View Full Version : Spelljamming visit to Athas/Dark Sun. Ideas/suggestions for me the DM?

2011-05-30, 04:13 PM
OK, I have read as much as I can on Wikipedia about Dark Sun's setting, but since I do not have the books I was hoping this forum could help give me some insight into this setting, help describing it's intense survivalist "feel", and potential encounters/scenarios as they use this strange flying Dragonfly looking ship across the planet.

The reason they are here is because they went through a "star" that led to another sphere, as suggested as to what stars could be in some spheres in the Spelljammer core books. I rolled randomly on a table I made of all the official settings, third party settings, and settings that I made through the years. They ended up on Dark Sun...:smalleek:

I am making Athasspace (as a PC designated it), a groundling sphere with no other Spelljamming influences.

Notes of interest:
-They landed on the Ringing Mountains, where they met a tribe of nine Elves, and their captive female Drow slave, at an oasis who "kindly" ask them to come down and join them. They all got ambushed by a tribe of hungry Halflings and their bear turns out the oasis was the tribe's trap). So now they have nine Athas Elves and their Drow sex-slave onboard....
-I figure the Elves owe them a debt (they would have been overrun by the Halflings if not assisted by the party), and the party did offer to take them to a "green world", so I do not think the Elves would still try to take the ship...or would they? :smalleek:
-Out of the random treasure I rolled, they got two wagons, a cart, and a luxury carriage. They have two extra helms (which are actually Lifehelms :smallbiggrin:) that they are discussing putting on the wagons. Should I let them figure it out? LoL. :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-30, 05:09 PM
What edition are you running? That'd help to a degree.

The funny thing with Athas is, bandits aren't after your money- they're after your water and food. In many parts of the world water wells and so on are all controlled by nobles who charge far more than its worth, most people will barely have enough water just to get by let alone enough for a multi-day trip beyond the city walls. Also, the people of athas have adapted to drunking fouled water, so any of your PCs drinking it will need to purify first or make a fort check.

2011-05-30, 05:20 PM
Well the first thing that came to mind when reading your post was two wagons, a cart and a luxury carriage.

None of that belongs on Athas, as far as I'm concerned. :smalltongue:

2011-05-30, 05:22 PM
One issue with Spelljammer in general is that your ship is likely capable of destroying a castle by itself without taking a lot of damage. Flying far over head and dumping shrink item catapult rounds on them is a good way to upset the balance of the world your in, or bringing a decanter of endless water. (unless this is 2E your talking bout).

2011-05-30, 05:24 PM
What edition are you running? That'd help to a degree.

The funny thing with Athas is, bandits aren't after your money- they're after your water and food. In many parts of the world water wells and so on are all controlled by nobles who charge far more than its worth, most people will barely have enough water just to get by let alone enough for a multi-day trip beyond the city walls. Also, the people of athas have adapted to drunking fouled water, so any of your PCs drinking it will need to purify first or make a fort check.


And LOL. The PCs had just stocked up on another world with a ton (aka 2,400 Gallons) of water... I am screwed as a DM. >_<

Oh, and they have a ton of food to go with it.

Well the first thing that came to mind when reading your post was two wagons, a cart and a luxury carriage.

None of that belongs on Athas, as far as I'm concerned. :smalltongue:

I described it has them having discovered some "artifacts". Made sense, since there were 11 cold weather outfits...

One issue with Spelljammer in general is that your ship is likely capable of destroying a castle by itself without taking a lot of damage. Flying far over head and dumping shrink item catapult rounds on them is a good way to upset the balance of the world your in, or bringing a decanter of endless water. (unless this is 2E your talking bout).

I run low-magic, with there being sightly more in Spelljammer. Magic items are all rare and "artifacts" in a way.

2011-05-30, 05:29 PM
I run low-magic, with there being sightly more in Spelljammer. Magic items are all rare and "artifacts" in a way.

What I guess I am trying to say is that the ship itself is an amazing weapon; some reason to keep it on the ground would be useful.

2011-05-30, 05:31 PM
What I guess I am trying to say is that the ship itself is an amazing weapon; some reason to keep it on the ground would be useful.


Great idea. That way I do not spend all this time learning Dark Sun for nothing.

Are there any really big flying creatures on Athas? Or any other ideas? :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-30, 05:42 PM

I described it has them having discovered some "artifacts". Made sense, since there were 11 cold weather outfits...Oh lord. Very well then.

"Jackpot! We found.. umm.. yeah, this isn't going to help at all..."

Anyway, if those are made out of wood, they've actually stumbled over a treasure trove, given the scarcity of such goods on Athas. Even the cold-weather outfits can likely be repurposed into something useful. The carts and such themselves are useless (wheels in sand; no way José).

Just some suggestions.

