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Mr. Zolrane
2011-05-24, 08:19 PM
Hello, all. I hope to DM in the fall, but I may end up with only one player. I've got lots of time to recruit between now and then, but in the meantime, I would like to know if solo campaigns are ever really worth the time and effort, and how one goes about running them. If it helps at all, the PC in question will be a Pathfinder Ranger, likely Skirmisher archetype.

2011-05-24, 08:36 PM
The first Commoner-only campaign of note was a solo campaign of a single commoner.

I believe named Joe Wood (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19558998/Commoner_Campaign).

So, I believe in that case it was two long-shots that paid off in the end.

Ranger seems like it'd be a good one for soloing a game. Not sure about how pathfinder compressed the skills, but you might consider looking at those so you know his capabilities intimately.

Mr. Zolrane
2011-05-24, 08:37 PM
The first Commoner-only campaign of note was a solo campaign of a single commoner.

I believe named Joe Wood (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19558998/Commoner_Campaign).

So, I believe in that case it was two long-shots that paid off in the end.

That sounds pretty funny. How would one play as a commoner? Was there a normal amount of fighting involved?

Ranger seems like it'd be a good one for soloing a game. Not sure about how pathfinder compressed the skills, but you might consider looking at those so you know his capabilities intimately.

Good point. I've been studying Pathfinder intently for weeks now, especially the Ranger, so I'm well on my way already.

2011-05-24, 08:43 PM
Short answer? Handle Animal, a clever player, and a good DM.

2011-05-24, 08:44 PM
That sounds pretty funny. How would one play as a commoner? Was there a normal amount of fighting involved?

No, because the normal amount of fighting is geared twoards 4 PCs. I think he went for between 1/6 and 1/4 of the usual EL that a party of 4 would deal with, I think.

Had a lot of non-standard objective encounters as well.

Only read about... 1/30th of the way into it though, so it probably changed tone at some point.

Short answer? Handle Animal, a clever player, and a good DM.

One of the reasons Ranger is good for this. They're naturally able to get allies that aren't very disruptive to the course of the game barring a few exceptions.

2011-05-24, 10:39 PM
Sable Company Marine ACF is just awesome for Pathfinder Rangers. It will be even more helpful since you're going solo.

2011-05-25, 02:06 AM
Doing a solo campaign could be interesting. It'd be fun as both DM and player, provided each thoroughly enjoy their respective roles. But as DM you'd really have to set up the environment well (since he's only interacting with you). Big party groups can often lead to the DM giving less and less detail because players keep each other distracted...and the DM kind of falls into enjoying that.

Mr. Zolrane
2011-05-25, 10:47 AM
Doing a solo campaign could be interesting. It'd be fun as both DM and player, provided each thoroughly enjoy their respective roles. But as DM you'd really have to set up the environment well (since he's only interacting with you). Big party groups can often lead to the DM giving less and less detail because players keep each other distracted...and the DM kind of falls into enjoying that.

True. In the big group I played in this semester we only got vague descriptions of the area around us, and entertained each other from there. It wasn't bad though, seeing as I have a good imagination. And I love describing things as a writer, anyway, so I could really get into that.

2011-05-25, 05:34 PM
Be extra careful with the encounters. Your player is likely to play quite cautiously, because single KO = TPK. So avoid monsters that are tough because of lethality, and pick monsters that are simply sturdy. Also think about all the times that your BBEG got mowed down because there's 4 party members against 1 guy, everything is now in reverse. The monsters will have significant action economy on the player.

2011-05-25, 06:21 PM
Remember Snake, this is a sneaking mission... :smallamused:

2011-05-26, 01:02 AM
This also presents a good opportunity for you to create a memorable NPC (perhaps you've always wanted to play a particular class as a player and have never had the opportunity)--this would give you that opportunity. Just remember, to be fair to the actual player, you'd have to work hard at keeping this cool NPC separate from your DMing, or he'll quickly overshadow the actual player. Nothing like an omnipotent NPC party-helper.

2011-05-26, 01:15 AM
I personally love single player campaigns, both playing them and running them.

Be mindful of the PC's options and abilities and it should go fine. Solo campaigns are amazing for role play and deep character development, too. You do unfortunately miss out on the party dynamic, though, so a lot of that falls on the DM and his/her ability to create a memorable supporting cast.

Mr. Zolrane
2011-05-27, 02:20 PM
I personally love single player campaigns, both playing them and running them.

Be mindful of the PC's options and abilities and it should go fine. Solo campaigns are amazing for role play and deep character development, too. You do unfortunately miss out on the party dynamic, though, so a lot of that falls on the DM and his/her ability to create a memorable supporting cast.

Yeah, I had a lot of the same thoughts. The party dynamic will be the main thing lost. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea, and I have a good supporting cast in mind already, including several DMPCs that will show up at various points.

One thing I really want to know, however, is how to go about setting up fights. This is my first time DMing, so I don't really know for certain, but in theory the kind of combat I'd like to throw at the players involves either a fight with a large group of weaker enemies, or one humongous boss monster that requires a team dynamic to beat, and it seems like it'd be hard to do either with just one person. Thoughts?