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View Full Version : Help wanted with a 3.5 creature

Dalek Zek
2011-06-02, 07:51 PM
I made this creature meanly as a something simple to fight in impromptu adventures, but witch could also be used to base a campaign over. The idée is that they are on the edge of becoming a new sentient race, and do so ferry quickly because they can use the development of the other races. This dos mean that perhaps the develop maybe a bit to fast, witch causes friction with the other races. Especially the challenge rating is something I am not sure of, cause they do have a rather high hit point and ac, and with there very high speed, it might be low.



Small humanoid (forest dwellers)
HD: 3d8 + 12 (19 Hp)
Innit: +8
Speed: 60 feat (300 feat when running)
Ac: 17 (+1 size, +4dex, +2 nat.,) touch 15, flat. 13.
BA/grapple : +1/-3
Attack : claw +5 melee 2d4
Full attack: 2 claws +5 melee 2d4
Space/reach : 5ft/5ft
Special attacks : --.
Special qualities : --
Saves : fort 7 ; ref 8 ; will -1
Abilities : str 10 ; dex 18; con 18 ; int 4 ; wis 6 ; cha 6
Skills : hide +15 (+19 in forest)
Feats : improved Initiative, run (b), weapon ffines claws.
Environment : tempared ofrest
Org. : solitary ; party 3-5 ; group 6-10 ; band 11-25 ; legieon 26-100 ; tribe 101-1.000 ; nation 1.001-10.000
Challenge rating : 1
Treasure : none ore standert if classed
Alignment : lawful neutral ore chaotic neutral
Advancement : by character class (preferred class: barbarian)
Level adjustment : --

Greens look a bit like troglodytes mixed with gnomes and have ostrich-like legs. Their eyes are black and round. Their heads are round and smooth and their noses stick out as a goblin with large nasal passages. Their teeth are sharp and spiked. They have three fingers and a thumb on each hand and have long retractable claws that look like knives.

They are green all over and have darker green spots. The males are slightly larger than the females. They have little body hair, mostly on their groin and heads, which is also green. Sometimes the males grow beards.

These small green creatures are known to the locals simply as "Greens". Until a few generation ago, they seemed to stay in the same places in the woods, but recently they have been attacking people on roads. Even more disturbing, they seem to have a interest in crafted items and even books and maps. Could they be building a society? Could these slow thinking little monsters be growing sentient? There those who have sworn that they have a language now and that there are even those among them who can cast spells! Still, they stay away from cities and large groups of people.

Greens are in the first generations of their societies. They steal from travelers and adventurers what they cannot make themelves (yet) and learn much from looking at the other races. Soon, they will be equals and people will treat them as such. Already, they have learned this amazing thing called language. Some have even learned to read magic!

The groups are without official leadership, with the the alpha personality of the group usually in charge. However, there are some special ones that learned classes and who can head the attacks on people.


Skills: Greens have a +4 racial bonus to Hide in forests.

Adventure Ideas

Suddenly from the woods, there jumps a small creature. It is green all over and has legs that look more like those of a ostrich than that of a humanoid. , It runs so fast though you can see it clearly. With both its claws, it charges you, while more come from everywhere, attacking your friends.

[A whole group or band was lying in wait and attacks in unison.]

Seemingly out of nowhere, there is a small creature that steals a short sword the fighter had as backup hanging from his belt. It runs away with its prize, at an astonishing speed and seems to disappear in the woods.

Then, you here a voice from the shrubs, "Give us that small axe from the dwarf and that shiny necklace your priest has too, and you may leave. Also, I want some of your paper and ink.”

[A party of four Greens: a rogue, a wizard, a ranger, and a barbarian. The ranger and barbarian are still in hiding. The wizard is smart enough to ask for small things and avoid conflict, but wants to be sure of things, so the rogue went first. Note that the wizard has an Int of 10]

You wake up to see your friends do so too. Half of all your stuff is gone, but oddly, no money is missing. The ranger finds some tracks. After minutes of carefully tracking, he finds a small green creature in a clearing catching its breath from the heavy load, looking proudly at its prizes.

[A single wizard capable of casting sleep has put a spell on the party and took all things it could carry]

Typical Combat Rounds:

1st round: those with class levels attack the least armored first. If there aren't any, the strongest green attacks the one that seems the weakest target.

