View Full Version : Desiring Possible Mechanical and Roleplaying ideas for a certain Big Bad....

2011-05-26, 12:29 PM
Before anyone who's helped me before sees this and gets upset, it is -not- over the same characters I've had. That Warblade (although I do intend to make another one, which is what this thread is for) is still going strong, and kicking massive ass now, actually. Quite enjoyable.

But that's one of my two groups. The other group I'm joining just finished a game, and the DM would like it if I joined in. Good at roleplaying, I suppose. The Dm wants me to do things a bit differently, though.

Specifically, the DM wants me to be a Villain. :amused:

In my spare time by myself, I've been rocking the Xbox 360, and I borrowed a game from a friend of mine. And the villain of the game has sorta rubbed off on me. I kinda wanna model the character I'd be playing as after him.

Any of (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doHzRY0LQ2A) you guys (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuYUK5Ttg5U) familiar with (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8fdZFcriMM) this joker? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p52-QBTXZyM)

If anyone is good with trying to figure out characters, but wants to know a bit more about him, I'll be happy to update this particular paragraph with as much as I personally know.

Anywho, I intend to use the Tome of Battle again. Ultimately, this villain isn't controling the entire cosmos, so I don't need an uber Wizard or anything. But he can't just be a fighter, because all the stuff he can do while fighting just isn't capable of being replicated through the 1 or 2 feat lines fighters can get.

I'm thinking another Warblade, specialising in Diamond Mind (because Diamond Mind is ultimately -FREAKING AWESOME-), and Tiger Claw because of the unarmed 2 weapon fighting it seems to support. All sorts of maneuvers, due to the way they are performed mechanically yet lacking the fluff in how they are performed, can be interpreted in many different ways, and between Diamond Mind and Tiger Claw, this villain could probably be pulled off rather stylishly.

My Issues (emphasised because most of the above is mainly filler for those who just want straight questions and answers) start here:

1:Can a Warblade use their hands and legs as Weapons and still activate maneuvers? (this is kinda the make or break question to deal with, actually)

2:If so, what Feats would I take? The Weapon Focus Line is a trap, but what about the Two Weapon Fighting line? I also wonder if I'm required to take Improved Unarmed Strike at first level, for the sake of his fists counting as Weapons of Mass Destruction. I should also see if I have any feats hidden somewhere that would enable me to be able to Power Attack with my hands...

3 (this question came to me in a dream, and I might apply it to the previous Warblade as well): The Jump Skill says I need to complete the Jump as part of my movement action... I'm wondering about Double Jumping using Quick Silver Motion and Leaping Dragon Stance, by staying in the stance, then doing a Long Jump, and then using Quick Silver Motion to extend the length of the Jump. I also wonder about using Quick Silver Motion mid fall to help arrest it. I'm guessing this is complete bullhockey on my part? (I actually had a dream where my character got knocked down a cliff, and spent his momments leaning toward the wall, QSMing toward it, and praying on his sword for the energy to continue QSMing it, and then plunging his blade into the wall to arrest his fall (massive pain occured, but it worked), followed by using QSM, his Sword, and his own Strength for Jump and Climb checks to kick off of the wall and jump back onto it, climbing back up the cliff).

4:If this villain can work (an Unarmed Warblade with Diamond Mind and Tiger Claw (with maybe a little Iron Heart if needed)), any roleplaying ideas on taking over the world, preferably with an undead/mutated army? I wonder if Use Magic Device could potentially be of some use here. Crafting things and then using them to help me in my plans would be cool...

Here we go again! XD Thanks anyone who responds!

The Glyphstone
2011-05-26, 12:45 PM
Superior Unarmed Strike. Done and done. Gives you pseudo-Monkish unarmed damage.

As for the key question - Warblades (and Swordsages, and Crusaders) can use any maneuver they know with any weapon they have (including unarmed ones). It's just certain abilities and feats only function with a 'school favored weapon'.

2011-05-26, 03:00 PM
Superior Unarmed Strike. Done and done. Gives you pseudo-Monkish unarmed damage.

Welp, I'm officially an idiot. Been doing my best to find the good stuff, and in the latest awesome book I've gotten my hands on I let something like this go under my nose. XD

Ultimately, I'll be honest, 2 Weapon Fighting is something else I need to learn. I honestly just used to let people get the extra hits they say they get because I don't know enough to judge them on it and it never seemed like they were getting all too many hits...

So, Improved Unarmed Strike -> Superior Unarmed Strike.

Is Two Weapon Fighting -> Improved Two Weapon Fighting -> Greater Two Weapon Fighting workable as well, or a waste of time? And if it is useable, how does it function when my villain decides someone needs his ass kicked and breaks out Time Stands Still?

And should this option be useable, is Weapon Finesse capable of being used alongside Improved Unarmed Strike at all?

As for the key question - Warblades (and Swordsages, and Crusaders) can use any maneuver they know with any weapon they have (including unarmed ones). It's just certain abilities and feats only function with a 'school favored weapon'.

I could have sworn I can't use maneuvers with Ranged Weapons....

2011-05-26, 03:08 PM
I could have sworn I can't use maneuvers with Ranged Weapons....
Strikes generally include the term "melee attack" (there might be an exception or two; I can't remember), but don't specify any further. That means you could use them with any weapon, fist, chair, whatever.

The one exception that I'm not sure about is a held charge touch spell that's not delivered via unarmed strike.

Also, many boosts, counters and stances work with ranged attacks. It's specifically strikes that are limited.

2011-05-26, 03:20 PM
Strikes generally include the term "melee attack" (there might be an exception or two; I can't remember), but don't specify any further. That means you could use them with any weapon, fist, chair, whatever.

The one exception that I'm not sure about is a held charge touch spell that's not delivered via unarmed strike.

Also, many boosts, counters and stances work with ranged attacks. It's specifically strikes that are limited.

Sweet, because THIS is how I see Tiger Claw's Feral Death Blow. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMcoibWBKqw&feature=related)

I should do another maping of maneuvers I want, this time in relation to the special moves and abilities the big bad has, but at least I know that he can do all of his awesome tricks by hand.

I do need to give more thought to the idea I'm going to present, plot wise, for the whole zombie virus thing.... Isn't their a Craft:Alchemy skill somewhere? Between that and Use Magic Device, something could be potentially bsed.... any suggestions?

2011-05-26, 03:28 PM
Swordsage would make a far better solo villain than warblade. My suggestion:

Swordsage 20(Unarmed Swordsage variant from the adaption section)
1.Weapon Finesse
B.Improved Unarmed Strike(carried along from the monk class feature)
3.Shadow Blade
6.Adaptive Style

Stats: Dex>Wis>Con>Int/Str>Cha

You'll have Str, Wis, and Dex all to damage when performing strikes from your two favorite disciplines while in a shadow hand stance. Since you like them, these can be Diamond Mind and Tiger, both Disciplines that Swordsage shares with Warblade.

2011-05-26, 03:30 PM
I would like to point out that one of the nice things about an Unarmed Strike is that it is both finesse-able (because it's light) and useable with Power Attack.

2011-05-26, 03:43 PM
2:If so, what Feats would I take? The Weapon Focus Line is a trap, but what about the Two Weapon Fighting line? I also wonder if I'm required to take Improved Unarmed Strike at first level, for the sake of his fists counting as Weapons of Mass Destruction. I should also see if I have any feats hidden somewhere that would enable me to be able to Power Attack with my hands...There is quite a bit of debate on whether you can TWF with unarmed strike, so ask your DM.

You'll pretty much have to take IUS, since you probably want to deal lethal damage, not to mention attacking without provoking an AoO every round. Whether you want it as a feat or as an item is a different matter.

You can Power Attack with Unarmed Strike by default.

I'm going to also suggest thinking about swordsage, for an unarmed, light/no armour wearing speedster. Many of the Shadow Hand maneuvers seem to work for that. In addition, you could take Changleling as your race, so you'd qualify for warshaper (four excellent levels).

For other tricks, the guy seems to have Battle Jump, maybe also Pounce. :smalltongue:

[Edit]: Is there an exotic one-handed (not light) weapon that's like brass knuckles?

2011-05-26, 04:09 PM
I would like to point out that one of the nice things about an Unarmed Strike is that it is both finesse-able (because it's light) and useable with Power Attack.

Can someone say "Emerald Razor"? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbKPGY_VwmU) Although at that level of pain, it's more likely the Nightmare Blade series....

While I'm thinking about Unarmed Strikes and stuff, why do people think of Unarmed SwordSages? Are they any better than Unarmed Warblades? Considering that Swordsages still get both Diamond Mind and Tiger Claw, I could go either way.....

*too slow to respond before the unarmed Swordsage suggestion, XD*

The Glyphstone
2011-05-26, 04:14 PM
Can someone say "Emerald Razor"? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbKPGY_VwmU) Although at that level of pain, it's more likely the Nightmare Blade series....

While I'm thinking about Unarmed Strikes and stuff, why do people think of Unarmed SwordSages? Are they any better than Unarmed Warblades? Considering that Swordsages still get both Diamond Mind and Tiger Claw, I could go either way.....

*too slow to respond before the unarmed Swordsage suggestion, XD*

Because the Unarmed Swordsage variant gets actual monk damage progression, while the warblade has to spend two feats to get a semi-nerfed version.

2011-05-26, 04:30 PM
Because the Unarmed Swordsage variant gets actual monk damage progression, while the warblade has to spend two feats to get a semi-nerfed version.

Where is this variant, if you don't mind me asking? Is it an official thing? Or just a suppliment somewhere?

2011-05-26, 04:38 PM
Where is this variant, if you don't mind me asking? Is it an official thing? Or just a suppliment somewhere?
It's one of the suggestions in the Advancement section of the Swordsage class. It's not a full variant, just a suggestion for one that a group might houserule in.

2011-05-26, 05:26 PM
Thanks for the info. Disregard this post, and thanks for the corrections. I am full of -fail-.

2011-05-26, 05:32 PM
I see where they mention it, but I'm not sure if I wanna use it or not. This guy's kinda Hell Bent on his Leather. and if this progression were to be used, he wouldn't be able to have it, which would kinda be sad....Unarmed Swordsage can wear (light) armour, without even losing Wis to AC. He's not proficient with it (without a feat), but that only matters if the armour in question has ACP, which many of the lighter options lack.

A Sword Sage has plenty of interesting techniques, Unarmed Variant giving more physical power in exchange for being easier to hit (someone that can dodge bullets probably shouldn't be easy to hit, though), and the Warblade is bulky enough to take a beat down and still keep rolling.Swordsage will likely have better AC (not to mention touch AC) than a warblade, and hitpoints, well, investing to high Con helps.

2011-05-26, 05:36 PM
I only looked at the second youtube clip (my computer hates videos), but it looks like Travel Devotion would be fitting. It lets a character move as a Swift Action for 10 rounds.

I don't know if it matters, but leather doesn't have an armor check penalty. Your dude could use it without proficiency without any problems.

And there's no reason you couldn't do a similar Unarmed tradeoff with the Warblade base. Neither is RAW, anyway.

