View Full Version : George Lucas Strikes Back!

2011-06-04, 12:07 AM
I'm surprised a thread hasn't appeared about this yet. It's now top of my list of Fake Previews on Youtube That I Wish To God Would Get Made.

Check it out (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BMgegut3UM&feature=player_embedded), if you haven't seen it yet.

(Yes, the guy in the cheap Chewie mask was really dumb. I like it anyway (the video, not the mask).)

2011-06-04, 12:14 AM
Jar Jar licking a knife is quite possible the most terrifying thing that I've seen in the past few months. Especially with that creepy dead looking mask.

2011-06-04, 12:18 AM
I'm surprised a thread hasn't appeared about this yet. It's now top of my list of Fake Previews on Youtube That I Wish To God Would Get Made.

Check it out (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BMgegut3UM&feature=player_embedded), if you haven't seen it yet.

(Yes, the guy in the cheap Chewie mask was really dumb. I like it anyway (the video, not the mask).)

Speaking of SW fake-trailers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdJDAPDltMM

Honestly, I enjoyed the prequels for the most part, and I did enjoy the new Indiana Jones. That said, I really liked the trailer.

2011-06-04, 02:25 AM
Honestly, I enjoyed the prequels for the most part, and I did enjoy the new Indiana Jones.

You sir have no soul. The prequels were terrible and the abortion that was Indy 4 was, well.... Just that, a horrible, terrible mess of partially formed developmental garbage thrown out for consumption by the masses of developmentally delayed consumers. My greatest regret is that I actually paid to see Indy 4 and ROTS.

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was nonstop, insane BS from start to finish. Sure that might be ok with an Arnold, JCVD or Segal movie, but Indy? Give me a Fracking break.

That said, I enjoyed the movie clip.

2011-06-04, 02:50 AM
You sir have no soul.

On the contrary: My soul is by far the souliest.

The prequels were terrible

By comparison, sure. With the possible exception of RotS, the prequels aren't anywhere near the originals. As standard movie fare? Not half-bad.

and the abortion that was Indy 4 was, well.... Just that, a horrible, terrible mess of partially formed developmental garbage thrown out for consumption by the masses of developmentally delayed consumers. My greatest regret is that I actually paid to see Indy 4 and ROTS.

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was nonstop, insane BS from start to finish. Sure that might be ok with an Arnold, JCVD or Segal movie, but Indy? Give me a Fracking break.

That said, I enjoyed the movie clip.

Now see, I think it was brilliant. Again, not as good as the originals, but I definitely saw what they did there, and I liked it.

The brilliance really lies in the sci-fi element. While jarring at first, the original trilogy was set in the 20s/30s and played off of the pulp serials at the time, which were about supernatural things, archaeologist-adventurers, and "Natzis". The new one, set about twenty years later, draws off of the corresponding pulp of its decade: aliens and commies. In a sense, it's about as true to the essence as it could be.

2011-06-04, 05:29 AM
Man, even Crystal Skulls couldn't outdo the terriblefest that was Temple of Doom. The trailer was pretty wonderful.

2011-06-04, 05:41 AM
That trailer totally made my day. :smallsmile: It makes far more sense than the reality.

2011-06-04, 09:27 AM
It was funny overall but

The part where Spock was the mastermind really made this for me

Fiery Diamond
2011-06-04, 09:45 AM
That trailer totally made my day. :smallsmile: It makes far more sense than the reality.

It was funny overall but

The part where Spock was the mastermind really made this for me

I agree with both of these. And the OP. I'd love to see an actual movie about this.

The Glyphstone
2011-06-04, 09:47 AM
The brilliance really lies in the sci-fi element. While jarring at first, the original trilogy was set in the 20s/30s and played off of the pulp serials at the time, which were about supernatural things, archaeologist-adventurers, and "Natzis". The new one, set about twenty years later, draws off of the corresponding pulp of its decade: aliens and commies. In a sense, it's about as true to the essence as it could be.

This, basically. While it wasn't a great movie by movie standards, it was pretty much the best an Indiana Jones movie was going to get with a 70-year old Harrison Ford.

