you sit awaiting the relief of arriving at your destination...
Millicent:Inside your plate armour you are especially hot the heat is like that of a sauna.

2011-05-31, 10:48 AM
"You had light," the Ghost said to Vinny. "It can't have been that dark."

Leaning against the wall of the APC, the Ghost waited in silence, letting his last remark hang in the air. This world, wherever it was, was too hot. The Ghost would have liked nothing better than to crawl into a duct, heat leached from it through years of drifting in space, and hide from the heat. It was strange, the Ghost thought, that he should miss that now that he was free of it.

Maybe the mining tunnels would be cooler.

2011-05-31, 05:23 PM
Those sitting near the now armored cleric might note she was breathing a bit heavily and her face was red. Her green eyes were somewhat glazed as she stared at the far wall of the vehicle. Under her breath, she recited a mumbled prayer, again and again.

"I tread the path of Righteousness. Though it be paved with broken glass, I will walk it barefoot; though it cross rivers of fire, I will pass over them; though it wanders wide, the light of the Emperor guides my steps. "

2011-05-31, 05:45 PM
Vinny gives a worried glance at Milly and reaches out with his canteen for her. "Um...I think you need to take a drink. And need some of that tin can off before you melt." He tells her before reaching out to undo a few of the straps.

2011-05-31, 05:49 PM
"But what if we're attacked?" She asks, breathless. Slowly, she focuses on Vinny, a bit of fear showing in her eyes. The cleric doesn't stop him from trying to undo the straps. Millicent takes the canteen and carefully takes a sip, forcing herself not to guzzle it, and trying to keep herself from spilling it everywhere.

2011-05-31, 06:08 PM
He offers a bit of a smirk before standing and heading over to try and remove a shoulderplate. He wasn't going to let the only other semi stable-minded person in the group pass out from heat stroke. "Then just stand behind me. I'm big enough that you'll be safe as you put it back on." Even if she didn't remove the breastplate, if she got rid of the arms and shoulders, it should cool her off quite a bit.

2011-05-31, 06:17 PM
Abel looks with concern at the overheating Cleric. "He is quite right. Under the current conditions, you may well wind up with heat sickness as a result of that heavy armour. In that circumstance you will be quite useless, whether we are attacked or not." He pauses for a moment, then stands up and carefully moves over to her, one hand steadying himself against the jostling of the APC, then helps Vinny loosen the heavy plate armour. Suddenly, some semblance of personality asserts itself on him and he grins. "After all, how can you take care of us if you neglect yourself?" It lasts only for a moment, and the psyker once again reverts to his quiet and businesslike attitude.

2011-05-31, 06:35 PM
Millicent gives Vinny an odd look. She didn't like the idea of using him as a human shield. "You're right." She says to Abel. The cleric hands the canteen aside and starts to help get the armor off herself. "Thank you." She looks to both men with a weak smile.

2011-05-31, 10:56 PM
Vinny will help her with it before retaking his seat and nodding. "Any time. And keep the water. It looks like you'll need to use it more than me."

2011-06-01, 12:16 AM
"A warrior's most important weapon is his or her body. As long as we're in this armoured sweat box, it's more important you don't faint. Besides, I think the rest of us should at least be able to buy you enough time to strap it back on and we should have at least a little warning as long as our driver and gunner stay awake." Lt. Grendel says the last part with a chuckle, as he tries to repair some of the damage he may have done with his earlier foot-in-mouth comments.

2011-06-01, 08:02 PM
A loud *SQUAAAKKK* in his ear followed by Tully's voice and background static of the communication headset rouses Alex from his watch atop the APC. "Sorry to interrupt Mr. Alex, but can you take a look at that dune up ahead. It seems to be moving strangely against the wind." Tully pauses slightly, debating if he should tell his thoughts of what lies beneath. If it turns out to be nothing they will ridicule him even further. Deciding to risk it, "Uh, do you think it could be one of the creatures we were warned of?"

Following his message to Alex, Tully slows and changes the direction of APC slightly to avoid the dune but still allow Alex to shoot at it if needed. If it is some sort of nasty thing we can at least try and speed away from it.

2011-06-02, 09:37 AM
Tully:Your fears are quickly realized as you slowly start to make you way around the the dune it suddenly erupts. A beast bursts from beneath the sand and runs straight at the APC. With unnatural speed the creature hurls itself forward. It's powerful legs allowing it to race across the open sand. The dark sand streaming behind it.Time to roll initiative. No AB since your driving though...
Alex:You hear Tully come through on the headset and swivel the gun around. You can't see what he was describing, but soon you spot it. A beast bursts from beneath the sand and runs straight at the APC. With unnatural speed the creature hurls itself forward. It's powerful legs allowing it to race across the open sand. The dark sand streaming behind it.Time to roll initiative.
The APC slows and the irritating click of loose metal ceases for a moment.

2011-06-02, 06:47 PM
As the APC suddenly lurches forward everyone can hear Tully yell "Frak! Hold on tight everyone! Some giant sand monster is interested in some sexy time with the APC. Either that or we look like a tasty snack. I am not waiting to find out which!"

Initiative: [roll0]

2011-06-02, 08:26 PM
Tully:Drive Check please.

2011-06-02, 11:04 PM
Abel immediately rushes back to his seat at Tully's announcement, then grabs on to the nearest handhold with his left hand, reaching for his pistol with his right, and shouts to the others. "Prepare yourselves. We may need to defend the vehicle ourselves."

2011-06-03, 05:55 AM
"Ha! Finally, some action!", Alex yells, opening up against the beast with the stubber. Inaccurate and noisy this gun may be, but it packs a hell of a punch...

2011-06-03, 02:39 PM
Tully:The Creature charges straight at the APC luckily as it leaps at the APC it over shoots landing clear on the other side, out of your line of sight. Not waiting to see what happens next you deftly slip through the gears pushing the APC to it's maximum speed. The sandy dunes soon whiz past...
Alex:You open up fire at the beast. However the heavy stubbers recoil is not something you are used to. Barely managing to control the weapon you succeed only in making a following trail of bullets behind the creature as it leaps forward claws out stretched. The beast's haste however causes it to instead of smashing into the APC to sail over head. From your position at the gun you see the underside of the brute. It's claws whipping within inches of your face. Landing behind the APC it spits out mouthfuls of the arid sand. Then you feel the APC pick up speed suddenly kicking sand up with the rear wheels obscuring the beast. Soon however the creature emerges from the dust and begins to pick up speed. You can hear the engines whining as the dunes whizz past, yet the creature is beginning to gain...
DM:That means you shouldn't be clicking this.Secret DM rolls No lookie.Init:[roll0]
Boom Goes the car:[roll7]

The APC suddenly lurches forward with startling speed. The angry hum of the engine drowning out the mild annoyance of the metallic scraping that starts up again.

"Lets hope it doesn't come to that. After all John's not driving I'm sure are ever capable crew can see us clear." One of the guardsmen says. John however is clutching his straps with white knuckle tightness.

2011-06-03, 07:19 PM
An edge of panic colors Tully's cry "Throne! That beast is huge! Can you guys shoot it or something?" I hope the mechanic made the proper blessings to the Emperor because I am pushing this thing for all its worth...

2011-06-03, 07:31 PM
"Apologies! Not particularly used to this kind of gun! Think I'm getting the hang of it though." Alex replies, correcting his aim before firing another burst.

2011-06-03, 10:43 PM
Tully:You hear the reassuring thud of the heavy stubber and keep pushing the engine. A small blinking red light catches your attention. Suddenly the beast lurches ungainly into your field of view. Right in the path of the APC. It lowers itself bracing itself for the impact...Drive check please with your next action.
Alex:You again open fire at the beast as it sprints toward you. Your fire yet again failing to score a hit on the fast moving target. It swings out wide to the side of the APC before propelling itself, with a final burst of speed, in front of the APC. It lowers itself bracing itself for the impact...
DM:Secret DM rolls.WP:[roll0]

2011-06-04, 12:54 AM
Emperor's Balls that beast is fast! Why didn't they give us a tank! As Tully tries to avoid the creature he yells, "Hold on tight everyone I don't like the look of this"

Drive (41): [roll0]

2011-06-05, 04:05 PM
Alex keeps firing frantically, hoping that his inexperience with the gun would not be his death. "I think it's gaining on us!" he comments, a note of panic entering his voice.

2011-06-05, 04:15 PM
Tully:Turning the wheel hard you barely manage to react in time the soft sand providing little grip as you force the APC to sharply turn to avoid the beast. It sees the APC divert and leaps out to catch the moving vehicle. Not the wisest thing it could of done however the APC is rocked as the Beast slams painfully into the APC. The creature is rolled off the side as the APC cruises past. Suddenly the APC is rocked again and the rear end swings out. It takes all your skill just to maintain control of the APC...
Alex:The heavy stubber's inaccuracy again curses you to miss again. The large casing flying from the gun and the bullets only throwing up sand to injure the beast. The APC swerves to avoid the beast. It snaps up and leaps at the passing APC rocking it violently. It scrabbles for a hold on the metal box it's claws scoring deep marks in the hull. Then it catches on the wheel it's feet fly from beneath it and the hulking beast rolls off the side landing heavily behind the strained APC. quickly regaining it's footing, it runs at the APC leaping to tear at the vehicle. It falls short it's claws scraping at the metal. Trying again it manages to embed it's claw into the APC and finally haul it's weight up it's eyes level with you...
DM:Secret DM rolls you know the drill DM eyes only.Grab:[roll0]
If Fail:Charge:[roll1]
Damage for Charge:[roll2][roll3][roll4][roll5][roll6]
If Succeed:Full out attack:[roll7]
Damage for Full out attack:[roll8][roll9][roll10][roll11][roll12]

Those inside the vehicle are slung against their straps as the APC veers sharply to the side. It slips slightly and then is rocked by a sharp impact. However it's not stopping yet. Then you hear scraping on the Rear door. The harsh sound of scratched metal. The the APC's rear swings violently and the sound of popping metal can be heard from the door.

2011-06-05, 10:13 PM
Millicent shrieks when the vehicle rocks. One hand clutches at her restraints, the other wrapped around the gold Aquilla that hung from her neck, her knuckles turning white. The cleric launches into a prayer in accented High Gothic.

2011-06-06, 11:56 AM
Alex keeps up his fire, offering up a small prayer to the Emperor. Emperor, you saved me before, so a little help now please?

[roll0] vs 89 (point blank range now)

2011-06-06, 12:01 PM

[roll0], I damage, 3 Pen.

2011-06-06, 04:37 PM
Other hit (forgot +30 from point blank)


2011-06-06, 10:35 PM
Vinny hears the creaking of the access panel and pulls out Pity, aiming her directly at the doorway, waiting for whatever it was to pull it off the hinges. This close, if Pity didn't stop whatever it was, then it deserved to eat them.

2011-06-06, 11:01 PM
Abel grips his Stubber tightly with his right hand and the nearest railing with his left as the APC jolts around, then shouts. "Gunner, is the creature attempting to break into the vehicle?" He points his pistol at the hatch where the scraping sound is coming from, then announces to the entire group, "Get ready. We may need to engage this threat personally." This task accomplished, he begins focusing his Will, preparing to call upon the Warp if he is called to, and begins chanting a litany under his breath. "I am the hand of the Emperor. I manifest His Divine Will, and His hand protects me from the taint of the Warp..."

