View Full Version : And Then There Were Gods

2011-05-28, 02:26 PM
Dawn of Worlds (http://www.clanwebsite.org/games/rpg/Dawn_of_Worlds_game_1_0Final.pdf)

Ajkan (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11080223&postcount=21)- The god of Pain and Undeath
Brimir (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11073958&postcount=4)- The god of War and Confidence
Voroshk (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11074732&postcount=5)- The god of Magic and Deception
Illendra (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11075808&postcount=16)- The god of Abominations and Winter


These are the animals that have grown the most. There are many many others that live in your mountains, but these are the ones who dominate. Their large fangs and sharp claws tear through many beasts' hides. They are the primary predator.

This is their main prey, and worst nightmare. Their hides are too tough to pierce with claws and most of the time teeth. Their weak spot is under the throat where the skin is soft. They can easily stomp and kill any animal they come across. They have spread out into the nearby Crystalline woods to the north.

Growing long arms and sharp claws, these beasts tear apart their enemies. They climb up trees and cling to the massive trunks while they observe the area.

Very poisonous, and very quiet. Most of the time, the prey doesn't realize they have been attacked until it is too late. Being able to cling to the tree branches, they slink through the canopy.
These species do not exist anymore. They are now the Basilisk (http://s60.radikal.ru/i170/1001/56/1ce884bb02e4.jpg). Giant lizards that terrify the Gnomes with their staggering size and strength.
The Basilisks that have lingered in the Blighted woods are few in numbers, but have the power to enthrall victims if they so choose. They are the Mortem Basilisks (http://www.wallszone.com/thumbnails/large_white_snake_92183.jpeg). In the nearby river, the current is so strong that only the Basilisk are large enough to swim against it. They are called the Sea Basilisks (http://lair2000.net/Mermaids_Retreat/Research/sea_serpent.jpg). Manipulated by a god, the Sea Basilisks came to the crystal forest and became the Crystal Basilisks (http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z223/jbc1994363/BlueEyesUtamentCrystalserpent.jpg). They are meant to be quasi- intelligent like the Mortem Basilisks, and form bonds with sentient creatures.

http://images.nationalgeographic.com/wpf/media-live/photos/000/005/cache/flying-fish_526_600x450.jpg?01AD=3WVbVCfmtfFGkJVnE8ql76sA WFRwTUPE4c2coDapiRle-NbFnDYlyaw&01RI=F375954733F7BCE&01NA=
The Sea Serpents eat these Flying fish. They fly above the current to get some headway and live in underwater caverns near the land.

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSGPXMC09L6EaKladb5ANyORqd_JhBPz bBEXPahYxqh71POl5mCaQ
This is one of them. These insects feed off of the minimal plants and smaller insects who somehow survive here. They have adapted well to the harsh environment.

These lizard-birds hunt primarily insects and small animals. They make loud screeching, chirping noises with special glands in their throats. It makes it sound like there are more of them then their actually are as a defense mechanism.

These monstrosities hunt primarily the lizard-birds above and other, medium sized animals. They are vicious and ruthless solo hunters who tear apart anything in their path.

These giant insects are normally prey, but they love to feed off of other insects and small fish. They are very quick and agile, they need to in order to survive. They primarily live on the warm island.

These monstrosities are too tall to walk about the forest naturally when they are fully grown, so they shove aside trees and stones in their territory to make room. The littler ones roam about the forest, herding the prey into the artificial clearings where the bigger beasts slaughter them.

Having thick fur was not enough, these creatures have developed horns on the front of their noses. They typically charge through underbrush, and are invincible from the front. From behind, they are vulnerable and fleshy, a perfect prey.

These massive reptiles are thirty five feet tall, and just as wide. They are masters of the desert, and rarely do they die after reaching adulthood. They are born very small, an in vast numbers. Most do not make it past ten feet tall for they then must dig themselves into the ground, forming a pit trap of sorts, where water forms, and animals frequently fall into. They go on long, long journeys in order to mate. All the females travel from oasis to oasis, dropping eggs as they go.

Became the S'skarr
Lizards about the height of a grown gnome, these are the main predator and the main prey of the giant turtle-beasts. They eat the young and the eggs, but are stupid and mostly blind. They often fall into the big pits the turtles make.


Orc Subraces

Red Orcs-
The original Orcs, they are brutal and vengeful. They are filled with rage and fury, and use war to channel this rage.
Grey Orcs-
Noble and very protective, they channel their intense need for battle into protecting what they love.
Blue Orcs-
These Orcs are now tempered and calm, but still deadly. They are far more cunning, and far more ruthless, it just takes longer for their plans to come into fruition.

Gnome Subraces-

Forest Gnomes-
Magically inclined and curious. They have become hardened by frequent Basilisk, Red Orc and Undead attacks.
Frost Gnomes-
Quieter than the Forest Gnomes, and far more cunning. They sit in silence, thinking, until it is time to strike.
Desert Gnomes-
A bit more brash than their other brothers, they are hardened by war and anguish from being beaten on their entire existence.

The Undead, derived from the bodies of Gnomes and Red Orcs originally. They live on an island, next to a great mountain. The sun never shines upon their unholy land.

Winged men of the center peninsula. They have overtaken the skies there, feeding on large birds and slow land animals.

Hard, strong, and stout. They have a deep connection to their warm, southern mountains.

Lizard-men of the southern desert. They are barbaric and honor-bound.

The Starmen are a strange species. They have all but black skin with tiny star-like sparkles on them. They are a foreign thinking and sounding race.

2011-05-28, 02:35 PM
You emerge from the Void.

The world is just beyond a rippling veil, almost close enough to touch..

You can see the others surrounding the world, all looking the same way you are, eager yet confused.

You have no purpose other than what you create, and this world is the only template in which to do so.

Your realms are your own and only your eyes can behold it, therefore you have never needed a name for it.

This world is different, you all have stake in this, and you all must give it a name.

Welcome to the World.

After you guys name the world, we will get started

2011-05-28, 03:55 PM

Illendra drifted in the void of around the world taking in the silence that surrounded it. It was pristine, it was clear and above all else the world seemed malleable. Her claws padded across the non-existent land of the void as she strode towards the others. She would not speak unless she was forced to but she would listen.

2011-05-28, 07:13 PM

Ajkan drifted momentarily, before he smirked, and a throne of spikes appeared beneath him. His mind churned violently, flashes of pain and pleasure streaming from his form, blood soaking down his throne.

"Well... this is interesting..."

Ajkan looked around, watching the others. He did not know them, but he felt akin to them; as if they shared some sort of divine spark.

Is it just me, or does the map almost look like a skull...

2011-05-28, 11:35 PM

Looking down at the world she, ignored the one who was red with blood, and her calling dawned upon her. This child was alone in the void it was unlike any other and it would be her responsibility. This world, this rock would be her cherished object. And so she vowed silently, You are alone but I am with you. The things that shall walk across you shall call you many names but those things like you, those that are alone, that are abandoned will be my children and they shall call you ‘Vanfal`hab’, Falls of Hope. Since that is all other will give them, the crushed hope that falls. But, I will repair it. I will shape you and love you as I will love my abandoned children.

And with a swish of her white tail she looked back at the red god and strode over to him. Without care of anything she jumped into his lap upon his throne and nestled there unperturbed, waiting.

Yes I definately see that is resembles a skull. Now to cover it in snow and ice! Then it will really be chilling to the bone...

2011-05-29, 12:16 AM

In several pieces of flowing black cloth Voroshk streaks toward the red throne, the cloth assembling into a single being as he arrives. He takes a moment to admire the world below.

"This world is perfect, I think we can do great things here. I'll call it Khatovar."

I can definitely see the skull. I plan to create the first wizards' tower in the center of the right eye socket.

2011-05-29, 12:55 AM
Didnt even mean that 0.o

2011-05-29, 01:04 AM
Too late, Voroshk just named it. :smallbiggrin: You should be glad he didn't name it Voroshk. Which he might still do.

2011-05-29, 01:10 AM
Too late, Voroshk just named it. :smallbiggrin: You should be glad he didn't name it Voroshk. Which he might still do.

The gods must all decide together for the veil to fall, you can all feel that.

2011-05-29, 12:47 PM

"Vanfal'Hab? Khatovar? Bah, useless little words... I shall name this miserable lifeless rock. Lorn, the land of the gods."

Ajkan grinned, raising a dripping hand as his throne dissappeared, and he stood, not even paying heed to the small god curled up on his lap.

"Or Perhaps another of you have an idea?"

2011-05-29, 01:38 PM

The large and strangely shaped god, Brimir, floated forward to look at the world. Or not. You could not really see his eyes. "Bah. This world should only be called one thing. Brimirheim," announced Brimir. "It will be a land filled with the strongest and bravest."

Actually, it looks like a pumpkin to me.

2011-05-29, 02:05 PM

She did not care that Ajkan barely noticed her; it was brotherly love. At least she wasn’t abandoned like the world below but she knew that her family would bicker. They were her brothers and sisters, other divine beings all crafted from the same weave to create a whole. They would not join together readily and they could not shape the world without joining together. So the goddess of Silence spoke in a soft whisper that calmed the soul,

“My brothers and sister. Our children may call this world whatever they wish, and we may have many names for it ourselves but nothing will come to pass if we do not name it together. We must name it together for it is not a single one of ours. It belongs to all of us.”

2011-05-29, 03:52 PM

Ajkan scowled, knowing that Illendra was right. He turned to her, his faceless head, seemingly staring at her.

"Then what would you propose, Sister?"

2011-05-29, 04:28 PM

"I hold no preference to it's true name only that its name suits it and shapes it. For it will be a new world," Illendra softly explains and then she walks back over to Ajkan, " Pick me up. Please."

2011-05-29, 05:47 PM

Ajkan bent down, taking the cat-like god in his palm, and placed her on his shoulder. "Then I propose a combination of our collective divine nomenclature. Vorimillkana. Our, world." He gestured to the world below. "Then, we can get to sowing our seeds..."

2011-05-29, 06:20 PM

"I agree to such a name," Illendra says as she curls on his shoulder. She wraps her tail around herself and purrs softly.

2011-05-29, 11:25 PM

Brimir chuckled a little bit at the name."Tis a bit long. But I do not mind it. Please do not mind if I call it the Land of Milk, for it humors me," Brimir said while bobbing forward and backwards, as if nodding.

2011-05-30, 08:52 PM

"I suppose that will do, though you really can't fault me if my creations use a different name." Voroshk snickers at his cleverness, and returns his focus to the planet. "I suppose we'd better get started."

2011-05-30, 09:54 PM

"Kurana has yet to agree to this," Illendra points out without opening her eyes. "We had best wait for her lest the veil remain standing."

2011-06-01, 02:39 PM

Ajkan cracked his neck to the right, sighing. "Unfortunately... our sister is correct, Voroshk. As much as it pains me." His chests heaves slightly, his back arching and a maniacal laugh emitting from his being. "Besides, without the Goddess of Life, how am I to inflict pain and suffering?"

Is Greystone even doing this anymore? Not a single post from her(or Him)

2011-06-01, 06:53 PM
Though this is mean I would advise that we simply move on without him/her until they appear. Since this will fizzel out and die without being able to start working on anything in the world.

2011-06-01, 07:33 PM
Without any major god of good and life and creation and whatnot, this is one to be one twisted world.

2011-06-01, 07:55 PM

Kurana appeared, blue face showing sheepishness "My apologies. I got lost in the stars above" Kurana drifted off before looking back at the other gods " I will agree to this name siblings"

2011-06-02, 01:04 PM

Ajkan cackles, his chest heaving as blood drips from his form. "Good... shall we begin then? Siblings?" He cackled again, leaping towards the world below, clawing at the veil.

2011-06-02, 05:33 PM
Alright! You may start when ready.

You roll each turn, and after everyone goes, I will update the map (if necessary).

If I dont get to the map right away, feel free to keep posting after everyone has gone.

If everyone is waiting on you for more than two days without any sort of reasonable excuse, then I will kick you and kill off your god.

Vorimillkana pulsates and the veil falls. You can feel power surging into your figures, and some receive more than others. This lump of land surrounded by oceans is yours to mold.

2011-06-02, 06:56 PM
Do we roll at the beginning of the first turn as well?
If we do, then
If not, disregard that :3


Ajkan cackled loudly, looking over the world below, and with one fell swoop of his mighty arm, created a miles-long canyon (From the bottom left corner of E5, to the top right corner of E6).

Total power left: 2 (or more if we roll first turn as well.)

2011-06-02, 08:14 PM
Yeah same question as Toraminus.



Illendra looked down upon the globe, its surface now unclouded be the veil and she beheld it. With a flick of her tail she raised a mountain that stretched high above the clouds and blew her breath as cold as ice upon it.

Raise a mountain in E7 (3) and make it glacial (2).

Two days might be a bit harsh to simply kill the god/goddess off after. I would advise that we simply say they "Pass" but do not take points for that turn. That way the god isn't killed off for no real reason except someones life intervening and they don't gain power from a turn they didn't choose to save their power on.

Edit: 3 points to the next round or 10 dependant on if we roll for first round. If 10 points I would do more actions though.

2011-06-02, 08:19 PM
Yeah, why not? xD

2011-06-02, 08:51 PM
Total points: [roll0]


Voroshk speeds down toward the world, eager to begin creation. With a single wave of his hand, he seeds a great forest along the bank of a lake. The forest is comprised of giant trees that are twisted into bizarre shapes, mainly taking the form of arcane runes and faces. With a second wave of his hand, he casts a piece of his own divinity down onto a nearby island, creating his first and most loyal follower.

Shape Land x4 to create a forest on F5, G6, H6, and I5. (12 points)
Create Avatar to create his first avatar, a medium-sized figure that looks somewhat like a gnome made of glass. The figure has glowing arcane runes all over its body and is wearing an ornate robe. It also wields a staff, and a pointed hat rests on its head. (10 points)

Remaining points: 0

2011-06-02, 09:19 PM
Since I still have points!


Illendra felt the satisfaction that the cold winds swirling around the mountain gave her and so she crafted it two brothers and caped them in ice as well. She blended them together forming a plateau between them, uniting them as a single mountain with three peaks.

Create mountain E8 & F7 (6) and cover them in snow (4).

So to re-cap that. There are three mountains now: E7, E8 & F7. Three mountains that are capped in snow. They all are one mountain though. Just a mountain with three peaks that stretches across all three squares. They have a plateau connecting them.

Points: 0

2011-06-02, 09:35 PM

Points: 13

Ajkan grinned as he felt a surge of power course through his veins. "Perfect..." he chuckled, and looked upon his rift, raising the temperature to boiling degrees, causing magma and hellfire to boil within it.
Afterwards, he cast his gaze upon the forest of his brother's creation, and set about making a large chain of mountains north-west of it.

4 points to raise the climate of the canyon, and 6 points to create mountains in F6, and G7

Point total: 3

2011-06-02, 11:25 PM
Points at start of turn: [roll0]

"Hmmm. There are not enough mountains. I must rectify this!" Brimir stated with great gusto, the fires across his large frame blazing higher than ever. He then goes about raising mountains along the southeastern side of the Land of Milk.

Shape Land on L11, L10, K11, and k10 to make them mountains. L11's climate will be changed to make it sunny and humid, like Hawaii.

Points at end of turn: 4

2011-06-04, 10:20 PM
Looks like the god of life is bailing out. So I guess this is just a messed up little world. Maybe one or two of you can become a little more 'all life is sacred' type of thing. Not fully, but just enough to have protagonists.

As the first land masses emerge from the earth, so does life. In the newfound forest, little woodland creatures begin to emerge. They live in between the branches and knot holes of the massive trees, and begin to grow under it's canopies. Most of them are feathered and furred, adapting to the overlapping branches by being able to jump between them. As for the icy mountain tops, not much survives. They do have minuscule, greatly furred animals perched on top. The species quickly overtake the nearby mountains, growing harder and tougher as they develop. As for the lower mountains, scale-skinned beast begin to crawl from the nearby ocean. The mountain on the island nearby carries the most diverse population of multicolored lizards. The warm climate suits them. Thus is the same for the hard-shelled monsters of the magma valley. They enjoy the heat, but it is a hard life, and they do not develop well. All other parts of the world, a great number of primordial life springs forth. You realize your actions have created these beasts, given them home, given them life, and all by accident.


2011-06-04, 11:22 PM

Rolling for Points: [roll0]

Ajkan smirked, withdrawing from the world, observing it.

I'm going to save points this round.

2011-06-05, 12:47 AM
Well I did say I'm the goddess of abomination and anythign abandoned I would take under my wing... wrong word... Claw... tail? I guess I'll become the mother of life. This will be interesting. A mother that only cares that the strong survive and not the week. Winter is coming. I will post my actions after I see how many points I have.


Rolling for points: [roll0] (+1 for having 0 points last turn.)

Illendra sends her frigid breath down upon the world once more. Ice begins to form and stretch from the mountains covering the sea in glacial ice.

Change climate across F8 (2) & F9 (2). Also I wanted ice connecting between the three mountains I made when I shaped the temperature so that it was just massively icy there. do I need to spend more points to do that?

Total Points: 0, +2 next turn.

2011-06-05, 01:29 AM

Oh right! We get bonuses for low points... in which case I have nine... and I'm not going to pass

Ajkan blinked, then descended again, chuckling and extending his rift more, and causing the new stretch of canyon to burn with the same intensity as the rest, also raising the temperature of the sea nearby.
He then gazed upon the winter of his sister's creation, and saw fit to expand it, coating the area below the mountains and around them in thick ice and snow.

Shape Land from the rift at E5, to F4, joining with the water and creating small hilly regions around it to stop the water filling it up.
Then Shape Climate on the same area to make it hot and steamy.
As well as two Shape Climates on the area around the mountains, so make the area a glacial tundra.

2011-06-05, 11:48 AM

Rolling for points: [roll0]

Voroshk continues to shape his his corner of the world, for the time ignoring the doings of his siblings. He raises a great mountain on the western island and creates a great lake near his forest.

Shape Land x2: creating a single large mountain on G3, and a freshwater lake on I5. I have 1 point remaining, so next turn I shall gain an additional 2d6+2.

2011-06-06, 10:06 PM

As she watched the land she shaped grow she was the creatures, the things, spawned by their magic. They were beautiful and horrible and yet she felt tied to them. They had no mother to watch them, no people to make them grow. She would be their mother, she would be the mother of all life. But only the strong would survive for when the winter comes it shall be lean for only those with the will to survive require her aid.

Posted mainly so this didn't fall to far back in the pages (Page 6). I would adivse Subscribing to this so you can find this easily also where is Brimir???

Edit: You still haven't updated the map in the first post.

2011-06-07, 12:04 AM

Point rolling: [roll0]

Wow! A twelve is way higher than I expected with the way everyones been rolling.

"There still aren't enough mountains!" Brimir stated. The strangely shaped god then set to work, raising the earth. "Hmmmmm. This will do for now. I do believe the earth is perfectly sculpted here. Now I must prepare the weather," he rumbled. If you could tell where he was looking, he was eying the world with a sense of joy. It was already beginning to take shape.

Mountains in L12, K12, J12 and J11. This leaves me with zero points this turn, but a +2 to my next power roll.

2011-06-07, 10:47 AM
Its +3 by the way... starting from 4, at +1, then 3 at +2, then 2 at +3, and max of +3 >_>... at least thats what I read.

2011-06-07, 12:25 PM
Well I did say I'm the goddess of abomination and anythign abandoned I would take under my wing... wrong word... Claw... tail? I guess I'll become the mother of life. This will be interesting. A mother that only cares that the strong survive and not the week. Winter is coming. I will post my actions after I see how many points I have.


Rolling for points: [roll0] (+1 for having 0 points last turn.)

Illendra sends her frigid breath down upon the world once more. Ice begins to form and stretch from the mountains covering the sea in glacial ice.

Change climate across F8 (2) & F9 (2). Also I wanted ice connecting between the three mountains I made when I shaped the temperature so that it was just massively icy there. do I need to spend more points to do that?

Total Points: 0, +2 next turn.

That would be perfect,

Whooops! Sorry..


The continuation of the icy mountain ranges only fueled the growth of the tiny furred animals. They all become larger and tougher as they begin to expand their domain.

These are the animals that have grown the most. There are many many others that live in your mountains, but these are the ones who dominate. Their large fangs and sharp claws tear through many beasts' hides. They are the primary predator.

This is their main prey, and worst nightmare. Their hides are too tough to pierce with claws and most of the time teeth. Their weak spot is under the throat where the skin is soft. They can easily stomp and kill any animal they come across.


In the nearby forests, the animals have to grow in a different matter. They grow limbs for traversing the branches and canopies of the trees.

Growing long arms and sharp claws, these beasts tear apart their enemies. They climb up trees and cling to the massive trunks while they observe the area.

Very poisonous, and very quiet. Most of the time, the prey doesn't realize they have been attacked until it is too late. Being able to cling to the tree branches, they slink through the canopy.


In the flaming canyon, there were barely enough resources to fuel a handful of creatures.

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSGPXMC09L6EaKladb5ANyORqd_JhBPz bBEXPahYxqh71POl5mCaQ
This is one of them. These insects feed off of the minimal plants and smaller insects who somehow survive here. They have adapted well to the harsh environment.


In the southwest most mountains, the warm climate influences many multicolored birds, lizards and insects. The surrounding area outside of these tropical paradises have received many of the overflow of the species that live of that warm island.

These lizard-birds hunt primarily insects and small animals. They make loud screeching, chirping noises with special glands in their throats. It makes it sound like there are more of them then their actually are as a defense mechanism.

These monstrosities hunt primarily the lizard-birds above and other, medium sized animals. They are vicious and ruthless solo hunters who tear apart anything in their path.

These giant insects are normally prey, but they love to feed off of other insects and small fish. They are very quick and agile, they need to in order to survive. They primarily live on the warm island.


As for the new mountain and freshwater lake, creatures are just starting to emerge. The world is still new, and these creatures are only the major beasts.

2011-06-07, 02:56 PM

Rolling for points:

Ajkan cackled, watching the lifeforms he had helped spring into being work through their toil. "These races, they are pitiful... useless excuses for life..." Ajkan smirked, flying up above the world and watching it.

Saving points this round.

2011-06-07, 10:07 PM


Illendra looks down upon the creatures she now claims as her children. Soon they shall have caretakers, soon guardians will stand amongst them.

Saving Points.

2011-06-08, 01:26 AM
Its +3 by the way... starting from 4, at +1, then 3 at +2, then 2 at +3, and max of +3 >_>... at least thats what I read.

Yeah, that sounds about right, thanks man.


Power Roll: [roll0]

"Uggh. I am feeling a little tired. I guess I will just make a few small changes then," Brimir wheezed. "Time to turn up the heat."

Shape climate on L11, L10, and K11 to make them have a tropical climate. This leaves me with 1 power point, so I have +4 to my next roll.

2011-06-08, 10:26 AM
Points: [roll0] I miscalculated this. I still had 1 point last turn, so I actually have 10 this turn.


Voroshk pears down at his own work intently. With a gesture he spreads the lake through the forest, crafting rivers for the inhabitants.

Shape Land x3 on I5, I6, and H6 to create rivers. I have 1 point left, so next turn I should gain an additional 2d6+3 points for a total of 2d6+4 points.

2011-06-08, 08:13 PM
I will be away for the next four days. So I am saving my points for until I get back. I will be back on Sunday or Monday. I'll roll then.

Dawn-Dusk (Illendra)

2011-06-08, 09:22 PM

The creatures develop little over the years, they simply begin to expand and better themselves. The lava-insects grow larger, and some even go to the ocean, digging burrows into the warm sand. Many of the most dangerous forest beasts crowd around the newly formed rivers, making it an ideal place for nests. As for the ice mountains, the battle between the horned beasts and the fanged beasts rages on. And finally, in the southwest corner of the world, the warm climate makes insects and lizards spring forth, overtaking the lands, spreading disease and furthering their respective species.


2011-06-08, 09:33 PM

Rolling for points: [roll0]

"Hhhmmmmmmmmmyeah. A little more," Brimir mumbled.

Tropical weather on L12, K12, and J11. This leaves me with 3 points, so +6 to my next roll.

2011-06-08, 09:42 PM

Rolling for Points: [roll0]

Ajkan grinned wickedly, looking over the world and pointing his dripping hand to the flaming chasm he had created.

"There..." Ajkan shouted, using his powers to create a race of Creatures that would feed on rage, war, and violence, and hate peace, the light of day, and inaction. "I shall call them... Orcs..."

Spending 22 points to create a Race, Orcs :smallamused:

2011-06-09, 03:54 AM

Rolling for Points: [roll0]

Ajkan grinned wickedly, looking over the world and pointing his dripping hand to the flaming chasm he had created.

"There..." Ajkan shouted, using his powers to create a race of Creatures that would feed on rage, war, and violence, and hate peace, the light of day, and inaction. "I shall call them... Orcs..."

Spending 22 points to create a Race, Orcs :smallamused:

Hey man you forgot to include which square to put the orcs in

2011-06-09, 06:42 AM
Hey man you forgot to include which square to put the orcs in

And if you could describe the orcs a little bit? What is their skin color, how did they adapt to the flames? Etc Etc.

2011-06-09, 02:56 PM
Whoops xD my bad.
Placing them in square E6. They have reddish skin, strong arms, large tusk-like fangs on their lower jaw, and little hair. They're divinely given resistance to the heat of the surrounding area. (In D&D terms, gives them fire Resistance 5 :3)

2011-06-11, 11:11 PM

Voroshk descends to recline on the slopes of his western mountain and watch the world develop.

No action this time, points: [roll0]

2011-06-12, 04:52 PM

The beasts from the woods wandered too near the fire valley often, and some were brought down into it. Most did not survive, but with the assistance of a god, they prospered. The Orcs were born. They are feral, beastly, and primitive, but they can now use tools, utilize fire, and kill things with cunning rather than just strength. Their primary diet is the fire beetles that are so abundant in the valley, and they use their thick shells as tools and weapons.

The creatures of the southwestern mountains expand to the nearby warm climates, and the insects run rampant. The heat is good for life to spring forth, and the mountain sides are covered with a thick, green blanket of plants and animals.

2011-06-12, 09:26 PM

Rolling for Points: [roll0]

Ajkan cackled madly, watching his creations suffer within their hellpit.
"Brothers, Sister... Rejoice, for pain and suffering shall pread across the world in swaths of red and black!" He smirked, using his divine power to endow one of the orcs with power, making him an unrivaled warrior, and Avatar of Ajkan.

10 points to use Create Avatar among the Orcs.

Points Total: 2

2011-06-13, 01:40 PM

Power roll: [roll0]

[color=gold"And now I will turn up the heat!"[/color] Boomed Brimir, as he did just that. The lands to the west of his tropical mountains becoming arid, like a desert.

Shape climate on J8, J7, K8, K7, L7, and L8. They all become very hot and arid.

2011-06-14, 06:04 PM
I'm back!!


I'm rolling four because I said I was saving my ponts while I was gone and two turns have passed since then. I will do something with my points once I see how many I have.

2011-06-15, 12:32 AM

Voroshk witnesses the rise of the Orcs and begins to plan his own creation accordingly.

His dormant avatar is wakened, the robed figure commanded to use his power to raise up a race with power enough to challenge the Orcs.

Creating the Gnomish race in H6. They are a race devoid of pigment, with hair and skin and eyes as pale as if they had been born underground. They are short, between 3' 6" and 4' 8". They have a wicked sense of humor and are heavily inclined toward magic. In fact, "wicked" is the perfect word to describe these beings.

Their creation amongst the sprawling trees of Voroshk's forest has inclined them toward building towers, tall and thin. Their garb often imitates the avatar of Voroshk, who they call Murgen.

The Gnomes are given the directive that they should grow as a race, increase their power considerably, and eventually travel west to Voroshk's mountain to raise a tower tall enough to reach the heavens. The other races of the world are to be their servants, but open warfare is not recommended due to the losses that could be incurred.

Spending 2 points to Command Avatar to Create Race. Points at the end of the turn are 8.

2011-06-15, 09:36 AM
Avatar of Ajkan: E6
Murgen: H6

The Orcs revere their god with the upmost dedication, they have no reason to question his power or intentions. The are little more than feral beasts however, and they are growing steadily. They will need a city soon.

The Gnomish people are very vulnerable to the furred beast's teeth, and the snake's venom is detrimental to their society. Their bodies and minds adapt to the situation, giving them the ability to hide, and resist the poison of the serpents. They follow Murgen, but do not have the capability to create cities yet.

Ready to advance to the next stage? Or are we not done with the lands yet?

I have an idea. After 5 turns, after they are born, they will begin to make their own city without the god's help. They will not see the gods to be as 'helpful' if they make their own city, but you dont have to spend any points. After that, they will make another city after 10 turns, then another 20 after the last city was built, then 30 turns after that city is made, etc etc.
That will give them 'life'.
I will give them bonuses and whatnot depending on their environment.
What do you think?

2011-06-15, 11:28 AM
Perfect Idea about the cities!
Though I think we should stay in this Era just a little longer. :smallbiggrin:



The Avatar of Ajkan, now known amongst the orcs as the Thur'Gash Dynasty, the Fury Heart Bloodline, gathered many of the lesser tribes, and gathered them beneath one Banner, founding the great Orcish city of Thur'kom, Fury-Wind.

Ajkan then cackled, tearing the rift larger and freezing its northern edge.
2 points to Command Avatar to Create City in E5, and 6 points to Shape the rift longer, and 2 points to make the most northern tip freezing cold. And keep the middle section temperate.
Rift extends from E6 to C7, and ice in C7

3 points in the end ^.^

2011-06-15, 07:20 PM

Illendra pauses as she feels power grow within her. She raises her maw up to the heavens and lets loose not even a single sound. Yet far bellow on the world the earth shudders in response.

As the earth shudders so do tree's sprout around it, forests expanding to te north. She does no quiver as she plucks from her mouth her front left fang and hurls it towards the world bellow. As it falls ice begins to form, a massive crystal of untold power and knowledge. As it collides into the side of the mountain the forests in the immediate area around it are transformed into crystaline forms.

Shape Terrain (Mountains) C8, D8, E8 (9).
Shape Terrain (Forest) B9, C9,D9, D10, E10 (12)
Shape Climate (Crystalline Forest) D9 (2)

Terrain D9: Can you make a large crystaline structure in D9. I will transform it into an Avatar next turn..

Starting: 31 Points

Finishing: 8 Points

2011-06-16, 12:14 AM
Points this turn: [roll0]


Vorosk urges his avatar to organize the Gnomes, eager to see them protected from the forest's beasts and the growing numbers of Orcs.

Command Avatar to create a city where the Gnomes are. 15 points remaining.

2011-06-16, 01:26 PM
Yeah, can we stay in this phase a little longer? I like shaping the world. Not too long though. I am almost done.

Power roll: [roll0]

"Hmmm. The world is looking good. Just needs a few finishing touches," Brimir said to himself, causing a torrent of rainfall in the north.

Shape climate in A9, B7, B8, B9 and C8. These places are constantly under heavy rain.

