View Full Version : Hijacking Garyx for fun and profit.

2011-05-27, 09:44 PM
I originally had a much longer OP. But somehow I clicked on nothing and that removed it from existence.

The basic idea is a good/ neutral organization of Garyx worshipers Called the Order of the Burning Eye.

Consists of four main parts.

The Divine Order of the Burning Eye: The original core upon which the other groups latched. A group of Garyx worshiping Archivests who believe the Power of destruction is ultimately good.

The Arcane: The as yet to be named group of arcane mages within the order, Primarily Sorcerers. Originally were hired on as battle mages to support the Furies in combat.

The Furies: The Orders army. These are the guys who will club, shoot, and stab the enemies of the Order to near death, get angry at them for dying too quickly bring them to the Archivests for healing and then do it again. The Furies are named mainly for the fact that if you can tell a veteran of the mob apart from a recruit primarily by how angry he is. The Actual Furies themselves are the leaders, and they are basically as close to Rage incarnate as a living human being can become. Most of them are either Warblades or Barbarians. Firearms are used, and the Warblades tend to use The Black rain discipline (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99529)

The skilled guys
Again I could never come up with a name for these guys.
Basically 9/10ths of this group are craftsman of some sort, the support staff for the rest of the order, and the ones who man the Artillery Bombards Occasionally used by the Furies are all part of this group.
And the other 1/10 are assassins, who really aren't numerous enough or liked enough to be given their own building on the temple grounds. They normally do nothing, but if the Order absolutely needs someone dead now these guys can do it. Quite probably more dangerous than anyone but the Divine order themselves.

So I was wondering could anyone help me flesh out these guys a little more?
My intention was for a questionable, but undeniably non-evil, organization that Hijacks Garyx for the forces of good.

Partly I can't think of a name for either the arcane or the support group. And I'm sure I've left some sort of hole in the backstory.

2011-05-27, 10:58 PM
Divine Order of the Burning Eye should be the name for the overall group.

The Archivists acting as priests within the group would be the Heralds of Renewal, using the destructive power that Garyx embodies to eliminate evil within the world - using focused destruction where possible, but willing to use more widespread methods if absolutely necessary - believing that in the wake of the destruction they cause, people would be able to rebuild, and that the cycle of renewal would serve to better the world over time. Maybe even have them offer aid to places that have been destroyed by disaster or hostile forces, helping to bring about the renewal that Garyx obviously desires. Include some Druids, Dracolytes, and Swift Wings here.

I'd call the arcane group the Breath of the Firelord. Mages focused on fire magic(definitely include some Dragonfire Adepts as well - maybe create a new top-tier Breath Effect as a reflection of Garyx's breath weapon?), probably including some fire elemental savants, and some mages in the draconic prestige classes in Dragon Magic and Draconomicon.

The warrior sect could be the Claws of Fury. Essentially, they'd act as Garyx's hands, devastating whatever force they were sent against. I'd expect to see a fair number of Dragon Disciples here, along with Dragon Lords, Dragon Descendants, and Initiates of the Draconic Mysteries.

The other group could be the Cleansing Flame, working both to support the other, more militaristic arms of the sect, and helping to cleanse the world of evil. The assassins being part of this group would make perfect sense - they're working to cleanse the world by eliminating specific evil individuals. Maybe as a sort of calling card, have them immolate the bodies of their victims. The Hand of the Winged Masters prestige class from Dragon Magic would be a good one to include here.

2011-05-27, 11:08 PM
Divine Order of the Burning Eye should be the name for the overall group.

The Archivists acting as priests within the group would be the Heralds of Renewal, using the destructive power that Garyx embodies to eliminate evil within the world - using focused destruction where possible, but willing to use more widespread methods if absolutely necessary - believing that in the wake of the destruction they cause, people would be able to rebuild, and that the cycle of renewal would serve to better the world over time. Maybe even have them offer aid to places that have been destroyed by disaster or hostile forces, helping to bring about the renewal that Garyx obviously desires. Include some Druids, Dracolytes, and Swift Wings here.

I'd call the arcane group the Breath of the Firelord. Mages focused on fire magic(definitely include some Dragonfire Adepts as well - maybe create a new top-tier Breath Effect as a reflection of Garyx's breath weapon?), probably including some fire elemental savants, and some mages in the draconic prestige classes in Dragon Magic and Draconomicon.

The warrior sect could be the Claws of Fury. Essentially, they'd act as Garyx's hands, devastating whatever force they were sent against. I'd expect to see a fair number of Dragon Disciples here, along with Dragon Lords, Dragon Descendants, and Initiates of the Draconic Mysteries.

The other group could be the Cleansing Flame, working both to support the other, more militaristic arms of the sect, and helping to cleanse the world of evil. The assassins being part of this group would make perfect sense - they're working to cleanse the world by eliminating specific evil individuals. Maybe as a sort of calling card, have them immolate the bodies of their victims. The Hand of the Winged Masters prestige class from Dragon Magic would be a good one to include here.

Both of those are Extremely good names Thanks!:smallbiggrin: And a third one for the Divine group, that fits with the others. You are good at this naming thing.

The other ideas are very good as well.

2011-05-27, 11:14 PM
It helps that I actually had Draconomicon and Dragon Magic open for a character I'm making. And that I've made 3 dragon-based characters in the past couple of weeks(a gestalt Sorc/Dragon Disciple//Totemist, a Dragonborn Sorc Metabreath Specialist, and a Dragonfire Adept).

Also... is this going to be used in a PBP game? And if so... can I join? :smallwink:

2011-05-27, 11:18 PM
It helps that I actually had Draconomicon and Dragon Magic open for a character I'm making. And that I've made 3 dragon-based characters in the past couple of weeks(a gestalt Sorc/Dragon Disciple//Totemist, a Dragonborn Sorc Metabreath Specialist, and a Dragonfire Adept).

Also... is this going to be used in a PBP game? And if so... can I join? :smallwink:

Not originally, Sometimes I just get an Idea that mutates out of something I see. Namely this somehow or another mutated out of me reading about 1d4chans angry marines.

2011-05-27, 11:26 PM
Heh. Go figure. It's a good concept, though, taking an Evil deity and building a Good religious order around it.

2011-05-28, 12:23 AM
this thread is very different when you misread Garyx as Gygax

2011-05-28, 12:53 AM
You've never played Tomb of Horrors?

It's obvious that Gygax is a deity of destruction and renewal - destruction and renewal of player characters. :smallwink:

2011-05-28, 01:47 AM
I thought this was about Gary as well. I just thought you shortened it to Garyx to make it sound more like a washing powder like other Deitys.

2011-05-28, 01:56 AM
I thought this was about Gary as well. I just thought you shortened it to Garyx to make it sound more like a washing powder like other Deitys.

A washing powder? The All-Destroyer is not amused, mortal... :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-28, 03:37 AM
Heh. Go figure. It's a good concept, though, taking an Evil deity and building a Good religious order around it.

Reminds me of Pelor, the Burning Hate.

2011-05-28, 08:51 AM
A washing powder? The All-Destroyer is not amused, mortal... :smallbiggrin:

I WILL DESTROY YOUr stains. What is this? Spaghetti sauce? Seriously, use a napkin or something. What's wrong with you kids.