View Full Version : Printed in the USA?

2011-05-30, 04:11 PM
Just noticed the line in the post about Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales being sent to a printer in the US... At the risk of jumping to conclusions, I want to say thanks for having the book printed here instead of some sweatshop in China. I know a lot of folks in professions decimated by outsourcing, and have lots of sympathy for workers without rights. The reasons for having it done here are often difficult to make when margins are tight.

I am grateful for enjoying years of OOtS for FREE on the internet, and very happy with the OOtS books I have purchased in the past. While it sucks to wait for something you desire, I'm happy to have internet comic releases to enjoy, and will have the book when it is done. Whether it is a few weeks late, or a few months, I know I'm still getting far more entertainment for my dollars then almost any other source. As long as it comes eventually, I won't complain (ok, maybe a little).

Apologies if I'm mistaken about the printing. I know some people will be upset to wait, I just want to say "do what you gotta do" to protect yourself, and get the book out the way it should be.

Mr. Snuggles
2011-05-30, 08:11 PM
I take offense with this topic. It is clearly inappropriate according to the forum rules. Including real-world politics is offensive. This thread is jingoistic. Who stepped down and decreed that Americans should get all the good jobs? It's time to share with the rest of the world.

I have done business with book printers in China, and none of them are 'sweatshops'. What does that word mean, anyway?

2011-05-30, 08:14 PM
Don't listen to that guy, Fergie. Awesome post.

2011-05-30, 08:19 PM
I also support ya Fergie, saying "Good job Ape!" for employing local talent isn't even remotely political :)

2011-05-30, 11:57 PM
"I take offense about your expressing an opinion I don't agree with!"

Juggling Goth
2011-05-31, 01:59 AM
I have done business with book printers in China, and none of them are 'sweatshops'. What does that word mean, anyway?

A sweatshop is a factory (or other workplace, I guess, but I've mostly seen it used with manufacturing) where the workers are paid very little, have no job security or benefits, and work in insanely dangerous/unhealthy conditions. Usually in the majority world, since affluent countries usually manage to have some basic worker protection laws, although illegally-operating factories in those countries could qualify. They're most prevalent in the garment industry - there's been various scandals over the years about big-name clothes and shoes being produced in sweatshops.

It's complicated because while I agree that American does not necessarily equal awesome and majority-world does not necessarily equal bad, the fact remains that outsourcing happens for a reason. If it's much cheaper then somebody is cutting corners somewhere. I find it deeply uncomfortable where nationalism intersects with ethical shopping, too.

There's also disagreement about how best to deal with this - sometimes the workers themselves say "please don't boycott because this is better than nothing". Sometimes they say "please boycott because this is not better than nothing".

When in doubt, stick to fair trade and workers' co-operatives? Probably.

On topic: I've said this before, but the commitment to recycled paper pleases me. Go Giant!

2011-05-31, 04:16 AM
"I take offense about your expressing an opinion I don't agree with!"

Or to quote Futurama:

This is the worst kind of discrimination. The kind against me.

Killer Angel
2011-05-31, 05:04 AM
AFAIK, it's not so easy to find in USA, things made in USA.
When I was there on honeymoon, we went to a fair; One of the stands, had lot of crafts with a sign "so sorry not made in China". Apparently, americans "suffer" from a strong presence, in their market, of many foreign products.

That said, I won't enter further in the debate, for obvious reasons.

I take offense with this topic. It is clearly inappropriate according to the forum rules. Including real-world politics is offensive.

Then, the proper thing you should do is to report the thread.

2011-05-31, 05:10 AM
I also support ya Fergie, saying "Good job Ape!" for employing local talent isn't even remotely political :)

Actually, APE prints in China. It says so on the back of the board game box. It's the Giant's actual OOTS books that he prints in the USA. He prints those himself, not through APE.

2011-05-31, 05:49 AM
Actually, I'd prefer the books to get printed in the EU. No sweatshops, probably similar printing cost, and cheapter shipping for me. :smallbiggrin:

(The above is a joke, in case it wasn't obvious.)

2011-05-31, 05:57 AM
The simple fact remains that companies manufacture in China (or other "less-developed" countries) because, for a similar quality, the costs are much lower. No ifs or buts.

If printing or manufacturing in the US (or Europe, or wherever) is more expensive and doesn't give a strong guarantee of much higher quality, outsourcing is self-evident for any company that looks at its bottom line.

2011-05-31, 06:13 AM
Or to quote Futurama:

This is the worst kind of discrimination. The kind against me.

Can I just say that you are a gentleman and a scholar?

2011-05-31, 06:34 AM
outsourcing is self-evident for any company that looks at its bottom line.

Well, if your bottom line is made of nothing but money, then you are correct. Such a view on the world (the purely-money-point-of-view) is probably one that leads to a world worse than a nightmare.

80s Cyberpunk (Blade Runner etc) - here we come! I'm already ordering my Cyberware-catalogue. :smallbiggrin:

But with your comment this the thread moves into a RL discussion which means I'll leave it now before the happiness-police shows up to bust anyone standing to near the Forbidden Discussion. :smallyuk:

2011-05-31, 06:50 AM
Can I just say that you are a gentleman and a scholar?

But is he an acrobat? :smallwink:

2011-05-31, 09:45 AM
Actually, APE prints in China. It says so on the back of the board game box. It's the Giant's actual OOTS books that he prints in the USA. He prints those himself, not through APE.

Oops! Thankee SpoD :)

2011-05-31, 11:43 AM
The Mod Wonder: Closed pending review.