2011-06-16, 03:38 PM
Orcs- 1/10
Thur'kom, Fury-Wind

Gnomes- 1/10
Avatar of Ajkan is in Thur'kom, Fury-Wind
Mugen is in NEED NAME

The Orcs follow their god well, and will so anything that he asks. The building of the city was a testament to his greatness, for the ferocity of the Orcs is lashed out onto themselves mostly. Frequent raids and skirmishes run rampant in their society. Many of the old chiefs are not happy giving up their positions, and many of them see the unification of the tribes as stripping them of their culture. The utterly faithful have no problem with the unification, but have asked Ajkan to help them make the others see the benefit of peace.
If you grant the Old Chiefs their ancient rights, the peoples will fight among themselves like they have been, but the city will be a neutral zone.
If you rid them of these rights, they will not be happy with you as their god, and it may cause them to defect.
You may also let them solve it themselves, simply slay the Old Chiefs with your godly might, or what ever else you can think of!

Like the Orcs, the Gnomes ask something of their god. They need protection from the beasts, for their population has suffered greatly due to the frequent attacks. Some want you to purge the lands of the beasts, some want you to give them the tools to fight them off themselves, and some have questioned why you dropped them in this fearsome forest.
What do you tell them?

2011-06-16, 06:37 PM

I'm voting to skip to the next age after this round.

Points: [roll0]

Ajkan laughs at the conflict the orcs have brought to themselves, and looks far to the south. "Oh Brother, I wonder how well those gnomes of yours fight." Ajkan answered the prayers of his orcs, and told the great Orc Bloodline of Thur'Gash, the Chosen of Ajkan, to rally the orcs again, and tell them of Ajkan's Divine Will. To solve their problem, The chief's would keep their ancient rights, however, they must also provide support to the grand armies of Ajkan. Thur'Gash rallied together these fresh recruits, and raised a second army in the City of Thur'Kom.

Meanwhile, Ajkan laughed at his Brother's work, and Decided to create a cult, dedicated to himself, within the shadowy corners of Gnome society.
These gnomes, mages who reveled in darker arts, would call themselves the Order of the Dripping Hand, and worked to inflict pain and suffering upon anything they could.

He then Raised his hand, tearing the ground up and forcing it into the shape of a mountain, which he hollowed out and filled with magma, creating Morag'Tol, The Raging Maw.

Command Avatar to raise an Army in Thur'Kom, 2 pts, and Create Order (sect) in the Gnome race's City, 8 pts. And finally, Shape Land in D6 right near the canyon, sharing climate with it (if I can), to create a gigantic Volcano, 3 pts.

Points left: 0

2011-06-16, 10:00 PM

Will post after I see the points.

Illendra's fang glows with a deep hue that seem strange. As it becomes accustomed to the environment its great eyes snap open. The crystalline golem stands towering above the forest. It begins to march south knowing that its mistress has one single plan for it.

As the Unnamed One wanders to the south its great steps bring the world to the same crystaline make as the forest it had crashed upon.

Create Avatar The Unnamed One (10)
Shape Climate & Shape Terrain Crystalize E9 (5)

Points left: 0

2011-06-18, 03:20 PM
Hello.... where has everyone gone?

2011-06-18, 03:24 PM
Hey guys might be gone all weekend. If i don't take an action, count it as me saving.


power roll: [roll0]

"Now to dig a few holes. La dee da!" Brimir hummed, putting some large craters in the Northwest.

C6 and D5 become two separate basins (shape land) and also become rainy (shape climate). This leaves me with 2 points, so +5 to my next roll.

2011-06-18, 07:22 PM


Voroshk watches his Gnomes suffer for a time before granting their requests. He sends a plague through the forest-dwelling beasts, killing or weakening the ones most threatening to his Gnomes. He then turns to his Gnomes and grants them the power to defend themselves from any further attacks by the forest beasts.

With this threat dealt with, Voroshk grants the Gnomish city the name Khatovar.

Once this is complete he sends his avatar to answer the question of his Gnomes, telling them that they were placed in the forest to become strong enough to rule over their world.

10 points for Event (to kill the majority of the harmful beasts in the forest). 10 points for Advance Civilization (to grant the Gnomes with increased proficiency in war magic). 1 point remaining, so next round I will have 2d6+2 points.

I think Voroshk would probably support the development of Ajkan's cult, as long as it doesn't impede his vision of the glorious future of the Gnomes.

2011-06-18, 10:19 PM
Orcs- 2/10
Thur'kom, Fury-Wind- Army

Gnomes- 2/10
Crude Battle Magic (+1 Military)
Avatar of Ajkan is in Thur'kom, Fury-Wind
Mugen is in Khatovar
The Unnamed One in the Crystalline Forest

The Orc Chiefs are pleased at the ruling, and the Faithful are a bit slighted. The raids on the surrounding land still wages on, causing the army to become feudal and unorganized. There are little skirmishes, but really, nothing is too bad for now.

The Gnomes are pleased with the outcome, but the plague has had adverse effects on the creatures. The furred beasts leave the forest in fear of death, heading to the ice-mountains to fight for dominance with the fearsome white furred, fanged beasts. They nearly kill each other off, and the thick, horned animals thrive from the lack of unity in the predators. They begin to overtake the mountains, and begin marching into the Crystalline Forest. The vipers however, they did not leave. Only the largest, strongest snakes survived. The Basilisk (http://s60.radikal.ru/i170/1001/56/1ce884bb02e4.jpg), as the Gnomes call them, are gigantic, fearsome creatures. They are as tall as a fully grown gnome, and just as thick. There are only a handful of these creatures, but they still wreak havoc upon the Gnome society, but to a much lesser extent.

The Crystalline Forest and surrounding land have started to produce a new breed of creatures all their own.

These monstrosities are too tall to walk about the forest naturally when they are fully grown, so they shove aside trees and stones in their territory to make room. The littler ones roam about the forest, herding the prey into the artificial clearings where the bigger beasts slaughter them.

Having thick fur was not enough, these creatures have developed horns on the front of their noses. They typically charge through underbrush, and are invincible from the front. From behind, they are vulnerable and fleshy, a perfect prey.

With the infestation of the ice mountain, skull-horned beasts, these animal's numbers have been halved. This will cause an influx of the giant bear-like animals, devastating the numbers of the prey. Be warned, this may effect the world more than you think.

For the southern desert, there are creatures all of their own.


These massive reptiles are thirty five feet tall, and just as wide. They are masters of the desert, and rarely do they die after reaching adulthood. They are born very small, an in vast numbers. Most do not make it past ten feet tall for they then must dig themselves into the ground, forming a pit trap of sorts, where water forms, and animals frequently fall into. They go on long, long journeys in order to mate. All the females travel from oasis to oasis, dropping eggs as they go.


Lizards about the height of a grown gnome, these are the main predator and the main prey of the giant turtle-beasts. They eat the young and the eggs, but are stupid and mostly blind. They often fall into the big pits the turtles make.

There is a large, cosmic, torrential storm. The gods can feel it, something is coming. They can sense that something big is coming, something as big as the very gods themselves. There is another in the realm of the heavens, this new god has materialized in front of you all.

I am adding another player, his name is Harvest.

I am giving him three turns worth of points to start, everyone play nice ^^

2011-06-19, 02:00 PM
Name: Laren
Domain: Freedom, Logic, Justice.
Appearance (http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/2261/andrewgod.jpg)
Personality: A Stoic man. He often stays quiet, choosing to rather to listen, observe, and gather facts. When he does speak it is forceful, and refined. His actions, quick, and decisive.

Roll For Starting Points: [roll0]


2011-06-19, 02:07 PM
First of all, Welcome Harvest :D It'll be fun to have an actual god of justice and freedom here >:)


Rolling for Points: [roll0]

Ajkan glowered, his blooded form gushing as this new godling arose. "Heh... you've arrived just in time, Godling... the fun is about to begin!"

Ajkan then turned back to the world, cackling as he gave his Divine Demands to the Orcs and Gnomes who followed him. "Work within your own races, cause turmoil, bring war to the world! Cause undue suffering and mayhem, and when you are done, send those who are dead to me, and I shall birth them anew." He then whispered upon the wind, bringing words of command to his Avatar.

"Found a second City, Grell'Von, Chilling Heart. Within the great freezing mountains."

Command Order twice, on both of my sects, telling them to start causing unrest and mayhem. Command Avatar, to Create City in F7, right near the trees there.

1 Point left.

2011-06-19, 03:01 PM
Points: [roll0]


Voroshk ignores the appearance of the new god, focusing on how best to keep his fantastic Gnomes safe from Ajkan's meddling. His mood turning sour, he commands Murgen to raise an army of the strongest, most powerful, and most loyal Gnomes there are.

Voroshk smiles wickedly. "Brother, I've armed my creations. I think you'll find they aren't easy prey."

Voroshk commands Murgen (Command Avatar, 2 points) to raise an army in Khatovar (Command City, raise an army). Additionally, Voroshk declares that the religious order that came into being to venerate him when he created the Gnomes shall be known as "Deceivers."

I will have 2d6+5 points next turn.

2011-06-19, 03:41 PM

Light. Light. There was darkness, and now there is light. I can make out images. Colors, and hues. I am aware. My hands reach out to grasp the air. I look below and I see a great sphere of water and land. I see others like me, but they are affecting the world below. It is covered in their creations.

I lift my hand. Great, insurmountable spires of rock rise up from the ground as if they were trying to reach the sky above. They cut off the Peninsula from the rest of the continent, all except a lone valley of rock and fog.

This was a good start.

I then created rolling hills with a few tall peaks amount them.

Afterward, I lowered land, and channeled water to the center of the peninsula.

I took my hands and widened the bodies of water around the peninsula. Creating greater distance between the outside world and what I was calling now, my land.

After this, I was satisfied. For now, at least.

create mountains G8, H7, Total: 6 points

Rolling hills, and large spires: H9: 3 points

River: I8, H9: 6 points

Seperate land: I10, G11: 6 points

9 points left

2011-06-19, 05:55 PM

Power roll: [roll0]

"Hmmmm. What quarrelsome brothers I have. Always causing some kind of mischief. Perhaps it is time I put a little of myself into this world?" Brimir wondered aloud. After a few moments, he fired one of his cannons at one of his mountains. After the dust had cleared, now stood a massive bronze golem, covered in runic symbols of power.

In his right hand he grasped a hammer, always blazing with golden flame. In his left, he held a shield, engraved with symbols of protection. On his back was a banner which pictured a hammer and sword crossed over a shield.

Create Avatar on the tropical mountains in K10. This leaves me with 3 points, so I get +6 to my next roll.

2011-06-19, 10:58 PM


Illendra looks about, taking note of her new brothers arrival. Looking down at the world she fears that both of her brothers creations will tear the world apart. Unsure of what to do though she bides her time, waiting.

Welcome Harvest. May this game be bountiful.

2011-06-20, 03:35 PM
Orcs- 0/20
Thur'kom, Fury-Wind- Army
Grell'Von, Chilling Heart

Gnomes- 3/10
Rudimentary Battle Magic (+1 Military)
Khatovar- Army
Avatar of Ajkan is in Thur'kom, Fury-Wind
Mugen is in Khatovar
The Unnamed One in the Crystalline Forest
Brimir's Golem is in the Tropical Mountains

The Orc faithfuls see all this turmoil and pain going on within their own ranks and are not pleased. They enjoy the spread of pain and suffering, but not to their own, and especially not to the devout worshipers of Ajkan. They petition to their god through his Avatar to stop these tortures upon the Faithful. The Old Chiefs are quite content with the way things are for now and normally shun the 'Faithfuls' for being weak.

In the Gnome city of Khatovar, the peoples there also feel the pain from Ajkan. They plead with Mugen to allow them to slaughter Ajkan's cult. To them, allowing the Dripping Hand to exist is a slap in the face.

As the nose horned beasts (http://www.prehistoricplanet.com/features/archives/newsarchive/2002/rhino.jpg) and the skull horned beasts (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oxRMPuuooGU/TSgob1TAhgI/AAAAAAAAAZI/YbGGgibtREw/s1600/auroch.jpg) fight for survival, the great bears of the crystalline forest consume them in large numbers. If nothing is done, the nose horned beasts will die off. As of right now, their numbers are very few, seeing one is a rare find.

With the river widened by the new god, the current there is wild and dangerous. Only adapted animals like the migrated Basilisks from the Gnomish woods, seen here (http://lair2000.net/Mermaids_Retreat/Research/sea_serpent.jpg), or the majestic flying fish (http://images.nationalgeographic.com/wpf/media-live/photos/000/005/cache/flying-fish_526_600x450.jpg) who happen to be prey to the sea serpent mentioned before, and special ships can survive.

Next turn I am advancing this to the next stage.

2011-06-20, 03:42 PM


"It is time" Ajkan proclaimed, giving the order to his Faithful amongst the orcs to march, to gather the armies and invade the Gnomish City of Khatovar. He then gave an order to his Avatar. "Return, my Child... retreat to the mountains and dwell within them for a time... I will call upon you again."

6 points to command City on Thur'Kom to attack Khatovar. (Do I need to spend points to tell my Avatar to leave the Orcs?)

2011-06-20, 04:13 PM
Points: [roll0]

Also, why do the Gnomes want to see the Deceivers killed? The Deceivers are Voroshk's priests and most fanatical followers in Khatovar.


"Brother, do you really wish to test your savages against my glorious creations?" Voroshk laughs and descends to pass onto Murgen his divine commands: to eradicate the Dripping Hand, and that the Gnomish army should meet the Orcish army at Khatovar.

2 points (Command Avatar > Command City) to have Murgen utilize all the resources of Khatovar to eliminate the Dripping Hand, making sure they cannot tip the scales during the upcoming battle (another 8 points spent to make sure the Dripping Hand are all gone).

Next turn I will have 2d6+4 points.

2011-06-20, 04:16 PM
Points: [roll0]

Also, why do the Gnomes want to see the Deceivers killed? The Deceivers are Voroshk's priests and most fanatical followers in Khatovar.


Fixed it!

Next age, armies may only move 2 squares max.

In this age, the time goes by quicker.

The Gnomes may meet the Orcs halfway, but they may also stay in their city and get a +1 bonus. Sound fair?

2011-06-20, 04:24 PM
Fixed it!

Next age, armies may only move 2 squares max.

In this age, the time goes by quicker.

The Gnomes may meet the Orcs halfway, but they may also stay in their city and get a +1 bonus. Sound fair?

Sounds good, thanks. The Gnomes will stay inside Khatovar so that they can eliminate the Dripping Hand and meet the Orcs on their own territory.

Additionally, there are 10 rungs on the ladder of War Magic, right? Which one am I on?

2011-06-20, 04:31 PM


Illendra looks down at her brothers as they move towards the first conflict the world would ever truly know. She feels the anger that they bear and knows that both races do not truly wish to destroy one another. So she sends her winds down to the world. They do not speak but instead reach into the minds of those who do not wish to destroy each other. They raise a new option for them, peace.

Create 2 Orders (16): The Guardians
The two orders are in the Gnomes and the Orcs respectively. This order goal is guard the world from harm and listen to Illendra's teachings. One sect exists in the Orcs city near the Ice and the other in the Gnomish capital.

2011-06-20, 04:42 PM
Sounds good, thanks. The Gnomes will stay inside Khatovar so that they can eliminate the Dripping Hand and meet the Orcs on their own territory.

Additionally, there are 10 rungs on the ladder of War Magic, right? Which one am I on?

You are on rung one cause you advanced them once, so Rudementary Battle Magic, it is in my post. I will roll for you two next time I give a summary post, the Gnomes will get a +2 and the Orcs will get a +0. If the orcs win, they take the city for their own and the Gnomes run about in the woods, hoping to not get eaten by the Basilisks.. If the Gnomes win, the Orc army is destroyed.

If anyone ever attacks a city without an army, that city will use their guards to fight. You will take 1/2 your roll, and use any modifiers you already have. So if the Gnome army met the Orcs in the forest, (which they did not) the Orc army would have to battle the city which rolls (1d20)/2 + 2 (one from the city defenses, one from the battle magic)

As far as cities go, you may make one army per city. You may however make fortresses in order to house more armies. Also you can boost up your cities using command city to give them better walls and such.

