View Full Version : Guild Law (IC)

2011-06-02, 06:44 PM
Year 10,000 FD. Season Spring, Month 1.

The rich country air and thick copper wheat surrounds the lands around Kingsford. A powerful city and the center of commerce for all the surrounding kingdoms, ruled by the hands of "Lord Argion", the god's champion and master of this domain. However turmoil has struck the city, rumors of "illegitimate" children are springing up among taverns and markets throughout the entire kingdom. With the king still young and in good health, and so many of his possible heirs vying for control, there seems to be nothing to quell the chaos...

The perfect time for business...

Group Missive:

Business will soon be picking up, putting the spotlight on your guild in the coming months. However much work is needed if you want to see an acceptable profit. Renovations to the guild house, Advertisement to get your name out there, and planning to keep one step ahead of the other guilds. There is MUCH work to be done.

The first turn is a "freebie". Take whatever actions you'd like, are reasonable, and get your name around the kingdom. Before you can start receiving individual jobs you need to show people what you can do, and why they should trust you.

Some suggestions;
- Buy miscillanious features to make your guild house stronger/prettier/bigger
- Advertise, heavily
- Espionage on your opponents
- Stake your claim now. (Will you be ruling the market district, the noble's quarters, the Traveler's ward, etc.)

2011-06-02, 08:23 PM
A night out
Sensen carefully smoothed his court robes and idly pulled the last small hair from his black garb made of fine silks of grays and blacks sticking out in small frills giving him both the semblance of a higher noble, and allowing him to blend with shadows easily. He easily slipped through the shadows and with some small pride noted that he could no longer hear his apprentices tailing behind him, he could hardly even catch them out of the corner of his eye anymore. Tonight was a special night, one in which to cut loose. Tonight He was hunting assassins.

The tiger's trap

throughout the past week He had personally killed several assassins along the streets. Not enough to draw attention, but enough that soon the other two assassin's guilds would be finding themselves somewhat short staffed. It wasn't so hard of a matter to achieve as it is commonly the case that such guilds don't keep track of their members as closely as some other guilds, but with many rapid nicks of his knife he had single handedly eliminated most of the lower tier of assassins from the city. Now he had... convinced Mr. Dominskey that he was much safer putting a large price on his own head through various channels available to him as one of Duke Fervontine's elder children than he would be in crossing the darkness after they had so kindly arranged Duke Fervontine's wife coming across a rare and easily transmittable yet highly deadly disease only to die along with all her family that had visited her in her hour of need only days before the horrified little Dominskey returned from his voyage to a distant relative living near the edge of the kingdom, leaving him with all their riches. (well most of them anyways, which were to be transfered to him right after all the paperwork was completed)... boy was he 'glad' that the darkness had been able to catch him before he had the funds for another voyage to far far away. Sensen had made a point to be particularly clear that the lad would remain in the city for a while to come as wagons were so commonly robbed, ships so easily burned or pirated, and so on.

The plan was simple. use a large bounty to lure out all the filth of the city that call themselves assassins. Sensen himself had once worked for kings with his skills held in the highest regard by the few that knew of him, yet now these dogs dare clam such a title? Running to any price like flies? He would make sure to slit each of their throats this night, and when tomorrow came nobody would miss them, as that was the sorry state for such guilds. Many of them had even turned to these 'guns' to assist them with quick kills. Pure messiness, that's what it was.

The closing

The Darkness, that is to say Sensen and his apprentices stole through the night, perfectly blending with the upper class neighborhood under which they resided, and easily spotting their ill dressed prey and dealing with them swiftly with one dagger thrown from a crowd, and cloaked in darkness until the vary last moment in which it hit it's mark, another apprentice would quickly cloak the corpses in darkness and dispose of it as the dagger instantly reappeared in the first's hand and was quickly slid back out of sight as Sensen shared quick mutterings of forgetfulness and the suggestion that tonight was so dull and regular to any witnesses. Than the one shrouding the corpse would walk by it as if picking up a coin they would pick up an invisible limb by which to drag the body to a less conspicuous place from which they could effectively reduce the corpse to dust along with the shrouded blood trail.

I'll roll OOC once I know what I should roll, but honestly this is as close to advertising as I could think for a guild that doesn't announce their presence... I mean even though the threat of death doesn't even discourage the flapping of noble lips (so I think it'll get out soon enough) eliminating competition always draws in business.

Wow, whats up with all the secrecy, it's almost as if it's an assassin's guild or something :smalleek::smalleek:

2011-06-02, 10:53 PM
Evil cults were in such short supply, only so many flesh feasts were needed, with the state of the city all of Bob's problems were on the demand side. Demon cults were not as common as one would think, cannibal killers always seemed wanted to hunt by themselves. Well the boys wanted to hunt, and they weren't through with the last trips supply yet. Bob sat for a while thinking, and eventually saw a solution, Bob Pairy really knew how to cook.

Wormfood didn't care if he ruled the night or not. Crime, poverty and hunger thrived in the slums. The neighborhood was a bit cruddier than what he often was sent. The people were to poor be organized, the crime was just general sleaziness. Well, it didn't matter if it was strange, the hunt was made all the easier.

To cheap for the noble, to rich for peasants. The charity dinner attracted the self made men, people a lot like Bob. They had to claw their way to the top, and some of that ruthlessness and cruelty remained. The perfect crowd. The food were all Pairy family original recipes, the "meat" had been donated from his own butcheries. Most of the funds raised would be used to help one of the poorest districts of the city, hopefully getting some of those wretched homeless off the streets. And if Bob was right, some of the donors would come back for more.

2011-06-03, 12:15 AM

Alexander smiled as he leaped off the terracotta rooftop, tiles cracking underfoot as he flailed with both arms for the next ledge. He heard yelling behind him as his fellows followed in his wake, the young man giving a grunt as his ribs compressed against the side of the building.

"Someone cut him off! How did he manage that kind of a jump?!" Someone shouted, Alexander giving a heave as his arms flexed. He was spry, and- above all- talented. It was one of the few reasons that had allowed him to become a Hand in the first place. It was also one of the reasons that he wasn't laying in the alley below with two broken legs.

There was a brief heave as the red tabard-wearing man managed to get a boot on top of a windowsill. The leather dug in as he kicked himself up to the rooftop, casting a brief glance behind him. The city rooftops were a magnificent sight, a wild series of gardens, smokestacks, chimneys, and sunroofs that were a playground for oh-so-many. It was one of the reasons that he loved to use them: They were a highway only the skilled could use, and-

There was a scream and a crash as one of his pursuers, Bartholomeo most likely, judged a jump a bit poorly. Judging by the effeminate screaming that came afterwards...he had likely managed to crash into some young woman's bedroom. He'd survive, provided she wasn't skilled in using garter strings as garrotes.

Hurrying on his feet, he looked ahead. Several pavilions were set up along the streets, the group having gone along Thrift Lane's various lower-class housing areas, as well as the mediocre houses jam packed together along Janissary Avenue (colorfully named for the Gods-botherers that so liked to pester those shopping for their midday needs).

Today was a day for making house calls...and testing some hopefuls for Eye Alaric. Why not do two tasks at once, after all?

31 Hands and 10 Eyes to help secure the Merchant's District, by assisting local merchants in tasks, helping secure pledges of aid from merchants there, and assisting local constabularies in keeping the peace.

31 Hands and 10 Eyes to help secure the Waterfront, by aiding local constabularies in keeping the peace, making friends with the locals, and putting on public displays of aid and help for the people there.

10 Hands and 5 Eyes are to scour through the area looking for suitable recruits of a high enough standard, with a secondary goal of acquiring more local support in the Merchant District.

3 Hearts to begin developing a new ritual- one designed to help create permanent golem laborers from cheap and abundant clay and magic.

Redbeard is to put down a 5,000 gold payment for opening a joint gunsmithy and alchemist's shop in the upper-class part of the Merchant's District, near the Keep. The gunsmithy will make gunpowder, shot, and weapons themselves, as well as have a capacity for producing cannons. The shop will employ a fairly talented gunsmith and an alchemist, as well as assistants to ensure speedy work and product to sell to defend the populace.

After Redbeard is done setting up the shop, he will attempt to use his status as Keeper of Avadon to see what rumblings are taking place in the royal court.

2011-06-04, 12:52 PM
Alphonses sits in the heart of his crypt listening to his high mages speak "So your saying that the boxes are finished?" he interrupts "Yes majesty and the mages are placing them around the city as we speak" he nods his head once as a sign of approval and flashes a quick smile that briefly shows his fangs "and what of andrew?" "Down in the undercrypt majesy" is the quick answer "he is experimenting with his magic, trying to raise better undead"

In accordance with Alphonse laws, only a vampire noble is allowed to raise a corporeal undead, their mortal servants are only allowed to bind the incorporeal spirits of the recently deceased, Andrew being only newly turned has yet to master this ability and can only raise the bodies of small insects and vermin.

"The rumour has be spread as i instructed?" Alphonse continues "Yes majesty the apprentices have done as you commanded and passed the word "If you seek an answer to a question, no matter how difficult, seek a box marked by the Ouroboros and leave your question within" as you know that sends it to us and tells us who posted it so we can discuess the price." Alphonse once again smiles this time for longer then says "Good now i want you 5 to double check the wards and make sure no one can find us here"

Andrew: Practising his Necromancy.
High Mages: Casting defensive spells on the Guildhall (Alphonse Crypt) to protect against magical scrying attempts.
Mages: Placing Ouroboros boxes around the city.
Apprentices: Spreading rumours about the Ouroboros boxes to attract business.
Herd: Collecting bodies as part of the offical business front of the guild, the Death Wagons.
Ghosts: Just haunting the guildhall.