View Full Version : Mentor Needed

2011-06-03, 07:18 PM
So, Bahamut willing, I will be approved for my Senior Project in the next week or so, which will free up my summer to work on it and (hopefully) make a decent dent in the work load. I'm planning to make a campaign setting like Forgotten Realms or Eberron, complete with world history, new classes and spells, new monsters, and flavor. I realize this is a bold project, but I should be able to work a lot this summer and decently over the next year as well. I have a basic idea on what I want to do and I've lined up a few friends to do art for me and such.

However, the one part of my project that I am missing is a mentor. Now, I don't know the duties that a mentor will have to do, because the administration keeps the whole project fairly secretive for some reason. Here's what I do know. Anyone interested in helping me out will need to keep in reasonably frequent contact with me for the next year or so. Emails or messages back and forth will need to be used as proof that I actually did my project. Towards the end of the project, I will need a mentor-authored letter that basically says what the mentor did, what I did, and what my project is, quality wise, compared to similar works.

So, because I'm doing a 3.5 D&D setting, fluency in the system is sort of important. I play a lot of D&D, but I've only done a little Homebrew, so balance will be a big issue mechanically. I don't know exactly what the mentor requirements are, so if anyone actually works for a gaming company, or has in the past, that would be a huge plus, but simply having done a lot of homebrew and/or campaign design would probably be enough.

I realize this is asking a lot for basically no reward, so I won't feel bad if no one wants to help. I'll be watching this thread to answer questions, or I can respond by PM. Thanks in advance.So about a month ago, I posted this thread in Homebrew. Since then, a few developments have occured. Firstly, my project was semi-approved, on the condition that I make a few small revisions to my proposal (easy) and find a Mentor. Mentor requirements are fleshed out and are as follows. The Mentor and I will need to be in contact at least once a month, though more often would be lovely. The Mentor needs experience writing and playing D&D to a level of competency. The Mentor needs to evaluate my final project around next April or May and write a letter about it to my school. The Mentor must have a High School Degree.

I figured this might be a better place to go, since my book will probably be more fluff than crunch and the people will actually have world-building experience. Thanks in advance, I know this is asking a lot.

2011-06-13, 09:55 PM
Did you get any volunteers? :smallcool:

2011-06-13, 10:04 PM
This sounds interesting.
I'll help if someone else also does, I'm not the best homebrewer or setting-maker though.

2011-06-15, 04:15 PM
I actually did get someone to help. However, he is going to be busy for a while, so I will probably be periodically putting stuff up here and in the Homebrew section for critiques as well. I'm finding out if I get approved for early start in about 25 minutes, wish me luck.

2011-06-15, 04:31 PM
Do you have a mentor? If not, I'd be willing to take a look at your project and possibly serve in that role, if you're interested.

I've been playing 3rd Ed since release, 2nd before that, have fleshed out a great deal of a personal campaign setting here on the forums, and though I have time limitations for my own work (mostly, the mechanics), I would be happy to serve as a bi-monthly or so mentor for someone else working on such a project. I can balance basically anything mechanical and am an excellent editor. I am harsh but tell it like I see it at all times, and if you give me your "I'm shooting for X" baseline I will always aim for that in my critiques, comparing your work to known examples of that base and balancing accordingly. If you feel these skills would be of use to you, I offer my services. :smallwink:

2011-06-15, 04:38 PM
Heh, everyone jumping on the bandwagon at the same time, about a week after I need it.

Yes, I currently have a mentor. However, he is a published author and often busy, so anyone who could help me when he's busy would be much appreciated. Right now I'm watching the update with bloodshot eyes waiting to see if I get approved, and if I do, I'll let you guys know. I have a rough idea about what I want to do, flavorwise, but I'm still trying to decide how I want it to come through mechanically.

Arguskos, I'm a big fan of your work, so any help you could give me would make me very thankful.

Edit: *sigh* "Your project plan has not been approved", with no reasoning given as to why. Well this sucks.

2011-06-15, 04:44 PM
Heh, everyone jumping on the bandwagon at the same time, about a week after I need it.

Yes, I currently have a mentor. However, he is a published author and often busy, so anyone who could help me when he's busy would be much appreciated. Right now I'm watching the update with bloodshot eyes waiting to see if I get approved, and if I do, I'll let you guys know. I have a rough idea about what I want to do, flavorwise, but I'm still trying to decide how I want it to come through mechanically.
Shame. I was somewhat excited to give you a hand. If he should need to bow out, I'd be happy to step up in his place.

Arguskos, I'm a big fan of your work, so any help you could give me would make me very thankful.
I appreciate that, means a lot. When things go up, I'll comment as I have time.

Edit: *sigh* "Your project plan has not been approved", with no reasoning given as to why. Well this sucks.
Argue the point. If you really desire to do this, I'd push it. Get clarification, don't let it slip away without a fight.

2011-06-15, 04:53 PM
Rereading my proposal, I think it's because I forgot to include my mentor's email, which is stupid. I'm emailing the woman in charge right now to ask if that's why, and if so if I can fix it.

2011-06-15, 04:57 PM
Rereading my proposal, I think it's because I forgot to include my mentor's email, which is stupid. I'm emailing the woman in charge right now to ask if that's why, and if so if I can fix it.
Awesome. I hope you manage to get that squared out, since it sounds like a great idea for a senior thesis.

Man, I shoulda done that. Sadly, I herpderpmagurped my way through my senior year. :smallsigh:

2011-06-15, 05:07 PM
My Chemistry teacher is also on the board and she likes me, so if the board chair doesn't approve me, there is a slim chance I can beg for my Chem teacher's help.

Gaaaaaaah so angry. How could I have forgotten to put that email in the proposal, and furthermore, how could they have been so strict about it agghhhghg.

2011-06-17, 07:44 PM
After a bit of beaurocracy, my plan has been accepted. It was indeed due to my failure to include my mentor's contact information.

2011-06-17, 08:31 PM
Most glorious. My offer of aid stands ready, should it be needed. May all those that watch over such things aid you in your travails on this project! :smallbiggrin: