View Full Version : Three Man Party

2011-06-01, 10:53 PM
You all meet in a tavern (original). You are in the town of Frollysquirrel. The village is fairly small and located in the Densemire Woods. You have all been called here in response to a job (you can say you all knew each other before, or you each found out about the job different ways and this is how you meet). The local town guard have been looking for adventures to take care of a bandit problems. It seems a thug has been wandering the forest attacking villagers and travels. The knave only takes from them gold or murders those who resist. Normally, the town would just use its rabid squirrel patrol to hunt him down, but without an item to sniff, the squirrels can't find him so they went to seek outside help.

The captain of the guard has offered you 4,000 gold for the completion of this task. They have also provided you 100 gold each in advance to cover any expenses. You have just completed your meeting and meet in the Golden Tusk Inn and Tavern. You bar is lively. There are mostly humans in this bar. You notice may people in this place have large bowls of rice on their plates. What do you do?

Lady Moreta
2011-06-02, 12:19 AM
Jaienne leaned back in her seat, watching the captain of the guard walk away. This was an odd little town and she'd been hard pressed to keep a straight face when he'd explained about the rapid squirrel squad, though if she was being honest, she had to admit, it was probably effective. She slid 99gp of the 100gp advance into her belt pouch, leaving one coin to slide deftly through her fingers.

"How would you like to handle this Gyr?" she turned to the odd-looking creature seated beside her and smiled. "On our own or would you prefer to find another one or two to accompany us?"

Purple is my favourite colour so I'm stealing it right away.
And I figure that Gyr and Jaie have been travelling together so it stands to reason they'd be together on this one as well.

big teej
2011-06-02, 12:34 AM
Pensively tapping his massive fingers on the table, Gyr responds:

"normally I'd say we handle it ourselves, it is only one man after all. however, given the bandit's success, and the price on his head, perhaps hiring on an extra bit of muscle couldn't hurt.

having said this, he turns and scans the room, looking for any likely individuals.

2011-06-02, 12:41 AM
Gyr, you gaze around the room. You see a large crowd of people sitting in the corner. You may not know much about local customs, but you recognize a man and woman in this crowd are wearing the traditional marriage clothing for these parts and you assume the two have just been wed and are celebrating their marriage in this bar. You also see a large, muscly man completely nude except for a viking helmet consuming a large pile of rice and steaks. Two men in fullplate also sit in the bar near the entrance. You also see a halfling sitting at the bar with a crossbow strapped to his back that's bigger than he is. You also see a group of men that are fairly buff all with axes drinking what looks like a great concentration of rice floating in some sort of liquid.

Lady Moreta
2011-06-02, 02:07 AM
"You're probably right," Jaie says, continuing to flick the coin between her fingers, "besides, a little bit of extra muscle never went astray" she added, leaning sideways and tilting her head to get a better view of the man in the viking hat. She grinned to herself and glanced at her companion. No, best not to say anything she decided, letting her eyes then rove over the group drinking ricey soup. It woud take much too long to explain and Gyr wouldn't understand anyway.

big teej
2011-06-02, 09:24 AM
"The two in plate should suffice, provided they are not employed by the innkeeper. mayhap the halfling as well, if he has any skill in tracking. what do you think Jaienne?"

Gyr leans back in his seat a bit (as he has often seen humans do when trying to relax) and puts his armored legs up on his chest.

hearing the chair squeal in protest, he quickly sits back down.

Lady Moreta
2011-06-02, 08:37 PM
"I think that halfling'd have a hard time moving let alone tracking, with a crossbow that big. And how many times do I have to tell you - just call me Jaie?" She stopped spinning the coin through her fingers and started tapping it on the table instead, studying the men with axes with an eye towards evaluating their battle prowess, rather than - other forms.

The squeaking chair made me giggle. Also, Jaie seems to have a dodgy streak. I... didn't know that was there when I made the character.
Right now I'm just fluffing around until Nanoblack arrives :smallsmile:

2011-06-02, 09:20 PM
Jaie, as you say this the halfling at the bar must have overheard you for he leaps off his stool and approaches you. You get a batter look at him now that he's turned around facing you and closer. He's wearing hide armor, his hair is ginger, and he has muttonchops which is odd for a halfling to have. "Just what is that supposed to mean? I'll have you know I'm the best rhino-hunter in these parts!"

big teej
2011-06-02, 09:25 PM
Oh aye, right enough. but watching him attempt to move around would provide plenty of enterainment.

following her gaze to the axe-warriors Gyr observes with well trained contempt. "we have no buisness wading into combat with such savages by our side. they lack any control whatsoever, and most lack even a ruidimentary sense of honor

OOC: I had no idea I was going to have to reign in certain parts of my personality so much to let Gyr's take form. haha.
between my natural bent for sarcasm and my affinity for "the overprotective type" it's difficult sometimes to remember that Gyr doesn't quite have such a grasp on the sublties of language.

also, on the chair thing, that's a bit of real life experience, being a rather large person in real life.

also, fluff away till nano shows up, but I think maybe we should PM him, he hasn't posted since the first page of the OOC thread.EDIT: NINJA'D!

in a rather piqued tone. Gyr asks the halfling "and why have you chosen to hunt such great beasts as your profession?"

OOC: given how fascinating he finds the natural world, Gyr can be slightly touchy about 'sport' hunting or exploitation.

2011-06-02, 09:35 PM
The halfling responds in a gruff manner showing his tough character and grumpy old age. "Well tin man, these are dangerous beasts. You ever encounter one of these things? They got a horn like twice as big as me! Not to mention they got tough skin!"

Lady Moreta
2011-06-02, 10:44 PM
Oh dear... I have got to get him to tone down the 'save the planet' attitude. Jaie opened her mouth to speak as the halfling came over to them, only to close it again as Gyr jumped in before she had the chance. Elbowing him firmly in the side only got her a bruised elbow - rubbing it, she smiled at the halfling

"I certainly meant no offense," she said.

Being a bit vague, because Teej mentioned he had an idea and I don't want to ruin it for him.
Also - we have an OOC thread? where?
Also also - I forgot to be nosy, how was the anniversary? :smallbiggrin:

big teej
2011-06-02, 11:15 PM
Gyr stands, emphasizing the difference in size between himself and the halfling.

"Sir. I highly recommend you apologize for your insult. I am not one to suffer such comments lightly."

OOC: by my reckoning, gyr should be roughly 3x the size of the halfling.
and for good measure

if I can take ten on that, I'd like to (giving me 15) if not
here's a die roll

I've been treating the recruitment thread as an OOC thread since we never started one.

2011-06-02, 11:57 PM
Gyr, you presence though tall does not provoke fear into the mind of the halfling hunter. He responds "You best be sorry. I've hunted beast larger than you for breakfast!"

big teej
2011-06-03, 08:06 AM
Gyr turns to Jaienne and says "keep an eye on my chest"

Gyr then turns to the Halfling "sir, if you wish to continue being this offensive, I suggest we step outside before we disrupt the other patrons.

having said this, Gyr puts on his shield and gestures to the door with his free hand.

Lady Moreta
2011-06-03, 08:30 AM
Jaie hastily moves the chest to one side and steps up to Gyr, resting one hand lightly, but firmly on his shield arm.

"Gyr, he wasn't being offensive. You were being--" she pauses, struggling to find the right words. For someone with such a glib tongue, Jaie could never figure out why she found it so hard to explain things to Gyr. Probably he reminded her too much of her father. She'd never been able to explain things to him either. She started to give his arm a warning squeeze, remembered at the last minute that he wouldn't be able to feel it and tapped her fingernails warningly on his metal hide instead. "Let it go Gyr. Didn't Father always tell you the world takes all kinds?" She turns then to the halfling,

"Please excuse Gyr, he's very fond of nature. Come, let me buy you a drink," Jaie smiles warmly at the halfling, turning the full force of her not-inconsiderable charm on him. "I'd be fascinated to learn why you carry such a large crossbow."

As much as I really don't want to interfere in the bar fight that's brewing because I think it'd be funny, Jaie would intervene about now...

big teej
2011-06-03, 08:45 AM
with a supreme effort of will, Gyr sits back down, muttering very well, I imagine the townsfolk would look poorly upon the death of a local 'sportsman'

the chair makes a slight cracking noise as he sits back down, but remains intact.

OOC: He called me tin man! blood-vengence shall be mine!


Jaie hastily moves the chest to one side and steps up to Gyr, resting one hand lightly, but firmly on his shield arm.

I think we have very different ideas about how large this chest is....

Lady Moreta
2011-06-03, 08:53 AM
Jaie glares at Gyr and mutters out of the corner of her mouth, "And how do you know you'd have killed him? He might just have killed you instead."

Is it wrong that part of me is disappointed you backed down? :smallredface:

big teej
2011-06-03, 09:05 AM
only because that's what I thought you were after, took me like 10 minutes to figure out how to try and back down gracefully.. I can go fix it right now if that's not what you were after.

I mean, I was gonna gut him. :smallredface:

2011-06-03, 03:44 PM
The halfling responds "You are the ones talking about me behind my back! If anyone offend anyone, you did! I was merely standing up for myself, and thus have no desire to do combat unless a foul striker attacks me first or a great beast be is attack the helpless."

Lady Moreta
2011-06-03, 10:20 PM
Oh bloody hell... Jaie restrains the urge to roll her eyes and instead focuses the full force of her smile upon the halfling. "Sir, I most humbly apologise for anything I, or my companion may have said to offend you. Clearly you are quite capable of taking care of yourself, with such a large crossbow, I would dare suggest you are even dangerous to those who would oppose you. Please, let me buy you a drink to make amends for our rudenes. Are rhino's a problem in this area?" She holds out the gold coin on the palm of her hand, clearly a gesture of peace.

Wow... overdone flattery is really hard to write...

2011-06-03, 10:30 PM
The halfling accepts the drink from Jaie. "Well thank you. Just don't let me hear you talking ill of me again. I may be small, but I'm as great a hunter as anyone in this bar, even that naked fellow. I've hunter the rhinos so well, there haven't been any in these part for well over 5o years."

OOC: Also, looky here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11134217#post11134217)

2011-06-04, 12:18 AM

Following the halflings impressive display, a portly human man stumbles up to the table with a pitcher of ale in one hand and several mugs in the other. Even with his slightly slurred speech, you can still make out his words as he pulls a chair up and takes a seat. "Thaasht shum talenn' ya gawt der boy. Bud I gotta ashk, whaasht got chu shho riled up?" He spills some of his ale on the table as he fills each of the mugs then lays claim to his own.

Bluff:Taking 10 for a result of: 19
(He's not drunk)

I hope this entrance isn't too late, this was the only thing that popped into my head.

2011-06-04, 07:41 PM
The halfling glares a Slate in repulse. He says annoyed "I think this guy better be off home. He clearly can't hold his own."

2011-06-04, 07:55 PM

Responding to the halfling with a solemn shake of his head, the drunk gestures with a thumb toward the door. "Naahhhh, mebbe yu shud git goin."

Using Naberius command ability to send him out. Will save DC14 to resist.

2011-06-04, 08:01 PM
Halfling's save:


2011-06-04, 08:03 PM
The halfling continues to stare at you saying "You words are so slurred I can barely understand you. Best if you just sleep it off an quit harassing me."

Lady Moreta
2011-06-05, 03:33 AM
Jaie looked over at the halfling's angry words and raised one eyebrow at the sight of the drunken man accosting him. "That poor halfling's not having much luck today, is he?" she murmured.

