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View Full Version : How many campaigns is too much?

Titanium Fox
2011-05-31, 12:22 PM
Just what the topic asks. How many campaigns is too many campaigns? And what's the greatest number of campaigns you've been in at once?

Personally I'm in my most right now. Player in 3 Real Life campaigns, Running 1 Real Life Campaign, Playing in 2 Play by Posts, and have interest up in 1 more Play by Post. (5 3.5, 1 Pathfinder, 1 Pokemon Tabletop Adventures).

PairO'Dice Lost
2011-05-31, 12:50 PM
I'm currently running 6 games (1 RL D&D, 3 D&D PbP, 2 SWSE PbP), and up until the end of the semester two weeks ago I was playing in 3 RL games (2 D&D and 1 d20 Modern) and running 1 RL SWSE game, for a total of 10 at once. Too many? I don't know; I can handle 10 pretty well, so "too many" would have to be around, say, 12ish.

2011-05-31, 12:51 PM
3 games is the most I can be in at once, and still keep full interest.

2011-05-31, 02:12 PM
Two is the most for me. Three is pushing it. At one time I did a 3.5e, 4e, and Spycraft 2.0.

The 3.5e eventually died, DM went on to being a player somewhere else, haven't seen him since. The 4e was part of the encounters program, but was a custom campaign, due to work I can't go any more. The Spycraft 2.0 campaign ended with everyone being killed by another player, which everyone agrees was a **** move.

2011-05-31, 02:14 PM
To play or DM?
If player then I could probably find time for 3 or 4 games. If DM then no more than 2, but I'd rather just do 1.

2011-05-31, 02:18 PM
Currently, I am in:

1. epic level D&D 3.5 set in Forgotten Realms
2. mid-level D&D 3.5 set in DM's homebrew world
3. low-mid level D&D 3.5 set in Ravenloft
4. mid-high level D&D set in Forgotten Realms (I am DMing this one)
5. Aberrant set in the northeastern US (started in New Jersey, expanding outward)
6. another Aberrant set in an as-yet unknown location

2-4 are with the same group, 1 is with most of the same people and a couple others, and 5 is just two other guys from that same group. 6 is another group of people (which also includes those two guys from 1-5), and we are thinking about adding another game to alternate weeks with #6, to replace a d20 Modern Terminator game that ended fairly recently.

Then there was a Star Wars Saga game that sort of went on hiatus for about six months, but which we talk about getting back together and finishing sometime.

Honestly it's a bit too much for me. It's not that I don't have free time, it's that these games mostly fall into the same two or three time slots. Meaning that they either have to alternate with each other, or one of the games falls by the wayside for awhile as we concentrate on the other ones.

On the other hand, one of my friends is in all six of those groups and at least two others that I know of, and he seems fine with it all. I guess it's different for every person.

2011-05-31, 04:08 PM
5 is enough, I lose track of names and places after that.

2011-05-31, 04:23 PM
I'm not *twitch* in too many *twitch* games! I can *twitch* stop anytime I want to! :smallwink:

2011-05-31, 04:30 PM
I prefer to keep it to one as a player, and one as a DM (at a time). I have other interests outside of DnD, and Warmachine matches can get pretty long at higher point values.

2011-05-31, 04:36 PM
I think it seriously depends on the individual. I can only dm one, but I think I could probably be a player in a couple. Though once a week is honestly enough for me: I really only play with rl friends honestly.

2011-05-31, 06:12 PM
Currently I'm DMing 4 PbP games (one of which has two smaller groups instead of one bigger, but they interact with each other often) and playing in 4 PbP games, and within the next month I'm planning to take one PbP game I used to DM off hiatus and join one LJ game. So yeah, 8 games at once, soon to become 10, and I keep full interest in all of them. More than that would probably be too many, though.