View Full Version : The Long Shot

2011-05-28, 03:38 PM
The Long Shot (http://www.starwars.com/games/playnow/crawl_creator/?cs=cqwh8kfwrc)

You are members of Reekeene's Roughnecks, a Rebel Irregular unit working deep in the Fakir sector. After six weeks of training, you've been assigned the designation of Green Squad and a posting on the converted luxury yacht Long Shot. You've departed your base, a big old Tsukkian waterhauler called Home, when a call goes out from the Captain, named Ixthmus. He wants all members of the Green Squad at the bridge.

The Green Squad is:

Maeve Sunburst: A Zeltron noble and the squad's diplomatic face.

Kerrick Falstorm: A human scout, formerly a soldier in service to the Empire, now working against it as the Green Squad's problem solver.. whatever that role may mean for a particular mission.

Daxar Wynn: A dangerous Togrutan soldier who serves as the squad's violence specialist.

Last but not least, a droid, FY-88-K: Skilled in many areas, FY is both a combat asset and a useful member of the squad in situations calling for technical expertise or other such areas traditionally handled by droids.

2011-05-28, 04:55 PM
FY-88-K receives the communication from the Captain, looking up from the bench where he was rebuilding a small electronic component. His red glowing eyes flash for a second, exasperated at being interrupted, "Bzzrk Always when I am busy!" he thinks to himself. He signals his intent to obey, and makes his way to the bridge.

"What is it now!?" he demands in basic, as he arrives.


FY-88-K will tend to speak in DarkSlateGrey, as befits a droid...and I promise to resist the temptation to write in binary! :smallbiggrin:

King Tius
2011-05-28, 11:20 PM
Daxar Wynn
The Togruta gunslinger receives the comm signal and sighs, rolling over on his bunk and landing nimbly on his feet. He tosses his shoulder holster on over a loose open shirt and grabs his typical outer ware (a black leather jacket with a high color) that really brings out the stark contrast of colors in his face. He tosses the jacket lazily over his shoulder and saunters towards the bridge, keeping rather quiet as he pads down the corridor.


Royal Blue for Dax!

2011-05-29, 09:32 AM
A slender arm, the color of the most vibrant pink, languidly reaches over to pick up the nearby comlink. The lovely Zeltron on the other end of that slender arm switches it off before slipping out of bed and getting dressed, deciding on a traditional Zeltron dress: light, somewhat revealing, and as colorful as herself. Pausing at a nearby mirror to admire herself, she fixes her full, purple hair and heads for the bridge.

Arriving, she steps onto the bridge with a purposeful stride, smiling mischievously to the Captain and to her compatriots, "Maeve Sunburst reporting for duty, Captain."

I'll go with a fitting purple.

2011-05-29, 02:14 PM
Kerrick Falstorm

Beep. Beep. Beep.

That's the sound of being late.

The nearly nude Kerrick rolls out of bed with nary a hint of grace before fumbling with his Utility Belt.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Where is that thing?" He grumbles, before finally finding it and switching it off. He glances in the mirror giving himself a once over, neglecting to comb his hair and taking a second to think about anything else. "Never any time to shave." Kerrick muses to himself, rubbing the near-permanent bit of stubble and scruff he's acquired. After finally putting some clothes on he shakes his head violently putting his hair into something of a decent shape and heads towards the bridge.

Still trying to brush his hair around with his hand to no avail when he enters, the former Imperial Scout Trooper looks around. Late, that's what he figured. He gives a half-wave.

2011-05-30, 05:30 PM
One by one, the members of the Green Squad make their way to the bridge of their ship.

It is immediately clear why you have all been summoned; an unidentified space craft is barreling towards the Long Shot, and the crew is reacting with all due fear.

Siene Symm, First Mate of the 'Shot, turns and briefs the squad in a rush:

"Scanners indicate the vessel to be a Correlian stock light freighter. The vessel's speed suggests that the ship's engines have been modified; scanners indicate that its shields are somewhat heavier than is usual for such craft. Life-form sensors indicate eight sentients on board."

Before he can continue or any of you can respond, a droid member of the crew declares that the Long Shot is being hailed.

The message is purely audio, communicating the demands of the mysterious ship without revealing a face. "This is Captain Jayhawk of the Rebellion privateer Martinette! We mean to take your cargo, but will let you and your ship go free, should you cooperate. Cut your engines and shields immediately or be fired upon!"

The captain, an Ithorian named Ixsthmus, turns to face the four of you. It is hard to read Ithorian facial expressions, but his body language suggests that he is unprepared to guide the ship and its crew through this kind of crisis. In a quavering voice, he asks "any comments or suggestions?"

King Tius
2011-05-30, 06:42 PM
Daxar Wynn
"Why not just tell them we're also with the Alliance? It'll save them the trouble of boarding us and taking our cargo."