2nd round: all others charge all the targets. Those with class levels will try to flank, the rest seems to have little to no plan.

3rd round: if there are spell casters, these will join in. They’ll try any spell, like disrupt undead on living creatures or create water to make targets wet, but if a spell doesn’t work, they will not quickly try them again. The others start to circle around the targets, mainly attacking those who seem weaker or who are isolated.

4th round: same as the third round, only they will retreat if they seem to be losing. [The greens run away as fast as they can for 3-5 rounds and Hide in the forest.]

N.B.: if some of the ones with character levels have a higher Int. (10 +), they may try to convince the group to ask the targets to give them their stuff and leave unharmed.

They look a bit like troglodyte mixt with gnomes and ostrich lakes. There eyes are black and round. There heads are round, smooth and there noses stick out as a gnoom, but there teeth are spiked and they have large nose holes. There hands have three fingers and a thumb that have long retractable claws that look like knifes. They are green all offer and have darker green spots. They males are slightly larger than the females. They have little body hair, mostly on there groin and heats and this is green also. Sometimes the males grow beards

2011-06-04, 02:27 AM
First, Humanoids use a d8 not a d12. Forest Dweller is a description not a subtype.

Hit Dice: 3d8+12 (19 hp)

Str 6 is too weak for a creature that is meant to be a combatant.

I recommend that you start these creatures with elite array since they are meant to combat the heroes. They are too wimpy in a fight to stand up to the adventurers as they are right now. The elite array is for monsters that advance by class.

Monsters are assumed to have completely average (or standard) ability scores—a 10 or an 11 in each ability, as modified by their racial bonuses. However, improved monsters are individuals and often have better than normal ability scores, and usually make use of either the elite array or the nonelite array of ability scores. Monsters who improve by adding a template, and monsters who improve by increasing their Hit Dice, may use any of the three arrays (standard, nonelite, or elite). Any monster unique enough to be improved could easily be considered elite.

Elite Array

The elite array is: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8. While the monster has one weakness compared to a typical member of its race, it is significantly better overall. The elite array is most appropriate for monsters who add levels in a player character class.

You may still want to give them bonuses to some stats but the elite array at least gives them a fighting chance. Also, the green wizard in your text isn't smart enough to cast spells. Casting spells requires an Int of at least 10.

Speed: 90 ft (18 squares)

Small creatures generally have a speed of 20 ft. Even making it a fast small creature would give it speed of 30 ft. I think this might be too fast for the CR that you intend. Unless the PCs have a haste spell or potion, this isn't ideal for a CR 1/2 encounter. It works better as CR 1.

Its natural attack is too powerful for CR 1/2. Compare this to other creatures and you'll see why. Also, special abilities usually have a name that describes them. See the monster manual or online SRD for examples of these. However, it is not too powerful for CR 1.

You didn't really give it a Special Attack or a Special Ability. The claws are its natural attack without a special ability. Its bonus to Hide is racial skill bonus that belongs in the skill section.

Skills: It has 6 ranks. If you put all of its ranks in Hide it has 6 ranks +4 size +5 Dex for a total of +15 and that is without a Special Ability.

I think you meant rogue for rough but I wasn't sure. Also, if the wizard can only cast cantrips, he can't cast a sleep spell. You should fix that.

It has one feat too many unless one is a bonus feat and it should be noted as such with a "(B)."

Here are some changes (and I've made spelling and grammar corrections). I assume that English isn't your first language so I just fixed everything rather than try to explain the corrections. I didn't change the greens' abilities but I think they should be.

Small Humanoid
Hit Dice: 3d8 + 12 (19 hp)
Initiative: +9 (+5 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 60 feet (12 squares) (300 feet when running)
Armor Class: 18 (+1 size, +5 Dex, +2 Natural), touch 16, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-3
Attack: Claw +4 melee (3d4-2)
Full attack: 2 claws +4 melee (3d4-2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: --
Special Qualities: --
Saves: Fort 7 ; Ref 8 ; Will -1
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 4*, Wis 6, Cha 6
Skills: +15 Hide (+19 in Forests)
Feats: Improved Initiative, Run (B), Weapon Focus (claws)
Environment: Temperate Forests
Organization: Solitary, party (3-5), group (6-10), band (11-25), legion (26-100), tribe (101-1.000), nation (1,001-10,000)
Challenge rating: 1
Treasure: None or Standard if classed
Alignment: Either lawful neutral or chaotic neutral
Advancement: By character class (Preferred class: Barbarian)
Level Adjustment: --
*Greens with class levels have an Int 10.