Attempting Invocation as a Full-round action.
[roll0] vs 44+10 (Psy Focus)=54

2011-06-07, 05:13 AM
The long las would be unwieldy in close quarters, but judging by the sound of whatever was outside, the Ghost thought his laspistol wouldn't be enough. He turned the longer weapon over in his hands, shifting towards the front of the vehicle, away from the scraping sounds.

"Light outside, but not enough. Not enough to banish dark things. Dark things in light..." The Ghost muttered to himself, a sort of half smile forming on his face at the thought. He would be ready.

2011-06-07, 10:03 PM
"Where is it? Do any of you see it? Maybe we lost it?" Tully suggests hopefully...

2011-06-07, 10:49 PM
"There aren't any viewports in this iron box, but am pretty sure it's right behind us! Just keep the pedal close to the floor until we get to the base!" Lt. Grendel shouts in reply to make himself heard over the cacophony of battle. He quickly makes sure he and his equipment are strapped in tight just in case the beast should get the best of this deathtrap. His looks of concern at the others readying weapons inside of a vehicle that may be moments away from a violent and sudden stop are hidden by the mask of his respirator. By the Emperor I hope their weapons don't go off by accident... a ricochet could kill one of us.

2011-06-08, 05:43 AM
Tully: The Vehicle sways again slightly and the ride improves. The handling responds better. Several flashing lights flicker. The engines angry hum fills your ears like a sea of bees. Several seconds pass then a minute nothing further bad has happened....Combat rounds over.
Alex:You squeeze the trigger and at this range you can't miss. The first pair of bullets from the burst slam into the creatures torso. It screams in agony, it's hot blood splatters thickly on you. Unfortunately you can't control the spray of full auto bullets and the recoil rides the gun barrel up. The bullets whizz into the hot air, missing the beast. You watch horrified as the monster's flesh begins to knit around the wounds reforming even as it hauls it's weight closer to you. Sluggishly it swings a claw at you. It howls in pain as it stretches the wounded flesh to lash out at you. The newly forming flesh ripping apart. It recalls it's clawed arm and twisting it leaps from the APC. It lands on it's feet and rolls through the sandy dust. The APC drives on through the hot air. The creature crawls to the top of a dune and slumps. It's chest rising so heavily that even as it dwindles into the distance your heightened sight can see it...Combat rounds over feel free to shoot at it some more you leave. It's currently at 100m away and will increase by that each round. Until it's out of range. Or you could conserve ammo...
DM:Secret DM rolls.WP: vs 40
T:[roll1] vs 47
WPsWS:[roll2] vs 55
Damage:[roll]2d10b1+6[roll]2d10b1+6WPfWS: vs 35
Ag:[roll6] vs 41[roll7][roll8]
The APC sways violently again. The Guardsmen are now pointing sidearms at the Rear door. Except John who is rocking back an forth chanting a prayer for the Emperor's protection. The two mechanics clutch tightly on their straps. The whining of the engine rings loudly inside the APC. And through the once solid rear door of the APC you can see a beam of light through a small hole. Seconds drag by slowly and then a full minute passes. John's chanting grows quieter and finally fades to silence. The only sound now is the strained metal and whining engine.

2011-06-08, 08:45 AM
The Ghost breaks the silence, slinging his unwieldy lasgun and drawing the much smaller compact laspistol he had been given, some time ago now, by the Man who brought the Light.

"Light in here, now." He says, taking a few cautious steps towards the back of the APC to peer out the hole in the door. "Can't keep dark things in the light for long. Better this way."

2011-06-08, 08:45 PM
"Throne! When Alice warned us of the wildlife I figured something that might hurt a guy walking around. I never imagined a beast that could eat the APC!"

After the excitement fades, Tully muses on the opportunity of the creatures I wonder if we could build some excitement around a hunting expedition for these things. I know some people who would pay pretty well for a chance to bag one of them.

His thoughts however are interrupted by the the flashing warning and fault lights on console. I wonder if there is a way to turn these off, they sure are distracting...

2011-06-09, 07:02 AM
Tully:You check the lights and read the small inscriptions next to each. The check engine light is on, as well as one indicating an electrical fault. Another suggests it would be appropriate to check tire pressure. A flashing light shows on the engine temperature. A large panel of lights overlaid on a plan of the APC blink, they are supposed to show areas of structural damage. Traction control, the rev limiter and the fuel gauge fair little better all sporting blinking lights.Make an easy drive check to sort out the annoying lights.
Ghost:Through the hole in the rear door you can see the endless wastes of sand. The kick up from the rear wheels.
The Guardsmen holster their weapons and John regains a bit of composure and shuts up. Luke speaks up. "Why would they let wildlife like that continue to exist. I can't see them being conducive to mining transports."
One of the other guardsmen looks over at Vinny's weapon. "Hey Vinny you got a story behind that one too?" He leans closer and reads of it's name. "... Pity?"
One of the Mechanics releases his straps and goes to check on Tully in the cab. He opens the door and tightly griping the bar outside the door leaning his head in.

2011-06-09, 02:13 PM
While making a mental inventory of the fault lights, Tully notices the mechanic and says, "Ah, glad you are here my friend. So do any of these lights indicate anything we need to concern ourselves with before we reach the outpost?"

Through the open hatch, Tully catches Luke's thoughts on the creatures and adds in "Back home I knew someone who kept a nasty thing called an Ambull around. While it did cause him trouble from time to time, such as eating a servant or two, it also tended to keep others from poking around his business..."

2011-06-10, 07:37 AM
The mechanic has a quick look over the interior of the cab before saying. "Nah should be fine." He returns to his seat inside the sweat box.

2011-06-10, 11:35 AM
Abel's quiet chanting ceases, and he holsters his pistol and sits down calmly, his face betraying no sign that anything untoward has happened. "Indeed. Were it possible and economical to eliminate these creatures, I am certain that it would have happened already. In the mean time, they will do much to discourage any smuggling on this planet." Abruptly he stops talking and closes his eyes. That could not have been the omen predicted by the Tarot... I must continue to be wary.

2011-06-10, 02:11 PM
As the mechanic leaves, Tully remarks to him and the rest of the passengers "Thank the Emperor that we have a mechanic of your skills with us on such an important mission. It is reassuring that you have determined the damage we have suffered will not affect critical systems -- such as the one used to identify our APC to the defenses of the outpost..."

2011-06-10, 06:46 PM
As the Mechanic returns to his seat the other one hearing Tully says "Was the electrical fault light on? The ID system operates on that. If so best be safe and pull up outside the base to give it a check over. I'm sure James won't mind leaving the safety of the APC to do that." He pats the other mechanic on the shoulder as he straps himself back in. He smiles sheepishly, but his eyes display worry.

2011-06-10, 08:52 PM
Millicent lifts here head and gives the mechanics a look. "Isn't the ID system what will allow us to open the gate and not be shot by the base's defences? Pulling up there may not be the best of ideas." The cleric points out.

2011-06-10, 10:21 PM
"I am assuming he means to do so outside of the range of the defense system... especially if he means for us to get out of the vehicle. If we do stop for any reason, we will need to form a defensive perimeter around the APC, especially as without it, we lack a way to identify ourselves to the defensive systems or the gate."

2011-06-10, 11:22 PM
Vinny breaths out a sigh of relief and sets Pity in his lap. "She's named Pity, 'cause I found her in the street, an' took pity on her." Vinny explains. Not everything he owned had an elegant story behind it. Far from it in fact. He owned fairly simple things, and he liked it that way. Kept it all from getting too messy. "That, an' it's a pity she takes so long to reload."

2011-06-12, 11:38 AM
The mechanic says to Lt. Grendel "Yes that is what I meant. If our driver could locate a suitable Dune to park us on. It won't take long for James to check the ID system's working."
James looks a bit nervous and mumbles. "10 mins at most just to check, however if it's broken that could take longer."

The guardsmen talking to Vinny says "Ah ok I'm Marcus by the way. It certainly looks like you only need to fire it once." Marcus offers his hand to Vinny.

2011-06-12, 12:35 PM
Well one dune is pretty much like any other out here, but I would like to put a little more distance between us and that beast before we stop. Tully will look for a place that gives a decent view for the stubber.

2011-06-12, 12:43 PM
"Why not check now? Be sure, before you be sorry." The Ghost was watching the mechanic, his head tilted to one side. "The dark things are gone now. The light is here."

2011-06-12, 12:57 PM
"Well James, I'm sure we could manage to keep all of us safe while you check it over." Lt. Grendel says in an attempt to reassure James

2011-06-13, 05:09 AM
Tully:There are many suitable dunes all around just pick one and park.
One of the Luke says to Ghost "Well we could stop now, but If we want to have a look at the Base before we might as well wait till we get within eyeshot. Save us stopping twice?" He shrugs.
James gives Lt. Grendel a small smile. "That I don't doubt. I'll try to be quick about it."

2011-06-14, 12:12 AM
"Later, then." The Ghost subsided back into silence, checking the broken guage he carried again to be sure it was still empty. As long as it was Empty, the Ghost knew, their assault on the base would go well.

2011-06-14, 03:32 AM
"might as well check it over now. If the damage is severe we should know right away. That dune over there looks good..."

2011-06-14, 06:49 AM
The mighty APC pulls up a dune and stops. The harsh sound of grating metal stops. The noise however of the rear door opening is discordant, but compared to what you've been enduring within the box it is sweet music. As the dust settles and you look out the APC you can see a endless desert as far as the eye can see. Fortunatly you spot little else than dust. No beast leaps from out of sight to maul you. James quickly unbuckles from his seat a takes off a small panel near the front of the APC. Inside are the sacred workings of the machine. He mumbles the Litany of repair as he rummages through the wiring. True to his word he is finished inside of ten minutes. "The ID system is working fine, we should have no promblem gaining access to the base." He quickly scrambles inside the APC and buckles himself back in. The small respite for those of you that took the oppurtunity to stretch your legs is now over and back ito the iron box you climb. Or perhaps for you the relief is for being safely back inside the armoured hull, without being shreaded by the claws and teeth of the wildlife.

The APC continues on it's journey and the beating sun still harshly shines down on the APC. The rattling metal continues to grate and the engine whines and gurgles and rumbles. Yet despite all this eventually you do draw close to you objective. Mining outpost 6527 is now in sight...

2011-06-16, 02:49 AM
Peter, the other mechanic open the rear door as you stop before entering the outpost. The ground underfoot is no longer sandy dirt, but glassy rock. The sun has climbed high in the sky during your journey to get here and now beats down on the rock making it warm to walk on. The Guardsmen begin making final checks on their gear and they check the straps on the respirators. While Peter double checks the ID system to make sure of James' work. Luke takes out a telescope from one of his many pockets and passes it among you. Through it you can see the base. It is protected by rockcrete walls and short stubby towers every couple hundred metres. Each topped with a small turret that you barely manage to make out. The Base is about 1km stretching wide across the rocky plains and the doors await your arrival. "How should we proceed?" asks Luke as he takes back his telescope.
Awareness check please.

2011-06-16, 10:00 AM
"Get inside, first. Can't climb walls. Find the gate." The Ghost peered at the base in the distance. It seemed to the Ghost that a place like this could hide many things, out here where nobody went unless they couldn't help it. Very much like space.

[roll0] Awareness!

Well, that's a pass no matter what my score is.

2011-06-16, 11:24 PM
"Well here we are. Not a lot to see from here I guess...

Awareness (34): [roll0]

2011-06-17, 04:57 AM
It's smaller than I expected.

[roll0]vs 41(heightened senses)

2011-06-17, 09:29 AM
Hmmm all this fuss over a simple mining camp...
31 vs [roll0]

2011-06-17, 06:33 PM
Millicent frowns at the glassy rock underfoot. That was not natural. When the telescope is passed, she looks through it, squinting at the distant mining base through the bright, unbearable sun. "Slowly, I suggest. I do not like the look of those turrets." Riding up quickly upon a fortified position would seem hostile and was a sure way to get killed. The cleric didn't understand or trust the device that guaranteed their safety. Especially when the loyalty of those within the base was questionable.

Awareness: [roll0] vs 48

2011-06-17, 07:04 PM
Abel takes a long, careful look at the mining facility in the hopes that it will reveal some sort of pertinent information. "I disagree. The turrets should not fire upon us, and any dissidents inside the facility would not be able to control them remotely. Our best chance to avoid damage is to move as quickly as possible to the entry to minimize the time we spend in their field of fire and disorient their machine spirits." He draws his Stubber, then quickly checks the slide and chambers a round before holstering it again.

Awareness: [roll0] Vs. 34

2011-06-17, 07:22 PM
"Why should we need to disorient the machine spirits if you believe they will not fire?" The young woman asks, raising an eyebrow at Abel. "I believe that if we approach slowly, should they fire, we will be at a greater distance and have a better chance of escape."

2011-06-17, 07:37 PM
Abel frowns. "Escape? We cannot 'escape' until our mission is complete. We have only one direction to travel, if we are to remain true servants of the Emperor. Surely, one as devoted to Him as you must realize this?" He turns back towards the mining camp, one arm gripping his metal staff. "As to the machine spirits, I believe that we must always assume the worst-case situation. While I do not expect the turrets to fire, if they do moving quickly is our best defense."

2011-06-17, 08:08 PM
"Prudence is not cowardice." Millicent retorts. "It will be quite impossible for us to complete our mission if we are all dead."

2011-06-18, 01:08 AM
Vinny gives Albus a bit of a glower. "Chargin' in all guns blazin'll get us full of lead or las. We go in slow." He says with a bit of finality to his voice. "If ya wanna go in fast, ya can go alone."

[roll0] vs 28

2011-06-18, 02:05 AM
Abel returns the stare for a moment, then blinks and closes his eyes, his right hand moving up to rub his forehead as though he's developed a headache. "Very well. I believe you are wrong, but it is not my place to command." He looks up again, his expression neutral as usual. "I have stated my opinion, and it is your right to disregard it."

2011-06-18, 09:39 AM
Ghost:You take the Telescope from Luke and look around at the base. Every so often you see a corpse of a creature at the various distances from the base. Some fresh and some only bone with their skin long since blasted away by the harsh environment. You even see one that's chest rises and falls weakly. The beast's wounds slowly knit themselves together. The large holes that are visible even from this distance are slowly closing. Scanning across the approach to the base you see a wide open stretch. The only thing you note is a small sand covered mound. A closer look however reveals that it is in fact a burnt out vehicle. Between the piles of sand you can see the Aquila, though it is burnt and blackened. A small distance from the mound you make out the charred corpse of a human. Further searching through the telescope reveals little else. You take it away from your eye. However as you do a glint of light attracts your attention past the base. Looking again through the telescope you see something quickly disappear from sight behind the base. Whatever it was left a large trail of dust in it's wake.

Tully:You take the Telescope from Luke and look around at the base. Every so often you see a corpse of a creature at the various distances from the base. Some fresh and some only bone with their skin long since blasted away by the harsh environment. You even see one that's chest rises and falls weakly. The beast's wounds slowly knit themselves together. The large holes that are visible even from this distance are slowly closing. Scanning across the approach to the base you see a wide open stretch. The only thing you note is a small sand covered mound. A closer look however reveals that it is in fact a burnt out vehicle. Between the piles of sand you can see the Aquila, though it is burnt and blackened. A small distance from the mound you make out the charred corpse of a human.

Alex:You take the Telescope from Luke and look around at the base. Every so often you see a corpse of a creature at the various distances from the base. Some fresh and some only bone with their skin long since blasted away by the harsh environment. Scanning across the approach to the base you see a wide open stretch. The only thing you note is a small sand covered mound. A closer look however reveals that it is in fact a burnt out vehicle. Between the piles of sand you can see the Aquila, though it is burnt and blackened.

Grendel:You take the Telescope from Luke and look around at the base. Every so often you see a corpse of a creature at the various distances from the base. Some fresh and some only bone with their skin long since blasted away by the harsh environment. Scanning across the approach to the base you see a wide open stretch. The only thing you note is a small sand covered mound. A closer look however reveals that it is in fact a burnt out vehicle. Between the piles of sand you can see the Aquila, though it is burnt and blackened.

Millicent:At this distance the telescope doesn't allow you to see much additional to what you can see anyway. It's a walled base with turret-topped towers, but you new that already. More interesting is the ground. Looking closely at the rock you begin to suspect that it is a the product of the sand being melted by some Phenomenon. The rock has swirls and patches that betray a current frozen in solid form. The exposure to the wind blown sand however has provided it with a high polish. The sun reflects violently of it catching you in the eyes and momentarily disorienting you.

Abel:What is there to be gained from looking at the outside of the base. The telescope aids you little. You pick out no other details that you didn't already know. Handing Luke back the Telescope you look back at the desert behind you. One of the Dunes moves ever so slightly...

Vinny:What is there to be gained from looking at the outside of the base. The telescope aids you little. You pick out no other details that you didn't already know.

From in front of the APC Peter locate the cause of the hazard light. "The problem is the left light. One of the wires was loose. Luckily the machine spirit is still strong, it just needs a bit of maintenance. "

Luke folds back up the telescope and returns it to his pockets.

2011-06-18, 12:47 PM
"Things in the sand," the Ghost mutters. The Ghost was always muttering to himself. It was part of being the Ghost. "Should go inside. Turrets look effective against the dark things. Kill them. Make them flee. Flee like the mound down there. One soul, but the light here will have found him."

The Ghost did not point. It was obvious enough where he was looking, even from here. A little black dot in a huge expanse of sand and stone. "Might want a closer look. What were the lost souls fleeing from?"

2011-06-18, 01:58 PM
The cleric sighs and hangs her head, but turns away quickly from the sun reflecting off the glassed rock beneath her feet. "I agree, we should move. I do not like this place. Something isn't right. I mean, whatever could melt sand like this anyways?" Millicent asks no one in particular. Ghost's cryptic ramblings made no sense to her, and without any indication that he was staring at anything particular, she figured he was just staring out into the desert. It wasn't as if there was much else interesting to look at here. Just endless tracts of sand surrounding the mining base.

2011-06-18, 02:14 PM
Listening to the slippery words of the psyker, Tully wonders who is in charge of our little group I wonder? Surely someone must have been invested with authority.

That burnt out Aquila is disturbing. Did it also have authority to pass the inspection of the turret machine spirits? The creatures prevent us from staying here though... it is only a matter of time for one to notice us. Perhaps a slow approach that we can turn into a quick retreat if the turrets take notice of us?

2011-06-18, 03:51 PM
"Any of you see that? Looks like there's some sort of burned out vehicle in the sand there. Looks Imperial too; that appears to be an aquila there. A little worrying - maybe the turrets have malfuctioned, or the rebels have taken control of them."

2011-06-18, 09:02 PM
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]"Melted sand you say? Well, I've seen certain heavy weapons have that effect before... And judging by that vehicle wreckage there's more going on here than anyone knows..."/COLOR]

2011-06-19, 02:56 AM
Tully will engage the engines of the APC to approach the entrance of outpost... slowly... if they start firing he will engage reverse gear and back up out of range.

2011-06-19, 11:34 AM
DM:Secret DM rolls..[roll0]vs90

2011-06-19, 05:36 PM
Ghost:You sit inside the APC and barely have the wheels started to move as you buckle the straps around yourself. A turret whirs into life, the sound clear to you as the click of the buckle. Then the hail of bullets come tearing through the flimsy armour of the APC the white hot lead ripping into your soft flesh. Fire sprouts from the panels and the APC rolls throwing you against your straps. It slams into the ground the keening screech as it grates across the ground fills your ears. Flames engulf the interior and flaming shrapnel pierces your side. The fires dim as your blood leaks out onto the strained metal. You blink clearing the red liquid from your eyes. Reopening them you find yourself still sat in the APC whole and without a scratch as Tully slams the APC into reverse.Vision of your death... Horrifying Fear check

Abel:Psyniscience check.

Tully:You engage the forward drive of the APC and slowly roll forward over the flat rock. Your Nav screen flashes...
++Denstination reached++
++I.D code 57168741++
++Code Recognised++
++Turret86 Safe++
++Turret87 Safe++
++Turret88 Safe++
++Turret89 Safe++
++Turret90 Safe++
++Turret91 Safe++
++Turret92 Safe++
++Turret93 ...++
++Turret93 Unresponsive.++
++Warning Turret93 Targeting++

Not needing to be told twice you change into reverse. A hail of bullet springs forth from the turret peppering the ground in front of as you reverse the APC hastily. Chips of rock are thrown voilently at your small glass vision slit, imbeding deeply into the armoured glass. A bullet pangs of the APC as you finally exit the turrets range. The hail of bullets stops abruptly.

Quickly reentering the APC you strap yourselves in as the APC slowly crawls forward. Its not long however before it's slotted into reverse and speeds back as the sound of a bullet pangs off the Armoured construct.

2011-06-19, 06:35 PM
Abel narrows his eyes as he grips the restraints in his seat. Is it possible...

Psyniscience: [roll0] vs 34

2011-06-19, 07:22 PM
Abel:A weak burst of physic energy emanates from something within the APC just before the bullet strikes. Stretching out with your senses you feel a malign power burrowed within the Cleric. However before you can focus, it recedes within her leaving only a bitter taste in your mouth.

Millicent:Your armour feels very itchy. As though ants crawl beneath the plates. Perhaps it is just the heat getting to you but you sure are glad that you aren't still wearing the full suit.

2011-06-19, 08:30 PM
When the APC is thrown in reverse, Millicent yelps in surprise. This is quickly followed by the realization what they were being shot at. So she'd been right. It was a small comfort. She was alreadying hating this work. Being trapped in this strange steal box with all of these strange men being attacked by Emperor forsakened monsters and now being shot at. She really wished she could just go home to the cathedral.

The cleric took a deep breath to steady herself. She was needed here. She was meant to be hear. How badly would this mission have gone had she not spoken up?

But Throne, was it hot in here! She shifted uncomfortably, tugging at the remaining armor she wore, trying to slip a finger or two through a gap to scratch.

2011-06-19, 09:31 PM
Abel mutters to himself for a few short moments, his eyes unfocused, before abruptly jerking his head to stare unnervingly at Millicent, his mouth curled in distaste. The stare lasts for well over ten seconds, the bald Psyker not blinking as his gaze seems to stare deep into the Cleric's very soul. When the gunfire ceases and the APC begins to slow to a stop, the stare ends and Abel speaks in a low, threatening growl, "Everyone out, except you." He gestures to Millicent with his right arm even as the fingers of his left grow white as he grips his staff, "I feel the taint of the Empyrian here; we must not continue until its source is identified." Without waiting for the others he stands up and moves closer to the plate-armoured Cleric, then crouches down in the middle of the armoured vehicle and resumes his intent stare, again muttering quietly as he focuses his mind on the task at hand.

Taking a Full Action to make another Psyniscience check, probing Millicent's soul for evidence of Warpcraft and attempting to gain a better understanding of whatever happened earlier.

Psyniscience: [roll0] vs 34

2011-06-19, 10:21 PM
Millicent shrinks back from Abel's gaze. When he speaks her eyes go wide in shock. "What?!" Was he saying she was tainted somehow? But how was that possible? Though she was feeling very strange... No. It couldn't be true. Dear Emperor, please don't let it be true.

Frightened, she looks to the others for help. Would they really leave her alone in here with the Psyker?

2011-06-19, 10:28 PM
"I ain't leavin'." Vinny tells the psyker, standing and pulling out Pity. "I haven't noticed anything, going on. How do I know if you aren't just being screwy with us?" He asks. " 'Sides, I don't want ta meet another of whatever it was that attacked us last time."

2011-06-20, 12:24 AM
"Back up. Need to back up. All going to die in this box if we keep going forward." The Ghost muttered to himself as impacts pinged off the front of the APC. Fortunately, Tully put it into reverse, taking them out of range of the turrets, but the Ghost kept muttering and twitching, glancing fearfully at the walls, as if he expected bullets to tear through them every second. "Unprotected. Should have thicker walls, thicker ducts. Hide in the light dark places and they can't find you. The light finds you. It knows."

2011-06-20, 04:15 AM
Oblivious to the events transpiring in the back of the APC, Tully says from the cabin "It seems rather obvious at this point that at least one of the turrets have been compromised. Maybe we can destroy the one targeting us as most of the others seem to be functioning correctly."

2011-06-20, 07:21 AM
Tully:Thankfully you are now fully out of range of the turret. Through the Nav. view screen the unresponsive turret is highlighted with a thin red line.

Abel:You extend your will out searching Millicent for the prescence. At first you can't sense it. You can feel her mind strong and pure, but tendrils are closed around it. Following them you find the prescence sitting deep inside her like a carrion fly in a mouldering heap. As you reach out to it, it recoils twisting it's tendrils back on itself. It retreats from your pyshic probing and again you lose it. The very air however is beginning to gain an irritating pyhsic stentch.
WP test please.

Millicent:The pysker's intent quickly becomes clear as you feel his mind pushing against your own. Bile rises in your throat as images of a book flashes into your mind. The pages flick past quickly filled with heretical words and deamonic artwork. You are left with no doubt from whos mind these images stem. The pysker's mind is searching for something...Make a WP test please.

2011-06-20, 10:44 AM
The now terrified cleric closes her eyes, trying to shut out the images flowing through her mind. She tries to speak, perhaps in prayer, but only a broken, frightened whimper escapes her.

WP Test: [roll0] vs 35

2011-06-20, 11:03 AM
Abel:Steeling your mind you try to pin down the entity. Your mind cuts through the physic mist like a scalpel. However as you focus it seems to fall away. You can't locate any signs of anything malign. A deep feeling of revulsion begins to spill forth. With shock you feel it coming from Millicent. Her mind is feebly pushing against search. She obviously lacks any physic ability at all. Her mind thrashes and you feel a hot flush roll over you. Your skin begins to itch. Despite this you continue to concentrate, but find nothing remaining. The air still throbs with physic energy, but you are sure it's no longer coming from the cleric.Any further Psyniscience against Millicent reveals nothing further.

Millicent:The pysker's mind brushes against yours and fills you with a deep sense of horror. He is searching you for something. Something that isn't there. He can't find it and his mind leeks into yours slightly. You see a door. Locked and barred. Yet it swings open. You remember turning the pages. Your hands... no his hands these are not your memories. You reject them push them to the back of your mind yet it is too late. Letters burn themselves into your mind. The feel of the paper against your skin. The words trip of your tongue. "The Emperor is a lie" The lies continue spilling forth. False thoughts worming into your mind.Gain 1d5 corruption points.

2011-06-20, 11:36 AM
"No!" Millicent moans. "Make it stop. Make him stop. Get out of my head." She begs, her voice low and cracking. "Please, stop." Feebly, the young Cleric tries to push the Psyker away, while trying to keep herself as far away from his as the side of the APC allowed. She can't move far, though, having never had the chance to remove the restraints that tied her to the vehicle. "It's not true." She whispers, tears beginning to flow. "It's not true."

Corruption: [roll0]

2011-06-20, 12:38 PM
Vinny raises Pity at the cleric's words, settling the sights on the psyker. "What did you do to her?" He demands.

2011-06-20, 01:21 PM
The Guardsmen in the APC shuffle nervously. John is making the sign of the Aquila and mumbling some litany. As Vinny raises his gun Marcus' hand moves to his side, thumbing of the clip of his holster. Luke catches his eyes and shakes his head. Marcus stares intensely at Luke for a moment before looking away. His hand has stopped moving, but remains near his sidearm. The other guardsmen are tightening their grip on their lasguns and trying to edge as far away, from the unfolding scene, as allowed by the tight confines of the APC. The mechanics look at each other uncertainly. Peter begins to reach for his own holster and James whimpers.

2011-06-20, 04:40 PM
Abel closes his eyes and breaks the link with Millicent, his mouth curling into a terrible frown. He speaks quietly and calmly to the Cleric, attempting to soothe her terror and completely ignoring the weapon pointed at his face. "Shh... Quiet, now. It's over, and you have nothing further to fear." He gently puts one hand on each of her shoulders, then continues. "Whatever you saw, it was a lie. You're safe, and the Emperor watches over you. Remember His Glory, and let His strength flow through you." Finally he turns away to allow her time to recover, turning to Vinny with an angry glare. His voice is a mere whisper to avoid disturbing the still fragile Cleric. "You. What was I doing? Attempting to save her soul from whatever foul beast seems to have tried to claw its way in. So put the gun down and be quiet, before you frighten her further." Finally, he looks to the still panic-ridden Ghost, and frowns again. "What? When did this happen?"

2011-06-20, 09:14 PM
"He started this up when the turret started shooting at us... You think something might be getting to him too? For that matter, could you fill me in on what you just protected her from?" Lt. Grendel makes the sign of the aquilla while mentally reciting the Litany of Protection.

2011-06-20, 10:06 PM
Though Millicent certainly did not like the Psyker putting his hands on her, Abel's words brought her back a bit. Gave her focus. Quietly, she slipped into a prayer, repeating the words to herself over and over. Reasserting her beliefs and devotion, taking comfort in the familiar words. She wasn't particularly aware of the whispered conversations around her. That was probably for the best, though, as it would have only frightened her more.

2011-06-20, 11:00 PM
"Find a way around the gun. Around it. The armour we hide in is not strong enough, not thick enough, to protect from the shells. It must have destroyed it. The other car. The Aquila in the sand. But was it going in or coming out? Out, I think. Fleeing. What was it fleeing?" The Ghost's muttering had not diminished in the whole time Abel was talking with the cleric. The Ghost knew there had to be a way in. There was always a way.

2011-06-21, 10:36 PM
"Peter, may we speak for a moment please. You are the expert of course, but this screen seems to indicate that turret over here (pointing to the screen) is not functioning correctly. Is it possible to have our machine spirit inquire of each turret if it will accept our identification? From there we might be able to see if there is a way through..."

2011-06-22, 08:31 AM
Abel cries out harshly clutching at his head. Soon his screams dwindle and leave a blank eyed pysker kneeling in the center of the APC. He seems unaware of what is happening now. Luke stretches out a foot and gently kicks him. No response is forth coming. "Pyskers" Luke snorts. Marcus licks his lips and takes a swig from his canteen. In the still silence after the pysker's scream only ghost's muttering provides noise, even the engine seems to have taken a back seat. Luckily Tully's shout from the front snaps you back into the present. Peter stands and disappears into the cab.

Marcus speaks "Well. We've got to get in there. Unless our wonderful tech can come up with a better idea. I say we drive as fast as we can straight for the door."

Luke seems to not enjoy this notion however. "We could try destroying the turret. I don't suppose someone brought a rocket launcher along for the ride?" James starts to say something then thinks better and rises from his seat and opens the crate that Alice placed inside. "Ha. I doubt there is one in there."

James doesn't pull out a rocket launcher. He does however remove a data-slate. Quickly strapping himself back in he says. "It's a inventory of the supplies the base has used. Perhaps the data for the Turrets is in here." He quickly sets to work reading through it.

Through the open door to the cab you can hear Peter conversing with Tully. "Hmm, it doesn't seem to be accepting the command. It must be a malfunction. I am fairly sure it'll fire on any moving target. How about circling around there, if we stay close to the wall we could minimize the time spent in the firing sights of the turrets."

Tully:Peter enters the cab and seeing the red lined turret enters some simple command lines. He re-enters the I.D code manually and receives the same answer back agian form the turret.

++Turret93 ...++
++Turret93 Unresponsive.++

He repeats this a few times before trying some thing else.

++Shut-down code++
++ Authorization++
++ I-7QJV9 ++
++Turret93 ...++
++Turret93 Unresponsive.++

With this failing as well he begins to look for a way around it. Peter points out to you a route that could allow you to reach the compound wall opposite the faulty turret.

James shouts with a start. "That's it firing sights. The turrets have a targeting array with a motion sense view scope if we could destroy that the safety protocols with shut it down. It's a hell of a shot, but you could pull it off with a long-las."

Luke takes a look at ghost."I don't think he could do it like this. Anyone else here a good enough shot for that?"

Marcus bangs the top hatch of the APC through where Alex stands at the gun. "How 'bout you up there?"

Abel begins to regain his senses. His eyes slowly focusing...

2011-06-22, 08:37 AM
"Abel, you okay? Any chance you could fill us in on what just happened?"

2011-06-22, 11:48 AM
"I'm good. What's going on down there? Who was screaming?
(OOC: assuming I can't see the inside of the APC)

2011-06-22, 01:53 PM
Abel turns slowly to look at Grendel and replies, his voice quite pained. "I am... Recovered, now. A failsafe was activated when I attempted to remember something, but it should have no further impact." He sits down and begins rubbing his head. "We must be vigilant. Whatever the creature which attacked Millicent was, it has not yet been banished from the Materium. It was likely responsible for his breakdown," he points to the Ghost, whose name he has forgotten by this point, "and it will certainly attempt to strike at us again. From this point on, we will have to make certain precautions. Nobody is to travel alone, and if you begin to feel any discomfort or pain or begin to feel emotions which you have no reason to experience, you must speak up. We are dealing with a grave moral threat..." With these ominous words, he looks at each of his companions in turn. "Caution is of the utmost importance, now. We face a fate far worse than death if we are lax."

2011-06-22, 04:35 PM
"Emperor protect us." Millicent breathes before going back to her prayers, clutching at the symbol of the Aquilla hanging around her neck.

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer..."

2011-06-23, 12:30 AM
While at first alarmed by the screams, the words of the psyker sit uneasily on Tullys thoughts. From the cab he asks Abel "What do you mean by banished and materium? Was the Cleric injured by the turret or something? "

2011-06-25, 04:26 AM
Alex:"The psyker has detected some entity. I'm not quite sure what is happening now. Anyway do you think you could destroy the turret that shot at us from up there? Perhaps it's targeting array would be vulnerable. I'm not sure that staying where we are is the best course of action."

