View Full Version : Prototypical Powers

Milo v3
2011-05-27, 07:00 PM
If you had the power to control and manipulate your biomass what powers would you use. This is based off of Alex Mercer from Prototype obviously. But what new powers could he actually have that he doesn't already.
He already has:

Increased Speed, Strength, Endurance
Wall Climbing
Huge Fists
A amazingly sharp tentacle
Thermal Vision

Here is some of my ideas of what other powers he could have:

Disperse into pure biomass (Becoming a Puddle of Biomass basically)
Spiked Armour
Create Mouths (With Teeth) on arms
Launch Bone Shards

So any ideas.

2011-05-27, 07:49 PM
Definately give him the ability to assimilate the forms of other infected creatures, like with disguise does with people, but limit it to a specific time limit and only usable when his health is supermaxed (blue).

That would be awesome! Shapeshift!

Also, infection/possession. Similar to the Cancer Mage's ability, he can disperse into microscopic biomass and infect a host body. Allows him to be piggy backed from one place to another without detection. This would be ultimately fatal to the host and he would assimilate them as with disguise ability after so long.

Milo v3
2011-05-28, 07:05 AM
Definately give him the ability to assimilate the forms of other infected creatures, like with disguise does with people, but limit it to a specific time limit and only usable when his health is supermaxed (blue).

That would be awesome! Shapeshift!

I always wanted to be able to turn into a Hunter. Now I hope they add this to the sequal.

Another idea I thought of today was spawning creatures. Green (Who has Weaker "Redlight") can so why can't you (Who has the more powerful "Blacklight).

The Rose Dragon
2011-05-28, 07:09 AM
Another idea I thought of today was spawning creatures. Green (Who has Weaker "Redlight") can so why can't you (Who has the more powerful "Blacklight).

Because Greene was pregnant when she died, so the virus turned her into an archetypal horror movie Mother.

Milo v3
2011-05-28, 07:24 AM
Because Greene was pregnant when she died, so the virus turned her into an archetypal horror movie Mother.

What about when she threw up the Supreme Hunter (Think it was called Supreme) also she spits out tonnes of Normal Hunters when you battle her in Times Square.

The Rose Dragon
2011-05-28, 07:39 AM
What about when she threw up the Supreme Hunter (Think it was called Supreme) also she spits out tonnes of Normal Hunters when you battle her in Times Square.

That's what happens when you are the archetypal Mother.

2011-05-28, 09:29 AM
How about the ability to essentially change your density so you could just slip in between cracks? It would also be useful for getting into buildings since you'd be able to go right through just about any porous material such as pumice, sponge...concrete:smallamused:

The Rose Dragon
2011-05-28, 09:31 AM
How about the ability to essentially change your density so you could just slip in between cracks? It would also be useful for getting into buildings since you'd be able to go right through just about any porous material such as pumice, sponge...concrete:smallamused:

Your density changes all the time. Your "health bar" is actually your body's biomass.

Milo v3
2011-05-28, 05:27 PM
How about the ability to essentially change your density so you could just slip in between cracks? It would also be useful for getting into buildings since you'd be able to go right through just about any porous material such as pumice, sponge...concrete
You realistically could to that by spreading your biomass amazingly thinly over the ground, etc. then you transfer your Nucleus (Or whichever cell has your conciousness) through the crack. Then you return all the biomass you spread to your body.

All without lossing health (And I'm pretty sure this is how green can be tiny human girl then turn into Huge giant "Thing")

2011-05-29, 09:28 AM
You realistically could to that by spreading your biomass amazingly thinly over the ground, etc. then you transfer your Nucleus (Or whichever cell has your conciousness) through the crack. Then you return all the biomass you spread to your body.

All without lossing health (And I'm pretty sure this is how green can be tiny human girl then turn into Huge giant "Thing")

Bingo! This was exactly what I was thinking of when I wrote that idea.