View Full Version : Who Doctor? What Kind Of Name Is That? Let's Play RoTK XI!

2011-06-01, 07:02 PM
Alright ladies and gentlemen, my braincrack idea of the week is a Doctor Who/RoTK crossover Let's Play. Here is our pitch: The Doctor and his companion(s) find themselves stranded in Ancient China, where they must help an upstart warlord conquer the land. To do this, I will need a Companion or two as well as an Upstart Warlord and his Officers, which is where you come in. I'll need anyone interested to give me a character write up and backstory.

Caveats: If you want to play a Companion, please indicate as such. Your Skill will be determined either randomly or at my discretion.
If you would like to play the Warlord, there are a few things. On average, you will have better stats (yay stats) than everyone else. However, if you want to Warlord it up, you need to be a little more involved than everyone else. In addition, the backstory you write will need to be a little more detailed.

Game Basics:

I'll go into more detail if this gets off the ground, but Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI is a turn based strategy based on the same story as the dynasty warriors line. Every action you do has to be carried out by one or more of your characters. There is very basic elements of city building that allow you to recruit troops, build equipment, and get gold and food. You have to recruit toops, build equipment, then march on your enemies. Fighting depends a lot on the characters leading the units, so just because you have 10,000 men attacking their 3,000 you may still lose, especially if their leader is of Lu Bu's quality. There are also other abilities which a smarter general can get off against a dumber one which can more than even the playing field. There is not a real leveling system, although your abilities can increase after being extensivly used.

Character submissions. Submit the following for a character

Name: the character name
Gender: Male or Female
Type: Warrior or Scholar
Favored Weapons: which type of troops you're good with
Unfavored Weapon: which type of troops you're not good with
Character: Bold, Timid, Cool, Reckless (affects Debates and possibly other things)
Court: How your character feels about the Emperor (Hate it/Like it/Love it, basically)
Aspiration: (See Below)
Portrait: If you have the game and like a particular picture.
Family/Friends: If you want a emotional connection to someone else. This will only be allowed between you guys.


Military- Aspires to rule through might
Royal- Aspires to rule through virtue
Self- Trusts only his/her own strength
Steadfast- Favors gradual base expansion
Goodly- Rules for the good of the people
Able- Acts to the best of his/her ability
Eminent- Aims for success and wealth
Secure- Aims for safety, avoids danger
Retiring- Cares nothing for the world

Favored/ Unfavored weapons

Spears (beats horses, loses to pikes)
Pikes (beast spears, loses to horses)
Horses (beats Pikes, loses to Spears)
Crossbows (loses to all, but has range, a really big buff)
Weaponry (siege equipment, loses to units but can hurt cities.)
Navy (strong boats)

Things that will be given to you:


LDR: Leadership skill. Affects your unit's combat ability. High leadership takes less damage and deals more damage. Low is vice versa. Affects your ability to police a city when instructed to do so.

WAR: War skill. Affects your personal combat ability. High War deals more damage during duels and takes less damage. Low is vice versa. Also determines how well you train troops.

INT: Intelligence skill. Affects your unit's strategy success values. High Intelligence is better than Low Intelligence, generally. Also affects how many spears/pikes/bows you construct when instructed to do so.

POL: Political skill. Affects your unit's misdirection success values. High political skill is better than low political skill, generally. Also affects how fast you construct buildings when informed to do so.

CHA: Charisma skill. Affects your unit's combat ability. High Charisma is better than Low Charisma, generally. Affects how many troops you can hire when instructed to do so. Also has minor effects on hiring officers.

Warrior types prioritize WAR>LDR>CHA>INT>POL. Scholar types prioritize INT>POL>CHA>LDR>WAR.

+Fleetness: Ignore ZOC on land

+Forced March: Improved land unit Move (Not transport/seige)

+Forced Gallop: Improves Cavalry Move

+Propulsion: Ignores ZOC on water

+Seamanship: Improves Move on water

+Traverse: No damage on plankways, less from rocks

+Transport: Improved transported units' land Move

+Antidote: Guards against posion (Posion from the southern region)

=Type of Skills: Attack=

+Sweep Asunder: Lowers small amount of Will of enemy unit

+Majesty: Lowers large amount of Will of enemy unit

+Promotion: Recover Will on defeating enemy unit

+Chain Attack: 50% chance of regular attack occurring twice

+Raid: 50% chance of taking no damage (land attack)

+Marine Raid: 50% chance of taking no damage (water attack)

+Close Combat: Stronger attacks in forests

+Siege: Stronger attacks vs. constructions

+Entrap: 50% chance of confusion on joint attack

+Capture: Caputer officers (Without providence/elite horses)

+Masterful: TP x2 on defeating enemy unit

+Plunder: Steal item on defeating unit

+Beguile: Enemy troops defect on defeating unit

+Exterminate: Stronger attack vs. weaker units

+Range: Towers, stone projectile range +1 square

+White Riders: Strong horsebows avail, without research (even with the
technique, the horsebows are more powerful with this skill)

+Assistance: Support avail, without ties (Except disliked)

+Spear General: Stronger spear attack vs. weak unit

+Pike General: Stronger pike attack vs. weak unit

+Archer General: Stronger crossbow attack vs. weak unit

+Cavalry General: Stronger cavalry attack vs. weak unit

+Admiral: Stronger naval attack vs. weak unit

+Valiant General: All attacks stronger vs. weak unit

+God's Command: Stronger regular attack s. weak unit

+Divine Right: Stronger spear & pike tactics

+Divine Spears: Stronger spear tactics

+Divine Pikes: Stronger pike tactics

+Divine Bows: Stronger bow tactics

+Divine Cavalry: Stronger cavalry tactics

+Divine Forge: Stronger weaponry tactics

+Divine Waters: Stronger naval tactics

+Stampede: Cavalry tactic vs weak unit confuses

+Bowmanship: Able to use bow tactics in forest

+Vehemence: 50% injury inflict chance if enemy moved by tactic

=Type of Skill: Defense=

+Fortitude: With few men, 50% chance of no damage

+Indestructible: 50% chance of no damage from weak enemy

+Iron Wall: Regular damage from join attack

+Resolute: Recover Will after enemy tactic

+Aegis: .5 damage from non-fire attack, 2x for fire

+Providence: No injury, capture or death in battle

+Escape Route: Officer not captured when defeated

+Escort: No damage to unit if officer dies in battle

=Type of Skill: Strategy=

+Critical Ambush: Stronger attack on ambush

+Fire Assault: 100% chance of success vs low Int unit when using fire

+Poison Tongue: 100% chance of success vs low Int unit when using misinform

+Disconcertion: 100% chance of success vs low Int unit when using perturb

+Trickery: 100% chance of success vs low Int unit when using blunder

+Agile Mind: All strategies successful vs low Int unit

+Cunning: Stronger strategies vs low Int unit

+Covert Plan: Stronger strategies vs high Int unit

+Detection: Twart strategies of low Int unit

+Insight: Thwart all enemy strategies

+Focus: Unit strategies only use 1 Will

+Augment: Strategies' range increased by 1 square

+Chain Reaction: Strategies affect adjacent units also

+Intensify: Stronger unit strategies

+Counter Plan: On thwarting strategy, counter with the same strategy

+Siren: 2x success rate with strategy vs male unit

+Sorcery: Able to use sorcery

=Type of Skill: Support=

+Integrity: Immunity to misinform

+Indomitable: Immunity to perturb

+Clear Thought: Immunity to perturb and misinform

+Gladdened Heart: Own unit recovers Will each turn

+Stirring Heart: Will gained via band platform x2

+Fortification: Facilities & repair HP increased x2

+Colonization: Troops use no food at harbors, barriers

=Type of Skill: Domestics=

+Fame: Increased troops when recruiting

+Efficancy: More spears, pikes, bows produced

+Breeding: More horses produced

+Invention: Weaponry production time halved

+Shipbuilding: Naval equipment production time halved

+Pedagogy: Technique research cost halved

+Enlister: Search always finds people if present

+Negotiator: Easier to use debate in diplomacy

=Type of Skill: Revenue=

+Wealth: Cities monthly gold income x1.5

+Sustenance: Cities monthly food income x1.5

+Taxation: Cities receive gold each turn

+Levy: Cities receive food each month

=Type of Skill: Disasters=

+Wuwan Ties: No Wuwan citadels appear on player land

+Qiang Ties: No Qiang citadels appear on player land

+Shanyue ties: No Shanyue citadels appear on player land

+Nanman ties: No Nanman citadels appear on player land

+Suppression: No rebel citadels appear on player land

+Benevolent Rule: Officer loyalty does not diminish

+Feng Shui: No locusts or plague in the city

+Prayers: Abundant harvests more common

=Type of Skill: Ties=

+Spousal Support: Player & spouse abilites +1 on marriage

All of this stolen from ZeroNumerous (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=119505)

And Please choose starting map

Map Rise of Dong Zhuo


Map Rival Warlords


Unfortunately, these are the only two maps that are fun to play as created officers. In the later ones, Liu Bei, Sun Quan, and Cao Cao are all too powerful to oppose and in the Yellow Turban Rebellion, there aren't enough forces to be interesting. Personally, I'm partial to Rise of Dong Zhuo but both are fine.

Blue Ghost
2011-06-01, 07:20 PM
... I wish I were slightly more familiar with the Romance of the Three Kingdoms story. All I can remember is that one guy, Zhuge Liang. Which side is he on now?

2011-06-01, 07:23 PM
Zhuge Liang is the chief strategist of Liu Bei, also known as the Emperor of the Shu Han kingdom. He will most likely not be making an appearance for some time however, given that he did not canonically join Liu Bei until 207. That said, sometimes this game is a little screwy with history.

2011-06-01, 07:26 PM
I think I'll follow this.

Just let me figure out what RoTK XI is.:smalltongue:

Okay it's like Fire Emblem, but for the PS3. And medieval China.


2011-06-01, 07:29 PM
Eh, ish. It's more like Age of Empires, and also I'm playing the PC version, obviously. Participate, y'all, or our kingdom will suck and I'll have to get the crappy free officers for our kingdom.

2011-06-01, 07:36 PM
Eh, ish. It's more like Age of Empires, and also I'm playing the PC version, obviously. Participate, y'all, or our kingdom will suck and I'll have to get the crappy free officers for our kingdom.

I made something.

I did it wrong, because I don't own the game.

Name: Aran Baron. (hehe im so funny)
Gender: Male
Type: Warrior
Favored Weapons: Spears.
Unfavored Weapon: Weaponry.
Character: Bold
Court: Hate It.
Aspiration: Able.
Skill: Chain Attack
Portrait: Created Male 035.
Family/Friends: IN/A Right now.
Companion/Warlord/Officer: Officer

My FE10 expy will be the best Expy.

2011-06-01, 07:39 PM
First and last names are preferred, as the game has slots for them. However, name has to be short, don't think it can exceed 12 characters. Also, this is China, so names are backwards. Also backstories.

Terry, I'll have a screen shot for you soon.

2011-06-01, 07:41 PM
What available backstories are there? Or do I just type something up?

Alright, let's make stuff up.

Aran Baron was fighting for the INSERT NAME OF OPPOSITE SIDE HERE, but switched to INSERT NAME OF OUR SIDE HERE when he discovered that they were more noble or whatever.

I made this up. It was really lame.

2011-06-01, 07:43 PM
Type your own up, or just do a personality summary if you don't know anything about 2nd century China. Also, voting for starting period, Dong Zhuo or Rival Warlords?

Vespe Ratavo
2011-06-01, 08:09 PM

Name: Equius Zahhak (or Zah Equi if you insist)
Gender: Male
Type: Warrior
Favored Weapons: Horses
Unfavored Weapon: Crossbows
Character: Bold
Court: Love it
Aspiration: Military
Skill: Fortitude
Family/Friends: ???

Your name is Officer Zahhak. You love being STRONG. You are of noble blood, and have a great appreciation for the FINE ARTS, especially paintings of HORSES. Practically everything makes you FURIOUS, including those of lower blood, being unable to fire a CROSSBOW without breaking it (and thus unable to tutor your troops to do so), and the WEAKNESS of your own soldiers. Your rage can only truly be expressed in GLORIOUS BATTLE.I totally understand if you reject this and also don't want to be my friend anymore. :smalltongue:

2011-06-01, 08:34 PM
Aran Baronhttp://img14.imageshack.us/img14/456/aranbaron.png

Zah Equihttp://img815.imageshack.us/img815/2057/zhaequi.png
After entirely too much time spent screwing around with FRAPS, we have our first two officers.
Not the brightest bulbs, are they? Stats were randomized, except for Zha Equi's intelligence.

2011-06-01, 09:23 PM
Game Basics:
Character submissions. Submit the following for a character

Name: Wen Jiang
Gender: Male
Type: Scholar
Favored Weapons: Weaponry
Unfavored Weapon: Spears
Character: Cool
Court: Deeply loyal to the Emperor, to the point where he is constantly attempting the capture of those he thinks would aid his quest of conquering the Middle Kingdom.
Aspiration: Either Royal or Able.
Skill: Either Siege, Raid or Capture.
Portrait: Up to you!
Family/Friends: Only the Emperor
Companion/Warlord/Officer: Either Warlord or Officer


To be worked on! Never fear, this will be completed soon. It shall include goals, and it shall be completed within a day or two.

2011-06-01, 10:07 PM
Wen Jianghttp://farm3.static.flickr.com/2371/5788409907_5a063faf1f_b.jpg

And the first intellectual joins the ranks. Don't forget, we still need a Warlord and a Companion or two for our fair Doctor.

Blue Ghost
2011-06-01, 10:08 PM
So... If I join, what will I be expected to do?

2011-06-01, 10:11 PM
Weigh in on decisions either in character (if you're feeling creative that day) or out of character (if you're not). The Warlord will have a bit more to do, mainly making a few decisions that can be made without game knowledge. Nothing too difficult if you're just an officer. Things like "Which city should we attack next?" or "Should we release or emprison this enemy officer?" or "Do we want to research better bases or better horses?". Things like that.

Blue Ghost
2011-06-01, 10:17 PM
Mmkay. If you still need more people, I may throw in a character tomorrow.

2011-06-01, 10:21 PM
Well, I am not especially great at this game >.> So while some people claim it's possible to win with 5 officers to begin with, I'd like more than that. I've done alright with 10 starting, but 12-15 would probably be the most optimal number. That said, if we only end up with like 7, I have unlocked some average officers to pepper our forces with as grunts.

2011-06-01, 10:34 PM
Name: Hangz Shao
Gender: Male
Type: Scholar
Favored Weapons: Crossbow
Unfavored Weapon: Weaponry
Character: Cool
Court: Neutral/Like it
Aspiration: Goodly
Skill: +Pedagogy
Portrait: X (Should have a mustache, though) :smalltongue:
Family/Friends: None officially
Companion/Warlord/Officer: Totally going Warlord. :smallamused:

Hangz Shao is a quiet man, not having much to with anyone. It is said that he is actually a relative of the infamous Zhang Jiao, changing his name to avoid the connection. Some believe he killed a man. Either way, Shao is known as a mysterious presence, not wanting to get off on the wrong foot with anyone, including the emperor. He is rather scholarly, enjoying a good...scroll. He is also prone to spending lots of time with researchers. He has no official friends, and his family is speculated about, but unknown. He does what he can to help the people, due to his amicable qualities. He tends to lead ranged troops best, and dislikes attacking enemy fortifications.

2011-06-01, 10:44 PM
ooh ooh! I get the title of the thread now!

Now i feel like an idiot :smallredface:

2011-06-01, 11:13 PM
Fraps makes everything take forever when it saves every image as a BMP but everything else shows a black screen. *eyetwitch*. If there's nothing else, I will use FRAPS but it eats my Flickr space crazy fast and takes a long time to upload. If anyone knows how a program that saves in JPEG, is free, and can circumvent the black screen problem on Windows 7, that would be very welcome right now.

2011-06-02, 01:21 AM
I am so going to join up with this. I'll get some details together in a bit. If nobody else is interested, I suppose I will volunteer for Warlord. I should want you however that my rp is cringe worthy at best. I'm also not going to force myself on the position if anyone else wants it.

Character details and background will be added in a bit.

Name: Timur Kadesh
Gender: Male
Type: Warrior
Favored Weapons: Cavalry, Bow (if more than two, add pikes
Unfavored Weapons: Navy (if more than one, add spears)
Character: Bold
Court: Hate it – sees it as a means to an end at best
Aspiration: Military
Skill: Having trouble, thinking either “Indomitable”, “Divine Cavalry”, or “Aegis”. Surprise me.
Portrait: same as one from ZeroNumerous’ lp: here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6585776&postcount=21)
Family/Friends: none, unless someone wants to relative it up a bit

Yeah, in case you didn't notice, it is a bit of a combination of the characters I had for the last two lps of this.

In terms of backstory, I figured I would keep it simple. If you really want, I can write up a biography and all that jazz going several pages, but otherwise this will probably suffice.

Timur Kadesh is a barbarian warlord from the west, who came to China upon hearing that it was on the brink of collapse in hopes of gaining some profits by selling his and his soldier’s service to one of the many factions. Instead, he found that the situation had declined to such an extent that he could make a vie for power himself, and so gathered a small army from his homelands and China to begin the subjugation of the land.
He is a fairly simple man, not in the sense of a lack of intelligence, but in the sense that the main thing he wants in life is to be able to bury himself in luxury. In order to do this, he feels he needs to eliminate all of his rivals so that nobody can threaten him and his newfound wealth.

Just noticed that someone else already went for warlord. Ok, I'll bump back to officer rather than fight for that. In terms of backstory, just alter it slightly so it goes "he signed up with Hangz Shao and gathered a small army from his homelands to join his forces." We'll just assume Hangz Shao offered him some sort of huge reward for his services.

I would say I will change things completely and go companion, but I really don't know where to start with that in terms of build, backstory, and well, anything, so I think I will stick with this for now.

Hussam B.
2011-06-02, 08:25 AM
Oh, I remember fondly playing a very old incarnation of this game, let's give this a go:

Name: Hua Lim
Gender: Male
Type: Scholar
Favored Weapons: Navy
Unfavored Weapon: Horses
Character: Timid
Court: Likes it, a symbol of better times
Aspiration: Goodly
Skill: Taxation, Divine Waters or Shipbuilding
Portrait: X (choose appropriate :) )
Family/Friends: Sure, if anyone is interested to be a friend

Map: Rise of Dong Zhuo

Background: A lowly official, Lim helped oversee and administer the river and sea commerce of the Han Empire, serving many posts during his career. Despite his experience and good nature, Lim's unimposing demeanor often meant that he was passed over for promotion, but this never troubled him.

However, with imperial authority collapsing all around him and war engulfing all of China, Lim finds himself distraught at the disruption of his daily life and the misery occurring all around him, he can only hope that an eminent young warlord can put an end to all the chaos.

2011-06-02, 10:26 AM
Well this looks really interesting. At first I was all like 'meh,' and then I actually went an looked up some game play footage to see what the game was like. Then I was all like 'wow.'

I might be interested in doing a character, although I have to ask beforehand, how much involvement would you want? I mean, the game seems complex, and I'd imagine it would be hard to be very effective if everyone voted on everything.

Also, what's the deal with being a companion? I don't understand that. Is this a role in the game? Or is the doctors companion just going to be demoted to an officer. Also, is it someone that the doctor meets, or is it someone that he brought with him? (Like, is this one of the episodes where he gets a new companion, or is this just his normal companion.)

Also, which doctor is it? Is this one of the earlier incarnations, or is this the newest one? (Haven't had a chance to see any of his stuff yet. Living in the states means reduced access to British TV, which is lame.)

...All right. I think that's enough questions.

2011-06-02, 04:39 PM
Right, forgot to vote on a map. I personally prefer Rival Warlords: more color on more of the map, but I can live with Dong Zhuo if that is what the majority wants.

2011-06-02, 05:04 PM
Well this looks really interesting. At first I was all like 'meh,' and then I actually went an looked up some game play footage to see what the game was like. Then I was all like 'wow.'

I might be interested in doing a character, although I have to ask beforehand, how much involvement would you want? I mean, the game seems complex, and I'd imagine it would be hard to be very effective if everyone voted on everything.

Also, what's the deal with being a companion? I don't understand that. Is this a role in the game? Or is the doctors companion just going to be demoted to an officer. Also, is it someone that the doctor meets, or is it someone that he brought with him? (Like, is this one of the episodes where he gets a new companion, or is this just his normal companion.)

Also, which doctor is it? Is this one of the earlier incarnations, or is this the newest one? (Haven't had a chance to see any of his stuff yet. Living in the states means reduced access to British TV, which is lame.)

...All right. I think that's enough questions.Re: Involvement. There are certain things I will be doing without asking. Building things in cities will be at my discretion, because it would take too long to get everyone's opinion, for example. Your involvement is at your discretion, really, unless you're Warlording, but the important things will probably on things like enemy officer policy (Prison/release), where we want to attack, and general things like if we should concentrate on attacking or defending or officer acquisition or whatever.

Re: Companions. It is not an in-game role. The Companion will be an Officer, and unless you guys really want an ancient Chinese warrior as a Companion, I was planning on the Companion being a normal one, from our time. This is why I'll be playing a bit more with skill and such for the Companion. It's also why I want a good Companion backstory, since he or she will be important story-wise. As we grow and get more officers, some officers may be featured less, but the Companion(s) will always have an important story role, regardless of if they're on the front lines or not.

Re: The Doctor. I am not going to choose which Doctor it is, because I think that would get me in trouble with the more diehard fans. I really like the show, but I don't know everything about it, and I don't want people coming in and saying "OH THAT'S SO WRONG, NINE WOULD NEVER DO THAT" or something. However, most of my experience is with David Tennant, Matt Smith, Christopher Eccleson, and a bit with the 4th Doctor whose name escapes me, so those will probably be most of the influence.

Hussam B.
2011-06-02, 05:18 PM
Please note, that I have changed my character's name to "Hua Lim", I had originally chosen the surname "Hu", which then turned out to refer to barbarian non-ethnic Chinese or something, then I chose "He" but there turned out to be a very important character named "He Jin", so I felt it messed up what I had planned to be a somewhat obscure background for my character.

Anyway, Sorry about that, back to writing background.

2011-06-02, 05:28 PM
Noted. I have an idea for uploading screenshots, so hopefully I'll have a few more up soon.

Hussam B.
2011-06-02, 05:35 PM
Background done :)

EDIT: Oh and for the record, I am totally unfamiliar with Doctor Who, aside from the catchy theme song that is :)

2011-06-02, 06:17 PM
I'd muck up any character creation if I did one, but though I won't be involved I'll be reading it as it goes. Also, I know nothing of old China. And almost nothing of modern China. So know that one of the readers is completely in the dark as to what was what back then.

Anyway, looking forward to the start.

Blue Ghost
2011-06-02, 06:19 PM
Name: Zhan Gao
Gender: Male
Type: Warrior
Favored Weapons: Weaponry
Unfavored: Navy
Character: Cool
Court: Meh/Like it.
Aspiration: Military

Zhan Gao is an ambitious nobleman with grand visions of military conquest. A surly man who cares only for his own advancement, he has no real friends to speak of. He hopes to use the opportunities that arise in the outbreak of war to further his own military and political power.

This okay with you?

2011-06-02, 06:47 PM
Hangz Shaohttp://farm4.static.flickr.com/3212/5791421851_10767c9fb1_b.jpg
Timur Kadeshhttp://farm4.static.flickr.com/3043/5791420145_c1d4056beb_b.jpg
Hua Limhttp://farm3.static.flickr.com/2648/5791420975_0695288045_b.jpg
That is fine, Blue. I'll have yours up soon.

2011-06-02, 07:01 PM
Zhan Gaohttp://farm3.static.flickr.com/2350/5791456745_68468b53fa_b.jpg
You didn't give a Skill, so I chose one for you.

2011-06-02, 10:29 PM
The Doctorhttp://farm3.static.flickr.com/2044/5791953179_9c347e7eb8_b.jpg
With apologies to Guo Jia for taking his portrait. Also the Hero button makes people have crazy stats, my god.

2011-06-02, 10:32 PM
Alright. Well, since no-ones done one yet, I'll do a little sheet thingy for the doctor's companion.

Name: Mary Evans
Gender: Female
Type: Whelp, she's not really the warrior type, so I'll go with scholar, although she would also probably pick up how to use a weapon pretty quickly too.
Favored Weapons: Bows
Unfavored Weapon: Cavalry
Character: Timid
Court: Well, unless the emperor is going around blatantly mistreating his subjects, she's probably going to be neutral towards him. (Like him.)
Aspiration: I'll go with 'Goodly'.
Skill: You said you would pick the companion's skill, so I'll leave this blank.
Portrait: Custom Character, Female #64 (This one) (http://kongming.net/11/i/p/port_sm/Created-Female-64.jpg) Those are probably the clothes she'd wear to try to blend in with the locals.
Family/Friends: The Doctor. Probably no one that would be in the game, though.
Companion/Warlord/Officer: Companion

Here's Backstory (EDIT: expanded slightly)

Mary was always the quiet type. She grew up in a small town near Louisville, Kentucky (In the USA. The doctor has had an American companion before, this isn't the first time.) Where she was probably one of the least popular girls in school. Not because she was unlikable, quite to the contrary, she very intelligent and a really nice person to be around, but because she was so shy.

After she graduated from school, she got a job at a local diner, saving up money to eventually pay for college. Or maybe go travelling. She wasn't entirely sure, but she wanted to do something. She couldn't just sit around in the same old town in the middle of nowhere for the rest of the life, with no friends and nothing to do.

Conveniently for her, the doctor showed up. He was looking for a dimensional wormhole that was allowing creepy crawlies to come to earth. She was looking for a way out of town. After they defeated the alien hive-queen together, he offered her a way out, and she took it.

This is the first place he takes her.

She's bubbly, and pleasant, giddy on the thrill of getting to travel like this, especially since it's traveling through time. I mean, nobody who's still alive today is going to get to see the moons of Saturn, or deep space, or ancient China. She is, at least at first, blissful, and in love with everything. She's living the dream, and she knows it.
Hmm... That's a bit long, actually. Feel free to discard whatever you don't like. You're in charge. It is your LP after all.

2011-06-02, 11:01 PM
Miss Mary Evans, Companionhttp://farm4.static.flickr.com/3268/5792585700_02758f225f_b.jpg
I'm not sure why this is, but the Strategist button seems to have higher stats, usually around 15-20 points higher total, than the General button.

2011-06-02, 11:07 PM
Yay! Go team us! I'm really excited about this. Really very excited.

(Did I mention I was excited?)

2011-06-03, 05:30 PM
I believe you did, yes.

Still have room for a second Companion and as many Officers as desired, for anyone interested.

If no one else wants in, I'll probably start this up tomorrow.

2011-06-04, 04:27 PM
Firstly, I apologize for the picture quality being less than beautiful. Unfortunately, with the converter I'm using, and the compression needed to make the file size small, this is the quality we have to use. It's not TOO bad, I hope. Also, rather than use unnecessary pictures, scenes with officers speaking will begin with the officer's name in a color and from there, all of that officer's dialogue will be that color. I will update the first post with colors for reference.

China, January 190The year is 190. In the years following the Yellow Turban Rebellion, many of the heroes that distinguished themselves putting down the Rebellion (Sun Jian, Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Yuan Shao, among others) have established their own lands and risen to prominence. Unfortunately, following the assassination of Imperial Regent He Jin, the ensuing struggle between the 10 Eunuchs, the Yuan clan, and the Empress allowed the warlord Dong Zhuo to seize power. Replacing the young Emperor Shao with a new Emperor (Xian, a mere 8 year old) and installing himself as Chancellor, Dong Zhuo's power seemed immense and unstoppable. However, he had not counted on some of the other warlords, notably Cao Cao and Yuan Shao.


Both sides began preparing for war. As the giants of the day readied themselves for battle, an unassuming warlord named Hangz Shao and his officers faced their own predicament in their city of Xu Chang.

Timur Kadesh: My lord! Call the soldiers to attention, we need to attack!
Hangz Shao: Is this about Yuan Shao's coalition? They will be fine without us. There is no sense sending our men to die against Dong Zhuo.
Aran Baron: No. For once, Timur Kadesh has a good reason for his bloodlust. Cao Cao's forces have taken Wen Jiang and Hua Lim.
Zah Equi: I'll rip them apart!
What? Where are they and why has he taken them?
Zhan Gao: He's worried about us. If he launches an attack on Dong Zhuo, his city will be weak. We don't have an official strategist, but if we did, it would be one of those two, and he probably thinks if he can keep them from us, we won't be able to attack.
How foolish. Cao Cao has nothing to fear from us.
Not yet anyway.
We need to attack Cao Cao now. If we allow him to steal our scholars, we look weak.
My lord?
Everyone leave. I have to think of the next course of action.
Damn. If only Wen Jiang or Hua Lim were here to help advise me. Heavens, if you can hear me, send me a sign of what to do.

2011-06-04, 11:36 PM
Oh, man, I'm loving this already. Is it too late to make a character, or can I still do so? :V

Lightning-Quick-Edit: Read the previous post. Methinks I want to create something now, if it's okay. :smalltongue:

2011-06-05, 12:55 AM
Ah, man, you're just a few hours too late. I already started. However, there is one other character I made who currently doesn't have a player, you can have him if he manages to survive this update.

Somewhere In Time And SpaceMary Evans: Doctor?
The Doctor: Mm? What is it Mary?
I was wondering...what is all this? What are you? Where are we going?
Ah. Yes, I suppose I have some explaining to do. Well, I'll start with what "this" is. We are currently traveling through dimensions in the TARDIS, that's Time and Relative Dimension In Space. Her name is Sexy, she's very sweet if a bit unreliable. As for me, I am a Time Lord. Two hearts, twelve regenerations, that sort of thing.
What are you talking about?
Well thirteen really. Twelve regenerations off of the original so thirteen different bodies.
No, what's a Time Lord?
Alien race, don't really want to talk about it. Anyway, this is my Sonic Screwdriver. It does all kind of nifty things like opening locks and blowing up landmines, and tightening screws or something.
Oh, and then there's also th-
Oh, yes Mary? Do you have a question?What's that noise the...TARDIS you said, is making?
Hmmm. Oh that. That's the noise that means we're crashing.
Ah yes, we are definitely crashing. Hold on Mary!
Also, need you to discuss/vote on attacking Cao Cao. The last part of the prologue is ready but I need to get all the pictures, so while I do that (or sleep and do it in the morning) just know that The Doctor (our Kingdom's Strategist) supports warring with Cao Cao.

2011-06-05, 02:19 AM
Darn, I thought so. :smallfrown: Well, not a problem, I'm still staying tuned to this. It's piqued my interest.

2011-06-05, 04:37 AM
China, 190Doctor...Where are we?
Hm, not quite sure Mary. Let's open up the door and find out.
Oh. Perhaps that wasn't my best idea.
"Put your hands in the air or else be driven through by the spear of Xiahou Dun!"
That sounds entirely unenjoyable.
I don't think this is the time for making jokes.
It wasn't a joke. Getting speared by a Chinese man isn't my idea of fun.
"Stop talking. I will be taking you to our prison and your box-"
It's called the TARDIS.
"...Your TARDIS will be confiscated on behalf of Cao Cao."
Alright. Mary just keep calm. I have a plan.
What...what is it?
I'll tell you when it's safe.
I've made a decision. Cao Cao's forces can't have gotten far. Tonight, you four will ride on horseback to their camp and retrieve Wen Jiang and Hua Lim as quickly and silently as possible. Don't leave any evidence behind. Aran Baron, you are familiar with Cao Cao's camps, you will be leading the expedition.
As you wish.
Mary, I need you to stay calm.
But how can we be in China? How can we even understand these people? Why would they lock us up, I mean we haven't even done anything!
Is there anyone outside the cell?
No but-
Then we don't have anything to worry about. I can get us out with the Sonic Screwdriver.
See, nothing to worry about. Let's go.
O-Okay. Wait, what about the other cells?
What about them? Aren't they empty?
No. I saw two men being taken in somewhere when we arrived. We should help them.
...Alright, let's go.
Hua Lim: I don't understand why Cao Cao has any interest in us.
Wen Liang: Without us by his side, the only generals Lord Hangz has are warriors. If we're gone, his domestic and political ability is crippled.
I suppose, but if he's really that worried about us, it wouldn't be hard for him to just take Xu Chang.
I thought the same thing. The only explanation I can come up with is that he doesn't want to look overly ambitious. He's supposed to be fighting Dong Zhuo and saving the Han. Territorial squabbles would seem undignified.
Sorry to interupt your little conversation here, gentlemen. My name is The Doctor and this is my Companion, Mary Evans.
Hello, nice to meet you.
And I am getting you out of here at great personal risk, so we should probably hurry.
Cao Cao...ugh he just makes me want to smash something!
I know what you mean. That bastard wants to get ahead, he'll have to go through me first.
Silence yourselves. We require the element of surprise.
Wait...is that them in the distance?
Hey are those your friends over there?
I don't know if I'd call them friends. Allies, I suppose.
Doctor! Someone will hear you.
Oh, right.
Ah! I don't know who that idiot is, but he's just given us away. Go, spur your horses. We need to ge them before Cao Cao's forces mobilize.
Right. Wen Liang, get on!
Hua Lim, get on or you'll get ripped apart, you little weakling.
I'll take the girl. Aran Baron, pick up that stupidly dressed fool.
Get on my horse!
A polite invitation, I like that. Unfortunately, there's an arrow coming at you right now, so get off.
Ah! *huff* Thank you for the warning. Where did it come from?
"Aran Baron...I didn't think you'd have the gall to show your face in Cao Cao's camp again."
Xiahou Dun...
Splendid, so we all know each other. I don't suppose you'll just let us leave.
"Never. This traitor must be brought to justice, by my blade if necessary."
If it's a duel you want, I have no reason to fight you.
"You have no choice."
"Fight back or die, coward!"
I'm not fighting you! We were friends once!
"Of course we were. And then you decided that Cao Cao wasn't a good enough leader for you, and ran off to join that passive swine Hangz Shao. You don't have any fight left in you, do you?"
I'm telling you to step away, before I get angry.
"You fight best when you're angry."
Dammit, I will end you now!
"Hm. Still as weak as ever. You never stood a chance against me."
I seem to be doing a lot of interrupting today, really should fix that. I'm not really one for violence, but I'll make a small exception in your case.
"What? I'm disarmed! How could this be?"
We'll be taking your horse now.
"No. I'll die before stepping down. I'll fight you with my fists if I must! Ugh..."
Well that should keep him down for a few hours at least. Come on, I need to get back to Mary.
Ugh...You're stronger than you look. What is your name?
I'm called The Doctor. Let's go.
I see you've returned with two others. Friends?
This man calls himself The Doctor. He helped Wen Jiang and Hua Lim escape and he helped me keep Xiahou Dun from following us.
I see.
My lord, I recommend him for the position of Strategist.
I second that.
I see. Doctor, if you'll accompany me into my chambers, we may speak.
Doctor, will you be okay?
I'll be fine. Stay with these fine gentlemen and I'll return as soon as I finish speaking.
Who are you?
You heard. I'm the Doctor.
Who are you really? A spy from Cao Cao? An Imperial officer hunting down trails for the rest of the Yellow Turbans?
Yellow Turbans?
Tell me who you are. I've never heard of you before, and I have often researched the scholars and warriors of this area.
I told you. I'm the Doctor.
Where are you from, then?
You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
Try me.
I AM the Doctor, and that girl out there is Mary Evans, my Companion. We travel through time and space, but the TARDIS, my...my device for manuvering through said time and space, malfunctioned and crashed.
...And where is this so-called TARDIS?
Cao Cao has it.
Convenient. I once heard a prophecy...a prophecy from someone I knew well, and he foretold of a Hero that would appear from the Heavens to help unify China. Like most of his prophecies, it was false. So many of us waited for that Hero who never came.
I see. I'm sorry.
Don't be. You're not the Hero. No one is.
You said China is divided? What's happened?
You really don't know? You must be from another time if you don't know something so obvious. The Han is crumbling and the land is in chaos. Dong Zhuo, Cao Cao, and Yuan Shao may be the strongest, but there are dozens of warlords looking to unify China. I'm merely one of them.
...Right. I may be able to help you. I always end up where I'm needed. Maybe I'm here to help you bring China together.
We could do it. We have a chance to change history here, avert chaos and suffering. We could bring this land peace.
Peace? Don't talk to me of Peace. I have seen Peace preached to thousands of listless men and women, preached sincerely from good men who were hunted down and executed for their belief in Peace.
You have six officers and an empty city. You'll become a casualty of chaos in a matter of months if you don't let me help you. Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao will strike you down if you don't fight back. Give me some time and I promise I can help you turn your force around.
...You speak earnestly, Doctor. I haven't heard such...I haven't heard a man so sure of peace in a long time. Fine. Become our strategist. I await your results.
I'm sorry for dragging you into this, Mary. If I'd known about what would happen, with the TARDIS, I wouldn't ever have asked you to come with me.
I don't mind, Doctor. I like being with you. You make things so exciting.
And dangerous, don't forget that. I'm afraid we're going to be here for a while. Years maybe.
That's okay. This place is so amazing, and maybe it'll toughen me up a little, heh.
So what are you going to do now that you're the Strategist?
Hangz Shao and his men are capable. Wen Jiang and Hua Lim are intelligent, charismatic politicians and the others are skilled fighters and leaders. However, without more officers, they're going to be crippled by a lack of executive manpower. Starting tomorrow, I'm going to mobilize the other officers and myself, and we're going to scour the city for other exceptional men and women to join us.

Not bad for a few weeks' worth.
Yes Mary?
There's someone here to see you. He...he looks like you.
Does he? Well I suppose I should go see hi-whoa.
"Hmm. Yes, the resemblence is striking. Imagine my surprise when I heard rumors that I'd joined up with Hangz Shao. You don't look like you're from around here, but other than the few ethnic differences, we could be siblings."
Who are you?
"Guo Jia. I've heard you're the Doctor, and that you're one of the smartest men around. I've come to debate you."
Debate me?
"It's a custom here. We'll talk philosophy and history."
I see. Well let's go then.

Ugh...It's like being beaten by a smarter version of myself.
"Unfortunate. I thought that you might've been the rival I was looking for. I apologize for taking up your time."
...Mary, I need you to go to Hangz Shao and ask him for all his philosophy and history books.


"I'm surprised you sent your general to find me. Don't you have better things to do?"
We need you in our army. Let's have another debate. If I win, you join us.
"Alright. If I win, you must crop off all your hair. The allusions to our physical similarities are becoming trying."
"...I concede."
Next, we need to rennovate the city, to increase our revenue and harvest, as well as create training grounds for soldiers.


Lord Doctor!
I don't think I like that. Just The Doctor will do.
Lord Hangz has requested your presence immediately.
Gentlemen, Mary. A Taoist has invaded our city and claims to seek employment among our forces.
"I am but a humble hermit, Lord. I seek to assist yourself and the one they call The Doctor."
Taoism has brought many decent men to ruin, hermit. Doctor, what do you think?
He seems fairly harmless to me.
"I have seen your futures in the stars. Doctor, I believe you are the Hero that will unify China, as was foretold by our great Father Zha-"
Don't say his name. Everyone, we are here to discuss what to do with this Taoist who wants our city to become his home. In addition, I've been informed that our soldiers are ready for battle. Doctor, please tell us your thoughts.
We should capture Chen Liu and defeat Cao Cao. He's a strong threat to us and, equally important, he has my TARDIS. We have as many powerful generals, and nearly twice as many troops. As for this future see-er...Future See-er. Seer. Right. As for the Seer, I think we should allow him to join us.
I see. The Doctor has said his peace. What about the rest of you?
Alright, so we have a few things to discuss, as in-character or out of character as you'd like. Firstly, what to do about The Seer. Secondly, if we should attack Cao Cao. The Doctor has made his opinions known.

Also for reference, here are the stats of all the officers we've acquired.http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5144/5798802749_15613b2490_b.jpg

2011-06-05, 04:59 AM
Lets let this "Doctor" continue with his plans for the moment. Cao Cao has already shown he is willing to send men to kidnap our lessor companions, and the easiest way to stop him is a sword to the throat.

As to this Seer fellow, he doesn't look much good in a fight to me. Do what you want with him, worst comes to worst he can tend the fields while we are off.

Don't know why, just feel I should continue going with the color you are using for me in the lp proper.

2011-06-05, 08:39 AM
Each captured man provides for a greater force to quell the sitirrings of the upstarts. If we need let go of one, Liu Yao seems the most ... incompetant.

Hussam B.
2011-06-05, 09:30 AM
Hua Lim considers their options;

My Lord, I have found the Seer to be a man of great intelligence and wisdom, making him a possible asset for our cause. That being said, I am sure that I do not have to remind your lordship of the conflict against the Yellow Turbans, many of your men, myself included, have participated in the conflict against the rebels and might not appreciate recruiting this hermit.

Therefore I advise this, my Lord; We accept the Seer's services if he swears allegiance to your cause and renounce the actions and the cause of the Yellow Turban rebels.

As for Cao Cao, I have witnessed in my captivity glimpses of Cao Cao's preparations and I am sure now that he is heading for war with Yuan Shao against Dong Zhuo in the Imperial Capital, the consequences of the battle are bound to be far reaching.

That is why that. despite my colleague's and I internment, I would advise avoiding conflict at the moment until we have seen the aftermath of this confrontation, while working in the mean time to strengthen our own position.

Some of your lordship's officers may object and demand a response to Cao Cao's transgression, but I feel that our safe return is a good enough response.

2011-06-05, 12:46 PM
Hangz Shao carefully considers what has been said, and allows his thoughts to be heard.
"While I hate to rush into battle with Cao Cao's forces, The Doctor does seem knowledgeable. After all, this man has assimilated Guo Jia into our ranks. At The Doctor's discretion, we may begin picking off Cao Cao's weaker holding points.

As for the seer... Taoism. Feh. Yet a body is a body, I'm sure we'll find a use for him somewhere. Rejoice, Seer, for your life has been spared."

...It's weird to start LPing off of what has somewhat been established by someone else...

Vespe Ratavo
2011-06-05, 01:38 PM
D --> My lord, while I do not approve of this peasant witch f001ery, we are in no position to pick and choose who we ally ourselves with
D --> And we will certainly find some use for him
D --> So long as he renounces the Yellow Turbans and swears his fealty, surely honor means something even to him
D --> Should worst come to worst, give him a spear and send him in first
D --> As for Cao Cao
D --> I concur with Doctor, our armies are STRONG and if we strike quickly and strike now they will not know what hit them

Cristo Meyers
2011-06-05, 02:56 PM
Zah Equihttp://img815.imageshack.us/img815/2057/zhaequi.png

Heh, looks familiar:

Damn, I wish I'd been paying more attention, I'd have been all over this. Bloody some Wei soldiers for me!

2011-06-05, 03:15 PM
Yeah Cristo, your face from that game was too awesome to pass up for another strong idiot bruiser. You know, if you want to participate, you can take one of the actual characters and use him for discussions and such. We have Xu Zhu and a lot of scholars and I have the feeling we'll be soon obtaining some more officers.

2011-06-05, 03:16 PM
D --> My lord, while I do not approve of this peasant witch f001ery, we are in no position to pick and choose who we ally ourselves with
D --> And we will certainly find some use for him
D --> So long as he renounces the Yellow Turbans and swears his fealty, surely honor means something even to him
D --> Should worst come to worst, give him a spear and send him in first
D --> As for Cao Cao
D --> I concur with Doctor, our armies are STRONG and if we strike quickly and strike now they will not know what hit them

Hangz Shao rolls his eyes as Zah Equi speaks. "Zah Equi, it is generally best to give your opinions before the warlord makes his decisions."

(Also... That is rather difficult to read...)

Cristo Meyers
2011-06-05, 03:18 PM
Yeah Cristo, your face from that game was too awesome to pass up for another strong idiot bruiser. You know, if you want to participate, you can take one of the actual characters and use him for discussions and such. We have Xu Zhu and a lot of scholars and I have the feeling we'll be soon obtaining some more officers.

Heh, here's hoping he performs as well as I did. :smallbiggrin:

I'll keep an eye out and maybe jump in sometime soon. Thanks!

2011-06-05, 03:21 PM
Very well. How about it, Seer?
"I will swear fealty to you, Doctor, and obey your lord only through you. I will renounce the Yellow Turbans, but I will not renounce my religion."
That's good enough for me. I will begin making preparations for our attack on Cao Cao.

(War Time!)

2011-06-05, 03:39 PM
Hangz Shao is noticeably annoyed at the Seer's insolence. He says, in a remarkably controlled tone, "You may think that because you are spared, you have power. I am still in control here, and your orders will come through me."

2011-06-05, 04:21 PM
Okay, so I'm working on the update, and aside from Cao Cao, we were attacked by Kong Zhou of Kong Zhou's army. He's been captured, and because he is a Ruler, he can only be executed or released.

Kong Zhou is no threat to us. We are by far the stronger faction and there's no harm in releasing him. I don't want him executed.

2011-06-05, 05:43 PM
I forgot to take screenshots of the battle. However, never fear! I have written up an EXCELLENT battle summary so you all know how badass everyone was.

China, 191
Battle Of Chen LiuIn the early months of 191, the forces of Hangz Shao, as commanded by the enigmatic Doctor, left Xu Chang to war with the ambitious Cao Cao. After building up an impressive army and arsenal of weapons, the army marched. Zah Equi, mounted on horseback with 6000 cavalry behind him, led the charge. Zhan Gao took followed with his own horsemen. Somewhat behind were Timur Kadesh's spear unit and the bow units of Mary Evans (newly taught to wield the weapon by The Doctor) and Hangz Shao himself. The Doctor brought up the rear, commanding a team of engineers with siege rams.

A few days from Chen Liu, Hangz Shao's forces were attacked by Cao Cao's men. Dian Wei, Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Cao Ren, and Cao Cao himself all rose to meet their enemies on the battlefield, supported by lieutenants. Though mighty, Hangz Shao's army had not expected such speedy resistance and found the battle more evan than they would have liked. Hearing news of his Lord's imminent danger, Xu Zhu left Xu Chang with a group of spearmen to assist his companions.

The initial battle was squarely in Cao Cao's favor. While Hangz Shao's forces tactically used special manuvers and coordinated their weapons against those they would have an advantage against, Cao Cao's forces relentlessly attacked Timur Kadesh's spear unit, slaughtering his men and forcing the general to retreat to Xu Chang.

However, the tide slowly began to turn. The bow units of Hangz Shao and Mary Evans used their superior range to rain arrows upon multiple units at once. Cao Ren found himself completely incapacitated as his unit lost focus and fell into panicked confusion at a few of The Doctor's cunning ploys. Xu Zhu arrived to provide reinforcements and, with the help of Zah Equi and Zhan Gao, drove Dian Wei and Xiahou Yuan back to Chen Liu. Cao Cao's unit was forced to follow soon after.

Back at Xu Chang, Timur Kadesh was once again ready for battle. There were no more spearmen for him to take, so he commanded a group of archers and struck back towards Chen Liu. Despite The Doctor's complete shutdown of Cao Ren, Xiahou Dun was still able to rout Hangz Shao's unit, forcing the ruler to swiftly retreat. As Timur Kadesh drew closer to the battlefield, Xiahou Yuan returned to battle with a new unit. Zah Equi broke away from his unit and charged alone into Xiahou Yuan's forces, demanding a duel with the general.

Unsure of his ability to beat the mad horseman, Xiahou Yuan stalled in answering the request. Rather than see his commander lose face, Xiahou Yuan's lieutenant, Man Chong, stepped forward to answer the duel. He mounted his own horse and the two warriors rode to the outskirks of the battlefield to fight. Man Chong rode towards Zah Equi, intent on sending him flying from his horse, but in just a few quick blows, Zah Equi had defeated him and taken him prisoner.

Inspired by Zah Equi's challenge, Xu Zhu issued his own to Xiahou Dun. Xiahou Dun answered it immediately and the two began to fight in the middle of all the soldiers. The battle was much closer than Zah Equi vs Man Chong, but after thirty bouts, it became clear that Xiahou Dun was tiring. Seeing an opportunity, Xu Zhu attacked, but Xiahou Dun's lieutenant, Chen Gong, shot an arrow from across the battlefield, striking through the head of Xiahou Dun's horse and sending the rider to the ground, wounded but away from Xu Zhu. Soldiers carried away Xiahou Dun and Xu Zhu turned to see his new adversary. Bloodied and weakened from fighting Xiahou Dun, Xu Zhu rode towards Chen Gong, knocking him from his horse and taking him prisoner in a single blow.

Zhan Gao and Mary Evans routed the rest of Xiahou Dun's unit, and Zah Equi returned to finish off Xiahou Yuan's. As Timur Kadesh arrived, he decimated Cao Ren's unorganized unit with flaming arrows, as The Doctor took his rams and began to lay siege to Chen Liu. Cao Ren was forced to retreat as Dian Wei took one final stand, before being beaten again as well.

As The Doctor attacked the city with his rams, supported by Mary Evans and Timur Kadesh, some of Cao Cao's less courageous officers attempted to escape through the gates. If the city was taken by the archers, they would have escaped. Unwilling to let officers escape, Zah Equi's unit attacked the gates, finally falling apart from all the battling. Zah Equi himself was wounded by an arrow and left the field of battle. Zhan Gao, following his ally's lead, seized the gate as The Doctor's rams leveled the walls. The city had fallen to Hangz Shao.


Blue Ghost
2011-06-05, 05:47 PM
Ahhhahahaha! Chen Liu is mine! MINE!!!
... Er, I mean ours.

2011-06-05, 08:46 PM
China, 191Good work, Doctor. Where are Cao Cao and his men?
We had to release two or three, I'm afraid. There wasn't enough gold to keep guards for them. The rest of them are being held in the prison.
Do you think we should execute them?
No. If we butcher our enemies, we're no better than Dong Zhuo. I'm going to talk to Cao Cao and then figure out what to do from there, but none of them are going to be executed.
Fair enough.
My lord, an official from the Emperor has requested an audience with you.

"So, you're the strategist responsible for my defeat."
"I applaud you. You're clever."
Thank you.
"Have you come to take me to execution? I will not put up a fight. I have lost and accept my fate."
No, I'm not taking you to be executed. I just want to talk.
"Then my ears are yours, Doctor."
Cao Cao, what did you hope to accomplish? Dethroning Dong Zhuo...Why?
"He is a menace to the Han and all of China."
I know that. But why you? Why did you want to rise up and strike him down yourself?
"I don't know what you mean."
Your failed assassination attempt.
"Ah, that. I wanted the glory. I wanted to be the Hero of Chaos I was foretold to be. I saw a powerful empire, waiting at my feet."
I see.
"You think me a tyrant, don't you Doctor?"
I don't know yet. Will you join us?
"Bah. I still have my honor. I will not be the lapdog of anyone, regardless of losing my city."
What's more important to you? Your future glory or the Han? If you support the Emperor, and the Han, then you must accept that you're just one man among many, fighting for the same thing. If you put your own ambition above the good of the people, then you really don't deserve their support anyway.
"You speak well. I see how you matched Guo Jia."
If you die today, you die in obscurity. A casualty of the times. If we release you, you'll need to claw your way back up, and by then, others will be too powerful for you. If you stay with us, you may not rule, but you may go down in history as a powerful general and advisor.
"I suppose I have no choice then. I will join your forces, however grugingly."
Will your men join us as well?
"I can't speak for them, but I will help you pursuade them if necessary."
Good. Now, before I go, where is my TARDIS?
"Your what?"
It's the blue box your men found Mary and I in.
"Oh, that. I'm afraid it's been stolen. There was a spy in our camp, from Dong Zhuo, and he made off with it."
Sexy, why do you always go running off with strange people?
"I'm sorry, did you say something?"
It's nothing. Thank you, Cao Cao.

Are you sure we can trust them, Doctor? Cao Cao's men?
I don't know. I hope so. They bring a lot of talent and ability to our cause. We have to trust them for now.
Create a new district. We need to focus on Chen Liu. Appoint Aran Baron as the Viceroy of Xu Chang and have Guo Jia advise him. Tell them to focus on military needs and hold, in case Yuan Shu or Kong Zhou gets any ideas. We will focus on recruiting officers in Chen Liu.

Lord Hangz, the general Guo Yuan is in the area. He was a warrior under Yuan Shao's son, but has left them due to some differences. Should I seek him out?
If he could be of use to us, yes.
I shall return with him, then.
You! Are you Guo Yuan?
"And if I am?"
I am Timur Kadesh of Hangz Shao's forces, and we'd like to enlist you into our army.
"Hangz Shao...Is that the man who just defeated Cao Cao? Interesting. I'll duel you. If you win, I'll join you."
Heh. Very well.


And who are you?
"Liu Pi. I was once a Yellow Turban, but I have renounced my faith. I came to seek Yuan Shu, but he refused me even after I bested his generals in combat."
I am Timur Kadesh. I'll fight you. If you give me a good fight, I'll refer you to my lord Hangz Shao.

Who are you?
"Liu Fu. I'm one of Cao Cao's old advisors. I have a peer in town. Should I-"
Fine. Bring your friend and all his friends.
"Yan Jun, I'm here to debate you!"
"Che Zhou, debate me!"


I don't understand why all these people are here.
We've gained prominence now, as the people who defeated Cao Cao, but I think much of it has to do with the harvest. Our fields are producing food in abundance. The Seer told me he'd do that.


Doctor, the mercenary named Zhang Yue is advancing on Chen Liu in the name of Han Fu.
Zhang Yue? I've heard that he's STRONG.
Zhang Yue...Cao Cao?
"Yes, Doctor?"
Go speak with him. There's more to this mercenary than meets the eye.
"Are you the one they call Zhang Yue?"
"I take it you're the one they call Cao Cao? Beautiful, I'm a huge admirer."
"How much money is Han Fu offering you to attack us? We'll equal it if you leave."
"I'm afraid I can't do that. My reputation depends on this, and I need employment to support my beautiful, luxurious lifestyle."
"Han Fu can't pay you. He can barely support himself. I'll speak with The Doctor abou-"
"THE DOCTOR? Well why didn't you say so? His grace...so ethereal. Let me speak with him."


So, you're Zhang Yue. The generals here say you're pretty good.
"Doctor, I heard about your debate with Guo Jia. The way I've heard it, you know Confucianism remarkably well for someone who isn't a Confucianist."
Mutual respect, good way to start a friendship. I've checked the records. There was no Zhang Yue during the Yellow Turban Rebellion, which is where you started.
"Resourceful, how beautifully wonderful. No, my real name is Zhang He. Since a few incidents with Yuan Shao's men, I've been on the run. He wants me to join him as a commander, but his tactics are so brutish and unrefined. Not at all like you, Doctor."
Thank you for the compliment, Zhang He. I'm afraid I have a lot to do, so this deal has to be short. Join us and we'll pay you well.
"For the chance to work with you, Doctor? Nothing could make me happier."
Doctor, what have you been up to? I'm feeling constrained. Han Fu and Liu Bei to the East, Dong Zhuo to the North, Yuan Shu to the West, Kong Zhuo to the South.
Trust me, I have a plan. Also, arrange for Zah Equi to come here. I have a gift for him.


I remembered your fondness for horses, and I thought you'd enjoy this gift as a token of our appreciation for your work at Chen Liu. It's one of Cao Cao's best.
Great! I feel STRONGER already!
My lord, Kong Zhou is attacking Xu Chang!
I know. Aran Baron is taking care of it.


Get out. I don't want to see you mount another invasion of Xu Chang again, or else I won't be so leniant. If anything, you should prepare for an invasion from us.
"I'm lucky to be alive!"

Han Fu's forces on the sea! They're coming through Guan Du!
I know.
You crazy fool! How can you be so calm? We need to ready our defense.
I'll be back in ten days with reinforcements. Begin preparations if you believe we need them, but I'm sure we can get a ceasefire if we need.
That idiot. What could he be up to?
Of all the people I've heard of in my time here, you are by far the most talked about. It's a pleasure to meet you.
"Get out."
Not much of a talker, hm? That's fine. I'm here to offer you a proposal. Your talents are being wasted, your men squandered, your lieutenants completely unrecognized. You survive in this chaos, but you're hardly a supporter of your adoptive father, are you?
I didn't think so. Give the gate to us and join us. You're not evil. I know that. How about you stand for something other than just strife?

I will edit this post with stats of all our new officers (if you guys want) and an update about our political/military situation ASAP. Just need to eat first.

Edit: Oh and also, Zhang Yue=Zhang He is not something I made up. It's an error on the part of the developers of RotK XI, and it really irks me, so he's Zhang He from now despite what the screenshots say.

Situation: Kong Zhou will roll over and die if we blow at him. He has like 5 officers and none of them are any good. His city would also be a good barrier for protecting Xu Chang from the South. Yuan Shu might be harder to finish off. I don't know if he repelled Dong Zhuo or not, so he might not be an option, but if he is, he'll be moderately difficult. Han Fu is a really weak ruler, but he has the benefit of Ju Shou (a competent strategist) and Zhao Yun. Still, we can probably take him. Liu Bei is a bit out of the way, but he only has himself, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and two or three mediocre other generals.

We are also currently in a ceasefire with Dong Zhuo and Yuan Shu. I think we should keep Dong Zhuo's ceasefire for as long as possible, until we can devote all our efforts to ending him. I think we should go after Kong Zhou or Han Fu (or both) and then look at maybe taking Liu Bei.
That is our current officer position list. Also, we have researched Juggernauts (awesome fire-spitting siege weapons), and are currently researching Veteran Troops (increases maximum troop Morale, lets them use more tactics).

On TechniquesWe get Technique Points for everything. Drilling troops, recruiting, inspecting the city, searching, employing, etc. We have a lot due to getting a lot of officers, taking a city and wiping out a force. TP can be put into research on some different trees.

Spears increase power of spears. It's okay.
Pikes increase power of pikes. It's good.
Bows increase power of bows. It's possibly the best tree.
Horses increases power of cavalry. It's pretty bad.
Command increases things like maximum Morale/Will and maximum troop size. As good as Bows.
Invention is about siege weapons and such. It's alright. The first technique is a must, but the others are optional until late game.
Defense increases base defenses and such. It's alright.
Fire increases fire abilities. Juggernauts (the first ability) is very strong, but the rest are very weak.

Each technique takes more TP than the previous one in the tree. We have Fire 1 and will soon have Command 1. We should save for Command 2 or get Bows 1 after that.

Vespe Ratavo
2011-06-05, 09:39 PM
I say we attack Kong Zhou and then proceed on to Han Fu. This course of action is so self-evident it requires no in-character speech. :smalltongue:

2011-06-05, 11:04 PM
Sorry, I wasn't home.

Hangz Shao looked over the options surrounding him. "The mighty Lu Bu has joined our ranks? Then this calls for action. If Kong Zhou thinks he can live to attack us again, his head is empty. Doctor, the time has come to wipe out Kong Zhou's forces."

Hangz Shao, liking to stay on everyone's good side, wouldn't go executing willy-nilly, for future reference.

2011-06-05, 11:14 PM
And for Han Fu? Should I make arrangements for a momentary ceasefire and concentrate on Kong Zhou, or should I delegate Kong Zhou to Aran Baron and the Xu Chang generals and have Lu Bu and our other warriors attack Han Fu?

2011-06-05, 11:20 PM
That was quite a battle there.

Man, am I behind on reading these... :smallannoyed:

2011-06-05, 11:22 PM
And for Han Fu? Should I make arrangements for a momentary ceasefire and concentrate on Kong Zhou, or should I delegate Kong Zhou to Aran Baron and the Xu Chang generals and have Lu Bu and our other warriors attack Han Fu?

"For now, we focus on Kong Zhou. Han Fu may be incompetent, but he has the mind of a capable strategist and the strength of Zhao Yun on his side. We finish off Kong Zhou, then take the fight to Han Fu. Strength in numbers, and all that."

Hussam B.
2011-06-06, 01:18 AM
A missive arrives from Hua Lim in Xu Chang:

Your Lordship, I congratulate you on your decisive victory at Chen Liu, truly the battle had been hard fought but your victory there will have an immeasurable effect in the times to come, even the Emperor Xian recognizes this fact by bestowing the title of Lt. Governor upon your grace.

I congratulate you as well on bringing Cao Cao and his capable retinue into the fold, though I advise a degree of caution when dealing with our once enemies.

We remain your humble servants and await your directives in dealing with Kong Zhou, the wayward inspector of the Yu province.

2011-06-06, 01:40 AM
My lord, this is no time to act cautiously. We can easily split our forces and attack both Kong Zhou and Han Fu. Come now, Han Fu has one competent strategist and one competent general. How many do we have? We can take them, and we should take them before someone else does!

2011-06-06, 02:24 AM
China, 192-193Dammit!
What's wrong Doctor?
These warlords are so stupid! Han Fu doesn't stand a chance against us, but he's content to be a thorn in our side until we deal with him. Tao Quin and Liu Dan seem to be following the same pattern. Dong Zhuo is hanging over us like a shadow. I don't like it. It's frustrating.
Perhaps you should take a break? It can't be healthy for you to push yourself this much.
No...We need to deal with Kong Zhou immediately. Once he's defeated, I'll be able to relax, at least somewhat.
Everyone, keep looking for capable officers. A Lu Bu or a Guo Jia gives us the advantage over our enemies.

Good. Now, for Kong Zhou. Zah Equi, take horses. Aran Baron, Spears. Wen Jiang, Hua Lim, take Juggernauts and Siege Towers.


As I predicted, their resistance is negligable. Finish off their forces.


Doctor, Han Fu's forces are coming at us through Guan Du. They've broken the ceasefire.
Dammit. Lu Xiang is among their forces, he holds no loyalty to Han Fu. Send Cao Cao to entice him.


Good. Er...Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren to reinforce Lu Xiang at Guan Du, Cao Cao to convert more of Han Fu's men.


Doctor, Lu Bu sends word that Hu Lao Gate is about to be under siege from Dong Zhuo. The ceasefire is expired.
My sources indicate that Tao Qian has sent a small army to attack us here at Chen Liu.


Tao Qian has no influence. His generals will be easily swayed as soon as they realize that Cao Cao can defeat them.


Send Yue Jin with spears, Zhan Gao with horses, and Lu Zhi and Mary with bows. You should go too, Hangz Shao. Also try and take any generals from Luo Yang, to leave Dong Zhuo's domestics in tatters.


See The Battle Of Luo Yang

Emperor, it's an honor to meet you. You are safe with us.
Attention men! As of today, we are not just warriors fighting for China's unity, we are also the protectors of Emperor Xian!
You really are amazing sometimes, you know that?
I do my best, Mary. It's getting to be a bit overwhelming. At least we'll be able to retrieve the TARDIS now, so that's comforting. Dong Zhuo is here somewhere, and when we find him, we can execute him.
Doctor, you're not a killer.
...I understand the necessities of war. Cao Cao and Lu Bu are not bad men. Ambitious, yes, dangerous, certainly. Not evil. Dong Zhuo...he's evil and I'll feel no remorse at his death.
Doctor, I have to interrupt your little conversation. Dong Zhuo and his officers are gone. We've turned the city upside down and they're all gone. We can't find anything matching your description of the TARDIS either.
Get out. Both of you.
But Doctor-
I said get out!
China, 193
Battle Of Luo YangQuick to react to Lu Bu's predicament, The Doctor sent Yue Jin, Hangz Shao, Zhan Gao and Lu Zhi to relieve him, along with some lieutenants. Mary Evans accompanied Lu Zhi to help him formulate strategies, using things The Doctor had told her. Unfortunately, by the time they'd arrived, things looked grim for Lu Bu. Hua Xiong's expert cavalry were attacking the gate, backed by Li Ru's rams, Li Su's siege towers, Wang Yun's archers, and Dong Zhuo's cavalry.

Hangz Shao and Lu Zhi shot flaming arrows over the gate, scattering their enemies. Cao Cao joined them after dealing with Tao Qian's men. Along with Lu Zhi and Zhan Gao, he used strategies to sow confusion among the enemies. Yue Jin joined Lu Bu in defending the gate proper, and when the enemy began to retreat in confusion, the gate flew open. Hangz Shao and Lu Zhi darted around the battlefield, routing Wang Yun and Hua Xiong easily. Cao Cao stayed to defend the gate as Lu Bu and Yue Jin burst forward in a frenzy. Li Su was nearly defeated when he managed to confuse Yue Jin and send him back to the gate.

Lu Bu and Zhan Gao assaulted the siege weapons, defeating Li Su and crippling Li Ru's unit. In an attempt to reinforce his lord, Jia Xu brought a spear unit out to attack. Hangz Shao's archers ripped apart Dong Zhuo's unit and Lu Bu personally routed the stragglers, though Dong Zhuo escaped his grasp. Li Ru was finished off by Lu Zhi's flaming arrows and Jia Xu was surrounded and defeated.

While the warriors were occupied with Luo Yang, the Warlord Liu Dai sent a general to attack Chen Liu. The city's defenses weakened from attacks by Han Fu and Tao Qian, and with the best generals either away or busy keeping the army under control, Liu Dai's general, Yu Ji, took his spearmen to attack. Under great stress with controlling the flow of battle in Luo Yang, The Doctor ordered Man Chong to take a pike unit and deal with the invader. Outnumbered, Man Chong dove into the fray, slowly driving back Yu Ji and eventually defeating his forces entirely.

In Luo Yang, in a last ditch attempt, Dong Zhuo appeared again with mere swordsmen, but was again swiftly routed by Lu Bu. Weakened from all the fighting and drained of the moral to pull of fancy siege techniques, all of Hangz Shao's forces lined up around the city and began attacking it, draining it of guards. Trying to keep the city afloat, Dong Zhuo instituted a massive draft, drawing three thousand soldiers to his army in a few weeks. It wasn't enough, as many others deserted in the face of the Hangz Shao army. Before the city fell, all the soldiers of Dong Zhuo's Luo Yang army were either dead or deserted.

Hangz Shao and Lu Bu made a quick route to the Imperial Palace. Dong Zhuo was there, attempting to take the Emperor with armed guards. Lu Bu charged forward, swinging his spear and disarming the guards, who turned and ran. Dong Zhuo hesitated and then took off on his horse. An arrow by Hangz Shao narrowly missed the corrupt Regent, and Dong Zhuo disappeared into the night as the young Emperor was escorted back into the palace by Hangz Shao.

2011-06-06, 05:45 PM
So, what should we do? Deal with Han Fu/Tao Quin/Liu Dai, or push towards Dong Zhuo? The Doctor is not presently in a condition to be making this kind of decision, at least not without a second opinion.

2011-06-06, 05:58 PM
I think we should deal with the other people first, so as to not get ganked when we push towards Dong Zhuo.

Seriously. That would suck.

2011-06-06, 09:09 PM
Ah, and again the mighty engines of war prove themselves superior to men cowering behind gates. I am most happy to provide to the newly rescued Emperor the city of Ru Nan. A press to flush out those others who would dare end their ceasefires against the Emperor would be most prudent. You cannot trust a traitor, after all.

Blue Ghost
2011-06-06, 10:15 PM
We just won a major victory over Dong Zhuo. Now's the best chance we'll get to defeat him once and for all! Leave the smaller fish for later.

2011-06-06, 11:32 PM
Second Battle of Luo YangNot two weeks after Luo Yang had been taken by Hangz Shao's forces, Dong Zhuo mobilized a new army to take it back. Still recovering from the first fight with Dong Zhuo, Hangz Shao's army had not had time to recruit or train new soldiers, or produce more weapons. In hopes of buying time for their allies in the city, Lu Bu and Hangz Shao set out to meet the giant enemy army.

Led by Li Ru, Dong Zhuo's forces were less talented than Lu Bu's crack cavalry units or Hangz Shao's impressive archers. Still, the number of generals was uncountable and Hangz Shao and Lu Bu were outnumbered five to one. Even worse, the walls of Luo Yang had not completely recovered from the previous attack, and Dong Zhuo had sent siege units. Lu Bu and Hangz Shao diverted their efforts to keeping the siege units away from the city, which left them open to attack by Dong Zhuo's pikes and archers.

Dian Wei and Cao Cao left the city to clean up some of the infantry units, but Dian Wei was forced to return soon afterwards due to a food shortage. With Cao Cao's help, Lu Bu and Hangz Shao managed to turn away the first wave of attacks. However, Dong Zhuo himself began to come towards the city, backed by more generals. Weakened and low on both food and morale, it seemed as though Luo Yang would be lost.

Hearing of the threat facing Luo Yang, Zhang He, stationed at Hu Lao Gate, commanded a cavalry unit into the fray, followed closely behind by Cao Hong's spearmen. With the reinforcements, most of Dong Zhuo's soldiers were routed, albeit at the cost of many Hangz Shao men, but the siege weapons were busting down the gates of Luo Yang.

In Ru Nan, the former land of Kong Zhou, Wen Jiang made a quick decision. Dong Zhuo was a monster worthy of an unceremonious execution, but negotiating with him would be far better than allowing the Emperor to fall back into his clutches. Riding alone on horseback, Wen Jiang made it to Dong Zhuo's lands and negotiated a ceasefire with Jia Xu, Dong Zhuo's strategist, at the cost of much of Ru Nan's coffers.

On the battlefield of Luo Yang, things were looking grim. Cao Cao, Lu Bu, and Hangz Shao were all in danger of being routed. Zhang He and Cao Hong doubled their efforts to keep the invading army at bay. Suddenly, riding out onto the field, Zhan Gao yelled of the ceasefire, and suddenly the fighting stopped. Dong Zhuo's forces slowly began to withdraw, though not before the corrupt administrator and Lu Bu shared wordless threats. Luo Yang had been defended, largely due to the timely reinforcements of Zhang He and Cao Hong, but it was clear that Dong Zhuo would only wait so long.

2011-06-06, 11:43 PM
Hangz Shao made an effort to speak with the doctor about his plans for the future. "I am sorry for your loss, Doctor. I am sure the tyrant has taken careful measures to keep your equipment from your grasp. Now is the time to crush Dong Zhuo once and for all. We can deal with the petty resistances later. That pig must die, after all he has done to our home."

(Due to unforseen circumstances, I will be without internet access for the majority of the next 72 hours. Sorry...)

2011-06-07, 01:07 AM
China, 193-195http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2306/5806697431_53558574f9_b.jpg

"You must be proud."
Are you mocking me, Seer?
"No. I just came to congratulate you on your governorship."
Very well. Where is The Doctor?
"The Doctor is wandering somewhere. Dong Zhuo's evasion has frustrated him."
Find him.
Lord Shao! Dong Zhuo's army is on the horizon!
What? Everyone prepare for battle. The Doctor isn't here, so I will command this battle!
See Second Battle of Luo Yang

Doctor! Where have you been? No one has seen you in two months!
Hmm? Oh that. I just needed to clear my head. I was on a walk.
For two months?
It was a long walk.
Are you okay? Last time I saw you, you seemed...stressed, I guess. And then Dong Zhuo escaped and the TARDIS wasn't at Luo Yang...
Oh those things. I'd completely forgotten about them.
Come along Mary, I've heard that Han Fu has passed away. I'm not one to take such an event as an opportunity, but Pan Feng isn't strong enough to hold that army together. It's an opportunity.

Liu Bei may have been our opponent once or twice, but he was an honorable man committed to peace and the Han. His passing will be mourned.
I don't think he's really dead.
Liu Bei. Zhang Fei and Guan Yu would never let him die in battle and execution isn't Yuan Shao's style. He's ambitious, but he's also honorable. He wouldn't kill a man like Liu Bei.
But why would Zhang Fei and Guan Yu say he had died?
I'm not sure. Perhaps he's hiding from Dong Zhuo. I want you to go find him.
Me? How am I supposed to find him?
Come on Mary, you're a smart girl. I have the utmost faith in you.
Excuse me, I'm looking for Liu Bei.
"He's dead, girl."
I...I don't think he is."
"I said he's dead. Leave him alone."
I have news for you, Miss Mary Evans.
You can just call me Mary. What is it?
Zhang Fei has joined us and we have an idea of where to look for Liu Bei. Zhang Fei isn't completely sure, but he suggested we look in Liu Biao's lands.
Yeah, they're cousins right? That would make sense. Thanks for the tip.

Lord Shao, it is my duty to report that Lu Zhi, one of our ministers in Luo Yang, has died. His sickness has been getting worse for the past month. The Taoist gave him herbs to ease his pain and the minister died this morning.
He was a good man, and a competent scholar. We'll all miss his wisdom. Begin preparations for a funeral. As long as I lead this kingdom, no general shall go unremembered in death.

Well looking in Liu Biao's lands was a waste of my time. I'm starting to think Liu Bei really is dead.
Well at least you made it back in time for Lu Zhi's funeral. I'll see you there. I'm supposed to give a speech, so I need to arrive early.
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to run into you, I'm just late for an appointment."
"No, forgive me. I wasn't looking. Where are you going?"
I have a funeral to attend.
"My condolences. Whose?"
A man named Lu Zhi. He was an an ally of mine.
"Lu Zhi is dead?"
Oh, did you know him?
"He was a teacher of mine. May I accompany you to the funeral? I'd like to pay my respects."
Oh yeah, sure.
"Thank you."
I didn't know he had very many students. The only ones he ever mentioned were Gongsun Zan and...
"Oh no..."
You're Liu Bei! I've been looking for you for months!
You are, aren't you?
"Yes, I am Liu Bei."
You need to join us! I'm Mary Evans of Hangz Shao's forces. Zhang Fei is already with us, but I've been trying to find you.
"I can't."
What? Why not?
"I'm not fit to serve as a general in anyone's army. I have failed the Emperor, my brothers, and myself. Yuan Shao was right to defeat me and my men. I cannot protect the Han any longer."
But you're Liu Bei! Aren't you supposed to be a great hero?
"Perhaps that was my destiny, but I am no longer on that path. I am no hero."
Yes you are! Look, I'm not from around here. When I first arrived, I'd never seen a hero before. But all of you guys, you're all just so amazing. You can lead armies, discuss philosophy, and run cities in a day.
YES! Don't you want to help protect the Emperor? He in Luo Yang, with us, but Dong Zhuo is waiting to attack us again. What happened with Yuan Shao wasn't your fault, but if you choose to keep your talents hidden, instead of coming with me, you'll be turning your back on us, the Emperor, Zhang Fei, and everything you've ever stood for.
"You make a decent argument. Fine, I'll join you to atone for my failures."

Zhan Gao, what is the meaning of this!? These are our training grounds, not some kind of gambling ring!
It's not gambling, my lord. We have the best fighters in all of China. Lu Bu, Zah Equi, myself, Xu Zhu, Dian Wei, Zhang Fei. It's natural that people would want to challenge us. So while we're in Luo Yang, Zhang Fei, Lu Bu and I decided to issue a challenge to other great warriors to come fight us. If they win, we'll send them off with a tidy amount of gold, but if they lose, they have to join us as a general. Lu Bu and I have already recruited a few.
I'm not sure I approve.
I have a duel within the hour, lord. My opponent is young and of common birth, but he's earned quite a reputation. It'll be a good fight.
Fine. I shall attend.
*huff* *huff* I have never been so tested in a duel, except for when I've sparred with Zah Equi! Who are you?
"My name is Zhou Tai."
Zhou Tai...well I can't claim victory in this duel, although I didn't lose either. Fifty bouts...
Excellent fighting, both of you. I'm impressed.
"A compliment from the Governor himself? I must submit."
Pan Feng, Zhao Yun, and some other general whose name I can't be bothered to remember are attack Guan Du. They're clumsy, awkward at sea. Lu Dai and I will meet them, and we'll rout them at sea.

Everyone, their forces have dwindled. Press on to Ye and capture it! Xiahou Yuan, Chen Gong, lead the attack. I'll command from here.


We don't need more enemies. Now that we've crossed the river into Ye, we'll have to contend with Gongsun Zan and Zhang Yang. Yuan Shao is not to be underestimated, but if we can block him from expanding westward, without actually fighting, we'll have an advantage.


"Doctor, Pan Feng and his generals have pledged allegiance to us."



Hmm. Dian Wei's son. How old are you?
"Fifteen, sir."
"No younger than my father when he began fighting."
A fair point.

Yi Ji of Liu Dai's forces and someone else are coming to Chen Liu. I'll take care of them.
Send Zhang Fei to intercept the other general. Timur Kadesh, you go with Xiahou Dun and wait outside the city for Yi Ji's arrival.
Zhang Fei, back already?
"All six thousand of Yi Ji's men are dead, with not a single casualty on our side."
I'm impressed. How are Xiahou Dun and Timur Kadesh doing?
"Not as well as me! They're just waiting by the gates! That archer is going to do some damage before they finish him!"
What archer? The general is commanding Pikes.
"There's a second one with archers following him. I can rout him in minutes if you want me to."
No, your men are tired. I'm confident that Xiahou Dun and Timur Kadesh can handle it.

"There was a second unit, of archers, and one of them took a lucky shot and he was wounded."
Is he seriously injured?
"No, but he was forced to retreat. The Taoist is treating him in Chen Liu, and he should make recover within the month. Timur Kadesh has finished off the enemies though. It turns out they were from Liu Dai's forces as well, but wore different armor to disguise themselves."
Dammit, this is my fault. Deliver orders to Cao Ren and Timur Kadesh. They need to lead an assault on Pu Yang. We're not letting Xiahou Dun's eye be lost for a stupid skirmish.


Other, Out of Character StuffSo, for easier updating, I'm only showing when we acquire notable officers now. With 6 cities under our belt, we're getting people quickly, so I'm not going to show us acquiring people like Pan Feng or Liu Dai. People like Ju Shou and Zhao Yun are skilled, so it's important to note that we have them, but that's it.

Fun fact. I didn't show it, because I was convinced it was a different Lu Meng at first (because the INT and POL stats were in the 40s, and the LDR and WAR stats were in the 70s instead of the 80s), but we got an 18 year old Lu Meng as well. At the moment, he's just a fairly average warrior-type, but as he gets older, his stats will go up and eventually he'll be ridiculously good, with around 80 or higher in every stat.

Edit: The original plan was to push towards Dong Zhuo, but the effects of the Second Battle Of Luo Yang and the hasty ceasefire I had to establish, as well as Han Fu dying in the middle of our battle with Dong Zhuo, made it impossible to go after Dong Zhuo at the time. Because Pan Feng and Zhao Yun were attacking Guan Du every month and Liu Dai kept sending little pockets of like 10K men at us, I just decided to get rid of them. After Liu Bei was defeated and Wei Yan appeared (and we didn't employ him when we had the chance, agh fail), I decided to focus on acquiring the best officers possible for the inevitable showdown.

Getting Zhao Yun and Ju Shou was part of that, and while we're ticking down the clock on the ceasefire, we might consider defeating Zhang Yang in the North, as he is hellbent on taking Ye from us. If we can pacify him, keep our alliance with Yuan Shao and form a truce with Gongsun Zan, we won't have anything to worry about while we take on Dong Zhuo. Tao Qian is simply worthless and Liu Dai has lost the city closest to us, so he'd need to go through Ru Nan and Xu Chang if he wanted to do any serious damage. Liu Biao is the only person that could present any threat to us, but he doesn't have any strong generals and will be too busy dealing with Sun Jian.

Also, obvious if you know the history, you know that knocking out Cao Cao and Liu Bei early on really messes with the dynamics of who is strong. So here is a quick rundown of the people that are actual threats to us, in order of relevence.

Dong Zhuo: Probably our biggest threat. He's third in total troop size right now, but he has a lot of cities that are close together, allowing him to draw from all of them to attack or defend. He also has a handful of S-class generals like Xu Huang, Gan Ning, and Jia Xu. He also has gates that are currently weakly defended, but if he moves soldiers in, it'll be a pain in the ass to take them from him.

Liu Zhang (formerly Liu Yan): Liu Zhang is actually number one in total troops, even above us (although barely). He's got 6 cities like us, and has poison in the furthest two, which is annoying to deal with. However, he doesn't have a large enough officer force (we have about 90 officers for 6 cities, Dong Zhuo has 44 for 5 cities, Liu Zhang has 23 for 6 cities) and none of them are standouts, with the exception of Ma Chao and Pang De. That said, most of them are solid B generals, and the distance between some of his cities means that it would take a lot of time to conquer him completely.

Sun Jian: Obviously, Sun Jian hasn't dealt with a real threat yet, so he's been free to expand across the South. He doesn't have a lot of the best generals from Wu yet (We have Lu Meng, Lu Su and Zhou Tai, Gan Ning is with Dong Zhuo, etc), but he does have himself, Sun Ce, Huang Gai, Cheng Pu, and Zhou Yu at the very least, which is dangerous enough on its own. He will also soon be getting Sun Quan. He doesn't have many troops compared to us (we have nearly three times as many at my last check), but there is a good change he will absorb at least part of Liu Biao's land.

People we shouldn't be cautious of, but that have generals we want:
Kong Rong: Weak, but has Taishi Ci, who is great.
Zhang Yang: Has a lot of troops, but only a few decent generals. Zhang Yan is good but a bit past his prime. Still will be good for a few more years.
Yuan Shu: I think he's going to be swallowed up by Liu Biao, but he has Huang Zhong and inexplicably got Hua Xiong.
Yuan Shao: Is weirdly losing to Gongsun Zan, which is really bizarre. Yuan Shao was winning early, when he conquered Liu Bei and someone else, but Gongsun Zan took out Gongsun Du and one of Yuan Shao's cities. Historically, he should be kicking Gongsun Zan's ass, but whatever. Yuan Shao himself is a very good general and he has Yan Liang and Wen Chou, among others.

2011-06-07, 02:27 AM
My Lord, the petty warlords around us have been trying to whittle us away as we have been focused on Dong Zhuo. I say, we take advantage of this ceasefire and force the smaller powers to bend knee. That way, when the time comes, we will not have to divert forces from the main fight.

Yeah, Gongsun Zan does that sometimes If I remember correctly, the way the map is laid out makes it so that both of the cities to the far north have direct access to Nan Pi. This means that Gongsun Zan can send all of his forces south, and on the flip side, that Yuan Shao will be fighting all of Gongsun Zan's armies if he marches north. Also, Gongsun Zan does have some decent generals, and he himself is pretty fantastic if memory serves (haven't actually played this game in a year or two).

Hussam B.
2011-06-07, 05:20 AM
My Lord, General of the Han, I am relieved at the news of your successful defense of the Imperial Capital, though Wen Jiang has successfully negotiated a ceasefire with Dong Zhuo, we must use this time to prepare for the inevitable battle, we must assure the safety of Luo Yang.

In this matter, I advise caution when considering to deal with Zhang Yang, despite the warlord's repeated assaults on Ye, we must not let this weaken our forces against the greater threat Dong Zhou. I advise sparing only what is necessary to prevent Ye from falling, perhaps if Zhang Yang weakens himself enough he will present himself a target for others in the area.

2011-06-07, 07:56 AM
Okay, last post before I'm gone.

Hangz Shao flexes his muscles, looking over the latest battle plans. "General of the Han... What an honor." He turns to his strategist, "Zhang Yang has been a thorn in my side for far too long. We must orchestrate his fall. After his army is wiped out, we must take out Kong Rong."

(After that, I propose taking out Sun Jian, if possible.)

(Also... Wei Yan? Do we want a historical traitor? :smalltongue:)

2011-06-07, 09:50 AM
(Wei Yan wasn't a traitor. He served Liu Bei basically his whole military career and it's not like we have Zhuge Liang to cause any friction with him. Besides, we have Lu Bu, don't we? Also, Sun Jian is fairly removed from us at the moment. Liu Biao and a large river are between us and him.)

2011-06-07, 05:05 PM
To give an idea of what sort of power we have on our force, I will be taking screenshots of the statistics of our best generals and scholars soon, as well as listing items if they have any.

Edit: With over 90 generals in our army, it's obvious that their quality is going to run the spectrum of useless to awesome. Here are the best generals in the army that are not named The Doctor, The Seer, or are any of your characters. We also have a handful of wellrounded generals (70ish everywhere) and a few that will get much better in time (Like Lu Meng) that aren't here. These are the best scholars, warriors, and politicans in our army.

ItemsAran Baron owns the Seven Star Sword. A jeweled blade possessed by Wang Yun and then Cao Cao, it was part of a failed assassination attempt on Dong Zhuo. It raises Spirit during duels, allowing more frequent special attacks.
Guan Yu owns the Blue Dragon. His weapon, forged by a blacksmith for him specially, increases attack power during duels.
Hangz Shao owns Meng De's War Manual. A book of war authored by Cao Cao, it allows access to special attacks during Debates more frequently.
Liu Bei owns Firestar and the Swords of Fate. Firestar is a famously fast horse that allows retreat from any duel. The Swords of Fate were crafted for him by a blacksmith and raise Spirit during duels.
Lu Bu owns Red Hare and the Crescent Halberd. Red Hare is the fastest horse in all of China, notably tamed by only Lu Bu and Guan Yu, that allows retreat from any duel. The Crescent Halberd is Lu Bu's weapon that raises attack during duels.
The Doctor owns The Way Of Peace. Written by a shaman and given to Zhang Jiao, who learned sorcery from it, it allows access to special attacks during debates more frequently.
Timur Kadesh owns a Throwing Blade. A finely crafted short sword, the Throwing Blade can be used once per duel to inflict moderate damage upon an opponent.
Xiahou Dun owns the Sword of Heaven. Crafted for Cao Cao and said to be able to pierce Heaven itself, it raises Spirit during duels.
Zah Equi owns Gray Lightning. A fast horse previously owned by Cao Cao, it allows retreat from any duel.
Zhan Gao owns Shadow Runner. A fast horse previously owned by Cao Cao, it allows retreat from any duel.
Zhang Fei owns the Serpent Blade. Forged for him specially, Zhang Fei's spear increases attack power during duels.
Zhang He owns the Sword of Light. A counterpart to the Sword of Heaven, it was forged for Cao Cao and increases Spirit during duels.

2011-06-08, 02:40 AM
China, 195-196http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2223/5810634627_ceb1317438_b.jpg

Aggressively expanding, are you Doctor?
The port was deserted. All Zhang Fei did was change the flag.
Some of the generals are clamoring for Dong Zhuo's head. Do you believe we should wait out the ceasefire and then attack him?
...No. I want my TARDIS back and I want to see him dethroned, but now isn't the time. Zhang Yang is pestering our forces at Ye and we need to concentrate fully on him, as Ye is not well defended. Tao Qian and Liu Dai are still sending small waves to Ru Nan and Pu Yang to attack us, and I don't like the movements Liu Biao has been making towards Xu Chang and Ru Nan.
Doctor, the people won't wait for us much longer. Dong Zhuo-
Dong Zhuo is not the threat he was when I came here. He's lost Lu Bu and Hua Xiong, two of his very best generals. Yes, he has others we should be wary of, but we've secured the Emperor. Right now, we need to be more concerned with what to do about the others. Sun Jian and Yuan Shao, Liu Biao. They're virtuous men. Tao Qian and Liu Dai, somewhat as well. Zhang Yang and Yuan Shu, however, don't sit well with me. If you want this land unified, we need to focus on everything. I'm sending Wen Jiang to negotiate another ceasefire.
Lord Dong Zhuo, I come here on behalf of Hangz Shao, to negotiate a ceasefire with you.
"Another one, eh? Cowards, afraid to fight me?"We think it would be best for the people to avoid another battle in Luo Yang so soon.
"Of course, always clammoring on about 'the people'. Hmmm. Jia Xu is out of town, but if you can convince my secondary advisor, Hua Xin, I'll consider your stupid proposal.

The ceasefire was secured, my lord.
I'm impressed, Wen Jiang. I heard you beat him so badly that he fell ill out of shame.
That was not my intention, but yes, that was an effect of our conversation.

Looks like Zhang Yang is back again. Guan Yu, just deal with him. I'm sick of this.
Doctor, Ling Cao of Tao Qian's forces is advancing on Ru Nan.
Send Zah Equi to rout with him.


You don't stand a chance against me! I'm too STRONG for you!
"Xiahou Yuan! Zhang Yang's forces are attacking the gates. We don't have enough men to defend it!"
"Dammit. Where are Guan Yu and Lu Dai?"
"They're dealing with his other officers. The rams are too strong, we can't hold it."
"I've got an idea!"
"Liu Yao? Where are you going!?"
"Xiohou Yuan, what happened?"
"He was trying to light a fire outside the gates to stop the siege. He was struck by an arrow. Get a physician!"
"I'm afraid the wound is too infected, and he's lost too much blood. There's nothing I can do."



Another one? No one sets fire to my cities! Keep them coming, Tao Qian! I can do this...all...DAY!
"Hurgh! Your men are fallen! In the name of Hangz Shao's army, I, Guan Yu, claim you as my prisoner!"
"I am not some common bandit! I am Zhang Yang, sovereign and warlord. You cannot take me prisoner."
"Lord Guan! Liu Yao is dead. He was struck by an arrow. Ju Shou said we need to take the city now, before anything else happens."
"Liu Yao, hmm? Brother of Liu Dai? So that's who I killed..."
"What? Speak again, Zhang Yang!"
"I felled Liu Yao with an arrow from my bow. You may have defeated me now, Guan Yu, but I have killed one of your best men, so I'll consider this a draw."
"I refuse to spare the life of a murderous coward!"


"Good. Some of Wang Kuang's officers don't support his leadership. A few have deserted the city and others are quick to join us. Now is the time to take the city."
"As you will, Ju Shou. Lu Dai and I will follow you."


"No challenge."
Ah, Lu Bu. Is there something you need?
"My daughter wants to join you. She's a vicious fighter."
Alright. Send her in.

"Oh, Doctor, I didn't know you were in here. My apologies for disturbing you."
No, come in, Seer. I've been reading this book...
"Yes, The Way of Peace. It forms the basis for my religion."
It's fascinating.
"Tell me Doctor, do you believe in peace? With Dong Zhuo gone, do you think Hangz Shao will be able to rule the land with Sun Jian, Liu Biao, and Yuan Shao under him? Or will we need to execute them?"
I've been across time and space itself, Seer, and I've never stopped being in awe of the human spirit. I don't know what's going to happen, but I believe in the best of humankind, and the men of this land are some of the best men I've ever known. We'll find a way to make peace.
"You are wise, Doctor."
Come on. I hear there's a festival being thrown for the acquisition of Jin Yang and I don't want to miss something cool, like Guan Yu doing ancient Chinese slam poetry or something.


Vespe Ratavo
2011-06-08, 07:37 PM
D --> Ahh, I haven't had this much fun in a long time
D --> Our armies are STRONG
D --> My horse gallops like thunder a% the plains
D --> And there is so much b100d on my blade I have to beat it off with a stick
D --> Uhh
D --> I think I mi%ed my metaphors there
D --> But the point is that my STRENGTH can be questioned by no one
D --> And I believe my current feelings can only be expressed through slam poetry

Zah Equi then proceeded to deliver one of the worst slam poetry jams in the history of China. So terrible, in fact, that ever quoting or mentioning it would be punishable by death, up to the present day.

2011-06-08, 09:43 PM
China, 196We've been waiting too long, Doctor!
I agree. Zhang Yang may be gone, but there are other threats to our kingdom.
Dong Zhuo is preparing for battle. I've just received word that he's wiped out Yuan Shu's army.
Futhermore, Liu Zhang is pushing eastward into Liu Biao's territory, while Liu Biao does the same to Kong Rong.
We need to do something. There has to be someone to defeat. Finish off Liu Dai, or go after Zhang Lu, or something.
You all look so bloody miserable. Come on, celebrate. We are the strongest kingdom in all of China right now, stronger than even Dong Zhuo. Our ceasefire still has months left on it. Let's take the time to relax.
You're being foolish!
Dong Zhuo isn't waiting for us. He's preparing.
I think we'll be ready when he comes.
Hey, Cao Ren? Just who is this Xiao Qiao girl? Mary told me that she met her in the market.
"Xiao Qiao? She is the younger of the Two Qiaos, perhaps the most beautiful sisters in all of China."
Huh, is that so?
"Indeed. She is also acclaimed as a politician, despite her young age."
Interesting. If she's still around, try and get her to come join us."

Who is it?
"An message from your ally, Liu Biao. We request aid from the Ye Province, to aid in the capture of Lin Ji and Bai Han."
Very well. We will send Cao Chun to aid you.
"If possible, lord, we would also welcome reinforcements from Pu Yang."
Then we shall send Cao Ren as well."

Ling Cao...That scoundrel. He's coming for Chen Liu again, with 6000 men on horseback. Looks like I'll have to turn him back. Again.
"No, let us go. Sun Guan and I will make him regret ever coming here."
"Zhang Ying and I will end him."
Riding out to battle with spear and cavalry units, Sun Guan and Zhang Ying faced down Ling Cao. With 16,000 men between them, they more than doubled Ling Cao's force. Using a cunning plot, Ling Cao was able to confuse and disable Zhang Ying's forces, and then bravely rushed through the army, assaulting the gates of Chen Liu and starting fires. However, he soon was cornered by Zhang Ying, who demanded a duel. Ling Cao, unwilling to fight, evaded Zhang Ying and continued the siege. Sun Guan, seeing the events, loudly rode up to Ling Cao and yelled a challenge loud enough for every man on the battlefield to hear.

Knowing that refusing another duel would weaken the resolve of his army, Ling Cao accepted. Though a technically better fighter than Sun Guan, Ling Cao stubbornly refused to attack ferociously, instead waiting for an opportunity for a devastating attack. However, after narrowly dodging one of Sun Guan's mighty blows, Ling Cao was relieved by his lieutenant. The lieutenant, one of Zhang Lu's best strategists, was no warrior, and was swiftly beaten and captured by Sun Guan.

Ling Cao, without his strategist by his side, knew he had no chance. After his men deserting or being shot by Chen Liu's archers, he was down to only 2,500 men, facing off against nearly 15,000. Zhang Ying issued a third duel challenge, and Ling Cao had no choice but to accept. Zhang Ying, though a fearsome fighter, wasn't even up to Sun Guan's stardards, and lacked the relentless onslaught that his companion had.

His only advantage was that Ling Cao, though not wounded, was tired from his duel with Sun Guan. Still, the two fought as equals for many bouts. Attempting to replicate Sun Guan's attacks, Zhang Ying attacked blindly, missing his opponent while Ling Cao struck with tactical precision. It became clear that Zhang Ying was in danger. Seizing an opportunity, Ling Cao lunged forward and struck. Zhang Ying kept the spear tip from slicing open his throat, but instead suffered a painful slash from his jaw to his temple. Bleeding heavily, Zhang Ying flew into a rage and struck Ling Cao a dozen times, destroying his opponent's armor. Only one wound away from unconsciousness, Zhang Yang knocked his opponent from his horse and then collapsed. Both fighters unconscious, Ling Cao's army broke and ran, leaving Sun Guan to take his battered comrade back to Chen Liu with Ling Cao as a prisoner.
I want Liu Dai to attack us.
What? How can you even say that?
He's not a threat, but if he continues to send little waves one at a time, his troop levels will stay moderately high and Shou Chou will stay defended. If he attacks us all out, we'll send our best generals, Zhang He, Xiahou Dun, Zhao Yun, whoever, to deal with them quickly and then take Shou Chou easily.
I suppose that's a decent plan. But Liu Dai knows of our strength. He won't attack us with his entire army.
Goad him. Aran Baron, I want you to go to his camp and ask for his unconditional surrender to Hangz Shao's forces. Hopefully, he'll be so offended by our request that his anger will blind him.
Liu Dai, you are unworthy of Shou Chou and unworthy of your position as a Lieutenant Governor of the Han. Turn over the city to me immediately and surrender yourself, all your officers, and all your troops to Hangz Shao's forces immediately, and you will be spared.