Abel:"A fail safe? So the creature hasn't affected you then? I think your advice may be the only safe way to deal with this threat. Where has this thing came from anyway and what is it? However we have a mission we have to gain access to the base and root up the problem.I think at this point we can be sure there is one. I doubt they are just behind on repairs..."

Alex: Awareness check.

2011-06-26, 08:00 AM
"Could try. Shooting the sighting mechanism. Not easy. Not easy to fire so far. Even the speed of lasfire is limited. Doesn't matter in close, but far away... you get a second. A second to see your death coming and get out of the way." The Ghost ceased his mumbling, breaking into a slight smile for the first time. "Guns can't get out of the way, unless they have a wielder."

2011-06-26, 12:25 PM
Abel responds slowly. "The creature is some sort of Warp-entity, though I have been unable to determine exactly what. It is likely some sort of psychic parasite, but I cannot be certain at this stage." He looks to the Ghost, then asks, "You are recovered, then? What did you experience?"

2011-06-27, 11:23 PM
Vinny puts the gun away and goes back to playing "Dumb Brute" before offering a hand to help Millicent up. "Yous okay now?" He asks, a bit concerned and still fairly pissed at the psyker.

2011-06-28, 12:45 AM
So how close do you need to be to a turret to make the shot?

Assuming the range is further than the turret's range, Tully will maneuver the APC to give him the best opportunity...

2011-06-28, 01:22 AM
"Outside. Can't see it from inside, in the dark. Can't get too close." The Ghost fidgets uncomfortably, checking and rechecking his gun. "Recovered? Yes and no. Nothing really to recover from. The metal held, no holes in it yet. There would be holes, if we kept going. The turrets would let the light in and spill red blood on hot steel."

what's the range to the turret?

2011-06-28, 06:25 AM
The APC is about 300m away from the turrets.
Tully edges the APC closer before the turret opens fire again. Already prepared for this he reverses and stops just outside the range of the turret without taking any hits. Parking the APC on the flat rock Ghost is able to disembark and take aim at the turret unmolested...

2011-06-28, 09:51 AM
DM:Secret DM rolls..[roll0]vs60



WP Test: [roll39] vs 40.

Alex:You peer at the the distant turret and can barely manage to see the shape of what looks to be some sort of targeting array. Three of the turrets further afield open fire. Not at you but at the beast that lay dying only moments earlier. It managed to get it's feet and make a run for the APC. The hail of bullets quickly put it down though spraying chucks of it across the scorched rock. The APC is positioned now providing you with a perfect line of sight to the malfunctioning turret.

The sound of multiple turrets firing can be heard. Luckily it seems that these shots are not directed at you.

2011-06-28, 12:26 PM
"Distant. Almost too far out." The Ghost licked his lips, sighting down the scope of the lasrifle. "Too open out here. Need to get inside. Can't get inside with the turret still up. The light will guide my aim..."

Taking a careful bead on the miniscule targetting array of the turret, the Ghost fired.

2011-06-28, 12:28 PM
Ghost's careful aim is assailed by the harsh environment. The high sun reflects of the glassed rock and the strong winds buffet him. It's not enough to throw him though as his las-shot flies impossibly true striking the barely visible targeting array of the turret...

2011-06-28, 12:56 PM
... The turret begins firing wildly whatever Ghost's shot has accomplished the turret now is just unloading bullets randomly in a continuous spray of lead. None of them go anywhere near the APC and soon the turret's firing stops. For whatever reason it may be you don't know...

++Turret93 ...++
++Fatal exception++

Alex: Your eyes no longer see a targeting array but more a lump of melted machinery atop the turret. It's barrels glowing red. The shot that Ghost managed was superb, but you're sure you could of manged it also.

2011-06-28, 01:08 PM
The Ghost stood carefully, letting out the breath he had been holding. He climbed back aboard the APC, settling into his seat and going over the long-las another time. "The light in the turret is dimmed and diminished," he mumbled. "Safe passage through dark paths."

2011-06-28, 01:28 PM
"Nice shot there, Ghost. I'm glad you're on our side."

2011-06-28, 04:34 PM
"I think I will be alright." Millicent assures Vinny, though she doesn't take the helping hand up. She was still strapped into her seat, never even having thought to remove them since they had last strapped in. Although appreciative of the gesture, she waves his hand away. "It seems we'll be moving again soon. I'll stay right where I am."

2011-06-29, 01:45 AM
Emperor's Grace, that was an impressive Ghost. Lets hope we dont find any more surprises with the turrets. So is everyone ready and strapped in? We might have to move quick if something unexpected is here to greet us...

2011-06-29, 01:48 AM
"Two sides to every coin. Best to be on the side facing up. But are we the up side, or the downside?" The Ghost blinked twice, settling into his seat and strapping in. "Straight, like an arrow."

2011-06-29, 05:39 AM
"I'm starting to feel a bit exposed here, let's get going. I'd recommend finding something to park under or in, just in case of prying eyes above..."

2011-06-29, 05:11 PM
The guardsmen join everyone in making final preparations. They check each other are strapped in firmly. Check their weapons reciting the scared litanies of loading and unloading as they check their ammunition and clear the guns. Charge packs enter lasguns and bullets echo into autoguns. They may lack a standardized weapon as you note the subtle changes in each mans load-out, but they are imperial guard and they have trained to fight and die for the emperor. The fact they may be called to make good on that today doesn't seem to bother them much.

The mechanics are the ones that seem to most out of place. James just sits there holding tight to the straps to bind him to the APC. Peter after checking his own straps pulls out his las-pistol and waits. His eyes staring at the charge level indicator.

The base awaits. The turrets lie silent now...

2011-06-30, 04:47 AM
Both the Psyker and Ghost seem rather unhinged to Tully. While Ghost only spouts confusing nonsense... the Psyker... something else entirely holds him in its grip. At least I am up front -- being in back with him must be intolerable.

We now charge into the unknown to battle what lies within and return this outpost to the Emperor's holdings. Perhaps you have some words to inspire the faithful Millicent?

Vroom... Clank... Chug... Vrommm...

2011-06-30, 07:25 AM
The APC rolls forward the hard ground crunching softly under the weight. The engine groans and heaves the last stretch of this journey. Ahead the gate slides nosily on it's bearings as it gapes open to allow your entrance to the base. Inside the door are several rows of roofs that seems to serve the purposes of garages. Massive iron-clad haulers lie waiting to carry the ore from this place. Finding a space the APC tucks in between the dormant machines. Finally the harsh sound of the engine stops and the strained metal clicks no more. Not the best journey, but you've made it.

Luke straightens the feed line on his mask an steps out of the APC. The rear door settling of the rock with a finality. "Well we're here." He voice oddly muffled by the respirator. He shoulders the vox-caster and clicks the safety off on his lasgun.

You are in a wide avenue of parked vehicles just inside the base. They line either side. No people are in sight and the only sound other than you is the dull thump that reverberates through the air every ten seconds making the thin covering of sand skitter on the rock which this base seems to be built.

2011-06-30, 08:09 AM
Disembarking carefully, and glad to get out of the metal deathtrap that was their transport, the Ghost took in the surroundings. "Rythmic noise," he muttered, eyes focusing nowhere in particular. "Dead machines, or living machines, or both. Precision is lost in men, too many differences to be perfect every time."

2011-06-30, 02:33 PM
Abel carefully fits his own gas mask over his face, cautious after his run-in with whatever the creature that attempted to attack Millicent was. He leaves his pistol in its holster as he exits the APC, realizing that drawing it will only unnerve his already skittish comrades. "Remember, we must stay together. Nobody is to risk themselves by travelling alone for any reason. If you feel anything out of place, tell somebody. We face a far graver threat than mere recidivists now." Though his speech is calm, the Psyker seems somewhat tired at this point and a slight hint of what might be grumpiness has entered his voice. As he walks, his metal staff makes a clicking sound againt the pavement, in counterpoint to his words.

2011-07-01, 06:40 PM
Alex climbs down from the turret and leaves the transport, shouldering the reassuring weight of his rifle, glad to be back to his normal weapon. He glances around, taking in the ore-haulers. Seems normal enough.

2011-07-02, 06:29 AM
Lt. Grendel disembarks from the APC, losening his saber in its scabbard, unsnapping the flap over his pistol, and settles his lasgun on his shoulder. "We should head over to the control center and see what we can learn."

2011-07-02, 08:36 PM
After checking his equipment, Tully clamors out of the APC into the punishing heat. Once everyone else exits the vehicle he will activate the locking mechanism -- it would rather disappointing to come back and find it missing.

The control center does seem like a good place to start. If nothing else we can access the station logs and other systems...

2011-07-02, 10:41 PM
Millicent unstraps herself and walks out of the vehicle on somewhat shakey legs. After a quick look around, she starts to sort through her pack. Did she want to risk another bout of heat exhaustion? There was certainly a threat here.

"What is that sound?" the cleric asks as she begins to put her armor back on. "It's shaking the ground. What has the power to do that?"

2011-07-05, 11:04 AM
Vinny steps out and pulls out Flo, the comforting weight resting in his hand. "Automatic mining machines probbly." He says as he takes a look around.

2011-07-05, 05:48 PM
The guardsmen step from the vehicle their weapons held causally. Luke pauses briefly and has a quick discussion with the mechanics. It ends with him assigning two guardsmen to aid James in the repair of the APC. The rest of them join you. Luke hefts the heavy cox-caster over his shoulders.

Emerging from the garages out into the open base you are afforded a view of the outpost's insides. It is built on a shallow bowl of glassy rock and in the center is a large mechanism that rises and falls creating the dull thump that rumbles the ground. It is ringed by several lifts that presumably descend into the mine. Mined rock still rises from the deep on conveyor belts that dump it out apon hills of slag. A few figures can be spotted clambering over these hills.

The inner wall is lined with shabby buildings that hide beneath large canopy. They are clearly hiding from the harsh sun that beats down on you all. It's even worse in here as the walls prevent the wind whipping the sweat from your brows. It doesn't take you long to spot the command center. It's heavy construction is from the same rockcrete as the walls. It sports a communications array that is visibly damages. Parts of the structure hang loose.

2011-07-07, 07:33 PM
"Look," says the Ghost, pointing at the damaged array. "Steel towers have cracked and shattered. Like a cage, trapping the words inside. There are still things here, dark things, maybe? Can't be said, yet."

His mumblings completed, the Ghost starts to head for the control center.

2011-07-10, 12:29 AM
"Quite right Ghost, it appears that damage is likely the reason for the silence from this camp. Everyone look sharp, until we discover otherwise, best to assume we are in hostile territory." Lt. Grendel starts to head off towards the command center, trusting the others will follow behind. It's too quiet here... Luckily his uneasiness is hidden by the respirator, however he does take the precaution of drawing his pistol while keeping a firm grip on the hilt of his blade.

2011-07-10, 07:18 AM
Alex falls in behind Lt. Grendel, checking his pistol is in easy reach. The damage to the towers is worrying, surely repairing them would be a priority if the camp were fully functional.

