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2011-06-05, 11:28 AM
I just went and saw Xmen First Class, and with all things I see, I am inspired in one way or another. I currently wish to make a character that possesses Azazel/Nightcrawler-esque teleportation like abilities. I thought about the Shadowdancer Prestige class, and it's Shadow Jump ability. But in the end I decided that doesn't really work because of the shadow limitation, and the relatively short jump distance. I also considered the Wayfarer Guide, but that doesn't seem so focused on instantaneous teleportation as it does with Teleporting an army accurately. The Abrupt Jaunt (Conjuration) Immediate magic ability is closer to what I want, but the range is limited. I thought about about a Teleport Class I saw somewhere on the boards, but haven't been able to find it since. Possibly a Wizard(Conjurer)/Shadowdancer might work, but I'm not convinced. Any thoughts? Thanks.

2011-06-05, 11:29 AM
So you want a shadowpouncer, by the sounds of it. Tefflammar Shadowlord is the usual PrC for it.

Gray Mage
2011-06-05, 11:31 AM
Swordsages have Shadow Hand maneuvers that can do that. It also have other good maneuvers and stances that would fit an assassin and multiclasses well with Rogue.

2011-06-05, 11:33 AM
So you want a shadowpouncer, by the sounds of it. Tefflammar Shadowlord is the usual PrC for it.

This is precisely what you want. Telflammar Shadowlord, from Unapproachable East, pg. 36, has a class feature at fourth level called "Shadowpounce" which allows you to make a full attack after teleporting. Combine this with a method to teleport multiple times in a round and you'll be set.

2011-06-05, 11:36 AM
So you want a shadowpouncer, by the sounds of it. Tefflammar Shadowlord is the usual PrC for it.

Crinti Shadow Marauder 5 (Shining South) is easier to qualify for. Blade of Orien (Dragonmarked) gets something similar

The Blink Shirt soulmeld (Magic of Incarnum) lets you dimension door at will as a standard action, or as a move action with a 2-level Totemist dip.

2011-06-05, 12:01 PM
I second a swordsage using the shadow hand. This is pretty much exactly what you want. They has teleport abilities that are used as a swift action, so you can still full attack, if I remember correctly. Also, using a stance, you can have some sneak attack damage.

2011-06-05, 12:39 PM
I agree that the tefflammar shadowlord with the blinkshirt soulmeld will be what you like the most. The build may take a bit and be focused, but you'll b teleporting all over (short range only).

Swordsage (from Tome of Battle) will do what you want, though probably not as often as you'd like. In exchange youzd get a lot of versatility from your maneuvers, and have more build options.

2011-06-05, 01:12 PM
if you do not have UMD and have room for a 1 level prestige class dip with easy requirements, i always suggest the lowly Assassin from the PHB.

the death attack isnt what you are looking for in this situation (though if you have more room for levels and have a high enough INT, this isnt a bad thing to have). Assassins have a pretty decent spell list, giving you a good selection of wands. you will also get some sneak attack, the ability to use poisons without worry of poisoning yourself, and what was that? oh yeah, UMD, one of the best skills to have.

so yeah, if you like having wands, like using wands, but dont have UMD, dip into Assassin

2011-06-05, 05:30 PM
Another class that works if you want to avoid the shadow jump approach is Blade of Orien from Dragonmarked. It's less Rogue-friendly and more full-BAB-friendly.

Big Fau
2011-06-05, 05:33 PM
Crinti Shadow Marauder 5 (Shining South) is easier to qualify for. Blade of Orien (Dragonmarked) gets something similar

The Blink Shirt soulmeld (Magic of Incarnum) lets you dimension door at will as a standard action, or as a move action with a 2-level Totemist dip.

Totemist into Crinti Shadow Marauder is the way to go. You get a ton of attack, a reliable teleportation ability (that can become a move-action if you need it to be), and have some very potent buff effects.

Divide by Zero
2011-06-05, 05:44 PM
Crinti Shadow Marauder 5 (Shining South) is easier to qualify for. Blade of Orien (Dragonmarked) gets something similar

Straight Swordsage can get into TSL with a somewhat liberal interpretation of the spellcasting requirement, and a Totemist dip fixes it otherwise, so I don't really see the prerequisites as much of a problem.

