View Full Version : Bye bye food pyramid

2011-05-31, 07:01 PM
Everyone in the US remember the food pyramid (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://web.mit.edu/athletics/sportsmedicine/Food%2520Pyramid.JPG&imgrefurl=http://web.mit.edu/athletics/sportsmedicine/wcrfoodpyr.html&usg=__FrE-JZfOrELUU-nTX1Jsevju61w=&h=460&w=590&sz=168&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=kZqm82ueI_J-BM:&tbnh=121&tbnw=155&ei=TYHlTcPzBMnagQeMxNHDBg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dfood%2Bpyramid%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1007 %26bih%3D476%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=109&page=1&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx=54&ty=31) we all learned in school? Well, it's going away. The new plan is the four food groups pie chart (http://hotair.com/archives/2011/05/30/video-the-usda-at-work-dinner/).

Mmmm ... pie.

Of course, I'm old enough to remember before the pyramid when we just had the lame 'four food groups' -- sugar, salt, caffeine, and fat. I'm not exactly sure why it was replaced by the pyramid, or why the pyramid is going away.

Ah well. That's several hours of health class in school I shan't get back in a hurry.

My wife won't miss it at all, as she calls they pyramid the 'feedlot diet' -- since carbohydrates are on the base of the pyramid at 6-11 servings, she was convinced it caused people to bloat up like little piggies.


Brian P.

2011-05-31, 09:02 PM
Cotton candy, the wise pharoah of food. Sitting atop the food pyramid, passing judgement on all the lesser foods.

W-w-w-white text!

2011-05-31, 10:27 PM
My wife won't miss it at all, as she calls they pyramid the 'feedlot diet' -- since carbohydrates are on the base of the pyramid at 6-11 servings, she was convinced it caused people to bloat up like little piggies.

I don't think that's quite correct... Those Carbohydrates are cereals, whole bread, whole pasta, oatmeal, and such.

At any rate, I can't put sound on the video because there's people sleeping in this room... but looking at the plate with no sound, I think I'd heard of this before. It's nice, really.

I don't think most of the basic concepts have changed, though.

2011-06-01, 01:23 AM
caffeine was a food group?

2011-06-01, 01:38 AM
caffeine was a food group?

Caffeine is THE food group. All the others don't really matter. If you don't believe me just go by a local High School and look at all the kids drinking the BFC cans of Monster, you know, the ones that say "Warning, your heart will explode if you drink this whole can."

Now where did I put my vente triple shot mocha from Starshmucks:smallbiggrin:

2011-06-01, 01:40 AM
I heard the original food pyramid was funded if not created by the rice and grain lobby. Wouldn't be surprised if there was some truth in that. I'm fine with it going.

Flame of Anor
2011-06-01, 01:47 AM

2011-06-01, 04:00 AM
Caffeine is THE food group.

this is the best thing i have seen in a while
permission to sig?

2011-06-01, 04:16 AM
Of course, I'm old enough to remember before the pyramid when we just had the lame 'four food groups' -- sugar, salt, caffeine, and fat.

Don't forget "burnt crunchy bits."

Or nicotine.

2011-06-01, 06:58 AM
Why is dairy even still included at all? Uhm, dairy is bad, mkay? It's just a scam.

2011-06-01, 07:03 AM
Oh come now, everyone knows that the proper food groups are:

Coffin Nails™

And uh... a side of fries.

2011-06-01, 07:11 AM
Why is dairy even still included at all? Uhm, dairy is bad, mkay? It's just a scam.

Dairy is an excellent carrier for the best food groups of them all. Artificial flavours and sugar.:smalltongue:

2011-06-01, 07:49 AM
Oh come now, everyone knows that the proper food groups are:

Coffin Nails™

And uh... a side of fries.

The cake is a ... no, not going there :)


Brian P.

2011-06-01, 08:45 AM
this is the best thing i have seen in a while
permission to sig?

You're welcome to it. I fully admit that I have a caffeine addiction myself. I can go a day without a cup of coffee, tea or cola but if I go more than that I will have a headache by the end of the second day.

Mono Vertigo
2011-06-01, 09:02 AM
BACON is the food group.
You heretics.
I won't share all my delicious bacon with any of you then.

2011-06-01, 09:21 AM
Why is dairy even still included at all? Uhm, dairy is bad, mkay? It's just a scam.


Therefore, your argument is invalid.
(No, I'm not biased just because I spent about 250$ at the cheese fair two weeks ago.)

Archpaladin Zousha
2011-06-01, 09:23 AM

Therefore, your argument is invalid.
(No, I'm not biased just because I spent about 250$ at the cheese fair two weeks ago.)


How much cheese can you GET for $250?! And has it all been eaten in those two weeks?

2011-06-01, 09:25 AM
A bag full. Cheese can get very expensive. And it's totally worth it. The best of them can kill a man at ten paces.

And no, I still have most left. You don't just eat cheese like that.

Asta Kask
2011-06-01, 09:40 AM
One christmas my cousin was visiting with her 4-month old son, who was travelling in a basket. She put him down and began greeting people and we sat down to eat. Soon we heard the little guy began to whimper - not crying but halfway there. And we tried to see if his diaper were full - no, he had just eaten and there seemed to be nothing wrong with him. Then we discovered that she had put him down next to the specially matured Stilton, and the fumes were reaching his nose.

We removed the Stilton and he was fine again.

Scarlet Knight
2011-06-01, 10:14 AM
Why is dairy even still included at all? Uhm, dairy is bad, mkay? It's just a scam.

You do have to remember, that through most of the last century, hunger was more of a problem than obesity. That's only been a problem for maybe the last 20 years. Now water is the only healthy food drink because it doesn't provide fat, calories, or actually, anything. It's good because we need water, but milk does provide protein and therefore, for most of my life, was a good product.
Milk in oatmeal was a cheap way to stave off hunger.

2011-06-01, 10:35 AM
Why is dairy even still included at all? Uhm, dairy is bad, mkay? It's just a scam.

I am curious as to why you would think this.

Zen Monkey
2011-06-01, 10:39 AM
I am curious as to why you would think this.

As am I. I use a lot of skim milk, being that my diet aims for low fat and high protein (milk in cereal, protein shakes, etc). Milk is a good source of casein protein, calcium, and vitamin D. Yes, you can take supplement pills instead, but that's true for a lot of vitamins.

2011-06-01, 11:29 AM
Dairy is a fantastic food group! Yeah, okay, eat nothing but cheese and full-fat milk and see how fast you pile on weight, but as part of a healthy and balanced blah blah blah, it's full of nutrients and vitamins. Especially milk fortified with vitamin D, since vitamin D deficiency is a growing problem for our indoors population, especially here in cloudy, wet, northern Europe with the pale skin that burns easily. When I see the sun at all, I'm wearing sunscreen factor 50!

And I was reading recently (http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/health/2011/0426/1224295454280.html) where milk is equally good at restoring isotope balance and fast rehydration as those isotope sports drink, only without the sugar and artificial flavourings.

2011-06-01, 11:31 AM
it's full of nutrients and vitamins.

So is Vegemite :smallyuk:. For that matter, so is human blood.


Brian P.

2011-06-01, 11:35 AM
Why is dairy even still included at all? Uhm, dairy is bad, mkay? It's just a scam.

Yes, protein and Vitamin D are scams.

2011-06-01, 11:36 AM
So is Vegemite :smallyuk:. For that matter, so is human blood.


Brian P.

And those are delicious too :smalltongue:

2011-06-01, 11:57 AM
is it just me or do you develop a resistance to caffeine
it is taking me more and more coca cola to get the same buzz lately

Zen Monkey
2011-06-01, 12:03 PM
is it just me or do you develop a resistance to caffeine
it is taking me more and more coca cola to get the same buzz lately

Your body is developing a tolerance, in the same way that people who drink a lot of alcohol tend to require more than a non-drinker to feel the same effect (assuming equal weight, metabolism, etc).

Asta Kask
2011-06-01, 12:08 PM

2011-06-01, 12:11 PM
Why is dairy even still included at all? Uhm, dairy is bad, mkay? It's just a scam.

Not sure if serious. (http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t288/Vaarsuvius89/notsureifserious.jpg)

Dairy's an excellent source of high-quality protein, vitamins, minerals, and overall tastes good. And how is it a scam?

Market: "Milk, $X.00"
Me: "I would like to buy some Milk."
Market: "Good, we have Milk."
Me: "Great, here's $X.00, give me some Milk."
Market: "Here, have your Milk."
Me: "Great! Now I have Milk."

Hardly seems like I'm being scammed for it... <.<

2011-06-01, 02:37 PM

I'd give you an internet cookie, but this thread made me hungry and I ate them all. Sorry. Still .. have a cookie.


Brian P.

Jack Squat
2011-06-01, 03:58 PM
is it just me or do you develop a resistance to caffeine
it is taking me more and more coca cola to get the same buzz lately

I don't think I've ever been able to get a buzz off of Coke. Only caffeine buzz I've had was after 6 cans of Mtn Dew Game Fuel - or about 430 mg of caffeine - over 1 1/2 hours and even that didn't really make me feel any different mentally, my hands were a little jittery though.

So far as the new food pie plate, I don't know why they keep redesigning it. I don't know anyone who's followed the recommendations on either of the pyramids.

2011-06-01, 05:00 PM
I believe what he meant by dairy being a scam was more about how it gets to the market in the first place. Some of the vitamins and minerals are added after pasteurization. One of the side affects of this is that it does not get near as homoginized as we believe it to be. It is not uncommon to see "shake well" on milk cartons. Vitamins A and D are the most known ones like this.

Other than that, there is the question of why do adult humans drink cow's* milk when not even adult cows drink cow's milk. We are the only species on the planet that drinks another species milk for sustanence.

*Insert goat here if needed.

Later Days,

2011-06-01, 05:20 PM

I use the food lasagna.

Bechamel sauce and other white or yellow stuff

2011-06-01, 05:40 PM
I instantly disapprove of this. A guild to eating right should always be in the form of ancient architectural or similar wonders. Why not a Food Stone Henge, or Great Wall of Food, or a Colossus of Foods?

2011-06-01, 05:42 PM
Food group bridge? Foododrome?

2011-06-01, 05:50 PM
And those are delicious too :smalltongue:

Beat me to it.:smallsmile:

2011-06-01, 08:23 PM
Other than that, there is the question of why do adult humans drink cow's* milk when not even adult cows drink cow's milk. We are the only species on the planet that drinks another species milk for sustanence.

*Insert goat here if needed.

We are also the only species on the planet that uses thermal energy to alter the chemical composition of our food before we consume it.

2011-06-01, 08:37 PM
We are also the only species on the planet that uses thermal energy to alter the chemical composition of our food before we consume it.

Im with Haruki-kun. We have the ability to harvest, other animals generally don't. We should put our evolutionary benefits to use.

2011-06-01, 09:25 PM
BACON is the food group.
You heretics.
I won't share all my delicious bacon with any of you then.

Bacon isn't a food group, it's a condiment. Bacon enhances everything!

Puts chopped bacon on the vente triple mocha, ... with a side of cheese, dang it, now I'm hungry.

2011-06-02, 01:22 AM
Thanks, Roukon, you got most of it exactly. The rest comes in the form of the actual flimflammery involved in it's support by the Gov't as an essential "food group."
Sorry, folks, I can only make very short posts for some reason.

Asta Kask
2011-06-02, 04:22 AM
I instantly disapprove of this. A guild to eating right should always be in the form of ancient architectural or similar wonders. Why not a Food Stone Henge, or Great Wall of Food, or a Colossus of Foods?

I like the Great Library myself.

2011-06-02, 04:40 AM
I'm partial to the Hanging Gardens of Nutrition.

2011-06-02, 05:25 AM
I was going to make a post about how I've never seen food pyramids before and only ever seen pie charts, but I got distracted by all this talk of cheese.

Mmmmmmmm cheese.... :smallcool:

2011-06-02, 05:26 AM
Now I want to recreate the nazca lines using carrots.

2011-06-02, 07:42 AM
Thanks, Roukon, you got most of it exactly. The rest comes in the form of the actual flimflammery involved in it's support by the Gov't as an essential "food group."
Sorry, folks, I can only make very short posts for some reason.

Just checked the jug of milk in the fridge. Says it contains skim milk (no fat), vitamin A and vitamin D3. Doesn't say anywhere to shake it. Recommended daily value percentages... Cholesterol 2%, Sodium 5%, Carbohydrates 4%, Calcium 30%, Vitamin A 10% (addded), vitamin D 45% (added), some protein...

Still failing to see how this stuff is bad for me. It's not really an essential food group, as you point out, but then neither is 'meat.' You can get by just fine without that stuff if you have alternative sources of protein. I don't, because it is tasty.

And yeah, the cow thing... other people have covered it. We're the only species with the capability to harvest (and store! animals don't have refridgeration) the stuff.

Asta Kask
2011-06-02, 07:45 AM
We're the only species to perform kidney dialysis. Should we stop?

H Birchgrove
2011-06-02, 10:33 AM
So is Vegemite :smallyuk:. For that matter, so is human blood.


Brian P.