2011-06-05, 04:41 AM
The halfling angered at this whole affair decides to leave and return to the bar continuing to drink. The rest of the bar stares at you three and what just happened as it became the focus of the tavern. Their main interest is in Gyr, as many of them have never seen a construct let a lone a warforged. One of the bar patrons shouts out to you "Hey metal man, can you do us a favor and show us a dance?" The man is from the group celebrating the marriage.

Lady Moreta
2011-06-05, 06:44 AM
Oh this is ridiculous." Jaie slapped her hands forcefully on the table and stood up. "Come on Gyr, grab your chest and let's get out of here" Turning to the room at large, she glared around at everyone. "We are not here for your entertainment, we have been hired to deal with the menance in the woods. If anyone would like to assist - please, join us. But we. Are leaving." Grabbing her pack from the floor beside her chair, Jaie slung it over her shoulder, grabbed her cloak and walked out of the tavern.

2011-06-05, 08:26 AM

The drunk watches you step out of the building but rushes to catch up after only a moments hesitation. He moves to stand in front of you and bows slightly, no longer stumbling or slurring his words. "I apologize for the rude display in there, but I was short on ideas on how to get you away from the crowd." His voice has a slight echo to it, as if it were emanating from a hollow metal tube.

big teej
2011-06-05, 11:06 AM
Gyr stands up the chair squeaks in relief and loops his chest around his arms and walks out the door.

the audacity and disrespect of Humans still galls me sometimes Jaie. Gyr says once they're outside.

Turning and looking at the, now very sober, drunk Gyr says aside from the potential insuing bloodshed, why such a hurry?

2011-06-05, 12:48 PM

For a moment, his visage wavers, and now standing before you is a thin metallic figure with soft, gentle features. He lacks most of the metal plating that Gyr has, but is instead, largely wooden in places. "Because I've never seen another like myself."

big teej
2011-06-05, 03:53 PM
Gyr's Jaw drops open and he makes several, metallic, confused noises.

still struggling to be coherent, Gyrturns to Jaie

your father told me that I was the only... whatever I am, that he'd ever seen in his travels... or in yours.

2011-06-05, 05:38 PM
The nude fellow in the viking helm approached Jaie. He stands uncomfortably close to you and says "Hi. Me name Cholk. Me like hitting things. Me can be helpful, but not in grammatical sense."

Lady Moreta
2011-06-05, 08:27 PM
Jaie turns from one to the other, looking absolutely stunned. "You are!" she exclaims, "I mean, you were. The world is a big place Gyr, obviously one person thought to make you. Why wouldn't another person decide to create - another?

She steps sideways instinctively as the viking-helmed man stepped into her personal space. Tearing her eyes away from the two Two! constructs in front of her, she glances at him askance. "Er, no... no thank you. I think we can take it from here." She turns back to the newcomer who had revealed himself so surprisingly, "My name is Jaienne, do you have a name?"

2011-06-05, 10:06 PM

A little unnerved at the vikings proposition, he nevertheless continues speaking."Slate... I think. I never met my creator, but I'm pretty sure that's what he called me."

big teej
2011-06-05, 10:31 PM
Gyr shifts his weight from one foot to the other.

"never met your creator?" what happened to him? my creator was... obsessed with my capabilities for weeks after my creation.

2011-06-05, 11:36 PM
As you continue to talk, you hear a wind outside and the sky does slight darker as clouds pass by. A storm may be coming shortly and if you are to catch the bandit before it hits you had nest head out soon.

Lady Moreta
2011-06-06, 01:04 AM
Jaie eyes the viking-man warily to make sure he doesn't come any closer, then looks upwards at the darkening sky. "Slate," she says with a smile. "It's both a pleasure and a surprise to meet you. However, Gyr and I have been hired to do a job and if that sky is any indication, we'd better get a move on before bad weather hits." She smiles gently at the two of them. "I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about. Why don't you come with us?"

I can take a hint when it's offered :smalltongue:

2011-06-06, 06:52 PM
The winds outside continue to blow. Some more people pass by on the street. Inside the tavern you hear more people talking about how it's likely there will be a storm if not tonight, then surely all day tomorrow. It's still though fairly bright outside, and not counting on rain, it should be bright for a few more hours.

2011-06-06, 08:40 PM

He nods and gestures for you to lead. "My creator died trying to create me... or at least that's what I remember."

big teej
2011-06-06, 09:35 PM
the creation processes used to create us must have been very different, my creator was totally unscathed after my creation.

Lady Moreta
2011-06-06, 10:32 PM
Jaie scrunches up her nose in an odd gesture of sympathy, "I'm sorry to hear that Slate," she says. Looking down the street, she watches as villagers hurry along, wanting to get inside before the bad weather hits. "I don't know about you Slate, I know bad weather doesn't bother Gyr, but it bothers me and I'd like to find this man-in-the-woods and deal with him before that storm hits."

big teej
2011-06-06, 10:38 PM
it's not my fault your hair gets messed up in the rain.

I like the rain, it feels good on my ski...er... "armour"

never-the-less, let us be off, we can converse on the way

having said thus, Gyr strides off towards the woods*

OOC: I'm sorry about the hair comment, I couldn't help myself, I really couldn't.
I'm still laughing at it. :smallredface::smalltongue::smallbiggrin:

Lady Moreta
2011-06-06, 11:26 PM
Jaie stopped dead in her tracks and stared dumbfounded at Gyr for a minute. Abruptly bounding forward, she slapped his metallic arm, making a ringing sound echo, "Gyr! You made a joke! You actually made a joke. It was at my expense, but it was still a joke!" She sounds quite delighted. "I'll slap you silly if you do it again, but I'm stunned!" Despite the indignation at being the butt of a joke, Jaie sounds more - impressed - proud even, at this sign of humour. Chuckling to herself, she heads towards the woods.

Don't worry, I thought it was funny :smallsmile: Gyr struck me as the type who doesn't have much of a sense of humour, so I responded that way.

2011-06-07, 12:09 AM
You enter the woods. The forest isn't too dense. You search it for an hour and find nothing. It hasn't started to rain yet but the sky is partly cloudy. Eventually you make your way to a lake. There you see what looks like a tree standing by the side of the lake. In two of its branches is what looks like a long fishing pole except it is made out of flesh and bones. You can make out the shape of the rod and see parts of it look just like muscles and bones. It even has the same hue as skin and muscle. The thing looks like it was assembled from different parts of creatures and constructed with flimsy materials. The tree is 70 feet away from you.

Lady Moreta
2011-06-07, 02:23 AM
"That's horrible..." Jaie whispered the words with feeling, looking disgusted at the sight before them. "I'm not happy about this. Not happy at all." She looked intently around the clearing.

First - that was one of the most disturbing and creepy descriptions I've ever read.
Second - I ain't going out there without spot & listen first.

2011-06-07, 02:47 AM
Jaie, the tree is 70 feet away. You and company are hidden behind a thicket of trees that ends 25 feet towards the tree. The area you're in is shaded, while the sun shines on the tree. He's only a few feet away from the edge of the lake. His rod is probably around 9 feet in length and is cast into the lake. The lake is rather large with a perimeter of 500 feet. Jaie also notices the tree has a a section that vaguely resembles a human face and the limbs holding the rob vaguely resemble human arms. The are branches at the top with leaves growing out of them, but not on the two holding the rod. From top to bottom, the tree is about 15 feet tall.The tree doesn't look as though it has spotted you.

Lady Moreta
2011-06-07, 10:40 PM
Jaie's expression turned from disgust, through shock, horror and back to disgust again. "Damn," she whispered, being careful to keep her voice down. "The tree is alive?! I have never seen anything like that - have either of you?"

big teej
2011-06-07, 11:15 PM
not even in your father's tales Gyr responds.

this thing..... is an abomination. he says in a voice that carries equal tones of disgust and horror. they didn't mean "the man in the woods" literally did they?

Lady Moreta
2011-06-08, 02:06 AM
"Apparently so," Jaie murmured, "Though they did say they weren't able to track him - it. So perhaps they're not aware what it is they're hunting. And speaking of hunting - do we have a plan for taking this thing down?"

For sheer characterisation purposes - Jaie would normally suggest trying to talk first, however, this thing has her seriously creeped out. Mostly because I misread the description at first and didn't realise that the tree was actually a live and I am seriously creeped out.

2011-06-08, 03:41 AM
As you stand there, the tree starts to turn around. It looks around in your direction and says "Hello? Is someone there?"

big teej
2011-06-08, 08:59 AM
Gyr stands up and walks out of the brush.

Aye. I am here. I apologize for watching, but I have never seen a being such as yourself and was overcome with curiosity. are the fish biting today?

2011-06-08, 11:28 AM
Gyr speaks to the tree. His voice is loud as it much carry over dozens of feet and through the foliage. The tree in turn responds to Gyr still trying to find you amongst the trees. "Yeah, I sure. I got my custom rod here. I made it out of found parts. I'm trying to catch a mermaid in this lake. Where are you? I can barely make you out."

big teej
2011-06-08, 12:20 PM
Gyr walks closer to the tree, angling away from Jaie and Slate and closer to the Tree's field of vision

I'm right here. tell me, why are you interested in catching this mermaid? perhaps I could go and look for her? the water is no great obstacle to me.

OOC: I'm really towing the line of The Code here..... -cringe-

2011-06-08, 12:25 PM
Gyr, you approach the tree person. As you get closer, the tree is better able to get a better view of you. "Wow!" He exclaims. "You're made of metal. There are people made of metal? Or maybe you're just like me and are a metal tree. Is that how metal is made, by planting a seed in the ground? Anyway, I'm trying to catch the mermaid princess and marry her. I saw her once and she's beautiful. I'm trying to get her attention and ask for her hand in marriage. Down at the bottom of this lake is a merfolk village. I'd go down there myself, but I just float so I have to lure her out with my...lure."

big teej
2011-06-08, 12:31 PM
I was created by a wizard.
does the mermaid know you seek her hand? have you ever spoken with her?

EDIT:OOC: how clear is the water?

2011-06-08, 12:38 PM
"Well, no." The tree says, "but I'm sure she will be overcome with my charm and will instantly say yes."

OOC: You can only see about 8 feet into the water.

big teej
2011-06-08, 12:47 PM
Gyr places his chest on the ground and turns back to the tree-thing

How long have you been fishing for her?

2011-06-08, 01:41 PM
The tree responds to Gyr "Oh, about three days now. By the way, I thought I might have heard other people coming from where you did. Are you alone?"

Lady Moreta
2011-06-08, 09:31 PM
Jaie frowned in the shadows, debating the best option. Finally she jerked her head at Slate in a 'come on' gesture and stepped forwards,

"Hello," she smiled up at the tree, stepping up and alongside Gyr, glancing backwards to see if Slate had followed. "My name is Jaienne - do you have a name?" She's smiling pleasantly, but there's a wary look in her eyes.

Were we able to hear the conversation while hiding in the trees? If so, I would like to Sense Motive on the tree's responses.

2011-06-08, 09:40 PM

Stumbling behind Jae, Slate positions himself to her right. "Not used to seeing tools made from flesh and bone... we had to make sure you were friendly."

2011-06-09, 08:53 AM
Jaie, from you distance, you can only make out every other word spoken. "I am Treeperson, son of Barkman," the tree replies to your question. "And I am using flesh for my rod because it would be barbaric to use the limbs of my brother as a fishing pole."

