View Full Version : Looking for old, obscure cartoon

2011-05-31, 05:09 AM
Honestly, I'm not sure how much help you guys can be, but maybe you can point me in the right direction by linking me to websites that might have the 'toon (that are legally allowed to show the thing and aren't violating copyright laws, that goes without saying but I wanted to make that clear as the forums rules have about these thing). Like, the cartoon was on Nickelodeon so maybe someone knows a place on their site that might have it.

Basically, I remember pretty much everything about the cartoon except the title and where I might be able to watch. You remember that old show Oh Yeah! Cartoons? The show where Chalk Zone and Fairly OddParents debuted as shorts before getting their official shows. Well, the cartoon in question was a short on the show. I went to the wiki and browsed the episode list but I can't remembered the title and nothing sounded like it. As for the plot...

(spoiler'd for length)
It takes place in a Medieval Fantasy setting. As for the art work, it's still cartoony, but it's a step up from most stuff and the animators took time to make the proportions were pretty accurate and gave it that serious look. The main hero is I think a prince (I'm like 99% sure he is). His kingdom is plagued by a...plague. So he's sent of to get this macguffin orb thingy that'll restore the kingdom or something. He takes some oracle or sorcerer girl for some reason (I don't remember, I think she knew the location of the orb). The prince has this kind of awesome magic sword that could turn into pretty much anything the user could thing of: axes, giant shields the size of a tower, extend the blade to the sky, boomerangs (he does this early on and it's a Chekhov's Gun for later).

Anyway, the orb thingy is supposedly guarded by a dragon and the prince and sorceress(?) head off to slay him. We get a brief but still good fight scene between the prince and dragon, before the dragon asks why he's trying to kill him (also, I think the voice actor for the dragon was doing a really bad William Shatner impression for the creature though I might be wrong about that). The prince tells the dragon his quest and it's soon discovered the sorceress(?) just needed the distraction to steal the thing and give to this goblin (or some short, ugly fantasy creature, really, does it matter if I mistake a goblin for a troll, this film did (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_2)). Also, the goblin might be the girl's father, might be wrong about that too.

The prince goes to the island (think it was an island, it was adjacent to some large body of water) of the goblin and the little monster summons monsters or animates some gargoyles and the prince has to fight them again using his badass, magical sword. The prince defeats the goblin's monsters, but during the fracas, the goblin escapes with the sorceress(?) in a boat. The goblins exclaims "It's time for me to take a cruise, while you learn how it feels to lose." (yeah, the goblin's thing was that is spoke in rhymes because it's mystical(?)) Anyway, as they're sailing off, the woman drops a rose the prince gave her earlier when he turned his sword into a boomerang. This inspires him to turn his sword into a boomerang and gets the orb back.

I'll admit, the 'toon wasn't great. It had some cheese, but it was still good and as a like less than 10 minute short, it didn't really drag on, had good pacing, some good fights considering the length, and that kick ass sword. I mean, it's not like I'd be wasting a huge amount of time watching the thing and I do feel nostalgic for it. Really, the only other shorts from Oh Yeah! Cartoons I might be interested in watching are some of the Chalk Zone stuff (I felt the TV show spinoff wasn't that good) and maybe some of the Mina and the Count (mainly because at the age of like 8 I hadn't read Dracula and didn't get the reference from the title which now I have to admit is kind of funny). So yeah, a link to some site with the episodes (and the name of the 'toon in question) would be great.

Lord Seth
2011-05-31, 04:51 PM
Wikipedia has a list of episodes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Oh_Yeah!_Cartoons_episodes) though for most of them it's just the name with no description. I don't know if that's of any help, but you might be able to figure it out from that.

2011-05-31, 05:52 PM
what year did you see this?
that might help me to place what you are talking about

2011-05-31, 06:57 PM
just going by the title in the linked list of episode #7 "enchanted adventures" looks like a likely winner

2011-06-01, 01:32 AM
well played otakuryoga
you are a better playgrounder than i