2011-07-12, 11:17 AM
You reach the command center. It is a large rockcrete building with small windows little more than holes. As you draw closer you can see the signs of an explosion on the commucations array. Charred burn marks marr the twisted metal and small chunks of the structure are scattered around. The command center squats on the rock. The heavy iron doors are closed. No guards stand to greet you. The doors stand slightly ajar and within you can hear noises...

((OOC: Sorry I've taken a while to post I've been travelling a bit so haven't had time to get this done.))

2011-07-12, 12:31 PM
Without thinking, Lt. Grendel holds up his left hand in a clenched fist upon hearing noise emanating from the command center, then points to either side of the door. He cautiously makes his way towards the doors, hoping to catch the occupants unaware.

2011-07-12, 12:42 PM
Abel draws his Autopistol, watching the door carefully and ready to support Grendel when he makes his entrance. "The damage to this facility is extensive... We may not be able to restore communications ourselves." He whispers, to no one in particular. "I do not believe that simple drugs could have caused this much havoc... That is certainly the result of an explosion. I wonder, did the Entity follow us... Or did we stumble into it?"

2011-07-12, 04:38 PM
The Ghost raised his weapon, peering at the crack between the door and its frame. "Creatures in the darkness. Step into the light, or the light will come to find you..." The Ghost didn't adress anyone, just mumbling to himself again in his peculiar fashion.

2011-07-13, 04:29 AM
As Tully edges closer to the door (whispering) "Lets see if we can overhear anything of what they are saying..."

2011-07-13, 05:53 AM
Standing with his back to the doorway, Lt. Grendel sighs internally Civilians... no noise discipline at all...

Awareness: [roll0] vs 31

2011-07-13, 08:16 AM
Alex, moving as stealthily as he can, peeks into the command centre through the crack in the door.

[roll0] vs. 41

2011-07-14, 01:44 PM
GM:Secret rolls no peeking.[roll0] vs 15
[roll1] vs 35
[roll2] vs 35

Grendel: Through the door you can hear a pair of voices. They sound male and are talking normally.
" Hey that was a four not a three."
"No that was a four the colour is just fading on it see."
"[COLOR="Red"]Shh over there...COLOR]"

You hear scraping of chairs on the rocky floor.

Alex:You manage to peer inside the doors their are a pair of men dressed in flak armour sat behind a desk playing dice with each other.
" Hey that was a four not a three."
"No that was a four the colour is just fading on it see." He holds the dice up to the light. The light streaming in however is blocked. With a sinking feeling you realize the light is blocked by you...
"[COLOR="Red"]Shh over there...COLOR]" They look up a spot you, quickly they grab for their guns...

2011-07-14, 02:07 PM
So much for the element of surprise... *sigh* Lt. Grendel pauses to take a breath then, moving Alex out of the way while muttering "Excuse me a moment." He abruptly pulls the door open and bursts into the room, being sure to step to one side of the now open doorway, while pointing his pistol at the nearest living occupant. "I am Lieutenant Grendel Augustus here in service to the Holy Emperor of Man, identify yourselves."

2011-07-18, 02:05 AM
GM:Secret GM rolls No peeking.G:[roll0]
Shot at A:[roll4]

As Grendel steps forward pulling Alex out of the way las-fire is heard. Through the now open door light pours in. Inside you can see a small room with a desk, behind which two men stand in ill-fiting flak armour. One of them is pointing a recently fired las-gun at the door. As grendel Identifies himself he turns the gun on Grendel. Fortunatly the other man hears the words and pushs away his comardes gun at the last second. Another burst of las-fire peppers the inside of the room.

The obviously brighter man of the pair quickly annouces his name following with a sharp salute. "Private Nathan. Sir." The other fellow seems to have a small dawning of what is happening and looks bleakly at the gun he is holding. Another spark of realisation hits him and he drops the weapon as if it was a snake."Private Patrick... Sir?"

2011-07-18, 07:20 AM
Lt. Grendel returns their salute after holstering his pistol. "At ease gentlemen. Your diligence is to be commended, and we apologize for sneaking around in a suspicious manner. I'm sure you can appreciate the fact that we were unsure as to the state of the base and were attempting to gather information discretely. Should we expect any company in response to the shots that were fired? Excuse me one second. At this he turns his head still keeping an eye on the two locals. "Clear!"

2011-07-19, 01:27 AM
"Company?... Oh the others? Their are still a few of us left. Patrick go tell the commander help has arrived." Patrick looks at him then back to Grendel stood in the doorway before running off.

"So did Dalis tell you what been going on? It's been such a long time we had lost hope."

2011-07-19, 02:01 AM
Abel files cautiously into the room, not trusting these theoretical Guardsmen for a second. He keeps his pistol drawn, though pointed at the ground, and wanders over to the nearest corner to stand with his back against the wall. He remains silent for the moment, carefully not looking directly at either of the two men as though they might disappear if he focuses too hard on them.

2011-07-20, 03:58 AM
These guards sure are jittery, Tully muses as he watches the outside area to make sure nobody sneaks up behind them...

2011-07-21, 06:49 AM
"I'd like to hear your take on it actually, always good to get reports from the frontline troopers."

2011-07-21, 08:34 AM
Tully: Awareness check please.

As Abel enters the room Nathan shys away from his prescence. Ensuring that the desk(Strewn with small discs, dice and Patrick's dropped las-gun) stays between him and Abel.

"Sir? My take on it. I'm not sure what to make of it. I've never seen a disease move so quickly. We've had little luck trying to contain or treat it. Commander Edilson acted quickly to to and prevent the spread. That didn't help any though. Most all of the base is lying sick and dying. We've been cooped up in here the past three weeks waiting for help. None of us have fallen sick yet so whatever the disease is spread on can't be in here.

What's worse there are those that haven't been dropped by the sickness. They're are out there I've seen them moving about freely while we've been trapped in here. Cowering like rats."

2011-07-21, 08:41 AM
"What exactly is trapping you in here trooper? Your friend seemed rather on edge."

2011-07-23, 01:13 AM
Tully:All is clear. Nothing stirs in the high sun.

"Trapped... Perhaps not the choice of word I was looking for. We are under orders to remain here until the infection burns out." He looks like he wants to say more, but he doesn't.
"You should speak to the commander He can answer you better than I. More articulate than a small cog like me. Shall I show you to his office?"

2011-07-23, 02:18 PM
"That would be appreciated. Are you sure it is wise to leave your post entirely abandoned?"

2011-07-25, 01:36 AM
Grendel:Your gut tells you not to trust this man.

"Post? We have no post now we are confined to this building. I doubt anyharm is going just wander in now with them at the front." He waves vaguely at the people still outside.

2011-07-25, 09:50 AM
In a smooth motion Lt. Grendel draws his pistol, aims it at the "trooper's" head and noticeably thumbs the safety off. "Abel, if you would be so kind as to ascertain the truth from this piece of filth."

2011-07-25, 03:43 PM
Abel flinches as Grendel adresses him, then looks back and forth between the Imperial officer and the 'Guardsmen' in front of him. "Hum? He is clearly lying about something, Lieutenant. While simple sickness explains the facility going offline, it does nothing to demonstrate the extreme physical damage to the machinery and structures. There is also the matter of the psychic disturbances in this area..." He quiets down for a moment, finally looking the guardsmen in the eyes. "You will tell the lieutenant everything, of course. No more lies or omissions, yes? I would rather not waste the energy needed to pry the answers from your mind."

Well, looks like Abel's earlier mention of telepathic ability comes back to bite him, since he has precisely none as of now. It's simple logic that these guys aren't telling the whole truth, but unless they're being mind-controlled by someone there's not much that I can do to pick their brains other than try to scare them. Which reminds me:
Intimidate: [roll0] vs. 32 plus or minus any modifiers.

Heck, I suppose I have been a bit lax on the psychic front as well. Once the 'conversation is finished, I'll activate Psyniscience as well. If nothing else, the muttering and faint sense of wierdness might unnerve the people we're dealing with.
[roll1] vs. 34 plus or minus any modifiers.

2011-07-26, 02:59 PM
Nathan looks at the hard barrel of Grendel's gun with fear. As Abel speaks he visibly cringes in horror. "Ommisions. It's not my place to..." His eyes, determined to avoid contact with Abel's, fail him and he stares into them as Abel begin's to mutter. Nathan draws closer... "Their not all strcken. The unholy walk unscathed my the lord's sickness. But we the faithful, the loyal must stand firm against the tide." He doesn't avoid looking at Abel now. His face contorts in rage and he leaps forward snatching the gun from the table and brings it to bear on Abel..."Die Pysker!"

Grendel:As you have a readied and aimed gun the floor is yours. Attack roll... Damage... Initiative.

Abel:As you attempt to read the subtle signs, your mind is swamped with a brutal surge of pyshic energy. Make a willpower check.(routine.)Initiative and Dodge roll and a half action this round.

2011-07-26, 03:10 PM
As his tutors taught him, Lt. Grendel takes a second before pulling the trigger. "Die heretic scum!" Lt. Grendel bellows as he opens fire.
Half action aim: +10 BS
Shot: [roll0] vs 47
Damage: [roll1]

2011-07-26, 04:18 PM
Abel flinches back with a shout of surprise, not suspecting either the intense surge of Warp energy appearing to his senses or the recidivist's violent responce, doing his best to avoid the lasbolts coming his way as he brings his pistol up and snaps a shot off.

A Routine Willpower test: [roll0] vs 44+20=64 (74 if dealing with Fear or Possession)
An Untrained Dodge test: [roll1] vs 32/2=16

Making a Standard Attack against the guy who shot me. Presumably I'm within 15 meters of him?
[roll2] vs 39+10(range)=49

2011-07-27, 04:01 AM
The moment gunfire erupts Tully will take what cover he can and ready his autorifle. His intention is to make sure that any reinforcements are taken care of. He just knows someone bad is right around the corner...

2011-07-28, 01:48 AM
GM:No peeking secret rolls.Init[roll0]

Abel:You have made a novice mistake opening yourself too widely to the warp. However your training and strength of will allows you to clamp your mind shut against the warp. The torrent of energy simply fall from your mind shut out. You feel pain, but it far off, distant. Dull, ebbing... Gone.Nothing bad has happened that you know of...

Nathanīs speed is too quick. He manages to bring bring the gun to bear on Abel, before even Grendel can pull the trigger. The burst of las quickly splashes around Abel. Leaving him unscathed. Nathanīs speed has not acted in his favour. Abelīs shot is much better placed tearing into the flesh of his right arm. His clumsy flak armour absorbs some of the fury and flies apart coated thickly in his blood. He staggers back trying to grip the gun. His arm drops. He manages to get his other arm onto the weapon. Grendelīs shot hits him, but he doesnīt notice it. He holds the gun up again his ruined arm hanging off the trigger. Itīs too much, as blood pours from the fist sized hole in his arm he stumbles again and falls, rather inelegantly, to the floor. His pooling blood seems across the floor.

Outiside Luke grabs a pair of the guardsmen and rushes inside. Leaving John and Marcus outside with the other acloytes.

From further within the command HQ you can hear men coming...

OOC:Argh the internet at mz current stop hates me.... Edit following after the rolls come through.

2011-07-28, 07:43 AM
"Dark, dark. No light in their souls anymore." The Ghost stepped carefully over to the edge of the building, peering around the corner. Those inside could handle themselves, he was sure. If the things from below had heard the shots, though...

There were things below. He was sure of it. "Where are you, where are you..."

