View Full Version : Is there any way to legally get lich eyes?

2011-05-24, 06:05 PM
Well I was looking through heroes of horror, and noticed something, that the lich eyes corruption is pretty darn cool.

Now is there anyway, backstory aside, that I could obtain this without rolling?

2011-05-24, 06:40 PM
I thought this was going to be a thread about the ethics and litigation involved in harvesting organs from a regenerating and sapient (yet soul-less) being. :smallfrown:

You might be able to abuse Planar Binding on an Efreeti to spam un-corruption wishes, then get corrupted again, until the reroll is favorable. It's stupid, but it should work by RAW.

If you're willing to go outside the RAW, the corruption might be worth a Trait. Maybe a feat, if you tack on some bonuses.

2011-05-24, 08:13 PM
...eye of vecna?

2011-05-24, 09:32 PM
Go to the level of corruption that lich eyes is on the table of.

Have the spell ready to remove you back down to the previous level of corruption if you roll unfavourably. If that spell costs xp, you might need a dweomerkeeper, infinite gold, to be a thrallherd, or planar binding to get outsiders with the spell you need.

Alternatively, ask the GM. If it's a backstory thing, and you're definitely doing it for coolness value not some mechanical benefit, then... pretty much only a **** GM would refuse you.

2011-05-24, 11:41 PM
you could become a lich...

2011-05-24, 11:43 PM
you could become a lich...

Technically that won't work.

2011-05-24, 11:43 PM
I thought you could willingly chose and take on one of the corruption things for a bonus feat...

2011-05-25, 10:39 AM
I thought you could willingly chose and take on one of the corruption things for a bonus feat...

Other way around: when you reach moderate and severe taint, you get a bonus feat. There is a feat called "Willing Deformity," but it just grants a bonus on intimidate checks, not a whole corruption trait.

Personally, I wouldn't allow this. The manifestation of taint is a personal thing. If you get tainted, heal up, and then get tainted again, you get the same deformity back. Considering the fact that you need to cast wish or miracle to remove a severe deformity and get back to moderate taint, you might as well just wish for the lich eyes in the first place.

Next issue: lich eyes is on the severe list, which means you need to take a mild and moderate corruption on the way, almost none of which are beneficial. Also, running around with severe taint leaves you on the brink of dissolving into a pool of bad-touchyness. This really isn't something to toy with.

If you want the darkvision, buy a pair of goggles of night. If you want the open eye sockets filled with green flame, buy a hat of disguise. Heck, get both if you want, they're cheap. Cheap enough, in fact, to be wished for.

Archpaladin Zousha
2011-05-25, 10:46 AM
Also, running around with severe taint leaves you on the brink of dissolving into a pool of bad-touchyness. This really isn't something to toy with.

"You let ME down! You went on and on about how sweet the candy was, told me not to put it in my mouth and then got mad at me when I did."

"If by "candy," you mean "ancient, forbidden evil," then YES, I told you not to put it in your mouth!"

2011-05-25, 11:36 AM
"You let ME down! You went on and on about how sweet the candy was, told me not to put it in my mouth and then got mad at me when I did."

"If by "candy," you mean "ancient, forbidden evil," then YES, I told you not to put it in your mouth!"But.. but.. I *like* putting forbidden things in my mouth. :smallfrown:

2011-05-25, 09:23 PM
Maybe just convert it from a corruption option to a character trait, like the one's in DMG II (vestigial twin etc.), and get the DM to decide what LA adjustment it warrants...

2011-05-25, 09:48 PM
Other way around: when you reach moderate and severe taint, you get a bonus feat. There is a feat called "Willing Deformity," but it just grants a bonus on intimidate checks, not a whole corruption trait.

Personally, I wouldn't allow this. The manifestation of taint is a personal thing. If you get tainted, heal up, and then get tainted again, you get the same deformity back. Considering the fact that you need to cast wish or miracle to remove a severe deformity and get back to moderate taint, you might as well just wish for the lich eyes in the first place.

Next issue: lich eyes is on the severe list, which means you need to take a mild and moderate corruption on the way, almost none of which are beneficial. Also, running around with severe taint leaves you on the brink of dissolving into a pool of bad-touchyness. This really isn't something to toy with.

If you want the darkvision, buy a pair of goggles of night. If you want the open eye sockets filled with green flame, buy a hat of disguise. Heck, get both if you want, they're cheap. Cheap enough, in fact, to be wished for.

That's the thing, I want actual open eye-sockets filled with green flame, not some hat that makes it look like I do.

But as things are I thought there was a feat that let you take one of these effects somewhere and I was just missing it.

2011-05-25, 10:50 PM
I believe I remember a 3rd-party sourcebook (possibly even 3.0) with a race that had a skull for a head (maybe even a fully skeletal body). Saying that your eyes are pinpoints of green flame would be fine. Maybe not exactly what you want, but I thought I'd put it out there.

If you want ONLY the look of the eyes, as another poster posed..with poise, "only a shnick DM wouldn't allow this." I agree, green flame empty eyesockets is SUPER cool! Back story aside?! If you can write me a flowery reason for a completely arbitrary character trait (besides being unable to have your eyes harvested from your body), I'm going to give it/them to you....Of course, they'd probably impose a penalty to all Cha-based skills other than Intimidation. Okay, I'd trade you the darkvision for that.

2011-05-26, 08:39 AM
That's the thing, I want actual open eye-sockets filled with green flame, not some hat that makes it look like I do.

But as things are I thought there was a feat that let you take one of these effects somewhere and I was just missing it.

I'd say Willing Deformity could do that. Doodle up a ritual where you shot some arcane energies into your face, turning your eyeballs into green flames. Better yet, say it was a FAILED ritual and part of why your character is wandering the countryside is to find some bit of arcane lore that tells you where you went wrong. It's not as simple as walking to the mage guild and paying to use their library because it's one of those "ancient forgotten magicks that mess with unstable energies no respectable wizard would tamper with in the modern age" or something.