View Full Version : Dark Heresy - The Black Death

2011-05-31, 09:14 PM
This the the In Character Thread for the 1x1 roleplay between myself and DaedalusMkV.

Characters met thus far
A synch skin covered male, voice was unrecognisable due to a modulator similar to your own, the most notable feature about him was his iconi visor..that and the fact that no sooner did you take your eyes off him he was gone.

Meet with the Inquisition at the rendevue point

None thus far.

None Thus far.

Character sheet:
Name: Albus Makhan
Homeworld: Ferida (Noble Born)
Career: Guardsman
Rank: Sergeant
Divination: “Men must die so that Man endures.” Gain +3 Toughness
Gender: Male
Skin Colour: Pale – Hair: Brown, cut short Eyes: Blue
Age: 34
XP: 2200

WS: 39+10 (49)
BS: 34+10 (44)
S: 34+5(39)
T: 39+3 (42)
Ag: 32
Int: 34
Per: 29
WP: 29
Fel: 34
Wounds: 15/15

Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)
Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int)
Literacy (Int)
Drive (Ground Vehicle) (Dex)
Awareness (Per)
Dodge (Ag)
Pilot (Military Craft) (Dex)
Intimidate +10 (Str)
Peer (Nobility)
Peer (Military)
Melee Training (Primitive)
Pistol Training (Las)
Basic Training (Las)
Basic Training (SP)
Quick Draw
Swift Attack
Sound Constitution (x2)
Melee Training (Chain)
Etiquette: +10 to Charm, Deceive and Scrutiny in formal situations.
Supremely Connected: Gain two Peer Talents (already accounted for)
Vendetta: Have the enmity of a particular group (Calixian drug barons)
Wealthy :Income is increased, double starting income.
Simple WS (100)
Simple BS (100)
Simple S (100)
Awareness (100)
Intermediate WS (250)
Common Lore: War (200)
Dodge (100)
Quick Draw (100)
Pilot (Military Craft) (100)
Intermediate WS (250)
Intimidate (100)
Swift Attack (200)
Intimidate +10 (100)
Sound Constitutionx2 (200)
Interrogate (200)
Melee Training (Chain) (100)

XP Spent: 2400/2400
All starting gear sold except Stealth Gear, Rations. No Imperial Guard, no Primer.
Advanced Las Recharger (100) special: allows for easy recharging of all las weapon packs.
Enforcer Light Carapace (575)
Carapace Helm (250)
Hellgun w/ 1 Capacitor and 2 Lasgun Charge Packs and Red-dot Sight (310)
Gauntlet-mounted Hellpistol w/ Laspistol Duplus Charge Packs, Red-dot Sight (520)
Good-quality Chainsword engraved with images of Saint Drusus(825)
Mono Combat Knife (80)
Stealth Gear
2 Dress Uniforms (Good-quality clothing) (100)
Street Clothes (Common-quality clothing) (10)
4 Mk. III Frag Grenades (40)
2 Krak Grenades (100)
Weapon Maintenance Kit (20)
Backpack (5)
Personal Grooming Kit (5)
Chrono (40)
Data-Slate (25)
Good-quality Microbead (60)
2 Stummers (40)
Infra-Red Goggles (Built into Helm) (275)
Magnoculars (Built into Helm) (55)
Respirator (Built into Helm) (25)
1 Week Rations
381 Thrones
Combat Stats:
AP5 to body, arms and legs, AP4 to head.
Hellgun: Range 110, ROF S/3/-, Dam 1d10+4E, Pen 3, Clip 40, Rld 3 Full Rounds. Base BS Target: 54
Hellpistol: Range 30, ROF S/2/-, Dam 1d10+3E, Pen 3, Clip 5. Base BS, Reload Full Round (Half) Target: 54 Special: does not take up a hand.
Chainsword: Melee, Dam 1d10+5R AP2, Balanced, Tearing. Base WS Target: 54, Parry Target: 59
Mono Combat Knife: Melee, Dam 1d5+6R AP2, WS Target 49, Parry 49

2011-05-31, 10:53 PM
It had been a shocking experience. There had been close calls before, people putting things together and almost coming to a conclusion on who the Black Death truly was. He had however always plenty of time to throw them off or likewise ensure they disapeared. The Inquisition instead...was living up to its horrific reputation. Without a single sign to suggest there approach they had not only seen what he was doing but figured out his identity and had an agent waiting in his room...bearing a Rossette and a very tempting offer.

He had been given Directions to a secure location, An old Enforcer station in an out of the way section of the Upper Hive. Indeed now that it was pointed out it was a suprise noone had spotted it for an Inquisitional Holdings before. A station that was for all intents and purposes never active...had nothing of value stationed there..And had not had any Men transferred in or out for years.
When He finally arrived the Men guarding the place said nothing, they simply opened the door and closed it back up when he entered.

The interior showed the place to be a spartan Military grade bunker. A single table in the center and a chair for him to sit on.
In the corner was the synch skinned assasin he had met previously, but the true focus was on the smooth skinned figure in the center of the room. Her hair was bleached white and had an Aquila tatoo across her cheek. Her eyes seemed far to deep for an ordinary person and thats when the thoughts that this must be an Inquisitor started to take hold. She was likewise spartan Dressed, a simple high quality robe and a bolt pistol holstered at her side.
"Please Sit" She said motioning her hand to the spare seat. The Assasin in the back was leaning on the wall, he seemed disinterested in the whole affair.

2011-05-31, 11:47 PM
Albus walks slowly to the centre of the room, taking his time to absorb every detail of his surroundings; when you've attacked as many buildings as he has, you learn that every detail, no matter how insignificant, can save your life. Despite the sheer bulk of equipment he wears, the Black Death moves easily and confidantly through the room, countless hours spent in his armour more than balancing out the encumbrance of his gear. He nods respectfully to the white-haired woman in front of him, removes the power pack from his back and slowly sits down, careful to make sure that the chair can take the weight; not every chair can, when you weigh in at 90 kilograms and carry 30 more in kit. When he's certain the chair is sufficient for him he settles down and sets his Hellgun and its bulky capacitor on the floor, then reaches up and hits the clasps on his helmet. It unseals with a slight hissing of air and he pulls it off, revealing a face straight from an Imperial Guard recruitment poster, his steely blue eyes staring at the probable Inquisitor with a quiet intensity. "So, you found me. What now?"

2011-06-01, 12:02 AM
The room itself was bustling with various cords, pipes and Imperial Insignia. There was a holographic map display on the far wall but was currently inoperable or likewise off. There was a strange looking data port device in the corner the notable feaure being a Servo skull hotwired into the top of it.
What was strange was the absense of a vox system, normally such instalations posses at least one...perhaps it was not needed here?

The chair managed to hold his weight, these were made of some kind of metal. Military grade, made to fold up for ease of storage and transport.
The figure sitting across from him seemed to smile when his helmet finally came off, It was incredible that they had let him in fully armed....could they be so confident in the assasin sitting across the room?

"It wasnt very hard to find you...Indeed Im rather surprised at the sheer incompetance of the local Law enforcement in that regard...Though Im sure if it were not for such incompetance your existance wouldnt have been needed in the first place."
She said leaning back in her chair, finally showing some comfort.
"My Name Is Ash...or thats what youll call me...The man standing at the end of the room Is Cinders....we were sent here to find the upstart vigilante who had taken out one of our under cover cell members."
She said a sudden silence draping over the room.

2011-06-01, 12:32 AM
Albus frowns deeply in response to this news, a hint of remorse flashing through his mind for an instant. He was proud of his kills, the lot of them enemies of all Emperor-fearing people and a pestilence upon the Imperium. To learn that one of them had instead been a faithful servant of the Inquisition is a disturbing notion indeed. He closes his eyes for a few moments, clearing the doubts from his mind. Mikus had done the reasearch very thouroughly, and they always made sure to double-check each target before striking it. He couldn't be blamed for this tragedy, no matter how regrettable. "Incompetent? Maybe they were, but in the end they never really tried to find me. I was only doing what they all wanted to, you know? Bringing the Emperor's Justice to Obscura-trading scum that one way or another were untouchable by official channels." He returns his gaze to the woman, his confidance fully returned, and he shrugs. "Blame the politicians, in any case. If I killed one of yours I do appologise, but I can hardly be held accountable for it, can I? I knew everything the Enforcers did, and was quite careful to avoid any gang stated to contain undercover agents. Secrecy is a two-edged blade." Albus settles his right arm on the table, the heavy gauntlet-mounted weapon on his wrist making a clicking sound against the metal furniture. "If you intend to punish me, do so. I accept your authority in this regard." If he's overawed by the exalted status of his hosts, he's certainly concealing it well.

2011-06-01, 12:44 AM
The women sitting across from him turned her head to the assasin who simply nodded.
"It seems that you are not just some Lucky Vigilante...you show some true skill. Fear not for punishment however, as you say secrecy is a double edged sword and if our agent was not capable enough to save himself then death was his punishment. Indeed you are here and still alive because ....well frankly were impressed." She said with a smile reaching under the desk and taking out a data pad and sliding it to him.
"Thats a list of all the known gangs..there affiliates and likewise other 'victims' of the Black Death...its a killcount thats known as much on other planets as it is here Ill have you know...Sure I would not be surprised if some of the names on the list were not actually killed by you but the point is....your a symbol of fear...of dread. We among the Inquisition...want that dread to spread...to other worlds..to other places...anywhere someone breaks Imperial creed we want them whispering YOUR name." She said in a particularly over the top manor.
"Your assignment..will be to kill those we ask you to...to work with the agents we assign to you....and at all other times..spread the Fear you have thus accumulated." She said settling back down.

2011-06-01, 01:04 AM
Albus smiles in response to Ash's offer, tapping his gloved fingers against the table. "You've heard the legend? Frankly, I'm not surprised, given how large it's grown... What you want, then, is for that legend to grow, the Black Death rising on more worlds to claim victims, this time chosen by you?" He chuckles for a moment, genuine mirth in his voice, then continues. "How in His name could I deny such an offer? I will be your symbol, my Lady, your icon of dread to strike fear into the hearts of the wicked!" He leans forward in the chair, his hands clenched together in front of his face. "I am at your command."

I've decided to use two seperate colours for Albus' voice, purple as I have been for when he isn't using his voice modulator and Navy for when he's speaking as the Black Death. I hope you don't mind.

2011-06-01, 01:30 AM
Ash smiles and takes back the data slate and places it back into what must be a draw under the desk.
"Im glad you are so enthusiastic...but you wont be my Symbol" Ash said looking to Cinders, who then touched his forehead and the augmented voice spoke a single word.
"now" before returning to his usual position.
With that the wall in the back of the room unleashed a slight hiss and began to roll off to one side. A hidden passage leading down a staircase of some sort. What was standing in the doorway would have shaken anyone who had not seen plenty of servitors or Servants of the machine god. Even then this figure far outshadowed even them.
The figure looked more like a machine then a man, the face featureless except for a large illuminated -][- off to one side.
A hooded cloak stretched over the behemoths entire figure and If Albus was indeed standing he would put the figure as a good foot taller then himself.
The figure was unarmed from the looks of things, but the intimidating figure looked as if it needed none. It simply took a few heavy steps forwards before coming to a stop.
"Albus..This Is Agent Burnt Rose....Our Inquisitor." She said trying to regain attention.
The tall monstrous figure said nothing, simply stood there that red gleaming -][- just staring at him.
"We of course could not expose our Inquisitor untill your cooperation was garenteed and an assesment of your mind carried out....were also going to have to further prove your loyalty to the cause..since your capabilities are more then satisfactory."

Its absolutly fine.

EDIT: Also if you want a picture of Burnt rose http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p7/idropbows/crap/inquisitor.jpg theres one, albiet the visor is different.

2011-06-02, 11:16 PM
Albus starts as the panel slides open to reveal the hulking Inquisitor, his right hand moving slightly as he instinctively brings his Hellpistol to bear, then at Ash's announcement he relaxes slightly and lowers both hands to the table and bows his head respectfully, a culculated gesture of nonhostility in an attempt to counter his reflexive move to attack. "Inquisitor." At the end of Ash's final statement, however, his face reddens and he slams his gauntleted fist against the table, the ceramite of his armour amplifying the sound. "How dare you call my loyalty into question! I come from a long line of..." He stops with obvious effort, then takes a deep breath. "Appologies. Of course you question my loyalty; it's what the Inquisition is for, isn't it. Very well. Tell me what you'll have me do."

Sorry for the lack of a post yesterday; I had no internet for most of the day.

Ah, I see I'm working for Burnt Rose again. So s/he was the Inquisitor, colour me surprised. I always had Rose pegged as a favoured senior Acolyte, all things considered. Cinders must be the man in the Chameleoline from last time as well. Huh. Does Burnt Rose still have the shoulder-mounted autoguns?

2011-06-02, 11:42 PM
It was rather incredible looking over the situation. Despite Albus drawing his weapon none of the other three in the room seemed to be taken aback by it. Indeed even the assasin, whom gave off the presence of a bodyguard in this situation didnt so much as flinch. Perhaps in knowing the Inquisitor they also know to expect such reactions, Indeed that would explain why they kept Burnt Rose out of site initially.

When Albus lost his temper however was an entirely different story, Indeed the first must have been expected..this was not.
The assasin again didnt flinch, Burnt Rose's Eye slot seemed to glow for a moment and shot Albus a Steely gaze. Ash however almost jumped out of her chair, the aura of self control breaking for a brief moment.
Ash looked as if she was about to speak when the disturbing augmetic voice came from Burnt Rose. Voice disguising technology were common, Albus used it frequently for starters. This Voice was different however, it was as if the voice itself wasnt being changed or altered...but synthesised...Created.
"Outbursts such as those are best kept in the presence of enemies Black Death"
Ash managed to regain herself quickly enough.
"It is of no offence...We understand you have a great loyalty to the Ideals of the Imperium...We wish to see your loyalty to us...The Inquisition...there are those who believe they are not one in the same"

Actually you were right about Burnt Rose being a Prime. Its just In this game I thought of having her in the ACTUAL role of Inquisitor. At the moment she does not have those arnaments.

2011-06-03, 12:06 AM
Albus nods slowly, again setting his hands carefully on the desk where they're clearly visible. Yes... I must remember that I'm not surrounded by my Noble peers anymore. Nobody here is bound by the laws of etiquette. He leans back again, trying to resume his relaxed pose and hide the slight feeling of dread that the baleful augmetic gaze of the massive Inquisitor inspires in him. "Ah. Again, I appologise for the misunderstanding. I can assure you, you have naught to fear from me."

Albus' Hellpistol is actually built into his right gauntlet, so it was 'drawn' right from the beginning of the meeting. When Burnt Rose showed up he didn't reach down to draw it or anything like that, it was more like a big twitch as he moved his forearm to cover the new arrival. It's not a big deal, but I thought I should point it out.

2011-06-03, 04:33 AM
"We are the Inquisition....We Fear no man" Burnt Rose quickly interjected, Her robotic form barely moving. That was untill it turned its head to Ash and gave a quick nodd.
"See there is one thorn in our side with this whoe situation. While we are sure you are perfectly capable at killing and spreading fear...you are a fool when it comes to hiding...Indeed all it took was a data screen matching all of your Arbite friends cold cases to the deaths in the hive...and looking to the only highly trained individuals with access to high powered weaponry." She said as if stating the obvious.
"We need to ensure there is absolutly NO evidence that would suggest who the Black Death may be...Whats more..is that lack of evidence isnt enough...we need to activly disprove that the Black death is the man known as Albus" She said starting to look stern.

"Your First Assignment is to cooperate with a rebel faction seeking to assasinate the very peopl you guard. You are to allow them access into the compound..Indeed you will lead various attempts to take the palace itself. Then, as your alternate Persona..wipe out the traitor filth to the last man..Including yourself" Burnt Rose stated plainly. The disturbing nature of the mission made worse by her augmetic speech.

Ash quickly cut in to fill in the blanks.
"You see now why its a question of loyalty...It would indeed be dragging not just your name, but your families through the mud...but in return placing the Black Death in perhaps the perfect situation for crippling a major rebel faction that would otherwise go unebated. With the news that the Blck Death personally SAVED the royalty of the hive it would be the perfect time to spread your influence to other worlds. Your death would of course be faked, Cinders will infiltrate the palace ahead of time...after your initial siege of the palace youll be taken out..given your gear and sent out to do what you usually do, Cinders then of course providing a replacement of you body for the Morgue to later Identify as your corpse." She said taking out another Data Slate, this one with in depth information of the plan itself.
"Its no light request we understand and you have the time to think it over...Indeed it will take us at least a week or two before we can get the Rebels to go ahead with such a plan."

2011-06-04, 12:04 AM
Albus closes his eyes and rests his head on his right hand. "Do you know what you're asking? My anscestors have provided over a millenia of dedicated service to Ferida and the Imperium, never wavering. You want me to destroy that legacy utterly, dishonor my anscestors and sully the name of my House for generations to come." His voice becomes pained at this thought, though he continues to speak. "If it were only myself that stood to lose I would act in a heartbeat, but this decision will affect my family for generations, not to mention the soldiers under my command..." He is silent for almost a minute, barely moving as he contemplates his situation. Finally he looks up again, his eyes hard and his hands clenched. "Very well. If this is how I must serve the Emperor's chosen agents, I cannot deny Him. Though it is distasteful, my honour pales beside my duty to the Throne." He takes the dataslate and thumbs the activation rune. "I can't imagine you'll fool Mikus with this plan, though. He knows more than enough to see through the subterfuge, even if nobody else does."

2011-06-04, 12:24 AM
"We understand it is extreme...But anything less could lead any enemies you muster back to your identity...and Indeed the very family you worry about dishonouring." Ash said as if trying to reinforce that this was Indeed the right thing to do.
"If it is any consolidation...after your death and subsequent replacement we will Indeed inform your family of your heroic Sacrifice" Burnt Rose said, The fact Burnt Rose seemed to expect death was a bit disheartening.

"Mikus...Is Indeed an issue...a grave one in fact." Ash continued scratching her chin.
"While the Inquisition is willing to overlook YOUR crimes..which make no mistake they were. Mikus in the end..has been organising hitmen to kill figures he deems require death...a privledge his badge does not grant." She said finally dropping the bombshell.
"As such hes been stricken of his position, Instead we have put his skills to better use in the Divisio Immoralus" He has already been informed of the consequences that he will incurr should he be loose lipped about our plan.

"In any case...with such things already handled...and your cooperation secured, You will return to your regular duties...Cinders will contact you again when you are to meet with the Rebels. The data slate you are given has the appropriete information on there traitorous beliefs. You will need to pretend to support them..even share there beliefs...Do you understand?" Burnt Rose questioned, The metalic figure must have known that for a loyal member of the Imperium to do such a thing would be no easy task.

2011-06-05, 07:00 PM
Albus brightens up immediately upon Burnt Rose's first announcement. "My family will learn the truth? Why did you not say so immediately? So long as my successors know that our honor is still intact, my anscestors remain unsullied." He turns back to Ash, then continues, much of his enthusiasm returned. "I am glad that you didn't choose to deal with Mikus in a more... Permanent fashion. I've never heard of this Divisio Immortalis, but I would have been disheartened to hear that he had been punished for my actions." Finally, he listens through and responds to Burnt Rose's final proclamation. "You... Want me to practice heretical beliefs? I can pretend well enough, I think, if that's what you mean, but I will never renounce my faith in the Emperor and Imperium."

2011-06-05, 08:55 PM
Indeed when Albus' enthusiasm returned so to did Ash return to her calm collected nature.
"Mikus In the end was helping you do the emperor's work..even if it was in a more radical fashoin. His punishment is indeed that he may never return to this world..lest he accidently reveal the secret hes been told to keep." She said before Burnt Rose cut in.
"We do not ask you to practise Heretical beliefs...only mirror the Rebel's actions. To openly rebel against him is of course heretical, you on the other hand will be ultimatly destroying them, any slight you may cause while undercover is forgiven due to your actions after....Consider it an exceptional reason that you do not fail."
She said in her grim tone.
"Is there anything else you wish to know? or clarify? If so ask now, as you wont have any further contact with us untill Cinders gives you the times and locations the rebels plan to meet with you." Ash spoke back up hoping perhaps to change the subject off the matter of immortal souls.

2011-06-05, 10:57 PM
"Very well." He stands up, then precisely salutes the heavily Augmetic Inquisitor. "I have no further questions, Inquisitor. I look forwards to acting as your agent."

2011-06-05, 11:07 PM
"We look forward to your service" Burnt Rose responded before turning and walking back down the light flooded stairway, the door sliding shut moments later.

"Very well, your excused Agent...from this point on, we shall only refer to you as the Black Death...Go with the Emperor...we will see you soon" Ash said, the entrance door finally sliding back open to allow Albus to exit.
End of Introduction.

Is there anything your character wishes to do between now and the next contact?

2011-06-05, 11:24 PM

Hmm... Not without a little bit more info, really. Unless the enemy plans to bring vehicles, I think I'm fairly well equipped to handle whatever they bring. Hell, I've even got a couple of Krak grenades if they do bring a vehicle or two. Umm...

Actually, I'd like to pick up a couple of Photon Flash and/or Hallucinogen Grenades, in case I need to incapacitate any Palace staff without hurting them. I'm AFB at the moment, though, so I can't really check this out.

2011-06-05, 11:54 PM
Data Slate:

Subject: Black Death (nomen: [DELETED] )
Status: ACTIVE
Handler: [DELETED]
Objective: In several days Agent [DELETED] will return with another data slate containing the finer points of the Rebel plans to infiltrate the palace. Our own undercover agents will be working to ensure this plan involves you as deeply as possible. Ounce the rebellion has taken place and sufficient evidence of your inclusion in the plot has been collected. You will then break off from the palace assault and the rebel group. Agent [DELETED] will then supply you with a look alike body to fake your death, then provide you with your Iconic Gear. You will then proceed to repel the invaders singlehanded untill the scheduled reinforcements arrive. News of such an accomplishment will be spread quickly throughout the hive as will the names of the Rebel members (Especially Albus). You will then be extracted via means that will be mentioned in the next Data Slate and taken to a secur location.
Commit to file YXX/Tenab/238eu389/dd

The hallucination grenades are 40 thrones each.
The Photon grenades are 60 each. As for vehicles, the whole plan is being hastily constructed. The Inquisition have there agents quickly trying to provoke an attack on the palace AS WELL as ensure they involve Albus in some manor. They wont have more details untill closer to the date.

2011-06-06, 12:17 AM

Not much new information there...

Okay, I'll pick up a pair of Photon Flash Grenades for 120 Thrones, which (accounting for that portable Charpe Pack charger I purchased at game start), should leave me with 161 Thrones. (Remembering, Hallucinogens can be decidedly lethal depending on how the luck goes)

Otherwise, might as well skip forwards to the next relevent scenario.

2011-06-06, 06:02 AM
Yea unfortuanatly there running blind untill they work out the plans of the rebels then involve albus. The equipment has been procured so no issues there.

Chapter 1 - To Die and be Reborn.

It had been nearly a month since Albus last made contact with the Inquisition. Indeed for one who was informed of what was going on the signs of rebellion were far more visable.
The gangs that were rising up in the hives no longer looked like seperate instances but rather overarching attempts to throw off the noble spire oppresion. The Rising of prices was no longer "a marketing strategy" and rather an attempt to provoke the poor into action.
Indeed although outright crime was low..a slow and brooding rebellion began to form, all unnoticed untill Albus was made fully aware.
It was when the factions themselves became public that Albus was finally contacted.
The Broken Chains, Indeed an uninspiring name. There emblem was a string of chains breaking under tension, now a symbol for any who thought that the Ruling class of this world deserved Death or worse.
No major attacks had occured yet, but it was obvious things were about to reach breaking point.

Albus returned to his room only to find a letter holding a specific vox frequency as well as instructions on how to tune the accompaning microbead to the channel. Cinders was waiting on the other end of the line.
"Hello Again Black Death, This is Cinders...dont worry its a secur channel..though anyone could still over hear you so best stay in a private place" came through the sound of a sly male voice, Evidently his synthesiser was not active.

2011-06-07, 12:42 AM
Albus looks around for a few moments, and listens at the door on the off-chance one of his Noble peers is lurking around, then responds. "This location is as secure as any I have access to." He sits down at his desk and pulls out a sheaf of paperwork, just in case someone comes by and asks what he's doing. "Do you have further instructions for me?"

2011-06-08, 07:46 PM
OOC:Data base back up JUST as I posted, didnt realise that it lost the post in the process.

"Ok then, weve managed to infiltrate agents into almost every part of the rebel structure. Whats more is it seems our leeking that the palace has an unguarded Sewer passage has tempted the Broken Chain leaders into making an assault. However, they still need access codes only you and other Palace Guards have access to. They have already 'become aware' that your an enthusiast of there beliefs and are going to contact you soon." Cinders said, his voice just a shade to sly for anyones liking.

"My suggestion would be to start taking long lone walks, they will get in contact with you fairly quickly since there already watching you. Theres no danger since they want you on side. Now the plans are still in planning, but the agents we have tell us that there falling for the bait, There most likely going to storm the sewers and use your access codes to bypass the main gates and enter the facility. Ounce the chaos starts you can easily slip off and meet with me"

2011-06-10, 11:26 AM
"Understood. I will await further contact, from you and the rebels. What is our rendezvous point?"

Sorry for the miniscule post. Phone conversations don't tend to leave a lot of room for cool action, especially when you're just getting semi-vague orders from your allies.

2011-06-10, 11:52 AM
Its no problem, It was more an oppertunity to ask questions. If you dont have any we can move on.

"As you know the palace itself is rather large, The Main assault will no doubt be aiming to assasinate the Nobility weve arranged to be there on the day. We can meet in the kitchen off from the main hall, as its easily secured"

Nothing more was really said, Not much more had to be.

It wasnt much longer that Albus was indeed contacted by the Traitors. It was during his shift as the Palace guard that he found a scrawled letter asking to meet in a grimy bar of ill repute, surviving this high up in the hive only because of the buisness it got from the ill favored servants under the employ of the Nobility. Indeed it was often considered embaressing to be caught entering or leaving by anyone of stature.

any precautions or preperations you would like to take before heading there? no Questions?

2011-06-10, 11:06 PM

Albus will wear his Common-quality civilian clothes to the meeting, and wear his Chainsword and Monoknife in sheaths, the sword on his hip and the knife on his back under his coat. He'll also bring a Frag Grenade in one pocket and set his Micro-bead to the local Enforcers' channels, in the event that someone learns the rebels are meeting here.

I don't really have any more questions. He's not going to attack the bar, and he's probably better off not knowing too much about the rebels.

2011-06-13, 06:42 AM
Albus had no trouble entering the building, not with his stature. Indeed the bouncers of the building although rough looking didnt look like much of a match for someone with this sort of weaponry on them. Likewise it was not strange nor prohibited for one of noble blood to carry such things on them, anyone else would be stripped of them upon entering the premisis.

When he entered he saw a dingy scene. Dirty floors, spilt drinks. Empty glases left on tables...Indeed the only servant walking around handing out drinks was a scantly clad girl with an electoo of some form of insect clearly visible on the small of her back.

He didnt have to wait long, because that same women quickly approached him and with a provocative bow began to speak.
"Why hello there my good sir, I believe the men you are looking for are out back, in the private booth." She said with a wink.
"If you need me for anything at all, please just ask." She said, the emphasis on the anything.

Before to long he made his way through the back, indeed there was a sectioned off area seperated by a deep purple curtain. Upon entering he found himself looking at three men.
Two were large and bulky, wearing fine robes that upon close inspection had various holes and dirty marks. Stolen would be a fine guess.
The third was dressed more plainly, Indeed the only thing that would seperate him from your average servant was the electoo of a chain wrapping itself around his neck. Indeed a strange symbol no doubt signalling his alliance to the rebel band.
"Ah..its a pleasure to finally meet you, please sit down..we have much to discuss."

If you like you can still ask the barmaid a few questions e.t.c the actual meeting will just be post poned till everything else is done if thats the case.

2011-06-13, 11:05 PM
Albus nods to the serving girl, flashing her a quick grin, then pulls a handful of Thrones from his pocket and hands them to her. "I'll have whatever your best drink is, if you don't mind. I'll be inside." He doesn't wait for her to deliver the drink, instead walking into the room. Once again he nods in greeting to the three men at the table. "Indeed we do. Between us, we have a city to save." Though we may disagree on the method... He adds silently to himself as he sits down, settling so that his chainsword lies comfortably beside the chair. "As you're well aware, I've become quite dissatisfied with the corruption in our planet's rulership. I've been watching your group, and I know you're ready and willing to act for the betterment of the Feriddan people." He pauses for a moment, then gestures to the rebel. "Tell me your plan, and I'll see what I can do to help you."


Not sure how many Thrones Albus would have spent; he has quite a bit of income for himself, so he's probably quite used to spending readily. Probably somewhere in the area of 5 Thrones. Sorry about bugging you; I just wasn't sure if there was something going on that I didn't know about.
Also, are the rebels armed? If they are, Albus will be quite a bit warier than if they aren't.

2011-06-14, 03:07 AM
Cost was 5 thrones for your average high quality glass of amasac.

The Serving girl had smiled and done a rather provocative quartsey before he had gone off on his way.
Indeed it was after Albus asked about the Rebel's plans she returned with a fine glass of amasac, fine for a place like this anyway. It wouldnt be able to hold up against a true quality drink that would be served at a noble party but then again few would anyway.

Upon Inspection the men either side of who was clearly some kind of leader or luitenant of this rebellion were armed. Albiet poorly, there sidearms compact handcannons. You remember a story going around of a small arms locker of this model being raided a few days ago.
"Im glad your as commited to the cause...the leadership of this hive is bloated and corrupt....Its time we trimmed the fat and showed the Imperium that the working class have as much right to luxury" He said smiling to the waitress who soon left. Clearly she was in on it to else they wouldnt have been so loosly lipped.

