View Full Version : Togo's Planar Adventure set partly in Sigil (IC)

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2011-06-05, 04:28 PM
This is the in character thread.

For OOC discussions, please post in the OOC thread, so we can keep this thread for what has actually happened.

Autopsibiofeeder with Derk Silverhair (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=300685), Sexy Silver Dra-Gish.
Obrysii with Xiuhcoatl (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=300759) the gold dragon.
Ryuuk with Belze and Dime (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=301014), Heaven and hellspawn together again.
SPoD with Saffron (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=300689), tigress, huntress, archer...tress?
Toliudar with Godot Samuels (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=300614), moody gnome bard.
THEchanger with Simon Shadowstalker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=300585), rock of ages.
Cespenar with Rhion Lett (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=300926), whose body can kill you in seventeen different ways.
Ifni with Blackfrost Umbriel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=301089), ultimate magus.

The game starts in the Outlands, a plane that is very similar to most Prime worlds, and largely populated by those who, for one reason or another, resist aligning themselves with any particular alignement. Most of the cities are centred around large permenant gates to other planes. Bedlam, for example, contains a large permenant gate to Pandemonium, and is primarily inhabited by people who are on the edge of aligning themsleves with this plane, but haven't quite done so. Smaller settlements follow the same 'recruting centre' pattern, usually based around particular ideology or ideal that doesn't quite fit in with the major outer planes.

Most of the countryside is apparently sparsely populated, mainly by people who really don't care, but also by those fleeing or hiding out from one or more planar powers.

The plane operates on morphic geography. You tend to find whatever place you're looking for after a few days travel, irrespective of where it is. Covenient coincidences, such as 8 adventurers meeting on the road while all travelling to exactly the same place, are reasonably commonplace.

You have been travelling to a vinyard/inn called Reason's Rest, run by an organisation known as the Athars. There, so you've heard, a reliable portal to Sigil is open to anyone who is willing to listen to their ideas for anything from a few minutes to an hour, depending on how busy it is.

It's up to you if your character knows any of the PCs, or if you want to start the game by meeting for the first time. I'd suggest that you've at least got to know eachother slightly in the last few days, if only so as not to spend the next fortnight on gaining eachother's trust.

2011-06-05, 04:30 PM
You stand in the Outlands, in a landscape of rolling hills, the daylight fading into evening. The rough road you have been following was supposed to be the end of a long journey to sigil. According to your plan, the road should end in a vinyard and inn, owned by a faction known as the Athars. Here, in this inn, not only are fine wines to be found, but also a portal to the City of Doors itself, the city known as Sigil.

But as you approach, there is no sign of the inn, no vinyard, and no sign of any inhabitants. The Outlands, outside the few large cities, are sparesely populated at the best of times, but the only people here appear to be your fellow travellers (the PCs).

Ahead, a set of wagons have been pulled up, and a group of 20-30 humanoids (humans?) appear to be making camp. At least half of them are armed with heavy crossbows and chain mail armour.

Apart from them, there no sound, save the wind. No animals, no living plant life that you can see. The ground is bare earth, scoured clean of anything green and living.

2011-06-05, 05:05 PM
I agree on the 'we met and found a common goal that binds us (for now)' strategy. If it is okay, Derk will speak in dim gray, since silver is annoyingly bright.

As we see the group of humanoids ahead, Derk grins and speaks up. Hmmm...not what I expected. This may be an ambush, but I suggest to give these lads the benefit of the doubt, hmm? Derk looks around at his fellow travelers. They may be travelers ready to defend themselves if needed.

Derk activates his Detect evil ability to help him gauge the humanoids once he is close enough.

2011-06-06, 08:33 AM
"Naturally I shall parley with them - this is a place that attracts all things, and it is barren of life. They could need help - they could be hungry, devastated, damaged: we should assist," Androse, as the party knew him, said. He spoke with a faint accent of some far-off place, as if his Common was tainted by a different growing-up. He was young, handsome, and showed strength of personality befitting a so-called exiled prince.

He wore a thick set of heavy robes fit for his claimed position, with a set of wands hanging loosely within.

His golden eyes shimmered, and he stepped forward without fear - perhaps he was insane, perhaps he was just another paladin on some damned fool idealistic crusade.

"Greetings, and welcome. We are but fellow travelers ourselves, and wish to offer any help we might be able to give - 'tisa barren land, and all help ought to be helped, hm?"

2011-06-06, 09:51 PM
Godot nodded glumly.

"I suppose you're right, Androse. This kind of environment could suck the will to live out of anyone. Hmm. What you might do with such a desolate surrounding. Perhaps a single tree..."

She appears lost in thought for a moment, then realizes that he's already striding forward toward the group of humans. She winks out of sight.

Godot activates her ring and scurries off to one side to observe.

She has Dragonsight and Superior Resistance active. If we've been travelling together, I think it's fair to assume that Godot has been feeding everyone willing to participate using her horn of plenty - so everyone can have Heroes Feast active if they wish.

2011-06-07, 12:49 AM
Saffron says nothing, allowing the human-who-smelled-wrong, Androse, to go forth and engage in discussion with the band of humans. She doubts very much that they were in need of assistance, but she has been wrong before about such things.

She looks back over her shoulder—in the distance, her great bat companion, Gylda, shines with metallic lustre in the fading light as it swoops and glides. She had let her friend and mount take flight on her own to hunt for food, as the beast preferred the twilight to any other time of day for the catching of prey. She was having little luck, as the skies were as barren as the ground. Saffron wonders if these humans are of enough concern to call her back, then decides they are probably not.

Just to be safe, however, she fades from view, electing to allow the more pleasant visage of Androse to be the face they see, rather than her feline features. She follows the man, in order to keep a close eye and ear on the proceedings.

Using Hide in Plain Sight to hide, since it's less than full daylight, then sneaking about 30 feet back from Androse as he advances:

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

2011-06-07, 04:01 AM
Umbriel raises an eyebrow at the sight ahead. She raises her hand to touch the feathers of the raven riding on her shoulder; the bird croaks a harsh word in an infernal tongue, and vanishes.

The wizard gathers the reins of her mount - a strangely smoky and insubstantial creature - but does not ride forward. Instead she speaks a few susurrant syllables. Her hand moves in a brief, truncated gesture. When her lips next move, she speaks in barely a whisper, but all her traveling companions hear her clearly.

"Proceed, if you so wish, but I would suggest caution. I shall withhold my presence, for the present - as it were."

She regards the land and the humanoids up ahead with an intent yet somehow distant gaze.

Casting Message on the party, so those of us being paranoid cautious can easily relay information to the diplomatic types without having to yell it. Valthrax is going to hide in the Familiar Pocket.
Knowledge (The Planes) to see how much I happen to know about this place: [roll0]
Spellcraft? to see if I recognize the effects of any lingering magic:
If nothing happens in the next few moments, Umbriel will probably cast Arcane Sight and see if she can see anything magical around.

2011-06-07, 07:46 AM
Rhion follows Androse without even a moment of doubt. He seems a little surprised when he looks back to see that almost all of his new companions are staying behind instead, but Rhion doesn't mind. He flashes an amiable grin to them before turning his head back.

The contrast between his and Androse's appearances also make him smile for a while as he wonders how they must seem to strangers - his shaggy face and middle aged, run-down look against the other's youthful charisma.

As the latter engages in conversation with the humanoids, he keeps back a couple feet and to the side, and says nothing - for now. Just listens, and observes.

2011-06-07, 08:14 AM
As Androse approaches the humans and some of the team decide to stay behind, Derk of course joins him (and Rhion). Not only does he want to know what is up, it is his job to make sure nothing bad happens to Androse and Rhion.

2011-06-07, 02:33 PM
As you approach, you see the humanoids are humans. About half are armed, and wearing unfamiliar tabards. The are accompanied by several heavy wagons, pulled by oxen, and laden with what look like very heavy loads under tarcloth. Being approached spooks a few of those armed into readying raising crossbows, although they fall short of actually pointing them in your direction.

A robed man pushes a few of them aside, and approachs. Beneath his simple brown robes you catch sight of a silk jacket, and his hands are heavy with thick gold rings. He gives a broad smile, but his eyes flick back and forth, working out which of Derk and Xiuhcoatl to address.

Greetings! Are you perhaps fellow travellers? We are looking for a waystop know as Reason's Rest, and from there entrance to the city of Sigil. A large place, from what we've been told, with fine wine and civilised company. You...

He lowers his voice, his smile dropping a fraction.

You wouldn't happen to know where it is, would you?

But I get ahead of myself, and ignore the social nicieties that make the Great Wheel turn! This caravan is owned and run by Kalinor the Golden, and I am he.

He gives a little bowlet, not quite deep enough to take his eyes off you.

My associate over there with the pendulum is Uzark, of the Light. I think he's looking for the portal, but I must confess I don't understand most of what he says. He's an expert in his field, where we come from, but alas that is very far away. If you have any secret knowledge, local understanding or even bright ideas, we might all make Sigil before it gets fully dark.

If not, I guess we just make camp and hope that one of these Athar people chances by. We may be in for a long night of it.

He glances back over his shoulder at the caravan, and shivers slightly.

2011-06-07, 02:47 PM
Upon hearing that they, too, were having difficulty finding the Athar and their inn, Saffron begins circling the area, looking for tracks or scents that might shed light on the situation. She takes careful note of the boot styles these humans are wearing, so as not to confuse their tracks with those of her prey.

Tracking, sniffing the air with Scent, looking for clues, etc. Staying hidden as per last post while doing so.

Survival (for tracking): [roll0]
Search: [roll1]

Also, using Portal Intuition to determine whether or not a planar breach happened within the last 24 hours. It only checks within 20 feet of me, but I can succeed on the Search DC of 20 on a roll of 1, so I'm just going to stop and check every 40 feet around this area.

2011-06-07, 02:59 PM
As Derk sees the robed man being undecided, he takes a small step back and nods, indicating that Androse is the guy to adress. Derk will be happy standing around being shiny and friendly. As the robed man talks, he will nod friendly but will wait for Androse to break the ice.

2011-06-07, 03:06 PM
Sensing honesty in Kalinor's words - at least, as much honesty as most travellers are able to muster - Godot slips back into the realm of the visible with a flourish. Better to be a sign of goodwill than to be noticed later on.

"Greetings, Kalinor. We are the retinue of Androse the mighty here, and we are here in search of the same goal as you. We have a couple of experts in such travel as well, but have not yet located the gate either.

"Would it be untoward to ask for your reason in seeking out Sigil - especially with such bravery as to venture into such a desolate place?"

Sense motive on Kalinor - is he holding something back? [roll0]

2011-06-07, 04:32 PM
As the others rounded up about him, presenting him as perhaps some lord or king, the man arched his back slightly, raising his chin to the station he deserved.

After all, no matter how humble a dragon is - he's still a dragon.

"Well met, Kalinor; I am Androse Pensive, prince of a far-off realm; and this is my circle of fellows with whom I find myself traveling with," Xiuhcoatl said, his tongue rolling softly to his accent, "It is true that we seek Sigil. I myself wish to know why it is called the City of Doors when it is so difficult to seek passage into it; in addition, it is my goal to press for land to setup a charity there."

He smiled, bowed slightly, and turned, "Perhaps you wish to accompany us? If by my entourage should allow it, I welcome all under my banner."

His banner? His robe had an golden eye of a dragon, encircled with blue-white stitching resembled lightning, on the back of it.

2011-06-07, 04:58 PM
Upon hearing that they, too, were having difficulty finding the Athar and their inn, Saffron begins circling the area, looking for tracks or scents that might shed light on the situation. She takes careful note of the boot styles these humans are wearing, so as not to confuse their tracks with those of her prey.

Tracking, sniffing the air with Scent, looking for clues, etc. Staying hidden as per last post while doing so.

Also, using Portal Intuition to determine whether or not a planar breach happened within the last 24 hours. It only checks within 20 feet of me, but I can succeed on the Search DC of 20 on a roll of 1, so I'm just going to stop and check every 40 feet around this area.


You find what appear to be small chunks of masonry and brickwork, but they're quite widely scattered and quite small. Mainly what you find is fine dust. A lot has been scattered by the wind, but there's still a great deal left, hiding in holes where the roots of the plants used to be, and in more sheltered areas lying in lines, probably following the old pattern of the vinyard itself.

What strikes you most is that there is literally nothing alive. You can find a lot of holes consistent with the roots of vines and the bases of fenceposts and the like, but no plants, no insects, nothing. Only fine blackened dust, blowing in the breeze.

Your best guess? Everything living has been turned to dust, and the building itself was blown apart. The area of dust extends over the low hills for a good half mile in every direction. No tracks since the dust.

There was some kind of planar breach quite recently. Maybe an hour or two ago? Quite ragged though. Some kind of rip or breach, rather than something as controlled as a gate or portal.

2011-06-07, 05:22 PM
As quietly as she ventured forth, Saffron returns to where Umbriel is waiting, so as not to interrupt the discussions going on with the humans. "The Athar are most likely dead," she whispers to the mage, "Their inn and everything for half a mile followed them to the grave." She relates the details of what she discovered.

Umbriel and anyone who hung back with her can pop the spoiler the DM posted for me above; I'm repeating everything I found to you.

2011-06-07, 05:54 PM
Kalinor starts at the sudden appearance of a gnome, but rallies quickly, and turns back to Ambrose.

Ambrose the Mighty? An honour. I fear I must decline your generous offer Prince Pensive. I have backers at home in Chaldecott who would surely look askance at my travelling under the banner of another, with all the questions of divided loyalty that would bring. I'd be happy to travel with you, however, and share what food and fire we have. I'm hoping that we're the end of our journey though.

He glances back at Uzark, some hundred yards away, who appears to be setting up a tripod, and some kind of pendulum.

As for our reason for coming here, well that is simple enough. I am a merchant, and we intend to trade in the city. I am hoping that the city will find what we bring to its tastes.

He nods, and then draws out a small mirror, maybe a foot on each side, bordered by a thin frame decorated with a web-like pattern of dull and shining metals. In it you can see reflected the darkening sky.

I'm confident the city has goods that we want. Planar travel is almost unknown, back home. The trick is to find something we can sell, and I'm hoping our mirrors will do well.

Sense motive check:
Sense motive on Kalinor - is he holding something back?
Absolutely. He's much more nervous than he's letting on, he particularly keeps on sneaking nervous glances over at Umbriel. He's also rather intrigued by Ambrose's suggestion. His regret is genuine, but he's trying to think of a way around it.

He's also very very good at disguising his intentions. This is someone who would expect to fool most of the people most of the time, and is very practiced at doing so.

2011-06-07, 06:21 PM
"Your mirrors?" Rhion asks politely, as if getting a cue from the man's last line.

2011-06-07, 06:34 PM
Umbriel frowns, but nods to Saffron in acknowledgement. The tiger-woman's ability to sense shifts in the fabric of the planes is interesting, and might be worthy of study in its own right, but - another time.

When she speaks, her voice is barely a murmur, but all her companions - including those conversing with the humans - can hear her words as if she whispered in their ears.
"Be calm, but listen, and know that you can whisper back to me and I will hear. Saffron has detected a recent planar breach. No life endures in this place." She relays the rest of Saffron's findings, and as she speaks, thinks for a moment, trying to recall if she knows of any natural phenomenon peculiar to the Outlands that might cause such an effect. "I will test for any lingering magic." She shades her eyes and stares curiously at the man who appears to be setting up a tripod and pendulum. "And perhaps not so lingering, as well..."

She speaks a few words that seem to tingle in the air, clear and sharp as cut glass, and makes a sinuous motion with a wrinkled hand. Her eyes begin to shine an eerie blue as she knees her horse into motion, moving slightly closer to the speaking group.

Relaying Saffron's information through Message: hopefully now everyone should be up-to-date, and able to read the spoilerblock the DM posted.

I'll then cast Arcane Sight - lets me see magical auras within 120ft of me. I tap the spellcraft check to identify the school of the auras, unless they're CL 30+ non-spell effects. Spellcraft [roll0] for any lingering magic associated with the planar rift. I'm also paying attention to my 100ft blindsense to see if I pick up anything with that.

I got a 53 on Knowledge (The Planes) in my earlier post: any general information about the area I should know? If you prefer, we can use that as my check on planar rips; if not, here's another one: [roll1].

If I am not already within 120ft of the "merchants", I would like to begin riding forward, to get close enough to see what, if any, magic the speaker has on him.

2011-06-07, 06:46 PM
Yes, mirrors. The idea was to get in with a few high end items, the larger mirrors and magical looking glasses, and then set up a manufactory in Sigil. Nephira, ah... that's my colleague, Nephira, of the Dark, was sent ahead to get things started. She tells me there have been some problems, so I'm keen to get to the city and straighten things out.

He clears his throat.

Sorry, I'm probably boring you to tears, talking shop. Can I ask why you're going to Sigil? I believe the Prince mentioned land?

2011-06-07, 06:54 PM
Godot nods slightly as Umbriel relays Saffron's information. As she hefts an eyebrow speculatively at the merchant, she nonetheless puts on an animated show of interest when the mirror is brought out.

"Ooh, I love mirrors! That's a lovely one. Mind if I take a quick look? No telling what this desolate place has done to my hair. How much?"

She scoots up to Kalinor for a closer look at the mirror he holds up.

Oh, what the heck.

