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2011-06-03, 09:01 PM
The sun was setting over Talor Island. Sabrina idly watched the shadows slowly crawl across the floor. She had time to think, and being a being of infinate practicality she did not muse of her distant and unpleasant past, instead she reflected on more recent times. Setting up the festhall and putting the keep to rights had taken up much of her time, leaving little for leisure, yet there was no denying the pleasure she felt to be back in action. To Baator with the ORS, Sabrina was once again the mistress of her own destiny, and woe betide the fool unlucky enough to stand between her and the freedom and power she deserved.

The man sleeping atop finally stirred. His coarse black stubble scrapped against the perfect flesh of her breast. A second later his eyes snapped again, instantly aware of his surroundings, a few seconds later Sebrina felt something else stir as well. He was a fine specimen really,handsome with admittedly cruel features and cold hungry eyes. Leanly muscled and perfectly toned, he moved like a snake, either slowly or startlingly swift.

It was with swiftness he moved, although Sabrina was not startled. She expected the sudden movement as he rolled atop her and pinned her down, it was utterly predicable. Narcissus would have to wait.

Downstairs Narcissus and Roland waited, enjoying their ale and the many pretty girls wandering about. The place was mostly empty, the sun had not yet set and so the girl's 'working day' had not begun. 'Shouldn't you be in disguise?' the big man asked.
'Not yet.' Said Narcissus with a sly knowing smile. He caught the eye of one of the girls easily, for no reason she could account she blushed as she changed direction and came toward him. 'Another two ales please.'
Roland waited for her to leave before he continued. 'So what do we know about this man?'
Narcissus shrugged 'Only what Sabrina has told us, so potentially nothing at all.' He leaned forward and lowered his voice 'According to her he's the only copper skull that frequents this place. He's intelligent and dangerous and he's... rarely more than arm's reach away from his weapons.'
'If he's stupid enough to draw them you'll have to find a new turncoat.'
'My dear Roland, that's why I invited you here.' Both men smiled at each other

Theron witnessed the setting sun as the backdrop of a child's game. A number of the fisherman's lads had gathered near the healing circle he had set on the grass of the training grounds. As the sun set they played as only young boys can play, violently but utterly without malice. When one of them was hurt he made his way to the circle (Or was carried there) soon the boy was ready to begin the game again, although some did go home rather than risk further pain, if not injury. This is the best way to overcome the church, to make their 'miracles' commonplace, to give the people things they need not pray for. To relegate the gods with convenience. Noting the setting sun he turned away and made his way to the keep.

As the sun set Lenor awoke in his watery lair and, like Theron, made for the keep.

Within the keep a very frightened scribe was speaking with a slight stutter to Lord Austin. 'Apologies, my lord. There has been an... unforeseen difficulty. You will recall of course that I came to you not four days ago requesting funds for a book. As I said I believe it may be vital to our research. But the book is rare, I have only been able to locate one copy and the man I sent to retrieve it is now two days overdue.'

Back within Sabrina's room Shal had finally finished and was, with great reluctance, in the process of dressing and buckling his rapier and parrying dagger back to his belt. It was hardly the first time she had watched him do it with artfully feigned regret in her every languid movement. 'It was good tonight.'
'The best.' She lied automatically.
'It's always good with you.' He always said that, aside from the very first time when he had settled for the rather more descriptive 'wow.' He seems perfectly ordinary until he puts that mask on.
The mask itself was a pretty thing. It didn't cover the whole face, stopping just below the cheekbones and with stylised teeth covering the upper lip. It stopped at the sides before his ears, allowing his spiky black hair freedom. His pale blue eyes shone out of the copper eye sockets, taking one last hungry look at her before he turned away
'Come back soon.' She whispered. They both already knew he would. Once the door was closed she hurried to dress herself and make her way downstairs.

Downstairs Narcissus made a slight noise at the back of his throat. 'It's time.' He rises and waits a second before joining at the tail of a group of revellers. His parting words are 'Watch my back.' He merged with the small densely packed crowd and soon he disappeared as Mina the Claw detached herself and made her way to the steps, just in time to catch Shal descending.

2011-06-03, 09:16 PM
(and I have subscribed)

2011-06-03, 09:30 PM
Lord Austin

Tilting his head to look directly into the scribe's eyes, his draconic rage rising at the man's incompetence. Slamming his hand down on a nearby surface, his voice rises to a shout that could frighten even the most stoic warrior, empowered by his inner beast.

"Then that man is clearly incompetent and should be killed upon returning!"

Checking himself he lowers his voice once again to a calm, yet subtly powerful tone.

"And yourself too, should he not return soon. Now, what is this book and why is it so vital to my research?"

2011-06-04, 02:06 AM
Roland stands, up placing a hat upon his head. His ebony black skin turns to a light tan. The glowing red eyes that sit in his skull turn to a brilliant blue. His mane of shaggy crimson hair changes into a short cropped blond hair. His bat-like wings fade from view. All right, I'll see you in a bit then. he says following behind Narcissus.

2011-06-04, 03:45 AM
His wands and knives at hand, but concealed, Narcissus advances towards Shal. As Mina, she smiles her most alluring smile. Good evening, sir. I was wondering if I might have a quick word with you...

Diplomacy: [roll0]

Chain of Eyes (Grisvald)
Nondetection (Grisvald) other object is a bed
Misdirection (Grisvald)
Alter Self (Narcissus) used to become Mina the Claw

Prepared SLA remaining: Grease

Aura: Motivate Charisma. All of my allies with 60' gain +6 to all CHA checks, incl. me (already incl. in my bonuses).

2011-06-04, 05:37 AM
The Keep

"And yourself too, should he not return soon. Now, what is this book and why is it so vital to my research?"

Aussirmaekrix had thought the stutter was fairly pronounced and moderately annoying before he issued his threat. Not it got substantially worse, as did his hold on his own fraying temper. I-It is a tedious tomb to be sure my Lord, it is simply a record of all substantial commerce entering the city via the now-disused Flower-Gate in the year 1227.* At the time it was one of the most important gates into what we now call the Holdfast, but it fell into disuse during the reign of...' The scribe tailed off as he caught Lord Austin's cold eyes burrowing into his. He swallowed 'That is, given our most recent research, it would appear that this was the year in which the... item' The scribe was under very strict orders not to mention the item by name, even when within the keep. Lord Austin had spent the better part of a hour describing what would happen to any member of his staff that forgot this simple rule, he didn't expect them to forget. 'Wh-when the item first entered the city. It would probably have entered via the Flower-Gate. I-I certainly hope so, as most of the other gate logs from that time have been destroyed.
'As to the man in question my Lord... I-I do not mean to question you, but he is a friend of mine, and has proven reliable before, nor was the amount of gold in question sufficient to risk your...' He struggled for the right word and fell into lame silence instead 'I fear he has been waylaid.'

The Festhall

Shal's cold clinical eyes seemed to look right through 'Mina.' After a few seconds he nodded slightly 'Of course, but it shall have to be quick. I have work to be about.' He turned away and made for a mostly empty table. When he seats himself the other revellers at that table have the good sense to leave the two to talk in peace.

Roland and Sabrina can hook up by the stairs if you want, or you can continue to keep an eye on things seperately. Also I was playing on having T+L hook up but I'd like them to check in before I get started on that.

*Roughly a 1000 years ago

2011-06-04, 09:43 AM

Sabrina dressed (such as it was) and made her leisurely way down the back stairs, knowing that she had a few minutes to spare. Once down, she sought out Roland, knowing he would be in disguise, but knowing what disguise he would likely be using. Once together, they would be ready to deal with Shal, if necessary.

2011-06-04, 11:36 AM
Theron Rothmin
[OOC: Retconning Theron's introduction just because that wasn't exactly the characterization that I was planning on Theron having.]

There was a time when Theron used to plan everything out. Step by intricate step, he would try to divine every possible contingency. After painful study, he would set his plan in motion - and then watch it crash down because of something he didn't plan for. Nobody's perfect, not even the gods, and sooner or later all plans lead to ruin.

So now Theron manipulates circumstances.

