View Full Version : Fallout: Metro IC

2011-05-27, 01:43 PM
June 10th, 2239. Mid Morning.

A cool breeze rolls in from the body of water that the village sits on, direct north. It's a welcome relief from the humid 80 degree heat. Today is the day the caravan leaves, much to the dismay of the village, who had welcomed the excitement it brought. The Caravan master steps up on a box and address the crowd before him.

"Alright, we're leaving today. Any of you's that signed up with us has to be back here." he says pointing to the ground below him "Right here, in exactly 30 minutes. If you're not here by then we're leaving without you."

"I also want to thank you folks for being so friendly, and hospitable. I'll hafta come back someday."

steps down and marches to the front of his caravan.

2011-05-27, 04:09 PM
"There you go! That is everything I have you guys!" Milo chuckles as he finishes handing the last gift to the dirt-streaked hands of the child in front of him. His fencing business has gone well the last couple of years, but it felt good to give back. Those kids look so happy with the little trinkets and toys. They will realize how big of a sh*t hole this town really is one day..

Shyne was ready to leave. There was nothing more for him here, and the sheriff is starting to get wise about his little 'operation'. The only reason the stuff old-man didnt come after him is because the kids love him. Oh well, that part of his life is over now. Holding his bag of bobby pins in his left hand, he puts them in the inside pocket of his beat-up jacket. Milo walks about the town one last time, just to absorb it all in. He comes back after about thirty minutes to the spot he was told.

2011-05-27, 04:23 PM
As Milo strolls down the familiar streets of his hometown, a voice is heard above the average noise. "Milo! Milo! Wait!" the boy shouts as he rushes towards him. Milo recognizes him as one of the kids he helps. The boy stops before him, panting something fierce.

"I have something to give you, before you leave. All of use pitched in to get it."

he hands you a switchblade. Acid etched in the blade is 'Stohler Blades Ltd.'

The boy says one last thing before he runs off, leaving you no chance to respond. "you better come back someday."

2011-05-27, 04:28 PM
"I.. uh.." Milo studders, obviously confused, but happy that the little guys thought about him. Hope they stole it, that would make me the proudest teacher in this little stain on the map..

2011-05-27, 04:38 PM
Marcus sighs as he says good bye to his sister,
Alright Cameron, I'm off now. Be good, I know you'll manage without me. Love you.
He kisses his twins forehead and smiles sheepishly as he leaves, his jacket firmly on his shoulders.
I'm gonna miss you, stay outta trouble, alright?
He starts to walk towards the caravan slowly.

2011-05-27, 05:37 PM
Before Marcus steps out the door, Cameron speaks up: "Marcus wait, I want you to have this." she hands him a pre-war wrench. "I'm sure you'll have good use for it."

OOC: a Wrench is both a tool, and a weapon. It's weapon stats are in the pdf.

2011-05-27, 05:43 PM
Thanks Cameron. This means a lot.
He smiles sincerely and then makes his way to the caravan.

I hope she'll do okay on her own.
He says quietly as he walks along not looking where he's going.

2011-05-27, 06:03 PM
Steve kicks a can around the street, waiting for the caravan to take off. He's already said goodbye to his family, mistakenly believing the Caravan was taking off a half hour before it actually was. Picking up the can, he throws it in the air and swings his trusty bat at it, sending it into the ramshackle corrugated iron wall of a shanty in town square,.
"Sorry!" he yells, hoping that the inhabitants would hear it. As a precaution, however, he books it down the street. Some people in this town don't take kindly to being startled.

2011-05-27, 07:42 PM
Lars Tanner crouched in the shadows of the alley, hidden between piles of garbage and refuse. Sweat dripped down his forehead into his eyes, causing them to sting fiercely as he glanced nervously from side to side. Clutched in his hands was an old pipe gun, which he had just stolen from his father. The cantankerous old bastard will probably hunt him down looking for it. But by that time, he would be long gone.

CLANG! Something loud banged against a wall nearby. Gulping down his fear, Lars risked a glance beyond his filthy hiding hole. Steve something-or-other. He didn't seem like the other kids, who were always cruel and mocking. If Lars had been raised by a different father, he might even have liked Steve. But as things were, Steve was just another kid to be avoided. Lars returned to his hiding with a sigh of relief. Soon he'd be out of this hell hole. And he'd never have to see his old man again.

2011-05-27, 07:55 PM
From out of the corner of his eye, Lars notices a small pair of eyes. He begins to sweat a little more fearing for the worst. But, then he is dissuaded of his fear when he hears the voice of a little girl, a voice is recognizes.

she approaches slowly

"um... Mr. Tanner... is that you?" she asks

as she comes closer, she smiles, recognizing him instantly.

"I heard you talking to yourself the other day, and I know you're leaving. I want you to have this, as thanks for saving me from those wild dogs."

She hands him a first aid kit.

That's when the memory clicked for Lars. Her name was Jackie.

2011-05-27, 08:12 PM
Heart pounding, Lars muttered something unintelligible as he took the kit from the little girl. For a brief instant, their fingers touched. Too much for him to bear, Lars scrambled to his feet and fled. Even though he refused to look back, he could feel Jackie's eyes watching him go.

Lars didn't know what to think. It had happened a while back. He was sitting by himself when he heard the girl screaming. And the savage barking of dogs. Lars was morbidly afraid of dogs. His father had once owned a dog... Lars felt his skin go clammy just thinking about it. The girl's screams became more desperate. Lars drove his fists into his ears, trying to force the sound out. But it was too much for him to bear. He wheeled out from his hiding place and threw a beer bottle at the dogs. Glass shattered and the dogs yelped in surprise. Lars didn't know if the girl had escaped or not because he had already fled the scene.

The memory brought up strange feelings. Feelings he didn't quite understand. Lars shrugged it off. The caravan would be leaving soon, and he didn't want to be late.

2011-05-27, 09:30 PM
Oblivious to the inner drama going on just around the corner, Steve entered one of his old hang-outs, a run-down bar owned by a meek man who Steve had grown to become very good friends with.
"Hey, John, how about a Nuka Cola?" Steve said, taking out his cap-bag.
"Put that away," John said, motioning to Steve's cap bag, "Its on the house." He slid the Cola across the table towards Steve.
"Looks like this'll be the last time I see you in a long while," John said, "Be sure to stop by if you ever find yourself in the area again."
"'Course I will," Steve answered, sipping his Cola.

2011-05-27, 09:54 PM
"Oh, Steve, me and a few of the other guys decided that we wanted you to have this. You're sure to find more use for it then any of us will." He puts a Geiger counter on the bar.

"Good luck out there. Just be sure to remember where you came from when you hit is big, o'right?" he says with a hardy laugh.

2011-05-27, 10:16 PM
"Wow, thanks," Steve says, intently following the intricacies of the machine with his eyes.
"Your welcome," John says, "We thought you might need it."
"Well," Steve finishes the bottle, "I should head out."
"Goodbye," John hollers as Steve walks out.
"Hope to see you in the future." He walks back to the caravan.

2011-05-28, 10:15 PM
The caravan master, aptly named Murray, addresses the guards and other members of his caravan. Before he does that, he says something to the four local kids he just hired on.

"Bout time you son's of bitches showed up! Get in with the others, we're leaving right after this, so saddle up!"

he then addresses the crowd.

"Alright, It's a long ways back to Nexus. It's about a weeks travel. There have been reports of raiders in the area, so keep your guard up. I don't want us ending up at the end of a spear or pistol. That said, this has been a very profitable venture, and once we make it back to Nexus, I'm buying everyone a round. Except for the new guys, you haven't earned your drink, yet." he says with a hearty laugh. He hops down from his cart, and motions his arm south.

"Let's go!"

With that, the start of this journey of four small town boys begins.

2011-05-28, 10:19 PM
Well, might as well take a look around the caravan.. Milo thinks, dreading the long wait until something happens. He absolutely hates waiting..