Greens look a bit like troglodytes mixed with gnomes and have ostrich-like legs. Their eyes are black and round. Their heads are round and smooth and their noses stick out as a goblin with large nasal passages. Their teeth are sharp and spiked. They have three fingers and a thumb on each hand and have long retractable claws that look like knives.

They are green all over and have darker green spots. The males are slightly larger than the females. They have little body hair, mostly on their groin and heads, which is also green. Sometimes the males grow beards.

These small green creatures are known to the locals simply as "Greens". Until a few generation ago, they seemed to stay in the same places in the woods, but recently they have been attacking people on roads. Even more disturbing, they seem to have a interest in crafted items and even books and maps. Could they be building a society? Could these slow thinking little monsters be growing sentient? There those who have sworn that they have a language now and that there are even those among them who can cast spells! Still, they stay away from cities and large groups of people.

Greens are in the first generations of their societies. They steal from travelers and adventurers what they cannot make themelves (yet) and learn much from looking at the other races. Soon, they will be equals and people will treat them as such. Already, they have learned this amazing thing called language. Some have even learned to read magic!

The groups are without official leadership, with the the alpha personality of the group usually in charge. However, there are some special ones that learned classes and who can head the attacks on people.


Skills: Greens have a +4 racial bonus to Hide in forests.

Adventure Ideas

Suddenly from the woods, there jumps a small creature. It is green all over and has legs that look more like those of a ostrich than that of a humanoid. , It runs so fast though you can see it clearly. With both its claws, it charges you, while more come from everywhere, attacking your friends.

[A whole group or band was lying in wait and attacks in unison.]

Seemingly out of nowhere, there is a small creature that steals a short sword the fighter had as backup hanging from his belt. It runs away with its prize, at an astonishing speed and seems to disappear in the woods.

Then, you here a voice from the shrubs, "Give us that small axe from the dwarf and that shiny necklace your priest has too, and you may leave. Also, I want some of your paper and ink.”

[A party of four Greens: a rogue, a wizard, a ranger, and a barbarian. The ranger and barbarian are still in hiding. The wizard is smart enough to ask for small things and avoid conflict, but wants to be sure of things, so the rogue went first. Note that the wizard has an Int of 10]

You wake up to see your friends do so too. Half of all your stuff is gone, but oddly, no money is missing. The ranger finds some tracks. After minutes of carefully tracking, he finds a small green creature in a clearing catching its breath from the heavy load, looking proudly at its prizes.

[A single wizard capable of casting sleep has put a spell on the party and took all things it could carry]

Typical Combat Rounds:

1st round: those with class levels attack the least armored first. If there aren't any, the strongest green attacks the one that seems the weakest target.

2nd round: all others charge all the targets. Those with class levels will try to flank, the rest seems to have little to no plan.

3rd round: if there are spell casters, these will join in. They’ll try any spell, like disrupt undead on living creatures or create water to make targets wet, but if a spell doesn’t work, they will not quickly try them again. The others start to circle around the targets, mainly attacking those who seem weaker or who are isolated.

4th round: same as the third round, only they will retreat if they seem to be losing. [The greens run away as fast as they can for 3-5 rounds and Hide in the forest.]

N.B.: if some of the ones with character levels have a higher Int. (10 +), they may try to convince the group to ask the targets to give them their stuff and leave unharmed.

I hope this helps.


Dalek Zek
2011-06-04, 06:23 PM
[QUOTE=Debihuman;11135148]First, Humanoids use a d8 not a d12. Forest Dweller is a description not a subtype.

Hit Dice: 3d8+12 (19 hp)

Str 6 is too weak for a creature that is meant to be a combatant.

You may still want to give them bonuses to some stats but the elite array at least gives them a fighting chance. Also, the green wizard in your text isn't smart enough to cast spells. Casting spells requires an Int of at least 10.

