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2011-05-30, 02:42 PM
Swordbow Master

Your swordbow enables you to tap into abilities from its morphing power. You are truly skilled with all forms of this weapon. You and your weapon are one (no matter the form). You excel at misdirection with switching weapons.

Entry Requirements:
Owned and used in combat a weapon that shape changes between melee and ranged. (This can be any weapon, but it will be called Swordbow [RotW pg 171] for purposes of simplicity). This must be masterwork quality.
Weapon Focus (must be one of the weapons forms your weapon can take)
Two other weapon specific feats dealing attacking or damage.
Cannot have taken a feat that combines class features.
Slieght of hand 5 ranks, hide 5 ranks, bluff 5 ranks, Craft (bowingmaking or weaponsmithing) 2 ranks
Special: Precision damage class feature that increases damage and are level based (e.g. sneak attack, sneak attack, sudden strike, skirmish attack, or similar class feature) and Favored Enemy.
Feat Restriction: Cannot have a feat that combines two different classes.

Hit Dice: d8

1|1|2|2|0|Class Blend, Item Familiar (Swordbow), Special Ability
2|2|3|3|0|Increase range, Special Ability
3|3|3|3|1|Class Clone, Evasion
4|4|4|4|1|Greater Class Blend, Special Ability
5|5|4|4|1|Bonus Feat, Class Clone
6|6|5|5|2|Special Ability, Skilled Striker
7|7|5|5|2|Bonus Feat, Class Clone
8|8|6|6|2|Special Ability, Uncanny Dodge
9|9|6|6|3|Class Blend Mastery, Hide in Plain Sight
10|10|7|7|3|Special Ability, Weapon Extention[/table]
6 skill points+int per level. Class skills: Balance (dex), bluff (cha), climb (str), craft (weapon building related) (int), diplomancy (cha), disguise (cha), hide (dex), intidiate (cha), jump (str), knowledge (arcana) (int), knowledge (dungoneering) (int), knowledge (local) (int), knowledge (nature) (int), knowledge (religion) (int), listen (wis), move silently (dex), profession (wis), search (int), sense motive (wis), sleight of hand (dex), spot (int), tumble (dex)

Note: Precision Damage is damage from a dependent class level that is added onto the damage (e.g. sneak attack, sneak attack, sudden strike, skirmish attack or similar class feature).

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: You gain no extra weapon or armor proficiencies with this Prestige class.

Class Blend (Ex): At 1st level the precision damage and favored enemy class features stack with Swordbow Master levels when calculating the precision damage, but not with each other. If you have selected more than two precision damage features, then select one of them yourself. Level dependant Feats also stack with Swordbow Master if you have that class. For example, a 2 Rogue/4 Ranger/3 Fighter/1 Swordbow Master does the same amount of sneak attack damage as if they were a level 3 Rogue, has favored enemies as a level 5 Ranger and can select Weapon Specialization as a 4th Level Fighter.

Item Familiar (Swordbow) (Ex): At first level gain Item Familiar as a bonus feat (see Unearthed Arcana page 170). The swordbow (or other morphing melee/ranged weapon) must be the item. If you have more than one weapon that qualifies for this, then you must select one of them.

Special Ability: at 1st level, you begin to tap into the real potential of your weapon. These abilities are only available to your swordbow. At 2nd level and every other level (4th, 6th, 8th and 10th) a Swordbow Master can gain another Special ability. You can select from the following abilities:

Blurred Weapon (Ex): All bonuses added to one form of the weapon spreads to the other forms as well. For example, Weapon Focus (shortbow) will give you Weapon Focus (rapier) if using a light swordbow. If you all ready have Weapon Focus (shortbow) and (rapier) they do not stack together, nor do Melee weapon Mastery and Ranged Weapon Mastery.
Crippling Strike (Ex): A Swordbow Master with this ability can deliver opponents with such precision that the blows weaken and hamper them. An opponent damaged by one of the sneak attacks, sudden attacks, skirmish attack or similar feature also takes 2 points of Strength damage. Ability points lost to damage return on their own at the rate of 1 point per day for each damaged ability.
Guerrilla Strike: You are light and agile while attacking. When attacking within your precision damage range you can add your Dexterity bonus (if any) as a competence bonus on weapon damage rolls
Hidden Attack (Ex): If you are out of threaten area of target opponent and you are not the only one who made damage on the target opponent (or if you didn’t attack the target opponent), then the target opponent must do a spot check verses your hide check. If there is a successful hide, then you do a critical strike to the opponent. Creatures immune to critial hits are immune to this attack unless target opponent is a favored enemy.
Melee Shock (Ex): When your opponent is in reach of you and if your opponent has not seen the form shifting ability of your weapon, then the first time you shift the weapon (either melee to ranged or ranged to melee) the opponent is considered flat footed until the start of your next round. If they have seen it, then you must do a bluff check. Your successful sleight of hand check against opponent's spot makes opponent flat footed until the start of your next round.
Maximum Damage (Ex): For every level of Swordbow Master taken (not including any of the Class Blend features) once per day you can take for maximum damage. This must be announced before the attack is made. A missed attack counts toward this daily allotment.
Opportunist (Ex): Once per round, you can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just been struck for damage in melee by another character. This attack counts as your attack of opportunity for that round. Even if you have the Combat Reflexes feat, you can’t use the opportunist ability more than once per round.
Prone Strike (Ex): You are able to make an attack from the prone position without taking the normal penalties. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity from unless the weapon being used normal does so.
Quicker Attack (Ex): Any attack granted by a feat that are now quicker. A full round attack is now a standard attack, standard attack is now a move action, move actions are now swift actions, and swift actions are now free actions.
Ranged Melee Attack (Ex): You begin to excel at ranged attacks and melee attack that you can either use you your dex or strength modifier (which ever is higher) when making an attack with your weapon regardless if it is ranged or melee. When using the ranged form of the weapon, you no longer provoke an attack of opportunity for doing so.
Range Shock (Ex): When outside the reach of an opponent and if your opponent has not seen the form shifting ability of your weapon, then the first time you shift the weapon (either melee to ranged or ranged to melee) the opponent is considered flat footed until the start of your next round. If they have seen it, then you must do a bluff check. Your successful sleight of hand check against opponent's spot makes opponent flat footed until the start of your next round.

Increased range (Ex): starting at 2nd level when you use the ranged weapon of the swordbow the range increases by 10 feet for the precision damage. Every level after it increases another 5 feet. For example a 7 Rogue/2 Swordbow Master can use Sneak Attack from 45 feet instead of 30 feet. To use this feature you must be within one range increment of the weapon.

Evasion (Ex): At 3rd level you gain evasion (as a monk) as a class feature. If you all ready have evasion from another class, then improved evasion can be selected. If you have improved evasion, then you can select a bonus fighter feat that involves the Swordbow and that you meet the requirements for.

Class Clone (Ex or Su): At 3rd, 5th and 7th levels you can clone a class feature from another class. It must be related to attacking, damage or anything dealing with a weapon (must be applied to the Swordbow). The cloned feature must be equal to or lower than the level taken in. This feature must be marked extraordinary or supernatural. If the feature is level based, then use Swordbow Master Levels instead. If you have levels in that feature, then Swordbow Master levels stack with the class.

Greater Class Blend (Ex): At 4th level your skill with applying the precision damage has improved. Now the classes that offer precision damage and favored enemy now sync together fully. For example, can use sneak attack (or other type of damage) on favored enemies even if they are normally immune to sneak attacks. You are also able to also have score a critical hit on a creature that is your favored enemy. Even if that type does is not usually able to have critical hits.

Bonus Feat: At 5th and 7th levels you can select feats dealing with a weapon, attacking or damage. You must meet the requirements for the feat to aquire it. Exception to this if a class you are in gives a feat without meeting the requirements can be taken. If, and only if, you meet that class level plus the Swordbow Master.

Skilled Striker (Ex: At 6th level your ability to strike has become so good that you reroll anytime you get a 1 when attacking or doing damage.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 8th level you gain uncanny dodge (as a barbarian) as a class feature. If you all ready have uncanny dodge from another class, then improved uncanny dodge can be selected. If you have improved uncanny dodge, then you can select a bonus fighter feat that involves the Swordbow and that you meet the requirements for.

Class Blend Mastery (Ex): at 9th level precision damage class levels and favored enemy class levels now stack when determining level. Melee concentrated classes with weapons that use one form of your (i.e. barbarian, fighter, swashbuckler, etc) also stack with this ability. For example, 3 Rogue/4 Ranger/3 Fighter/9 Swordbow Master gets a Favored enemy like a 19 Ranger, Sneak Attack like a 19 Rogue, can select Weapon Supremacy (if you meet the requirements) as a level 19 fighter.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): While in any terrain, and can use the Hide skill even while being observed.