Mina Kobold
2011-06-04, 10:00 AM
Awesome, I wish the real world was that dramatic.

It does make me wonder one thing, however:

How did he keep his beard that short for twenty years?

2011-06-04, 10:08 AM
Now see, I think it was brilliant. Again, not as good as the originals, but I definitely saw what they did there, and I liked it.

The brilliance really lies in the sci-fi element. While jarring at first, the original trilogy was set in the 20s/30s and played off of the pulp serials at the time, which were about supernatural things, archaeologist-adventurers, and "Natzis". The new one, set about twenty years later, draws off of the corresponding pulp of its decade: aliens and commies. In a sense, it's about as true to the essence as it could be.

I agree with this analysis. I just simply wish they hadn't gone so over the top with things. Nuking the fridge, Shia Lebouf, and such could all have been cut out while still accomplishing the themes that you noted.

2011-06-04, 10:38 AM
I'm A Business Man On My CELL PHONE.

2011-06-04, 10:53 AM
How did he keep his beard that short for twenty years?

He used the spoon.

The pain only strengthened his resolve!

Fiery Diamond
2011-06-04, 11:22 AM
I'm A Business Man On My CELL PHONE.

Cell phone?

2011-06-04, 02:17 PM
http://nba-live.com/lean/Yoda_Emoticon.gif: Pain leads to an ass kicking.


2011-06-08, 06:00 AM
this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHY8NKj3RKs) is still on top of my list

Archpaladin Zousha
2011-06-08, 09:10 AM
On the contrary: My soul is by far the souliest.
That's debatable, we're all Internet users. There aren't any souls to be found in any of us, are there?

By comparison, sure. With the possible exception of RotS, the prequels aren't anywhere near the originals. As standard movie fare? Not half-bad.
Seconded. I really don't understand the reasoning behind the vitriol levelled at the prequels. Sure they're not Oscar-worthy masterpieces, but then that was never the kind of story Lucas wanted to tell anyway, nor was it the idea he wanted to sell. I went into each prequel movie expecting a big, delicious, ham-and-cheese, soft-science-fiction timewaster and that's exactly what I got!

Now see, I think it was brilliant. Again, not as good as the originals, but I definitely saw what they did there, and I liked it.

The brilliance really lies in the sci-fi element. While jarring at first, the original trilogy was set in the 20s/30s and played off of the pulp serials at the time, which were about supernatural things, archaeologist-adventurers, and "Natzis". The new one, set about twenty years later, draws off of the corresponding pulp of its decade: aliens and commies. In a sense, it's about as true to the essence as it could be.
Have to agree with this too. I went and saw this with my dad, who's a big fan of both Star Wars and Indiana Jones, and while we both thought the alien angle was ridiculous, hey, this is Indiana Jones where the Ark of the Covenant melts peoples' faces and is hidden in a crate in Area 51.

Besides, Indiana Jones drew a great deal of inspiration from the "ancient astronauts" theories of Von Danniken (whom my father actually met, believe it or not), so...why not just throw in some real aliens? It's not like this is a very serious story anyway!

2011-06-08, 09:41 AM
By comparison, sure. With the possible exception of RotS, the prequels aren't anywhere near the originals. As standard movie fare? Not half-bad.

but they are made by the same person, for the same story, with larger budgets than the originals. how else do you judge movies in a series than against the other movies in the series.


2011-06-08, 09:59 AM
Making fun of the prequels?

Did...did I get in my time machine instead of my car to come to work today?

What day is today? Year?

but they are made by the same person, for the same story, with larger budgets than the originals. how else do you judge movies in a series than against the other movies in the series.


Well...since ticket prices don't change whether you're seeing the first in a series or the third (assuming they are in the theater at the same time, disregarding inflation, etc.) then you judge them based on value for your dollar compared to your other options.

The prequels and Indy 4 were good movies compared to pretty much all the other slop that Hollywood spills onto the screen every year.