Examining the mirror. Possibly relevant rolls:
Knowledge arcana: [roll0] to get a sense of what it might be, if magical
spellcraft: [roll1] Understanding whatever magical effects are present.
Appraise: [roll2]
Search: [roll3]

2011-06-07, 06:55 PM
Seeing that the man didn't reveal as much information about the mirrors as Rhion thought he would, he recedes back into his 'retinue' role and lets the Mighty Androse answer the question.

He also doesn't take the news as particularly shocking (as he rarely does), but nevertheless, a smile appears on his face to replace the last one, this time originating from the simple fact that they are acting such in tune and concert - like an actual team - despite their rather new companionship. A good omen, perhaps, against the rather dark news.

2011-06-07, 07:40 PM
Relaying Saffron's information through Message: hopefully now everyone should be up-to-date, and able to read the spoilerblock the DM posted.

Everyone may read the spoiler in post 15

Derk Silverhair
Detecting evil, there are definitely a few mildly unsavoury characters in the merchant's group, but no obvious or powerful evil.


Nothing on blindsense.

There's no large-scale active magic around. You're not getting anything useful in terms of lingering magic. Whatever planar disturbance occured was doubtless magical in some sense, but all you're picking up is the remains of the disturbance itself, not what caused it.

About the Outlands themselves? Nothing not covered in the thread. The geopgraphy is morphic with regards to travel, which means that there is no such thing as 'nearby'. Either someone is in the same area and interacting with you, or they're somewhere else and it would take at least three days for them to reach you.

This also means (cheery thought) that the devastation, which Saffron mentioned covers about a half mile in every direction, has basically covered the entire available area. This place is probably only about a mile across, and beyond that doesn't really exist in any meaningful sense. So you can't really judge the area effect - whether it was a mile wide effect, or whether it was potentially much larger.

Planar rips can occur naturally, and usually go away eventually. You could produce them magically, but generally wizards try to produce something a little more controlled. So it might be the result of someone who doesn't really know what they're doing, or who doesn't care about the danger to themselves or others.

The dust is consistent with all the life energy being sucked out of the area, killing every living thing. Negative energy would have that effect, but you'd have thought you'd pick up some trace of a massive influx of negative energy, and there aren't any. You could, in theory, use magic to remove life energy from someone without tapping the negative plane, but it would be harder, and it's not obvious why anyone would want to.

It's possible you could do it with Void magic? It's associated with some obscure ancient ruins, and survives today mainly in the form of Void Disciples. In planar terms it involves tapping into the 'void' between planar boundaries. In legend entire planets have been found sucked dry by past conflicts between long-forgotten empires who used void magic.

It's not a very efficient way to destroy an inn though.

The humans in general don't have much magic with them. Several have magic weapons, the carts are mildly magical, and something in the cargo radiates strong divination magic. Uzark has a few minor magic items on him, including the pendulum (div), his robe (abj), and his amulet (transmutation). Kalinor lights up like a christmas tree, with almost everything he's wearing (vest, robes, all 8 rings, braclets, necklace, broach, belt, boots) radiating varying degrees of magic. About the only thing that isn't, is the mirror. He's holding. While impressive, the sheer quantity of magical items makes you a little suspicious. Why would anyone wear 8 magical rings?

Still for what it's worth:
vest - strong transmutation
robes - weak abjuration
8 rings - various
braclet - strong necromancy
necklace - strong transmutation
broach - weak abjuration
belt - moderate enchantment
boots - weak conjuration

2011-06-07, 07:55 PM
I'm afraid I can't sell you this one - I need it as a sample. But you're more than welcome to buy one when we get to the city. Feel free to have a look.

(He's happy to pass the mirror over to anyone who wants to hold it.)

Examining the mirror.

It doesn't seem to do anything magical as you look at it. It's good quality, a bit scuffed but not marked or scratched. The frame is probably an alchemical silver wash over a pewter base - not actually that hard to do, apparently, but worth a bit in areas where people don't know the trick of it. However the frame doesn't quite fit properly, probably done by an alchemist who knew jack about making frames.

It's also about twice as heavy as it should be. As if it were made of stone or metal, not glass.

Uzark's heavily accented voice drifts over from where he is examining his pendulum.

Kalinor! I do not want to be upsetting your negotiations. I am sure you will be making them much laugh! But we will be making not with the progress unless we find where the Athars were locating their gate! Can they make with the help or not?

Kalinor winces.

2011-06-07, 08:16 PM
Umbriel's eyebrows go up. She slips off her horse, takes a small square of cloth out of her belt pouch, and gathers some of the dust, tucking it back into her pouch. Standing back up, she whispers through the Message to her allies,
"Most interesting. There's no magic here at all. No lingering aura of an explosion, or a necromancer pouring negative energy into this plane. Simply... nothingness." Perhaps later she will share her other speculations, but for now it would only be a distraction. "Our new friends, on the other hand: there's a strong source of divinatory power in their carts, and the one you are conversing with... well. I suspect an illusion to generate false auras on his gear. Perhaps a scam in the making? The mirror shows no magic, but if the other auras are false, that could be as well."

In response to Uzark's call, Umbriel remounts and rides over toward the robed man. She regards his apparatus curiously. "Perhaps I can assist here. What techniques are you employing?"

Umbriel will focus her arcane sight on Uzark to see if he has any spellcasting or spell-like abilities, whether they are arcane or divine, and the strength of the most powerful spell or spell-like ability he currently has available for use.

2011-06-07, 10:53 PM
Godot laughs with delight at Uzark's comment. She turns to Androse and hands him the mirror. She murmurs with wonder - and to make sure that the others hear.

"Such lovely workmanship, don't you think, Lord? And so heavy. What's it made of, do you think?"

Without waiting for an answer, she turns back to Kalinor.

"Of course, of course, I understand that you can't give away your sample. But one of the production versions? You've got a moment to show me some of your stock, while the brains figure out which direction to go? That is, unless Mister Uzark the Impatient knows which direction to head next. In which case, I could just ride in your wagon as you go, and look over the merchandise en route. Because what luck for a merchant such as yourself, to find a customer like Lord Androse, a man of such taste and breeding, here in the middle of the desolation. Why look such a gift horse in the mouth?

She smiles winsomely up at the merchant.

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Sense motive: [roll1]

Edit: both rolls are actually 2 higher - forgot about shared talent.

2011-06-07, 11:23 PM
Saffron growls under her breath. "The humans are meaningless. They did not do this, and they do not know who did. They are a waste of time." While she was certain that they were engaged in one scheme or another, the scale of devastation here...and to kill every animal and plant in the process? No, the ones who did this were her quarry now.

She sniffed the area where the planar breach had occurred...if she could catch the scent just right, perhaps she could tell what plane had breached this one. Brimstone? Saltwater? Machine oil? That would give them a lead to go on.

Trying to use portal intuition to learn where the breach went. I need to make a DC 20 Survival check and a DC 20 Knowledge (the planes) check. I can't fail either one normally, but I'm rolling them in case there's negative circumstances or additional information to be had.

Survival: [roll0]
Knowledge (the planes): [roll1]

2011-06-08, 06:23 AM
Seeing that both Kalinor and Uzark are engaged in conversation with his companions or otherwise are kept busy, Rhion slowly and silently lets himself away, wandering around the caravan. He throws casual greetings and nods at the people he walks past, looking around the wagons with some interest, acting like a tourist in general.

Of course, having a bit of that high-level-induced paranoia, he also keeps an eye out for anything suspicious or out of the ordinary.


2011-06-08, 08:29 AM
Sorry for not posting - I was DMing a real life game!

Androse takes the mirror - examining it himself, searching every angle, trying to see if it had some magic to reveal the true self of those exposed to it.

He wasn't sure why he felt that's what the mirror did - in fact he never heard of such a thing, but it just seemed the right place at the right time.

"Unusually heavy, yes," he agreed, trying to search the eyes of the merchant. Something was up. His dragon-sense was tingling.

The dragon spoke firmly, glancing up to the man, stepping forward toward him: "Say, where exactly do you come from? We are travelers from a faraway place, and I reckon you are as well."

Specific knowledge he is using:
Knowledge (the Planes): [roll0]
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll1]
Knowledge (Religion): [roll2]

He is looking at the object to try to determine what plane it might be on, any magical abilities a heavy mirror might have, and if it has religious significance.

2011-06-08, 04:26 PM
With growing amazement Derk witnesses the fluidity of Godot's tongue. He clearly doesn't quite grasp what is going on around him, with the messages and movement around him, so he decides to look at the mirror, as if interested, and reaffirms his pose as shiny knight protector.

2011-06-08, 06:08 PM
Simon has stayed silent during the proceeding negotiations. While he did not enjoy deception, it would appear his companions thought it necessary. Androse's charity fiction would serve to get them to Sigil, and that was what Simon was concerned with at the moment. But it was time to move. Simon did not know what these humans would think of a moving statue. That was not his problem.
"Master Androse, as interesting as these merchants are, do we not have more pressing matters to attend to? Such as finding our way into Sigil?" Simon whispered.

2011-06-08, 07:53 PM
In response to Uzark's call, Umbriel remounts and rides over toward the robed man. She regards his apparatus curiously. "Perhaps I can assist here. What techniques are you employing?"

Uzark keeps on staring at his pendlum, now suspended from the tripod.

The theodolite, she is used to determine the ah... thickness of the planar boundary. Normally, I would be using a more difficult set up, but here on the Outlands, the reality, she is very... ah... very thin? Noone much cares you see. Not here. And this place, it was only ever the place where the gate was. If I can be finding the precise location of where the portal was being, maybe we can rebuild it, maybe it still work.

He glances around in frustration at the shattered foundations he is standing in.

If I can be finding the right spot, that is.

Umbriel will focus her arcane sight on Uzark to see if he has any spellcasting or spell-like abilities, whether they are arcane or divine, and the strength of the most powerful spell or spell-like ability he currently has available for use.

Yes, arcane, 6th.

"Of course, of course, I understand that you can't give away your sample. But one of the production versions? You've got a moment to show me some of your stock, while the brains figure out which direction to go? That is, unless Mister Uzark the Impatient knows which direction to head next. In which case, I could just ride in your wagon as you go, and look over the merchandise en route. Because what luck for a merchant such as yourself, to find a customer like Lord Androse, a man of such taste and breeding, here in the middle of the desolation. Why look such a gift horse in the mouth?

She smiles winsomely up at the merchant.

I'd love to, um.. m'lady? But the smallest mirror we have is more than 12 feet high. Most are much larger. The smaller items went ahead with Nephira. I'd rather not risk unpacking a large mirror on the road, particularly not when you'd only be able to see a corner of it anyway. If we can get through the gate to Sigil, you're all more than welcome to visit our ah.. building... and see our stock displayed properly in all it's glory. Well, most of it, anyway. See them in good light, indoors, with maybe a few refreshments/ Not crouching on a dusty roadside. I'd... ah... certainly like to discuss this further, under rather better circumstances.

He doesn't appear to be hiding anything and has explained clearly why he doesn't want to pursue to prospect of a sale with a wealthy potential customer. Which is a little odd. Maybe he has something more important on his mind?

The breach came from the astral, but it comes with a strange oder, sickly sweet. It reminds you of something you found once, a giant sea creature, like a squid or kraken, thrown up on a desert shore, and left to dessicate and decay for a hundred years or more.

You're also picking up something else. The trace of a portal to... somewhere unfamiliar. It smells of people, and herbs, of cheap pottery and ale and too much garlic sausage. It's coming from somewhere above where Umbriel and Uzark are standing.

The people are very very nervous. Well enough disciplined not to do anything foolish, but nervous all the same. It may well be that most of them have never been on a planar journey before. The carts are reinforced to carry extra weight, and are loaded with large flat objects, some a good 24 feet or so long. They're wrapped, padded and insultated. They're keeping a very close eye on Kalinor, but are largely ignoring Uzark.

The dragon spoke firmly, glancing up to the man, stepping forward toward him: "Say, where exactly do you come from? We are travelers from a faraway place, and I reckon you are as well."

We're from Chaldecott, on the great Circle Sea.

Kalinor sighs.

Prime Material plane. I guess the rest won't mean much to you. The more you travel, the smaller home seems to be.


He is looking at the object to try to determine what plane it might be on, any magical abilities a heavy mirror might have, and if it has religious significance.

As far as you can tell, it's a perfectly ordinary mirror with no magical abilities. Maybe the glass or frame is made from some kind of exotic material? It could have religous significance, if there was some kind of mirror-based religion. You'd expect more in the way of symbols on it though.

2011-06-09, 01:02 AM
"Fascinating. How is the theodolite read? Are you a specialist in this type of planar magic?" Umbriel regards the tripod and pendulum with genuine curiosity. "I do not perceive any residual conjuration magic in this area; how does your device work?"

Knowledge(Arcana) check to remember something about the theodolite and how it works? [roll0] if so (including Share Talents now).

2011-06-09, 01:34 AM
I'd love to, um.. m'lady? But the smallest mirror we have is more than 12 feet high. Most are much larger. The smaller items went ahead with Nephira. I'd rather not risk unpacking a large mirror on the road, particularly not when you'd only be able to see a corner of it anyway. If we can get through the gate to Sigil, you're all more than welcome to visit our ah.. building... and see our stock displayed properly in all it's glory. Well, most of it, anyway. See them in good light, indoors, with maybe a few refreshments/ Not crouching on a dusty roadside. I'd... ah... certainly like to discuss this further, under rather better circumstances.

Now that her curiosity has been piqued, Godot is no longer having to act her curiosity about the mirrors. She pulls out her notepad and a writing stick.

"Well, of course, I understand. We don't want you to endanger your stock, so close to your destination. But in case my Lord wishes to visit once everyone is safely back in Sigil, what address should we use?"

2011-06-09, 12:25 PM
"Fascinating. How is the theodolite read? Are you a specialist in this type of planar magic?" Umbriel regards the tripod and pendulum with genuine curiosity. "I do not perceive any residual conjuration magic in this area; how does your device work?"

Humph. Tripod is conjuring. It can only conjure ball, yes? Like a bond between devil and diabolist. But tripod is very weak, yes? Not successful. Never successful. So, standard summoning, goes through planar boundary, where it is weakest, tries to get ball, grabs ball, but, not strong enough, she merely twiches.

Hah. But she twiches towards summoning, towards where planar boundary is weakest. Towards where the portal was, yes? Measure pendulum at different places, find remains of portal. Fine technique, made it myself. So why it's not with the working? Why all points in the circle lead here, and pendulum still twitch, but no portal?

He scowls and looks around.

Missing something. Is late, Uzark tired, what goes wrong?

Knowledge(Arcana) check to remember something about the theodolite and how it works?

You've not seen anything like the theodolite before. It's a nice idea, and very clever way of using some really advanced planar theory to achieve something in a very primative fashion that would much much easier to do with divination magic.

His explanation makes sense, although he seems to be confusing conjuration, the invocation of physical matter and energy, with summoning (calling), the invocation of a particular creature by identifying them by name. It's the kind of mistake in technical terms that apprentices make. Then again, he also has trouble with basic grammer, so maybe he's just confused by the language he's using.

"Well, of course, I understand. We don't want you to endanger your stock, so close to your destination. But in case my Lord wishes to visit once everyone is safely back in Sigil, what address should we use?"

Um.. My understanding is that we're based... let's see, in a compound just passed Briar Bridge, off Silver Street. I've not actually been there myself. I'm sure we can arrange some time when it would be good to visit...

2011-06-09, 04:11 PM
Finishing his little tour and having seen what was to see, Rhion rejoins Androse and Godot as they converse with the "merchant extraordinaire". He stays still for a while as he listens in to their conversation, and waits patiently for a moment of silence to happen. When it does, he blurts it out, though with a soft voice:

"Sorry if I'm interrupting, but why 'the Golden'?"

2011-06-09, 04:36 PM
Umbriel crouches down to examine Uzark's device more closely. She smiles at the other mage - an unaccustomed expression for her, but she appears genuinely impressed by the cleverness of the technique. "Most ingenious! But... hmmm... you speak of a circle, not a sphere? Does the device have sensitivity to vertical displacement? Or must such a portal be located on a solid surface, in the same way that creatures can only be summoned onto a surface that supports them? In the latter case, perhaps we should look for an underground chamber?"

She pauses for a moment, and then remarks, "Also, if you would prefer to speak another tongue, I am fluent in dragonspeech and the common languages of the Outer Planes. This trade-tongue is not your native language, correct?"

2011-06-09, 06:24 PM
Does the device have sensitivity to vertical displacement? Or must such a portal be located on a solid surface, in the same way that creatures can only be summoned onto a surface that supports them? In the latter case, perhaps we should look for an underground chamber?"

Saffron suddenly allows herself to be seen by the humans: a tall, muscular woman who is more tiger than human, with the head of a beast and thick striped fur beneath her armor and black cloak. To them, she seems to pop out of thin air, given her ability to obscure her presence even while being observed.

"An excellent deduction, but not undergound. Up." She points one claw to a spot about twenty feet above Uzark. "The portal was on the second floor of the inn."

2011-06-09, 06:37 PM
"Sorry if I'm interrupting, but why 'the Golden'?"

Kalinor waves his rings. Because I'm rich. Same principal as being called 'the mighty' or 'the wise' except I have a different profession. Noone wants to do business with a merchant who loses money, any more than they want a bodyguard who loses fights, or a.. um... whatever it is that you do... What is that, anyway?

Umbriel crouches down to examine Uzark's device more closely. She smiles at the other mage - an unaccustomed expression for her, but she appears genuinely impressed by the cleverness of the technique. "Most ingenious! But... hmmm... you speak of a circle, not a sphere? Does the device have sensitivity to vertical displacement? Or must such a portal be located on a solid surface, in the same way that creatures can only be summoned onto a surface that supports them? In the latter case, perhaps we should look for an underground chamber?"

Vertical? Ya, portal is needing a frame of some kind, so the only thing here would being dug into the ground...

He looks around, then takes a violent step back as a striped creature appears nearby.

"An excellent deduction, but not undergound. Up." She points one claw to a spot about twenty feet above Uzark. "The portal was on the second floor of the inn."

He gazes around, frowning, and then looks up, and then swears in what sounds like gutteral infernal.

But there was being a frame here. The tiger, she is being right! There was being a whole taverning here. Uzark you star-fuddled lout! All these sockets in the ground could be supporting a ramp or stairs...

He turns and shouts

Kalinor! Now you have told pretty gnome your sleepings place, get over here! The portal was up, above the ground, about 20 feets, maybe more, but I'm not thinking so. We are needing a ramp, for the wagons.

A ramp?

Kalinor moves towards Uzark, picking his steps carefully in the gathering gloom. Uzark calls to him.

Ya, ramp, we need to rebuild portal off the ground. About 20 feet high. Good get started..

And we can't wait until it gets light because...?

Because by then portal may not to be fixed... and then our next choice is to say 'Hellos Tiamat, we is just passing through!'

I'll get the shovels out. But the men have been travelling all day, they're tired already, we may not make it by morning. Is there anything you can do?

I am having a scroll, with a magic to make stone walls?

Fine, we can use that as the brace at the end of the ramp. An earth ramp, needs to be at least 60' feet long if we're going to get the wagons up it. I'll get the men to start digging. We're in for a long night...

Kalinor turns to the men huddled around the wagons, and spread his arms wide with an encouraging smile.

Boys! Great news! We're almost there! There's just one little detail we need to take care of...

She pauses for a moment, and then remarks, "Also, if you would prefer to speak another tongue, I am fluent in dragonspeech and the common languages of the Outer Planes. This trade-tongue is not your native language, correct?"

Uzark watches as Kalinor starts getting the tired men to light torches and retrieve shovels from under the carts.

No, I can be speaking the tongue of my people. Is debased form of infernal, so I am being told, so is more safe not to use. Peoples be getting wrong idea. But tonight, we will be ok, because most of what I am needing will be the swearings.

He pauses and then, eyes fixed on Saffron, leans his head in Umbriel's direction, and says

The fierce pretty lady with the stripings and the fur. Who tells us where to look. You are seeing her too, yes? It's not just Uzark with his long day and cheap brandy?

2011-06-09, 06:54 PM
Both to divert any interest in the question of Rhion's profession, and out of a genuine desire to be helpful (she had, after all, been clearly identified as pretty), Godot clears her throat.

"Ah, well, perhaps I can both clarify what I do, and be of some assistance in shortening the time required for this exercise. My colleagues are tremendously talented as well, and may be able to further expedite the process. Mister Uzark, you say that the desired end point of the ramp is up there? I trust that someone else will have the wherewithal to identify the specific location."

Reaching back without looking into her pack, Godot pulls out a small wooden stringed instrument, polished to a bright sheen. She takes a moment to pluck each string quietly, and adjusts one of the pegs.

Godot begins to play, a drifting melody punctuated with regular thumps on the body. The music is deceptively simple, a tune that a child could learn. And yet...

And yet the earth begins to move, beginning to pile itself up into an approximation of exactly the ramp that has been requested.

Godot is using her Lyre of Building. Perform check, although I doubt she'll need more time: [roll0]

I'm assuming that, by the time the ramp gets to about the 10' mark, some enterprising person with flying/jumping/throwing/magic will have identified the exact end point desired.

2011-06-09, 08:37 PM
Androse remained silent during the proceedings, his golden eyes shimmering gently under whatever light source lit the sky; he was thinking - a potent mind, perhaps not as strong as a few of the others, but mixed with a strong sense of common sense and uncommon charisma gave him a certain edge in areas.

Areas that did not include discussions of planar barriers, edges, or circles. He was more into the discussion of the market, more into discerning where best to set up shop, where best to begin making a new life as good, charitable people.

"To my profession, I confess I am more the office manager than the fighter, the shaker, not the mover," Androse said simply, his point proven as Godot began to play music to move the very earth itself. He lacked the magical gear presently to do the same.

"Of merchants and gold - to earn the nickname 'the Golden' as you have, is my goal, firstly," he said, "Though I think I prefer 'the Gilded' or 'Goldforged Androse' or something similar. My companions are likely better at names than I.

"Alas, I am uncertain what I can do for you now - my skills and training are admittedly rather lacking when it comes to planar dimensions and all that you have discussed - though if you wish to run a buisness plan by me, I am all the willing to listen to that."

2011-06-09, 08:47 PM
Umbriel nods in appreciation as Saffron appears and directs them to the portal. "Elegant. Thank you, Saffron."

She raises an eyebrow at Uzark's description of his language. "A dialect of Infernal? I would be interested to hear some of it, sometime; I speak Infernal, and I've studied linguistic divergence in the past." She pauses. "Once we reach Sigil, do you intend to remain there for a time? If you have more devices like the theodolite, perhaps it might be mutually advantageous to trade knowledge for knowledge. I have some spells you might find of interest."

Uzark's question regarding Saffron is met with a dry laugh. "She is real, yes. To our good fortune." She smiles slightly, and then more widely as Godot begins to play. Her fingers twitch to the beat of the music.

"If more construction is needed, I can recall a spell to shape the earth, but it looks like that aspect is under control. As for exact position... Saffron, how well can you discern the location?" She peers upward again, looking for any hint of lingering magic in the air where the portal once stood. "If you would allow, Uzark, I would be happy to fly the theodolite up there."

To Uzark, she continues, "What do you know of the procedure to rebuild a portal of this type? I take it you do not expect that it is still fully functional?"

2011-06-09, 09:51 PM
Androse produced a small roll from his backpack, unfurling it - revealing an elegant, brown-with-gold-trim carpet. "This is a basic flying carpet - I use it to enhance my mobility, and for display. But if you require its use, it is there for you."

He offered this to anyone.

2011-06-09, 10:11 PM
"If more construction is needed, I can recall a spell to shape the earth, but it looks like that aspect is under control. As for exact position... Saffron, how well can you discern the location?"

"As precisely as you require," she answers flatly. "I simply cannot reach it without calling back my bat, and she's busy playing right now."

Indeed, in the distance, the metallic-skinned giant bat is spinning circles and loop-de-loops in the air, having long since abandoned the futile quest for food. The tigress therefore assists Godot with her strumming, guiding her efforts so that they can reach the place the portal once stood, about twenty feet from the ground.

2011-06-09, 10:40 PM
"You may, naturally, use my flying carpet to reach it. It should carry someone like you without much issue," Androse said, looking to Saffron, the first time he had directly addressed the being. She reminded him of some other creature, but he couldn't quite place it.

2011-06-09, 10:58 PM
"No thanks," she declines. "If my feet must leave the ground, I'd prefer it to be on the back of a creature with a mind and soul rather than a glorified rug. At least I know then that it will have its own survival at heart."

She watches as the earthen ramp takes shape and, when it has been completed, she rushes to be the first to climb its summit and mark the spot where the portal once stood.

2011-06-09, 11:35 PM
Godot glances up from her playing, watching Saffron rise inexorably into the air. Part of her, of course, admired the hunter's wild spirit and seemingly instinctive courage. Godot's father would have sent a summoned creature through the portal first, to make sure it didn't wind up somewhere phenomenally inhospitable. But there was something appealing about a more direct approach.

Godot smiled, and bent again over the lyre.

2011-06-10, 12:05 AM
Launching a grateful look at Godot for her timely rescue (for he hated lying when he could help it), Rhion watches admiringly as she shapes the very earth with her music. Not one of the most interesting talents you would find between this group, but Rhion rarely missed an opportunity to be impressed, it was in his nature.

The act itself (moving the earth) reminded himself of his own powers, but after doing a short self-assessment, he figured his connection with the powers of nature wasn't as strong as to help these people. Ah, very well. He wasn't one to care much about power anyway.

For now, Rhion liked standing there near the back, watching his companions shape the earth, smell portals, and discuss planar physics.

2011-06-10, 07:06 PM
"A dialect of Infernal? I would be interested to hear some of it, sometime; I speak Infernal, and I've studied linguistic divergence in the past." She pauses. "Once we reach Sigil, do you intend to remain there for a time? If you have more devices like the theodolite, perhaps it might be mutually advantageous to trade knowledge for knowledge. I have some spells you might find of interest."

Uzark nods, once.

Useful. I am staying at the compound. I am having problem, need opinion. You come by, we talk.

2011-06-10, 07:35 PM
"Of merchants and gold - to earn the nickname 'the Golden' as you have, is my goal, firstly," he said, "Though I think I prefer 'the Gilded' or 'Goldforged Androse' or something similar. My companions are likely better at names than I.

Kalinor shrugs.

Honestly, if you do well, a name'll pick you. I'm not sure what advice I can give you, or even if I should be advising you at all - you may know better than I do.

He thinks for a moment.

But for what it's worth, three bits of advice:

First, it's about the people, not the money. The right people make money, and they'll get you through hard times better too. After all, we're men not dragons.

Second, keep your enemies close to you. Somone acting against you will do a lot more damage acting openly than they will pretending to be your friend. And you can keep a better eye on them, too.

Third. If you find yourself in a war? Make sure you pick the right side.

For a moment there's a trace of something hard in his voice, but it quickly fades. He grins.

That's the advice I'd give me. I can only hope you find a use for it.

2011-06-10, 07:36 PM
As Godot plays, the earthen ramp starts to grow, rising gradually from the dusty ground, casting long shadows in the torchlight. At it's apex, Saffron gradually guides the gnome's music to just the right spot.

Uzark comes up the ramp followed by soliders bringing long timbers from one of the wagons, and binds them with rope into a crude arch. The resulting structure wobbles alarmingly, but stands upright on its own.

Digging his knuckles into his eyes, Uzark extracts a single drop of moisture from his eyes, and flicks it at the arch. Then, nodding, he steps through and disappears as he passes through the arch. After a moment he reppears, stepping back through the arch to where he started.

She is open. One tear, and you are through.

Kalinor calls out

Right, the portals open, we don't know how long it will last so let's move! A tear opens the gate. I have...

He fumbles in his robe and produces a small vial.

..a bottle of tears. Use it sparingly please, as getting hold of it cost me a lot of strange looks, and considerable embarassment! Small wagon first, and mind how you go on the ramp!.

He turns back the party.

A thousand thanks for all your help. You're welcome to go ahead first, or you can follow after the wagons, whatever you wish. I'm going to meet Nephira on the other side, see what the situation is, and send some message runners out. Do you want me to arrange to get some for you too, if there's someone any of you want to contact? It's the least I could do.

After that, we'll be getting the wagons to the compound. You're more than welcome to come along and look at some of the merchandise?

He addresses Ambrose first, but looks around at everyone to see what reaction this brings, managing to linger only a fraction longer gazing at Godot than he does at anyone else.

2011-06-10, 07:59 PM
Sthrer' had watched all this from in the back. She often stayed in back--her tail caused an awful lot of staring, even if everything else was hidden under her robes. Once the portal opened, though, she was happy to go through.

2011-06-10, 08:00 PM
Saffron looks at the pointless devastation of the local flora and fauna from the vantage point of the ramp. She will have no difficulty getting through the portal.

She pulls out a small metal whistle hanging around her neck on a leather cord and blows on it. No sound can be heard, but in the distance, the giant bat Gylda banks sharply and begins flying toward the ramp's summit.

2011-06-10, 08:44 PM
Once the ramp is complete, Godot embellishes it with ridges along the sides for safety. She then digs instructions - in letters 2 feet tall and a foot deep - on using a tear at the top of the ramp to open a portal to Sigil. Might as well make it easier for the next folks to come along.

Tucking away the lyre, she bows to Kalinor.

"And thank you for your gracious company, and your ingenious companion's knowledge and device, without which we might never have found the portal. I am uncertain of Lord Androse's schedule, but would be honoured to come for a visit once we're settled. May your trade be fruitful, and the City of Doors open for you."

2011-06-11, 03:52 AM
Well, well....very nice. Derk mumbles a bit as he turns to Androse and the others near him. Assuming the whispering wind is still active on him he says: Allow me to venture in first, Lord Androse, and secure the perimeter on the other side. 'Tis a portal after all, and caution may be rewarded. He nods at Kalinor. A pleasure to have met you, sir. May your trades be honest and fruitful.

Not knowing whose tears Kalinor bears and how they were obtained, Derk prefers to produce one himself. He walks up the ramp while he rubs his eyes for liquid, inducing a yawn to help the proces, and heads for the portal.

2011-06-11, 04:16 AM
Rhion silently joins Derk's side as he volunteers to be the point man. He puts a friendly hand on the man's shoulder if he lets him, and smiles.

"I'll go with you too, if that's not a problem? I can be of help, in case."

2011-06-11, 07:15 AM
Derk smiles at Rhion. Of course, my friend. One can not be careful enough with portals....at least, that is what I have been taught. Derk decides to cast True seeing before heading through the portal.

2011-06-11, 11:49 AM
"By all means, take the path ahead of me," Androse said. He slid gently onto the carpet, which lifted up about a foot into the air. He stood on it with absolute confidence - he had no fear of falling, though he made a note to purchase a featherfall token when they reached Sigil.

Lifted higher into the air, he looked around - such devastation. Was this the nature of the Outland? Or was something else at work? It pained him - he'd seen so much loss in his short life, and this wasn't any better.

He acted as though he did not wish to walk on the dirt ramp, floating slowly forward on the five-foot carpet. "I have many thanks to give to you and your crew, Kalinor, and I hope we may do business someday soon."

2011-06-11, 04:18 PM
Saffron waits for Umbriel, who seems the most interested in what had happened here and why."I do not think this is a mystery that should be ignored," she grumbles. "Whether one cares for the lives of the local animals or not, the Athar made their home here as well. Perhaps we should seek out their brethren in Sigil."

A moment later, her giant bat lands on the earthen ramp. Saffron pets the beast's smooth metallic hide, cooing softly to her and guiding her toward the portal. A mere thought of the lives lost is enough for each of her eyes to produce the necessary tears, and they step through the impromptu gate after Derk and Rhion.

2011-06-11, 04:41 PM
Uzark nods, once.

Useful. I am staying at the compound. I am having problem, need opinion. You come by, we talk.

Umbriel nods back. "Very well. Until later, then. A pleasure to have met you." As the ramp finishes forming and her companions begin to pass through the portal, she remounts her phantom steed and circles up to the top of the ramp.

She gives a short nod at Saffron's words, her mouth twisting slightly in an expression of frustration. She replies quietly, "Agreed that this should not be ignored. The morphic nature of the Outlands make it hard to judge how localized this was: it could potentially have touched a much greater area. Such a planar rip might be produced by accident, by a spellcaster wielding power beyond their control. If it was intentional... it seems rather overdone, if only the destruction of the inn was intended." And if intended as display, an object lesson, who was the target? Not us, surely, or the message would have been less ambiguous. Another user of the portal? The Athar in Sigil, as Saffron suggests?

"I sensed no negative energy. I do recall legends of the Void between planar boundaries, that could drain life and magic out of a world when those boundaries were torn. You found this portal: could you perceive anything of the nature of the rip?"

She waits beside the gate for the others to pass through, still regarding the empty land with a slight frown of puzzlement.

2011-06-11, 07:53 PM
"I sensed no negative energy. I do recall legends of the Void between planar boundaries, that could drain life and magic out of a world when those boundaries were torn. You found this portal: could you perceive anything of the nature of the rip?"

Poor fools. So little knowledge of the planes they live upon, thinks Sthrer. "If it was a place between or beyond the planes, I think we would know. Such far realms have a energy all their own, and not a subtle one.

"We should tell these peoples' kin what happened, in any case. Other than that it's all one to me."

2011-06-11, 08:18 PM
Umbriel glances over at the other woman, and takes a moment to note the magic she has available today. A strange creature, this one, human in form but not in essence. Perhaps her words give a clue to her origin. Umbriel considers a rebuttal - there is an unsubtle difference between the utter emptiness of the Void, on which the Disciples draw, and the seething chaos of the Far Realms beyond the planes, after all - but education of chance-met strangers is not her purpose here.

2011-06-11, 08:51 PM
Entering Sigil

There is no sensation in passing through a portal. No tingle, no rush of air or sense of movement. You merely move through, and the world changes around you. From the dark desolation of the Outlands at night, to a warm and pleasant afternoon in the big city.

The architecture looks strangely archaic. The buildings are almost all made of the same shade of gray stone, with balconies, walkways and railings made of elaborately wrought black iron. This makes it very difficult to tell when one building ends and another begins. There's no pattern to give a clue, save that the builings get narrower as you go up. Almost every roof is flat, and forms a balcony of some sort, and exterior doors seem almost as common on the higher floors as they are on the ground.

The people are... varied. Humans are the most common species, and most of the crowd are humanoid, after that, outsiders are most common, with a sprinkling of stranger things, like giants and abberations.

However, what is most strange is that the horizon curves upwards on two sides, rising almost to overhead before disappearing behind a bright light in the sky. Ahead, above, and behind you more city streets can be seen, rising into the sky. The city, it appears, is on the inside of a giant ring. To either side there is nothing but sky.

More immediately, you have just emerged from an archway set into the side of a blank-looking building. All the windows and doors have been bricked up quite some time ago, including the archway you've just emerged from. It is apparently the 3 inches or so that the frame of the old arch extends from the brickwork that provides you with the frame for the portal. Watching one of the large wagons emerge from the portal is quite strange. Even when the portal is active, you can't see through it, so it looks like people are just stepping from the wall.

The arch faces west. To the north the street forks to form two narrow lanes, running either side of a large pub. Scattered tables and stools fill most of the street, and have attracted a handful of creatures, most of them looking tired, more in need of a seat than a drink.

Across the street to the west is a shop filled with wooden plates, bowls, candlesticks, and so on. It is partly obscured by a cart parked in front, filled with a single enormous barrel. The front, facing south, has a tap, and an illuman taking coins from a queue of people using the tap, each of whom seems to have their own mug. Near them, a group of assorted humanoids with faced painted scarlet with black stripes, are setting some clubs and seem to be about to give some kind of juggling performance, despite the press of the crowd. Beyond them, to the south, the market proper begins. There are four rows of stalls, featuring a wide variety of good, mostly in the cheap fairground vein. A few further stalls dot the east wall. To south of them you can just make out a cafe and a small reataurant, both of which seem to have an elven theme. To the east, past the jugglers, are a series of small booths showing puppet shows, and selling toys, dolls, and obviously fake weapons.

In the middle of press of stalls is a large booth piled high with mirrors. Standing next to it is a pale faced lady dressed in figure-hugging velvet corsetry and dress and silver jewelry. As soon as she sees the wagons coming through the portal she gives a wave.

2011-06-11, 09:08 PM
A map

*....HH.............23............................ ..........
*....HH.....................................20.... 20......
*...........................................****** ***
*....*****************....* 22

n marks the portal
HH marks the beer wagon

1-20 are stalls
1 Clubs and Licks
2 Fire works
3 On a stick
4 Wraps
5 Combat pottery
6 Tobias alchemical
7 Mirrors
8 Candles
9 Apothacary
10 Glassware
11+12 Painted plates
13 Locks
14 Toys
15 Fruit
16 Hot Sweatmeats
17 Sinners
18 Blackened Lizards
19 Juice!
20 Children's stalls

21 Half-elf cafe
22 Fine Elven Dining
23 Fire Jugglers

2011-06-12, 12:49 AM
"I sensed no negative energy. I do recall legends of the Void between planar boundaries, that could drain life and magic out of a world when those boundaries were torn. You found this portal: could you perceive anything of the nature of the rip?"

"It came from the Astral Plane, of that much I'm certain, but that hardly narrows anything down," Saffron answers. An experienced planar traveler, the portal's normal operation is not reason enough to interrupt her train of thought. "Beyond that, a scent of saltwater and rotting flesh. Nothing more."

2011-06-12, 02:19 AM
Godot slips through the portal with the others, and takes a deep breath once they've emerged into the marketplace. It had been years. She hoped that the Sensate Guildhall was as good as she remembered.

In the meantime, though, she felt a certain obligation to make sure that the new berks landed on their feet. They'd been interesting enough, all things considered, and few enough things in this universe were genuinely interesting to make that a treasured commodity.

Glancing around at the stalls visible, a crooked smile spreads across her face.

"Anyone else want to join me in checking out 'combat pottery?'"

2011-06-12, 05:21 AM
Derk does his best to ignore the great views at first, turning towards the wall so that he can meet the arrival of each of his companions with a smile and a reassuring nod: carry on, it seems safe. When the last companion crossed the portal he releases a short sigh. Mission accomplished.

He then takes a moment to stare around. He is obviously impressed and the trained observer might notice he is a tad emotional. Sigil...

He turns to Godot and smiles broadly at the gnome. I sure do, I've never been much into the arts and crafts, but this sounds like just my genre! He chuckles a bit after allowing himself a frivolous comment and walks towards Godot.

2011-06-12, 08:29 AM
Simon gazed about as he entered his chosen goal at last. Sigil. The city at the center of the multiverse. The perfect staging ground for his final crusade. But first...
So many sights! So many sounds! So much to see, and experience! This was an amazing place. They had a stall for combat pottery! And fireworks! That was where Simon found himself, examining the things which went boom. Perhaps there was something the gold he managed to gather over the years could buy. Something fun, exciting, and potentially useful. Something that made a big boom. It was a good decision, to come here. The Prime was devoid of new experiences for one who no longer can touch. In this place, there are sights and sounds aplenty for me. And smells too. I think I shall go check out On A Stick next.

2011-06-12, 05:14 PM
"Ah, Sigil."

Rhion mumbles to himself as he steps out of the gate and into the city, looking around him all starry-eyed as if a five year old boy in a candy shop. He takes a deep breath and smells the city... which was not exactly pleasant, but unique nonetheless. And familiar at the same time.

He follows Godot and Derk from a couple meters behind with slow steps. Combat cutlery came off interesting to him only as much as everything else in this city, but one had to start somewhere after all.

2011-06-12, 07:33 PM
Some of the group start sampling the sights. Rhion follows Derk and Godot to the combat pottery stall, where an animated young chaos gnome explains to them the virtues of dual-use earthenware.

Now this may look like a fine broad bowl, suitable for an entry hall or as a centrepeice on the dining table, but have a closer look at the pattern around the edge here. One swift tap on a hard surface will cause these slightly lighter coloured bits to fall away, and you're left with a serrated throwing disk, very sharp. It would look magnificent in your home, and think how much safer you'd feel knowing that your fruit is being stored in something that can cut bone?

Or this, lovely hanging basket, and can withstand a good two or three blows from a sword or club before it even begins to crack. Just a quick adjustment to the straps here and here, and then chinstrap pulls out like this, and you have a pot helmet. Why not keep a workable helmet within easy reach?

Oh, and this is my favourite - the pepper grinder. You can use it as an ordinary grinder, sorry it's a bit stiff, but if you push the top when you grind it, good and hard like this, then the internal ratchet just transfers the stress to the the structure of the grinder itself. So now it's all wound up and it's really under a lot of pressure and stress now. So if you give it a hard knock, say by dropping it, then the clay vessel bursts...

She drops the tightly wound pepper grinder into a heavily dented metal bin on the counter top, and leans quickly away as there is a sharp bang, and several new dents appear in the bin, as if rammed into the metal surface from the inside.

...sending lots of lovely shrapnel everywhere. I had such a time working out how to make the gears barbed, so they'd be just that more vicious when it explodes.

She smiles, a dimple appearing in each cheek. She drops a quick wink at Godot and then looks up at Derk.

So... how long have you two been together?

2011-06-12, 07:35 PM
The fire works stall is perhaps not exactly what Simon had hope for. At the front a large blueish flame appears to be climbing a racheted treadmill. Next to it a burning candle is heating up little cones attached to a freely spinning wheel, somehow making it turn slowly in a single direction. Over at the other end of the counter, the stall holder, a tall red skinned creature with black claws and small black horns, is arguing with an albino with elfin features, iridescent wings, and a skeptical expression.

Yes, of course you can use these powders to change the colours of the flames. I have a full selection, including several that I suspect are outside your visual range. But please reconsider. That's a mere cosmetic effect, and with a slightly large initial outlay and some training time, even a simple campire can be trained to do mundane tasks. Fire can work for you. I mean surely your entire home can't be flammable! You live in, what was it, a tree? Well surely there are some parts of it that don't burn?

Across the way, the On A Stick stall is handing over a long skewer on which are impaled several giant flies, dripping with honey. A lumpy warty red skinned creature snatches it with an enthusiastic growl, baring rows of sharp teeth. Next to him, several more human-looking patrons are watching the cooking area expectantly, as the rich aroma of grilled garlic sausage drifts in the air.

Behind the cooking area, there is a large stall selling mirrors. There, Kalinor the Golden is talking to a woman in a black velvet corset. They appear to arguing about something.

2011-06-12, 08:02 PM
Simon, noticing the man with the mirrors from the other side of the portal, approaches the On A Stick stall, doing his best to pretend to be inconspicuous as he strained to hear what the two could be arguing about. He also activated one of the artifacts he had taken from his old home, goggles which could reveal the true natures of various beings.
Okay. I'm probably not the best character for this, but...yeah. I'm the one who noticed.
So, let's see. Lenses of Revelation active. Evil outsiders I see show up with a red aura, Undead with a Bone-White. Everyone else registers green. If it would block Detect Ebil, it blocks this. Auras are up for one round, which is 6 seconds, if I remember my convertions right. Plenty of time to see what manner of unsavory being Kalinor is dealing with.
Listen Check - [roll0]
Spot, to see if I can pick up any defining characteristics - [roll1]
Hide, to avoid notice(Gonna botch it) - [roll2]
Sense Motive, cause one of them will be BSing - [roll3]
And just to complete the image of a large stone statue trying to be inconspicuous, Move Silently - [roll4]

2011-06-12, 08:09 PM
Passing through the portal felt like it had when he was wrenched from his original plane - a sensation of shifting, but nothing more; he had expected to be nauous or at least dizzy.

Sigil. This place - the City of Doors - was going to offer them a new life, a new place to forge their own path. He grasped the edges of his sleeves, and remained floating about a foot off the ground on his carpet, eyes searching eagerly.

They'd arrived in a marketplace, and around them art of a sort he'd only dreamt of; as a gold dragon, it was in his very nature to be attracted to art, and here he found actors, performers, painters, carvers, and every other kind of artist that he could think of.

It was an art collector's paradise, and he understood why his parents had such large collections. It was intoxicating.

His mind was snapped out of its hoarding daze by the comment by Godot, "Ah, yes, I think I'll join you."

He followed along, stepping off his magic carpet and folding it. It was tucked safely into his robes.


As they approached, and the Chaos Gnome demonstrated, he seemed almost alarmed. He was not one for mayhem and weaponry out of nowhere - he had expected swords made of ceramic.

2011-06-12, 08:10 PM
Some of the group start sampling the sights. Rhion follows Derk and Godot to the combat pottery stall, where an animated young chaos gnome explains to them the virtues of dual-use earthenware.

So... how long have you two been together?

Godot winks up at Derk, and turns back to the saucy gnome, recognizing a kind of kindred spirit.

"Oh, he pursues me constantly of course, but I'm still weighing my options. I admire your fluidity of purpose. Bravo, madam. How much for two of the grinders?"

2011-06-12, 08:13 PM
"Oh, he pursues me constantly of course, but I'm still weighing my options. I admire your fluidity of purpose. Bravo, madam. How much for two of the grinders?"

"I'll have you know I do not approve of such fair," he said. It was slightly hypocritical of him, as his fellows would someday learn - but he didn't care. He didn't approve of hidden weaponry - his own sword was obvious, strapped to his belt and hanging freely outside of his robes.

2011-06-12, 09:20 PM
Sthrer watches the demo with a grin. "It's good to see that a few people are still creative these days.

"I haven't got much money at the moment, but I'll be sure to remember you for later."

And with that she goes to get herself some food.

2011-06-12, 09:40 PM
"I'll have you know I do not approve of such fair," he said. It was slightly hypocritical of him, as his fellows would someday learn - but he didn't care. He didn't approve of hidden weaponry - his own sword was obvious, strapped to his belt and hanging freely outside of his robes.

Godot glances meaningfully at the size of the pepper grinder, then to Androse' less obvious sword.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm not judging based on size. You still have a shot."

2011-06-13, 12:27 AM
Saffron moves quietly, as always, watching and listening around her. She arrives at the blackened lizard stand and examines their foodstuff. She owes Gylda a treat, since she was unable to hunt in the Outlands.

The usual Hide-Move Silently-Spot-Listen combo as I move around:

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

2011-06-13, 12:45 AM
Umbriel examines the scene, purses her lips, and reaches into her backpack to extract a glazed clay mug before joining the line at the beer wagon. "You go ahead and examine the battle pottery, children, I'll just get a drink first," she murmurs to the chaos gnome and the two accompanying her, more than a trace of irony coloring her tone. As she waits, her attention flickers back and forth between the illumian at the tap and the conversation between Kalinor and the woman in black velvet.

Roughly how long did it take to build the ramp? If my Arcane Sight is still active (duration 19 minutes), I'd like to check Kalinor, the woman, and the illumian (serving beer) for spellcasting abilities (probably while blinking rather rapidly against the clashing magical auras of the surroundings). If it's run out, I would have tried to check Kalinor while the ramp was being built.

2011-06-13, 03:00 AM
Since he is old enough to be the father of an adult child, Derk frowns lightly at Umbriel's comment and then shrugs. He continues on to the combat pottery and listens to the presentation with some amazement and at the same time seems a bit disappointed. He also expected to find a well ornamented decorative clay mace rather than this.

As the gnome pops the question he hesitates. Errrr....ahhh...I... As Godot answers the gnome swiftly, he becomes even more confused. Well....errrmhum..this, ehh. HA haha! Always quite the joker, eh? As Androse states his preference of non-concealed weapons, Derk lands back on his feet and happily hooks into familiar territory. Yes, Androse, I agree. The things look pretty harmless, though, no? At least in the hand of a sensible person, like Godot.

2011-06-13, 07:41 AM
Androse wanted to say something witty back, but it had caught him off-guard; he simply smiled, shrugged, and moved further into the shop - looking for anything magical.

He considered the things he'd need: a list of wands, including one of Detect Magic, Scorching Ray, Fireball, and Lightning Bolt. If he could find other useful spells, he'd want to grab those too.

"When we are finished here, m'dear, I'd like your expertise in selecting wands - you seem to have some, ah, experience in that area," Androse said to Umbriel with a teasing wink.

2011-06-13, 06:05 PM
Sthrer is sitting in the sweetmeats shop, thinking about the possibility of starting a store of her own. Of course, there aren't that many people who want grafts . . .

2011-06-13, 06:58 PM
"Oh, he pursues me constantly of course, but I'm still weighing my options. I admire your fluidity of purpose. Bravo, madam. How much for two of the grinders?"

Godot's question gets the busy gnome's full attention.

They're 15 gold each. Call it 25 for the pair. 20 if he has a brother and I get the address.

At this point Penrose cuts in:

I'll have you know I do not approve of such fair

And she's all sympathy.

Oh, I know, I know. It's shameful and I feel terrible about it. The pepper pots are still good as a novelty, but they barely dent the metal! It's just that so much of my stock I'm not allowed to sell anymore. I particularly miss my pitcher vases. Lovely spiral pattern on them, but somone made a complaint and I can't sell them any more.

This last is directed at the young man at the neighbouring stall (Tobias Alchemical), who is seated at a stool cleaning a crucible. He replies coldly, but doesn't look up from his work.

Your vases were 25 pounds of explosive and naphtha wrapped in a crude clay shell.

They were not! They were 28 pounds of explosive and naphtha in a stylish and contempory shell! It took me ages to get that turtle green glaze just right. And there was no call to complain about my pottery door locks. They had everything - a red textured pattern that blended well with wood... a choice of different styles...

poison gas...

They only released that if you tried to pick the lock. That was the entire point! It's still better than your alchemist's fire, you know, the one with such a tiny blast that it slightly warms anyone within all of five feet. I mean who's going to waste money on that?

The man flushes.

We've been over this. Anything larger isn't safe. The alchemical components...

It's used to set people on fire! Why would you want it to be safe!

The arguement seems to be settling into a well-worn pattern, when Derk makes an offhand comment:

Yes, Androse, I agree. The things look pretty harmless, though, no? At least in the hand of a sensible person, like Godot.

At which point the gnome suddenly turns her full attention to Derk. Her voice is suddenly mild, the arguement seemingly forgotten.

She's sensible? Oh dear, how disappointing for you. I had a friend who went sensible once. It took us ever so many drinks to snap him out of it. Your brother had better not be sensible, or we shan't get on at all well.

Meanwhile, over at the blackened Lizard stall, Saffron is discovering that, for a refreshing change, the stall is entirely straightforward. A selection of slim lizards, about two feet long, rubbed with salt, herbs and spices, each about two feet long, are being flamed grilled over hot coals by a shortish Kenku wearing a large leather apron.

Saffron herself is nowhere to be seen.


Arcane sight should be active. Building the ramp took about 10 mins. Kalinor has no spellcasting abilities. The Illuman serving beer has 1st level arcane spell(s). The woman Kalinor is arguing with - something is trying to block you, so I'll need a caster level check.


Kalinor detects as green. The woman he's talking to doesn't detect at all.

Listen check is pretty good:

...utterly mad!

But this actually makes sense, Nephira. If we now have good reason to think it will work, then why shouldn't we try?

Because you've only just met these people! They could be anyone. They could be a bunch of inhuman monstrocities!

Um.. funny you should mention that...

They could be in league with your enemies!

Good, then they'll know where the glass is.

There's one of them spying on you right now!

Good! That shows they're already interes- um.. wait.. what did you say?

Look, over there. Didn't that stone man come over with them?

They both look in your direction.

Defining characteristics.. not really. You'd recognise Nephira if you saw her again.

Sense Motive ... fairly obvious. Kalinor has made up his mind to do something, she thinks, very strongly, that it's a bad idea.

Move silently. You attempts to sidle inconspicuously cause you to brush up against the glassware stall. You're heavy and have momentum, glass is light and the wooden table and shelves the glassware is arranged on is flimsy and poorly balanced. Can I trouble you to describe to everyone what happens, such that your attempt at stealth attracts attention from everyone within about 20 feet without a hearing problem?

2011-06-13, 07:11 PM
Sthrer finds the sweetmeats stall is not well attended, partly because it's huge range seems intended to appeal to as many tastes as possible. Yellow spheres dusted with what looks like sugar sit in a jar next to raw liver in a candied glaze. The range of honey treats seems the most popular, and dominates the centre of the display. The 3-day eyeballs, going slightly green around the edges in their tightly sealed jar, are perched near the edge, as if placed to be as far away from everything else as possible. A large blue orb hangs immediately above the stall, which may have something to do with total lack of flies or other insects.

Across the way, the half-elven cafe is running a 'half elven, half off!' deal, and is filled with humans, half-elves and half-orcs. Three half-ogres, a table of mongrelmen and two bemused-looking centaurs complete the scene. The nearby Fine Elven Dining has its customers more discreetly hidden from view, behind two giant turtle-green earthenware vases containing shrubs, and a doorelf in a slim black jacket with gold buttons and a sabre with a basket hilt of silver filigree.

2011-06-13, 07:16 PM
Meanwhile, over at the blackened Lizard stall, Saffron is discovering that, for a refreshing change, the stall is entirely straightforward. A selection of slim lizards, about two feet long, rubbed with salt, herbs and spices, each about two feet long, are being flamed grilled over hot coals by a shortish Kenku wearing a large leather apron.

Saffron lightly touches the kenku's arm, holds up enough coinage for two lizards, and walks off with them once she's certain he understands. She had only intended to buy one for her bat, but they smelled so good after the barrenness of the plane she was just on. She carries the pair of lizards quietly back to the alley where Gylda is waiting, tearing chunks of roasted lizardflesh off of hers with her massive teeth.

2011-06-14, 04:45 AM
She's sensible? Oh dear, how disappointing for you. I had a friend who went sensible once. It took us ever so many drinks to snap him out of it. Your brother had better not be sensible, or we shan't get on at all well.

I errr... Derk blushes a bit and his eyes dart to Godot swiftly in a slight state of panic. He is obviously uncomfortable. I manage, I guess...I don't think she is as sensible as I am. I am not saying she is not sensible at all, but, err...'tis a matter of perspective, eh? And I do have a brother. Haven't seen the man in ages. I guess I can safely say he is not as sensible as I am.

How on earth did I end up talking about my brother? Derk clearly needs Godot to pull him out of this. He does not want to ruin Godot's deal, nor does he want to insult either of the two gnomes, but for sure he does not intend to lie. And my brother's adress? Is that gnome being serious?

2011-06-14, 05:35 AM

Kalinor detects as green. The woman he's talking to doesn't detect at all.

Listen check is pretty good:

...utterly mad!

But this actually makes sense, Nephira. If we now have good reason to think it will work, then why shouldn't we try?

Because you've only just met these people! They could be anyone. They could be a bunch of inhuman monstrocities!

Um.. funny you should mention that...

They could be in league with your enemies!

Good, then they'll know where the glass is.

There's one of them spying on you right now!

Good! That shows they're already interes- um.. wait.. what did you say?

Look, over there. Didn't that stone man come over with them?

They both look in your direction.

Defining characteristics.. not really. You'd recognise Nephira if you saw her again.

Sense Motive ... fairly obvious. Kalinor has made up his mind to do something, she thinks, very strongly, that it's a bad idea.

Move silently. You attempts to sidle inconspicuously cause you to brush up against the glassware stall. You're heavy and have momentum, glass is light and the wooden table and shelves the glassware is arranged on is flimsy and poorly balanced. Can I trouble you to describe to everyone what happens, such that your attempt at stealth attracts attention from everyone within about 20 feet without a hearing problem?

OOC: With pleasure, sir. :smallbiggrin:

As Simon attempted to act nonchallant, his foot came into contact with the bottom of a shelf at a nearby glassware stall. Which promptly hit the next one. The glassware on both shelves went flying off, smashing against the ground and shattering into a multitude of tiny, sparkly pieces. Simon cursed under his breath, and set to helping the stall owner clean up. As he did so, he kept his eye on the lady and Kalinor, making sure he could tell in what direction they slipped off to. That was a loud crash. And the stalltender was not at all happy with Simon. That was odd. The woman didn't register an aura. Which must mean she was using magic to disguise her true nature. We must be careful of her. Nephira, Kalinor called her. Obviously, something is up with them.

2011-06-14, 05:53 AM
Avoiding being engaged into awkward conversation by the gnome, Rhion grins to himself and decides to "save" Derk after all, instead of leaving quietly.

"Hey, Derk. I finally found that ornate candleholder that you've been asking for. Let me show you," he says, entering the scene and pulling Derk away all in a few seconds. When (or if) they reach the other side of the candle stall, Rhion explains.

"Sorry for the pushing and pulling, but it seemed like you needed an escape," he says with an apologetic smile.

2011-06-14, 06:47 AM
Candleh.....ohhh, yes. Derk allows Rhion to pull him away and he looks back once to nod at the gnome. A pleasure to have met, he mumbles as he makes a gesture indicating that he cannot help something utterly important came up.

Right...thank you Rhion. I was in a pickle there. But, if I may say so myself, I was handling that very well. With a hint of pride and ignorance on his face, Derk straightens his back to look a shiny knight again as he continues: Say, Rhion....has anyone ever asked the adress of your brother? I mean, what does that mean....did I say something wrong?

2011-06-14, 07:20 AM
Rhion's grin broadens even more for a moment, but then disappears as he taps his chin thoughtfully.

"She's obviously attracted to your good looks, but since you're 'unavailable' (hint: Godot), she thinks she could have a chance with someone as handsome as you, but, you know, available. Hence, your brother."

He pauses for a moment, and then shrugs casually.

"That's what I got anyway."

2011-06-14, 09:52 AM
They're 15 gold each. Call it 25 for the pair. 20 if he has a brother and I get the address."

Godot smiles. As she's rooting in her bag for the coins, she smiles at the somehow-familiar exchange between the gnome and the neighbouring Tobias. Ah, it was like being home again. She slides in as Rhion pulls Derk away.

"I find that a veneer of sensibility helps keep the berks calm, don't you?"

She slides five platinum coins across to the crockery gnome, and then extends her hand in greeting.

"Godot Samuels, by the way. You can officially count me a fan. And you are?"

She tucks her pair of pepper mills away in her bag.

"It would seem we've lost tall and dark and tall and golden. No accounting for taste."

She winces as the sound of smashing glass comes from nearby. Godot arches an eyebrow.

"Ah, I've missed this place. Anything exciting going on lately?"

2011-06-14, 11:31 AM
As Umbriel waits in line, her glowing blue gaze scanning the crowd, there is a sharp caw from the pocket of her robes, and a moment later a bird appears in the air next to her. Like its mistress, it appears sculpted from air, and its beady eyes glow the same lurid blue. It flaps its wings furiously as it clumsily half-flies, half-climbs up to Umbriel's shoulder, and sinks its claws into the thick pad there sewn into her robes there.

"Well, well. Sigil, is it then?" the bird croaks quietly in Infernal. It tilts its head, looking up at the arch of the city overhead. "So she sees, Valthrax does. Hasn't been here for long time."

Umbriel raises an eyebrow, and delicately smooths the ruffled feathers on the bird's wing. "You've visited the city before? Not with me." Her own Infernal is fluent, with a slight Dis accent.

Valthrax shakes her wings and shifts her weight from claw to claw. A sliver of distress passes to Umbriel through their empathic bond. "Not remembering well. Before the dark time."

"Ah." Umbriel strokes the raven's head lightly, and they stand in silence for a moment. "Perhaps we can get you one of those interesting-looking sweetmeats," Umbriel suggests, her voice dry. Eyeballs, perhaps. "My drink first, though."

Valthrax looks around, shuffles over next to Umbriel's ear, and whispers into it, "Umber is watching the man with all the shiny rings, yes?" The familiar's tone is frankly covetous. Umbriel snorts, and closes the raven's beak firmly with two fingers. The bird is a useful tool, and she has rarely regretted the impulse that led her to rescue the creature after its previous master's death in battle, but teaching her discretion has proved a long and wearisome task. And not done yet, evidently. It would be nice if her wits matched her loyalty. Nonetheless, Umbriel sends fondness through their empathic bond.

At the crash of glass from the nearby stall, both their heads snap around. Umbriel sighs quietly in exasperation as she sees the cause of the disturbance, and turns back immediately to watching Kalinar and the woman in black velvet, but Valthrax appears fascinated by the glittering broken glass.

2011-06-14, 02:26 PM
Saffron feeds the spiced and blackened lizard to Gylda, who greedily grabs it in the tiny claws at the joint of her massive wings and begins eating it whole. She strokes the beasts head and behind its large ears until she suddenly hears a crash. She looks up to see Simon knocking over approximately half the glassware in Sigil. He was obviously trying to spy on someone...such things should be left to the professionals.

"Gylda: stay, hide," Saffron commands her friend. She then slips back out of the alleyway, looking for some indication of who her stone ally was spying on--and more importantly, where they went.

Take 10 on Handle Animal gives me more than enough for a simple command.

Gylda's Hide check: [roll0]

Then trying to see if I can tell who Samuel was watching and/or where they went.

Spot: [roll1]

2011-06-14, 03:04 PM
Rhion's grin broadens even more for a moment, but then disappears as he taps his chin thoughtfully.

"She's obviously attracted to your good looks, but since you're 'unavailable' (hint: Godot), she thinks she could have a chance with someone as handsome as you, but, you know, available. Hence, your brother."

He pauses for a moment, and then shrugs casually.

"That's what I got anyway."

Well...Isn't that forward?

As the glass shatters further on, Derk turns and sais to Rhion: Ogh, poor Simon...I have that a lot too...

2011-06-14, 04:07 PM
"Well, everyone has their quirks," Rhion responds, watching Simon crash his way through one of the stalls as he speaks. He slowly gestures at their construct companion as if to prove his point.

2011-06-14, 04:59 PM
Sthrer rolls her eyes at the others' antics, then buys herself a small piece of honey candy.

Honestly, these people are kind of pathetic. Looks like they'll need my help to get anywhere!

2011-06-14, 07:33 PM
Godot smiles. As she's rooting in her bag for the coins, she smiles at the somehow-familiar exchange between the gnome and the neighbouring Tobias. Ah, it was like being home again. She slides in as Rhion pulls Derk away.

"I find that a veneer of sensibility helps keep the berks calm, don't you?"

She slides five platinum coins across to the crockery gnome, and then extends her hand in greeting.

"Godot Samuels, by the way. You can officially count me a fan. And you are?"

The chaos gnome covers the hand in her own and replies in formal greeting

Mephirinda Vartale. She intones, as if swearing an oath. Then she grins. I know we're supposed to be so cosmopolitan here in Sigil but it's so good to meet someone with a proper sense of humour.

"It would seem we've lost tall and dark and tall and golden. No accounting for taste."

You're a more familiar sight to them than the city I think. They'll be back. My workshop's just two streets to the north of here. I've got some things there that I can't sell in public. Feel free to drop by, and bring as many of your tall and handsome friends as you like.

I'm afraid I can't offer much good gossip though, unless you actually know any of the people I'd be talking about. The local rats have been fighting eachother, which certainly makes a change. And there's Tashgar's, that new bakery/eatery place that's opened up - supposed to be quite good. But I'm afraid it's been a bit dull. I doubt Sigil has reached sensible though, so it's probably just been holding its breath until you get settled in.

"Gylda: stay, hide," Saffron commands her friend. She then slips back out of the alleyway, looking for some indication of who her stone ally was spying on--and more importantly, where they went.

Then trying to see if I can tell who Samuel was watching and/or where they went.



Kalinor's not hard to spot - he's bearing down on Simon. The lady he was talking to, Nephira, is leaving the market, presumably on some errand. She seems upset as she leaves.

Can you give me a Sense motive please?

Kalinor walks over to the glassware stall, where Simon is assisting in cleanup.

Ah, just the person I wanted to talk to. Oh, some kind of accident? Here, let me pay for the damage.

Without waiting for reply, he flips his heavy pouch onto the ruined counter. A gold peice spills out of the top. He turns to Simon, apparently giving the stall no further thought. The stallholder looks both confused and insulted.

Now, you and your companions seem like a resourceful bunch, so I was wondering if you might be able to help me out with a problem we've run into. That is if some of you would be interested in a little freelancing? It would really help me out...

2011-06-14, 07:41 PM
Godot murmurs the bakery name under her breath, to lock it into her brain...at least for a while.

"Got it. Much appreciated. Street food has its charms, but sometimes it's nice to be able to sit back and relax without needing to worry about pickpockets and chamberpots."

She switches briefly to the gnomish tongue.

"May the dance of days please you."

As she steps out of the crockery shop, Godot's smile quickly fades. She sees a couple of her colleagues gathered together with Kalinor again. Who seemed to be buying something fairly expensive. Interesting. She wandered over to listen.

2011-06-14, 08:48 PM
For Togo:
Sense Motive: [roll0]

If she's an Outsider with the Chaotic, Lawful, or Evil subtypes, I get +2, +4, or +6 to this, respectively

2011-06-14, 09:05 PM
Kalinor walks over to the glassware stall, where Simon is assisting in cleanup.

Ah, just the person I wanted to talk to. Oh, some kind of accident? Here, let me pay for the damage.

Without waiting for reply, he flips his heavy pouch onto the ruined counter. A gold peice spills out of the top. He turns to Simon, apparently giving the stall no further thought. The stallholder looks both confused and insulted.

Now, you and your companions seem like a resourceful bunch, so I was wondering if you might be able to help me out with a problem we've run into. That is if some of you would be interested in a little freelancing? It would really help me out...

Simon stood, and slowly turned towards Kalinor. His stone face read no expression, a trait of his new body that some found disturbing. "Hello again, Kalinor. A pleasure, I'm sure. Thank you for paying for my, erm, mishap. I can be so clumsy sometimes. Freelancing, eh? An intriguing proposition. It would, of course, depend on the job, but I will be sure to bring it up with my companions." His interactions with Kalinor done, Simon went back to helping the vendor clean up the mess. His face softening, Simon inclined his head to the vendor in a gesture of guilt. "I appologize, sir. That was foolish of me. My name is Simon Shadowstalker. I'll be staying in Sigil for awhile. If there's anything I can do to make up for this, please, just contact me. I don't know where I'll be staying yet, but if you leave a message with Rachel Stargazer at the Boar's Head tavern, it will get back to me eventually. Once again, I am terribly sorry for my clumsiness."

2011-06-15, 08:07 PM
Sense Motive: [roll0]

If she's an Outsider with the Chaotic, Lawful, or Evil subtypes, I get +2, +4, or +6 to this, respectively.

You don't notice anything further. Nephira quickly leaves the market.

2011-06-15, 08:45 PM
His interactions with Kalinor done, Simon went back to helping the vendor clean up the mess. His face softening, Simon inclined his head to the vendor in a gesture of guilt. "I appologize, sir. That was foolish of me. My name is Simon Shadowstalker. I'll be staying in Sigil for awhile. If there's anything I can do to make up for this, please, just contact me. I don't know where I'll be staying yet, but if you leave a message with Rachel Stargazer at the Boar's Head tavern, it will get back to me eventually. Once again, I am terribly sorry for my clumsiness."

The stallholder frowns, and then shrugs.

Eh, it's not my glassware, it belongs to the Foundary. Here, dump all that stuff - if it's cracked or chipped, noone will buy it and it will end up as scrap anyway.

He works with you for a minute or two, salvaging what he can.

Look, I'll have to report back to the Foundary about this, and it's not I like I can give them a vague description of you if they ask me. But seeing as his nibs over there is footing the bill, I don't see as how they'll be any trouble over it.

He rises to his feet, picking up the purse as he does so.

Either way, I'd... What in the Blazes!

His cry is echoes by others across the square. High on the rooftop, to the north of the square, a set of hairy legs waves, swiftly followed by the rest of the huge spider. It squats on the rooftop like a malevolant sentry, arranging its limbs as if to spring. On his back, holding the spider's reins in one hand, a human figure sits, He wears a breastplate of black steel, and carries several javelins in a long quiver slung on his back. He holds a short rod from each end of which spring lengths of corruscating energy, sheathed in green curling flames.

A similar figure appears on the rooftops to the east, another to the south, and yet another to the west. As one, they start to urge their mounts forward...

2011-06-15, 09:42 PM
Sense Motive: [roll0]

If she's an Outsider with the Chaotic, Lawful, or Evil subtypes, I get +2, +4, or +6 to this, respectively.

You don't notice anything further. Nephira quickly leaves the market.

I follow her, staying out of sight. If necessary, I can resort to tracking.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]
Survival: [roll3]

EDIT: Whoops, I had skipped reading your last post before replying, so assume that I only follow her for a few rounds before I hear the commotion. You can put me wherever I would be when the cry of alarm went up.