Speed: 90 ft (18 squares)

Small creatures generally have a speed of 20 ft. Even making it a fast small creature would give it speed of 30 ft. I think this might be too fast for the CR that you intend. Unless the PCs have a haste spell or potion, this isn't ideal for a CR 1/2 encounter. It works better as CR 1. [QUOTE]

This helps, yes, thank you. The strength 6 was to reprised there cowardly approach to fighting. They arrant really hunters and would normally eat small mammals like mice, so there not mend to be real combatants.

The ones that cast spells I had thought as real characters, with 32 point by fore there stats, so a spell caster would have his casting ability increased with a penalty of minus 6 ore minus four.

The base speed was also meant to there cowardly tactics, just run away and hide. I was worried that it might have been to high. To keep them to use that ability, speed 50 with run should be plenty.

The challenge rating is a bit low, but I have used them in a adventure now, and there low attack made them weak an of fore ½ but maybe with a higher strength they be both more affective and fitting a rating of 1.

Thank you fore your help.

2011-06-04, 07:55 PM
Forest Dweller is a description not a subtype.

If he puts it in there as a subtype, then it's a subtype. There's no definitive listing of all the subtypes out there.

2011-06-04, 07:58 PM
All humanoids have a subtype, but in this situation, it seems likely it would have the (Green) subtype. Similar to how Humans have the (Human) subtype and how Mountain Dwarves have the (Dwarf) subtype.

2011-06-04, 08:07 PM
I was thinking he was going for a group of critters like this, all under the Forest Dweller banner, like how hobgoblins, bugbears, and goblins all have the Goblinoid subtype.

Dalek Zek
2011-06-05, 05:47 PM
I was thinking he was going for a group of critters like this, all under the Forest Dweller banner, like how hobgoblins, bugbears, and goblins all have the Goblinoid subtype.

Actually yes, I hade more creatures that could be considered to be dwelling in Forrest, like Moss Monsters and a alternative version of these, but sins it is not necessary to make a new group fore them, it would maybe be clearer to use existing ones.

2011-06-05, 07:58 PM
If he puts it in there as a subtype, then it's a subtype. There's no definitive listing of all the subtypes out there.

Actually there is: The online SRD lists the ones that are open content and the glossary in the later Monster Manuals lists all of them. (Not all Subtypes are open content).

I don't object to new Subtypes but they should be defined. Subtypes add traits and limitations to Types such as the Goblinioid subtype. Here is a better example: The Aquatic subtype means the creature breathes water, hence whales do not have the Aquatic subtype. If an Aquatic creature also breathes air, it has the amphibious special feature.

Creatures with the Type Humanoid all have racial traits listed in their Subtype. See Elf with specifics for Drow, Half-Elf, etc. as an example.

If he had said that all Forest Dwellers are nocturnal and gain Darkvision 60 ft., that would be meaningful. But as it was stated, that information belonged in the creature's description and perhaps environment.


2011-06-06, 12:50 AM
Actually there is: The online SRD lists the ones that are open content and the glossary in the later Monster Manuals lists all of them. (Not all Subtypes are open content).

I don't object to new Subtypes but they should be defined. Subtypes add traits and limitations to Types such as the Goblinioid subtype. Here is a better example: The Aquatic subtype means the creature breathes water, hence whales do not have the Aquatic subtype. If an Aquatic creature also breathes air, it has the amphibious special feature.

Creatures with the Type Humanoid all have racial traits listed in their Subtype. See Elf with specifics for Drow, Half-Elf, etc. as an example.

If he had said that all Forest Dwellers are nocturnal and gain Darkvision 60 ft., that would be meaningful. But as it was stated, that information belonged in the creature's description and perhaps environment.


It's not an exclusive listing, though. Goblinoid has just the traits of - to paraphrase - "It's a Goblin-critter". It says they're stealthy humanoids who live by hunting and raiding and all speak Goblin. Humans have even less. Therefore, it seems entirely reasonable to me that "Forest Dweller" or "Green" or whatever he selects be the subtype. Perhaps all they share is that they live in forests, but they remain no less a viable subtype for it.
Personally, though, I woulda gone for making them Goblinoids.