The simple fact of the matter is that the prequels get a hard time because they are targeted at nerds, and nerds suck at being fans. (I say this as a nerd. Do not go to comic book movies with me, I will grumble about everything.) If you want proof of this, see my above statement about the year. Episode I came out 12 years ago and you people are still making JarJar jokes. Jesus.

the abortion that was Indy 4 was

You're casually using the word abortion to describe a movie you didn't like.

I just...I want you to put that in some perspective.

Mauve Shirt
2011-06-08, 10:06 AM
The biggest problem Indy 4 had wasn't the stupid aliens, it's the fact that they're setting up Shia LaBeouf to continue the franchise.

Mina Kobold
2011-06-08, 10:26 AM
As far as I understand it, a lot of fans of what was previously canon EU material got pissed because Lucas decided to let the Geonosians help build the Death Star. Which made every bit of EU about it noncanon.

But other than that they were OK, ithey could be better but other than that tidbit they don't deserve the scorn.

Indiana Jones was pretty good, though. Not exactly as the previous ones, but still not bad. :smallsmile:

2011-06-08, 01:30 PM
Oy. After the garbage pile that was Phantom I didn't bother seeing the other two, so I'll just say this - Phantom Menace is one of the worst films I've ever seen. Not just in comparison with the real Star Wars films, not in any way concerned with EU or what's cannon or whatever - just plain awful.

A dumb, meandering plot, no character development, special effects sequences that went on forever to no point, a supporting cast of horrible ethnic stereotype throwbacks of the sort common in films 75 years ago - that's all without even taking into accout idiocies like turning the Force into bacteria.

Man, if I was George Lucas and someone had stolen my identity to make that dungheap of a movie, well, I'd be shooting first too.

2011-06-08, 02:41 PM
Oy. After the garbage pile that was Phantom I didn't bother seeing the other two, so I'll just say this - Phantom Menace is one of the worst films I've ever seen. Not just in comparison with the real Star Wars films, not in any way concerned with EU or what's cannon or whatever - just plain awful.

If that's true, then you have no idea how lucky you are.

2011-06-08, 03:20 PM
I thought this was a thread for fanmade trailers, not for angry fans to rage about movies and spew the same vitriol we've been reading for 10 years. Seriously, get over it.

That said... I'm surprised I haven't seen these yet.

Street Fighter: Legacy

Mortal Kombat: Rebirth

Ryan Vs Dorkman fan lightsaber duel (Plenty of links to sequels and similar in the sidebar)

2011-06-08, 03:23 PM
I thought this was a thread for fanmade trailers, not for angry fans to rage about movies and spew the same vitriol we've been reading for 10 years.

You may not have noticed, but the trailer in question that inspired this thread is a wonderfully creative and humorous expression of that rage and vitriol you're complaining about, so if you think that's a problem you seriously might want to get over it.

2011-06-08, 03:30 PM
For those who think the prequels are bad, but like DnD style games, read this (http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0001.html).

Its amazing what a change in view can do for things.

2011-06-08, 07:31 PM
The flames! They burn!

@ OP: This was hilarious, thank you for sharing. :smallsmile:

2011-06-08, 07:45 PM
You're casually using the word abortion to describe a movie you didn't like.

I just...I want you to put that in some perspective.

It's the internet. :smalltongue:

Edit:Actually, that's a good response to the entire post. We're still making Jar Jar jokes because the internet will never let something die.

2011-06-08, 08:15 PM
Mortal Kombat: Rebirth

This? This is no longer just a fan trailer. It was approved. It formed the basis of Mortal Kombat: Legacy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqlaU5OMsks&feature=BFa&list=SL&index=1), a web series you can enjoy!

Well...Sort of. The people who made it got approval and support to do an official thing, but it's not their reiimagining, but rather more faithful to the original story.

