View Full Version : Interaction: Body Fuel + Strongheart Vest?

2011-05-27, 04:24 PM
I've read over the Body Fuel feat from the Expanded Psionics Handbook and the Strongheart Vest from the Magic of Incarnum. I'm trying to find out how (or if) they interact with each other.

If I take 1 point of ability burn damage in each of my physical ability scores from the Body Fuel feat, does the Strongheart Vest prevent one of that damage if I have it as an active soulmeld? Or does it prevent one point from each of my ability scores? Do I have to have at least two points of essentia invested in Strongheart Vest in order to prevent all the ability burn damage?

I know that the ability burn damage you take says that you cannot use magical means of healing the damage. But, I'm not healing the damage, I'm preventing it in the first place. It says nothing in the feat that you can't prevent the ability burn damage.

Big Fau
2011-05-27, 04:37 PM
Strongheart Vest is a can of worms (some people think it only applies against attacks, others think it applies against any ability damage), but one thing is clear: Ability Burn Damage is not the same as Ability Damage. Strongheart Vest protects you from only Ability Damage and Ability Drain.