View Full Version : Snapshots (IC Thread)

2011-05-30, 04:08 PM
You have found yourselves together as a newly formed mercenary group under the employment of Kirion D'agon, a wealthy entrepreneur and leader of a fairly prominent mercenary organization. Your first mission leads you to the bustling port town of Triscan, where your contact, an artificer named Deevin, is scheduled to meet you at the Laughing Cow tavern.

You're making good time on foot, taking a well-worn dirt road to Triscan. The sun shines brightly high in the clear-blue sky and you estimate that you'll arrive at your destination by sundown. You converse amongst yourselves on the otherwise uneventful journey when suddenly you notice wreckage up ahead. A demolished carriage is sprawled on the road with bodies littered beside the ruin, four humanoids along with a horse. As you approach, one of the bodies stirs and cries out to you weakly, crying for help. The woman is covered in blood.

You quicken your pace and rush over to her, but out of the corner of your eyes you spot a glint of metal through the brush by the side of the road. Humans, armed with bows, are lying in wait! You halt and draw your weapons as the woman who cried out to you on the ground begins to laugh and stands up, clearly unharmed. A man chuckles as he steps out of the edge of the forest and onto the path, moving beside the woman. He holds a scimitar in one hand and a steel shield in the other. He turns to face you.

"What a strange group we have here! Humans, halflings, and even a little dragon! My my! You guys look capable of a fight, but as you can see," he says, gesturing to the humans with readied bows aimed at you from the forest's edge, "You're outnumbered and surrounded. Please, drop your weapons and take out your valuables, and I promise no harm will come to you." His offer seems sincere, though out of place considering he stands amongst dead bodies at his feet. The man then looks over to the woman and says something in a strange tongue that none of you understand. The woman nods, staring at Saphira.

You're colored according to your chosen dialogue color. The woman is #1, the man with the scimitar is #2, the carriage is the large brown square.

2011-05-30, 05:35 PM

During the journey, Saphira spent her time exploring the world around her. Everything was so new! So bright and colorful! So much different then being stuck in that cold, dark egg! The sun warmed her scales as she bounded about. She dashed ahead to sniff some flowers, then dashed back to her adoptive family of humans (and a halfling), squeaking with joy. At one point she climbed a tree to look about at the world, and got stuck up there until one of her new family rescued her.

At one point she dashed ahead, then paused, sniffing the air. She looked up at her adoptive family, who rushed past her towards some men laying on the ground. She didn't understand what was going on. They smelled concerned, did they too smell the strange people in the trees? She stepped towards them, stepping forward to sniff at the man on the ground, when he sprung up and pointed his weapon at her family! She shrunk back behind the one who smelled of magic (Haitia), staring out at the one who was staring at her. She was scary. She hid from the scary lady, looking up at Haitia with a small whimper.

Shade Kerrin
2011-05-30, 06:49 PM

Hatia had enjoyed the journey of her life up til now. She had been born with some magical talent, not quite the raw well of power known as sorcery, but not quite the ritualistic technique of wizardry, either. Finally free to make her own path in the world, rather than the daily grind of study to draw out her capacities, she had joined the first passing group of travelers she could find. She certainly had fun memories of that cave, apparently holding a fierce dragon...but the dragon had already been slain when they reached there. All that remained was an egg, which had coincidentally chosen this moment to hatch. A Blue dragon...Hatia had been warned about blue dragons, but....It's like a giant puppy(An intelligent puppy, but still...)!!! she can't believe such a cute thing could truly be evil.

And now, this band of thieves are staring at the poor girl with greed in their eyes. Hatia slowly detaches her coin purse and lets it drop the the ground, followed by her walking stick, before sitting on the ground and muttering soft reassurances to Saphira in draconic. Of course it would be impossible to truly disarm her even if she were willing, but she must wait for a signal from the others before acting.

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-05-30, 08:53 PM

Since leaving his halfling village a few months ago, Aldus had learned many valuable lessons. For example, most humans (and baby dragons) are quite friendly, while others just want to take your life and your money. He was almost looking forward to meeting this second type so that he could use his abilities to do something other than entertain halfling children.

While examining his surroundings, Aldus drops his crossbow, before slowly reaching into his pocket to pull out his small bag of coins, which he also drops to the road. He leaves his rapier and short sword sheathed for the time being.

2011-05-30, 10:22 PM

Tsukido ground his teeth and the man's request. It was a bold man who tried to separate a warrior like himself from his sword. Rather than meet then man's request entirely, he slowly unbuckled the baldric holding his shortbow and quiver over his shoulder and let it drop, carefully keeping his hands away from the hilt of his sword. He then tugs his purse out of his pouch and dropped it directly at his own feet, landing next to the toe of his boot. He glared daggers at the thief, but did not move....not yet...

2011-05-30, 10:55 PM

Saphira calmed down at mama's reassurances. If she said everything was okay, then surely everything would be okay. She peeked out around her at the scary lady and hissed ... then drew back behind mama again. After all, the scary lady was still scary.

2011-05-31, 06:47 PM
Vincent eyed the men in the brush beside him. The ambush had been well-played but sprung foolishly: the leader had arrogantly let the archers get too close to their supposed victims. The better for us, he thought. Once disarmed a battle would trun heavily against them. Now was their best chance.

He reached slowly into his cloak to produce a coin purse, but did not drop it. "And did you offer them the same promise?" he called to the shielded man, gesturing to the battered husk of a wagon. His gaze remains fixed on the apparent leader but he keeps watch on the bowman closest to him, watching to see if the bandit falters.

2011-05-31, 10:18 PM
The scimitar-wielding leader smirks at Vincent, but otherwise doesn't respond to the question. He instead addresses the group as a whole once more in an authoritative voice, "Don't play dumb with me, people. Drop all of your weapons, along with your silly hopes of any heroics. I assure you, it won't end in --" His sentence is cut off short, however, by an abrupt change in the environment: the yellow sun suddenly changes blood red, bathing everything around you in an eerie red light.

"What the -- what the hell are you doing?!" The leader waves his scimitar threateningly in your direction, but he looks clearly agitated. He takes a quick look to the woman beside him, "Julia?!"

"How should I know??" The equally unnerved woman responds, her eyes quickly darting to each of you. A few tense seconds later, however, the red filtered light vanishes and everything returns to normal.

With the strange anomaly passed, the leader seems to have regained some of his composure. "You had your little fun, eh? Wanted to make me look bad in front of my men? It didn't work, and now you'll pay with your lives!" He snarls, pointing his scimitar forward, "Men, we want the dragon alive, kill the --" The human is cut off yet again, as the ground beneath everyone violently shakes with the sound of a low, thunderous noise that sounds like a far off roar of unimaginable magnitude. The earthquake is strong enough to knock Saphira, Vincent, and the bandit leader all off their feet. The rest of the bandits are momentarily stunned, looking around in horror.


Bandits, You

The squares off the road are forest terrain (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Forest_Terrain). These forest squares are filled with light undergrowth (2 squares to enter, provides concealment) and trees (provide cover to creatures in the same square).

Saphira, Vincent, and #2 are all knocked prone.

2011-05-31, 10:40 PM
Tsukido whips the Bastard sword out of its sheath, the shield coming onto his arm as he takes a half-dozen steps to his right and forward.

Move action to ready shield and draw weapon, move action to move to I-10

HP: 15/15; AC: 17, 11 Touch, 16 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +0
Readied Maneuvers: Steely Strike, Moment of Perfect Mind, Steel Wind
Active Stance: None ATM

Shade Kerrin
2011-05-31, 10:54 PM
Hatia remains as is, lifting her right arm as she enunciates the magic words to her basic attack spell. These bandits have already expressed their true intentions, and decided the odd conditions is the fault of the party, therefore hers, as the most obvious spell-caster. All that remains is to ensure they don't succeed in taking Saphira away

Standard Action: Magic missile vs no.6 [roll0] Force damage, autohit.

HP: 9; AC: 18(vs range)/14(vs Melee), 14/10 Touch, 16/12 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +8
Spells: 0/5 0th, 1/4 1st

2011-06-01, 01:23 AM
Saphira looked up and around, letting out a curious chirp. What was going on? The sun suddenly turned red, then scary lady and her friend started to attack! Saphira growled at them, but was suddenly knocked off her feed as the earth shook. The baby dragon let out a startled yelp and fell to the ground until the shaking subsided. As soon as it did, she did the only sensible thing for a baby dragon to do: She burrowed underground.

Take a move action to stand up, then another move action to burrow underground and move to spot G7.

Saphira (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=300859)
Female Neutral Electricity Dragon Blue Dragon 1, Level 1, Init +2, HP 15/15, Speed 40 / 20 Burrow
AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-footed 14, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Bite +5 (1d6+3, x2)
Claw x2 +3 (1d4+1, x2)
(+2 Dex, +1 Size, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12
Condition None

2011-06-01, 02:39 AM
An missile of pure force launches from Hatia's palm towards the nearest bandit archer, slamming squarely into his chest, crushing his rib cage and sending the now lifeless body backward into the undergrowth.


Bandits, You

Just so you know, with a +1 BAB you may draw a sword or ready a shield as part of a move action (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm#tableMoveActions). I'm not sure if you're allowed to do both (the example with two-weapon fighting allowing you to draw two weapons makes it sound like you can only draw one thing usually), but if you want to move + draw weapon + standard action, feel free to.

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-06-01, 08:51 AM

Aldus steps up to one of the bandits, drawing his rapier and short sword on the way. Upon reaching his target, he jabs both weapons at the bandit.

Move action to G11. Free action to draw rapier and short sword during the move. Standard action to attack 7 with both weapons.

Attack roll: 1d20+1
Damage: 1d4+1

Short sword
Attack roll: 1d20+1
Damage: 1d4+1
HP: 9/9; AC: 17, 14 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1
Active Invocations:
Active Effects:


By my understanding of two-weapon fighting, I can attack with both weapons as a standard action, if I can't to that, I only attack with the rapier and my attack roll is increased by 2.

Edit: why won't my damn rolls work???

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-06-01, 10:41 AM


Sorry for double posting, trying my rolls again because they won't work in my other post.


Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Short sword
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

If I can't attack with both, I only attack with the rapier and my attack roll is increased by 2.

2011-06-01, 10:58 PM
Damn. This isn't exactly a great start Vincent thinks as he kicks himself up and draws his weapons.

Move action to stand and move action to draw my two weapons

HP: 10/10; AC: 16, 13 Touch, 13 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +0

2011-06-01, 11:01 PM
The archer yelps in pain as Aldus' rapier pierces his side.

Vincent quickly gets back on his feet, moving to the archers to the north while drawing his weapon.

Round 2

"They got Elric! Take these wretches down!" The woman begins a loud warchant that is both beautiful and terrifying to listen to. She continues to sing as she ducks behind the broken down carriage.

The bandit leader's face is boiling with rage as he gets back on his feet. "Damnit, fire away!" He closes the distance to Tsukido.

The archers comply with the orders, stepping out of melee range and letting loose arrows at the party.

#3 @Haitia:
attack: [roll0] damage: [roll1]

#4 @ Haitia:
attack: [roll2] damage: [roll3]

#5 @ Vincent:
attack: [roll4] damage: [roll5]

#7 @ Aldus:
attack: [roll6] damage: [roll7]

#8 @ Tsukido:
attack: [roll8] damage: [roll9]

One arrow strikes Haitia, piercing the warmage's lung and threatening to bring her down. A second arrow leaves a deep gash in Vincent's neck. There is clearly no ambiguity in the archer's intents: they're aiming to kill.


Bandits, You

2011-06-01, 11:30 PM
Suddenly, Saphira popped out of the ground, biting the archer that had shot at mama. With a hiss, she leaped up and him and bit him in the face as he stepped back, then turned to the other nearest archer and unleashed hell on him, leaping at him all teeth and claws. How DARE they attack her family?!

