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2011-06-03, 10:21 AM
Oh my!

Joint thread so that the involved characters can interact without direct need for DM intervention.

2011-06-03, 12:50 PM
"Thank you for your assistance. I'll be heading to the temple of Tiamat now; you're welcome to come along, but it may get quite dangerous."

2011-06-03, 07:58 PM
"I'm coming! She's my sister after all." Remi nods once. "I can help! I was top of my class back at school. Dunno anything about the fire and stuff some people can do, but I know a couple of spells!" She smiles. "So what do you do, Mister Gotcha? Besides find people. We have lots of people who do that back home - usually followed by ripping and tearing and slashing. Can you rip and tear and slash?"

2011-06-03, 09:08 PM
Gotchka smiles faintly before answering. "Yes; yes I can do that. I don't always like to, but I happen to be very good at the ripping, tearing, and slashing. You could think of me as a hunter. Why did you and your sister leave the school?"

2011-06-04, 12:54 AM
"Well... we did, you know? I mean, we could have stayed maybe. Things might have been okay, even. I mean, we had magic. Its not like we were peasants or anything. But... they were going to take us away." Tears well up again in the little girl's eyes. "They were gonna send Gwen far, far away, to join some army or other! I'd have never seen her again!"

She nodded once. "So we ran away. We made a promise that we'd always be there for each other, forever and ever. I just didn't expect to lose her so soon after reaching this place..." She shuddered. "So I've gotta go help her. Those awful dragon people deserve to be ripped, and torn, and slashed for even thinking of hurting her!"

2011-06-04, 01:02 AM
"Well, then let's see what we can do about making that happen." The tall, thin man continues striding towards the temple of Tiamat.

Are we good, Selinia, or do you have more to express regarding the current situation?

Also, Rizban, this is taking place before I get my cloak and such from the crafter, correct? Does that mean he still has my gythka?

2011-06-04, 01:10 AM
OOC: Nope, Remi will answer more questions if asked, but she's not a chatterbox. Most of the time. She's given all the relevant information she can give on the situation though, so feel free to move on in. She'll leave point position to the hacker and slasher though.

In a quick step that seems to break into almost a skipping motion at times as she struggled to match pace with the much-taller adult man, Remilia follows closely, pointing out directions to the 'dragon temple' if Gotchka needs them but otherwise seeming to be intently focused.

2011-06-04, 01:18 AM
Gotchka has his gear back now.

Can I get three d20 rolls from each of you?

2011-06-04, 01:19 AM
Roll 1: [roll0]
Roll 2: [roll1]
Roll 3: [roll2]

Hey, let's hope that first one wasn't the important one...

2011-06-04, 11:23 AM
Mystery Rolls:


Oops. Gimme a sec to make a new post.

2011-06-04, 11:24 AM
Rerolling Roll 2:

2011-06-04, 05:11 PM
The temple is made of white marble with strong veins of black, red, blue, and green running all through it. There is a priest just outside wearing a tabard with five dragons upon it. He seems to be trying to hand out pamphlets proclaiming the glory of Tiamat.

2011-06-04, 07:30 PM
Now so near to the temple, Gotchka regards the girl with some suspicion. "This is your last chance, little one. Is there anything else I might want to know about you, your sister, or the situation I'm about to enter?"

2011-06-05, 12:38 AM
"Ummmm..." She pauses, thinking intensely. "...well, my teachers said I'm a natural Wood mage. You know, creating stuff, summoning things... I can't really fight, and I'm kinda clumsy, but if bad things start to happen I'll can make sure things go your way!" A pause, and a somewhat forlorn look at her feet.

"That's not what you meant though, is it, Mister Gotcha? I'm sorry if I seem like I'm hiding something... but I swear all I want is to see Gwen again! This was the only thing I could think of... I don't have a hope of saving her by myself. I need your help, Mister."

2011-06-05, 01:00 AM
Still not quite sure what to think of Remi, Gotchka says "Very well, then; let us press onwards."

He approaches the man handing out pamphlets and requests one saying "What can your church do for me and my daughter that Bahamut can't? Or Hextor, or Pelor, for that matter? I'm just not buying it yet."

2011-06-05, 01:29 AM
Remi sticks to Gotchka's shadow, nervously fingering the amulet around her neck but otherwise simply trying to avoid attention from the priests.

2011-06-05, 09:42 PM
"Well, sir, Tiamat doesn't really do things for her followers; however, she won't kill you or torture your soul you if you help to propagate the rule of chromatic dragon kind. Also, expanding your own power as you expand the power of dragons in the world can be quite beneficial. Interested in survival and an increase in personal power?"

2011-06-05, 10:22 PM
Whatever his reply, Remi stands ready to quietly nod, blink, smile, cringe, or be sickeningly adorable as the situation demands to reinforce anything Gotchka says in response, though she'll deflect any conversation directed at her personally.

OOC: Aiding Another on any bluff checks Gotchka makes. [roll0]

2011-06-06, 12:20 AM
"Survival is important to me... Personal power's not far behind. Just what is it you're offering, here?" asks the tall, pale man.

2011-06-06, 01:47 AM
"I'm offering you a chance to serve the great queen of all dragons in her church. You'd have to start off small, but I'm sure you would rise in the ranks rather quickly. It's not too hard, after all. If you want to do more than merely worship her, as all true believers ought, then you'll naturally need to pass a few trials and then complete whatever tasks are given you. It's not too hard, really."

2011-06-06, 03:42 PM
"Tell me my friend. What would happen to me if I entered the temple and attacked the priests that preach of her wickedness? Would the City Watch that does not dare fight against the many injustices in the city arrest me for stopping a temple dedicated to evil?" she asked pausing now considering if she should go back to this temple or if she should continue towards the Sister's almhouse.

"Cyric and Vecna have temples, yes, but Nerull's people just want to kill everyone. Worship of Nerull and other deities who just want to kill everyone is banned."

"They probably wouldn't, if your temple backed you up. If you go in alone, chances are they'd be called in to carry your corpse out."

Suddenly, the two of you overhear someone speaking, their voice carried by the wind over to you.

Originally Posted by Rizban
"I'm offering you a chance to serve the great queen of all dragons in her church. You'd have to start off small, but I'm sure you would rise in the ranks rather quickly. It's not too hard, after all. If you want to do more than merely worship her, as all true believers ought, then you'll naturally need to pass a few trials and then complete whatever tasks are given you. It's not too hard, really."

"This is too much" Roars the Dragonblooded and moves forward with fury guiding her steps.

"Follow me little cousin. I promise I shall not do anything foolish but I cannot stand to hear those blasphemous words. Queen of the Dragons can only refer to the evil oppressor of Dragonkind and they shamelessly try to prosylitise to such an evil cause" she calls to the prismatic kobold as she focuses on where the words came from.

Her wings unfurled, her posture aggressive yet controlled and her fine armor and clothing glinting the many mettallic hues of her patron God Bahamut, Seregven is truly a viseage that makes many quake in fear. She does not intend murder though this morning but she cannot bear to let this go on.

"You! Creature of Darkness and Evil! How dare you peddle your lies and treachery to those unknowing enough to flee or fight you" She calls out to whomever has just said those words.

Hello everyone!

Description of what Seregven looks like here:


2011-06-06, 03:49 PM
"What she said." a small prismatic kobold adds, hurrying to keep up with the big dragonborn.

2011-06-06, 03:56 PM
The tall, blank-faced man says nothing. Gotchka's mind races, trying to work this new appearance of dragon-kind into his plan, but he just steps back and lets them speak for the time being.

2011-06-06, 04:09 PM
The Dragonborn Lady does not seem to pay more attention to the gaunt man and the younger child than offer a courteous inclination of her head towards them. Her attention, her flaring nostrils and her angry demeanor are all directed towards the man proclaiming himself a servant of Tiamat.

2011-06-06, 05:11 PM
The priest of Tiamat looks at the newcomer sternly.

"You would threaten my life for passing out harmless pieces of paper while standing on the grounds of my own property in an effort to spread harmony, and I'm the evil one? Surely you jest."

2011-06-06, 05:23 PM
"I am not one for words lackey. Your vile goddess makes sure that her puppets are like serpents with a double silver tongue so they can attract those that cannot perceive their lies." she says with conviction.

"You are lucky though. I was informed that in this city despite all the wonders and kind people it is home to some are misguided enough to allow the worship of entities as your mistress. Steeped in evil and corruption simply because they do not openly murder and kill. But we know the truth. It is not a matter of relevance or a matter of perspective. Many things in this word are grey but there are still some that are black and white and on that scale sir your Goddess is Black just like her Dark Soul. I may not be able to stop you or cut you down like I would do if we were to meet on the field of battle but I can protect this man and this young girl from your blasphemies! I do not ask that they serve Bahamut or that they even ask his blessing but I sincerely hope they do not fall under your evil spell." she continues pointing and accusing finger at him.

A moment later after catching her breath and calming down a bit she continues.

"Do you deny that Tiamat is a greedy, vain, and arrogant goddess who embodies all the strengths of evil dragonkind, and few of their weaknesses. She is most concerned with spreading evil, defeating good, and propagating chromatic dragons. She never forgives a slight. Although she is not averse to razing the occasional village, her true schemes are subtle and hard to detect. She has been compared to a puppeteer manipulating her creations from within shadows while asking them to bow down to Her and be subservient in all ways?" she finishes.

2011-06-06, 05:59 PM
Rook as a check, knight takes bishop. This was odd, but not unwelcome. More help was, after all, more help.

"...Miss? Miss dragon?" Remi walks hesitantly over to the dragon-blooded. "Its okay, you don't need to protect us. We won't let their words hurt us, I promise! We're just here because of my sister, that's all. It's nice that you're helping us though, Miss Dragon!" There was some unusual intonation in her words, but they might have just been childish mispronunciations. Still, they seemed to indicate a meaning beyond the obvious one.

OOC: Bluff check to bury a message in that phrase. [roll0]

"Its okay, you don't need to protect us. [We're capable ourselves] We won't let their words hurt us, I promise! [We're not listening to the mean dragon-men anyway] We're just here because of my sister, that's all. [Because they have her] It's nice that you're helping us though, Miss Dragon! [And we'll help you if you too if you go ahead]"

2011-06-06, 06:08 PM
The Dragon blooded almost subconsiously registered the words of the child and became unfocused for a moment. The darkness steering inside her to respond to whatever secret plot the child was hatching.

With a shake of her head Seregven tries to focus and not allow her darker self that had been roused from this whole situation to take over.

"Little one" she said her voice becoming softer and calmer at the presence of the kid "I am Lady Knight Seregven, the Blessed, of the Ordo Dracon and I shall indulge you" she said in order not to reveal anything more to the priest but to show to the young one that she understood.

She looked back at the priest waiting for his lies and for the reaction of the child and her minder especially now that the kidnapping was revealed to her.

2011-06-06, 06:30 PM
"Nice to meet you, Miss Sevaa... Severnn... Segvaa..." She seems to fumble the word around a moment before looking slightly embarrassed. "Umm... can I call you Miss Serra? I'm Remi! That's short for Remilia, but you can just call me Remi. That's Mister Gotcha with me." That... probably wasn't the correct pronunciation of anyone's name.

She seems to quietly indicate the cleric of the dragonqueen. "We were just talking to see if he might be able to help us... but you can go first if you like..."

2011-06-06, 06:57 PM
"I'm Surri!" the kobold adds.

2011-06-06, 08:04 PM
"Do you deny that Tiamat is a greedy, vain, and arrogant goddess who embodies all the strengths of evil dragonkind, and few of their weaknesses. She is most concerned with spreading evil, defeating good, and propagating chromatic dragons. She never forgives a slight. Although she is not averse to razing the occasional village, her true schemes are subtle and hard to detect. She has been compared to a puppeteer manipulating her creations from within shadows while asking them to bow down to Her and be subservient in all ways?" she finishes."No, in fact, I believe that's what I just finished explaining that. Were you simply not listening, or were you just too busy judging me?"

He listens to the exchange of names then says, "Well, that's all well and good, but if you're not here to take part in services or speak respectably to the priesthood, then you're loitering, which we don't tolerate here. If you persist in loitering and stirring up trouble needlessly, then I will have to summon the City Watch to escort you off of our premises."

2011-06-06, 08:12 PM
"She's with me." The prismatic adds.

2011-06-06, 08:58 PM
Gotchka speaks up now, seeming to tell off Lady Seregven. "This priest speaks only the truth, as far as I am aware. He did, indeed just finish explaining that his Mistress, as you call her, wishes only to 'propagate the rule of chromatic dragon-kind.' I was about to ask what sort of trials would get me into his church when you interrupted."

Reaching a hand out from under his cloak and towards the child, the man says "It's OK, Remi; we'll find your sister. Just keep a brave face." He hopes that she knows he understood her.

2011-06-07, 03:54 AM
Greatly dissapointed by the human's words but more interested in what the little girl has to say she looks at the priest her annoyance somewhat mitigated.

"Actually, priest..." she says and speaks the word as if it is an annoyance on her tongue "... we are not on your premise. The streets before the Temples are public and me and my friend here can sit right outside the temple and preach of Solaron and Bahamut as well as reveal what hell awaits in the Kingdom your Queen calls home for those who follow her path." spite and anger evidently subsiding.

"But that would be foolish and childish. I will merely stand here and tolerate your vile words for the shake of this little girl. Since she said perhaps I could help her if you prove useless" and with that she moves a step backwards allowing Gotchka and the girl to continue conversing with the priest without her interference realising that she may do more harm than good to the little ones goals which seem to be clandestine in nature somehow.