2011-05-30, 10:53 PM
Daxar Wynn
"Why not just tell them we're also with the Alliance? It'll save them the trouble of boarding us and taking our cargo."

Ixsthmus considers this a second, before turning to Symm and ordering him to attempt and return communications with the strangers.

To the squad, he declares that "I hope you are right and these are just fellow rebels, but if so they are probably not officially aligned with the organization. We are deep behind enemy lines and haven't been told to look out for so much as a resupply."

In the background, Symm can be heard quickly working his way through a list of innocuous codewords, each with a counterpart that any fellow rebellion member should know. There is no immediate response from the Corellian ship...

2011-05-31, 12:05 AM
Kerrick Falstorm

The long-haired blonde takes in the threat from the rival ship with mild interest. "Eight sentients?" He muses, pretty much only to himself continuing his train of thought with, "I wonder if that thing picks up droids.." With a slight glance over at FY and then one that looked over the other droid members of the crew present.

A series of negatives bring him back the present. A code. Negative. Another. Negative. Too many. Negative. Kerrick allows himself the courtesy of a gulp before edging closer to the captain and leaning over to speak softly, "Captain, I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but can this ship take that one?" He gives the readings present on screen a dim view.

"Because, eight sentients.." He mumbles, mostly to himself, not wanting to reveal his plans to the crew unnecessarily. "Boarding a ship with me on it is a dangerous proposition for only eight beings."

2011-05-31, 12:59 AM
Kerrick Falstorm

The long-haired blonde takes in the threat from the rival ship with mild interest. "Eight sentients?" He muses, pretty much only to himself continuing his train of thought with, "I wonder if that thing picks up droids.." With a slight glance over at FY and then one that looked over the other droid members of the crew present.

A series of negatives bring him back the present. A code. Negative. Another. Negative. Too many. Negative. Kerrick allows himself the courtesy of a gulp before edging closer to the captain and leaning over to speak softly, "Captain, I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but can this ship take that one?" He gives the readings present on screen a dim view.

"Because, eight sentients.." He mumbles, mostly to himself, not wanting to reveal his plans to the crew unnecessarily. "Boarding a ship with me on it is a dangerous proposition for only eight beings."

Ixsthmus eyes Kerrick before saying that [sic] "We're probably matched for speed, but they are much more durable, and if they make a career looting strange vessels in the middle of space, almost certainly better armed. That being said, there's no way we can get to hyperspace without them getting decent shots at us. And once they see how nice the inside of the 'Shot is..."

2011-05-31, 03:54 AM
FY-88-K looks around at the crew, emotion, and fear, foreign concepts to him, "Bzzzk Sentients are all the same, what do we do? what do we do?" he thinks to himself in binary before commenting aloud, "We have blasters, they will board, we will kill, and I can go back to fixing those components." he turns to his master Symm, "Surely that is the best way master?"

2011-05-31, 10:23 AM
Maeve frowned in thought, arms crossed as she watched the other vessel. The Alliance codes were seemingly ignored, and she turned back to Captain Ixsthmus, "Captain, why would pirates claim to be members of the Alliance? Something is not right."

"There's no way we could lure them all aboard the ship, Eighty eight. We would have to keep the boarding party from communicating with their ship. Is there some way we could jam their comlinks once they're on board?"

2011-05-31, 02:53 PM
Ixsthmus considers these contributions, before saying "No, we have no equipment that would prevent them staying in contact with their ship. This is primarily a transport ship, meant to ferry operatives between the fleet and various planets. However, if you are up to the fight, I will agree to cut our engines and shields and allow our safety to rest in your hands, squad."

"Of course, without jamming devices it will be tricky to prevent them blasting us once our resistance is made plain. Perhaps this Captain Jayhawk could be taken captive? If he can be lured on board, that is."

King Tius
2011-05-31, 02:57 PM
Daxar Wynn
"Why not plan an ambush? Let them board us and we'll board them! Green Squad will hide near the docking hatch and wait for their boarding crew to pass. We'll cut them off and board their ship. Hopefully we can take the captain captive and prevent unnecessary casualties."

2011-05-31, 03:13 PM
Daxar Wynn
"Why not plan an ambush? Let them board us and we'll board them! Green Squad will hide near the docking hatch and wait for their boarding crew to pass. We'll cut them off and board their ship. Hopefully we can take the captain captive and prevent unnecessary casualties."

"Assuming your squad mates have no objections," says Ixsthmus, "This sort of plan may be our best bet in neutralizing their capability to simply blast the Long Shot when we don't roll over and offer ourselves to them."

King Tius
2011-05-31, 03:32 PM
Daxar Wynn
Dax draws his blaster and gives it a loving smile before glancing at his companions. "I'll take point..who's coming along?"