2011-06-15, 10:10 PM

Godot had been about to find something witty and flattering to say to Kalinor, when she caught sight of the spider and rider. And the spider and rider. And the...oh, crap.

She felt a jolt of energy from Umbriel's direction, spurring her on to quick and decisive action. She looked around the market square, and decided that pretty much no one there would want to get eaten by spiders. And nobody arrives on four rooftops surrounding a square at the same moment in order to launch a parade. So...if she could make all the merchants and customers extra brave, maybe no one would die today.

Godot reeled off one of the first magics she had ever learned, and immediately followed it up with an old childhood saying, delivered at full volume.

"'When the bee sucks, it makes honey; when the spider, poison.' And honey, these spiders suck!"

Drawing her laughably small blade from its belt sheath, she quickly dove under the nearest stall counter. Fortunately, for a gnome, diving under something usually meant ducking your head a bit as you step forward.

Swift action: Casting Inspirational Boost

Standard action: using words of creation and perform (acting), begin to Inspire Courage. By 'allies', she's pretty much including everyone who can hear her except the four guys on spiders. Perform check: [roll0], if that's relevant. Everyone gets +8 to attack, damage and will saves vs fear.

Move action: draw dagger while trying to seek out cover among the stalls.

2011-06-15, 11:01 PM
Saffron growls to herself. "Fascinating timing," she mutters. Taking a last look back at her quarry, she draws her sword. In a single fluid motion, it transforms into a metal bow. She draws an arrow and fires it into the closest rider—there's no reason to believe the spiders are anything more than innocent beasts of burden—then repeats the action three more times.

Rapid Shot on whichever rider is closest to me; I ignore any cover or concealment as long as its not total cover or concealment.

Attack #1: [roll0]
Damage #1: [roll1]

Attack #2: [roll2]
Damage #2: [roll3]

Attack #3: [roll4]
Damage #3: [roll5]

Attack #4: [roll6]
Damage #4: [roll7]

This is assuming they actually are humans; if they're outsiders (especially fiends), then I do a lot more damage.

2011-06-15, 11:02 PM
Attack #1 is a threat, Attack #3 is a natural 1.

Confirming critical hit: [roll0]
Additional damage if confirmed: [roll1]

2011-06-16, 02:08 AM
Since you disclosed the nature of their weapons in the OOC thread and I have the feat to make them as well as ranks in the tied knowledge skill, I am going to assume I know what I am dealing with.
Am I right that shield spell does not protect either against brilliant energy?

Derk's informal chat with Rhion ends abruptly when he sees the spider riders. His face turns grim as he acts swiftly and falls into a routine he is far more comfortable in than talking about his brother.

He moves a little to the centre of the square while he draws his adamantine flail and shouts: Attention! Rooftops! Four and mount!. Flashes of magical energy are visible. He does everything to make sure he is noticed, in the hope some or all of the foes will aim for him.

Swift action to activate Air Devotion (AC30, 18 vs br. energy, does not include haste)
Standard action to cast resist elements (fire)
Move action towards centre of square, while drawing weapon (and shouting some)

2011-06-16, 07:50 AM
Rapid Shot on whichever rider is closest to me;

That would spider rider EAST

You also get +8 morale bonus to hit and damage from Godot, which you've not included.

That makes it:

Attack #1: 52 (threat 45 confirms)
Damage #1: 26+50=76

Attack #2: 40
Damage #2: 30

Attack #3: miss (nat 1)
Damage #3: -

Attack #4: 25
Damage #4: 29

For a total of... 135 points of damage. Ouch.
Let me know if you disagree with the calculations

The spider rider to the east is jerked from his saddle by the uncanny force of the arrows from the tigress' metal bow. He slumps to the rooftop, and slides down, until he dangles by one arm tangled in the reins. The spider sits there, motionless, watching.

2011-06-16, 04:30 PM
Rhion follows Derk's gaze and realizes the situation. Well, not completely at first, not until Saffron opens fire at one of them and drops him like a bird. Rhion, slightly taken aback, forces himself to sigh. The tigress was, all things considered, probably correct on her estimation of the spider riders meaning bad, but probably didn't cut him. You had to be sure.

Well, that time has past, and now, it was open battle. Still, with the obvious power of his companions, he wondered if he was even going to be needed at all. Just to be on the safe side, though, Rhion concentrates and lets two white feathery wings rip out of his back. He flaps the wings once, and deciding that they will serve, simply waits.

Standard action to use Eagle's Wings to give Rhion some 60' flight. Rhion also readies a move action to move in front of any unarmed civilian if the riders seem to be targeting one.

2011-06-17, 01:36 AM
At the first tickling on the back of her neck, the first sight of the spiders and their dark-armored riders, Umbriel's hand clenches in a reflexive gesture. The single sharp word that springs from her lips is equally reflexive, entrained by long years of experience. Foresight, singer. Most precious of gifts.

"Awk! Awake! Foes! Fear! Flee!" Valthrax flaps her wings in agitation, cawing loudly in Infernal. At a level look from Umbriel, she settles, shakes her wings again, and cries, again in Infernal, "Death and doom with all speed to those who oppose us!" Those nearby feel time seem to slow down for them, all their movements taking on an unnatural swiftness.

"Valthrax. Pocket," Umbriel orders calmly, but her eyes are as cold as black ice. Minions of the gith. Lady grant me Your blessing of vengeance. But these are not themselves gith, and capture might be more consonant with the laws of Sigil than killing. Neither riders nor mounts have yet attacked, after all.

One wrinkled hand weaves a precise series of arcane gestures as the old mage chants a spell of creation, drawing forth an old, desiccated piece of a black rubbery substance from her spell component pouch. As she works the spell she binds new elements into its structure, weaving the strands used to reshape a simple illusion as the weft through the warp of the more powerful magic. Her brow furrows slightly in concentration as Saffron's swift arrows knock one warrior from his saddle; best to leave him alive for questioning, and in respect for the gnomish girl's vows.

As Umbriel completes her spell and feels the magic snap into reality, her power shaping tentacles to spring up from the rooftops and twine around the spiders and their riders, she steps into the shelter of the Clubs and Licks stall. She mutters through the Message spell,
"Spiders are undead, their bite saps strength. Riders are human. Ware their blades."
That last is likely unnecessary, but you never know.

Valthrax casts Haste on all nearby party members, herself, Umbriel, Kalinor and Nephira if I can get them (not sure if they're in range), and whichever random bystanders are wearing the most attractive sparkly ornaments, up to a total of 19 targets. She then pops back into her Familiar Pocket.
Umbriel uses her Ultimate Magus Augmented Casting ability to apply the Sculpt Spell metamagic to Evard's Black Tentacles, burning a L1 beguiler spell (flavor-wise, it's Silent Image, since that has the "cubes" area Umbriel wants). She converts its area to four 10-ft cubes, and places one on each of the spiders. Range is 300ft, so I should have enough to do this.
Since the riders share their mounts' squares, I believe they should also be grappled, but I don't want to grab the unconscious guy (since the tentacles do lethal damage), so I would like to use Extraordinary Spell Aim to render him unaffected by the spell. Spellcraft check is an auto-pass (DC 29 or 30, depending on whether metamagic increases the DC), but for fun: Spellcraft [roll0]. If I can't do this, because he is considered to be in all his mount's squares (and I do want to grab his mount), I won't use ESA, and will accept the penalty if I kill him accidentally.
Umbriel will then step into the shelter of the Clubs and Licks stall, trying to put at least some cover between her and the riders. If I couldn't ESA the spell, I have a move action left and will try to use it to find better cover.

Grapple checks! (Togo, if you want to roll, my bonus is +28, else see below)
Spider 1: [roll1]
Spider 2: [roll2]
Spider 3: [roll3]
Spider 4: [roll4]
Rider 1: [roll5]
Rider 2: [roll6]
Rider 3: [roll7]
If they have freedom of movement, this of course does nothing, but I'm hoping my Arcane Sight would've spotted the auras if that was the case. If they pass the grapple checks but don't have FoM, they're still at half speed within the area of the tentacles, which I hope means they won't be able to leap-charge us :smallwink:

2011-06-17, 05:04 AM
Spider riders being grappled by tentacles
grapple checks to resist grapple
Rider 1 NORTH [roll0]
Spider 1 NORTH [roll1]
Rider 2 WEST [roll2]
Spider 2 WEST [roll3]
Rider 3 SOUTH [roll4]
Spider 3 SOUTH [roll5]
Spider 4 EAST [roll6]

2011-06-17, 05:10 AM
Spider Rider Results

Rider 1 NORTH is grappled
Spider 1 NORTH is grappled
Rider 2 WEST is grappled
Spider 2 WEST is grappled
Rider 3 SOUTH is grappled
Spider 3 SOUTH is grappled
Rider 4 EAST is outside the area of effect
Spider 4 EAST is NOT grappled
Umbriel, can you roll damage to those grappled please?

Umbirel, assuming you move slightly towards everyone else, haste will effect everyone in the party except Saffron and Sthrer. Kalinor is there, Nephira isn't - you don't see her anywhere.

2011-06-17, 06:46 AM
Androse presently had no magic to fire from afar - all he could do was protect the crowds from getting involved. He unrolled the carpet, jumped on, and took to the sky - calling on the crowds to stay back and let the 'professionals' deal with the situation.

From about forty feet in the sky, he observed the situation - trying to get a handle on where he should be.

Since he doesn't yet have any wands to cast ranged attacks from, he simply tries to shepard the crowd away from the battle zone.

2011-06-17, 03:49 PM
Simon looked towards the riders, evaluating the oncoming attack. Three riders, upon apparently undead spiders. This was something Simon could fight well. First, he moved closer to his companions, so they could benefit from his next action. Thrusting his shield into the air, Simon let loose a burst of positive energy. The energy coalesed around the weapons of him and his allies, empowering them with divine righteousness. With that done, Simon readied his shield: It had a special surprise for enemies he could not reach.
Activating the Glorious Weapons feat: Everybody gets Good weapons within a 60-foot burst. I also move to where this will catch as many allies as possible. This lasts until the end of my next turn: Make the most of it!

2011-06-17, 06:27 PM
Spider riders try to break free
Opposed grapple checks to escape from grapple
Rider 1 NORTH [roll0] versus tentacle [roll1]
Spider 1 NORTH [roll2] versus tentacle [roll3]
Rider 2 WEST [roll4] versus tentacle [roll5]
Spider 2 WEST [roll6] versus tentacle [roll7]
Rider 3 SOUTH [roll8] versus tentacle [roll9]
Spider 3 SOUTH [roll10] versus tentacle [roll11]

2011-06-17, 07:00 PM
Spider riders try to break free some more
Spider rider 1 NORTH and his spider remain grappled.
They try to break free again
Rider 1 NORTH [roll0] versus tentacle [roll1], and if unsucessful also [roll2] versus tentacle [roll3]
Spider 1 NORTH [roll4] versus tentacle [roll5]

Spider rider 2 WEST is now free and draws a javelin. His spider is grappled, and it tries to break free again
Spider 2 WEST [roll6] versus tentacle [roll7]

Spider rider 3 South is grappled, but his spider is not. He tries to break free again, with his spider helping to pull him out (adding +4 for the large size of the mount)
Rider 3 SOUTH [roll8] versus tentacle [roll9] and if unsucessful also [roll10] versus tenctacle [roll11]

2011-06-17, 07:15 PM
Situation Summary
Spider rider 1 NORTH and his spider are still grappled, wrapped in coils of rubbery black tentacles summoned by Umbriel.

Spider rider 2 WEST is free and has drawn a javelin, but his spider mount remains grappled by tentacles

Spider rider 3 SOUTH is grappled by tentacles. His spider mount has broken free, and is trying to help him break free by sheer momentum

Spider Rider 4 EAST is unconscious (dead?). His spider is delaying.

Everyone has been hasted apart from Saffron and Sethrer.

Kalinor appears to be hiding behind a large mirror from his stall and shows little interest in joining the fight.

The citizens of the city appear to be leaving the square. Rather than the panicked rush you might expect in a normal crowd being attacked by giant spiders, citizens of Sigil appear to be adept at moving swiftly away from danger. Almost as if this kind of thing happens fairly often.

All the PCs may now act.

2011-06-17, 07:53 PM
Saffron is surprised by the ferocity of her own attacks—clearly Umbriel's magic and Godot's...whatever that was...had greatly enhanced her. She would have to be more careful from now on...

She takes aim at the westernmost rider, prepared to switch targets if he fell, and releases her arrows.

OK, four more attacks. If the West rider drops, switch to the South rider.

Attack #1: [roll0]
Damage #1: [roll1]

Attack #2: [roll2]
Damage #2: [roll3]

Attack #3: [roll4] -5 = 48
Damage #3: [roll5]

Attack #4: [roll6] - 10 = 46 (This is still a threat, though.)
Damage #4: [roll7]

EDIT: Addition error, the third attack should be -5 and the fourth should be -10. Also, the fourth attack is a threat regardless.

2011-06-17, 07:56 PM
Confirming critical hit on the fourth arrow:

Attack: [roll0]
Extra damage if successful: [roll1]

2011-06-17, 08:33 PM
As the citizens turned safely away, Androse himself dropped altitude, heading towards the western spider; such a creature, he felt, did not deserve this fate - but it was far better to die than to be enslaved to a monster that would attack randomly. And beyond that - they were undead. They were made of evil, and their only right was to return to the grave.

In one smooth action, he jumped from his carpet from a few feet off the ground, drew his sword (which crackled with an electric pulse and glowed faintly) and slashed at his target while the carpet floated to the ground beside him.

Essentially he is using a charge attack against the spider.
Melee attack: [roll0] (forgot the +8, so it ends up being 39)
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] electricity (forgot the +8, so it ends up being 15 damage from the sword)

2011-06-17, 09:40 PM
The spider rider to the west slumps in his saddle, arrows protruding from his chest

Androse swoops down on his carpet, and cleaves into the spider, spraying foul smelling ichor. The spider continues, undaunted.

2011-06-17, 10:59 PM
"'When the bee sucks, it makes honey; when the spider, poison.' And honey, these spiders suck!"

Godot's jibe resonantes through the square again, loud and clear. Only those closest to her would notice that the sound is coming not from the gnome herself, but the tiny knife in her hand. Instead, she steps up and waves her hands to draw the attention of the remaining riders.

"Listen, friends. Whatever you were here to do is obviously not going to happen, and whoever is paying you clearly didn't pay you enough to die. Call out your surrender now, drop your swords, and we can talk about how this can end with no further loss of life."

Making a full-round action to try to use diplomacy with the mercenaries. Roll incorporates a -10 for the rushed skill check: [roll0]

2011-06-18, 06:15 AM
Derk learned long ago that he should not fire arrows when innocent people are near, but sees that the artillery is taking care of the riders. He decides to prepare facing the spiders.

With a swift word and gesture he summons a protective shield, after which he uses his magic to sprout large silver draconic wings. He flies to the spider on the north roof, preparing to unleash the wrath of the sun on the undead being.

Cast swift shield and draconic wings

AC: 40, touch 27, 19 vs brilliant energy
Attacks +33/28/23/33 (extra bonuses: +8 morale (godot), +2 magic (Umbriel), +1 haste (Umbriel))
Damage 4d6+23

Will burn 2nd level spell next round for arcane strike and activate sun devotion: At: +35/30/25/35, dam 4d6+2d4+23 (+1att and +16dam vs undead)

Spells cast 1xlvl1, 1xlvl2, 1xlvl4, 1xlvl6

2011-06-18, 09:16 PM
Umbriel turns to the proprietor of the stall she is standing in, if they are still present. "Does this sort of thing happen often around here?" she asks casually. Her gaze flickers constantly around the rooftops, though, tracking the progress of the battle.

Saffron seems more than capable of dispatching the riders on her own, and Derk and Androse look well-prepared to take on the spiders. Sthrer, Simon and Rhion have not shown their hands openly as yet, but the situation does not seem to demand her active involvement. Through the Message she mutters to her companions, "If you require flight or transformation, succor or protection, you need but ask. Otherwise, I'll get myself a drink."

At Godot's demand, her lips twist in a narrow smile. Let us see how they respond to that.

The tentacles she has conjured, unaware of the cogitations of their creator, squeeze tight around the captured riders and spiders, crushing them in their writhing embrace. Umbriel notes that the spiders on the south and east roofs seem to have escaped the tentacles' grasp, but for the moment, they do not seem to pose a threat. Her fingers tap an irregular beat on her mug as she continues to watch.

Spider North: [roll0] grapple for [roll1] bludgeoning damage
Rider North: [roll2] grapple for [roll3] bludgeoning damage
Rider South: [roll4] grapple for [roll5] bludgeoning damage
Spider West: [roll6] grapple for [roll7] bludgeoning damage

I believe Spider South is free, Spider East is free, and Riders East and West are unconscious/dead. Androse is going for Spider West, Derk is going for Spider North. Correct?

2011-06-19, 01:12 AM
Sthrer frowns thoughtfully, then casts Wall of Ice to the south, blocking the southmost spider from the crowd. With a little luck it won't be able to jump over.

If it can, she'll be waiting for it.