2011-06-20, 04:44 PM


Illendra looks down at her brothers as they move towards the first conflict the world would ever truly know. She feels the anger that they bear and knows that both races do not truly wish to destroy one another. So she sends her winds down to the world. They do not speak but instead reach into the minds of those who do not wish to destroy each other. They raise a new option for them, peace.

Create 2 Orders (16): The Guardians
The two orders are in the Gnomes and the Orcs respectively. This order goal is guard the world from harm and listen to Illendra's teachings. One sect exists in the Orcs city near the Ice and the other in the Gnomish capital.

This will not stop the armies, just so you know =/

It will cut down on the losses though!

2011-06-20, 04:50 PM
OOC: No intention on stopping the armies. I just want some of them to survive and I'll eventually lead these sects to create the 'Capital'. A massive city that I hope will have every race in it... Oh and I also just wanted a sect of gnomes so I can eventually make Basalisk riders...

2011-06-20, 04:53 PM
That is the coolest idea I have ever heard.
Kinda like this?


2011-06-20, 04:56 PM
OOC: Yes that looks exactly like how I hope to make them.

How many points does it take to evolve a race of animals? (I'm not making them sentient I simply want to make them different...)

2011-06-20, 05:04 PM
rolling for this round: [roll0]

I do nothing this turn.

2011-06-20, 05:17 PM

Ajkan cackled, turning to his brother. "Haha, these savage beasts are but tools to carry out my will. I do not need them, nor care for them. If I wanted to, the suffering I wish for these races could come from my own power, but I do not act rashly." He turned back, laughing to himself and smirking.

2011-06-20, 06:13 PM

power roll: [roll0]

"Hmmm. Now the gears of war are finally turning. Fight for glory elder races! For soon your greatest foe will arrive," Brimir stated, focusing his power.

2011-06-20, 06:14 PM
Orcs- 1/20
Thur'kom, Fury-Wind
Grell'Von, Chilling Heart

Gnomes- 4/10
Rudimentary Battle Magic (+1 Military)
Khatovar- Army
Avatar of Ajkan is in Thur'kom, Fury-Wind
Mugen is in Khatovar
The Unnamed One in the Crystalline Forest
Brimir's Golem is in the Tropical Mountains

Rolls for the war!

Orcs- [roll0] (No Bonuses)
Gnomes- [roll1] (+1 War Magic, +1 City Walls)

As the savage Orc tribes descended upon the Gnome city, the basilisks fled from their fires. They wielded their makeshift clubs and crudely sharpened spears and charged the walls. The Gnomes were devious, they began throwing stones and logs down upon the red skinned barbarians. When the Orcs got too close, the Gnomes used their war magic to defend themselves. Soon, the Orc Chiefs became separated and feudal, and they began fighting among themselves. This eventually brought the downfall of the savages. The Gnomes slaughtered the army, the stragglers were either captured or routed back to the cities.

The Gnomes are split between what to do with the prisoners. Many of them want to torture and mount them upon spears, but some of them, especially the Deceivers, think that if they did this, the Gnomes would be no better than the wretched Dripping hand.

The Orcs are not happy. They petition to their god, asking them why this has happened. The Faithfuls are disappointing because the feuding is what killed them, and the chiefs are furious at the loss. They are considering causing an uprising and forsaking you as their god.

The nose horned beasts fall to the teeth of the great bears and under the hooves of the skull horns. They exist no longer in this world, and no mortal have seen them. All that is left is the hardened, crystallized bones of the once great beasts.

Soon, everything began to change. The gods found it difficult to mold the ground, but easier to mold the minds of their subjects. The defeat of the Orc army signified the beginning of a new era, the Age of Races!

2011-06-20, 08:21 PM

Oh sorry. Then I will just have that be me saving. So my roll now will be 2d6+10. I am not making a race until the Land era is over. Just gonna edit my previous post.

Power roll: [roll0]

"Not yet," Brimir muttered under his breath, still waiting for the right time to introduce his people into the world.

2011-06-21, 12:19 PM
Points: [roll0]


Voroshk beckons Murgen to his side and instructs him to lead some of the Gnomes east, to more fertile lands outside the newly-blighted forest. He then channels his power into the Gnomes once more, gifting them with the boon of magic once more.

1 point (Command Avatar, Command Race) to have Murgen lead some of the Gnomes to set up a new city, Dejagore, along the river to the south (I6). Then 5 points (Advance Race) to boost the Gnomes to +2 War Magic.

Next turn I will have 2d6+6 points.

2011-06-21, 02:41 PM


Illendra looks down at the destruction her brothers wrought and at the new race that rises in the east. She smiles and beackons to her followers. Subconciously they know what she wishes and from both great civilizations they migrate to build a new city in the foot hills surrounding the Crystal Lands. The Gnomes toil beside the orcs hand in hand to give birth to this city and peace shall remain within it... for now. With their great city blooming she decided to give them architecture to keep them safe from the war mongerign of her brothers.

Command Races, via Sect, Orcs & Gnomes (4) to Create a City in (E8) City is called Hemnilak.
Advance City twice (8): Defensive Architecture.
They combine crystals into the defensive wall surrounding the city.

2011-06-21, 03:04 PM

Roll for Points [roll0]

Ajkan smiled down upon the destruction he had wrought, knowing that the gnomes and orcs that died did not die in vain. "Arise, fallen of the war. You shall walk once more as my truely chosen, those I give my favour to in this miserable world."

With that, Ajkan took the corpses of all the fallen, forcing them back into life, a cruel mockery of what they once were. Their skin dry and cracked, rotted and showing holes in some places. They would be known as the Deathbound, and even though only Gnomes and Orcs were within their ranks now, soon, soon Ajkan would gift the whole world with life undying.

6 Points to Create Race "Deathbound" Which are basically intelligent zombies, skeletons, and ghouls.

During the creation of this race, the land itself was blighted, forests rotting and animals dying in a large area. Ajkan caused famine and darkness to surround the area that he had influenced, and told his people to flee west, across the sea, and to create a nation on that land.

7 Points to use Event "Plague and Famine" on H6 and G6, turning some of the forest into "The Blighted Woods".

After this, Ajkan contacted his Avatar once again, and told him to leave, and head to the mountains, and lead the Deathbound to create a City within the dark heart of the mountain. "You shall name it "The City of Ghouls"

1 point to Command Avatar to found a Deathbound city in G3

2011-06-21, 03:32 PM
Rolling for this turn


Time has passed. I was no longer solely focus on my peninsula, and was now actively looking, and making note of the surrounding area. It was then that I noticed the Orcs, and the turmoil they were in. I sympathized with the unjustice suffered by Faithful, whom only wanted unity among their kind.

I focused my mind, and a book was materialized in my hands. It was my knowledge, and philosophy. Those that touch it would immediately understand it's contents. I dropped the book by these Faithful orcs.

One picked it up. Immediately thereafter, my power flowed through him. It changed him. His mind, and body. His bestial features softened, and his heart of hatred replaced with one of tempered justice.

He lost his ability to resist flame. However, to make up for this, I infused metals into their skin, giving them naturally tough epidermis.

He was no longer a Red Orc, a seeker of pain and misery. He was now a Grey Orc, a Champion of justice and freedom.

This new orc was soon joined by comrades of his new race. Through my tome, I spoke to him, telling him of a place secluded from the rest of the world. A place they could protect, as their blood dictates they must. There they could build a settlement. A place they could call home.

I then looked to the stone spires in the center of my peninsula, and crafted new beings. Beings of good judgement, and temperaments. I then gave them wings from which to soar with. They would be known as Raptorans. The Spires were to be their home, and I instructed them to construct a city on them.

Create Avatar "Tome of Laren" 7 points

Command avatar to create sub-race "Grey Orcs" 1 point

Command race "Grey Orcs" to construct a city on the peninsula side of the valley in square G8. 4 points

Create race "Raptorans" 6 points

command race "Raptorans" to construct a city on H9 4 points

7 points left.

2011-06-21, 06:09 PM

Red Orcs- 2/20
Thur'kom, Fury-Wind
Grell'Von, Chilling Heart
Factions Worshipers of Ajkan

Gnomes- 1/20
Crude War Magic (+2 Military)
Khatovar- Army
Factions Deceivers (Worshipers of Vorshok)

Red Orcs/Gnomes(Nation Name?)- 1/10
Hemnilak- +2 City Walls
Factions The Guardians

Raptorans- 1/10
The Spires
Factions Worshipers of Laren

Avatar of Ajkan is in Thur'kom, Fury-Wind
Mugen is in Khatovar
The Unnamed One in the Crystalline Forest
Brimir's Golem is in the Tropical Mountains
Tome Of Laren is with the Grey Orcs

The Undead blight the once great gnomish forest, driving the Basilisks to travel farther north in the woods. They soon begin slaying each other in an attempt to gain what fruitful land there is left. Many of these great beasts remained in the Blighted woods, but it changed them, made them emit an aura of undeath, evil, and mutation. They soon took in a bit of what the ghouls were, becoming ghoul-like themselves. Each bite they took turned their victims into thralls for their own purposes. The gnomes gave them a different name for their new power, the Mortem Basilisk (http://www.wallszone.com/thumbnails/large_white_snake_92183.jpeg). They could not stand the light of day, much like the ghouls, but to a greater extent. It physically burnt them, much like most holy symbols of any other god besides Ajkan. Many of them became quasi-intelligent from enslaving the minds of sentient creatures, furthering their effectiveness, and even granting a crude form of worship to the dark god. It was only enough to grant minor blessings, and the Mortems furthered the pain and suffering any way they could. A few of the brave Gnome warriors, confident for their ancestor's victories against the red demons of Ajkan, took up arms in order to slay one of these great beasts in order to keep Khatovar safe. They succeeded and mounted the skull of the beast upon their city gates. This had adverse effects on the thralls of the Mortem Basilisk, they gained their intelligence back, but were forever changed. They began consuming the blood of creatures the same way the Mortems did, by biting into them with their new found fangs. They possessed similar venom glands which provided sufficient poison to create thralls of their own. These abominations were attacked on sight, and are now actively hunted by crafty gnome warriors. Using crudely made clubs and sharpened spears were no match for the improved strength of these, vampires as they called themselves. They fled, making their homes in any woods, mountains, and caves they could find. The Gnomes are hateful of these beasts, and want to see them all slaughtered.

Some Orcs are appalled at the new creations and feel slighted that Ajkan has new tools of destruction. They ask their god for supremacy over these ghouls, they want to be held above the abominations.

The Gnomes in the Blighted Forest soon become battle hardened and vicious. The Gnomes in the Southern Forest became more docile and wholesome. These two were not at ends, but they are especially different.

The Guardians from the new city of Hemnilak are pleased they are out of the fighting. The Gnomes obviously do not trust the Red Orcs, and the Red Orcs have nowhere to channel their warlike qualities. There is obvious friction, and something must be done about this.

The Grey Orcs and the Ghouls are moving toward their destination and will build the city after they arrive. But one question, how will the Ghouls get there without swimming? They do not have to breath, but eating will be a necessity. While on the way, they can hunt, but in the water, they cannot catch fish very well. You can use your god's will to basically make ethereal ships, but that will be an event (10 points).

2011-06-21, 09:50 PM
Points: [roll0]

Additionally, several edits to the summary post: my god is Voroshk, my avatar is Murgen, and the factions currently in my civilizations are The Guardians and the Deceivers (the Deceivers are the followers of Voroshk). The Dripping Hand were eliminated by Khatovar's army and the Deceivers before the battle.


"They have their magic, but now what? More of it? No, not yet." Voroshk floats above the planet, deep in thought about what he could give his Gnomes. They were strong, but not particularly civilized, and with Dejagore growing in the south, they had a chance to become so.

Voroshk gives Murgen the command to raise a new army in Dejagore to defend the city from any Orcish or vampire incursion, and then sets about devising a script for the Gnomes.

1 point for Murgen to raise an army in Dejagore. 10 points to give the Gnomish civilization rudimentary knowledge of literacy and writing.

Next turn I will have 2d6+5 points.

2011-06-21, 09:52 PM


Ajkan grinned at the complaints of the Orcs, then told them his will. "I have given life unending to the Ghoul, who shall inherit this world from the living. You Orcs may yet prove worthy to take it from them, but for now, your pathetic savagery knows not how to contain itself. Fight amongst yourselves, or raise armies to ravage your enemy's lands. But know that I am no longer giving you my blessings freely."

He then turned to the Ghouls, ravening and cunning, though unable to cross the water freely. "Your first blessing, Born of Death, is this! Go, cross the sea, and forge your Nation. You shall call it Thay, and name the first City 'The City of Ghouls'." Ajkan raised his hand, ghostly ships appearing on the shores, stocked with food and weaponry.

7 points for an Event, to bring the Ghouls to their lands.

He then gifted the Ghouls with their Second Blessing, giving them the dark Arts of Necromancy, death Magic. With this, they would be able to replenish their numbers and slay their foes.
5 points to Advance Civilization to Rudimentary Death Magic

2011-06-21, 11:05 PM

City: Hemnilak
Civilization: Land of the Keepers
Sects: Guardians.

Illendra looks down at her beloved city and fears what it will become if left unchecked. She looks about and notices mountains she at once point made, walls that divide land, she could make a wall like that but different.

She spoke to her Avatar and and he moved within the great city to the center where he lodged himself into the earth. Around him a great library was built containing all the knowledge that flowed through Illendra into him. From this Library was born a system that would possibly save the two races that would soon be at eachothers throats. A place to channel the rage of the Orcs was created, one that would enhance the magic of the city. Directly in the center of the Library where the Unnamed One now stood a circle of crystals was erected. This was known as the Circle of Passion, for all rage comes from passion taken to far, this circle would be place to channel the rage into a form of magic.

Command City (4) Build the Library and erect the crystal circle in teh center of the Library aroudn the Unnamed One.
Advance Civilization (5) Neutralizing Magic. This magic dispells/neutralizes other magic like Zones of Antimagic and such. It is fueled by powerful emotions.

1 Point let!! (+3 next turn)

2011-06-22, 12:51 AM

Power roll: [roll0]

"Now is the time! Now I shall bring forth my peoples into this world!" boomed Brimir, as he erupted in flames and ash. Soon, humanoids began to seemingly appear, as if they came from the stone. They were short, but well muscled and incredibly gifted in the facial hair department. They were the Dwarfs.

The ones who appeared nearest to Brimir's golem stood in awe of the golem, who taught them of their creator, Brimir, who created them to be honorable and strong, even when many things in this world were not. They were to crusade across the plane, delivering War to those who lacked honor. They were to never lose their fighting spirit either. These Dwarfs became the Battle Priests of Brimir, a religious order dedicated to making war on evil and dishonor.

Soon after creation, Brimir inspired these people to build a city into the very side of the mountain, and to make it very well protected. They soon began to work the metals they found quite adeptly. It was almost as if they were born to blacksmith. As everything was settled, the Battle Priests began offering martial training to the dwarf populace to allow them to defend themselves better.

"Now, I come into play," Brimir stated with satisfaction, creating and shaping a race lightning fast.

Brimir uses create race on K10 to create the dwarfs as a naturally good race. Brimir's golem commands the race to make an order, the Battle Priests of Brimir. Brimir commands them to build a city on K10. Brimir had them build walls around the city gate (advance city). Brimir is having them advance their civilization in blacksmithing. Lastly, I am commanding the Battle Priests of Brimir to train their peoples how to defend themselves. This leaves me with 0 points, and a +1 roll to my next power roll.

2011-06-22, 10:29 PM

I wait. Now is not yet the time for the next stage in my plan. I merely observe the mortals I've created, in a way a father does over his children.