Ah...Alright then. Very good.


...Huh. Didn't expect that. Right then, onto other business.

2011-06-09, 08:53 PM
(Wei Yan wasn't a traitor. He served Liu Bei basically his whole military career and it's not like we have Zhuge Liang to cause any friction with him. Besides, we have Lu Bu, don't we?)

"Intending to block the retreating Shu force, Wei Yan led his troops back to the South before Yang Yi's main force, and cut off the Shu retreat by burning the gallery roads. ... Wei Yan arrived first at the Southern Valley and ordered his troops to attack Yang Yi and the others. Yang Yi ordered Wang Ping forward to resist Wei Yan. Wang Ping was critical of Wei Yan and Wei Yan's soldiers knew their leader was in the wrong, thus they scattered. ... Wei Yan, along with his sons and a few followers, fled to Hanzhong. Yang Yi sent Ma Dai to give chase. Ma Dai caught up to Wei Yan and chopped Wei Yan's head off and sent it to Yang Yi."

What do you call it, then? And as for Lu Bu... He's a lot more badass about his betrayal. Wei Yan was essentially just being selfish.

2011-06-09, 10:04 PM
(Yes but the only reason Wei Yan burned the roads was because he wanted to continue fighting with Wei and didn't want to retreat. He and Yang Yi hated each other anyway, but Yang Yi was a civil official, not a military commander and was in no position to call for a retreat without confirmation from the military generals. Betrayal implies that he defected or something. Instead, Wei Yan wanted to continue fighting and got screwed by Yang Yi and Liu Shan, who was the worst Emperor ever and I'm surprised more people didn't try to leave his useless service.

Not saying it was a good decision, but at worst, Wei Yan was being insubordinate to Zhuge Liang, who was dead at the time. He served as a loyal Shu general from most of his career, but people never trusted him, so when Yang Yi (who hated him) said that he was evil and bad and stuff, everyone believed him.

Edit: Besides, Yang Yi himself wasn't exactly a great guy. He defected from Wei to join Shu, then got kicked from the court for demanding a better position, and then was jailed for "libelous criticism" of Shu.)

2011-06-09, 10:31 PM
Eh, I suppose. I never said Yang Yi was a good guy, or that Wei Yan was wrong. And as far as the Liu clan went, everyone after Liu Bei was a failure.

"Liu Dan's forces surrendered to ours? An interesting turn of events. Good work, Aran Baron."

2011-06-11, 06:44 PM
Brotherhood (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcYaZLsjQwI&feature=related)My Lord! We have a problem!
What is it, Zhan Gao?
It's Lu Bu. He's defected!
What? To who? Back to Dong Zhuo?
I don't think so. The direction he's going seems to indicate that he's going to Liu Biao.
Dammit, where is The Doctor?
Gone, Lord. He left with Mary Evans this morning and said he'd return in a few weeks.
Where did he go?
I don't know.
Someone needs to go after Lu Bu. We can't allow Liu Biao access to his strength. Who is available to send? Where is Guan Yu?
He is in Jin Yang still, fresh from defeating Zhang Yang and Wang Kuang.
Zhang Fei?
He's occupied Shou Chou, working at assimilating Liu Dai's troops into our own units.
Damn. Who do we have? Who will pursue Lu Bu?
My Lord, I-
Are you volunteering, Zhan Gao?
No but my Lo-
It's suicide! We can't pursue Lu Bu! He's a monster who will rip us apart!
Cowardice, in my ranks, among men who have been with me since the beginning? Zhan Gao, Timur Kadesh, you fought when we attacked Cao Cao. You warred with Xiahou Dun and Dian Wei, two of the best fighters of the day, with no fear. And yet, Lu Bu strikes so much fear in you that you won't even consider fighting him?
I will go! Lu Bu is STRONG but so am I!
"I will also volunteer. I won't let Lu Bu ravage the beautiful peace that we've brought to this land."
Zah Equi...Zhang He...good. We can't spare troops, not with the ceasefire against Dong Zhuo ending so soon. You'll have to go alone.
And so, in early 197, the mighty, fearless Zah Equi and the exquisite, resourceful Zhang He gave chase. Pursuing their former ally, Lu Bu, across China, they rushed to catch the Flying General before he reached Liu Biao.
"We have to stop him before he passes Xu Chang. If he reaches our wonderful, shimmering city, we'll never be able to stop him in time."
Then we'd better ride faster. Let's go, Gray Lightning!
Betrayal is his nature, my Lord. You should consider yourself lucky that he didn't cut you down before he left, like he did to poor Ding Yuan.
I don't like this, Wen Jiang. Were our dreams of a land united and shared by the best of the best too unrealistic?
After days spent racing after Lu Bu, the two generals of Hangz Shao finally managed to stop him a few miles north of Xu Chang. Zah Equi spurred Gray Lightning to carry him faster, and cut off Lu Bu's escape, while Zhang He drew his famous blade and issued a challenge.
"Lu Bu, Flying General and bastard son of Ding Yuan, Dong Zhuo, Hangz Shao, and now Liu Biao, fight me! Our duel will be the most beautiful fight this world has ever known!"
Lu Bu, rather than waste time fighting his former allies, grasped the reins of Red Hare and began to run away. Zah Equi, riding atop Gray Lightning, blocked his path towards Liu Biao's lands and forced him to ride further north, into an unsteady canyon.
"Fine! You want to die!? I'll be happy to finish you!"
Lu Bu drew his halberd and swiped at Zhang He as the two rode their horses through the canyon. Shortly after their duel had begun, Zah Equi joined them and drew his own weapon, also attacking Lu Bu. With an enemy on each side, Lu Bu deftly dodged some attacks and blocked others with such force that his opponents nearly fell off their mounts from the sheer power. For one hundred bouts, Lu Bu, Zhang He, and Zah Equi fought to a standstill, with neither side gaining an advantage. Their fight was interrupted by the thunderous noise of an approaching army, and they ceased.
"What is that dreadful racket? It's destroying this glorious fighting mood!"
It sounds like an army.
Suddenly, an arrow fell from out of the sky, nearly missing Zah Equi.
"It's Dong Zhuo's archers. They've come to kill me."
Lu Bu's observation proved correct, as ten thousand archers gazed down at the canyon from overhead and launched volley after volley of arrows down at the warriors. Spurring Red Hare, Lu Bu's pace increased as he made his way out of the canyon. Determined not to lose him, the generals of Hangz Shao followed suit. Unfortunately, an ambush waited for them at the edge of the canyon. A thousand of Dong Zhuo's men, wielding spears, stood waiting to attack. Lu Bu dismounted and Zhang He and Zah Equi followed his lead.
"Not that I need your help, but if we're going to fight, I don't want these ants in my way."
I don't like them around either.
"So brutish and unrefined..."
Brandishing their weapons, the three warriors charged into Dong Zhuo's unit, spinning, slashing, and thrusting like the heroes they were. With Dong Zhuo's general commanding the archer unit, the spearmen were unorganized, as well as terrified of Lu Bu's presence on the battlefield. Soon after, each hero had slain at least a hundred of Dong Zhuo's men, and showed no signs of slowing down. However, the arrival of the archer units from the canyon added an element of danger to the situation, as they took aim and fired.
"Agh! No! I...am...LU BU!"
Lu Bu was struck by a wave of arrows that embedded themselves in his armor, slowing him down and weakening him. The spearmen eagerly advanced, each aiming to claim the glory of Lu Bu's head. Sensing the situation, Zah Equi and Zhang He adapted their fighting style, protecting Lu Bu from the spears. Aware that their chances of fighting their way out had become slim with the archers' arrival, Zah Equi whistled. Gray Lightning came running, knocking aside Dong Zhuo's men with its powerful sprinting. Mounting his horse, Zah Equi charged through the unit again, swinging his spear and cutting a path through Dong Zhuo's soldiers that Zhang He, carrying the wounded Lu Bu, followed out.

Loading Lu Bu onto Red Hare, Zhang He took the reins and followed Zah Equi on Gray Lightning. The two generals of Hangz Shao fought bitterly to escape the archers, but managed to bypass them and return on their way to Luo Yang. That night, when Lu Bu had recovered enough to stay conscious, he approached his captors.
"Why did you save me?"
"Letting you be killed by those mongrels would have been most undignified."
"You came to capture me and take me back to Hangz Shao to execute me. Letting Dong Zhuo's men end me would have been much easier."
We didn't want you dead. You were our ally.
"But I betrayed you."
"Lu Bu, perhaps the reason you've never stayed under one lord for long is that you've never felt at home. We fight for the glorious peace and beautiful harmony of this land. You were a part of that, and it would be a dreary shame to lose you as a member of our army."
We're all together, in ripping Dong Zhuo apart and in making a new land.
"Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Liu Bei may be brothers, but in this new army, we are all kin."
"We are all kin..."
Lu Bu returned to Luo Yang of his own free will. Having sworn an oath with Zhang He and Zah Equi, he now felt truly connected with the men and women of Hangz Shao's army. Throwing himself at the mercy of Hangz Shao, he swore to never again betray his lord, if his life were spared and his position reinstated.


Pie Guy
2011-06-11, 10:13 PM
That was awesome.

Vespe Ratavo
2011-06-12, 12:43 AM
Okay, yeah, that was pretty much the best update ever and nothing I say can really do it justice.

Except maybe...that you can pursue Lu Bu. :smallcool: And then he was eaten by angry Rhinoceroses.

2011-06-12, 07:14 PM
The Basics Of StrategyDoctor, the men are getting anxious, and so am I. Where are we going? You haven't said a word about our destination this whole time.
We're going to drop in on Jia Xu.
Dong Zhuo's Strategist? Why?
I received a very quaint letter the other day. Jia Xu claimed that he hated working for Dong Zhuo and wanted to defect to our army. If we arrived at the castle he's staying at, he would hand it over, along with all the gold, food, and weapons inside.
Do you really think he's going to defect?
Absolutely not. It's a ploy to capture and execute me.
What? Then why are we going?
I know his plan. He'll take me inside the castle and them ambush me. However, the castle isn't large enough to keep a big army inside, and if he wants to stay discreet, he'll have to keep only a very small force. With your archers and my pikemen, we'll overpowethe army and take Jia Xu back to Luo Yang in shackles.
That seems dangerous, Doctor. Are you sure?
Positive. Jia Xu may be an excellent strategist, but he hasn't dealt with me individually yet. Here's what I want you to do. I'm going to convince him to let me change the castle's flag from Dong Zhuo's to ours. You will command the soldiers, and when you see that flag change, storm the castle.
But what about you? What if we can't get to you in time?
I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. If worst comes to worst, I have a knife, so I can grab Jia Xu and buy myself time to keep the soldiers off of me.
Alright. Be safe, Doctor.
"Ah, Doctor, it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person."
Yes, hello Jia Xu. I've heard a lot about you.
"And I of you. They've begun talking about us already, the peasants. Guo Jia is said to be one of the smartest men in the land, but when it comes to masters of debate and war, the only names anyone cares about seem to be yours, mine, and Zhou Yu's, of Sun Jian's army."
I'm glad to be in such esteemed company.
"Well, shall I show you around the castle?"
Yeah, I've got to get a good feel for this place if I'm going to be running it.
What's that shadow?
"Hmm? Oh that, that's nothing. Excuse me, some servant must have left the door open."
It looked like an armory. Were those soldiers inside, the shadows?
"No Doctor. I'm afraid it was just a trick of the lighting."
Mm, right.
Is that a stable?
"Ah yes, you've noticed it. Dong Zhuo likes to keep cavalry units here, but I convinced him to send them away for a while."
There are still horses, though? Shouldn't they be with their riders?
"...Oh, yes, I suppose they should. I can't even fathom why they would still be here..."
Don't worry about it, Jia Xu. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation. This tour has been lovely, but let's get on to more important business. As a symbol of your defection, let's change the castle's flag, shall we?
"Yes, of course. Just follow me."
Taking The Doctor to the flagpole, Jia Xu brought down Dong Zhuo's gray flag, throwing it to the ground irreverently. Providing an indigo flag with Hangz Shao's mark, The Doctor helped the other strategist raise the new flag to the top of the castle. Seeing the sign, Mary Evans and the soldiers sprung into action, flooding the castle through the unlocked gates. Mary and a small group of pikemen located The Doctor and stared down Jia Xu.
"Doctor, I didn't know you'd brought company."
Well, I expected you to try and kill me here. I wasn't about to attend our meeting without backup.
"Caution. I understand. But I promise you, Doctor, you don't have anything to fear from me."
Doctor, where are Dong Zhuo's soldiers?
I don't know...This would have been the best time to attack, isolated in the middle of the castle without an easy exit.
"I told you, there's nothing to worry about. The castle is deserted, except for me, my personal bodyguards, and a few servants. And on that note, I'd better go speak to the chef. If I'd known you were bringing an army, I'd have told him to prepare a feast. I'll see what we have left over from the soldiers' provisions."
Doctor, you look upset.
I don't understand. Shadows of soldiers in the armory, horses in the stable. I'd backed him into a corner, he obviously was getting nervous about my questions. Jia Xu is Dong Zhuo's right hand man. He can't actually be betraying him, can he?
Lu Bu fought for him, though, and now he's with us. Maybe Jia Xu just realized that there's no point in fighting on Dong Zhuo's side.
Something feels wrong...
"My Lady! There's a problem!"
What is it?
"Fire. Flaming arrows are being launched over the walls. The castle is burning!"
No! Damn that Jia Xu. I knew something was wrong. Everyone, evacuate! We need to get through the gates!
Jia Xu's treachery had set the castle ablaze. When The Doctor, Mary, and their army reached the gates, they found the stable collapsed and the hundreds of Dong Zhuo's horses running amok. The gates were locked, and Jia Xu stood outside them, smirking as volley after volley of flaming arrows rained down upon the castlegrounds.
"Doctor, Doctor. So shortsighted. I expected better from you. I knew you'd never believe my defection letter, but I assumed you wouldn't be able to resist a chance at capturing me. You thought I had an ambush set up, didn't you? You were so focused on troops inside the castle, that you never even considered that I might have had troops nearby, outside it."
But the horses? The soldiers in the armory?
"I think the purpose of the horses should be clear now. Your chances of escaping through the gates are much smaller with them around. And the soldiers, well those weren't soldiers. I put practice dummies in position so you'd be even more convinced of the ambush, to keep your mind off of the possibility of a different tactic."
You really shouldn't have done this, Jia Xu. You shouldn't have attacked me and my friends.
"Right Doctor, keep your cool. Showing your anger just lets me win, doesn't it? Don't worry Doctor, I've already won. I don't need your confirmation. The best part of this? You and your men invaded Dong Zhuo's castle while his men were away. You initiated an attack. You've ended the ceasefire. Perhaps your little friends Hua Lim or Wen Jiang could have negotiated another one, but not anymore. Goodbye Doctor."
With a final parting smirk, Jia Xu fled on horseback from the flaming castle. Trapped inside the burning castlegrounds, their movement impeded by berserking horses, Hangz Shao's army was demoralized, and the soldiers broke rank and began to try and fend for themselves. Many were caught in the spreading flames, while others were painfully broken by a kick from a rampaging horse.
Doctor, what are we going to do?
The walls aren't high. We'll have to get on them and then jump down.
We'll have to go back into the castle to get that high!
It's our only chance. The arrows have stopped, so the top of the walls should be safe.
Gathering the small contingency of soldiers who hadn't run, The Doctor and Mary ran back into the burning castle. Dodging flaming, falling debris, they made it to the second floor. Even as some of the soldiers were wounded, the ground continued until they found a window. Getting a running start, the soldiers jumped and managed to land on the top of the castle walls, and then leap down to safety.
Mary, we have to go!
I can't! What if I fall?
Then you'll be an interesting looking splat on the ground, but if you don't go, you'll end up looking like those extra crispy chicken wings from that restaurant you always want me to stop at. Kentucky's Finest Chicken?
Heh, Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Having elicted a laugh from his friend, The Doctor managed to convince Mary to jump. The two jumped out of the window, hitting the surface of the wall with a dull thud. Picking themselves up after verifying that nothing was broken, they hopped down from the wall, bracing themselves. Watching the castle gate collapse in a pile of rubble, he shook his head and began to return to Luo Yang with Mary and the remaining soldiers.

Seizing the opportunity of a broken ceasefire, Dong Zhuo quickly positioned himself to attack Luo Yang.


2011-06-14, 05:04 PM
So, gentlemen, here is our situation. We can probably defend Luo Yang fairly easily. We can probably even take one or two cities, but after that, Dong Zhuo is going to be far more entrenched, and will have all his best generals in one place. We can defend against this attack and hold Dong Zhuo off until he wears himself out while we concentrate on other things. We could cause friction between Liu Zhang and Dong Zhuo with a strategy, hopefully enticing Liu Zhang to attack Dong Zhuo from the west. We can just bull rush Dong Zhuo and take what we can. Up to you guys.

Vespe Ratavo
2011-06-14, 09:56 PM
We could cause friction between Liu Zhang and Dong Zhuo with a strategy, hopefully enticing Liu Zhang to attack Dong Zhuo from the west.
This sounds most entertaining. Although Zah Equi would probably prefer a straight bull rush, if I was letting him talk in this post, which I'm not.

2011-06-15, 12:57 AM
Got to agree, convincing Liu Zhang to go to war with Dong Zhuo does sound the most interesting. Regardless of how it goes, I'm sure you will make it interesting though.

2011-06-15, 10:52 AM
It's always a good idea to turn others against each other. Not to mention that devilishly sneaky plan sounds like the most interesting. I'm all for friction!

Blue Ghost
2011-06-15, 04:45 PM
Agreed. Let the others kill each other, while we pull ahead.

2011-06-15, 11:17 PM
I have three and a half pages of notes. This is nuts.

Third Battle of Luo Yang/Battle of Han Gu Gate, 197As the ceasefire with Dong Zhuo was broken, however accidentally, by the Doctor, Jia Xu advised Dong Zhuo to attack Luo Yang immediately before Hangz Shao's men could launch a counter attack. Luo Yang was well defended, with over seventy five thousand men, but Dong Zhuo's capital of Chang An boasted over a hundred thousand, and held Dong Zhuo's mightiest generals, such as the fabled Hua Xiong, second only to Lu Bu himself among men.

Having been planning the attack, Jia Xu had placed men in Han Gu Gate. Dong Zhuo and HUa Xiong rode out to attack Luo Yang, erecting an archer turret and burning a market before there was any reaction from Hangz Shao's forces. However, when the attack came, Dong Zhuo was not prepared.

Mary Evans and Hangz Shao led the attack, with large archery units. Lu Bu followed with a cavalry unit, expertly commanded by his lieutenant, The Doctor himself. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and the young newcomer, Lu Meng, followed with spearmen. Dong Zhuo's archers were quickly torn to shreds, and as he launched himself at Lu Bu, he found himself forced back to Chang An.

Guan Yu stood his ground against Hua Xiong and demanded a duel. Shaken in the face of such confidence, Dong Zhuo's general refused. Hangz Shao's army responded by flaming arrows burning through Hua Xiong's men. Suddenly, Han Sui, another of Dong Zhuo's generals, commanding spears, attacked Hangz Shao. Hua Xiong took the opportunity to put some distance between himself and the opposing army and struck with mounted archers, though their fire was more than returned by Hangz Shao.

Running at Hua Xiong, Lu Bu yelled a duel challenge as well. If Guan Yu had scared Hua Xiong, Lu Bu absolutely terrified him, and he refused as well. Flaming arrows cascaded around the battlefield, burning Han Sui's men as Hua Xiong attempted to reduce his fear by attacking Lu Bu's unit. While engaged in the fight, Huangfu Song, a general of Dong Zhuo's, cowardly hid and fired arrows at Lu Bu. The mighty warrior was wounded and forced to alter his positioning as Yue Jiu, yet another general, attacked Mary Evans with spears.

Hangz Shao and Mary Evans took refuge atop a hill and their units fired arrows down over the battlefield, killing thousands of Dong Zhuo's men, from all units. Taking advantage of the chaos, the wounded Lu Bu commanded his unit to exterminate Hua Xiong's, sending the warrior back to Chang An. Huangfu Song, now out in the open, attacked Lu Bu.

Setting out from Luo Yang, the great warrior Yue Jin of Hangz Shao's army, turned his gaze upon Meng Jin, the port occupied by three thousand of Dong Zhuo's men. He attacked the port with a spear unit, and without a general to command them, the army quickly folded under the siege.

Pushing his men, Lu Bu attacked Huangfu Song, cutting a path through the army. As he did, he managed to corner Xun You, the man likely considered to be Dong Zhuo's second best strategist, after Jia Xu. Even while wounded, Lu Bu defeated Xun You in a single strike and took him as a prisoner. As the archers continued to attack Dong Zhuo's forces, Cao Cao left Luo Yang with spearmen to attack Han Sui, who had begun assaulting the city.

Without his strategist, Huangfu Song retreated immediately. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Lu Meng, seizing the opportunity, took Han Gu Gate, trapping Han Sui and Yue Jiu and halting their retreat. As the gate was taken, Zhang Fei managed to capture Zhang Xun, the former Prefect of Han Gu Gate. Emboldened by their capture, Hangz Shao's forces grew even stronger. Cao Cao defeated Han Sui, Lu Bu defeated Yue Jiu, and Mary Evans burned Dong Zhuo's archer turret to the ground with flaming arrows.

Dong Cheng, of Dong Zhuo, commanded a siege unit intent on taking Luo Yang. However, the general found himself stranded in front of Han Gu Gate, which resisted his attacks. He was defeated by Lu Bu, with assistance from Mary Evans' archers. Li Su's siege units met a similar fate, but not before setting fire to Luo Yang. Dong Zhuo's forces were losing badly, but he sent reinforcements from Chang An to even the odds. Niu Fu, a competent, if not particularly outstanding, general led the charge.

At Han Gu Gate, Lu Meng requested that he be given control of the spear unit previously commanded by Guan Yu. Unsure of the 20 year old's talent, but willing to give him a chance, Guan Yu gave him the unit. By that point, Hangz Shao's army was exhausted, and many had returned to Luo Yang to rest, or settled into Han Gu Gate. Of the original strikeforce, only the tireless Lu Bu remained on the battlefield to deal with Niu Fu.

Though known more as a warrior than a strategist, a cunning plan wormed its way into Lu Meng's head. Niu Fu's men were near a forest, and could not see neither Lu Meng nor Lu Bu easily. Rather than announce the change in leadership, a few spies spread rumors throughout Niu Fu's unit that Guan Yu was leading the spears. When Niu Fu unsuspectingly passed Lu Bu, Lu Meng's men rushed out, beating war drums and yelling as though commanded by the great God of War.

The color draining from his face, Niu Fu turned his unit and ran. The confusion plunged morale and caused desertions, and the remainder of the unit ran right into Lu Bu's unit. Niu Fu himself was killed by Lu Bu in a matter of seconds and the unit dispersed. Their opposition gone, Lu Meng and Lu Bu took Xin Feng, another of Dong Zhuo's port cities, with little difficulty.

Suddenly, news from Liu Biao's army came. Despite the incident with Lu Bu's near defection, Liu Biao was still Hangz Shao's army, but they were rapidly being overrun. Dong Zhuo took their northernmost city, and Sun Jian took the southernmost one, leaving only the middle city. Worse yet, the attack on Kong Rong that Liu Biao had ordered had failed to materialize due to the attacks on their cities. Cao Chun, alone in the port he had taken from Kong Rong, was beaten quickly. Cao Ren, commanding an expert Pike unit, defeated some of Kong Rong's generals and seemed to be fighting well, until he was thrashed by a magnificent general known as Taishi Ci.

With Cao Chun and Cao Ren's whereabouts unknown, morale fell among friends and relatives of the brothers. Cao Cao, in particular, was so distraught that he immediately withdrew. As Hangz Shao's efforts turned to locating the missing Cao brothers, Dong Zhuo took the opportunity to strike again, sending Hua Xiong, Wei Xi, Li Su, Han Xuan, and Dong Cheng.

Though powerful, Lu Bu, Lu Meng, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei had all lost many troops in the fight for Han Gu Gate, and were not equipped to deal with the invasion. Understanding the need for both troops and supplies, The Doctor ordered Zhang He, Lu Lingqi, and Xu Rong to each lead cavalry units to assist. Meanwhile, Liu Bei was to restock Han Gu Gate with food to keep the soldiers full.

Xin Feng was beseiged by Hua Xiong's horsebows and Lu Bu, leading an army of spearmen, rode out to combat him. Unfortunately, he was set upon by Wei Xi, while Li Su, Han Xuan, and Hua Xiong concentrated all of their efforts on taking Xin Feng. Xu Rong's cavalry rode through Hua Xiong's, demoralizing them and opening them up to attack. Lu Lingqi, only sixteen years old, was as mighty on the battlefield as she was beautiful. Wanting to prove herself to her father, her own cavalry also fought Hua Xiong's. Zhang He was last to fight, determined on saving his sworn brother. As he attacked, Lu Bu ordered his exhausted men to mount one last attack, and Hua Xiong was forced to retreat by the combined power of the two sworn brothers.

Xin Feng continued to be attacked, until only Lu Meng and forty soldiers remained defending it. It appeared as though the port would fall. Remarkably, however, Xu Rong and Zhang He occupied Han Xuan's siege unit and Lu Bu and his daughter forced back Wei Xu. Li Su moved to order the final attack upon Xin Feng, when suddenly Guan Yu, backed by Zhang Fei and Liu Bei, launched a powerful spear charge that completely confused Li Su's unit.

Launching a four unit attack, Zhang He, Lu Bu, Lu Lingqi, and Guan Yu defeated Wei Xu and captured Dong Cheng, his lieutenant. Li Su retreated as quickly as possible, leaving only the struggling siege units of Han Xuan. He attempted to retreat after Li Su, but his path was blocked by Xu Rong. Unable to fight cavalry with siege weapons, Han Xuan attempted to escape after abandoning his troops. Xu Rong struck down Han Xuan, impaling him on a sword as his troops dispersed.

Dong Zhuo sent no more men, having already suffered a large loss against Hangz Shao, and not wishing any other of his generals to be captured or killed. The corpses of Han Xuan and Niu Fu were sent to Dong Zhuo by The Doctor, in a show of some respect for his opponent. Though the first two battles of Luo Yang had been won by Hangz Shao as well, they were ended by a ceasefire, due to precarious positioning by Hangz Shao's army. The Battle of Han Gu Gate sent a strong message to the warlords in the area. Hangz Shao's men, in top condition, could take on even Dong Zhuo's best in a landslide victory.

After the battle, both Cao Chun and Cao Ren returned to Luo Yang. Bloodied and beaten, the two generals kneeled in front of Hangz Shao and accepted responsibility for their failures. Impressed by their sense of duty, they were both acquitted of any transgressions and sent to Pu Yang, to assist Zhao Yun in building up the city.

Skirmish of Shou Chun, 197As the Battle of Han Gu Gate raged, many of Hangz Shao's generals were summoned to the capital of Luo Yang in case reinforcements were needed. The best of the best were in Luo Yang, ready for anything. There were exceptions of course. Xiahou Yuan and Xiahou Dun were in Jin Yang, and Zhao Yun was busy keeping order the still-unstable Pu Yang. Zhang Fei, who had been keeping Shou Chun in line, was called away to do battle, leaving only the former Liu Dai forces.

Many among Hangz Shao's men, including Hangz Shao himself, were worried that Liu Dai would rebel and try to establish his own kingdom again. However, it seemed as though Liu Dai's forces were committed to being a part of Hangz Shao's army, as they strove to follow the plans given by The Doctor. Unfortunately, Ling Cao, the ever-tenacious general of Zhang Lu, was never content unless he was attacking Hangz Shao, and saw an opportunity. With the bulk of the army north, fighting by Luo Yang, and only Liu Dai's former men in Shou Chun, Ling Cao believed he had an easy attack point.

Liu Dai's men were competent but none of them stood out as particularly notable. Neither his advisors nor his warriors were very special. Ling Cao himself was only above average, but he had made a name for himself for his tireless work ethic and evasive ability (having escaped from Hangz Shao's prisons in both Chen Liu and Ru Nan). Mobilizing a cavalry unit, the general of Zhang Lu snuck up on Shou Chun and attacked.

Liu Dai was taken by surprise. He hadn't been expecting an attack and the army was not equipped to deal with a threat. In the time of crisis, he was paralyzed with indecision, a fault that had once before led to the collapse of his kingdom, and now threatened to lead to Shou Chun falling into Zhang Lu's hands. In the time of crisis, Shou Chun had no leader.

No leader, until Xu Sheng stood up. Under Liu Dai, he had simply been a foolhardly, arrogant general who had launched failed attacks on both Tao Qian and Hangz Shao. However, with Ling Cao attacking Shou Chun's gates, his bravery and leadership were awakened. Delegating tasks the other generals, including his former ruler, Xu Sheng raised a small army and had spears produced.

Leading the spear unit himself, he fought Ling Cao's forces well. Possessing both a numerical advantage as well as an equipment one, Xu Sheng's men had Ling Cao's beaten. However, just when it seemed like Ling Cao would be captured for a third time by Hangz Shao's forces, another general rode in to save him. Zhang Cheng, a young general who was new to Zhang Lu's forces, attacked Xu Sheng. Ling Cao's men were defeated, but he escaped to fight another day.

Warmed up from fighting Ling Cao, Xu Sheng's men were energized for the fight. Though they no longer held the numbers, Zhang Cheng was not the leader Ling Cao was, and found himself handily beaten. He tried to escape, but unlike Ling Cao, he had no reinforcements to save him. Xu Sheng personally disarmed him and took him prisoner, ending the Skirmish of Shou Chun. However, he admired Ling Cao's fighting ability and sent a letter to Hangz Shao personally, suggesting that he keep an eye out for the general of Zhang Lu.

2011-06-16, 08:41 AM
I have more to update, to be done this afternoon, but I have a question first. Do you guys want me to bother with pictures from the battle, or is the text enough?

2011-06-16, 11:57 AM
Text is fine, it makes it a faster read for me.

But a few pictures sprinkled throughout would be nice.

(I'm baaaack)

2011-06-16, 04:41 PM
Got to agree with Penguinator there, text works, but just sprinkle a picture or two now and then to break it up.

2011-06-16, 07:28 PM
Here are the pictures I took from last night's battle.http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3447/5841042806_b774359fd0_b.jpg

Luo Yang, 197"Lord Hangz Shao, in recognition of your defense of Luo Yang, as well as seizing Han Gu Gate and Xin Feng, the Emperor has sent me to confer upon you a title."


Hangz Shao was now the third highest ranking man in the entire country, behind only Dong Zhuo and the Emperor himself. Liu Zhang and Sun Jian had both been promoted to Generals, while Dong Zhuo retained his ill-gotten title of Baron. Still, Hangz Shao's rapid ascent allowed him to command even more troops and promote the most accomplished of his men to even higher positions.
"What? Hangz Shao has been appointed Field Marshal of the Han?"
That's correct. The Emperor sent an envoy this morning.
"...I can deny it no longer. With the Emperor in Luo Yang, it is obvious that he now favors Hangz Shao over Dong Zhuo. My uncle, Xun Yu has already joined your forces. I would do well to follow his example."


2011-06-16, 09:47 PM
Just so you know, Lin Ji was the port Cao Chun captured while he and Cao Ren were on loan to Liu Biao.

Battle Of Chang An, 197-198Following the crushing defeat Dong Zhuo experienced at the hands of Hangz Shao in the Battle Of Han Gu Gate, he was not eager for another engagement. Niu Fu and Han Xuan had been killed, Dong Cheng and Xun You captured and converted, and a gate and port captured. However, at insistent urgings from the devilish Jia Xu, Dong Zhuo decided to attack again.

He lead the charge himself, with a familiar face at his side. Commanding a cavalry unit was Cao Ang, the oldest son of Cao Cao, who had been captured by Hangz Shao in the Battle of Chen Liu but released due to lack of funds for prisoners. When Cao Cao heard of his son's new allegiance, he reportedly clasped his heart and cursed the name of his own blood for such treachery.

In the months since the Battle of Han Gu Gate, Hangz Shao's forces had recovered and were ready to fight again. Dong Zhuo, advised by Jia Xu to strike the inexperienced Lu Meng at Xin Feng, instead directed his focus towards Han Gu Gate, held by Guan Yi. Instantly, the vanguard was attacked. Zhang He and Xu Rong defeated Dong Zhuo with cavalry, and Lu Bu took spearmen, along with his daughter taking cavalry, and drove back Cao Ang.

A second wave of Dong Zhuo forces advanced, led by Li Su's siege towers and spear and pikemen commanded by Han Sui and Wei Xu. In response, Xu Rong and Zhang He blocked Tong Gate, keeping the infantrymen from joinging the fray. Understanding the threat that the infinitely resourceful Zhang He could pose to the battlefield, Han Sui executed a plan devised by Jia Xu. Zhang He's men were tricked into believing an archer unit stood atop Tong Gate and began to panic. Zhang He managed to calm them and convince them of the truth, but the process was long and kept his unit from fighting.


With assistence from her father and Guan Yu, Lu Lingqi defeated Li Su's siege units and the attention of Hangz Shao's forces was focused on capturing Tong Gate. Despite another close call at Xin Feng, the port was defended successfully and The Doctor rode out to advise Lu Bu. Unfortunately, attacking Tong Gate proved difficult, as Jia Xu's strategies confused Zhang He and Xu Rong, and kept them from attacking. Irritated by the plans, The Doctor instituted his own, forging a letter from Jia Xu that sent Wei Xu back to Chang An in retreat.


Without Wei Xu to assist him, Han Sui could not hold the gate alone, and under the mighty assault of Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Liu Bei, the gate fell to Hangz Shao's forces.


Just then, word came from Wen Jiang and Hua Lim in Ru Nan, that a spy had been captured. Han Deng, one of Sun Jian's best and oldest generals, had been captured while trying to spread rumors in the city. Humbly, Sun Jian's men came to retrieve the general with an offering of gold. Aran Baron, Prefect of Ru Nan, understood the importance of stable relations with Sun Jian and agreed to release the man. Soon after, another officer of Sun Jian appeared to offer more gold and an offering of a ceasefire. Aran Baron again agreed.


Back at Tong Gate, Dong Zhuo had shown his face, backed by Han Sui, Cao Ang, Wei Xu, Li Su, and Yan Xiang, a new general that he had acquired after defeating Yuan Shu. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Lu Bu charged at Dong Zhuo, dealing significant losses to Dong Zhuo. Liu Bei, despite not being much of a horseman, led a cavalry unit to assist them.

Rather than be attacked further, Dong Zhuo retreated back into Chang An, and the warriors of Hangz Shao found themselves besieged by the overwhelming numbers of Dong Zhuo. The Doctor advised a tactical retreat, content to take the losses incurred upon Dong Zhuo and the capture of Tong Gate as enough of a victory for the day. However, back in Luo Yang, Hangz Shao refused to approve the order for a retreat, thinking that Chang An could be taken from Dong Zhuo. The Doctor argued that focusing on Chang An would leave Xin Feng and the Gates open to attack from Dong Zhuo's city of Wan.

Hangz Shao began to search for another strategist to direct the battle. However the only possible replacements (Xun Yu, Xun You, Guo Jia) all agreed with The Doctor's idea of a coordinated retreat. Less capable scholars instead pushed for attacks, but their ideas were so flawed that even Zah Equi could see glaring weaknesses in them. When it seemed as though he would have no choice but to order the retreat, Hangz Shao stumbled across a young strategist, aged 18, but possessing a brilliant mind with strategies unheard of in one so young.

Taken with the youth's intellect, Hangz Shao visited his home in Luo Yang personally to request his service, bearing a jeweled sword as a gift. The young man turned him down, citing important scholarly research to be conducted. Hangz Shao politely left and returned the second day, this time bearing a feather fan that had been made for the Emperor himself. The young strategist politely refused the gift. Hangz Shao returned on the third day, offering a chest of gold. Once again, he was rejected.

On the fourth day, he brought a horse, a young one that had been sired by Zah Equi's legendary Gray Lightning. The young man refused him. On the fifth day, Hangz Shao brought Meng De's War Manual, the one of a kind document authored by Cao Cao himself. The youth read it, coolly pointing out inaccuracies and poor advice, before returning the book to Hangz Shao and leaving. On the sixth day, the lord came bearing a beautiful tapestry made by a master craftsman from the capital. He was once again refused.

On the seventh day, Hangz Shao appeared, this time carrying two feather fans, though neither was particularly ornate. Curious, the young strategist ventured outside his house to inquire about the relative lack of luxury in the gifts. Hangz Shao explained that if the young man refused him a seventh time, he would leave the white fan behind and carry only the black one symbolizing his mourning and despair over being unable to secure the man's service. If the man agreed to join him, he would leave the black one, carrying the white one which signified the new beginning for both the Battle Of Chang An, as well as for the army at large.

The young strategist was impressed by the modest items and agreed to join Hangz Shao. Clutching the white fan, Hangz Shao joyfully discarded the black one. Carefully picking up the black fan, the strategist dusted it off and declared that if he were to direct the Battle of Chang An, nothing would be wasted. He immediately took a post at Luo Yang and sent a letter to The Doctor, advising the senior strategist on orders stamped with Hangz Shao's seal.


Somewhat irked at being replaced, The Doctor still handed command over gracefully, and allowed Sima Yi to relay his orders. Sima Yi judged the situation as simple. Dong Zhuo had a huge advantage in soldiers, as well as capable generals in Cao Ang, Wei Xu, and Han Sui. In Li Su and Yan Xiang, he had capable strategists as well, to say nothing of the absent Jia Xu. However, the one thing his army lacked was weapons. Convinced that Hangz Shao would never attack Chang An, for fear of being overpowered by the soldiers, Jia Xu had made a severe oversight. The armory was depleted in the Battle Of Han Gu Gate and the beginning of the Battle Of Chang An finished it off. When Dong Zhuo's men returned to the field of battle, commanded by the ruler himself, they were equipped with nothing but swords.

Sima Yi correctly guessed the lack of weapons and ordered a full assault on Chang An. Liu Bei's cavalry attacked Han Sui, while Cao Ang was defeated by a unit commanded by Lu Bu, Zhang He, and Guan Yu. Trapped, Dong Zhuo attempted to flee back to the city, but Liu Bei cut off his retreat and challenged him to a duel. Dong Zhuo, the rotund ruler, laughed at the scrawny Liu Bei's challenge. Certain that Liu Bei would pose no threat, he accepted.

Dong Zhuo was both better trained and possessing the advantage of a superior horse. He attacked Liu Bei fervently, but the general of Hangz Shao calmly weathered the blows, waiting for an opportunity to present itself. After it appeared that Dong Zhuo would defeat him, Dong Zhuo made a fatal mistake. He lowered his defenses to gloat, and Liu Bei struck at him with an empassioned flurry of blows, declaring that he would purge his opponent from the land and free the peasants under him.

Dong Zhuo's superior horse carried him to safety, but he was lucky to escape with his life. His troops were severely demoralized after his defeat, allowing free attacks from Hangz Shao's men during the retreat. Zhang Fei struck out from Tong Gate with a spear unit and only two months worth of food to fight. He unleashed a terrifying yell as he jumped into battle. As Cao Ang rode out again to fight, Sima Yi observed a second mistake in Jia Xu's plan.

Unlike Hangz Shao, who had well over a hundred generals at his disposal, Dong Zhuo had fifty at most. Stretched out over all his cities, it limited Dong Zhuo's ability to fight, for if generals were killed (Han Xuan, Niu Fu) or defected (Xun You, Dong Cheng), it rendered him unable to command a sizable force, no matter how many men were in the city. If they escaped capture, all Dong Zhou's generals could do was ride out to battle again, despite weariness or exhaustion.

Cao Ang was assisted by Yan Xiang, who quickly threatened to turn the tide of battle by implementing plans authored by Jia Xu and modified by himself. Lu Bu's unit was forced to retreat in confusion, and Zhang Fei's was paralyzed with indecision. While the other generals concentrated on fighting, Zhang Fei struggled to get control of his men. Finally, Zhang Fei spat and mounted his horse to ride forth. Cao Ang was occupied with another general and didn't see Zhang Fei coming. Zhang Fei tore through the unit, claiming Yan Xiang's head in the assault.


Zhang Fei's troops were restored to order and they attacked Cao Ang's forces, forcing him back. Xu Rong and Lu Lingqi, late to the battle, attacked Han Sui, who was stubbornly trying to take back Tong Gate, despite the fortifications. Realizing that the numerical advantage of Dong Zhuo's troops would eventually overpower Hangz Shao's forces, even without weapons, Sima Yi dispatched Cao Cao and Yue Jin with a unit of Juggernauts to raze the city.

Just as The Doctor had predicted, reinforcements came from Wan. Unlike their allies in Chang An, the reinforcements were well armed and mobile, with large cavalry units, and were led by Hua Xiong, backed by Ma Teng and his daughter Ma Yunlu. Poorly defended, Hangz Shao's holdings north of Luo Yang began to fall, though his officers were able to escape.


Sima Yi was unfazed. He ordered the units to concentrate on Chang An, and when Cao Cao and Yue Jin arrived, the city fell in days.


He pondered retaking the gates and port from Dong Zhuo's forces, but then received reports from the battlefield. Finally defeated, Liu Bei was forced to retreat. Lu Bu and most of the other units were on the verge of defeat. Sima Yi considered launching an attack on the swordsmen, hoping to capture or kill one more officer, out of spite, but when Zhang Fei's men became confused by Li Su, and then began deserting by the thousands due to lack of food, he immediately ceased military activity and moved the men back into Chang An.

Jia Xu had proven himself a good strategist multiple times, and even the flaws in his plans had not allowed Sima Yi a total victory. The loss of Tong Gate and Han Gu Gate meant that fighting Dong Zhuo against would mean preparing both Chang An and Luo Yang for attack. In addition, Dong Zhuo's forces in Wan would be keeping a closer eye on the location. Jia Xu had prevented a catastophe in the vein of the Battle Of Han Gu Gate, but both Sima Yi and he knew that he had still lost the Battle Of Chang An. Gathering up the head and body of the deceased Yan Xiang, Sima Yi embedded an arrow in each dead eye and sent the body to Jia Xu, with a message reading "This is to help with your arms shortage."

Understanding that Sima Yi, unlike The Doctor, would have no qualms about executing prisoners, Jia Xu tentatively proposed a ceasefire. Chang An could have been won back with Hua Xiong and Ma Teng fighting, but neither Jia Xu not Dong Zhuo wished to risk the possibility of losing a valuable general, for they both knew that only Hua Xiong and Ma Teng stood between Hangz Shao and Wan.

Although Wen Jiang (who had become the default negotiator with Dong Zhuo's forces) negotiated only a six month ceasefire, Sima Yi knew that Jia Xu was wary of any army possessing The Doctor, himself, and other geniuses like Guo Jia and Xun Yu, and began making preparations both for another battle and another ceasefire.


2011-06-16, 11:02 PM
...Text wall no longer endorsed.

2011-06-16, 11:09 PM
This is why I shouldn't edit in big updates that take a while to do, because people will post while I'm editing them.

2011-06-18, 01:42 AM
Well gentlemen, I will be going on vacation for two weeks starting tomorrow, so the good men and women of Hangz Shao's army will be taking a leave of absence. You can imagine that they're fighting a bunch of bandits or something.


2011-07-04, 01:55 AM
Sima Yi Appraises The Empire, 198In the summer of 198, after yet another Wen Jiang-negotiated treaty between the armies of Hangz Shao and Dong Zhuo, a swift rebellion rose up through all four corners of China. Calling themselves the Blue Han Warriors, the rebels' numbers neared that of the Yellow Turbans, but angrily fought for the restoration of the Han, and for the deposition of many lords, among them Dong Zhuo, Hangz Shao, Sun Jian, and Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao had failed to make good on his promise to kill Dong Zhuo, and the men with the power to stop the tyrant (Liu Zhang, Sun Jian, Hangz Shao) had all failed to act sufficiently, in the eyes of the common people.

The rebellion was without strong leaders, and so it was swiftly quelled in many places. Dong Zhuo squashed it in his territory, while Sun Jian's young son, Sun Quan, diffused the situation in the South. Perhaps a function of their inadequacy, the lands of weaker lords like Liu Biao, Kong Rong, and Zhang Lu were overlooked. However, Hangz Shao's cities were beset by riots, and Yuan Shao, a longtime ally, faced his rival Gongsun Zan, and could not afford to deal with the rebels alone.

After careful thought, Hangz Shao reluctantly dispatched many of his best officers to deal with the situation in both his lands and Yuan Shao's. Liu Bei and his brothers banded together with Lu Bu and Zhang He to defend the lands of their lord. Zhao Yun patroled the outskirts of their kingdom with Cao Ren and Cao Chun, keeping others at bay. Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan left their northern provinces to assist Yuan Shao. Amidst the chaos, a meeting among advisors and key generals was called in the capital of Luo Yang to discuss the state of affairs.

Many of the great minds in the army attended. Guo Jia sat with Xun Yu and Xun You, discussing military ideas, while Chen Gong and Ju Shou passed the time with civil matters. Wen Jiang and Hua Lim, the original thinkers of Hangz Shao's army, sat at a prestigious table, occupied with other original members, Zhan Gao, Zah Equi, Timur Kadesh and Aran Baron. Though Zah Equi grumbled about needing to be STRONG with his elder brothers, he was content to pass the time with his companions.

At a private table, The Doctor sat with The Seer, quietly speaking about matters others couldn't make sense of. In a throne benefitting a Field Marshal of the Han, Hangz Shao sat to the front of the room, gazing out over his men. He was about to begin, when Sima Yi walked in at the last minute, carrying his black feathered fan. He was followed by Lu Meng, the warrior who had coordinated the death of Niu Fu. The arrival of the two was met with some suspicion. Both were young, with Sima only 20 and Lu only 21. Neither had truly proven themselves worthy of such illustrious company.

Hangz Shao stood after the two young men had taken their seats. Men, I don't need to convey to you the situation we're in. The Emperor has graced me with the title of Field Marshal, and we are sworn to destroy Dong Zhuo at all cost. However, this rebellion is taking a toll and forcing our best men to focus their attention elsewhere. With potential enemies on all sides, we need to decide on a policy to adhere to. We have seen our allies destroyed by indecision, and must take action. I have called you all here because I value your opinions. Speak freely.

A rustle began in the back of the room as various advisors began to stand and speak, but they were beaten by Sima Yi and Lu Meng, who stood and walked to the center of the room. Raising his fan high in a dramatic fashion, Sima Yi looked around the room. "Though I lack experience aside from commanding the latter half of our victory at Chang'An, I would like to speak." Grumbling began around the room, with senior statesmen feeling insulted by Sima Yi's brashness.

"You speak out of turn, boy. You have neither seniority nor status. You were gifted the position of Agricultural Advisor, but you have no right to speak before an assembly as bright as this one!" It was Chen Gong. Sima Yi didn't smile but instead turned back to the crowd.

"Our own Doctor holds no position above Officer Of Merit. Despite holding the unofficial rank of strategist, his official title is a military one, not a political one, and it ranks lowly even among military men. Many other able men hold no titles at all. Others, perhaps undeservedly so, hold high rank and are treated with respect given to kings, not vassals. I have as much right to speak as anyone else, I should think." The assembly turned to look at the Doctor, who seemed mostly uninterested.

Sima Yi distinguished himself well enough in the last battle, don't you think? He correctly pointed out flaws in Jia Xu's plan that we all missed. Give him a shot. Endorsed by the Doctor himself, Sima Yi began speaking once more.

"We stand as the dominant power among the land. Our lord's title of Field Marshal is the highest legitimate title in the land, only superceded by the ill-gotten title of Baron that Dong Zhuo clings to. Aside from the tyrant, we command more troops than anyone else, and we have the most capable warriors and advisors in the entire empire, bar none. We have overcome difficult odds, such as the historic Battle of Chen Liu, where we overcame Cao Cao. We have attracted the aid of great displaced heroes like Liu Bei and his brothers. Lu Bu himself fights by our side, loyally, with his own brothers. There is no man in this land greater than our lord, and no kingdom greater than ours. Lu Meng, read the list."

Lu Meng, having been shadowing Sima Yi, produced a written document from his breastpocket and began to read. "Zhang Lu." Sima Yi cracked a thin smile as he responded. "Weak as a leader, poor at delegation. His small army is kept afloat only through the valor of Ling Cao, who finds himself beaten by our men time and time again. Zhang Zhao and Zhuge Jin are smart advisors, but Zhang Lu doesn't know how to properly utilize them. No match for us."

Lu Meng read off another name. "Gongsun Zan, then?" Sima Yi shook his head again. "Though possessing a decent army, he has no one to lead it. No notable generals or officials are in his army. Though qualified, he cannot hold on his kingdom with Yuan Shao fighting him like this. Paltry, in comparison to us." Lu Meng began to smile, enjoying the game. "How about Yuan Shao then?"

"Ah yes, our ally Yuan. Capable leader, competent fighter. Backed by the advice of Shen Pei, Tian Feng, Guo Tu, and Feng Ji, all known as intelligent. His army is well sized, and led by the twin furies of Yan Liang and Wen Chou. However, the two are reckless and foolish, in spite of their bravery. His advisors are petty, and quarrel amongst themselves, splitting their lord's mind with their squabbles. No match for us at all."

"Liu Biao? He's been an ally of ours for some time." "I suppose, but he has shown himself feeble-minded and poor at decision making. His boorish ideas nearly cost us the lives of Cao Ren and Cao Chun, at no cost to himself. Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue are smart, and the guidance of Mi Zhu and Lou Gui is beneficial, but he cannot hold off against Dong Zhuo, Sun Jian, and Liu Zhang all at once. We may even entice the spineless coward to surrender to us rather than be set upon by an enemy. A worthless leader of a worthless kingdom."

"If not Liu Biao, then perhaps Liu Zhang? He holds territory nearly equal to ours, with nearly as many troops." "Liu Yan, his father, may have been a man of worth, but his son is complacent and short-sighted. He commands talent like Ma Chao, son of Ma Teng, and Pang De, yet makes stilted, awkward movements. He orders Zhang Ren, a fine general in his own right, without purpose, and his strategist, Zhang Song, is qualified only to administer over a small farm, not a kingdom. No threat to us."

Lu Meng pretended to be stumped. "Kong Rong? He has beaten us before" He finally said. Sima Yi let out a laugh. "Our defeat at his hands is the fault of Liu Biao, not us. His only asset is the mighty Taishi Ci, but he's only one man, and even if he is equivilent to a Zhao Yun or Zah Equi, we overpower him. Nothing to be concerned about."

Chen Gong, sitting in the back, tired of the comedic routine. "Sun Jian? Tell me, Sima Yi, how would you rate him, and his powerful Southern force? Dismiss them as petty oarsmen?" Chen Gong's interruption drew a few chuckles but Sima Yi only smiled.

"Sun Jian is a greater class of man than the others, I admit. In Zhou Yu, he has the one of the only men in the kingdom capable of matching wits with our politicians. Many of his warriors are courageous and deadly, such as Huang Zhong, Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, and Han Dang. And that's ignoring the man himself, or his son, Sun Ce. In Liu Ye and his son, Sun Quan, he has two highly capable civil officials, and they say that Da Qiao, sister of our own Xiao Qiao, is a charismatic beauty, and that she is promised to Sun Ce. A good position, excellent officers and leadership, yes. Were I to name a kingdom that came close to ours, Sun Jian's would be it."

Sima Yi closed his eyes and turned around. "And yet, it is not like ours. To match Zhou Yu, we could put up Guo Jia, or The Doctor, or myself. For Sun Ce, we have Zhan Gao. For Huang Zhong, we have Zhao Yun, for Cheng Pu and Huang Gai, Liu Bei's brothers. Lu Bu, Zhang He, Cao Hong. For every man of talent Sun Jian has, we have three equally as talented. No match."

Lu Meng hid a smirk and read the last name on the list. "Dong Zhuo." Sima Yi laughed uproariously. "The biggest fool of all. He holds mighty warriors like Zhang Liao is his army, but he cannot hold them. Lu Bu and many of his other officers have joined us, and it's only a matter of time before others follow. He relies heavily on Ma Teng, but Ma Teng holds no love for him. His son has already escaped to Liu Zhang. Xu Huang also has no respect for his lord and may be convinced to join us. Furthermore, others have already left. Aside from Lu Bu, the former pirate Gan Ning, a fearsome, cunning warrior by all accounts, was in Yuan Shu's service when he was defeated by Dong Zhuo. Though Yuan Shu still serves the tyrant, Gan Ning is long gone. I've heard he's gone to the Riverlands to join Liu Zhang, but if that fails, we can employ him.

No. Match." Sima Yi said the final two words loudly. Lu Meng took a seat, putting away the paper he had been holding. Sima Yi turned around and looked towards Hangz Shao. "My lord, I have some ideas. Firstly, you need an heir. When you held Xu Chang, you were strong, but you held no title nor a formal recognition of your land ownership. However, you now hold a powerful title and much land. You need an heir to your kingdom. Lu Bu's daughter is 17 and Lu Bu would be happy to marry her to you. Cai Yan is a bit older, with 31 years, but she is intelligent and mindful, and certain to agree to a marriage proposal. Either woman would be a fitting wife. However, should you choose not to marry, there are capable heirs at every table of this function. I advise you think about the future of this kingdom. There are those of us that are young and can carry this land, people like myself and Lu Meng, the warrior Zhou Tai. However, we will need a ruler to guide us, if you pass."

Sima Yi paused and turned back towards the assembly. "The Han is in shambles. Every warlord we just named claims to fight for the Han. Yuan Shao fights in the name of the Han as he ignores Dong Zhuo and wars with Gongsun Zan. Liu Biao and Liu Zhang fight for the Han, as relatives of the Emperor, but neither of them make any movements towards restoring the Empire. The Han is dying. Emperor Xian was placed upon the throne by Dong Zhuo, while Emperor Shao was deposed for being hard to control. The Imperial Seal is lost, the Mandate of Heaven murky. Rebels, who pillage the countryside and kill innocents, claim to be doing the work of the Han. This is unacceptable.

This is a radical proposal, but if the opportunity presents itself...I believe our lord should become Emperor and create his own dynasty. It would incur the wrath of our neighbors, but such things are trifling. From the Yellow Turbans to the Eunuchs to Dong Zhuo, it has become clear that the Han is crumbling. The people need unity. The people need strength. We can provide that, but we cannot save the Han."

The assembly went up in arms. Loyalists decried Sima Yi as a traitor, while a handful of younger strategists praised him as a visionary. The Doctor remained silent. The Seer smiled a sad smile. "The blue sky of the Han will give way. Zhang Jiao said that. He claimed that it would be replaced by the Yellow Turbans, but perhaps he was wrong. This rotten dynasty...will meet its end soon however. So it is foretold." Suddenly the Seer became afflicted with severe coughing fits and The Doctor escorted him out, leaving quiet orders with Lu Meng as Sima Yi yielded the floor to discussion..

2011-07-04, 02:46 PM
"I..." all the warlord could do was look steadily downward, unsure of what to make of the proposal.

2011-07-04, 03:08 PM
"To violate the Emperor's trust is unconscionable. We are his servants, and you owe your lordship to him! I cannot fight against the emperor, for a leader who has not been mandated by the heavens! Truly, so long as the Emperor of the Han holds the mandate, I cannot abide a betrayal."

2011-07-04, 04:15 PM
Why go for a piece of the pie when you can take the whole damned thing? We have the power, use it my liege...I mean, Emperor!

As Sima Yi said, you need an heir. Either name one of us [eye's glittering] or marry the young lady. She has a fire in her, and at her age can produce a good number of heirs for you.

2011-07-04, 10:49 PM
(I'm really not sure what to do here...

Also, how old is Hangz Shao?)

2011-07-05, 02:23 AM
(Well because I was originally unsure of our starting time, I made all the officers born in the same year, so they would be young in the early scenarios but still alive in the late ones, he's actually only like 28. However, I have been meaning to go readjust the years, so I would probably take him as around 40ish right now. I'm going to randomize the biological death years, but he probably has at least fifteen or twenty years left in him.

Anyway, because the Emperor is in our possession, we climb ranks faster, and at the rate we're gaining land, I imagine the Emperor position will be in our grasp within 5 years or so. It's also a bit of intrigue for Sima Yi, who is new to our army, and has ideas that radically oppose those of Wen Jiang and Hua Lim, the original strategists. The Seer also gets to speak and show that he might know something of the future. Really, it's up to you. We can't become Emperor right now, but the situation will arise. If you say no, it will come up again when the position is actually within our grasp. Also naming of an heir is important, because Dong Zhuo has a lot of cavalry units around Luo Yang, and if he forces a duel or something, the possibility of death is minor but still present.)

2011-07-05, 08:19 AM
(So... Hangz Shao should get married, but not reach at Emperor right the moment.

What exactly does one look for in a wife in this game?)

2011-07-05, 11:42 AM
(There is an ability called Spousal Support that a handful of the women have instead of a regular ability like Archer General or Capture or whatever. In the event of marriage, both characters get minor bonuses to their stats if Spousal Support is present. Otherwise, the only benefit is that if the husband and wife are fighting in the same unit, the unit's ability is increased, and if they're fighting in separate units that are adjacent at the end of the turn, there is a small chance of both units maxing out their Will. However, regardless of the situation, marriages organized in-game will not result in in-game children, though for the purposes of the narrative, I can work with a character who just happens to not have representation ingame. You can also defer if you like, because there are more women in-game than just the handful we have.

Also, if you're actually asking about stats or something, Cai Yan has 12 LDR, 11 WAR, 76 INT, 80 POL and 86 CHA. Lu Lingqi has 75 LDR, 82 WAR, 34 INT, 16 POL and 52 CHA. However, it is worth noting that Cai Yan's stats are likely to increase for the next three or four years, then begin to drop, while Lu Lingqi's will continue to increase for probably 15 years.)

2011-07-05, 11:54 AM
(I was leaning towards Lu Lingqi anyway, but at the moment, I think Hangz Shao would pass on marriage)

Vespe Ratavo
2011-07-05, 12:34 PM
D--> ...
D--> This is
D--> So incredibly impudent
D--> I swore an oath to the Emperor
D--> And he holds the mandate of heaven
D--> But
D--> I don't know
D--> Much has changed lately
D--> I need a blasted towel

2011-07-05, 12:37 PM
(So Penguinator, if you want to have Hangz Shao just say his opinion, we can end discussion right now, or we can wait for some more people to weigh in.)

2011-07-05, 12:58 PM
(I'll wait for a couple more)

2011-07-05, 06:05 PM
Dian Wei Earns His Reputation, 198At the time of Sima Yi's speech, warriors across China were repelling the Blue Han Warriors. However, despite all the prowess attributed to the fierce warriors of Yuan Shao or Sun Jian, in terms of technical skill, the mightiest of men all resided with Hangz Shao. Lu Bu, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei all fought the rebels, killing dozens each in every skirmish. Zah Equi, also valued as one of the mightiest warriors, was absent, but instead was giving his opinion with his lord.

Those 4 were renowned as the strongest men in the land, and the most valiant of generals. Their fame came not only from their dueling skill, but also from their ability to lead an army to victory. After them came Dian Wei and Xu Zhu, the former bodyguards of Cao Cao who now pledged their lives to defending Hangz Shao. Xu Zhu had been standing silently at Hangz Shao's throne during the meeting, but Dian Wei had been given a reprieve from his duty to hunt with his son. After the bodyguards, the hierarchy broke down. Zhao Yun and Zhan Gao were mighty, as was Sun Jian's eldest son, Sun Ce. Huang Zhong, Wen Chou, Yan Liang. Many warriors of the era were considered nearly superhuman.

Xu Zhu was content with his 6th place finish. He had taken to the battlefield from time to time, but his primary place was in the castle, protecting against assassination attempts. Dian Wei too, had only graced the battlefield a handful of times, but he was disgruntled with reputation. Despite his expert dueling ability and ornate bow that was a special gift from Hangz Shao himself, in recognition of his valor, Dian Wei was never mentioned in the same breath as the man who lent his name to the proverb "Among men, Lu Bu, among horses, Red Hare" or Guan Yu, the God of War.

So when word came that one of the few leaders of the Blue Han Warriors had somehow made his way to Luo Yang undetected, Dian Wei was eager to stop him, as all the other great warriors were either busy or too far away. At long last, Dian Wei planned to make his mark as legendary warrior. Taking his bow, a stock of arrows, and a hefty spear, he set off to meet this warrior.

Dian Wei, though not a great intellect, prided himself on his ability to speak freely among peasants, and it wasn't long before he'd tracked his way to a small compound outside the city. Among the commoners, it was rumored that the Blue Han Warrior general had thousands of men in the compound and planned to attack Luo Yang the next night. Appraising the situation, Dian Wei didn't anticipate more than a hundred or so soldiers. The rebels had no chance of taking the city, but if they were competent, they might have had the opportunity to claim the head of an influential general or advisor before leaving.

He saw a handful of sentries posted atop the compound. In the dark of the night, he could barely make out their forms. Fitting three arrows into his bow, Dian Wei fired, instantly felling three of the sentries. The remaining two ran and Dian Wei smirked, waiting for the army to come out and face him. He was not disappointed. Within minutes, five or six dozen soldiers raced out of the building, armed with swords and spears of their own. Without wasing introductions, three of the soldiers rushed at him, weapons raised.

Dian Wei was no stranger to being outnumbered. Drawing his bow, he shot an arrow into one of the soldiers, killing him. The other two showed no signs of slowing down, so Dian Wei waited until they were close. He fired an arrow at the foot of one soldier, who then tripped and impaled himself upon Dian Wei's waiting spear. The final warrior attempted to stab the bodyguard, but found his spear deflected and his midsection slashed. He crumpled to the ground.

"Fools! I am Dian Wei, bodyguard to Hangz Shao and peerless warrior! Sent out your commander to face me!" His challenge was not heeded, and Dian Wei found himself set upon by the entire group. Ducking, lunging, deflecting attacks with his armor at just the right angle, he was a perfect specimen of an expert warrior. The soldiers began to fall while Dian Wei sustained no worse than minor scratches and cuts. After defeating around twenty additional soldiers, in addition to the six he'd already killed, the army began to back off, forming a ring around him. No one wanted to face the giant who had so effortlessly slain their companions.

Suddenly, a tall warrior, dressed in fine blue armor and wearing a helmet with a white feather on top strode out of the castle. He was young, probably not much older than Dian Man, Dian Wei though. Still, the warrior's face was stern and powerful. He carried a spear and held the reins to two horses.

"I am Zhu Huan. I lead these soldiers and I cannot allow you to kill another one of them. If you're so eager to fight, I will fight you." Though the name Zhu Huan may not have been known to many warlords, Dian Wei had heard it through his connections with commoners. Zhu Huan was alleged to be a fearsome fighter who never tired, not even after a hundred bouts. Dian Wei smirked.

"My name is Dian Wei and I fight for Hangz Shao. If I defeat you, I never want to see another one of your soldiers in our city again." "Very well." Zhu Huan agreed as he passed the reins of one horse to Dian Wei. "Let's begin." Each warrior mounted a hourse and rode away from each other until a good distance had been put between them. Dian Wei grasped his spear tight and began to ride. As his closed the distance, he began looking for a weakness in Zhu Huan's form. The other warrior was obviously very skilled for his young age, but he lacked experience. Dian Wei chuckled to himself.

With a single spear thrust, he pierced Zhu Huan's glimmering armor, drawing blood and sending the other warrior to the ground. At the sight of their commander's easy defeat, the rebels couldn't take it any longer. They completely broke rank and ran away. Dian Wei dismounted to survey the damage. Zhu Huan was unconscious but not dead. Gazing at the fallen warrior, Dian Wei felt a pang of guilt, for dealing so harshly with one so young. He thought of his own son and frowned. He put the spear away and gently picked up the warrior. Depositing Zhu Huan with a physician who could treat his injury, Dian Wei returned to his quarters. Sleep for him was restless, concerned for the warrior whose life he had nearly taken.

However, his fears proved groundless. The next morning, as he walked through the hallway, he found himself stopped by Xu Zhu.

"Dian Wei, did you bring that Zhu Huan guy here? He came into a barracks while some of us were training, still bound up in bloodied cloth, and demanded a position in our army." Dian Wei laughed and nodded. His skill with a spear may not have been enough for him to earn the recognition he deserved, but it had been enough for one spear thrust to turn a worthy man from bandit to general.

2011-07-06, 06:33 PM
(Might just want to go ahead with it now, Penguinator.)

2011-07-06, 07:56 PM
(Sorry, I thought the update ended it)

The warlord shook his head, not yet trusting the young strategist. "I cannot accept this proposal at present. And with the emperor in our midst! It is surely a devious move."

2011-07-06, 09:49 PM
Sima Yi shrugged with a hint of irreverence. "As you wish, my lord. But know that this proposal will come again, but the next time you hear it, it won't be from me." Clasping his fan and turning to leave the room, he smirked. "It will come from the whole of China." Halfway out of the room, he calls back one final suggestion. "I'd also suggest naming your heir. I hear Jia Xu has invested in some assassins."

2011-07-06, 10:19 PM
The warlord looked absentmindedly at Lu Bu, asking, "Lu Bu, your daughter..." He then looked down and shook his head. "No... Not yet. I live, yet. But... soon. ...It is... my duty."

Hussam B.
2011-07-07, 09:34 AM
Hua Lim offers his counsel;

"My Lord, Hangz Shao, Honored Field Marshal of the Han

I hope you can forgive my silence on recent matters discussed at your excellency's court, it is strange for a lowly official from Xu Chang to be seated amongst so many valorous and distinguished colleagues, whose talents in the field have been tried and proven true. I think about past times when we began in Xu Chang, in the eye of the chaotic storm and I wonder at how far we have come.

As I have counseled you then, it is my greatest honor for this river toll collector to counsel you now; I must admit that I have been both repulsed and impressed by Sima Yi, his melodramatic behavior and performance before your excellency seemed quite arrogant, pompous, disrespectful and telling of the man's great ambition.

Yet, one cannot deny the truths of what proclaims, his impressive strategic assessment aside, Sima Yi's audacious proposal to usurp the Han throne is indeed a dangerous one, a power grab drawing the enmity of all and casting us as villains far worse than Dong Zhou, I am delighted that my faith in you was well placed by rejecting the move.

It is undeniable however, that there is sadly little imperial authority left in the Han dynasty, I had hoped that with the Emperor Xian safe in Luo Yang, the chaos could all be ended by a decree. A bit of wishful thinking on my part as I think even the Emperor himself knows how little power he has, as I fear indeed that it is only a matter of time before a move is made to finally end the Han dynasty, either from within our own ranks in your name or from without to hamper us. But I must concede that when the time comes, your lordship must be ready to carry the nation forward out of the storms of chaos.

As for an heir, of all of Sima Yi's loudness, this seems the wisest, though I wish your excellency many long years of health and prosperity, it is indeed a precarious position should your excellency pass on heir-less. The issue of succession could potentially dash everything we have succeeded in accomplishing, I ask my lord to give the matter serious consideration.

Aside from that, allow me to say, some of us at the court have noticed our lord's interest in master Lu Bu's daughter; perhaps our lord can entertain the idea of an heir during a long courtship? As always, we remain your humble servants and are always ready to serve you in whatever manner you require."

2011-07-07, 12:06 PM
(Btw, on the issue of an heir. Weirdly, the game wasn't showing Xiao Qiao as possible to marry before, despite being older than Lu Lingqi. She's about 22 and is now considered marriable. Furthermore, everyone's in-game ages.
The Seer-61
Hangz Shao-45
Timur Kadesh-38
Zhan Gao-34
Aran Baron-28
Zah Equi-27
Wen Jiang and Hua Lim-26)

2011-07-07, 01:20 PM
Even with the new options available, I suggest you go with Lu Lingqi. She has the blood of a warrior in her. Plus, any child of the marriage will have the ability to call himself the grandson of Lu Bu. If nothing else, that will frighten a good number of people in line.

Also, huzzah, that was pretty much exactly as old as I pictured my character.

2011-07-07, 10:19 PM
Four Stars Fall, 198-199"Doctor..."
I'm here. What is it?
"These old bones...are failing me..."
You're going to be fine.
"Listen to me...Seek out...Sleeping Dragon and Fledgling Phoenix..."
"Great minds...If you can earn their respect...the kingdom will be yours...Trust...Trust the Sima...He is young and ambitious, and his family is destined for greatness...but he will serve those he respects and he...respects Hangz Shao...Don't try to speak anymore. Save your energy.
"No...Doctor...You hold the...the Way of Peace. Make it...real..."


Do you think we've been here too long, Mary?
What do you mean, Doctor?
It's been nearly 9 years.
Has it? I'd forgotten. I feel like I'm a part of this place, this time, by now.
What are you thinking about?
The Seer told me to trust Sima Yi...
Then you should trust him. He was never wrong as far as we knew him, was he?
You're right. I'll go speak to him now.
"Ah, Doctor, how good of you to drop in. Is there something you require?"
The Seer is dead.
"The old man? A pity. I thought his wisdom was an asset to our kingdom."
A lot of people around here don't trust you, you know that?
"I was aware."
Right, well I plan to. We need to make plans. This has to stop as soon as possible. I want your opinions on what to do. I can sell anything you have, so let's talk.
"Well, firstly, we can never let our focus shift. Yuan Shao coasts by on his nobility, Liu Biao by his relation to the Emperor. Even Dong Zhuo hopes to win by numbers alone. Our kingdom was founded on the principles of attracting able men and putting their talents to use. It's what grew us to our present size. Our foremost goal should always be bringing the best men in China to us. A city can always be lost, but a loyal general will never leave."
Who do you suggest?
"The stalemate between us and Dong Zhuo allows him to govern effectively, while snapping up territory of Liu Biao's and Liu Zhang's. However, if we can pinch him in the future, we'll attract his generals. Sun Jian's men are incredibly loyal, and cannot be bought by anything. I suggest looking for the displaced. For example, I mentioned Gan Ning earlier? He served Liu Biao, but was underappreciated and joined Yuan Shu instead. Then Yuan Shu was devoured by Dong Zhuo, and Gan Ning joined him. Sick of the tyrant, he wandered alone, then reluctantly joined Liu Zhang. He is pragmatic and strong, but his talents are overlooked by all. Secure a place for him in our army, and he'll join us forever."


"Next, send an expedition to the South. Sun Jian and Lord Hangz Shao have a mutual respect, and won't fight unless they absolutely have to. Sun Jian, while smart and able, is having a difficult time repelling both Liu Zhang and Dong Zhuo. However, working under pressure like this, I believe he'll show his mettle and begin driving both back. We need to secure that he doesn't expand to the East, in a position to swallow up Zhang Lu and Kong Rong before focusing himself on us."
Capture the three cities with no ruler, you mean? They're not worth much, and if we staffed them with good officers, we'd weaken the crucial areas by our borders. If we only send weaker officers, they won't be very effective at production for us.
"It isn't about that. Keeping Sun Jian from those lands are our first priority. When we're ready to fight him on our own terms, we can take him from Ru Nan or Luo Yang instead. Furthermore, owning more land will increase our fame and wealth, and establish more credibility towards claiming the throne."
So you were serious about having Hangz Shao become Emperor...
"Absolutely. Emperor Xian may be benevolent, but he's also ineffective, inexperienced, and somewhat illegitimate. Our kingdom will soar above the others. Send Xu Rong and Zhang Yan to the South. Allow each to choose their own lieutenants. Also, send an advisor to Zhang Lu to negotiate a ceasefire for 4 months. We'll be able to use his ports to access the cities, and from there, we'll be in position to take the few ports he has by the unclaimed cities when the ceasefire ends."
Truly ruthless...Alright.

In the rest of China, the various warlords were fighting amongst themselves. Sun Jian, as Sima Yi had predicted, had launched a fiery offensive, taking a city from Liu Zhang and pushing towards one of Dong Zhuo's. Liu Zhang was showing his increasingly inept leadership, losing a city to each of his neighbors. Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan, each holding two cities, fought bitterly over Ji, each possessing it for a short time and then losing it to the other. Kong Rong and Zhang Lu remained suspiciously quiet.

Liu Biao, however, found himself in a debilitating situation. He had been too busy focusing on his Southern city, which had been taken by Sun Jian, to keep his ports well guarded. After the ceasefire kept Dong Zhuo and Hangz Shao away from one another, Dong Zhuo easily took the ports, leaving Liu Biao in a single city by himself. He requested aid from Hangz Shao, but was refused. The last time Liu Biao had taken control of troops belonging to his neighbor, he'd nearly gotten the two (not insignificant) generals killed, and fighting Dong's troops would have broken the ceasefire.

An offer was sent to Liu Biao to surrender. By surrendering to Hangz Shao, he could keep his city out of Dong Zhuo's hands, and would remain an important official in the army. None of his people would be harmed and there would be opportunities to see the reunification of China under Hangz Shao. Liu Biao bitterly refused to broke off the alliance in spite. Without a single friend to aid him, Liu Biao's army fell to Dong Zhuo


The man himself escaped, as did many of his generals, wandering the land with no lord. Kuai Yue, one of his great advisors, found himself unhappily working for Dong Zhuo, as did Lou Gui. However, Lou Gui was quickly recruited by Hangz Shao, and left to join him. Kuai Yue was twice approached, once by Cao Cao and once by Xun You, but he sorrowfully turned down both offers.

In recognition of his dominion over part of the South, Hangz Shao was approached by another official of the Emperor and retitled.

"Hangz Shao is a menace and a threat to our lives. Each passing moment, he grows stronger, as great men join him at every turn."
"Indeed. I heard that the pirate Gan Ning has pledged his blade in service of Hangz."
"Lou Gui as well, the former advisor to Liu Biao."
"I cannot defeat him. My own warriors seem weak in comparison, and Zhuge Jin and Zhang Zhao are fools. I'd be better off composing my own plans."
"Fools? It was my impression that they were bright scholars."
"Bah. Zhuge Jin advised me to consolidate all of my forces in Xiao Pei and launch an assault on Shou Chou with all my troops."
"I told him that his plan made no sense. Shou Chou has no great generals. However, Pu Yang has Zhao Yun, Cao Ren, and Timur Kadesh, among others. Taking it would give me mighty warriors. I've sent Mi Shi with 5000 pikemen to attack it."
"Only 5000? Mi Shi is that young woman, isn't she? Are you sure she's up to the task?"
"Of course. She's never used a pike before, so she should have beginner's luck!"
"Lord Zhao Yun! There are soldiers advancing on the city?"
"What? From where?"
"Xiao Pei. They belong to Zhang Lu."
"He must be upset after Xu Rong and Zhang Yan used him to capture the South, and then took his ports...Very well. I'll ride out to deal with him."
No. I'll take this one.
"Alright. I have a plan that Xu Sheng of Shou Chou and I have concocted. After defeating the soldiers attacking here, move on to Xiao Pei. Liu Dai, Lu Fan, and Xu Shi will be coming with spears, archers, and siege towers."
Right. It's about time that I got to fight.
"Lord Zhang Lu! News from the battlefield. Mi Shi was defeated and Timur Kadesh is advancing. And other generals of Hangz Shao are coming from Shou Chou. Lord Ling Cao rode off to fight them, but he can't fight them alone."
"Call him back."
"Lord, are you sure? He's the only obstacle between us and them."
"Yes. We'll make a plan when he returns."
"As you command..."
"Zhang Lu, we have been friends for some time, haven't we? Ever since your lord Tao Qian died?"
"Of course."
"Then let me give you some advice. Hangz Shao is beyond your capabilities. He will roll through Xiao Pei without a second thought, and then Xia Pi will be your last stand. Join my army. Bring your troops and join me, and we'll defeat him together."
"Ha. Kong Rong, I don't need your assistance."
Onward! Ignore Ling Cao and simply attack the city!
"Understood, my lord!"
"Timur Kadesh is at the gates. Your head will be his unless you join me."
"I suppose you're right. There's really nothing I can do, not with those simpletons Zhang Zhao and Zhuge Jin advising me."

"Zhang Lu has surrendered to Kong Rong. Reinforcements are on their way."
What? Dammit. Keep attacking. We need to claim the city immediately, before they arrive. Xu Shi, Lu Fan, continue burning the city with your flaming arrows. Liu Dai, back up my cavalry with your spearmen. This fight is over!

"You made the right decision. I have a brave warrior in my army. Taishi Ci is his name, and he will keep all our lands safe.
So, Zhang Lu has surrendered to Kong Rong. This changes things.
Kong Rong is still no threat, my lord.
No, he isn't. But we could have pushed on to Xia Pi without reinforcements. We'll have to make a small offering of gold to Kong Rong to secure a ceasefire as we have supplies delivered from Chen Liu. We also need to focus on Gongsun Zan. He's taken back Ji and has his eyes set on our Northern provinces. Have Xiahou Dun and his lieutenants take a transport unit to Xiahou Yuan and then have them mount an attack on Ji. The instability in the North is distracting us from the important events in the West.
"Lord Hangz Shao, please. Delay the attack preparations for 40 days. If I cannot convince Gongsun Zan to stand down, I will personally lead the siege, but I believe I can appeal to his sense of justice and reason."
Hmm...Alright Liu Bei. 40 days."
"Ah, Liu Bei! My old friend! It's so good to see you again."
"And you, Gongsun Zan."
"I apologize for the disorganization. We're beginning a fresh assault on Yuan Shao in the morning."
"You seem troubled, my friend. Have I done something to lose your favor?"
"No. I just came to speak with you."
"I see. What have you been doing? Ever since Yuan Shao defeated you, I haven't heard a single thing about you or your brothers."
"I've been in the employ of Hangz Shao, Grand General of the Han."
"Prestigious. Does that treat you well? I always thought you wanted to be your own leader."
"I did. But I want the Han restored. At this point, I would take any benevolent leadership, even a new dynasty, if it meant the fighting would end. That's what I came to talk to you about."
"While you plan to attack Yuan Shao, the great general Xiahou Yuan is making plans to attack you."
"Xiahou Yuan...Doesn't he also work for your lord?"
"He does. I asked for 40 days of delay so I could come speak with you. This fighting helps no one. Yuan Shao is allied with my lord, and though the two are not friends, my lord will send his men to assist Yuan Shao if he asks. Even if you can drive off Yuan Shao, you'll be surrounded by us. Kong Rong won't assist you. He has no sense of justice. I know that you do. You want Dong Zhuo destroyed. But at present, you are in no position to help. Whether it's my lord or Yuan Shao, someone will defeat you."
"Is this why you have come? To mock me?! I should have your head!"
"Please, Gongsun Zan. I know it seems weak, submitting to another, but if Yuan Shao captures you, he'll execute you and your entire family. In Hangz Shao's army, your generals can continue to fight, and with your reputation and skills, you could easily become an important general yourself. Fighting with Yuan Shao is a waste of men. Please, consider joining me in helping my lord bring peace to this land."

First Liu Dai and now Gongsun Zan...We've taken so many defections and surrenders...It's puzzling.
"An official from the Emperor is here to see you, my lord."
Thank you Sima Yi...Wait, did you say from the Emperor? That's impossible. He just sent one a few months ago.
"Honorable Grand General. His Majesty has requested that I come here to see you."
Come in, please. An envoy from the Emperor is always welcome.
"Since the Emperor last sent one of us, your holdings have increased even more. Xiao Pei has been taken from Governor Kong Rong, and Lt. Governor Gongsun Zan has submitted his entire army to you. In recognition of this, you have official retitled Baron of the Han."

2011-07-07, 11:01 PM
"Hm. Baron, eh? Then it is time." The warlord went to find his feared general Lu Bu to ask for his daughter's hand in marriage.

2011-07-07, 11:47 PM
Lu Bu was in a training room, testing out flavorful new attacks. With his halberd, he'd swirl around, decapitating a half-dozen training dummies. Drawing a trio of throwing knives, he's spin back, finding the hearts of three more. He continued in this fashion for hours every day, never tiring, always keeping his body fit.

(What is it with all the women appearing out of nowhere. Zhen Ji and Fan Shi are both possible now, assuming I can get them to join again. However, it appears there is a grace period between when they join and when they are able to be married.)

2011-07-08, 10:40 AM
(However, it appears there is a grace period between when they join and when they are able to be married.)

(I hope that doesn't mean that Lu Lingqi is unavailable, now...)

2011-07-08, 01:27 PM
(No, she's available. I think they can't be married for the first year they're in the army, or something like that. She's been in it for a couple years, so she's fine.)

2011-07-08, 06:37 PM
(In that case...)

The warlord bowed slightly as he entered the warrior's presence. "Lu Bu, my honored companion. As both our names are now feared throughout the land, and I am now Baron of the Han, perhaps it is time we... merge our families. ...I would ask for your daughter's hand in marriage."

2011-07-08, 07:17 PM
Lu Bu spun around and slammed the floor with the point of his halberd, creating a loud clang. "My lord." He said, bowing. "I am honored by your request. It's not my place to question my judgement, but are you certain? She's a fearless warrior, and will fight tirelessly for your lands, but she could never possess the grace necessary of an Empress." He shook his head. "But I am but a lowly hired sword. Your judgement is absolute. If you desire it, I'll notify her immediately and designate officials to prepare the ceremony."

2011-07-08, 07:30 PM
"She is young, and capable. Many other women available will soon begin losing their ability. I need a wife who can keep up with me for years to come. Your daughter, to be precise."

2011-07-08, 07:31 PM
Lu Bu nodded. "As you wish, my lord."

Tech Boy
2011-07-08, 10:14 PM
My dyslexia lied to me. I thought this was about a Dr. Who game.

2011-07-10, 11:58 PM
Battle of Xia Pi, 200After the ceasefire with Kong Rong ended, the generals of Xiao Pei, under command of Timur Kadesh, began to look to the south, at Xia Pi, with equal parts excitement and unease. Though the city possessed only Wu Anguo for strong generals, it also housed Zhuge Jin and Zhang Zhao. Underappreciated as they were, they were still enormous talents. With The Doctor and Sima Yi both in Luo Yang, and the other strategists like Guo Jia spread out, Xiao Pei had no mind that could equal either Zhang Zhao or Zhuge Jin, let alone both of them.

Despite this, Timur Kadesh coveted the city of Xia Pi highly. It would allow for a land route to Bei Hai instead of trying to get through Kong Rong's well defended ports from Gongsun Zan's former lands, which were still in the process of being integrated with Hangz Shao's army. Deciding to attack the city, he summoned generals from the neighboring cities of Pu Yang and Shou Chou. Notable, he called Cao Ren, Zhao Yun, and Yu Jin to assist him. With those three and himself, they could fight any units Wu Anguo could muster for Kong Rong, but the city would be hard to take and surely Zhang Zhao and Zhuge Jin would have strategies.

Zhang Lu, the former ruler who had been demoted to Prefect of Xia Pi, heard of Timur Kadesh's sights on his city. He regarded the opinions of his advisors poorly, and ordered Wu Anguo to attack Xiao Pei. The general was interrupted by Zhang Zhao, who informed him of an alternate plan.

Wu Anguo rode out to Xiao Pei, alone. He stood at the gates of the city and hurled insults at Timur Kadesh. Timur Kadesh, unable to suffer the insults, rode out to face Wu Anguo, who retreated to Xia Pi. Timur Kadesh was unable to follow, as archers repelled him every time he got close. For three days, Xiao Pei was beseiged not by weaponry, but by Wu Anguo's taunts. On the third day, Timur Kadesh was struck by one of the arrows and wounded. His rage led to an infection and he was bedridden. Told by the physician to stay calm, Wu Anguo's taunts kept him in a state of perpetual anger. Without a tactician able to match Zhang Zhao, they couldn't attack and Wu Anguo couldn't be stopped.

Back in Luo Yang, Sima Yi and The Doctor heard the news. Though acquisition of Xia Pi was not high on their list of immediate priorities, they knew they couldn't allow Timur Kadesh's wound to fester. Reasoning that the only way to keep him calm would be to send a strategist who could acquire Xia Pi, they began making plans. However, The Doctor stalled. Neither he nor Sima Yi could afford to leave Luo Yang, and Guo Jia and many others were too far away. Sima Yi had a suggestion. At Sima Yi's request, Lu Su was sent to Xiao Pei. Lu Su had served Hangz Shao for a few years, but had not made any significant advances in rank or status. However, he was a capable tactician and able commander, and Sima Yi had a hunch.

Upon arriving in Xiao Pei, Lu Su began organizing the armory and gathering the generals. In Timur Kadesh's ill health, Zhao Yun was acting Prefect, and he gathered the army. Kong Rong's army, Lu Su reasoned, was not a threat. Though they had a fair amount of troops, they had no one to lead them. Furthermore, the advisors were not adept at leading large amounts of soldiers, so the sizes of the armies would be managable. Cao Ren and Yu Jin (acting as a liuetenant) were given an army of pikes and went first. Zhao Yun was given an army of spears. At his own request, he was also allowed Pan Zheng as his liuetenant. Pan Zheng was a generally average warrior and leader. Able to fight, but hardly a standout. Despite that, he was known as having a single talent. He was highly capable at capturing enemy officers, and it was for this purpose that Zhao Yun selected him.

Lu Su took an army of Juggernauts himself, intent on bringing down the city while his allies fought. In Xia Pi, Zhang Lu was furious with Zhang Zhao for disobeying him, and ordered the advisor to lead the army alone for his insolence. In the pass where two rivers nearly met, Zhang Zhao's spearmen fought the pikemen of Cao Ren. Despite having inferior numbers, no liuetenant, and no backup in the form of Lu Su or Zhao Yun, Zhang Zhao managed to confuse Cao Ren's unit and launch a powerful counter-attack. However, it became clear that he would be defeated, and his unit was routed when Cao Ren managed to bring his men back under control.

In Xiao Pei, Timur Kadesh heard of the battle at Xia Pi. His infection subsiding, he mounted a horse and led a giant cavalry unit to the city. When he arrived, Zhang Lu had relented and sent out other generals. Zhang Zhao had appeared again, commanding more spearmen. Wu Anguo had a cavalry unit and Zhang Lu himself led a small spear unit. With many troops out fighting, and the defenses burning to Lu Su's juggernauts, Xia Pi was poorly defended and Timur Kadesh began attacking the gates.

At the moment Timur Kadesh arrived, Lu Su found himself falling victim to a vicious ambush attack by Zhang Zhao that demoralized his men to the point of nearly deserting. Cao Ren issued a challenge to Wu Anguo, who ignored him, fearful of Cao Ren and Yu Jin. Lu Su knew he had to do something, and after witnessing how Cao Ren's men had rallied after their leader's duel was rejected, issued a similar challenge to Zhang Lu, expecting the weak Prefect to flee.

Surprisingly, Zhang Lu accepted the duel offer. Lu Su was put on a horse and given a spear and forced into the duel. Lu Su was not a good duelist. He was not even a passable duelist. But where he was bad, Zhang Lu was even worse. Somehow, Lu Su won the duel in ten bouts without sustaining any serious injuries. His men were energized, and many of Zhang Lu's deserted, and the rest were routed by Cao Ren, who captured Zhang Lu and took him as a prisoner.

Lu Su resumed burning the city gates. Zhao Yun's spearmen rushed Wu Anguo, easily routing the unit. Zhang Zhao's second unit was also cut from 6000 men down to around 500, and he retreated inside the city. Without any defenders, the city fell and Zhang Zhao and Zhuge Jin were also captured. Wu Anguo tried to escape, but was cut down by Timur Kadesh.

As soon as Zhang Zhao's first unit had been beaten, Taishi Ci in Bei Hai had argued for taking units away from Bei Hai to assist Xia Pi. Kong Rong denied his requests, stating that Taishi Ci's position was in Bei Hai, defending their capital. It wasn't until Xia Pi was minutes away from falling that Taishi Ci was ordered to relieve it. By the time he neared the city, with 7000 spearmen to his credit, the city had been occupied by Lu Su's men. He began to turn around, but was challenged to a duel by Zhao Yun.

Unable to turn down the request from the famous warrior, the two mounted horses and fought. Zhao Yun took the lead at first, weathering small hits in order to find openings for his larger ones. However, when Taishi Ci pulled one of his hand spears and threw it, Zhao Yun found himself in danger. He began to retreat, but was pursued by Taishi Ci. Remembering the bow he had been gifted by Hangz Shao, he had an idea. Zhao Yun turned over his shoulder and hit Taishi Ci with a powerful arrow, and the two resumed their fight. After thirty bouts, both were weakened, and Taishi Ci used all his remaining strength to unleash a flurry of attacks that left Zhao Yun nearly beaten. However, he held on long enough to deliver one final blow that dismounted his opponent.

Pan Zheng had been waiting in the wings and was quick to capture Taishi Ci as a prisoner to take back to Xia Pi. Under Lu Su's orders, Zhang Lu was released, as were the two prisoners that had been taken in Xiao Pei. Lu Su reasoned that releasing them would deter Kong Rong from attempting to take back Xia Pi immediately, and would allow them time to convince Zhang Zhao, Zhuge Jin, and Taishi Ci to join Hangz Shao.

2011-07-11, 01:43 PM
A Union, 199-200After much discussion, it was decided that the site of the wedding would be the city of Ye. It was close to the lands Gongsun Zan had ruled, allowing Hangz Shao and his new vassal to become better acquainted. It also showed that Hangz Shao was not some ivory tower noble in Luo Yang. Lastly, with Gongsun Zan gone as a ruler, Yuan Shao had nowhere to expand, and Sima Yi was concerned that he'd attempt an attack on the weaker Northern cities. Ju Shou and Guo Jia were summoned from the neighboring Jin Yang to plan the wedding. Hangz Shao arrived a few days before his bride-to-be, in order to scout out the city.


A tower was constructed in order to display the Bronze Pheasant prominently, and it was decided that the Bronze Pheasant Tower would serve as an interim castle for Hangz Shao and his wife during their stay in the city.

Doctor, if I may speak to you for a moment?
Your service has turned my once trivial land holdings into the position of Baron of the Han. Since you arrived, able men have thrown themselves at our army, eager to serve. It is all because of you that this has happened. In gratitude, I ask of you to officiate the wedding.
Ah...You see, you know I've never actually done that sort of...well no there was that one time. But it wasn't a human thing it was...well there were humans involved I suppose. I'd have to check the TARDIS but I don't have it of course. Ah, sure, why not?
"I'm not going to let you ruin this, Doctor, no matter how intelligent you are."
Oh hey Ju Shou. I didn't see you there.
"I've written out what you need to say on paper. Just read it."

Gongsun Zan...who are all these people?
"Subjects my lord. Many have made the trip from all of your cities to come see the wedding."
But why?
"They believe you will be the one to reunite the Empire."
"I hope I'm not intruding."
No, come in Sima Yi.
"There is a children's rhyme going around, my lord.
Five kingdoms to slay the beast
Dong Zhuo's death knell soon to be rang
The greatest man lives among the East
Known to all as the Dragon of Shang"
A curious rhyme. What does it mean?
"The five kingdoms are your kingdom, Sun Jian's, Liu Zhang's, Yuan Shao's, and Kong Rong's. The beast is Dong Zhuo."
And what is the Dragon of Shang?
"Though there are five kingdoms in the land, as well as Dong Zhuo, there are only three that are powerful. Yuan Shao and Kong Rong are weak, and Liu Zhang's lands are being chipped away at by Sun Jian and Dong Zhuo. The eastern three kingdoms are yours, Yuan Shao's, and Kong Rong's. It's only a matter of time before you dominate all the east. Liu Zhang will crumble, leaving the Northwest to Dong Zhuo and Southwest to Sun Jian. Because of this, Dong Zhuo is known as the Wolf of An Ding, and Sun Jian is the Tiger of Chang Sha."
And I am the Dragon of Shang?
"Correct. In ancient times, the king, Tang of Shang, commanded a small kingdom at the end of the Xia dynasty. However, through his charisma, military ability, and ambition, he was able to secure the loyalty of many other kingdoms. As the Xia was rotting and corrupt, he rescued the virtuous from its service and purged it from the land to create his own dynasty, the Shang Dynasty."
The people see some resemblence?
"Of course. How could they not? In employing Cao Cao and Liu Bei, as well as Liu Dai and Gongsun Zan, you have shown a knack for employing former enemies. In employing Lu Bu, you have shown the ability to find the virtuous even in the service of the evil. As well, the border of King Tang's lands ended just beyond Xu Chang, your homeland. There are many similarities."
What an interesting thought.
While the wedding was occuring in Ye, many great officials from other cities left to attend. In Chang An, most of the officers had left, leaving the city open to attack. Without anyone to lead the city, a group of bandits rose up to try and claim the city for themselves. Their efforts were initially successful, breaking down the gates and storming the city. However, there were two young boys who were unwilling to allow their city to be taken.

Guan Ping, the adopted son of Guan Yu, and Cao Pi, second son of Cao Cao, were not going to see the city their fathers had built up be ravaged by bandits. Only 15 and 14 years old, respectively, they still had excellent training in most fields. Setting off with only a single weapon each, they decided to run the bandits out of town. The bandits had holed up in a tavern, staying drunk and rowdy until they could take the palace. Guan Ping strode inside the tavern, spear raised, and challenged any bandit who would duel him to a fight.

Most of the bandits were not afraid of a teenager, and Guan Ping's challenge was accepted by a handful. Due in part to his training and in part to his opponents' intoxication, Guan Ping slew every bandit who challenged him. Even when they began to fight him two against one, the son of Guan Yu was unstoppable. Finally, the bandits turned and ran from the tavern.

Outside, they spotted a fire burning by one of the gates. The sound of hundreds of marching soldiers accompanied the sight. Fearful that one of the generals had returned, the bandits ran out the back gate, leaving their stronghold outside the city and all their valuables. Standing over the burning gate, Cao Pi signaled the citizens he'd given armored boots to stop stomping. With an archer's eye, he lined up a shot and fired an arrow through the neck of the fleeing bandit leader.

After they were sure all the bandits were gone, Guan Ping and Cao Pi put out the fire and left the city, to explore the bandit stronghold. Inside, there was an impressive stock of food, gold, and silk. The two boys organized transport carts from the city to bring it back to Chang An, before burning the stronghold to the ground.

When Guan Yu, Cao Cao, and the other generals returned, they were greeted with the carts of gold and silk, as Guan Ping and Cao Pi requested that they be allowed to join the army.

*insert picture of Cao Pi joining.jpg*
After the wedding had finished, an envoy from Yuan Shao came to offer his congratulations. He said his name was Tian Feng, the strategist of Yuan Shao. He regretted having to deliver bad news, he said, but Yuan Shao had ordered him.


2011-07-11, 11:21 PM
Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us togethew today. Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam within a dweam. And wove, twue wove, wiww fowwow you fowevah and evah… So tweasuwe youw wove.

2011-07-11, 11:30 PM
I love that movie but I absolutely despise that scene.

2011-07-11, 11:47 PM
I watched it again recently. I had forgotten just how corny the "true love" thing is.

2011-07-12, 12:35 AM
Battle Of Bei Hai and Fallout, 200After the Battle of Xia Pi, Lu Su was given the position of Southern Commander, ranking him only below The Doctor, as Strategist, and Sima Yi as Grand Commander, and on equal footing with Guo Jia, Northern Commander. The acqisition of Xia Pi divided Kong Rong's lands even further, with Bei Hai to the north and Lu Jiang to the south. Though individual generals could reach the opposite city, a transport would never be able to make it.

However, Lu Su correctly judged the situation in the South. The recently acquired cities in the Southland were poorly defended, and contained few excellent generals. The bulk of Hangz Shao's forces were concentrated around Ru Nan, Xu Chang, Luo Yang, and Chang An in order to put pressure on Dong Zhuo. Shou Chou, in particular, was very weak. In order to strengthen it and open up Lu Jiang to an attack, Lu Su ordered Aran Baron, Bu Zhi, and Li Tong to take a transport unit from Ru Nan.

Though Bei Hai was the capital of Kong Rong's forces, the ruler himself did not live there. Since taking Lin Ji from Cao Ren and Cao Chun years before, Kong Rong had lived in the port, keeping generals like Jiang Gan and Zhang Lu in the port. This left Bei Hai with many troops, but few generals. Unwilling to let Kong Rong recover after losing Xia Pi, Lu Su ordered an attack on Bei Hai immediately.

Lu Su took Pan Zheng as a liuetenant, again with Juggernauts. Zhao Yun took a spear unit and Timur Kadesh took a cavalry unit. Cao Ren and Yu Jin stayed behind to watch over Xia Pei. With less than thirty thousand men between them, they set their sights on Bei Hai, with over seventy thousand men. Spotting the invaders, Liu Qi (the displaced first son of Liu Biao) and Wu Zhi rode out to meet them. Timur Kadesh and Zhao Yun fought the opposing armies and Lu Su attacked the city gates.

No matter how many times Liu Qi and Wu Zhi were defeated, they kept riding out with new troops, exhausting Hangz Shao's army. At the same time, Ze Rong, another of Kong Rong's generals, rode to Pu Yang with an army, intent on taking it. Fang Yue, the Prefect of Pu Yang (as well as only officer in the city) couldn't leave to defend the city, but he couldn't allow Ze Rong to destroy the farms. He summoned Cheng Yu from the neighboring Ye, and Cheng Yu handily defeated Ze Rong's untrained cavalry with a crack unit of spearmen.

With Ze Rong's defeat and the chipping away of Bei Hai's defenses, Kong Rong's units became demoralized. Lu Su captured the city along with Timur Kadesh, and sent Zhao Yun to attack Lin Ji and take Kong Rong. The brave general was met with resistance from Liu Qi and Wu Zhi again, as well as Jiang Gan and other generals of Lin Ji. Never wavering, Zhao Yun's unit plowed through all resistance.

Lu Su sent a letter to Ye, asking for generals to assist him. A dozen heeded his call, including Hangz Shao himself. While he waited, Zhang Zhao escaped from the prison in Xia Pi and rejoined his lord in Lin Ji. Wanting no more escaped, Cao Ren and Yu Jin tightened security, and captured Zhang Cheng, Ling Cao's lieutenant who had been captured twice before. Zhang Cheng was imprisoned with Zhuge Jin and Taishi Ci.

The ceasefire with Sun Jian was fast ending, and Lu Su didn't want another enemy, not with Yuan Shao eyeing the north with dreams of conquest. He ordered the generals of Ru Nan and Xu Chang to take gifts of gold and silk to Sun Jian. Wen Jiang and Hua Lim did as they were commanded, along with Xun Yu and others. Sun Jian was taken with the gifts, as well as the dispositions of the gift bearers. Lu Su sent a letter asking for an alliance and when Wen Jiang delivered it, Sun Jian happily agreed.


Having arrived in Bei Hai personally, Hangz Shao led a giant juggernaut unit towards Lin Ji, backed by Lu Su and Pan Zheng. Zhao Yun hadn't reached the port, still beset by generals. He captured Liu Qi and pressed on when his lord arrived. In a matter of days, Hangz Shao had razed Lin Ji and captured a handful of generals. However, Kong Rong refused to give up the city, and lunged at Hangz Shao with a sword raised.

With a single thrust, Hangz Shao slew Kong Rong.


As Lu Su had expected, Zhang Lu rose up to take charge of the kingdom, which had dwindled to Lu Jiang and a few ports. In retribution, Ling Cao took a unit to attack Shou Chou, and Aran Baron was about to ride out to meet him. A letter arrived from Lu Su, telling all forces to stand down. Reluctantly, the forces of Shou Chou withdrew, defending themselves for when Ling Cao arrived. More letters from Lu Su arrived in Bei Hai and Xia Pi. All prisoners were to be released.

Cao Ren released Zhuge Jin, Taishi Ci, and Zhang Cheng. Zhao Yun released Liu Qi, and Lu Su himself released Wu Zhi, Jiang Gan, and Zhang Zhao (who had escaped Xia Pi's prison only to be recaptured at Lin Ji). All seven officers returned to Lu Jiang. Hangz Shao was furious with Lu Su and demanded an explanation.

"It's simple, my lord. Kong Rong, though intelligent, was also stubborn and arrogant. He never would have surrendered to us. And while we have been lucky in the past to entice foreign generals to our service, Kong Rong was blessed with undeserved loyalty from his men. Zhuge Jin, Taishi Ci, and Zhang Zhao would have never left his service to join us. However, Kong Rong disgraced himself trying to kill you, and now he is dead.

Zhang Lu is also pigheaded, but his faults are lack of intelligence, not arrogance. By releasing so many of his officers, they will owe us a debt. Zhang Lu knows that the unwavering loyalty of his men is no longer guaranteed. Furthermore, he knows that Lu Jiang can be taken by our men in Shou Chou. By resisting any further, he would only be opening himself up for execution if he were captured. It's in our own best interest as well. Rather than waste time and resources attacking Lu Jiang, and then taking all the ports Zhang Lu owns, we can take his surrender and focus on Yuan Shao. We'll also command his capable generals, such as Taishi Ci, who could be an asset to us in the North."

Hangz Shao saw Lu Su's point, and his anger turned to compliments as he praised the strategist's foresight. Liu Bei was sent to Zhang Lu to ask for a surrender. Seeing no other option, and having seen how Liu Dai and Gongsun Zan had been treated, Zhang Lu surrendered.


2011-07-12, 06:50 AM
Are there any other actions one can take diplomatically with foreign leaders besides ceasefires?

2011-07-12, 02:21 PM
The Diplomatic Options Are
Goodwill (Throw money at people to make them like you better)
Alliance (Only possible if relations are Neutral or Higher, or you have someone with Negotiator (which we do, in Zhuge Jin))
Annul Alliance (Breaks the Alliance)
Ceasefire (Between 2 and 24 months, usually required gold on the part of the offering party)
Solicit Surrender (Self-Explanatory)
Exchange (Send gold or a prisoner or both to another force to bring back one of their prisoners)
Request Reinforcements (Ask an Ally to give you 6 months' control over a few units)

I don't bother with goodwill usually, since it feels wrong to give Dong Zhuo gifts. However, we did throw money at Sun Jian, which is why the Alliance worked. In addition, the ceasefires are cheaper than building up relations, allying, and then annuling the alliance.

For Strategy Options there are

Disrupt Relations (Makes forces not like each other. Expensive and useless now, since everyone hates Dong Zhuo, and Sun Jian is already beating Liu Zhang up)
Declare Independence (In theory, convinces a city to rebel or something, but I've never seen it work)
Spread Rumors (Lowers Order and Officer Loyalty of every officer in a certain city)

So here's what we have for options. Our ceasefire with Yuan Shao ends in 20 days. It'll be a little rough at Ye since it's very badly defended, but we can take him from Ji with a little effort. After that we can continue to skirmish Dong Zhuo, take a city or two, ceasefire for a few months, build up, and repeat.

Alternatively, we can try to rebuild our alliance with Yuan Shao, which should hold for at least two years or so before he breaks it again, and go straight for Dong Zhuo.

I recommend keeping our alliance with Sun Jian, but if you guys think we should break it and go after him instead, that is an option as well. It's worth noting that when our ceasefire with Dong Zhuo ends (about 6 months, give or take), we can request reinforcements from Sun Jian and coordinate attacks. If we get Sun Jian to attack Wan, he might take it, but it'll make taking back Tong Gate and Han Gu Gate really easy, and also allow us to push towards another city.

2011-07-12, 04:35 PM
Might be best to go after Yuan Shao, since he's the most weaksauce. Keep Sun Jian close (as an ally) and tag-team Dong Zhuo when the time comes.

2011-07-12, 04:36 PM
I say we take out Yuan Shao as a factor before pulling any tricks elsewhere. Better to do it now while we still have good officers and troops stationed in Ji and Be Hai and so on.

I am enjoying the spotlight my character is suddenly getting, raging from one side of the coast to the other. I actually thought he was going to die there for a minute when you mentioned him charging headlong into a brigade of archers.

2011-07-12, 05:20 PM
Also, from an RP perspective, we should decide what to do with Yuan Shao if we get him. He's a strong general in his own right, with a good ability, but would definitely oppose our eventual rise to Emperor. He'd also take some time to join us, so we'd have to leave him in jail for a bit.

Vespe Ratavo
2011-07-12, 05:27 PM
I say we attack Yuan Shao, because...why not? I'm not 100% sure on what to do if we capture him, but considering we already have tons of great generals...anyways, after that, keep Sun Jian as an ally and take out Dong Zhuo.

2011-07-12, 05:35 PM
If we can get Yuan Shao without him rebelling, it's better to have more people than less.

2011-07-12, 06:11 PM
Okay, so I'm running the battle right now, and we captured Yuan Shao in the middle of it. If we execute him now, Yuan Tan becomes leader (far worse leader), Tian Feng gets demoted and Shen Pei becomes strategist (Tian Feng is a better one, but Shen Pei is Yuan Tan's favorite), and everything becomes easier. However, we lose out on the ability to recruit Yuan Shao or any of his three sons, or his wife. Executive order, gooooooo.

Edit: In all the games I've played (this is my 3rd, so not many) I've never actually recruited Yuan Shao. He always runs out to battle and gets himself caught and then I kill him because Yuan Tan is a wuss. However, with where we're at now, Yuan Shao isn't much better.

2011-07-12, 06:19 PM
Can we jail him in the hopes of recruiting him later?

Does he gain any competence as a result of joining the PCs?

2011-07-12, 06:22 PM
No. When you capture a faction leader (and the faction is still alive), the only options are Execute or Release. That said, statistically he's pretty good (about 380 total stats, which is high tier General), has Fame as an ability (Recruit gets 1.5 times normal troops) and is good with siege weapons (which we need). However, I guarantee you, if we release him, he'll come back next turn with another army. He's going to lose this battle, it's just a matter if we want to save time by executing him and then steamrolling him, or if we want to release him, and then steamroll him a little slower.

2011-07-12, 06:23 PM
From an RP perspective, I'm still a supporter of the Emperor's Divine Mandate, so ... I think we should keep him alive?

Vespe Ratavo
2011-07-12, 06:28 PM
Kill the pig! Spill his blood! Kill the pig! Spill his blood!

...ahem. I mean, it is the middle of a battle. What's one more casualty, right? Zah Equi would be all for sparing him, though. Courtesy to fellow nobility, and all.

2011-07-12, 06:42 PM
So, at this point there's effectively no way to recruit him?

2011-07-12, 06:43 PM
Not until his faction is destroyed, IE both cities being taken. However, Ping Yuan is basically ours, and Nan Pi won't be too hard from there.

Hussam B.
2011-07-12, 06:49 PM
If Hua Lim is asked, he express his personal view that though lenience is preferable, he would still point out that taking out Yuan Shao at this point would no doubt aid the tactical situation immensely and put us in a better position to fight Dong Zhou.

So, I say we hang our decision on whether or not we can still take on the Yuan faction with relative ease if we spare the warlord, if we cannot, then it is better to execute Yuan Shao.

2011-07-12, 06:49 PM
Let him go, then. Everyone who has posted is RP in favor of sparing him, as well.

2011-07-12, 08:42 PM
Yuan Shao's Last Stand, 201 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJdKSHR5cso)After the death of Kong Rong and the subjegation of Zhang Lu, active military control was given to Guo Jia, Northern Commander, in order to bring down Yuan Shao. Unlike Lu Su's Southern Campaign, Guo Jia did not have the advantage of easy transport routes. With all of Gongsun Zan's former troops, the number of men for Hangz Shao probably equaled Yuan Shao's army, but they were far more spread out. Yuan Shao had all his men concentrated in Ping Yuan and Nan Pi, and had able generals like Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Qu Yi.

As Guo Jia made his preparations, Hangz Shao returned to Luo Yang from Lin Ji. An official was waiting for him.


Your Majesty...I am speechless, and humbled by your faith in me.
"I need protection, Hangz Shao. Dong Zhuo wants me in his power, and I cannot trust Liu Zhang to put up any fight. I've appointed Sun Jian Field Marshal in hopes that you two can drive Dong Zhuo back."

Invigorated by his new title, Hangz Shao order Guo Jia to begin the attack. The Northern Commander began to move all the pieces into place. Cheng Yu was to transport from Pu Yang to Ye. Wen Chou, Yan Liang, and Qu Yi were all marching on Ye, but they were taking the wastelands, which would slow them down enough for Cheng Yu to reach Ye before they did. To halt them, however, Zhao Yun took a spear unit to hold the pass. Ping Yuan was Yuan Shao's base of operations, which allowed Guo Jia to send a strike towards Nan Pi, knowing that Yuan Shao wouldn't expect it. He ordered Zhu Ling and Xiahou Yuan to take cavalry units from Ji and Shan Jing to take juggernauts. Meanwhile, Gongsun Zan would take as many cavalry units as he could and reinforce frm Bei Ping.

Yuan Shao attempted to counter the attack with Gongsun Kang, Gao Lan, and himself.


As Cheng Yu's transport unit arrived, the generals of Ye took off to assist Zhao Yun. Zah Equi led a cavalry unit along with Timur Kadesh and Xiahou Dun while Zhu Huan and Cao Chun took spears. With all the enemy forces in the wasteland pass, the pass between the rivers was unblocked, allowing Zhan Gao to take juggernauts towards Ping Yuan unheeded. Qu Yi, Wen Chou, and Yan Liang were all ravaged by Zhao Yun and Zah Equi's units, and Zhu Huan executed an ambush planned by Guo Jia that forced Yan Liang to retreat temporarily.

By Nan Pi, Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang, the first and third son of Yuan Shao, respectively, rushed out to assist their father. However, just as they arrived, they saw Gongsun Zan defeat Gao Lan. Gao Lan defected, fearing Yuan Shao's wrath for his defeat.


Yuan Shao had been smart enough to bring strategists with him. Tian Feng accompanied him, and was able to confuse Shan Jing, forcing a temporary retreat. He also laid a devestating fire attack that hurt Gongsun Zan and nearly destroyed Zhu Ling's unit.


While Yuan Shao was fighting outside Nan Pi, his best generals were being turned back by Ping Yuan. Zhu Huan's unit defeated Qu Yi and Zhao Yun's unit routed both Wen Chou and Yan Liang's. Not to be defeated, Wen Chou immediately rode out to battle again, but this time he concentrated on attacking Zhan Gao. Zhan Gao was uninterested in Wen Chou, and concentrated his fire on Ping Yuan. Not long after, Yan Liang came back to help his friend, leaving Zhan Gao in danger as his allies tried to reach him.

In Nan Pi, Zhu Ling's unit was weak and demoralized after the fire attack. With a single attack by Yuan Shao, the unit was defeated and Zhu Ling was captured. However, Yuan Shao released him without a second thought. Yuan Shao's own unit was struggling against the combined power of Gongsun Zan and Xiahou Yuan, and was eventually defeated and captured by Xiahou Yuan. However, out of respect for his enemy and the generosity he had shown in releasing Zhu Ling, Xiahou Yuan released him.


Zhan Gao had suffered enough at the hands of Yan Liang and Wen Chou, and decided to take the fight to them. He challenged either of them to a duel, and Yan Liang heeded his challenge. It was a close duel, lasting thirty bouts, but Zhan Gao got lucky with a well-aimed strike and injured Yan Liang. The wounded general attempted to retreat, but Zhan Gao, riding the magnificent Shadow Runner, was able to catch up and defeat his opponent. Though Yan Liang was not captured, his men's morale plummeted.

Following his ally's lead, Zhao Yun challenged Wen Chou to a duel. His challenge was accepted, and he handily whipped Wen Chou. At one point, Wen Chou drew back and Feng Ji, his strategist, took the field. In three hits, Zhao Yun sent Feng Ji running. With a flurry of blows, Zhao Yun wounded Wen Chou and put him within a single blow of death. Wen Chou retreated, forfeiting the duel.

Xiahou Yuan continued his practice of catching and releasing generals with Gongsun Kang. However, while all of Hangz Shao's men had been occupied, Lu Qian of Yuan Shao's army had taken 5000 men on ships to take the port of Bai Ma, outside Ye. After a struggle, the port was claimed by Lu Qian. Rather than turn around, Hangz Shao's forces pushed on, taking Ping Yuan and imprisoning all the officers, including Wen Chou, Yan Liang, and Qu Yi.


Before Zhan Gao even had a chance to remove Yuan Shao's flags, another official came to Hangz Shao.


After only 4 months from his last promotion, Hangz Shao now stood as Regent, making him literally the second most powerful man in the land, after only the Son of Heaven himself.

Back at Nan Pi, Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang had been defeated by the tenacious attacks of Gongsun Zan and Xiahou Yuan. Despite their fervor, Gongsun Zan was eventually overwhelmed by Yuan Shao and forced to retreat, leaving only Yuan Shao, Xiahou Yuan, and Shan Jing on the field of battle.


Still, Shan Jing had done well burning down the city gates. Yuan Shao, infuriated, began attacking Shan Jing's juggernauts. Shan Jing, a former warrior under Gongsun Zan, was no great fighter, but he wasn't terrible either. He expected that he'd easily be able to defeat some prissy nobleman and challenged Yuan Shao to a duel. Yuan Shao was about to decline, believing himself above dueling a common ruffian, but Tian Feng pursuaded him that the soldiers needed to see their leader strong.

Yuan Shao accepted the duel challenge and rode to face Shan Jing. The two were well matched, but Shan Jing had been cocky and overconfident. His arrogance allowed Yuan Shao to strike decisive blows and win the duel fairly easily. He escaped but his unit was badly weakened and unable to attack the city. Without the juggernauts, Nan Pi couldn't fall, Guo Jia observed. He sent Zah Equi's cavalry unit with Xiahou Dun and Timur Kadesh to ride to Nan Pi and help Xiahou Yuan.

Xiahou Yuan defeated Yuan Shao again and began attacking the gates. When Zah Equi arrived, the two units jointly brought the city down.


Every officer was offered the chance to join Hangz Shao's army. A few, such as Gongsun Kang, accepted, but most declined. The rest were all imprisoned until Guo Jia could arrive and decide what to do with them. When the Northern Commander arrived, he heard that Yuan Shao had been loudly asking to meet the strategist who had dealt him such a gruesome defeat. Guo Jia met with Yuan Shao in his cell and the two spoke at length.

After a discussion about the future of China, and the threat of Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shao agreed to join the Regent in bringing down the tyrant Dong Zhuo, and all of his men joined Hangz Shao's army.


Unfortunately, a plague washed all of Northern China after the victory, incapacitating many in both Hangz Shao and Dong Zhuo's army. Many soldiers died from the plague and in Hangz Shao's army, the generals Hou Cheng, Gongsun Fan, Gongsun Yue, and Qu Yi (newly acquired from Yuan Shao) all perished.

Still, the war against Yuan Shao had ended, and the newly crowned Regent of the Han had absorbed many great generals, such as Yan Liang and Wen Chou, and many able officials, such as Shen Pei, Tian Feng, Feng Ji, and Xu You. Having absorbed the lands and officers of both Kong Rong and Yuan Shao in less than two years, Hangz Shao was now free to look twards Dong Zhuo.

2011-07-12, 10:03 PM
"This despicable plague has killed too many of my troops... But no matter. Yuan Shao has fallen and joined our army, and it is time to strike down the tyrant Dong Zhuo!"

2011-07-12, 10:43 PM
Sima Yi entered. "My lord, it's good to see you so energized. I had worried that the plague would spread here to Luo Yang, but it seems it has not. I congratulate you on your Regency. The Emperor is 20, fit to rule by law, but his Empire has fallen from grace. Your new position is ordained by Heaven. The Emperor has no children, not even a wife or concubine. The last Emperor, Emperor Shao died at 14, with no children. His father, Emperor Ling was not a direct heir to Emperor Huan, but rather was a Marquess who became promoted. It's obvious that the line of succession has ended, and that the Han has lost favor with the Heavens.

I would ask you to reconsider my proposal from a few years ago, when I suggested you consider becoming Emperor yourself. Now is not the moment, but soon the Empire will be in your grasp. Lu Bu has informed me that his daughter, the Lady Lu is now with child, and asked that I deliver the news upon your arrival. Surely, such a sign can be only good news for yourself. However, if you would like, I could work with Yuan Shao to draw up a list of noblemen in our army, as well as those whose valor deserves noble recognition, and we could keep our own noble court here, possessing only the virtuous. Such a draft would institute such a succession that for generations to come, there would be no issue if a descendent would die without an heir. I can also assure you that any men or families you prize above others could be given special recognition."

2011-07-12, 11:17 PM
"An interesting proposal. I would like to see such a list." He paused, looking thoughtful for a moment. "As for becoming Emperor... it will happen, but not for the time being. I'm sure you understand."

2011-07-13, 01:21 AM
"Of course." Sima Yi bowed and left to find Yuan Shao and assemble the list. Some time later, he returned.

Nobility Under Hangz ShaoAran Baron-Elevated To Nobleman For Valor
Cao Cao-Elevated To Nobleman For Valor
Cao Chun-Minor Nobleman due to relation (Cao Cao cousin)
Cao Ren-Minor Nobleman due to relation (Cao Cao cousin)
Cao Hong-Minor Nobleman due to relation (Cao Cao cousin)
Cao Xiu-Minor Nobleman due to relation (Cao Cao cousin)
Cao Pi-Son of Cao Cao
Dong Cheng-Han Nobleman
Dong Zhao-Han Nobleman
Gongsun Kang-Han Nobleman
Gongsun Gong-Minor Nobleman due to relation (Younger brother and heir to Gongsun Kang)
Gongsun Zan-Elevated To Nobleman For Valor
Gongsun Xu-Son of Gongsun Zan
Guan Yu-Elevated To Nobleman For Valor
Guan Ping-Son of Guan Yu
Guo Jia-Elevated To Nobleman For Intellect
Guo Yi-Son of Guo Jia
Han Xian-Honorary Han Nobleman
Hua Lim-Elevated To Nobleman For Intellect
Liu Bei-Han Nobleman (Reinstated)
Liu Dai-Han Nobleman (Reinstated)
Liu Yu-Han Nobleman
Liu He-Son of Liu Yu
Liu Qi-Han Nobleman (Reinstated)
Lu Bu-Elevated To Nobleman For Valor
Lady Lu Lingqi-Daughter of Lu, Wife of Lord Hangz Shao
Lu Su-Elevated To Nobleman For Intellect
Sima Yi-Elevated To Nobleman For Intellect
Sima Fu-Elevated To Nobleman For Intellect
Sima Lang-Elevated To Nobleman For Intellect
Timur Kadesh-Elevated To Nobleman For Valor
Wei Feng-Han Nobleman
Wen Jiang-Elevated To Nobleman For Intellect
Xiahou Dun-Elevated To Nobleman For Valor
Xiahou Yuan-Elevated To Nobleman For Valor
Xiahou Shang-Minor Nobleman due to relation (Nephew of Xiahou Yuan)
Xiahou De-Minor Nobleman due to relation (Nephew of Xiahou Yuan)
Yang Feng-Honorary Han Nobleman
Yuan Shao-Han Nobleman
Yuan Tan-Son to Yuan Shao
Yuan Xi-Son to Yuan Shao
Yuan Shang-Son to Yuan Shao
Yuan Yao-Minor Nobleman due to relation (Nephew to Yuan Shao)
Yuan Yin-Minor Nobleman due to relation (Cousin to Yuan Shao)
Gao Gan-Minor Nobleman due to relation (Nephew to Yuan Shao)
Gao Rou-Minor Nobleman due to relation (Nephew to Yuan Shao)
Yuan Huan-Han Nobleman
Zah Equi-Han Nobleman
Zhan Gao-Han Nobleman
Zhang Fei-Elevated To Nobleman For Valor
Zhang He-Elevated To Nobleman For Valor
Zhao Yun-Elevated To Nobleman For Valor
Xun Yu-Elevated To Nobleman For Intellect
Xun You-Elevated To Nobleman For Intellect

Spouses and Children of any Noblemen automatically have Nobility bestowed upon them. However, spouses and children of Minor Noblemen do not automatically have nobility, minor or otherwise, unless it is bestowed upon them by their lord. Should a Minor Nobleman succeed a Nobleman as heir, that Minor Nobleman will claim full Nobility.

Possible Inclusions For Valor, In The Opinion Of Sima Yi
Taishi Ci
Gan Ning

Possible Inclusions For Valor, In The Opinion Of Yuan Shao
Yan Liang
Wen Chou

Possible Inclusions For Intellect, In the Opinion Of Yuan Shao
Tian Feng
"If you would read over the list, my lord, and make any chances or additions you would like, then I can author an edict that the Emperor could announce, thus granting full nobility to those you decide upon. Furthermore, we could strip the nobility of those in rebellion, such as Yuan Shu, who has aligned himself with Dong Zhuo, and pass it along to his son, Yuan Yao, who has chosen the proper ruler to support."

2011-07-13, 03:33 PM
As Hangz Shao readied himself for war, the Plague continued. Shan Jing, Pan Feng, and Li Feng all died. However, among Dong Zhuo's forces, Li Ru (his second strategist) and Hua Xiong (his greatest warrior) died as well. With their deaths, Jia Xu had to leave Cheng Du to command the coming battles from Wan, and in the confusion, Gongsun Zan was able to take Han Gu Gate and the port of Xin Feng, while Zah Equi took Tong Gate. Overseeing the preparations, The Doctor and Sima Yi hatched a plan that was certain to defeat Dong Zhuo's army...

2011-07-14, 03:43 AM
Overwhelming Victory, 202-203 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_zEcQZ_c_o)Under the Strategist and Grand Commander, Chang'An and Luo Yang began preparing for battle. All of the great generals were called to one location or another to ready themselves for war. However, just when it seemed as if the war would explode, the Plague struck again. For Hangz Shao, the generals Feng Yue and Ma Shun were lost, as well as Xu Rong, who had been the Viceroy of the South. Though the Plague had subsided in Dong Zhuo's territory, that did not keep an important part of the army alive.


Frustrated by his lack of recognition, as well as what he was as the weakening of the army, Yan Xing, a general of Dong Zhuo's, killed the tyrant's guards and slew the Wolf of An Ding before fleeing to Liu Zhang. Although some advised to call off the fighting, Grand Commander Sima Yi understood that the time to strike was now. Dong Min was less competent than his older brother, but no less villainous. He needed to be stopped. After Dong Zhuo had died, a handful of officers had left his service, and others flocked to Liu Zhang and Sun Jian. Others found their own calling.


With Dong Zhuo's mighty empire crumbling after his death, The Doctor executed the plan he had concocted with Sima Yi, with a few tweaks.

Dong Min is already suspicious of his officers. With so many quitting, and Meng Da's rebellion, he won't have any trust in his men. We can exploit that lack of trust to our benefit. First, spread the rumor that I've taken sick, that I have the Plague. Make sure Jia Xu hears it.
Doctor, you can't believe that he'll fall for something like that.
"No, my lord. Jia Xu is too intelligent. He'll see this as a ploy. However, he has his faults as well. He will think this is our strategy, trying to appear weak. where we are strong, in Luo Yang. Knowing this, he'll plot to take Chang'An. He'll also never expect a second strategy."
What Sima Yi said. He'd also never expect to see his own strategies used against him. Our plan is as follows. We'll send a secret letter to Jia Xu, saying that Wei Yan will surrender to him, alongside 9000 pikemen. With his own forces, and Wei Yan's 9000, Jia Xu will expect to take Chang An easily. He'll have to prove himself to Dong Min, so I expect he'll also bring along some experienced generals.


We'll send Wei Yan out to meet him. When he draws near the gate, we'll ambush him with our own troops that we'll station behind the gate. In the dark of the night, Jia Xu won't be able to see them from so far away.


As the Doctor and Sima Yi had predicted, Jia Xu came to meet Wei Yan's surrender with the aid of Zhang Ji and Li Jue, two experienced generals that had fought under Dong Zhuo since he'd began his reign. Wei Yan led the strategist to the gate, where Guan Yu, Zhang He, and Lu Bu all rode out with their massive units. Instantly, Dong Min's army was surrounded. Rather than deal with the casualties that would result from a large battle, Zhang He took to his horse and rode into Li Jue's forces alone. Brandishing a pair of stylish war claws, he chased down Li Jue personally and claimed his head. His army scattered.


Zhang Ji found his unit confused and weakened by the ambush, and attempted to flee. However, Lu Bu saw the cowardly general and rode after him on Red Hare. With his trusty halberd, he killed Zhang Ji in a single blow, disintegrating HIS army as well.


Jia Xu's army was the only one that remained. However, he was hopelessly outnumbered and outmatched. Expecting death, he fought on, but was eventually captured by Wei Yan. Rather than kill or imprison the enemy strategist, Wei Yan released Jia Xu, as he had been commanded.

Dong Min is already upset over the defecting officers and Meng Da's rebellion. He won't be happy about two capable, loyal officers being killed, or the losses of 20,000 troops. If we can capture Jia Xu and release him without harming him, it'll make him look like a possible spy or defector. Dong Min will plot against him.
"As well, we'll send men to spread rumors in Wan that Dong Min is coming to behead Wang Yun, for fear that he helped conspire to kill Dong Zhuo. Wang Yun was never truly loyal to Dong Zhuo, and if he hears that, he'll rebel like Meng Da. After we assimilated Zhang Lu, the only officer to decline to join us was Yan Pu. Yan Pu is currently the second strategist of Dong Min, but he was coerced into joining by Jia Xu. Though Wang Yun is prefect, Yan Pu advises him in all matters. If Wang Yun rebels, the evidence against Jia Xu will be overwhelming. Not only will the last city he worked at be in rebellion, but partially by an officer who joined Dong Zhuo on his recommendation."


Again, the predictions of the two strategists came true. Wang Yun declared himself a free man, and most of his officers supported him. Lu Bu quickly captured Wan Gate, making sure to keep Wang Yun in check. Despite this, Wang Yun immediately sent Zhang Gu to attack Xu Chang. His attack was poorly planned, as Zhang Gu held little loyalty to Dong Min and even less to Wang Yun. After an offer from Hangz Shao, Zhang Gu immediately defected and turned around to attack Wan. At the signal, Guan Yu, Zhang He, Lu Bu, and Wei Yan rushed to attack Wan as well.

Furthermore, The Doctor and Sima Yi's plan worked perfectly. Upon arriving back in Shang Yong, Jia Xu caught wind of a plan to murder him, orchestrated by Dong Min himself. Aided by a sympathetic underling, Jia Xu escaped, leaving the service of Dong Min's army. With Jia Xu departed, Li Ru killed by the plague, and Yan Pu with Wang Yun, Dong Min was forced to appoint Hua Xin as strategist.


Despite the army's internal failings, Dong Min was still the ruler of glorious generals like Zhang Liao (who had replaced Hua Xiong as the head of the military) Xu Huang, and Ma Teng (Though his son Ma Chao had departed for Liu Zhang long ago, and his daughter Ma Yunlu and his nephew Ma Dai had both joined Hangz Shao). Liu Zhang had taken back Cheng Du and Sun Jian was personally advancing on Xin Ye. Dong Min delegated minor generals to guarding against Liu Zhang, but sent Zhang Liao himself to check Sun Jian's advances.

Without support, Xin Ye fell into Sun Jian's hands. However, before the city could be occupied, Zhang Liao arrived. He savagely attacked Sun Jian, and the two dueled. Although Sun Jian was a great fighter, even better than Hua Xiong had been, he had been weakened by an incident with the Plague, and was not as young as he had once been (he was nearing his 50th birthday, while Zhang Liao was a young 32). The great Tiger was slain.


Zhang Liao was driven off by Cheng Pu, one of Sun Jian's leading generals, but the damage had been done. Sun Jian's eldest son, Sun Ce, assumed the mantle of leadership.


Though they had not been allies for long, Hangz Shao had respected Sun Jian, as had many among his kingdom. When debating who to send as an an envoy with condolences, Sun Jian's second son, Sun Quan, was announced as a guest in Luo Yang. Surprised that one so recently in mourning would appear, Hangz Shao took the meeting himself.

"Lord Hangz Shao, in the wake of my father's death, my brother has sent me here to affirm our commitment to this alliance as long as Dong Min and his kind continue the work Dong Zhuo began. To this end, we request that you allow our strategist, Zhou Yu, to take temporary control of a unit of yours, so that we may strike against him. Your unit will serve as a distraction, so that our own attacks may be more effective."

Unable to deny the young man who had lost his father, Hangz Shao agreed. Gongsun Zan was sent from Chang'An, with Yue Jin and Cao Hong as lieutenants, to attack An'Ding, with Sun Ce's army would attack Shang Yong.

Meanwhile, Wang Yun himself had ridden out from Wan to defend it. Wan kept many soldiers, but had precious few generals. Zhang Gu kept Yan Pu and Qiao Rui occupied, meaning Wang Yun was the only man left to lead an army against the invading Hangz Shao generals. He was routed and captured by Guan Yu.

Initially, Guan Yu planned on releasing Wang Yun, in admiring his dedication to opposing Dong Min. However, an old scholar from Wan walked out with his cane, bludgeoned and beaten nearly to death. He explained to Guan Yu that Wang Yun was a tyrant nearly as bad as Dong Zhuo, who had tried to kill him for dissent. Outraged at hearing how the old scholar had been so brutally whipped, Guan Yu killed Wang Yun.


Ling Cao, the former leader of Zhang Lu's military, presented his son to Hangz Shao. Taken with the young boy's eagerness for battle, Hangz Shao sent Ling Cao's son to Wan, to act as a lieutenant for Lu Bu.


Yan Pu's unit was defeated by Zhang Gu, and the tenacious warrior also managed to drive back Qiao Rui, though only 400 of his 5000 soldiers remained. Both the strategist and the sovereign rode out again, with Zhang Gu being driven back by Qiao Rui. Yan Pu concocted strategies that managed to confound both Lu Bu and Zhang He, and leading to a stop in the assault on Wan. Wei Yan and Guan Yu attacked Qiao Rui, but the new sovereign escaped their grasp after his unit was destroyed.

Finally, Yan Pu was beaten, but his ability to extend a siege that should have taken less than a month into one that took nearly five was impressive. The city finally fell, and Qiao Rui was killed, but Yan Pu was spared and graciously joined Hangz Shao.


Since his departure from Dong Min's service, Jia Xu had been looking for a new lord. Meng Da was brave, but had few soldiers, and only four generals, including himself, to work with. Liu Zhang was highly incompetent. Sun Ce was mighty, but his father's death had left the kingdom uncertain, and it would be some time before they were completely back on their feet. Which left Hangz Shao, who had easily beaten Wang Yun, and harbored the only two men in all of China who had ever bested him. The Doctor, and Sima Yi. Jia Xu had no doubt that his current predicament was largely due to their efforts.

As such, he found himself in Ru Nan, seeking an audience with the Prefect. Wen Jiang met him, but was initially refused, saying that he'd need to speak with The Doctor. Before he'd even sent Jia Xu away, a letter came from the Strategist, telling Wen Jiang to expect Jia Xu to come by soon, and to allow him to join. Without a good reason to turn him away, Wen Jiang welcomed Jia Xu.


2011-07-14, 05:23 PM
"Jia Xu... Quite the intellectual. I'm sure he will prove to be an asset. Well, men, I'm sure it goes without saying that Dong Min must be crushed!"

2011-07-14, 08:18 PM
"Indeed, to both counts, my lord. And for the nobility? Are there others you would see recognized, or some you would not that have been placed upon our list? And furthermore, shall we strip the nobility from those in rebellion among Dong Min's faction? If so, what of Liu Zhang's men, or Sun Ce's, or Meng Da's?"

2011-07-14, 10:11 PM
(I have no idea what I'm doing with the nobility... It's very confusing.

As far as the suggestions that were given, I have no idea what Yan Liang has done that's so great, but the others I think are worthy, unless I'm remembering something incorrectly. Are all the player-created characters included?

I guess I'll need more information later...)

2011-07-14, 10:35 PM
(Yes, all the player characters are being elevated to Nobility, or were already Noble as part of their background, with the exception of The Doctor and Mary. Yan Liang was one of the two great leaders of Yuan Shao's army, along with Wen Chou. Basically I went through every character in our army, found those that were already noble (Dong Cheng, Yuan Shao, etc) applied their nobility to their relatives (Major for children, minor for other things), and then picked the characters that have consistently been useful. In addition, characters that haven't done much yet, due to being new in the army, were included by Sima Yi or Yuan Shao separately, but those characters are capable in their own right.

From the standpoint of the game, it means nothing, except that if you died randomly in a duel or something, I'd make sure a nobleman succeeded you (probably Lu Bu at this point, given his family relation to you). That said, I already have some story-line plans for the eventual shift into Emperor, and the post-game rundown of the dynasty, and who is nobility is going to factor into A) how much coverage they get in the epilogue and B) how the dynasty will be. Similarly, stripping nobility of others (Yuan Shu being the one that pops into my head, but others in Dong Min's army, and other armies if you choose) has no in-game representation, but does factor into the epilogue.)

2011-07-14, 10:50 PM
(At present, I'm just vaguely hinting. Nobility extended to everyone listed in suggestions, Yuan Shu stripped and given to Yuan Yao, anybody we might have gotten from Wang Yun is very stripped, most if not all of Dong Zhuo/Dong Min's supporters are stripped (and passed if we have their relatives), Jia Xu has a chance of joining the nobility if he isn't already (since we didn't have him at the time of the listing) and that's about it right now.

Also... Strange question. How are people who defect/lose their army/in other words don't die but don't have a faction shown on the map? Examples being Liu Bei before we got him and Jia Xu when he left Dong Min)

2011-07-16, 12:18 PM
Spoilered For Length(Wang Yun only three generals, plus himself. We killed him, Qiao Rui, and Han De (who I just executed because his stats sucks and we didn't have any money in Wan to keep him prisoner) and Yan Pu joined us as soon as we asked and isn't nobility anyway.

Well those are a few different questions. Defecting, you immediately leave your army and appear in the city of the person who recruited you in however many turns it takes to go there alone. So when Yan Xing defected from Cheng Du to Liu Zhang's other city that's name escapes me, he was was counted as an officer of Liu Zhang's city, but an unselectable one. One turn later, he was a selectable officer of Liu Zhang's city.

If your army is destroyed but your faction survives, the character becomes unselectable until he or she returns to the city he came from. An example of this is when Gongsun Zan is defeated (and he will be, eventually, though only after doing very impressive damage to An'Ding). He will be listed as an unselectable officer of Chang'An (as he has been since he left), but will become selectable again in a turn or two.

If the faction is destroyed, there are a few things that happen. I realize I didn't really cover this, but I was focusing more on the story and the intent behind the game controls, rather than the game controls themselves. When Jia Xu left Dong Min's service, he was completely gone from the game for a while. He wasn't present as an officer in any army, selectable in any force, but when you went to look at the tab labled "All Officers", he was there. However, his location was not in our kingdom, and changed every turn.

When you want an officer to join your forces, there are 3 ways to do it. Firstly is "Search", which is a command that combs the city you're searching from, for an officer that was historically in that city at that time, and is unaffilitated. For example, Guo Jia was in Xu Chang when we began to the game. Searching yielded the response that was something along the lines of "The Doctor Has Found Guo Jia". In some cases, the officer will join. In other cases, the officer we send will give a message along the lines of "I'm sorry, I failed to employ Guo Jia". Other times, there's a debate. If we win, we get him. If we lose, he becomes a free officer who can be Employed using the Employ Officer command. Searching can also yield gold or (very rarely) Items.

Employ Officer is the second command. Employing, in the best way to view the command tab, shows you all officers, by loyalty, that are officially recruitable (so excluding sovereigns, officers in Limbo (see below), prisoners that are not in your possession, and unSearched officers) but not in your army. This includes Free Officers, Prisoners, and Officers of another army. If you fail to employ an officer via Search, they will appear in this tab, but if they haven't been "uncovered" with Search, they won't be. The important things in this tab are Loyalty and Days. Loyalty is how loyal the officer is to his lord (Free Officers don't have this stat) and Days is how many days it takes to reach them. In the case of Lu Bu, he was a Prefect of Hu Lao Gate, so when we got him, we got all the officers in Hu Lao, and all the troops. If the Officer is in a city and joins, we just get him. If he's in a unit somewhere on the world map, we get him and his troops.

The free officers crop up seemingly at random. I'm not sure, but I THINK it works like this. If an officer hasn't been Searched for after enough time, he eventually becomes a free officer. Free Officers wander around the country, moving to a different city every turn, and sometimes disappear (an example is Liu Biao, who keeps cropping up and disappearing again). Certain values that I'm not sure about can make it hard to employ free officers, even though they have no loyalty. Liu Biao, for example, has been impossible to recruit despite repeated attempts.

What happened with Liu Bei was that when he was defeated by Yuan Shao, all four of his officers (himself, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Jian Yong) dispersed into Limbo (where they officially exist, but aren't anywhere for a few turns, and then begin roaming) and none were able to be found in the Employ Officers tab. I check that tab every turn to make sure we get the best free officers, can get our Prisoners on our side, and to see if there's anyone worth poaching from people that aren't our allies (as defections lower your relations, and the best officers in armies with good leaders, like Sun Jian or Sun Ce, rarely drop low enough to get anyway). I saw Liu Bei and recruited him. A while later, Guan Yu appeared, and then Zhang Fei, and I recruited him as well.

Lastly, there is the random finding of new officers. Every now and then, before the turn starts, the scene will shift to a city, with an officer in that city stating "I Have Heard That The Great Hero [X] is in the Area" and then you have the option of electing to seek out or not. Seeking out means the officer who came to you (always a warrior) will find the officer, and they'll have a duel. Winning means he becomes employed. Losing means he becomes a Free Officer who will not join our army for a few months. Less commonly (in my experience) the officer that comes to you will be a scholar and say "I Have An Acquaintence Named [X] In The Area" and if you seek him out, they have a debate.)

Oh, actually one more way. Rarely (and I mean VERY rarely) an officer will ask to serve us. For this to happen, the officer has to be Free and, as far as I can tell, must have been Free for a while without joining anyone. After a while, he just plops down in whatever city he's in and requests to join.

If you want to see the technical side of it, I can get some screenshots in a random game.(I will also go through Dong Min's army and look for noblemen in it. Meng Da doesn't have any, now that I think about it, and we're leaving Liu Zhang and Sun Ce alone, sounds good.)
How Stuff Gets DoneAlright, this is a demonstration for how we acquire officers. To start off, I'm playing in the Nanman Rebellion Setting, set in 225. The warlords are Sun Quan, Liu Chan (the son of Liu Bei), Cao Pi, Gongsun Gong, and Meng Huo. To start off, I'll be controllign Sun Quan and Liu Chan, but I'll also pick up Cao Pi in a bit.

So to start off as Liu Chan, I'm going to try and Search.


Unfortunately, Zhuge Liang (who is our strategist as Liu Chan), doesn't think it's possible. This shows one of the big benefits of having a strategist, especially a smart one. Strategists can tell you if an action is likely to succeed, and who should execute it. We'll see this again later, but because Zhuge Liang doesn't think we should Search, I decide not to.


So now I try to Employ, which is also under the Personnel tab. As you can see, I have it configured to show all officers by loyalty. However, all the officers have at least 96 loyalty, which means that there is virtually zero chance of Employing working. Zhuge Liang confirms this when I try and employ a few different officers.


I Banished Zhuge Liang because he was giving us too much sass. (which turned out to be a mistake, but I'll explain that later). Banishing has a handful of purposes. You can use it to release prisoners or officers in your force. There's really no reason to Banish your own officers, unless you don't have any gold and can't afford to pay your officers, but that's a very rare occasion. Still, after an officer is banished, they appear in All Officers, but cannot be Employed by anyone.

So I end our turn as Liu Chan, and our faction shifts over to Sun Quan. The first thing I do is check All Officers.


I arrange the All Officers list to show us all the officers by intelligence. Sure enough, Zhuge Liang is there. I check to see where he is, and his location is listed as Cheng Du. I decide to try and employ him.


However, Zhuge Liang cannot be recruited. The reason for this is that he hasn't been in our territory since becoming a Free Officer. Since Liu Chan banished him, Zhuge Liang also can't be recruited by him for a while, so he doesn't show up under the Employ Tab for anyone at this time.


So, I look around, trying to Search in Sun Quan's cities. Our strategist, Lu Xun, informs me that we can try searching. I accept, and Zhang Wen finds Yu Quan. I decide I like the guy we found and tell Zhang Wen to employ him. Yu Quan joins us without a struggle.


However, the next guy I find through Searching resists joining. The option comes up for a debate. Debates are more difficult than Duels, so I've lost them before, but this Debate was pretty easily. However, I threw it on purpose so we can see what happens to Wang Xiang as a free officer.


So, Wang Xiang slips through our fingers. I check under Employ Officers to see if I can find him.


Wang Xiang thinks Sun Quan's army is full of fools and jerks, basically, so not even the most charismatic of the officers can convince him to join us right now. Checking All Officers, Wang Xiang is there, but the only person able to recruit him is Sun Quan, since he hasn't moved to any other territory yet.


I'd been keeping track of Zhuge Liang, and he finally arrived in another kingdom, parking himself in Pu Yang. I take control of Cao Pi's army as well and on his turn, I check the Employ Officer tab.


However, Sima Yi, the strategist of Cao Pi, tells me that it's impossible. This is where I realize my mistake. Zhuge Liang is notorious for being really hard to recruit. Furthermore, he doesn't move around like other Free Officers. So, as Cao Pi, I decide to banish Cao Zhi and start watching him instead. He starts out in Luo Yang, is viewable in All Officers, but in no one's Employ Officers.

Back as Liu Chan, I try to steal an officer from Meng Huo. Huang Ying, Liu Chan's new strategist, tells me that there are three officers in Liu Chan's army who can get Gao Ding to join.


That was a lie. I tried with all three officers multiple times. This is where a Strategist's INT comes in that's really important. Huang Ying has 90 INT, which is good, but it's not as good as Zhuge Liang's 100, or even the 97 of The Doctor in our game. The lower the INT of a strategist, the more likely that the Strategist will make bad calls. Here's another example, from our game. We don't use the Strategy tab much, but we've spread Rumors before, always succeeding. However, we caught Zhang Cheng when he was working for Kong Rong, who at the time had a strategist with 89 INT. Had The Doctor ordered that action, the chance of Zhang Cheng getting caught would have been far lower.

After a few months of wandering around Sun Quan's territory, Wang Xiang can finally be employed. Lu Xun suggests we sent Sun Quan himself. Through the Employ Officer tab, we get him.


As Cao Pi, I check All Officers. There are 3 Free Officers in the game right now. Zhuge Liang, banished by Liu Chan, Cao Zhi, banished by us as Cao Pi, and Hu Zun. I check the Employ Officers tab.


Hu Zun just appeared in An Ding. It's possible he was Searchable for a while and we just didn't try in An Ding (and I didn't), or he may have just appeared. Every turn, he was wandering around in a different city. I watch him from the perspective of every army, and after a few turns, he was recruitable by both Liu Chan and Cao Pi, as he'd wandered into Liu Chan's territory.

And lastly, Cao Zhi walks into Sun Quan's territory. I send someone to employ him. He was moving around within the kingdom, changing cities each turn. Still, we employ him.


This was actually interesting to me, because I'd never studied some of these things from multiple perspectives before, so I'm fairly qualified to answer questions now. That's basically how employment and searching works.
Lady Lu Lingqi enters the throne room with a baby swaddled in a cloth. She kneels and raises the child up to Hangz Shao. "Your son, my lord. I brought him here so you can see him and name him."

2011-07-16, 12:35 PM
"My son..." The warlord looks at the child, picking it up cautiously. He is obviously unaccustomed to such matters. He looks at the child's shining eyes, and it babbles a little in his arms. "His name... is Hangz Ren."

2011-07-16, 12:57 PM
(How appropriate.) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ren_(Confucianism))

2011-07-17, 06:20 PM
Ascension, 203-204After defeating Wang Yun and pushing back Dong Min, Hangz Shao looked north to An Ding, where Gongsun Zan had been sent as a distraction. He had succeeded at holding Dong Min's focus while Sun Ce attack from the south in coordination with Liu Zhang. Gongsun Zan had been very successful at attacking the city, but it became obvious that he was struggling.


At first, Zhang Miao was delegated to entice Chen Zhen to defect. His mission was successful, but there was still no way for the vastly outnumbered army to beat Dong Min.


Both Gongsun Zan and Chen Zhen were defeated, with the latter being taken prisoner by Cao Ang. Cao Cao and Gan Ning left from Chang An to attack, and Guan Ping followed shortly after.


Old age finally claimed Liu Dai, and focus was shifted to his District, which needed to be carefully managed until a new Viceroy could be appointed. Without any support, Cao Cao, Gan Ning, and Guan Ping ended up being driven back, though not before saving Chen Zhen and defeating many of Dong Min's generals including Yuan Shu and Hu Che'er.


Lu Bu was summoned from Wan to lead a new offensive, along with Deng Zhi. Though Lu Bu was able to fight both Cao Ang and Gao Shun without trouble, Deng Zhi's juggernauts never reached An Ding, instead being routed by Dong Min's forces. Back in Chang'An, Cao Cao devised a new plan. It was obvious that Dong Min was very fortified in An Ding, and had reinforcements coming from Han Zhong. Lu Bu needed to rout the units and clear a path for juggernauts. Gongsun Zan was dispatched, along with Yue Jin, with a giant unit of juggernauts.

While the bulk of Hangz Shao's forces were concentrated on An Ding, Dong Min managed to launch an attack on the weak city of Wan. With Lu Bu gone, defenses were thin. Xu Huang led the offensive, backed by Wen Pin. At first, Zhang He was able to defend the city with a pair of fire attacks that stallled the attacks. However, Cai Mao arrived with fresh troops, and Wei Yan was forced to leave the city with his own unit to defend.

Though used in an offensive fashion, all of Dong Min's troops were incredibly defensive, and many attacks by Wei Yan and Zhang He were met with minimal casualties for them and large casualties for Hangz Shao.


Lu Bu managed to defeat Cao Ang and Gao Shun, though Gongsun Zan's unit had taken some hits in the path. Still, with an expert siege commander in Yue Jin and a large force, Gongsun Zan was able to blow away the city's defenses, allowing Lu Bu to take the city.


Inspired by his brother's success, Zhang He pushed his troops to the limit, driving off Cai Mao and then Wen Pin. Working with Wei Yan, he managed to force a stalemate against Xu Huang. As food supplies ran low, Xu Huang was forced to make a tactical retreat. Wan had taken heavy losses, but the invaders had been defeated.

Dong Min and Yuan Shu had fled the city before Lu Bu had captured it, but Gongsun Zan managed to take Cao Ang prisoner. He sent the prisoner back to Chang An. Cao Cao inspected his son. Cao Ang was 30, far older than Cao Cao's second son, the 18 year old Cao Pi. Cao Ang's mother had died of illness many years before Cao Cao's second wife had come into the picture.

"I see Pi has joined you."
"He believes in uniting the land under the Regent, not under tyranny as you have chosen."
"I believed in uniting the land under YOU, father. You were the lord I wanted to follow. This Hangz Shao, he is nothing!"
"He is the Regent to the Han. He finds the noble and employs them, while casting out the dishonorable. You would work for Dong Zhuo, and then his brother Dong Min, usurpers?"
"I do not like my lord, but I know what to expect with him. If you would ask me to rejoin you, I cannot. You and Pi have made your choices, and I have made mine."
"My son, surely you will reconsider? I've asked all of the generals to spare your life if you're captured, and to make sure you're not seriously wounded in combat, but I cannot do that for long."
"How old is Zhang?"
"He's fifteen. Why?"
"Old enough to join, I'd expect. I heard Pi joined you when he was only 14. Bring him here. If he asks to come with me, you let the two of us go back to Dong Min. If he wants to stay with you, I'll leave Dong Min's service and join your Regent."


"Very well father. You may tell our new lord that he has my spear at his side."
Meng Da had been a general of Liu Zhang, but had been taken prisoner by Dong Zhuo when his lord's lands had been invaded. In his time under Dong Zhuo, he was kept off the front lines, for Dong Zhuo always feared rebellion from him. He had been moved steadily north, and in time grew close to the Ma family and Han Sui, who had been defeated by Dong Zhuo as well.

However, their band had broken up. Ma Chao had taken to Liu Zhang a long time ago, and after Dong Zhuo's death, Ma Yunlu and Ma Dai rushed to Hangz Shao, while Ma Xiu joined Sun Ce. Only Ma Teng and his youngest son, Ma Tie, stayed with Dong Min. Han Sui didn't leave either, though many of the 8 Knights who had once served him left. Meng Da had been appointed Prefect of Wu Wei before Dong Min had taken his brother's throne with only Yang Qiu and ten thousand soldiers as company.

Still, the fires of rebellion had burned in Meng Da's heart, and as soon as Dong Min ascended, he had instantly declared himself independent. Yang Qiu, a former member of the 8 Knights, gladly joined him. Ma Wan and Liang Xing, who had also left Dong Min's service and were members of the 8 Knights, quickly joined him. Finally, the work as a strategist for the new force, Meng Da found a merchant named Mi Zhu to attend to his affairs.

Meng Da was on good terms with the other kingdoms. Liu Zhang and Sun Ce both appreciated Dong Min losing Wu Wei, and Hangz Shao was friendly towards a rebel of the tyrant. Wang Yun had hated Meng Da, but he was killed too quickly by Hangz Shao's army to launch an offensive. With Hangz Shao in An Ding, Meng Da was delighted. Mi Zhu informed him that Dong Min had forces from Han Zhong marching to take the city and kill him. Knowing that he couldn't fight off Dong Min, Meng Da surrendered to Hangz Shao, offering him Wu Wei and all his soldiers and officers.


With Wu Wei secure, Hangz Shao now had two locations from which he could attack Han Zhong. However, just as he was making plans to launch the attack, he was called into a meeting by the Emperor.

"My lord, you cannot go." Counseled Sima Yi. "The Emperor must have discovered our aspirations for the throne. He means to have you killed."
If that is the Emperor's wish, there is nothing I can do to stop him. Running away is an admission of guilt. I will meet with the Emperor, see what he has to say, and do as he commands. I wish to be Emperor, but now is not the time to seize power.
Sima Yi nodded and allowed his lord to see the Emperor alone.


Naming the new dynasty the Second Shang Dynasty, from his nickname as the Dragon of Shang, recalling the great Shang Dynasty of old, Hangz Shao ascended to the throne, taking his place as Emperor. To celebrate the new dynasty, two weeks of celebrations occured in the capital of Luo Yang. As a sign of his gratitude, Hangz Shao opened up the Imperial Chapel to any who wished to marry in it.


With all the weddings, there was even greater cause for celebration among the new Empire. Invitations were sent to Sun Ce's Southland to join the festivities, in recognition of their alliance. Sun Ce himself declined to attend, as did Zhou Yu, his strategist. However, Sun Quan and Sun Shangxiang (the sister of Sun Ce and Sun Quan) both attended, as did a few other generals. In all of the merriment, no one noticed the figure dressed in armor, wearing a red band around his head, as if he served Sun Ce.

The armored figure approached the Emperor slowly, stalking like a hunter. Having had too much to drink, the Emperor himself didn't notice. Dian Wei and Xu Zhu both saw the figure and rushed from across the room to protect their lord, as the figure drew a knife. They were too far away to stop the attack, and the entire group of partiers turned to watch as the figure's weapon gleamed in the light and slashed across, aiming for the neck of the newly crowned Emperor.

Hangz Shao was knocked off his feet from someone to his side, evading the knife by an inch. Instead of being killed, he watched as Yuan Shao, the nobleman of the Han, took the knife's blade to his chest and fell, bleeding, to the ground. Dian Wei and Xu Zhu grabbed the figure and wrested the knife from him, killing him in the process. All eyes fell to Sun Quan, who quickly frisked the assassin and found a document marked with Dong Min's seal.

"Sent from Dong Min, posing as a member of my brother's army to evade security." He said quietly. As he pondered the situation, some of the eyes in the room turned to Yuan Shao, who was bleeding badly and coughing up blood.

"My lord...no...Your Majesty..." Yuan Shao began, his words gargled by the blood in his throat. "Unite the kingdom...and ensure my family...please ensure they are taken care of..." On the floor of the palace, after having saved Hangz Shao's life from an assassin, Yuan Shao drew his last breath and left the mortal realm.


2011-07-17, 07:17 PM
The newly-crowned Emperor swore under his breath, looking at the body of his former friend and ally. "Dong Min shall pay for the death of Yuan Shao!" He looked towards the assassin's body, glaring steadily. "Cut off the head and send it back to Dong Min as a warning. Dump the body into the river."

2011-07-17, 07:38 PM
Wordlessly, Dian Wei took the knife and sliced off the head of the assassin, while Xu Zhu took the body. The two bodyguards left the room. Taking an ornate tapestry from one of the walls, Yan Liang and Wen Chou threw it over their former lord and wrapped his body in it. Mary ran from the room to find The Doctor, who had chosen not to attend the celebrations in the first place. Sun Quan, his sisters, and other delegates of the South took their leave. Amidst the chaos, the young Lu Xun, appointed viceroy in the departed Liu Dai's place, appeared next to the Emperor.

"Your Majesty, I realize this isn't the optimal time, but there are some matters we need to attend to, given your ascension to the throne. In order to legitimize your rule in the eyes of the commoners, we must choose a new era name, and you must select your new regal name. In the interest of expanding our theme of looking to the past in efforts to create a future, I suggest Jianyuan be established as our era name, after the first era of the Han. After we've taken care of the book-keeping, we can begin taking Dong Min out of the equation."

(A regal name is generally posthumous, but for the interest of making sense in the story (where living emperors are referred to by their regal name), you need one as well. It's just Emperor (Whatever). As far as I know, it's pretty much at the whim of the Emperor to decide it, and it's not based on given name or style name or anything.)

2011-07-17, 08:00 PM
"The Jianyuan Era it is." The Emperor nodded to himself, "For posterity's sake, and general ease, I will be referred to as Emperor Shao."

2011-07-17, 08:06 PM
"Given that there was an Emperor Shao 14 years ago, perhaps another title would be preferable to avoid recalling the turbulent era of the late Han?" Lu Xun advised. "Perhaps Emperor Yuan, to honor Yuan Shao? Or Emperor Tang, after King Tang who foudned our dynasty's namesake?"

2011-07-17, 08:13 PM
The Emperor looked blank for a moment. "Emperor Yuan it is."

Vespe Ratavo
2011-07-18, 01:31 AM
Zah Equi slowly approached, Fan Shi in tow, head bowed as he paid his last respects to his fellow nobleman. Stodgy as he was, he had adopted quickly to Hang Shao's ascension, helped perhaps by the previous Emperor's peaceful abdication.

D--> I am as ever your faithful servant
D--> Emperor Yuan

It had a nice ring to it, he decided.

2011-07-18, 01:38 AM
The Emperor acknowledged his vassal's arrival with a warm smile. "Ah, Zah Equi. Congratulations on your recent marriage. May your bonds always remain STRONG."

2011-07-18, 08:16 AM
Wen Jiang is devastated by the death of Shao. His mind immediately springs to accusation. "There is no way this could have been done without inside help. Where was this Doctor, who only came to us when our trouble started? I suspect foul play."

2011-07-18, 01:00 PM
Wen Jiang is devastated by the death of the Emperor. His mind immediately springs to accusation. "There is no way this could have been done without inside help. Where was this Doctor, who only came to us when our trouble started? I suspect foul play."

*Cough* The Emperor isn't dead. Yuan Shao is dead.

2011-07-18, 03:02 PM
WhatdoyoumeanthatiswhatIsaidwhyareyoumisquotingmyp ost >_>

2011-07-18, 03:10 PM
Right. :smallamused::smalltongue:

2011-07-18, 04:34 PM
Timur Kadesh smashes his fist onto the table. Dong Min sent this man to kill the Emperor! I say we return the favor now! As soon as the coronation ceremonies are over, we should march on his lands!

2011-07-19, 01:00 AM
The Empire's Grief Part One, 205-206Doctor?
Oh hello Mary. I'm sorry I didn't attend the festivities, but parties aren't exactly my style. How did it go?
An assassin tried to kill the Emperor, but Yuan Shao jumped in front of him.
I see. Dong Min, right?
Uh huh.
I'm sure we'll be marching into Tian Shui in a few months, then.
Why aren't you leading anymore?
We can't stay here forever, Mary. We're going to find the TARDIS and then leave. Hangz Shao needs to trust his own people to advise him.
But there's so much more out there! Even after Dong Min, there's still Liu Zhang and Sun Ce to fight!
That's not our concern.
Of course it is! If you hadn't been here, Dong Zhuo would've just conquered everyone and all of China would be united. We need to see this through to the end!
Mary, it's been a long time. It's been 15 years. Even I can see that time has passed. You're not 18 anymore. Don't you want to go home?
I've spent 15 years here. Isn't this my home now?
Fine. Stay here. But I'm leaving after we get the TARDIS back.
After conquering An Ding and absorbing Meng Da's army, and especially after Yuan Shao's death, all of Hangz Shao's army was focued on Tian Shui, Dong Min's new capital. Following the practice of allowing novice strategists to handle campaigns far from the capital, Lu Xun was promoted to Eastern Commander. Southern Commander Lu Su, Northern Commander Guo Jia, Grand Commander Sima Yi and Strategist The Doctor conferred with Lu Xun, the Emperor, and a few other strategists to discuss ideas.

So, Lu Xun. What is your plan for taking Tian Shui and defeating Dong Min's sizable army?
"Fire, Your Majesty."
Fire? That's a noun, not a plan.
Or a verb.
"I ask for your trust, Your Majesty. This plan won't fail."
"I think he should be given a chance."
Hmm. Fine. With Guo Jia's recommendation, I'll give you a chance, Lu Xun.
"We'll need to ask Sun Ce to send reinforcements from Xin Ye to distract Dong Min at Shang Yong."


With the Emperor's blessing, Lu Xun assembled a giant army to combat Dong Min. Xiahou Dun (with Gan Ning and Lu Lingqi, against the Emperor's wishes) took a cavalry unit, as did Shen Pei (with Wen Chou and Timur Kadesh), Xun You (with Ma Yunlu and Cao Zhang) and Zah Equi (with Cao Hong and Zhang Chunhua). Xiahou Yuan took bows, with Jiang Qin backing him and Lu Xun commanding from his ranks. Cao Cao (with Jia Xu and Guo Jia) took pikes along with Zhan Gao (with Taishi Ci and Ling Tong). Liu Bei (with Zhao Yun and Zhu Huan) took spears as did Aran Baron (with Li Tong and He Qi). Lastly, Wen Jiang (with Lu Meng and Mary Evans) took a juggernaut unit.

The giant army marched upon Tian Shui. After a few months of marching, they arrived to little resistance. Archer turrets and traps were destroyed. However, as they neared the city, Dong Min's generals ran out to fight. Zhang Xiu took the lead, followed by Li Kan, Cao Xing, and Yuan Shu. The infantry units and siege weapons were still lagging behind around An Ding, meaning that only the Emperor's cavalry were around to combat Dong Min. Still, Xun You had been given instructions by Lu Xun and had Zah Equi put his fire plan into action.


By the time the infantry arrived, Yue Jiu had arrived for Dong Min and the cavalry units were outnumbered. Not one to be stressed under pressure, Lu Xun expertly commanded the battlefield as a chessmaster, moving units around in the perfect formation. Once everything was satisfactory, he executed the first phase of his plan, to devastating effect.


Lu Xun's selections for generals had not been without adequate thought. With Jia Xu, Xun You, Guo Jia, Shen Pei, Wen Jiang, and Zhang Chunhua, the army of Shang was intellectually overpowering, and Lu Xun was able to execute ambush after ambush in the confusion, destroying units and spreading disorganization among the others. Shen Pei's unit defeated Yue Jiu and Zah Equi's beat Zhang Xiu, taking the officer prisoner. Yue Jiu came back with another unit, but Cao Xing was driven back after Xiahou Dun's unit drove him into the fire, where he was then showered with Xiahou Yuan's arrows.

Without an easy route of escape, or an enemy to attack, morale among Dong Min's army plumeted. The fires began to subside, revealing Shen Pei's unit in the middle of all of Dong Min's forces. Yuan Shu, Yue Jiu, and Li Kan all flocked around him, trying to overpower his superior forces. As Lu Xun had planned, Dong Min's army was easily herded, and he unleashed his second fire attack.


The victory won, Lu Xun hit the city gates with smaller fire attacks, but it was Wen Jiang who burned the city gates with his juggernauts. With the exception of Yuan Shu, every officer inside the city was captured. Most were released, but Cao Cao (as the highest ranking officer in the group) personally executed Dong Min for his tyranny.


Dong Zhuo and Dong Min had no other relatives, so it was expected that the army would collapse completely after Dong Min's death. Yuan Shu, however, was not about to give up and seized power for himself. Morale fell across the entire kingdom. In Shang Yong, the embattled Xu Huang had been facing Sun Ce's army, and Zhang Fei had menaced him daily with 12,000 spearmen. Unwilling to accept Yuan Shu as anything but a usurping tyrant, Xu Huang surrendered the city to Zhang Fei, leaving Dong Zhuo's formerly great empire down to the cities of Han Zhong and Zi Tong.


Even with Yuan Shu still in the picture, the death of Dong Min and the seizure of two of his cities was a cause for celebration. Taking precautions against assassins, there was great feasting and two weeks of celebration, culminating in more weddings.


During the celebrations, Cao Cao presented his fourth son, and Liu Bei presented his adopted son.


While the army of Shang was readying for battle again, two new scholars came to join them, on Sima Yi's recommendation.


Lu Xun, in collaboration with Guo Jia, began making new plans. Yuan Shu had moved his capital to Han Zhong and outfitted it with nearly 100,000 soldiers. No matter how many the army of Shang sent to defeat him, the fighting would take place on a narrow plankway, giving the defending army a huge advantage. With the exception of Timur Kadesh (who was staying with his new wife), Lady Lu Lingqi (who had announced her second pregnancy), and Wen Jiang, the same army that had marched on Tian Shui took off to take Han Zhong.

As expected, fighting on the plankway favored Yuan Shu. Still, Lu Xun, Xun You, Jia Xu, and Guo Jia were able to throw Yuan Shu's army into confusion with tricks and rumors. Yue Jiu and Yuan Shu's other officers were unable to assist their lord, except to help steady his troops.


Back in Luo Yang, Dian Wei took ill, as his old age and years of service took their tolls. The Emperor exhausted himself trying to find physicians to cure him, but his efforts were ineffective. Passing the mantle of helping Xu Zhu guard the Emperor onto his son, Dian Man, Dian Wei passed gently.


Due to a ploy by Guo Jia, Yue Jiu, Cao Xing, and Yang Song all defected to Shang, bringing over 10,000 troops with them. With his allies turned upon him, Yuan Shu was boxed into fighting Cao Cao's unit with his own disorganized one. With nowhere to go, he was defeated and captured, and Cao Cao put him to the sword.


Ma Teng took control of the army, after some initial struggling among the chain of command. Still, he was stationed in Cheng Du and couldn't run to Han Zhong's aid. Without any support, the city fell to Shang.


The Emperor had been presented with two pleasing events that month, at the end of 206. The capture of Han Zhong and the birth of his second son. However, with Ma Teng commanding the remnants of Dong Zhuo's army (himself, five other officers, 50,000 soldiers, and a single city), Sun Ce's ambitious expansions, and Liu Zhang's refusal to quit, it was clear that the passing of Dong Min and Yuan Shu had not solved the Empire's problems.

2011-07-19, 03:26 PM
The Empire's Grief Part Two, 207-208Ma Teng...that opportunistic ruffian! We should kill him immediately.
"Your Majesty, with respect, I think you need to consider the whole situation. Ma Teng is weak, but the force he has could menace us in one last stand if he so chose. However, there has been no action against us. In addition, many years ago, there were two assassination attempts on Dong Zhuo. The first was attempted by Cao Cao. The second was a joint effort between our own Liu Bei and Dong Cheng, and Ma Teng. It was only through luck that he wasn't discovered. There were men in Dong Zhuo's army that stayed with Dong Min and Yuan Shu, hoping to be next in line. Guo Si, for example, harbors ambition to rule as Dong Zhuo had. By forcing himself to the top, Ma Teng has kept the rabble in check. His children, Ma Yunlu and Ma Tie are among our forces, as is his nephew Ma Dai. Ma Xiu resides with Sun Ce and Ma Chao with Liu Zhang. All are praised as virtuous. How could they become such if their patron wasn't as well? We can defeat Ma Teng, but we should be gracious in victory and spare him."
Haha, Guo Jia, where would I be without your wise counsel? Of course you're correct.

As preparations were made to defeat Ma Teng, Cao Cao's fifth son and Taishi Ci's son joined the army. After a few months of preparation, a small contingency advanced on Zi Tong, Ma Teng's last city. Ma Teng and Zhang Liao were off fighting Liu Zhang at Cheng Du, leaving the city open. Shen Pei (with Gan Ning and Lu Meng) brought juggernauts, Xun You (with Guo Jia and Jia Xu) brought spears, and Lu Xun (with He Qi and Cao Zhang) commanded the army from his cavalry unit. With virtually no resistence, Zi Tong was captured. However, mere days before it fell, Ma Teng and Zhang Liao managed to capture Cheng Du, ensuring them another home.

Zah Equi was to lead a force to Cheng Du to capture it, but was forced to run home when the news came that his wife, Fan Shi, had given birth to a pair of twins, a boy and a girl. Lu Meng was appointed to lead in his stead, but there was no time. Sun Ce had been waiting in the wings for Liu Zhang's forces to fall, and sprang upon Cheng Du as soon as Ma Teng occupied it. Without time to rest, the exhausted troops were beaten and Ma Teng defeated.


With nowhere else to go, Ma Teng and his vassals wandered the land, eventually finding their way to Hangz Shao.


With the capture of Cheng Du, Sun Ce declared himself Grand General of the Han. Sima Yi cautioned the Emperor to watch one who still served "The Han", but it was decided that the alliance with Sun Ce should be kept until Liu Zhang was out of the way.


The Emperor arrived in Zi Tong to inspect the land and help decide on a policy towards Liu Zhang. However, his arrival was greeted with terrible news.


As Guo Jia passed, late at night, everyone in China witnessed a great star falling from the sky.


Guo Jia, who had joined at the very beginning of Hangz Shao's rise, who had served as an important advisor through all the conquests, and had personally commanded the war against Yuan Shao, was gone. Plans to strike Liu Zhang were abandoned as the Empire went into mourning.

To make matters worse, Timur Kadesh was forced to ride to Luo Yang from Han Zhong without stopping when word arrived that his wife, Zou Shi, had gone into labor. When he arrived at her side, he was handed a crying baby boy by the ailing woman.

"I'm sorry, my lord. He is all I can give you in return for your generosity." Barely two years after the marriage, Zou Shi died after giving birth to Timur Kadesh's son.


Vespe Ratavo
2011-07-19, 04:06 PM
Zah Equi was overjoyed when he returned to his wife and newborn children, having not yet heard of Guo Jia's death. He and Fan Shi named the boy Zah Warudo, and the girl Zah Gabor. His player's march against anything vaguely in-character continues.

2011-07-19, 05:48 PM
"Guo Jia..." the Emperor muttered softly to himself, away from everyone else for a moment.

2011-07-20, 12:16 AM
(And, as an aside, both Hangz Shao and Timur Kadesh have a son to name.)

2011-07-20, 02:42 AM
Right...my son. He shall go by the name of Timur Jian. Now then, unless we have some pressing matters at hand, I think I need some time alone...

(I totally didn't go to a random name site and then look up what the words actually meant. Nothing to see here at all.)

2011-07-20, 10:43 AM
"The child... will be known as Hangz Rong."

2011-07-21, 09:27 PM
208TARDIS, TARDIS, where is my TARDIS?
"Doctor, if you'll just come with me. Dong Min had it moved here after Dong Zhuo died, and Yuan Shu never knew about it."
Right, thank you. I'll just be going now.
Oh hello Mary! Look what I found!
Doctor, you can't go! Please, stay. We need you.
Sorry, can't stay. People to go, places to meet and all that stuff.
So that's it then? You're leaving me here?
You're more than welcome to come along.
I can't do that. We need to help these people. You've told me all about your adventures, and you've never backed down before!
Well of course I wasn't going to tell you about those parts. It's bad for my image, you know.
Fine. Go then.
Alright. See you around!
*Noise* (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMlle0gBZ7Q)
So he really was from another land...
I'd really thought he'd stay.
*More Noise* (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMlle0gBZ7Q)
Well that was an exciting trip. Hello Mary, Your Majesty!
That's me, the one and only! I went to Barcelona, the planet not the city, and then stopped off around London town. I got you a t-shirt! Sorry Your Majesty, couldn't guess your size and all.
You're back!
Of course I'm back. I can't very well LEAVE you here, can I? Come on, let's conquer this kingdom already.

2011-07-21, 09:44 PM
The Emperor looks at the doctor, his face a mixture of interest and apathy. "Fascinating. Is there anything you could tell me about this machine? I don't mean to build one, I'd just like to learn what I can."

(Seeing as Hangz Shao is a scholar build)

2011-07-22, 12:25 AM
Well, it's bigger on the inside. The Doctor said with a knowing smile. It travels through time and space with relative levels of accuracy, depending on the situation and the amount of dramatic tension in any given event. She's quite a charmer like that. He grinned. It's not important. Suddenly his face turned serious. With Guo Jia gone, this will be more difficult, but I'm sure Lu Xun or Lu Su, or Sima Yi or even myself would be qualified to take on Liu Zhang. I'm fairly certain he's going to take back Cheng Du from Sun Ce.

2011-07-22, 06:58 PM
208Deng Zhi had been a minor official in The Emperor's court for a few years. He'd been recruited by Yuan Shao right before his death. Deng Zhi was intelligent, but not worthy of leading an army, and was outclassed by many of The Emperor's other advisors. However, the one area where he exceeded all expectations was his eye for talent. Though he hadn't been the one to recruit either of them, it was due to Deng Zhi's advice that The Emperor became aware of Ma Liang and Xu Shu, who had become important civil officials. Because of his proven track record, he was allowed to interrupt the Doctor, Emperor Yuan, and a few other advisors in order to advise about a person of note.

"My lords, I'm sorry for interrupting, but there is a man in Xia Pi who we must employ. His name is Zhuge Liang and the people in Xia Pi say he's a genius who surpasses all else."
"Zhuge Liang you said? That's my younger brother. So, he's finally going by his name again..."
What do you mean, Zhuge Jin?
"He used to go by the Taoist title of 'Sleeping Dragon'."
Sleeping Dragon? The Seer told me to try and find Sleeping Dragon and Fledgling Phoenix to act as advisors...
Hmm. Though he's a Taoist, if Deng Zhi believes he can be useful, we'll allow him to join us.
"It's not that simple, my lord. He's a very choosy man."
Then go yourself, Zhuge Jin. He IS your brother.


Zhuge Liang politely declined his brother's request. Deng Zhi had meanwhile focused his attention to talent elsewhere.


Deng Zhi managed to debate the young Huang Yueying to a stalemate, impressing her enough to join the Shang army. She quickly showed an aptitude for siege weaponry (designing plans for improving the juggernauts) as well as military leadership. Her father, Huang Chengyan came to see The Doctor, who was surprised to meet him.

I'm sorry, have we met? It's been a while since I've been back, I'm a bit fuzzy on people still.
"No no, Doctor. You are a friend of The Seer, aren't you?"
I knew him. I don't know if we'd be considered friends.
"He spoke highly of you. My name is Huang Chengyan. My daughter, Yueying, is working in your army. Much like The Seer, I'm a hermit. My fellow hermit, Sima Hui and I are going to meet with Sleeping Dragon."
Zhuge Liang, right? Why are you telling me?
"Well, I believe he'd be the perfect husband for my daughter, and she the perfect wife for you. If they agree to marry, he'll join with your army. I need you to guarantee his safety. The Emperor has been known to take a stern view of Taoism."
Ah. Well yes, I'll make sure he's received well.
"Thank you Doctor."

(I don't know why Sima Hui is Ancient Chinese Santa Claus. Also fun fact, the dialogue is different whether Huang Yueying is in the army or not, but even if she isn't, both join after the wedding.)

2011-07-22, 10:52 PM
(Not only is he Santa Claus, but he's also acting Cupid.)

2011-07-23, 04:33 AM
(Ugh, Liu Zhang is so damn good at defending. Update will be up tomorrow, but dayum. It took 6 years to conquer him, and we lost some good people along the way.

2011-07-23, 08:30 AM
(That doesn't bode well.

Also... Will character-created children be able to fight, or are they just kind of there?)

2011-07-23, 05:18 PM
(That doesn't bode well.

Also... Will character-created children be able to fight, or are they just kind of there?)

In terms of gameplay itself, no. Once the game is started, you cannot add any new custom officers to the game. The best Raistlin can do in terms of physical gameplay is to go to the officer maker and roll them up and set their birth dates and parentage, so that we could see what they would look like. That or start an entirely new game from scratch and replay it through up until this point :smallbiggrin:.

That said, Raistlin could theoretically include them in the story, just saying "they did this" when it was another unit doing it or somesuch. Then again, I think the oldest child we have right now is what, 8? Another 7 years at least before we'd see them.

2011-07-23, 06:25 PM
(The latter, unfortunately. I think Hangz Ren is like 10 and the rest of the children are younger. They'll have story roles once they're 15-16 though. If you're interested though, I can definitely go to the character maker and show you what they'd be like as they reach the proper age.)

Prolonged Siege, 209-215For Shang's army, tensions were high. Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang were bitter enemies, always arguing for different plans. Cao Cao, the highest ranking man in the entire army (as the Prime Minister), was beset by grief as his wife Bian Shi, sons Cao Ang and Cao Chong, and his cousin Cao Chun all died. Liu Zhang's Riverlands were the ultimate location needed to properly invade Sun Ce in the future, but the focal point of Cheng Du was still owned by Sun Ce. Stagnant, the army of Shang waited until Liu Zhang tried to take the city back before making their move.


Finally, after a few months of waiting, Liu Zhang finally attacked. Though his force was inferior in quality, Liu Zhang had a large numerical advantage. More equipped to deal with the marshy terrain, his army began to gain the upper hand. At a critical moment of defense, Liu Pan, a general of Sun Ce's, was repelled by Yan Xing. Afraid to pay the price of failure, Liu Pan defected to Shang with his 1,000 soldiers, causing a deterioration in the relationship between Shang and Sun Ce.


Pang De, Ma Chao, and Zhang Ren (the leading generals of Liu Zhang) took Cheng Du and pushed back Sun Ce. Angered, Sun Ce began to march a large force from Jiang Zhou and called upon reinforcements from Shang's Zi Tong to take the gates between Zi Tong and Cheng Du, to cut off a retreat. Xiahou Dun took control of the reinforcements, going with his own cavalry unit. He was joined by Xiahou Yuan and Zah Equi, with their own cavalry, and Zhan Gao and Lu Xun with juggernauts.

The gates fell easily. With Zhuge Liang's orders, the reinforcements advanced on Cheng Du, snatching it from Liu Zhang right under Sun Ce's nose.

"Cheng Du is integral to the defeat of Liu Zhang and the Riverlands. If Sun Ce takes it, he'll battle Liu Zhang again and again. If he remains our ally, we won't be able to pass through him to get to Liu Zhang's lands, and if he turns enemy, we'll have to deal with his attacks AND lose access to the Riverlands." Zhuge Liang reasoned.


Liu Zhang's death was an accident, killed in the chaos that arose when the city was taken. Unfortunately for Shang, his son Liu Xun was actually somewhat more capable than his father as a ruler.

Sun Ce's leading advisors, including the enigmatic Zhou Yu, all advised breaking the alliance with Shang and invading Cheng Du. Sun Ce refused, reasoning that the alliance would allow them to grow in strength while Shang dealt with Liu Xun. Sadly, only a few months after Cheng Du was taken by Shang, Sun Ce took ill and died.


Zhou Yu, the brilliant strategist whose abilities rivaled that of The Doctor and Jia Xu, had also fallen ill. However, before he let death claim him, he worked out a plan with Sun Quan that would ensure a strengthened Southland for years to come.


Zhou Yu's death shocked everyone, and coupled with Sun Ce's death, made the Southland look incredibly weak. The dissolving of the Sun-Shang alliance made some among Shang's advisors (such as Chen Gong, who was himself ailing) look greedily at the land. Both Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang were in agreement (a rare instance) however that Zhou Yu wasn't to be trifled with, and that certainly the South had a plan in dissolving the alliance.

Inspired by a bit of literature he'd been reading, The Doctor decided to call in The Emperor.


Looking at a list of all the great warriors of Shang's army, The Emperor selected five men. Some had been with him for a long time, others were new, but all were considered excellent fighters, leaders, and men of character.


In addition, The Emperor appointed the Eleven Brilliant Ministers, the strategists and advisors who had proven their worth time and time again. The Eleven Brilliant Ministers were The Doctor, Sima Yi, Lu Xun, Zhuge Liang, Lu Su, Hua Lim, Wen Jiang, Jia Xu, Xun Yu, Cao Cao, and (posthumously) Guo Jia.

After Zhou Yu's death, the Southland appeared to be without a capable tactician. They soon learned who had taken his place after an envoy came to demand gold for a ceasefire. The Emperor was initially enraged, but was calmed by Zhuge Liang.

"We cannot help buy pay them now. Though we are stronger, our best generals are focused on Liu Xun and cannot defend at the moment. This plan of extortion can only come from Pang Tong, my old colleague. You may know him better as Fledgling Phoenix." It appeared that the only way to deal with Sun Quan was to bribe him into ceasefires until Liu Xun had been dealt with.

Liu Xun had been attacking Cheng Du. Ma Chao, Pang De, Zhang Ren, Yan Yan, and Yan Xing had attacked multiple times, but each time were repelled by Cao Cao's strategies and the brawn of Xiahou Yuan and Zhang Liao. Yan Xing was taken prisoner in one of the attacks and convinced to defect. Pang De and Zhang Liao dueled for fifty bouts, with neither gaining the upper hand, until one of Pang De's lieutenants swooped in and distracted the Tiger General, allowing Pang De to capture him. Xiahou Yuan launched an assault, driving back Pang De and freeing his ally.

Cao Cao began planning an attack on Jian Ning, Liu Xun's capital city. Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan were to lead the attack, and they would be followed by Cao Cao himself. Along the way, Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan were attacked by Ma Chao and Zhang Ren multiple times, but each time drove them back and pushed on. Cao Cao directed his giant unit towards the city, when horrible news came from An'Ding.


Lu Bu and his wife had both died. At nearly 60 years old, Lu Bu had been weakening for some time, crippled by illness and age. Though a fair bit younger, Diao Chan couldn't stand his death and died soon after. The leader of Shang's Five Tiger Generals and a man who had been with Shang for over 20 years, the iconic Lu Bu had finally died.

In his will, the warrior had willed that his estate be divided among his two brothers, Zhang He and Zah Equi. As well, Red Hare, the fastest horse in the world, was to be given to Zhang He and his Crescent Halberd was to be given to Zah Equi.

The entire Empire grieved for Lu Bu, and Cao Cao renewed his assault on Jian Ning, desiring to capture the city out of respect for his fallen ally. The army of Shang advanced, but were stalled by Pang De's valiant defense. As they fought to break through, more bad news came.


Wen Chou, the great warrior who had served Yuan Shao, and the mighty Gongsun Zan had both died in advanced age. Soon after their deaths, Jian Ning was taken by Cao Cao, and in his anger and grief, all four officers of Liu Xun unlucky enough to be caught and not immediately surrender were executed.


Tian Feng, the former strategist of Yuan Shao, had died as well, not long after the city was captured. Seeking to end the great campaign against Liu Xun, Cao Cao mobilized a new force to take Yu Nan, the last city of Liu Xun. Cao Cao, Ma Teng, Zhao Yun, and Wen Jiang advanced on the city, battling Pang De, Ma Chao, and Zhang Ren again and again as they advanced.

Along the way, they discovered a new warrior. A woman named Zhu Rong, claiming to be descended from the God of Fire, blocked their path. Though eventually Zhao Yun was able to defeat her, she had slowed their progress considerably. Wen Jiang was defeated and forced back to Jian Ning and Zhao Yun was reduced to a mere 400 soldiers.


Liu Xun was executed for his defiance and his officers joined Shang.


It seemed like cause for celebration. Liu Xun had been defeated and Ma Teng had been reunited with his son, leaving only Ma Xiu who worked for Sun Quan before a full Ma family reunion. The Empress gave birth to a third child, a girl. In the Riverlands, Cao Cao and Ma Teng discovered two exceptional generals, Meng Huo and Meng You, and convinced them to join Shang. One of the ceasefires with Sun Quan was still going on, and had been attacked cheaply, thanks to the quick thinking of a new advisor named Kan Ze.

Yet, it was still wartime, and the deaths would continue. A new plauge began spreading through the Northern part of child, striking many soldiers dead and keeping many other bedridden. Xiao Qiao became incredibly ill and passed away. Sadly, the worst was yet to come. The Empress, Lady Lu Lingqi, became very sick and no physician could cure her. After weeks of ailment and comforting her two sons, The Empress died in Luo Yang, surrounded by The Emperor and their three children.

(Also, current character ages.
Hangz Shao/Emperor Yuan-62
Timur Kadesh-55
Zhan Gao-51
Aran Baron-45
Zah Equi-44
Wen Jiang and Hua Lim-43

Also note about the Five Tiger Generals. I'm not entirely sure what the criteria are. Every other time I've seen it crop up, there are usually 7 or 8 options to choose from and you pick 5. There were only 5 options this time, so I didn't really have a choice.)

2011-07-23, 06:53 PM
Also note about the Five Tiger Generals. I'm not entirely sure what the criteria are. Every other time I've seen it crop up, there are usually 7 or 8 options to choose from and you pick 5. There were only 5 options this time, so I didn't really have a choice.)

Wow, so many people just died there.

I did a quick google search, and nobody can agree entirely, but the accepted requirements for a 5 tiger general are:

-30,000+ deeds
-90+ war
-Sovereign must be high rank (something like duke or higher)

That said, this is based on the majority of what I found, I've found others that completely ignored the war requirement, and another one or two that said you only needed 20k deeds, so take this with a grain of salt.

2011-07-23, 11:51 PM
It was a time of great mourning for the Emperor, his great friend, ally, and tiger gerneral, Lu Bu, had died, shortly followed by his daughter, the Emperor's wife. He stayed mostly quiet, and alone in these times, the pain too great to do much more than get out of bed.

2011-07-24, 01:43 AM
A letter came to the Emperor from Eight of the survivng Eleven Brilliant Ministers (The Doctor and Cao Cao having not signed the letter)

"Your Majesty,

Though you will hopefully enjoy a long life for years to come, it is evident that the threat of death is ever present in our kingdom. Your two sons are not of age of rule effectively if something should happen, and though they carry your noble blood, there is always the chance that their rule will be incompetent or tyrannical. For this purpose, we ask that you draw up a will, with explicit instructions regarding succession. Fa Zheng has been installed as the Imperial Tutor and could be reached for comments about the talents of your children should that affect your decision.

A Regent should be selected in case Your Majesty's sons are not of age. Prime Minister Cao Cao would be an effective Regent, but he is old as well, and may not live much longer. In addition, one son of yours, or if you think neither of them capable, someone else should be designated Crown Prince in order to create an easy succession.

Your humble servants,
Sima Yi, Zhuge Liang, Lu Xun, Lu Su, Hua Lim, Wen Jiang, Jia Xu, Xun Yu"

2011-07-24, 11:23 AM
(Are there younger, yet still known to be competent options? (i.e. Younger than Cao Cao, but not my kids who are totally unproven?

And on that note, I guess it's best to ask for Fa Zheng's opinion.)

2011-07-24, 02:52 PM
(From a standpoint of regent, the highest ranking officer period aside from Cao Cao is Ma Teng. However, he's also really old. Liu Bei, the highest ranking political officer, isn't quite as old, but is still pretty gray. Putting aside positions, high POL is important, followed by INT and then CHA. LDR is also pretty good. Sima Yi has the best of those scores added up, followed by Zhuge Liang. Zhang Zhao and Xun Yu don't have high LDR, and Zhang Zhao only has decent CHA, but they both have really high POL and INT. Finally, Lu Su has very good all around scores, but doesn't have great LDR and has no outstanding abilities.

At this point in history, a lot of stock was put into how a child acted at fairly young ages, and from there a lot of warlords would choose their heirs. As the Imperial Tutor, Fa Zheng would indeed be able to give you a rundown of the children's abilities.)

2011-07-24, 03:11 PM
(I would like Fa Zheng's opinion.)

2011-07-24, 03:39 PM
Child Ages:
Hangz Ren-12 years old
Hangz Rong-8 years old
Zah Warudo-8 years old
Zah Gabor-8 years old
Timur Jian-7 years old
Hangz Wei-1 year old

"Ah, Your Majesty, it's good to see you. The children? Ah yes. In my professional opinion, here is what I think. Your oldest son has read texts authored by Sima Yi, Zhuge Liang, and Cao Cao and understood them well. His scholarly gifts have been apparent since a young age. His intellect is high for one so young, and his understanding of political situations is suited to an Emperor. He's virtuous and kind and I believe he has the ability to attract and retain able men in his service when he's older. Unfortunately, despite his virtue and mastery of strategies, he can't fight very well and will not be a suitable general. He's too reasoning and thoughtful to be able to make the split-second decisions required on the battlefield.

By contrast, your younger son is...admittedly less intelligent. I beg a thousand pardons, I didn't mean to imply he wasn't smart. It's just that when compared to his brother, he doesn't learn as quickly. He has expressed a lack of interest in politics. However, just like yourself and his brother, he has a charisma. To compare, I'd say he has the power to be another Liu Bei, given how strangely magnetic he is. As well, he has mastered swordplay and has shown an aptitude for horseriding and other weapons. Perhaps most interestingly, in simulations and war games we've played, he has shown an astounding knack for making clever decisions in war."

2011-07-24, 03:45 PM
(So, in other words, the first has high Int, Cha, and Pol, but the other has high Cha and battlefield abilities?

...And sorry, I thought I named the daughter. Hangz Wei.)

2011-07-24, 03:51 PM
(Basically Hangz Ren-Very High INT/POL, High CHA, Low LDR/WAR
Hangz Rong-Very High CHA, High LDR/WAR, Medium INT, Low POL)

2011-07-24, 04:24 PM
(So, Hangz Rong would be less killable, so I guess that means more likely to keep the line going. Hangz Ren probably gets relegated as his chief advisor.)

2011-07-24, 04:35 PM
(Well it's reasonable in a time of peace that the Emperor is going to be nowhere near the battlefield ever. Even now, Hangz Shao isn't doing a lot of fighting. So "less killable" is not really a concern. As well, if the Emperor dies without an heir, it would naturally fall to his brother and the line would continue from there. Even if both boys died without an heir, the Emperor would be Hangz Wei's husband, which would still continue the blood, if not the name.

It's also worth noting that tradition dictates oldest son, and while a lot of people won't care, there are also people who will care. Intalling Hangz Ren as Crown Prince won't be protested. Installing Hangz Rong possibly will, and will likely lead to a factional split after Hangz Shao's death.

You can also open the question up to advisors and important generals (both player crated and NPC) for other opinons.)

2011-07-24, 04:43 PM
(It's also worth noting that tradition dictates oldest son, and while a lot of people won't care, there are also people who will care. Intalling Hangz Ren as Crown Prince won't be protested. Installing Hangz Rong possibly will, and will likely lead to a factional split after Hangz Shao's death.)

Yes, I'm aware of this. I was not, however, aware that Hangz wasn't on the field much.

So I guess it all boils down to Hangz Ren.

2011-07-24, 04:47 PM
(At this point he's pretty much just chilling in Luo Yang. That said, it's possible he'll be brought out during the war against Sun Quan, just because he has naturally huge stats and a giant troop count. Sticking him with someone like Lu Xun makes for absurd domination.

Also are you going to select a Regent?)

2011-07-24, 04:54 PM
(Hangz Ren for the heir, and Sima Yi for the Regent, I guess.)

2011-07-24, 07:18 PM
So I made the children.

2011-07-24, 07:37 PM
So I made the children.

That's fun to take out of context.

Yeah, I like Hangz Rong better. Oh, well. Wish he'd been the firstborn.

I like how Zhang Fei has his own "tone" selection.

2011-07-24, 07:47 PM
Speaking of children, we've been getting lots of other children as well, so many that I've stopped talking about them. Xiahou Yuan's son, Zhang Fei's two sons, Guan Yu's other sons, Xiahou Dun's son, more (MORE) Cao Cao sons, etc. It's pretty crazy.

2011-07-24, 07:53 PM
Well, Cao Cao had to fill in for the ones that died.

2011-07-24, 08:07 PM
If I recall, Cao Cao historically had 25 sons. Add in the fact that we have Cao Ren (his cousin), Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan (his cousins) and their families, plus all his children, the Cao family *probably* could completely take over at this point.

Just checked. We have Cao Cao, his wife Bian Shi, Cao family cousins (Hong, Ren), random Cao family relatives (Xiu, Zhen), Cao Cao's sons (Pi, Zhang, Zhi, Xiong, Yu), then the Xiahou family cousins (Yuan, Dun, En), their sons (Ba, Mao) and nephews (De, Shang). All in all, Cao Cao has 17 relatives in the army, and that's AFTER his cousin, oldest son, and seventh son died.

Also, about to start a massive Sun Quan campaign, so before I do, here's just a few last minute notes.

As the weeks before the last ceasefire's end passed, Shang's army was on full alert. Every general and advisor, great or small, was put on a standby. The great Yan Liang was summoned from the North to help lead an assault from Ru Nan, but he was too old to make the trip. He died along the way. Other generals were shuffled around in order to fill the hole in Ru Nan, but there always remained a weak point.

Sima Yi was appointed to find someone to fill the gap. Firstly, he told Meng Huo and Meng You to go back to their homes in the riverlands and find capable Nanman warriors. They brought back a sorcerer named Mulu Duosi, who was appointed to Wan to defend. Next, Sima Yi turned his eye to Sun Quan's force. He knew that depriving an enemy of a talented general was as important as finding one for themselves. His eye caught on a young, unproven general named Deng Ai.

Deng Ai showed all the indicators of talent, but had been passed over for promotions multiple times. Seeking an opportunity, Sima Yi sent him a letter, and Deng Ai defected, filling the hole in the assault unit. With all the pieces in place, Shang's army waited.

2011-07-25, 06:04 PM
Advance, 216-217"Sun Quan has a demonstrated skill in recognizing talent. After all, he's employed Pang Tong, who isn't exactly the traditional portrait of a strategic genius. Despite this, the foundations of his kingdom were laid by his father and brother, and they didn't conquer the strongest factions like we did. Although he may have Pang Tong, and great warriors in Huang Gai, Huang Zhong, and Han Deng, that's all he has. If we go at him with our best generals, there is no way we can lose."
I see your proposal, Sima Yi. Organize the troops and we'll march.

Sima Yi pinpointed the first city to take as Xin Ye. It was well defended in terms of troops, but only had a few mediocre generals and Han Deng defending it.

"This war is not a war of hate, but a war of unity. Sun Quan wants to unite China as much as the Emperor does. If possible, we should keep general casualties to a minimun." Zhuge Liang was addressing the armies from Wan that were about to leave for Xin Ye.

Pang De (with Ma Su and Zhuge Liang) was the first to leave with his cavalry unit. He was followed by Ma Chao (with The Doctor and Guan Ping), also with cavalry. After them were Guan Yu and Cao Cao with spears, Gan Ning (with Lu Meng and Ma Zhong) with juggernauts and Deng Ai (with Guo Huai) with catapults.


Sun Quan's army was easily beaten. Gan Ning captured Sun Lang (Sun Quan's brother), who had been working under Feng Xi and Deng Ai's catapults assaulted the city directly, even as Han Deng caused confusion in Guan Yu's ranks. While they were attacking, news came from the capital. Yuan Tan, Yuan Shao's oldest son, and Fan Shi, Zah Equi's wife, had both died of sickness. The Emperor himself had taken ill and was attended to by a team of physicians at all hours.

Wanting to finish the campaign as soon as possible, Shang's army advanced. Ding Feng (with Bu Zhi) and Zhuge Jin came to reinforce Shang from Xu Chang. Guan Yu defeated Han Deng and captured him as well as his lieutenants, Sun Jiao and Huan Jie. Without any opposition, Gan Ning and Deng Ai easily took the city and captured Ma Xiu, the final son of Ma Teng.


As the next attacks were prepared, many of Sun Quan's captured officers defected. Ma Xiu joined Shang to be with his family and Huan Jie felt overlooked in Sun Quan's army. Even Sun Lang (Quan's brother) and Sun Jiao (his cousin) joined Shang. Sima Yi and The Doctor decided on Xiang Yang and Jiang Zhou as the next areas of attack. The armies from Shang Yong could attack Xiang Yang and the ones from Cheng Du coudl attack Jiang Zhou.

The armies of Cheng Du mobilized faster. The forces of Shang were overpowering. Liu Bei (with Aran Baron and Liu Feng) led the charge with a spear unit. Taishi Chi (with Niu Jin and Shen Pei) had pikes, as did Ling Tong (with Wang Kang). Cao Hong (with Li Tong) had spears as well. Timur Kadesh (with Ma Yunlu and Wang Fu) came with a cavalry unit alongside Zhan Gao (with Cao Zhang and Zhang Xiu). Xiahou Yuan (with Yu Fan) brought bows with Mary (with Deng Zhi and Jiang Qin). Lastly, Xun You (with Wen Jiang and Zhang Chunhua) brought a unit of juggernauts.


Shang Yong was a weaker city, with both less soldiers and less generals. Still, they managed to send Zhang Liao with a spear unit, Han Sui (with Kan Ze) with cavalry, Xu Zhu (with Xu Shu and Fu Tong) with spears, Zhang Ji (with Yan Pu) and Hua Lim (with Huang Yueying) with juggernauts. Xiang Yang had origianlly been very weak, but the influx of generals from Xin Ye who hadn't been captured had strengthened it. In response to that, Ma Chao and Deng Ai both came from Xin Ye to help.


At Xiang Yang, it was difficult for Shang to advance because of the narrow passway and the mountains. Ma Chao tried to break through the line of defense twice, failing both times. It was only on his third try that he managed to break through, capturing Ma Zhong in the process. Once Ma Zhong had been captured, Sun Quan's defense fell apart. Zhang Liao captured Zhang Yi and Deng Ai, Hua Lim, and Zhang Ji put the city under siege, where it fell in a matter of days.


Meanwhile at Jiang Zhou, Shang was facing a similar problem to the narrow passways. Sun Quan's army had set fires and blocked off the path, slowing Shang's advance. Furthermore, without Zhuge Liang or Sima Yi or The Doctor, or any other great strategist leading them, they had a harder time figuring out what to do. Luckily, Xun You managed to come up with a plan. In order to keep up the fires, Sun Quan's army had to be stationed all around the pass, thus keeping them separate from one another.

Xun You extinguished one small section of the fire, and the army of Shang ran through before it could be relit. Cao Hong captured Tan Xiong and his lieutenant Dong Yun right away. With the fires out of the way, Sun Quan's army was forces to swarm around any unit they could. Timur Kadesh and Zhan Gao ran right into the middle of the battlefield, drawing fire while their allies ripped apart Sun Quan's army. Though both of their cavalry units were defeated, Sun Quan's entire army was beaten, with Cao Hong capturing Liu Kui, Liu Bei capturing Wu Ban, and Xiahou Yuan capturing Yang Ren.


The army advanced on the city and, as was the case with Xin Ye and Xiang Yang, it fell almost instantly.


In response to the attacks, Sun Quan had launched his own attack on Lu Jiang. It was held by Chen Wu, and had no generals who had earned great renown. To take it, a large navy was sent from Chai Sang, led by Cheng Pu. Under Lu Su's direction, part of Shang's own navy was sent to counter from Xiao Pei, led by Yue Jin. A large naval battle broke out over Wan Kou, the port by Lu Jiang. Only Cheng Pu managed to make it onto land before the port was taken by Shang again, leaving Sun Quan's general stranded. Seizing the opportunity, Chen Wu came out of the city with a pike unit and defeated Cheng Pu after a few weeks of fighting.

Though Shang's navy was poorly trained and had no great numerical advantage, the assistance from Chen Wu and the coordination between the ships allowed them to drive off the rest of Sun Quan's naval forces and defend the city.


In only a year and a half, Sun Quan had lost three cities, a handful of generals, and had failed to take Lu Jiang. The only saving grace was that a small attack on his capital had been repelled by Huang Zhong, Huang Gai, and himself after the Shang general who led it, Li Dian, was killed on the battlefield.

It would take time before Shang was ready to launch another offensive, but it was obvious to all the men of Shang they they would be victorious. As the Emperor ailed in the capital, however, it became a matter of conquering all of Sun Quan's lands before he died.

2011-07-28, 03:19 PM
We are reaching the end of the story, gentlemen. I will try to get the penultimate update today or tomorrow, and then I will be gone for a week, and then will return with the final update.

2011-07-28, 05:43 PM
*cough* "How goes the war *cough cough* Doctor?"

2011-07-28, 06:12 PM
Effectively. Sun Quan and Pang Tong can't defend everywhere at once, and with their forces spread out like this, they can't hold anywhere for long.

2011-07-28, 06:28 PM
*cough* "Then... all... is well..."

Vespe Ratavo
2011-07-28, 11:23 PM
Zah Equi was quiet, for once. This was a rare occasion. The last time had been on the passing of his brother Lu Bu some years ago. Now, his wife was gone. He was quiet, because he was thinking. So much had changed since the arrival of the Doctor. He was no longer a young man, recklessly charging into battle - he was a great general, a widower, a father...and though he was always surrounded by death, mostly caused by him, for the first time he felt the end coming.

He grinned, fingers drumming on the hilt of the Sky Piercer. Mortality wasn't fazing him as much as perhaps it should have. He had come far, and so had the new empire. Even if it were to collapse tomorrow, its place in history was assured. Now, all he needed was an honorable death to seal the deal for himself.

And so he spent the rest of the night remembering the lives of those who had passed, and comparing the merits of death by old age and death in battle.

He made a chart and everything.

2011-07-29, 12:24 AM
Tirelessly March, 217-218The campaign against Sun Quan grew in scope each passing month, with new plans and offensives being launched each day. The newest target was Jiang Xia. It had become Sun Quan's capital and he had been planning on launching an attack on Ru Nan with the support of Huang Gai and Huang Zhong. In order to force him to turn around, Shang attacked from the West, forcing a battle outside of Jiang Xia.


Relative to the other assaults, the attack on Jiang Xia was light. Pang De (along with Zhuge Liang and Ma Su led with a cavalry unit, followed by the freshly recruited Han Dang. Cao Cao, Guan Yu, and Ding Feng all came with spears, and Lu Meng (with Bu Zhi) and Gan Ning came with juggernauts. Sun Quan had made sure to fortify well, and making their way to the city, through the narrow pass and surrounded by Sun Quan's archer turrets, was difficult.

Though Shang had more soldiers, Sun Quan had more total units on the battlefield. Zhuge Liang and Ma Su were forced to spend a lot of their efforts keeping the enemy in a constant state of confusion, and Cao Cao had to stall reinforcements with tactics.


Benefitting from superior numbers and the skilled tactical leadership of Zhuge Liang, Sun Quan's army was defeated. Lu Meng broke through Feng Xi's unit, scattering his horsemen and killing both Feng Xi and his lieutenant Wu Can in duels. Cheng Pu and Huang Zhong, as the most dangerous generals on Sun Quan's side, were locked down by Zhuge Liang's strategies, and Cao Cao worked on delaying the arrival of Huang Gai.

Suddenly, Cao Cao's unit was isolated from the rest of Shang's army, with Cheng Pu on one side and the freshly arrived Huang Gai on the other. Rocks had been rolled down the mountainside, killing many of his soldiers and trapping him. Pang Tong's employment hadn't been wasted, it seemed. Sun Quan arrived personally, leading a large army of spearmen to deal with Cao Cao. Outnumbered and outmatched, the aging Cao Cao issued a duel challenge.

Sun Quan, unlike his father and brother, was no warrior. His skill with a blade wasn't poor, but was hardly worthy of note. However, he couldn't appear weak in front of all of his men, and reluctantly accepted the duel. Cao Cao had been a capable swordsman in his day, but he had grown old and weak. At 64 years old, his feeble bones were not equipped to fight any swordsman who was only 36, no matter how poorly trained.

Still, both men took to their horses and began to fight. Cao Cao took Sun Quan's throwing knife to the chest and was injured, but refused to flee the battle. Clenching his blade with a grip of death, he swung wildly, putting Sun Quan on the defensive. He felt his lungs ache and heart pump quickly, but kept up the fight. Finally, he struck a lucky blow and his blade found Sun Quan's heart.

"I'm...sorry..." Cao Cao breathed heavily. Sun Quan's nearly thirteen thousand soldiers dispersed and Cheng Pu and Huang Gai took their lord's body back to the city, allowing Cao Cao to return to his allies. The other warriors of Shang tried to pursuade the injured Cao Cao to return to Wan for treatment, but he waved them off, ordering a full assault on Jiang Xia.


In his will, Sun Quan had dictated that, as his children were too young, his oldest son Sun Dang was to become his heir, but Pang Tong was to be given complete control until his son became worthy. Sun Quan's younger brother Sun Lang had joined Shang, and he thought his other brother Sun Yi a tyrant in the making, not fit to rule. When the will was read, Sun Yi was enraged and slew the reader of the will, claiming the mantle of leadership for himself, declaring himself the Emperor of his own state, Wu, and ordered Pang Tong executed.

With a bounty on his head, Pang Tong fled Wu and joined Shang, bringing a handful of supporters with him. Huang Zhong, who was on the battlefield of Jiang Xia, heard the news of Sun Yi's usurping of the throne, and immediately defected to Shang as well.


With morale broken among men of Wu, Jiang Xia fell to Shang.


Cheng Pu, the great general who has served Sun Jian, Sun Ce, and Sun Quan, was taken prisoner, but immediately asked to surrender to Shang. He confessed that he loved his homeland, but could not bear to see Sun Yi destroy it. At 67 years old, he was close to death, and wanted to die in service of an honorable lord.


A month after joining Shang, Cheng Pu succumbed to old age and died. His death was joined by that of Shen Pei, the former advisor to Yuan Shao, and Lu Su, one of the Eleven Brilliant Ministers.


After defending Lu Jiang from Sun Quan's attack, Yue Jin had set his sights upon Chai Sang. In the days of Sun Jian, Chai Sang had been a bustling metropolis, but each successive ruler had moved further and further away from it. As generals defected with Sun Yi's declaration of himself as an Emperor, Chai Sang had only two generals defending it. With only 4,000 men, Yue Jin was able to take the port outside of the city and do impressive amounts of damage to the city gates before he was forced to retreat by Zhu Zhi.

His assault hadn't been authorized by anyone from Lu Jiang, but he still was commended for his efforts. Ju Shou, the old advisor to Yuan Shao who had escaped the fate of so many former companions, decided to take advantage of the situation. Neither army was paying attention to Lu Jiang and Chai Sang anymore, which meant that a battle could be won there. Setting off with a large unit of catapults, Ju Shou enlisted Chen Dao and Zhang Cheng to aid him, and also enticed Zhang Nan (a general of Sun Yi's who commanded a small fleet around Chai Sang) to defect.

Zhu Zhi's defence was valiant, but he couldn't survive being outnumbered 4 to 1 with no backup, and Chai Sang was taken by Shang.


Sun Yi's Empire was dissolving before his very eyes. Pang Tong advised attacking Yong An, Sun Yi's capital, in hopes of defeating him once and for all, and a campaign from Jiang Zhou was authorized.

Timur Kadesh (along with Cao Zhen) led the attack, with a unit of cavalry. He was backed by Taishi Ci (with Ling Tong) with pikemen, Cao Hong (with Li Tong) and Aran Baron with spearmen, Liu Bei (with Xiahou Yuan) with archers, Wen Jiang and Xun You with juggernauts, and Zhan Gao with catapults.

Although he had a few capable generals like Liu Xian on his side, Sun Yi insisted on taking the lead with a cavalry unit. He was quickly confused by the scheming of Xun You and Wen Jiang, set upon by Cao Hong and Aran Baron, and eventually routed by Timur Kadesh, who beheaded the tyrant.


Without Pang Tong to take over, and with Sun Quan's sons still too young, his sister Sun Shang Xiang became the leader of Wu, though she did not claim an Emperor/Empress position for herself.


Pang Tong had been the Prefect of Yong An under Sun Quan, but when Sun Yi had taken over, he had made the city his capital. After his death, defending the city was impossible, and it, like so many others, fell to Shang.


Back in Wan, the sickened Emperor's condition began to improve, when he was approached by Lou Gui.


Along with his friend and ally Lu Ju, Li Yan took the city of Bei Hai for himself and declared himself Emperor of the Cheng Dynasty. There now stood Three Empires, Shang, Wu, and Cheng.

2011-07-31, 07:16 PM
Hangz Shao was considerably angry at the betrayal, as well as the foolish investigation which had been called. "If Li Yan thinks that he can get out of this empire, he is sadly mistaken. Crush him."

2011-08-01, 02:46 AM
A letter arrives from Yong An:

I hear of trouble stirring in Bei Hai. As you might remember, I spent several years on that front, fighting off Zhang Lu and Kong Rong when they ruled there. I would be honored if you were to allow me to take command of the situation and bring back that rebellious cur in chains.

Also a thought comes to mind, I believe your son Ren is just about of age now? Perhaps he would like to come along, give him a taste of what war is like.

Timur Kadesh

2011-08-06, 01:49 PM
(I will be doing an update either tonight or tomorrow. Depending on how it goes, it will either be the finale or very near it)

2011-08-08, 02:44 PM
(This update is just the pictures. Check back tonight for words. I accidentally closed the tab with the whole update half written and now I am frustrated and need to go do things, so at present this update is JUST PICTURES. I advise not reading it until there are words present, and I will edit it with a note when there are.)

The Last Battle, 219-222 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-3O7yoHyP4)The war with Wu had been temporary placed by the wayside as Shang's focus drifted to dealing with Li Yan and Cheng. The Emperor had granted Timur Kadesh' request to lead the assault, and reinforcements were sent from Pu Yang to cut off a retreat. The main assault force came from Xia Pi, led by Xue Zong, a minor strategist who had been recruited by his friend Kan Ze. Xue Zong was a capable civil official, but had little aptitude for military conquest.

The main assault force was made up of Wu Zhi and Gao Rou with towers, Jiang Ji with archers, Wu Ju and Ding Yi with spearmen, and Xue Zong with a cavalry unit. With reinforcements fast approaching from Pu Yang and Timur Kadesh's elite cavalry unit, Xue Zong was strongly advised to wait, only skirmishing if necessary. He ignored advice and instead ordered a full invasion. Lu Ju, Cheng's strategist and the second son of Lu Fan (a loyal Shang officer), had expected something like that, and managed to completely destroy Xue Zong's unit, capturing the commander in the process.

Now with the option of waiting off the table, Jiang Ji assumed the mantle of leadership. He baited Lu Ju with taunts and drew the opposing strategist out into the open, and then launched an impressive fire attack straight from the scrolls of Lu Xun. In the confusion, Lu Ju's unit was ambushed by Ding Yi, who had been waiting outside the flames. Lu Ju pulled back, but right as he was making his escape, Wang Xiang, Bian Shi (Cao Cao's wife) and his own father Lu Fan came to reinforce Shang.


Shortly after, Timur Kadesh arrived with the 15 year old Hangz Ren, Crown Prince of the Shang.


Timur Kadesh' valiant charge broke through Lu Ju's unit. The strategist escaped, but Xue Zong was rescued and sent back to Xia Pi. Li Yan's unit was defeated by the combined efforts of Ding Yi, Jiang Ji, and Wu Ju and the Cheng Emperor retreated into Bei Hai.

News came from Chai Sang. Ju Shou, the strategist who had served numerous minor warlords of the North before joining Shang, had died. He had assisted the late Guo Jia in the Northern Campaign and had orchestrated the capture of Chai Sang, as well as supervising various domestic affairs. Without his presence as Prefect of Chai Sang, the city fell into disorder and Gan Ning was sent to become the new Prefect.

Even with siege weapons, breaking down Bei Hai would be difficult. Timur Kadesh had been given command by a humble Jiang Ji, but neither commander could think of an easy way to take the city without wasting resources on a six-month siege. Suddenly, Hangz Ren spoke up.

"Li Yan is a formidable mind himself, but he leaves all matter of policy to Lu Ju. Lu Ju is intelligent, but short-sighted. He only sees what he wants to see. If we send Lu Fan with a false surrender, Lu Ju couldn't help but open the gates for his father. When he does so, we can swarm around the city and take it, without having a draw out the conflict with Bei Hai's sizable army."

Timur Kadesh was impressed with the Prince's plan and ordered it executed. Lu Fan sent a letter of surrender to his son, offering him 7,000 soldiers as well as food and gold. Lu Ju eagerly opened the gates, only to find himself betrayed and the city taken.


Li Yan and Lu Ju were both executed by Timur Kadesh, as a stoic Lu Fan watched his unfaithful son hang. Only a few months after its inception, the false Empire of Cheng had fallen to Shang, leaving Wu the only obstacle in reuniting the land. This news unnerved many in Wu, especially those who had heard of Li Yan and Lu Ju's executions. Yang Ang and Li Yi, two generals of Wu, both defected to Shang, leaving holes in Wu's defenses. Plans were made to attack the weak cities, but bandits sprung up in both Shang Yong and Zi Tong that demanded Shang's attention.

The bandits in Shang Yong were overwhelming in number, and far more organized than any bandit threat before. The generals of Shang Yong began to worry as they readied their armies, but a young voice among them laughed alone at the threat.

"Bandits? They're of no consequence." It was Sima Wang, son of Sima Fu and nephew to the great Sima Yi. Only 15 years old, Sima Wang already displayed an aptitude for strategy. "The bandits may have the benefit of numbers and organization, but they still lack proper weaponry. Allow me 8,000 horsemen and I'll crush their rebellion." Wang Lei, the aging Prefect of Shang Yong, granted Sima Wang's request, not wanting to underestimate a member of the Sima clan.

Firstly, Sima Wang directed his army to stand atop a hill and yell insults down at the bandits, drawing them to the Shang army's location. As the bandits approached, boulders were rolled down the hill, crushing many of the bandits and herding them towards the city, where the rest of Sima Wang's forces rushed out and shredded their opponents. The remaining bandits attempted to retreat to their stronghold outside the city, but when they arrived, they discovered that Sima Wang had set the building on fire. As the cavalry ripped through their forces, the bandits dispersed, ridding Shang Yong of their presence for good.

Meanwhile in Zi Tong, the middle-aged Liu Pan decided to take matters into his own hands. The bandits had taken up in the mountains, making it hard to attack them directly. Liu Pan's status as a longtime Shang supporter and as the nephew of the late Liu Biao allowed him to take 8,000 spearmen and bait the bandits near Zi Tong. As they approached, he executed a fire attack that forced them to draw back, burning some and sending others falling to their deaths from the cliffs.

The rest of the bandits were set upon by Liu Pan's spearmen and their stronghold was torn down, making Zi Tong safe once more. However, not long after fending off the mountain bandits, Liu Pan became ill and passed away, entrusting Zi Tong's military to Cao Cao's son Cao Zhang and Zhu Huan.

In Wu, for all her efforts, Sun Shang Xiang was having a hard time controlling her officers. Despite capable knowledge of both warfare and strategy, her gender made her hard to take seriously for many generals. Furthermore, Sun Yi's usurpation had caused many of the best, including Pang Tong and Huang Zhong, to flee to Shang. She had chosen not to crown herself Empress, but instead return to the title held by her brothers as Grand General. Working with Huang Gai at keeping Wu stable, some cities began to escape her notice.

With Chai Sang captured by Shang, there were talks of assaulting from Chang Sha once again, but Sun Shang Xiang refused to authorize an assault, much to the chagrin of the generals of Chang Sha. Fei Yi, the city's Prefect, ordered an attack against the wished of Sun Shang Xiang, and ordered veteran strategist Zhu Zhi to prepare it. Zhu Zhi knew that such an attack would fail, and instead defected to Shang.

Though the ceasefire that had been drawn up to allow Shang to deal with Li Yan had ended, neither Wu nor Shang made any movement for months. A few notables in Shang's army died in this time period, including Mi Shi (Gan Ning's wife), Sima Lang (Sima Yi's older brother), and the veteran general Yue Jin, whose skill at holding a siege had put him at the forefront of many conquests. Still, it was clear that Wu was collapsing interally. Huang Gai was captured in Jiang Xia, attempting to incite rebelling. After being treated well by Zhang Lu, the Prefect of Jiang Xia, Huang Gai accepted that Wu was destined to fall and joined Shang. Shortly after word of his defection reached Wu, Chen Lan, another general of Wu, also defected.

The official Dong He was sent to collect more surrenders, but found himself captured by Wu and thrown in prison in Jiang Ling. This offered Shang an opportunity to invade. However, no one wanted a full-scale campaign to take a poorly defended city, so The Doctor was placed in command with a juggernaut unit, alongside Liu Ye (with Huang Ying) with catapults, Zhang Ji with juggernauts, and Deng Ai with cavalry. Sun Shang Xiang and her niece Sun Shi (the daughter of Sun Ce) tried to fend them off, but Deng Ai's cavalry and The Doctor's schemes managed to force them back into the city, which was quickly taken.


Ten months passed, as supplies were sent to Jiang Ling and a new assault was planned. With the loss of Jiang Ling, Wu had become confined to a small rectangle of territory in the South. Feeling increasingly boxed in, and now missing even Huang Gai, Sun Shang Xiang was forced to capitulate to the generals calling for an attack on Chai Sang. She sent Sha Moke with Fei Yi and Gong Zhi to attack from Chang Sha.

Meanwhile, Yuan Xi, Yuan Shao's second son, passed away, leaving Yuan Shang the only heir to the noble Yuan family. Feeling a desire to hold a small funeral to remember Yuan Shao and his family, Emperor Yuan sent a ceasefire offer to Sun Shang Xiang, who was urged to accept by her strategist Jiang Wan. Jiang Wan believed that the ceasefire was a trap. He believed that Shang was attempting to look weak in Chai Sang, and thus offer a ceasefire that Wu would reject, before swooping in on another front.

Sha Moke and his allies were called back, but the ceasefire ended before they arrived. Jiang Wan ordered an attack again. However, the collected Nine Brilliant Ministers (excluding the late Lu Su and Guo Jia) of Shang noticed Jiang Wan's paranoia and called another ceasefire, pulling Sha Moke back to Chang Sha. When the ceasefire ended, he was sent back a third time to try and take Chai Sang. Having been marching one way or another for nearly a year, Sha Moke was furious with Jiang Wan.

It only took a suggestion from a soldier that he join Shang before the large warrior defected at the gates of Chai Sang. Aided by the prefect, Gan Ning, Sha Moke routed his former allies and halted any further attacks from Chang Sha. As this minor victory was recorded, news of deaths from around the kingdom came in. Huang Gai had died of old age, as had the old advisor Lou Gui.

In Jiang Xia, Cao Cao began to contemplate his own mortality. He was in his 60s and although there were men older than him in the army (particularly Han Sui, who was nearing his 80th birthday), the deaths in his family recently had troubled him, and the injuries he'd sustained a few years before in his duel with Sun Quan were acting up. Determined to do one last great act before he passed, the Prime Minister took a large spear unit from Jiang Xia and attacked the port of Lu Xian. The port was easily taken by Shang and Cao Cao sent a letter back to Jiang Xia.

Responding to Cao Cao's letter, Guan Yu took his own large spear unit, backed by Sun Guan and Bu Zhi, and came to Lu Xian. Cao Cao had taken ill, but told Guan Yu to watch Chang Sha and take it when the time was right. He had put some plans in place and it would be in Shang's possession by the year's end.

With Sha Moke gone, Wu had no great warriors left, but Gong Zhi and Jiang Wan insisted on further attacks on Chai Sang. Gan Ning easily pushed back a weak assault by Gong Zhi, forcing Wu to seek other options. They made a temporary alliance with the Shanyue tribes to the Southeast, and a large Shanyue force set sail to attack Chai Sang. However, Gan Ning's excellent naval abilities defeated them at sea, and he destroyed their strongholds.

With all the preparations in place, Shang advanced on Wu Ling, the next city in their way. The Emperor himself, old and weakened, led the assault with archers, supported by Cao Pi and Zhang Ren. Lu Xun (with Cao Ren and Zhang Bao, Zhang Fei's son) also brought archers, while Ma Teng (wich Xiahou Dun and Hangz Rong, the Emperor's second son, newly 15) borught cavalry. Xu Huang (with Wu Tugu and Wei Yan) came with a pike unit, while Zhang Fei (with Sima Yi and Jia Xu) came with spears. Finally, The Doctor (with Hangz Ren and Huang Ying) brought up the rear with towers.


Again, the resistence put up by Wu was fairly pathetic, only Sun Shang Xiang and Sun Shi. Jiang Wan's pointless expeditions to Chai Sang had thinned the troop numbers in key cities, and his hold over Fei Yi and Gong Zhi kept generals sparse. Only by Sun Shang Xiang's direct order did Jiang Wan reluctantly send Fei Yi to reinforce her. It was then that Guan Yu and his lieutenants struck, moving to Chang Sha from the port of Lu Xian with 17,000 spearmen. Gong Zhi attempted to stop them, but was quickly defeated and released. Jiang Wan came out three times, each time with a new archer unit, but was routed each time.

Both Sun Shang Xiang and Sun Shi were defeated, as Fei Yi's reinforcements were sluggish. However, before Wu Ling could be taken, news came in that Taishi Ci, the great general who had once served Kong Rong, but then become the greatest leader of pikemen in all of Shang, had died.


Even as Wu Ling was captured with Sun Shi, more news of death appeared. Fa Zheng, the Imperial Tutor, had died of old age in the capital.


With the death of two important figures in Shang at the same time, a soft melancholy settled over the Empire. Still, good news began to offset the bad, as Guan Yu fulfilled his duty by taking Chang Sha and capturing a young beauty named Bao Sanniang. Bao Sanniang had been casually working for Wu, but was quick to join Shang due to her admiration for the Emperor and all the great Shang warriors.


Sun Shi, daughter of the late Sun Ce, finally gave up and defected to Shang. Reasoning that Wu was not meant to reunite the land, she gave herself wholeheartedly to Shang, and found herself enamored with Hua Lim, one of The Emperor's earliest advisors. Seeking to capitalize on their good news in an attempt to lift the spirits of the entire Empire, The Emperor ordered an Imperial Temple built in Wu Ling and offered to let any couple that wanted to marry to use it.

In addition to Hua Lim and Sun Shi, Cao Zhi (Cao Cao's fourth son) married Sun Luban (Sun Quan's daughter), Guo Yi (Guo Jia's son) married Xin Xianying, Wen Jiang married Zhu Rong, Guan Suo (Guan Yu's second son) married Bao Sanniang, and Zhang Bao (Zhang Fei's son) married Xiahou Lingnu (Xiahou Dun's daughter).

Shortly after the weddings, Xiahou Dun passed away, content that he was able to see his daughter's wedding before his death. A longtime general and loyal vassal, his passing was mourned by the entire Empire.


Wu now held only two cities, Ling Ling and Gui Yang. After the celebrations and Xiahou Dun's death, a renewed effort was put into planning to take Ling Ling. A plan couldn't be agreed upon, and the invasion stalled. Zhang Song, the old strategist who had once served Liu Zhang, died, further slowing the development of a plan. Sima Shi, the first son of Sima Yi, was frustrated with the slowness of planning and went to Timur Kadesh and Zah Equi.

"My father isn't known to speak highly of anyone without due cause. He has told me that you two are the most tenacious fighters in all of Shang, as well as being highly capable generals. I'll command you and we'll take Ling Ling." Most generals would turn down a 15 year old's offer, but both Timur Kadesh and Zah Equi were fed up with waiting and agreed. While mid-level advisors debated strategies in Wu Ling, the two cavalry generals set off, accompanied by Sima Shi.

Ling Ling hadn't been expecting an attack, and was very low on troops. Sun Shang Xiang managed to mount something resembling a defense, and her archers rained arrows down on the units. Both Timur Kadesh and Zah Equi were hit, but they refused to let up and assaulted the city. Sima Shi was not so lucky and was struck in the eye. Ripping the eye from his socket, he threw it back at his assailents and covered his eye with a ripped piece of cloth, resembling the late Xiahou Dun.

Even with the archers trying to defend, Ling Ling fell quickly and Sun Shang Xiang was forced to flee.


The good news was dampened by a string of deaths. First, Yuan Shang, Yuan Shao's last son, died. He was followed by Yu Jin, the Prefect of Lu Jiang. Yu Jin had served Shang for nearly its entire existence, loyally fighting under the Empire.


Yu Jin's death was followed by Lu Meng. Lu Meng had distinguished himself in earlier battles against Dong Zhuo, but had tapered off as he'd aged. Though physical injuries limited his ability to be a great fighter, he absorbed books and war manuals, and had come close to matching the level of understanding of his friend Lu Xun.


The worst death however, came from Lu Xian. Cao Cao's illness had taken a turn for the worse, not helped by lingering injuries that had never quite healed right. Leaving his estate in the hands of his sons and his grandson Cao Rui, the Prime Minister spent his last breath suggesting Liu Bei be appointed Prime Minister in his place. His last request was complied with, and Cao Cao was buried with incredible honors that matched that of an Emperor's.


That's enough! The Emperor had grown very old. At 69, he could barely stand, although he could still ride a horse. In recent years, he'd discovered a grey stallion named Hex Mark that he'd adopted as his steed. Frequent battles with illness had left his muscles and bones weak and his eyesight and hearing had both declined. Still, with the sight he had left, he looked around his throne room. Everyone had aged.

Hua Lim, Wen Jiang, Aran Baron, Zhan Gao, Zah Equi, Timur Kadesh...They'd all begun as young men, eager for a scrap and unpolished. Now they were all middle-aged or older. Sima Yi, who had been only 18 when he's joined, now stood at 40, flecks of gray in his hair. The Emperor looked at his own sons, remembering them as babies. Hangz Ren was 18 now, eagle-eyed and intelligent. Hangz Rong was only 15, still growing, but was muscular and tall. Everyone had aged. Only The Doctor, standing in the corner of the room, looked unchanged.

The Emperor remembered everyone. Yuan Shao, who had died so long ago. Had it really been that long, he wondered. It had been ten years since Lu Bu had died, and seven since his daughter, the Empress had died. The Emperor thought of every great man or woman who had crossed his path. Sun Jian had been dead for nearly 15 years, hadn't he, if not longer? What about old Tao Qian, whose death had to have been 30 years ago, when Zhang Lu first became a warlord.

That's enough... The Emperor repeated less forcefully. Wu only has Gui Yang left. We should march. The Empire is almost united. Mumbles of agreement were heard around the room.

The Emperor led the attack, flanked on either side by his sons. Zah Equi rode with his son, Zah Warudo, Sima Yi, and Sima Shi. Timur Kadesh had his son, Timur Jian, as well as Jia Xu. Ma Teng had Wei Yan and Ma Dai. Zhang Fei had his son. Xu Huang had Cao Ren. As before, The Doctor brought up the rear with towers, with Huang Ying and Mary.


Where other battles had seemed frantic, this one seemed final somehow, epic in scope. Jiang Wan ran into the thick of battle, only to be surrounded on all sides and defeated by Shang.


The Doctor confused Liu Kai with a strategy, while Xu Huang did the same to Sun Shang Xiang. Ma Teng's unit ran through Jia Hua's, killing the Wu general in the process. A joint effort between Timur Kadesh and Zah Equi forced back Gong Zhi. Taking advantage of the confusion, Zhang Fei's unit ripped through Sun Shang Xiang's. The sovereign of Wu found herself on the receiving end of a spear and coughed blood quietly before dying.


With the entire Sun family having migrated to Shang (even Sun Deng, Sun Quan's son, had joined Shang), there was no line of succession. Jiang Wan attempted to claim power, but he was beaten back by Liu Kai, who seized power and did away with the Grand General title Sun Shang Xiang had used, declaring himself Emperor of Wu as Sun Yi had done before him.

Liu Kai issued an edict across the land that urged everyone to stand up and fight off the Shang oppressors. While it was largly ignored, a few thousand men in Xin Ye grasped on to his message and attacked the city. The aging Han Dang, a former Wu vassal himself, was dispatched to deal with them. He subdued the rebels, allowing Shang's main force to advance unhindered.

Zhang Fei himself killed Liu Kai, felling him in a single blow in a duel. Again, Jiang Wan was unable to climb to power, as Gong Zhi declared himself the new Emperor of Wu.


Gong Zhi fared about as well as Liu Kai had. Possessing none of the qualities that made Sun Jian, Sun Ce, Sun Quan, or even Sun Shang Xiang capable rulers, he blundered into combat, and was killed by Timur Kadesh's spear in a plot devised by Jia Xu. Before Gong Zhi had even hit the ground, the general Zhu Ran declared himself Emperor.


At this point, the once-mighty land of Wu had shrunk to a single city, an Emperor, an official in Fei Yi and a strategist in Jiang Wan. However, although he possessed none of the charisma or morality of the Sun family, Zhu Ran also didn't possess the foolish nature of Liu Kai and Gong Zhi. He was a competent general and passable battlefield tactician and managed to manuever his troops into dealing moderate damage to Xu Huang and Ma Teng before being routed by Zah Equi.

Undeterred, he rode out again, fighting tenaciously before being defeated again by Timur Kadesh. Realizing that there was no way he'd be able to defeat the giant Shang armies in organized warfare, Zhu Ran instead opted for a different strategy. He opened the gates to the the city and ordered every one of the 80,000 troops out to fight, before locking the gates again. The chaos of 80,000 Wu troops running around aimlessly was peculiar, but strangely effective, causing confusion in Shang's ranks and dealing death by trampling in many case.

This is ridiculous! Timur Kadesh yelled, brandishing his spear. Yeah! Zah Equi agreed, swinging Lu Bu's Crescent Halberd. They think this is scary? I'll give them something to be scared about! Both generals rode into the fray by themselves, despite the protests of every other Shang general. Two men against 80,000 seemed completely impossible.

Yet, somehow, they appeared to be winning. Like twin cyclones on the battlefield, the two warriors danced through Wu's army, killing soldiers with every blow. Some fought back, and small cuts and nicks appeared in each man's armor. Slowly, they fought their way to the gates and pushed the giant army apart. Timur Kadesh took a sword to chest and fell to a kneel. Even while kneeling, he spun his spear around and impaled various Wu soldiers.

Zah Equi, recalling the memory of his deceased older brother Lu Bu, stood tall and swung the Crescent Halberd, felling dozens of soldiers with each slash or thrust. Finally, the dust settled, with Wu's army broken in half and fleeing away from the gate in all directions. Hundreds of Wu soldiers' bodies littered the front gates. Timur Kadesh kneeled, holding his hands over a bad wound in his stomach. Zah Equi leaned up against the gate, breathing heavily as he bled from a dozen mortal wounds. The Emperor dismounted, shaky on his old legs.

Timur Kadesh...Zah Equi... He breathed heavily, trying to walk towards his generals and friends. Take the city! Timur Kadesh yelled at the armies of Shang. Under the Doctor's command, the armies broke into the city. Timur Kadesh looked back at the Emperor. We did it...Your Majesty... He collapsed, lifeless. Heh...It's funny. I'm dying, but I've never felt...so...STRONG... Zah Equi cracked a smile as he too fell to the ground, dead.

The Emperor fell back, his breath growing harried and rushed. His vision, already poor, began to blur. His chest felt tight. It was a only a matter of time. The physicians hadn't given him long, and he'd gone past their expectations by years. He must've been running on ambition alone, he realized. Struggling to keep his eyes open, he saw the fuzzy forms of his sons standing over him.

"Father! Stay awake, we'll get you back to the city!"
"You've got to stay alive! We need you!"

They had come back from inside the city. That meant it had been taken. The Emperor looked up. The Doctor was standing on the front gates, a red flag in his hand. He was taking it down...replacing it with an indigo one. Indigo for Shang. The Emperor coughed and his vision blurred even worse. Slowly, he closed his eyes, his last sight the red flag of Wu being taken from the last Wu city.

The Dragon of Shang ascended into the Heavens, his work finished.


2011-08-09, 03:57 AM
Got to say, nice ending. I like how you set it up for the next generation to carry the mantle of their fathers. Overall, a fun read. All that screentime Timur Kadesh got was also nice :smallbiggrin:.

2011-08-09, 04:04 AM
There will be an Epilogue/History Debrief/Thing tomorrow(ish?) that will say what happens next. I will be covering all player characters, and major characters that I think deserve a mention (Sima Yi, for example). Excuse the pretention (as if people would be interested in my out of character fictional retellings of an 1800 year old story), but if there is anyone who you would like to know what happens to, let me know and I will make a note for them in the Epilogue.

2011-08-09, 06:22 AM
I assume by player characters you also mean heirs? If so, I'd like to see the continuation of the dynasty as well as Timur Jian's future. Of "npc" characters....probably something on the Cao clan, Liu Bei and his family, Zhang He since he directly connects with Zah Equi, and Xu Huang since for some odd reason I have always liked him since playing Dynasty Warriors 3. For the big families, I don't need individual histories, but general overviews, as I doubt you want to go on about Cao X and Cao Y and so on.

2011-08-09, 07:41 AM
Every single Cao. ALL OF THEM.

2011-08-09, 12:24 PM
Yeah NPC characters. Don't worry, everyone in Dynasty Warriors will be getting a mention, basically.

And mootoall?

Challenge Accepted.

Hussam B.
2011-08-09, 03:40 PM
Woo! Victory At Last! And my Character got married! :D

Nice Work, Raistlin1040, was fun following this all the way.

2011-08-09, 11:25 PM
And mootoall?


Fixed that for you, good sir.

2011-08-10, 05:24 AM
The Destiny Of An Emperor (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCOxZyQqTzY&feature=related)

Notable Shang OfficersZhan Gao, one of Emperor Yuan's earliest generals, died at age 60 in the year 223, shortly after the Conquest of Wu and the Battle of Gui Yang. He left behind biological heir, so before he died, he adopted an orphan named Zhan Gui, who became a civil official in the early Shang.

Aran Baron, the charismatic warrior who had served Cao Cao against the Yellow Turban Rebellion before defecting to Hangz Shao, died at age 66 in 235. He became blind in 225 and was forced to quit active military service, but acted as a consultant during the Second Wu Campaign. See Also: Second Wu Campaign.

Wen Jiang died in 238 at the age of 67. As one of the Eleven Brilliant Ministers, he was commemorated with an Imperial Funeral. With his wife, the Nanman woman Zhu Rong, he had three children, Wen Li, Wen Fan, and Lady Wen Shi. Wen Li and Wen Fan were instrumental in quelling the Nanman Uprising. See Also: Nanman Uprising.

Hua Lim died in 242 at age 71, outliving every other original member of Hangz Shao's retinue. With his wife Sun Shi, he had one son, Hua Fei, who succeeded him as a capable tactician. Hua Fei also worked with Wen Li and Wen Fan during the Nanman Uprising. See Also: Nanman Uprising.

Zah Equi died during the Battle of Gui Yang at age 52. His son, Zah Warudo inherited the Crescent Halberd that had belonged to his uncle, Lu Bu, and became a war legend much like his father and uncle. His daughter, Zah Gabor married Timur Jian and accompanied him on the Northern Defenses as his strategist. See also: Northern Defenses, Second Wu Campaign.

Timur Kadesh died during the Battle of Gui Yang, aged 63. His son Timur Jian displayed an aptitude for both dueling and battlefield warfare, and became the Grand Commander under Emperor Jin. His crowning moment of heroism came during the Northern Defenses. See Also: Northern Defenses.

Ma Teng was mortally wounded during the Battle of Gui Yang. He was the first choice to succeed Liu Bei as Prime Minister, but died in 223, at age 75, before he could be given the title. His oldest son, Ma Chao, continued to serve Shang as an important general until his untimely death in 227, at age 51. The other sons of Ma Teng served as minor Shang generals, although Ma Dai quit military service to become an artist and storyteller, until his death in 238.

Deng Ai, the brilliant young commander who had defected from Wu to help begin the First Wu Campaign, ascended through the ranks of military leadership, eventually becoming Grand General of Shang, only below Timur Jian in terms of authority. He died at age 70 in 267, after leading a campaign against Zhong Hui. See Also: Zhong Hui's Rebellion.

Lu Xun, one of the Eleven Brilliant Ministers, continued to work as a senior military advisor and commander. He participated in the beginning of the Northern Defenses, as well as the Shanyue Campaign. He died in 245 at the age of 62, and was suceeded by his son Lu Kang, who became an important general under Emperor Jin. See Also: Northern Defenses, Shanyue Campaign

Zhang Liao, one of the three remaining Tiger Generals after the Battle of Gui Yang (along with Guan Yu and Xu Huang), kept the borders of Shang safe. Was Grand General after Shang's founding. He died in 225 at the age of 60. His son Zhang Hu succeeded him, and died during the Northern Defenses. See Also: Northern Defenses.

Zhao Yun became plauged by illness and was confined to bedrest shortly after the Battle of Gui Yang. He became Prefect of Chang Sha despite his condition, and was beloved by his people until his death in 229 at the age of 61. His oldest son Zhao Tong took over his Prefecture, while his younger son Zhao Guang became a mid-level officer in the Shang military.

Gan Ning personally led the Shanyue Campaign, where Shang was victorious. He sustained an arrow wound that festered, eventually killing him in 227 at the age of 52. His older son Gan Huai was eventually exiled for troublemaking, though his younger son Gan Shu became an Admiral of some renown. See Also: Shanyue Campaign.

Xu Zhu, former bodyguard to both Cao Cao and Hangz Shao, continued his practice with Emperor Sun. He died at age 54 in 224. Along with Dian Man, his son Xu Yi continued the practice of guarding the Emperor, and guarded both Emperor Sun and Emperor Jin.

Huang Zhong, one of the oldest generals in Shang's army, returned home after the First Wu Campaign. His son Huang Xu died of illness without children, and Huang Zhong wasted away in grief in 223, willing his estate to his close friend Xiahou Yuan.

Pang De fought during the Second Wu Campaign, sustaining injuries that eventually killed him in 232. His son, Pang Hui, was courageous but foolhardy, working as a minor general during the Second Wu Campaign and then being kept at a minor officer position. See Also: Second Wu Campaign.

Wei Yan was appointed Prefect of Hanzhong, which suffered riots during the Nanman Uprisings. Though he led the Shang forces against the Nanman and successfully staved them off, he was betrayed by Yang Yi and killed in 234.

Xiahou Yuan grieved for the deaths of his friends and family, Cao Cao, Xiahou Dun, and Huang Zhong. He retreated from public life, but privately tutored his sons, Xiahou Ba, Xiahou He, Xiahou Hui, and Xiahou Wei. All four of his sons became prominent generals, particularly Xiahou Ba who fought as a major general in the Shanyue Campaign. Xiahou Yuan died in 226. See Also: Shanyue Campaign

Zhou Tai acted as an occasional bodyguard for Emperor Sun before dying in 226 at the age of 63. His death allowed Emperor Sun to escape Zhu Ran during the Second Wu Campaign. See Also: Second Wu Campaign.

Jia Xu, one of the Eleven Brilliant Ministers, retired from duty. He authored a war manual that was well-received and died in 223 at the age of 76. His sons Jia Feng and Jia Mu were largly superfluous officials, but his grandson Jia Mo was a capable administrator under Emperor Jin.

Pang Tong, the Fledgling Pheonix, disappeared after the Battle of Gui Yang and was never seen again. His song Pang Hong reappeared in 235 and appeared sporadically for years after, occasionally dispensing advice to Emperors Sun and Jin.

Xun Yu, one of the Eleven Brilliant Ministers, died in 222, shortly after the Battle of Gui Yang, at the age of 60. His son Xun Yun inherited his titles and estate, but did little in the court. His second son Xun Can retired to becoming a philosopher and was often quoted in official discussions. His third son Xun Yi ascended to a senior ministry, but died before achieving much.

Xu Shu changed his name to Shan Fu and left Shang's service to work as a Taoist philospher. He died in 234 at the age of 64, but not before authoring a complete history of the turbulent period of Shang's conquest. His works were edited and expanded upon by Sima Yi and Ma Liang after his death, and were kept in the Imperial Palace.

Zhuge Liang, one of the Eleven Brilliant Ministers, worked as the Prime Minister under Emperor Sun after Guan Yu's death. He fought openly with Grand Commander Sima Yi, inadvertantly causing a sectional divide in Shang after the Second Wu Campaign. He commanded the Second Wu Campaign and meant to lead the early Northern Defenses, but died in 234 at the age of 53. See Also: Second Wu Campaign.

Huang Ying worked tirelessly with her husband during the Second Wu Campaign, helping to develop the strategy that isolated Zhu Ran. She died in 234 as well, following her husband. See Also: Second Wu Campaign

Zhuge Jin was repeatedly promoted by Emperor Sun, until he had attained the rank of Chief Diplomat. He died in 241 at age 67. His oldest son Zhuge Ke appeared to be a rising star for Shang, but was repeatedly dismissed and punished by Emperor Jin. In 253, he rebelled against Shang. His second son Zhuge Qiao was gifted as well, but died in 228 of illness, at age 25. His third son, Zhuge Rong was a minor Shang official. See Also: Zhuge Ke's Rebellion.

Liu Bei died in 223, serving a mere year and a half as Prime Minister. He was 62. His biological son Liu Shan was foolish and given no positions, though Liu Li and Liu Yong both became minor generals in Shang. His adopted son Liu Feng became a general of some renown and fought during Zhuge Ke's rebellion, dying in 253 at age 61. See Also: Zhuge Ke's Rebellion.

Zhang Lu, the former warlord, founded a religion known as the Five Pecks Of Rice Movement. His sons continued the movement, which eventually became a popular alternative to Confucianism.

Zhang Fei committed suicide in 223 at age 56, after his older brother's death. His son Zhang Bao became a major general under Emperor Sun, eventually attaining Grand General. He died in the later Northern Defenses. See Also: Northern Defenses.

Ling Tong, son of Ling Cao, died in 237 at the age of 48. He participated in the Nanman Uprisings with his son Ling Lie, where he died. His yonger son Ling Feng became a minor general under Emperor Jin. See also: Nanman Uprisings.

Ding Feng ascended to a high military position. He protected Emperor Sun during the Second Wu Campaign after Zhou Tai's death and lived until 271. After Deng Ai's death, was promoted to Grand General. He had a friendly rivalry with Timur Jian and was considered likely to succeed him as Grand Commander, but died before Timur Jian did. See Also: Second Wu Campaign.

Zhang Zhao, the old strategist of Kong Rong, continued to climb interal affairs ranks. After Zhuge Liang's death, he became Prime Minister, but died in 236 at age 80, so his position lasted only two years. His son Zhang Cheng continued to be a mid level general until his death in 244.

Chen Qun, an honorable and intelligent politician, succeeded Zhang Zhao as Prime Minister for 5 years, before dying in 241. He was the last Prime Minister of Early Shang, as the position was abolished by Emperor Jin.

Ma Liang, the talented strategist who had been a close friend of Zhuge Liang, died in 226 at age 40 before fulfilling his potential. His son Ma Bing was elected to help in the Northern Defenses, but Ma Su, Ma Liang's brother, took the position instead, leading to a disasterous Shang defeat. Ma Su was then discharged from service, and his titles were transfered to Ma Bing. See Also: Northern Defenses.

Guo Huai, the warrior discovered by Sima Yi, worked as a mid-level officer, doing little. However, he took the lead in combatting Zhuge Ke's rebellion, doing significant damage before being killed in action in 255 at age 68. See Also: Zhuge Ke's Rebellion

Meng Huo, the Nanman King, died in 233 of illness. His death began the Nanman Uprisings. See Also: Nanman Uprisings.

Jiang Wei was a scholar-general discovered by Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang. He was said to be the only man who could mediate between the two geniuses. He planned the Shanyue campaign and also worked on supressing Zhong Hui's rebellion, before dying in 264 at age 62. See Also: Shanyue Campaign, Zhong Hui's Rebellion.

Cao Pi, the second son of Cao Cao, appeared a remarkable intellect and talent. Unfortunately, he was stricken by illness and died in 226 at age 39. His son, Cao Rui became the head of the Cao family until his death in 239, dying at age 33. Many of Cao Cao's sons, including Cao Zhi and Cao Zhang, had also died, leaving the young Cao Feng to lead the Cao family, which he did until 274.

The Cao FamilyCao Hong, the great cavalry general and Cao Cao's cousin, died in 232 at age 63.

Cao Pi suceeded his father for 4 years and built up the Cao family's wealth before dying in 226 and leaving his position to his son Cao Rui.

Cao Rui continued his father's practices, eventually making the Cao family the richest noblemen in all of Early Shang. Died in 239 at age 33.

Cao Ren, the defensive general who was Cao Cao's cousin, died in 223 at age 55 after an illness.

Cao Zhen, Cao Cao's nephew, worked as a minor general in Shang's army, but was killed during the Second Wu Campaign in 231. See Also: Second Wu Campaign.

Cao Xiong, Cao Cao's sickly fifth son, died in 224.

Cao Zhi, Cao Cao's fourth son, became a poet and was well-known for generations for his poetry. He died in 232 at age 40.

Cao Zhang, Cao Cao's third son, died in 223 during the Shanyue Campaign. See Also: Shanyue Campaign.

Cao Yu, Cao Cao's seventh son. His modesty kept him from being promoted too highly, but he was an important and effective mid-level minister who lived until 251. He aided Cao Rui's son Cao Feng in the early years of his leadership.

Cao Xiu, Cao Cao's nephew. Served as a military general until his death in 228 at age 50.

Cao Ju, Cao Lin, Cao Gun, Cao Xuan, Cao Jun, Cao Ju, Cao Gan, Cao Shan, Cao Biao, Cao Qin, Cao Cheng, Cao Zheng, Cao Jing, Cao Jun, Cao Ji, Cao Hui, a bunch of Cao Cao's sons who had small aspiritions and worked in local governments or militias.

Cao Mao, Cao Cao's youngest son. Was vicious and spiteful and attempted to sieze power from Cao Feng when Cao Rui died. Was killed by Cao Yu's bodyguards in 240.

Cao Shuang, Cao Zhen's son. Attempted to usurp Sima Yi's position as Grand Commander in 249, but was killed by Sima Zhao.

Guan Yu, of the Tiger Generals, became Prime Minister after his brother's death in 223. With Zhang Fei's suicide, he became the last of the original Oath Brothers to live. He served Shang dutifully until his death in 226 at age 66. His sons Guan Ping, Guan Suo, and Guan Xing were all praised as talented generals and all three served during the Northern Defenses. See Also: Northern Defenses.

Xu Huang was the last of the Tiger Generals, dying in 228 at age 58. Succeeded Zhang Liao as Grand General. He participated in the Second Wu Campaign, personally killing Zhu Ran before being overrun by Wu soldiers. His son Xu Gai was a minor general. See Also: Second Wu Campaign.

Zhang He, the middle brother of the Lu Bu/Zhang He/Zah Equi Brotherhood, died in 231. Succeeded Xu Huang as Grand General. He participated in the Second Wu Campaign, chasing down Zhu Ran's liuetenants on Red Hare and slaying them with his fabled claws. An arrow wound led to his death, and Red Hare followed him after his death. His son Zhang Xiong was known as a crack archer.

Sima Yi, one of the Eleven Brilliant Ministers, survived until 251, dying at age 72. His strategies were used during the Nanman Uprisings and the Northern Defenses. He was briefly considered for Prime Minister after Zhuge Liang's death, but declined in order to keep his Grand Commander position. His oldest son, Sima Shi, became one of the most important generals and administrators under Emperor Sun and Emperor Jin before dying in 259. His second son Sima Zhao became Grand Commander after Timur Jian's death in 277, though he died in 280 at age 69. Both brothers fought to quell Zhuge Ke's rebellion, and Sima Zhao fought in Zhong Hui's as well. See Also: Nanman Uprisings, Northern Defenses, Zhuge Ke's Rebellion, Zhong Hui's Rebellion.

Positions of NoteGrand Commander (Military Head)
Sima Yi (222-251)
Timur Jian (251-277)
Sima Zhao (277-280)

Grand General (Military Second In Command)
Zhang Liao (222-225)
Xu Huang (225-228)
Zhang He (228-231)
Zhang Bao (231-245)
Timur Jian (245-251)
Deng Ai (251-267)
Ding Feng (267-271)
Sima Zhao (271-277)

Prime Minister (Chief Administrator)
Cao Cao (222)
Liu Bei (222-223)
Guan Yu (223-226)
Zhuge Liang (226-234)
Zhang Zhao (234-236)
Chen Qun (236-241)

Never The EndAfter Emperor Yuan's death in 222, his son Hangz Ren ascended to the throne at 20 years old. He became known as Emperor Sun and surrounded himself with able generals and ministers. He granted all the soldiers of Wu amnesty, and many joined his army. Jiang Wan and Fei Yi, the two Wu officials, surrendered. However, Zhu Ran, still claiming to be Emperor of Wu, escaped.

Emperor Sun wanted to work on matters of the interior, a policy supported by intellects like Zhang Zhao and Zhuge Liang. However, it became evident that the Shanyue tribes that had been aligned with Wu had grown into a formidable force and would need to be dealt with. Their presence in the Southeastern part of China was growing and becoming a threat to Shang's dominance in the newly-conquered lands.

The Shanyue Campaign, 224-226In 224, two years after ascending to the throne, Emperor Sun decided that an elite army would need to take the fight to the Shanyue. He enlisted Jiang Wei, the man recommended by both Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi, to draw up battle plans. Jiang Wei, unfamiliar with much of Shang's army, called upon Lu Xun to help him.

The two strategists managed to select a handful of generals to lead the assault. Gan Ning, who had been successful at repelling the Shanyue the first time, was put in command. Xiahou Ba, Xiahou Yuan's first son, was also selected for the vanguard. Cao Zhang, Cao Cao's third son, was delegated to a supporting position. Just as they planned their invasion, the winds turned against them, blowing harshly north and to the west. The attacks needed to be delayed, and the invasion didn't begin until 225.

At first, Shang scored nearly a dozen naval victories. Gan Ning and Lu Xun were expert sailors and were able to outmanuever the Shanyue at each clash, forcing them back to land. The Shanyue fleet defeated, the Shang vanguard, consisting of Xiahou Ba and Cao Zhang charged the retreating army. Xiahou Ba's army dealt vicious blows to the Shanyue, but Cao Zhang was lured into a trap and his unit was crushed. He attempted to escape, but a Shanyue chief named Mi Dang shot him with a poisoned arrow, killing him.

Leaving Gan Ning to blockade the Shangyue in case of a naval retreat, Jiang Wei and Lu Xun came on land. The Shanyue had hidden inside a lush forest and had resorted to hit and run tactics that the conventionally trained troops of Xiahou Ba couldn't contend with. Lu Xun came up with the plan to smoke them out. With Jiang Wei, he ordered his soldiers to construct hundreds of small tinders that they would carry along the outskirts of the forest. With a bit of fire and the wind, the smoke rushed through the forest, bringing the Shanyue out, where they were set upon by the waiting Shang troops.

Xiahou Ba personally killed Mi Dang with a single thrust from his sword, and secured the surrender of the rest of the Shanyue. Confident that they were no longer a threat, the army sailed back to Chai Sang with Cao Zhang's body.
Unfortunately, Shang had little time to celebrate. Zhu Ran, who had been silent and hidden for four years, suddenly reappeared with half a million followers. He's been recruiting from various tribes in the North, as well as finding former Wu soldiers to join him. Two lieutenants, Tan Xiong and Tao Jun, also served him.

The Second Wu Campaign, 226-231Emperor Sun was in Xin Ye, attending to some civil matters and choosing officials. His bodyguards Xu Yi and Dian Man were back in Luo Yang, but he was accompanied by Zhou Tai. As they left the city and traveled a few miles out, they were attacked by a dozen bandits wearing red strips of cloth around their arms. They claimed to serve the Empire of Wu and attacked. Zhou Tai dispatched a few of them, but it was all he could do to keep the Emperor safe. The Emperor's horse was hit with a stray arrow, and Zhou Tai gave his horse to Emperor Sun to escape.

The Emperor escaped, but Zhou Tai was cut down by the rebels. Immediately, The Emperor ordered intelligence to be gathered. It appeared that Zhu Ran had amassed a large force in Xin Ye, Chang Sha, and Ling Ling and was planning on attacking those cities. Zhuge Liang was put in charge of tactical decisions, and with his wife, Huang Ying, he began to select groups of generals. Aran Baron, blind by this point, was given an auxillary strategist position. Pang De, his son Pang Hui, and Zah Warudo were sent to Ling Ling. Xu Huang and Ding Feng reinforced Chang Sha, and Zhang He and Cao Zhen fortified Xin Ye.

A year passed without any news of attacks, and Shang soldiers began to grow discontent. Desertions became increasingly commonplace, and order became so low that when Zhu Ran finally DID attack, at Chang Sha, the Shang army was beaten fairly easily. Ding Feng was able to round up the soldiers and whip them back into shape, but Xu Huang took off after Zhu Ran.

By this point, Xu Huang was the last living Tiger General who had served Emperor Yuan. Mounted on an Imperial horse, he chased down the false Emperor of Wu and challenged him to a duel. Zhu Ran scoffed and attempted to flee. With a well placed arrow, Xu Huang knocked Zhu Ran off of his horse and then cleaved him in two with his great axe. He was surrounded by Wu soldiers and attempted to fight his way out. Much like Zah Equi and Timur Kadesh had done before, he cut a line through the Wu army before being slain. The Wu forces were so disorganized at Chang Sha that Ding Feng was able to rout the unit with his own.

With Zhu Ran's death, it seemed as though the Empire of Wu had finally fallen. Yet the rebel armies in Xin Ye and Ling Ling stayed composed. Without any leader, the rebels of Ling Ling descended into a bandit horde, held off by Pang De, Pang Hui, and Zah Warudo. Pang Hui believed that his unit could rout the bandits and overextended, breaking the battle plan Zhuge Liang had drawn up. Though he dealt strong initial casualties, he was surrounded and his father was forced to run in and save him. Pang De succeeded in saving his son, but also sustained arrow wounds that left him bedridden.

Zah Warudo, weilding the Crescent Halberd, charged with his unit. With a feral scream, he terrified the rebels and caused them to break rank and flee. Pang De held on for two more years, until 232, but eventually was killed by an infection in one of the wounds. Pang Hui was never given another major assignment.

With Zhu Ran dead and the bulk of the Wu army defeated, the last line of defense was the rebel encampment in Xin Ye. Tan Xiong and Tao Jun had proven themselves poor strategists, but decent defenders, and Zhang He had been unable to draw them out. Growing increasingly frustrated with the situation, Cao Zhen yelled insults at the encampment, trying to draw them out. He was met with an arrow, which killed him. His army fell into anarchy, destroying the rebel encampment and forcing Tan Xiong and Tao Jun to flee with their armies in tatters.

Riding on Red Hare, Zhang He gave chase. With his glorious gilded warclaws, he caught up to both Wu generals and killed each of them with a single, fluid strike. A stray arrow pierced his chest and he died shortly after arriving back in Xin Ye. Still, the giant rebel army was defeated and their leaders were all dead. There would never be another threat from Wu.
After the Second Wu Campaign ended, Prime Minister Zhuge Liang and Grand Commander Sima Yi fueded openly about policy. Sima Yi suggested a vigorous border patrol and strengthening of military forces in order to protect from outside threats. Zhuge Liang argued for stronger civil power in order to ferret out traitors. The arguments continued until 233, threatening to tear apart Shang only 11 years after it had been united.

The Emperor managed to keep both parties in check, but it became obvious that sides were being taken. Many of the Cao and Xiahou clans backed Sima Yi, while the Guan and Liu families supported Zhuge Liang. A civil war seemed imminent, as each Brilliang Minister accused the other of plotting to sieze power. Unable to reconcile their differences alone, The Emperor asked Jiang Wei to mediate a discussion.

Jiang Wei rose to the challenge and was able to reach an agreement between the two, averting the civil war. It was agreed that both a stronger military AND a stronger civil force was necessary. The agreements came not a moment too soon, as the following year, Zhuge Liang died and Shang was rocked by threats both internal and external.

Nanman Uprisings, 234-240Since the conquest of Liu Zhang and his son, Shang and the Nanman tribes had been friendly. King Meng Huo was a vassal of Shang, as was his brother Meng You. Lady Zhu Rong was married to Wen Jiang and they had three children together. King Duosi and King Wu Tugu also supported Shang, as did the Nanman sorcerer Mulu Duosi. Over time, other Nanman officers, like Ahui Nan and Mang Yacheng also grew to accept Shang as their rulers.

However, when Meng Huo died in early 234, the Nanman encampments in the Riverlands broke into anarchy. Hanzhong was beset by riots, eventually leading to the prefect Wei Yan's death. Meng You, Meng Huo's brother, was the natural choice to succeed him as Nanman King, but a new group of young Nanman officers were unwilling to accept him as king.

King Duosi and King Wu Tugu both attempted to appeal to the other Nanman, but were unsuccessful. Gao Ding declared himself Nanman king, supported by Tu An, Xi Ni, and Yang Feng. Mulu Duosi attempted one last appeal, showing the new Nanman a ritual that declared Meng You the new king. Gao Ding was unimpressed and killed Mulu Duosi and sent his head back to Emperor Sun.

Sima Yi was troubled by the problem. Though Shang had the military force to conquer the Riverlands again, it had taken 9 years before, against an incompetent ruler. Against Gao Ding, it would take twice that long, and Sima Yi knew that wasting resources on a Nanman Campaign wouldn't be prudent. Still, if something wasn't done, the Nanman would spread North.

Ling Tong volunteered to hold Hanzhong, and his wish was granted by Sima Yi. With his son Ling Lie, Ling Tong held out against Nanman offensives for three years, until 238. The Nanman came to the city and captured Hua Man, Meng Huo's daughter, with the intent of forcing her to marry Gao Ding. Ling Tong shot out of the city on horseback, killing Tu An and Xi Ni with his spear and saving Hua Man before being shot with Yang Feng's arrows.

Ling Tong was slain, forcing Sima Yi to consider a new plan. By a stroke of luck, Hua Fei, the son of Hua Lim, had been sent to work as an assistant. Hua Fei suggested using Wen Li (aged 16) and Wen Fan (aged 14) to defeat the Nanman. As they both had Lady Zhurong's blood inside of them, they had as much claim as anyone else.

Sima Yi was impressed and sent the two brothers, along with Ling Lie and an army, to the Nanman settlements. Initially, Gao Ding turned away the brothers, but he relented when he saw Wen Li's darkened skin. Having heard the stories of Nanman life from his mother, Wen Li challenged Gao Ding to a duel for the kingship. Gao Ding refused, laughing at Wen Li and saying that a boy had no chance.

Wen Li chuckled in response and instead sent forth his brother, who asked to duel Yang Feng. Less mocking than his King, Yang Feng accepted the duel, drawing a sword. However, he took not two steps before three small flying swords were embedded in his chest, and he was dead. Gao Ding was somewhat impressed, and agreed to duel Wen Li.

He blocked Wen Li's flying swords and instead slashed him across the face, leaving a scar. Gao Ding lowered his guard to gloat, and found himself impaled on a short spear. Most of the Nanman surrendered to Wen Li, and those that didn't were set upon by the army. Wen Li and Hua Man married, becoming King and Queen of the Nanman and re-establishing strong Shang-Nanman relations in 240.
While the Nanman Uprising caused strife within Shang, threats of invasion caused external problems. The Qiang tribe, along with foreigners from other nations, had formed an alliance to defeat Shang. For eleven years, constant attacks on Shang's Northern Borders demanded the attention of Sima Yi and the Emperor. Despite the small skirmishes, there were 5 major Northern Defenses.

The 5 Northern Defenses, 234-245The first news of an attack came in 234, shortly after the Hanzhong Riots. Zhuge Liang began making preparations to defend the North, but died soon after he started. Someone was needed to mount a defense. Lu Xun was appointed given his previous successes. Sima Yi, Ma Su, Ma Bing, Zhang Bao, Zah Gabor, Timur Jian, and Zhang Hu all were on their way to help, but the First Northern Defense was easy for Lu Xun to handle.

The Qiang armies lacked any subtlety, merely charging over the mountains in an angry horde. Lu Xun had planted embers all over the battlefield and executed a mighty fire attack, burning a large amount of the Qiang army. As they tried to retreat, Guan Ping, Guan Suo, and Guan Xing all lept out from An Ding, routing the Qiang and taking their supplies. The First Northern Defense had finished by the time reinforcements arrived.

The Second Northern Defense came two years later, in 236. The Guan brothers had been sent back to An Ding to keep it defended if it became a target. Sima Yi was working doubletime, handling the Nanman Uprisings as well, so he began to delegate. In his stead, Timur Jian was to be the chief military officer, with his wife Zah Gabor acting as a tactician. Ma Bing, Ma Liang's son, was to keep the supply unit safe.

However, Ma Su usurped the authority from his nephew and moved the supply unit towards the mountain pass, reasoning that the Qiang would have a harder time reaching them in the mountains. Unfortunately, Ma Su neglected to tell Timur Jian this. The Qiang returned, with foreign aid and new leadership in the form of their chief, Ehe Shaoge and attacked. Timur Jian drove them off initially, scoring a victory, but when he made a short retreat to get supplies, he found them gone.

Meanwhile, Ma Su's own supply line to water was cut off by the Qiang and his supply unit was defeated. He managed to escape, but the supplies were lost. Facing a well-organized army without supplies, Timur Jian called for help from An Ding, and was assisted by the Guan brothers, who brought supplies and helped fend off Ehe Shaoge. While they did, An Ding was undefended, and the Qiang captured the city.

After regrouping, Zah Gabor decided on a plan for the Third Northern Defense, or Offense in that case. She immediately sent Ma Su home, stripped of his rank and honors. She instead placed Ma Bing back in his position of supply captain. Then, she ordered a new tactical formation. Each Guan brother would take an army and attack the city from a different direction, channeling the Qiang out towards Shang. From there, Timur Jian and Zhang Bao would surround the enemy unit.

This plan was considered sound, but Zhang Hu, Zhang Liao's son, objected that he had no role. He was given the position of guarding Ma Bing, but scoffed. In early 239, the Guan brothers began their assaults. In the dark of the night, the Qiang were distracted and disorganized, making them easy prey for Zhang Bao and Timur Jian. The Qiang fled to the north, abandoning the city. Zhang Hu left his post, however, to pursue the Qiang. Underestimating his opponent, he was turned on and killed before the Qiang made their exit. Luckily, Ma Bing had anticipated Zhang Gu's poor behavior and gone to the supply rendevous spot early, to ensure that Shang's army would be well-tended to.

The Nanman Uprisings were quelled with the crowning of Wen Li as Nanman King, allowing Sima Yi to focus his full attention on the North. It seemed as though the Qiang and their allies had exhausted their efforts, so Sima Yi began to organize a retreat. His plan was disrupted when, in early 241, Emperor Sun succumbed to illness and died.

His only son too young to rule, Emperor Sun was succeeded by his younger brother, Hangz Rong, who became Emperor Jin. Although Emperor Jin was a solid tactician and military commander, his skill with political affairs was nowhere near the level of his brother's, and the Qiang saw his coronation as a sign that the cities far from the capital would be easy to capture.

Sima Yi anticipated the Qiang movement and rushed the troops back to defend An Ding in the Fourth Northern Defense. Rather than run down the mountains like they had seven years previously, the Qiang stayed on the mountaintops, raining arrows down on the Shang army. Thanks to the quick defensive thinking of Timur Jian, the army avoided most of the arrowfire. This led Sima Yi and Zah Gabor to concoct a plan together. If they could fool the Qiang into believing that Shang had a supply shortage, they could draw them out.

In the day, Timur Jian sent his soldiers out to the battlefield to collect arrows, instructing the men to look carefully at each arrow and only select the usable ones. From the mountains, the Qiang watched, and began to believe that Shang was low on weapons.

"They have no arrows!" Chief Ehe Shaoge exclaimed. "We're handing them weapons. If they have no arrows, surely they don't have more expensive weapons like spears or swords. If we attack them now, they're as good as finished!" The Qiang army descended from the mountains, where they were intercepted by the armies of Timur Jian and Zhang Bao, who ripped them to pieces. Chief Ehe Shaoge managed to escape, but his unit was routed by the mighty warriors.

Emperor Jin, having an eye for battle, wanted the Northern Defenses to come to an end. Drawing out the fights was keeping the army focused in one army, weaking the others. With the intention of a final fight, Sima Yi, Timur Jian, Zhang Bao, and Zah Gabor approached the Fifth Northern Defense. His Qiang warriors defeated, Chief Ehe Shaoge had turned to his foreign allies to aid him. Mongol replaced the Qiang in the final Northern Defensive, in 245. Although any idea of strategy was lost on the Mongols, their superior numbers and brute strength had served them well in the past.

As in the First Northern Defensive, the invading army simply ran down the mountain pass. Timur Jian and Zhang Bao rode out to meet them, fighting with all their strength to keep the enemies at bay. Sima Yi's men scaled the mountains and rolled down boulders, crushing the invading armies as they came. Even with that tactic, Shang was still outnumbered 2 to 1. Zhang Bao managed to tear through an enemy line and slay Ehe Shaoge. As he tried to escape, he was stabbed with a spear and killed, being taken by a Mongol chief.

Their leader slain, the Mongols began to retreat. Sima Yi was too far away to make a new plan, and Timur Jian knew that he had only one option. If the Mongols retreated, they would return in a year or so with a new leader. Furthermore, Timur Jian refused to let the Grand General's body be taken. Empowering his unit with a ferocious yell, he charged the retreating army, destroying thousands upon thousands of Mongol soldiers and retrieving Zhang Bao's body. Not a single one of Timur Jian's soldiers was lost in the charge, and the fleeing Mongols never returned. The Northern Defenses were over.
After the Northern Defenses, things began to settle. Wen Jiang and Hua Lim, the last original members of Emperor Yuan's allies, had died. Peace had been made with the Nanman, both the Qiang and Shanyue had been destroyed, and Zhu Ran's bastardized Wu troubled Shang no more. It seemed as though all threats were over. In 251, Sima Yi finally died, the mantle of Grand Commander passed to Timur Jian. Emperor Sun's domestic policies had made Shang prosperous and plentiful, and Emperor Jin's military boldness had eliminated most external threats.

That's why it was such a shock in 253, when Zhuge Ke, nephew to former Prime Minister Zhuge Liang, declared himself in rebellion.

Zhuge Ke's Rebellion, 253-254Zhuge Ke was a bright, talented commander. Despite his talents, he was often described as insufferable as a peer and tyrannical as a a leader. Under Sima Yi's Grand Command, he had advanced in rank very little, a fact Zhuge Ke believed was due to his status as Sima Yi's hated rival's nephew. Yet, when Timur Jian became Grand Commander, he didn't promote Zhuge Ke either. Though he had little experience in actual command, Zhuge Ke's arrogance allowed him to believe that he deserved to be Grand General.

Deng Ai had over 30 years of loyal service to Shang, and had commanded in important battles before, and was given the Grand Generalship after Timur Jian became Grand Commander. To Zhuge Ke, this was unforgivable. He readied himself for a year or so, working his way into the position of Prefect of Chen Liu. After being given the Prefecture, Zhuge Ke declared himself independent.

With his charismatic manner of speaking and well-formed ideas, he managed to sway a decent amount of soldiers, enough to hold Chen Liu. Emperor Jin, furious, dispatched Liu Feng, Guo Huai, and the Sima brothers to deal with his rebellion. Sima Shi set himself up as the strategist for the suppression. Firstly, he argued, Zhuge Ke would need to believe that he was smarter than Shang.

With Zhuge Ke's arrogance, this was not a difficult task. Sima Shi anticipated that Zhuge Ke would attempt a fire attack in the middle of the night. "Typical." Sima Shi dismissed. "He's read about the great tactics of past strategists like Lu Xun, but he doesn't know WHY they work." He ordered construction of straw soldiers to be placed into the camp, while the real armor would hide in Hu Lao Gate.

Sure enough, fire burst through the Shang camp that night, torching the fake soldiers and increasing Zhuge Ke's confidence even more. Fixing a soldier with an eyepatch to make him look like Sima Shi, the Shang strategist sent the soldier running across the battlefield. Zhuge Ke opened the city gates, directing his men. "There's Sima Shi! Capture him!" Zhuge Ke's soldiers gave chase, but found themselves surrounded by Guo Huai, Liu Feng, and Sima Zhao. Up against their own fire, Zhuge Ke's troops had nowhere to go and so they surrendered. Sima Shi accepted their surrender and captured Zhuge Ke, executing him on the spot and ending his rebellion.

Zhuge Ke's rebellion was over as quickly as it had begun, thanks to the quick work of Sima Shi. Emperor Jin favored his intellect and expertise, and considered bringing back the position of Prime Minister, so Sima Shi could be promoted. Unfortunately, in 257, Emperor Jin fell ill and died. As Emperor Sun's oldest son, Hangz Yi, was of age, he ascended to the throne as Emperor Wen. Emperor Wen was not a bad Emperor, but he was unassuming and meek compared to his ancestors. Tasked with working for what he saw as a weak Emperor, a general named Zhong Hui grew disgruntled. Sima Shi died shortly after. Emperor Wen's rule was peaceful, but marred by internal political struggles.

Zhong Hui grew to resent The Emperor, as well as the major figures like Timur Jian, Deng Ai, and Sima Zhao. In 263, he was fed up with Shang and declared himself in rebellion.

Zhong Hui's Rebellion, 263-266Zhong Hui had joined Shang's army in the early years of Emperor Jin's reign. He had respected Emperor Jin, if not particularly liked him, and was willing to accept his rule. However, he detested Deng Ai and Timur Jian, and thought Emperor Wen weak-willed. Convinced that he could do better, he decided to rebel, though he refused to make the same mistakes Zhuge Ke had.

Rather than stake out a city, Zhong Hui took a series of ports, limiting trade between cities and also giving him conveniant escape routes if necessary. Grand General Deng Ai took the lead in hunting Zhong Hui down, along with Jiang Wei, Sima Zhao, and a relative of Zhuge Liang's named Zhuge Dan. None of the combatants were particularly good at naval combat, and the first skirmish was effectively a draw, with Zhong Hui escaping.

Jiang Wei's health was fading fast, but he concocted a plan. If a small fleet of ships was chained together and set on fire, Zhong Hui's retreat could be cut off. If he tried to get to land, an army could stop him with arrowfire. However, such a plan would take time, and Jiang Wei knew he didn't have the time. He entrusted his plan to his allies and died in 264. Deng Ai approved of Jiang Wei's plan, and began to make preparations. Zhuge Dan was put in charge of creating the ship blockade, and he chained dozens of ships together. Deng Ai himself would wait on land.

Rather than allow Zhong Hui time to get curious, Sima Zhao menaced him at sea, fighting naval skirmishes with neutral outcomes for a year, allowing Zhong Hui to think that he'd never truly be bested. One skirmish, Sima Zhao feigned injury and ordered a full retreat. Seeing an opportunity to eliminate an obstacle, Zhong Hui pursued, but was unable to locate Sima Zhao's ships in the fog. Suddenly, a flaming fleet of ships began to move slowly towards him. Unable to retreat to his port, Zhong Hui was forced to move forward.

Suddenly, Sima Zhao's ships reappeared, attacking from the side. Zhong Hui turned to avoid them, planning to dock on land and flee. As he did, he noticed Deng Ai's army waiting on land, peppering his ships with arrows. Zhong Hui couldn't turn back, lest Sima Zhao destroy him, so he pressed on. He crashed a ship on the shore and attempted to run, but Deng Ai killed him with a well-aimed arrow, thus ending Zhong Hui's Rebellion.

History Of ShangComing Soon Because It Is Hella Late.

2011-08-10, 07:22 AM
Wow, that is really in depth. Can't wait for the rest!

2011-08-10, 07:27 AM
*Slow clap* I wish Animal House hd you to write their epilogue ...

2011-08-12, 07:56 PM
History Of ShangEarly Shang
The Early Shang period is traditionally considered to be from Emperor Yuan to Emperor Ling, his great grandson. The Early Shang period was characterized by financial prosperity and military strength, though it was also unstable, with many rebellions and outside threats menacing the new Empire. During the Early Shang Period, the capital was Luo Yang. With the possible exception of Emperor Wen (whose merits are a subject of debate even in the modern day, as to whether his rule was successful because of his own skills, or because of Sima Shi, Sima Zhao, and Timur Jian), all of Early Shang's Emperors are considered good examples of successful, benevolent rulers.

Emperor Yuan (204-222): Hangz Shao, posthumously Emperor Yuan, founded the Second Shang Dynasty. He began as a minor warlord in the year 190, after Dong Zhuo seized power. Initially, he defeated another powerful warlord, Cao Cao, and obtained his loyalty. Along the way, he secured the loyalty of other fallen warlords, including Liu Bei, Zhang Lu, Gongsun Zan, and Yuan Shao. In 204, Emperor Xian of the Han willingly abdicated the throne and Shang was created. Dong Zhuo died and was succeeded by his brother Dong Min, and a traitor named Yuan Shu. Eventually, the army came under the control of Ma Teng, who allowed it to break down in support of Shang. Emperor Yuan fought with Sun Quan, whose brother succeeded him and founded the Wu Dynasty, which was short lived. Emperor Yuan also fought a rebellion by a general named Li Yan who founded an even shorter lived Cheng Dynasty. Emperor Yuan died shortly after uniting China, at age 70.

Emperor Sun (222-241): Hangz Ren, posthumously Emperor Sun, was the eldest son of Emperor Yuan. He was not known as a skilled commander, but his political abilities surpassed even his father's. Supported by his Grand Commander, Sima Yi, and a rotating cast of Prime Ministers (the most notable being Zhuge Liang), he stopped attacks by the Shanyue, the remnants of the Empire of Wu, the Nanman, and the Qiang. He maintained order benevolently and increased the Empire's treasury to record levels through frugal economic policies and innovative models. He died of illness at age 39.

Emperor Jin (241-257): Hangz Rong, posthumously Emperor Jin, was the second son of Emperor Yuan. After Emperor Sun died, his son Hangz Yi was too young to rule, so Hangz Rong was appointed Regent. However, with the support of his sister, Lady Hangz Wei, Hangz Rong became Emperor himself. He continued his brother's practice of fighting the Qiang and halted their offensive for good. He also dealt with Zhuge Ke's Rebellion. Although a highly capable military man, Emperor Jin had no head for politics. Because he abolished the Prime Minister position after Chen Qun's death, the court became temporarily filled with corrupt opportunists. Despite this, his commanding presence kept the Empire running. He died in 257 at age 51.

Emperor Wen (257-273): Hangz Yi, posthumously Emperor Wen, was the only son of Emperor Sun. He was not a particularly capable Emperor, though he also was not particularly foolish. Though the position of Prime Minister was not reinstated, Sima Shi effectively acted the position for the first two years of Emperor Wen's reign and weeded out the corruption in Shang's court. After his death, Sima Zhao became the de facto Prime Minister until his ascension to Grand General in 271. The Sima brothers kept the court clean, and the only military struggle during Emperor Wen's life was Zhong Hui's Rebellion. He died under mysterious circumstances at age 40.

Emperor Ling (273-323): Hangz Shu/Zhang Shu, posthumously Emperor Ling, was the son of Emperor Wen. The mysterious circumstances of Emperor Wen's death lead some historians to blame Emperor Ling, but evidence is poor. Ruling for 50 years, Emperor Ling was the longest-reigning Shang Emperor. Taking the throne at age 18, Emperor Ling was a leader of men, a good fighter, a brilliant, a shrewd politician, and a charismatic head of state. Like his grandfather, Emperor Sun, he enacted financial policies that greatly increased the revenue of both the Empire and the common people.

Emperor Ling was also a student of history, and prized the accounts of the pre-Empire period written by Xu Shu and annotated by Sima Yi. Given Emperor Yuan's peculiar surname (that appeared nowhere else in history that Emperor Ling could find), and his absence during the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Emperor Ling concluded that his ancestor was not a Hangz, but a Zhang, related to the Yellow Turban leader Zhang Jiao. To alleviate suspicion, he changed his name. To reflect this, Emperor Ling changed the Imperial name from Hangz to Zhang (A/N: Although evidence has been found to support Emperor Ling's claim, it has not yet been proven by historians).

Emperor Ling also reinstated the position of Prime Minister, abolished by Emperor Jin. His original choice was Sima Zhao, who had served Emperors Sun, Jin, and Wen, but Sima Zhao decline the position and was promoted to Grand Commander instead after Timur Jian's death. Instead, Lu Xun's oldest son Lu Kang became Prime Minister and was noted for his foresight and ability in both politics and warfare. After Lu Kang and Sima Zhao both died in 280, Sima Zhao's son Sima Yan became Prime Minister and Hangz Li/Zhang Li (Emperor Jin's son, cousin to Emperor Wen) became Grand Commander.

Emperor Ling went through a variety of Grand Commanders and Prime Ministers during his reign, but it became apparent that a few families yielded more talent than others. The Sima family continued to produce capable men, as did the descendents of Lu Xun, Zah Equi, Timur Kadesh, Wen Jiang, Hua Lim, Xiahou Yuan, and Guan Yu. The families of Sima, Lu, Zah, Timur, Wen, Hua, Xiahou and Guan became known as the 8 Families and ascended to the highest levels of nobility. Emperor Ling died in 323 at the age of 68, ending the period of Early Shang.

Middle Shang
Following Emperor Ling's death in 323, the proper line of succesion became complicated. Officially, Emperor Ling's son Zhang Ning was designated Crown Prince. However, Zhang Ning was weak-willed and unambitious. Emperor Ling's second son Zhang De was a prodigy, but was not considered due to his status as the second son. At the time of Emperor Ling's death, the Prime Minister was Xiahou Pei, the grandson of Hangz Wei, who had married into the Xiahou family. As such, Xiahou Pei was a cousin to Zhang Ning and Zhang De. The Grand Commander was Guan Shi, grandson of Guan Xing and great grandson of Guan Yu.

A conflict between Xiahou Pei and Guan Shi, as well as the succession crisis, kicked off a civil war, leading to the turmoil known as Middle Shang. Middle Shang was characterized by a depleted treasury and high military conscription, as each player in the war attempted to increase their own power.

Emperor Wu (323-324): Zhang Ning, posthumously Emperor Wu, was Emperor Ling's oldest son. Despite strong favoring of Zhang De by many influential politicans, Zhang Ning was given the throne by Xiahou Pei, in the interest of respecting Emperor Ling's wishes. Guan Shi argued strenuously for Zhang De to be appointed Emperor instead, leading to a split. The families of Lu, Xiahou, and Hua supported Emperor Wu, while the families of Wen, Guan, Zah, and Timur supported Zhang De. The Sima family abstained from taking a side.

Emperor Wu was assassinated in 324. The assassination was probably carried out by Xiahou Pei himself, but he instead seized power and declared war on the families of Wen, Guan, Zah, Timur, and Sima. The families of Lu and Hua stopped supporting Xiahou Pei, and his own family deserted him soon after.

Xiahou Pei (324): Xiahou Pei was not a real Emperor, but is included for his short reign in which he usurped power. His own family turned against him, and he was assassinated by his sister, Lady Xiahou Wei. After Xiahou Pei's death, there was confusion about who should be the Emperor. Zhang De was supported, but Emperor Wu had a son named Zhang Tong.

The 8 Families could not come to agreement over successor to support and so the Empire fell apart. Zhang De gathered an army, with the support of Guan Shi and marched on Luo Yang, aiming to take back his city. Meanwhile, Lu Wan (grandson of Lu Kang) declared himself Regent to Zhang Tong, along with Hua Zi (son of Hua Fei and grandson to Hua Lim). In the confusion, the Nanman, under King Wen Bu (grandson of Wen Li, who had unitied Shang and the Nanman) marched on Luo Yang as well.

By this point, the Lu, Wen, Guan, and Hua had all declared themselves in one of three factions. The Zah and Timur families declared themselves on the side of Zhang De again, while the Xiahou fought with the Lu and Hua over control of Zhang Tong. The Sima continued to stay silent.

Luo Yang became a battlefield between the three factions (four if the Xiahou and Lu/Hua are considered separate). King Wen Bu was killed and his brother, Wen Hu, surrendered to Zhang De in 330. At this point, it appeared the Zhang De and Guan Shi had the upper hand, with Hua Zi and Lu Wan facing two enemies.

However, in 332, Zhang De died without ever having become Emperor. He had no children, so it seemed that the only legitimate successor was Zhang Tong.

Emperor Fu (332-370): Zhang Tong, posthumously Emperor Fu, declared himself Emperor after 8 years of no legitimate sovereign. His first act as Emperor was to execute both Hua Zi and Lu Wan, and turn his eye to suppressing all seven of the families that had fought. He raised a mighty army that kiled Guan Shi and stopped all of the families trying to defeat him.

Without a legitimate option for a sovereign like Zhang De, or a good leader like Guan Shi, the 8 Families (excluding the Sima) pulled back. Emperor Fu reigned uncontested for twelve years, ruling with an iron fist and stripping most of the nobles of their power. He spent frivolously, bankrupting the Empire. While a famine swept the land, he kept in his palace in Luo Yang, callously remarking the peasants would reproduce faster than the famine would kill them off, so there was no need to worry.

Finally, in 344, the Sima clan resurfaced. Zhang Tong, they declared, was a tyrant that needed to be deposed. He was the son of Emperor Wu, descended through a line of first sons through Emperor Sun, yes, but he was not the only man that could claim ancestry to Emperor Yuan. Sima Yue, Sima Yi's great, great grandson and head of the Sima family, pointed to Zhang Ci as a benevolent alternative. Zhang Ci's father was not an emperor, nor was his grandfather, but his great grandfather was Emperor Jin, and he was the first son of the first son of Emperor Jin.

Immediately, all the 8 Families rallied around Zhang Ci, and the conflict began anew. However, Emperor Fu refused to lose, and entrenched himself in Luo Yang. Fertility problems kept him heirless, but his defenses and long life killed off most of his enemies. Finally, his defenses were broken in 360 by the coalition of the 8 Families. Zhang Ci had died by that time, and so when Emperor Fu was executed, Zhang Ci's son Zhang Liang ascended to the throne, ending Middle Shang.

Late Shang
Late Shang was the final era of the Shang Dynasty, lasting from Emperor Jian's reign to the abdication of Emperor Fei. The beginning of Late Shang was prosperous, but prosperity and faith in the Empire declined as the years went on. For most of the Late Shang, the capital was Xu Chang. Very few of the Late Shang Emperors are considered good examples of successful, benevolent Emperors.

Emperor Jian (370-397): Zhang Liang, posthumously Emperor Jian, was a descendent of Emperor Jin. With his ascension, the branch of the clan descended from Emperor Sun officially ended. Emperor Jian was not a brilliant man, but he was a practical one and had a talent for delegating to capable, humble men. His administration moved the capital to Xu Chang. The move was intended to be temporary while Luo Yang was rebuilt, but it quickly became permanant as the court preferred Xu Chang. Emperor Jian was the first Emperor since Emperor Jin to deal with an external military threat, as various tribes (notably the Wuhuan) attacked. With the aid of the 8 Families and a strong military, Emperor Jian scored a strong victory against the Wuhuan, but became ill on the battlefield and died in 397.

Emperor Ming (397-412): Zhang Chan, posthumously Emperor Ming, did very little as Emperor. He continued his father, Emperor Jian's, policies, but did little to shake up the affairs of the Empire. He died in 412.

Emperor Mu (412-418): Zhang Gu, posthumously Emperor Mu, was Emperor Ming's first son. He ascended to the throne at the age of 21, and was a wasteful Emperor, delighting in wine and women in the Imperial Palace instead of leading. He was assassinated in 418.

Emperor He (418-436): Zhang Yan, posthumously Emperor He, was Emperor Ming's second son. He was more capable than his older brother, but not by much. He blundered into a disasterous series of Northern Campaigns, being fought off by Mongols and nearly losing Tian Shui and An Ding, were it not for the valiant efforts of the military under Grand Commander Zah Ce. He became ill in 436 and died.

Emperor Wan (436-450): Zhang Ai, posthumously Emperor Wan, was the first son of Emperor He. He was smart and capable as a politician and leader, and worked to clean up the excesses and failures left by his father and uncle. He succeeded in stabilizing many areas of the government, but died in 450 of illness before completing his work.

Emperor Shao (450-478): Zhang Ding, posthumously Emperor Shao, was the first son of Emperor Wan. The first ten years of his reign were dominated by his Regent, Cao Kang. Under Cao Kang, the Empire flourished, but Emperor Shao took back power when he grew older. The final eighteen years of his reign were poor, as he failed to adequately address food shortages.

Emperor Li (478-480): Zhang Zhi, posthumously Emperor Li, was the first son of Emperor Shao. He became ill and died shortly after becoming Emperor.

Emperor Zhu (480-491): Zhang Wu, posthumously Emperor Zhu, was the second son of Emperor Shao. He was feebleminded and arrogant. His power was gradually taken by his advisors and officials, but he was assassinated in 491 after attempting to take some power back.

Emperor Xu (491-499): Zhang Ling, posthumously Emperor Xu, was selected by a team of advisors after Emperor Zhu was killed. He was the first son of Zhang Gan, Emperor Wan's second son. Although he was benevolent and kind, he was not well suited to governing, and delegated too his advisors too often. His only true success as an Emperor was fighting off two invasions, one by the Mongols and one by the Shanyue. He broke his leg and died of infection in 499.

Emperor Fei (499-511): Zhang Na, posthumously Emperor Fei, was only son of Emperor Xu, and the last Emperor of Shang. Beginning with Emperor Zhu, each of the 8 Families, as well as other prominent families, had carved out their own territories. No Emperor since had attempted to reign in their power, and after Emperor Xu's death, all hell broke loose. The Emperor fell into the hands of the Sima family, and was used as a pawn in their conquest. In 511, the Sima family had taken defeated or accepted the surrender of every other major family, keeping China together in the period of turmoil. Convinced that Shang was finished, the head of the Sima family, Sima Yi (named for his ancestor who helped found Shang) forced Emperor Fei to abdicate, and established the Jin Dynasty.
A Proper EpilogueAre you just going to stand at his tomb?
I owe him that much, I think. He was a good man.
He was. I hope the Empire he built lasts a long time.
I think it will. I've a hunch. Shame I won't be around to see it though.
So, you're really going.
And you're really staying.
I guess I am. I feel like I belong here now. Besides, how many women my age can say they look this good? All the running and fighting and stuff, keeps me in shape.
Well, you look great.
I guess you'd better get going.
I guess I should. Take care, Mary.
You too, Doctor.
Well, here I go then. Allons-y...

2011-08-13, 06:44 AM
Wow, that was in depth. I liked it. Shame the lp is over though. Fun while it lasted at least. Thanks Raistlin!

2011-08-13, 02:25 PM
Eh, wish I could've gotten it up before Penguinizer left, but I kept getting hit with writer's block. Endings are not my strong suit.

2011-08-13, 02:45 PM
The final product begs to differ!

2011-08-13, 07:14 PM
Endings are not my strong suit.

Looks pretty good to me. You even went so far as to push the game 200 years into the future.

2011-08-13, 07:50 PM
300 actually, not that anyone is counting.
When you win, the win screen is like "Your Empire Persists for 300 Years" so I was like "Sounds like a plan."