2011-06-05, 07:17 PM
I suppose I should've been more specific. When I said that I wanted the Azazel/Nightcrawler-esque teleportation powers what I had in mind was.
-Teleporting, Quickly and a Reasonable distance.
-Multiple Allies for fast group transportation
-Able to get an attack off after I Teleport
-Able to Teleport foes.

2011-06-05, 07:21 PM
A swordsage can teleport three times in a round, (swift, move, standard) and with TFSL can make full attacks on all of them.

Big Fau
2011-06-05, 07:42 PM
I suppose I should've been more specific. When I said that I wanted the Azazel/Nightcrawler-esque teleportation powers what I had in mind was.
-Teleporting, Quickly and a Reasonable distance.
-Multiple Allies for fast group transportation
-Able to get an attack off after I Teleport
-Able to Teleport foes.

Barring being a spellcaster, that isn't exact feasible. Very few teleportation effects can affect enemies. A weapon enhancement in the MiC can do so, but that ability is limited in uses/day and has a poor DC.

2011-06-05, 07:51 PM
I suppose I should've been more specific. When I said that I wanted the Azazel/Nightcrawler-esque teleportation powers what I had in mind was.
-Teleporting, Quickly and a Reasonable distance.
-Multiple Allies for fast group transportation
-Able to get an attack off after I Teleport
-Able to Teleport foes.

Group, distance, and especially teleporting unwilling creatures basically requires being a caster. Attacking after teleport means either getting Shadowpounce or restricting your combat teleports to swift/move action teleports, specifically ones that aren't based on Dimension Door and its 'lose all other actions' clause.

murr.. you want something like Swordsage/*caster*/Jade Phoenix Mage/*shadowpounce class*, but I don't know if that's actually at all feasible to build.

Maybe lesser shadowpounce, then, in the form of the Sun School tactical feat? Requires Flurry of Blows, and the most interesting part of it lets you make a single attack against somebody after you teleport next to them. So.. Monk/Swordsage/*caster*/Jade Phoenix Mage, with appropriately timed dips back into Swordsage to pick up the next Shadow Stride/Jaunt/Blink maneuver. Add Snap Kick, so you can punch somebody twice whenever you pop in next to them? ... yeah, that's not too horrible, and doesn't require nearly the contortions of fitting the full Shadowpounce classes in.

2011-06-05, 07:57 PM
-Teleporting, Quickly and a Reasonable distance.
-Multiple Allies for fast group transportation
-Able to get an attack off after I Teleport
-Able to Teleport foes.

What's 'reasonable distance'? 10 feet? 20 feet? 50 feet? 500 feet?
The Baleful Transposition spell (SpC) is a 2nd level spell that can do that, but it's... well, only 2nd level, and only switches an enemy and an ally. Teleport can do the group transportation, obviously- get scrolls of it and use UMD, or a dorje of the psionic version and use UPD. There are plenty of move-action or less teleports- Abrupt Jaunt, the Shadow X maneuvers, Telflammar Shadowlord...

Maybe lesser shadowpounce, then, in the form of the Sun School tactical feat? Requires Flurry of Blows, and the most interesting part of it lets you make a single attack against somebody after you teleport next to them. So.. Monk/Swordsage/*caster*/Jade Phoenix Mage, with appropriately timed dips back into Swordsage to pick up the next Shadow Stride/Jaunt/Blink maneuver. Add Snap Kick, so you can punch somebody twice whenever you pop in next to them? ... yeah, that's not too horrible, and doesn't require nearly the contortions of fitting the full Shadowpounce classes in.
Ooh, I like this. If you do Monk 1/ Wolf Totem Barbarian 1, you can get Improved Trip without prerequisites and, with Knock-Down, get effectively 3 attacks unarmed attacks on each one. Unarmed Swordsage, of course, with a Monk's Belt or IUSS to cover some of the levels where you don't improve the unarmed strike.

2011-06-05, 08:07 PM
Swordsage 1/ Warlock 6/ Swordsage 1/ Telflammar Shadowlord 4/ Jade Phoenix Mage 8 (advancing Warlock) is fairly close to Nightcrawler type build. You can pick up the Flee the Scene invocation from Warlock to meet the Dim Door prereq for TSL. You'll also have Shadow Jaunt from Swordsage which should work with Shadowpounce from TSL. You could even go with the Eldritch Claws (Dragon #358) feat if you want to keep with the Nightcrawler theme.

