View Full Version : Drawn back into a rather old game..

2011-05-28, 03:24 PM
Well okay, not that old. I've recently started playing a game called Champions: Return to Arms on my PS2 again, and I've fallen in love with it for a second time.
So, does anyone else still play this? Did anyone used to, resulting in fond nostalgic memories? Does anyone know if it was as good as its predecessor, Champions of Norrath? I imagine I could pick that up for a few quid if I wanted.
Did anyone play 4-player? I was thinking of giving it a go soon this summer, since I'll have a bit of free time and so will my friends.

2011-05-28, 07:31 PM
I play that pretty often three-player (well, pretty often considering I don't own it or a console to play it on). I think it works out well that way - better than single player, since I find it to be a bit too light on the roleplaying and multiplayer alleviates that somewhat.

The original one is about as good, as I recall, but has only one possible way to go through the game (and none of the bonus challenge things, if you like those). If you like the second one I would say the first is probably also worth getting.

2011-05-29, 05:51 AM
The original one is about as good, as I recall, but has only one possible way to go through the game (and none of the bonus challenge things, if you like those). If you like the second one I would say the first is probably also worth getting.

Ah, ok. I read somewhere that RTA feels a bit rushed compared to CON, and a little research reveals that CON's plot is split into 5 chapters, with twists and everything, so I thought i'd inquire further. I'm also tempted to get it just to figure out what Vanarhost is on about when you meet him in RTA :smallwink: