View Full Version : Need equipment for shadowcaster

2011-05-30, 10:45 AM
Hi there,

My human shadowcaster 6 has full WBL

Some tips about the best equipment for him (magic or not) ?

2011-05-30, 06:14 PM
From my Compiled Shadowcaster Handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=11610.0)


Equipping a Shadowcaster is similar to equipping a Beguiler. You're not exactly a Rogue but you're not a Wizard either, though you can function like both at times. You'll want light armor like a Mithral Chain Shirt and Mithral Buckler (Twilight for the shirt if you did not go with Still Mystery), a ranged weapon like a light crossbow, a decent melee weapon like a morningstar or longspear, and a score of daggers. You'll also want to pick up a Handy Haversack as soon as possible since chances are your Str score sucks.

Shadowcasters can create potions, scrolls, staffs, and wands of mysteries. Costs to create/purchase are the same as the normal arcane/divine counterparts. Load up on extras of your most used mysteries.

Metashadow Rods are basically metamagic rods. They can be used 3 times per day. Lesser rods work with fundamentals and apprentice mysteries, normal with initiate mysteries, and greater with master mysteries. Extend and Quicken are probably the most useful. Reach can also work nicely with specific mysteries such as Umbral Touch.

Orbs of Shadow are basically the Shadowcaster equivalent of Pearls of Power (the cost is even the same). Buying a few of these is never a bad option.

Collars of Umbral Metamorphosis not only work well for Rogues but also work nicely on Shadowcasters since some mysteries are very useful in aiding attempts to Hide. Buy the always on one when you can afford it, unless you already have the Dark Creature Template through "buy off".

Shadow Maniples (MIC page 133) can give Shadowcasters some minor healing. Healing Belts (MIC page 110) will give you even more healing.

Umbral Awn (ToB page 141) is not a bad option if Weapons of Legacy are available. And actually two levels of Swordsage is a decent dip for Shadowcasters if taken at the right levels (Assassins Stance and Shadow Jaunt).

Ring of the Darkhidden (MIC page 122) is quite nifty for Shadowcasters considering how many ways you can put your opponents in situations where they would have to use their Darkvision. Also nice when combined with the Darkstalker feat.