2011-06-07, 06:13 PM
Remi nods, smiling and glancing back at the hunter. "Mister Gotcha, I think that the priest here was about to let us in anyway..." She turns to the cleric of Tiamat. "...right? He said that he could help people survive an' stuff, and that sounds like what sis needs." She pauses, looking between the priest and the apparent paladin.

"...'course, Miss Serra says she'll help too..." She thinks a moment before lighting up. "Hey, Mister Priest, maybe she could come with us when you show us the temple? 'Cause she's your guest, and we're also guests, and its really super rude to keep guests standing out in the street."

She addressed the dragon-blooded and the hunter both then. "That's a good idea, right? That way we don't have to separate. Finding people again can be hard, and we don't really have time to waste looking and stuff."

2011-06-07, 06:19 PM
"I'm sorry, but servants of Bahamut are not allowed inside. They tend to cause too much trouble due to their... unruly nature."

2011-06-07, 06:29 PM
"How large is your church, sir priest? Not those who worship Tiamat, but this specific location?"

2011-06-07, 06:35 PM
"Large enough to contain everything within yet small enough to fit in the space allotted. Truth be told, I've never ventured beyond the second set of inner doors, so I don't know just how large it is."

2011-06-07, 06:36 PM
"Does your temple have an extradimensional gateway that leads to your god's home too?" the kobold asks.

2011-06-07, 06:38 PM
"Surely all of the people required to run such a large temple could handle one curious dragonborn. Besides, she might learn something in there. Can you imagine how pleased your mistress would be if you tempted away one of Bahamut's chosen?" asks the blank-faced man.

This is probably the time for a roll...


I have a feeling that this won't end well.

I was right. :smallsigh:

2011-06-07, 06:42 PM
"Do you know how displeased she will be if I invite one in?"

He looks somewhat afraid of even considering the prospect.

2011-06-07, 06:51 PM
"I'm not sure that that's gonna help, Mister..." Remi tugs slightly on Gotchka's tunic. "The priest probably can't even get us what Gwen needs anyway. I think Miss Serra's way might be best now. I dunno how much time we have, but it might not be much... we should hurry." She was speaking to the hunter, but loud enough the dragonblooded warrior could hear it clearly as well.

2011-06-08, 06:26 AM
"I thought you were all about allowing individuals to enter the Temple and offer their subservience to your deity" said Seregven taunting the priest.

"Are you worried or scared that the might of your order and your God will be unable to stop me? If that is the case I understand, cowardice rather than bravery was always the word I had heard associated with the Tiamates." continued with a sweeter more annoying tone.

She looked towards the human and the child and nodded.

"From my part I promise not to engage him... with more than words at least. If that is not good enough for him I shall wait here and preach the evil of his God while promoting the cause of Bahamut and Solaron..." she said with a cunning smile "If you require help you can call me little one. I shall wait for a while to ensure both of you are fine before continuing towards Old Town".

2011-06-08, 11:34 AM
"Thanks, Miss Serra. We'll be back in a bit, I'm sure! Just you wait!" Another nod, then she returned to Gotchka's side and pushing him slightly forward. "C'mon, Mister Gotcha. We should go on in." Remi glances at the priest. "Maybe you should show us where we should go..." She had the feeling that the priest might jump at the chance to get away from the dragonblooded and her preaching.

OOC: Bluff check to bury another message to Seregven. [roll0]

"Thanks, Miss Serra. We'll be back in a bit, I'm sure! [If we're not, something bad has happened] Just you wait! [Unless you suspect a battle has started - in which case please DON'T wait]"

2011-06-08, 04:10 PM
"I thought you were all about allowing individuals to enter the Temple and offer their subservience to your deity" said Seregven taunting the priest."Yes, but I'm neither stupid nor a fool. I'm not willingly taking someone inside who has no interest in our ways save the causing of trouble for them."

"Are you worried or scared that the might of your order and your God will be unable to stop me? If that is the case I understand, cowardice rather than bravery was always the word I had heard associated with the Tiamates." continued with a sweeter more annoying tone.To this, he simply ignores you, unwilling to be baited by such childish remarks.

"Thanks, Miss Serra. We'll be back in a bit, I'm sure! Just you wait!" Another nod, then she returned to Gotchka's side and pushing him slightly forward. "C'mon, Mister Gotcha. We should go on in." Remi glances at the priest. "Maybe you should show us where we should go..." She had the feeling that the priest might jump at the chance to get away from the dragonblooded and her preaching.

OOC: Bluff check to bury another message to Seregven. [roll0]

"Thanks, Miss Serra. We'll be back in a bit, I'm sure! [If we're not, something bad has happened] Just you wait! [Unless you suspect a battle has started - in which case please DON'T wait]"He eyes the child suspiciously, but he directs them inside.

"Just speak to Kalam. He'll direct you to what you need to know."

2011-06-08, 04:30 PM
"Thanks, Mister Priest!" She'd have preferred to let Gotchka do the talking, but he was proving a little too reserved to make this an expedient process. Patience was... not her strongest suit. Smiling, she half-led, half-dragged the hunter with her into the temple. She glanced around, looking for the Kalam to whom she had been directed.

2011-06-08, 10:28 PM
The inside of the temple Is made of the same multicolored marble as the outside; however, the walls inside are inlaid with precious stones and metals in the forms of the various chromatic dragons and their ilk. There are a number of stone benches in the room and an altar near the front. There are three people in various locations in the room sitting silently in prayer. A large set of double doors are to the right of the altar and guarded by two burly men.

2011-06-08, 11:31 PM
Still trailing her companion, she approaches one of the apparent guards, as they were probably the most likely to actually work here rather than being simple petitioners. "Heee~eeey." She smiled, and pointed at Gotchka. "The nice priest man outside said papa and I should talk to somebody named Kalam. Do you know where we can find him? Or her? I dunno, is Kalam a guy's name or a girl's name? It kinda sounds like Calamity, which is kinda cool for a dragon-person!"

2011-06-08, 11:33 PM
Surri waits outside, recalling that the last time he entered the temple of Tiamat, he'd met someone there he'd rather never see again.

2011-06-09, 06:13 AM
Seregven maintained her composure despite her insticts telling her to react more violently. She nodded once to the girl and to her companion and moved next to a spot where she could survey the general area and the temple.

Turning to the kobold she smiled and spoke carefully her voice dropping to a whisper so that only the kobold could hear.

"What else do you know about the temple and priesthood of Tiamat? The girl mentioned her sister was missing. Is there a chance they took her?" she said turning momentarily to see if the priest or anyone else was trying to listen to their conversation.

"Also perhaps your invisible brothers could follow in and alert us in case of danger?" she continued even more carefully.

She considered speaking in Draconic to reduce the chance of being spied upon but she was pretty certain that followers of the Evil Goddess would speak the language of the Dragons.

As they waited Seregven considered what she could do to make herself ready in case a fight broke out and she half-smiled to herself. Off course, the old trick they had used when infiltrating an enemy camp.

She took out a small pouch filled with a bit more than 20 clear, simple, crystal marbles and started touching them one by one while keeping them inside the pouch. One by one the marbles started glowing with an internal black light of their own.

When she was finished she breathed out and allowed her darker side to guide her eyes for the time being. She loathed to admit it but most of her abilities came from that curse and although she hated it, it was a gift she could not deny.

I am casting darkness on each one of the 24 marbles but keeping them contained so the effect doesnt "show". It lasts for 50 minutes and if nothing happens until then I shall do it again.

Additionally I am activating... devil's sight so I can see through normal and magical darkness for the next 24 hours.

2011-06-09, 11:05 AM
Still trailing her companion, she approaches one of the apparent guards, as they were probably the most likely to actually work here rather than being simple petitioners. "Heee~eeey." She smiled, and pointed at Gotchka. "The nice priest man outside said papa and I should talk to somebody named Kalam. Do you know where we can find him? Or her? I dunno, is Kalam a guy's name or a girl's name? It kinda sounds like Calamity, which is kinda cool for a dragon-person!""Kalam is busy initiating the new acolytes. If you wish to become such, you will need to return tomorrow. He'll be available in the morning."

2011-06-09, 03:41 PM
"What else do you know about the temple and priesthood of Tiamat? The girl mentioned her sister was missing. Is there a chance they took her?" she said turning momentarily to see if the priest or anyone else was trying to listen to their conversation.

"Also perhaps your invisible brothers could follow in and alert us in case of danger?" she continued even more carefully.

"Well, I've been learning of this world's religions ever since I came here, especially the interesting ones like the Big B and Tiamat. Tiamat is queen over the chromatic dragons, so in that sense she's like a spiteful Namtar with an ego. As for this temple, they're recruiting all the time, seem to accept anyone who wants to join, provided they obey. For some reason, they don't like it when I compare how Tiamat and Bahamut together are almost as cool as Minrhet, who rules both metallic and chromatic dragons in our world. Well, Namtar and Martu his sons administer for him, but he is in charge of it all. Which is all almost as cool as Solaron."

"They've got a back room in that temple which they were pretty fussy about when I innocently wanted a peek behind the locked door. I don't know too much more about this temple. They're kinda big on secrets. My brother would know more." A hint of bitterness and irony were present at that last bit.

"Well, they're still over by the temple to Big B. Want me to ask them? That assumes I can find them, of course."

2011-06-09, 04:53 PM
"Kalam is busy initiating the new acolytes. If you wish to become such, you will need to return tomorrow. He'll be available in the morning."

"Oh." She backed away a few steps towards Gotchka. She turns to him, looking up at him with wide eyes. "Mister Gotcha, they're saying we should come back tomorrow, 'cause they're doing a ceremony-thing... what do we do now? I don't think waiting is a good idea... we may not be able to stick around long."

OOC: Blah blah secret message check. [roll0]

"Mister Gotcha, they're saying we should come back tomorrow, 'cause they're doing a ceremony-thing... what do we do now? [What if its a sacrifice?] I don't think waiting is a good idea... [Especially if it is one!] we may not be able to stick around long. [We have to break cover eventually... even that priest never reached the inner rooms.]"

2011-06-10, 03:55 AM
"Well, I've been learning of this world's religions ever since I came here, especially the interesting ones like the Big B and Tiamat. Tiamat is queen over the chromatic dragons, so in that sense she's like a spiteful Namtar with an ego. As for this temple, they're recruiting all the time, seem to accept anyone who wants to join, provided they obey. For some reason, they don't like it when I compare how Tiamat and Bahamut together are almost as cool as Minrhet, who rules both metallic and chromatic dragons in our world. Well, Namtar and Martu his sons administer for him, but he is in charge of it all. Which is all almost as cool as Solaron."

"They've got a back room in that temple which they were pretty fussy about when I innocently wanted a peek behind the locked door. I don't know too much more about this temple. They're kinda big on secrets. My brother would know more." A hint of bitterness and irony were present at that last bit.

"Well, they're still over by the temple to Big B. Want me to ask them? That assumes I can find them, of course."

"Up to you, I appreciate the company but I have no reason to keep you here. I do not even know if the little girl and her minder were genuienly looking for the sister or perhaps a further plot. They seemed trustworthy but mischevious to me. I shall wait for a while to see if I can help them somehow. If you find your comrades and they have time to see if they can help I would be thankful but I would not hold it against them if they didnt." said Seregven as she finished enchanting the marbles and looked down at the kobold.

2011-06-10, 04:22 PM
"Well, I'm curious myself, but strictly speaking, I'm violating what I was charged with right now because I'm not proselytizing. Probably best if I let my fellow priests actually do their jobs. However, if this goes down with the Tiamaties like I think it will, I'll be retroactively excused from shirking my duty to aid in the common good."

2011-06-11, 02:48 AM
Seregven frowned at the last comment nodding to the little kobold.

"I do not believe that violence should be our first responce to a situation but when violence arises I am there to ensure things are over quickly. I a warrior at heart and at soul and my blade has claimed lives of those that would not yield. If the minions of Tiamat attempt to keep the little girl's sister from her we may have to intervene. I apologise for involving you in this but it will be an honor to fight along side you if it comes to that." Seregven said very seriously her wings flapping for a few moments as she was fairly nervous.

2011-06-11, 10:48 AM
"Not a big deal. I've never been very good at converting people. i'm better at fighting for truth, justice, and the Shining Way."

2011-06-11, 02:54 PM
The dragonborn rose a curious scaly eyebrow at this.

"You are a warrior? Forgive me cousin but I guess my preconceptions about the normal kobolds made me doubt your abilities initially. What are the talents your people show ussually? Is it magic through the blood of your draconic ancestors are you keen fighters?" she asked curious about the little one's passion to fight.

2011-06-11, 03:00 PM
"I fight with the power of faith and the magic of my blood, but I fight nonetheless. It doesn't come from mating with dragons, though. The power of Roygbv's influence has changed our forms and given us health and strength above those of kobolds, but he didn't mate with us. That would be weird. No, the magic of our blood comes from the dark faeli, we think. We're not totally sure when we got this magic, but we can recall a time before we had the magic."

2011-06-11, 03:18 PM
Seregven felt similarly in a way. She fought with and against something in her blood. She used something she could call magic. Her powers where somehow invoked by the presence inside her.

The touch of Bahamut had made it better, purified it in a way. Now when she used the various blasts that she could bring forth it felt like the energy was brighter, more positive. Still though, at the core of her being she could taste the blackness.

She looked at the kobold curiously.

"If I'm not intruding and since we have time, tell me more. Who is Roygbv and what are the Dark Faeli? What are the powers your race has that makes you diffrent from ordinary kobolds?"

