View Full Version : Help with character idea/design

2011-05-23, 07:30 PM
First post please be kind,

So I'm trying to design a character that can essentially summon a poltergeist made of random junk laying around. The spirit can manifest from random stuff: stones, beer bottles, corpses, water anything it has available to make itself visible. The spirit is either completely its own being, the character has no control over it; or the spirit is controlled by the characters sub-conscience and randomly shows up when the character is stressed/in danger.

The entity would manifest could kinda like this picture here:

I know some of this is just how I and my DM decide to play out the character but I can't figure out what classes or what feats I need to make this thing work.
I only have the core rules and what is available on the d20srd/d20pfsrd websites, and it looks like it would have to be some kinda of summoner or wizard monstrosity, maybe a some sort of wilder psion.

I'm still fairly new to tabletop so if there are any books out there that have what seek I would love to know about them. Thanks for the help

The Mister Guy
2011-05-23, 07:40 PM
Raggamoffyn's from MM2 seem similar but smaller to what you're thinking. Don't know how you'd summon them though...

2011-05-23, 07:42 PM
Sounds like what you need is a summoning focused sorcerer. I'm not aware of any feats for uncontrolled/subconscious spellcasting, but I'm sure there's homebrew out there.

I was pondering a similar thing for working in a Stand User class (from the manga JoJo's Bizarre Adventure). The issue is that the character you control is only passively involved. The solution I came up with is basically, you've got your PC, and you play them and the summoned creature (or whatever it is).

For the creature itself, if you pick an ECL equivalent creature, a lot of DM's will allow it. For example a Troll is ECL 11. So at level eleven, you play both this troll and your PC. Myself, I'd give the troll some kind of buffs, because you would need to use it to specifically to protect your PC. And the troll would spontaneously be summoned in moments of great stress and so on.

2011-05-23, 08:17 PM
Psion (Kineticist).

First level power; Control Object.

Problem solved. It even scales to level, allowing bigger and bigger objects to be controlled. Alternatively, if you want to literally summon a junk monster from nothing, Psion (Shaper), first level power, Astral Construct.

Summoning is all about crazy SLAs and demons and being a malconvoker, doesn't really sound like you're looking for.

2011-05-23, 08:19 PM
Look at Ruin Chanter and Ruin Elementals from MM5, maybe it'll give you some ideas.

Edit: Sadly, ruin elementals only come in one size and there's nothing about summoning them, but maybe some homebrew can work around that, DM permitting.

2011-05-23, 08:21 PM
Bleh, I don't like ruin elementals. They're mechanically boring and not very impressive.

Doc Roc
2011-05-23, 08:51 PM
Psion (Kineticist).

First level power; Control Object.

Problem solved. It even scales to level, allowing bigger and bigger objects to be controlled. Alternatively, if you want to literally summon a junk monster from nothing, Psion (Shaper), first level power, Astral Construct.

Summoning is all about crazy SLAs and demons and being a malconvoker, doesn't really sound like you're looking for.

I am in favor of this!

2011-05-23, 09:27 PM

Are you in favour of malconvoking or kineticising?

Doc Roc
2011-05-23, 09:28 PM

Are you in favour of malconvoking or kineticising?

Psionics. Handing a malconvoker to a new player is a serious crime.

2011-05-23, 10:42 PM
Psion (Kineticist).

First level power; Control Object.

Problem solved. It even scales to level, allowing bigger and bigger objects to be controlled. Alternatively, if you want to literally summon a junk monster from nothing, Psion (Shaper), first level power, Astral Construct.

Summoning is all about crazy SLAs and demons and being a malconvoker, doesn't really sound like you're looking for.

This sounds right what book are these from? Or where can I find some more info on these classes?

Thanks for the help, you guys rock

2011-05-23, 10:44 PM
They're from the Expanded Psionic Handbook. They should be in the SRD, if my memory serves me correctly.

2011-05-24, 10:31 AM
Here you go. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/classes/psion.htm)

That site also has the powers, the feats, and whatnot from the XPH which was all released under OGL.

Doesn't have the fluff, though, so for that you'll need to pick up the actual book.

2011-05-24, 11:33 PM
i was also intrested in a army of chairs and tables, but i dont see where control object scales, it doesnt say it levels the object size anywhere, only the range.

also, how feasible is control flame? i was thinking of carring fire sorces around and using that as my main use of attack.

if i get someone on fire? can i augment the fire on their clothing?

2011-05-27, 02:42 PM
Huh, I remember Control Object as scaling. Looks like Astral Construct is the best bet, then.

Control Flames can be used as a means of attack, although a torch will do 1d3 damage. You can't augment the flames on a person, although you can take control of the flames on a person (stopping them burning but making them have to make the normal reflex saves not to catch on fire if you keep it in their square) and at that point like normal pay pp to augment it to be bigger.

Darth Stabber
2011-05-27, 02:51 PM
I'm going to have to agree with several other posts and say that a refluffed astral construct is the win. Trash/ectoplasm does it really matter. You should try to make one out of medical waste (So many fort saves against so many things)