These were the thoughts that entertained his head as Theron watched the shadows grow long across Talor Island. The healing circle had been a resounding success so far. Some of the common people were using it even now, engaging in violent but friendly brawls, the magic of circle staunching blood and injury as soon as they appear. Theron wanted to yell out to them, to tell them that this was just the beginning, and to show them a taste of what would come, but he didn't. They were small men of small minds and he knew that if he didn't approach them carefully than they would be afraid.

The food circle wasn't visible from Theron's vantage point. It had been inscribed in a common building, where it would do the most good. It had been successful so far, but it wasn't exactly glamorous. It didn't have to be. It would serve it's purpose if the time came.

Turning away from his thoughts and the scene at the training grounds, Theron starts to make his way to his workshop by way of the keep.

2011-06-04, 02:53 PM
Rising from his coffin like a black shadow, Lenor stepped out of it and examines the cave he resided in. Damp and stale, there was not very much air in the cave because the only opening led to the sea, Lenor was comfortable here. And not just because his apprentice cast desecrate every morning, the relatie safety and isolation was pleasant. Seeing his apprentice rise, he straitened his dark clothes and sheathed his weapons.

Stepping into the water, Lenor dove in and knifed to the surface in a few seconds. Drying himself with a word, he continued toward the mutual keep his order shared.

Once there, he went directly toward the throne room, where he would see if anyone else was around. Preferably Lord Aus, as he was considering exploring the city underdark for vampire. But perhaps he should find a few sea monsters to slay and resurrect first, as the defense of the island from sea was not great.

2011-06-04, 03:10 PM
Silent in thought, Lord Austin begins pacing, hand on his magnificent beard.

"Hmm. And where did this worthless friend of yours go to retreive this book? Given the nature of the book, it could prove invaluable and should be retreived at all costs."

2011-06-04, 03:23 PM
Doing a flowery bow, Roland approaches Sabrina, How are you today my dear lady?

2011-06-04, 05:46 PM

Sabrina regards Roland, with a look that seems to suggest that she is considering whether or not to eat him. Of course, thats not unusual, its the way she looks at most everyone.

I am quite well, although having to deal with the likes of him can be quite tiresome. Any update on our plans?

2011-06-04, 08:05 PM
I wish to discuss a... deal. Of mutual benefits, "she" says, laying one leg over the other alluringly and assuming a languid pose. ...and perhaps, with some additional perks, to be discussed later. "She" lays a hand on his gently.

Grisvald transfer Chain of Eyes to Shal. He is forced to make a DC 18 Will saving throw, or Grisvald will be able to see through his eyes for the next 6 hours. If his save succeeds, Grisvald can no longer see through Narcissus' eyes, but from the spell description I don't think Shal senses anything from a failed transfer.

2011-06-05, 05:13 AM
Narcissus is doing his thing, I suppose we should wait for him to finish. Why do you put up with that man if he bothers you so. Just destroy him.

2011-06-05, 11:03 AM
The Keep

The scribe's tongue darted out suddenly as he licked his lips nervously. He seemed to be sensing that he might live to see another day after all, so he thought carefully before he answered Lord Austin. 'Milord... My friend went to the Holdfast. I have already confirmed with the gate guards. Alistair was seen entering and leaving the Holdfast, although the guards could not say if he left with the book. After that... I couldn't say Milord. The odd thing is, although the manuscript is old and therefore valuable it contains no information that anyone would find valuable... Aside from us of course. I do not see why he would have been waylaid, but I am starting to fear for A-' he stopped himself just in time 'For your success Milord.'

The Festhall

Shal moved elegantly as if he was a dancer rather than a killer. He walked with the subtle sway of the hips that gave away experienced swordsmen. The Vendettas were more respected than feared in Lesor, with the exception of the ranking members with their shining skulls. They were well feared, inspiring hushed conversation and general unease wherever they walked. Roland and Sabrina watched the table clear for Shal and 'Mina' and watched as she placed her hand on his

Shal's eyes narrowed and his lips pulled tight as he quickly extracted his hand from hers. Roland started forward as he saw that hand come to rest on Shal's dagger hilt, but Sabrina forestalled him. She knew Shal better, knew he wasn't ready to kill... yet. She was not at the table however, she did not hear the ice in his voice as he replied 'With respect, you are certainly a... charming woman, but I have another to satisfy my needs. Now, is that all? As I said, I have much to do tonight.'

Chain of eyes is a touch spell as I recall, how is Grisvald casting it via Narcissus ?

Also you don't have a throneroom. There is only one throne in the East. You have a great hall. Theron and Lenor meet at in the great hall... So, you know, start talking :smalltongue:

2011-06-05, 12:00 PM
"Hmm, and are you certain these guards can be trusted? Have they been paid?"

Leaning in to the scribe, Lord Aus whispers at first before bellowing down the poor man's ear and nearly deafening him as his draconic roar surfacing for a brief moment.

"And rest assured, should he not be found... I'm holding you personally responsible! Now get out of my sight!"

2011-06-05, 12:25 PM
Oh, I see... well then, lets make this businesslike, shall we? Introductions are in order, I suppose. I am called Mina the Claw, and I am a... creative wealth redistribution advisor, says Narcissus, improvising. I have been contracted by a private party to do a... census of sorts of the city. I have already breached The Watch and the ORS, and a few more minor organizations to do my research. Your organization, the Vendettas, is a bit more complex. My employer is obsessed with trivia, you see, and is willing to pay quite well for the odd tidbit about the city's workings. If you could offer such tips or information to me, I could pass them on to him. You would be paid quite well for any information on your Vendettas.

In the morning, when Grisvald helps Narcissus prepare for his day, Grisvald prepares his spells with Narcissus' requests in mind. Today, Chain of Eyes was cast on Narcissus by Grisvald when he left the Keep en route to the festhall. I said six hours duration on Shal, but it is actually 6 hours minus the time that has elapsed since Narcissus exited the Keep, which I suppose is up to you. The spell's description allows Grisvald to transfer the spell to someone I touch, which is why I laid my hand on his.

Diplo Again?: [roll0]

2011-06-05, 02:06 PM
Narcissus is doing his thing, I suppose we should wait for him to finish. Why do you put up with that man if he bothers you so. Just destroy him.

Because he is a means to an end. That is my only interest in him. I seduce one member and find out who his superior is. I then seduce that superior to find out who his superior is. A long and tedious process, but the only way to find a road map through their rats nest of layers. And I dont need a long time of work wrecked in a moment of ill planning.

2011-06-05, 02:19 PM
The Keep

Without another word the scribe turns and scurried away, glad to be alive but in still in dread that the situation may be temporary.

The Festhall

Shal smiles thinly, but there is no mirth in his eyes as he leans forward to whisper conspiratorially. 'Had you not mentioned the ORS I would have gutted you where you sat despite the respect I hold for the women of this place. I would have enjoyed it too, you have the look of a girl who dies prettily.' He leaned back into his chair, affecting a bored demeanour, although his hand never strayed from the blade at his hip 'But you've intrigued me. Is it not easy to breach the ORS, no indeed. I might be willing to answer questions, depending on the questions. Ask the wrong question however and I'll still gut you, or worse, I'll inform my brothers about your impolite requests for information. We're called the Vendettas for a reason after all.' He pushed himself to his feet. 'Meet me here at this time two days hence, and think very carefully about what you want to ask. The crowd parts before him as he makes for the exit, and not a few pairs of curious eyes are fixed on Mina.

Diplomacy successful. The entry is unclear wherever chain of eyes is detected on a fail, but I'll houserule that it's not. You won't find out if Shal made the save or not until you speak to Grisvald.

2011-06-05, 03:43 PM
Smiling to himself, the disguised empty vessel reenters the whirling crowd. He emerges before his companions in his usual black-garbed splendour, complete with his silver-topped walking stick. His eyes glow their telltale violet for a moment as the transformation completes itself. Well, the man's a pretentious idiot, but I think he's on the hook, says "Dominic", the name of his public guise. Even in the sanctity of the Isle, Narcissus rarely appears in his true, fearsome form. He smiles to Sabrina. Good morning, Sabrina, he says with a smile, taking her hand and kissing the back of it. I trust you slept well? he asks with a knowing smile.

2011-06-05, 09:07 PM

Sleep? And that would be what?
So, will Shal continue to be useful to our cause?

You can tell from her tone of voice, that him no longer being of use would not do wonders for his life expectency.

2011-06-05, 09:10 PM
He smiles. Well, he threatened to gut me, but I don't think we was really serious. In any case, he's intrigued - he'll be back in two days to discuss the specifics on becoming an informant within the Vendettas. That means I'll have to prepare my shapeshifting spell again that day... oh well, that's life. Now, shall we go see if Grisvald's spying spell worked? Shal may be doing us some pro bono work even as we speak.

2011-06-05, 09:14 PM

You know what they say, if they dont threaten to gut you, then they arent interested

Cookies for identifying that reference

2011-06-06, 08:07 AM
'Dominic' laughs. Too true, I suppose. He would not have gotten far, with my bag of tricks and you two watching over me, he turns towards the exit. Now, I am off to collect Grisvald's report; anything either of you need at the Keep?

2011-06-06, 12:49 PM

Sabrina eyes the crowd that is still filling in the festhall.

No, theres nothing at the keep that I want. Maybe I'll stay here for a while...see if theres anything worth having.

2011-06-06, 05:23 PM
I'm fine for now as well.

2011-06-06, 05:29 PM
Lenor oozes in to the main hall, full up charm and guile as he readjusts to being among the living once more. He approaches Theron with a greeting "How does this wonderful night treat you, Theron? I shall be out for awhile and was stopping by to inform you, if the others ask."

Once pleasantries have been exchanged he heads out onto the main road where his apprentice meets him, and the prepare to head into the water, if nothing goes awry. Once in the water they head to the darkest part of the lake to slay a few monsters for reAnimation.

2011-06-06, 08:55 PM
The Keep, Lord Austin's quarters

There is a knock on the door, but it is opened before Aussirmaekrix answers the door opens. Bronn steps in, a gnome with clipped black hair and rough stubble. He is Lord Austin's senior diviner so perhaps it is natural that he somehow knows the times he may or may not presume thus. 'My lord. Bronn speaks slowly, as he always does. 'Forgive me for not coming sooner. It tells you much about scholars that he brought this to your attention before consulting me. He shuts the door behind him. 'If there's one thing I learnt at the Collages of Magic it's that sometimes very smart people are also incredible, if not fatally, stupid.' He stooped to bow to his Lord 'My thinking is as follows. If your man was taken it could not have been on the Rune Rail. So this attack occurred near either the Holdfast or in Vaan district, practically on our doorsteps. Augury suggests it occurred in Vaan. With your permission tomorrow I will spend Christian and a few guards to walk the streets of Vaan and ride the Rune Rail, it's speed will facilitate his spells, as their range is sadly limited.' Christian is Lord Austin's junior diviner, he is definitely one of those stupid smart people mentioned Bronn earlier 'I cannot guaranty results but if your book is still near the route your man took the chances are excellent we will find it.' Finally the gnome rises from his bow to regard his Lord instead of the floor before his Lord's feet.

Bronn is a gnome knowledge/Oracle domain cleric 4. Christian is human diviner specialist wizard 4.

The Keep, The Great Hall

Theron and Narcissus met in the Great Hall. Narcissus originally attempted to recreate the Eastern Throne room on a much smaller scale, but abandoned the endeavour when he found the scaled down version dissatisfying. He had kept elements, many of the pillars supported the arched roof now had moulded statues mounted on them. Prince David and various other famous dead nobles (Who, in Narcissus opinion were only famous for the stupid or “valiant” ways they died). Sadly there were not crafted from Mithril as the Prince's were, but Narcissus found the actual reproduction astonishingly good. A number of those craftsmen now worked for Theron.
Narcissus also kept the four tiered black dais upon which his High seat now stood, although he did not reproduce the throne itself. To do so would risk death. Grisvald soon joins them, hobbling toward them with the haste his bent back and old bones would allow. He leaned heavily on his staff as he spoke 'X* I am sorry. The spell failed as it passed to the Vendetta. There is a petitioner to see you X.'

*How would Grisvald address Narcissus?

The Lake

Lenor goes for a swim.

The Festhall

Will have to wait, sorry. I have a terrible headache.

2011-06-06, 09:34 PM
Evening, Theron. I trust your day has been pleasant?

Waiting on the sidelines until the two men have exchanged pleasantries, Grisvald then approaches Lord 'Dominic'. Grhrm*. Lord Dominic, our attempt to solicit free cooperation from Mr. Jones has failed. My apologies. Grhrm.

Narcissus smiles his disarming smile. Worry not, old friend. I do not blame you - your work is of the finest quality. Mr... ah... "Jones"... must be stubborn. We'll get him another time, no worries.

Indeed, sir. Grhrm. Additionally, sir, there is another matter. A petitioner to see you.

Very well, I shall meet the petitioner in here, then.

As you wish, sir. The butler motions for some minor servant to admit entrance to the petitioner, then takes his place leaning against the wall beside the High Chair, upon which Narcissus places his posterior.

You're welcome to stay and watch me if you like, Theron, but I am sure you've a busy schedule. I won't keep you with boring mundanities such as this.

*The "Grhrm" sound is used to signify that Grisvald is quietly clearing his throat, which adds a sort of gruff quality to his natural speech.

2011-06-07, 06:47 AM

Sabrina continues to prowl the festhall, looking for a very specific type of person.

2011-06-07, 07:45 AM
Smiling to himself, Lord Aus suppresses his anger that would normally rise when a subordinate enters his room without allowance. After all, Bronn was good. He liked Bronn. Smart, to the point and efficient.

"Ah, indeed. Good plan. Send that idiotic scribe along with the group tomorrow, see if he helps out at all. If he's of no use to Christian, send him to me afterwards for his 'reward'."

Again a smirk creeps across Lord Aus' face and Bronn surely knows what he means by a 'reward'. With that, he signals for the gnome to leave.

2011-06-07, 06:01 PM
Roland stretches his body, heading to the practice yard to practice his swordsmanship.

2011-06-07, 06:20 PM
The Festhall

Sabrina finds what she's looking for very quickly. Most of the men in the Festhall are hardly the retiring type. He sticks out like a sore thumb because he's the only one like him in the building. She easily identifies the only man here who really is 'just here with a friend.' The friend in question is a dreadlocked northman just now leaving with Sheri. Yet the man remains on his own. The man looked longingly around for a second, but finding no salvation he reaches to his side and takes out a book. He's tall and slim, in his late twenties with a carefully trimmed beard. He looked lonely.

The Lake

OOC: How long do you wanna spend doing this?

The Great Hall

A blond dwarf enters the hall. Not from the front door, but from one of the sidedoors leading further into the keep. Grisvald's staff strikes the ground and the sound echoes loud as it rebounds off the stone. He takes a single step forward 'Sir Mandon of House Stone.
The Dwarf comes to a halt before the dais and bows low. There is no deference in his posture however, he would expect the same in his own hall. 'Sir Dominic. We have met once before, I am sure you recall. Narcissus did recall. Sir Mandon was little more than a hired thug, taking care of House Stone's dirty work. 'Dominic' worked with him once. He was a simple man but an astonishingly good bloodhound. Narcissus had the feeling he rarely lost his man. 'A matter of taxation legislation in Overdeep.' This is a lie. It was a matter of 'taxation' in Kazak Az-Karak. Specifically the matter of House Stone stealing taxation money from themselves to bride House Mallister. Sir Mandon carried our the fetching and carrying. Dominic covered his tracks both politically and criminally with bribes, charm and outright threats. Mallister and Stone alike paid him a fee and he gained the favour of two lesser noble houses. 'It's regarding a similar matter in the Shanshar district.'

2011-06-07, 08:37 PM
AS much time as possible (Don't want to get caught out in the deep while the sun rises)

2011-06-07, 09:03 PM

Sabrina's mind quickly registers one word...jackpot
She moves with all of her elegant grace over to him, seating herself gracefully beside him, making sure that he can see all of her.

Hi, there, honey. Why are you sitting here all by yourself? Dont any of these ladies interest you? Or are you looking for someone really special?

Giving him a moment to respond or pass out from embarrasment, she continues....

My name is Sabrina, whats yours?

2011-06-07, 09:09 PM
Oh, yes, I do remember the issues in Overdeep. Welcome to my humble Island, Sir Mandon. Perhaps you would like to retreat to my study, where we can discuss this new matter more privately? Narcissus motions to a door off to the side, and he leads the way, assuming his guest decides its a good idea. Grisvald will follow them.

2011-06-08, 04:53 AM
(Sorry about that delay)

Theron Rothmin

After Theron exchanges quaint pleasantries with Narcissus ("My day has been productive, as ever."), Theron unobtrusively makes his way to his private workshop.

Here was home. The workshop was not immaculate, but it was rather tidy. To an outsider, the protrusion of weirdly shaped instruments and carefully labeled powders might have seemed bewildering, but to Theron it was a singular organism with everything right where it needed to be. A small, dark shape moved in the shadows of his workshop - Theron's homunculus. Working tirelessly each day beating out items of iron and steel to sell, it was one of Theron's most prized possessions.

Through the fading light of the sun-lit window, the workshop was ominous and lighting a small lantern did little to dispel that feeling. Theron liked it, however. There was something comforting in the play of shadow and light. Taking out a long scroll of paper and nubbed pencil, Theron starts to sketch away.

2011-06-08, 10:33 AM
Roland works his body, practicing slashes and thrusts, interspersed with blasts of eldritch might that he shoots out at targets at a range. He practices flyby attacks and after an hour of working his body, heads to his quarters to meditate on his life.

2011-07-05, 03:37 PM
The Keep

House Stone bought it's way into the nobility centuries ago. Like all others they were only permitted to enter as knights, but within a generation the first High Lord of Iron Fort had been named. The Iron mountains are the seat of House Stone's power. The rich veins of gold, iron, copper, and other minerals found beneath the stone have made House Stone some of the wealthiest individuals in the East. The house has spent centuries levering that wealth into a financial empire. The House has banks all over the city, it even has the responsibility of collecting taxes in Kazak-Az-Karak. They are still a lesser house but their clout is significant.
Narcissus recalls a message from one of his spies. House Stone and the ORS had recently come to blows again regarding Kazak-Az-Karak. There are legalities that make merchants and nobles different castes, by law the two cannot occupy the same sphere of control. Despite that technicality the two groups were in open financial warfare within Kazak-Az-Karak. Both groups considered themselves the ones who had built up the district and therefore the ones deserving to reap the rewards. Local businessmen tend to favour the ORS. The ORS only ask for 49% of your business, House Stone asks for 80% and your sworn fealty. Joining one or the other is not compulsory, but a smithy or armourer who joins either will have access to all manner of rare materials and equipment. An independent has only what equipment he can forge himself.
House Stone dominates into another area however. Everyone uses the Stone Bank. Both sides have substantial external funds they're willing to throw into Kazak-Az-Karak. They've been deadlocked for decades despite all manner of foul play.
Sir Mandon waits until Narcissus closes the door before he says another word. 'I like the Hall. Dais is a bit much. It's not Shanshar obviously, it's Idagannon. Someone's robbed one of our vaults. All we know from one of the surviving witnesses is he was a tall pale human, a lackey addressed him as Lord so he tore the man's throat out. I can't follow the trail because if I, or any other known Stone agent, step foot in Idagannon the ORS will pitch yet another fit. He only took one item. In one of our Black safe-deposit boxes.' He paused a second before he explained with a heavy frown across his brow 'You pay extra for Black boxes. Even we don't know who the rightful owners are. People just get the key and turn up whenever they want the box back. We don't even know what he's got.' His frown deepened 'But we want it found and we want our revenge. That's where you come in.'

The Festhall

The man stares moodily at his book as he replies 'I had someone special.' It seems to take a moment for him to realise what he had said. Bitterness is replaced with self-recrimination on his face 'I'm sorry. I shouldn't-' He looked up at her and the words died in his mouth. First he looks surprised, then for the very briefest of seconds there's naked lust in his eyes, it is quickly replaced by intrigue. He smiled ruefully at himself 'Well, you certainly are someone special.

2011-07-05, 03:45 PM
Narcissus' Study
Narcissus casts a worried look, but his outward appearance as 'Sir Dominic' shows no such trepidation. Please don't let this be Aus... He smiles. I will look into the matter personally, you have my word. Hopefully, I will turn something up; you understand, of course, that now that I run the Isle, I don't have as much time to pursue my, ah, personal matters. If I can find anything, I will be sure to let you know - how is it best for me to reach you? asks 'Dominic' as he pours himself and his guest each a glass of brandy, subtly setting himself up for potential failure in case the culprit really is Lord Aus.

2011-07-05, 04:38 PM

Im glad you think Im someone special, because you look like youre someone special too. So, did your friend leave you here all alone? That wasnt very nice of him. Maybe I can make up for it, keep you company for a while.

2011-07-05, 05:07 PM
Narcissus' Study

Sir Mandon took a long deep inhalation from his glass before sampling the fiery amber contents. He sighed appreciatively 'Not bad. Not bad at all Dom. I must confess I thought I'd heard the last of you, yet here we are. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard you'd almost lost everything because of bad weather and a pirate. I don't mind telling you... The House Elders, they felt it was certain you'd make Lord in a few years.' He swirled the brandy around his glass, paying it exaggerated attention 'You were just too damn useful to too many damn people. Still are for that matter, just because you're poor now doesn't change the brain inside your head, and it was always your brain the smart nobles valued and feared.
'I'm sure most of the other Houses don't want anything to do with you until you've pulled yourself up by your bootstraps, as I'm sure you will. I've been cleared to tell you, however, House Stone still values it's relationship with you. We don't need more rich friends, we need more competent friends.'
He downed his brandy in a single swallow (An irritation habit common to most dwarfs) and leaned forward to extend his glass for a refill. 'The House Elders aren't expecting miracles Dom, they know just as well as we two that I've given you precious little information to go on. There will be no ill will brought to bear if you fail in this. That said... The gratitude of House Stone is as solid as the Stone Bank.'

The Festhall

The slim man blushes bright and the sudden dilation of his eyes speak silent volumes of his arousal, or at least of the peaking of his interest. His voice however remains level, slipping easily into the bantering tones of flirtation 'I wouldn't exactly call Moss a 'friend.' He is a business partner of sorts. As glad as I am for your company I'd rather sit here alone then put up with him much longer. He closes the book with a sudden snap and sets it aside 'You have truly remarkable eyes. My name is Tensko, it is a rare and genuine pleasure to meet you Sebrina.

2011-07-05, 05:13 PM
Narcissus' Study
'Dominic' drinks his own brandy and then fills both of their glasses once more. He holds it up, with a grin. Aye, and I know it. I promise you my best work in this issue. A toast, my friend. To competence! 'Dominic' impressively downs his own glass of brandy in the same gulp has his counterpart.

2011-07-05, 05:25 PM
OOC: Ok, I've got Aus and Narcissus' plotlines squared away. Theron and Roland are engaged in their own things. Elfstone is away. So as soon as we finish our seduction I'll skip as forward to the following night.

I am liking how the game is progressing so far. I hasn't been that hard to juggle several different plotlines at once. Hopefully once I get a bit of practice I'll be able to start wrapping up several plot threads at the same time instead of making some of you wait. We'll see.

2011-07-05, 06:17 PM

Sabrina puts an arm around his waist (if he lets her) and snuggles as close as he will allow. She gazes into his eyes, making sure she has all of his attention, letting him see her eyes even more. She leans close, and whispers to him
Its so noisy in here and not at all private. Would you be interested in going somewhere more private, so we can get to know each other better...

2011-07-05, 07:17 PM
Pressing close to Tensko's flesh she can feel the sudden tension of his body as his shoulders stiffen and his back straightens. Up close she can see the conflict in his eyes, desperately he wants to believe her, desperately he fears to believe her. Hope and desire war with prudence and cowardice in the battlefields of his mind and heart (And other parts). The battle is prolonged, but ultimately predetermined, men of far greater willpower had succumb to Sabrina, just as great men throughout the ages had always been brought low by their one mutual weakness, that which lay between their legs. The tension beneath his eyes and across his jaw speaks to Sabrina like a shout, she can almost hear what he is thinking. Rationalising he convinced himself that he had not yet given himself up totally to her allure, he would just go to a back room with her, he would just speak with her a while longer. He knew he was in danger of losing himself to her charms, knew from past experience the danger of beautiful women.

Tensko was a rare man. Almost always Sabrina won men over with their lust for instant gratification. Their need for sex. Tensko was won over by his need for love, possibly the most absurd notion that had yet entered her Festhall. 'I would be very interested, Sabrina' He said her name as if there were something unbearably sensual in merely rolling the syllables off his tongue. Slipping a hand around her waist he gently guided her to her feet. He ducked to whisper in her ear (And, although she could not be sure, she assumed, to stare deep into her cleavage) as he leant across her to retrieve his book 'Lead the way.'

2011-07-05, 08:37 PM

Sabrina leads the way across the hall, and mounts the stairs to her private room, making sure that Tensko gets a good view of her rear as she climbs the steps. Every so often, she glances over her shoulder with a "come hither" smile on her face.
When they finally arrive at her room, Sabrina knows she has to take it slow with him, if she wants to have him with the depth that she wants. So instead of proceeding straight to the bed, she lights a few candles to make the room more romantic, and pours a glass of brandy for him. She seats herself just opposite him, and continues to speak softly to him, which serves to focus his attention on her.
So Tensko, tell me a bit more about yourself. You seem fond of that book, whats it about?

2011-07-06, 05:43 AM
He tries to hold himself posed and for the most part succeeds admirably, his efforts are undermined however by his tongue quickly darting out to wet his lips, making him look like a lizard, or a child eager for a treat 'The book's nothing special. It's just a ledger of my recent business dealings. I wanted to review it here so later I would have time for my busy schedule of wishing someone like you would fall out of the sky and into my lap. I'm nobody special really, you've probably heard my story a thousand times, moderately successful businessman, married above his station, wife dies in tragic accident, doomed to loneliness forever.' He smiles ruefully 'Or so I thought. The details of my life are inconsequential. I'm far more interested in hearing about you.'

Lot of brandy flying around so far,maybe I should start thinking about who controls the market...

2011-07-06, 10:28 AM

Sabrina shifts herself slightly, causing her robe to accidently slip just a little, almost but not quite exposing herself to him.
Don’t sell yourself short,Tensko,anyone who has enough business that he needs to keep a notepad of appointments and dealings is a lot more successful than most. About me, theres nothing much to say, just trying to make a living the best way I know how. And maybe one day find someone to spend a lot longer with. She pats the spot on the couch beside her. But why don’t you come over here, make yourself more comfortable

I guess a bluff check might be in order here.
EDIT: grrrr

2011-07-06, 05:28 PM
Sucky ass roll but he still needed an above average roll to beat it. Given that I don't want to cut this scene short, but at the same time to do it justice I'd have to make the others wait more than is reasonable (Especially given my absence) a small change to my posting strategy. Sabrina can play catch up, I'll start tomorrow for everyone else. However I will require the following: Niezck needs to check in (Just to let me know he's still interested, I've already got things planned) and Shadow-Elf has to let me know how's he's planning on starting this investigation. If 2MS or Torgarn want to do anything specific now's the time to let me know.

In the meantime, here's MikelaC1's IC post:

Once, many years ago, a devil of unknown origin made a theory. It is most commonly attributed to some unknown Erinyes, but some whisper it was Asmodius himself who made the prediction. Over an extended period, the theory goes, a mortal race routinely and constantly subjected to supernatural seduction might develop certain traits. Namely if there was some hereditary quality in the spirit or the body of mortality that either made them susceptible to creatures like Sabrina or rendered them immune to such seduction then, over thousands of years of such seduction and the elimination of those who were seduced there might remain a populous with an immunity to supernatural charms.

So far it was only a theory with no evidence to support it. Yet is was possible, just possible, that Tensko exhibited the seed of such an immunity in the sudden and inexplicable panic that suddenly rang like alarm bells in his mind. He didn't leave, the brandy in his hand and belly and the exposed flesh before his eyes (As well as the concealed possibilities that exposed flesh implied in the soft curve of an outline of a breast or the slight change in colour that might indicate a nipple) rendered any such survival instinct mute. A deep and primordial impulse urged him to flee. A deep and primordial impulse urged him to throw her down upon the bed and rip her robe from her. Instead he hesitated; confused and fearful and aroused. He sits beside Sabrina, but angles his body away from her so he can watch her carefully. He says nothing, his internal turmoil is so deep it robbed him of his speech.

2011-07-06, 07:02 PM

Sabrina speaks softly and soothingly to Tensko, trying to allay his fears.

Whats wrong honey? Is something bothering you? What is it, maybe I can help you with it. Theres nothing to worry about, we're all alone here. Really, if theres a problem, just talk to me, Im sure we can work it out

As she speaks softly to him, she inches just a bit closer to him, close enough that she can lay a hand lightly on his thigh, which also serves the purpose of turning her body in such a way that he can just barely catch a shadowy glimpse of one of her breasts.

2011-07-07, 04:49 PM
'It's nothing really.' He tries to sound at ease but fails. Even the almost glimpse of her perfect flesh beneath the robe and the hand on his thigh cannot overcome his trepidation, nor can the fake bluster in his voice or the genuine hunger in his eyes disguise his unease 'It's just I learnt long ago to be suspicious of beautiful women. They can be... tricky, and skilled at finding a man's weaknesses.' He looks down, but not at the flesh so artfully exposed. His eyes are distant, full of remembered hurt 'I'm sorry, that was the wrong thing to say. It's just... It's been a long time since my wife died and... Well, it's been a long time since I wanted any woman, and an much much longer time since I wanted someone as much as I want you. You're...' Tensko looks up into her eyes, his blue orbs transfix hers, glistening with complex emotions, the sentence dies unfinished.

The Keep, the following day

One by one the party of the damned retired for the evening, the last was Lenor, who returned only as the sun was finally starting to rise from beneath the horizon. The burning light in the sky was the giver of life to billions, but to the very rare few it represented a terrible and final death. Lenor was in no mood to meet such an end. His search for monsters in the artificial lake was unsuccessful, now he had to retire or taint the pristine waters with ash.

Shortly after Narcissus rose at the usual time and broke his fast in the usual way. The serving folk had already become accustom to his routine, he had barely sat down before a pretty serving girl with long dirty blond pigtails knocked and entered with his tray. He knew Lord Austin was a similarly early riser, there was no need to delay aside from the desire to fortify himself with food and gather his thoughts. The dragon was a powerful, but unpredictable, ally.

He finished his meal in quiet contemplation and then left his study to speak with Austin. He knocked on the door....

2011-07-07, 04:55 PM
With an absent tone, the Lord calls out to the knocker.

"Identify yourself."

2011-07-07, 06:06 PM
'It's nothing really.' He tries to sound at ease but fails. Even the almost glimpse of her perfect flesh beneath the robe and the hand on his thigh cannot overcome his trepidation, nor can the fake bluster in his voice or the genuine hunger in his eyes disguise his unease 'It's just I learnt long ago to be suspicious of beautiful women. They can be... tricky, and skilled at finding a man's weaknesses.' He looks down, but not at the flesh so artfully exposed. His eyes are distant, full of remembered hurt 'I'm sorry, that was the wrong thing to say. It's just... It's been a long time since my wife died and... Well, it's been a long time since I wanted any woman, and an much much longer time since I wanted someone as much as I want you. You're...' Tensko looks up into her eyes, his blue orbs transfix hers, glistening with complex emotions, the sentence dies unfinished.

I understand Tensko. Youve been cheated before, I should know, I see women like that every day. I work with them. But Im not like them. Did you see me parading myself around for all to see down there? No, because thats not the way I am. I dont sell myself to the highest bidder or quickest bidder. I choose who I see, and I chose you. And Im here for you now. I cant replace your wife, no one can. But maybe I can make the hurt go away....just for a little while

She edges even closer to him, her thigh now just lightly brushing his, her hand even warmer on his leg, and the rest of her body so temptingly close.

[roll0] Bluff

2011-07-07, 06:07 PM
Aus' Study
Its Narcissus. May I come in? he says, provided no one except the most trusted of allies can hear him use his real name. He is in the guise he uses to approach Lord Aus' chambers; disguised as one of Aus' servants. Once inside, he'll assume his true form; he feels that his draconic lineage gives him a little more clout with the temperamental dragon.

2011-07-07, 06:24 PM
"Indeed, yes, enter."

As he walks in, Lord Austin raises an eyebrow at the disguise before closing the book he's studying and turning to face the new arrival properly.

"What do you want?"

2011-07-07, 06:28 PM
Narcissus sembles back into his true, draconean form once he has closed the door behind him. I need to speak with you about a recent robbery. The contents of a black box at a House Stone bank. Tell me please, Aus, was it you that robbed that bank? House Stone wants me to find and deliver the culprit, but if it was you, I'm going to have my hands full covering your tracks and finding a suitable scapegoat, so I need you to be honest.

2011-07-07, 06:37 PM
After Narcissus has finished speaking, Lord Austin takes a moment of silence before responding. As he speaks, his voice rises continually in volume and deepness until his final two words are spoken in his natural, draconic, booming roar.

"How dare you come into my office and accuse me of such petty thievery? I am no gang boss seeking dirty money, I am Lord Austin and I will BE RESPECTED!"

His hand slams down on the desk and his fingernails begin to grow slightly. Oddly, he looks taller than he was a few moments ago, yet he still resembles the old man that Narcissus knows.

2011-07-07, 06:49 PM
He couldn't beat that roll with a natural 20. SRD says he'll do whatever you want for 1 round. I suspect he'll be quite dedicated to that course of action after 1 round has passed (Although I suppose I may have misread Sabrina's intentions). Just make another post with him doing whatever it is you want him to do

2011-07-07, 07:35 PM

Sabrina gives a gentle shake of her shoulders to make her robe slip off. She leans back on the bed, drawing Tensko down on top of her, kissing him deeply as she starts
At the height of his passion, she whispers to him
Give me your love Tensko
Give me your heart
Give me your soul

2011-07-07, 07:38 PM
Narciossus' eyes flare with violet energy. I WILL NOT BE TALKED DOWN TO LIKE ONE OF YOUR SERVANTS, AUSSIRMAEKRIX, he shouts back, resisting the urge to draw his knives. It is my responsibility to ensure the Island is safe, without suspicion or reproach, and well-connected. Without the cooperation of the rest of our little band of misfits, however, my job becomes a living hell. So, sit down, shut up and put away your higher-than-thou attitude for a moment while we sort out this mess, alright? he says sternly, calming himself with visible effort.

2011-07-07, 07:42 PM
His form shifting with rage, Aussirmaekrix reveals his true draconic features as he fills the room.


At such proximity, Narcissus can feel the cold chill of the dragon's breath preparing to blast forth and engulf his study. With the rest of Narcissus' speech, however, Aus seems to calm slightly, his intelligence re-asserting itself over his bestial rage. His demeanor shifts once more and his form begins to change.

"However, you raise a good point. I will allow this transgression this time, but not again. Are we understood?"

Barely keeping a regular tone, it's clear the dragon is begrudging every syllable that escapes his lips.

2011-07-08, 12:53 PM

Sabrina, completely disregarding the shouting she must have heard as she approached the room, walks in on the confrontation, also oblivious to the closed door.
At her heels trots a small baby red dragon, although small being a relative term when it comes to dragons.
She picks out a chair at random and noncholantely flops herself into it, the dragon rests her head in her lap and she idly scratches it behind its ears, elicting the draconic equivalent of a purr, whatever that might be.

So, anything interesting on deck for today?

2011-07-08, 01:09 PM
Contrary to popular belief, Aus, I am not a mind reader. If something I say offends you, you can tell me so gently; I do not wish to anger you, but I refuse to be treated like a servant. Now... as he is about to begin, Sabrina enters with her... pet.

Ah. Sabrina, how nice of you to join us. Well, I don't see why you can't be here too. Now, the issue at hand; if you are not responsible for the robbery, Aus, then it is possible that someone is impersonating you. The mastermind behind the robbery was described as a tall, pale-skinned human who was addressed as "Lord" by one of his followers and who proceeded to rip out said follower's throat when a witness heard that address. So, pale-skinned, tall, ruthless, and insists on being addressed as Lord, but not in public. Sounds familiar, right? So, you can understand why I had to ask if it was you. He pauses for a moment. Especially given the nature of your, ah, private investigation. It could be anything that was stored in that black box; House Stone doesn't even know. I naturally assumed it was relevant to your quest, but now I'm thinking that, if someone is trying to frame you, it must be someone who knows a little of the nature of your quest.

2011-07-10, 12:21 PM
"Hm, that does sound like me... Suffice to say, you have my full support in this matter, I shall help you however I can. I request only one thing - when we find the insolent cretin that dares to impersonate me... Allow my forces to deal with him?"

2011-07-10, 01:32 PM
Narcissus nods. I'm glad for the help, but House Stone has requested that I deliver him to them when I find the culprit. I'll try to find a way to let you exact your revenge as well, Aus. Give me some time to think on it; it won't be much of an issue until we actually find the bastard anyway.

2011-07-10, 01:41 PM

So whats the plan to flush the culprit out? And how can I help with it

Sabrina continues to scratch at her dragon's head, knowing exactly where she likes to be worked on.

2011-07-11, 08:19 PM
Narcissus strokes his scaly chin. I will have to think about it. I will set The Network to work and see what I can dig up. I'd like your diviners to do the same, Aus, if you can spare one or two for this task. Then Sabrina and I can join the fray in person when we have some direction to act on. Narcissus remasks himself and peeks his head out the door. Hello? I need a message sent to Grisvald. Tell him to set the gears in motion on the Shanshar issue. He'll know what I mean. Thanks. He ducks back in and closes the door in his path, disabling his Hat of Disguise once again. Any other suggestions?

[At this point, Grisvald will contact Narcissus' spy network and set them to work investigating the robbery.]

2011-07-12, 08:36 PM
To get to Idagannon from Lesor one must pass through Vaan.

Idagannon district

There is one very attractive feature of living in Idagannon, this is counterbalanced by one very unattractive feature.

On the plus side residents of Idagannon receive a daily free bread ration from the ORS. Idagannon Rune Rail Station is the first major Rail Hub adjoined to the Rail from the west. A city the size of Mortheim consumes tremendous amounts of food daily and it is supplied by the Rune Rail by farms stretching hundreds of miles to east and west. Everything from eggs, meat to wool and flour to yeast and hobs. Huge amounts of goods flow into and from Idagannon daily. There is a huge distribution and storage network in Idagannon, employing literally thousands of people. All of them work for the ORS.

As this is the logical place for goods to be unloaded en masse so this becomes the logical point for the organisation to divide their levy from the outgoing materials. To keep their workers happy the ORS also employs hundreds more in great factory like bakers. The tiniest part of their revenue feeds the whole district and buys it's total loyalty. Most of the goods they claim are then immediately sold on at a price that is fixed to the standard market, as stipulated by Prince David. Carts bearing the Dwarfern Runes of the ORS travel daily in all directions from Idagannon in vast numbers.

Given this stranglehold there are only two noble houses represented in Idagannon. House Stone has a number of Banks in the area including the Founder Stone Bank, a massive complex that covers several acres and climbs 20 stories, it is opposite the Rune Rail Station and guarded by a massive ornamental Iron Golum. The ORS are well aware they could not match House Stone in open combat, so the Banks are quietly protected not only by internal security but also by the ORS itself in order to avoid incident.

The other is House Bolton*. It is an open secret among the nobility that the Redfort holding is where House Bolton exiles both its incompetent lordlings and also the dangerous competent. With the ORS stranglehold on the area there is almost nothing for the keepers of the Redfort to do. It's current Lord Bartangulus Bolton is one of the dangerous competent, as is his brother Sir Gregory

*Which is, incidental, the great unattractive aspect to living in Idagannon. The populus don't actually know the vampires that stalk them are House Bolton, but they know the vampires are there. Possibily out of fustration the Boltons in Idagannon are not as a rule so gentle with their prey, nor as careful covering their tracks.

As Narcissus has no spies among House Bolton or Stone, or the ORS there is little his network can tell him.

2011-07-16, 02:22 PM
Later that day:

Throughout the day Narcissus makes his discreet enquiries and throughout the day he gathers a picture from snippets of information from dozens of sources. What he hears is disheartening. While there is a universal opinion that there is someone 'a bit off' with the Boltons few of the Noble houses seem aware of their true nature. It is possible of course that they are aware and keeping that information from their underlings, it is impossible to be sure. Certainly he was surprised to hear his highly placed spy in House Umber made no mention of vampires, especially given Umber's land in the North are very close to the Bolton's, only a few hundred miles separate them.