2011-06-11, 03:37 PM
"Roygbv is the prismatic dragon that taught us of the Light Eternal and Solaron, the steward, remember? The one whose death sent us on the quest for the Shining Lands? Dark Faeli are Faeli who heeded the dark lady Asharra's call and have become tainted by evil. Part of that curse is that they gain sorcerous powers from their blood. If a Dark Faeli mates with a non-Faeli, however, they don't become Dark Faeli, but their children do gain the magic of Dark Faeli blood. Somewhere back in our heritage, someone must have mated with one, for now we all have the power of the blood. We used to have a nasty habit of ostracizing prismatic kobolds that didn't have this power, but it's not an issue anymore. We've not encountered anyone without it in two generations. I guess it was finally bred out of us."

2011-06-11, 03:44 PM
The woman nodded, her mind already travelling to what was going on inside the temple of Tiamat she had forgotten what the kobold had already said before they came here.

"Yes, you are right, sorry I am a bit distracted. You know in these lands occasionally sorcery or invocation is also seen as a curse by some and as a blessing by others. My own people before the change considered it some form of disease that corrupted the soul. I do not blame them off course... perhaps they were right actually but let us say they were fairly forceful about it..." she said her features growing darker as she remember her life before the rebirth when she had been ostracized by her own people, losing her husband and children.

2011-06-11, 03:48 PM
"It must be sad to not have everyone have the same powers. People fear and judge harshly those who are different."

2011-06-11, 03:54 PM
"Had those powers come to my children I would still love them. Had they come to someone else of my former Goliath tribe I may have done the same that they did. The thing that hurt the most was that the kids also turned their backs to me so as not to see me walk away when I was ostracised from the clan." she said a single tear falling from her eyes.

"Never mind that though. It is a long time ago and I have no ties with my past life. I was not always dragonborn little cousin... it works diffrently for some of us" she said.

2011-06-11, 04:09 PM
"Must be sad to live a life such as that. I am sorry."

2011-06-11, 04:41 PM
"Not your fault..." she said and smiled more warmly putting the bad memories behind her.

"My past is what made me what I am today and I would not change it. The WyrmKing touched me and I serve him now. He and his followers and his creations are my family now" she said and grinned. "That includes those that serve similar ideas in diffrent forms."

2011-06-11, 05:29 PM
"Yeah, Big B and Solaron seem to have a lot in common. Although Solaron isn't really about dragons so much as the sun and light. Prismatic dragons just happen to be his emissaries and they leave a BIG impact. Since, you know, they're the most powerful dragons ever."

2011-06-11, 06:30 PM
Seregven looked at him a bit impassively.

"I would not know. I mean I have heard of something called a Force Dragon but I had never heard of Prismatic Dragons before. Plus I was under the impression that it is the age of a Dragon that makes him powerful more than his colors..." she said wondering if the kobold was just trying to show off.

2011-06-11, 10:00 PM

"Well, they get stronger as they get older, true. But they're born the size of barns. And can outmatch even the strongest of ancient dragons in sheer power before they reach adulthood. Solaron literally took his essence and shaped it into dragons, so the legend goes. Gentlest and friendliest people I've ever met, by the way."

2011-06-11, 11:08 PM
Sorry I was gone; for those of you who missed my sig I had to host a wedding. That's over now, though, and I have returned to you.

Since I smell an action sequence coming up, I'd like a little more information about the temple before proceeding.

How high are the ceilings?
How far away is the altar?
Other than the five specified, is there anyone in the room?

2011-06-11, 11:12 PM
The room is about 100ft x 100ft, with the altar being about 10ft from the wall behind it and directly across from the front door.

2011-06-11, 11:34 PM
"Oh." She backed away a few steps towards Gotchka. She turns to him, looking up at him with wide eyes. "Mister Gotcha, they're saying we should come back tomorrow, 'cause they're doing a ceremony-thing... what do we do now? I don't think waiting is a good idea... we may not be able to stick around long."

OOC: Blah blah secret message check. [roll0]

"Mister Gotcha, they're saying we should come back tomorrow, 'cause they're doing a ceremony-thing... what do we do now? [What if its a sacrifice?] I don't think waiting is a good idea... [Especially if it is one!] we may not be able to stick around long. [We have to break cover eventually... even that priest never reached the inner rooms.]"
"You said that you could do some magic, yes? Now may be the time to show me." Gotchka whispers. "You do what you do, and I'll do what I do."

Without any warning, the hunter turns and takes off towards the altar. With remarkable speed, Gotchka makes it nearly there and jumps high into the air, thanking Tiamat for her high ceilings. With a strange clicking sound, he lands atop one of the two burly men guarding the altar and begins tearing into him with the strangely hooked staff that was on his back a moment before. It's hard to tell from across the long room, but it appears that Gotchka was hiding an additional set of limbs under his cloak.

Gotchka uses a Double-Move to travel 80ft towards the alter and then jumps into the air (the jump does not count against normal movement due to the Mighty Leaping feat). Using the Battle Jump feat and the Pounce ability, Gotchka gets a Charging full-attack against the burly man, and it deals triple damage (due to Battle Jump + Valorous). The Jump check to get at least 10ft above the man is an auto-success (+59 modifier).

Gyktha Attack 1:

Gythka Damage 1:
[roll1] x3 (27)

Gyktha Attack 2:

Gythka Damage 2:
[roll3] x3 (33)

Claw Attack 1:

Claw Damage 1:
[roll5] x3 (18)

Claw Attack 2:

Claw Damage 2:
[roll7] x3 (12)

Bit Attack:

Bite Damage:
[roll9] x3 (12)

2011-06-11, 11:37 PM
You triple the damage dice and roll them all rather than tripling the damage itself.

2011-06-12, 12:17 AM
As Gotchka blazes past her, the girl spares time for a quick passing whisper - "I'm covering you..." Then he was gone, hitting the foes with those... rather impressive weapons. That was a lot of...

Blood. Remi hated blood. Oh, she didn't up and vomit at it any more - Mother had made sure to drill that out of her - but it still made her feel a little sick. Trying not to inhale the metallic smell too deeply, she stepped back a bit as she muttered a spell - one of those Gwen had endlessly tutored her on.

With a faint shimmer, the young girl fades into invisibility, even as she called her next conjuration to mind...


Backpedal until she's at least 15 feet from anyone (up to 30 feet away, if the terrain allows it) - especially the melee between Gotchka and the guards. Cast Invisibility.

Also, I don't suppose it'd be possible to get a combat map of the area around the altar? Tough to gauge where to drop conjurations without knowing the layout of the battlefield.

Also, Initiative, for once the Surprise Round is over. [roll0]

EDITED to reflect that Remi did't get to act in this surprise round.

2011-06-12, 05:05 AM
@Plans. Oh we were talking epic dragons! Heh well there are bound to be epic level red/gold etc though no? Its unfair comparing epic style dragons with poor metalic and chromatic :)

Oblivious to what is happening inside the temple, the Dragonborn looks fairly impressed with what the kobold tells her. She did not really know many dragons but she had heard that the little ones were not that big a threat... being born the size of a barn now that was something she would like to see at some point in her life.

"I wish I have the opportunity to meet one then before I close my eyes and go to Bahamut's realm..." she said and looked towards the temple absentmindedly for a moment.

Listen and spot to detect the commotion?

If you allow it here goes: listen [roll0] and spot [roll1]

2011-06-12, 05:31 AM
Gotchka's attack was the surprise round. Remilia can't do anything until her first round of combat.

Epic standard dragons are still weaker than prismatics.The dragonborn lady does not hear anything, and she sees nothing from outside the temple through the closed doors.

2011-06-12, 05:47 AM
however, Solaron's prismatics are complete pacifists. Hasn't been mentioned IC, but the issue of who's better in a fight is academic: prismatics are so much stronger than just about anything that everyone basically just has to go along with debating them.

Surri says to his companion. "It's too quiet. I don't like it. I'm gonna take a look inside."

He then moves over to the door and opens it a crack, peeking inside, doing his best to not be noticed by the people inside. If one noticed carefully, it would seem almost as if his feet had become almost wolflike.

[roll0] - hide [roll1] - move silently [roll2] - listen [roll3] - spot

2011-06-12, 06:28 AM
I hope it will be some time until we get to face normal epic dragons and prismatic ones then :) Even negotiations with them sound like a scary business!

"I shall remain here. Alert me if something is the matter" she whispers in draconic.

Seregven nods to Surri and rests her hands to her sides trying to relax and focus herself. She looks around observing the area to see if anyone seems to notice the kobold and walks in their line of vision for a few moments to provide him with cover while staying within charge distance from the doors.

Other than that she does not do anything right now waiting to see how things play out.

2011-06-12, 02:09 PM
A larger than average Dragonborn, probably a former human, approaches from the direction of the temple of Bahamut. He has a black cloak drawn tightly over his body, but a chainmail clinks lightly as he strides. He has a shortsword in each hand, and a dark wooden shield strung to his right arm.
The one thing truly remarkable about him is his hideous face, though. He has golden scales with patches of green, his scalp has teeth dotting it, and his eyes are a muddy green.

The dragonborn strides quickly towards the other dragonborn. "Hello, I assume you are the dragonborn I am looking for. My name is Elzedar, the temple sent me. I'm here to help."
He gives a quick nod to the invisible girl.

(OOC stuff for DMs)

Magic Insight is activated.
Humanoid Shape is activated.
See The Unseen is activated.

2011-06-12, 04:30 PM
"You said that you could do some magic, yes? Now may be the time to show me." Gotchka whispers. "You do what you do, and I'll do what I do."

Without any warning, the hunter turns and takes off towards the altar. With remarkable speed, Gotchka makes it nearly there and jumps high into the air, thanking Tiamat for her high ceilings. With a strange clicking sound, he lands atop one of the two burly men guarding the altar and begins tearing into him with the strangely hooked staff that was on his back a moment before. It's hard to tell from across the long room, but it appears that Gotchka was hiding an additional set of limbs under his cloak.

Gotchka uses a Double-Move to travel 80ft towards the alter and then jumps into the air (the jump does not count against normal movement due to the Mighty Leaping feat). Using the Battle Jump feat and the Pounce ability, Gotchka gets a Charging full-attack against the burly man, and it deals triple damage (due to Battle Jump + Valorous). The Jump check to get at least 10ft above the man is an auto-success (+59 modifier).

Gyktha Attack 1:

Gythka Damage 1:
[roll1] x3 (27)

Gyktha Attack 2:

Gythka Damage 2:
[roll3] x3 (33)

Claw Attack 1:

Claw Damage 1:
[roll5] x3 (18)

Claw Attack 2:

Claw Damage 2:
[roll7] x3 (12)

Bit Attack:

Bite Damage:
[roll9] x3 (12)All of Gotchka's attacks except his bite hit, eviscerating the guard, shredding his flesh, mutilating What is left, then finally leaving nothing recognizable behind. The first level warrior guard is well and truly dead.
however, Solaron's prismatics are complete pacifists. Hasn't been mentioned IC, but the issue of who's better in a fight is academic: prismatics are so much stronger than just about anything that everyone basically just has to go along with debating them.

Surri says to his companion. "It's too quiet. I don't like it. I'm gonna take a look inside."

He then moves over to the door and opens it a crack, peeking inside, doing his best to not be noticed by the people inside. If one noticed carefully, it would seem almost as if his feet had become almost wolflike.

[roll0] - hide [roll1] - move silently [roll2] - listen [roll3] - spotThe little kobold approaches the temple's front door and remains unseen and unheard by the people within. As he peeks in through the door, he sees Gotchka standing over what appears to have once been a human... maybe. The rest of the people in the temple seem to be beginning to panic.

I hope it will be some time until we get to face normal epic dragons and prismatic ones then :) Even negotiations with them sound like a scary business!

"I shall remain here. Alert me if something is the matter" she whispers in draconic.

Seregven nods to Surri and rests her hands to her sides trying to relax and focus herself. She looks around observing the area to see if anyone seems to notice the kobold and walks in their line of vision for a few moments to provide him with cover while staying within charge distance from the doors.

Other than that she does not do anything right now waiting to see how things play out.Seregven sees how things play out.

2011-06-12, 04:31 PM
Flinging open the doors, Surri says, "Well, looks like things just got serious."

2011-06-12, 04:37 PM
Everyone who hasn't already now rolls for initiative.

2011-06-12, 04:37 PM
Elzedar glances at the other dragonborn, waiting on a sign before acting.


Initiative: [roll0]
If I go before the other dragonborn, I ready an action to BBQ (actually Entangle Exhalation) anyone who isn't the kreen human, the kobold, the other human or the dragonborn coming out of the temple.

2011-06-12, 04:40 PM
@Shadowleaf:What Kreen? You mean the human in the heavy cloak? That's quite obviously a human... he just is very agile and... jumpy. Yep. Definitely a human.

DM Hint: He's wearing a very good magical disguise to appear human, and your character has no way of determining that he is not human.

2011-06-12, 04:43 PM
Sorry, was just in plans' description of the scene. 'and the last is a cloaked and hooded figure who just revealed himself to be insectoid with four arms'

2011-06-12, 05:50 PM
my bad.
With a strange clicking sound, he lands atop one of the two burly men guarding the altar and begins tearing into him with the strangely hooked staff that was on his back a moment before. It's hard to tell from across the long room, but it appears that Gotchka was hiding an additional set of limbs under his cloak. I was trying to summarize that for you. Not say that he's a kreen and everyone knows.

"Well, this should be violent." the kobold says unenthusiastically.


2011-06-12, 08:39 PM

Gotchka has four arms and is a little taller than average (6'1), but otherwise appears as a normal, slightly malnourished, adult human male. Also he jumps really, really well.