Here is a build for a Phoenix Nightcrawler from the Warlock Information Compilation. (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=2915.0)

Human Swordsage 1/ Warlock 6/SS +1/Telflammar Shadowlord 4/JPM 8

Swordsage 1: Quick to Act +1, discipline focus (weapon focus), Cloak of Deception, 5 others, Dodge, Mobility
Warlock 1: Least invocation,
Warlock 2: Least invocation, Detect Magic, Blind fight
Warlock 3: DR 1/cold iron
Warlock 4: Least Invocation, Decieve Item
Warlock 5: Spring Attack
Warlock 6: Flee the Scene
Swordsage 2: AC bonus, Assassin’s Stance, 1 maneuver (3rd)
Telflammar Shadowlord 1: Shadowsight, shadow jump, Quicken: Flee the Scene
Telflammar Shadowlord 2: Shadow blur
Telflammar Shadowlord 3: Shadow walk
Telflammar Shadowlord 4: Shadow pounce, Adaptive Style
JPM 1: +1 Man. known (4th) (Searing Blade), arcane wrath, rite of waking
JPM 2: Mystic phoenix stance
JPM 3: +1 Man. known (5th) (Leaping Flame), +1 Man. readied, Shadow Stride
JPM 4: Empowering strike
JPM 5: +1 Man. known (6th) (Rallying Strike), +1 stance
JPM 6: +1 Man. readied, Firebird stance, Jade Phoenix master, Feat
JPM 7: +1 Man. known (7th) (Inferno Blade)
JPM 8: Quickening strike

BAB 16; F/R/W: 9/11/11; Casts as Warlock 12 (6d6 blast, 1 Greater invocation)
Thoughts on Tome of Battle’s influence on warlocks by Lilt

Good question, although aside from using generally overpowered abilities or counters to boost defense then I think that the answer is "probably not".

Warlocks don't get the requirements for the only arcane casting PrC of the book, Jade Phoenix Mage, meaning that although the requirements could be grabbed with a dip into another class, it's probably not worth it. Combine this with the fact that they don't get to use the auto-quicken ability (it only works on a spell, not a spell-like), I don't think it's worth it.

Maneuvers generally aren't compatible with the warlock's main source of damage, eldritch blast.

Some of the counters and boosts could be very useful combined with the warlock's abilities, but as most of the useful counters and boosts are higher level you're stuck with having to know useless strikes in-order to get them. Still, anyone can benefit from white raven tactics.

Stances can be useful for anyone, and the +2d6 sneak attack of Assassin’s Stance could be very useful for a warlock who's able to stay invisible all the time. Available through 2 feats by level 12 or a 1-level dip into swordsage at level 9.

Generally, although it adds more options for feats, I don't think there's that much opportunity for synergy

2011-06-05, 08:35 PM
Swordsage 1/ Warlock 6/ Swordsage 1/ Telflammar Shadowlord 4/ Jade Phoenix Mage 8 (advancing Warlock) is fairly close to Nightcrawler type build. You can pick up the Flee the Scene invocation from Warlock to meet the Dim Door prereq for TSL. You'll also have Shadow Jaunt from Swordsage which should work with Shadowpounce from TSL. You could even go with the Eldritch Claws (Dragon #358) feat if you want to keep with the Nightcrawler theme.

Here is a build for a Phoenix Nightcrawler from the Warlock Information Compilation. (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=2915.0)

If you do this, you should either take Eldritch Claws like Gorfnab mentioned, or the Hideous Blow invocation. Although Hideous Blow sucks normally because it's once per round and isn't a touch attack, if you're using Tome of Battle it's a good option for maneuvers. Eldritch Glaive CAN'T be used with maneuvers, and you don't get a touch attack with Eldritch Claws anyway so it doesn't matter between the two as much. (If you're relying on something about your weapon, go with Hideous Blow, but if you're going to use maneuvers that have more than one attack or are an unarmed fighter, use the claws.)

