View Full Version : Playing with Character Sheets

2011-05-23, 08:35 AM
Hello forums. I've never really played D&D (or at least, never long enough to level), but I love designing characters and every so often I find myself becoming bored with my current games and switch instead to filling out character sheets. In particular, I like making high-level, high-power characters.

In the latest of these character designs I pulled together Pathfinder source material, including Psionics Unleashed, dug up the gestalt rules and set to work constructing a mid/high level, gratuitously powered character.

I started him at level 1 and built up, level by level, finally finishing him earlier this morning. It looked good, I thought. But I wasn't satisfied. So I decided to post it here.

As previously mentioned, its based mostly on Pathfinder material, along with the gestalt variant rule. It also uses the Erudite and two rules modifications: Mystic Theurges/Cerebremancers are allowed, but caster/manifestor level for each class cannot be increased more than once per level and the Erudite's unique powers per day increase with manifestor level, not class level.
Okay, so that was a bit long-winded.

Name: Nokorus
Rog 6/Ftr 2/Mnk 2/Wiz 3/Eru 3/Cer 10

Alignment: Neutral
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Blue
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 198 lbs.
Age: 26

HD: 13 : 3d6+8d8+2d10+39|+13
HP: 113

Stats|Modified stats:
Str: 14|16
Dex: 17|19
Con: 16|18
Int: 22|24
Wis: 15|15
Cha: 13|13

Base Attack|Modified Attack: +10|+14
Base Saves|Modified Saves: +10/+11/+11|+14/+16/+14
Base Speed: 30 ft.

Armor Class|Temp AC: 18|38 (10 +4 Dex +1 Deflect +2 Wis +1 Dodge| +7 shield +10 armor +3 Insight)

(Bonded) +1 Silversheen Short Sword

Worn Items:
Nokorus' Empowerment (armor slot, but not armor; +1 Deflect AC, +2 spell/power penetration, +1 resist bonus to saving throws)
+2 Belt of Physical Perfection
+2 Headband of Vast Intelligence

Other Notable Gear:

Special Abilities:
Detect Psionics
Hand of the Apprentice
Sneak Attack +3d6
Magical Manifesting (5th)
Mind Over Magic +2
Flurry of Blows
Weave the Sources

Special Qualities:
Unarmed Strike
Arcane Bond(Object)
Rogue Talents(Fast Stealth, Rogue Crawl, Stand Up)
Bravery +1
Trap Sense +2
Uncanny Dodge

Feats: 15
Scribe Scroll
Boost Construct
Improved Counterspell
Eschew Materials
Secret Signs
Stunning Fist
Improved Grapple
Improved Initiative
Quick Draw
Wind Stance
Cypher Script
Craft Wondrous Item
Silent Spell

Skills: 156
Acrobatics 4
Appraise 12
Bluff 4
Diplomacy 5
Fly 13
Know.(Arc) 13
Know.(His) 2
Know.(Geo) 2
Know.(Loc) 5
Know.(Pls) 2
Know.(Psi) 13
Know.(Roy) 2
Linguistics 1
Perception 13
Sense Motive 13
SleightoHand 5
Spellcraft 13
Stealth 13
Survival 5
Swim 5
Ride 2
UMD 13