Regardless of the truth the Boltons are still dealt with only reluctantly. For that reason Narcissus looks on with gloom as report after report bring the same answers, half-answers and more questions and no decent avenue into their activities. The Boltons run a tight ship and by evening he is starting to despair. At roughly the same time Bronn knocks on Lord Austin's door he gets a message from his mole in the Tir Nor.

'Information lacking, no way to further verify. Report from three days ago. Consignment belonging to party-in-question stolen. Vampires reported among the thieves. Consignment has C1 taxation rate, magical items or components. One crate 6x4x4, reportedly very heavy. Shipped from Caugh Bannon* to Red Fort. Stolen in Idagannon.'

*Caugh Bannon is the only mountain range where the mysterious Warp Stone can be mined. It is a common spell component in all manner of unsavoury magic. It is almost certainly what was being shipped

Lord Austin's quarters

Bronn knocked on the door, somehow knowing this time it would be wiser to await his Lord's permission. The elderly gnome's bone crack as he bows to his lord 'Milord, I bring good news. The only down side is the scholar actually proved useful, believe it or not. Augury earlier in the day indicated well for my plan so I put it in motion. When riding the Rune Rail Christian picked something up. The scholar knew the area, says he grew up near there. It's in north east Vaan, near Idagannon. Which means tomorrow Christian will be able to pinpoint the individual house for you, providing they don't move the book overnight.'

Vaan district

Vaan is roughly four times the size of Lesor, it's population exceeds Lesor's by a factor of eight. For this reason Vaan is almost universally built in long rows of three story buildings that loom over the streets, suffocating any glimpse of the world beyond the eye-line. Most of the architecture of similarly uniform. Unlike other districts Vaan was designed almost exclusively by one Architect, Joseph Amber. Amber was a great exponent of such uniformity, he wrote 13 books bemoaning various buildings and their designers regarding their locations. One line used frequently goes 'Thus two beautifully designed and constructed buildings are ruined because the architect never took the time to look around the site before he started his blueprints.'

Vaan is grey, with simple touches of gothic architecture on every windowsill, every rooftop, every street corner. It's population is largely human, with minor gnome and elf enclaves. Housing is expensive in Vaan, so the population tend to be older and conservative, leading to the common joke that they are so stiff necked because they never look up. Despite this however there is an open war on the streets. In his design Amber wisely understood the purpose of thick iron reinforced oak doors,. Simply by locking their doors the populous make themselves safe, but still... They hear such things at night. Every night the Black Brotherhood and the Silent Sisters clash, staining the streets in blood. Both gangs are unisex, the names being simply a matter of tradition. Both are rumoured to have vampiric support. The Watch too is fully engaged in this war, it is not uncommon for them to lose men. A final faction is engaged in this conflict. Taskforce Celeb Drugh.

Taskforce Celeb Drugh are a collection of human and elf mercenaries paid collectively by the Tomberry group, House Mallister and regular donations from the citizens themselves. Working independently from the Watch (And with far less legal restrictions) the recently-formed Taskforce has engaged both gangs in their flanks. It is rumoured that if the conflict is not resolved soon the Prince himself will enforce his will, meanwhile the streets continue to run with blood.

The most important place in Vaan is Water Street Station, the nearest Rune Rail Station for half a dozen districts. It is surrounded by a massive complex of warehouses owned by dozens of noble houses, temples and churches, as well as the Tir Nor, the Tomberry group and the ORS. Taskforce Celeb Drugh's first major success was forcing the gangs out of this region.

House Mallister

Among the lesser houses there are two types. All lesser houses are the sworn bannermen of one of the Great Houses. Even the mighty House Stone must bend the knee to House Storm, as do Bolton and Umber to Stark. There are two types of bannermen, inactive and active. Active bannermen are geographical capable of mustering troops to support a call to banners. Inactive bannermen still owe allegiance but geographical impracticality renders them unable to join their Lord's main strength. There is great diversity among the Houses. Stark's bannermen include vampires, half giants and centaurs. House Storm is human but their three most power lesser Houses are dwarfern. As the Kingdom expanded it assimilated rather than replaced or destroyed, all manner of monstrous humanoids and other esoteric creatures have legal protections under Kingdom law. While there are still sadly racists and xenophobes in the world almost the entirety of the Kingdom is very multicultural in attitude.

The exception to this rule is the Great House Martel, who have the sworn oath of all the lesser Elven Houses. While not openly racist the Elven Houses are certainly an old boy's club in a very real sense, most of Lord Sorin Martel's vassal lords have known him personally for hundreds of years. The Elven Houses are as a result incredibly insular, with the exception of House Mallister.

House Mallister was once a collection of embassies and city trade interests. Over hundreds of years the city elves came to look at the other Houses as profoundly backward, especially after the Rune Rail came into operation. A decision was reached hundreds of years ago. As one the city elves declared their independence and the formation of House Mallister. The lesser Houses they forswore had a legal right to answer this with warfare, but lacked the right to exercise that power within the walls of Mortheim, where House Mallister exclusively lived. House Mallister were given technical legal status as a inactive lesser House sworn to the Martel, in reality they became a separate entity which has fiercely resisted any pressure from the rural Elf Houses for hundreds of years

2011-07-17, 02:08 AM
He didn't want to play such a key card so early in his game, but he was running out of options; he needed an in with House Bolton so he could gather the evidence necessary for his friends in House Stone to prosecute them. As the evening drew on, Narcissus left Grisvald's company and went to Sabrina's festhall, to have a chat with the owner. Disguised as Mina the Claw for now, since Dominic couldn't be seen frequenting the festhall too often, Narcissus entered the hall and scanned the room for his ally. He smiled to himself as he went over what he was going to say in his head. Sabrina! You said you wanted to help with the House Stone job? How willing are you to seduce a vampire? he mentally repeated, approaching the erinyes' usual hangout.

2011-07-17, 09:16 AM

Sabrina is at her usual place at the bar, keeping an eye on her girls, making sure no patrons were taking unwanted liberties, and seeing if she sees either one of her regulars or a good candidate to join that roster. She acknowledges the approach of Mina, but lets her approach her.

2011-07-17, 04:16 PM
'Mina' sits down next to Sabrina, and smiles. Hello, Sabrina. You were wondering if there was anyway you could help with the House Stone job? Well, what are your thoughts on seducing a vampire? I need to get into House Bolton, and I don't think I have any agents who can manage the infiltration. But I bet you can, explains 'Mina' in hushed tones, making sure no one around them can hear 'her'.

2011-07-20, 06:36 AM

Seduce a vampire eh? Not the easiest thing in the world, you have to be careful that they dont seduce you instead. Ive never worked with one of the undead, they dont always respond to the same tricks. But sometimes, especially if you flatter them enough. Do you have a suitable target picked out?

2011-07-20, 10:02 AM
Standing up to face the new arrival, Lord Aus' face shows a rare view - a smile. Seemingly he's happier than Bronn has ever seen him and for no apparent reason.

"Excellent! Excellent! Come and tell me when you've located the place, I'll retreive the item myself!"

2011-07-20, 06:46 PM
Not yet, but I will set to that task immediately. Just wanted to make sure you were willing to give it a shot; the target is House Bolton, by the way.

2011-07-20, 08:24 PM

Sabrina makes an almost imperceptible motion with her hand, and one of her girls quickly moves to a heretofore unaccompanied nobleman.

I do hope this is going to be a profitable mission, seducing a vampire is one of the trickiest things Ive ever performed

2011-07-20, 08:38 PM

Sabrina makes an almost imperceptible motion with her hand, and one of her girls quickly moves to a heretofore unaccompanied nobleman.

I do hope this is going to be a profitable mission, seducing a vampire is one of the trickiest things Ive ever performed

Don't worry about that; having House Stone firmly solidified as our ally will be a boon of immeasurable value in the future. Plus, they pay quite well for contract undercover work like what we're doing now.

