View Full Version : Welcome to Woodhaven IC

Frozen Messiah
2011-06-03, 06:17 AM
The night you arrive was one of hard rain that made the simple dirt roads that ran through the woods nearly unusable. Still through the rain you can see the looming presence of the Whispering Peaks, those dark mountains which have tested travelers for eons. The first thing you noticed when entering the town was the large stone walls that encircle it, these walls have no banners or other décor upon them. The buildings within the town are small rustic affairs that give the town a sleepy look to it, as if not much has gone on here for a long time. In there center of town there is a statue of a warrior with eyes raised towards the sky and arms outstretched, at his feet is planted a blade. You then go into the inn which is a part of the central ring of buildings which surrounds the statue.

“Welcome to the Twin Prophet Inn” A rotund man says to you from over the bar with a comforting tone and a motion of his hand, “Please take a seat, I would love to hear what brought you to this town.”

2011-06-03, 06:45 AM
Grimnir trudges his way through the town walking past the statue on his way to the inn Hmm a local hero perhaps? He thinks to himself while assessing the statue before setting off again.

He arrives outside the inn "Aha! comfort at last!" He bellows to no one in particular and strides through the doorway. Once inside he shakes his shaggy locks free of excess water and sets his bag down at the bar. "Why thankyou barman, an ale please. Im not sure what it is ive brought with me but lets hope its not trouble eh?" Grimnir says letting out a short roar of laughter and looking around the room at the other patrons.

2011-06-03, 09:27 AM
Deacon walks into the inn, dripping wet. He walks up to the bar.

"Might I get a mug of your house brew?"

Frozen Messiah
2011-06-03, 12:57 PM
GHe arrives outside the inn "Aha! comfort at last!" He bellows to no one in particular and strides through the doorway. Once inside he shakes his shaggy locks free of excess water and sets his bag down at the bar. "Why thankyou barman, an ale please. Im not sure what it is ive brought with me but lets hope its not trouble eh?" Grimnir says letting out a short roar of laughter and looking around the room at the other patrons.

“It is good to see high spirits on such a gloomy night." He responds to Grimnir with equal enthusiasm as he pours 2 mugs of ale. There are a several people besides you in the tavern; there is small group of young men in the corner who are having a quiet discussion and a couple at a table near to the center of the room. The entrance of Deacon attracts some of their attention but they quickly go back to their actions.

The man shifts over and places the second mug in front of Deacon “So what is your tale friend, do you bring good tidings with you or otherwise?” He asks with his kind smile on his face.

2011-06-03, 11:55 PM
“It is good to see high spirits on such a gloomy night." He responds to Grimnir with equal enthusiasm as he pours 2 mugs of ale. There are a several people besides you in the tavern; there is small group of young men in the corner who are having a quiet discussion and a couple at a table near to the center of the room. The entrance of Deacon attracts some of their attention but they quickly go back to their actions.

The man shifts over and places the second mug in front of Deacon “So what is your tale friend, do you bring good tidings with you or otherwise?” He asks with his kind smile on his face.

"I bring many tidings, and if I could secure a room, I will share them all."

Voice of Reason
2011-06-04, 01:51 AM
At this moment, Valna, bringing up the rear, enters the tavern. She looks wet. And displeased.

Men! Of course none of them bother hold the door, or even wait to see if I'm coming. Already busy ordering their drinks, I see. Figures. I guess this is what I get; I didn't saddle myself with them for their good manners.

Valna approaches the proprietor, scowling at her fellows. Normally, she wouldn't give two copper coins about something so insignificant, but the foul weather put her in a mood to match it.

Pardon me, but I require a private room for the night. I'd like to get settled soon so my things may start to dry before relaxing.

Frozen Messiah
2011-06-04, 09:43 PM
Pardon me, but I require a private room for the night. I'd like to get settled soon so my things may start to dry before relaxing.

"Well the rooms are nothing fancy but they get the job done, that is 2 gold a day." The man answers as he fishes around for something in his pocket.

2011-06-07, 10:12 AM
"Well the rooms are nothing fancy but they get the job done, that is 2 gold a day." The man answers as he fishes around for something in his pocket.

"Two gold a day? For an inn in the middle of the woods? Surely you include meals with that?"

2011-06-07, 10:24 AM
"Prices go up while wages go down. That's life," a voice rasps from behind Deacon. An armor-clad arm extends to the bar on his right side, and drops four coins with a loud CLANG as a few drops of water roll off of the armor.

Its wearer steps forward--a man who looks even more weathered than this storm could cause. His salt and pepper hair is scraggly as it peeks from beneath his helmet, and it blends into the stubble that litters his chin. His blue eyes are pale (as if their color has been stolen away), and his tanned skin is riddled with nicks and pockmarks--scars from battles both young and old. Even indoors, it seems that a cloud hangs over this man.

