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View Full Version : (3.5) Peach a Class Feature -- Extra Actions in a Round

2011-06-01, 10:55 PM
I am working on the final class for my e10 game, an infiltrator/scout like class that focuses on speed and action economy. Below is the signature class feature for the class. Any input would be appreciated!

Level 1: Swiftness: A number of times per day equal to his (Dexterity modifier + 1/2 Scout level), the scout may take an additional standard action. The scout must use this ability on his turn, and may only expend 1 use of swiftness each round. Activating Swiftness is a free action.

Level 4: Superior Swiftness: The scout may expend his daily uses of swiftness even when it it not his turn, but may only expend 1 use per round.

Level 6: Swift Dodge: When the scout is struck by a melee attack or fails a reflex save, he may expend a daily use of swiftness to attempt to avoid the attack. The scout expends a daily use of swiftness to force his opponent to re-roll the attack or to re-roll his own failed save. The scout must keep the result of the re-roll.
Using Swift Dodge counts against the scouts limit per turn.

Level 10: Alacrity: As a free action on his turn, the scout may expend a daily use of Swiftness to grant himself the benefits of Haste for 2 rounds.

Thanks for all the help. PEACH away!

2011-06-01, 10:57 PM
Swiftness is way too strong for level 1, and the level 10 ability is way too weak. Haste isn't all that strong, but extra standard actions are a pretty huge deal.

2011-06-01, 11:00 PM
Swiftness is way too strong for level 1, and the level 10 ability is way too weak. Haste isn't all that strong, but extra standard actions are a pretty huge deal.
Agreed, on both counts. Perhaps if Swiftness started out granting only move actions, then later in the progression ratcheted up to standards? Call it level 8 or so where you get standard actions?

Also, it'd be nice to see the rest of the class, to know what else this class gets. Easier to balance when its not in a vacuum.

2011-06-01, 11:06 PM
So would something like:

Level 1: Take an extra move action

Level 4: Take a standard action

Level 6: Take an action at any point

Level 10: Extra full action?

As for the other class features, I'm not really certain. I have another class (called the Adventurer) that specializes in evasive abilities, so I don't want to grant too much of that. Maybe Uncanny Dodge/Improved Uncanny Dodge.

2011-06-01, 11:19 PM
Starting with a Haste-like effect might be warranted, if you don't want this to be too dip-able. I'm not entirely clear on how your E10 system will work re: multiclassing, though.

2011-06-01, 11:27 PM
Multi-classing is very limited: you can only do it after level 5, and you can only gain 1 other class.

2011-06-01, 11:29 PM
So would something like:

Level 1: Take an extra move action

Level 4: Take a standard action

Level 6: Take an action at any point

Level 10: Extra full action?

As for the other class features, I'm not really certain. I have another class (called the Adventurer) that specializes in evasive abilities, so I don't want to grant too much of that. Maybe Uncanny Dodge/Improved Uncanny Dodge.
No, that's really pretty good still. Try...

1: Move.

4: Haste-duplication.

6: Any time.

10: Standard.

Gaining extra standard actions is really powerful, capstone-level powerful even.

2011-06-02, 08:08 AM
Just a note that with a scout type character that this class is aimed for, extra move actions are not that minor, allowing a full melee attack with skirmish damage.

I think the haste effect is the lowest of the effects, stength-wise, and would start there with the lowest level. 1 round of haste per daily use, increasing the rounds of haste per use as he gains the ability to gain free actions.

Something like:
1 - 1 round haste
2 - 2 rounds haste or 1 swift action
3 - immediate action
4 - 3 rounds haste or move action
5 - immediate move action
6 - 4 rounds haste or standard action
8 - immediate standard action
10 - 5 rounds haste or full round action with fatigue

Gives something at every level, even move actions take a little bit of time to get, and standard actions are very deep. The capstone is something people really want, but wont get used more than once a fight.