On the other hand, they already have a Spaceship. Athas wouldn't be short on "buyers". You could turn this into a whole campaign, if you want, given that no-one on Athas really would have much of a clue as to what it is and that a lot of people would wage wars over such a "machine". Athas is, after all, a doomed world. Even the gods have abandoned it. The Sorcerer-Kings would to anything to aquire such a device and leave the world and just about everyone would conspire to prevent him, backstab anyone, or sell their souls to go with whomever has such a vessel.

Your small band of rape-happy elves may be the first of a very, very large "family". Whether you want them to or not. The idea of leaving Athas... blows the mind.

Oh, also remember that everyone hates wizards, arcane magic sucks the life out of Athas (what little is left of it; I doubt any spellcaster you have with you know how to practice Preserver magic - I'd default them to defilers, whether they want it or not, at least until someone has explained the principles of the world for them). A divine spellcaster of any kind would likely be unheard of - just the fact that you can magically heal people or conjure water.. prepare to become Jesus.

2011-05-30, 05:43 PM
Dragons are nonexistent, but elemental drakes make sense. Also, maybe you could have an epic level creature known as an Avangion knock them straight out of the sky. Avagions are protectors of Athasian nature, and (as you know) magic harms Athasian nature. Have it critically damage the spelljammer, so that they have to find the proper materials to rebuild it. Since metal is extremely rare in Athas, you now have a mini-story arc. :smallsmile:

2011-05-30, 05:50 PM
When it comes to grounding them, I'd just have a Sorcerer-King steal it. It's a campaign hook that could last for as long as you'd like it to and reclaiming it could be the underlying goal of any number of adventures.

It sorta reminds me of Jack Vance's Planet of Adventure series of books (which I really recommend). It could take years and traveling across the whole face of Athas before it's reclaimed. You may even need to construct an entirely new ship, if the Sorcerer-King (or whomever has appropriated the vessel at such a time) manages to work out how to fly with it (or repair it, if it's broken).

2011-05-30, 06:09 PM
Possibly have the jammer be converted by a psion to a psihelm in the near future once they discover a giant flying ship run on magic usually drains the lifeforce from the land and living beings. As a psihelm, it runs on psionic might which we all know Athas has plenty of.

I found a old thing on the spelljammers fansite that mght help.

A way they enter Athas is theyre attacked by a psioic creature that devours arcane energies but due to spelljammers being unnatural to athas destroys most of it causing it to crash. They find a group of psions who spotted the falling jammer and notice the strange craft and clothing and the area around them is defiled. Upon that they ask who they were and what city state they belong to, and upon discovering their as clueless as a newborn explain the world and it properites.

2011-05-30, 06:17 PM
Possibly have the jammer be converted by a psion to a psihelm in the near future once they discover a giant flying ship run on magic usually drains the lifeforce from the land and living beings. As a psihelm, it runs on psionic might which we all know Athas has plenty of.

[...]Oh, I like the idea of the Jammer being arcane-based; Trying to take off in it could result in earthquakes, sandstorms and engine failure - the ship is pulled to Athas as if by the polar opposites of magnets. Athas thirsts for arcane renewal; the Jammer operates entirely on arcane power.

There's just not enough arcane power to be had. The engine stalls as the "fuel" is pulled in the opposite direction. Athas is essentially a vacuum of arcane power.

Having to refit it into a Psihelm could be the first major plot hook and then go from there.

2011-05-30, 07:43 PM
The folks over at Athas.org did an excellent conversion of Dark Sun over to 3.5 a while back... don't know what you're using, but it might be worth taking a look at for races, rules and the like here...

Linky (http://www.athas.org/products?publisher=Athas.org)

2011-05-31, 08:41 AM
Possibly have the jammer be converted by a psion to a psihelm in the near future once they discover a giant flying ship run on magic usually drains the lifeforce from the land and living beings. As a psihelm, it runs on psionic might which we all know Athas has plenty of.

I found a old thing on the spelljammers fansite that mght help.

A way they enter Athas is theyre attacked by a psioic creature that devours arcane energies but due to spelljammers being unnatural to athas destroys most of it causing it to crash. They find a group of psions who spotted the falling jammer and notice the strange craft and clothing and the area around them is defiled. Upon that they ask who they were and what city state they belong to, and upon discovering their as clueless as a newborn explain the world and it properites.

Oh, I like the idea of the Jammer being arcane-based; Trying to take off in it could result in earthquakes, sandstorms and engine failure - the ship is pulled to Athas as if by the polar opposites of magnets. Athas thirsts for arcane renewal; the Jammer operates entirely on arcane power.

There's just not enough arcane power to be had. The engine stalls as the "fuel" is pulled in the opposite direction. Athas is essentially a vacuum of arcane power.

Having to refit it into a Psihelm could be the first major plot hook and then go from there.