2011-07-28, 08:43 PM
"Looks like we're dealing with some kind of chaos cult. Did your troopers happen to bring any grenades? They're likely to come in handy..." Lt. Grendel tips over the table such that the top faces the doorway leading further into the base and ducks into cover behind it.

2011-07-29, 12:34 AM
Abel steps out from against the wall and nudges Nathan's corpse a few times with his foot, just to make sure that the brainwashed traitor is dead, then follows Grendel into cover behind the barricade. "Yes, his words did point to the machinations of the Great Enemy. I must warn you, there is an extraordinary amount of Warp Energy present in this area." He quickly looks back in the direction the sounds are coming from, then continues. "Is it calling, or called, though? And is it the same as whatever attacked Millicent and the quiet one? I dare not open my mind to it further..." He almost seems to be about to say more, then stops, reconsiders, and simply states. "Well, regardless. It is highly likely that everyone on this base has been contaminated to some extent. I recommend that we treat any armed personnel as hostiles until disarmed."

2011-07-29, 02:32 AM

Ghost:You scan the area outside the base and it becomes apparant that the base only has one entrance other than the front door... the roof access to the communications array. All the windows are small and barred. No enemies, that you can see, are approaching.

Off in the distance you can make out a lone figure moving across the rocky bowl of the outpost. It moves to a mound near some crates and stops for a moment. Whatever it is doing it doesn't seem to be of any worry to you at the moment.

2011-07-29, 09:21 AM
GM:Secret GM rolls no peeking.Init's:

Luke[roll6] 35. +30. +10 75.


"No sir I regret we were not issued with grenades."

Grendel's efforts to over turn the table get off to a shaky start as the heavy, wooden table resist's his efforts. The guardsmen quickly join him and manage between them to heave the table over. The door through which Patrick disappeared is soon flung open. Patrick storms back into the large entry room followed by a pair of men dressed in combat fatigues holding las-guns. The straps on their flak helmets hanging off, obviously thrown on in a hurry. Luke opens fire on them with a short burst of las-fire. Small pieces of rockcrete shower from the walls. Patrick screams "Kill them!"

They raise their weapons as you duck into cover behind the table...

Next combat round.

2011-07-29, 01:43 PM
Abel levels his pistol at Patrick, bracing his arms against the table and doing his best to take cover behind it, then lets loose with a barrage of semi-automatic fire from his Stub Pistol, hoping to down him quickly. As he shoots, he says calmly, "By the authority of The Emperor's holy Inquisition, you are all condemned as traitors and sentenced to death. In nomine Imperator."

Yes, that probably took more than one combat round to say. Oh well.
Firing my pistol on semi-auto at the enemy; I think that we're within 15 meters of them, unless this is a very large room, but if not subtract 10 from my stated Target Score.
BS Tests: [roll0] vs 39+10(range)+10(Semi-auto) = 59
Damage 1: [roll1]
Damage 2: [roll2]
Damage 3" [roll3]

Edit: That's 12 Damage, Pen 0, to the target's Left Arm. If I somehow have a +10 bonus I wasn't counting, the second hit also hits his left arm, for the damage listed.

2011-07-29, 02:06 PM
"Well, a man can hope." Lt. Grendel flicks the fire selector to full auto and blasts away at the nearest lasgun armed cultist.
[roll0] vs (BS 37 + 20 full auto + 10 range) = 67
Damage 1: [roll1]
Damage 2: [roll2]
Damage 3: [roll3]
Damage 4: [roll4]
edit: So much for that...

2011-07-29, 11:24 PM
GM:Enm + hits luke 1d10+3= 10 LUke takes 3 damage
guy one hits 5 hits patrick,enm1enm2enm2enm1 5(0),6(3),5(2),10(7),9(6)
Enm one 1hp. enm2 dead.
Patrick takes 12(5) 4hp left.
Luke hits for 8 enm 1dead
Guy 2 hits Patrick 13(6)
Patrick dead...Secret rolls no peeking.Dodge. Patrick [roll0]
Luke[roll1] burst lasfire 55
Patrick[roll2]Full auto pistol 65
enm1[roll3]burst lasfire 55
enm2[roll4]burst lasfire 55
guy1[roll5]Full autogun 65
guy2[roll6]burst lasfire 55



The quickest enemy manages to fire a few shots before the barrage of return fire withers them. His las-fire wounding Luke, who had not taken cover. One the guardsmen in cover with you hoses the doorway with his autogun. Patrick is hit, but the bullets fail to find a soft target. His supporters aren't so lucky. One is cut down immediatly while the other is wounded by a pair of hits. Patrick is hit by Abel's firing, the bullet finding purchase on his flesh and causing a cry of pain as he raises his Autopistol. Luke's las-fire finishes off his last supporter with a well placed burst. And the final guardsmen finishes Patrick with a final burst that brings the armoured foe dwon. Grendel's shots are just in time to spray the falling corspes with more splintered rockcrete.

Through the door more enemies pour. Into the field of slaughter already slick with the blood of their friends. Two more in combat fatigues with helmets chucked on, lasguns ready. And a third only in trousers. The charge at you raising their weapons...

Next combat round

2011-07-30, 08:54 AM
The Ghost looked at the door, blinking at the sounds of combatemanating from within, as if he had only just heard them. "The dark things prove their darkness,"he muttered, creeping closer to the door and taking cover by the frame. Just rats in a trap, though. cornered ship rats, no place left to go, before the darkness comes up and swallows them whole."

The Ghost did not, however, return fire just yet.

2011-07-30, 09:33 AM
Need to remember my fire discipline
Half round aim: +10 BS shooting at nearest alive enemy when my turn comes
[roll0] vs 57
Damage: [roll1]

2011-07-30, 12:59 PM
Carefully keeping in cover, Alex watches the combat, waiting for the moment to take his shot. Seeing his chance, he aims at the nearest guardsman and takes his shot.

(Rolls in OOC)

2011-07-30, 01:48 PM
Abel raises his pistol again, firing quickly at the unarmoured attacker. Target the weak one... Let those armed with greater weaponry deal with the armoured foes. Nonetheless, when one of the armoured enemies wanders into his sights, he takes a shot at that one as well.

Firing Semi-Automatic again at the unarmoured enemy. Only two rounds left in my magazine...
BS Test: [roll0] vs 59
Damage 1: [roll1]
Damage 2: [roll2]
Damage 3: [roll3]

2011-07-30, 03:34 PM
GM:Secret Gm rolls no peekingEnm1[roll0]Enm2[roll1]Trousers[roll2]




Hot las scorches through the room as both sides rain fire apon each other. One of the men manages to raise his weapon and let of a devastating volley. Both Abel and Grendel are hit with horrifyingly accurate wounds. The hot las burns into Grendel's helmet melting part's onto his flesh. Abel's unprotected head is hit full force with a burning wound that melts into his flesh burning away his most of his hair and leaving angry red burns across his face. Abel's first shot slams into the Foe with such force as to shatter his arm. Fragments of bone imbed themsleves into the makeshift cover. Blood splatters everywhere drenching the few spotless pieces of rockcrete in red fluid. He staggers waving the now useless stump around, before colapsing dumbly. Abel wastes no time in firing off another shot crippling another attacker. Grendel manage to finish him off with well placed shot. Luke and the pair of guardsmen in cover fail to find a mark and serve only to pour more fire at the pock-marked walls.

Though the man stands alone among his dead further help arrives. A massive man strides thorugh the door pushing infront of him a snivelling wretch. The coward is dressed in full flak armour that hangs loosely from his small frame and clutches a las-gun which now faced with certain death raises. The larger of the reinforcements carries a shotgun and little else. His has grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around his waist. His chest heaves and his face is redder than the blood soaked floor. Bare-footed he walks through the debris strewn room. He chambers a shell...

Next combat round.

2011-07-31, 01:58 AM
Seeing that Ghost has moved to the door and that no Heretics are rushing his side of the entrance, Tully attempts to emulate the guard troopers and take position at the doorway to defend his companions.

2011-07-31, 07:51 AM
Taking in the carnage from the battle, Alex shrugs. Looks like his companions had already done quite a bit of work. Now to take out the brute...

Half action to aim, [roll0] vs 89

2011-07-31, 08:37 AM
The big man with the shotgun was a clear threat. The small man, not so much. The Ghost had found his target. With a small half smile, he levelled the long las, squeezing off a round at the unarmoured man.

[roll0] with half action aim.
[roll1] damage if needed.

lots of degrees of success. Huzzah. More damage rolls OOC.

2011-08-01, 01:24 AM
The splash of thermal energy across Abel's face causes the Psyker to drop to the ground as he lets loose a shout of pain. He manages to keep a hold of his gun, but the best he can do is crouch behind the makeshift cover, even as he subconsciously begins to draw upon the power of the Warp to try to repair the damage inflicted, muttering to himself, "Emperor of Man, overseer of..." Slowly the angry red burns on his bald head seem to recede a little and the Psyker grows calmer, though his injuries are still grave.

Dropping behind the table as a free action, then using Healer to try and recover a few Wounds to get back into fighting trim. If I roll a 9, I'm going to spend a Fate Point rerolling rather than risk Psychic Phenomina.

Focus Power: [roll0] vs threshold 7.
Wounds recovered (if successful): [roll1]
Edit: That's a success, and no Psychic Phenomina, so that's nice. I'd prefer to gain back a little more than 20% of what I lost, but I'm just grateful I get to heal at all. It would not be fun trying to go the rest of the mission with 3 Wounds left...

2011-08-01, 04:30 AM
Recoilling in pain and shock at his wounds, Lt. Grendel takes an opportunity to catch his breath behind what cover the table provides.

2011-08-02, 09:04 AM
One hit body no damage punchs through cover. Cover now 7
Gun jams.
advances and fires the shotgun point blank at guy 2 13(6)((Covernone)) dam guy 1 12(5)((cover none)) Cover now 5
Cover Reload.
Hit big guy.
Fires from the floor at grendel. 10 damage.((cover none))cover now4
Hit big guy
Cover.Secret GM rolls no peeking.Init: Big[roll0]





The accurate foe forces Abel and grendel into cover. Swinging the weapon on the others in cover he burns several holes in the cover. The las splahes across guardsman's armour disapating harmlessly. Ingnoring the heretics attacks he takes cover and reloads his autogun. The coward herded by the brute raises his weapon to fire. The machine spirit of his weapon rebukes his action as the weapon fail's to rain las apon you. Sparks fly from the charge pack as he swears and hurries to solve it. The brute leaves his comrade to his faulty weapon and advance's on the cover. He holds his fire till you can see the whites of his eyes. He fires the weapon. However as it perforates the cover it fails to bring any harm. The table cracks audibly under the massive force. He begins to chamber another shell. However fire flies over the table from a pair of well placed shots. The first evaporates his arm leaving a small trail a dust mingling with the blood slick floor. The second slams into his other remaining arm, shattering all the bones and leaving him with a stumb that squirts blood in ragged pumps. The shotgun falls to the floor and he staggers, armless, a look of pure shock on his face. He tries to say something, but it doesn't come forth. Felled he toppless forward over the table landing on the other side with a dull thwack.

From the pile of corpses by the door a las-gun is raised. The foe that Grendel thought he had finished off fires from a postion prone behind an armoured corpse. His fire punches through the shreaded table hitting Grendel. Grendel feels only an uncomfortable warmth as the shot is spread over his armour. Luke fires in retailation as Grendel stays in cover. His fire fails to find the target though and simply makes extra holes in the already dead.