2011-06-23, 03:30 AM

Political Map

Gnomish Kingdom
Gnomes- 1/20
Crude War Magic (+2 Military)
Khatovar- Army
Factions Deceivers (Worshipers of Vorshok)

Land of the Keepers
Red Orcs, Gnomes- 1/10
Rudimentary War Magic (+1 Military)
Hemnilak- +2 City Walls
Factions The Guardians

Realm of the Ghouls
Ghouls- 1/10
Factions Worshipers of Ajkan

Kingdom of the Dwarves
Dwarves- 1/10
Bronze Working (+1 Military)
The Mountain City
Factions Worshipers of Brimir

Land of the Grey Orcs
Grey Orcs- 1/10
The Valley
Factions Worshipers of Laren

Kingdom of the Raptorans
Raptorans- 1/10
The Spires
Factions Worshipers of Laren

Red Orcs- 3/10
Thur'kom, Fury-Wind- Army
Grell'Von, Chilling Heart
Factions None

Red Orcs- 3/10
Grell'Von, Chilling Heart- Army
Factions None

Avatar of Ajkan is in Thur'kom, Fury-Wind
Mugen is in Khatovar
The Unnamed One in the Crystalline Forest
Brimir's Golem is in the Tropical Mountains
Tome Of Laren is with the Grey Orcs

The Great Chief is in Thur'kom
The Warlord is in Grell'Von

The Red Orcs are appalled that Ajkan has deserted them and declared them obsolete. Their civilization was thrown into turmoil. Raids, wars, and slaughters were common for a long while until the two greatest chiefs met in battle. Kah the Giant, using his warriors he hand selected, met the Old Chief Harok the Rage Hearted with his honor soldiers born of his clan and his clan alone. They fought hard and well, but in the end, there was no clear winner. They decided to split the remaining tribes among themselves, and each owned a city. Kah the Giant took Grell'Von and declared himself the Warlord of Ikoman-Rok. Harok the Rage Hearted remained the Great Chief of Morak-Makhi. The two nations still have skirmishes, but their new found armies are kept to defend their own lands.

The Ghouls were elated at their new position as the right hand of Ajkan. They built their new city well, and practiced their magic with passion and commitment. Some of the more mortal ghouls still feel the pain of life. They soon began cursing Ajkan for this torment. They will not leave their city upon fear of more torture, they merely suffer in silence.

The Red Orcs of the Land of the Keepers soon become less and less angry, less and less active, and soon, their lack of productivity effects the city. The Gnomes are effected too, instead of being curious and passionate, they are complacent and indifferent. If this keeps up, the city will fall into ruin due to the lack of gusto.

The Grey Orcs are pleased with their new home, but it is rather close to both the Kingdom of Raptorans and the Ikoman-Rok. There are many skirmishes between the Kah the Giant's warriors and their own. Also, the Raptorans are upset that these Orcs are encroaching on their territory. If the Grey Orcs move in any further into the peninsula, they might be inclined to wage war. The Grey Orcs ask if they may raise an army to better defend themselves, but the Raptorans would see them raising this army and want one of their own.

2011-06-23, 02:38 PM
[roll0] Rolling for points, didn't work in my last post.

I Look down at my Raptoran children, they are upset. I speak to them.

"Those Grey Orcs are not enemies, but your brothers. I created them to defend the Shield Mountain Pass, and join with you in common goal. They are a noble people, with an innate desire to protect and defend. I created both races with the hope of being complementary. It is my wish that the Grey Orcs, and the Raptorans unite under one banner. I ask that you meet with your brothers, the Grey Orcs in talks. You shall meet them at the Great Stone Table "

I then speak to the Grey Orcs

"My grey children, those Raptorans are not foes seeking to uproot you from the land. They are merely cautious of you, as they know not who you are, or that you follow me. They are a wise people, slow to judge, and quick to think. I have created you both to one day unite under one banner, as both races are meant to be complementary. The Grey Orcs, with their desire to protect and defend, and the Raptorans, who's sound judgement can keep everyone on the right road. I have asked the Raptorans to speak with you. They shall meet you at the Great Stone Table."

I then lifted my hand, and spawned the Great Stone Table betwixt the lands of both of my children. It would serve as the diplomatic meeting spot for years to come.

Great Stone Table

Command Raptorans: 6 points

Command Grey Orcs: 6 points

Shape Land: 5 points

4 points left.

2011-06-24, 01:06 PM

Illendra ponders the drain in emotion and the possibilities it might bring. Though seeing that her people are weakening she vows to change it... But time will tell how it will be changed.

You definately took how I explained the magic wrong by spreading widespread sloth across the city. But you are the DM/GM/WM so I guess I can't argue with you.

I said: "This was known as the Circle of Passion, for all rage comes from passion taken to far, this circle would be place to channel the rage into a form of magic."

Meaning they GO to the circle to channel it but when they aren't channeling it they still have all their emotions and power. It was basically a calm-down circle that created dispelling magic as a sidenote.

2011-06-24, 03:57 PM

Illendra ponders the drain in emotion and the possibilities it might bring. Though seeing that her people are weakening she vows to change it... But time will tell how it will be changed.

[SPOILER]You definately took how I explained the magic wrong by spreading widespread sloth across the city. But you are the DM/GM/WM so I guess I can't argue with you.

I said: "This was known as the Circle of Passion, for all rage comes from passion taken to far, this circle would be place to channel the rage into a form of magic."

Meaning they GO to the circle to channel it but when they aren't channeling it they still have all their emotions and power. It was basically a calm-down circle that created dispelling magic as a sidenote.

Then the Red Orcs wouldn't go. It would be like someone coming along and telling people that you can touch a rock that will suck away your creativity and individualism in order to get rid of crime. If it was done by force, then this is what would happen. Imagine like a blandification, you may change how the magic works if you would like. That is what happens when you start to merge minds, individualism kinda goes out the door. I will allow it to not suck ALL emotion out of the little guys, just passion and anger, but the Gnomes and Orcs will definitely be different for the magic.

2011-06-24, 04:39 PM


Ajkan snerked, and breathed his secret will on the wind, contacting his Avatar.

"It is time, my minion..." He spoke as he commanded his avatar to travel to Thay.

He then used his divine power to blot out the sky above the Realm of Ghouls, putting them into an unending night. "All the better to hunt at night, don't you agree?"

1 point to command Avatar to go to Thay, 7 points to create an event that blots out the light of day.

2011-06-24, 05:35 PM
Note: the Gnomes all have Crude Writing and Crude Literacy.

Points: [roll0]


Voroshk ignores the events of the east, considering them unimportant to his chosen people. He descends upon the city of Dejagore, showering them with his divine knowledge in order to strengthen them for his future plans. He then sends Murgen south, to Dejagore, to await his further edicts.

1 point to send Murgen to I6. 8 points to advance Dejagore's knowledge of warships twice. 5 points to advance Illusion Magic for all Gnomes.

2d6+4 points next round.

2011-06-24, 06:18 PM
Note: the Gnomes all have Crude Writing and Crude Literacy.

Points: [roll0]


Voroshk ignores the events of the east, considering them unimportant to his chosen people. He descends upon the city of Dejagore, showering them with his divine knowledge in order to strengthen them for his future plans. He then directs his powers into creating a second avatar in Dejagore, a great dragon with scales the color of the sea. He neglects to give this second avatar a name.

7 points to create the Dragon in I6. 8 points to advance Dejagore's knowledge of warships twice.

I thought the gods only got one Avatar?

2011-06-24, 07:32 PM
I thought the gods only got one Avatar?

I can't find anything like that in the rules.

2011-06-24, 08:11 PM
It would make sense that you could only have one, other wise, Avatars are extremely broken. You could do two 1 point actions every round. That's broken.

2011-06-24, 08:20 PM
It would make sense that you could only have one, other wise, Avatars are extremely broken. You could do two 1 point actions every round. That's broken.

Rule Zero-ing it to be one Avatar per god.

2011-06-24, 08:38 PM
Rule Zero-ing it to be one Avatar per god.

I'll go back and edit my post, then.

EDIT: Would illusion magic be different enough from war magic for me to advance it separately?

2011-06-24, 09:23 PM
I'll go back and edit my post, then.

EDIT: Would illusion magic be different enough from war magic for me to advance it separately?

War Magic

Illusion magic



2011-06-26, 01:40 AM

Power roll: [roll0]

"My children, allow me to assist your advancement," Brimir said, placing a rich vein of iron into the nearby northeastern mountain. "In the next mountain over, you will find a material that can be forged into mighty weapons, strong armor, and even support your buildings. Expand on and claim it!" Brimir exclaimed, expecting the best from his creations.

Meanwhile, he had his avatar organizing the building of a school, to encourage dwarfs to study the world.

Created an event on J11 to make the mountain incredibly rich in iron ore. Had my avatar order the city to build a school. I get +2 to the next roll.

2011-06-27, 04:50 PM

Political Map

Gnomish Kingdom
Gnomes- 3/20
Crude War Magic (+2 Military)
Rudementary Illusion Magic (+1 Military)
Crude Warships (+2 Naval Military)
Khatovar- Army
Factions Deceivers (Worshipers of Vorshok)

Land of the Keepers
Red Orcs, Gnomes- 3/10
Hemnilak- +2 City Walls
Rudimentary War Magic (+1 Military)
Factions The Guardians

Realm of the Ghouls
Ghouls- 2/10
Factions Worshipers of Ajkan

Kingdom of the Dwarves
Dwarves- 3/10
The Mountain City
Bronze Working (+1 Military)
Rudimentary Schooling (+ Loyalty)
Factions Worshipers of Brimir

Land of the Grey Orcs
Grey Orcs- 2/10
The Valley
Factions Worshipers of Laren

Kingdom of the Raptorans
Raptorans- 3/10
The Spires
Factions Worshipers of Laren

Red Orcs- 4/10
Rudimentary Blacksmithing (+1 Military)
[B]Thur'kom, Fury-Wind- Army
Factions None

Red Orcs- 4/10
Rudimentary Warmounts (+1 Military)
Grell'Von, Chilling Heart- Army
Factions None

S'skarr Barbarians
S'skarrs- 1/5
No cities
Factions None

Avatar of Ajkan is in Thur'kom, Fury-Wind
Mugen is in Khatovar
The Unnamed One in the Crystalline Forest
Brimir's Golem is in the Tropical Mountains
Tome Of Laren is with the Grey Orcs

The Great Chief is in Thur'kom
The Warlord is in Grell'Von
Barbarian Chief is in the Southern Desert

The gods feel another presence, but not one of them. More mortals have achieved sentience, reached concious thought. The ignored desert Brimir created have spawned the Lizardfolk, or the S'skarr (pronounced 'Sis-Kar') as they call themselves. They began learning how to use basic tools, harvest plants, and build homes. In order to collect the necessary supplies, they have learned to ride their once biggest enemies, the Great Turtles. They ride them from oasis to oasis to collect the plants they need from each one before moving on. The S'sakan Turtles, as they are now called, move every two or three months, and make it back to their original oasis at the end of the year. This allows different clans to slowly trade between each other rather easily. This route is called the S'sakan Trail. No mortal is aware of their presence, but all the gods are. The S'skarr have started to follow false gods like the sun, moon, and various constellations, unaware of the powers that be.

The Ikoman-Rok and Morak-Maki have been skirmishing for years, and the fighting will not stop. Neither will send their armies for the great threat of the undead, the triumphant Gnomish armies, and the Helmnilak Crystal City is too great. They make the Great Pact, an ancient tradition of Red Orc clans, they will not attack each other on each other's own territory, but outside that is fair game. They are readying themselves for war, but with who? The Morak-Maki begin to mine the minerals within the Fire Valley, gaining a basic grasp of metalwork. The Ikoman-Rok begin capturing the fanged cats (http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/017/0/a/bad_fur_day_by_sylphcraft-d37e7ff.jpg) and taming them enough to be war-mounts.

The creation of the Stone Table brought forth the leaders of both races to negotiate. They found that they worship the same god, but serve him in different ways. The Raptorans seek ancient rituals and rites of passage while the Grey Orcs praise their god through battle for noble causes. This is seen as an issue between the two. Some of the elder Raptorans attempted to make the Grey Orcs adhere to their traditions, but the pride of some of the Grey Orcs was too much. They resisted the attempts, causing tension between a few leaders. The Traditional Orc Chiefs and the Conformed Orc Chiefs are at ends. They ask their god what they should do, conform to the Raptoran's methods of worship, or stick to what they have been doing? On the other side, the Raptorans ask why the Avatar of their god is with the Grey Orcs and not with them. It seems to them that they should be the holders of the book.

The Ghouls also seek counsel to their god via the still Red Orc Avatar. They are restless, they want, no, need the blood of their enemies. Even though they are immortal, they cannot reproduce. They need to kill in order to receive more numbers, in order to grow!

The Gnomes in the Blighted Woods are again tired of living in a hell on earth. Between vampires, Mortem Basilisks, and the ever-growing threat of the Orcs, the Gnomes feel as if they must always fight to survive. Where is their god when they need him? Granting the southern city Warships? They ask their god to save them from this monstrous place or at least give them the order to slay one of their enemies.

Granting the Dwarves a school and a new mountain is pleasing to many Dwarves. They feel as though their society is progressing nicely, and they have produced a Grand Temple (http://www.myfreewallpapers.net/fantasy/wallpapers/dark-sun-temple.jpg) of bronze. Some see this as a waste of materials, but they are few and none to passionate.

The Gnomes and Red Orcs of Hemnilak became.. different from the rest of their race. They began to change, grow more like the forest around them. The Gnomes became white-blue tinted, while the Orcs simply became a lavender color, then a solid blue. They are now different from the rest of their kind, a new subrace all in their own thanks to the magic coursing through them.

I have updated the Bestiary and Races on the first post. Feel free to correct me, but please look! You can read all the descriptions there.

2011-06-27, 05:16 PM


Finally the first step towards my ever present goal. My children of frost, of winter, of crystal will soon have no need of their old brethren. But first I shall give these children animals that they can eventually train...

She looked across the world and her eyes fell upon the great Sea basilisks and a silent sibilant word echoed from her closed mouth. Perfect. She gathered the Basilisks with her great Unnamed One and brought them to the north via migration and then instilled the touch of the crystalline forest into them. It imbued them with the intelligence of the sentient races of the world and instilled in them a semi-sort of bond that she would eventually build between them and her chosen races... Soon they would be perfect for her children.

Command Race (4) [Sea Basilisks]: Migrate north
Create Sub-Race (4) [Crystal Basilisks]: Crystal Basilisks live in the water and the Crystal forest of the Crystal Lands.

Crystal basilisk:

2011-06-27, 05:24 PM


Ajkan Waits, grinning and waiting to see how the Ghouls will solve this crisis on their own.

2011-06-27, 06:44 PM
Notes: my avatar is named 'Murgen' and I have given the Gnomes rudimentary knowledge of reading and writing. It may not affect much, but I would appreciate it being noted in the summary so that I don't forget and end up doing it again.

Points: [roll0]


Voroshk watches the world develop, suspiciously watching the foes of his people work themselves into a dangerous mentality. He dispatches an order to Murgen to better prepare Dejagore for his foreseen future, and then descends upon Khatovar himself.

"My loyal followers, you have served me well. I have heard your fears of the beasts and granted you the means to combat them. I have heard your fears of the Orcs and granted you the means to combat them. Now it is time to do more than just survive in this blighted land. This land belongs to none but you; no Orc, no Ghoul, no beast. Chosen of Voroshk, take up your blades and your staves and go forth with my blessing to claim this land for Khatovar and all those who would follow me." Voroshk grins, eager to see his plans come together. To further aid the Gnomes, he blesses the Gnomes with more of his divine knowledge, giving them the ability to erect great walls around their cities.

Still worried about the bloodlust of the Ghouls, he twists their perceptions of their actions, bringing about mistrust and other negative emotions to weaken their unity as a race.

1 point to command Murgen to raise a fleet of Gnomish warships in Dejagore. 4 points to command Khatovar to use its army to purge the nearby lands of all undead and beasts, and anything else that could threaten Khatovar. 5 points to advance the Gnomes' knowledge of city walls. 3 points to Corrupt the Ghoul civilization so that it will hopefully spend more time on infighting and less time on plotting to destroy the Gnomes.

Next turn I will have 2d6+5 points.

2011-06-27, 07:46 PM
Notes: my avatar is named 'Murgen' and I have given the Gnomes rudimentary knowledge of reading and writing. It may not affect much, but I would appreciate it being noted in the summary so that I don't forget and end up doing it again.

Points: [roll0]


Voroshk watches the world develop, suspiciously watching the foes of his people work themselves into a dangerous mentality. He dispatches an order to Murgen to better prepare Dejagore for his foreseen future, and then descends upon Khatovar himself.

"My loyal followers, you have served me well. I have heard your fears of the beasts and granted you the means to combat them. I have heard your fears of the Orcs and granted you the means to combat them. Now it is time to do more than just survive in this blighted land. This land belongs to none but you; no Orc, no Ghoul, no beast. Chosen of Voroshk, take up your blades and your staves and go forth with my blessing to claim this land for Khatovar and all those who would follow me." Voroshk grins, eager to see his plans come together. To further aid the Gnomes, he blesses the Gnomes with more of his divine knowledge, giving them the ability to erect great walls around their cities.

Still worried about the bloodlust of the Ghouls, he twists their perceptions of their actions, bringing about mistrust and other negative emotions to weaken their unity as a race.

1 point to command Murgen to raise a fleet of Gnomish warships in Dejagore. 4 points to command Khatovar to use its army to purge the nearby lands of all undead and beasts, and anything else that could threaten Khatovar. 5 points to advance the Gnomes' knowledge of city walls. 3 points to Corrupt the Ghoul civilization so that it will hopefully spend more time on infighting and less time on plotting to destroy the Gnomes.

Next turn I will have 2d6+5 points.

I keep forgetting little things like that >.<

2011-06-27, 07:58 PM
Did my post make any sense. I'm attempting to figure out if I should re-write it or do you understand it Sam?

2011-06-27, 08:03 PM
Did my post make any sense. I'm attempting to figure out if I should re-write it or do you understand it Sam?

I pretty much understood it. Thats why I made the subraces. Did you read the descriptions on the first post of this thread?

2011-06-27, 08:09 PM
OOC: Yes I read them.

2011-06-27, 11:03 PM
[roll0] + 5 = 13

"Children ENOUGH!" My voice bellows across the peninsula. My voice then clams back down to a repectable tone. A tone a father has with his son when he is delivering a lecture. "Both ways are equally correct. So long as they respect the freedom of others, they can't be wrong."

"Raptorans, you asked why my tome is with the Grey Orcs. It is simple. I once witnessed a group of Red Orcs. They were lost, dis-inherited, and wallowing in the injustice brought to them by their old god. I felt pity for them, and I enlightened them, transforming their bodies and giving them purpose once again. They were the first mortals I created. I created them to be protectors."

"Shortly thereafter, I created Raptorans. You Raptorans were to be great thinkers, and level headed. Your sound judgement was to be your greatest strength. It was my hope that both peoples would work together, to use each other's strengths to cover each other's weaknesses."

I end my speech, and wait to see what my children do.

2011-06-27, 11:43 PM

Power roll: [roll0]

Brimir bobs back and forth happily as he sees the gift his people made for him. "That is indeed a beautiful temple my children. I appreciate the hard work you have placed into it. Now I believe it is time for you to expand, as I doubt this one mountain can be home to all of you forever. Expand to the north eastern mountains, and claim the land that was yours before you were even born," Brimir said. "Also I have noticed you have not named your city. Please do so, as it was your hard work that built it, not mine," he said.

Brimir's golem traveled alongside the dwarfs on their journey to the new mountain. His purpose was to protect the dwarfs as they constructed their new city and to oversee the construction of the city walls. Once completed, Brimir inspired his people to improve their metal working.

Command the dwarfs to create another mountain city in J11. Have the golem avatar order that new city to build a wall. Lastly, advance civilization in metalworking. I get a +3 to my next roll.

2011-06-28, 01:29 AM


Gnomish Kingdom
Forest Gnomes- 4/20

Rudimentary Reading and Writing
Crude War Magic (+2 Military)
Rudementary Illusion Magic (+1 Military)
Crude Warships (+2 Naval Military)
Khatovar- Army
Factions Deceivers (Worshipers of Vorshok)

Land of the Keepers
Red Orcs, Gnomes- 4/10
Hemnilak- +2 City Walls
Rudimentary War Magic (+1 Military)
Factions The Guardians

Realm of the Ghouls
Ghouls- 3/10
Factions Worshipers of Ajkan

Kingdom of the Dwarves
Dwarves- 1/20
The Great City
East City
Crude Metalworking (+2 Military)
Rudimentary Schooling (+ Loyalty)
Factions Worshipers of Brimir

Land of the Grey Orcs
Grey Orcs- 3/10
The Valley
Factions Worshipers of Laren

Kingdom of the Raptorans
Raptorans- 4/10
The Spires
Factions Worshipers of Laren

Red Orcs- 5/10
Crude Blacksmithing (+2 Military)
[B]Thur'kom, Fury-Wind- Army
Factions None

Red Orcs- 5/10
Rudimentary Warmounts (+1 Military)
Grell'Von, Chilling Heart- Army
Factions None

S'skarr Barbarians
S'skarrs- 2/5
No cities
Factions None

Avatar of Ajkan is in Thay
Mugen is in Dejagore
The Unnamed One in the Crystalline Forest Coastline
Brimir's Golem is in the East City
Tome Of Laren is with the Grey Orcs

The Great Chief is in Thur'kom
The Warlord is in Grell'Von
Barbarian Chief is in the Southern Desert

Gnomish Warships

I made the army into a Warship Fleet, you can only have one army per city. (My own rules that I posted in the recruitment thread) Now they can traverse water, but not the southern river, that is too fast. You can upgrade your ships, but that would be an advance civ type of thing.

Rolls for War

Forest Gnomes
[roll0] (+2 War Magic, +1 Illusion magic)
Mortem Basilisks
[roll1] (+1 for being Large, +1 for Terrain Bonus)

The Gnomish warriors descended upon the Mortem Basilisk's thralls like a storm that would never stop. Many of them were slaughtered by the booming force of the Warmagic and trickery of the Illusion magic. The Forest Gnomes were winning, or so it seemed. The strategy of the Mortem Basilisks was too much, they were ambushed from two different sides by the giant white snakes. They struck down more men than could be percieved. The only ones to return to the city were scouts and common soldiers who ran as the first attack from the great snakes attacked. Supposedly they did fell one of the beasts, but that was not enough to win the war. The Northern city is not happy about this defeat.

The Dwarves encounter a large nest of the lizard-bird hunters (http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/124/a/5/griffon_by_neiagolfinho-d3fkl7a.jpg) near the new East City. The Dwarves would rather not have their traders be slaughtered by these beasts. They ask to slay the monsters themselves, but you may slay the nest if you would like.

The Grey Orcs and Raptorans hear their god and begin to work it out between themselves. They are rather different, much like the earth and the sky. They can live in harmony, but when combined, they become much like a tornado, destructive to all involved. They will live in peace with each other for now.

The Ghouls, subject to the tormenting magic of Voroshk, began infighting and became very restless. They began to question the vailidity of a god whom doesn't give them something to kill. The undead begin to tear at each other, severely depleting their numbers. If something doesnt change, there will not be enough to form an army (You have one turn to resolve this conflict. They have to kill to reproduce.)

The Crystal Basilisks follow the voice of the god like moths to a flame. They remain in the lake, awaiting a command from the voice. They are almost.. dependent on it. They adapt again, allowing them to live upon land, hunting the beasts there. This upset the balance once again, the giant bears are suffering from the influx of more predators. Neither are doing well in the situation.

The Ikoman-Rok begin marching over the mountains toward the Crystal city. They are ready to slaughter the others that live there for the glory of their clan. They wish to become the most feared nation in this land on their fanged warmounts. The Morak-Makhi continue building up their army, gathering support and perfecting their metalwork. They are about to attack, but who will they bring down?

2011-06-28, 01:33 AM


Ajkan grinned, cracking his neck to the side and cackling.
"Right then, let us bring this little problem to its knees."
Ajkan cast down his wrath upon the gnomish city of Dejagore, sending plague, famine, and worst of all, the curse of undeath through the city, cackling as he created a race of weak mortals, Humans, he called them, upon the island of the ghouls. He told the ghouls they would hunt the Humans, and to make sure the Humans never went extinct.
10 to use Catastrophe on Dejagore and send it into ruin and rot, 6 points to create race "Humans" in G2 and these are just the stereotypical humans of any old Fantasy game.
He then Ordered the Ghouls that still worshipped him to rally their people under his banner, and do purge them of any who dare go against him. And he told them they would call themselves the Sons of Slaughter.
3 points to Command Order "The Worshippers of Ajkan to renames themselves "The Sons of Slaughter" and to stop the infighting with an inquisition.

Ajkan then sent a wave of anger and lethargy through Khatovar, corrupting the gnomes there to turn away from their god and his avatar.
2 points to corrupt City, Khatovar

2011-06-28, 02:16 AM
rolling for points [roll0]

Eleven months ago I witnessed the marriage between the son of the Grey orc leader, and the daughter of a prominant Raptoran. The pairing gave me hope that the two races would come together in comradery. This hope materialized itself in their first born child. He was neither raptoran, nor orc; but rather, something entirely new. They called them Gargoyles.

I also created a set a laws, a charter, to form the basis for the Republic of Ibanthur (the name of the Peninsula is Ibanthur)

It set down practices and measures from which an effective government could occur, it entailed a legal system that provived rights and protections to all, giving details on how to proceed, also taking into account the different races that would make up the republic, clearly listing all the powers the Grand Council, and judicial system would have.

A Grand Council would oversee the majority of law, and decision making. It would be made up of 10 members of each race. No race could be included into the council without 2/3 vote.

Create subrace "Gargoyle (http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/5286/ultimaonlinesept11.jpg)" 4 points

Command race 4 points

Command race 4 point

13 points left

2011-06-28, 03:42 AM


Voroshk rages at the failure of his Gnomes, pausing only to give Murgen a command that might salvage the species, before returning to cursing his brother Ajkan.

Murgen makes sure the assembled knowledge of the Gnomish civilization is collected then boards one of the warships in the bay. He delivers Voroshk's edict: that Dejagore and Khatovar are to be abandoned to the savage races, and the pure Gnomes aboard the warships will sail south to a desert where they can start anew.

As the Gnomes sail south, Voroshk gives them his blessing, the ability to cope with the extreme environment of the desert and the knowledge of diplomacy.

1 point for Murgen to tell the pure Gnomes on the warships to head south to K7. 4 points for Voroshk to make all the Forest Gnomes aboard the warships into Desert Gnomes. 5 points for Voroshk to give the Desert Gnomes Rudimentary Diplomacy. 3 points for Voroshk to purify the Desert Gnomes, making them exemplars of his ideals: cunning, vicious, and thirsting for magic.

Points for next turn: 2d6+5

2011-06-28, 04:28 AM


Voroshk rages at the failure of his Gnomes, pausing only to give Murgen a command that might salvage the species, before returning to cursing his brother Ajkan.

Murgen makes sure the assembled knowledge of the Gnomish civilization is collected then boards one of the warships in the bay. He delivers Voroshk's edict: that Dejagore and Khatovar are to be abandoned to the savage races, and the pure Gnomes aboard the warships will sail south to a desert where they can start anew.

As the Gnomes sail south, Voroshk gives them his blessing, the ability to cope with the extreme environment of the desert and the knowledge of diplomacy.

1 point for Murgen to tell the pure Gnomes on the warships to head south to K7. 4 points for Voroshk to make all the Forest Gnomes aboard the warships into Desert Gnomes. 5 points for Voroshk to give the Desert Gnomes Rudimentary Diplomacy. 3 points for Voroshk to purify the Desert Gnomes, making them exemplars of his ideals: cunning, vicious, and thirsting for magic.

Points for next turn: 2d6+5

I will warn you once, the ships will not survive, I will allow the race to survive, but the boats are gone if you do this. You will still have the ability to make them, but not the means right now. Are you ok with this?

2011-06-28, 11:54 AM

Question, does Death Magic give bonuses in combat?

2011-06-28, 01:33 PM
I will warn you once, the ships will not survive, I will allow the race to survive, but the boats are gone if you do this. You will still have the ability to make them, but not the means right now. Are you ok with this?

Yes, I am fine with that. I'm just trying to get the Gnomes to safety (somewhere that isn't plagued and blighted and full of the undead). Having a fleet rather than a land-based army when I get there would probably be sub par, as I would have little defense against the natives.

2011-06-28, 02:29 PM


She had feared that this would happen, that her brothers deranged creations would attempt to rise up against her, but she knew what to do, her children were not ready yet for the dangers of war.

She would think first as to what to do with the oncoming army though..

Illendra then smiled wickedly and blew a light breeze down upon the army. It would take time, but their journey through the mountains would never reach her city. Knowing that this may only stem the tide of war at present she turned her eye to their city. It would crumble and the race would degenerate into nothing. Winter is swift and winter is coming.

Event: The Great Freeze [7]
Illendra's breath causes the mountains that the orcs are travelling through to have a series of massive avalanches killing most of the army.

Corrupt City [2]: Grell'Von, Chilling Heart. This will cause the orcs to start to kill eachother in the city.

Sam can you add Blue Orcs/Frost Gnomes to my races in the city details. Also how much of the popualtion is still Red Orcs and Gnomes (I'm fine if they are gone.)

2011-06-28, 02:36 PM

power roll: [roll0]

"By the gods what is going on? Oh wait. We are the gods. But still! Voroshk, I am willing to let your peoples stay in my desert. But make one false move and the wrath of the dwarfs will hammer upon them harder than any plague our brothers have created," Brimir said, his voice growing more threatening as he spoke.

With that business done, Brimir decided to speak to his own people."Indeed, you should face these creatures without my help. They are your foes. How else will you claim honor for yourselves without fighting your own foes?" Brimir said.

Advancing the dwarfish civilization to have better writing. This leaves me with +4 to my next roll

2011-06-28, 02:43 PM

An idea dawned to Illendra that had not dawned before. She snuck her way over to sit beside Loran. She looked up to him and spoke within his mind.

"Brother, your Grey creations have honour and truth. They are pure and untainted as the Red Orcs that Akjan created are. If the Red Orcs of Grell'Von destroy the city that my Children hold and take its knowledge you will not be able to stop them when they come to destroy your children. You have the most honour here and your people could use more brothers, take the Red Orcs of Grell'Von under your wing and change them for the better. If not for my sake but for the future of this world."

2011-06-29, 12:21 PM
Hey guys I am gonna be at anime expo starting tomorrow. I am probably not going to be back until Sunday or Monday. So until then I am gonna save points. If nobody minds playing me, then the only actions I wish to take during my leave are purifying the dwarfs in case someone corrupts them.

2011-06-29, 01:46 PM

Ajkan laughed more, turning away from the world to face Voroshk. "Oh what fun, you should really attempt to meddle with my chosen more often." He then glared at Voroshk, "The gnomes will never again be the pure and powerful race you envisioned them as. I will make SURE of that."