AoO against Bandit 4:

Bite: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

5' step to move up onto the surface.

Full attack vs. Bandit 3:

Bite: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Claw: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Claw: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Saphira (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=300859)
Female Neutral Electricity Dragon Blue Dragon 1, Level 1, Init +2, HP 15/15, Speed 40 / 20 Burrow
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 16, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
(+2 Dex, +1 Size, +5 Natural)
Bite +5 (1d6+3, x2)
Claw x2 +3 (1d4+1, x2)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12
Condition None

Shade Kerrin
2011-06-02, 12:50 AM
This injury feels pretty severe. Hatia attempts to move to a more advantageous position, but the pain prevents her from getting very far.

Move action: Crawl to F9. Free Action: Drop Prone

HP: 9; AC: 20(vs range)/12(vs Melee), 16/8 Touch, 18/10 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +8
Spells: 0/5 0th, 1/4 1st

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-06-02, 07:30 AM
Goddamn plants. Aldus mutters as he forces his way through the undergrowth to the bandit that he injured. As he moves he point to the ground near the bandit and a second Aldus steps into existence. The two Alduses attack the bandit in unison with their rapiers.


Move action to H11. Swift action to invoke Phantom Assailant with Arcane Surge. Phantom Assailant uses a standard action to attack 7. Standard action to attack 7 with rapier.

Phantom Assailant
Attack [roll0]

Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

HP: 9/9; AC: 17, 14 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1
Active Invocations: Phantom Assailant
Active Effects:
Arcane Surge Points: 0/1

2011-06-02, 01:10 PM
Vincent flinches slightly as the arrow digs deep into his flesh. That's gonna sting. And I wasn't even the worst hit. he muses, sparing a glance back at the mage who seems to have dove down for cover. Forcing himself to shunt the pain aside, Vincent steps towards the nearest archer and slashes at him with each of his sickles.

5-foot step to I7, then attack archer 5 with both sickles.

Att: [roll0]

Dam: [roll2]

HP: 4/10; AC: 16, 13 Touch, 13 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +0

2011-06-02, 04:58 PM
Saphira's lunging bite is narrowly dodged by the surprised looking archer, but the followup claws slash viciously through his neck and cause him to fall to the ground in a gargling mess of blood.

The identical twin halflings thrust with their rapiers at a bandit, but the nimble human cleverly uses the brush to evade both stabs.

Vincent brings both sickles down at an archer. A high swing is ducked by the human, but a second quick horizontal slash leaves a deep cut along his chest.



2011-06-02, 05:51 PM
Tsukido Take a small step to his right, putting himself adjacent to the archer. He then whips his sword across both his opponents, with a maneuver he learned early on in his fighting career.

Standard action to initiate Steel Wind.
HP: 9/15; AC: 17, 11 Touch, 16 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +0
Readied Maneuvers: Steely Strike, Moment of Perfect Mind, Steel Wind
Active Stance: None ATM

Attacks: Against #2:
Against #8Attack:

Damage didn't work, here's my results from an online dice bag. against #8=4 damage, against #2= 7

2011-06-03, 08:13 PM
An upward diagonal slash with Tsukido's bastard sword leaves a trail of blood along the bandit leader's chest.

Round 3

The bandit leader snarls in pain from his fresh wound, swinging his scimitar at Tsukido in retaliation. The blade connects, leaving a deep cut in the warblade's shoulder.

You take 6 damage.

A horrified looking archer fires an arrow at Saphira moments after she downed a bandit. The arrow pierces between two scales and lodges deep within her back, narrowly avoiding her spine.

You take 12 damage.

An archer backs away from Vincent and fires an arrow, but the sickle-wielder quickly ducks under its path.

Unsure of which person to strike, the archer takes a step back and fires at Aldus' illusory double, but the arrow flies harmlessly into a bush.

As the fight continues, you all feel the ground shudder again, but not as violently as before. A few seconds later, you feel it again. Thump. Thump.


Bandits, You

2011-06-03, 08:23 PM
Saphira whimpered and nosed mama's body, worried. She was about to do something else when an arrow imbedded itself in her back. She snarled in pain and anger as she glared at the man who had fired the arrow. It would be the last mistake he'd ever make. She hopped over to him and lunged for his throat.

Move to H6 and attack Bandit #4




2011-06-03, 10:04 PM
Saphira's lunging bite tears into the bandit's throat and rips it open in a bloody mess. With the dragon taking out another archer, only three bandits are remaining.


Bandits, You

2011-06-04, 03:38 PM
(Last round's AoO)
Vincent strikes out at the wounded archer as he attempts to take cover further into the undergrowth.

Att: [roll0]
Dam: [roll1]

Waiting on the results of this to make my move.

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-06-04, 04:22 PM

As the bandit retreats the two halflings lunge with their rapiers before he gets away.


Attack: [roll0]

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2011-06-05, 03:58 PM
Aldus' quick rapier stab pierces the bandit's side as he retreats, bloodied but still standing.

An archer howls in pain as Vincent's sickle slashes his back as he moves away through the undergrowth.

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-06-05, 07:28 PM

Aldus' double disappears in a flash of blue light after attacking the bandit. The real Aldus chases the bandit through the undergrowth. Pointing to the ground, he summons another double which steps around the bandit. They then attempt to shove their rapiers through the bandit's chest.

Move action to J12. Swift action to invoke Phantom Assailant with Arcane Surge. Phantom Assailant appears in I13 and takes a move action to J14. Phantom Assailant attacks 7. Aldus attacks 7.

Attack: [roll0]
Concealment: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Concealment: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

HP: 9/9; AC: 17, 14 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1
Active Invocations:
Active Effects:
Arcane Surge: 1/1 --> 0/1

2011-06-06, 10:34 PM
Damn these thugs are resiliant Vincent thinks as he wades through the brush to finish off the last archer. Right before he reaches his foe, the obvious answer as to why hits him. "Dragon, the woman!" He calls as he slashes once more at the bowman. "She must be bolstering their forces. We need to stop her chanting!

5-foot step to J6, then attack archer 5 with both sickles.

Att: a) [roll0]
b) [roll1]
Dam: a) [roll2]
b) [roll3]

HP: 4/10; AC: 16, 13 Touch, 13 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +0

2011-06-07, 12:38 AM
A flash of surprise washes over the bandit's face as the duplicate halfling thrusts an illusory rapier through his chest and then disappears. His momentary backpedaling from the trick allows Aldus to hop up and run his rapier through the bottom of the bandit's chin and into his brain.

Vincent's first sickle is knocked away by the desperate bandit's bow, but the second slashes through his stomach and into vital organs. The bandit screams as he crumples to the ground in a bloody mess.


Bandits, Tsukido, Haitia (if you want)

2011-06-08, 06:19 PM
Tsukido lashes out for what he hopes, and can only hope, isn't the last time.

Standard action to attack #2
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] (punishing stance)

HP: 3/15; AC: 15, 9 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +0
Readied Maneuvers: Steely Strike, Moment of Perfect Mind, Steel Wind
Active Stance: Punishing Stance (-2 AC, +1d6 damage)

2011-06-10, 02:59 PM
Tsukido's attack is parried by the bandit leader.

Round 4

The bandit leader snarls at Tsukido as he raises his scimitar for another swing, but a quick glance of the battlefield reveals to him that all his comrades are missing. Still fuming with rage, he grits his teeth as he lowers his scimitar back to a defensive posture. Behind him, the woman stops chanting.

"Hold! You've got us beat. If you let us walk away, I'll make it worth your while. All my stashed wealth will be yours. What do you say?"

The tremors in the ground continue, getting stronger and louder. Thud. THUD. THUD! The woman, now teary-eyed, screams and points behind you. As you look, you see a reddish-brown hill towering over the treeline. It certainly wasn't the before. Worse yet, it seems to be lumbering towards you. It's currently about 720ft. away.


Shade Kerrin
2011-06-13, 05:08 PM
Carefully, Hatia gets back on her feet at the sight of the mobile hill. With a smile on her face, she calls out to Saphira in reassuring tones(draconic, of course). Of course she knows that things are not fine, but no need to say that now.

Move action: Stand from prone. Bluff check to seem composed:[roll0]
Edit: Yeah, so her smile is way off, and her voice is clearly shaky

HP: 0; AC: 16, 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +8
Spells: 0/5 0th, 1/4 1st

2011-06-13, 06:57 PM
Saphira looked back at mama. She was hurt! The baby dragon limped over, whimpering and nosing at her. She wasn't buying her reassurances.

5-Foot step down to H7, reserve the rest of my actions for a later point.

Female Neutral Electricity Dragon Blue Dragon 1, Level 1, Init +2, HP 3/15, Speed 40 / 20 Burrow
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 16, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
(+2 Dex, +1 Size, +5 Natural)
Bite +5 (1d6+3, x2)
Claw x2 +3 (1d4+1, x2)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12
Condition None

2011-06-16, 07:42 PM
You grudgingly accept the bandit's plea for surrender, quickly taking any items you wish from their persons before the quaking of the moving hill's approach and its accompanying roar advise you to hurry things up. You flee towards the city while the remaining bandits disappear into the forest. The hill follows, and by now you all realize that it's actually a giant beast of some sort. It doesn't seem happy. You quicken your pace while managing to carry Haitia. It's relieving to see that you are at least keeping distance with the creature -- maybe all those trees it's walking over is slowing it down.

Your stamina gives out just as you reach the port city's main entrance. The large gate is packed with people watching the road anxiously, and all of the city's militia is fully armed and waiting. Thankfully, the colossal beast's path diverges from the port. You spot your contact, Deevin, amongst the crowd. With the crisis temporarily averted, you head back with him to the tavern.

After reaching a consensus that nobody currently knows what the heck that "thing" was, talks ease into business. As if a rampaging colossal beast wasn't enough, the port town Triscan and its neighboring villages have been assaulted by orc raiding parties. For years the orcs in the area have kept to themselves and haven't been much trouble, but the past few months they've been incredibly aggressive and have been overwhelming the militia with squadrons bolstered by undead. You have been employed as hired muscle to defend any future attacks.

Deevin has found something of note from a previous raid. The slain raid leader, a necromancer, had a strangely powerful holy symbol. After bringing it out, it's realized that there's something inside the symbol, and breaking it open reveals a tightly bound parchment. It looks like a page torn out of a book and the writing is strange and foreign to all of you. Whatever it is, it's clearly radiating power, and Deevin thinks that the orcs may have the book where this page came from. Snag the book, snag the orc's newfound power. After restocking supplies and speaking with the city's militia, you find out that the orc's have an encampment disturbingly close to the city, only a day's journey away. With reinforcements arriving days from now (if at all), it's up to you to deal with them.

You ride out with Deevin in a horse-drawn carriage, discussing your plans while the artificer drives. Only an hour away from the gates, however, you run into a problem: worg-riders. They burst onto the road behind you and give chase, gaining on you fast. Deevin is in a panick. "Worg riders?! This is bad, very BAD! They're the strongest fighters we've seen on the field! We're gonna die! I can't control the horses! WE'RE GONNA DIE!"

The ride becomes a lot bumpier as the horses are forced to move as quickly as they can, but the worg riders are easily gaining on you. In one more round, they'll reach you!

Encounter 2!

Round 1:

The orcs shout battle cries as they near. The worgs will be closing the gap seconds from now!


Deevin and Tsukido are riding in the driver's seat, with Deevin holding the reigns. Rest of you guys are inside the carriage.

Off the road is forest. Just trees, no undergrowth.

Me, You

2011-06-16, 08:30 PM
Saphira stuck close to mama, worried, as the party fled to the city. Eventually, the lumbering beast veered away, and things began to settle down.

The doctors were fairly reluctant to treat the blue dragon at first and it was with difficulty that mama managed to convince them they didn't need to put a muzzle on her, or restrain her. Of course, mama won out in the end, and the doctors treated her wounds along with everybody else's.

Saphira stuck close to mama during their stay in the city. All the others edged away from her for some reason. Why? She wondered. However, it wasn't long before the group was out of the city ... only to be ambushed by bad people again!

Saphira peeked out of the caravan and hissed at the approaching creatures. However, along with the hiss came a bolt of lightning! Saphira jolted back, startled, as a comical blast mark appeared on her muzzle in the aftermath of the attack.

Lightning Breath attack at M8, Reflex save DC 14 for half: [roll0]

Shade Kerrin
2011-06-16, 10:31 PM
Hatia sighed inwardly, yet another source of trouble within a mere two weeks. The bandits, the monster hill, the healers who were not willing to treat a dragon, the healers who got uppity when she didn't want to spend a needless amount of time in bedrest, and now an overreacting employer. Ah well, this is the stuff adventures are made of, and all the other problems were resolved eventually, right?

Hatia hair starts to rise as she feels a buildup of magic energy from little Saphira. She begins to look out for an enemy mage, but no, its just the natural development of her lightning glands. Relieved, Hatia points her hand out the window and mutters the magic words to her attack.

Standard Action: Cast Magic Missile at the Word in position M8
Concentration . DC10 or 15, depending on how harsh you judge the wagon's motion to be.
Edit:Pointless, failed
Damage: [roll]d4+ Force

HP: 15/15; AC: 16, 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed(Wagon might count as cover)
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6
Spells: 0/6 0th, 1/5 1st

2011-06-17, 01:40 AM
Round 1 Cont'd

A powerful bolt of lightning erupts from Saphira's mouth, hitting the orc rider directly while the worg manages to duck below the brunt of the hit. The rider, charred by the assault, growls at the blue dragon while tightening the grip of it's axe that it holds at it's side.

Just as Haitia completes the motions for her spell, a sudden jolt of the wagon momentarily breaks her concentration and the arcane energies fizzle.

DC is 10.

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-06-17, 07:32 AM

"Calm down, we'll be fine." Aldus sighs at Deevin as he draws his weapons, Just don't leave me behind. He then disappears in a flash of blue light and reappears in front of one of the worgs. He then proceeds to lunge at it with his rapier before stepping into the forest to hide in the trees.

Free action to speak. Move action to draw rapier and short sword. Swift action to Indigo Jaunt to L8. Standard action to attack worg with rapier. Free action to 5 foot step to L7.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

HP: 14/14; AC: 23, 19 Touch, 20 Flat-Footed (+2 from trees included
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1
Active Invocations: Indigo Jaunt
Active Effects:
Arcane Surge: 0/2 --> 0/2

2011-06-18, 12:01 AM
Vincent' grip tightens on his two newly enhanced weapons. Yet another mid-road assault. I'm beginning to wonder if we angered Flarlanghn. He draws his blades forth and readies himself to strike the riders as they draw near. "Don't worry so much, my friend" he calls at Deevin without glancing back. "this is what you hired us for after all. Keep moving, our band is safer as a moving target."

Ready Action to attack with both sickles if orc comes within reach (5ft)

HP: 17/17; AC: 16, 13 Touch, 13 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0

2011-06-18, 05:51 PM
Just as Adlus' rapier is thrust at the worg's face, the orc rider tugs strongly at the reigns, forcing the worg away from the blade.

Tsukido readies his blade, waiting for the worgs to close in.

Round 2

The orcs ignore the halfling that suddenly appeared and press on to their main target.

As the worgs close in on the rear of the carriage, the orcs ready their greataxes. Riding near the rear wheels (within reach of Vincent), they swing at the wheels, heavily damaging both of them. Another hit like that will destroy them! Despite still in a wild panick, Deevin's managing the reigns surprisingly well.

You can take your readied action before the orcs make their sunder attack.


Me, You

The carriage moved 105 feet since the horses are running under a heavy load and the worgs are keeping pace. Aldus is now 115 feet away from the carriage.

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-06-18, 08:01 PM

As the worg runs past him, Aldus makes a second lunge in a desperate attempt to stab it. He then takes off at a full sprint after it.

AoO against the worg when it leaves my threatened area. Full round to run to P7 (I think), I'm now 35 ft behind the wagon.

Attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

HP: 14/14; AC: 21, 17 Touch, 18 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1
Active Invocations:
Active Effects:
Arcane Surge: 0/2 --> 0/2

Shade Kerrin
2011-06-18, 11:40 PM
Hatia's hair is now sticking out like a mad gnome's as it discharges her magical energy harmlessly. She hates it when that happens! Resisting the urge to mutter a curse in front of such a young impressionable draconic mind, she instead mutters the words to her spell for a second try

Standard Action: Cast Magic Missile at the Word in position J8
Concentration [roll0]. DC10
Damage: [roll1], Force

HP: 15/15; AC: 16, 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6
Spells: 0/6 0th, 2/5 1st

2011-06-19, 03:01 PM
Round 2 Cont'd

Aldus' rapier nicks the worg in the side as it rushes by, drawing some blood but otherwise not phasing it as it continues to run. The halfling chases after in a full sprint, catching up with the heavy carriage.

A bolt of pure force slams into the worg's shoulder, causing the wolf the yelp out in pain. It snarls, fixing its predatory gaze at Hatia.


Vincent / Saphira / Tsukido

2011-06-19, 05:46 PM
Vincent remains calm as one of the riders charges towards the wagon, lashing out as the orc leans forwards to strike at the wheel.

Readied action round

attack with both sickles
sickle 1: att
dam [roll1]

sickle 2: att [roll2]
dam [roll3]

Drawing some blood from the rider, Vincent smiles to himself. Unfortunately, this mirth is shortlived as he notices the damage the creatures are wrecking upon their own ride. He strikes again at the orc, hoping to draw his attention away from the wagon's vulnerable axle and wheels.

Round 2 proper

sickle 1: att [roll]1d20+3
dam 1d6
sickle 2: att 1d20+3
dam 1d6

HP: 17/17; AC: 16, 13 Touch, 13 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0

2011-06-19, 08:54 PM
Tsukido calls out to the driver. "Deevin! Keep us moving, and keep those horses under control! If they break the wheels, jump on a horse, cut it loose and ride off, we'll be fine." As he spoke, he moved past Hatia to the corner of the wagon, and swung his blade at the orc.

Move action to I-9. Standard Action to attack the orc with Steely Strike. Free Action to verbally abuse the driver.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
HP: 24/24; AC: 18, 11 Touch, 17 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +0
Readied Maneuvers: Steely Strike, Moment of Perfect Mind, Steel Wind
Active Stance: none at the moment

2011-06-22, 04:58 PM
Saphira belches another line of electricity that whizzes by Vincent's side and strikes both the orc and worg, again with the orc taking the brunt of the assault.

Vincent's aim is shaken by the jostling of the carriage, but a sickle swing just barely manages to strike the charred orc, leaving a gash across him cheek.

Tsukido's reckless slash leaves a bloody gash across the orc's heavily muscled arm. The orc growls at the warblade, but the raider's disciplined focus remains on the wheel in front of him.

Round 3

Both orcs swing at the wheels again with their mighty greataxes. The wheel under Vincent is utterly demolished and the entire wagon is jostled violently.

At this point, Deevin seems to have had enough. The wizened gnome hops onto a horse and spends a moment to cut it loose. The poor frightened horse needs no instruction to move -- it bolts forward, leaving the rest of you behind. The remaining horse, panicked and unable to run with such weight, sounds its fright and rears. The carriage slows to a complete stop.


Me, You

The carriage remained (relatively) stationary this turn, therefore no concentration checks needed for movement.

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-06-22, 05:51 PM
Aldus catches up with the worg that he stabbed as the wagon skids to a stop. As he nears the worg, he points to the ground and sends a duplicate of himself hustling towards the other worg. The duplicate readies its rapier, waiting for the worg to act.

Double move action to K7. Swift action to invoke Phantom Assailant at L8 with arcane surge.
Assailant uses a move action to move to K12. Then readies a standard action to attack the worg if it makes an attack.

HP: 14/14; AC: 23, 19 Touch, 20 Flat-Footed (bonus from trees included)
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +1
Active Invocations:
Active Effects:
Arcane Surge: 1/2 --> 0/2


Aldus is flanking with Tsukido. Assailant is flanking with Vincent.

Shade Kerrin
2011-06-23, 08:01 PM
So the employer has split, has he? He'd better hope that the orcs don't have any reinforcements further ahead, because he has abandoned the ones that are supposed to be protecting him. These are the thoughts that run through Hatia's head as she reaches for a piece of jade, realizes that she forgot to stock up on them, and switches back to her basic attack spell.

Standard Action: Cast Magic Missile at the Worg in position J8
Damage: [roll0], Force

HP: 15/15; AC: 16(+cover), 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6
Spells: 0/6 0th, 3/5 1st

2011-06-24, 09:14 AM
Tsukido attacks again, this time sweeping his long blade at both Orc and Worg.

Standard action to attack both in J8 with Steely Strike
Orc Attack: [roll0]
Orc Damage: [roll1]
Worg Attack: [roll2]
Worg Damage: [roll3]
HP: 24/24; AC: 18, 11 Touch, 17 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +0
Readied Maneuvers: Steely Strike, Moment of Perfect Mind, Steel Wind
Active Stance: none at the moment

It is possible that I get a bonus for high ground, being on a wagon and all. It's DM's discretion on this one.

2011-06-24, 02:00 PM
Round 3 Cont'd

Aldus returns to the fight and both he and his illusory double flank the riders from behind.

Another bolt of energy flies from Hatia's open palm, slamming into the Worg's face and knocking out some of its sharp teeth.

Tsukido's downward slash leaves a bloody streak across the orc's chest, but the rider manages to forcefully yank the worg out of the blade's path in the nick of time.

The attackers are all bloodied at this point, especially the rider in J11. They've clearly switched targets from the wagon wheel's to the wagon's inhabitants.


Vincent / Saphira

Good catch, you do get +1 attack bonus in the wagon for high ground.

2011-06-24, 04:30 PM
Saphira hissed, and leaped out of the wagon, launching herself at the enemy on her right.

Move to J10 and attack.

DAMAGE: [roll0]

2011-06-24, 04:32 PM
Messed up my attack roll.


2011-06-24, 04:35 PM
Critical threat! Rolling to confirm!


Forgot to mention, I'm attacking the rider, not the worg, with my bite.

EDIT: So that's 16 damage. Woot!

2011-06-24, 05:00 PM
Saphira leaps clear over Vincent's head, lunging forward with a bite that rips out the orc rider's throat in one smooth motion. The dragon lands on the ground between the two worgs as the rider slides off his mount.

2011-06-24, 06:37 PM
Watching Saphira take care of the orc in front of him, Vincent's attention turns to its mount, a threat less intelligent but possibly more dangerous. Slashing downwards at the beast, he unleashes a furious rain of blows.

Full attack on the worg in front of me.
Sickle 1 [roll0]
Sickle 2 [roll2]
Sickle 1 (slashing flurry) [roll4]

Rolls take into account flanking, high ground, and twf/flurry penalties

HP: 17/17; AC: 16, 13 Touch, 13 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0

2011-06-25, 02:42 AM
Vincent's quick flurry of slashes eventually overwhelms the agile worg, the final swing piercing the beast's back.

Round 4

The orc and worgs, bloodied and whipped into frenzies, lash out at the wagon's inhabitants.

The orc and his mount attack Tsukido, but the warblade nimbly dodges the assault of teeth and steel.

Vincent is not so lucky, however, as the worg he's fighting lunges at him with uncanny speed, biting deep into his arm as it tries to push him to the ground under its weight.

You take 5 damage. Opposed Dex check DC 22 or knocked prone.


Me, You

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-06-25, 11:53 AM
The illusory halfling attempted to stab the worg as it attacked Vincent, but his blade missed the beast's back legs by inches. The halfling disappeared an instant later, before it could recover to attack again.

Aldus lunges at the worg's haunches with both his swords at once.

Full Attack against the worg in J8.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Short sword
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-06-25, 12:00 PM
After stabbing the worg, Aldus summons another duplicate of himself. The duplicate halfling runs to the position of its predecessor to flank the other worg.

Forgot to include the flanking bonus in my attack rolls. They should be 19 for the rapier and 5 for the short sword.

Since 19 is enough to hit, I get a point for arcane surge which I use to invoke phantom assailant as a swift action in L8. The phantom moves to K12 and readies a standard action to attack the worg if it makes an attack.

HP: 14/14; AC: 23, 19 Touch, 20 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +1
Active Invocations: Phantom Assailant
Active Effects:
Arcane Surge: 1/2 --> 0/2
Bonuses from the trees are included in AC and ref save.

Shade Kerrin
2011-06-25, 04:22 PM
Just keep up the pressure, it will fall eventually. About to release her standard attack again, Hatia realizes that the foes are in range for something more....fun

Standard Action: Cast Burning Hands in a NE direction. Will apply to the orc and the worg
Damage: [roll0] Fire, Reflex 14 to halve.

HP: 15/15; AC: 16(+cover), 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6
Spells: 0/6 0th, 4/5 1st

2011-06-25, 05:01 PM
A surprised yelp is herd from the worg as its rider yanks it to the left, narrowly avoiding a strike from the halfling that would otherwise surely have hit.

A cone of searing flames erupts from Hatia's hands, burning the worg and its rider, the orc once again taking the majority of the spell's damage. The flames stop just short of Aldus, but the trickster definitely feels its heat.


Vincent / Tsukido / Saphira

2011-06-25, 09:04 PM
Tsukido attacks once more, trying to regain his inner balance lost in the last few swings.

Standard action to attack the orc in J8, swift action to regain all expended maneuvers.
Damage: [roll]1d10+3[/roll}
HP: 24/24; AC: 18, 11 Touch, 17 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +0
Readied Maneuvers: Steely Strike, Moment of Perfect Mind, Steel Wind
Active Stance: none at the moment

High ground bonus accounted for in the roll.

2011-06-27, 11:01 PM
The wolf's jaws bite deep into Vincent's flesh, and the fighter struggles to avoid being pulled down by the beast.

Dex check

He fails and he falls. Wary of the worg's jaws, Vincent shimmies back on the stopped cart, then jumps to his feet once clear.

Five-foot step to 10H, then move action to stand.

2011-06-28, 12:15 AM
Saphira growled and lunged at the worg.





2011-06-29, 03:46 PM
Round 4 Cont'd

A quick horizontal slash from Tsukido's bastard sword cuts cleanly through the orc's neck, sending the head rolling to the ground with the rest of the bloody body following.

Saphira lunges at the closest worg, biting its neck while raking a claw into its side. The beast snarls, displaying its fearsome teeth, but the creature is very bloodied at this point.

Round 5

With their masters killed and themselves outnumbered and heavily wounded, the worgs rush off the road in a full-out retreat. The southern worg bolts south, while the northern one runs in the northwest direction. With their incredible speed, they're both already 100ft. away.

Me, You

Shade Kerrin
2011-06-29, 05:47 PM
Well, the threat seems to be gone. As tempted as she is to fire off one last blast of energy at the tail of the wolf, Hatia was hired for bodyguard work, which means they need to reunite with the body they're supposed to guard, which she tells her companions in the same words as she clambers out of the trashed wagon.

HP: 15/15; AC: 16(+cover), 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6
Spells: 0/6 0th, 4/5 1st

2011-06-29, 06:21 PM
Saphira growled and chased after the worg she'd attacked, breathing out another bolt of lightning to try and take it down.

Move south and use my breath weapon against the fleeing worg. DC 14 ref save.


2011-06-30, 12:28 PM
A surge of lightning strikes the worg's hind legs as it sprints away but doesn't slow down its pace.

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-06-30, 02:24 PM
"Just let them go," says Aldus "it's not like we could keep up with them anyway. Let's find Deevin and get moving."

2011-06-30, 03:01 PM
"Let's just hope the crafter has enough sense to stop and wait before running headlong into a whole horde." Vincent glances down at the worg's bite. Already the blood has begun to clot. Good, nothing more than a scratch.

"Anyone injured?" he asks. Then, hopping off the cart to examine the damaged wheel, "And for that matter, does any of you know happen to be able to repair this? Wouldn't be very good guarding if we had to leave these goods out here."

Shade Kerrin
2011-06-30, 06:33 PM

"Goods? Weren't we just riding in the wagon for comfort? Anyway, there's nothing I can do for the wagon, right outside my area of expertise."

2011-07-01, 04:35 PM
After about five minutes, Deevin returns, having (poorly) snuck back to the area through the forest. When asked why he fled, the flustered gnome quickly mentions how he could not let the newly discovered holy symbol fall back into the enemy's hands, how he's terrible in a fight, and other excuses before changing the subject. "Time is of the essence! We must scout their forward base. Who knows if they're already mobilized?"

2011-07-01, 09:01 PM
"I'd rather we do what we were ordered to do, namely getting the symbol where it needs to go. We repelled one attack,but those worgs got away, and I don't know what's on its way back. We need to get out of here as soon as we can, preferably to a friendly place, especially now that that wagon's broken."

2011-07-02, 04:44 PM
With your main method of transportation ruined, you agree to head back on foot to the port town of Triscan. You arrive in the afternoon.

You, along with Deevin, bring the holy symbol to the town speaker Dorro Wiston, who agrees to have it sent to the Dawn's Way Citadel for further study. Dorro also laments to you the troubles of his peoples. The orcs are becoming more and more aggressive and the outlying farming villages have been raided and burnt to the ground, with refugees fleeing to Triscan for safety. The only messenger to successfully deliver a plea for aid from the king and return only brought worse news: the king promises to send aid as soon as "the terrible beast" that recently appeared has been dealt with. It seems all military resources are currently spent trying to stop the creature's rampage, all in vain, and Dorro suspects the king has no true way of dealing with the creature but must nonetheless attempt to defeat it as a symbolic gesture for his people.

When Dorro is called away for business matters, you enter the town market and stock up on supplies. The general populace seems on edge, mainly due to the horror stories of the refugees.

Night has come when a sentry at the wall raises the alarm. Everyone is shocked at what they see. The flicker of numerous torchlights in the darkness reveal a small army of undead backed by orcs marching towards the town. There are easily hundreds, maybe even a thousand of them. The sentries estimate that they will be here within five hours. Dorro immediately seeks you out, pleading for your assistance, promising as much payment as the treasury can handle in return for helping defend the town. When you accept, you're quickly ushered into a meeting with the town council, where the most important figures of Triscan must quickly devise a plan. As seasoned adventurers, your voice holds much weight on the matter, and the council eagerly awaits your ideas.

Some General Info:
Looks something like this:

Small Town, Population 1,150, 800gp limit, 46,000gp assets
Authority Figure: Dorro Wiston, Human Aristocrat 5, leader of the Town Council
Town Council Members:
- Sona Anith, Human Fighter 4, leader of the Town Guard
- Brother Ferny, Dwarf Cleric 3 of Pelor, highest-ranking local Cleric
- Berterian the Wise, Halfling Abjurer 3, most powerful local arcane spellcaster
- Zelora, Human Rogue2/Fighter2, retired adventurer
- Rellin Shadowbanks, Halfling Rogue 3, innkeeper owner and ex-adventurer

Town Guard:
Sona's professional guards include 2x Fighter3, 5x Fighter2, 9x Fighter1, and 14x Warrior1

New recruits that only started training in the last few days include 6x Commoner3, 15x Commoner2, 55x Commoner1, 4x Warrior3, 14x Warrior1

All Town Council members have pledged all their resources to protecting the citizens.

What do you do?

2011-07-08, 02:26 PM
The council meeting works fast but with great efficiency, spurred on by the slow advancement of the hundreds of orcs and undead marching towards the port town. After some debate, you've agreed that setting out for "diplomacy" is the best option, while the rest of the town sets up for a siege as per your instructions.

The town moves at a level of speed and coordination never before seen. In only three hours, over a hundred more civilians are conscripted into the militia, some of which are seasoned fighters and powerful spellcasters. The armory, marketplace, blacksmith and bowsmith, all are thoroughly cleaned out of any useful item in preparation for the threat of war. The vast majority, which are unskilled with weapons, are given crossbows. The stone wall perimeter is packed with militia wielding ranged weapons, including alchemist's fire, tanglefoot bags, even boiling oil. A handful of scrolls and potions are delivered to you, the seasoned adventurers, to make use of.

Four hours pass. The army has arrived, parking itself 500ft away. Spotters estimate the number at around 700 and primarily undead, zombies and skeletons. The moral inside the town is low. The people are shocked to see the main gate open and the five or you riding out towards the army, bearing large white banners. They're aware of this ruse. The scene is strangely uplifting for them. Are these strangers entirely mad, or are they far stronger than they appear? Surely beings that associate with dragons must be powerful. Maybe, just maybe, they can save this town?

You move within 200ft. of the army's frontlines. The entire front consists of unarmed zombies. They do not strike you. You wave your white banner high up in the air and wait. And wait. Five minutes go by when finally, there's a parting in the front lines and three figures stride forward towards you. Two of them are clearly orcs, while the third is an incredibly tall, powerfully built humanoid with shaggy fur and a bull-like face. It wears scratched half plate and carries a massive greataxe in its hands. Its scarred face is stuck in a permanent scowl.

The orc moving in the middle carries a longsword and wears leather armor. Bone necklaces, tribal tattoos, and ritual scars adorn his body, and a banner sticks out from a holster on his back. He carries himself with the cool confidence of a leader and, unlike most orcs you've encountered so far, his sharp looking face has a grin on it.

The final orc wears scale mail and carries a blood-crusted morningstar. He wears a holy symbol that looks identical to the one you've been protecting.

The trio stop 15ft. of you. The middle orc with the banner narrows his eyes as he sizes you up. "Hmph. So, the weak-flesh wish to surrender? He asks in surprisingly good Common. "Smarter than you look, then! Otherwise you'd have quickly joined your countrymen," he says, gesturing to the front row of zombies behind him. "Please, humor me. What do you think the surrender conditions should be?" He grins, and the other orc snickers as well. The intimidating bull-man simply glares forward.

2011-07-09, 08:09 PM
Vincent clears his throat and addresses the orc in the middle. He makes a good show of surrender, asking that the women and children not be killed, stating that the king will pay handsomely for the civilians if left unharmed, and on... Until suddenly, mid-sentence, he shouts, "Now!" You were ready for this. Your adversaries were not.


Surprise Round!

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-07-10, 11:56 AM
When he hears Vincent's command to attack, Aldus flicks his eyes down to his hands, which erupt with blue flames. Looking back up at his enemies, he draws a javelin. As the flames engulf the javelin, Aldus launches it at the center orc.

As the flames disappear from his undamaged hands, Aldus draws his longsword, holding it in both hands.

Swift action to invoke Indigo Spark. Free action to draw a javelin. Standard action to attack 2 with the javelin. Free action to draw longsword and hold it with 2 hands.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

HP: 20/20; AC: 21, 17 Touch, 18 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +2
Active Invocations: Indigo Sparks
Active Effects:
Arcane Surge: 0/3 --> 0/3

Shade Kerrin
2011-07-11, 05:32 PM
Hatia could do things one of two ways: Aggressively or tactically. She opts for tactical. Hatia brings a spell to the tip of her mind, and concentrates on the one with the symbol, but doesn't cast anything...yet

Ready an action to cast Magic Missile once again, if the cleric-y looking orc attempts to cast a spell.
damage is 2d4+5. I will not roll, so as to keep things random. Will provoke a Conc roll for him to keep a hold of his spell

HP: 22/22; AC: 16(+cover), 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +6
Spells: 0/6 0th, 0/6 1st

2011-07-12, 06:47 PM
Tsukido took a pair of bounding steps, his sword hissing out of his sheath, and the shield looping onto his arm. As he reached the orcs, he swung low to high, attacking the tall bull-man, then upwards and across to the leader in a single fluid motion.

Move action to draw sword/shield and move forward to I-12, Standard action to initiate Steel Wind and attack 1+2

Attacking 1:[roll0]
Damaging 1:[roll1]

Attacking 2:[roll2]
Damaging 2:[roll3]

HP: 33/33; AC: 19, 11 Touch, 18 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2
Readied Maneuvers: Steely Strike, Emerald Razor, Steel Wind
Active Stance: none at the moment


2011-07-12, 11:46 PM
With lightning fast reflexes, Aldus launches a fiery javelin straight at the middle orc. However, the halfling traded speed for accuracy, and the weapon flies just past the surprised orc's face.

Tsukido is quick to follow, but the warblade's sword cannot penetrate the bull-man's half-plate and slices harmlessly into the orc's wooden shield.

2011-07-16, 01:19 AM
Saphira hissed and unleashed her lightning breath on the nearest enemy.

Move up four spaces then lightning breath, [roll0]

Shade Kerrin
2011-07-17, 05:06 AM
OOC: See previous post. Still holding action.

2011-07-20, 12:37 AM
Crackling streams of electricity slam through the orcs and the bullman, causing large burns on all of them but especially the orc in scale mail, who seems to be the least agile of the bunch.

The minotaur howls with rage at the warblade, swinging its massive greataxe at the human and lunging forward with its razor-sharp horns. Every single deadly blow is narrowly dodged by Tsukido.

The orc in the middle growls, "Filthy cowards! WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" As Tsukido dodges the minotaur's horns, the orc slices at his side with a quick slash of his longsword, drawing blood.

You take 10 damage.

Deeply burned, the orc in splint mail moves away from the blue dragon and begins chanting and waving his arms at Saphira's direction. His chant is cut short, however, when orbs of force fly from Hatia and crash into the green-skin's jaw, slamming his mouth shout and causing him to spit out teeth and blood. He isn't looking good.

You identify the botched spell as what would've been Spiritual Weapon. The caster has lost the spell.


2011-07-29, 11:15 PM
"Cowards? You couldn't even get a single orc to attack this city with you! What a brave war chief you must be!" Tsukido strikes upwards, towards the leader's throat. He focused on moving through the physical armor there, moving through it and hitting the soft yielding flesh behind it.

Standard action to initiate Emerald Razor at #2. This is a touch attack, not a standard melee strike.

Attacking 2: [roll0]
Damaging 2:[roll1]

HP: 23/33; AC: 19, 11 Touch, 18 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2
Readied Maneuvers: Steely Strike, Emerald Razor, Steel Wind
Active Stance: none at the moment

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-07-30, 07:48 PM
With a furious cry, Aldus charged headlong at the leader. His sword burst into blue flames as he ran. When he reached the orc, he brought his blade down in a powerful, but reckless slice.

Swift action to invoke Indigo Sparks. Charge attack against 2 (move to J12. Power attack for a -2 penalty to attack.

HP: 20/20; AC: 19, 15 Touch, 18 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +2
Active Invocations: Indigo Sparks
Active Effects:
Arcane Surge: 0/3 --> 0/3

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-07-30, 07:50 PM
Forgot my rolls.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Shade Kerrin
2011-08-08, 10:40 PM
As her mark is still reeling from her first assault, Hatia chants the words to her encore performance. She knows she only has a limited opening for her strike before he is able to counterattack, hopefully she can take him down before then

Magic missiles, same target.
[roll0] Force damage

HP: 22/22; AC: 16, 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +6
Spells: 0/6 0th, 2/6 1st

OOC: Hope we can come back to life

2011-08-09, 09:00 PM
"Hurrk!" The orc chieftan stares wide-eyed at Tsukido as the human's blade tears open his throat and leaves him bleeding profusely. The orc staggers and feebly clutches his gaping wound with his free hand, but it is for naught as Aldus charges toward him, plunging a flaming blue sword down into his chest and dropping him.

The spellcasting orc never even saw his end coming. A follow-up volley of orbs are launched from Hatia and slam into the orc's head, crushing his skull and sending him to the ground.


2011-08-10, 02:07 PM
Saphira lets out a growl and lunges towards the minotaur, but the towering bull-man knocks the wyrmling away with a powerful fist.

Enraged at seeing his leader get cut down beside him, the minotaur lets out a terrifying roar and swings his mighty greataxe at Tsukido. The powerful blow rips through the warblade's breastplate and leaves a gaping wound. The staggered human has no chance to evade the follow-up downward blow, which buries deep into his shoulder and sends him crashing face-first into the ground.

You take 35 damage.


You, Minotaur

Shade Kerrin
2011-08-10, 08:48 PM
Back during training, Hatia was always taught that if left to their own devices, spell casters are always the most dangerous force on the battlefield. Obviously, in practice this is not always the case. Hatia concentrates on a spell to take down the minotaur, a small sphere of electricity forming in her hand, which she hurls at the creature

Lesser orb of electricty at the Minotaur
[roll0] Electrical damage

HP: 22/22; AC: 16, 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +6
Spells: 0/6 0th, 3/6 1st

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-08-11, 08:21 AM
Aldus is about to drop to his knees and help Tsukido when he realizes that the warblade is probably already gone. Instead he sends a duplicate of himself around the minotaur to distract it. Once the minotaur is distracted he whips his short sword out of its sheaf, slashing at the beast's thigh. He follows up with a downward slash from his longsword.

Swift action to invoke Phantom Assailant in I12. Phantom moves to G9 and readies an action to attack the minotaur if it attacks anyone. Full attack action against the minotaur.

S. Sword
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

L. Sword
Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-08-11, 08:22 AM
EDIT: stupid double posts.

2011-08-11, 06:06 PM
A crackling ball of condensed electricity slams into the minotaur, causing his muscles to spasm erratically and leaves deep burns on his huge body.

Aldus conjures an illusory double to give him the flank and stabs up at the bull-man, but his weapons bounce harmlessly off the creature's sturdy half-plate.

Saphira growls and pounces the minotaur, managing to bite into his leg while her claws harmlessly scratch his armor.

Still spasming from the electrocution, the minotaur lets out another roar as he brings his attention to the dragon latched onto his leg. With two mighty swings of his greataxe, he downs the young dragon as he did the warblade.

His attack activates the illusion's readied action.

32 points of damage. You're at -1 and bleeding.


You, Minotaur

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-08-12, 12:05 PM
"This doesn't look good." Aldus murmurs when he sees Saphira fall. "I hope this isn't the last thing I do...

He then drops his short sword and pulls a potion off of his belt, which he pours down Saphira's throat, all the while watching the minotaur so he can avoid its attacks.

Free action to drop short sword. Full round action to administer a potion of Cure Light Wounds to Saphira while fighting defensively.

Phantom's readied attack [roll0]
Potion [roll1]

HP: 20/20; AC: 23, 17 Touch, 18 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +2
Active Invocations:
Active Effects:
Arcane Surge: 0/3 --> 0/3

Shade Kerrin
2011-08-12, 05:37 PM
Hatia is getting angry at this thing...and a little bit desparate. She prepares another ball of pain to strike it, hoping to keep its attention off her allies

Lesser orb of acid at the Minotaur
[roll1] Acid damage

HP: 22/22; AC: 16, 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +6
Spells: 0/6 0th, 4/6 1st[/QUOTE]

2011-08-13, 01:49 AM
An illusory halfling stabs the minotaur from behind, the immaterial blade slipping through his armor and into his flesh but not phasing him much.

Aldus' potion stirs the wyrmling dragon. When she gets her bearings again, the dragon quickly lashes out at the minotaur's feet from her prone position, but cannot pierce his skin.

A large glob of acid crashes into the minotaur's face, searing its flesh heavily as it roars in pain. The bull-man is a charred mess of wounds. It quickly scans the battlefield for the source of its pain -- and its gaze is fixed now on Hatia.

The minotaur ignores the people engaged in melee with him, heedlessly charging towards the warmage. A mighty greataxe swing cuts deep into her stomach.

You get an AoO. The minotaur is denied DEX but he doesn't have a DEX bonus to begin with.

13 damage.


You, Me

Shade Kerrin
2011-08-13, 05:18 AM
Hatia spits a glob of blood at the creatures face, the act serving the dual purpose of showing her defiance and clearing her mouth for her next spell. The words come slowly and delibarately as her left hand begins to crackle with electricity. Nobody harms her Saphira, nobody.

Defensively casting Shocking Grasp. As you described it wearing Full plate, I get a +3 on my touch attack. Go spellcasters!
Conc:[roll0]DC 16(+8 base, +4 Combat casting)
[roll2] Electric damage

HP: 9/22; AC: 16, 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +6
Spells: 0/6 0th, 5/6 1st

2011-08-13, 01:10 PM
Ignoring the melee is foolish, for as the minotaur charges towards the mage, Aldus sinks his longsword in a gap of the creature's halfplate and forces it to stagger in its step, leaving a bloody trail as it moves.

Hatia's years of rigorous training pays off as she manages to cast her next spell while keeping her defenses up against the mighty foe. As her hand begins to crackle with energy, she touches the minotaur's halfplate. The bullman goes into a violent seizure for three seconds before finally falling down, small streams of smoke rising from his charred body.

The throbbing in your ears subsides just enough for you to be aware of noises outside of your finished skirmish. Pushing out of the motionless undead frontlines comes another orc carrying a staff. There is a look of shock on his face. The orc screams out in an unknown language as he runs back into the army. The undead do not move... yet.

@Aldus & Hatia:
The orc was carrying a holy symbol that looked identical to the one in your possession.

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-08-13, 03:36 PM
Aldus shoves his longsword deep into the minotaur's brain. He then turns to Haitia. Now what?

Coup de grace against the Minotaur, I don't think it is necessary to roll.

Shade Kerrin
2011-08-13, 06:43 PM
Knowing that there is a time for honorable combat, and a time for pragmatism, Hatia shoots off small burst of fire at the back of the retreating necromancer. Not even looking to see if it hits or not, she turns to Aldus and replies, "Now we head back to the wall and hope our little strike was demoralizing enough to earn our victory. Think we can get to Sir Tsukido before they get the idea of attacking?

Casting lesser Orb of Fire.
[roll1] Fire damage

HP: 9/22; AC: 16, 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +6
Spells: 0/6 0th, 6/6 1st

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-08-14, 09:00 AM
Saphira or I could probably drag him back to the city, but I doubt either of us could carry him. Aldus says in Draconic so that both Haitia and and Saphira can understand him.

@Dralnu and Shade Kerrin
I'm not sure what speed you can move at when pushing or dragging, the SRD doesn't say. Tsukido is above the max load of all of us, but Saphira and Aldus can drag him. If we took the time to take all his gear off, Saphira could carry him

2011-08-14, 06:50 PM
Standing atop the wall, Miralen, recently recruited to the town's defense, admires the heroism of the small war party. What brave souls they are! We have to cover their retreat.

As none of her spells can reach that far, she nocks her bow and launches a shot at the fleeing orc, to hopefully stop him before he commands the undead to charge.

attack [roll0], dmg [roll1]

2011-08-15, 07:02 PM
Tsukido's body is carried by Aldus and Saphira as the group flees towards the siege wall. The battlefield has erupted in noise. Shouts of anger and mobilization from the enemy lines, roars of triumph coming from the town's defenders. If anything, the desperate ambush has significantly raised the town's battered morale.

A heavily muscled dwarf holding the end of a thick rope nods to Miralen. "Aye lass, brave souls they are! Now let's git them outta there an' win this fight!" After tugging on it to make sure it's secure, the dwarf drops the end of the rope over the outer side of the wall before climbing down. He waves his arms to get the party's attention as he rushes to meet them. "Over here, lads! Let's hurry!" The sturdy dwarf takes Tsukido's body and slings it over his shoulder with no problem.

As you climb up, the arrows begin to fly. The 500ft. distance is working in your favor, but still you hear the sounds of dozens of arrows whistling passed, some clanging and bouncing off the walls inches from you as you climb up the rope. Brother Ferny arrives are you reach the top of the wall, hastily congratulating you as he heals your wounds fully, grimacing at the body. "I'm sorry but there is nothing that I can do for him right now."

The battle has started in earnest. The enemy army begins moving forward slowly, with the undead skeletons and zombies plodding forward at the front. Scattered amongst the medium humanoids are large lumbering zombies with clubs in hand. Panicked defenders begin firing arrows and bolts at the oncoming wave but it seems to have little effect. As the unending wave of undead reach the wall, half the oil is poured, followed by some of the alchemist's fire. An enormous bonfire erupts amidst the undead. Unlike the bolts and arrows, this is effective, and many of the creatures that were lit up drop after seconds. But there are still so many.

A wave of orcs follows the undead. Most carry bows, and with this closer distance, their volleys of arrows have no trouble arcing over the wall. Screams erupt throughout the defense. The handful of clerics are overwhelmed, rushing to and from each newly wounded person.

Spotters point out a few orcs decked out in clerical outfits, each raising a holy symbol above their head and chanting. They stand directly behind the undead horde.

The fight continues. The fortified entrance is sustaining heavy damage from the large zombies at the front that don't seem to drop no matter how many bolts or arrows stick out of their body. More boiling oil is poured, tanglefoot bags thrown, and alchemist's fire lit. Grappling hooks begin lining the walls and for each one removed, two more take its place. It's a struggle to maintain dominance of the wall, but after some grueling fighting, you think that the conscripted militia will be able to hold.

Something catches your attention. A little boy, on of the keen-eyed spotters, grabs Aldus. "Look, look!" He says, pointing in the other direction, the town's docks. "Ships! They're attacking from behind!" Indeed, two ships filled with humanoids are moving towards the undefended docks. Brother Ferny begs for you and anyone else who is capable to get to the docks and defend lest the town gets completely surrounded.

2011-08-15, 07:20 PM
Saphira is too injured to continue fighting and Vincent is nowhere to be found. Amidst the battle, Aldus and Hatia began to fight alongside two other exceptional combatants. When Brother Ferny pleads for help stopping the advancing ships, it is you four that agree to the task.

You try and reach the docks as quickly as possible, sprinting passed the marketplace to reach it. By the time you arrive, two ships have already docked and humanoids have begun unloading. Orcs and undead. On each boat is an orc chanting and holding a holy symbol up high.

Round 1

Grey are zombies, green are orcs, green/yellow are the clerics.

You, Me

Shade Kerrin
2011-08-15, 07:58 PM
Seeing the forces lined up, Hatia does not hesitate to deploy the strongest option in her arsenal. Pulling the kindly donated roll of magical paper, she chants the words listed, bracing herself mentally against the following explosion

Casting Fireball from a scroll. Targetting the intersection of p-4, so 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 16, 17 and 20 need to make the save

CL check:[roll0], DC 6
[roll]5d6[/roll[ Fire damage, DC 15 Reflex halves

HP: 28/28; AC: 16, 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7
Spells: 0/6 0th, 0/7 1st, 0/4 2nd

2011-08-15, 08:02 PM
You will not take a step further, foul unnatural abominations! And that goes for the Zombies too. Miralen advances toward the nearest Zombie, swinging her sword in deadly arc. The blade crackles with electrical energy as it strikes.

Move to I8, channel Shocking Grasp at #19
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] plus [roll2] electricity

2011-08-15, 11:00 PM
Rond 1 Cont'd

A small bead of concentrated fire is flung over one of the boats and then suddenly explodes, bathing the surrounding area in flame. Both orc and undead are severely charred by the assault and one of the zombies fall.

A great diagonal swing of Miralen's crackling greatsword cuts the sluggish zombie's head in half. It falls to the ground with a small groan.


You, Me

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-08-16, 10:27 AM
Aldus draws a javelin and runs towards the right dock. He stops halfway and launches the javelin at one of the zombies scorched by Haitia's fireball. As soon as the weapon leaves his hand, he whips his longsword out of its sheaf, ready to attack any opponent that approaches.

Free action to draw the javelin. Move action to move to N10. Standard action to throw the javelin at 20. Free action to draw longsword and hold it with two hands.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Pre-buffing: Invoked Blur and drank the potion of Bull's Strength. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11375007&postcount=164)

HP: 25/25; AC: 22, 17 Touch, 19 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +3
Active Invocations: Blur
Active Effects: Bull's Strength
Arcane Surge: 0/4 --> 0/4 (1/4 if the javelin hits)

2011-08-16, 04:57 PM
Aldus' perfect javelin toss lands squarely in the charred zombie's chest, the force of impact knocking the undead off its feet and sending it crumpling into the wooden floor.


2011-08-17, 08:58 PM
Taryn rubs his hands together as a wicked smile spreads over his face. Finally a chance to show off my magics he thinks aloud, as smoke erupts from the air in front of him.

Casting Wall of Smoke (Spell Compendium) in the area of A8 to H8. Creatures on opposite sides of the wall gain concealment from each other. Also anyone that passes through the wall must make a Fort save or become nauseated for 1 round (DC 14).
Lasts 4 rounds.

HP: 24/24; AC: 17, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 15
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +8
Spells: 6/6 0th, 6/7 1st, 4/4 2nd

2011-08-18, 04:18 PM
Round 1 Cont'd

A thick wall of smoke appears, blocking view of one of the exits.

Chanting can be heard from both the boats before the orcs and zombies begin streaming out, looking ready and eager to fight. The medium-sized zombies wear peasant clothes and having nothing in their hands. The large zombies wield greatclubs. Most of the orcs wear leather armor and carry spiked steel shields and scimitars in their hands, rushing off the boats in a blinding rage.

Spellcraft DC 16 to find out the spells that were cast.

Three zombies shamble through the smokescreen towards the party, seemingly unaffected by the noxious fumes. Two orcs also jump through the smoke, one of them (#7) immediately vomiting as they pass through.

One zombie and two orcs rush towards Miralen. The duskblade easily dodges the zombie's feral claw, but the overwhelming assault is too much for her defenses and the two orcs viciously slash at her sides.

You take 21 damage.

A zombie charges Aldus, but halfling ducks under the undead's swing. The rest of the enemies rush off the wooden platforms and onto the cobblestone ground, quickly surrounding the party.

Round 2


You, Me

4, 5, 6, and 10 have third degree burns all over their body. You know that such wounds should drop any soldier, but these guys are so mad!

2011-08-18, 04:50 PM
Aaargh!! A little help here ... those orcs are tough ...

Ignoring the searing pain of her wounds for now, Miralen swings her sword again, at the nearest Orc, electric energy buzzing, then steps back and gets ready to parry any future attacks.

If either 3 or 9 is wearing a metal armor, that's the one I attack (at +3). If no one does, attack #3

Attack [roll0] damage [roll1] plus [roll2] electricity.

And a 5' step to J9

Next time I'm attacked by an Orc, cast Lesser Deflect as immediate action (+1 AC)

Shade Kerrin
2011-08-18, 07:47 PM
The feeling of magic from the scroll was quite exhilarating, but Hatia must concentrate on the task at hand. As she lacks a second scroll, she works on her own reserves, rubbing a piece of jade in her hands Hopefully her new friend can hold out long enough for this to work...

5ft stepping to J13 and casting Hail of Stone. See you next round.

HP: 28/28; AC: 16, 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7
Spells: 1/6 0th, 0/7 1st, 0/4 2nd

2011-08-18, 07:57 PM
Round 2 Cont'd

Miralen's retaliatory attack slashes through the orc's midsection like a hot knife through butter, cleaving the poor raider in two pieces that fall lifelessly to the ground.

Hatia begins casting a spell...

2011-08-18, 10:51 PM
Sweating from the sudden magical explosion, Taryn wipes his brow, moves into position to aid his injured ally, and breathes into his wet hand, instantly freezing the moisture and shooting it into the group of orcs.

Moving to L9. Casting Frost Breath (MIC). 30 ft. Cone, should hit everyone on the dock (except Miralen) and the cleric on the left boat.

[roll0] cold damage. Reflex (DC 15) for half, and anyone that fails their save is dazed (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm) for 1 round.

HP: 24/24; AC: 17, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 15
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +8
Spells: 6/6 0th, 6/7 1st, 3/4 2nd

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-08-19, 08:53 AM
As soon as the zombie's claw is clear of his head, Aldus stands up straight and swings his longsword at the zombie's midsection. He then takes a hand off of the hilt to draw his shortsword and lunges at the zombie's chest.

Full attack against 21. After attacking with the longsword, hold it in 1 hand. Draw shortsword as a free action. Power Attacking for a -1 penalty

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

If the longsword attack drops 21, I instead take a 5 foot step to O10 and attack the large zombie with the shortsword.

HP: 25/25; AC: 22, 17 Touch, 19 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +3
Active Invocations: Blur
Active Effects: Bull's Strength
Arcane Surge: 1/4 --> 1/4 (2 if 1 attack hits, 3 if both hit.)

2011-08-19, 08:54 PM
Round 2 Cont'd

A sudden blast of minty doom catches all the suprised orcs in its path along with a zombie. When the freezing vapors subside, the orcs seem almost frozen in place.

Aldus' powerful two-handed slash with his longsword runs straight through the zombie's midsection, cutting it cleanly in half and sending both pieces to the ground. The follow-up stab hacks deeply into the large zombie's chest and tears away a chunk of rotting flesh. The zombie does not seem phased.

The orcs hit by the freezing blast are barely able to keep a defensive stance. They do not move, waiting for the blood to flow faster so that they can attack once more.

Three orcs rush towards Aldus, swinging at the trickster with their scimitars. Two of the blades connect, one leaving a bloody trail across the halfling's arm while another stab digs deep into a leg. The large zombie swings its greatclub down at Aldus' head but is easily dodged.

You take 20 damage.

One heavily charred orc in scale mail utters something while brandishing his holy symbol, pressing a hand to his wounds and healing himself somewhat. He glares at Hatia and points to her, yelling something in a strange tongue.

You need to know Goblin to understand, but you probably know what he's saying anyway.

Orcs and zombies rush from the left side. Three orcs and one zombie charges Hatia. The warblade nimbly dodges the sluggish zombie but finds herself quickly overwhelmed by the bloodthirsty orcs, receiving a wound in her ribcage and a gash on her neck. Another orc runs towards her from the right side.

You take 21 damage (9 + 12). Might need to make concentration checks. #4 used a double move to reach you.

One zombie from the left side charges towards Miralen just as the human is also attacked by a slightly chilled but otherwise unphased zombie. The duo assault from both sides overwhelms her for a moment and a feral fist slams the back of the duskblade's head.

You take 5 damage.

Round 3


You, Me

Shade Kerrin
2011-08-19, 10:03 PM
A look of determination in her eyes, Hatia continues to chant, even when the blows strike. Finally, she utters the last syllable, shattering the jade in her hand as she does so. Simultaneously, countless shards of the same material momentarily appear above several of the foes threatening Aldus, raining down and causing no doubt painful lacerations. Hopefully the first newbie can keep the second one safe for now.

Wasting no time, Hatia immediately swings into her next spell. She understands tactics. She knows that a Wizard alone is a Wizard dead, doubly so if the Wizard is surrounded. Hatia is not a Wizard. She points her hands forward as two five-foot long jets of flame erupt from them, and rapidly swings them round to her back, scorching everyone who was foolish enough to close with her.

Hail of Stone goes off in intersection O/P 10/11, dealing an unavoidable [roll0] untyped damage to 5, 10 and 16

Defensively Casting Fireburst. Conc check: [roll1], DC 17
Deals [roll2] Fire damage to 1, 4, 7 and 13, Reflex DC 15 Halves

After this, 5ft stepping to K13

HP: 7/28; AC: 16, 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7
Spells: 0/6 0th, 1/7 1st, 1/4 2nd

2011-08-19, 11:50 PM
Round 3 Cont'd

Rocky shards of jade momentarily litter the sky above Aldus, crashing down onto his attackers. The heavily burned orcs can't take the heavy bludgeoning and finally go down, while the large zombie is now covered with fist-sized holes but is otherwise unphased.

The grin on the orc's faces surrounding Hatia is replaced with shock as jets of flame erupt outward from the warmage's body, flying through them in a searing hurricane of death. When the flames subside, two orcs remain, one (#7) clearly struggling to keep his knees from buckling.


You, Me

2011-08-20, 02:29 PM
Seeing the battlefield thin out a little gives Miralen hope. Surrounded by enemies, she gathers strength for what may be her last strike.

Attack vs. #9 [roll0] dmg [roll1] plus [roll2] electricity

She then takes a step back and surveys the carnage on the dock. At least we fought well. This will be a good death.

5' step to K9, and will cast Lesser Deflect (+1 AC) next time I'm attacked

2011-08-20, 04:24 PM
Round 3 Cont'd

Miralen's lunging strike sends the electric greatsword through the orc's chest and into his heart. The raider convulses even as he drops to the ground.


You, Me

2011-08-20, 06:45 PM
Taryn has seen this battle before. He knows that if something drastic doesn't happen, things could turn ugly.

Group up everyone! There are cure potions for whomever needs on my belt!

Channeling his powers over the very weather itself, He creates a misty vapour that spreads over the battlefield.
Waiting until everyone finishes their turn, then casting Obscuring Mist (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/obscuringMist.htm), centered on myself. Obscures all vision, including darkvision past 5 ft. Anyone within 5 ft. has concealment.

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-08-21, 02:55 PM
Hoping to avoid any attacks for a short while, Aldus dives away from the orc and zombie and rolls towards his allies. When he reaches them, he stands up and chugs his only healing potion. As an afterthought, he summons a duplicate of himself to confuse his enemies.

Tumble to L9. Then drink a potion of CLW. Invoke Phantom Assailant in M10. Phantom has an action readied to attack any enemy who attacks it or Aldus.

Tumble (DC: 15 for zombie) [roll0]
Tumble (DC: 17 for orc) [roll1]

CLW: [roll]1d8+1[roll]

HP: 5/25; AC: 22, 17 Touch, 19 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +3
Active Invocations: Blur, Phantom Assailant
Active Effects: Bull's Strength
Arcane Surge: 3/4 --> 2/4

2011-08-23, 01:44 PM
Round 3 Cont'd

Aldus slips on a pool of blood as he attempts to roll away from the zombie's swung fist, bringing himself into its path. The unearthly power in the undead's fist is enough to knock the halfling out.

You take 14 damage.

With a quick chant, Taryn summons a misty vapor into existence around the battlefield. The unnaturally thick fog obscures all vision.

You all hear shouting around you in a strange tongue. Then, slowly, shadowy figures begin emerging from the fog to strike!

Two orcs close in on Miralen. A scimitar cuts through the mist and digs deep into the duskblade's back. With a small gasp, she falls to the ground beside Taryn.

11 damage.

The stormwatcher has caught the attention of a raider as well. The orc approaches him and slashes wildly, leaving a nasty gash across the human's chest.

11 damage.

Another orc, wheezing heavily, stumbles toward Hatia and swings his blade, but the feeble attack is easily dodged.

The zombies shamble forward. As slow as they are, the fog has made them even slower.

Round 4


Tell me if your PC is in a wrong square.

2011-08-23, 01:53 PM
Miralen falls as the blade cuts her unprotected neck, blood puddle quickly widening around her. She drops her sword, and with her last ounce of strength, presses her hands to her jugular to stem the flow of blood.

[roll0], 1-10 to stabilize, if succeeds stabilizes at -9, otherwise drops to -10

Shade Kerrin
2011-08-23, 08:19 PM
Hatia can't see particularly well with all this fog, so she chooses to rely on spells less dependant on vision. Stepping out of the orc's line of sight, she pulls out another jade shard and commences chanting.

5ft stepping to J-14 and casting Hail of stone.
See you next turn.

HP: 7/28; AC: 16, 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7
Spells: 0/6 0th, 2/7 1st, 1/4 2nd

2011-08-24, 12:59 AM
Taryn is in a bad situation. Easily seeing through the fog, he watches as two allies drop. Taking drastic action, he tries to position himself as safe as possible before exposing his back to the orcs.

5 ft. step to L10. Full round action to feed a potion of CLW to Miralen, taking an AoO from #12.

Cure Light Wounds Potion: [roll0]

HP: 13/24; AC: 17, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 15
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +8
Spells: 6/6 0th, 5/7 1st, 3/4 2nd

2011-08-24, 01:22 AM
Oh hell no.... Tsukido had always thought that his last thoughts would be a little more... dramatic. More along the lines of "You'll never take me alive, fiends!" than "That axe blade seems rather dull... OW!". Regardless of the indignity of how he had fallen and what he was sure was a soon-to-be-fatal wound, he was able to maintain a vague awareness of movement, then of a battle raging around him and himself powerless to help...

But far more than he felt any flickering awareness of what was happening around him, he felt an awareness of himself. Every act of bravery, every moment of cowardice, every thing he stole, every thrill of victory, and person he shamed, hurt, killed...

After a time that could have been ten minutes, or perhaps ten years, Tsukido felt something. After so long (How long, he was never able to say), in a state his meditation would only attempt to reach for the rest of his life, he felt a touch. Something uniquely and certainly other, utterly alien after so long with only himself. Again, more insistently this time, the touch became a prod. Then a poke. Again and again, until Tsukido rose with a roar like an angry dog trying to sleep with a small child pulling its tail.

It took a good five seconds before he realized he had risen, and was now sitting on top of a battlement, a battle raging around him. With a half-attentive hand he lifted a toppled Brother Ferny from where he lay, marveling at how much easier it was. His body hadn't changed that he could see, but something felt different, the way energy flowed through him, the grace with which he replanted the short, stocky man on his feet. For the first time since he woke up, he had a conscious thought. Body follows mind follows ki said a voice in the back of his brain. Send your ki, and everything else will follow.

That thought foremost in his mind, he rose determinedly, blessedly without any soreness or wounds, even the one that he was sure had split his ribcage apart. Far below and away he saw his companions racing towards the docks, a couple other joining them. In a blur of motion his sword found its sheath and his shield found his arm and he was off.

Sooner than he could reasonably expect, he was there, seeing his friends surrounded and outnumbered by a horde of orcs and zombies, their forms beshadowing his view of them. With a shout that reverberated from gut to scalp, he struck at the two nearest to him.

Move action to move to I-12, Standard action to initiate Steel Wind at 14 and 7.

Attacking 14: [roll0]
Damaging 14: [roll1]

Attacking 7: [roll2]
Damaging 7: [roll3]

HP: 40/40; AC: 19, 11 Touch, 18 Flat-Footed (+2 from the stance)
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +2
Readied Maneuvers: Steely Strike, Emerald Razor, Steel Wind, Wall of Blades
Active Stance: Absolute Steel Stance

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-08-24, 06:29 AM
Oops... Was Aldus's last thought before the zombie's fist slammed him into the ground. His brain went out like a candle in a thunderstorm, while his heart continued to force blood out of the wounds on his chest.

Stabilization check. 1-10 means I am stabilized at -9.

2011-08-24, 02:58 PM
Round 4 Cont'd

Hatia takes a step back and begins to chant...

Taryn leans over and hurriedly pours a potion into Miralen's mouth. Just as he leans, the orc behind him slashes horizontally with all his might at the stormwatcher. What could've been a devastating blow merely cuts some strands of hair. The obscuring mist proves to be a lifesaver.

Several coughs and gasps indicates that the duskblade has awoken. With so much battle experience, she knows to waste no time, and immediately activates her belt to help seal her wounds.

Tsukido charges into the dense fog, the mist humbly parting from the path of his fury. He identifies the two nearest figures as foe and slashes horizontally through both of them. The blow slices through the right side of the bloodied orc's neck and exits through his left armpit, splitting it in two. The slash comes to a sickening stop deep inside the large zombie's belly, spilling out rotten entrails, but it still stands.

Darkness engulfs Aldus. Only the sounds of battle surrounds him, and that too soon drains away with the last of his blood. It's curtain call..

With your acute hearing, you pinpoint some odd sounds beyond the immediate battlefield. You hear the cleric's voice again speaking a strange tongue. It sounds like people are moving around stuff that, if your acute ears are correct, makes sounds like corpses. They're moving corpses around. Now why would the--

Taryn seems momentarily distracted as he absently looks through the fog. The human has barely any time to react as two orcs rush towards him through the mist and angrily hack him down with their scimitars.

You take 14 damage.

An orcs and zombies approach the newcomer to the battlefield. The large zombie and an orc swing their weapons down at Tsukido, but the warblade deftly dodges the greatclub and parries the scimitar away.

Round 5


You, Me

Shade Kerrin
2011-08-24, 05:50 PM
The new guy didn't throw off his 'eye' thingie like they discussed before the battle. That can only mean something went wrong. Hatia lets loose her second rain of jade near his approximate location, hoping to fend off attackers. The glint as they reflect the little light that breaks through, and the circular trails they leave behind as they pierce through the mist, has an almost eerie effect to those who can see it
Following up, she chants a spell which causes her left hand to crackle with energy as she dashes towards the same area. As she spies his fallen form among the mist, the silhouette of one of the zombies also comes into view. She discharges her energy into this target.

Aiming to set off Hail of Stone in M-9. 11 and 12 take [roll0] untyped damage.
Moving to L-11 and defensively casting Shocking grasp into no. 15.
Conc: [roll1]
Attack:[roll2] Touch, +3 if the guy's wearing metal
[roll3] Electric damage

HP: 7/28; AC: 16, 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7
Spells: 0/6 0th, 3/7 1st, 1/4 2nd

2011-08-25, 02:14 PM
Round 5 Cont'd

Jagged chunks of jade rain down on the orcs standing over Taryn, crushing their upper bodies as they fall to the onslaught.

Hatia moves towards a nearby zombie with her hand lit up with crackling energies. The undead stumbles over itself just at the right time to avoid her touch.

2011-08-25, 02:30 PM
Having been invigorated with renewed energy, Miralen, still on her back, swings her sword, trying to finish off the annoyingly resilient zombie. She then stands up; hopefully, no one is nearby to take a swipe at her as she does so.

attack [roll0] dmg [roll1] plus [roll2] electricity.