Specialization: Universal
Caster Level: 13
Spells Readied: 4/6/6/6/5/4/3/2
0 - Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Prestidigitation
1 - Alarm, Detect Charm, True Strike, Feather Fall, Expeditious Retreat, Reduce Person
2 - Touch of Idiocy, Arcane Lock, Knock x2, Darkvision, Darkness
3 - Dispel Magic, Nondetection, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Tiny Hut, Hold Person
4 - Aura of the Unremarkable, Hurricane Blast, Greater Invisibility, SumMon IV, Ball Lightning
5 - Break Enchantment, Symbol of Sleep, Baleful Polymorph x2
6 - Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Heroism, Chain Lightning
7 - Greater Teleport, Mass Hold Person
Spells Known: All/12/9/10/6/7/7/3
1 - Alarm, Mount, Obscuring Mist, Identify, Detect Charm, True Strike, Magic Missile, Disguise Self, Expeditious Retreat, Reduce Person, Feather Fall, Enlarge Person
2 - Touch of Idiocy, See Invisibility, Arcane Lock, Obscure Object, Create Treasure Map, Darkvision, Knock, Darkness, Flaming Sphere
3 - Dispel Magic, Nondetection, Sleet Storm, Arcane Sight, Heroism, Hold Person, Fireball, Lightning bolt, Tiny Hut, Water Breathing
4 - Aura of the Unremarkable, Hurricane Blast, Detonate, Ball Lightning, Greater Invisibility, SumMon IV
5 - Break Enchantment, Teleport, Telepathic Bond, Symbol of Sleep, Planar Adaptation, Baleful Polymorph, Permanency
6 - Greater Dispel Magic, Antimagic Field, Cloak of Dreams, Greater Heroism, Chain Lightning, Disintegrate, Stone to Flesh
7 - Greater Teleport, Mass Hold Person, Mass Invisibility
Manifestor Level: 13
Power Points: 199
Powers Known: 13/6/9/6/5/5/3
1 - Natural Healing, Astral Construct, Energy Ray, Inertial Armor, Synesthete, Skate, Control Light, Deceleration, Ectoplasmic Sheen, Force Screen, Far Hand, Mind Thrust, Defensive Precognition
2 - Reconstruction, Energy Missile, Cleanse Body, Sustenance, Breach, Biofeedback
3 - Hustle, Escape Detection, Body Purification, Dispel Psionics, Psionic Blast,
Heightened Vision, Energy Wall, Energy Bolt, Energy Burst
4 - Flight, Energy Ball, Slip the Bonds, Detect Remote Viewing, Trace Psychoport, Fold Space
5 - Restore Extremity, Pierce the Veils, Catapsi, Adapt Body, Incarnate
6 - Cleanse Spirit, Disintegration, Sustained Flight, Aura Alteration, Temporal Acceleration
7 - Ethereal Form, Bend Reality, Barred Mind(Personal)

Languages: Common, Undercommon, Abyssal, Infernal, Celestial, Draconic, Elven

Nokorus was born and raised in a small town in the care of a Cerebremancer, who had been an adventurer but retired quickly for reasons he wouldn't talk about. Nokorus studied under him until he was 20. He left his town feeling a little empty, but hopeful. A little empty, as despite his long stay he felt no connection to the place, nor people, nor even to his foster father. But hopeful that he would be able to learn many more things in his travels and maybe find someone he could call 'friend'.
His first hope was fulfilled. While he spent most of his efforts furthering his mental and arcane abilities, he also studied and made quick progress in the martial arts. He also learned the art of stealth, using it to dig up valuable information and break into troves of arcane knowledge.
His second hope, however, was less so. He worked with many people as he sought out ways to further his understanding. He fought in wars both large and small in scale. And yet every bond he forged and every group he helped or joined betrayed him quickly, with his supposed allies either trying to make off with everything they worked for or outright trying to kill him as soon as their deal was done, if not sooner.
He learned to be ever suspicious of those he worked with, watching their every move and weighing their every word. And yet it availed him little - somehow, no matter how sincere they seemed, betrayal was right around the corner. Every alliance was betrayed.
...and every traitor met his vengeance.
His spirit is not easily broken, however, and Nokorus is still quick to provide help, but he's also grim-faced and ever watchful of those around him. He is proud of his power and will not resort to violence unless he or one he considers worth protecting is attacked. He wanders the land in search of hidden knowledge and still holds to the dwindling hope of finding a true friend.

...alright, so its not all about character sheets. What else do I title this thread? But yeah. Thoughts?

2011-05-23, 08:38 AM
Ummmm, I might have missed it, but was there a question in there somewhere?

2011-05-23, 08:54 AM
Usually a double-slash is used to denote a different side of the gestalt. It's difficult to tell that's on which side at first.

2011-05-23, 09:46 AM
Ummmm, I might have missed it, but was there a question in there somewhere?

*checks forum description* forum for discussion of D&D3,3.5 and d20. Doesn't say anywhere that its for game questions. why does it need a question?
...ah, wait. 'Rules and procedures'. Okay, whatever. Does this go in homebrew then? Or the 'gaming/other'? Or is there simply no place for this? That would be annoying, seeing as there's a place for just about everything else.

And as far as gestalts, from what I understand, you pick two classes each level and use the higher BAB and base saves. I guess its a little confusing. Lessee... Wiz||Eru 3/Cer||Rog 3/Cer||Ftr 2/Cer||Mnk 2. Maybe should edit that in?

Also, something I forgot - this character was never Lawful. I, personally, never understood why lawful characters should have a monopoly on unarmed warfare.

2011-05-23, 10:58 AM
And as far as gestalts, from what I understand, you pick two classes each level and use the higher BAB and base saves. I guess its a little confusing. Lessee... Wiz||Eru 3/Cer||Rog 3/Cer||Ftr 2/Cer||Mnk 2. Maybe should edit that in?

Yes, that's how gestalt works.

That's even more confusing. What I mean is something like: Rog 6/Ftr 2/Mnk 2/Wiz 3//Eru 3/Cer 10.