View Full Version : Would this work?

2011-05-25, 06:58 AM
A character in one of my PbP campaigns has just received a ring of force shield. He usually wields a greatsword (the only martial weapon he's proficient with), so a shield wouldn't be too useful for him.

But I noticed that activating or deactivating it as a free action (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rings.htm#forceShield), just like taking a hand off your weapon (which most people use as a free action to cast spells while wielding a two handed weapon).

This means my character could attack an opponent with his greatsword, take one hand off his weapon as a free action, use another free action to activate his shield and, at the beginning of his next turn, use a free action to deactivate his shield to attack again. Would this work?

2011-05-25, 07:14 AM
It would by the rules presented in the DMG, but i would think the activation would now be classed as a swift action as this is exactly the type of situation swift actions were made for.

2011-05-25, 07:19 AM
It would by the rules presented in the DMG, but i would think the activation would now be classed as a swift action as this is exactly the type of situation swift actions were made for.

Ah, cool! So a force shield ring is basically the poor mans animated shield.

2011-05-25, 07:23 AM
Ah, cool! So a force shield ring is basically the poor mans animated shield.

Pretty much. Animated shield is the way to go, but it always seemed a little... cheesy to me. I know that its nothing compared to the types of cheese that can be produced, but I never understood why two handed warriors should get their cake and eat it.

2011-05-25, 07:25 AM
Pretty much. Animated shield is the way to go, but it always seemed a little... cheesy to me. I know that its nothing compared to the types of cheese that can be produced, but I never understood why two handed warriors should get their cake and eat it.

Actually you could say that the force shield ring is just as cheesy, only slightly less because it uses a ring slot and isn't enchantable.

2011-05-25, 07:33 AM
The actions that would later be covered by swift/immediate already tend to have once-per-round limits before those names were used - look at Feather Fall and Quicken Spell. Further, there are limits to using the item in this way: you don't get the benefit of the shield for any enemy attacks you trigger on your own turn, and you cannot make attacks of opportunity since you cannot wield your weapon.

2011-05-25, 07:42 AM
The actions that would later be covered by swift/immediate already tend to have once-per-round limits before those names were used - look at Feather Fall and Quicken Spell. Further, there are limits to using the item in this way: you don't get the benefit of the shield for any enemy attacks you trigger on your own turn, and you cannot make attacks of opportunity since you cannot wield your weapon.

You make a good point about attacks of oppertunity...
I wonder if free actions can be used on somebody elses turn. It sounds logical because speaking is a free action, and you can always talk during somebody else's turn. It's true that you're limited to a few sentences, but activating/deactivaging a force shield should hardly take a second.

2011-05-25, 07:50 AM
It sounds logical because speaking is a free action, and you can always talk during somebody else's turn. It's true that you're limited to a few sentences, but activating/deactivaging a force shield should hardly take a second.
Speaking gets a specific exception. Remember, free actions and swift actions have the same limits, just the latter is 1/round as well - by using free actions on other turns, you could do the same with swift actions too, which really doesn't work well.

2011-05-25, 07:54 AM
Speaking gets a specific exception. Remember, free actions and swift actions have the same limits, just the latter is 1/round as well - by using free actions on other turns, you could do the same with swift actions too, which really doesn't work well.

I see. In that case, would you recommend me to go with the greatsword and force shield and just suck up the fact that I can't make attacks of oppertunity, or recommend me to switch to a one-handed weapon and use it two handed during attacks (like maybe a longsword or a bastard sword?). The latter would make perhaps a 1hp difference on my total damage while still allowing AoO and the like.

Sir Swindle89
2011-05-25, 08:12 AM
you could get armor spikes and AOO with those.

tbh unless you are going really tanky AOO's aren't super important (granted if you ARE tanky your wepon damage is hardly important so spikes work fine there as well)

2011-05-25, 08:19 AM
you could get armor spikes and AOO with those.

tbh unless you are going really tanky AOO's aren't super important (granted if you ARE tanky your wepon damage is hardly important so spikes work fine there as well)

This is perfect! I can still get an AoO in if my character is enlarged without compromising my sweet, sweet greatsword damage. Thank you dude.

EDIT: Damn, it seems armor spikes are martial weapons, which clerics aren't proficient with (I used my war domain to get a greatsword). Maybe a boot/elbow blade from complete scoundrel could do the trick.

2011-05-25, 09:37 AM
You make a good point about attacks of oppertunity...
I wonder if free actions can be used on somebody elses turn. It sounds logical because speaking is a free action, and you can always talk during somebody else's turn. It's true that you're limited to a few sentences, but activating/deactivaging a force shield should hardly take a second.

There is a version of a swift action known as an immediate action that works on your turn or anyone else's turn, but uses up your swift action for the round. So, unless something is specifically typed as an immediate action it works only on your own turn.