View Full Version : Cascade - IC

2011-06-02, 03:21 PM

Our scene opens on the Seeker's Discord, flagship of Flying Heart Imports, and the chosen vessel of the impeccably beautiful Final Lotus of Heavenly Night. She is accompanied in her trip to Beorn by Shi-Aen Excelsior, voluptuous debutante. Both of these Solars had recently picked up a pair of weary travels while sailing on the Greater Yenisei river. It wasn't until an intense battle with a team of surprised pirates and their enslaved elemental allies that the nature of these travelers was revealed. One is Isophidorus Pentatlas, genius crafter and archaeologist, and the other is the shadowy bounty hunter Jarrod.

The battle has just ended, and the pirate's ship now sails next to the Seeker's Discord, tied by ropes and completely undamaged. Isophidorus has already patched the hole in the Seeker's hull, which was made by the pirate's ballistae-mechanism. The crew of the Seeker's Discord are now beginning to file up to the top of the deck, ready for any orders from their intrepid captain.

There were two elementals on the ship; an Air-Elemental species called Wind-Children, and a Wood-Elemental species called a Banyan Brother. Both were clearly enslaved by some unknown force, evidenced by translucent black chains that bound them even when material or immaterial. Isophidorus knows that these chains are metaphorical rather than literal; a sign that the elemental voluntarily bound itself to another's service. Isoph knows that this binding is commonly made under duress, and usually to another spirit of some kind.

Isophidorus does have a small magma hammer. While traveling along the river alone, he encountered a burning village which had recently been attacked by a 'demon'. Isoph saw a demonic sigil on a warehouse, and chased the attackers to find a Fire Elemental aspected to volcanoes, whose name was Cannon of the Crescent, but due to circumstances outside of his control, the elemental was destroyed before he could question it further or learn its full name. He is unable to make any knowledge-based rolls to learn more from that particular event, though Cannon had the same bindings as the elementals on the pirate ship. Isoph can easily make the connection between these events.

Shi-Aen still has a wrist-worn artifact she received from Fisentha while in Greyfalls. It has not yet been identified.

Items that are on the deck of the ship are as follows:

15 Chopping Swords, 8 Straight Swords, 22 short bows, numerous arrows of various types.
A ship's log.
Common ship supplies, food, tools, etc.
A box of medical supplies.
A Perfect Lamellar which was worn by Captain Anzuelo, the pirate cap.
An unusual crystal dagger dropped by the Wind-Child. This will need to be inspected by someone with the right know-how.
A small wooden comb composed of tiny, entwining tentacles dropped by the Banyan Brother. This will need to be inspected by someone with the right know-how.

Jarrod, Shi-Aen, and Final Lotus and Isophidorus are each in a private room of the Very Luxurious Inn With All The Fixins.

2011-06-20, 11:55 PM
Isoph looked down at his clothing. The look on his face said he realized how in need of cleaning they were.

"The ruin is located not far from here. The area is infested with Trolls, a type of Fae. The city sends out surveyors to find artifacts and the like.

The team that found it was able only to discover the location before being forced to escape.

The essence security system, the branding, is still active, and that should have kept mortals out. The low numbers of Terrestrials in these parts should also have kept it safe.

With any luck, we may be able to learn more about the First Age, and recover artifacts left there."

2011-06-21, 11:52 PM
Shi-Aen lounged almost in her chair as she listened, one slender and bare arm was laying in her lap, her large breasts obscuring its location as she sat, another arm was holding a cup and she brought it to her lips softly taking a sip. Her luscious red-black hair fell in waves over her bare shoulders and behind her along the back of the chair. Green eyes watch Isoph softly taking in his words as she listens.

After a moment as he explains she runs her hands along the edges of her light colored skirt. The blouse hugged tight to her curvy upper body, the soft low cut neck showing her ample cleavage. Then she leaned forward and her slender hands fold, though her slender fingers play softly with the unidentified object she was gifted with not too long ago.

"Well it sounds like a bit of fun," she glances to Final Lotus, "We have something happening soon I think, but I think we will be available to help in taking this legacy away from the Fair Folk."

2011-06-22, 02:11 AM
"Well, I'm game for it," said Jarrod as he munched on his dead, breaded, fried thing.
"If nothing else, we can always, ya know, do something with it if its not all that its cracked up to be. Could be something useful." *chomp chew chew*

2011-06-26, 10:49 PM
Final looked a little sick after watching Jarrod for a moment too long. Her face blanched and she abandoned the seat she was going to take next to him for one much further away. Sitting down she took a moment to collect herself, crossing her legs and smoothing her long skirt. She proceeded to pour herself a glass of watered down wine, sipping at it.

"It does sound interesting. Who knows what could be there." A small glint was in her eye as she spoke. "Other then our," she sends a glance at Shi-Aen, "meeting tonight, I would be glad to join you." Final picks up a light cracker, nibbles the corner, and sets it back down with a grimace. "It should be fun."

2011-06-28, 09:08 AM
"Other meeting? Would you perhaps like some assistance with that? I know Jarrod is a master of stealth and even has artifact assistance in such ventures.

Additionally, a question for all of you; have you been able to discern the purpose of the various magical items we just acquired at put them to use? The elementals dropped several items, the captain was wearing perfect armor, and so on."

2011-06-30, 01:48 PM
Final smiles at the offer, "I would not say no to more friendly faces at the meeting. I am unsure of what exactly we are to encounter, as the description we've received was very vague. I do believe it has a chance to be dangerous, but it does not seem as that would stop Jarrod here..." She casts a sidelong glance at the man, quickly looking away.

"As for the items we acquired, they look like little more than trinkets to me," motioning to the various items. "But, I do believe Shi-Aen received something from her excellent acting that may be of interest."

2011-06-30, 05:35 PM
The items that Final Lotus has include the crystalline dagger and wooden comb, both of which were the 'bound items' of the elementals that were fought on the pirate ship. There is also the red-dyed Perfect Lamellar.

No roll needed to see the stats on the Perfect Lamellar, Isoph is more than enough of a craftsman to see it for what it is. The straps are a little loose, as it's previous wearer was a little wide in the gut, but it is otherwise in remarkable shape.

Mob: -0
Fat: 0
Cost: 5 resources. A talented salesman could easily sell this for 'Four' Resources, and even 5 if they find the right market, and the right kind of rube.
(Perfect Armor has -1 to both Mobility and Fatigue. One +1 attribute was given to Mobility to reduce it to 0, and one +1 attribute was given to the Lethal Soak.)

An Int+Occult roll would be required to identify the Dagger and Comb. I would recommend messing around with it in your stunt post. Throw it, poke it, bend it, etc.

2011-07-01, 12:44 AM
"When an elemental dies, a portion of its essence comes to rest in an item they owned. Those items possess some of their power. Have you made any attempts to discern what it is they might do?"

2011-07-01, 01:44 AM
Shi-Aen nods and holds out her wrist where she has clasped the item that the Dragonblooded woman had donated for her hard earned work. "I am not at all certain what it does, and I saw its previous owner play with it before she gave it to me. I honestly think its an interesting looking trinket but you might be able to discern more from it?

"As to the comb and the dagger I did not test them. I know little about objects such as these, those both are quite cute." Shi-Aen smiles warmly.

2011-07-01, 10:48 AM
As soon as the chance of examining artifacts was offered Isoph went particularly intense and nodded his head in things. Selecting the dagger we over to a window where morning sunlight was streaming in. There he got on his knees, turned his eyes from heaven and lifted up his hands bearing the object.

"As your light shines down upon Creation and drives the dark of night away, O Unconquered Sun, I pray your excellence shine upon me and drive the dark of ignorance and doubt away."

That done, Isoph retreated to a smallish side table and began various examinations of the item. He tapped it and listened to the ring of the crystal. He looked through it at his fellow Exalts, Heather who was sleeping in the print his behind had made, the sunlight, and so on. He even requested a small bit of the something dead (which looked like fish to him) from Jarrod and attempted to cut it. It was an air elemental, so if non of these obvious answers panned out he would begin investigating in that direction.

2011-07-01, 11:08 PM
The brief tap caused the crystal shard to shorten in length, becoming about the size of a hair pin. Tapping it harder saw it become larger, back to it's normal, dagger-like size. Looking through it, Isoph saw that it reflected the light quite beautifully, but this seemed to be a purely cosmetic effect. When cutting the dead, fried thing, it seemed to slice through the meat beautifully, just as Isoph might expect a perfectly-crafted knife to do.