2011-05-26, 05:43 PM
Unarmed Sword Sage, specialising in Shadow Hand (one of the earlier posts I stupidly missed some how made me interested in Shadow Hand, and upon a little inspection, I see the awesome Child of Shadow Stance. You tell me that doesn't suit this guy, and I will tell you you are a freaking -liar-), Diamond Mind (still the best dissipline -ever-), and Tiger Claw (Rhino Charge? Tiger Uppercut? Ghost Butterfly? Cobra Strike? Mustang Kick? I'd be retarded to not have him follow this dissipline).

I kinda am interested in a little bit of Barbarian (He is definitely the type to Pounce someone dead, and he does get a little bit ragey). Any other interesting options?

I can probably pick out a good move progression for him, but should I consider any of the other Sword Sage styles? Any other hidden gems I'm missing? Or with just these 3, does my character have enough ways to kill people?

Sword Sages should have gotten Use Magic Device..... how can someone take over the world with a cross class skill.....

Feat Wise, I'm considering Tiger Blooded, if that looks like it'd fit thematically.... what book is Battle Jump in? And I feel like it'd be stupid to not feature Combat Reflexes / Robilar's Gambit somewhere, considering he's drugged up to be able to react to -bullets-....

2011-05-26, 07:29 PM
what book is Battle Jump in?Unapproachable East. It's a region-specific feat though.

2011-05-26, 09:14 PM
Unapproachable East. It's a region-specific feat though.

I tried reading about regions, but other than some new races being related to certain regions, I honestly have no idea what it means by this restriction. I feel like a "I've studied and trained in combat here" backstory handwave probably could cover it, assuming I don't have to be of this specific race or anything. If not, then... well damn...

I'm actually still curious about the use of Quick Silver Motion while already in mid air from Jump or Falling. Anyone care to give me an official "No, you can't do it" or "All the cool kids have already been doing Super Smash Bros Style Double Jumps, so go right on ahead"?

I think I answered one of my earlier questions... in addition to Shadow Hand, Tiger Claw, and Diamond Mind, Setting Sun's Ultimate Maneuver is a Throw Stun Lock. Considering that at that point, I can still replace a maneuver with Mountain Tombstone Strike, the only style I wouldn't have the Ultimate Move for would be Desert Wind.

Craft, Profession, Cross Class Spell Craft and Use Magic Device could be enough to possibly begin to engineer -some- type of effect on the plot.... If I took a level in Cleric at a high enough level, and then dumped all of my skill points into Spell Craft.... and likewise for Use Magic Device.... (heh, it'd be hilarious if this Big Bad was part-Bard. XD)

2011-05-27, 02:25 AM
Setting sun is full of exactly the kind of maneuvers you want. Specifically stuff like Devastating throw and Counter Charge.

Also, Tiger Claw gets pounce as a strike or boost, so you don't really need barbarian for it. Not only that, but Sudden Leap(or the swift-shadow-jaunt) + Full attack is like a pounce enough so that you should consider it another source of such for your purposes.

2011-05-28, 11:15 PM
The Sword Sage seems good enough, yeah... the move library available to them is -staggering-.

But I'm still not sure how I'ma go about Roleplaying as him. I know I'm going to betray the party, but making a zombie/mindcontrolled/mutant army isn't as easy when you lack the ability to snap your fingers and read your spell book.... Sucks even more with people who have the ability to pray or concentrate for a bit and be able to remove diseases.... Damn Magic Users and their ability to do -anything-. What's an Evil Overlord to do....

2011-05-29, 01:00 AM
See, this is the exact situation where Leadership becomes the perfect feat. You have a cohort who has been gathering henchmen to aid you in your nefarious plots. You finally re-establish contact with him shortly after your initial betrayal of the party. And conveniently, your cohort is a wizard, who is the lynchpin of your evil plans.

2011-05-29, 03:13 PM
See, this is the exact situation where Leadership becomes the perfect feat. You have a cohort who has been gathering henchmen to aid you in your nefarious plots. You finally re-establish contact with him shortly after your initial betrayal of the party. And conveniently, your cohort is a wizard, who is the lynchpin of your evil plans.

Leadership.... I like it. An excellent option. But I gotta be careful. I don't wanna be seen as "The Fighter with a Wizard Cohort", because we all know what's really going on there. Although having the partner gather up people (possibly tested through some type of fashion I myself somehow designed, if only to give me some use beyond being just the Leader) seems like it would be rather well.

I still need to learn how to use Articifers for future campaigns, and you'd think that a mythical item creating master would be skilled at making B.O.W.s... and I feel like there should be a Druid somewhere. This guy would probably get along great with Druids. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-xOLEQT_so) I'm not sure about a Cleric, since having someone under yourself who worships a god seems kinda weird when you yourself intend to become a god (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7AB_X5GuaY)... Although I'm not completely adverse to the idea.

I don't think he needs anyone fighting his battles for him. Very minor minions aside, these support characters wouldn't be bosses in their own right. Plot Coupons at best, since each one captured or killed is another thorn in the Big Bad's side. Although a couple of lapdogs certainly aren't out of the picture....

2011-05-29, 06:59 PM
The other option is JPM re-flavored, and do it all yourself...

2011-05-29, 11:14 PM
Do Not Quote This Earlier Message! I Had Another Case Of Retardation!

Jade Phoenix Mage.... hm.... A good refluffing could work.... I need to make sure I have a good enough build that lets me have all my special moves of awesomeness...


Do I wanna have a move library bigger than a black girl's behind, or do I want to have easier access to a teacher whom I could murder in cold blood.... either way, I -WILL- become a God. It is my right.

Edit:Well ****... any Non Evil..... I'm almost certain I'm Evil... not sure which Evil (Lawful in my head, probably Neutral-Chaotic to those around me), but I'm balls to the walls Evil, that's for sure. Just playing cool until I'm ready to ascend... gotta see what I can do about this little hurtle...

2011-05-29, 11:43 PM
Edit:Well ****... any Non Evil..... I'm almost certain I'm Evil... not sure which Evil (Lawful in my head, probably Neutral-Chaotic to those around me), but I'm balls to the walls Evil, that's for sure. Just playing cool until I'm ready to ascend... gotta see what I can do about this little hurtle...

Ask the DM to refluff the class to allow evil entry, but the requirements change to:

Special: Evil
Special: Must've killed a Jade Phoenix Mage, and performed a ritual of claiming on his arcane inheritance.

2011-05-30, 12:11 AM
IIRC, an evil adaptation is mentioned on the book itself. Ebon Phoenix Mage or the like.

2011-05-30, 05:35 AM
Also, everything he does can be done with Swordsage. Even the teleportation dodge.

2011-05-30, 01:25 PM
Now I can't decide... Straight Unarmed Swordsage, or Swordsage/Wizard/EbonPhoenixMage....

The latter has a bit more of a different kind of theme to it (I'm not too good at changing the fluff behind a class and making it seem properly believeable) I'm not really seeing myself getting to even use half of the features it provides, and I'm not sure about taking the full prestige class, unless I'm sure I'd still be able to get my high level maneuvers (Time Stands Still, Diamond Nightmare Blade, and Feral Death Blow being absolutely required out of sheer awesomeness, but Tornado Throw and FSCIES {Jesus, what a name!}are also cool). Not to mention skill wise, it's not doing much of anything, so players could potentially remember me as just another evil magic dude if I choose to not rely on even cross class skills to further my ambitions (then again, the Sword Sage doesn't sound all that non supernatural either).

But then again, I could gain the Magic Prowess I would need to be able to hold my own weight in the story, rather than being a leader without power. Not to mention the storyline applications! Possibly upon becoming a Jade Phoenix Master, I switch over to becoming an Ebon Phoenix Mage (assuming the prestige class doesn't automatically shut down upon my allignment shift, assuming I went from XNeutral to XEvil), and proceed to search for and strike down, as well as seal the souls of, the remaining Phoenix Mages. With them out of the way, I can contact the allies whom have known my existance since before I have been born, and resume the plans my spirit has held for ages: becoming the creator of a new genesis. I'll go ahead and admit: part of me is leaning towards the multiclass build, using Leadership, Martial Maneuvers, Magic Spells, and an assortment of aquired skills and wealth to do as I please.

The Tome of Battle -rocks-.

Random question about spells (I was mainly a point-my-finger-and-blast druid when I last used spells): can I channel them through a ranged weapon? I haven't put much thought into it, but effective or not, I require a signature projectile weapon. (http://residentevil.wikia.com/Beretta_92F_Custom_'Samurai_Edge') Maybe those who are weak but with influence that defy me can have their skulls splattered with a spell empowered bolt from a heavily pimped out ranged weapon.

2011-05-30, 02:30 PM
I must say you have inspired me to have such a character as the main villain in my next campaign; he has to be much more vile and manipulative than the typical wizard to succeed (and I can borrow some plot from the games as well). I'm building him as a gestalt Swordsage//PsyWar (E6 but still obscenely powerful compared to what the PCs will likely be).

How is the teleport dodge done with swordsage? (I'm thinking of using some sort of blink spell). Not so familiar with tome of battle and I've seen a few manoeuvres that would work with some refluffing so I'm wondering which.

As for channeling a spell in the ranged weapon, you would need a spell storing enhancement, but that would lack the capability for rapid fire and use up lots of actions. There's probably a better way but I can't think of it at the moment.

2011-05-30, 03:45 PM
I must say you have inspired me to have such a character as the main villain in my next campaign; he has to be much more vile and manipulative than the typical wizard to succeed (and I can borrow some plot from the games as well). I'm building him as a gestalt Swordsage//PsyWar (E6 but still obscenely powerful compared to what the PCs will likely be).

Uroboros... will be released into the Playground... insuring COMPLETE. GLOBAL. SATURATION.

Seriously though, as narmy as the series is, it's still very fun. Gestalt.... that's actually not a bad idea for my own situation. Sword Sage and (Wizard/Ebon Phoenix Mage), if such a thing could be performed....

How is the teleport dodge done with swordsage? (I'm thinking of using some sort of blink spell). Not so familiar with tome of battle and I've seen a few manoeuvres that would work with some refluffing so I'm wondering which.

If you want to use a maneuver for it, the main reason I definitely went with Sword Sage over Warblade is access to Shadow Hand. First level Shadow Hand Stance: Child of Shadow feels like the exact equivalent to how he moves.

Shadow Hand (Stance)
Level: Swordsage 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance

As you move, shadows flutter and swarm around you. Even under the bright desert sun, you are difficult to spot as long as you remain in motion. As an initiate of the Shadow Hand school, you learn to channel and control dark, shadowy energies. This energy flows around you like a concealing robe, hiding you from your opponents as they attempt to strike you.

If you move at least 10 feet during your turn, you gain concealment against all melee and ranged attacks until the start of your next turn. You also gain the standard benefits of concealment, but you cannot use this stance to hide in plain sight; you must still use some other terrain feature that normally allows you to use the Hide skill. The fluttering shadows make it difficult to specifically target you, but your enemies are aware of your position.
This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

The Concealment is so like his ability to dodge while he's moving around. Combine this Stance (which can be turned off or on at a whim and can be left on) with Quick Silver Motion, and you should certainly be on the move. To my knowledge, just keep Child of Shadow on, and warp with QSM when you have the momment to have it refreshed.

Diamond Mind (Boost)
Level: Swordsage 7, warblade 7
Prerequisite: Three Diamond Mind
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You

In the blink of an eye, you make your move. Your speed, refl exes, and boundless confi dence combine to allow you to make a fast, bold move that catches your foes off guard. With a burst of energy, you move forward to press an attack, draw an item from your backpack, or take some other move action. Your training, mental acuity, and drive allow you to move with greater speed and confi dence than other warriors.

This maneuver requires a swift action to initiate. You can take a free move action after you initiate this maneuver. You can use any of the options available for a move action. You can then use the rest of your actions as normal. For example, you could use this maneuver to move next to a foe, then take a full attack action. You could move, then make a charge attack, and so forth. The move action you gain from this maneuver provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.

There may be other more prudent options within spells, and even within the Tome, but personally, I absolutely love this combo. I still wanna see if I can double jump with QSM. No one seems to wanna touch that subject. XD

As for channeling a spell in the ranged weapon, you would need a spell storing enhancement, but that would lack the capability for rapid fire and use up lots of actions. There's probably a better way but I can't think of it at the moment.

Depression fuel... I was just thinking if I was a Wizard, those spare spells could be used to make my gun hurt like -heck-... I suppose it'll just have to be naturally pimped.

2011-05-30, 06:14 PM
I must say you have inspired me to have such a character as the main villain in my next campaign; he has to be much more vile and manipulative than the typical wizard to succeed (and I can borrow some plot from the games as well). I'm building him as a gestalt Swordsage//PsyWar (E6 but still obscenely powerful compared to what the PCs will likely be).

How is the teleport dodge done with swordsage? (I'm thinking of using some sort of blink spell). Not so familiar with tome of battle and I've seen a few manoeuvres that would work with some refluffing so I'm wondering which.

As for channeling a spell in the ranged weapon, you would need a spell storing enhancement, but that would lack the capability for rapid fire and use up lots of actions. There's probably a better way but I can't think of it at the moment.

There are a series of short-range teleportation maneuvers from Shadow Hand. Starts off as a Standard Action, then as a Move Action, then as a Swift Action.

2011-05-30, 06:34 PM
And if it is useable, how does it function when my villain decides someone needs his ass kicked and breaks out Time Stands Still?

From what I can see of other suggestions, you have matters well enough in hand, and because the DM is on your side for this, you have a bit more leeway for options. Maybe discuss with your DM about Gestalting your Sword Sage//Wizard thing, and then pretend you are not anything other than a Sword Sage when your with the party up until your betrayal, where you bust out the spells and stunts to go along with your all around awesomeness. Make the rest of the party's Jaws collectively hit the floor that way.

And the funny thing about what I quoted? This is what I immediately thought of from that sentence. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbArvIqZzkI)

2011-05-30, 08:24 PM
There are a series of short-range teleportation maneuvers from Shadow Hand. Starts off as a Standard Action, then as a Move Action, then as a Swift Action.

I feel kinda stupid that I didn't mention Shadow Jaunt, Stride, and Blink... I gotta ensure I map this character out right, because in real life, my lack of noticing small details would -never- let me be a good villain. The only reason something small gets by to this guy is because he simply doesn't view it as important enough to care about (seems to be a common villain flaw...).

From what I can see of other suggestions, you have matters well enough in hand, and because the DM is on your side for this, you have a bit more leeway for options. Maybe discuss with your DM about Gestalting your Sword Sage//Wizard thing, and then pretend you are not anything other than a Sword Sage when your with the party up until your betrayal, where you bust out the spells and stunts to go along with your all around awesomeness. Make the rest of the party's Jaws collectively hit the floor that way.

I'm kinda thinking Sorceror now, actually. Just to be as a little nerf. I'm personally a bit scared of the party having to take on a Level 20 Sword Wizard.... But I know for a fact that combat wise, I do indeed have everything I need for my cake, baring some frosting here and there. It's just ensuring the plot mechanics are believeable enough, no matter how bad the writing is.

And the funny thing about what I quoted? This is what I immediately thought of from that sentence. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbArvIqZzkI)

Oh my God! He can (Stop Time?) SUMMON STEAMROLLERS! (.... you sure about that?) Positive! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4igflHdzeqc&feature=player_detailpage#t=493s)

Ultimately, I don't need the spells for combat, barring making the Weapon Shots cool as heck or enabling easier quick escapes... unless we can find a way to have me emulate the final hit of this attack (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3h-2PEioCc&feature=player_detailpage#t=25s) after using Time Stands Still, possibly with a MetaMagiced Quickened Spell and some way to make the action economy my bitch...

I only really need to be able to use magic to help me to create the chemical/potion/poison/item (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEPoQTI9Pr4&feature=player_detailpage#t=347s) that will determine if the subject being tested has the right genetics/dna/stuff within them to be suitable to belong in my new perfect world... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOGj4zUGVMU&feature=player_detailpage#t=432s)

Possibly some type of homebrewed poison that steadily did constitution damage unless the victim could recover from it or was immune to it. If so, they'd be taken and "convinced" to join the survivors, and if not, the poison would envelop the corpse while making it unfit for the soul to return to without aid, and somehow I'd be able to control the resultant undead... It'd be another interesting plot twist to assault the player characters dirrectly, poison the lot of them, kidnap the 1 who is miraculously immune, and they have to deal with 1 who couldn't completely stave off the virus...

And yes, I did just figure out how to link to videos within medias ress. I don't care how badly I mispelt that. It's still very useful.

2011-05-30, 08:39 PM
That final hit looks like some kind of Desert Fire boost. Failing that, one of the Stone Hammer maneuvers looks like it would fit in well there, for slamming someone through the ground. Comet Throw from Setting Sun would also work.

2011-05-30, 11:49 PM
There are a series of short-range teleportation maneuvers from Shadow Hand. Starts off as a Standard Action, then as a Move Action, then as a Swift Action.

Yea I saw those but since it only goes to 6, a standard action to move seemed a little much to teleport around when he can just walk and use Child of Shadow against AoOs (And still look cool doing it). (Possibly dispalcement too to give him time to monologue without dying)

2011-05-31, 10:21 AM
unless we can find a way to have me emulate the final hit of this attack (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3h-2PEioCc&feature=player_detailpage#t=25s) after using Time Stands Still, possibly with a MetaMagiced Quickened Spell and some way to make the action economy my bitch...

1.Refluff how you're doing the damage from an Arcane Strike into pretty much whatever you want. You're dropping a high-level spell into dealing melee damage, so a little narrative lee-way should be ok with your DM.

2.You can't use TSS with quicken, since they both require a swift action to use.

2011-05-31, 12:19 PM
Yea I saw those but since it only goes to 6, a standard action to move seemed a little much to teleport around when he can just walk and use Child of Shadow against AoOs (And still look cool doing it). (Possibly dispalcement too to give him time to monologue without dying)

While I can understand not relying on Standard Action Shadow Jaunt at upper levels, it's definitely cool as heck when you first use it. I'd personally give a second look to the Move Action Shadow Stride (why walk when you can teleport), and I'm -definitely- taking the Swift Action version, Shadow Blink (because then I'm officially the Boogie Man). If you only wanted Shadow Blink, you could replace the previous versions with it as you level, since that's an option. Also, what do you mean by "it only goes to 6"?

That final hit looks like some kind of Desert Fire boost. Failing that, one of the Stone Hammer maneuvers looks like it would fit in well there, for slamming someone through the ground. Comet Throw from Setting Sun would also work.

If only Inferno Blast wasn't a Full Round Action.... If I could get some way to make even a Standard Action after Time Stands Still, Wyvern's Flame also seems cool. (Heh. That still cracks me up.)

I'm probably missing something, but I'm just not seeing the big finale effect I'm looking for come from the Stone Dragon series. It'll be used more for big smash hits. Collosus Strike makes for a perfect Cobra Strike. The Throw line already has a lot of utility planned. And someone -will- be thrown over a ledge and into a hoard of enemies. Oh yes.

There seems to always be a rules lawyer / player's handbook only enthusiast in every group. The less I have to refluff around things to give birth to this villain, the more I'll keep his mouth shut. And the more entertaining it'll be to those in the group who catch on to what I'm playing as.

1.Refluff how you're doing the damage from an Arcane Strike into pretty much whatever you want. You're dropping a high-level spell into dealing melee damage, so a little narrative lee-way should be ok with your DM.

Makes me feel like some type of teleportation ability for bringing an item to me would be cool... if not, METEOR SWARM! XD

2.You can't use TSS with quicken, since they both require a swift action to use.

What you talkin' 'bout, Willis? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw9oX-kZ_9k)

Diamond Mind (Strike)
Level: Swordsage 9, warblade 9
Prerequisite: Four Diamond Mind
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
Range: Personal
Target: You

The raindrops themselves stand still as you act at the speed of thought. You move like a blur, catching your enemies by surprise with a complex action carried out in a tiny fraction of the time normally needed to complete it. In an unmatched burst of speed, agility, and decisive action, you move more
quickly than the eye can follow. You can lash out with your blade, striking
your opponent so rapidly that observers can’t keep track of your moves.

As part of this maneuver, you can use a full attack action two times in succession. Take your first full attack as normal. Once you have resolved those attacks, you can then take another full attack action. You must resolve these actions separately. You cannot combine the attacks provided by both actions as you wish. Instead, you must take them separately and in order as normal for a full attack.

... hopefully -I- am not missing something there, or else my other character's Wombo Combo will need redoing.

1:Boots of Haste + Quick Silver Motion + Storm Guard Warrior Combat Rhythm + Time Stands Still
Optional: Channel The Storm + Robilar's Gambit
2:Boots of Haste + Power Attack (I also include 3rd Party Reckless Attack) + Diamond Nightmare Blade

I won't be doing this with this villain, because I'm not sure if a regular character would be able to live through that last hit. Although it'll be -hilarious- should it miss.

2011-05-31, 03:44 PM
Its going to be an E6 campaign (probably, we'll see how fast people advance) and therefore the level cap is only 6. He's still pretty badass even at that level though, just the only one of the shadow jaunt series he would have available would be the standard action one.

2011-05-31, 04:14 PM
Its going to be an E6 campaign (probably, we'll see how fast people advance) and therefore the level cap is only 6. He's still pretty badass even at that level though, just the only one of the shadow jaunt series he would have available would be the standard action one.

Ah... well that's depressing. XD With that in mind, you probably will have to use Child of Shadodw for your "CAN'T TOUCH THIS" needs. Although the ability to teleport, spells or maneuver wise, is still good for when "Our Time is Up. How fortunate for you. :cool:". Whatever works the best, though.

2011-05-31, 06:21 PM
Alternatively, I though about dipping Wiz 1, just for the abrupt jaunt ACF from the PHII. That seems like it would fit the flavour perfectly, even if (in my case) he can only use it twice per day. That, combined with Child of Shadow + Displacement/Gr. Concealing Amorpha for 60% miss chance, and a Shield and Mage Armour (or their psionic equivalents) should give him more than enough staying power to really be a nuisance. Add a little houseruled Tashalatora and SUS abuse (since I'm the DM) for the fists of a 16th level monk (because he only gets one attack per round) and since he's such a boss, send him in with no magic items (except for, of course, his goggles of night:smallcool: and light repeating crossbow).