Big Fau
2011-06-05, 08:37 PM
If you do this, you should either take Eldritch Claws like Gorfnab mentioned, or the Hideous Blow invocation. Although Hideous Blow sucks normally because it's once per round and isn't a touch attack, if you're using Tome of Battle it's a good option for maneuvers. Eldritch Glaive CAN'T be used with maneuvers, and you don't get a touch attack with Eldritch Claws anyway so it doesn't matter between the two as much. (If you're relying on something about your weapon, go with Hideous Blow, but if you're going to use maneuvers that have more than one attack or are an unarmed fighter, use the claws.)

Hideous Blow cannot be combine with Strikes either. It's a standard action to use the invocation at all.

Boosts work, but you're better off with Swordsage and Glaive in that case.

2011-06-05, 08:38 PM
*brain fart* :smallredface:

Divide by Zero
2011-06-05, 09:59 PM
Hideous Blow: it blows hideously. Don't use it.

2011-06-05, 10:31 PM
After reviewing all of the previous, I have decided to go with Conjurer (With the Immediate Magic), Dragonmarked Heir to give boosts to the Dragonmark of Passage which allows me to go with Blade of Orien.
All of this ends up giving me
-An Immediate Action ability to teleport 10ft
-A Move Action to move just me 10ft/level
-A Standard Action ability to move me and a few other willing creatures as Dimension Door
-The ability to teleport a foe 20ft in any direction (provided they fail a will save equal to 14+Cha, looking for some way to enhance this ability.)
-The Ability to perform a full attack after the move action teleport.
Conjurer 5/Dragonmarked Heir 1/Blade of Orien 10/
As you can see lot's of teleporty goodness. And that's at Lv 16, where my Bab will be 14, so nothing awful, but nothing much to sneeze at either. Might finish up with Shadowdancer, just to give a 20ft shadow jump, which might be cool thematically, other options include more casting, and some way to increase the DC that the foe needs to pass for the offensive teleport.

Big Fau
2011-06-05, 10:34 PM
After reviewing all of the previous, I have decided to go with Conjurer (With the Immediate Magic), Dragonmarked Heir to give boosts to the Dragonmark of Passage which allows me to go with Blade of Orien.
All of this ends up giving me
-An Immediate Action ability to teleport 10ft
-A Move Action to move just me 10ft/level
-A Standard Action ability to move me and a few other willing creatures as Dimension Door
-The ability to teleport a foe 20ft in any direction (provided they fail a will save equal to 14+Cha, looking for some way to enhance this ability.)
-The Ability to perform a full attack after the move action teleport.
Conjurer 5/Dragonmarked Heir 1/Blade of Orien 10/
As you can see lot's of teleporty goodness. And that's at Lv 16, where my Bab will be 14, so nothing awful, but nothing much to sneeze at either. Might finish up with Shadowdancer, just to give a 20ft shadow jump, which might be cool thematically, other options include more casting, and some way to increase the DC that the foe needs to pass for the offensive teleport.

BAB of 14 and 3rd level spells...

This is a very poor mix. You really will not stand up to any encounters at 20th level, and your save DCs are too low to matter. I recommend that you rethink this build, since you've forgone too many spellcasting levels to call it a Gish.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-06-05, 10:38 PM
Another options is the jaunter prg. class from Expedition to the Demon Web pits. it gets a lot of teleport related abilities and IIRC greater teleport as a SLA, with usage per day based on Dex modifier bonus.

Big Fau
2011-06-05, 10:54 PM
Another options is the jaunter prg. class from Expedition to the Demon Web pits. it gets a lot of teleport related abilities and IIRC greater teleport as a SLA, with usage per day based on Dex modifier bonus.

Actually, (Jaunter Level+Dex Mod)/2 times per day. And it's only normal Teleport (check the errata for CL).

You do get Planeshift though.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-06-05, 10:58 PM
Actually, (Jaunter Level+Dex Mod)/2 times per day. And it's only normal Teleport (check the errata for CL).

You do get Planeshift though.

Right, no GT; but you still can pump your Dex enough you can get good mileage out of it.

Big Fau
2011-06-05, 11:00 PM
Right, no GT; but you still can pump your Dex enough you can get good mileage out of it.

Ha, Mileage.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-06-05, 11:03 PM
Ha, Mileage.

.... can you believe I didn't meant to do that?

2011-06-06, 08:05 AM
BAB of 14 and 3rd level spells...
This is a very poor mix. You really will not stand up to any encounters at 20th level, and your save DCs are too low to matter. I recommend that you rethink this build, since you've forgone too many spellcasting levels to call it a Gish.

I'm not calling it a Gish, and by no means do I call myself an optimizer, I am very much a "I wonder if I can pull this off/This looks neat" character builder. I'm looking at the teleporting only in this. I will not be casting offensively and Bab 14 is only 2 behind a fighter of my level and one attack behind. I'll have the "Animal Buffs" and other useful spells that are non-offense focused. The team this guy is paired up with doesn't need anyone really. If the DM approves getsalt, which he will because he likes TPK's and if he boosts us he makes us feel like there's a real fighting chance the one person is going Duskblade/Spellsword(Maybe)//Warblade/Eternal Blade by no means is this going to be someone who frequents combat, if I getsalt it will probably be Rogue, just for the pop out of nowhere stab you in the ass then pop away that I would like to have. The only thing I haven't worked out for the Azazel-esque character is how to make their will save against the teleport more difficult than 14+my Cha Mod.

2011-06-06, 12:40 PM
Well, after reading the mention in your opening post of a teleporter class on the board only one thing came to mind: Saph's Teleporter Class (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=168948)

Hopefully that will be of some use to you.

Big Fau
2011-06-06, 04:04 PM
I'm not calling it a Gish, and by no means do I call myself an optimizer, I am very much a "I wonder if I can pull this off/This looks neat" character builder. I'm looking at the teleporting only in this. I will not be casting offensively and Bab 14 is only 2 behind a fighter of my level and one attack behind. I'll have the "Animal Buffs" and other useful spells that are non-offense focused. The team this guy is paired up with doesn't need anyone really. If the DM approves getsalt, which he will because he likes TPK's and if he boosts us he makes us feel like there's a real fighting chance the one person is going Duskblade/Spellsword(Maybe)//Warblade/Eternal Blade by no means is this going to be someone who frequents combat, if I getsalt it will probably be Rogue, just for the pop out of nowhere stab you in the ass then pop away that I would like to have. The only thing I haven't worked out for the Azazel-esque character is how to make their will save against the teleport more difficult than 14+my Cha Mod.

That's only half of the problem. Unless you've got obscene ability scores and a really good number of buffs running (the Animal's X line isn't going to cut it, at all) you'll never be able to HIT an enemy at ECL 14+, much less be able to force their Will save.

You have a Caster level of 6th at 20th, which means you physically cannot overcome Spell Resistance (Natural 20's don't work on CL Checks).

The average AC of a CR 20 encounter is 36, MINIMUM. You need a natural 20 to hit that AC unless you have enough buffs to pump your attack rolls by another 10 points (FYI: You only have 3rd level spells, and not that many spells/day, and none of them have a long duration).

Right now your "cool concept" is a liability to the party, even worse than Monk 20. You are liable to be killed off even with Abrupt Jaunt.

2011-06-06, 04:17 PM
That's not a 20th level build, Fau, it's a 16th level build. It's BAB+14 at 16th level; that's not great, but it's not horrible.

Big Fau
2011-06-06, 05:06 PM
That's not a 20th level build, Fau, it's a 16th level build. It's BAB+14 at 16th level; that's not great, but it's not horrible.

Oh, I missed that.

Still, the CL is terrible for his level. And the spells themselves won't help much.

2011-06-06, 05:43 PM
Well, it's not really a caster build; I think all of the spell slots are probably spent on non-save-using teleporty spells like Benign Transposition, Dimension Hop, or Dimension Step, or else utility spells that don't age. If he's a Focused Specialist, he'll get plenty of all of them for use every day.

2011-06-06, 06:14 PM
Have you considered psionics? A Monk 1/Psion (Nomad) X (with perhaps Illithid Slayer or Sanctified Mind later to help you hit things) with the Sun School feat would be a lot of teleporty-goodness, and you'd manage the teleporting enemies and long-distance teleporting.

2011-06-06, 06:19 PM
Have you considered psionics? A Monk 1/Psion (Nomad) X (with perhaps Illithid Slayer or Sanctified Mind later to help you hit things) with the Sun School feat would be a lot of teleporty-goodness, and you'd manage the teleporting enemies and long-distance teleporting.