"Consider that payment for two rooms tonight," he says to the bartender. The damp man coughs--a dry, wheezing affair. "And a bottle of your cheapest whiskey," he adds, "so I can scare away this sickness instead of your patrons."


2011-06-07, 10:38 AM
"Well its better in here than out there I can tell ya. But cheap whisky? My armoured friend the only thing to take off the chill of that storm is Dwarven mead!" He says happily while searching for his coin purse.

"Barkeep! A room for the night and enough Dwarven ale to remove the chill from myself and these fellows" Grimnir bellows, counting out his coins.

Frozen Messiah
2011-06-07, 07:35 PM
The man smile grows smaller when questioned about the price of the rooms. “I apologize about the price. Few people have come to our town so the need to increase the price just to get by is a necessary evil.” He turns around to grab a key and then turns back before doing so, “so are any of you going to be sharing a room?”

The conversation is cut short though by the high pitched scream of a young girl. A girl near the age of seven comes running through a door near the back. She runs up to the bar man grabs onto his hand. “Daddy, Daddy! I saw the shadows again, they were out the window. They were there daddy…” the little girl says to him through sobs and tears. He quickly picks her up in his arms. “I told you Alyssa that we are safe in the town, we have big walls to keep bad things out. You just had a nightmare.” He says as soothingly as possible to the girl. He looks back, “I am sorry for this, I will be back soon.” and he walks back in the direction the girl had come from with her in his arms.

2011-06-07, 09:47 PM
Deacon watches the man leave with the child and sits quietly. He wonders about these shadows the girl spoke of. Rumours most likely, but he had time to investigate.

2011-06-08, 04:49 AM
"So much for the ale..." Grimnir chuckles to no one in particular. He looks over to see the expression on Deacons face "Say you are not inclined to believe the young one are you?"

2011-06-08, 07:59 AM
The weary man in armor closes his eyes and inhales deeply. Looking at noone in particular, he simply says "Never doubt a child's fears." In a blink, he downs his glass of whiskey and stows the bottle away in his cloak before following the father and daughter to investigate the shadows.

2011-06-08, 08:11 AM
"Good! A smart man indeed, shall we find ourselves some shadows then?" Grimnir strolls after Deacon, he tries to catch up to the Barman and child to get some more information of the shadows and see if they match to anything he has seen or read about in his travels.

2011-06-08, 10:30 AM
Deacon follows the two. His skills in battle were forefront in his mind, what help he could deliver foremost.

Frozen Messiah
2011-06-10, 04:03 PM
There is door at the end of the hallway and another door on the right side that leads to the outside. The man and the child are nowhere to be seen. The hall has little in it in terms of decor; there are two windows on the right wall.

2011-06-10, 04:15 PM
Deacon turns round suddenly and rushes to the door, scanning the area.

Listen: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

2011-06-11, 09:30 PM
Deacon rushes off around the corner, drawing his bow as he runs.

2011-06-12, 07:58 AM
With crossbow in hand Grimnir follows "You seen something there lad?"

2011-06-12, 10:17 AM
Deacon scans the area for signs of what he saw

Listen: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

"Something dark and man-shaped."

2011-06-13, 04:28 AM
"There seems to be more to the girls story than her father believes, let me get a good look at it I might know what it is."
Grimnir looks around the area for any sign of the creatures or any movement at all.

Spot- [roll0]
Listen- [roll1]

Knowledge to recognise if found-
[roll3] if it falls under religion
[roll4] if it falls under Arcana, Dungeoneering, Local, Nature or Planes

2011-06-13, 07:51 AM
The weary man in armor also looks round for signs of the shadow. Seeing nothing, he closes his eyes and whispers words he hasn't in a long time:

"May the Host fill my heart and open my eyes..."

Casting Detect Evil.

If any evil is detected (presumably undead, by the girl's description), I will attempt to turn it.
[roll2] so I can turn undead with 4 or fewer HD. Undead with 2 or fewer HD are instead destroyed.
[roll3] I turn 15 HD worth of undead (as above).

2011-06-18, 11:24 PM
Deacon attempts to grab the rabbit, hoping the innkeeper will have the time to throw it in the pot if Deacon skins and dresses it for him.

[roll0], grapple if I hit, assuming tiny size [roll1]

Frozen Messiah
2011-06-20, 02:01 PM
The rabbit runs away just before your able to get your hands on it.

2011-06-20, 02:03 PM
The rabbit runs away just before your able to get your hands on it.

"Curses! Vile rabbit!"