Lady Moreta
2011-06-09, 08:40 PM
Frustrated at only catching every second word, Jaie moves forwards in order to hear the entire conversation. Her jaw twitches slightly at Treeperson's answer, but otherwise she controls her reaction to his words. Creepy. Creepy and disturbing - but from his perspective - entirely understandable. I guess.

"It's - nice, to meet you. I wonder, would you be able to help us? We've been asked by the town to investigate a bandit problem. You haven't seen anything recently, have you?"

2011-06-09, 09:13 PM
Treeperson responds to Jaie "Well, I have been finding piles of bodies. That's how I made my fishing rod. I also saw this large gold statue being constructed. Perhaps there's a link there. I might be able to help you if you can help me with my task at hand."

big teej
2011-06-10, 12:30 AM
that sounds fair. what do you think Jaie? the water is no great obstacle to me, and I could easily take a quick trip to the bottom and try and get the merfolk's attention. and then we could carry on with finding this bandit.

Lady Moreta
2011-06-10, 02:34 AM
Jaie blinked, mouth opening and closing a few times before she gathered herself enough to speak. "Ah, sure. I guess. I can't see any reason why not, if you're sure the water won't be a problem. Slate? can you see any problem with that plan?"

2011-06-10, 12:47 PM
Treeperson says "Please, for the sake of love, won't you do this for me? All I ask is for you to go down there and check. I'm at a disadvantage since I can only float, you can surely do it. Please."

big teej
2011-06-10, 01:07 PM
Gyr looks meaningfully at Jaie "you sure you're okay with this?"

pending Jaie's response

Gyr says to treeperson "do you think your rod will support my weight? if so, would you mind lowering me to the bottom?"

2011-06-10, 01:16 PM
Treeperson looks Gyr over ans says "Hmmm, I'm not sure. This is only meant to carry a mermaid while your made out of metal."

big teej
2011-06-10, 02:24 PM
OOC: this is obviously dependent upon Jaie okaying my mad scheme

"oh well, I guess I'll walk"

Gyr takes off his shield and places all of his weapons (except the sword of storms) into his chest. he then hands the sword of storms to Jaie

I'll be right back.... I hope

Gyr then turns and strides into the water, pausing to ask Treeperson
is there anything else in here I should know about?

2011-06-10, 02:30 PM
"Well," Treeperson starts, "I heard there's a cave that leads to the city of the merfolk. It's the cave is located somewhere at the bottom of the lake. When you get to the cave, there may be some wild, underwater game. I'd be careful as the indigenous people may not be too thrilled about you attacking creatures in their domain. Don't use lethal force if you don't need to and try not to come off as a hostile invader."

big teej
2011-06-10, 03:08 PM
right, I'll do my best to appear non-threatening

with that, Gyr turns and strides into the water until he is completely submerged.

OOC: what's my visibility range under the water?

Gyr looks ahead to try and discern how much light is at the bottom of the lake.

OOC: depending on how much light there is at the bottom, Gyr will either return to the surface to see if we have any sunrods or anything.
if it appears to be bright enough for him to function, he continues down into the lake.

2011-06-10, 05:28 PM
OOC: In this lake, Gyr's sight extends out to 20 feet. Do you continue to venture underwater or return to the surface?

big teej
2011-06-10, 06:08 PM
Gyr turns and walks back to the surface until his head is clear of the water.

Jaie, Slate, do we have any means of bringing a light source into the water? I can see pretty good, but I'd like a bit more if I can manage it.

2011-06-10, 06:30 PM

Reaching into his pack, Slate retrieves a stout brown stick and promptly cracks it on his knee after several tries. He then walks forward to hand Gyr the newly lit sunrod. "Should I go down as well? I could easily disguise myself as one of them."

big teej
2011-06-10, 06:43 PM
I appreciate the offer Slate, however, 2 constructs may alarm them more than is strictly necessary, and I don't believe that deception would go over well either Gyr leaves his other two reasons unspoken, glancing meaningfully at Jaie and Treeperson

gyr turns and heads back into the depths. but stops and turns back and calls to those on the shore

If there's no sign of me in an hour, worry. if there's no sign in 2 hours. come after me.

with that, Gyr turns and strides into the depths

2011-06-10, 07:01 PM
Gyr, as you wander back into the water, Slate's rod extends your radius of sight allowing you to see up to 40 feet away. As you wander around twenty minutes pass and you eventually reach the full depths of the lake. You are now 60 feet underwater. Soon you spot a large cave with a mouth 20 feet wide and 20 feet tall. The cave descends downward at a slight 5 degree angle. The cave looks long. Do you enter it?

As Gyr is underwater, Treeperson makes conversation with Jaie and Slate telling them about his days in the forest and how he entertains families of squirrels with tea parties that have tea made from pine cones.

big teej
2011-06-10, 07:10 PM
Gyr examines the tunnel.
ooc: made of stone? covered in mud? what.

Gyr proceeds down the tunnel, mindful of how much time he has.

Lady Moreta
2011-06-10, 08:28 PM
Jaie does her best to appear attentive and interested in what Treeperson has to say to them. She didn't have any big objections to Gyr going down there, just a whole lot of small ones which didn't seem worth mentioning since there wasn't anything that could be done about it. Instead, she stared into the lake, doing her best to keep track of how long Gyr had been down there and trying to stop herself from pacing. Finally, though, Treeperson's chattering and her own curiosity got the better of her,

"How do you make tea out of pine cones?"

I am probably going to regret asking that, but curiosity compels me.
Also, is there any way Jaie could have cast Message on the group before Gyr went down? so they can keep in touch (not that I have any idea if message works underwater)

2011-06-10, 08:31 PM
ooc: the floor of the cave like much of the bottom of the lake is very muddy with some underwater vegetation that can survive with lack of sunlight at these depths. The walls and ceiling have a rough, rock structure.

Gyr descends into the cave. You continue to travel farther underground. There are a few twists and turns traveling through the cave. You travel a little bit more than half a mile - roughly 9 minutes or so of time - you reach a sign reading "Realm of the Merfolk," and the cave starts to open up. You can see what looks like large underwater structures far off into the distance.

The tree continues to talk to Jaie and Slate on the surface. The wind continues to gradually pick up and the sky starts to get slightly darker.

edit: ninja'd

Treeperson says to Jaie "You grab the pine cones, smash the little creatures, and drop their fragments into some water."

big teej
2011-06-10, 08:42 PM
ooc: it just occured to me I might not be able to communicate with the merfolk while I'm down here.......

Gyr exits the cave cautiously, not wanting to rouse alarm if/when the merfolk notice his presence.

He muses out loud. well, at least I found the place, hopefully finding this mermaid shouldn't be too dificult.

Gyr looks around for any merfolk and contemplates wrapping on the stone tunnel to draw their attention.


spot and listen rolls

spot check

listen check

Lady Moreta
2011-06-10, 09:40 PM
"The little creatures? Oh! you mean the pine cones themselves," Jaie looks baffled and glances at Slate to see if he's making any more sense of this.

2011-06-11, 06:29 AM
ooc: I meant pine cones in my last post. I edited the mistake.

As Gyr approached the large underwater building, he is stopped by two mermen carrying tridents and wearing scale armor. One of them says to you "Halt! What is your business in our kingdom?"

The other replies to the first "Don't be dense. This is obviously one of those golems. They're mindless constructs incapable of speech or thought. Clearly some wizard sent this thing down here to find us?"

"Do you think it has hostile intentions?" the first one asks the other.

"Not sure. We attack it it could strike back. These things may be mindless, but they're built for combat. Best use non-violent force to keep it in check and try to deduce what it wants."

Back on the surface, Treeperson continues "Yep, those little pine cones make a good tea."

big teej
2011-06-11, 07:16 AM
when the merman makes the "mindless" comment Gyr puts his hands on his hips and says "I'll have you know sir that I am not, in fact, mindless and I am fluent in 3 languages.. furthermore, I come in peace, with a message from the surface world."

ooc: does this come off as overly antagonistic?

2011-06-12, 11:14 AM
The two mermen look at each other in shock and say "It can talk! What kind of wizard would equip such a construct with speech?"

The other one responds with "Wait, I think I heard of this. There's a theory that like overtime creatures can adapt to their environment and grow stronger."

"What? You mean like a mutant?" the first says.

"Maybe more like evolution. I deduce the land creatures on the surface may have made great leaps forward from simpler organism."

"Yes, perhaps they've even developed eye beams and the ability to control the weather."

"Right, that all makes sense. We shall call this fellow Colossus."

ooc: was the comic book reference amusing?

big teej
2011-06-12, 11:32 AM
ooc: amusing, yes, easy to respond too? not so much.

right.... as I was saying, I bear a message from the surface, and I feel it would expedite the process if one of your people could return to the shallow waters with me. there is a being on the surface that wishes an audience with you. but he cannot come this deep.

2011-06-12, 11:36 AM
ooc: You could hurl a wolverine at them. Crap! Why didn't I give you a bag of tricks?

"Hmmm, alright, we'll accompany you to the surface," the two merfolks say. They follow back to the surface.

big teej
2011-06-12, 11:46 AM
as we reach the shallows Gyr says

if breathing on the surface is difficult or uncomfortable for you, please, wait here, I will let the surface party know you are here.

after awaiting their reply he either heads towards the shore to alert treeperson and co, or escorts them to the surface as appropriate.

Lady Moreta
2011-06-12, 09:18 PM
By this time, Jaie had given in to her nerves and was pacing along the side of the lake, only partly paying attention to Treeperson as he rambled. "Come on Gyr," she muttered, staring down into the water.

I liked the comic reference as well :smalltongue:

2011-06-14, 08:42 PM
Gyr and the two mermen arrive back at the shore. The mermen assure Gyr they cna breath out of water fine, but will remain some 15 feet away from shore with only their heads and partial torsos above the water. Treeperson is delighted to see your return. He asks "Were you able to return with the princess?"

big teej
2011-06-15, 02:39 AM
I have not. Gyr states bluntly as he strides into the shallows.

he stops when the water is only up to his knees

I have however, returned with two merfolk with whom you may plead your case in person, I am unversed in the arts of love, and considered myself ill-suited to speak on your behalf.

having said this, gyr half-turns so that he can easily keep the merfolk and Treeperson in his field of vision

2011-06-15, 09:19 PM
The two merfolk look to you all from the lake and ask "Which one of you seeks an audience with the mer-kingdom?"

Treeperson speaks forward and says "I seek to win the hand of the princess."

"In order to marry the princess, you must first pass the trial of ordeals," they respond. "Are you prepared to do this?"

"Sadly I can not enter the water as I float," Treeperson responds.

"Do you have representatives to take your place?"

"Yes, these three I'm sure would be glad to."

big teej
2011-06-15, 09:41 PM
slightly perturbed at being volunteered, but willing to go with it unless Jaie objects, gyr turns to the mermen and asks

What is the nature of these trials? two of us can survive in your world, the woman cannot.

ooc: regardless of whether Jaie could follow or not, Gyr wouldn't exactly let her be volunteered to be placed in harm's way.

2011-06-15, 09:51 PM
"Please, for love sake, you must," Treeperson insists.

"The trials are two and simple," the mermen reply. "One is a test of combat and bravery, the second a test of wisdom. But first you three must pledge this tree is your superior as a substitute must be so we know the suitor could have beaten them. Do you pledge to them?"

Lady Moreta
2011-06-16, 03:35 AM
"Now wait just a minute!" Jaie interrupts, moving forwards right to the water's edge and planting her hands on her hips. "While love is wonderful, I'm sure, I'm not letting you go down there without me. Not happening." She glares at Gyr as if utterly furious with him.

"Good merfolk, if you wish all three of us to be acceptable substitutes for Treeperson, then surely we must stay together. I have not heard you say that to endure these trials, we must return with you to your kingdom. My friend is entirely correct, I cannot survive underwater for longer than about a minute. Is it not possible for these trials to be conducted on the surface, if they must be?" She eyes Treeperson wryly, as though she'd be quite happy to give him a piece of her mind if the merfolk weren't present. "I am willing to acknowledge Treeperson as my superior, if that is what it takes, but I am not willing to allow Gyr or Slate to go without me."

What? Gyr is protective of Jaie and Jaie is protective of Gyr :smalltongue:

big teej
2011-06-16, 06:44 AM
visibly distraught over having to acknowldge treeperson as 'superior' but also rather relieved that the trials might take place on the surface, Gyr states quietlyif the trials can be conducted on the surface, Treeperson has little need for our assistance I think."

2011-06-16, 04:38 PM
The merfolk in the water say "We have casters in our city that can cast a spell so your companion can breath underwater. Will you accept the trials now?"

Lady Moreta
2011-06-16, 11:33 PM
Jaie grimmaces and beckons to Gyr to come closer, when he does, she mutters quietly "I'm not sure we have much choice. We need Treeperson's help to find this bandit and this is his price. Swallow your pride and let's get this done. There are only two trials - how hard can it be?"

She turns back to face the merfolk then, "If you have mages who can enable me to breath underwater, then I am willing to acknowledge Treeperson as my superior."

2011-06-17, 05:35 PM
"Alright then," the two merfolk say and retreat back underwater. They return several minutes later with a third merfolk with a necklace engraved with a holy symbol on it. The new merfolk places his hands on Gaie and casts a spell. He informs you that you can now breath underwater for several hours.

The three mermen lead you back to their village. They lead you three back through the tunnel and into their realm. Their city is quite large with amazing underwater buildings. Your taken to palace and brought to the royal chamber of the king. The room is large and filled with loyal guards heavily armed. The two merfolk soldiers that brought you here explain the situation. The king responds with "Is this true? You three prepared to conquer the trails of strength and wisdom for this treefolk and win the hand of the princess?"

big teej
2011-06-17, 07:21 PM
Aye Sire, we stand ready to complete these tasks on the Treefolk's behalf, given his inability to pass below the surface of the water.

I'm predicting a sibling squabble between Gyr and Jaie over this.... should be fun :smallbiggrin:

ooc: on a related note... I'm assuming my weapons arn't going to rust while I'm down here?

2011-06-17, 08:12 PM
"Very well then. To the arena!" the king exclaims. A bunch of guards escort you to a large gladiator arena. The field is a round space 90 feet in diameter. The stadium is full with cheering merfolk. The king is sitting in a royal balcony overlooking the field. He describes why you three are here today. The king exclaims "Release the Karen!" A large door opposite you opens. Out from it emerges a large creature. It appears to be a massive slug slightly larger than a warhorse.

Prepare for combat!

ooc: I kind of rushed through this so I could get to the combat. Just attack whenever you post. Initiative would get too confusing and would prolong combat. And no, your weapons won't rust.

edit: You three are in the middle of the arena and the slug is 40 feet away.

Lady Moreta
2011-06-17, 09:07 PM
I'm glad one of us is so enthusiastic Jaie's thoughts were less-than-pleased as she watched the massive slug slowly crawling towards them. Still, this was my idea, so I suppose I can't complain.

Long years of fighting together had Jaie automatically taking a step back behind but to the side of Gyr. When one travelled with a massive man made of metal, it paid to let him stand in front. She tugged a piece of leather from the pouch at her side and murmured in elven, before drawing her bow, ready for action.

Casting Mage Armour +4 armour bonus to AC (I've listed it under 'misc' in the character sheet so I don't forget to remove it later). Will last for 3 hours.
Then drawing her bow, ready to shoot, because casting is a standard action and I'm pretty sure that means she's only got a move action left. Besides, it just makes more sense in character to wait for Gyr.

2011-06-17, 10:07 PM
As Jaie hides behind Gyr, the slug moves forward with great speed. It reaches Gyr and slams into him.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

big teej
2011-06-17, 10:15 PM
Gyr easily shrugs off the blow and attacks the slug with his battleaxe.

attack roll


ooc: there are not words powerful enough for the amount of stupidity, idiocy, and facepalm I just experienced...

2011-06-17, 10:24 PM
Gyr's blow slices deep into the enormous slug, but it still looks strong and strikes back with a slam attack.

attack: [roll0]

damage: [roll1]

Lady Moreta
2011-06-17, 11:24 PM
Eyes widening, Jaie takes a couple more steps backwards and reaches into the pouch at her belt. Withdrawing a small twist of paper she tosses the contents into the air and blows it towards the slug, speaking as she does so.

Casting Color Spray at the sluggie. (Will negates, save DC 14)
With one caveat, this only affects creatures that can see. Can we tell if the slug has eyes?

big teej
2011-06-17, 11:43 PM
stepping forward into another swing, Gyr brings his axe back around in a brutal arc.

after his swing, Gyr eyes the slug carefully, aiming to get his shield more fully in front of the next blow from the slug.

Gyr is going to declare the slug his target for "shield block" for the duration of the encounter, + 1 AC

Axe swing!

attack roll: [roll]1d20+8[/roll/
damage: [roll0]

2011-06-18, 09:51 AM
Will save: [roll0]

ooc: teej, you messed up the die roll.

big teej
2011-06-18, 10:54 AM
ooc: teej, you messed up the die roll.

I know, I rerolled the to-hit in the OOC to avoid cluttering up things here. I got a 27 I think.

2011-06-18, 04:13 PM
Gyr's attack lands. The creature is looking more damaged but still strong. It moves a little bit forward and to the side to attack Gyr and Jaie.

ooc: This creature has a reach of 10 ft and it gets two attacks per round so assuming Jaie is right behind Gyr, I'm letting it attack both of you.

at Gyr:

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

at Jaie:

attack: [roll2]
damage: [roll3]

Also, this creature's slam attack deals an additional 1d6 points of damage the next round from a toxin. The two warforges are immune since it's a poison, but I unless there's something I don't know about Jaie, she's vulnerable to it.

Lady Moreta
2011-06-18, 11:18 PM
"Damn!" Jaie swears loudly, staggering back under the force of the attack, though thankfully it doesn't hit. Seeing that her spell did absolutely nothing, she decides to temporarily abandon that plan and just go with brute force instead - taking aim with her bow and firing.

I love Mage Armour, I really do... my AC at the moment is 21. Anyway... shooting with the shortbow:
crappiest attack roll ever... :smallsigh:

big teej
2011-06-19, 11:25 AM
Hearing Jaie's cry, Gyr bellows in fury and buries his axe into the slug's hide

attack roll: [roll0]
damage roll: [roll1]

1 round on the morale stuff to go.

2011-06-19, 02:02 PM
Then slug still standing but it does look kind of cut up. I goes after Gyr and Jaie again:

for Gyr
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

for Jaie
attack: [roll2]
damage: [roll3]

ooc: damage to the slug 23; just a note to myself so I don't have to go through previous posts and see how much health this thing has.

big teej
2011-06-19, 02:43 PM
ooc: as I understand it, a natural attack can be added on to an attack routine at a - 5 penalty to the natural attack, provided my understanding is correct, I'd like to add it for this round.

Gyr attempts to focus the slug's attention entirely upon him. yelling at the creature, he strikes with his axe once more


(the following only applies if my bit about Natural attacks is right)

growing frusterated with the Slug's refusal to die, Gyr kicks it


Lady Moreta
2011-06-19, 09:23 PM
"Argghh!" Jaie staggers backwards, crying out in pain as the slug hits home. "I've had enough of this..." gasping through the pain of what felt like cracked ribs, Jaie extends one hand towards the slug and concentrates. "He's all yours Gyr" she adds, backing away further.

8hp left, recording it here since I can't access my sheet now I'm back at work.
Using the nifty ring of strength draining, assuming that since the damn thing just clobbered her, she's within 30ft. Then backing off the full 30ft move action to get out of the way.

Oh, and yes, she'll be vulnerable to the toxin. I assume you'll roll it on the slug's next turn?

big teej
2011-06-19, 09:33 PM
Gyr moves to stand between the slug and Jaie. bringing his axe around once again into the slug's blubbery flesh.

attack roll

ooc: where's "shield other" when ya need it?

2011-06-19, 10:27 PM
The slug looks slightly less intimidating now. Gyr's beaten it pretty bad and Jaie's ring has also left it drained. Nevertheless, the slug continues to attack even weakened.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

toxin damage for Jaie: [roll2]

ooc: I'm not sure secondary natural attacks work like that teej. I think you need a feat. Either way, the attack missed.

big teej
2011-06-19, 10:44 PM
Jaie, are you alright? Gyr calls over his shoulder as he advances on the ailing slug-beast.

truly this is the most stubborn foe I've ever had the misfortune to lay into! Gyr shouts grumpily as he buries his axe into the slug's body once more, hacking at it like one would hack at a tree.

attack roll
damage roll

Lady Moreta
2011-06-19, 11:48 PM
"I've been better," Jaie croaked. She winced as she straightened, only to double up again with a hiss as some new pain shot through her. "Damn bug..."

Forcing herself to stand upright, Jaie took fresh aim with her bow. "Just kill the damn thing already!"


A potential critical and I roll a 1 damage? Typical... :smallsigh: I'll do the confirmation in the OOC

big teej
2011-06-20, 12:10 AM
I do not believe that sub-aquatic mollusc/invertebrates qualify as insects Jaie Gyr observes whilst going about the messy buisness of carving up the slug

attack roll: [roll0]
damage roll: [roll1]

Lady Moreta
2011-06-20, 02:01 AM
"It's a slug," Jaie growled, "Ow. Slugs are bugs. Therefore it is a bug." She lowered her bow, shooting hurt too much right now. "Just kill the damn thing already," she muttered, her face pale.

It just occurred to me... the italics about the bug were thoughts... I don't think Gyr is a mind-reader :smalltongue: Still, I liked the exchange so much I changed my post so she says it out loud now. :smallsmile:

2011-06-20, 04:51 PM
The slug is in pretty bad shape. Jaie's arrow dealt the creature much damage. Gyr's recent attacks though all miss, and the slug is still persistent. Rather than attack Gyr, it goes for Slate because...

ooc: ...because I don't want Gyr to die and it hasn't attacked Slate yet. Hopefully he'll gets back soon and can participate in combat. Also, 37 damage to the slug so far.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2011-06-20, 05:59 PM

Having not prepared for battle today, Slate had been rummaging through his pack while the fight continued. Drawing forth a small green flask, he hurls it toward the beast.

Move: Run around the slug until perpendicular with Gyr
Standard: Throw acid flask: [roll0] Damage:[roll1]

2011-06-20, 06:29 PM
ooc: @nanoblack: I checked and the damage from an acid flask is 1d6 in the PHB. Just to let you know so you can reroll as this can make an important difference in damage.