2011-07-02, 02:58 PM
Returning the dagger to the table Isoph retrieved the comb.

"Wooden... hmm" He again tried various things, such as pushing it gently into a planter, aiming the tendrils at a target and concentrating or willing it to entangle, and, much to his chagrin, placing it in his own head and concentrating on it. The last may have been impractical due to how short he kept his grey hair.

2011-07-02, 03:24 PM
The comb, itself composed of thin wooden tendrils just as the elemental had been, proves itself capable of changing its own shape based on the desires of the holder. Though it was limited to its own original mass, about as many grams as a common granny smith apple.

Pressing the item into the planter caused it to become a small trowel, the tendrils twisting and reshaping themselves into the tool. Pointing it at a target, the hapless Jarrod, only caused the item to wiggle around oddly, as though it would prefer not to entangle Jarrod the Solar Night Caste.

Placing it on his own head caused it to become more of a brush than a comb, like the kind one would use to scrub a short-haired head free of dust and debris.

Clearly, this item would be limited to the imagination of its owner. Though made of enchanted wood, it may still be breakable, and the tendrils seem incapable of replicating fine features, such as one might find in a Key, or the imprint of a bureaucratic seal.

2011-07-03, 12:27 AM
*Jarrod eyeballs the device* "Looks like a dandy way to break into places."

2011-07-07, 01:11 AM
Amazed with Isoph's ability with the strange items. Shi-Aen removes the wrist mounted artifact that she has had since Greyfalls, and slides it over to him. "What can you make of this?" The object was a slender circle of metal that had a simple clasp and opened around the oval shaped center. She had yet to discern what the small dials and gears were for but well it looked stylish.

2011-07-08, 10:26 AM
"Hmm, this should be easier. Give me just a second."

Isophidorus took the item in his hand gently, he traced the clockwork carefully with his fingers all the while building a mental map in his head. These teeth on this gear were bound by this escapement, the smaller gear attached this one acted to create a differential by spinning the larger more quickly, and so on.

He very carefully applied just the tiniest bit of pressure on a few to get an idea of what he couldn't see, so delicately it wouldn't break it had it been made of glass.

At last, once he had as complete a picture as he could get he set his mind to work, extrapolating missing gears and pieces to correspond with his observations and finally started to take into account essence flows and motonic components.


I am fairly the certain the dice pool will be Int+ Lore, Occult, or Craft fire since it is made of metal. The three other dice are to represent whatever stunt might be awarded. I can always hope for an extra XP :)

2011-07-09, 02:46 PM
Isophidorus easily identifies this artifact as a Resplendent Personal Assistant, one of the older ones at that. Constructed of irrevocably-blended magical materials, the tiny device could point the wearer toward the Pole of Earth, measure the distance to said pole, and even tell the time down to the minutiae.

Page 58 of Wonders of the Lost Age. 2-die stunt.

2011-07-09, 03:35 PM
"Well, it seems you are never going to be lost again. It is an artifact that tells you the direction and distance to the Pole of Earth as well as the time and elevation."

Even as he spoke Isoph's mind was working through the structure of the item. He saw flaws, needless complexity, flawed production... this was not an item of the High First Age. Remove this gear here, replaced that chain with a double escapement...

His mind soon wandered beyond just the assistant, to making things in general. The arduous work of refining iron could be expedited with the addition of glass, who's essence patterns were similar to the base silica containing the iron resulting in a binding of impurities...

Was it really so simple? It seemed like everything he had ever learned about making things was so basic and lacking.

OOC: Stunting learning that charm.

2011-07-11, 11:58 PM
--Continuing from Live Game--

The team enters the inn, and is immediately beset not by brigands, or shiny knives, or large muscular men, but a smell... This is the kind of smell you tell your kids about, the kind that you smell years from now and that makes you remember. The smell is of sweaty, dirty, unwashed Man Flesh and Man Hair, jampacked in old clothes that have seen more dirt and grime than you might find on a wagon wheel. It's coming from the 12 or so streetfolks arranged around the wide, smoke-filled room.

Five are at the bar, drunkenly and unintentionally sharing drinks with each other and not having any idea that they were doing so. From their dress, they look like dock workers of some kind, and each one has a poorly-maintained cutlass leaning against the bar, or stuck into their belts. Seven similarly smelly men are arranged around a wide circular table, playing some kind of local game. One man holds a bit of metal wire over a candle, and then presses it against his skin for as long as possible. It's remarkable that the smell of Sweaty Guy manages to overtake the infamously noxious smell of burned skin and hair.

The bartender is a large, flabby fat man with a bald head that perpetually shines and drips with sweat. The lute player is some young woman, tragically ugly, but moderately talented with her instrument. Her hair is cut short, and it seems that none of the men in the bare are aware that she's actually a woman. There is also a pair of eastern-blooded men seated by themselves. They look to be merchants of some kind, travellers at the least. Some of the clothing seems a little off, perhaps, but each are looking at their drinks as though they are unfamiliar with Beorn alcohol.

The man everyone is looking for though is easily spotted. He is seated by himself, pointy boots up on a chair, iron pike-hand unscrewed from his wrist and thrust into the table. He is enjoying a small glass of bourbon as well as what smells like marijuana. His wide-brimmed hat, complete with a feather from some large bird, sits on the table near his drink. No one is seated with him, and his table is apart from any of the other tavern patrons.

Cue rolls. Per+Socialize from those who have decent socialize. Cha+Presence if you want to make some kind of entrance. Perception + Awareness from EVERYONE. I'd also like to see a Perception+Socialize from anyone who logically has knowledge of people who have Eastern descent. Finally, if you have any other rolls you want to make, please feel free.

2011-07-21, 04:25 PM
--Continuing from Live Game--

The group reconvenes outside of Just What's. Final Lotus is armed with information about a so-called Demonologist, and a particular Occult Symbol that ole Pike Hand believed was Malfean in nature. It is scrawled onto a cocktail napkin. Final also has a great physical description of the man in question, who demanded the Caravan route and time from Pike Hand, and who actually arranged the attack that killed her employees, and stole the mysterious shipment.

It is late at night, and the sun is down completely. The streets are just as vacant as they were before coming into the bar.

2011-10-13, 08:40 PM
One of the most noticeable features of the room is a wooden honeycomb cupboard set into the wall, which contains bottles upon bottles of various alcohols from across Creation. Only a few are empty. Some of them appear to have been uncorked once or twice, and some of the liquid is missing, as though some forlorn creature attempted to

You see a large cylinder of some kind of sticky substance, like that woven by a spider. It's coarse and shiny, and the cylinder it's wrapped around... seems to be Starmetal! The webbing will need to be removed to get at it, but this thin cylinder amounts to about... A 3-inch diameter, 2-foot long amount of the precious metal.

There are a number of rather worthless orichalcum trinkets here; small mechanical components, pieces of large mechanisms that were disassembled... The worst of the offenders is a machine that puts a person's shoes on automatically; the entire thing is made out of orichalcum. If one were to melt these things down, they could reuse the orichalcum to create other, better artifacts of a smaller size.

A large pillar is made entirely out of orichalcum, and inscribed along the outside with exorbitant tales of First Age Jarrod's sexual conquests. It's a worthless thing, but it's solid Orichalcum, and will be useful once smelted down.

There is a painting of Jarrod on fire. He does not seem to be concerned.

There are four small orichalcum discs that Isophidorus vaguely recognizes. They looks just like the disc that he keeps on his hearthstone bracers.

There is a green jade case, rectangular in shape, with orichalcum outlines along the edges. On the top is an orichalcum design of a puffin, complete with a bit of red jade for the beak and moonsilver accents on its chest.

There are two small beads, each a swirl of orichalcum and blue jade. Their purpose is unknown, but they look as though they could be inserted into a pair of hearthstone bracers, or a hearthstone amulet.

There is a large wooden case set into the wall next to a very plush bed. On top of the case is a large book entitled "Enjoy Every Day". The case holds a number of small drawers, each holding carefully packaged or bottled herbs, leaves, tinctures and liquids. They are in great condition considering their age, though some of the leaves are dried and past their useful prime. Someone knowledgeable in medicinal herbs will need to identify these items.

Sitting on top of an otherwise unmentionable drawer are a pair of artifact manacles. Tied to them is a small piece of paper, which reads "The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons." ~Initial Blossom of Hellish Day.