Turning back to Ixsthmus, Dax nods as his a more serious expression returns to his face. "I suggest you and the crew barricade yourself here in the cockpit and the engine room so they can't take over the ship while we're boarding them."

2011-05-31, 05:02 PM
Kerrick Falstorm

"Great idea, man." Kerrick responded, giving Dax a clap on the back. "I'm sure the Alliance would appreciate an extra ship." He continued with a smirk, thumbing back at the Martinette. "Can't keep our fans waiting, we'd better get down there and hide somewhere. Everyone not coming try and stay out of trouble." Kerrick took a step back towards the exit.

"Don't worry, I'll cover you. Here's where the fun begins."

2011-06-02, 01:57 PM
"Sounds like a plan to me."

Maeve grins, drawing her sporting blaster pistol from its holster and heading for the docking hatch, "Come on! Let's go already!"

2011-06-02, 04:10 PM
The Corellian's ship has advanced to drifting immediately above the now helpless Long Shot. The invaders detach a corridor that connects airlocks between the two vessels, and their raiding party is doubtlessly prepared to pour through imminently.

The way to reach the airlock on the 'Shot is by climbing the ladder positioned in the common room area (an unexpectedly luxurious leftover from the ship's days as a pleasure yacht. However, if any hope of remaining undetected by these raiders long enough to board their own ship is to be had, it will be necessary to hide in the common room.

The room is roughly oval shaped, with doors leading off to the bridge, the dorms, the cargo hold, and to a corridor further into the yacht's interior. There are several massive plush chairs along the wall, but other than that the room is bare now that this is a military ship.

Asking for hide checks and a brief description of a hiding place. Any good ideas will be rewarded proportionally with a bonus to the check. Feel free to add small details to the ship's interior, it's been left purposefully bare. Anything you've always pictured as belonging on a star wars space ship, go ahead and add in. We'll be using the Long Shot for the duration of the campaign and it would be cool if everyone's ideal spaceship got some homage in this one's interior.

2011-06-03, 02:47 AM
FY-88-K moves quickly into the common room, subterfuge, could occasionally be necessary. He stands in a corner, and allows the red glow in his eyes to dim, he slumps over slightly, placing his weapon in his compartment. Then he remains utterly still, looking for all the world, deactivated.


A bit of hiding in plain sight I think, the idea of a droid hiding behind the curtains seemed a little wacky to me so, he's pretending to be deactivated.


Deception:[roll1] - don't think you need it but just in case!

2011-06-03, 03:09 PM
Kerrick Falstorm

"Alcohol saves my life again." Kerrick muses, glad as always that they have the Juice Bar. He pushes some bottles back and squeezes into the cabinet below the bar, peeking out just enough to see if they've come in yet. While he's waiting, the Scout decided to make a little more room and cracks open a bottle to enjoy.

Stealth: [roll0]

2011-06-03, 04:09 PM
Maeve watched as the others hid, seeming just a tad nervous as she realized she was never very good at hiding. She was always the first one to be found when she was playing with her friends back on Zeltros. Knowing that the pirates would be her any minute, she pulled a chair infront of her and hid underneath the dejarik table, doing her best to try and be small and unnoticeable.

[roll0] Ouch. That's not good.

King Tius
2011-06-03, 04:44 PM
Daxar Wynn
Remembering a trick from an old smuggler vessel he was on, Daxar walks around the room tapping his boot on the floor. When one of the floor panels gives a slightly more hollow thud sound, Dax pulls up the floor piece and finds a small service compartment hidden underneath. Though the small area is filled with wires and switches and whatnot, it is big enough to fit a man and his gun. Dax slides the floor plate back over his head, concealing himself almost completely.

Do we get bonuses based on the amount of cover we have?


2011-06-03, 05:36 PM
As soon as the plate is pulled over Daxar's head the airlock is forced open from the outside and the common room is filled with intruders. They wear uniforms, but there is no communication of allegiance or rank. The uniforms are unadorned and gray, and helmets cover each man's face.

Immediately the men seek to establish a perimeter, covering each entrance to the room. They are all armed with blasters. One spots Maeve behind the table as soon as she enters into his field of vision, and he silently beckons for her to come out of cover. Two of his allies (out of the six new men onboard) also train weapons on Maeve. Another newcomer accidentally discovers Daxar's hiding place and begins to pry the compartment loose.

Kerrick and FY are the only squad members left who can hope for the element of surprise.

2011-06-03, 05:44 PM
"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!"

Maeve jumps up once she realizes she's been spotted, quickly dropping the blaster pistol and putting her hands behind her head. She frowns, feeling foolish for having been spotted so quickly, but knowing it was her own fault. Still, there might be a way to get out of this without resorting to violence.

Approaching the armed men, she offers each of them a smile, attempting to charm them, if such a thing was still possible at this point, "Please, there's no need for this. Surely we can find some nonviolent alternative to both of our problems?"