Lady Moreta
2011-06-20, 08:34 PM
Jaie waves her hand towards the others, "You two can handle it," she says, wincing in pain. She drops a hand to the belt at her waist and fingers it slightly. Her expression becomes less pained.

Using one charge from belt of healing:
Hey, not bad :smallsmile: now on 17hp, just one off full :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-20, 08:47 PM
The slug still strong goes for both Slate and Gyr.

at Gyr
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

at Slate
attack: [roll2]
damage: [roll3]

Lady Moreta
2011-06-20, 08:59 PM
"I've had enough of this damn bug!" Jaie snapped, shooting a mischievous look at Gyr. Wounds healed, she raised her bow once more.

And for my own notes, that's 18 arrows left.

big teej
2011-06-20, 10:05 PM
still not a buuuuug Gyr calls out as he proceeds to lay into the slug.... again.

attack roll

damage roll

2011-06-20, 11:51 PM
Gyr's attack misses, but Jaie's arrow pieces the creature on the side. It goes for our two constructs yet again.

at Gyr:
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

at Slate:
attack: [roll2]
damage: [roll3]

ooc: 42 damage so far to the slug.

big teej
2011-06-21, 12:10 AM
Gyr staggers back from the slugs blow, doing a quick mental once over on himself to assess the damage.

condition: within acceptable paramters he mutters to himself. as he strides back up to the slug, fully intending to cut it to pieces.

attack roll: [roll0]
damage roll: [roll1]

ooc: almost said "condition: prime" but I figured I didn't need to start throwing in transformer jokes.
also, Damage Reduction is awesome ^_^

Lady Moreta
2011-06-21, 12:32 AM
Jaie cast a nervous glance back at the quiver slung over her back. She was getting worried about using too many of her arrows. Staring at the slug she chewed on her lower lip briefly before making a decision. Slinging the bow over her shoulder, she moved forwards, drawing the morningstar from her belt as she went. She tapped Gyr lightly as she moved up beside him, "You okay buddy?" before taking a swing at the slug.

Assuming I can, since I'm a little hazy on the rules for drawing weapons, move up and hit the slug with the morningstar, it does more damage.
heehee, almost typed 10d20 then :smallbiggrin:

Also, accidentally taking liberties Teej - it just struck me that being called 'buddy' sounds like something that would annoy Gyr, hence Jaie would do it as often as she could :smallbiggrin:

big teej
2011-06-21, 12:42 AM
ooc: you're right, he probably would.

Jaie.... Gyr says in a rather pained tone.
You know my name isn't "buddy" we've never even MET someone called "buddy"... and you keep calling people that!

Gyr takes another swipe at the slug, knowing it's going to take forever to get all the slug-gunk off its blade.

attack roll: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

also, my body is operating within acceptable parameters. with less than a 10% loss in effeciency

ooc: I wouldn't worry about "taking liberties" with gyr, heck, we're practically writing each other's backgrounds as it is sometimes. haha.

Lady Moreta
2011-06-21, 01:52 AM
"Normal people like it Gyr," Jaie says, grinning. "It puts them at their ease." Her deep green eyes are dancing as she looks over at the warforged. Gyr took everything so seriously, he was so easy to tease.

2011-06-21, 04:35 PM
As Gyr and Jaie chatter back and both, the audience starts shouting for more bloodshed of the slug and less talking. The slug meanwhile makes a slam attack at both Gyr and Slate.

at Gyr
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

at Slate

attack: [roll2]
damage: [roll3]

big teej
2011-06-21, 05:27 PM
turning his full attention back to the slug-thing Gyr delivers a mighty blow, aiming for something important within the slug's body

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

ooc: well I'll be rusted, a natural 20.
all praise the natural 20!!!
which brings to light a very important question, are we treating nat20s as "autocrit" or do I need to roll to confirm?

2011-06-21, 05:45 PM

Having found his stash of acid, Slate continues to fling them toward his target.

I'm not going to reroll the last attack as I've already rolled above average.


2011-06-21, 07:56 PM
Slate's acid flask hits the slug, but the creature looks unaffected by it. Gyr's blow lands a mighty hit against the creature leaving it in very bad shape. You can see a good portion of its innards falling out. The crowd goes wild for your attack. The slug however is still alive and slams at Gyr.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

big teej
2011-06-21, 08:20 PM
Now look here you overgrown sack of slime... gyr starts, but trails off as the slug-beast smashes against him.

mightily irked by the slug's continued function, gyr aims his next blow at the gaping hole in the slugs side, fully intending to rip whats left of its insides, outside.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2011-06-21, 08:30 PM
Gyr's next strike is so powerful it severs the creature's head from its body. The rest of its blood and innards come pouring out. The crowd goes wild and starts cheering for a few minutes. After which, the king stands up and addresses you from his stand. "Well done. You have passed the first test. Now the Trial of Wisdom, and like the first, there is no room for error. Should you fail this, we will execute you on the spot. Now, think carefully, for you only get one guess.

"In this world there are many creatures. Some made of flesh. Some made of metal. Some incorporeal. Some made of the very four elements themselves. Of these countless species, there are some that walk on the ground. Some that swim in the sea. Some that fly through the sky, and even some that can pass through fire. Now, there is one creature. This beast is a bird with wings but can not fly. It has a beak and feathers and stands roughly two feet highly. It goes by many names in m any tongues, one of which is chicken. Now, one day, many moons ago, this creature was walking through our world when it came upon a path - a road if you will. Now, the chicken then, on that day took it upon itself to cross said road. Why, in the infinity realm of possibilities, did the chicken do this?

"Answer now."

Lady Moreta
2011-06-22, 07:55 PM
Jaie looked a little startled by the question, but stepped hastily forwards, putting one hand on Gyr's plating to keep him silent. This sort of thing wasn't his strength and she didn't know Slate at all well enough to trust him with it either. Looking up at the king and thinking fast, she spoke.

"There are infinite possibilities and infinite answers to any question and this is no exception. We must consider, perforce, the chicken’s motivations. Was it fleeing a predator? Was it crossing the road because it could not fly? Was it a mother attempting to reach its chicks? All these are possibilities, but without the chicken itself available to question, we cannot be sure of their truth. But I posit to you, your Majesty, that the chicken crossed this path, this road, for the simplest of all reasons. Why do any of us, who possess legs and walk upon this earth, cross roads? When you take away all other answers, all other circumstances and possibilities, what is left? The answer, and the reason this chicken acted as it did, is simply – to get to the other side."

2011-06-22, 08:17 PM
"'To get to the other side?'" the king responds. He then proceeds to laugh ferociously. This goes on for about a minute. The guards in the arena look confused and slowly start to approach you weapons drawn. They get 10 feet closer when the king stops and says "That is correct. They have passed."

The crowd goes wild. The guards escort you to the royal hall. Yo arrive there and the king sits on his thrown telling you the guards are returning with the princess for you to bring to the surface. After a few minutes, the guards return. They carry a pillow. On the pillow is a clam.

Lady Moreta
2011-06-22, 08:53 PM
Jaie blinks rapidly at the sight of the clam on the pillow, her first thought is A clam?! Seriously? Followed closely by, Does Treeperson have any idea what he's getting into? Struggling to keep her thoughts from showing on her face, she steps forwards to accept the cushion. She bows to the king,

"I thank your Majesty. We will guard your- princess well."

2011-06-22, 09:18 PM
"Excellent!" the king exclaims. They give you the clam and escort you to the surface. Treeperson is delighted to see you return with the princess. He takes her in his limbs. Treeperson then gives you a detailed directions on where he found the limbs.

Following Treeperson's orders, you venture deep into the woods. You travel for many miles. The sky gets darker as more clouds gather overhead. It's not too long before you hear thunder. The air is cold and windy. You travel farther. The woods really start to get wild as the grass gets far taller and the ground becomes unlevel. You pass some trenches and rains starts to pour. You eventually come upon some dead bodies. They've been here awhile as most of the flesh is decayed. Surrounded by all these dead bodies is what looks like a statue, but it's only of two legs. The statue, while not too large, is just of legs and if it was completed would be quite large. The entire thing is made of gold.

Lady Moreta
2011-06-22, 09:58 PM
A hand came out from within the folds of her cloak as Jaie pinched her nose to block out the smell from the decaying bodies, noticeable even over the rage of the storm. She tugged her hood further over her head, trying to keep the rain out of her face and shivered. "This is unpleasant," she commented, glancing up at the sky. "So is that." She added, looking at the bodies. Looking a little disturbed, Jaie carefully picks her way over to the bodies and the statue, crouching down in the rapidly forming mud, she brushes dirt away and takes a closer look.

Search:[roll0] to see what I can see see see.
Also, how long has it been roughly? Mage Armour lasts for 3 hours, I'd like to know if it's still active/for how much longer :smallsmile:

big teej
2011-06-24, 11:40 PM
Oh I don't know Jaie, I like the rain. feeling it run over and in my body is a very..... unique. feeling. and far more enjoyable than being completely submerged.

ooc: sorry for the lack of posting, apparently I stopped getting updates :smalltongue:

Gyr takes a look around, keeping an eye out for creatures that would feed upon the fallen

spot: [roll0]
listen: [roll1]

Lady Moreta
2011-06-25, 01:41 AM
"Yes, but that's because you're-" Jaie pauses, apparently searching for the right word, "weird." She glances up at Gyr slyly, while her fingers are busy poking around the statue and bodies.

big teej
2011-06-25, 04:46 PM
Gyr looks down at Jaie with a bemused expression.

we just met a tree who had fallen in love with a clam. from what I gather, there is no such thing as wierd.
or rather, that such a term is meaningless due to how common the attribute is.

believing to have noticed something the muck, Gyr takes a looksie

searching the bodies

2011-06-26, 12:00 AM
The rain continues to fall hard. Gyr and Jaie search the area. Of the dead bodies, their clothes have been torn at and they have no money on them. Some bodies have some common items, some scraps of food or some tools, but their pretty ordinary. The rain is too hard for Gyr to hear or see anything noticeable.

ooc: Oh, forgot to say the merfolk heal you after the trials so you're at full HP. Also, getting here too about 3 hours. Considering the fight didn't last that long, Jaie should be fine with the upcoming fight. Also, I'm just waiting for Nano to post here before the thief arrives as I want everyone to have at least one more post showing they know what's here before the big bad arrives. Considering everything that's happened, anyone want to speculate about what the thief is?

2011-06-26, 05:11 PM
Actually, before I post, do any of these bodies have any signs as to where they might be from? Like insignia's or the like.

Lady Moreta
2011-06-26, 08:11 PM
Jaie picked up a tattered piece of clothing, eyed it distatefully then let it fall. She lifted her head and looked at Gyr, blinking away the water streaming down her face, "Well, yes-" she said finally, in response to his comment, "but that doesn't mean... it doesn't mean..." she trailed off and glared at him, apparently stuck for an appropriate retort.

She sighed and stood up, tucking her hands into the folds of her cloak for warmth. "Well, I haven't found anything."

2011-06-27, 03:52 PM
None of the bodies have any such markings. They're probably all from around this area though as the reported attacks don't seem to spread too far.

big teej
2011-06-27, 05:09 PM
Gyr strides a bit further through the scattered corpses, his feet making a wet, heavy thud in the mud.

Well.... what do we do now? do we wait here for the bandit? or search for him elsewhere? I dislike the idea of setting up an ambush. such a tactic is far from glorious, and he knows the terrain better than we do.