In a side-room all to itself are twelve masks. One is long and made of wood, and appears to be the mask of an Eastern tribal shaman. One is in the image of a shark, perhaps a siaka. There is a rather disturbing set of three demon masks, and a well-crafted mask in the appearance of a sly fox. There are three masks which appear to be the type one might wear at a Masquerade ball, though each have pointed teeth. Finally, there are three actual MASKS, as in the artifacts. Though each include some of the other magical materials, one is crafted primarily of ivory and is white, one is of obsidian and is black, and one is heavy with orichalcum, and is golden.

There is a painting of Jarrod on the back of a siaka, stabbing his sword into the back of the shark-creature's skull.

There is a compact wooden case that contains a set of as-yet unidentified thaumaturgical equipment. On the top is a brass plate that reads: "The Sleeper Has Awakened."

There are a great number of books and novels here. Most of them are related to the arts of combat, but a few go through the methods and techniques behind physical graces. With a bit of time and linguistical skill, a person could study these books and find the ones that are useful.

There is a small, gallon-sized wooden barrel with a cork in the top.

There is a crystalline wineglass sitting on a pillow atop a pedestal near the cases of wine and booze. From the way it is set aside, and how it is pristinely free of dust or cracks, the glass must be special. Just below the glass, sitting on the pillow, is a tiny moonsilver placard, which reads "Sex gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress, and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body." ~Katiya Elune

A simple wooden chest sits up against a wall, with a number of rolls of old canvas lying on top of it, as well as a thin layer of dust.

There are two sharp, angular orichalcum devices in the shapes of tiny caltrops. Within the spikes is a network of holes, like the honeycomb of a beehive.

Lying inside a glass case is... well, it's not quite clear what it is. It appears to be some kind of miniature crossbow, without the actual arms. It's sort of a cylinder with just a handle. It is crafted entirely out of orichalcum, but does not appear to be functional by first glance. Engraved into its handle is a long quotation in fine writing. It reads "Son of man, when the land sinneth against me by trespassing grievously, then will I stretch out mine hand upon it, and will break the staff of the bread thereof, and will send famine upon it, and will cut off man and beast from it." ~Panhelios Aethyrius.

There is a painting of Jarrod grabbing a male yeddim by the horns.

There is a violin and bow seated on the wall, with a small, dedicated placard next to it. The violin itself is beautiful; hand-carved spruce with a solid maple back, a fine tuner tailpiece, ebonized fittings, and inlaid purfling. The bow is composed of fine horsehair. A very, VERY careful observation reveals well-hidden lines of orichalcum in the wood! The placard reads: "The word 'violin' is only a brief mispronunciation away from 'violence'." Written below it is a very short set of notes that could be played within the space of a second. Playing this would require the violin and bow to be held well away from the neck and body. Odd...

Seated on a red-jade armor stand is a suit of moonsilver articulated plate! There is a small engraving in old realm on the inside of the suit, over where the heart would sit. It reads "Protect Your Body, for it is what you love. Protect Your Heart, for it is what I love." It is signed ML. The suit itself is in terrible shape, as though some hateful individual had been striking at the thing repeatedly and scornfully for decades... It will need to be repaired.

There is a strange tablet here, constructed out of two materials; Starmetal... and Soulsteel. The front of the artifact has a pure soulsteel 'screen', outlined by starmetal, and with a starmetal 'pen' attached by a soulsteel chain. Judging by it's weight and the sensation of controlled essence within, this is a very powerful artifact. On the back is written "From Initial Blossom. Keep in touch!".

The section of wall to the left has an incredibly beautiful painting of the The Eight Illustrious Manses of Isoph's Valley! A bold script above the painting reads: "Lest you prove yourself worthy, this is the closest your mind will ever come to comprehending the wonders that I have created." ~Panhelios Aethyrius

Against a wall by several rolled up carpets are three unusual sets of boots. The first pair is a deep black trimmed with blood-red, and specially interlocking plates allow for more mobility than your average footwear. The next is coloured white and inlaid with moonsilver, and appears to be capable of conforming to a size, and perhaps even changing its colour. The third is a deep green, and appears very sturdy and reliable.

There are five circular hearthstone disks, each with small spikes and some kind of hearthstone setting in the center.

There are three Hearthstone Bracers, one for Final Lotus, Shi-Aen, and Tu. They can be Ori, a Jade color of your choice, Moonsilver, or Starmetal. Let me know which you want.