Or a Monk/Ardent with Sun School and Tashalatora; you get similar overall BAB and better unarmed strike (Slayer doesn't advance Tashalatora.) Appropriately-timed Tome of Battle dips can help even more.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-06-06, 06:40 PM
Or a Monk/Ardent with Sun School and Tashalatora; you get similar overall BAB and better unarmed strike (Slayer doesn't advance Tashalatora.) Appropriately-timed Tome of Battle dips can help even more.

Slayer can use Tashalastora, provided you selected it as the psionic class, and TBH there is nothing good after EML 12 so Monk 2/Ardent 3/Slayer 10/Sanctified Mind 5 (Tashalastora advancing Slayer) with PM and SUS is quite solid

2011-06-06, 06:42 PM
Slayer can use Tashalastora, provided you selected it as the psionic class, and TBH there is nothing good after EML 12 so Monk 2/Ardent 3/Slayer 10/Sanctified Mind 5 (Tashalastora advancing Slayer) with PM and SUS is quite solid

It can, but you still only fight as an 11th or 12th level monk if you do that; a straight Monk/Ardent is a 20th level monk for unarmed strikes. Plus, that build loses a good 90 power points over a Monk 1/ Ardent 19.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-06-06, 06:45 PM
It can, but you still only fight as an 11th or 12th level monk if you do that; a straight Monk/Ardent is a 20th level monk for unarmed strikes. Plus, that build loses a good 90 power points over a Monk 1/ Ardent 19.

My build? it only ends up loosing 4 ML...I might need to check the books; but I don't have CPsi nearby right now.

2011-06-06, 06:53 PM
It only loses 4 ML, but Practiced Manifester doesn't increase your base PP pool, it only increases your ML and lets you pick higher-level powers.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-06-06, 07:07 PM
It only loses 4 ML, but Practiced Manifester doesn't increase your base PP pool, it only increases your ML and lets you pick higher-level powers.

Remember the Bonus PP from manifesting stat bonus is also tied to ML; true it looses a lot of PP; but not as much as you could.

2011-06-06, 07:09 PM
You mean WIS bonus. Yes, but with 20 Wisdom, it's still a disparity of about 80 PP. Even with Wisdom as high as 24 (which he won't have because he's not WIS-SAD), it's still over 70 pp difference.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-06-06, 07:14 PM
You mean WIS bonus. Yes, but with 20 Wisdom, it's still a disparity of about 80 PP. Even with Wisdom as high as 24 (which he won't have because he's not WIS-SAD), it's still over 70 pp difference.

Point taken; but still I feel some of the abilities gained are worth it, the Cerebral blind and Cerebral immunities are one of the best defences in the game IMO (selective immunity to mind affecting abilities, yes please and I will take immunity to divinations on the side).

2011-06-06, 07:24 PM
Oh, sure. I'm not sure I would want to suck the extra caster level lost from Sanctified Mind.

Also, that build doesn't qualify for Slayer. Try Monk 1/ Ardent 5 (or 6, if not using fractional BAB)/Slayer 10/ Ardent 4 (or 3); you don't lose as many ML.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-06-06, 07:36 PM
Oh, sure. I'm not sure I would want to suck the extra caster level lost from Sanctified Mind.

Also, that build doesn't qualify for Slayer. Try Monk 1/ Ardent 5 (or 6, if not using fractional BAB)/Slayer 10/ Ardent 4 (or 3); you don't lose as many ML.

In my defence I did that build stub from the top of my head...damn all this talk about this is making me want to play one >_<

Big Fau
2011-06-06, 07:54 PM
You mean WIS bonus. Yes, but with 20 Wisdom, it's still a disparity of about 80 PP. Even with Wisdom as high as 24 (which he won't have because he's not WIS-SAD), it's still over 70 pp difference.

Actually, both:

Your key ability score grants you additional power points equal to your key ability modifier × your manifester level ×½. Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Power Points shows these calculations for class levels 1st through 20th and key ability scores from 10 to 41.

So a high ML and a high Wis are needed. And Practiced Manifester is really poorly worded and was never errata'ed to clarify if the ML increase provides bonus PP or not (seriously, who was in charge of Copy/Pasta there?).

Wanna know a secret? The [Psionic] tag on Practiced Manifester means it's a spell-like Feat, as per the rules on Psionic feats in the XPH. Which means it shuts down inside an AMF, not that it matters much in that case.