Lady Moreta
2011-06-27, 09:12 PM
Jaie straightens and glares at Gyr, hands on her hips, "It's not about glory," she snaps angrily. "It's about doing what will keep us safe and the bandit dead." She takes a couple of deep breaths, clearly trying to calm down. "You do have a point about the terrain though. I'm honestly not sure what the best tactic is. You're right, this bandit knows the terrain better, but how will continuing to search help us? He'll still know the area better. I think it best to study this area and wait for him here. Clearly he's going to return, or he wouldn't have built this - statue... or whatever it is."

big teej
2011-06-27, 09:23 PM
I think your father might disagree... Gyr murmurs before turning to the statue

you're right though, this place has meaning to this bandit. though I'm curious how and where he is finding the materials required to build this statue, and for what purpose.

he pauses for a moment and then says uneasily you don't think he's trying to make a golden me is he?

ooc: ooh goodie, a new quirk has developed :smallbiggrin:

Lady Moreta
2011-06-27, 10:09 PM
"Yes, well, Father and I disagreeing isn't exactly an unusal occurance, is it?" Jaie mutters under her breath.

She picks her way over to the statue, looking irritated as her boots squelch in the mud. No, I don't think he's trying to build a golden you," she says thoughtfully. "In fact, I think it far more likely he's building a golden him." Perhaps we should widen our search - look outside this clearing and see if we can find any reason this spot is being utilised instead of somewhere else." Suiting actions to words, Jaie squelches her way back to the edge of the clearing and starts hunting along the border with the forest.

And yes, as I was writing the other post I decided that when Jaie was off on her own, she joined a group with a glory-hound. All out for the glory and wouldn't do anything he didn't think was 'honourable' - this attitude then just about got the entire group killed and ever since Jaie's been a bit - touchy, on the subject.

big teej
2011-06-27, 10:43 PM
Gyr turns and begins to squelch-thump after Jaie.

but to go through such effort to create a golden statue of himself... why here? no one comes out here.

Lady Moreta
2011-06-27, 11:28 PM
"Who knows why egotists do anything?" Jaie responded with a shrug and a sly grin directed at the warforged. "As for why here? You said yourself that this spot was obviously important to him. We're not here to pscyhoanalyse the guy, we're here to stop him. Knowing why isn't as important as knowing where."

big teej
2011-06-27, 11:48 PM
Know thyself, and know thy enemy, and thine victory is assured. Gyr intones.

nevertheless, you are correct. we cannot know his mind. I'm just glad he's not trying to make a gold version of me....

Lady Moreta
2011-06-28, 12:24 AM
Jaie rolls her eyes and mutters something that sounds like "Pompous nonsense."

big teej
2011-07-04, 05:26 PM
Gyr "hms" pensively and stomp-thuds over to Jaie.

why do the humanoid races hate each other so? the waste of it alone is a blasphemy against creation.

not that I would know much about that. mutters quietly examining the rain running over and inside of his hand.

Lady Moreta
2011-07-05, 11:35 PM
Jaie turns towards Gyr, the bandit momentarily forgotten as she regards the warforged with an expression of amused exasperation. She mutters something inaudible under her breath, then points at him with the stick in her hand.

"Saying that the humanoid races all hate each other is a bit harsh Gyr," she begins. "I'll grant you, there are some races, like elves and goblins, who seem almost genetically predisposed to loathe each other - that I haven't got an answer for - though I suspect elves and their long memories are to blame." She shrugs slightly, seemingly unconcered that her own heritage could give her a measure of responsibility.

"As for the rest of it, it's hardly fair to presume that because one bandit-" she waves the stick in the direction of the dead bodies and the statue "has gone on a killing spree, that means that humanoid races all hate each other. I'm of a humanoid race - two of them in fact - do you think I hate all other races?"

big teej
2011-07-05, 11:41 PM
Gyr shakes his head

I was generalizing. but this is an excellent example of what I'm talking about he says looking at the scattered bodies.

during the time before I met you and your father, I observed the creatures of my surroundings. yes, they slew each other, in some cases far more brutally than any humanoid I have encountered. but it was always for purpose, and they only slew what they needed.

look at this. Gyr gestures at the bodies around them.

all this done by a single man. in the name of what?
why is it that the humanoids are incapable of contentment?

I am well aware that there good people. I believe you and your father to be two such individuals. but so many exist that are not.

think about it. if so much evil did not exist, what need would your father have of his training?
what need would I have of this? Gyr knocks on his chest plate, causing a low ringing sound.

a metallic rattle emanates from Gyr's chest, as close to a sigh as he'll ever come.

I just don't understand the widespread violence sometimes...

Lady Moreta
2011-07-06, 02:10 AM
Jaie sighed, letting the stick fall to the ground. Why did Gyr insist on asking the type of question she not only couldn't answer, but didn't really care about? She turned away from him and stared out into the forest, as if looking for an answer there.

"Humanoids are capable of contentment Gyr, you're generalising again. There is a -- give and take, in living, in life. It's just not as simple as you make it seem."

Another sigh and Jaie turned back to face him, her expression indecipherable. "Reality isn't black and white Gyr. I love you - as a friend mind you, but earlier today you said you weren't even sure what love is. And love is one of the easiest emotions to feel. If you can't even feel love, if you don't even know what love is - how can you presume to understand why some creatures do evil things?"

Jaie wandered around the clearing, tugging occassionally at her feet as they stuck in the mud, until she was standing on the opposite side to Gyr, watching him, her green eyes both intense and compassionate.

"Life, the universe - everything requires a balance to exist. We wouldn't know what good is if we didn't have the bad and evil to compare it too. If we didn't have evil, people like you and my father wouldn't have a reason to exist. Me? I'm less complicated. If you don't try and kill me, I won't try and kill you." She shrugged again, as if in apology.

big teej
2011-07-06, 12:11 PM
gyr looks down at jaie. silent for a moment.

you're ruining your boots he observes quietly before gazing at the surrounding corpses again.

what should we do about them? I imagine at least a few people in the villiage would like to see their loved ones again... or at least see them buried properly.

Lady Moreta
2011-07-06, 09:31 PM
A spasm crosses Jaie's face - it might have been something like guilt. She glances down at her boots, lifting one foot out of the mud with a sucking sound. Eyeing it distastefully, she mutters "I'll clean them later..."

"These people? We could bury them here... or mark the location and let the villagers know so they can retrieve them themselves. There are-" her voice catches for a moment, "too many of them for us to carry back."

gyr looks down at jaie. silent for a moment.

you're ruining your boots he observes quietly before gazing at the surrounding corpses again.

That just about broke my heart... Ohhh and it was in size 1! (for some reason, IE at work doesn't show size=1 fonts as any smaller than normal)... now I really feel bad.

Well done :smallbiggrin:

big teej
2011-07-07, 01:02 AM
Gyr does a quick estimate of the number of bodies.

you are correct, it would be an in-efficient use of my strength to attempt to move so many.... I believe it is best if we mark the place so we can direct others to it.

and perhaps set up something to keep the buzzards away... I like not the idea of some poor villiagefolk coming upon their loved one whilst they are being feasted upon.

a scare-crow perhaps? he speculates.

Lady Moreta
2011-07-07, 02:07 AM
A spasm passed across Jaie's face, it looked like hastily restrained laughter. Finally approaching Gyr, she laid a hand gently on his metal skin, "I don't think scarecrows are really all that effective Gyr," she said. "We aren't that far from the village. If need be, I can stay here and keep carrion birds away with magic while you return to the village."

big teej
2011-07-07, 11:28 AM
Gyr turns his head quizically at this

then why do so many farmers put them up in their fields?

EDIT: overactive forum censor :smalltongue:

Lady Moreta
2011-07-07, 09:10 PM
Jaie blinked, as though the question had never really occured to her before; then shrugged. "I don't know, I've never really thought about it before." An impish grin spread across her face, "tell you what, next time I meet a farmer, I'll ask him for you."

2011-07-09, 11:09 PM
Jaie looks around but doesn't find any much more from the dead bodies. The rain continues to pour down, and you hear lightning in not too far off.

Lady Moreta
2011-07-10, 05:48 AM
Hissing in vexation, Jaie shivers and blinks as lightening blasts nearby. The clearing lights up and she sees the third member of their group. Feeling suddenly guilty at the fact that, in the midst of her conversation with Gyr, she'd completely forgotten he was there, she moved towards him, asking "Lethwyn, have you noticed anything? Can you tell how these people died?"

Thought I'd give you a nice easy way into the game :smallsmile:

2011-07-10, 06:25 AM
"Cause of Death was most likely battle wounding, judging by where the decay seems strongest. They were most likely attacked with something similar to swords and spears, as a hammer would crack a few more bones before cutting the flesh." Lethwyn states, analyzing a body from a sanitary distance

2011-07-10, 09:22 AM
The victims all seem to have died of stab wounds.

As you investigate the area, you see a large figure approaching. The person is well over 8 feet tall. As they get closer, you see they are an orc and they are truly unlike any orc you've ever seen. This orc makes all other orcs look like frail elven wizards who have spent their whole lives bent over a book with no physical exercise. His shoulders are massive and make his head look diminutive by comparison. His chest juts out quite far. His arms are as massive as tree trunks. You can clearly make out the intense muscles of this orc by the fact he wears almost no clothing. He only wears a tattered pair of pants exposing his hulky arms and torso. Now, you'd expect such a massive looking figure to be carrying a weapon the size of a tree, but the only weapon he has is an average sized dagger that looks even smaller wrapped around his massive fist.

The orc approaches you in the rain and says "Hand over all your gold and be gone less I take your life and claim them myself." The orc is 50 feet away from you.

ooc: finally, we can get to the good part.:smallsmile:

big teej
2011-07-10, 01:23 PM
Gyr calmly reaches over his shoulder and grabs his sword by the hilt, and draws it from it's scabbard.

The blade makes a raspy metal-on-metal sound as it is drawn from the scabbard, ending with a pure, ringing note when it clears it's home.

Gyr levels the sword at the massive orc and states in a very serious tone.

"you stand accused of the slaughter and disappearence of numerous townsfolk, theft, larceny, and banditry. We have been charged with seeing justice done. You will be coming with us."

Sword of the Storm
+ 2 strength and + 2 constitution for the duration of the storm

speech: IC Fighting Challenge
+ 1 moral bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and Will Saves against the Orc... lasts for two rounds.

Shield Block: Orc
+ 1 AC versus target

Lady Moreta
2011-07-10, 08:57 PM
"Bloody hell!" the words slip free from Jaie's mouth before she can stop them. Instantly regretting it, she began carefully stepping backwards, back towards Gyr. She moves slowly, not wanting to take her eyes off the massive orc in front of them, but also not wanting to fall and land on her butt in the mud.

Reaching him, she quietly knocks an arrow to the string of her bow, grimacing in distaste at the wet feel of the bowstring. "None of my spells will reach him from this distance" she quietly advises the other two, taking care to keep her voice down.

2011-07-10, 09:23 PM
Drawing his flail, Lethwyn stands confidently. "Father Rethlen was frightening. You are nothing more than a mild inconvenience."

Lady Moreta
2011-07-11, 12:30 AM
Jaie looks somewhat askance at Lethwyn. "If you think that qualifies as a 'mild inconvenience' then you can go in front." And without another word, Jaie ducks around behind the two men.

