View Full Version : Question about modifying Grapple Rules

2011-05-28, 07:02 AM
It never made sense to me that Armor doesn't interfere with Grappling.

It just seemed that after acknowledging how it can get in the way when it comes to skill checks and certain actions, and even with some forms of spellcasting, that its only the next logical step to have the Armor Check Penalty apply to Grapple checks.

My view pay be colored in part to my having started the game with OD&D, which had a stat called Wrestle Rating that was penalized by Armor.

So, I was thinking of houseruling that ACP apply to Grapple checks. This would have the added effect of people being penalized when carrying a Medium or Heavy Load (if Armor doesn't apply), and adding an advantage to unarmored characters however minor and situational it may be.

I wondered what other people's thought would be on the matter.

2011-05-28, 07:41 AM
Sure you could do that. But I don't think it will matter much after leaving the lower levels. Most enemies either have very low or extremely high grapple modifier. So even a -6 penalty probably won't change the game much, given how rarely most people use grapple.