2011-07-23, 12:13 PM
Grisvald's already stooped back was bent low over his desk. He had been in that position for most of the day, having his meals brought to him, getting up only to answer the call of nature. Remaining in one spot was becoming painful, as the day worn on his already stiff bones seemed to crack every time he moved his neck or shifted in his seat

Still he remained, he was resolved. Although 'Sir Dominic' had set up most of his own agents the actual day to day operations had been left to the old man. He was immensely proud of the massive and yet elegant systems of information drops, couriers and safe houses he had set up. He considered the spy network as much his own creation as Narcissus, he took its failure personally. Grisvald was unaccustomed to failure, unaccustomed to the bitter taste that lingered in his mouth. He was resolved to be free of that taste before the day was out.

As night started to approach he had candles brought in for his eyes were not what they once were. The milky orbs may have glinted in the candlelight hazily but the mind behind them was still as sharp and precise as ever it was. A sheet of paper was handed to him, he read it in seconds and did the mathematics in even less time. The data was incomplete of course, and so it would remain until the dawn when his watchers would report again. Finally he had something worthwhile to bring to Narcissus. He took up a quill and confirmed his mathematics, his scratchy handwriting jumped across the page with each hacking cough. It was only an estimation of course, but it was still founded on solid mathematical principle and precedents set by common sense.

He pushed himself to his feet, repressing a groan as his back and knees clicked and popped and generally protested. His staff echoed down the halls as he made his way to Narcissus' study, it's steady staccato beat marked his progress

He knocked and then entered. Narcissus was in the middle of making some point to Roland so Grisvald stood in respectful silence as he waited for his master to finish. He took the opportunity to study those around him.

Lord Austin was sitting slightly aside from the rest of the group with the indolent and self-satisfied look of a house cat with a bird pinned beneath it's paws. He had seen the same look on Bronn's face as they passed in the hallway. Grisvald assumed Austin's investigations were going better than his own.

He regarded Roland as he would regard a dangerous specimen; interested and distant. Before he'd left Roland was a biological curiosity, no more. Since his return he had piqued Grisvald's scientific curiosity. He had not indulged that curiosity. The former Gladiator chilled him to his old bones now, he kept his distance.

Theron was leaning in to whisper in Sabrina's ear as she in turn scratched her dragon beneath the nape of it's neck. Grisvald didn't trust any of them, and considered it telling that the dragon was probably the one who posed the least threat to his master.

They were all discussing the Bolton situation of course. Hypothetical scenarios and various potential avenues of investigation. It didn't sound promising, he hoped he could help.

Narcissus finished illustrating his point and nodded slightly to his subordinate. Grisvald bowed slightly as he cleared his throat 'I have been making other enquiries Sir Dominic. I apologise it has taken so long. All requests to view the Roll of Honours are recorded and forwarded to the relevant Households, obviously I did not wish the Boltons to know we had been looking into them. It took surprisingly long to acquire false papers good enough to fool the Prince's staff, hence the delay.
'Aside from Lord Bartangulus and Sir Gregory there are six other male Boltons listed as resident at the Redfort. I am relativity sure at least two of them are mortal, unless they have been turned recently or the Boltons have some way to avoid the rays of the sun. Virgil Bolton may or may not be a vampire. The other three, Sir Homer and the brothers Horis and Steven are probably vampires. There are three female Boltons listed. One is certainly mortal, she was seen in sunlight not two weeks ago. The remaining two, Louisea and Pancea Bolton... Of them I could not say.
'There is also no way to tell how many spawn they have under their control, although I have men watching the Redfort, they will continue to do so during the night, maybe that will turn something up.
'Also I have a rough estimation of the number of guards at the Redfort, based on the number of men on the walls, the size and regularity of their patrols, as well as the size of the Redfort itself. Somewhere between fifty and seventy, divided into three shifts during the day. A number of the guards left the Redfort once their shift had ended, but a number do not.'

2011-07-23, 12:40 PM
Sitting in his true form, here among his most trusted allies, Narcissus grins at Grisvalds entrance, but does not pause in his explanations until he is done. Once Grisvald has finished his report, the violet-eyed dragonblood smiles. Wonderful work as always, old friend. You need some rest; retreat to your quarters and get some sleep, Grisvald. We shall take it from here.

The aged butler nods and smiles. As you wish, Narcissus. With a quick glance to those gathered around accompanied by slight and polite inclinations of his head, Grisvald retreats from the study to get some well-deserved rest.

Alright then, looks like we're back on track for this job. My network always comes through in the end; Grisvald runs a tight ship. Now, I've some ideas of my own on what to do next, but I'd like some other input before I share; anyone have any plans for our next move?

2011-07-23, 01:01 PM

While I have no qualms about trying to seduce a vampire, as long as we have access to a few restoration spells, I dont see why I dont just start with one of the mortals.
Apart from the problems that being successful in seducing a vampire might cause, a mortal is far more subject to the desires of flesh than a vampire is.

2011-07-23, 02:38 PM
While I have no qualms about trying to seduce a vampire, as long as we have access to a few restoration spells, I dont see why I dont just start with one of the mortals.
Apart from the problems that being successful in seducing a vampire might cause, a mortal is far more subject to the desires of flesh than a vampire is.

Narcissus nods. Until now, I didn't know if there were any non-vampires in the Redfort. Of course, it would be easier to gain access via one of the mortal members of the House. We can both try to work our ways into the House separately; as Grisvald said, there is at least one mortal man and one mortal woman in the House.

2011-07-26, 11:17 AM
Chiming in with a booming voice, Lord Aus absent-mindedly comments on his position.

"I have little to add, the realm of seduction and subterfuge is far from my forte."

2011-07-27, 06:42 PM
The Redfort is watched over the night. When dawn comes Christian rises and crosses the bridge, yawning repeatedly on his way to Vaan. Watchers are replaced at secret posts around the Redfort, the others gather to confer. A letter is constructed and bore with all due haste and secrecy to the Island.
Meanwhile Christian goes quietly about his business and then returns. While he is returning a freshly rested Grisvald studies the information within at length before reaching his conclusions. He goes to Narcissus as Christian goes to Bronn. He relays his findings as Bronn goes to Lord Austin. There is one suitable candidate for Sabrina, he thinks it likely he knows how to engineer a meeting. Bronn tells Austin '143 Greenwood street. Christian said the second or third floor, I've narrowed that down. Second floor.'

2011-07-27, 08:21 PM
Narcissus' Study
In contrast to the meeting in this room the previous night, the room is now only populated by Narcissus and Grisvald. Good morning, Grisvald. I hope you are well-rested.

The old man smiles and nods, leaning on his staff as always. Indeed, Master. We've news on a potential target for Sabrina's... unique talents. We still only have the one confirmed mortal woman; we have not received confirmation yet on Louisea and Pancea.

Forward the details on her target to Sabrina; and please, get me what you've got on this third Bolton woman. I'll take Navarre and Aimee and go on a stroll in the District, maybe accidentally walk by the crime scene and see what I can see. I'm tired of sitting still in the Keep; I trust you and the staff can handle the day's mundanities in my absence?

Of course, Narcissus. It shall be done. Grisvald inclines his head respectfully, then exits. He hands the missive to a runner, who carries it off to the Festhall, and then he sends for the twins.

A few minutes later, the siblings Aimee, Navarre and Urdomo Kalan exit the Island en route to the city. Aimee turns to Urdomo as they enter the bridge. Sir Gerard; where are we headed?

Urdomo grins. We're off to look at a House Stone Bank. And please, while we're out, I'm just your older brother, Urdomo; leave the 'sir' and 'Gerard' stuff here on the Island.

The twins nod. The trio then sets out to look into the bank robbery.

Aimee is a Level 2 Ranger, full Urban variants, two-weapon-fighting style. Navarre is a Level 2 Fighter, specializing in combat with crossbows.

2011-07-31, 02:00 PM

My target is Henry Bolton, and the best place to find him, according to our intel is at the Seven Sisters Inn in Vaan, at around noon. I will go there today and see if I can catch his eye. Does anyone want to come to back me up?
She turns to her dragon
I know you would be willing to back me up, but I think the appearance of a dragon would kind of draw all attention away from me. You hang back here, and someone will bring you if you are needed.

After waiting to see who, if any, will accompany her, Sabrina heads back to her room and prepares herself. She takes a long bath and washes her hair as well, and then puts on her makeup perfectly. An appropriate dress, showing enough flesh to catch a man's interest, but covering enough to make him want to see what else might be there (and to make sure she doesnt get arrested even before getting started), a light scent of perfume and she is ready to go.