View Full Version : owod fetishes and totems

2011-05-26, 11:42 PM
so im in a old word of darkness campaign with some relaxed rules

my question are simple are there any guidelines for making my own fetish and claive

and as far as pack totems go
all of our players maxed out the background
what is the most powerful pack totem war
faction even worm isn't a factor (extremely open rules)
it says in the core book we can only have 1 pack totem unless otherwise stated
are there really totems that will let you have another haven't found any

any help would be greatly appreciated

2011-05-27, 06:26 AM
so im in a old word of darkness campaign with some relaxed rules

my question are simple are there any guidelines for making my own fetish and claive

and as far as pack totems go
all of our players maxed out the background
what is the most powerful pack totem war
faction even worm isn't a factor (extremely open rules)
it says in the core book we can only have 1 pack totem unless otherwise stated
are there really totems that will let you have another haven't found any

any help would be greatly appreciated

Well as far as making a Fetish or a Klaive, you'll need the Rite of the Fetish, it's a level 3 Mystic Rite. Certain Theurge gifts may make it easier. A Klaive is just a Fetish Sword with a war spirit bound into it (most of the time).

As far as pack Totems, Green Dragon is a hella fierce Wyrm Totem of Strength. and you can spend extra points your pack might have in the Totem Background into increasing what your totem can do. There are rules for it in the main book.

Edit: and if you STILL have points of Totem left over, you can buy a personal Totem at double the cost it would take to bind it to a Pack. So you'd at most be able to get a 1-2 point Totem as a Personal Totem.

2011-05-27, 06:35 AM

As far as pack Totems, Green Dragon is a hella fierce Wyrm Totem of Strength. and you can spend extra points your pack might have in the Totem Background into increasing what your totem can do. There are rules for it in the main book.

But you're going to have fun expalining to the other packs how you can breath toxic fire :smallcool:

Morrigan from the Fianna tribe-book has some good options as a War Totem

2011-05-27, 06:44 AM
ok the info about the totems was a LOT of help

but a far as the claive i used the book hammer and claive that had a lot of lore but not real rules for making my own fetish

there a ton of examples of claives with powers im looking for rules to choose these powers

2011-05-27, 06:45 AM
But you're going to have fun expalining to the other packs how you can breath toxic fire :smallcool:

Morrigan from the Fianna tribe-book has some good options as a War Totem

He did say that Faction, Even Wyrm, wasn't a factor :smallbiggrin: and you have to admit that Green Dragon is pretty fierce. :smallwink:

2011-05-27, 06:47 AM
ok the info about the totems was a LOT of help

but a far as the claive i used the book hammer and claive that had a lot of lore but not real rules for making my own fetish

there a ton of examples of claives with powers im looking for rules to choose these powers

The Rite of the Fetish is in the main book. It has explicit rules on how to craft a Fetish. as far as other power it may have, it depends largely on what spirit you have bound into it and is mostly ST fiat.

2011-05-27, 06:55 AM
The Rite of the Fetish is in the main book. It has explicit rules on how to craft a Fetish. as far as other power it may have, it depends largely on what spirit you have bound into it and is mostly ST fiat.

let me clarify i understand how one is created in game
but my dm wants me to find balanced stats or i haft to choose a premade one

but i fear my dm doesn't understand that this isnt the system for perfect balance

while i got your attention is there a example of a fetish that's a shield or armor

2011-05-27, 07:00 AM
let me clarify i understand how one is created in game
but my dm wants me to find balanced stats or i haft to choose a premade one

but i fear my dm doesn't understand that this isnt the system for perfect balance

oh I see. hmm well I think you're out of luck to be honest. I don't think there are more than general guidlines. If it were me, I'd try to base it off of exsisting examples. or find spirits that have Charms that are close to what yo want to be able to do. The Book of Spirits -Axis Mundi might be useful to you in this regard.

and yeah.....good luck with that. perfectly balanced oWoD is not.

2011-05-27, 07:04 AM
it really confuses me that he is willing to let me take wurm gifts but than be stingy on the fetish

2011-05-27, 07:10 AM
it really confuses me that he is willing to let me take wurm gifts but than be stingy on the fetish

well Klaives are supposed to be a big deal. Grand Klaives even more so. They are rarely created, and most are heirlooms of sorts or spoils of battle. It might be easier to just buy the background at charcter creation and write it into your background as to why you have a Klaive, than to craft a new one.

But if you DO craft a new one it would be probably worth a good chunk of Renown.

as for why he's allowing Wyrm gifts and the like.....heck if I know. it is confusing to be honest.

as for your question about Fetish armor/sheilds: I can't think of any off the top of my head other than the Turtle Shell Armor, but I'll be damned if I can remember what it does.

2011-05-27, 07:16 AM
well Klaives are supposed to be a big deal. Grand Klaives even more so. They are rarely created, and most are heirlooms of sorts or spoils of battle. It might be easier to just buy the background at charcter creation and write it into your background as to why you have a Klaive, than to craft a new one.

But if you DO craft a new one it would be probably worth a good chunk of Renown.

as for why he's allowing Wyrm gifts and the like.....heck if I know. it is confusing to be honest.

as for your question about Fetish armor/sheilds: I can't think of any off the top of my head other than the Turtle Shell Armor, but I'll be damned if I can remember what it does.

i have every book in the old world of darkness if u can rember where it is cause that sounds exacly what im looking for

2011-05-27, 07:35 AM
i have every book in the old world of darkness if u can rember where it is cause that sounds exacly what im looking for

From the books I've got, for War Totems you want :
Book of the Wyrm, p103, Green Dragon
Fiana Tribe book, p81 , Morrigan
Bone Gnawer Tribe Book, p84, Tasmanian Devil (but you should just get The Great Trash Heap as your Totem, just to have your G.M. Roleplay it )

2011-05-27, 07:42 AM
as a werewolf, I think it's a rank 3 rite that you use to bind the spirit into the fetish.

You also need to have the object that you're trying to bind the spirit into.

and the hard part: convincing the spirit that it would prefer to spend the next arbitrarily long time in your fetish.

Generally, the last part is accomplished by:
having the fetish object be cool, and unique and interesting and fitting;
giving the spirit stuff to show your commitment;
establishing a deal or restrictions on how you'll use the fetish;
pointing out the difficulties of everyday life in the umbra;
asking really nicely;
and probably a few other things I haven't considered

All in all, a decent sidequest.
you could also take one from someone else or find one that was lost.
the total effort is probably more or less the same in any case.

Hammer and Klaive is a book containing a lot of sample fetishes and talens to choose from

2011-05-27, 08:01 AM
i have every book in the old world of darkness if u can rember where it is cause that sounds exacly what im looking for

The Turtle Shell Armor might be in Croatan's Song but I honestly don't remember and I'm at work so I can't look it up at the moment.

2011-05-27, 10:58 AM
Well as far as making a Fetish or a Klaive, you'll need the Rite of the Fetish, it's a level 3 Mystic Rite. Certain Theurge gifts may make it easier. A Klaive is just a Fetish Sword with a war spirit bound into it (most of the time).

Klaives are also silver. They're more or less Garou-killers.

2011-05-27, 12:34 PM
Klaives are also silver. They're more or less Garou-killers.

True that. don't know how I forgot that detail. I think they bind the war spirit into it so it does Agg to everything as well.

So with that detail in mind, remember that you're effective Gnosis is one less when wielding a Klaive.

Edit: Check Tribebook Wendigo for some pretty sweet Armor called Ghost Dance Shirt and there is also a shield in there called Wendigo Shield Still haven't found the Turtle Shell Armor it might have been something one of my STs made up.

2011-05-27, 03:04 PM
a google search says the turtle amor us in War Against the Pure so im going to check that book but its been a lot of help thank you

edit: it turns out its a forsaken book no idea if its compatible or not