View Full Version : Setting(s) Idea: The Worlds of the Fallen Angels. (Need help mechanics/world building

2011-05-31, 11:52 PM

1. In my cosmology I have remade the "Archons" and all other "Celestials" as what they were, Angels. Minus the Norse Valkyries and such.
2. Devils all resemble classic Devils. Pretty much Angels with black wings, more tan skin, (usually) darker eyes, and pointed ears. Also, their fashion sense is more "dark", lol.
3. I am about to begin a catastrophic cosmological event, which has been on my cosmology's calendar for years. (Yay! I made it this far!)
4. In my cosmology there was a pact made by all the powers, major or minor, back shortly after the "Primordial" Deities (aka my current Overdeities) created the first gods, and saw how they were destroying the Material Realm and their minions fighting among each other, and causing Christian God like disasters at will when they were not happy. The rules go as follows:
a) No Power may assist creatures of the Material Plane unless their rival/opposite agrees, at which point the rival/opposite gets a freebie if you will.
b) The Powers can not normally manifest themselves on the Material. They may only appear as Aspects or Avatars with much effort from their followers.
c) Extra-Planer minions of the Powers may only exist for a short time on the Material Plane, or lose their powers, lose their agelessness, and/or die. This applies to former servants as well, and the only exception is those who both forgo their masters and the vast majority of their power.

Basics to the new era of my campaign:

1. An alternate "Hell" will appear from non-existence. Basically, a "could have been" and "might be" version of the plane.
2. This other version is called the "Neatherworld" by it's strange residents.
3. The average power level of the creatures there surpasses that of the average Devil, and their "Overlord" dwarfs the power level of Asmodeus as his "vassals" (a young Succubus and...a child Angel????) dwarf the other Dukes of Hell in power.
4. The new version wins the competition for existence, and as a result the old version begins to disappear.
5. The Dukes of Hell take what minion armies they can and decide that there is only one place they can escape to with their current forces and hope to survive: The Prime Material.
6. Each Duke splits, and takes an easily conquered Spelljammer Sphere as their own.
7. Once there they quickly go about figuring out ways of surviving without losing all their power.
8. They each come up with a similar approach: Sealed exo-skeletal suits to hold in their massive powers (compared to those of creatures from the Material Plane). Each Duke creating suits in a fashion fitting fitting their tastes.

So basically, the Dukes have become diminished in influence, currently each having little more than a world and possibly the sphere they inhabit as a whole.

All of them, and their minions are currently trapped in their "armors" along with their army(ies) (half or so only posses one remaining one, though by Material Plane standards each massive). If the armor of a "Fallen" is cracked or broken the power within (within time even the Dukes will dissolve into pure energy held together only by their armors) will burst out like the beam of lights from white dwarf stars burst out from their poles (Typical fantasy/anime style).

Each "armor" style will be different, and perhaps I can stat out each type of suit/devil differently? I know I want Asmodeus to have his suit and that of his minions made of obsidian, and another Duke (go to find one that fits) be steampunk steamjack styled. Any other ideas? An idea for the steampunk lord (PS. I think I want him to land on the Iron Kingdoms setting).

Any other ideas/thoughts/suggestions about this cosmology changing setting?

Many Pikas in advance!

ps. Ideas for the different worlds or new "realms" of the Dukes would be appreciated, as well as ideas to how to describe/picture them.

2011-06-01, 12:00 AM

1. In my cosmology I have remade the "Archons" and all other "Celestials" as what they were, Angels. Minus the Norse Valkyries and such.
2. Devils all resemble classic Devils. Pretty much Angels with black wings, more tan skin, (usually) darker eyes, and pointed ears. Also, their fashion sense is more "dark", lol.
3. I am about to begin a catastrophic cosmological event, which has been on my cosmology's calendar for years. (Yay! I made it this far!)
4. In my cosmology there was a pact made by all the powers, major or minor, back shortly after the "Primordial" Deities (aka my current Overdeities) created the first gods, and saw how they were destroying the Material Realm and their minions fighting among each other, and causing Christian God like disasters at will when they were not happy. The rules go as follows:
a) No Power may assist creatures of the Material Plane unless their rival/opposite agrees, at which point the rival/opposite gets a freebie if you will.
b) The Powers can not normally manifest themselves on the Material. They may only appear as Aspects or Avatars with much effort from their followers.
c) Extra-Planer minions of the Powers may only exist for a short time on the Material Plane, or lose their powers, lose their agelessness, and/or die. This applies to former servants as well, and the only exception is those who both forgo their masters and the vast majority of their power.

Basics to the new era of my campaign:

1. An alternate "Hell" will appear from non-existence. Basically, a "could have been" and "might be" version of the plane.
2. This other version is called the "Neatherworld" by it's strange residents.
3. The average power level of the creatures there surpasses that of the average Devil, and their "Overlord" dwarfs the power level of Asmodeus as his "vassals" (a young Succubus and...a child Angel????) dwarf the other Dukes of Hell in power.
4. The new version wins the competition for existence, and as a result the old version begins to disappear.
5. The Dukes of Hell take what minion armies they can and decide that there is only one place they can escape to with their current forces and hope to survive: The Prime Material.
6. Each Duke splits, and takes an easily conquered Spelljammer Sphere as their own.
7. Once there they quickly go about figuring out ways of surviving without losing all their power.
8. They each come up with a similar approach: Sealed exo-skeletal suits to hold in their massive powers (compared to those of creatures from the Material Plane). Each Duke creating suits in a fashion fitting fitting their tastes.

So basically, the Dukes have become diminished in influence, currently each having little more than a world and possibly the sphere they inhabit as a whole.

All of them, and their minions are currently trapped in their "armors" along with their army(ies) (half or so only posses one remaining one, though by Material Plane standards each massive). If the armor of a "Fallen" is cracked or broken the power within (within time even the Dukes will dissolve into pure energy held together only by their armors) will burst out like the beam of lights from white dwarf stars burst out from their poles (Typical fantasy/anime style).

Each "armor" style will be different, and perhaps I can stat out each type of suit/devil differently? I know I want Asmodeus to have his suit and that of his minions made of obsidian, and another Duke (go to find one that fits) be steampunk steamjack styled. Any other ideas? An idea for the steampunk lord (PS. I think I want him to land on the Iron Kingdoms setting).

Any other ideas/thoughts/suggestions about this cosmology changing setting?

Many Pikas in advance!

ps. Ideas for the different worlds or new "realms" of the Dukes would be appreciated, as well as ideas to how to describe/picture them.

So uh... you basically ported in Disgaea's Netherworld and made all the evil outisiders currently residing in Hell panic and forge themselves into spacesuits to survive in the Prime Material?

That is... interesting.

I must say that it is a relatively original idea. (Note, not sarcastic, all DMs are encouraged, nay practically required, to rip an idea from somewhere in order to make things interesting. You have managed to rip ideas from multiple sources and smash them together in such a way that while I cannot prevent myself from poking fun at the absurdity, I find myself really interested in the outcome. Do keep what happens in something that will be posted so that people could read the shenanigans.)

That said, maybe add the living construct template to all the Dukes of Hell? Each one thematically different, while maintaining most of how the Dukes used to be? And then possibly pull some of their SLAs away from them to denote the loss in their power?

2011-06-01, 12:14 AM
I'd like to point out that there's a separate subforum for this.

2011-06-01, 11:23 AM
Gods get panicky and start sending out all their strongest minions and believers to spread their faith/ get them more power.

All creatures in tune with the natural order(dryads,elementals, magical beasts etc.) suddenly become afraid for their own existence and start becoming more friendly with the humans, who have been known to defy all odds and logic(think million to one happens nine out of ten :smallwink: )

All the upheaval causes wear and tear on the fabric of the realms and the Far Realm seeps in. Psionics go haywire and all manner of mutations occur.

Starspawn are attracted by the lifeforces of the devils( technically ageless and eternally youthfull) suddenly manifesting in the material planes and the weaker ones are under constant threat of being devoured. The devils are now the hunted and are gaining a new perspective on things.


2011-06-02, 10:54 AM
So uh... you basically ported in Disgaea's Netherworld and made all the evil outisiders currently residing in Hell panic and forge themselves into spacesuits to survive in the Prime Material?

That is... interesting.

LoL. I was wondering how quick someone would recognize Disgaea. :smallbiggrin:

And basically, yes that is the idea.

I must say that it is a relatively original idea. (Note, not sarcastic, all DMs are encouraged, nay practically required, to rip an idea from somewhere in order to make things interesting. You have managed to rip ideas from multiple sources and smash them together in such a way that while I cannot prevent myself from poking fun at the absurdity, I find myself really interested in the outcome. Do keep what happens in something that will be posted so that people could read the shenanigans.)

Why thank you.

Including Disgaea is more of a homage for me, especially since I am considering saving up to make my middle name Laharl. The game meant a lot to me, and helped me out at a bad point in my life.

Oh yeah. And I expect much absurdity to come with the Disgaea gang in the mix...

That said, maybe add the living construct template to all the Dukes of Hell? Each one thematically different, while maintaining most of how the Dukes used to be? And then possibly pull some of their SLAs away from them to denote the loss in their power?

Nice idea! Need to find their stats first, though...

What about for their Devil minions?

I'd like to point out that there's a separate subforum for this.


Gods get panicky and start sending out all their strongest minions and believers to spread their faith/ get them more power.

All creatures in tune with the natural order(dryads,elementals, magical beasts etc.) suddenly become afraid for their own existence and start becoming more friendly with the humans, who have been known to defy all odds and logic(think million to one happens nine out of ten :smallwink: )

All the upheaval causes wear and tear on the fabric of the realms and the Far Realm seeps in. Psionics go haywire and all manner of mutations occur.

Starspawn are attracted by the lifeforces of the devils( technically ageless and eternally youthfull) suddenly manifesting in the material planes and the weaker ones are under constant threat of being devoured. The devils are now the hunted and are gaining a new perspective on things.



Need to reread this and soak up some ideas I can use. However, Humans are basically extinct, so that's out.

2011-06-02, 11:32 AM

Worldbuilding, in the Homebrew forum.

2011-06-02, 12:33 PM
Best tell one of the moderators here, they will deal with it.