2011-05-31, 06:51 PM
goggles of night:smallcool:

WHY THE PUCK DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT!?! -AWESOME-! And -just- a Light Repeating Crossbow? Maybe no other magic items (although I still wanna consider some or making the potion he himself takes every couple of days emulate them), but his Samurai Edge was apparently pimped out more than 4 other versions of it combined. It's definitely gotta be as cool as all can be.

I was in the shower, and just thought about something. The ability to command undead, and the desire to become a God. I may not want some lapdog to some spirits working for me, but why shouldn't I be a Cleric? What better way to become a God than to use God Powers? It helps me with almost every detail I can think of, especially with a Gesalt.

Heck, I could take 18-19 levels of Sword Sage and 2-1 levels of Crusader on one side of the Gesalt, and take 10 Levels of Cleric and 10 Levels of RUBY KNIGHT ****ING VINDICATOR, with the worship a God requirement revoked. If that Bitch wants me to be her lapdog, come down here and -make me-! ....

.... infact, instead of being a Wizard and killing the other Jade Phoenix Mages, I'll be a Cleric, and once I've taken over the world and the realms, I'll kill all other Gods! I alone have the right to be a God!

What 'ya think? Self-theistic Unarmed Sword Sage(sprinkle of Crusader)/(1/2 Cleric+1/2 RKV)? Meta Magic + Quicken Spell + Divine Meta Magic is certainly good for throwing in spells when I need to, Travel Devotion along with the Ruby Knight Vindicator's awesome special to be able to move (with Child of Shadow for full on "CAN'T TOUCH THIS" action), and some more Turn Undead for controling my hoard of undead? Heck, if the Cleric has any way of controling non undead's minds, that's an easy way for me to help "show my Godhood" to anyone who -is- worth surviving to the New Genesis.

I'd double post this to bump it, but I finally got the other infraction I had removed by waiting, and I don't wanna get in trouble again. XD

2011-05-31, 10:12 PM
Cleric? Why not Ur-priest? In this situation the fluff works out nicely, and since the DM has asked you to play the villain, you may not get the knee-jerk no response that may be typical. He may even waive the terrible feat requirements.

I had the crossbow as magically auto-reloading, so he could wield it in one hand, but otherwise didn't think to put much else on it, since it seemed unlikely he would use it much anyways. Maybe I'll reconsider that a bit.

Instead of a potion, you could try a template, that fits a bit better and you don't have to keep a steady supply handy.

2011-06-01, 01:04 PM
Cleric? Why not Ur-priest? In this situation the fluff works out nicely, and since the DM has asked you to play the villain, you may not get the knee-jerk no response that may be typical. He may even waive the terrible feat requirements.

Ruby Knight Vindicator

a) Sounds far more badass, like a rank an elite soldier would take,
b) comes with some kick-ass class features, one of which is borderline -broken-, which makes for an even more challenging boss fight, which will hopefully provide more happyness when it is finally won,
c) is freaking badass
and d) would be easy to get into with a small sprinkling of multiclass during a gesalt.

Overall, the character seems like it would fit more together that way. Right now, I need to make sure I'm still -capable- of merging all of this together. On one side, 18-19 Ranks of Sword Sage and 2-1 Ranks of Crusader, and on the other side, 10 Ranks of Cleric and 10 Ranks of RKV. Heh. The Adaptation says it'd be interesting to have different deities, or even different special attack requirements. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch for someone like him to be seen as his own God. There has been weirder... (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0080.html)

I had the crossbow as magically auto-reloading, so he could wield it in one hand, but otherwise didn't think to put much else on it, since it seemed unlikely he would use it much anyways. Maybe I'll reconsider that a bit.

Whenever he does use it, possibly in my case to murder any higher up members of the churches or groups that worship a god, or any land owners or other people who might hold influence, it needs to be -awesome-. Definitely a noteable weapon. Autoreloading is definitely a nice touch, though. Too busy being cool to need to reload.

Instead of a potion, you could try a template, that fits a bit better and you don't have to keep a steady supply handy.

Considering the RKV now breaks the action economy, I actually wouldn't need a potion for anything, now that I think about it. I already have the ability to move as I want, cast Quickened Spells if need be, and still use -any- of my awe-inspiring maneuvers to murder people within a turn. Maybe if the potion let me regain my uses of turn undead....

2011-06-01, 07:10 PM
For an RKV, you don't really need the last three levels; after getting Divine Impetus, you have better things to spend turn attempts on than the last ability. That gives you a few more levels to work with on that side of things, for whatever you want to put there. you could even switch the crusader to the cleric side to get the swordsage capstone if you wanted.

As for the potion/virus/template, why not some fast healing? Better than having to spend a turn attempt just to heal yourself with a spell. Unless you plan to load up on Persistant Vigor and a contingent Heal.

2011-06-01, 11:11 PM
For an RKV, you don't really need the last three levels; after getting Divine Impetus, you have better things to spend turn attempts on than the last ability. That gives you a few more levels to work with on that side of things, for whatever you want to put there. you could even switch the crusader to the cleric side to get the swordsage capstone if you wanted.

Sounds like a plan. If only the SwordSage's Capstone was as cool as the Warblade's. SwordSage 20 / Ruby Knight Vindicator 7, Cleric+Crusader 13 (more likely Cleric than Crusader. Probably take Crusader just for Thicket of Blades, just to smash people who try to escape. Heh heh heh).

As for the potion/virus/template, why not some fast healing? Better than having to spend a turn attempt just to heal yourself with a spell. Unless you plan to load up on Persistant Vigor and a contingent Heal.