2011-06-06, 07:56 PM
Actually, both:

So a high ML and a high Wis are needed. And Practiced Manifester is really poorly worded and was never errata'ed to clarify if the ML increase provides bonus PP or not (seriously, who was in charge of Copy/Pasta there?).

Wanna know a secret? The [Psionic] tag on Practiced Manifester means it's a spell-like Feat, as per the rules on Psionic feats in the XPH. Which means it shuts down inside an AMF, not that it matters much in that case.

No, he had originally said intelligence bonus, I was correcting that.

2011-06-06, 11:28 PM
Well, after reading the mention in your opening post of a teleporter class on the board only one thing came to mind: Saph's Teleporter Class (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=168948)

Hopefully that will be of some use to you.

Thank you, I was looking for that but I couldn't remember if it was called a Teleporter or something else. Topic Closed, Tiefling Teleporter is a Go (with Masters Hand for a Keen Mercurial Jovar, should I want a weapon)

Big Fau
2011-06-07, 12:24 AM
(with Masters Hand for a Keen Mercurial Jovar, should I want a weapon)

Mercurial isn't a weapon template you can just add onto the weapon (like MWK). It's a specific type of sword, and only comes in Long or Shortsword versions.

2011-06-07, 05:07 AM
I suppose I should've been more specific. When I said that I wanted the Azazel/Nightcrawler-esque teleportation powers what I had in mind was.
-Teleporting, Quickly and a Reasonable distance.
-Multiple Allies for fast group transportation
-Able to get an attack off after I Teleport
-Able to Teleport foes.
Let's break this down a bit:
- number 2 is easily taken care of by Dimension Door and Teleport. There's also the Teleportation Circle but it's a level 9 spell.
- number 4 is easily taken care of by Baleful Transposition (SpC), Dimension Hop (PHB2), G'elsewhere Chant (Bard 3, SpC), or Nybor's Joyful Voyage (here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20041215a)). All of those allow a Will saving throw, so you need to keep those DCs high.
- number 3 can be done a number of ways. Teflammar Shadowlord 4 lets you full attack after teleporting, and any move-action or swift action teleport (such as provided by items like the Shadow Cloak or the Anklet of Translocation from MIC, if only 10 ft distance) allows you to use a standard action or full-attack afterwards. In addition, there's the lovely Dimension Jumber spell in Complete Mage which lets you teleport as a move action up to 30 ft, once per round - and its Greater version (level 9) that lets you do it as a swift action up to 60 ft.

The way I see it, you have two ways of reliably achieving all this:
- Create a build that includes Teflammar Shadowlord 4 and gets you at least level 5 spells (for Dimension Jumper) or level 7 spells (for Nybor's Joyful Voyage). Depending on whether you really want to teleport foes, you're going to need all the help you can get keeping those DCs high: high casting stat, spell focus feats, and whatever else you can tack on.
- Forget Teflammar Shadowlord, go all the way up to 9th level spells for Greater Dimension Jumper, which lets you more or less do the same.
Of course, you're going to need to keep your BAB high if you want to be able to hit anything in the first place.

Basic ideas:
- Conjurer 5/Fighter 1/ Eldritch Knight 10/TSL 4. BAB 16, 7th level spells.
- Conjurer 5/Fighter 1/ EK 9/ Abjurant Champion 5. BAB 17, 9th level spells.

Sprinkle with Dragonslayer, Spellsword and/or Bladesinger dips for a few more abilities. You could also go Conjurer 3/Master Specialist 2 and not lose anything. Kinda depends on your DM's tolerance to such things. If you're willing to lose a bit of BAB, you could take levels of Wayfarer Guide to improve your teleport a bit.

Finishing thoughts: you could also go the bard way:
- Bard 8/ Fighter 2/ Sublime Chord 2/ EK 4 gets you BAB 13 and 7th level spells. Either finish with TSL 4 or 4 more levels of EK to get the same thing as the above options, with different flavor.

Personally, I'd go mage casting, level 9 spells. Because they're awesome, because TSL's prereqs are a real pain (and drain) and because it gets you another point of BAB.