You triple the damage dice and roll them all rather than tripling the damage itself.
I've never seen it ruled that way before. If you're more comfortable with rolling three times the dice and adding three times the bonus rather than tripling the result... I can certainly roll with that. :smalltongue:

2011-06-12, 11:52 PM
OOC: Already rolled initiative, but would like to clarify that Remi has not had a chance to act and is not currently invisible. Given how efficiently her ally blasted through that guard, she isn't planning on doing so either (at least, not right now).

2011-06-13, 12:20 AM
Wow things picked up real fast :smallbiggrin:

Initiative [roll0]

((answering to the other dragonborn before the kobold informed us of the battle))

Seregven looked at the other dragonborn and her soul was pleased. She smiled at him warmly and looked down on him. Despite his big and tall physical frame she was even taller having been something more than human before her change.

She looked quite diffrent from him in the sense that she was regal, impressive and the dragon-heritage made her look even more kind and somehow friendly and charismatic. Her scales were a dark gold almost bronze and her clothes were red and gold as well making the effect intensify.

"Well met Elzedar. I am Lady Knight Seregven of the Ordo Dracon. To appraise you of the situation I was discussing with the little prismatic kobold about his belief system when he heard an arguement of some short break out between a child, a man and a vile Priest of Tiamat who was trying to convert them to become slaves of the Dragon Bitch." she says and pauses to see if he takes everything in.

"The child told me, using code, that her sister might have been abducted by the servants of this Temple but the priest, despite my strong language against him did not budge... the child and her minder went inside while I promised them I would stay to make sure that nothing...." she was cut off by Surri's call out as he opened the doors.

Sergven paused and looked inside the temply trying to judge the situation. Things did not look for she could not see the child or man wounded nor anyone attacking it. Could it be that they had initiated the first blow?

With anger rising she unfurled her proud strong wings and let out a below of rage starting to move towards the stairs and drawing her huge greatsword with a fluif motion.

Not sure how you handle initiative and actions (ie if we should post what you do and you slot them in) but just in case here goes.

As a move action I walk towards the entrance but do not block it and draw my sword as part of the move.

As a standard: ready vs attack (if someone attacks me personally at this point)

PS> If you would rather we dont pre-post acts before our turn I can change the IC description and the actual actions to reflect it.

2011-06-13, 12:20 AM
then all we need is Arcosan.

2011-06-13, 08:00 AM
Posted on the same minute and thats why you didnt see it? Pretty cool coincidence for people with 5-6 hours difference :smallcool:

@Lyndworm: I think the standard (RAW) way is to actually make rolls per multiplier... its just that in many groups they simply say multiply and get it over with.... both ways are okay as if you roll a 1 the x 2 or x 3 isnt that big a deal... if you roll 12 on a d12 then thats 36 plus str bonus x 3 as well which can easily take you on massive damage levels.

Overall I think its simpler to do damage x 3 but it doesnt allow for much variance of the rolls themselves (the more the better to average things out)... and also it may make things a bit more bulky if you want to put the crit chance damage in one post every time so as not to double post...

But in the end... DMs call :D

2011-06-13, 08:29 AM
and now we post within 20 min even though I slept in the between. Due to Rizban's request, I'm taking over dm'ing this thread for now. No humongous changes yet. just a heads up.

Initiative order is:

Selinia: 21
bystander #2 - 18
lyndworm - 16
shadowleaf - 15
Bystander #3 - 15 (lower modifier)
kobold - 14
arcosan - 14 (lower modifier)
guard inside not a bloody pulp - less than 14
bystander #1 - less than that

the kobold is an npc, not a dmpc.

Assuming Selinia does not kill bystander #2, he will take off running and screaming out the front door.

thus, Selinia, Shadowleaf, and Lyndworm may go before dm input is required. if attack spells are cast on corpses, I'll retcon the situation.

2011-06-13, 09:57 AM
Haha, yea I post when I wake up to go to work and then... well... when my supervisor is not around I have free-reign... they have blocked facebook, they have blocked youtube and daily motion but they will not take away our pbp!!!

2011-06-13, 03:00 PM
Seemingly rather calm (if not exactly unfazed), the girl lets past the fleeing bystander and glances at Gotchka. "That was... violent. Very much so, Mister Gotcha. Still... I suppose nothing can be done for it. These people made a choice of their own. It isn't like their recruitment hides the fact that this is a cult of monsters and thieves."

Weaving a series of gestures in the air, a small bank of mist seems to gather in the space behind the altar, thickening until for a split-second the space was obscured. When it clears, there stands a great bison, fur of silver and horns and hooves like bronze.

"If they have hurt Guinevere, then this is far better than they deserve..." With a bellow, it thunders towards the remaining guard...

OOC: Summon Monster III as a standard action, dropping a Celestial Bison somewhere more than 10 feet from the remaining guard (preferably somewhere on the opposite side from where Gotchka is now). It proceeds to make a charge attack against said guard, triggering its Smite Evil power.

Gore attack to-hit: [roll0]
Gore attack damage: [roll1]

Lovely. I got the slacker bison.

2011-06-13, 03:22 PM
Elzedar moves up the stairs and into the doorway. He makes a quick scan of the situation, and decides to hold back.


Move to actually get inside the temple. Ready Action to blast anyone who isn't the human, the dragonborn, the kid or the kobold with a slow breath.
Edit: If they move within 30 ft, that is.

2011-06-13, 03:32 PM
The bison misses his attack. Bystander #2 flees for his life, and then Lyndworm will need to take his actions, followed by Elzedar entering the building.

2011-06-13, 05:43 PM
The area around him is covered in blood and gore, but Gotchka seems used to it. Again, the man leaps into the air; again, he lands on an altar guard; again, he tears into the man with reckless abandon.

"I am sorry, Remi," calls Gotchka. "This is not the sort of thing I would have you see, had I thought it avoidable."

Gotchka uses a Move action to jump into the air. Using the Battle Jump feat and the Pounce ability, Gotchka gets a Charging full-attack against the second of the burly men, and it deals triple damage (due to Battle Jump + Valorous). The Jump check to get at least 10ft above the man is an auto-success (+59 modifier).

Gythka Attack 1:

Gythka Damage 1:

Gythka Attack 2:

Gythka Damage 2:

Claw Attack 1:
[roll4] (A critical threat, but I assume the man is dead anyway.)

Claw Damage 1:

Claw Attack 2:

Claw Damage 2:

Bit Attack:

Bite Damage:

2011-06-13, 05:57 PM
there are now two gory messes where altar guards used to be.

Bystander #3 begins to flee as fast as she can, then is caught in the slow breath, reducing her mad escape to a slower pace.

The kobold walks inside and prepares himself for trouble, a spell at the ready.

<arcosan's turn>

assuming arcosan doesn't kill bystander #1, he will fall prone, throw his hands up in the air and yell "Please don't kill me!"

2011-06-13, 06:05 PM
Assuming the good girl that gets a visit from an AVATAR of her God if she does an evil act doesnt kill the innocent bystander?

Yes I guess that is a valid assumption ;P

Seregven raises an eyebrow as she sees the disembowling performed by the incredibly jumpy human and makes a mental note to be rather careful of him.

She draws her weapon, the huge greatsword gleaming in the light of day and shedding a pale light of its own as if alive. She looks down on the fallen human and she steps next to him in a protective manner unfurling her wings so that he is not easily visible by others.

"You are safe human. Bahamut does not allow for the harming of innocents. Stay behind me and I shall protect you if harm threatens you." she blurts out and then waits to see how things will play out.

Nothing else for this round. Just a move equivalent and draw sword action and look around to see how the place looks like.

By the way what is the recruiter priest doing now and do we get any will saves after seeing Gotchka jump around in a very inhuman way?

2011-06-13, 06:18 PM
The priest who was outside the temple as the carnage began casts a spell and disappears.

Selinia: 21
lyndworm - 16
shadowleaf - 15
Bystander #3 - 15 (lower modifier) -Slowed, at the entrance, fleeing
kobold - 14
arcosan - 14 (lower modifier)
bystander #1 - last - on the ground prone, begging for his life

assuming none of the first three players kill him, #3 will flee as fast (slow) as he can. the kobold will hold off on casting a spell, as the immediate threat is over.

2011-06-13, 06:21 PM
Elzedar's gulf of magical flames against the bystander coming his way was a reaction more than anything. The flames does not seem to hurt the guy, but merely slows him to roughly a fourth of his speed.
Elzedar smirks at the man as he sidesteps and allows the man to pass out of the temple. Elzedar then turns back towards the others, and slowly walks towards them, swords still in hand but down his sides. His gaze is locked on Seregven's face. A somewhat creepy smile lurks across Elzedar's face. He stops after a few steps.


Nothing really mechanical about the sidestep. I just allow him to move through my square if I'm blocking at the end of the last turn, or I 5' step and walk in the next.

2011-06-13, 10:43 PM
"It is... fine, Mister Gotcha. I have seen plenty of blood before. You have never been to one of the Empire's Scholas, have you?" Still, she carefully avoids looking at the bloody... things that had once been human. "We should move on... get this over with. Gwen is in here somewhere..."

She pauses, and looks over her shoulder, catching sight of Elzedar, Seregven, and Surri. "...hello again, Miss Serra. Do you want to come with us? We will not harm those who do not bring battle to us. I only want to find Guinevere. That's all..." She walks up to the end of the chamber as she says this, running a hand through the great angelic bison's silver fur as she walked towards the double door. It snorts noisily, and breaks into a slow trot keeping pace with her.

With a gentle shove, she opens the door, letting her companion walk past her...

OOC: Walk up to the door and open it.

The Bison trots on past her, moving through the door and a decent ways in - as far as it can go with its movement remaining. If it's not a simple hallway, it stops a few meters past the threshold.

2011-06-13, 10:50 PM
The door is locked.

2011-06-13, 11:00 PM
"You are indeed welcome to join us, Ms. Seregven. I apologize for the mess." Gotchka says before coming to stand by Remi. "Do you need any help with the door, or can this spectacular animal break it?"

Move action to stand beside Remi, or Double-Move if necessary.

2011-06-13, 11:13 PM
ya'll can break out of combat time. the fight's over.

2011-06-14, 12:38 AM
Frowning slightly at finding the door locked, she gives a motioned command for her summoned creature to break it down - or at least give it a good battering. It shuffles back, slamming its metallic horns against the obstacle repeatedly like a living battering ram.

"It can try. I do not know how tough the dragon-priests make their doors..."

Counting the round she discovers it locked, the bison should be around for 5 rounds, I think. That's five headbutts of JUSTICE. So... strength checks.


2011-06-14, 12:39 AM
On the fourth round, the bison succeeds.

2011-06-14, 12:45 AM
Well, good to know that this creature was good for something, after apparently falling asleep when it had been summoned to bring justice to evildoers.

"I think they're gonna be ready for us, this time. Just saying, that was kinda noisy..." She nods at the bison, which was beginning to fade into mist at the edges. "...here goes then, Mister Gotcha. Might want to be ready too." With its presence fast fading, the silver creature shoved the wrecked doors off their hinges, opening the next room to view.

2011-06-14, 06:17 AM
Seregven pauses at the entrance and moves out of the way of the bystander or even helps him stand since he had fallen. Her eyes look towards the broken door and she calls out.

"What did the guards do? Did you confront them about your sister and they attacked?" she asks hopeful that the actions of the gaunt jumping man are justified.

"And also, young girl, what exactly happened to your sister? Be aware that we may be monitored. The recruiter priest that was outside went invisible or something to that effect when the fight started so he may be brining reinforcements or something of the like..." she called out to them as she turned to look at the other Dragonborn that was staring at her.

"Yes Brother? Something the matter?" she asks as she moves into the initial chamber with great caution scanning around.

2011-06-14, 10:36 AM
Elzedar stares blankly at Seregven before breaking the gaze with a quick shake of his head. "Sorry, no, no matter. I was sent here to help, but it seems like you have everything under control?"

2011-06-14, 10:55 AM
A terrible and ferocious roar can be heard down the newly-opened door.

2011-06-14, 11:43 AM
The female dragonborn smiles warmly at her comrade. She did not often get the opportunity to interact with her own, new, kind.

She is about to speak again when the roar is heard and her words freeze in her mouth. After a few moments of stunned silence she looks first at the door and then at the other dragoborn.

"I think, brother, that your help may be required after all" she says and grips her sword tighter while also bringing the small pouch full of enchanted marbles out from her vest pockets and holding it ready.

Do we discern what the... originator of the roar might be? I mean are we talking... Dragon here or something smaller?

2011-06-14, 12:21 PM
"I believe you are right, Scales." Elzedar starts moving towards the sound, swords at the ready.


Rolls to determine what roared.
Listen: [roll0]
Knowledge: Arcana [roll1]
Knowledge: The Planes [roll2]

Just using what I have chance of succeeding with.

2011-06-14, 03:16 PM
Stepping back a pace at the thunderous roar, Remi spares a glance as Seregven as the dragonborn joins them. "Gwen's been taken. There weren't many things to go on, but everything leads back here. She's in here somewhere... she's gotta be... I just don't like the sound of whatever that was." She gives a smile, obviously forced. "Thanks for coming, Miss Serra."

Looking beyond the shattered door, she attempts to discern what lay past it, seeing if she can find the origin of the roar, while whispering a simple arcana of protection.

OOC: Cast Shield.

If necessary, rolls, but mostly just looking at the room/hall's layout and any notable features.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2011-06-14, 04:00 PM
"What did the guards do? Did you confront them about your sister and they attacked?" she asks hopeful that the actions of the gaunt jumping man are justified.
Without much delay, Gotchka says "If that answer makes you feel more comfortable, then yes. They attacked the child and me, and I was forced to retaliate."