Humans can't digest human blood. :smallamused:

I believe what he meant by dairy being a scam was more about how it gets to the market in the first place. Some of the vitamins and minerals are added after pasteurization. One of the side affects of this is that it does not get near as homoginized as we believe it to be. It is not uncommon to see "shake well" on milk cartons. Vitamins A and D are the most known ones like this.

Other than that, there is the question of why do adult humans drink cow's* milk when not even adult cows drink cow's milk. We are the only species on the planet that drinks another species milk for sustanence.

*Insert goat here if needed.

Later Days,

Over here, it's only low-fat milk that is being fortified with artificial vitamin A and D. Which means that when I drink regular milk, I won't get vitamin D from it, but that issue can easily be solved with eating eggs. Hmm fried eggs with bacon... or omelettes with sausages, onions and potatoes... :smallsmile:

2011-06-02, 10:40 AM
I instantly disapprove of this. A guild to eating right should always be in the form of ancient architectural or similar wonders. Why not a Food Stone Henge, or Great Wall of Food, or a Colossus of Foods?


That is all.

(Actually I'm not a big fan of bacon, but the words go well together and amuse me, and amusing me is the most important thing in the universe. All intelligent people agree upon that.)

2011-06-02, 03:28 PM
Humans can't congest human blood. :smallamused:

I think you meant digest. And a person can get some nutrients from blood, glucose and some of the proteins, but if that is all you are eating you would starve for other reasons.

H Birchgrove
2011-06-02, 04:05 PM
I think you meant digest. And a person can get some nutrients from blood, glucose and some of the proteins, but if that is all you are eating you would starve for other reasons.

D'oh! :smallsigh: Thanks for the correction. :smallredface:

But doesn't eating/drinking human blood make you vomit? Animal's blood is another thing, though I prefer black pudding to be fried...

Flame of Anor
2011-06-02, 08:14 PM
of why do adult humans drink cow's* milk when not even adult cows drink cow's milk. We are the only species on the planet that drinks another species milk for sustanence.

These kitties would disagree.


2011-06-02, 09:50 PM
But doesn't eating/drinking human blood make you vomit? Animal's blood is another thing, though I prefer black pudding to be fried...

I have not seen any medical reports about it but I would imagine that most of it is phsycological, you have people that can go hunting and gut a deer but will pass out at the site of human blood. I have seen first hand a person that was praising how good the fried chicken had been but ran to the bathroom to throw up when he was told it had been rabbit. Poor little Thumper.:smalleek:

2011-06-02, 10:04 PM
I had a friend who used to drink blood. This person told me it was a bad, BAD idea because it's a great way to get bloodborne disease. It's been double digit years since the person wised up but said person still has health problems left over from that particular youthful hijink.


Brian P.

2011-06-02, 10:15 PM
I had a friend who used to drink blood. This person told me it was a bad, BAD idea because it's a great way to get bloodborne disease. It's been double digit years since the person wised up but said person still has health problems left over from that particular youthful hijink.

Oh very definately a horrible idea to drink raw blood of ANY animal for those very reasons. But as far as I know it is not the blood itself that would make a person vomit. As far as myself I would probably get nauseous just watching someone drinking human blood. ewewewewew:smallyuk:

2011-06-03, 03:50 AM
*Insert goat here if needed.

I'm not inserting goat anywhere, needed or not.

Also, you haven't lived if you haven't had camel's milk.

It's also apparently far, far more nutritious than cow's milk.

Gaius Marius
2011-06-03, 09:59 AM
These kitties would disagree.


Cutie Foul.

10 Yard penalty. Accepted, 2nd down, 19 arguments to firstdown.

2011-06-03, 10:51 AM
So once we had the pyramid, and then that weird triangular pie graph, and now this actual pie graph with fewer segments. Extending this trend, we will pass through a bifurcated circle labeled "greenish food" and "reddish food" until finally arriving at an otherwise unadorned circle labeled "food", with an RDA of "enough", and the food graphic will finally be followed.

2011-06-03, 11:21 AM
I had a friend who used to drink blood. This person told me it was a bad, BAD idea because it's a great way to get bloodborne disease. It's been double digit years since the person wised up but said person still has health problems left over from that particular youthful hijink.


Brian P.

Oh very definately a horrible idea to drink raw blood of ANY animal for those very reasons. But as far as I know it is not the blood itself that would make a person vomit. As far as myself I would probably get nauseous just watching someone drinking human blood. ewewewewew:smallyuk:

I drink blood... that comes out of me.:smalltongue:

Just kidding, sorta. I do suck on cuts on my arms/hands, figure I might as well keep some of the nutrients I'd be losing otherwise.