I could use one template just because he's not even really fully human himself anymore (I never actually remembered that for a while, and thought he got it all from the serum in the 5th Game), but for the most part, the potion would, at this point mechanically, mainly explain why he could channel so much negative energy for the sake of powering up. Just something for the players to note about, and possibly figure out a way to get past. Think I should think about that?

I don't wanna use spells too much on making the undead, so I -will- need a way for that, though. If I have to, I suppose I will. But being able to make a poison for it feels like it'd be cooler.

Combat (Physically Based, with Incredible Agility):Unarmed Swordsage Variant with a couple of Divine Metamagiced Spells mixed in for flavor.

Items:Pimp Mithral Studded Leather Trench Coat of Badass, some type of item to restore my uses of Turn Undead if possible, Goggles of Night (still have no idea why I didn't think of that), and Heavily Pimped out Crossbow (giving mine the Distance, Unholy, Seeking, and Quick Loading (extradimensional space with 100 Bolts, all but Heavy Crossbows reload as a free action. Switching the Bolt type by hand is still a move action, though.) Enchantments for sure.)

Controling Undead:... part Cleric. Rebuke Undead. Create Undead. Create Greater Undead. Any other ways to achieve this would be swell, though. Unless Rebuke Undead would work well enough.

Controling Willing Non-Undead: Leadership. Hopefully.

Controling Unwilling Non-Undead: ..... needs work. How does a Cleric get access to Charm / Dominate Person?

Judging Humanoid to be worth Living or worth being Undead: Hopefully Custom, borderline Epic, Craft (Poison Making) will be able to suffice, if not, still needs work...

Back Story: Must be altered for D&D Purposes. Still needs work.

I can't think of anything else I need to think about for this character... Once I'm finished working (5 Days straight of work ahead. :eek:), I'll post a move list for atleast the Sword Sage Side. Anything I'm neglecting from the list of things to work on? And if not, any ideas for how to fill in the remaining blanks?

2011-06-02, 12:45 AM
For the serum/potion, you could have it like they do in the game, where if the PCs manage to get more than he need into him it will screw with him a bit.

As for your undead making poison, you could make it super vicious and have it deal something like 1d4 negative levels as secondary damage, enough to off most of the people in the world, transforming them into wights, and be a serious pain for all the exceptional folk now living in a post-apocalyptic zombieworld.

As for you coat, the Iron Kingdoms setting has armoured coats done already, which are mechanically good enough that everyone who can wears one (just to make the setting even more awesome). 75g nets you +2 to AC (stacking with light armour) with +6 dex, -1 check, 5% spell failure and gives DR 5/blud. (cheaper models available).

Not any items I know of that restore your turn attempts, just grab some nightsticks. Just rebuking for commanding your legions would likely work, depending on how large or powerful you want to have them. Shame you have to be a wiz/sor to use Command Undead.

As for non-willing non-undead, just use the usual methods. Bribery, extortion, threats, trickery, underhanded dealing, double-crossing, promises of power, dreams of glory, to either force them into serving you (think Barry), or turn them into willing accomplices (think Excella).

2011-06-14, 12:35 PM
On your question about the double-jump:
A) Go for it. It think there is a set of rules for those kinds of stunts in Oriental Adventures.
B) Alternatively, use a quickened Tensirs Floating Disc as a platform to jump from. No one says you can't.

Concerning your signature weapon:
I believe there is a crossbow that can act as a focus for damage spells in Arms and Equipment. Or, if you wanted to do something interesting, get a repeating crossbow with a wand chamber built in.

2011-06-17, 09:08 PM
I had someone very close to me pass away... She's been in the hospital for a while, and for her age, it was just a matter of time, but still, life gets hard...

Double Jumping is awesome. Just gotta ensure no one attacks me for almost flying, assuming I can get the Dm to agree.

For the Crossbow, it doesn't need to have Spells. I was just thinking of spells to make the times I do use it worth it. Although being pimped out is good, too.

Considering the Cleric ability to Turn Undead lets me do anything from controling undead to activating any devotion ability I choose, the DM actually agreed to let me have a "Draught of Darkest Night" Potion. I can Craft it, as well as the "Elixir of Judgement" (horrible names are horrible, sue me) Poison. DC40 on both, so I'll be able to perform experiments while traveling that seem somewhat innocent until the truth about me is revealed. And of course, mixing the two and injecting / forcing me to drink after I've been slightly weakened in combat would be an interesting way to force me to transform into... well, pretty much anything the DM decides to have me become for the CLIMACTIC FINAL BATTLE! I was thinking Constitution Damage, but Negative Levels are both easier for heroes to survive, and easier to slaughter NPCS. Always seems to work that way, anyways. Heh.

I've no idea what the Iron Kingdom setting is... I'm not sure where to find it, and the library I normally get my books at doesn't seem to have it... I was thinking of Adamantine Mithral Studded Leather (or a Chain Shirt, should both bonuses from Adamantine and Mithral stack, making the Armor Penalty 0).

Does suck that I can't use Command Undead, but a Sword Sage Ruby Knight Vindicator on the eve of passing judgement over this world before explundging the remaining Gods out of my Pantheon has more important things to think about. Like getting a business card.

Could have sworn that there was some way to mind control people dirrectly... maybe another type of crafted poison with a near Epic DC could work... Although I thought a Cleric could gain such spells. Eh, I'm allowed to have base 18 Stats since I'm a Boss (not to mention even higher stats through Buffs and Inherent Bonuses... I seem like the learned type), so Charisma doesn't seem like it would be an issue. And it probably is better to prove people rather than simply control them all...

The more that I can do without Spells, either through Maneuvers for Combat and Skills for changing the plot, the better. Spells are mainly a contengency to ensure that everything can work.

Been gone for a while, but thankfully my friends could understand why I was busy...