A terrible and ferocious roar can be heard down the newly-opened door.
"Of course there's a dragon in here; it's a temple of Tiamat!"

Looking beyond the shattered door, she attempts to discern what lay past it, seeing if she can find the origin of the roar, while whispering a simple arcana of protection.
"Be safe, little one." Despite Gotchka's warning, he seems strangely comfortable with allowing the child to take point.

2011-06-14, 04:18 PM
allowing the child to take point.

OOC: Remi isn't on point - she's looking through the door. As in, the door has been smashed open, and she is looking through the threshold while still in the temple/entry hall - even if the room on the other side is very large, such should give a pretty good idea of what it is.

Her actual position relative to the group is as close as she can get to being between everybody gathered, preferably with someone behind her and absolutely with someone in front of her. The exact opposite of taking point.

2011-06-14, 04:27 PM
The hallway beyond stretches for about thirty feet. There are two doors on each side of the hall, and the roar can be heard from the door at the far end of the hall.

It sounds like a dragon.

2011-06-14, 04:34 PM
One hand gently touching her shoulder, Gotchka moves past Remi and to the door on the right. He checks to find out if it's locked.

Sorry about the confusion. I assumed that when Remi peered inside she would have to be in front of the others. Obviously, this was an error. :smallredface:

2011-06-14, 04:37 PM
Seregven moves forward making sure she is between Gotchka and the child trusting the kobold and the other dragonborn to protect her from the rear.

"Be careful" she warns the man "if that is indeed a dragon and not just some form of defence used to scare invaders we may be in way over our heads. Bahamut protects off course but still..." she leaves the sentence unfinished and considers that the alternative could be a wyvern or perhaps even a trapped mettalic dragon used by the vile servants of Tiamat!

2011-06-14, 06:35 PM
Elzedar hesitates slightly before moving with the others. "Are we considering the cause and effect of our actions? Attacking a Dragon of Tiamat inside its own temple? This is going to have dire political ramifications. Besides, do we even know how old it is?"
Elzedar matches Serevgen's pace, keeping just behind her.

2011-06-14, 07:44 PM
The small girl keeps pace, walking with measured strides and letting herself be comfortably surrounded by the people who were much bigger and tougher than she. "I've studied dragons a bit, considering our homeland is named for them and all. Not much, but... you know, I really can't imagine a chromatic suffering anything but a position of absolute rule in a temple like this. Unless it's just a kid or something."

She looks between the two flanking doors, settling on the one Gotchka has just tried to open. "It probably isn't anything as mundane as a jailer in the former case, and we can probably... um, deal with it in the latter. We should check the rest of this place before we go looking for a dragon of any sort..."

2011-06-14, 09:46 PM
One hand gently touching her shoulder, Gotchka moves past Remi and to the door on the right. He checks to find out if it's locked.

Sorry about the confusion. I assumed that when Remi peered inside she would have to be in front of the others. Obviously, this was an error. :smallredface:

it is not.

2011-06-14, 10:42 PM
Gotchka opens the door and peers inside, searching for anything of value or use.




2011-06-14, 10:56 PM
Inside is a bare monk's cell, with a man in black robes meditating. He does not seem to notice you at first.

2011-06-14, 11:03 PM
"You'll become upset if I kill him, won't you, Seregven?" asks Gotchka quietly. "What course of action do you suggest?"

2011-06-15, 12:59 AM
Seregven looks more than mildy taken aback from Gotchkas words. She looks at him curiously not detecting a mirth or joke of some kind but seriousness.

"Lady Seregven" she says sternly before continuing "and I would not become upset. I would merely consider you a murderer and report you to the authorities. Self defence, honorable combat, fighting against odds or an evil dragon is one thing. Self righteous murder of a man while in prayer even if his God is a vile abomination is another and something that would send you spiralling down the same dangerous stairwell as him." she said coldly.

"As for suggestions, there are five of us and one of him. Even if he is some amazing monk with supernatural powers he would see the wisdom in surrendering since he knows nothing of us and OUR powers nor could you hope to take us all with him as his Goddess would require. Apprehending him and questioning him, since we are actually in need of information sounds much better dont you think?" she asked.

2011-06-15, 11:13 AM
His face remaining completely blank, Gotchka nods. "Be my guest, Lady Seregven. Apprehend this creature at your leisure; I will assist in whatever manner you decide most just." The pale man steps to the side slightly, allowing the dragonborn past him, should she wish.

2011-06-15, 03:29 PM
Seregven considers the mans words as she moves in front of the door blocking it but does not violate the mans space.

"Excuse me" she says calmly and loudly in case the man has not heard them already "We are here investigating the abduction of this little girls sister. We have..." she said and paused to look at the small girl "... reason to believe she is held here against her will. I ask you to cooperate with us and return her before blood is spilt. Before you act rushly consider if your God will be served by a pointless charge against five individuals armed with weapons, divine and arcane magic. Please see reason and surrender to our authority" she said careful not to annoy him with a condescending tone or something of that kind but rather in a matter of fact tone.

2011-06-15, 04:47 PM
He does not move a muscle, but his eyes open. "I am a sacred fist of the Ebon Order. If someone is being held here against her will, I will be more than happy to help you free her. However, you will find no such person here."

2011-06-16, 02:35 AM
Do we have any clue what the Ebon Order is? I mean if its the Major military arm of the Church of Tiamat perhaps it will be common knowledhe...

here is a knowledge check though I do not have skill points in it so I guess my max is limited.


The Dragonborn smiled not expecting anything more than lies from a monk in a Tiamat Temple that was part of a religious order.

"Well, allow me to hold my doubts if the temple to an evil Goddess that seeks to bring about the destruction of all those not bowing down to Evil dragonkind may or may not do such practices. Perhaps the girl is enchanted to think she wants to be here" she said and paused again.

"In any case, this young girl here, her sister, believes otherwise. If you shall not go against us then we need not quarell. You can stay confined here while we perform our search. If we find nothing sinister or amiss then there is no reason to battle". She turns and looks back to Remi.

"Go on tell him" she says softly.

Sorry for stopping us from claiming the decent XP this guy may give but well... you know... good characters acting good and all that!

2011-06-16, 08:58 AM
"Oh, Dragonborn, do you truly think yourself righteous here? Why would the Temple of Tiamat submit to random searches from minions of the Temple of Bahamut. We will do so the day that the Temple of Bahamut submits to random illegal searches from the Temple of Tiamat. After having been an accomplice to the direct murder of two guards who had not even had the chance to react before they were torn to shreds. The murderer is now traveling with you and you are blithely ignoring him. No, little twit, you misunderstood me."

He stands before you have a chance to realize that he's moved. "We have not kidnapped anyone. You and everyone else who has illegally entered our inner halls may leave now in this last moment of mercy I possess or you all shall be subdued and handed over to the city watch who are on their way over here to be tried for murder."

it will take a trained knowledge (religion) check to learn about the Ebon Order.

2011-06-16, 09:42 AM
"The Temple of Tiamat will submit to our searches because we are armed yet we do not use these weapons on offence" she spoke when he asked his rhetorical question.

"And if ever the Temple of Bahamut is suspected of harboring criminals, slaves or individuals against their sane will then I would not mind a search to prove the innocense. Only the guilty hide monk" she continued taking a defensive position as he moved forward.

As the monk appeared next to her, her eyes widden not expecting him to be so agile and quick. Now that she knows that though she is careful and he makes his next comments she turns to look at Gotchka for a moment.

"The man here was attacked and defended himself and the little girl. Is it not obvious that armed guards in a place of worship, even if it is the worship of a vile, mallicious Entity, should not try to harm a child? Similarly servants of other churches have indicated that your followers had assaulted them in the past with no reason" she says her eyes shifting momentarily to the kobold.

"In any case, for the last time, if you are innocent let us search. I warn you that I will defend myself if you attempt to attack us" she comments holding her greatsword defensively.

I will be on full defence and ready vs attack.

2011-06-16, 10:00 AM
Remi stares at the monk for a short few seconds, letting Seregven finish. Then she speaks up, and her voice is notably rather icier than it has been. "Guinevere is missing. All that I've been able to gather indicates that you people here at the temple are responsible for it. If you don't have her, where is she? Tell us the truth! 'Cause you know, if you make this a fight, you'll lose... just sayin', mister monk."

Still, she takes a step protectively behind the dragonborn lady-knight, making sure to keep a defense on her lips.

OOC: Readying a casting of Invisibility should the monk attack us.

2011-06-16, 11:06 AM
"You willfully ignorant fool. Pray your god is more merciful than the Dark Lady would be if she were your mistress."

roll for initiative.

btw, you can't just "ready versus attack"

when you ready an action, you must declare the specific action (no greater than a standard action) that you take and what conditions will trigger it.

it is then up to the dm to interpret whether your action triggers within the next round. If it does, he automatically will activate the readied action on your behalf.

2011-06-16, 12:32 PM
"You should've just let me kill him..." Grumbles Gotchka, preparing for a fight.


2011-06-16, 01:09 PM
"Go ahead, Mister Gotcha. I don't like this man at all... he wants to hurt us..." Realizing that the monk probably wouldn't attack instantly, she let the defensive spell fall from her mind, looking for something better suited to shutting down her foe.

OOC: Initiative roll [roll0]

2011-06-16, 03:09 PM
Sorry about the ready vs attack confusion.

I ready a standard action vs being attacked by the man. The responce to an attack is attacking back.

initiative [roll0]

"Send your dark slut of a mistress my deep heartfelt hatred when you see her you worm!" called out Seregven as the man moved on aggresively, her darker more war-like self taking over.

2011-06-16, 03:23 PM
once Shadowleaf posts initiative, we will start.

If he doesn't post it in another five hours, I'll start us anyways and I will roll for him.

2011-06-16, 05:26 PM
Really, no post in 24 hours and you're going to roll init for me? =p

2011-06-16, 06:31 PM
Ebon Order Guy - 27
Selinia - 25
Lyndworm - 21
Shadowleaf - 19
Arcosan - 17

His hands and feet sprout ebon flames. "Well, you get to die now." he says as he moves around each of you to stand behind Seregven.

no aoo's. ya'll are flat-footed this round until you go in initiative order.

2011-06-16, 07:22 PM
OOC: Could we get a combat map? At least of the layout, if not necessarily an updating one with bells and whistles like character placement. In a confined space like this (and against a rather potent singular entity) spacing could be a pretty big advantage. Or disadvantage.

He was fast. Fast enough to beat her to the punch past her awareness mantras when she was on high alert. And he was channeling some sort of mystic energy as well... this could potentially be very bad.

"A foe is strong, weaken and isolate him..." She mutters the lesson under her breath, shifting carefully backwards. She had a spell for this. She just hoped he wasn't one of those annoying monks who'd stopped his bodily functions...

Whipping her hands through the arcane gesture and muttering the incantation, a horrific cloud of noxious poison seems to ooze into the air around the monk, seeking to blister lungs and burn eyes. Similar clouds billowed forth at ends of the hall, and directly at the black-robed man's back.

OOC: 5-foot-stepping away from the monk, if he's threatening, and outright moving to a position behind someone more tank-y if he's not. Casting a Sculpted Bewildering Cloud, turning it into a quartet of 10x10 cubes. Drop one on the monk by the corner of the square, so that it hits him but not Seregven. Drop the second right adjacent to them both, on the far side of them from the rest of the group (So if he gets out, someone else could knock/bull-rush him in again). Put the third and fourth down the hall in the opposite direction to catch anyone coming in from deeper in the temple.

Does that make sense? This is kinda why co-ords to refer to would be nice. I'm running on the assumption that the hallway is 10feet wide.

2011-06-16, 08:19 PM
http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/2451/dragonsandkreen.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/88/dragonsandkreen.png/)
start naming from the first complete square:

Left to Right: A-I
Top to Bottom: 1-13

care to specify which squares you target exactly?

He does not appear to succumb to the gas on the first round of contact.

2011-06-16, 11:02 PM
I'll hold off posting my actions until Selinia clarifies/retcons her actions.

How tall are the hallway ceilings?

2011-06-16, 11:06 PM

Stupid monks and their stupid high saves...

The first cube is positioned on C8 and C7. The other two would be B8 and B7, but I assume that it gets cut off by the wall.

The second and third cubes are squarely along the way down the hall, stacked one in front of the other and occupying C3 and D3 through C6 and D6.

The last cube is sitting on the way we came in, in case that invisible priest comes back and brings trouble. C12 and D12, as well as what would be C13 and D13.

I'm not sure how powerful this guy is, but he seems pretty tough. If our melees move up though, we should be able to pin him in the gas - or force him to provoke a bajillion AoOs to walk away. And keep him away from poor, delicate little Remi... If he fails a save against that stuff, the fight's over - super-monk or no, 1d4+1 turns of nauseated is going to shut him down pretty good.

2011-06-16, 11:44 PM
Gotchka, gythka at the ready, begins swiping furiously at the ebon-monk. His movements seem wholly inhuman at that speed and he appears to be raking at the man with his lower set of hands. At one point he even attempts to bite the monk.

Straight-forward full-attack, since I was boxed in by poison. :smallannoyed: (:smallwink:)

Potential Attacks:
Gythka Main Attack 1:

Gythka Main Damage 1:

Gythka Main Attack 2:

Gythka Main Damage 2:

Gythka Off Attack 1:

Gythka Off Damage 1:

Gythka Off Attack 2:

Gythka Off Damage 2:

Claw Attack 1:

Claw Damage 1:

Claw Attack 2:

Claw Damage 2:

Bite Attack:

Bite Damage:
Really? One roll higher than a 10? ...we're gonna die. :smallamused:

2011-06-16, 11:59 PM
The unarmored man defly dodges all the attacks.