2011-08-25, 06:11 PM
Tsukido focuses intently, using a technique he had used to great effect during his last battle. His sword flickers out at the orc before him, seeming to ignore the air resistance, and more importantly armor...

Standard action to initiate Emerald Razor at #1

Attacking 1: [roll0] (Remember that it's a touch attack.)
Damaging 1: [roll1]

HP: 40/40; AC: 19, 11 Touch, 18 Flat-Footed (+2 from the stance)
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +2
Readied Maneuvers: Steely Strike, Emerald Razor, Steel Wind, Wall of Blades
Active Stance: Absolute Steel Stance

2011-08-26, 12:29 AM
As the blow connects, Taryn's immediate thoughts go to his allies. They still need me! I must fight! Collapsing to the floor, he realizes it's too late for him. The fog he normally sees through so clearly finally blur his vision..

Stabilization Check. 51-60 and I stabilize at -1, otherwise drop to -2.

2011-08-26, 02:45 PM
Round 5 Cont'd

Miralen's blade slices effortlessly through both the zombie's legs. The creature groans before it falls to the ground motionless.

A quick glimmer of light is the only indication that Tsukido did anything at all. The orc stares forward at the warblade for a moment, then its face falls cleanly off its body as it crumples to the ground.

Chanting is heard in the mist. When it ends, you all hear the familiar groans of undead.

An orc steps towards Miralen and launches a downward slash. The duskblade attempts to parry the scimitar with her greatsword but the strength of the swing makes the blade slip past and leave a huge gash in her arm.

9 damage.

Tsukido is assaulted by the zombies in front of him. A clawed fist is easily dodged, but the large greatclub could have inflicted a major head wound had it not barely missed its target.

One of the large zombies shambles closer to Hatia and Miralen..

Round 6


2011-08-26, 02:58 PM
With most of her magic spent, Miralen falls back on her knowledge of the lesser spells. It's hard, but shuffling them in her mind, she can wring enough magical energy from her nerves for another burst of electricity as her sword swings at the orc.

using Versatile Spellcaster to trade two 0-level spell slots for a 1st level spell;

attack [roll0] dmg [roll1] + [roll2] electricity miss chance 1-20 [roll3]

If the Orc goes down, 5' into his spot. Otherwise, 5' step down to K10

Shade Kerrin
2011-08-26, 06:41 PM
When the massive shadow looms, Hatia knows what she must do. Much as she wants to get the Weatherman back to his feet, she knows what the large guys are capable of. Allowing the previous spell to discharge harmlessly, she lets loose a small gout of flame from her hands, before stepping away from the now clear patch of air.

Casting Burning hands into 16, then moving to L9

[roll0] Fire damage, DC 14 Reflex halves

HP: 7/28; AC: 16, 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7
Spells: 0/6 0th, 4/7 1st, 1/4 2nd

2011-08-26, 07:28 PM
Taryn is trying hard to keep it together, even though all he sees is fog. Flashes of electricity and bright flames all around him keep his attention in this world as he wills himself to survive.

Stabilization Check. 51-60 and I stabilize at -2, otherwise drop to -3.

2011-08-27, 07:17 PM
Round 6 Cont'd

Miralen's greatsword hacks right through the orc's stomach, spilling his entrails as the raider falls to the ground convulsing with electricity.

A cone of flame envelops the large zombie, severely charring its body but not slowing its advance.

2011-08-29, 11:17 AM
Tsukido glances over at the fallen spellcaster and slips away from the zombie clawing at him to go help. Once he reaches his side, he uncaps a potion he snared on the way to the battle and splashes it -mostly- on his face.

Move action to move to K-11, move action to apply a potion of CLW to Taryn.

CLW Healing [roll0]

HP: 40/40; AC: 19, 11 Touch, 18 Flat-Footed (+2 from the stance)
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +2
Readied Maneuvers: Steely Strike, Emerald Razor, Steel Wind, Wall of Blades
Active Stance: Absolute Steel Stance

2011-08-29, 01:29 PM
Round 6 Cont'd

The potion takes effect. A second later, Taryn awakes, coughing and sputtering.

The undead groan as they shamble forward. You see their hazy figures slowly surrounding you.

As Miralen steps over the dead orc, the two zombies in front of her greet the duskblade with clawed fists. She ducks under one overhead swing but is knocked across the face by another. There is chanting behind the zombies. Suddenly, bursting through the mist is a translucent scythe that flies unerringly towards Miralen and slashes her back.

15 damage.

Round 7


Shade Kerrin
2011-08-29, 05:43 PM
All calm has left Hatia by now. Almost desparately she lets loose another burst of flame

Casting Burning hands to the right. Will hit 6, 16, 23 and 24. Will conserve my move action until I know how that goes

[roll0] Fire damage, DC 14 Reflex halves

HP: 7/28; AC: 16, 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7
Spells: 0/6 0th, 5/7 1st, 1/4 2nd[/QUOTE]

2011-08-29, 11:48 PM
Round 7

A wave of fire washes over the zombies and orc. All the undead groan as their bodies finally fail them and they fall to the ground. The evaporated mist reveals one orc in scale mail still standing. He's almost burnt beyond recognition, but manages to still clutch his morningstar and shield in his badly charred hands.

Shade Kerrin
2011-08-30, 04:01 AM
Hatia raises her hand at the survivor of her assault. Is she casting another spell?...No, it's just a rude gesture. With the Weatherman now clear to safely cast his spells, Hatia now moves to assure her own safety.

Moving to L12, which should still be completely surrounded by fog.

2011-08-30, 12:42 PM
Taryn begins to see things clearly again. He is prepared to join the winds and leave his mortal body behind. Coughing up his last ounces of blood, wait a minute, that's not blood! Feeling some strength return from the potion, he is back to fight again. But not just yet..

standard action to drink another potion.
Move action to stand up.

2011-09-01, 09:33 PM
Round 7 Cont'd

Tsukido turns to the zombies behind him and in one powerful swing, the human slashes the undead in two straight through the midsection.

The zombies moan as the move forward. The large one swings its greatclub down at Tsukido and connects, crushing his shoulder. One of the orc clerics moves forward, making sure to be protected by its minions. Meanwhile, the badly charred orc wades through the fog as fast as it can out of the fight.

18 damage.

Round 8


Shade Kerrin
2011-09-01, 10:56 PM
"You won't get away!" Hatia chases after the cleric, force building up in her hand. Taking down a runaway might not do much to help the immediate battle, but if they let him get into the city, it will be almost impossible to track him down as he sows seeds of undeath from within.

Moving to N-14 and casting Magic Missile at point blank range.
conc:[roll0], DC 16
[roll1] Force damage

HP: 7/28; AC: 16, 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7
Spells: 0/6 0th, 6/7 1st, 1/4 2nd

2011-09-05, 06:20 PM
With the second wind granted from the potion(s), Taryn feels a power surging through his mind. His immediate thought is to subdue the largest threat, at least for the moment. Get away from the large one! I'll hold him at bay!

Moving to N11, then casting Binding Winds on the Large Zombie. DC 15 Reflex. It can act normally, except it can not move. It can't be heard, or hear anything, including sonic spell effects. Duration is however long I concentrate.

HP: 7/24; AC: 17, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 15
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +8
Spells: 6/6 0th, 5/7 1st, 2/4 2nd

2011-09-05, 11:21 PM
Tsukido grunts as the club smashes into his shoulder, bringing him almost to his knees as he heard he joint creak in protest. He begins to stand up and attack, but sees the ogre apparently ensnared in some sort of confining... thing. Not giving it more than a moments thought, he leaps to the weatherman's side, lunging his long blade towards the zombie menacing the caster.

Five-foot step over to K-10, Standard Action to initiate Steely Strike at #21.

(+4 on this attack, +4 on any attack made directed at myself, excepting those made by 21.) If I can power attack on a maneuver, I most certainly will, for +5 damage at the cost of a -5 to hit.

Attacking #21: [roll0]
Damaging #21 [roll1]

HP: 22/40; AC: 19, 11 Touch, 18 Flat-Footed (+2 from the stance)
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +2
Readied Maneuvers: Steely Strike, Emerald Razor, Steel Wind, Wall of Blades
Active Stance: Absolute Steel Stance

2011-09-07, 02:01 PM
Round 8 Cont'd

The orc cleric looks in horror as the warmage strides over to him, her fingers crackling with arcane energy. Bloodied and burnt to a crisp, the greenskin shrieks pre-emptively and waves his morningstar blindly at his assailant in a hopeless effort to stave off his inevitable death. The morningstar brushes against Hatia's hand as she makes her complex mystical gestures and..

Fizzle. Awkward. Not wasting any time, the orc stumbles further south, away from his pursuer.

Thick strands of whirling air manifest above Taryn's head and fly towards the ogr zombie, wrapping themselves tightly across the undead's body and pinning the creature in place.

Tsukido lunges forward, but his mighty piercing stab just barely misses the zombie's chest and harmlessly goes through a small gap at its armpit. The zombies immediately retaliate, but the warblade easily sidesteps the clawed fist and greatclub swing. An orc steps forward through the mist and sends a translucent floating scythe towards Tsukido, but he dodges it.

Round 9


Shade Kerrin
2011-09-07, 05:33 PM
Hatia curses as she continues her pursuit, bursting out of the mist. Upon realize that she has left it, though, she also knows that her foe's number is finally up, and releases her traditional assault

Moving to O-16 and casting Magic Missile. Both of us should be out of the fog now
[roll0] Force damage

HP: 7/28; AC: 16, 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7
Spells: 0/6 0th, 7/7 1st, 1/4 2nd[/QUOTE]

2011-09-09, 11:33 AM
As he uses most of his focus trying to keep the large zombie from crushing his allies, Taryn moves around the battlefield to position himself closer to his downed friend. Get out of it's reach, Warblade! he shouts one more time.

Standard action to concentrate on Binding Winds, while moving from N11 to N9, then diving into the water at M8.

HP: 7/24; AC: 17, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 15
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +8
Spells: 6/6 0th, 5/7 1st, 2/4 2nd

2011-09-16, 01:01 PM
Round 9 Cont'd

Hatia emerges through the mist, and seeing her target clearly, she launches a barrage of unerring orbs of force that crash into the fleeing orc's back, ripping out chunks of flesh as the cleric screams and falls.

In one quick and deadly slash with his bastard sword, Tsukido cleanly decapitates the orc in front of him. The floating scythe immediately disappears as the orc's pieces falls to the ground. Just as the blow resolves, the zombies lash out at the warblade again, this time a clawed fist manages to slam into his should.

4 damage.

Round 10


Shade Kerrin
2011-09-16, 10:26 PM
"Give a shout so I can aim right!"
After this cry, Hatia moves into performing the spell to release another rain of Jade. Though it is a bit of a waste of energy, She doesn't really have any spells that she can send through the fog with maximum efficiency

5ft stepping to O-15 and casting Hail of Stone with a second level slot
See you next turn

HP: 7/28; AC: 16, 12 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7
Spells: 0/6 0th, 7/7 1st, 2/4 2nd

2011-09-21, 11:42 PM
Tsukido rolls to accept the blow from the zombie, but ripostes with flickering speed, striking at both the creatures before him.

Standard action to initiate Steel Wind at 21+22.

Attacking #21: [roll0]
Damaging #21 [roll1]

Attacking #22: [roll2]
Damaging #22 [roll3]

HP: 18/40; AC: 19, 11 Touch, 18 Flat-Footed (+2 from the stance)
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +2
Readied Maneuvers: Steely Strike, Emerald Razor, Steel Wind, Wall of Blades
Active Stance: Absolute Steel Stance