Next combat round

2011-08-02, 04:32 PM
Gotcha. And now for the other.

Aim, shoot. As normal.

[roll0] vs. 89
Damage: [roll1], pen 3, to the head.

2011-08-03, 01:35 AM
Seeing the lasbolt penetrate the table he's hiding behind and splash across Grendel's armour Abel acts quickly, assuming a firing stance again and taking sight against the enemy hiding in the pile of corpses, then firing a carefully aimed shot directly at him.

Aim first, then fire a single shot. Hopefully it doesn't just hit corpses or miss...
[roll0] vs 39+10+10 (59)
Damage: [roll1]

One round left...

Edit: 5 Damage to the Body, Pen 0. Well, that probably didn't work. Not that I can really expect to keep killing an enemy every time I shoot anyways...

2011-08-03, 05:55 AM
What, do I have a sign that says "Shoot me" or something? Lt. Grendel takes aim and fires.

At any enemies that are still alive when my turn comes around again:
[roll0] vs 47

2011-08-04, 10:59 AM
Hits left arm of Guy 1 No daamge.
Clears gun and runs.
Fires full auto at Enm body 2. 13(10) Dead. Hits fleeing cow body arm twice. 10(3)8(1) Head Body enm 1 9(2) 7(4)
Finishes enm1
Headshots fleing cow.
Also hits enm 2. Arm 7(4)
Jams. Relaible...

Enm2 4 overkill chest 8Impact over kill arm. Eneg
Shattered ribs. Burnt fleshes melted fat...
Cow overkill 3 head.
Covers head in blood as the bullet flies out his nose.
Enm1 overkill 4impact body 6impact body.
Shatters ribs. Forces into ground.

Combat over.Secret DM rolls.Attacks:

WP test from Cow vs 25[roll5]
BS test from Cow vs [roll6]

Dodge rolls


The enemies continue fighting. The one that still stands firm fires at the autogun armed guardsman as he rises from cover. His las finds it's mark, but the man simply roars. "The Emperor Take You!" He flicks the first bullet into the chamber... The coward who has just managed to bring his malfunctioning weapon weapon under control sees this and turn tail for the door, stumbling over the corpses as he goes... The guardsmen opens up with the autogun at this range he quickly drops the man firing at him. The horrific sound of a man's ribs cracking is heard as a pair of bullets smash into him. He manages to remain standing just long enough for Luke to hit him with a burst of las. His flesh bakes and he open his mouth in a silent scream. His fat melts and runs out from his clothing like water from a tap. Even before he crumples the autogun is turned on the fleeing man. A pair of bullets strikes him in the back. The force causes him to trip on a corpse, he steadies himself on the door frame before continuing to flee down the corridor. He barely makes it two paces before a bullet flies across the room from Alex's weapon passing through the man's neck and out through his face. Like a cut puppet he tumbles forward landing in the corridor. The final enemy hiding among the corpses foolishly tries to kill the guardsmen with the autogun. Before he can even pull the trigger though he is riddles with bullets also. A pair from the guardsmen are enough to kill him crushing his feeble body. As he wheezes are careful shot from Abel finishes him off. There can be no doubt now that he is truly dead. The final bullet sending him sliding across the floor leaving a bloody trail. His lifeless corpse ending in the corner...

In the excitement Both Grendel's and Ghost shot fail to fly true. The other guardsman armed with the lasgun manages to give himself a mild shcok as hi weapon rebels. However proper maintenance of his weapon and a quick hand means the fault is immediately corrected. When he brings his gun to bear again however he finds lacking in targets.

Combat End

Damage report-
Luke seems to have suffered a minor wound. A small hole has been burned through his flak armour and the flesh beneath is rosy red from a mild las wound.
Abel has taken a much worse wound to the face. The right side of his face now sports a new order. The skin has melted slightly and reformed leaving it crumpled and burnt. His muttering seems to have done something though. The skin is still crawling slightly smoothing itself out as though ant moved beneath it. His ear and eye have healed completely, but the flesh of his cheek and scalp will obviously form scar tissue despite the pysker's efforts.
Grendel has taken a similar wound however to the left side of his face. Though it was no doubt protected some what by the helmet he wears. Now part of his helmet has melted into his face and you are sure he will require a blade to remove it now.
The table once meant to dominate this room is cracked and broken. The drawers have spilled piles of forms out onto the ground turning the parchment red as it drinks up the blood.
The room is now filled with blood, bone fragments and lifeless bodies. From within the compound you hear now only silence...

2011-08-04, 01:20 PM
Abel looks around for a few moments from his place behind the table, careful in case more enemies remained to attack him, then stands up and works the slide on his stub pistol, catching the ejected round as it leaves the chamber and putting it in his pocket, then replaces the weapon's magazine with a fresh one and chambers a new round. "Hmm..." He seems to notice Grendel's injury for the first time, and grimaces at the extent of it. "Lieutenant, that seems to be a grievous injury. I... Can speed the process of healing, if you wish."

2011-08-04, 01:23 PM
"I would appreciate that greatly Abel, especially as we seem to be a bit far from the nearest Medicae."

2011-08-04, 01:53 PM
Abel seems slightly shocked that the Lietenant isn't particularly worried about being worked on by a Psyker, but he immediately begins working on it. "Very well. This may take a moment, and you may feel some small degree of discomfort." He begins his quiet chanting, calling for the Emperor's blessing upon His servants.

Using Invocation until it succeeds, then using Healer to heal Grendel.
5 seconds pass for each failed invocation.
[roll0] vs 54
[roll1] vs 54
[roll2] vs 54
[roll3] vs 54
[roll4] vs 54

Focus Power test: to check for Psychic Phenominon because with Invocation Healer succeeds automatically.
And the amount healed: [roll6]

2011-08-04, 02:02 PM
Noting the psyker's shock, the lieutenant offers an explanation: "Since birth I have been groomed to fight the enemies of the Emperor, be they heretics, cultists, witches, daemons or xenos. One does not forgo help from a source sanctioned by the Emperor in war."

2011-08-04, 03:10 PM
The Pysker's efforts yield results.. The melted flak flakes and falls of as the skin beneath it knits over the burns. Grendel is left with a glossy smooth piece of skin stretching across his left cheek from jaw to hair line. As the melted helmet pieces slough off, the helmet slips and falls from his head.

While Abel mutter's the guardsmen check over their weapons and Luke tentatively approaches the Pysker. " Is that safe? I mean could you do that for me? I don't wanna sport an extra limb or nothing. I've heard that's what happens. Tentacles right from your eyeballs."

2011-08-04, 03:23 PM
Seeing the remnants of his helmet, Lt. Grendel sighs. "If one of you lads finds a flak helmet without a hole in it, I would appreciate it." He then helps in policing ammo and weapons from the dead.
Search: [roll0] vs 15

2011-08-04, 06:40 PM
As the firing stops Tully nervously enters the room. The blood and stench of death and destruction assails his senses. That moments ago these men were shooting at him is foremost in his thoughts...

"I could easily have been one of these bodies" he muses silently. He looks to the grim faced guardsmen and the psyker doing something horrible to the lieutenant's head.

Is this the life of an Acolyte? Is his future lying dead at the feet of some heretic already written by the Emperor's Hand?

2011-08-04, 07:18 PM
Grinning, Alex checks his rifle and slips a fresh clip in, returning the partially spent clip to a pocket. I really shouldn't feel this... exhilirated from getting into a firefight. I've already almost died once.

2011-08-04, 11:31 PM
"Prudent, and more open-minded than I am used to. I... Appreciate the trust." He seems to be genuinely grateful, despite the coldness of Grendel's statement.

Abel ponders the question for a moment, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Safe? There is always some risk inherent in any sort of Warpcraft, I suppose, but achieving something as minor as this is not particularly dangerous, as long as one is careful and properly invokes the protection and guidance of the Emperor beforehand. Certainly, you won't need to worry about mutations of the sort you described. Still..." He inspects the wound for a moment, considering. "I wish we had a medic here. Normal medical care would have been more than sufficient for this work. Nonetheless, I can heal you if that is your wish. Meanwhile, I suggest the rest of your men assist the Lieutenant."

If Luke does request healing, Abel will undergo the same routine as before, ritually invoking the Emperor's protection before attempting to heal Luke's wound.

Invocations vs. 54:

Focus Power test (no 9s, please):
Healing: [roll6]
Edit: The Power is resolved smoothly on the first try, but has minimal effect on Luke. Chalk it up to Abel being a little bit overcautious when calling on the Warp so often in such a short period of time. Ah well, a day worth of healing in 10 seconds should be suitably impressive nonetheless.

2011-08-05, 09:41 AM
"Guarding something. Guards need something to guard. The array.. broken, its light dimmed. Must find a way inside..." The Ghost picked his way over the bodies, caring little for the dead men. They had been lights, little lights, but now they flickered out. The Ghost had no business with death, only in speeding the living along towards it.

The corridor the others had come from, that would need searching.

2011-08-05, 10:54 AM
Luke:Your searching through the bodies yields little. As you wipe blood away from the splattered remains you grasp on something. You quickly find it is a large chunk of bone. Every time you attempt to grasp on a weapon or ammo clip you see beneath the sea of blood you end clutching another body part. Sometimes attached to a body and sometimes not. Perhaps the las has damaged your co-ordination. You need a moment to catch your breath. The room spins slightly as you breathe in the sweet aroma of fresh blood. It's a pleasant warm feeling that spread through you.

Grendel's efforts to search the bodies are clumsy and you see him many times grab onto the broken limbs of his foes. He doesn't look so good.

Tully:Welcome to the slaughter house. The blood already mingles at you feet. You look down at the armless man. A burnt stump and bloody mangle of flesh. He looks up at you and you hear him speak. "I'm not. The Changer of Ways awaits." The voice isn't his, but hers. He awaits you.. Then it was as though the corpse had never moved. Had it?

Make a WP test please.

Alex:It feels good. To slay the impure, but it should. Don't worry though you'll never feel the pain of death.

Luke takes the physic healing from Abel. He is very cautious and pulls away quickly. Still though Abel's power has an obvious effect on Luke's wound. The skin forms again good as new. He Breathes deeply puffing out his chest. He smile at Abel before remembering himself and seeing to the enemies equipment. Grendel benefits greatly from the guardsmen's help. They quickly sort through the foes setting aside a number of lasgun charge packs still dripping with fresh blood. Luke finds a helmet which, apart from imbeded bone shrapnel, is undamaged. He gives this to Grendel.

Grendel:Poor quality flak helmet. It stills oozes red fluid but since your already covered in blood you doubt it'll make much difference.

Ghost: The corridor strecthes out before you. Stepping over the corpse of the Coward you can make out many doors all neatly labeled. The one which says Barracks 1 Lies open. Other doors line the sides of the corridor.
Barracks 2,
Mess Hall,
And sitting at the far end of the corridor lies a door which sports the signage saying.
Commander's office.

Nobody stirs in this place and only dim shadows and silence greets you.

2011-08-05, 12:52 PM
The Ghost blinks at the signs, eyes skipping over the letters. Growing up where he had, it was difficult. There had been no time for such niceties as reading lessons.

Instead, The Ghost simply picked the open door to investigate first, his weapon held constantly at the ready.

Assassins, it seems, don't start with the Literacy skill. Ghost can't read.