With that, Ajkan cackled, slapping Voroshk on the back. Hahaha. Only joking brother, look at the pain we've sown! Is it not beautiful and wonderful? The Ghouls suffer every moment of their existence, the Orcs are outcast and abandoned, the Gnomes corrupted and plagued, hahaha! Now all we've got to do is sow pain and suffering throughout the rest of existence...
Of course, there is another proposition... We unite the Ghouls and the Gnomes under one banner, our own. Together, the power of pain and undeath, and the power of cunning and magic... they would be unstoppably powerful, blessed by two gods. What say you?

2011-06-29, 03:21 PM

I just found out that on the 3rd I'll be leaving for 11 days. So during those days I will be Saving points. I'm slightly annoyed because I had hoped to be advancing my Frost Gnomes, Blue Orcs and Crystal Basilisks. If you feel like is Sam you can use my points to bring the Basilisks and Gnomes together via training and start the first espionage system in the world. Just don't let them die off or the city be destroyed please...

2011-06-30, 02:53 AM
Sam currently doesn't have internet, so that's why he hasn't posted anything.

2011-06-30, 01:52 PM
Well I hope Sam gets his internet back and I hope he is fine with me being away for abit. Harvest can you read over my post that is up a bit earlier it is Illendra talking to your god, who you still haven't told us the name. And who still isn't in the OP of the thread.

2011-06-30, 02:34 PM
Name: Laren
Domain: Freedom, Logic, Justice.
Personality: A Stoic man. He often stays quiet, choosing to rather to listen, observe, and gather facts. When he does speak it is forceful, and refined. His actions, quick, and decisive.

it was on page three. I'm still thinking on what Laren would reply to Illendra.

2011-07-01, 09:50 PM
This Game is Hereby Adjourned Until the 11th!

2011-07-02, 03:13 PM
OOC: Thanks Sam. I'll post when I can from Europe but I'll be back by the 15th.

2011-07-15, 02:38 PM
OOC: Sorry for double post. I am back now...

.... Hello?

2011-07-15, 04:59 PM
I am on it!

I have been away from all computers for the past week.

Just give me a moment..

2011-07-16, 09:25 AM


Gnomish Kingdom
Forest Gnomes- 5/20

Rudimentary Reading and Writing
Crude War Magic (+2 Military)
Rudementary Illusion Magic (+1 Military)
Crude Warships (+2 Naval Military)
Factions Deceivers (Worshipers of Vorshok)

Land of the Keepers
Red Orcs, Gnomes- 5/10
Hemnilak- +2 City Walls
Rudimentary War Magic (+1 Military)
Factions The Guardians

Realm of the Ghouls
Ghouls- 3/10
Factions Worshipers of Ajkan

Kingdom of the Dwarves
Dwarves- 3/20
The Great City
East City
Crude Metalworking (+2 Military)
Rudimentary Schooling (+ Loyalty)
Factions Worshipers of Brimir

Republic of Ibanthur
Gargoyles, Grey Orcs, and Raptorans- 5/20
The Spires
The Valley
Factions Worshipers of Laren

Red Orcs- 6/10
Thur'kom, Fury-Wind- Army
Crude Blacksmithing (+2 Military)
Factions None

Red Orcs- 6/10
[B]Grell'Von, Chilling Heart- Under Distress
Rudimentary Warmounts (+1 Military)
Factions None

S'skarr Barbarians
S'skarrs- 3/5
No cities
Factions None

Avatar of Ajkan is in Thay
Mugen is in Dejagore
The Unnamed One in the Crystalline Forest Coastline
Brimir's Golem is in the East City
Tome Of Laren is with the Grey Orcs

The Great Chief is in Thur'kom
The Warlord is in Grell'Von
Barbarian Chief is in the Southern Desert
The Human Resistance Leader is on the Ghoulish Island

The Dwarves are glad to be able to slay these Griffons, as they call them, themselves. They march upon these flying beasts with their metal weapons and armor, but it was not enough. They Griffons were too great in number and reacted too quickly. The Dwarven army was lost in this battle.

Rolls for War

[roll0] +2 Metalworking
[roll1] +1 Flying

The newly formed Republic of Ibanthur had citizens of very different races. The proud, rigid, stubborn Grey Orcs often clashed with the Raptoran's ideals of quick wits, open mind, and a slightly flighty attitude. The only things that united them were their faith in their god and the mixed race called the Gargoyles. They are both determined and free of will, making them a dangerous force.

The newly created Desert Gnomes are saddened by the loss of their once great cities. They are now at ends with the lizard folks called the Ss'karr. The Gnomes are both afraid of the barbaric peoples and appalled that they would threaten a people whom have been displaced. The Ss'karr have been readying for war by utilizing the shells of the giant turtles they ride. They call this Shell-Smithing.

The people in the Land of the Keepers are pleased to see the orc army fall at the hands of their god. They feel they can relax from all threats coming toward them. The Red Orcs on the other hand are not pleased. They swear off all gods, and anyone caught worshiping are slaughtered on the spot.

The Ghouls want their slaughter to start. They Humans will fall to their knees in awe of the mighty undead army. If the Ghouls are too over zealous, they may slaughter the whole race. The Humans have no idea of the pending doom, therefore they have no standing army.

2011-07-19, 12:29 PM
Points this turn: [roll0]


Voroshk now focuses his might on making sure his new Gnomes are properly defended. He commands the Gnomes to raise a new capital, named Charm, in the desert wastes, and orders them to form an army so that they cannot be killed off by the native lizardfolk. He then sends Murgen the order to travel to the capital. Finally, he imparts the Gnomes with a heightened knowledge of agriculture, to allow them to farm and survive in the arid climate.

4 points to raise Charm. 4 points to raise an army in Charm. 1 point to summon Murgen to Charm. 5 points to give Rudimentary Agriculture to the Gnomes.

Point for next round: 2d6+3.

Also, the Gnomes have Rudimentary Diplomacy from my last turn.

2011-07-19, 06:24 PM

Power roll: [roll0]

"Hmmmm. The Lizardmen are preparing for war against the gnomes. Looks like I will view another great battle!" Brimir stated, watching the events unfold.

"Hmmm. It seems that my own peoples are being beaten by these flying foes. Perhaps I should impart them some wisdom?

Advancing the civilization to have knowledge of crossbows. Also Advancing the main dwarven city to advance their farming. I will have +3 to my next roll.

2011-07-20, 11:59 AM
I will give everyone one more day to post, past that, I will re-recruit.

2011-07-20, 04:20 PM


Ajkan panted, grinning and reccuperating from the power he had exerted.

"Let the hunt commence my chosen people..."

Ajkan allowed the ghouls to go wild, hunting humans as they wished, but before he did this, he made sure to change humans so that they breed at an alarming rate, faster than any other race. This would keep the population up and would hopefully be enough to ward of their extinction.

5 point to Advance Race: Humans: Procreation +1

Also, I didn't mean to kill all the forest gnomes, Dejagore yes, but Khatovar would still be alive, albeit corrupted.

2011-07-20, 07:54 PM
Also, I didn't mean to kill all the forest gnomes, Dejagore yes, but Khatovar would still be alive, albeit corrupted.

I know, but Voroshk has forsaken them and taken the uncorrupted to another part of the world to flourish. They'll go back some day, no doubt.

2011-07-20, 09:28 PM
I know, I was just saying as their cities have been blacked out on the map >.>

2011-07-20, 10:13 PM
That is because they are unoccupied.

2011-07-21, 12:40 AM
I was under the impression that Dejagore would've been plagued with undead and disease, what untainted gnomes there were became the Desert Gnomes, whilst in Khatovar they had turned away from Voroshk and thought themselves above his blessings. At least thats how I meant my actions...

2011-07-21, 09:54 AM
I was under the impression that Dejagore would've been plagued with undead and disease, what untainted gnomes there were became the Desert Gnomes, whilst in Khatovar they had turned away from Voroshk and thought themselves above his blessings. At least thats how I meant my actions...

Sure there are a few gnomes, but their god said leave, and now the place is a hell-hole.

2011-07-21, 12:58 PM

During this time, the republic made many breakthroughs. Bronze working was discovered. Soon, tools of bronze were being casted, which greatly aided in the newly implemented agriculture, as well as the stone buildings being constructed. A newly developed written language unified the races of the Republic, as well as speeding up the transfer of knowledge.

Advance civilization 4 times = 20 point.s

2011-07-21, 01:56 PM
Looks like Dawn-Dusk is out, sorry, but we have to get the show on the road!

I have recruited Just-Ice to the game, and here is his god:

Name: Pallas Anasuya
Domain: Wealth, light and Prosperity
Appearance: A petite long-haired woman that is practically made of luminescent liquid gold, though her eyes are merely blinding points of light. She wears a loose but modest priestess-style robe, and wears a wreath of what seem to be wooden beads around her neck (these are, naturally, also gold). She holds a - again golden - jug, filled with even more liquid gold.

Contrary to the whole golden body thing, she's not excessively buxom or even unnaturally beautiful, but she has a very re-assuring smile.

Personality: Kind, warm, enjoys light-hearted sarcasm and humour. She plays favourites, though, and doesn't deal well with criticism.

The Ice-Cat stood silent, frozen in her place. She looked as if she was turning into ice itself. The chill of the mountaintops grew silent, and the wind of the frozen valleys stood still. The Blue Orcs and Frost Gnomes could no longer feel their god. They went into a frenzy, some leaving the city, some staying behind. Her temples were abandoned, her shrines were destroyed from lack of care. The Ice Goddess is dead. The gods are saddened by the loss of their sister, and have no idea why it has happened. Perhaps it was just her time.

Out of her frozen stance, a light shone through the minor cracks, growing and growing, bursting and shining, the Ice-Goddess burst into a million tiny shards, scattering across the domain on the gods. In her place stood a gold-clad woman. She blinked twice, and then smiled to her fellow deities. The Goddess of Gold has been born.

2011-07-21, 02:11 PM
Rolling: [roll0]

"Glory be, bretheren. The void hath finally granted me substance- and as a deity, no less. No complaints here, I must say. Nevermind that, it would seem I am unfashionably late - I will have to make up for the lost time. If I missed the flood, I would like to know."

Pouring her jug's contents around her in her starry space, she begins to create likenesses of the contellations in her golden essence. Her eyes flash violently as she takes a breath- then blows life into her creations. What is formed is a race of star-men; Dark shadow humanoids whose limbs are connected by brilliant spheres and lines, and naturally good. Given the waste and decay that may occur otherwise, she places them in the old cities of the Frost Gnomes. Though the architecture is made for a smaller race, all of the necessary materials are present, and their inner warmth allows them to survive in the frigid highlands, just as they might the depth of space.

2011-07-21, 05:17 PM

Gnomish Kingdom
Desert Gnomes- 6/20

Rudimentary Reading and Writing (+ Loyalty)
Rudimentary Agriculture (+ Survivability)
Rudimentary Diplomacy (+ Inter-Racial Relations)
Crude War Magic (+2 Military)
Rudementary Illusion Magic (+1 Military)
Crude Warships (+2 Naval Military)
Factions Deceivers (Worshipers of Vorshok)

Land of the Keepers
Starmen, Blue Orcs, Frost Gnomes- 6/10
Rudimentary War Magic (+1 Military)
Disorder (-1 Military)
Factions None

Realm of the Ghouls
Ghouls- 4/10
Factions Worshipers of Ajkan

Kingdom of the Dwarves
Dwarves- 4/20
The Great City +1 Agricultural Bonus
East City
Crude Metalworking (+2 Military)
Rudimentary Schooling (+ Loyalty)
Rudimentary Crossbows/Artillery (+1 Military)
Factions Worshipers of Brimir

Republic of Ibanthur
Gargoyles, Grey Orcs, and Raptorans- 6/20
The Spires
The Valley
Factions Worshipers of Laren

Red Orcs- 7/10
Thur'kom, Fury-Wind- Army
Crude Blacksmithing (+2 Military)
Factions None

Red Orcs- 7/10
[B]Grell'Von, Chilling Heart- Under Distress
Rudimentary Warmounts (+1 Military)
Factions None

Starmen Nation
Starmen- 1/5
Factions None

S'skarr Barbarians
S'skarrs- 4/5
Charm Kava'ssa
Factions None

Human Refugee Camp
Humans- 2/5
No Cities
Procreation (Have to slaughter the race twice)
Factions None

Avatar of Ajkan is in Thay
Mugen is in Dejagore
Brimir's Golem is in the East City
Tome Of Laren is with the Grey Orcs

The Great Chief is in Thur'kom
The Warlord is in Grell'Von
Barbarian Chief is in the Southern Desert
The Human Resistance Leader is on the Ghoulish Island


[roll0] None
Forest Gnomes
[roll1] +2 Crude Warmagic, +1 Illusion Magic, -1 Small Army

The Starmen are born via the will of the Goddess of Wealth, Pallas. She has placed them upon the Abandoned Gnomish city of Dejore. The Mortem Basilisks have for some reason stayed clear of said city, the Starmen see nothing wrong, for they are young and naive. The remaining Forest Gnome resistance attacks them with inherent hatred of anything that is not Gnomish. The Starmen were pushed back, not knowing of the attack. They could not overcome the Gnomish resistance, no matter how hard they fought. They petition their god for help in any form. They know that the cursed forest will kill them if they let it.

The Frost Gnomes and Blue Orcs were uneasy at the sight of their new 'friends'. The Starmen are a curious bunch to say the least, and this makes their meeting a bit tense. The language barrier and awkward appearance forces them to stay at a stand still. If nothing is done, this may result in a war.


[roll3] (No Standing Army)

The Humans sit in their peaceful little camp, living their peaceful lives, and not caring about the blackness past the giant mountain. This all ends as the stench hits them The crushing force of the ghoulish army bears down on the unsuspecting human-clans. They are slaughtered, the ghouls harvested the dead like an unholy crop. Destruction, pain, and death was had, the Ghoulish god will be pleased.


Dwarves- Eastern City
[roll4] +2 Crude Metalworking, +1 Rudimentary Crossbows (No Standing Army)
[roll5] +1 Flying

The Dwarves take their weapons and position themselves at the walls to protect themselves from the Griffon retaliation strike. After beating back the soldiers from before and tasting their blood, they grew a taste for the Dwarven flesh. The skies seemed to darken with the volleys of arrows and wings of the mighty beasts. The few Dwarven guards and reserve troops are weak compared to an actual army, but they stood strong as long as they could. The Griffons took the city, some taking nesting grounds, some simply hunting each and every Dwarf they could find. Their animistic rage was enough to frighten even the hardest of warriors. The Great City Dwarves were terrified of the Griffon threat.


[roll6] +1 Rudimentary Shell-Smithing
Desert Gnomes
[roll7] +2 War Magic, +1 Illusion Magic +1 City

The Desert Gnomes see the Ss'karr coming in a cloud of dust. They are wielding their shell-weapons and armor with a beast-like rage. The Desert Gnomes will have to push them back, there is no other option. When the Ss'karr punched through the walls, the Gnomes were scared. When the Ss'karr tore through the lines, the Gnomes were terrified. When the Ss'karr took down the keep, the Gnomes were defeated, but not by much. There were not enough Ss'karr soldiers left to take prisoners, but there was enough to hold the city.

Wow, a LOT of wars going down..

I screwed up, I made the Starmen go into the Forest Gnome city, not the Frost Gnome city. I will fix the map next turn, but for now, pretend that the starmen are over at the OTHER city.

2011-07-21, 11:41 PM

power roll: [roll0]

"Welcome my sister!" Brimir boomed, surprised at the sudden arrival of a new god. "I don't know what is going on, but Illendra will be missed. However, now is not the time for mourning! Trouble is afoot in the world bellow!"

"Hmmm. My children, it seems that you have found your first enemy. Do not let your losses dishearten you. You are the best warriors on the planet! Show these beasts the meaning of fear! He boomed.

"Rally under the Golem, and take back your birthright. These mountains belong to you!"

The Golem is rallying an army to march on the griffon threat. I am advancing civilization again to improve the dwarf's metalworking. Lastly, I am commanding my the Battle Priests of Brimir to assist in the war against the griffons. I have a +5 to my next roll.

2011-07-22, 12:17 AM


"Hmhmhm, another new godling? It seems anything can gain the power over the cosmos these days... no matter, welcome."

Ajkan grinned, whispering to his avatar to rally the ghouls up, to create an army with which to enslave the humans, capture them, and use them as cattle.
Ajkan then gave the ghouls knowledge in tactics, efficiency in their warfare.

1 point to command avatar to raise an army in Thay, 5 points to advance Civ- ghouls: Tactics.

2011-07-22, 12:40 AM


"Oh, a new goddess so soon? Forgive my distraction sister, I'm sure I will be able to welcome you with more zeal as soon as my followers can manage to build a lasting city."

Voroshk focuses on his Gnomes once more, hoping this time he can bring about something lasting in the world. He descends in all his divine glory to give his commands to his followers.

"You fight, and you lose, but you never forsake your god. For this loyalty, your god shall never forsake you. Again you will build a city, again it will be called Charm, and again you shall defend it with your lives. Raise a great tower in the center of the city to serve as the bastion of Gnomish civilization, and surround your city with walls. Weakened though you are by such constant adversity, you shall again form an army comprised of the most competent and powerful mages amongst you. Fight for your god. Fight and keep this city from the hands of these lizards who would cover before those you have defeated in the past."

4 points to raise the city of Charm where the Gnomes currently are. Again. This time it has a great big tower in the center where all the Gnomes can practice and study all kinds of magic. It is known as the Tower of Charm, and it is where Murgen will reside. 4 points to raise another army of Gnomes to defend Charm. 4 points to give the city of Charm the better walls so that this city might stand a chance when next the lizardfolk attack.

I am going to be gone until Sunday evening. If anything happens to Charm again, the Gnomes will simply rebuild it elsewhere. If they somehow manage to survive in the city for more than a round, I will save my points.

Next turn: 2d6+3

2011-07-22, 07:53 AM
Rollin': [roll0]

"Such a tepid welcome. I suppose thy attentions lie elsewhere, seeing as all of these races seem to embrace war as one might a lover. Oh, well..."

Unleashing another of her insupposably radiant smiles on the three races, she mused to Herself once again.

"These must be the lost lambs of the goddess of old; I suppose I shalt grant them the privilege of my Glory. First, I must quell their feud, for only together can they prosper. If thy tongues cannot reach one another, mortals, perhaps there is another route..."

A frost gnomish leather curer's son awakens one morning to find his father has rolled excess leather into a ball, and in some strange coincidence, has stiched it together and filled it with air. He finds kicking it amusing, and is hit with the prospect of making a bit of a game out of it.

Unfortunately, most of his friends are sick that morning, and he can only teach it to his two best friends. After getting in the way of some adults, they quickly take the ball to a small plain outside of their immediate territory. Some young orcs catch wind of them playing and blow off working to steal the balls and play themselves. One of them kicks the ball into a suspended tree branch, to which he declares a point. One of the gnomes agrees, but bets she can make the tree shake harder than the blue orc. A contest ensues.

After an orcish woodsman chases them away, they find the only good place for their contest to be a lightly-wooded field near the starmen. Though hesitant, they decide to head over and mess with the ball. They are predictably joined by young starmen after one of them is accidentally shot at and returns the ball with his head.

The children quickly agree on the name "Leatherfoot" for the sport. Coincidentally, the genesis of leatherfoot occurs rather near to the position of a near conflict between the three races. As the adults look on, they find themselves quite a bit more interested in the movement of the ball than the argument at hand...

7 points to cause event: Invention of the sport, "Leatherfoot".

2011-07-27, 12:41 PM

He notices the new god's birth, but chooses to not let it gather his attention, for it was needed elsewhere. He must watch over his children, and guide them.

In this, he has granted them the ability to use Abjuration. Abjurations are protective spells. They create physical or magical barriers, negate magical or physical abilities, harm trespassers, or even banish the subject of the spell to another plane of existence. However, they're knowledge of this would only be limited at this time. Time would be needed to advance.

5 points used to advance civilization.

4 points left.

2011-07-27, 06:56 PM

Gnomish Kingdom
Desert Gnomes- 7/10
Charm Walls (+2 Military) Army
Rudimentary Reading and Writing (+ Loyalty)
Rudimentary Agriculture (+ Survivability)
Rudimentary Diplomacy (+ Inter-Racial Relations)
Crude War Magic (+2 Military)
Rudementary Illusion Magic (+1 Military)
Crude Warships (+2 Naval Military)
Factions Deceivers (Worshipers of Vorshok)

Old Land of the Keepers
Starmen, Blue Orcs, Frost Gnomes- 7/10
Rudimentary War Magic (+1 Military)
Cultural Sport "Leatherfoot"
Factions None

Realm of the Ghouls
Ghouls- 5/10
Thay Army
Rudimentary Battle Tactics (+1 Military)
Factions Worshipers of Ajkan

Kingdom of the Dwarves
Dwarves- 5/20
The Great City Agriculture (+2 Loyalty), Army
East City
Simple Metalworking (+3 Military)
Rudimentary Schooling (+1 Loyalty)
Rudimentary Crossbows/Artillery (+1 Military)
Factions Worshipers of Brimir

Republic of Ibanthur
Gargoyles, Grey Orcs, and Raptorans- 7/20
The Spires
The Valley
Rudimentary Abjuration Magic (+1 Military)
Factions Worshipers of Laren

Red Orcs- 8/10
Thur'kom, Fury-Wind
Crude Blacksmithing (+2 Military)
Factions None

Red Orcs- 8/10
Grell'Von, Chilling Heart
Crude Warmounts (+2 Military)
Factions None

S'skarr Barbarians
S'skarrs- 5/10
Rudimentary Shell-Smithing (+1 Military)
Factions None

Renegade Gnomes
Forest Gnomes- 1/10
Khatovar Ruins Hostile Territory (-1 Military, -1 Loyalty)
Rudimentary Reading and Writing (+ Loyalty)
Crude War Magic (+2 Military)
Rudementary Illusion Magic (+1 Military)
Crude Warships (+2 Naval Military)
Factions Slayers

Human Refugee Camp
Humans- 3/5
No Cities
Procreation (Have to slaughter the race twice in order to destroy)
Rudimentary Weaponry (+1 Military)
Factions None

Avatar of Ajkan is in Thay
Mugen is in Dejagore
Brimir's Golem is in the East City
Tome Of Laren is with the Grey Orcs

The Great Chief is in Thur'kom
The Warlord is in Grell'Von
Barbarian Chief is in the Southern Desert
The Human Resistance Leader is on the Ghoulish Island

The Ss'karr now see the Gnomes as prey, and any city of theirs is nothing but a target to be plundered, in fact, that is what they do for years. They do not try to destroy the Gnomes, but they steal their goods and food, making life difficult. The Desert Gnomes are disheartened by this, and are about to defy their god and attack the blasted lizards.

The Gnomes in the Khatovar Ruins are strong enough to stand on their own two feet again. They refused to run from the dark god Ajkan, and have suffered for it. They pride themselves in being able to resist the temptation to run like cowards. These Forest Gnomes even pride themselves on being able to resist the Vampiric Mortem Ex-Thralls. Slaying them is seen as a proud thing, an honorable thing. They have made an entire faction upon the premise of killing anything undead, and they named it the Slayers.

The sport of Leatherfoot has brought the three races even closer than ever. There has never been so much peace and prosperity since their god was destroyed. Most of the Orcs and Gnomes still resist worshiping the Golden Goddess, but have no opposition to any worshipers.

The Ghoulish armies are satisfied. Their armies are replenished and their moral has never been higher. They want something more challenging, they want to prove themselves the most terrifying beings on the planet. They want to destroy the Red Orcs, rid them of all life, and erase them from existence. Racial genocide is the only way to please their dark, twisted hearts.

The Dwarves charge their old city with blades of metal and crossbows tipped with sharp ends. They are steadfast in their determination to slaughter the Griffon threat and reclaim their old city. The Griffons defend their new home as if it was ancient rights to them. Their talons were not enough to rip through the tough dwarven armor, and their wings were pierced by the jagged ends of the bolts. The Griffons fought hard, but soon had to flee, leaving eggs behind. The Dwarves have not decided what to do with the eggs and the young that they now have prisoner, so they ask their god.

Rolls For War!

[roll0] +3 Metalworking +1 Crossbows
[roll1] +1 Flying

Ibanthur is all but fully peaceful and calm. There is nothing much going wrong, each race has all but kept to themselves, except the Gargoyles. These stone-skinned flying beasts have nowhere to go, nowhere to call their own. Gaining their loyalty will better be achieved by giving them living spaces and breeding grounds like the Raptorans and Grey Orcs.

The Red Orcs of the Morak-Makhi have sat dormant for long enough! They decide to begin laying waste to the nearby Basilisk Forest. The Basilisks were unprepared for this oncoming fight, but this was not enough to give the Red Orcs the edge. They ripped and tore through the metal armor and weapons, and even chased them down into their own territory. The Basilisks took great pleasure in feeding on the wandering Orc raiding parties and have even adapted to the heated environment. The Red Orcs call them Ash Basilisks in their native tongue.

Rolls For War!

Morak-Makhi Red Orcs
[roll2] +2 Metalworking
Forest Basilisks
[roll3] +1 Large

Ikoman-Rok has calmed its people via concentrating on their own people's needs rather than raiding other lands. They soon learned how to better ride their mounts and keep their obedience. They have no intentions of lessening their positions, but will not advance at this time.

The Humans of the Ghoulish Island is devastated. They are severely saddened by this attack and began learning how to build weapons to better combat the wretched Undead. They will be more prepared next time the Ghouls decide to tear their peoples apart again.

2011-07-28, 08:08 AM
Keep on rollin rollin rollin rollin[roll0]

Although impressed by the friendships she has helped foster, Pallas Anasuya's attention is also drawn elsewhere- to the pluck of the dwarves, specifically. They, an industrious race, have defeated a much stronger, beastial foe. She decides to grant them a boon as well.

Singing in an otherworldly tone, She imparts knowledge to both the Dwarven capital and Her own. To the Starmen and their new allies, she imparts knowledge of martial arts philosophy - Only through self-meditation and training can one glimpse Her golden dream. To the dwarves, she grants knowledge of Economics - they are a race trustworthy and lawful enough to use it.

"Thy flock is impressive, Brother Brimir. They have suffered great misfortune; I shall grant them a boon for proving their mettle. They seem somewhat too rigid to enjoy a sport; their gift shall be more practical. May they forever know wealth and prosperity."

Advance city (Hemnilak): Martial Arts (4 pts)
Advance city (The Great City): Economics (4 pts)

2011-07-28, 10:18 AM
Advance city (Hemnilak): Martial Arts Philosophy (4 pts)
Advance city (The Great City): Economics (4 pts)

This sounds like it should be an advance civ for the Martial Arts, advance city for Economics.

2011-07-28, 06:58 PM


"Doom and darkness shall soon cover the world. My firstborn children will breathe their final breaths soon enough..."

Ajkan laughs madly, bestowing more knowledge upon the Ghouls, the knowledge of Metalworking. He then commands his Avatar to Create an Order dedicated to keeping the ghouls pure in their worship of himself.

5 Points: Advance Civ: Metalworking
1 Point: Command Avatar: Create Order: The Grand Torturer's Inquisition.

"Children of darkness, stay your hands for now, gather your forces, soon enough the orcs of blood will die off, and you shall inherit their ancient lands."

OOC: Also, a while back, I gave the Ghouls Death Magic, would this help them in fighting? Considering it would essentially be Necromancy from D&D... Just wondering :P

2011-07-29, 01:49 PM

Power roll: [roll0]

"I thank thee Shining God. I believe my children will put their new gift to good use. Perhaps soon!" Brimir boomed. He was quite happy with how things were turning out for his people.

"And my children, those eggs are your responsibility. You are an honorable people who would never strike a babe. You must either raise them as your own, or return the eggs to those who would," the great golden god advised. "You have brought yourselves victory. Take back your village. But do not let the prosperity stop there. You have cousins located far west. Send your army there and protect them, as they will surely pay you back."

The golem will lead the current dwarfen army to the desert to liberate the gnomes. Meanwhile the dwarfs will rebuild their city and build turrets to protect it (command race and advance city). +5 to my next troll.

2011-07-29, 08:44 PM
OOC: Also, a while back, I gave the Ghouls Death Magic, would this help them in fighting? Considering it would essentially be Necromancy from D&D... Just wondering :P

I must have missed that! I remember you doing it though.

The golem will lead the current dwarfen army to the desert to liberate the gnomes. Meanwhile the dwarfs will rebuild their city and build turrets to protect it (command race and advance city). +5 to my next troll.

Turrets eh?
Do you mean towers (http://spellforce.jowood.com/images/buildings/humans/building_human_tower_crossbow.gif) or turret (http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/089/9/4/crossbow_tower_by_ZWYER.jpg)?

Also, your army will only be able to make three actions.
One action is walking one space, another action is attacking something.
Therefore you may move three spaces and not attack, but move two spaces and then attack. This is to prevent someone from moving their armies across the map in a single turn. Think of it as they are on a campaign in order to do this.

By the way, game is running a tiny bit slow, I know a lot of that (and I mean a lot) is my fault, so I will try to pick up the pace!

2011-07-29, 09:31 PM
OOC: Hey Sam, I kinda thought that the Gargoyles would just be integrated into each races cities. Since, both races like them. Unless you're not okay with that.

2011-07-29, 09:59 PM
OOC: Hey Sam, I kinda thought that the Gargoyles would just be integrated into each races cities. Since, both races like them. Unless you're not okay with that.

They are integrated, but they dont have a 'homeland' of sorts. You may choose to ignore it or not, it might not even be an issue! You never know ;D

2011-07-31, 12:58 AM
Points: [roll0]


Voroshk bides his time, unwilling to let his Gnomes be drawn into a war there is a possibility of losing. Through Murgen he teaches the Gnomes of Charm the secrets of espionage, expanding the role of the Deceivers to priests, leaders, and spies.

5 points to Advance Race: Espionage. 1 point to command Murgen to order the Deceivers to send out newly-trained spies to gather intelligence on the lizardfolk. I think the illusion magic the Gnomes possess should help with this.

Points for next round: 2d6+3

Also, I am going to be gone until late Monday or early Tuesday.

2011-07-31, 01:24 AM
They are integrated, but they dont have a 'homeland' of sorts. You may choose to ignore it or not, it might not even be an issue! You never know ;D

Wouldn't their homeland just be where they're at now? I mean, it's where they were born from, and currently live. Just sayin'.

2011-07-31, 01:27 AM
5 points to Advance Race: Espionage. 1 point to command Murgen to order the Deceivers to send out newly-trained spies to gather intelligence on the lizardfolk. I think the illusion magic the Gnomes possess should help with this.

Points for next round: 2d6+3

Also, I am going to be gone until late Monday or early Tuesday.

That is fine, we can wait for you until then.

Actually, I might be gone for a week or so, but I will figure something out, but until then..

I say espionage should be rolled. If you succeed, then you get a +2 for the next war, if you fail, you get no bonus.

You each roll 1d10 and add the espionage and any other scores (illusion magic would count to this).

Wouldn't their homeland just be where they're at now? I mean, it's where they were born from, and currently live. Just sayin'.

I meant like a city, you know?

You can choose to ignore it if you want.

2011-07-31, 07:54 PM
I wanted to have the dwarfen army move 3 spaces. And I wanted towers.

2011-07-31, 09:17 PM

[Under construction]

2011-08-28, 04:27 AM
I assume this died?

2011-08-28, 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by Just_Ice
Is this dead?

For now.

I am in the process of moving out, so I will not have access to a computer for a while =/