2011-06-07, 05:46 AM
I'd do a Duskblade 3/Fighter 1/Jaunter 4/Shadowlord 6 myself. All about the teleports.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-06-07, 10:19 AM
I'd do a Duskblade 3/Fighter 1/Jaunter 4/Shadowlord 6 myself. All about the teleports.

How are you getting the required 2d6 SA to qualify for TSL?

Edit: Thoug Kudos on the synergy between jaunter and Shadowlord; the compliment each other quite well and even share the pre-requisites.

2011-06-07, 01:40 PM
I thought about about a Teleport Class I saw somewhere on the boards, but haven't been able to find it since.
I'd suggest the Flashblade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8760711&postcount=1), myself. I love it, but I'd change the entry requirements to BAB +5 and the ability to cast any Teleportation spell; I'd also change the spell casting to be 6/10 like the Swiftblade (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070327).

I'd do a Duskblade 3/Fighter 1/Jaunter 4/Shadowlord 6 myself. All about the teleports.
What is this Jaunter of which you speak?

Dusk Eclipse
2011-06-07, 01:46 PM
4 level prestige class found in the appendix of Expedition to the Demonweb Pits, gets teleportation related abilities; all while still being a martial class.

From the top of my head it gets Benign Transposition, Baleful Transposition, Dimension Door, Teleport and Planeshift. Usable Class level + Dex modifier per day (some abilities use more than one "point" per day). Also an ability similar to the Travel Domain granted power and fast movement. Quite nice IMO and Shinken's build sounds awesome

2011-06-07, 01:46 PM
How are you getting the required 2d6 SA to qualify for TSL?

Edit: Thoug Kudos on the synergy between jaunter and Shadowlord; the compliment each other quite well and even share the pre-requisites.

He can't. If he adds in one level of Swordsage after the Jaunter levels, though, he can use his 9th level feat on Martial Stance to pick up Assassin's Stance- he'll never use any other stance, but who cares?

Actually, why are you trying to enter with Duskblade? None of the prestige classes advance casting. Something like Rogue 3/ Fighter 1 makes more sense.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-06-07, 01:50 PM
He can't. If he adds in one level of Swordsage after the Jaunter levels, though, he can use his 9th level feat on Martial Stance to pick up Assassin's Stance- he'll never use any other stance, but who cares?

Actually, why are you trying to enter with Duskblade? None of the prestige classes advance casting.

Tellflamar Shadow lord has it's own casting and it may have some good touch spells to channel.

hmm changing it for Swordsage or Warblade might be interesting...

2011-06-07, 02:06 PM
Tellflamar Shadow lord has it's own casting and it may have some good touch spells to channel.

hmm changing it for Swordsage or Warblade might be interesting...

Might be, but you'd need to take five Swordsage levels to get Assassin's Stance to qualify for TSL. Actually, you could take four, qualify for Jaunter, and take Martial Stance (Assassin's Stance) at level six- you preserve earliest entry that way, I suppose.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-06-07, 02:18 PM
The problem I am seeing is that Tellflamar shadow lord is a sink hole of feats ( Blindsight, Dodge, Mobility, Spring attack) and Spring attack can't be gained before level 6 barring bonus feats due it's (stupid) pre-req of +4 BAB:smallannoyed:

So Something like

Swordsage 4/Fighter 1/ Jaunter 4/Swordsage +1/ Tell Flamar Shadow Lord 4/Swordsage (or Assassin) +6

1 Dodge
3 Mobility
6 Blind Fight
9 Shadow Blade
Fighter Bonus Spring attack

Somewhat late entry....

2011-06-07, 02:21 PM
How are you getting the required 2d6 SA to qualify for TSL?

Hm, can't get Assassin's Stance with that IL, yeah.
Sneak Attack Fighter 4 selling his soul at level 4 should work, though. I think you need Education as a feat, but that's becoming ridiculous quite fast.
Ah, I know. Crusader or Warblade 3/Fighter 1/Jaunter 4 and into Shadowlord.
IL 3 + 2 is enough to get Assassin's Stance, the problem is you don't get it until level 7. You could either wait until level 9 or take another Fighter level instead of the fourth Jaunter level.
Anyway, the thing here is Jaunter plus Shadowlord. You just need a Fighter level at 4th to get spring attack, some way to get sneak attack and full bab on the other levels.

Oh, and Lateral, Duskblade is there because of Jaunter's Knowledge requirement.