It's the Matrix!

2011-06-17, 12:11 AM
Wow... His AC's over 23? I'll need to stop launching flurries and start in with the focused strikes. If only somebody hadn't cut off the Battle-Pouncing Barbarian...

If we die I'll never forgive you, Selinia. :smalltongue:

2011-06-17, 12:39 AM
btw, it's an eight-foot ceiling.

they just don't see the need for high ceilings in their hallways.

2011-06-17, 12:58 AM
And how do the dragons fit? :D


Shall I post an action and you slot it after Shadowleaf has gone or should I wait for him? I mean I doubt my action (which will be to attack) will severely change :D

2011-06-17, 01:06 AM
whoever said that dragons come through this hall?

you can go ahead and post.

2011-06-17, 03:38 AM
The dragon thing was a joke :D plus most dragons can polymorph if I am not mistaken so could look like a human!

But honestly speaking even normal rooms are not often higher than 8-9 feet!

Seregven was fast but even her fast was so slow compared to the others. Despite the inhaled cloud and despite the "humans" numerous attacks which were all dodged the monk still standing untouched.

She carefully feinted to the left and then brought down her large blade putting more power than skill on the blade as her eyes flickered in anger and wrath.

"Purge!" she cried and her bracers lit up in a green light as her more sinister side took over. "I shall extinguish your presence from this world monk" she yelled focusing also her own dark power on the blow.

Okay so, as a swift action: Activate bracers of energy admixture and spending 2 charges for +3d6 damage.

Standard action: Normal attack with the greatsword + eldritch blast using hideous blast invocation

critical confirmation [roll1]

Damage: normal [roll2]
Eldrich Blast [roll3]
Bracers - Acid damage [roll4]

Edit - Total is (assuming 30 hits and confirms) : 59

Move action: If the guy is alive she takes a 5 foot step to the side or back if there is no poison gas there.

2011-06-17, 05:36 AM
Elzedar places his left food half a meter behind the other, leans forward and stretches his arms backwards. "Nice fists, monk, does your entire body burn like that?"
Elzedar roars forth a fiery breath from his mouth, burning brighter and hotter than usual. The sword in his left hand - which has a red gem on its edge - vibrates, and a red gem in his bed glows. The fiery breath heads directly for the Ebon Fist monk.

Assuming there is still a direct line of fire. Doing the double-barrel breath, Quick Breath + normal.
Damage: [roll0]+[roll1]
Dragonborn breath recharges in: [roll2]

2011-06-17, 09:09 AM
when you confirm a crit, you double the dice then roll, not roll the dice then double the damage.

crit deals an extra [roll0]

Shadowleaf, I have to have the breath weapons rolled separately. I also need you to list the save dc for each. As-is, I cannot resolve your actions because you rolled both together.

Seregven landed a mighty blow on the monk, nearly cleaving him in two. Despite that, he still seems unconcerned.

2011-06-17, 09:15 AM
GAH!!!! The guy took -66- points of damage from me and he is still alive? RUN AWAY! :smalleek:

PS> Wow Plans that was an amazing roll... my max damage is 28 and you get 27! From now on you get to roll my damage dice :smallbiggrin::smallredface::smallbiggrin:

2011-06-17, 10:45 AM
nope. that was your one freebie. Next time, roll the damage yourself.

what you should be doing is fearing this guy who took the crit and kept on chugging.

2011-06-17, 04:02 PM
shadowleaf, we're once more waiting on you.

You've got another three hours, then I'll look up your damges on the character sheet and roll for you.

2011-06-17, 04:13 PM
Rolled both together? What? The damage rolls are seperate, which is the only thing I need to roll? DC is 22 for both. To clarify: DFA damage is 4d6, Dragonborn is 4d8. One damage is DFA (14 damage), the other is Dragonborn (21). Both added together is the final damage total (35).

2011-06-17, 04:31 PM
erm, double checking the post, I see that this is so.

Shadowleaf, I apologize. I just didn't see the 4d6 for no coherent reason.

for delay of game, dm will award everyone 50 xp.

unfortunately: evasion plus monk saves plus multiclass = ouch

With superhuman agility, the monk manages to evade both breaths.

Surri casts a spell and his presence becomes more magnificent, more powerful.

spellcraft dc 17Eagle's Splendor

Round 2:
Ebon Order Guy - 27
Selinia - 25
Lyndworm - 21
Shadowleaf - 19
Arcosan - 17
Surri - 11

The monk attacks Sevegen with a brutal combination of a fast kick and an uppercut. The uppercut hits her in the head for [roll0] nonlethal and 10 fire damage and 10 sacred damage. The blow threatens to stun her right then and there. fortitude save vs stunning fist. The kick lands in her gut for [roll1] nonlethal plus 5 sacred and 5 fire damage.

Almost too fast to see, them monk sweeps his other leg and attempts to trip up Gotchka.

strength check against the trip attack.

After knocking out Lady Sevegen and attempting the trip against Gotchka, he takes a 5 foot step towards the other three. A quick spell gesture and a swift movement later, he has healed himself for 8 damage.

spellcraft dc 17close wounds.

2011-06-17, 06:45 PM
Strength check:

2011-06-17, 07:38 PM
Gotchka falls prone.

infernal monks and their improved trip as bonus feats.

2011-06-17, 10:31 PM
"W-what? Nonononononono..." Gesturing wildly and shouting out a command word, she called upon the amulet around her neck to protect her while weaving a brief incantation and flickering out of sight. This was stupid. This was humiliating. But she couldn't face a foe who fought like that - it was totally out of her league.

Swallowing her pride, she took a deep breath and fell back through her own veil, thankful for once that it was unable to block her movement.

OOC: ACH. RUN! Its an invulnerable midboss! We can't handle this kind of thing without a training montage!

Swift action to activate her Amulet of Tears, burning all three charges. Standard action to cast Invisibility (for real this time!). Move action to retreat at full speed - just a direct line for the exit. Through her own toxic fog. Didn't realize I couldn't dismiss that stuff. :smallannoyed:

Fort save versus nausea. [roll0]
Roll to see how many turns she's nauseated in the likely event she fails. [roll1]

The monk is also still in the fog, and does have to save still, but he seems to be pretty much untouchable. Not holding out hopes for it, to say the least. Didn't see the 5-ft-step.

2011-06-17, 10:48 PM
no actually. 5' towards y'all takes him out of the fog.

unless Sevegen was also making fort saves the whole time.

2011-06-18, 12:31 AM
I believe what plans means is that he took a 5 foot step forward where I was standing before I fell and indeed there was no fog there.

The square adjacent to him and to the south of him DOES have fog... I wasnt taking the saves because she specifically said where fog is.

In any case...

Running is a bad idea in my opinion... it will only allow him to pick us out one by one as he chases through the temple... monks have super speed so escape is not an option and while running you cant move silently so even invisibility will not help that much... he shrugged of my blow sure but the 60+ damage I did is 60+ damage and there is 4 of you... or someone can bring me up and I can do the same thing once more :D

Plus he does subdual so he doesnt want to kill us completely... he just wants to sacrifice us or hand us over to the authorities :D

and my Fortitude (dont know if it matters since I am down): [roll0]

2011-06-18, 12:56 AM
well, lyndworm and shadowleaf, y'all's turns.

2011-06-18, 01:28 PM
Gotchka stands as swiftly as he's able. Once upright, the man drops into a defensive stance and simply watches the monk warily.

Move action to stand from Prone. Standard action to take a Total Defense action.

2011-06-18, 05:19 PM
http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/1738/dragonsandkreeni.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/600/dragonsandkreeni.png/)
Uploaded updated battle map.

Sevegen is unconscious and prone underneath the Ebon Order guy.

2011-06-18, 05:23 PM
"MOVE AWAY, I WILL SLOW HIM!" Elzedar braces himself for another breath. This time, his belt does not resonate, but rather his entire body does. He seems to shudder as he lets out an obviously supernatural breath of magical energy in cone towards the Monk. The effect fills the corridor between Elzedar and Gotchka for just a second.

Spellcraft 1: [roll0]
and Spellcraft 2 (for the heal): [roll1]
Doing Slow Breath. DC 21 Fort save or he is slowed for 2 rounds (only 1 movement OR standard action, -1 AC, attack and reflex and half movement speed).

2011-06-18, 05:35 PM
He is slowed.

Sevegen is out cold.

Surri defensively casts magic missile, dealing [roll0] damage.

Round 3:
Ebon Order Guy - 27
Selinia - 25
Lyndworm - 21
Shadowleaf - 19
Arcosan - 17 - unconscious
Surri - 11

the monk takes a 5' step forward and kicks Elzedar. He hits you for [roll1] and 5 fire and 5 sacred damage.

he once more very quickly heals himself for another 7.

2011-06-18, 06:55 PM
While Elzedar's advice of moving away from the monk was in truth admirable, it was something Remi had taken to heart several seconds ago. Thankful that she had at least avoided succumbing to her own magic, she broke into a full sprint down the length of the temple. Dismissing her invisibility just before she reaches the exit, she stumbles into the street and looks around, trying to gauge whether the monk was following her or whether she was more or less safe. He probably wouldn't come out into the open with those enchantments active.

OOC: Full-round Run out of the building. Dismiss Invisibility right before she actually exits.

2011-06-18, 09:01 PM
Unfortunately for poor Remi, a pair of city watchmen see her as she comes out and says, "Halt!" A man in the robes of a cleric of Tiamat is with them.

2011-06-18, 11:09 PM
Remi gives them a panicked look, gesturing behind her. "T-there's a battle in there! Mister Gotcha's gone crazy!" She holds her hands up, palms forward and fingers splayed, in a way where any sort of spellcasting component would be glaringly obvious. She remained in that position, clearly surrendering. "I t-tried to cast a spell that would keep them from hurting each other, but it didn't seem to be working, and I ran..." She looks between them. "You're here to help, right? I saw some people running away earlier, I thought they might have been getting the watch..."

2011-06-19, 01:51 AM
Should I take my turn now, or should a wait for this Remi/Watchmen business to play out first? I'm unsure how this effects the Initiative order as I've never seen one PC attempt to exit combat while another did not. This is... new to me.

2011-06-19, 06:01 AM
take your turn. Until all of you are done with combat, we continue in combat order. Now that the two watchmen and the priest have entered, they also will act on initiative.

2011-06-19, 06:42 AM
Thats what happens when you trust little girls! Its in ALL the movies and Computer games! I should have known better!

Someone throw me a heal quick!


2011-06-19, 12:45 PM
Shifting his grip on the gythka, Gotchka runs at the monk. With a short leap he swings the bladed staff. Again, he leans forward to bite the monk.

Pouncing the monk, ending movement in 5C (if I'm reading it right). Using only the primary end of the gythka (in all four hands).

Potential Attacks:
Gythka Attack:

Gythka Damage:
[roll1] +2 if the monk is Human (Favored Enemy)

Bite Attack:

Bite Damage:
[roll3] +2 if the monk is Human (Favored Enemy)

2011-06-19, 05:43 PM
The human monk looks quite injured after your blow from your weapon, however, he follows that blow with a quick spell to heal him for another 8.

2011-06-20, 03:42 PM
nudge nudge. Shadowleafs turn and then Surri again! Finish him!!!

2011-06-20, 04:41 PM
Elzedar looks close to beastial. He lets out a semi-loud roar, and once again lets out a breath towards the monk. This time it is a freezing breath of cold air. The crystal on the sword in his left hand - which is blue - resonates with a blue crystal in his belt.

Frost Breath. DC 22, ref half. Frost damage, obviously.
Damage roll: [roll0]
Edit: The eff? :(

2011-06-20, 05:25 PM
He takes the eight damage, not managing to dodge it this time.

The priest says, "This was one of the three who took everyone the murderer didn't kill hostage." You recognize this priest as the one who had run off.

The first watchman says, "Kid, you're under arrest. Come quietly or we will use force."

Surri attempts to cast a spell defensively, but fails and the spell is lost.

"If you truly are a minor, you won't be tried in an adult case. It'll be much easier on you if you come quietly."

Round 3:
Ebon Order Guy - 27
Selinia - 25
Lyndworm - 21
Shadowleaf - 19
the priest - 18
Arcosan - 17 - unconscious
watchman #1 - 15
Surri - 11
watchman #2 - 7

The monk speeds back up, apparently having resisted the full duration of the slowing breath, and a full out savage assault begins.

A pair of kicks and an uppercut later, Elzedar has taken [roll0] nonlethal and 5 fire and 5 sacred from the first kick and [roll1] nonlethal and 5 fire and 5 sacred from the uppercut. Luckily, the second kick lands only a glancing blow.

2011-06-20, 05:47 PM
Remi nods, looking rather sick, and holds out her hands to be bound, if the guard is so inclined. She doesn't speak - and in fact looks likely to vomit if she were to open her mouth. Away from the chaos, the images of the flayed bodies were a sight more difficult to dismiss. So much blood...

2011-06-20, 11:41 PM
Inside the temple, Gotchka continues his assault on the monk.

Standard full-attack, four hands on the gythka and a bite.

Potential Attacks:
Gythka Attack:

Gythka Damage :

Bite Attack:

Bite Damage:

2011-06-21, 12:17 AM
The monk if finally finished off. You savagely tear into his chest and cut open both lungs with your blow.

The city watchmen cuff Remi and the priest says "watch out for this one. She's a mage." So they bind her fingers with fine cords to prevent casting spells with somatic components.

2011-06-21, 03:38 AM
Good job people!