Weapon Extension (Ex): at 10th level you can now use any feature with any weapon that is not your swordbow. This weapon must be one of the weapons that your swordbow can shift into. This ability extends to any weapon that uses the same Weapon Focus feat.

Feat Restriction Note: Cannot select a feat that combines class features while taking levels in Swordbow Master. If you do, then you cannot progress any further with this PrC. If all 10 levels are taken and you select a feat that combines class features, then the ECL for that feature will be used. For example, 3 Rogue/2 Ranger/2 Fighter/10 Swordbow Master/3 Scout is the character with Swift Hunter feat, then you will have the level 17 Favored enemy from the ranger and the level 3 levels of scout combining.

Edit: If you have a better name for something, then please feel free to suggest it. Naming things is not always a strength of mine.
Edit: Toned down some of the damage and stacking and the requirements. Also clarified where it was needed.
Edit: Tweaked a few levels and corrected a few typing mistakes.
Edit: Removed features that did not fit the class and put in ones that do.
Edit: Reworked different features and edited grammar

2011-05-30, 08:58 PM
I'm unable to comment on the class at the moment, since the formatting makes my head hurt... Please, take a look at some of the other classes posted, and format things. You'll get many more reviews that way. I'm having issues with Search at the moment, but when I get things cleared up, I'll edit and post a link to a class formatting guide.

Here's the link. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10313) Scroll down to the middle of the first post.

2011-05-31, 05:55 PM
Okay I made formatting edits (I tried to make it look like the other PrC i saw)

2011-05-31, 05:59 PM
I was really hoping for a bow that shoots swords when I clicked this topic. I am disappointed.

2011-05-31, 06:05 PM
I was really hoping for a bow that shoots swords when I clicked this topic. I am disappointed.

Sorry the Swordbow is from Races of the Wild (pg 171).

2011-05-31, 10:16 PM
I think the class blend abilities are a bit too powerful, what with the stacking. This will lead to lots of damage with really ridiculous builds. Nonetheless, it's an interesting fluff kind of weapon, and it's neat too see somebody try to make it viable.

2011-05-31, 10:48 PM
I think the class blend abilities are a bit too powerful, what with the stacking. This will lead to lots of damage with really ridiculous builds. Nonetheless, it's an interesting fluff kind of weapon, and it's neat too see somebody try to make it viable.

tweak it down a little bit

2011-06-13, 10:29 PM
Oooookay... here we go. Grammatical corrections and similar suggestions will be made with strikethrough and Red text in the quote boxes.

Swordbow Master

You’re Your swordbow enables you to tap into abilities from its morphing power. You are truly skilled with all forms of this weapon. You and you’re your weapon are one (no matter the form). You excel at misdirection with switching weapons.

Entry Requirements:
Owned and used in combat a weapon that shape changes between melee and ranged. (This Ccan be any weapon, but it will be called referred to as Swordbow [RotW pg 171] regardless if it is one or not for purposes of simplicity). It Mmust be masterwork quality.
Weapon Focus (must be one of the weapons forms your weapon can take)
Two other weapon-specific fighter feats dealing with a weapon, attacking or damage.
Cannot have taken a feat that combines class features.
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Slieght of hand 5 ranks, hide 5 ranks, bluff 5 ranks
Special: must have at least two class features that increases damage and are level based (e.g. sneak attack, sneak attack, sudden strike, skirmish attack, favored enemy damage bonus or similar class feature).

Hit Dice: d8

I would suggest doing away with the spoiler tags for the table. There's really no need for them, and it is one more step someone must take to review your class.

1|1|2|2|0|Class Blend, Item Familiar (Swordbow), Special Ability
2|2|3|3|0|Increase range, Special Ability
3|3|3|3|1|Class Clone, Evasion
4|4|4|4|1|Greater Class Blend, Special Ability
5|5|4|4|1|Bonus Feat, Class Clone
6|6|5|5|2|Special Ability, Skilled Striker
7|7|5|5|2|Bonus Feat, Class Clone
8|8|6|6|2|Special Ability, Uncanny Dodge
9|9|6|6|3|Class Blend Mastery, Hide in Plain Sight
10|10|7|7|3|Special Ability, Weapon Extention[/table]
The table looks fine, but I think you meant Increase range to be Increase damage. We'll talk about that in a bit.

6 skill points+int per level. Class skills: Balance (dex), bluff (cha), climb (str), craft (weapon building related) (int), diplomancy (cha), disguise (cha), hide (dex), intidiate (cha), jump (str), knowledge (arcana) (int), knowledge (dungoneering) (int), knowledge (local) (int), knowledge (nature) (int), knowledge (religion) (int), listen (wis), move silently (dex), profession (wis), search (int), sense motive (wis), sleight of hand (dex), spot (int), tumble (dex)

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: You gain no extra weapon or armor proficiencies with this Prestige class.
Skills and proficiencies look fine.

Increased Damage: damage from a dependent class level that is added onto the damage (e.g. sneak attack, sneak attack, sudden strike, skirmish attack, favored enemy damage bonus or similar class feature). This will be mentioned simply as Increased Damage.
Ok, let us look at this one for a moment. The wording is a bit... difficult. If I am understanding your intent correctly, I think you can do without this entire entry, and re-word the Class Blend entry.

Class Blend (Ex): At 1st level the two increased damage features stack with Swordbow Master levels when calculating the increased damage. If you have selected more than two, then select two of them yourself. Level dependant Feats now stack with Swordbow Master if you have that class. For example, a 2 Rogue/4 Ranger/3 Fighter/1 Swordbow Master does the same amount of sneak attack damage as if they were a level 9 Rogue, has favored enemies as a level 5 Ranger and can select Weapon Specialization as a 4th Level Fighter.
I think I'll simply type out a new entry suggestion for this, rather than editing. I think this ability is a bit powerful (if I am interpreting it correctly -- it is a little confusing), and the wording needs work. I don't understand the math that allows them to sneak attack as a 9th level rogue, but increases the ranger and fighter abilities only by 1 level... Plus, that is 3 abilities, not 2. How about this:

Class Blend (Ex): At first level, select one of your two level-dependent increasing damage abilities. Every odd level in swordbow master counts as a level in the class that granted that ability (for the purposes of increasing that ability only). Every even level in swordbow master counts as a level in the class that granted the second ability (again, only for the purposes of increasing that ability).
Not too powerful, but still useful, and keeps to the theme of the original.

Item Familiar (Swordbow) (Ex): At first level gain Item Familiar as a bonus feat (see Unearthed Arcana page 170). The swordbow (or other morphing melee/ranged weapon) must be the item. If you have more than one weapon that qualifies for this, then you must select one of them.
Hooboy. I'm assuming that you're wanting to be able to grant your swordbow additional abilities and like the idea of a sapient weapon. Item Familiars are generally considered to be a bit -- ok, a lot -- overpowered. I would suggest looking at the Psychic Weapon Master (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040827d) and psicrystals for some ideas. I know there was a psicrystal weapon feat or ACF out there, but I can't find it at the moment. That would be a good starting point for ideas as well.

It is late, so I'll finish my review/suggestions later, and edit them into this post. I do like the concept of the class, but I do believe it still needs some work -- though others might disagree with me, and you don't have to follow any suggestions I make.

Special Ability: at 1st level, you begin to tap into the real potential of your weapon. These abilities are only available to your swordbow. At 2nd level and every other level (4th, 6th, 8th and 10th) a Swordbow Master can gain another Special ability. You can select from the following abilities:

Blurred Weapon (Ex): All bonuses added to one form of the weapon spreads to the other forms as well. For example, Weapon Focus (shortbow) will give you Weapon Focus (rapier) if using a light swordbow.
Crippling Strike (Ex): A Swordbow Master with this ability can deliver opponents with such precision that the blows weaken and hamper them. An opponent damaged by one of the sneak attacks, sudden attacks, skirmish attack or similar feature also takes 2 points of Strength damage. Ability points lost to damage return on their own at the rate of 1 point per day for each damaged ability.
Hidden Attack (Ex): If you are out of threaten area of target opponent and you are not the only one who made damage on the target opponent (or if you didn’t attack the target opponent), then the target opponent must do a spot check verses your hide check. If there is a successful hide, then you do a critical strike to the opponent. Creatures immune to critial hits are immune to this attack unless target opponent is a favored enemy.
Melee Shock (Ex): When your opponent is in reach of you and if your opponent has not seen the form shifting ability of your weapon, then the first time you shift the weapon (either melee to ranged or ranged to melee) the opponent is considered flat footed until the start of your next round. If they have seen it, then you must do a bluff check. Your successful sleight of hand check against opponent's spot makes opponent flat footed until the start of your next round.
Maximum Damage (Ex): For every level of Swordbow Master taken (not including any of the Class Blend features) once per day you can take for maximum damage. This must be announced before the attack is made. A missed attack counts toward this daily allotment.
Opportunist (Ex): Once per round, you can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just been struck for damage in melee by another character. This attack counts as your attack of opportunity for that round. Even if you have the Combat Reflexes feat, you can’t use the opportunist ability more than once per round.
Prone Strike (Ex): You are able to make an attack from the prone position without taking the normal penalties. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity from unless the weapon being used normal does so.
Quicker Attack (Ex): Any attack granted by a feat that are now quicker. A full round attack is now a standard attack, standard attack is now a move action, move actions are now swift actions, and swift actions are now free actions.
Ranged Melee Attack (Ex): You begin to excel at ranged attacks and melee attack that you can either use you your dex or strength modifier (which ever is higher) when making an attack with your weapon regardless if it is ranged or melee. When using the ranged form of the weapon, you no longer provoke an attack of opportunity for doing so.
Range Shock (Ex): When outside the reach of an opponent and if your opponent has not seen the form shifting ability of your weapon, then the first time you shift the weapon (either melee to ranged or ranged to melee) the opponent is considered flat footed until the start of your next round. If they have seen it, then you must do a bluff check. Your successful sleight of hand check against opponent's spot makes opponent flat footed until the start of your next round.

Increased range (Ex): starting at 2nd level when you use the ranged weapon of the swordbow the range increases by 10 feet for the increased damage. Every level after it increases another 5 feet. For example a 7 Rogue/2 Swordbow Master can use Sneak Attack from 45 feet instead of 30 feet.

Evasion (Ex): At 3rd level you gain evasion (as a monk) as a class feature. If you all ready have evasion from another class, then improved evasion can be selected. If you have improved evasion, then you can select a bonus fighter feat that involves the Swordbow and that you meet the requirements for.

Class Clone (Ex or Su): At 3rd, 5th and 7th levels you can clone a class feature from another class. It must be related to attacking, damage or anything dealing with a weapon. Class Clone can be taken at a later level instead of 3rd level. The cloned feature must be equal to or lower than the level taken in. This feature must be extraordinary or supernatural (cannot take spells with this feature). If the feature is level based, then use Swordbow Master Levels instead. If you have levels in that feature, then Swordbow Master levels stack with the class.

Greater Class Blend (Ex): At 4th level your skill with applying the increased damage has improved. Now the selected increased damages now sync together fully. For example, can use sneak attack (or other type of damage) on favored enemies even if they are normally immune to sneak attacks. Also skirmish attack or sudden attack can be used for ambush feats (and can be sacrificed for the feat).

Bonus Feat: At 5th and 7th levels you can select feats dealing with a weapon, attacking or damage. You must meet the requirements for the feat to aquire it. Exception to this if a class you are in gives a feat without meeting the requirements can be taken. If, and only if, you meet that class level plus the Swordbow Master.

Skilled Striker (Ex: At 6th level your ability to strike has become so good that you reroll anytime you get a 1 when attacking or doing damage.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 8th level you gain uncanny dodge (as a barbarian) as a class feature. If you all ready have uncanny dodge from another class, then improved uncanny dodge can be selected. If you have improved uncanny dodge, then you can select a bonus fighter feat that involves the Swordbow and that you meet the requirements for.

Class Blend Mastery (Ex): at 9th level all of the classes that contain extra damage now stack when determining level. Melee concentrated classes with weapons that use one form of your (i.e. barbarian, fighter, swashbuckler, etc) also stack with this ability. For example, a 8 Rogue/1 Ranger/1 Fighter/9 Swordbow Master gets a Favored enemy like a 19 Ranger as well as Sneak Attack like a 19 Rogue.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): While in any terrain, and can use the Hide skill even while being observed.

Weapon Extension (Ex): at 10th level you can now use any feature with any weapon that is not your swordbow. This weapon must be one of the weapons that your swordbow can shift into. This ability extends to any weapon that uses the same Weapon Focus feat.

Edit: If you have a better name for something, then please feel free to suggest it. Naming things is not always a strength of mine.
Edit: Toned down some of the damage and stacking and the requirements. Also clarified where it was needed.
Edit: Tweaked a few levels and corrected a few typing mistakes.
Edit: Removed features that did not fit the class and put in ones that do.

2011-06-17, 03:32 PM
Class has been reworked according to some suggestions