Both brilliant! And the beauty is they can still leave, since they unknowingly have two lifejammer helms on board. Would they risk it? :smallbiggrin:

And thanks, that Spelljammer link of Athas will be very useful.

The folks over at Athas.org did an excellent conversion of Dark Sun over to 3.5 a while back... don't know what you're using, but it might be worth taking a look at for races, rules and the like here...

Linky (http://www.athas.org/products?publisher=Athas.org)


2011-05-31, 02:30 PM
Spelljamming onto a world like Athas makes me think of Firefly for some reason....awesome!

2011-05-31, 04:39 PM
I don't know what race your party consists of but hopefully, for their sake, none of them will make the mistake i nearly made in a spelljammer campaign. Being an artificer, i figured i could make mad profit visiting a place that has little metal and wood, and that most people are desperate for it. The party's visit lasted a whole 10 seconds and in there i learned an important lesson. Warforged and Dark Sun setting don't mix well.

2011-05-31, 05:30 PM
Yeah, warforged don't mix well with dark sun. A mage who put his consciousness into a sentient golem instead of going the lich route? Maybe the closest.

2011-05-31, 06:16 PM
Spelljamming onto a world like Athas makes me think of Firefly for some reason....awesome!

Thank you kindly.

And coincidentally, I am using Firefly as an inspiration. The PCs early on:
a) Stay in the central/"Known" worlds region, and where they managed to PO the entire Arcane Order...
b) Go through a portal and travel among the "Outer Regions"/"Unknown Spheres". Needless to say I need to rewatch firely. :smallcool:

I don't know what race your party consists of but hopefully, for their sake, none of them will make the mistake i nearly made in a spelljammer campaign. Being an artificer, i figured i could make mad profit visiting a place that has little metal and wood, and that most people are desperate for it. The party's visit lasted a whole 10 seconds and in there i learned an important lesson. Warforged and Dark Sun setting don't mix well.

You became scrap? :smallbiggrin:

PS. My new Cleric player is taking Craft Wonderious Items (Good background fluff, I have yet to allow that feat) and is planning the same. This should be fun...

Yeah, warforged don't mix well with dark sun. A mage who put his consciousness into a sentient golem instead of going the lich route? Maybe the closest.


2011-05-31, 06:40 PM
What edition are you running? That'd help to a degree.

The funny thing with Athas is, bandits aren't after your money- they're after your water and food.Note that in the default setting, metal is extremely rare and valuable on Athas. That's one of the big things that comes up in terms of value, especially if you can travel back and forth freely between it and other worlds.

2011-05-31, 07:35 PM
Note that in the default setting, metal is extremely rare and valuable on Athas. That's one of the big things that comes up in terms of value, especially if you can travel back and forth freely between it and other worlds.

Everything that isn't sand is valuable on Athas. :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-31, 08:07 PM

Oh, just responding to the fellah from before. Athas is a dying world so the quest for immortality is a pretty big draw for those powerful enough to contemplate it. A warforged could be simply be a creation of a mage to escape his fleshy body for a nice, new, immortal one.

2011-06-01, 01:40 AM
Everything that isn't sand is valuable on Athas. :smallbiggrin:That's not true! What about Obsidia--

Oh, wait, come to think of it, Obsidian is sand, isn't it? I never thought about that before.

2011-06-01, 05:29 AM
That's not true! What about Obsidia--

Oh, wait, come to think of it, Obsidian is sand, isn't it? I never thought about that before.It's just really, really big grains of sand.

That said, Obsidian could also be used for awesomely black desert sands. :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-02, 10:58 AM
Note that in the default setting, metal is extremely rare and valuable on Athas. That's one of the big things that comes up in terms of value, especially if you can travel back and forth freely between it and other worlds.

Is it bad that they recently came across 400K Copper pieces...

Oh, just responding to the fellah from before. Athas is a dying world so the quest for immortality is a pretty big draw for those powerful enough to contemplate it. A warforged could be simply be a creation of a mage to escape his fleshy body for a nice, new, immortal one.

I see.

Strange that one would want to be immortal on a dead world, though.

It's just really, really big grains of sand.

That said, Obsidian could also be used for awesomely black desert sands. :smallbiggrin:

Can't you make weapons out of Obsidian? Or was that only flint?

2011-06-02, 11:03 AM
2E had rules for various weapon materials other than metal, I do think obsidian was one of them.

Course, they all had some kind of penalty, whether it be to hit, weapon speed, damage, or a chance to break on every hit.

2011-06-02, 12:13 PM
Is it bad that they recently came across 400K Copper pieces...Ah... it should have been ceramic. Ceramic pieces. Dark Sun uses ceramic pieces.

2011-06-02, 12:25 PM
Im guessing they got the coppers before they went to Athas.

2011-06-02, 12:33 PM
Im guessing they got the coppers before they went to Athas.