Persuasion to try and change their attitudes: [roll0]

2011-06-03, 06:26 PM
"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!"

Maeve jumps up once she realizes she's been spotted, quickly dropping the blaster pistol and putting her hands behind her head. She frowns, feeling foolish for having been spotted so quickly, but knowing it was her own fault. Still, there might be a way to get out of this without resorting to violence.

Approaching the armed men, she offers each of them a smile, attempting to charm them, if such a thing was still possible at this point, "Please, there's no need for this. Surely we can find some nonviolent alternative to both of our problems?"

Persuasion to try and change their attitudes: [roll0]

The lead pirate turns off the opaque setting for his dome shaped helmet, and turns his scarred visage to Maeve.

"There's no need for violence here, so long as you identify any other crew with notions of hiding, and you show us all your cargo. Do that and you can go your way as a ship. Try and outsmart us and we open fire. 'Course, you we might make an exception for..."

He leer suggestively.

"So how about it? Up for some nonviolent cooperation?"

2011-06-03, 07:13 PM
Maeve looks with disgust upon the man as he makes his.. proposal, "Sorry, but you're not my type."

She made sure not to look around, just hoping that the others remained unnoticed, "There's no one else here, just.. let me show you to the cargo hold and you can take what you want to just leave us in peace."

Deception: [roll0] The dice roll really hates me.

2011-06-03, 07:55 PM
Maeve looks with disgust upon the man as he makes his.. proposal, "Sorry, but you're not my type."

She made sure not to look around, just hoping that the others remained unnoticed, "There's no one else here, just.. let me show you to the cargo hold and you can take what you want to just leave us in peace."

Deception: [roll0] The dice roll really hates me.

As the floor compartment is pulled away and Daxar is revealed, the leader turns to Maeve and arches an eyebrow, before turning his back to see who the new prisoner is. (The two other men aiming on Maeve have unwavering attention, however.

Your die roll didn't necessarily fail, but I want to hear from one or two other PCs first

King Tius
2011-06-03, 08:01 PM
Daxar Wynn
With his gig up, Daxar adopts an incredibly bored look and slowly puts his hands in the air. "Well, you found our most precious cargo. Be gentle, boys, I'll fetch a higher price than anything else on this ship." He slowly climbs out of the hidden compartment and looks disapprovingly at the soldiers invading their ship. He looks at Maeve and shrugs. "Well, I'm not sure if they're with the Alliance, but they sure aren't with the Empire."

2011-06-03, 10:32 PM
The leader is not impressed by Daxar's antics, but still keeps his cool. He instructs half his squad to accompany Maeve and Daxar towards the cargo hold, and then leads his two remaining henchmen towards the bridge, where the crew was instructed to remain.

2011-06-04, 01:38 AM
Kerrick Falstorm

The former Imperial sighs as the lead pirate exits his line of sight and lets his rifle down, nearly plugging the pig after his comment. When nothing goes down Kerrick stays his hand and with his other he takes another swig of some Coreillian wine before putting the cork back and replacing it. After a few more seconds he emerges from his hiding space after the two groups depart.

"Six units, separated." He mumbled, wondering if he should go after his comrades or finish their original mission. Trying to catch the androids attention in the last direction he remembered him being, Kerrick pointed to his eyes then after the three that had captured the rest of the team as if to say 'Keep an eye on them'. Hopefully FY would find an opening to free the others, he reasoned, with three they could overpower the other three. But they'd still be in a mess if the other ship fired on them.

With a sigh of determination he tried to move over to the other ship, where he expected to find two waiting for him. Hopefully he'd have backup, and hopefully they wouldn't see him coming. But that was a lot of hope.

Tough decision! Let's see if FX even follows my orders. :smallamused:

Stealth Roll: [roll0]

2011-06-04, 03:33 AM
FY-88-K, after making sure that the area is clear of the pirates, moves slightly, enough to focus on Kerrick, and the strange hand signals he's making.
"Bzzrk, why didn't I just slaughter them as they came in." the droid thought to himself, before moving towards the cargo hold, following the pirates and his comrades. His weapon still hidden in his chest compartment. He moves jerkily, as if he is an old, broken down droid.

King Tius
2011-06-05, 04:22 PM
Daxar Wynn
Daxar keeps his hands at his sides as he is escorted towards the cargo hold.

OOC: How many are escorting us?

2011-06-09, 08:35 PM
My sincerest apologies:

Due to mental health concerns, I am being asked by my parents to enter an in-patient treatment program. Because I will have no Internet access during this time (and the related tribulations of the past days have kept me from posting anyway) I have little choice but to officially discontinue the campaign.

However, anyone invested enough to want to GM in my place can feel free to PM me to receive the pdf I was basing the adventure off of, and run the games for the remaining players.

I really do regret not being able to see how the campaign might have evolved.