2011-07-11, 04:46 PM
"FOOLS!" he says "I am the greatest bandit in the world. I robbed hundreds with my killer thief skills, and to glorify my conquest, I am building a large golden stature of myself with the gold I plundered. And you think you can take me? Now, prepare to loose either gold or your life. Your choice."

big teej
2011-07-11, 06:54 PM
an audible grinding clank emanates from Gyr's chest and neck area and his arm wavers slightly.

he looks over his shoulder at Jaie and the cleric and says quietly.

"was I not clear the first time?"
I'm pretty sure I was clear...
maybe I need to be more direct?

Gyr straightens his arm again and takes a few strides towards the Orc

"Dead or Alive you are coming with me creep.

ooc: reference anybody?

2011-07-11, 06:59 PM
"Foolish metal man! I'll tear you up and use your body to make a sculpture of me killing you!"

The orc rushes up to you and attacks:

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

big teej
2011-07-11, 08:06 PM
Gyr staggers back under the blow, his chest plate dented from the force of it.

have it your way then he says in a strained voice and lashes out with the Sword of Storms

attack roll - [roll0]
damage - [roll1]

ooc: herr dokter... I'm afraid I don't know the enchantment level of the sword. is it a +2 sword? until I hear back I'm afraid I can't factor it into my attacks

2011-07-11, 08:13 PM
Gyr staggers back under the blow, his chest plate dented from the force of it.

have it your way then he says in a strained voice and lashes out with the Sword of Storms

attack roll - [roll0]
damage - [roll1]

ooc: herr dokter... I'm afraid I don't know the enchantment level of the sword. is it a +2 sword? until I hear back I'm afraid I can't factor it into my attacks

It's a +1 sword.

Confrim crit: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

Lady Moreta
2011-07-11, 09:01 PM
Jaie felt her jaw drop, "Bloody hell" she said, casting an anxious glance at Gyr, "Gyr? Are you all right?"

Thinking fast, Jaie eyed the monstrous orc and then extended her hand towards him.

Okay, this may be a little complicated... if the orc is within 30ft, or will be within 30ft if Jaie takes a 5ft step, then she'll use the ring of strength draining, because I think a weaker orc would be good right about now!

If not, then she'll shoot her bow

2011-07-11, 09:07 PM
Jaie felt her jaw drop, "Bloody hell" she said, casting an anxious glance at Gyr, "Gyr? Are you all right?"

Thinking fast, Jaie eyed the monstrous orc and then extended her hand towards him.

Okay, this may be a little complicated... if the orc is within 30ft, or will be within 30ft if Jaie takes a 5ft step, then she'll use the ring of strength draining, because I think a weaker orc would be good right about now!

If not, then she'll shoot her bow

He's within 30 ft.

Lady Moreta
2011-07-11, 09:26 PM
He's within 30 ft.

Then please, strength-drain away! :smallbiggrin:

big teej
2011-07-11, 09:41 PM
I will be fine Gyr says as he brings his sword hacks at the Orc again

attack - [roll0]
damage - [roll1]

2011-07-11, 09:43 PM
The orc angered at Jaie for the strength drain, withdraws from Gyr, and goes for her.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

big teej
2011-07-11, 10:42 PM
Oi, Fight me you overgrown cabbage! Gyr yells at the orc, attempting to interpose himself between it and Jaie.

attack roll - [roll0]
dmage - [roll1]

2011-07-11, 11:13 PM
The orc enraged at Gyr's attack shouts "I need a band aid!" and attacks him.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

big teej
2011-07-11, 11:21 PM

Enraged, Gyr takes a savage swing at the orc

attack roll - [roll0]
damage - [roll1]

2011-07-11, 11:30 PM
"I'll use your breast plate as a dinner plate!" the orc shouts.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

Lady Moreta
2011-07-11, 11:57 PM
Jaie grunted and staggered backwards as the orc hit her. "Ouch," she whispered. Frowing up at the creature and knowing the trick with the ring would only work once, she changed tactics. Reaching into the pouch at her belt, she flings brightly coloured sand into the air at the orc.

Casting Colour Spray at the orc. Is a 15ft cone, so will move closer if need be. Will save DC = 14

And Jaie is currently on 9HP.

2011-07-12, 09:55 AM
"I got ya, Jaie." Lethwyn says, the light of healing emanating from his hands.

Cure Moderate Wounds

Lady Moreta
2011-07-12, 09:03 PM
"Thanks," Jaie grinned, straightening up in relief. Glaring at the orc, she carefully moves around it, trying to flank it with Gyr. Eyes narrowed, she lashes out with her morningstar.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Not sure if Jaie can get to a flanking position with Gyr, but if so, add 2 to the rolls for the flanking bonus :smallsmile:

2011-07-12, 09:38 PM
"Orc, Pelor commands that you hold STILL!" Lethwyn calls in a commanting voice.

Casting Hold Person on our orcy friend.
Will Save to negate being paralyzed for 3 rounds. DC 19. At the end of each round, he can try again

big teej
2011-07-13, 05:11 AM
ooc: hmmm... a quandry... my next actions are wholly dictated by if the Orc fails his save or not.


if he fails his save
Gyr Checks his blade at the last moment before striking the orc's defenseless flesh. He glances at the cleric and states simply "there is no honor to be had in slaying a helpless foe priest." Gyr then settles into a 'ready' stance, poised to strike at the first sign of regained movement from the Orc.

if he saves vs paralysis.
"would you sacrifice my honor for the sake of this orc's life?" Gyr calls to the cleric as he swings at the orc once more.
attack rolll - [roll0]
damage - [roll1]

ooc: pesky knight's code :smalltongue:

2011-07-16, 11:44 PM
Save for Color Spray: [roll0]

Lady Moreta
2011-07-17, 01:36 AM
Well, that's one save failed :smallbiggrin:

What colour spray does depends on the number of hit dice, so here's what the srd has to say about it (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/colorSpray.htm) :smallsmile:

2011-07-17, 05:12 PM
Well, that's one save failed :smallbiggrin:

What colour spray does depends on the number of hit dice, so here's what the srd has to say about it (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/colorSpray.htm) :smallsmile:

Stunned for one round.

big teej
2011-07-17, 06:08 PM
Stunned for one round.

still waiting on the save vs. hold person.

and you know, the degree to which Gyr is going to be huffy

Lady Moreta
2011-07-19, 08:35 PM
Any word on this save?

I wanna know how huffy Gyr is going to be :smalltongue: It dictates how annoying Jaie gets to be :smallbiggrin:

2011-07-21, 03:47 AM
save for hold person: [roll0]

2011-07-21, 10:13 AM
He saved. He needed a 19+.

big teej
2011-07-21, 11:16 AM
excellent, now I can get back to smacking him repeatedly with my sword. and be only slightly huffy.

attack roll - [roll0]
damage roll [roll1]

Lady Moreta
2011-07-21, 08:39 PM
"would you sacrifice my honor for the sake of this orc's life?" Gyr calls to the cleric as he swings at the orc once more.

Jaie rolled her eyes, still moving carefully around to get into a good position to hit the orc, "Sometimes, Gyr, your honour needs to take second place," she mutters, swinging her morningstar once more.

Again, add 2 if Jaie is able to get into a flanking position.

Also thought it might be helpful to be reminded of Gyr's actual response :smallsmile:

edit: oh come on! I get max damage with an attack of five?! I swear the dice roller hates me at the moment. Now I'm huffy...

2011-07-21, 09:47 PM
Lethwyn, disappointed at his spell's effect, swings his flail at the brute.


2011-07-23, 01:35 PM
Th orc says "I'll turn your face into a codpiece!" and attacks Gyr.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

Lady Moreta
2011-07-24, 09:53 PM
"Don't respond to that Gyr!" Jaie snaps, raising her hands, "just hit him. Repeatedly."

Meanwhile... Jaie twisted her hands around and whispered a few words, then dropped both hands, pointing them at the orc.

Casting Sleep because I can't believe I didn't think of it earlier... Will save negates: DC14

2011-07-24, 09:54 PM
The orc is unaffected as it has more than 4 HD.

The orc responds "I was talking to you girly!"

Lady Moreta
2011-07-24, 10:18 PM

"Yeah right you were," Jaie mutters under her breath, followed by a quick swear word in elven as the spell does absolutely nothing. Grinding her teeth, Jaie runs quickly through the spells she knows in her head, searching for something that might help. Smiling grimly, she tries again.

Okay, being slightly difficult here... I would like to cast Hyponotism but I haven't the faintest idea of what it does and can't access any sites that will explain it for me, since they're all blocked at work. If it does something along the lines of turning the orc into a dazed sod to make it easier to kill him, then do that. If not, then I will just attack him.


big teej
2011-07-25, 06:32 AM
ooc: checked PHB II, couldn't find Hypnotism, sorry Moreta

Yea? well, I'll use YOUR face for a hat! the ugliest green face-hat ever!

attack - [roll0]
damage - [roll1]

2011-07-25, 11:03 AM
"Even for your kind, that's just wrong." Lethwyn says, turning slightly green at the idea. He swings his flail again, hoping for better results.


2011-07-25, 05:54 PM
Gyr's attack hits the orc in the head. As it does the orc shouts "MY HEAD IS GONNA EXPLODE!!!" and then his head exploded, just like he predicted. The orc is defeated.

Lady Moreta
2011-07-25, 09:11 PM
Jaie ducks reflexively as bits of orc-head go flying. She straightens up, blinking in stunned surprise. It is rare for Jaienne to be surprised speechless, however, she appears to be so now. She returns the morningstar to her belt, then approaches the orc warily, almost jittery - clearly ready to jump back at any provocation. Carefully, she nudges the orc's dagger to one side, then kneels in the muck alongside the body and - with a grimace, begins a careful search.

Would like to take 10 on the search, if I may, for a total of 14.
Actually, for that matter, cast Detect Magic as well.

Question - would the hypnotism spell have been lost? since no mention was made and no ruling given on whether or not she used it or not. I need to know so I know how many spells Jaie has left. (Also, Teej, pretty sure it's in the PHB, not the PHB II :smalltongue:

2011-07-25, 09:17 PM
Lethwyn puts away his flail and says a short prayer over the orc's body. "Anyone hurt?" he asks.

I just looked it up. Hypnotism is in the SRD.

Lady Moreta
2011-07-25, 09:55 PM
"He is," Jaie says absently, still concentrating on her search and her spell. She lifts her head slightly to look intently at Gyr. "How are you doing, buddy?"

I just looked it up. Hypnotism is in the SRD.

I know... alas and alack, the SRD is blocked at work, I tried googling it to see if I could find it elsewhere, but all the sites that explained the spell were also blocked. Stupid work internet filter spoiling my fun :smalltongue:

2011-07-25, 10:26 PM
XP time:

Combat XP:
first combat........................3,600
second combat....................2,700


split 3 ways........................7300/3
per player..........................2433

big teej
2011-07-25, 10:52 PM
ooc: shows how much I know about the Beguiler spell list :smalltongue:

Gyr idly pokes at the rent in his chest plate, sliding his metal digits over the jagged edge. the sound makes a painful grinding, ringing note.
I have seen better days Jaie. he observes without preamble.

he looks down at the orc and mutters petulantly my hat...

Gyr then tears off a strip of cloth from a nearby corpse and begins to wipe off his sword and his body from Orc-guts.

...I think I have orc brains inside of me... gyr states, sounding rather embarrased.

ooc: by my count, 15 hit points remaining, and roughly a fifth of that is going to disapear when the storm clears up.

2011-07-25, 11:00 PM
The storm continues to rage. The rain fall is heavy and you see/hear lightning/thunder.

As you search the bodies, you don't find anything of value. It appears as thought the orc must have removed anything of value from these people and the only item the orc had on him was the dagger with is only of average quality.

Lady Moreta
2011-07-25, 11:34 PM
Jaie stood up slowly, she eyed the dagger she'd picked up, shrugged and tucked it into her belt.

"Oh Gyr..." she said, halfway between amusement and affection. Come here," she said exasperation colouring her tone. Ripping rags from ruined clothes, she held them out to the rain to wash the mud off, then slipping and sliding, walked up to Gyr and began cleaning the orc brains from his body.

"Lethwyn, how are you at repairing this sort of wound?" she asked, gesturing with a grimy rag at the rent in Gyr's breastplate. "I have a couple of scrolls on hand, but I prefer to keep them for absolute emergencies."

Lady Moreta
2011-07-27, 10:07 PM
Jaie continued her cleaning, using the rain to wash away the worst of the grime. Peering into the rent, she looked up at Gyr, ignoring the rain streaming into her face. "You know, this is bad enough I think I'll do something about it now." She rummages quickly through her bag and pulls out a scroll, shielding it from the rain with her body, Jaie recites the spell and lays one hand on Gyr's metal body.

So we don't stagnate :smallsmile:

Using the scroll of cure repair moderate damage
And UMD check: [roll1]

big teej
2011-07-27, 11:25 PM
your scroll is going to get soaked Jaie Gyr states as he squick-thud/stomps over to where he left his chest. kneeling, he removes the keys to the locks from where he has hidden them in his body. after unwrapping the chains and barbed wire, Gyr takes out two vials.

he unstoppers one and pours half down his "throat" and half down the rent in his chest plate and waits for the magic to take effect.

repair light damage roll [roll0]

big teej
2011-07-27, 11:30 PM
ooc: well.... phooey... time for a double post.

seeing how little effect the first vial has, Gyr unstoppers the second and pours more over the rents in his chest plating.

2nd potion

ooc: and in the even this one doesn't heal to much either...

growing frusterated with how ineffective his potions are, Gyr grabs the last vial and emptys it into his chest plate


ooc: yea I'm gonna go ahead and use all three.

Gyr replaces the keys in their hiding spot and re-wraps and locks up his chest, then turns back to face Jaie and the cleric.

there is still a sizeable dent where a human's collar bone and pectoral muscle would bel.

while I certainly wouldn't pass one of Uscanir's inspections... my condition is workable until we can make our return to the villiage.

Lady Moreta
2011-07-27, 11:44 PM
"Fortunately, my father isn't here right now, so you don't have to worry about passing any inspection," Jaie said, hastily shoving the scroll back into her bag, looking annoyed. Swinging the bag back onto her back, she lifted her head and stared directly at Gyr. Lowering her voice, she laid one hand lightly on his metal arm, "Are you sure you're all right? You took quite a beating out there?" she's trying to hide it, but it's quite obvious she's concerned.

2011-07-27, 11:52 PM
"Here, my friend, let me see what I can do with the power of Pelor. He does hold dominion over healing." Lethwyn shrugs, placing his hands on Gyr's dented chest and channeling his magic through him.

Converting Create Food and Water into Cure Moderate Wounds.


Divided by two for Gyr being a Warforged=3

big teej
2011-07-28, 12:11 AM
I cannot help but feel that your god does not smile upon me Lethwyn. but I appreciate your efforts

Gyr looks back at jaie, idly pressing a digit against the dent in his chest plate.

well... it doesn't ... "hurt" but I do believe I am experiencing "itching"... it is very uncomfortable.

but you needn't concern yourself. taking a beating is what I am meant to do. Gyr bangs his fist against the non-dented side of his chest. the normal clanging echo is rather distorted.

what about you? are you alright?

Lady Moreta
2011-07-28, 12:21 AM
"Don't 'scratch' it then," Jaie said, humour in her voice as she slapped his hand away. "Are you really going to tell me I shouldn't be concerned about you?" Jaie's green eyes start glinting with mischief, "aren't you constantly telling me that a knight needs to have compassion, and concern for others? And yet you're telling me not to bother with you?" She grins impishly at Gyr.

"Oh, I'm fine," she adds, almost an aside, "thanks to our friend here" and she turns a dazzling smile on Lethwyn.

big teej
2011-07-28, 12:33 AM
there is a slight difference Jaie. Gyr states as he pokes one of her fleshy bits.

you are soft and squishy... and bleed. Gyr then thumps his metal cranium, causing a sound highly remiscent of a gong.

whereas I am made of unfeeling metal. anything that happens to me can easily be fixed by a trip to a skilled smithy. Gyr quiets for a moment. before speaking again.

besides, do you have any idea what your father would do to me if you came home with less parts than you left with?

Lady Moreta
2011-07-28, 02:00 AM
Jaie slaps Gyr's hand away, her expression irritated as if this is an argument they've had many times before. "Stop that, you know it annoys me."

"Just because my healing comes from a cleric like Lethwyn and yours comes from a blacksmith doesn't mean that you don't deserve care and concern. You're a real person Gyr," Jaie pokes a finger into his chest, then turning with an air of high dignity she slips and slides across the churned up ground towards the path they had followed into the clearing.

"And you know perfectly well that if I were to return home with 'less parts'," and here she snickered slightly, "it would only be because you had died to save me." Brilliant green eyes cloud for an instance, before Jaie shakes herself and gestures to the others, "Come on. Let's get out of here. I want to go somewhere dry."

I'm doing that 'randomly writing backstory' thing again. It just occurred to me that this sounds like an argument they've had before.

And GFawkes, feel free to jump in :smallsmile: Teej and I could probably go on for a while like this, but I don't want you to feel left out at all.

2011-07-28, 02:03 AM
"I must agree with Jaie here. What should happen if the blacksmith gets injured? Who would heal your wounds then?" Lethwyn retorts.

Good thing I've got hyposomnia. I'm usually asleep when you two seem to be the most active

big teej
2011-07-28, 09:40 PM
simple, I drag the smithy to a priest... physician, heal thyself.

Lady Moreta
2011-07-28, 11:18 PM
Jaie grins and winks at Lethwyn as she moves off into the forest. She offers a long-suffering sigh at Gyr's next words however. "Gyr, that's got to be one of the most idiotic things you've ever said. What if there is no priest available? What if the smith is dead? What if we're in the middle of nowhere and there isn't a smithy, healthy or not, around? Doesn't that mean you shouldn't be at least a little bit careful?"

She glances over her shoulder at the two men, "Besides, do you have any idea what Father would do to me if I came home with you in pieces?" she shudders as if the idea is too horrible to contemplate.

2011-07-28, 11:26 PM
"That's why I'm here. To make sure you remain in as few pieces as possible." Lethwyn smiles, enjoying the conversation.

Lady Moreta
2011-07-29, 12:07 AM
"That works fine for you and me," Jaie said, smiling, "with our - what was it? Fleshy bits?" She dropped back to walk with Lethwyn and linked her arm through his, "It's not so good for boneheads like him," she jerked a thumb over her shoulder at Gyr. Her eyes are dancing and she seems to be anticipating a response from him. Leaning into Lethwyn, she rises up onto her toes to whisper into his ear, "I'm glad you're here. We constantly have this argument and he never listens to me."

big teej
2011-07-29, 12:08 AM
gyr reaches down and grabs the orc's leg, intending to drag it all the way back to the villiage as proof of their task.

glancing at Lethwyn, he turns back to jaie, points at Lethwyn and says. "but we have a priest..."

Lady Moreta
2011-07-29, 12:32 AM
"Ssshhhhh..." Jaie makes an odd hissing noise somewhere between a sigh of exasperation and a swear word. She turns slightly and hammers her head lightly on Lethwyn's shoulder, "he's impossible," she mutters.

"We were lucky that Lethwyn happened to be in the area at the time this job came up and that he didn't have any more pressing matters to attend to. We won't always have a priest handy and you know it. Besides, the point is that you aren't invincible and you need to stop acting like it!"

big teej
2011-07-29, 12:38 AM
ooc: I'm not going to lie, I just chuckled evilly... thankyou moreta for lobbing me one right over the plate.

gyr trudges along silently for a moment, still dragging the orc's corpse much like a little girl would absent-mindly drag a doll.

but does a priest's power not stem from his belief in a higher being? their magic is real enough. and what of those who have unlocked the powers of their mind? do they not also rely on their belief in themselves? if a priest can knit together flesh and adamantium with his belief, and a holy warrior use it to destroy his foes, why would not my own belief make me invincible?

Lady Moreta
2011-07-29, 02:35 AM
Jaie stopped dead for a split second, then hitched her steps to avoid falling over. Slipping her hand free of Lethwyn, she turned and began walking backwards, so she could glare at Gyr.

"Because belief doesn't make something true! If your belief in your invincibility made it fact, then, by rights, you shouldn't have been wounded and we wouldn't be having this argument. Again." She muttered under her breath. "Your argument is flawed anyway. A priest's power comes from a higher being - his god, yes. But his belief isn't what makes that god, or that power true. The gods are true and they have power regardless of whether or not we believe in them. Belief does not equal fact - there is a difference between absolute truth and relative truth."

Jaie dropped her head and sighed, lifting it, there is an odd expression in her face, a slight tightening around the eyes, almost as if something pains her. "You believe you are invincible. I believe, and Lethwyn appears to agree with me, that you are not. And the state of your body suggests that in this case, I am correct and you are not."

"Just once I'd like you to realise... She spun back around, her dark red hair looking almost black as it lies plastered to her head with rain. Slipping in the mud, Jaie grabs at Lethwyn reflexively to keep on her feet. "Enough of this," she snaps suddenly. "We'll never get back to civilisation if we don't get a move on!"

Not wanting to stop either of you from responding obviously, just that Jaie herself would be sick of the argument by now :smallsmile:

I'm having fun :smallbiggrin:

big teej
2011-07-29, 07:21 AM
ooc: hey, you're the one that keeps stoping, gyr is more than willing/capable to argue whilst dragging the orc. :smallbiggrin:

2011-07-30, 11:23 PM
The rain lets up a little bit and there's less lighting, but the rain is still coming down hard.

big teej
2011-08-17, 11:39 PM
Gyr plods on, dragging the orc's corpse.

Jaie.... the rain's letting up.... I do believe this means the orc will begin to smell rather.... rancid, soon.

Lady Moreta
2011-08-18, 01:21 AM
"So? What do you expect me to do about it?" Jaie retorts, without bothering to look back. "And actually, he won't. He's only just been killed remember? It takes longer than that for a dead body to start smelling." Then, finally looking over her shoulder at Gyr, "What do you care? You don't even have a sense of smell!"

big teej
2011-08-18, 01:55 AM
Gyr shrugs.

just trying to be considerate, as I understand it orcs don't smell to pretty to begin with, much less dead ones with their viscera hanging out their neck.

2011-08-18, 10:37 PM
"Did no one bring a bag to carry the head in?" Lethwyn asks. Hindsight truly is 20/20.

big teej
2011-08-18, 11:01 PM
I seem to recall his head popping like a lanced cyst...

Lady Moreta
2011-08-18, 11:02 PM
"Gyr, you're all heart," Jaie said sarcastically, shaking her head. "We can handle it til we get back to the village. After which, thankfully, it's their problem."