Now all we need to do is... explain to the guard had happened and ask for their help in searching the temple ;)

Oh and someone throw me a heal!!! Its subdual (most of it) so its all gone with a single point of healing!!!

2011-06-21, 10:37 AM
Nonlethal damage doesn't work like that. It's healed at the same rate as lethal damage.

2011-06-21, 10:40 AM
Good job people!

Now all we need to do is... explain to the guard had happened and ask for their help in searching the temple ;)

Oh and someone throw me a heal!!! Its subdual (most of it) so its all gone with a single point of healing!!!

where did you get that idea from?

nonlethal heals just like lethal.

now, there is some benefit to having been put out by both types. for every point of lethal damage healed, one point of nonlethal damage is also healed. In essence, when the two types are mixed, you gain double benefits from healing, but no, non-lethal damage is not instantly healed with one point of healing.

2011-06-21, 12:25 PM
Elzedar looks at the sword with the blue crystal, and seems to focus on it.

Activating the wand, obviously.
Spellcraft DC 20 (right?) [roll0]
Effing hell.

2011-06-21, 01:01 PM
activating wands for which you do not meet the spellcasting pre-requisites is a use magic device check of dc 20, not a spellcraft check.

2011-06-21, 01:51 PM
Oh yea, brainfart. Failed horribly anyway - end result is 8 with previous roll.

2011-06-21, 03:52 PM
Hmm I wonder where I had read this thing about subdual. Perhaps it was a houserule in the local meta which I guess noone ever considered mentioning as a local rule...

And yea wands need dc20 UMD unless if you have the spell in your class list (make sure to check spell compendium as alot of spells ended up being in many lists).

The one exception is eternal wands which anyone can use (for some reason).

2011-06-21, 03:53 PM
Eternal wands can be used by anyone who can cast arcane spells. That's a pretty big qualifier.

2011-06-21, 04:10 PM
Do warlock invocations count as arcane spells?

2011-06-21, 08:12 PM
no they don't. Warlock invocations a explicitly said not to be spells and don't qualify as arcane spells for any purpose.

they are in fact spell-like abilities, which are not the same thing.

2011-06-22, 04:50 AM
Okay I will stop embarrashing myself with my horrible knowledge rule... I guess you are absolutely right about the warlock thing and I guess its for that reason they get that ability that improves UMD.

So... what/who are we waiting for? I would jump up and do stuff if it wasnt for being unconsious :D

2011-06-22, 07:57 AM
I believe it's Selinia's turn in initiative order.

2011-06-22, 01:23 PM
actually, no I just double-checked, and the action has been waiting on me. again.

With the monk dead, all immediate threats to someone's life are ended, although combat will quickly break out again if the remaining party members do not either flee further into the temple or allow themselves to be arrested quietly.

2011-06-22, 01:24 PM
Remi does not resist being cuffed or bound, nor does she speak unless spoken to. Her rather sickly expression persists.

OOC: Considering that she's pretty much out of combat at this point, go ahead and consider Remi to just continue to passively cooperate. There's no need to hold up the turn order for her - it isn't like she can really do anything aside from pass on her turns right now anyway.

EDIT: Ninja'd by Plans. The above still applies though.

2011-06-22, 01:53 PM
Now that the monk is dead, Gotchka checks the door on the left. If it's unlocked, he peeks inside.

2011-06-22, 03:15 PM
inside is a man in green robes sleeping.

y'all can act out of combat order for now, seeing as combat is suspended.

keep in mind though that there are a pair of city watchmen and a priest outside who would love to arrest y'all.

2011-06-22, 03:33 PM
Very quietly, Gotchka closes the door and says "Another monk, I think. He sleeps. Can anyone here help our floored friend?"

2011-06-22, 03:42 PM
Kili the prismatic dragonwrought kobold says, "Ooh, I can! Solaron blesses me with divine healing!"

He reaches out and touches his fallen comrade, healing her for [roll0] lethal and [roll0] nonlethal.

2011-06-23, 01:30 AM
Ouch those were some low rolls mate!

Okay so by my count I took 30 normal damage and 34 subdual... (though I was down from his 1st blow even so note sure if he still did the 2nd one?)

which dropped me unconsious due to subdual...

But although subdual does not get auto-healed as I thought it still does take your to -10 subdual right? it just needs 1 more above your total current?

So even with that low heal amount I am up but still very wounded?

2011-06-23, 01:21 PM
You were dealt a total of 37 non-lethal and 30 lethal damage.

you were healed for 6 of each.

how non-lethal damage works is the following:

lethal damage is subtracted from you hp. The new total is your current hp.

nonlethal damage is kept as a separate total and compared to your current hp. If it's greater than or equal to your current hp, you're unconscious.

in essence, if your total damage taken and not healed plus your current total of nonlethal damage is equal to your max hp, you're knocked out.

I do not remember your max hp, but unless it's over 55 (31 + 24), you're still unconscious.

on a school comp right now and can't access my link to your cs.

2011-06-23, 02:25 PM
No need, I am still down in that case... I believed that subdual doesnt matter just as long as its over your total real hp cause you just go unconsious in that case... otherwise someone could keep doing subdual to you until you reach... well 1000000 subdual and be unconsious for ever!

So an example of what I mean.

I have 100 hp normally.

I get hit for 30 normal damage and 20 subdual.

I get to 70 hp and 20 subdual count of that.

I get hit for another 60 normal hit points.

I drop to 10 hp but I already have 20 subdual so I fall unconsious.

now subdual doesnt go to -1,-2,-3 etc... as long as subdual is MORE than you real hp you fall down. So thats why I said earlier that if you get healed even for 1 hp you are back on your feet but you still got the rest. Its where I got confused with the healing it completely I was saying earlier...

So in the above example I have suffered 90 real damage and 20 subdual and I drop unconsious... but subdual is not counted normally... its only counted as part of your total real hp.

So I fall unconsious but as soon as 1 subdual hp is healed I get back on my feet. I still have 9 subdual (cause the extra ones are lost the moment they dropped me below my real hp) and 90 normal one but I am awake...

At least thats how I interpret the SRD rules on non lethal damage!

Editted addittion: by the way, I am not complaining with this...I am just debating it in an effort toalso improve my dnd knowledge! I am 100% good with any ruling you make!!!

2011-06-23, 02:29 PM
Gotchka continues speaking quietly. "I thank you for your efforts, but Lady Seregven has taken quite a beating... It's still not enough! Is there anything else you can do?" he asks Kili.

2011-06-23, 08:26 PM
"Not a lot."

he heals her for [roll0]. equal amount of non-lethal.

"I'm much better at blood magic than spirit magic."

2011-06-23, 08:32 PM
No need, I am still down in that case... I believed that subdual doesnt matter just as long as its over your total real hp cause you just go unconsious in that case... otherwise someone could keep doing subdual to you until you reach... well 1000000 subdual and be unconsious for ever!

So an example of what I mean.

I have 100 hp normally.

I get hit for 30 normal damage and 20 subdual.

I get to 70 hp and 20 subdual count of that.

I get hit for another 60 normal hit points.

I drop to 10 hp but I already have 20 subdual so I fall unconsious.

now subdual doesnt go to -1,-2,-3 etc... as long as subdual is MORE than you real hp you fall down. So thats why I said earlier that if you get healed even for 1 hp you are back on your feet but you still got the rest. Its where I got confused with the healing it completely I was saying earlier...

So in the above example I have suffered 90 real damage and 20 subdual and I drop unconsious... but subdual is not counted normally... its only counted as part of your total real hp.

So I fall unconsious but as soon as 1 subdual hp is healed I get back on my feet. I still have 9 subdual (cause the extra ones are lost the moment they dropped me below my real hp) and 90 normal one but I am awake...

At least thats how I interpret the SRD rules on non lethal damage!

Editted addittion: by the way, I am not complaining with this...I am just debating it in an effort toalso improve my dnd knowledge! I am 100% good with any ruling you make!!!

well, my knowledge is not based on the SRD. It's based upon having read through the dmg cover to cover several times.

in fact there is no artificial cap on nonlethal damage.

first example that came to my head: the Tarrasque's entry mentions that instead of killing it, if it fails a save against a death effect, instead of dying it takes non-lethal damage equal to it maximum hit points plus ten.

2011-06-24, 09:13 AM
Okay so I believe now I am up!

I had 29 Subdual and 24 normal damage left.

With the 11 healed I go to 18 and 13 for a total of 31 which is below my full HP.

Seregven rises unsteadily to her feet as the kobold uses his powers again. She looks around as if lost but then see's the dead monk and a half-smile appears on her face.

"Forgive me friends" she says "I was taken by suprise and the monk proved more resilient than I expected... I shall endeavour to not let you down again" she says as she draws a small wooden wand from her backpack and activates it twice in quick succession.

"Does anyone else require healing?" she asks carefully as she looks around.

"Also pardon me mister Gotchka but where is your daughter?" she said somewhat alarmed and worried about the fate of the little girl.

2 x Take 10 on UMD to use my Cure Light wand. I have 10 at the skill so its auto-success.

Healing myself for [roll0] and [roll1]

Total of : 9hp healed (subpar booooh)
Leaving me at : 11 Subdual and 4 lethal.

2011-06-24, 11:15 AM
you cannot take 10 on umd checks unless you're getting that from your warlock class feature. (deceive item)

Kili says, "Well, I'm better at blood magic than faith magic, but I try."

2011-06-24, 11:24 AM
Yep, deceive item it is. You get it a 4rth warlock level and allows for taken 10 on UMD even when threatened etc.

2011-06-24, 02:00 PM
"Remi is not my daughter; as much as I dislike lying t anyone it seemed necessary at the time. It was an easy explanation as to why I would be traveling with a child, and why the child would be traveling with me. I only know her from today, but we are both looking for her sister so we formed an alliance of sorts. She abandoned us in the thick of battle, so I do not care what happens to her now. As far as I'm concerned, the girl is a traitor and a coward." Gotchka presents his little speech as a matter of fact, with no emotion in his voice at all. His face never shows emotion, either, and after a moment he continues speaking. "Through the door on the left is a slumbering man, likely another monk; do we provoke him or leave him as is?"

2011-06-24, 03:21 PM
Seregven is torn at the suggestion of the man. On one hand she would gladly take on another servant of the dread goddess but the previous encounter showed her that perhaps she should be more diplomatic as her prowess was not enough to stop the monk.

"For now I say leave him. If they are as fanatical as this one I dont expect that we will have anything but another fight in our hands. I propose we continue searching this place for the kidnapped one regardless of the cowardice of the girl" she says considering what her new battle brother said. Then it hits her.

"Its all a ploy! The girl, this Remi, may be working WITH the church of Tiamat. I do not know why they would pick you but I can see that it would not be hard for any dragonborn like us two" she says motioning also towards the other dragonborn "to be easily convinced to help a child looking for her lost sister that was allegedly taken by the servants of Tiamat! Perhaps she was trying to get us to do just what we did!" she says with a sad smile.

2011-06-24, 03:31 PM
A terrible roar from the far end of the hall breaks through Sevegen's words, and the sound of a heavy object impacting the door is heard.

2011-06-24, 05:31 PM
"The only other door here is that one." says Gotchka, pointing at the end of the hall. "I'm ready to peek inside and look for the girl, but are you?"

2011-06-24, 06:01 PM
Seregven shivers as the roar is heard and considers Gotchkas words. She turns towards the others and looks at them for confirmation.

"Having a look inside is no harm. There is obviously some form of Draconic creature there and it sounds either angry or distressed. Either way we should check it out. Before we go in we can do any other preparations. I can use the wand to heal you and anyone else wounded though we should hurry up..." she says as she waves the wand around and heals herself a bit more.

1 more cure light on myself

[roll0] brining me at full normal health and 2 subdual.

2011-06-24, 06:11 PM
"Surprisingly, the monk never actually attacked me. I'm as healthy as ever, but I thank you for your offer."

2011-06-25, 02:35 AM
So go ahead and take a look! I bet they have a metallic dragon trapped... or a red wyrm about to send us all to meet our makers...

2011-06-25, 02:56 AM
Gotchka strides to the door and tries to open it.

2011-06-26, 01:36 AM
It opens easily, and a rainbow of deadly effects rush to meet him. He glimpses the heads of five colors of dragon attached to the same black body.

five reflex saves.

2011-06-26, 12:29 PM
Reflex Save 1:

Reflex Save 2:

Reflex Save 3:

Reflex Save 4:

Reflex Save 5:

2011-06-26, 12:58 PM
By some phenomenal luck, you manage to avoid the worst of the five volleys. specific crunch of the outcome will need to wait on me to get back to my books.

2011-06-26, 02:46 PM
I assume the rest of us dont get hit as we are futher back or should we also roll?

Seregven looks startled towards the multiple burts of diffrent types of bursts almost engulfing the man. She is amazed to see how he jerks and jumps around so gracefully and with such agility that most of the effects seem to miss him and she move towards the door of the room that the now dead heretic monk used to take cover.

2011-06-27, 12:05 AM
you do not. hence why I didn't ask for them.

Although he evaded the worst of the blasts, Gotchka still takes [roll0] [roll1][roll2][roll3] and [roll4] damage.

everyone who wants to fight, roll for initiative.

2011-06-27, 01:38 AM
Despite his best efforts, the blasts leave Gotchka in very, very bad shape. He lies on the floor, unconscious and bleeding.

... :smallfurious:
... :smallfrown:
... :smallsigh:

And I missed the worst of it, you say? Clearly, this is not an area for PCs to explore; it's a flippin' TPK waiting to happen.

The damage brings Gotchka exactly to -9HP. Here comes a stabilization roll!

