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View Full Version : Need help planning a campaign series.

2011-05-27, 07:27 AM
This Summer I'm planning to DM a big series of D&D campaigns with one group. I don't want to do very much writing, so I'm going to be using modules. The trouble is, I can't decide which ones to use, so I'm asking for a little advice. I'll be running Pathfinder, just to make that clear.

I need enough adventures to progress characters from level 1 to level 20. I will also definitely be running Castle Ravenloft, which goes from level 6 to 9, and then probably Tomb of Horrors right after that (not sure what level that ends at). I'd also like to include two more long campaigns (as in longer than 3 sessions; considering Forge of Fury for one of them) in addition to some mini campaigns. Any help would be appreciated, as I mainly just need help coming up with modules, although help with piecing together the progression would be greatly appreciated. Also, free campaigns are nice. :P Thanks in advance!

Bovine Colonel
2011-05-27, 05:29 PM
and then probably Tomb of Horrors right after that (not sure what level that ends at).

You do know that Tomb of Horrors is famous for sheer numbers of character deaths, right?

Lord Loss
2011-05-27, 05:32 PM
The only way to run tomb of horros is to set it up so that the PCs have an infinte amount of lives to get through the tomb, respawning at the beginning when they die. Otherwise it ends in a TPK 99% of the time.

I reccomend stocking up on 2e Dungeon magazines, they have the most original adventures I've ever seen and are much less "slashy" than most published modules.

I've heard good things about Bastion of Broken Souls, Sunless Citadel and that one about a Spire that's name I forget.

2011-05-27, 05:37 PM
I reccomend stocking up on 2e Dungeon magazines, they have the most original adventures I've ever seen and are much less "slashy" than most published modules. Seconded. Either that, or start (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0BzPw7X6JvNR-MzY2NDNiMWItYTQ0MS00YmFlLWFjNDEtNjg0YWRlOTYxYzZj&hl=en_US&authkey=CInHyo4N) with The Witchfire Trilogy (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BzPw7X6JvNR-NGIxNjNmNTAtNmZmMS00MWZhLWFhNzYtNjZkZmQ3YmU1OTM1&hl=en_US&authkey=CL2DibIM) by Privateer Press (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0BzPw7X6JvNR-NmZiODY2NTUtN2JkMS00MTg5LWFhMmUtMjFmNzkzYzYyYmRm&hl=en_US&authkey=CPfK4KMF). That should take them to level 7-ish.

2011-05-28, 05:48 PM
Okay, yeah, didn't know that about Tomb of Horrors, I had just heard that it was a classic and was really good. So maybe I'll read it over a bit first. XD

Witchfire was the first campaign I ever played, and I might run it, but it's possible I would have some people who have played it before, so it really depends. Anyway, thanks for that.

Kol Korran
2011-05-29, 09:16 AM
if you're playing pathfinder, and going from 1-20 i suggest to check out Paizo's published adventure paths- they tkae you from 1-18 (on most cases), and from the little i've heard and read about them- they are REALLY good! this way you have a quality overarching campaign that you don't have to modify from other versions.
i heard good things about "King Maker" (it also has some rules about building a small kingdom and running it!), Legacy of Fire, and i heard there is some new horror centered campaign that gets excellent reviews.

go to the Pazio site and at least read a bit about them- you might find something you like.