2011-05-28, 10:23 PM
Um... Okay... Sir, or something...
Marcus sighs, a little intimidated, but whatever. He sits and frowns, swinging his wrench around idly.
I guess we'll get to see someplace nicer than here at least, should be fun,
I hope...
The last two words are a whisper amongst the din of the caravan.

2011-05-28, 10:55 PM
"You there!" Lars cringed when he realized the finger was jabbed in his direction. "Hey, weasely guy, I'm talkin' to you!"
"Y-yes?" Lars stammered. He wasn't much for conversation. The older man, who Lars instantly recognized as a caravan guard, strode over to Lars and tossed something in the air. Lars flinched as the heavy pack slammed into his chest.
"Why don't you carry that for a while, newbie?" There was no question in the man's voice.
Lars nodded quickly, not for fear of the implied beating that might ensue otherwise, but because he was anxious to be left alone. The man grinned with satisfaction and turned on his heel. Lars shrugged the heavy pack onto his shoulders and started walking.
Dark thoughts were stewing in his mind and he didn't see the young man, who was twirling a wrench, standing in front of him until it was too late. He collided with him head on, causing both to stagger into the dust.

2011-05-28, 10:58 PM
Oh sorry, sorry, sorry. Um... Let me help you up, oh jeez, I'm sorry....
Marcus says rapidly, panic evident in his voice, he didn't just trip one of the veterans did he? Oh no, this isn't good...
Here, let me help you.
He easily lifts the small man with his left arm and shoulders the bag with his right. After setting the man on his feet he begins to attempt to dust him off, muttering nervous apologies all the while.

2011-05-28, 11:06 PM
Milo begins laughing hysterically at the two bumbling fools.

"You two having some trouble?" He says with a blatant smirk on his face, holding back chuckles.

2011-05-28, 11:11 PM
Lars feels like mouse being pawed by a cat as the larger man attempts to brush the dust from his shoulders. After an episode of squirming and flinching, he manages to find his voice. "S-sorry. I, uh, I didn't see you there..." Lars steps back several paces and blanches when he sees the sincere concern on the larger man's face. Sweat starts beading on his forehead and he looks ready to bolt.

"You two having some trouble?" Lars sees the other man come in from the corner of his eye. He recognizes the voice: Mike or Miles or something like that. He'd seen the young man roaming the streets and alleys after dark. Lars gulps. I'm not getting out of this one.

2011-05-28, 11:15 PM
Shyne puts his arm over the poor man's shoulder.

"Come on, why so nervous?"

2011-05-28, 11:16 PM
Seeing the other mans discomfort and apprehension he blanches,
Oh, I'm sorry, did I say something? Oh no, oh man...
He starts to sweat a little, still thinking he just knocked over one of the caravan vets.
I'm so stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid...
He starts to swat his head a bit and then looks down,
Sir, I'm terribly sorry, can I do something to make this up to you?
He starts to say more but it's a jumbled mess of stuttering and apologizing.

2011-05-28, 11:18 PM
Milo cannot contain himself. He stops in his tracks, doubling over in hysteria. This is the best, watching those two fumble over each other like they are afraid the other is going to go postal on the other.

"Relax you two, jeez!"

2011-05-28, 11:28 PM
Lars felt like a cornered rat. The big man was saying something, but Lars was no longer listening. Miles (Milo?) was walking closer. He put an arm over Lars' shoulders.
"Get back!" Lars shouted a bit louder than he had intended. He shoved the young man away from him and started to run. In his mind, he hated himself for acting like a coward, but Lars honestly didn't know what else he could have done. People were not to be trusted. One can try to make friends, but it's only a matter of time until they stick a knife in your back.

2011-05-28, 11:32 PM
"Ok, now I am pissed." Milo mutters..

"HEY! What the heck is your problem?" He screams to the man running away from him.

2011-05-28, 11:43 PM
Marcus twitches a bit and bits his lip,

"...is your problem!" is all he hears from Milo before he snaps.
He sighs as he wipes his forhead, his temple throbbing with a migraine.
We're supposed to be acting like adults now Milo! We need to be respectful! Ugh!
Marcus remebered Milo, they both grew up on the streets, they saw each other, no surprise that they were both here. Both were equally qualified, but he was still hell to work with. Marcus throws up a little in his mouth as he sits down, his panic attack subsiding.
This is gonna be a really long trip...

2011-05-28, 11:45 PM
"Wow, who would have thought piss-pants over here had some gusto!" Milo says, laughing once again.

2011-05-28, 11:46 PM
The angry shouting only spurred Lars to run faster. He was never the strongest or toughest kid, but he was wily and he was fast. He sprinted towards the nearest brahmin cart and leaped over piles of stacked supplies and merchandise, scattering crates and barrels as he went. Bobbing and weaving, he searched for every obstacle, every opportunity to throw his pursuer off. He spotted a group of tough-looking guards ambling along. He sprinted straight for them.

"Hey! What the hell you doin'?" Someone shouted. Lars didn't care. He kept running, hoping the guards would catch the pursuer, who he presumed was still hot on his heels.

2011-05-28, 11:57 PM
Lars, in his haste, runs into gruffy looking guard, cladded in leather. He nearly falls over, but he guard grabs him and stands him up straight.

"Hey, boy, you're supposed to be at the rear guard. why don't you go back there, alright?" the man says rather calmly, as he spins him around, towards the back of the caravan.

2011-05-28, 11:59 PM
Marcus shakes his head,
Don't push me Milo, you know I could snap you in half. You're a twig.
He frowns as the other young man had fled, now he was stuck alone with Milo. How he loathed he confident.

2011-05-29, 12:03 AM
The last thing Lars wanted to do was return to the rear of the caravan. But the guard's word was law. He ambled awkwardly in the general direction he was ordered, taking care to avoid the guards he had previously charged into.

When he slunk back to the rear of the caravan, the larger man was still there. The other man, Milo or somesuch, was also there. Lars shuffled nervously and kept his head down.

2011-05-29, 12:04 AM
Lars sees Milo pointing and waving him over with his finger, with a large grin on his face

2011-05-29, 12:06 AM
Marcus yanks at Milo's arm, trying to tell him to stop,
Cut it out, you're embarressing. Haven't you harassed everybody enough already.
Marcus' muscles bulge as he shifts uncomfortably away from Milo.

2011-05-29, 12:10 AM
Seeing that stupid grin plastered on Milo's face, Lars felt his old anger boiling up inside him. It was the same look his father gave him when guests were over and nobody else was in the room. Dad was quite the charmer.

The larger man twisted Milo away and seemed to reprimand him. Lars felt some relief, but the hate still coiled in his gut. He could no longer look at Milo without seeing his father also.

2011-05-29, 12:14 AM
Milo chuckled and shrugged.

"Hey, I am being pretty tame as to what most people would do to the poor sap.."

2011-05-29, 12:17 AM
Marcus glares,
That doesn't make I okay. I could snap your arms and that would be tame compared to what would happen if you ran into those slavers we used to get told about. It's still bad.
He frowns and pouts a little, turning so his side faces Milo,
If I weren't so dang afraid of what would happen I'd have already beat you up
That's about the best threat you can get out of him when he's not angry.

2011-05-29, 12:22 AM
"Ok, ok, jeez!" Milo says, stepping back from the big lug. Turning to the scared kid, he yells "Its all right! I am done messing with you!"

2011-05-29, 11:54 AM
"Oh, hey guys!" Steve says, approaching Milo and Marcus, oblivious to the argument. He shifted his pack, ""Pretty heavy stuff, isn't it? I wonder what they're carrying in here." Steve was half-lying. Strength had never been his strong (heh) point, so he had weaseled his way into carrying a smaller pack.

2011-05-29, 01:02 PM
Marcus nods,
Would you like me to take that?
His generous muscles ripple as he slids his pack off one shoulder to make room for the other.
This one's pretty light I guess.
It's not. Not at all.

2011-05-29, 01:58 PM
"Nah, I'm good," Steve says, attempting to make it look as if the pack is as heavy as the others'. "I can carry it. So, you guys know where we're going?"

2011-05-31, 11:44 AM
Hours pass, and the sun sinks below the horizon. The sky turns a scarlet gold. The caravan suddenly comes to a stop. Without anyone saying anything, everyone begins to move around, setting up a campsite. Fires and tents are pitched.

Everyone gets in line to get their food ration, which is stew of some sort today.

2011-05-31, 11:50 AM
Marcus looks a little upset as he sits down with his bowl of food.
I appreciate getting fed, but this looks kinda gross...
He shoves his food around with his spoon for a minute or two.

2011-05-31, 01:26 PM
"You wont know until you try it!" Milo says, shrugging and taking a huge mouthful. While the sustenance is still in his mouth, he continues to speak, " 'ou 'no, 'tisnt 'alf 'ad"

2011-05-31, 04:24 PM
Lars received his rations and returned to the campsite, sitting apart from the others. After a furtive glance at the others, he began to shovel the mystery stew into his mouth. Famished, it took him several spoonfuls to realize something wasn't quite right with the soup's consistency. He stopped eating and grimaced. He peered at his bowl and fished something out, holding it up to the firelight. A rat tail. Lars flung the bowl of rations from him and proceeded to retch very loudly.

2011-05-31, 04:30 PM
Marcus watches Lars puke his guts out.
Um... I've lost my appetite...
He sets his bowl on the ground and looks around, a little nervous.

2011-05-31, 04:35 PM
Some of the more senior members of the Caravan start laughing at the newbies.

"What's the matter, boys? Don't you like our cooking?!" one shouts before proceeding to laugh hysterically. Everyone else in the caravan seems to be enjoying the food.

2011-05-31, 04:40 PM
Yea! Hahaha...
Marcus laughs nervously with the others.
I guess I'm just a little nervous...

2011-05-31, 04:41 PM
Lars gives the guard a wounded look, causing them to laugh even harder. He turned back to the fire and hunched himself into a ball, pulling his jacket around his ears. It was going to be a long night.

2011-05-31, 04:50 PM
"'ou 'eed 'o 'elax!" Shyne says, swallowing his mouth full of food, "Its not like we are going to bite you. Why did you want to come on this little trip anyways?"

2011-05-31, 05:03 PM
Lars appears at first to ignore the question, huddling deeper into his jacket. But after a while, he looks up. "To get away." He blanches and looks away, as if realizing that he said something he wasn't supposed to. Milo's face looked eerily like his father's. A chill rolled down his spine. He had gotten away, sure. But his father was still with him.

2011-05-31, 10:10 PM
Late to the party, as always, Steve sits down next to the guys. "So," he asks, "Now that we're all here, we should probably do some introductions. I am Steve Jenkins. I am on this trip to explore and find more pre-war stuff. That's pretty much it." He indicates that the others should follow suit.

2011-05-31, 10:20 PM
Oh... Um. I'm Marcus. I'm here because I wanted to get out of that town, see the world. It can't all be a hole, can it?
He sighs and runs a stick through the sand, thinking about his sister.

2011-06-03, 03:08 PM
The campfire went quiet as Steve and Marcus waited for the others to introduce themselves. All eyes were on the despondent figure who was trying his best to be ignored. Lars squirmed uncomfortably. Finally, having decided he would attract less attention if he simply surrendered his name, Lars answered, "My name... my name is Lars Tanner." Lars saw that the others recognized his last name. The Tanner family was an upstanding, respectable family. Mr. Tanner Senior was always recognized as a golden citizen of Port 53 - the fools never knew him for what he really was. Hoping no one would bring up the subject of his family and background, Lars shifted his attention to the campfire and let its mesmerizing light distract him from following that course of unpleasant thoughts.

2011-06-03, 05:09 PM
"Oh! I remember them.. I stole quite a few things from your father's things. He loves his coins.." Milo shrugged, eating the last of his food. He then sits back, stretches his limbs, and puts one hand behind his head, "Gooood times."

2011-06-07, 09:33 PM
"So, anyone know where we're headed? How long it'll take to get there?"