90+ is a success, 89- equals instant death:

2011-06-27, 03:41 AM
I dont think I WANT to fight... I just want to drag Gotchka out of the entrance of the death trap!


Seregven is frozen in place as he man falls down. She tries to move forward, grab him and pull back using her wings to help her jump back as far as possible to not be in the line of sight of the monster.

2011-06-27, 08:39 AM
Despite his best efforts, the blasts leave Gotchka in very, very bad shape. He lies on the floor, unconscious and bleeding.

... :smallfurious:
... :smallfrown:
... :smallsigh:

And I missed the worst of it, you say? Clearly, this is not an area for PCs to explore; it's a flippin' TPK waiting to happen.

The damage brings Gotchka exactly to -9HP. Here comes a stabilization roll!

90+ is a success, 89- equals instant death:

I dont think I WANT to fight... I just want to drag Gotchka out of the entrance of the death trap!


Seregven is frozen in place as he man falls down. She tries to move forward, grab him and pull back using her wings to help her jump back as far as possible to not be in the line of sight of the monster.

... what are you talking about? This area is a perfect "go forth and explore" plot hook... for lvl 11 characters....

and, since Shadowleaf hasn't posted at all in this thread in 6 days and I've sent him a reminder pm already, I will assume his character goes along with the majority of the party, which appears to be "not in combat" atm. unanimously.

Unfortunately, the five-headed dragon looks at all of you with hungry eyes and squeezes through the doorframe and stands over its prey.

2011-06-28, 02:30 AM
Did I manage to pull him back before the dragon thing comes? Also you had mentioned this area is kind of narrow and not that high does it seem as if the dragon creature will be able to pass through it?

Seregven gritted her teeth as she saw the monster approaching. It was too much for her and her comrades to take on in their current state. On the other hand he doubted the city would allow the presence of such a monstrocity within the walls regardless of if it was contained or not.

They had to survive to bring notice to the city she thought furiously as she continued dragging the body of Gotchka trying to bring him inside the dead monks room.

If I managed to get Gotchka I drag him inside the room the monk had as a move equivalent and I then use the wand on him as a standard action.


2011-06-28, 04:25 PM
no, you do not. It beat you on initiative.

The hall is 10' wide, and 8' high.

2011-06-28, 04:45 PM
Well I cannot in good conscience let him die and run away based on my character... lets try something else.

Seregven did not hesitate. With ease she dropped the pouch she had been carrying spilling marbles all over the floor and then dragged Gotchka to the monk's room using the dozen or so globes of darkness as a way to get cover and avoid being attacked by the opportunistic monster.

Okay so I realised how amazing I am... you dont provoke AoO while in cover relative to your attacker. Welcome to the Darkness spell... I had (if you remember) cast darkness on the marbles a short while ago while waiting.

So as a free action I drop the marbles on the floor and I move to Gotchka kicking them all around in the process if possible.

I then proceed to drag him away. I essentially only move this round, no standard actions so it should be enough to drag him to the room... I will have to use the wand charge next round unless if you rule dropping the marbles and grabbing him and bringing him back can be done with 1 move equivalent in which case I will then use the standard for the above wand use on him.

2011-06-28, 11:40 PM
um, that's great and all, but darkness doesn't grant cover. it grants concealment. it'll be a move action to draw the marbles from where you had been carrying them, a free to drop them, and a move action to get to Gotchka. And concealment doesn't stop AoO's.

2011-06-29, 07:10 AM
Damnit! There is always something! Potato Poteito :D concealment vs cover same thing.

Anyway, I cant be true to the character and let the other person be eaten just like that. I am just sorry that the other PC is not around to somehow help in the situation...

I will do the actions as you described.

Draw the pouch with the marbles, drop them to cause darkness all over the place and then get to him (can I use his body as a shield? :D perhaps this will grant me cover :D ).

Lyndworm if we both die we should come back together.

Hey you never know perhaps my luck will save me... a few low attack rolls and the concealment from the darkness might be just enough... I only need to survive one round to help him out.

2011-06-29, 08:46 AM
soft cover, only effective against ranged attacks. and a miss would mean that the monster attacks Gotchka instead of you.

Sadly, the dragon notices you, gets lucky in the darkness, and the red head hits you for [roll0]

2011-06-29, 09:07 AM
Heh then I am not using him as a Human shield.... or whatever he is :D

So since Shadowleaf is not here is it the kobolds turn or shall I go again?

Seregven grunted in pain as the blow landed but she avoided yelling or crying out. She would have to return with allies another day to take care of this monstrocity. She was sure the Nobles of the city would love to hear about such a threat.

"Kobold, run away or jump inside and close the door after us" she called out.

Waiting until after the other heads moved around she grabbed Gotchka and quickly dragged him to the monk's room hoping for some temporary respite at least as she kicked

Doing the maneuver "disengage" to avoid suffering an AoO. It should take us at the back wall of the monk's cell and hopefully with his action the Kobold comes in and close the door to make sure we dont get flamed to death.

2011-06-29, 11:22 AM
that was just an AoO. The dragon still has yet to take its actual turn. Kili will be resolved next. you don't get to take 2 turns in a row. Looking back, I realize that I should have gone ahead and resolved back around to your turn.

Kili looks at his options, and willingly submits to arrest, being depleted of healing and doubting that another magic missile or two will help.

The five-headed dragon attacks you. The red, black, and white heads miss, but the blue and green heads deal [roll0] and [roll1] respectively.

edit: IF you survived that and are still conscious, you may then grab the body and run, provoking yet another AoO.

2011-06-29, 11:56 AM
Got it. I did not realise we see the watch yet... did Kili run out and so they got him or have they arrived at the corridor?

Also I am reading up on the withdraw action. If I am not mistaken if I -withdraw- I wont provoke and AoO in my turn right? I realise they have 10 foot reach probably but still in order to grab Gotchka I dont need to be on the same square as him, I can grab him from the adjacent square (so already 10 feet away) and then withdraw without provoking.

If that is correct, that is what I do as I am still standing and please resolve as my above post.

2011-06-29, 07:59 PM
well, it's a move action to pick up your comrade, putting the withdraw action beyond you. and you'll have to be in the square right next to him, so you will have to in fact take another AoO, and may only move your normal speed away. However, that is taking only 2 attacks instead of 5, so you come out ahead. If you want me to resolve your above post as written like this, very well.

You grab Gotchka and move off away.

The black head snaps at you, and misses due to the darkness.

The dragon pursues you, and the white head snaps at you, striking for [roll0]

Kili Had run out of the temple, entrusting himself to the City Guard. They have not seen the priest yet.

2011-06-30, 02:35 AM
Okay let me count something...

8 from the last attack, 24 from the previous and 5 from the first AoO.

Total of 37hp... and I still have the 2 subdual...

for a total of 39...

I AM STILL UP!!!!!!!!!! Barely but still alive!!!!

Seregven cries out this time the pain too much as she almost collapses. With super human effort she shrugs off the bleeding wound on her back as the white dragon takes a chunk out of her back.

She mutters a soft thanks to Bahamut as she collapses inside the small room kicking the door closed behind her and putting Gotchka down as she draws the wand.

Was the attack from the Dragon his turn after I took mine? Do I go again?

If yes my next round I do the following:

Sergeven breathed out losing no time. She waved the wand around and touched it at the back of the strange human.


With determination in her eyes but obviously tired, weakened and hurt she looked at him with a sad smile.

"I managed to get you out of there but I bet we are trapped. We need to find a way to get out or we are both dead. The kobold, wisely, left so its just us".

And as a move (the wand use was the standard) if I didnt do it before I close the door and move away from it.

2011-06-30, 02:39 AM
Healing from before : [roll0] on Gotchka.

2011-06-30, 02:57 AM
well, if you move inside the door and shut it, you'll provoke an AoO from the dragon once more. If you withdraw to not provoke one, you won't be able to shut the door. Since taking one attack now will be less dangerous than possibly five later, I'll assume that's what you do. However, moving and shutting the door will be your entire turn.

drawing the wand is yet another move action. activating it is a standard. those two alone will eat up yet another turn, provided that the dragon's turn in between doesn't alter the situation so as to make your decision inadvisable.

as it turns out... (dm dice rolls)

The dragon snaps at you in the darkness, and the green head misses you by inches.

You flee into the room and shut the door.

You hear the dragon charge, and place its full weight into the wooden door of the monk's cell. The wood gives a horrible groaning, and shatters. Truly, the dragon's strength is terrible to behold.

Luckily, you have drawn it out far enough that it can be plainly seen from the entrance...

oh wait, except that someone has left the entire area shrouded in dozens of magical darknesses, leaving those outside to wonder what is happening in the dark.

2011-06-30, 04:11 AM
Well unfortunately (for me mostly) the Darkness spell in 3.5 is very nerfed... its not utter blackness but rather... shadowy illumination... just concealment as you mentioned... so I am pretty sure the Large/Huge Dragon monstrocity IS visible :D. I also used to think Darkness was complete blackness with no way to see through it until someone pointed it out to me that in 3.5 its well... much less powerfull than it used to be :D

I mean otherwise it would not just be a matter of miss chance but also it would work like invisibility.

Thank you though for making sense to my rumblings etc! Also I assumed that drawing a wand can be done as part of a move action as you can do with a weapon if you have BaB of +1 or above. Is that not the case?

PS> I did not expect the Dragon NOT to break the door... off course he can easily shatter it... my hope lies in him not being able to enter such a small room as the monks cell :D

So I am a bit confused now... the Dragon breaks the door. Is it my turn? Do I get to heal Gotchka and then the Dragon goes again?

Honestly I dont see what else I can do... I cant escape, there are no windows in the cell, Gotchka is down and I wouldnt leave him behind and my fellow PCs and NPCs have all left or stopped posting.

Any advice oh great and merciful DM? :smalleek::smalleek::smalleek:

2011-06-30, 04:46 AM
hm... you are correct. I had been working under the assumption that this was total darkness, and the dragons' misses have been from that source. I house-rule that multiple sources of dimming illumination stack up just like multiple sources of bright illumination, but that is a house-rule.

thus, a couple dozen marbles across the hallway each absorb illumination and leave the room quite black.

as for him not being able to fit.... I'm afraid he can. Large creatures can fit through a 5' door. It's called squeezing. They take an attack/ac penalty, but they can in fact do that. or just simply use his 10' reach to full-attack you through the doorway, which would give you cover and him as well.

You hear the city watch call out, "Is that a dragon in the temple?"

The priest answers, "Oh dear, I'm afraid that the murderers who barged into our temple awoke the five young dragons who live in the inner sanctum and they seem hungry."

"Well, they're not supposed to kill them."

"Care to go in there and explain that to them?"

trickery domain= good bluff skill.

You heal gotchka for 2 damage, bringing him back up to -7. The five-headed dragon launches five attacks at you through the doorway, the confining space causing two of the heads to miss, but the red, white, and blue heads hit for [roll0] [roll1] and [roll2] respectively.

Should any of those down you, the dragon's cleave attack will hit gotchka for [roll3]

2011-06-30, 04:52 AM
Not only does it bring me down but I guess if it keeps attacking after I drop it kills me... kills me like very badly :D

Now that was not very pleasant :(...

I guess I will get to play the other Dragonborn I had in mind ;) the Aasimar style one :)

Perhaps they dont attack Gothcka though? I mean unless really eating him up he is still down despite my meager healing? At least I can have the satisfaction that I died but saved him... a bit?

2011-06-30, 04:57 AM
well, Gotchka was about to be executed for two counts of murder.

however, everyone who survives gained 1000 xp.

2011-06-30, 05:07 AM
well, folks, that's this thread run to it's final bloody conclusion.

Selinia, Shadowleaf, you two may return to your respective character threads and deal with the consequences of getting arrested.

arcosan, lyndworm, I actually am sorry about this. I'd hoped that more of you together could survive better.

still, I'd love to see new character submissions from both of you. You both were fun to rp with.

oh, and blame Selinia for this misadventure :smalltongue: it was her misinformation that lead you here.

2011-06-30, 05:10 AM

Lucky people that got arrested or disappeared get XP :(

Our new characters should also have xp!!!!

Heh j/k...

Well the concept I will go with is similar (sorry about that)... I will try now the Half-Aasimar (or lowe aasimar cant recall how you called it) I was mentioning in the recruitment thread! The background will off course be diffrent but again will go with Warlock to explore that option... I will aim for more way to escape from places like this though :D!!!

2011-06-30, 05:14 AM
Also I saw you and Rizban made a new thread with diffrent name as opposed to AvP... should I head there and make the rolls for attributes or back to the old one??

2011-06-30, 05:17 AM
if you please.

oh, and they both abbreviate to avb. that was actually deliberate. We're re-branding the flagship but we promise you, the pc's, the ones this is really all about, that we are still going strong.

2011-06-30, 05:17 AM
Yes, the new recruitment thread replaces the old.

2011-06-30, 05:22 AM
Hehe cool!

Short as my PC's life span was I enjoyed it... got caught in the multi-pc trap here but I had many many plans...

I guess my new character will have to resolve them :D


I also suggest the two of you put this new recruitment thread in your signature so people can find it when its not on the first page! And it attracts attention to prospective players!!!

2011-06-30, 05:35 AM
That I plan to do as soon as I get the other new thread up. :smalltongue:

2011-06-30, 01:00 PM
Oh, woe is me. My fragile body is wracked with despair.

Thanks for a super-fun game guys. Gotchka's one of the few characters to which I've ever been really attached, but I knew the risks, you know? Thanks for trying to save him, ArcoSan; maybe we'll get to roll together again one day. Now I'm off to make a new character... What to do, what to do?