Fiery Diamond
2011-06-08, 11:39 PM
Episode I: A passable film. It had some smatterings of entertaining humor (I LIKED Jar Jar, okay?! He's kind of like one of the Three Stooges, which were awesome.) The story was horribad, the logic (or lack thereof) was horribad, and the characters were flat, but it was funny and had neat special effects. It wasn't highly inappropriate with crude humor everywhere like most of the trash Hollywood turns out and the action scenes didn't try to give me seizures like some (Transformers, anyone?). It wasn't a GOOD film, but it was an amusing time-waster. I've watched it several times. Compared to the original Star Wars? Definitely not in the same league. The one thing that I absolutely HATED about this film, however, was turning the Force into bacteria.

Episode II: OH GODS OF ALL PANTHEONS MAKE IT STOP! Horrible, terrible, retch-inducingly bad. The only character that was funny or interesting in the whole movie was Obi-wan. Everyone else was stupid, cheesy, idiotic, awkward, and stupid. That is some of the worst romance I have ever seen in my life. Even lovesick teenagers in real life aren't that bad. Oh, I almost forgot that this film had special effects and action and clones, because all the horrible kind of overshadowed it.

Episode III: A decent action film, but horrible for story or characters. I loved the action scenes. Anakin was an evil bastard from the start of this film to the finish, and that alone kind of ruined the story. I still think the battle between Anakin and Obi-wan is fun to watch.

George Lucas Strikes Back: I would pay to see this if it were real.

2011-06-11, 02:29 PM
Everyone discussing the prequels...
It's like I'm really in 2004!:smallamused:

2011-06-11, 04:45 PM
Everyone discussing the prequels...
It's like I'm really in 2004!:smallamused:

Indeed, they are still bad nearly a decade later :smalltongue:

2011-06-11, 05:06 PM
Loved that trailer thanks for sharing OP. As for the prequels... there's a decent story concept there but... ah, forget it. Enough has been said on the matter.

2011-07-03, 06:05 PM
In defense of the Prequals, I though Leim Neilson was good as Obi Wans teacher, and Darth Maul being played by a master martial artist was a neat touch. Not a good movie, but it had it's moments. And Duel of a the Fates was a good peice of music.

Also, Christopher Lee didn't do a bad job in episode two, even if he was unable too carry the movie by himself, no one could have managed that.

And it was cool too see what they could do with lightsaber combat with the new at the time tech.

That having been said, I hope they do a Star Wars Reboot in about 10-25 years, with a bunch of really good actors and significantly better writing. Actually, using some of the digital will have by that time we could even do an episode seven, eight, and nine with out Mark Hamel, Harrison Ford or Carry Fisher.

2011-07-08, 05:43 AM
That having been said, I hope they do a Star Wars Reboot in about 10-25 years, with a bunch of really good actors and significantly better writing. Actually, using some of the digital will have by that time we could even do an episode seven, eight, and nine with out Mark Hamel, Harrison Ford or Carry Fisher.

**** no!

it would be like meeting your first girlfriend again after she'd gone through a make-over and plastic surgery. no matter how hot she may be now, she'll never beat the memory of those first experimental moments of snogging and fumbling around.

when i watch star wars I want to see the dodgy special effects, remember the smell of semi-stale popcorn, and the feel of the old couch I watched it on, and I want to enjoy being able to quote every line of the movie as it goes along...
the last thing I need is yet another reboot, made by people who are either too lazy, too incompetent or too marketing-driven to come up with something (a plot) of their own, and who get away with it "only because it looks better".
if you and your CGI are so much better than what was around 30 years ago, make your own movie, instead of trying to piggyback on the success of someone else's work.
they've done it already with the new "karate kid" who was actually doing Kung-Fu.... wtf?

Mina Kobold
2011-07-08, 07:20 AM
they've done it already with the new "karate kid" who was actually doing Kung-Fu.... wtf?

Not the fault of the movie creators, actually. Will Smith and others wanted it to be called Kung Fu Kid since it was a reimagining and not a remake.

Marketing wanted it to cash into the original as much as it could, so they stalled it until it got called Karate Kid.

The Power of Money!

A reboot isn't a remake, by the way. It's more similar to a reimagining where there are no rules for how close the chain of events should follow the original, like Batman's various animated and live action adaptions. :smallsmile:

So don't worry about it replacing the original, it simply tells a What If to it. ^_^