That and I heard somewhere that saliva is mildly acidic, and so I figure that has to help fight infection, and considering I've had an infected cut once, I think it's working.

2011-06-03, 11:37 AM
So once we had the pyramid, and then that weird triangular pie graph, and now this actual pie graph with fewer segments. Extending this trend, we will pass through a bifurcated circle labeled "greenish food" and "reddish food" until finally arriving at an otherwise unadorned circle labeled "food", with an RDA of "enough", and the food graphic will finally be followed.

You are awesome. Here, have some cookies.

2011-06-03, 12:25 PM
until finally arriving at an otherwise unadorned circle labeled "food", with an RDA of "enough"

Do be real. There will be two equally sized circles, one saying "food" and the other saying "dairy". I truly am shocked that this new design finally suggests that vegetarians can comply with healthy food guidelines but the larger percentage of the population that is lactose intolerant cannot.

But they do seem dedicated to putting less and less information into every succeeding model. I wish that they stop trying to micromanage the foods that we eat and focus on the nutrients that we have to absorb, like the information that we actually teach the children when they're too told for the nursery-school graphics. Make one circle graph indicating that we should be eating a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, in a proportion somewhere near 50/25/25 but certainly not wildly far from that, and then some extra iconography to indicate that we also need to intake a reasonable supply of dietary fiber and water for healthy digestion.

2011-06-03, 03:16 PM
I drink blood... that comes out of me.:smalltongue:

Just kidding, sorta. I do suck on cuts on my arms/hands, figure I might as well keep some of the nutrients I'd be losing otherwise.

That and I heard somewhere that saliva is mildly acidic, and so I figure that has to help fight infection, and considering I've had an infected cut once, I think it's working.

I suggest that the risk of catching bloodborne disease from yourself is effectively nil. :smallbiggrin:


Brian P.

2011-06-03, 06:26 PM
I suggest that the risk of catching bloodborne disease from yourself is effectively nil. :smallbiggrin:


Brian P.

Is it wierd that after reading a book about vampires I decided I couldn't take that, not because it's wrong... but because I just have no Idea where those people have been... I mean it's like picking a hamburger of the sidewalk and chowing down...


2011-06-05, 10:30 PM
Is it wierd that after reading a book about vampires I decided I couldn't take that, not because it's wrong... but because I just have no Idea where those people have been... I mean it's like picking a hamburger of the sidewalk and chowing down...

Given the state of health of the average citybred human, I agree with you. It's best to only eat organically grown human beings.

2011-06-05, 11:04 PM
But cityfolk are full of preservatives. I bet it would make the vampires extra-immortal.

Mando Knight
2011-06-05, 11:21 PM
Everyone in the US remember the food pyramid (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://web.mit.edu/athletics/sportsmedicine/Food%2520Pyramid.JPG&imgrefurl=http://web.mit.edu/athletics/sportsmedicine/wcrfoodpyr.html&usg=__FrE-JZfOrELUU-nTX1Jsevju61w=&h=460&w=590&sz=168&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=kZqm82ueI_J-BM:&tbnh=121&tbnw=155&ei=TYHlTcPzBMnagQeMxNHDBg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dfood%2Bpyramid%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1007 %26bih%3D476%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=109&page=1&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx=54&ty=31) we all learned in school? Well, it's going away. The new plan is the four food groups pie chart (http://hotair.com/archives/2011/05/30/video-the-usda-at-work-dinner/).

The food pyramid I learned at school was gone anyway. They replaced it with that vertically-striped thing.

2011-06-06, 01:56 PM
W-w-w-white text!

Totally sig'ing this.

2011-06-06, 04:26 PM
The Food Pyramid has gotten less and less useful with each iteration.

I mean, I go buy a burger, how many serving of Carbs is it? How many of meat? I dunno. You've gotta go read a book to figure out how much of each thing you need to have. How much fat? Who knows?

People don't follow the food pyramid because you would need a degree in nutrition and actively research everything over the internet in order to make any decisions. Worse than useless.

If the government were really serious about getting people to eat healthily, they would have to do things really differently. Like perhaps rating every possible food from every restaurant to say how healthy it is. Perhaps a points system like weight watchers. In any case, they have to make the decision easy, because unlike what the designers of the system apparently think, people have much more pressing problems than their nutrition. Not in the long run, true, but it is a well-observed fact that by and large, short term trumps long term.