View Full Version : 3.5 After some fresh ideas/opnions on a villian

2011-05-27, 04:11 PM
Right so i've been brainstorming a villain for my players to run up against in my eberron campaign. I have a fairly good idea of how i want the villain, but his mooks are a bit trickier. So i figured i'd come here and try get some fresh ideas/opinions (since sometimes a fresh mind on the job gives better perspective).

Anyways, the villain is going to be a wizard/fleshwarper. Doing the standard mad scientist routine of wanting to "fix" his fellow man. And how? Grafts galore of course.

The first the PCs know about it is that people in a nearby friendly town have been going missing without a trace and the local police/guard are completely stumped. Cue adventure hook.
Later they'll encounter a couple of "improved" villagers who want to capture the PCs so they can be improved too. This is where i start hitting some snags.

One is why are the grafted villagers now working for the villain? The other big one is what grafts / templates / other stuff should i add to them to make them a challenge for a level 7 party? The main villain i'll be throwing at them later when they're about level 12 (to give them plenty of time to foil assorted plans, fail to foil others but see horrific consequences, etc).

Now some of the ideas i've had for the general minions are:

- Liberal use of flesh golems (from leftovers) and half golems (mostly flesh or iron variants due to material availability)
- Liberal use of grafts. I'm ignoring the conflicting / too many grafting rules they added in. Essentially unlimited use of grafts and graft types, assuming space for them (so no more than 2 arm grafts if the creature only has 2 arms, etc)
- Liberal use of various symbionts. I'll DM fiat a way for the villain to have access to them somehow.
- I've been thinking perhaps some sort of magic (either item but ideally spell or spell-like ability) to keep them in line and under control of the villain. Most people wouldn't react favourably to having assorted organs/limbs removed and replaced, even if it would make them superior.

The grafted villager minions are likely to be comprised of woman and children, simply to creep my players out more.

As for the villain it's more aesthetic and flavour choices. I'm stumped on the race to make him. Since it's eberron i have a number of options, however any suggestions are appreciated:

- Half-Daelkyr. At the moment it's my most likely option. Also gives a really reasonable reason as to how the villian has access to symbiots.
- Halfing with a mark of healing. I also like this option. Essentially he'd have worked aiding his dragonmarked house till he eventually went round the bend and decided to improve people. Main downside is the small size because i want a really heavy loadout of grafts when i make the villain and fluff-wise small makes them a bit iffy.
- Human. but with some funky aberrant dragonmark. Aberrant dragonmark made him crazy(er) and using it's powers he controls the minions or something.
- Half-ilithid dwarf. Also perhaps with an aberrant mark. Mostly for the brain eating. That voidmind template has some possibilities for minion control so i'd be likely to fiat a version of it for this guy to make use of (essentially lobotomize the villagers to make them tractable)

As for the party, they're likely to have the following classes by the time they face the actual minions. I'm fairly lax in prestiege class requirements and bend the rules on a bunch of things (sneak attack die can be treated as skirmish instead, etc):
- Healer/Heartwarder (the player wanted a charismatic healing character that isn't of the religiousy persuasion. mostly stands at the back and heals stuff)
- Scout/Assassin (werewolf and primary damage dealer. very good AC)
- Bard/Sublime Chord (arcanist, buffer and general utility. Dragonfire inspiration too)
- Swashbuckler/Storm Sentry (tanky-ish melee character. dashing and heroic, etc. TWF with rapiers)

2011-05-27, 04:35 PM
Hey, love the idea so let's address your questions.

1. Why are the grafted villagers now working for the villain?

Well you mentioned he is a wizard so he could always magical command them through enchantments and such. But perhaps another way to do this (and this really adds a lot of dimension to the narrative) is have the now mutated townsfolk be continually poisoned/diseased from the grafts. If they don't serve the Fleshwarper he won't provide them with the cure (given each night). Another option is to have the Fleshwarper have convinced the mutated commoners that the village will no longer take them, he could simply break their spirits.

2. What grafts / templates / other stuff should i add to them to make them a challenge for a level 7 party?

For grafts simply look into what seems nice (with liberal application it shouldn't be too difficult). One thing you can do is separate different grafts & templates together so you have one group of 'fiendish mutants' and another be 'robotic mutants.' You can give each group some memorable differences. Template wise look into Lords of Madness and Savage Species for their stuff (most of it is pretty good). A really nice one (and rather low) is the variant Karasite template from Tome of Magic, it effectively makes them anti-mage soldiers.

Also, I'd agree that Half-Daelkyr is probably your best option from flavor & mechanical perspective. If you are still looking into making the Fleshwarper into a challenge in his own respect look into equipping him with some living armor & weapons from Eberron. Finally if you really want to push the whole Mad Scientist angle the combo of Willing Deformity & Deformity (Madness) can easily assist in that department.

2011-05-28, 02:12 AM
Many thanks :)

I'm not sure where the willing deformity (madness) is from though.

I really love the idea of seperating them into types. Its got me thinking now of having some aquatic raid squads. That mucus projector to disable the victims with aboleth mucus, and all sorts of aboleth grafts for giving swim speeds and such. Sort of hit a coastal village. slime up some inhabitants and carry them away. I might need to invest in some sort of water breathing spells/items to stick on them, since the mucus just removes the ability to breath air (and doesn't grant ability to breath water).

Thanks for the ideas. You've given me much to plot :D

2011-05-28, 03:44 AM
I'm not sure where the willing deformity (madness) is from though.

Elder Evils.

I really love the idea of seperating them into types. Its got me thinking now of having some aquatic raid squads. That mucus projector to disable the victims with aboleth mucus, and all sorts of aboleth grafts for giving swim speeds and such.

Watch out with Aboleth Mucus, it is really strong. And when I say that it will certainly aid in the raids on the coastal village but it has a good potential to tpk the party as well if used against them.

2011-05-28, 04:51 PM
In Book of Vile Darkness there is a major artifact that you could give to your BBEG, Despoiler of flesh. basically it allows for polymorph effects at will, but with to basis in reality. if you think someone should have spider legs, they do now. this would very much fit your theme, as you could literally homebrew or take any creature you'd like and slap a template on it. this also solves your first question of why the minions are helping. Becoming one of those unique mutant freaks (in a good way!) is much better than having your intestines now becoming slavering mandibles. just saying.

In terms of templates look into Savage species. it is a 3.0 book, but it has various templates such as insectile, feral, tauric (think centaur-ish but with mix and match).

Here is also a long list of templates with sources, so you can find what interests you.

This sounds like a very neat campaign BTW.

2011-05-28, 04:53 PM
A bard with a level of mindbender, and maybe some virtuoso levels (particularly the 9th level virtuoso ability), to go out and convince people to join the cause. The evangelist prc might also do the job, I had a fun time playing one of those once.

mabriss lethe
2011-05-28, 06:38 PM
Maybe he's an agent of (or has ties to) the Mindflayers of Thoon (MM5) There are lots of freakish monstrocities that are decent low-mid level challenges.

2011-05-29, 12:45 AM
Maybe he's an agent of (or has ties to) the Mindflayers of Thoon (MM5) There are lots of freakish monstrocities that are decent low-mid level challenges.

This is what I was thinking of too. The mind flayers of Thoon are a cult of illithids who are weirder than the usual illithids. They work with symbionts that can turn someone into a Thoon Infiltrator (which is a human-looking monster), or a Thoon Thrall (the host, reduced to a zombie-like state that can go into an overdrive mode that eventually blows up).

I agree that the Voidmind template is also a great idea for this.

Heck, the villain himself could be a Voidmind Thoon Infiltrator with class levels, and his Illithid bosses use their psionic powers through him.

2011-05-29, 02:31 AM
Thanks for the help. I'm definitely going to need to reread my BoVD again. I'll look into those thoon ilithids too. the villain as a voidmind has possibilities (and more plothook potential when the PCs learn he's not the true villain).

What sourcebook is mindbender from? Though I think i've figured out a way for the control minions concept. Mind Leach symbiont plus a one level dip in binder for naberius give mes at will dominate person and other goodies, with the binder dip healign away all the int damage. (and i may try something similar if i ever get to play a PC :smallbiggrin: )

and now to scoure through my copy of savage species looking at the templates. totally forgot about those. I'm thinking of adding the afflicted lycanthrope template on too. the racial hit dice, plus maybe a level of rogue as well as the DR/silver should make them weak but durable enough to use against the PCs in large and small numbers (small and durable until they get silver weapons, when they then get to be used as large numbers of weaker monsters). I'm thinking a natural werewolf lord cohort for the villain to get away with this. Any ideas on class? I'd like something meaty (since the villain is a caster).

2011-05-29, 02:50 AM
Mindbender is in CArc.

As for DR, the Thoon Infiltrators and Thralls have Fast Healing. The Infiltrators also "die," but unless the PCs remove the implanted symbiont the Infiltrator will eventually come back to life (a month later). The Thralls' fast healing can eventually go into temporary HP, and when they gain too much, they explode.
If you really want DR, giving them DR/byeshk (which the Mind Flayers in Eberron have) might be more consistent with the Daelkyr-related fluff of the setting, as true lycanthropes are almost extinct in Eberron.

2011-05-29, 07:00 AM
Mother Cyst.

The villain infects them (lvl 2 spell), and if they don't do what he wants, he blows them up (lvl 3). If they run away, he can hunt them down (lvl 1).

If necessary re-fluff it as a graft/symbiont thingy.