"Our Plans are rather extensive...weve been working on this for months..Indeed if it wernt for the emperor's guidance we wouldnt have gotten such an oppertunity like this. It seems the palace your guarding is having a lavish ball...Indeed yet another example of the nobility wasting the money they steal from us." he said the other two men nodding in agreement but otherwise staying quiet.
"Weve found a way in, the sewer system. Theres an entrance through the servants quarters. This allows us to get a team armed with explosives into the palace. They will make there way to the dining room and rightous fury slay those fat greedy fools to the last man." He said hitting the table dramatically, grinning an aweful grin before continueing.
"The ruling class isnt the only target though...so to is there symbol of waste...the palace itself...the explosives will be set up on key structural points. however to give the unit inside suffiecient cover were going to assault the palace gates themselves with a mob..Indeed with the gunfire outside they wont pay head to the gunfire within." He said before finally the crucial part was revealed.
"This of course..cant continue without you...Only you have the codes that will unlock the pair of gates that will stop our forces proceeding past the courtyard...and only you can get inside and convince the servants within to mysteriously be absent from there quarters when its time for us to arrive."

2011-06-14, 11:37 AM
Albus settles into his seat, wary again. He had expected an attack on the palace, it's true, but these explosives severely complicate the situation. Cinder and the Inquisitor are going to need to be perfectly coordinated to deal with this... "Excellent. It seems that you are well prepared for this, as I had suspected, and this strike should be more than effective at removing our planet's nobility. I will, of course, provide the codes to allow you access to the Palace, and I suspect it will be a simple matter to ensure that most of the servants will be away from their posts when you strike. Still... Many innocents will be killed when the Palace is destroyed, both in the form of the servants of the Nobility and the children of both nobles and hardworking commoners like yourselves. Then, of course, the surviving Nobles will scream for your blood and send every soldier they can muster against you. Are you committed enough to sacrifice millions of people to achieve your goal?" He leans forward, a hard expression in his eyes, as he waits for the response. Well then, Rebel scum. Prove that I am justified in cutting you down.

2011-06-14, 11:46 AM
The tone of the table seemed to change significantly. It had gone from an expression of excitement to a grave sullen mood. The two men either side of the so far unnamed rebel luitenant simply looked to him for a clue on how to react...pawns..nothing but pawns.

"Ah I can see that you to care greatly for the people of the hive...such concern is indeed the reason we are undertaking this risky venture." he said looking heartfelt.
"Unfortuanatly...yes..there is a fair chance there will be collateral damage...the Noble bloodlines I have little concern for...they have proven there disregard for the people of this spire...the working men forced to serve under them? there losses we are trying to keep minimal..but we cannot evacuate the entire palace before the attack" He said the two men besides him now nodding in agreement.
"There deaths will burden us in the task..but it is still one we must carry out...a nessisary sacrifice for the greater good of us all" He said finally, he was rather convincing..not in his logic but in his belief in it. Perhaps these fools were simply misguided? or perhaps this charismatic leader is exactly that...charismatic..and adept at putting on an act.

2011-06-14, 12:17 PM
Albus nods again. "Good. If you don't mind, I'd like to take a look at the specific deployments of your fighters. I might be able to help coordinate them to maximize their effectiveness against the Palace Guard." And of course, tell Cinders exactly where you'll be when we bring the wrath of the Inquisition down upon you. "The codes for the sewer access are changed every three days, but I will provide them to you as soon as the code changes before the Ball." The Lieutenant leans back in his seat and takes a sip of the Amasec. Yes, the Inquisitor was right. These monsters are more dangerous than the Obscura dealers could ever have hoped to be.

2011-06-14, 09:03 PM
"Oh do not worry about the specifics, Indeed we are trying to keep things on a need to know basis. The less we talk openly about such things the less chance there is for it to get out you see" The luitenant spoke.
"But I assure you when you open those gates our men will take full advantage of the waste of space that is the guarden square." He said before looking a bit dissapointed.
"The Codes change you say? that complecates matters, but if as you say you can give us the codes when they change the mission should not be haltered." He said as the bar maid entered to refill everyones drinks.

2011-06-15, 02:51 AM
Albus nods again. "Hmm. You're likely correct. Whatever tactical benefit my experience would provide may be outweighed by the risk of sharing our battle plans too widely. Very well. I'm certain that I can supply you the access codes prior to the planned operation, but you had best ensure your men are well prepared before you strike." He drinks again from his glass, a thoughtful expression on his face. "While most of the Palace Guard's Officer Corps are just petty nobles with purchased commissions, the Guard themselves are well-trained, well equipped soldiers. You'll have to take them by surprise to have any hope of success." He stops again for a moment, thinking about just how much advice he'll need to give to appear genuine to this group, then decides to continue for a short while longer. "Also importantly, with the Governor himself and a lot of the high nobility present, you'll have to deal with a few dozen professional bodyguards. A lot of them are Imperial Guard and Enforcer veterans, so it's best to avoid them entirely, especially Lord Allidus' retainers. They've been known to carry Bolters, and they'll cut your troops apart far too quickly." He takes another small drink from his Amasec, then finishes. "I'm sure you're well aware of all of this. Is there anything else you need from me?"

2011-06-17, 06:01 AM
"Surprise is definably our strong point in this plan, make no mistake...the nobles have the advantage of there bloated bank accounts....luckily we have come across goods that will even up the odds" He said with a grin.
"This of course with your help should garentee us a victory, if were successful enough we will not even have to deal with the greater forces of the PDF at large...the Riots that will ensue will grants us safe passage back to our safe house. With the symbol of the nobles and Indeed the greatest among them buried in the rubble of there own hubris we can insite the people to finally stand up and fight with us for control of the hive....Indeed the speed in which this is all occuring is incredible..our dreams are being realised"
He said before finishing his drink.
"As for your part, that is all we need of you...but we are not as the noblemen of the spire...we do not ask compliance for no gain such as they. Is there anything we can do for YOU!" He offered, indeed a potentially loaded question.

2011-06-17, 07:18 PM
Incredible indeed. Your strings are being pulled by the Inquisition, just as are mine. Albus takes a final sip of Amasec, then stands up. "You ask what you can do for me? You think I want money, women, power? No, if that was my desire I would not be here." He puts one hands behind his back while gesturing with the other. "What you can do is make your strike and help me remove a cancer at the heart of our city." Yourselves. "There is nothing else I need more at this time. All I ask is that you provide me with sufficient warning before you make your attack, so that I can properly prepare the field for you." He rests his left hand on the pommel of his Chainsword and stands tall. "I should leave now. If I am seen speaking with you, all of our plans are for naught. I will contact you with the access codes as planned, but be careful. This opportunity may not present itself again. In nomine Imperator..." He turns, and makes to leave the room.

2011-06-18, 12:02 AM
"See men...he wants for nothing but a better future for the hive...a man like that could go far under the Broken Chain's new Regime." He said standing at the same time as his guest, followed close behind by the other two goons.
"It was indeed a pleasure to meet you, we should meet here again..when you have the codes ready" he said as Albus left uninterupted.

Indeed he had making his way to the door when the barmaid walked past him and winked, Albus immediatly feeling the women slide a small crumpled note into his pocket. She was rather quick about it and her giggle as she left implied a few things about the nature of the note.
It was a bigger surprise when Albus read what the note said.
"The side alley way its clear meet there ASAP -I-"

It was easy enough to find, just around the corner...a dark filthy corner of the upper hives that smelt of vomit and trash. It was towards the back of it and hidden behind a large collection of bins that he found the barmaid again...though her hair had changed...to a bleach white..
The women turned around to reveal Ash...the one he had met in the bunker. Indeed thinking back the barmaid had certainly had no resemblace to the women in front of him at all. The bone structure itself was all wrong.
"You did well, very well...what did you find out? which of our oppertunities have they taken hold of?"

2011-06-18, 12:26 AM
Albus nods to his contact, a frown on his face as he ponders the effectiveness of her disguise. "Yes, they plan to make their attack during the Governor's upcoming ball, through the sewer entrance. They were unwilling to share the extent of their plan, but they made it clear that they would be somehow making use of the Garden Square. Obviously, I couldn't press very hard for details. Their plan includes the use of a large mob of rioters attacking the front gates as a distraction from their main force infiltrating through the sewers; I suggest you prepare some sort of crowd dispersal weapon to eliminate this threat. Otherwise, all seems to be as you predicted earlier." He turns away from her, one hand coming to rest habitually on his Chainsword, and continues. "These fools are clearly far out of their depth. They haven't the slightest clue that they are being played. Nonetheless... They're every bit as evil as the Obscura-pushers I've fought for so long, though far more deluded. I look forwards to adding their names to your list."

2011-06-18, 12:46 AM
"We expected an attack..but a frontal assault? I didnt think they had the numbers to risk pulling that off...In any case were more then prepared. We have a squad of Inquisitional Storm Troopers at the ready, under the guise of a training operation when the warnings sound we will respond with the rapidity expected of such fine troops." She said still standing there, the revealing nature of the barmaids uniform starkly contrasting the look she had in the bunker...very out of place.

"Thats also good news that there real threat will be going through the sewers..were planning on moving the nobles out of the main dining room early..faking a mishap...by the time the rebels realise they have been tricked you will have cornered them..and we will have cut off all escape routes."
Thats when she got noticeably calmer and more relaxed.
"It seems everything is going according to plan Agent...Is there anything else youd like to bring to our attention? or request?"

2011-06-18, 02:09 AM
"No, I believe that I am well prepared for this operation and I have shared all the information I have acquired. Do you have any further instructions for me, or shall I return to my post?" He begins to salute, then remembers where he is and abruptly cuts off the action. "Though... I must commend you on your acting skills. I have never seen someone enter a role so... Effectively."

2011-06-18, 02:14 AM
She begins to look flustered but quickly regains her composure.
"Thank you but it is not so much my skill as an effective use of a born talent" She said looking back to the alley way entrance.
"This is Indeed all we need to discuss, at least for now. You can return to your post and your duties I would not wish to keep you from them. Though perhaps.." She said as if thinking her words over carefully.
"Perhaps when it is safer to do so, we could meet and talk more freely. We are to be working closely together in the future and there are some things you should know"

2011-06-19, 06:40 PM
"Agreed. I would welcome the chance to better know my comrades." Albus turns to leave, then turns his head back towards her and remarks, "Be safe, Ash. Until this operation is completed, your position is far more dangerous than mine." This said, he pulls up the collar of his coat to keep the chill of the wind away and begins the journey back to the Palace.

2011-06-19, 07:37 PM
"I appreciate your concern, I shal talk to you soon" She responded before they parted ways.

Indeed the hive was brewing. Rumors were surfacing about hte newfound tension between the Industrial sectors and there working class. Unsanctiond Unions were forming and the people pressured or manipulated into joining. The Nobles threatening to punish anyone caught to be apart of them with termination of contract or worse. Pressure was mounting, and only a privledged few realised that it had all been accomplished by the Inquisition and the thoughts of a dangerous few men. Things were occuring incredibly fast.

It wasnt long before Albus was contacted again by Ash, though this was in a more interesting manor. It was a curious and uncommon custom amongst the nobility of the spire for those sharing romantic interest in another amongst the nobility to have a wax sealed letter sent to the doorstep of the other. While surprised it was definably a clever way of getting in touch and orginising a meeting. There was no mistaking the well placed -I- that featured in the letter, the rest detailing how a young Noble women had been visiting the spire and taken interest in him while he was on guard duty. The meeting was at a rather private resturant here in the noble sections of the spire, knowng for its rather steep prices and private booths.

Albus had been there on occasion of course, as its reputation meant all Nobles had to go there at least ounce.

The resteruant itself had month long reservation times for anyone without influence but when Albus arrived to the sleek lavished halls of the place the staff bowed and upon gathering his name led him to the reserved private booth that was waiting for him.
There were of course other noblemen and women there, though they took little notice of him. Those standing outside waiting for a seat perhaps a tad jealous that his stature got him preference.

He was lead to a booth containing a dark haired women who resembled Ash yes..but was Indeed a total transformation. Her eyes bore photocontacts and as such her eyes spiraled in different overly vibrant colours as was a trend amongst the young. Her gown wasnt overly showful but equally elegant and was made of a fine woven silk. The Red Dress clung to her, augmented by various Technicoloured yet very tastful Opals that were sown along the sides. Indeed she was very beautiful and was pulling off the appearance of anoble born extremly well.
"Ah I am so glad you could make it Albus" Ash said excitedly, the sightest of winks made noticeable to him.
"I have wanted to talk to you in private for a long time, This booth is most curious, they have a device that distorts sound so that we might keep our secrets..how romantic..I thought we could try it out if you wouldnt mind of course" She spoke again softly a slight sign of nervousness in her voice. She was playing her part incredibly well.

2011-06-22, 12:51 AM
"Hmm... Romantic, you say?" The large Grenadier chuckles slightly, then grins at her. "Well, if you say so. Of course, such a device would be quite helpful for those in our line of work." He takes off the jacket of his dress uniform, hanging it on a peg near the booth, then sits down. "I hope you haven't been here too long? I do hate to keep a lady waiting, after all." Despite wearing it far more often than his other clothing, Albus actually looks quite a bit less comfortable in his ornate dress uniform than he does wearing his heavy combat gear.

Sorry for the delay. I just started a new job, and I've been having trouble being both alert enough to post and actually able to post at the same time. That should be behind me for now, so hopefully it won't take me as long to respond in the future.

2011-06-22, 01:03 AM
They continued to play pleasentries untill the servant reached to the center of the table they were sitting and activated the globe like device in the center. Indeed it hummed for a moment before the waiter took a step back and it was noticeable that all the sound from around the room was completly nullified. obviously the device worked both ways.
"Well I suppose we can drop the act now, im glad you could come..Indeed its lucky that the nobles have access to such toys otherwise there would have been to much risk to meet with you now" She said relaxing a bit. Indeed they still had to keep what they did in check, there speech the only thing concealed.

2011-06-23, 02:29 AM
"Hmm. You do travel in many circles, don't you Ash?" Albus smiles at her genuinely, appreciating her ability to blend into society. "Down to business, then? Everything seems to be on track, as far as can be expected. Do you think we've missed something?

I may actually be a little erratic in posting for the next few days, since I've got some serious trouble with my Laptop right now. Hopefully it won't be too bad, but I may be as long as a week being able to post only once a day in the early afternoon.

2011-06-23, 08:30 PM
perfectly reasonable.
She smiled and said with a chuckle. "Well believe it or not that is the main reason Burnt Rose has me under her wing, though I assure you its not so much skills on my part as natural talent" She said before looking a bit more serious and uncomfortable.
"Its not about our mission, at least not this one, its about Future Missions and our working together. You see Burnt Rose has interests in a dozen worlds...To expect constant supervision is of course rediculous...The point is that while she is our superior she will not be around to give you direct orders. That will soon fall under my jurisdiction." She said before looking a tad more uncomfortable.
"its a large responsibility, though im confident I can handle it, What I must do now however I am never comfortable with. I believe a trust must be present if we are to be working so closely together...and we cannot have trust if you do not know of my nature." She said taking a breath.
"I am a Sanctioned Psyker, A Biomancer to be precise..I shape my skin my voice...indeed every aspect of my form to look like almost anyone. I know there can be a great distrust of psykers amongst the public but I assure you that I am in control and perfectly safe."

2011-06-23, 10:09 PM
Albus' face twists into an expression of shock for a moment, before he regains his composure. "You... Certainly don't look like a Psyker. Well, I suppose we all have our little secrets, don't we? I wonder if yours or mine is worse?" He chuckles weakly at the poor joke, then continues. "Well, it's of no consequence. If you assure me that your... Powers, are under control, I suppose I'll simply have to believe you. Though I suppose I'll have to get used to working for a changeling." He leaves off for a moment, an oddly wistful expression on his face. "Emperor knows, it was hard enough learning to work with civilians again when I started this whole Black Death business. This is all just more of the same, really." He looks around, affecting impatience for the benefit of the waiting staff. "Now, what is keeping those servants? It's simply indecorous to undertake a romantic interlude without a drink in hand." He smiles at Ash, genuine laughter in his eyes. Whatever else the situation may be, he certainly enjoys playing to an audience like this.

2011-06-24, 09:04 AM
"Well they there are always risks with psykers..but thats where the trust factors into the equation. Im glad that you trust my judgement, but if it does make you feel better, Burnt Rose has dealt with psykers before...a great deal of them. If ive managed to earn the trust to be here its because I deserve it." She said before gently reaching out to the sphere in the middle of the table, she pressed something and turned to look as one of the many servants floating around began to walk over.
"Sorry, they will only enter the bubble when prompted, so as to not overhear anything" She said before the servant arrived.
Not long after taking there orders the servant returned with drinks, then food of the equisite quality expected of the upper hives.
"I must say though, You need not worry about us stepping on your toes to much, We may have had to exude control in this situation..in order to build you up into what you need to be...but after that we can do things very much your way." She said looking up to him after gently taking a few delicate bites from the exotic salad on her plate.
"Your methods of riddng coruption and sowing fear have already worked very well, we see no reason to alter them or get in your way..meerily give you the chance to get at targets otherwise inaccessable"

2011-06-24, 11:55 PM
Albus chuckles between bites of food. "Hah. Set the wolf loose among the weasels and see what happens? I've always enjoyed that game, I'll tell you. It'll be nice to be able to hurt the real enemies of the Imperium, I can tell you. Obscura dealers are scum, but I'd much rather have Heretic and Xeno blood on my blade." He takes another sip of his drink, then asks, "You know, I've never felt guilty about any of them. Never an instant of hesitation or regret. Does that make me a born murderer or a good soldier? Hmm... You know, don't answer that. I'm fairly sure that there's not a lot of difference between the two." He frowns for a moment, then continues. "I think that's enough about me, though. I'd like you to know you have my trust, and my respect, unless you do something to make me regret it."

Bringing my Laptop in for repairs on monday. Until tuesday at the earliest, my posting will continue to be both limited and somewhat brief and my access to the books will be intermittent at best. It shouldn't cause any problems since we've got the sheet here and I have a pretty good understanding of the areas of the system we might be using, but I thought I should tell you.