2011-06-19, 04:31 PM
Spider riders grapple to resist damage from Umbriel's tentacles

Rider 1 NORTH [roll0] versus tentacle at 33 for 6 damage
Spider 1 NORTH [roll1] versus tentacle at 32 for 8 damage
Spider 2 WEST [roll2] versus tentacle at 31 for 7 damage
Rider 3 SOUTH [roll3] versus tentacle at 34 for 6 damage
Spider 1 North takes 8 damage
Spider 2 West takes 7 damage
Rider 3 SOUTH takes 6 damage

I believe Spider South is free, Spider East is free, and Riders East and West are unconscious/dead. Androse is going for Spider West, Derk is going for Spider North. Correct?


2011-06-19, 04:33 PM
Spider riders try to break free.

Opposed grapple checks to escape from grapple
Rider 1 NORTH [roll0] versus tentacle [roll1]
Spider 1 NORTH (to move the grapple) [roll2] versus tentacle [roll3]
Spider 2 WEST [roll4] versus tentacle [roll5]
Rider 3 SOUTH [roll6] versus tentacle [roll7]
Spider 4 EAST sits there

2011-06-19, 04:53 PM
And keep on trying to break free

Rider 1 NORTH [roll0] versus tentacle [roll1]
Rider 1 NORTH [roll2] versus tentacle [roll3]
Spider 1 NORTH (to move the grapple) [roll4] versus tentacle [roll5]
Spider 3 SOUTH aids another - fails on a natural 1 [roll6]
Rider 3 (aided) SOUTH [roll7] versus tentacle [roll8]
Rider 3 (aided) SOUTH [roll9] versus tentacle [roll10]

2011-06-19, 06:02 PM
Summary of the situation
Spider rider 1 NORTH and spider are still grappled in tentacles
Spider rider 2 WEST is down and his spider is in combat with Penrose
Spider rider 3 SOUTH and spider are behind a large wall of ice. They havn't come out
Spider rider 4 EAST is down, and the spider appears to be delaying.

Everyone except Sthrer and Saffron are hasted
Everyone is in range of Godot's inspire courage, giving +8 to hit and damage
Godot called upon them to surrender, but they haven't given any reply.
Annrose is in combat with Spider 2 WEST
Rhion has grown wings and taken to the air
Derk has grown wings and taken to the air, heading for spider rider 1 NORTH.
Umbriel has drunk beer.
Kalinor is peeking out from behind the heavy mirror he's hiding behind. He seems quite.. enthusiastic.

The market appears to have emptied with almost military precision. A few stragglers remain around the edges, trying to escape through the crowded streets, and some market-goers and stallholders have hunkered down where they are, trusting the sheer bulk of the wares on sale to protect them.

All the PCs may act again.

2011-06-19, 06:33 PM
Androse stepped back, enough to give himself some distance from the spider, drew a wand of shielding. He'd need it for extra protection as the spider seemed to face him.

He cast the shield spell with ease out of the wand, confident in the transparent barrier about him.

Androse casts Shield out of his Wand of Shield.

Androse's AC is now 21 (3 dex + 4 armor + 4 shield) in human form.

2011-06-19, 07:36 PM
Saffron draws more arrows and rains on the spider rider's parade.

Sorry for the sparse post, I'm headed out the door. Shooting North rider, if I down him, switching to his spider (since I can't shoot through a wall of ice and I now know it's undead).

Attack #1: [roll0]
Damage #1: [roll1]

Attack #2: [roll2]
Damage #2: [roll3]

Attack #3: [roll4]
Damage #3: [roll5]

Attack #3: [roll6]
Damage #3: [roll7]

2011-06-20, 01:29 AM
I was under the impression I could complete the move last round. Since that is not the case, I am going to use my standard action not to attack, but to give the man one more chance. They haven't actually done anything yet, no?

With a more than mild thud Derk lands on the north roof, right next to the spider and its rider. He looks intently at the both of them while his weapon starts glowing with the holy energy of the sun.

Look, I will have no mercy on your pet. I will smash it to pieces. You still have a chance, however. Listen to the lady, and you may live to see your family.

Land on roof, activate sun devotion swiftly, talk.
AC: 40, touch 27, 19 vs brilliant energy
Attacks +33/28/23/33 (extra bonuses: +8 morale (godot), +2 magic (Umbriel), +1 haste (Umbriel))
Damage 4d6+23 (+38 vs undead)

Will burn 2nd level spell next round for arcane strike.
Att: +35/30/25/35, dam 4d6+2d4+23 (+38 vs undead)

Spells cast 1xlvl1, 1xlvl2, 1xlvl4, 1xlvl6

2011-06-20, 02:33 AM
Sthrer has a climb speed, so she heads to the nearest roof so she can aim better.

[roll1][roll2] cold damage
I think this is right, I'm not that used to PBP.

2011-06-20, 08:54 AM
GuesssWho, I just thought I'd confirm that you're adding 8 to your attack and damage rolls for Godot's bard music? Also, you may wish to specify a target for your shot.

2011-06-20, 02:08 PM
Simon began to approach one of the spider riders and his mount, the ones stuck behind the wall of ice. His allies had called for a surrender, but somehow, Simon felt that would be unlikely. Besides, he could not let the abomination of undeath stand in his prescence. They would soon taste his steel.
Umm...not quite sure how far I have to move, but heading to the big ol' wall o' ice, and readying to smack those two if they decide to come on over. Hard. With a sword.

2011-06-20, 02:20 PM
Rhion looks around with an irritating smile on his face, and continues to simply watch. He even lacks the ready-to-jump awareness he had several seconds ago, since he saw the non-combatants clearing the square in an almost trained efficiency.

2011-06-20, 05:09 PM
Derk's wings fold as he delivers his ultimatum, the words making the rider freeze in place for a moment. In that moment Saffron's four arrows thud into him, and slides to the floor, tentacles still squeezing around him.

The spider watches Derk with ichor-dripping pits that are it's eyes, while struggling to free itself.

2011-06-20, 05:23 PM
Dang it! Derk's eyes shift to where the arrows came from for a short moment. This soul could have been saved, he thinks. Not much time to grieve right now, though. There is an unbeing this multiverse deserves to get rid of. Derk raises his flail, waiting for the right moment to beat the unlife out of the spider.

I guess I am not attacking any time soon, given initative and rounds and whatnot. However, Derk is now optimally frustrated and ready to turn this undead to dust....and perhaps a conversation with one of his team mates.

2011-06-20, 06:32 PM
Umbriel's eyes narrow as she regards the spider riders. Death before dishonor... but this seems futile. A diversion? Did one of her temporary allies have somewhere else they were supposed to be? Or did they simply misjudge?

The riders are human, not gith. Sacrifices? Expensive sacrifices, if so - no illusion auras had been visible to her enhanced sight - and again, what would be the motivation?

She says through the Message spell, "Godot, I saw no strong auras save on their weapons, but there is faint enchantment on the breastplates. A charm, maybe, although I'd expect something stronger for mental control... I can try to suppress it on the conscious rider; else I'll try to blind the spiders. Your thoughts?"

She swings up onto her phantom steed, although her foot slips through the stirrup on the first try and she has to haul herself up rather inelegantly. As she does so, her eye falls on Kalinor, and she snaps at him, "You're looking very pleased with yourself... do you know anything about this?"

[roll0] Ride check to fast mount Phantom Steed, vs DC 20 - who knows, maybe I'll get my move action back :smallwink: EDIT: Nope, it takes a move action. Text adjusted for nat 1 :smalltongue:

Plan is to fly up above the ice wall on the phantom steed and either Glitterdust the spider Androse is facing, or activate my Dispelling Cord and target a Dispel Magic (taking 10, auto-dispelling CL 11 and lower) on the Iron Tower breastplate of the remaining conscious rider, calling on him to explain his actions. Basically, if Godot wants to do something that replaces either of these actions, I'll do the other one; if Godot's action is orthogonal to mine, I'll do the Dispel.

I know their unresponsiveness to Godot probably has nothing to do with the breastplate, but it DOES have the sigil and the enchantment aura... it's worth a shot. I tap the concentration check for casting while my mount moves, here's a Ride check to see if I need to drop my everfull mug or if I can guide with knees, [roll1] vs DC 5. Being up in the air should also perhaps let me see if there's a major disturbance happening nearby that the spider riders are distracting us from.

2011-06-20, 06:52 PM

Godot's little knife continues to taunt the spiders & riders, and give solace to everyone else.

If there are any riders still conscious when her action happens:

Godot shakes her head at the bloody-mindedness of mercenaries. Death death death. Why was everyone so freakin' eager to die? Well, she'd see what she could do to change his mind. Literally.

Godot weaves a seductive tune, gesturing enticingly to the tentacle-tangled rider. If her weave proves persuasive, she has him immediately drop his sword and call out "I surrender. Please, do not kill me."

If there's still a rider active, Godot will cast Dominate Person. Will save DC 26 negates. Caster level check to overcome SR, just in case: [roll0]

If there are spiders active, but no riders:

Godot's face scrunches up in distaste as the massive spiders struggle against the tentacles. She hopes that the spiders will give up and go away, but stands ready, just in case.

Godot will ready an action to cast Greater Shadow Conjuration, duplicating an orb of force. Touch attack: [roll1], Damage: [roll2], Will save DC 22 negates.

2011-06-20, 08:22 PM
"You're looking very pleased with yourself... do you know anything about this?"

Kalinor looks surprised at Umbriel's words as she boards her flying mount.

Um.. I'm being attacked by powerful people and I'm not on the losing side? Hey, it's not happened to me in a while. I'd like to pick up the habit.

As Umbriel passes over the wall of ice on her flying steed, she casts a spell at the remaining spider rider.

Umbriel casts dispel magic at the breastplate of the rider, surpressing an enchantment of caster level=10 [roll0] or less.

As if stirring up a hornet's nest, the remaining spider rider soars into the air, his blades of flaming energy held high. As hecrests the top, his eyes take in the scene. His companions lying dead, Saffron and Sthrer with their bows ready, Rhion and Umbriel flying high, Derk and Ambrose facing off against two of the remaining spiders. Simon waiting on the other side of wall, weapon raised, waiting for him to cross over.

The energy blades sputter and die away. Head bowed, he slowly settles the flying spider near Simon, and holds out the inactive sword hilt.

I, Kulthial of the Iron Tower, pledge my honour and my parole in exchange for the honour and bodies of my fallen comrades. That is, if your offer of surrender is still open?

The solemnity of his pronouncement is somewhat flawed by a spider trying to take a chunk out of Ambrose.
Spider 2 WEST bites [roll1] for [roll2] damage plus [roll3] strength damage
Spider 1 NORTH tries to break free [roll4] versus tentacle [roll5], [roll6] versus tentacle [roll7]
Spider 4 EAST just sits there.

The spider rider winces at the attack, but quickly regains his composure.If you back away from them, they will not follow.

2011-06-20, 09:59 PM
GuesssWho, I just thought I'd confirm that you're adding 8 to your attack and damage rolls for Godot's bard music? Also, you may wish to specify a target for your shot.

Oi, I knew I forgot something. Okay, add 8 to damage. And it's the south rider.

2011-06-21, 02:41 AM
Um.. I'm being attacked by powerful people and I'm not on the losing side? Hey, it's not happened to me in a while. I'd like to pick up the habit.

Umbriel laughs despite herself, as her steed climbs into the sky. "All right then. Enjoy your schadenfreude."

Moments later...

I, Kulthial of the Iron Tower, pledge my honour and my parole in exchange for the honour and bodies of my fallen comrades. That is, if your offer of surrender is still open?

"I have no personal objection," Umbriel says coolly, reining in her steed and looking down at her allies. She regards Kulthial curiously. So he is a creature of the gith. "Satisfy a minor curiosity for me, if you would: what was the enchantment on your breastplate?"

2011-06-21, 08:38 AM
Godot hushes her blade, and calls out her confirmation with a shout and a flourish.

"Of course! We can work all of this out. And if you have control over the spiders, well, I'm guessing that when they stop struggling, the tentacles will go away too."

The effect of her bard music will be felt for five more rounds, regardless.

2011-06-21, 09:39 AM
A wand of healing, too, Androse thought as he was struck, his strength - mostly provided by a belt of ogre's strength - fading slightly; this did not impair him too much - no more than he was normally impaired by his human form.

He heard, against the backdrop of squicking tentacles, clanging metal, and a venomous spider bite, the call for surrender - the call to stop battle.

He would reply, if the spider stopped, with a quick jump onto his carpet, reactivating it and calling out, "You - you who attack without mercy, using undead monsters in defiance to their maker's will for a natural lifespan, now wish for mercy? So be it: I am greater than you, and grant it."

There was anger in his voice such he did not know he had: such rage burned from the usage of this perversion of reality - and it seemed in a single combat, Xiuhcoatl the Gold Dragon -- Androse Pensive the Prince, had found the trigger to his temper.

2011-06-21, 10:01 AM
Derk keeps an eye on the spider as he looks at the man surrendering himself. Being fairly far away from that particular scene, he does not catch the specifics. He uses the message magic active on him to speak to his team mates. It looks like he is surrendering? Good. He does understand, I hope, that I will have to destroy these mounts of them? They should not be.

2011-06-21, 10:43 AM
Godot whispers back, as she sheathes her knife and heads over to speak with Derk and the man.

"Clearly, they had a portal they came through, in order to get here unnoticed. There may be a number of ways to deal with the spiders."

Godot stops a few feet short of Kulthial, smiling but wary.

"Kulthial, I'm Godot. Thank you for making this choice to respond with honour. Can you start by telling us what you were trying to accomplish here today?"

2011-06-21, 04:24 PM
"I have no personal objection," Umbriel says coolly, "Satisfy a minor curiosity for me, if you would: what was the enchantment on your breastplate?"

This? He looks surprised. It allows us to issue commands to people. Short, a single word. He shrugs It.. we have found that it doesn't work very well.

Godot stops a few feet short of Kulthial, smiling but wary.

"Kulthial, I'm Godot. Thank you for making this choice to respond with honour. Can you start by telling us what you were trying to accomplish here today?"

If you will honour our agreement, yes. He nods gravely. We were trying to kill the nine of you. Or at least as many as possible.

He pauses and looks at the spider to the north, still struggling in the tentacles. Just... just so you're aware, those mounts are... quite expensive

2011-06-21, 04:58 PM
Godot's eyebrow shot up. The sang-froid of recommending restraint on economic grounds was...impressive, in an odd way.

"I believe that our agreement is that we don't kill you. Everything else is still on the table. As for the spiders: I'm sure that the the Iron Tower will bill your client appropriately. And...the nine of us?"

She glanced around, wondering if that meant that Kalinor had somehow been included in their group - or they in his.

"All right. Who wanted us dead, and how did you know where and when to find us here?"

2011-06-21, 07:50 PM
Godot's eyebrow shot up. The sang-froid of recommending restraint on economic grounds was...impressive, in an odd way.

"I believe that our agreement is that we don't kill you. Everything else is still on the table.

Kulthial the spider rider turns a flinty stare at the gnome.

I made no such agreement. I pledged my parole and my honour in return for the bodies and honours of my fallen comrades. His voice turns hard. No bargain has been made regarding my life.

He shifts his grip on his weapon.

If the agreement can not be kept, then tell me, and step away, so that we can fight to the death with honour.

"All right. Who wanted us dead, and how did you know where and when to find us here?"

He looks slightly puzzled.

Why would I be told who has reached contract with the Iron Tower? Or how it was known that you would be here?

2011-06-21, 08:06 PM
Godot is finding it difficult to act appropriately tough when she is clearly wasn't understanding the terminology this mercenary was using.

"Waitaminute. You said that you were pledging your honour and parole in exchange for their honours and bodies. That would seem to imply an exchange. So...which is the part that we get, and what do you get?"

2011-06-21, 08:15 PM
Simon sheathed his sword, and stepped between Godot and the gith. Shaking his head, Simon held up his hands in a gesture of nonagression. "Kulthial, I am not sure exactly what you mean by pledging your parole, but you have demonstrated great honour. You wish to collect your comrades? You have earned that right. But these...things," He said, sweeping his arm towards the spiders, "are an abomination of life. There is no honour in them. They live past their time. Is the money they cost you and your organization truly the only reason you wish them?"

2011-06-21, 09:28 PM
Sthrer rolls her eyes at all this talk of 'abominations'. "If you truly wish to mercy-kill these creatures, perhaps you should help to pay the cost of their creation."

2011-06-22, 12:12 AM
Derk is still on the roof, blazing with a mix of arcane and divine power and eyeing the spider. He does not, however, want to disrupt the negotiations on the square, so he tunes in on the message again. *Cough* So, errr...what are my instructions? Do I unmake this evil, or do we have avery good reason not to?

2011-06-22, 12:42 AM
Godot whispers into the message link, not particularly caring if the mercenary listens in.

"Let's not do anything that we can't undo, at least until we actually understand what this man is offering. Anybody know what the heck 'my parole' means? I thought parole was when you released a prisoner. We haven't even taken him prisoner yet."

2011-06-22, 01:33 AM
Rhion appears near the rest of the group to speculate on Simon Godot's questions.

"By 'pledging his parole', I think he means to abide by the rules we will set out. Another way of saying 'I surrender', I think."

2011-06-22, 01:37 AM
Godot nods, and murmurs back.

"Okay, that makes sense. What does 'pledging his honour' mean, then?"

2011-06-22, 02:31 AM
Rhion laughs amicably.

"You're taking things too literally. It's just a manner of speaking. It does hint that he (or they) give due importance to 'honor' though, I'd say."

2011-06-22, 03:05 AM
Godot sizes up the mercenary in front of her, and hears Rhion's distant laughter. She returns her attention to Kulthial.

"My colleagues are more learned in this than me. But explain to me: if we keep you captive, if we don't let you go, how are you going to preserve the honour and the remains of your colleagues. Do you need us to drop them off somewhere?"

2011-06-22, 08:32 AM
Godot sizes up the mercenary in front of her, and hears Rhion's distant laughter.

"My colleagues are more learned in this than me. But explain to me: if we keep you captive, if we don't let you go, how are you going to preserve the honour and the remains of your colleagues. Do you need us to drop them off somewhere?"

Kulthial shakes his head

Forgive me, I am not used to dealing with... chaotic creatures. My parole is my good conduct as your prisoner. My honour, is contained within the physical vessel of my blade, just as the honour of my companions is contained within theirs. Return their bodies, and their blades to the Iron Tower, and mine and my blade will not oppose... whatever fate you have in store for me.

He takes a deep breath.

I would suggest that I surrender once the bodies are placed in the hands of an agent of the Iron Tower. That should take only a few moments. Or I could take your word on the matter, although I am uncertain who could pledge the word of your... committee?

He pronounces the last word carefully, as if unsure of how it should sound.

As for the spiders, they are our most... expensive possessions. I would not have it said that I cheated you out of a portion of your prize by holding my tongue, particularly not when I am delivering myself into your hands.

2011-06-22, 10:29 AM
Godot smiles a crooked smile, but there is sympathy for the plight of what seems like an earnest warrior in her eye as well. She murmurs into the link.

"What do you think, folks?"

Godot turns her attention back to the warrior while she waits for their answers.

"I trust you'll understand if we reverse that order, and deal with your surrender BEFORE we make contact with the rest of your forces. But if you leave instructions on where the bodies need to be delivered to, I would be willing to promise to get them there. If you are expecting us to take your honour, it would seem ungracious not to accept ours, after all?"

The little gnome smiles cheerfully up at the stern warrior.

2011-06-22, 12:32 PM
Sthrer chuckles. "If he is not used to chaos, he probably hasn't been in Sigil long. There may be some culture shock to go through. Not that we're much better off, mind, but at least we're not entirely hidebound.

"Now accept the surrender already, will you? Some of us want to go back to shopping."

She gives the enemy soldier a friendly grin.

2011-06-22, 01:29 PM
Derk lets out a small sigh and turns to the square before unfolding his leathery wings and diving down. He lands next to the conversing group and stands to face the mercenary and behind Godot. He has stown his weapon, which still glows with holy vengeance. He broadens his shoulders and toughens his gaze in order to enhance whatever Godot was saying with knightly shinyness and draconic arrogance. His holy symbol, a gift from the order that sanctioned him as sacred excorcist, is clearly visible.

He does not intend to interfere in the negotiations, but he is pretty curious what is going on, who these guys are and why these undeads should stay in existence.

2011-06-22, 04:24 PM
In the background, people are starting to return to the market. The Sinners stall is the first to reopen, and people are drifting back in ones and twos. Some stallholders are starting to pack away. The illuman running the beer barrel wagon is starting to hitch up his horse, and the man on the glassware stall appears to be packing his wares away. By contrast, the on a stick stall is stoking up the coals, and several other stalls appear to be getting back to business, although there are some watchful eyes on the thinly returning crowd.

Kalinor strolls along to listen in, brushing himself down.

You know, that was pretty impressive work. He says frankly. I wager there aren't many people who could beat those guys at their own game. Any idea what they wanted?

Aaaanyway, I was wondering, do you folk have a place to stay yet? It's getting on a bit, and I hear the inns are always more expensive in the afternoons - they figure people new in town won't have a chance to shop around. If.. if you like you could come and stay the night at our compound. We don't have everything set up yet, so I can't promise you luxury, but we should be able to find you private rooms.

And ahh.. while we're at it, maybe there's a favour you could do me? I'm happy to cover the... ah... cost of your time? He gives an awkward grin.

2011-06-22, 04:33 PM
"I trust you'll understand if we reverse that order, and deal with your surrender BEFORE we make contact with the rest of your forces. But if you leave instructions on where the bodies need to be delivered to, I would be willing to promise to get them there. If you are expecting us to take your honour, it would seem ungracious not to accept ours, after all?"

Kuthial the spider rider gives a sharp nod.

As you wish.

He removes a small crystal from the side of the hilt, and the flames die. Then he passes his hand over first one blade, then other, and the brilliant energy subsides into steel. He holds out the blade for someone to take.

They are aware of the situation in any case, and can pick up the bodies from here. As part of my parole, of course I undertake not to kill any of you, to obey your instructions, not to attempt escape, and not to steal your mirror. Do you wish me to summon my people?

2011-06-22, 05:29 PM
Godot gives a vigorous shake of her head.

"No, I wish for you to explain how they know what's going on, how your summoning of them works, and how WE might contact them. Then I'd like the names of the three dead men, and your direct superior with the Iron whatsis."

2011-06-22, 05:30 PM
Derk had missed most, if not all, of the conversation that had been going on. However, just after he arrives he sees the mercenary make a gesture he is all too familiar with. Apparently this is a man that adheres to military traditions, that much he can respect.

He steps forward to accept the blade and gives the mercenary an understanding nod. His attitude changes from hostile to cold and formal. It takes a special form of courage to surrender and the code demands that Derk treats him with dignity. After accepting the blade he stands next to Godot and quasi offers it to her, while holding on to it. This was her victory, but he would not have Godot carry the instrument of war, petite and peace-loving as she is. Of course, if she would want the blade, he would give it to her.

2011-06-22, 05:34 PM
Godot instinctively flinches away from the blade, but smiles uncertainly up at Derk.

"Ah! I mean, ah. Thank you. But why don't you, ah, hold onto that."

She murmurs into the link.

"Umbriel? You seemed interested in those breastplates. If you'd like to, erm, remove one for study or something, you might want to do it soon. Sthrer is getting antsy. I think I heard a rattle."

2011-06-22, 06:01 PM
"Ah! I mean, ah. Thank you. But why don't you, ah, hold onto that."

Of course.

From where he is standing, Derk keeps eyeing the spiders.

2011-06-22, 06:56 PM
Godot gives a vigorous shake of her head.

"No, I wish for you to explain how they know what's going on, how your summoning of them works, and how WE might contact them. Then I'd like the names of the three dead men, and your direct superior with the Iron whatsis."

As you wish. They know what is going on because they are here in the market watching us. I can call them over by raising my voice. You could do the same. The dead are Katanya, Kcthicis and Kelkebor. If you wish to contact the Iron Tower concerning us, you would do best to ask for Lady Kris.

2011-06-22, 07:03 PM
Godot again stifles her confusion and manages to maintain at least a modicum of calm as she adapts to the new circumstances.

"I see. Please describe them to me. And then explain why they are here, if not to assist in your assassination attempt?"

2011-06-22, 09:41 PM
Godot again stifles her confusion and manages to maintain at least a modicum of calm as she adapts to the new circumstances.

"I see. Please describe them to me. And then explain why they are here, if not to assist in your assassination attempt?"

To observe. To assess whether the contract was fulfilled. To assist in any of the aftermath, transport, trouble with locals, that kind of thing. To fetch and carry so that the warriors can focus on their task. And no, I will not describe them, or betray them in any other way.

He sighs.

I do understand. You want to see matters resolved to your satisfaction before anyone approaches whom you do not control. But I think you will not be satisfied, not today. You would better know who would hire us, you would know better their true motivations and aims. All I can tell you is that we were hired. That we were hired to kill the nine of you, in public, and take your mirror, if you should have one. And we would have been expensive, my comrades and I. And yet... I think we would have had to have been fortunate, very fortunate indeed, in order to prevail against you. So your enemy has underestimated you. Or he is unwilling to spend what would have been required. Or... there is a deeper plan.

What that might be I can not fathom. And I can not pursue a client of the Iron Tower in any case. But I have allowed your cunning gnomish tongue to beguile me into surrender, and to speak with you more freely than I should, and maybe you will discover what lies behind the events of today. And maybe then, just maybe, you might find out who paid for us to be sent against you, ill-prepared and badly matched. And you might cause them pain and anguish beyond bearing.

He carries on in his even tone.

But there is a limit to how beguiled I can become. A surrender in return for my comrades is honourable, if only just. But you have still not returned by comrades. Instead you are asking me questions as if I were obliged to answer them. If you intend to return the bodies, you must do it now. You must call out to them, or permit me to do so. I must be seen to have gained something in return for my shameful surrender. If not, I must ask for the return of my sword.

2011-06-22, 10:54 PM
Godot murmurs at her colleagues.

"The riders have allies who are still here in the square. I'd suggest you gently discourage anyone else from leaving."

Godot waggles her finger at the warrior.

"You have said at least two incorrect things in this. When you surrendered, you bartered your own freedom for the return of your compatriots' bodies, saying that you would "obey our instructions". And you are now refusing to do just that.

"You agreed to a rearrangement of the order of events that you would surrender first, and we would then return the bodies. I am still committing to doing so, but at a time of our choosing, not yours. Again, I am keeping my word, while you are threatening to renege on yours. And you call me chaotic?

"Since you are part of an organized group have just made an unprovoked attack with what you admit was the purpose of killing us, then those who are here to assist in your escape and observe are just as much a part of this operation as the four of you.

"My gnomish tongue, cunning or otherwise, has spoken the absolute truth through this entire conversation. Everyone can still walk away from this alive, but I demand as part of this that you fulfill the obligations of your surrender, and do what I ask you to do."

2011-06-22, 11:29 PM
Saffron allowed Godot to handle the interrogation. She knew she had killed the other three without intending to, and it would serve little good to get involved with negotiations when she had no talent for such. However, after this long back-and-forth between the two, she felt she had to speak up.

"What exactly are we getting out of this conversation?" she growls. "Your cessation of hostilities is meaningless; we could kill you at our leisure. You have pointed out that you have not bargained for your life--so therefore we have not agreed to allow you to keep it. Given that you have admitted to trying to kill us, why should we?"

She grumbles. "If you ask me, I say if he's not willing to spill everything he knows, give him his sword back and let's see who's left standing. I was just getting into a rhythm when we called the whole thing off."

Keep in mind I am in no way expecting anyone in the party to go for this plan! I just seem to be the surly instigator in this group. Just call me Bad Cop. :smallwink:

2011-06-23, 02:00 AM
Appearing next to Saffron, Rhion dares to put a calming hand on the tigress's shoulder.

"Let Godot do her thing, okay?" he mumbles, soft enough to be unheard by their prisoner. "She's getting into a rhythm as well, and besides, this one looks like he would be rather dead than intimidated any further."

2011-06-23, 02:13 AM
You know, that was pretty impressive work. He says frankly. I wager there aren't many people who could beat those guys at their own game. Any idea what they wanted?

Aaaanyway, I was wondering, do you folk have a place to stay yet? It's getting on a bit, and I hear the inns are always more expensive in the afternoons - they figure people new in town won't have a chance to shop around. If.. if you like you could come and stay the night at our compound. We don't have everything set up yet, so I can't promise you luxury, but we should be able to find you private rooms.

And ahh.. while we're at it, maybe there's a favour you could do me? I'm happy to cover the... ah... cost of your time? He gives an awkward grin.

Ar first Derk ignored Kalinor. He struck him a bit as a greasy opportunist trying to get the best deal out of any given situation.

[COLOR=cyan]...That we were hired to kill the nine of you, in public, and take your mirror, if you should have one....

Now, however, Derk puts one and one together and turns to Kalinor. I hope you understand we need to deal with this first. I suggest you hang around for a little while longer and assure you we will have an interesting conversation right after.

Being unaware of what had been discussed before, Derk does not know whether the mercenary knows he is not after the group, but after Kalinor. The group consists of eight, not nine, and Kalinor has a mirror. Still unwilling to disrupt the negotiations he dedicates himself to make sure Kalinor is not going anywhere.

2011-06-23, 03:50 AM
Umbriel murmurs through the Message to Godot, "I was interested in the breastplates only because they bore an aura of enchantment, and the mercenaries' lack of response to your words initially led me to suspect they might be under a compulsion. It appears that was not the case." She pauses, and regards the spiders. A moment of concentration, and the tentacles fade back out of existence. The mage continues to speak through the spell, "The Iron Tower is a mercenary group based on the Astral Plane, and dominated by the accursed gith. They observe a strict code of honor, and are known to be expensive.". Another pause. "As for the spiders, they are valuable tools, and their destruction would seem rather wasteful. The husk transformation is an interesting piece of magic."

She rides a little lower, maintaining a judicious distance from the remaining rider and his spider. "If you may tell me without dishonor, might I ask what will be done with your comrades' blades if they are returned to your organization? You said the blades carried their honor: are they personal weapons, or will they be re-used by other mercenaries?"

As she waits for his answer, Umbriel scans the square, looking for any observers with more-than-usual auras of magic. Of course, this being Sigil, "usual" is a relative term...

2011-06-23, 07:19 AM
The warrior shakes his head in confusion.

Ah, I did not understand that you took a prisoner's duties to include the betrayal of his fellows. I am not skilled in such negotiations, and know my place as one who follows orders, not gives them. If you are correct, and I have indeed pledged to serve as your traitor, in return for a promise to be fulfilled at some vague future date, then my disgrace is complete. I congratulate you on your logic, and ask for the return of my sword, that I might die with some semblance of dignity.

He inclines his head towards Saffron.

I believe your fierce archer is correct, and it would be a priviledge to die at her hand.

He nods at Umbriel's question.

They are personal weapons. They might be awarded to another in return for some great deed, in memory of the fallen. Or my comrades might be returned to life, to serve again.

Yeah, I really need to know what you're looking for. There are plenty of people with magical powers around. You've already looked at the beer-seller and Kalinor, Nephira and Uzark are no longer here, the gnome at the combat pottery stall and the Kenku at the lizard stall have low-level arcane abilities consistent with their species. About 5-10% of the crowd has some form of magical ability?

2011-06-23, 07:34 AM
The dragon-in-human-clothes floated above the scene of interrogation - he was wise enough to know this was the gnome's calling, that his own words would likely stir dislike or hate from the being. He understood that only through fear and rage would he act, and this was something too much.

Still, he understood the honor of the blades, and wondered if perhaps it would suit the memories of their wielders to be not used once more for gain of money, but for keeping the peace.

"Is it not strange to want to send those blades back, to be reused by men with little integrity, to be used to kill for profit? Surely their owners would find greater peace if their blades were used to protect the weak, the innocent, and all others seeking help, not hate?" he mused.

2011-06-23, 08:45 AM
[QUOTE=Togo;11268957]Ah, I did not understand that you took a prisoner's duties to include the betrayal of his fellows. I am not skilled in such negotiations, and know my place as one who follows orders, not gives them. If you are correct, and I have indeed pledged to serve as your traitor, in return for a promise to be fulfilled at some vague future date, then my disgrace is complete. I congratulate you on your logic, and ask for the return of my sword, that I might die with some semblance of dignity.

Godot murmurs into the message link.

"The others were going to transport people out after the battle. Look for people with powerful conjuration magic on them."

Godot is genuinely saddened by Kuthial's words, and makes no effort to hide it.

"That would be a waste of a skilled and noble spirit. I urge you to reconsider. You saw how quickly and easily we dealt with you and your companions. If you renege on your promise, my colleagues will likely either kill you or incapacitate you, and then you will be a prisoner in a less conditional way - and we will have no obligation to return your colleagues. There are powerful diviners among us, and it's quite likely that we'll locate your colleagues - now or another day - even without your assistance. All that you would be doing is enraging some of us."

She inclines her head towards Saffron.

"...and making it more likely that we'll start to take this personally. So...do we have a deal?"

2011-06-23, 11:48 AM
"Is it not strange to want to send those blades back, to be reused by men with little integrity, to be used to kill for profit? Surely their owners would find greater peace if their blades were used to protect the weak, the innocent, and all others seeking help, not hate?

Kuthial smiles.

Hah, I give you the riddle my teacher told me. "We give our lives in service, to a lord, to a cause. Is it a more honourable thing to faithfully serve a good lord, or a wicked one?" We talked for days about that. The answer, of course, is that it is the greater task to serve a wicked one. That demands more in service, more in obediance.

His face screws up in puzzlement.

The blades belonged to warriors. Why would we wish to grant them peace?

Godot is genuinely saddened by Kuthial's words, and makes no effort to hide it.

So...do we have a deal?"

Ah, you have given me much to think about...

Kuthial sighs.

I think... I think there is too much misunderstanding here. I offered you my parole, and you took that to mean I would betray the Iron Tower to you. I asked that their bodies and swords be returned, and you took this to mean at some future date. You claim I am forsworn. I do not agree. But wherever the fault lies, it is clear that no deal between us can be trusted to hold. What then is the purpose of talking?

I fear not my death, nor your wrath. There is no benefit to an obligation if there is no way of telling how or when it will be fulfilled...

He bows.

Your striped companion has the right of it. I ask you to release me from my parole, that I may die with my sword in my hand.

2011-06-23, 01:04 PM
Godot sighs.

"Kuthiel, your objective would seem to be to die with honour. Mine is to live with joy, and to get out of this with all of us alive. I fail to see how giving you back your sword helps that objective."

Any of the others who've been monitoring the situation see Godot tense up, expecting violence at any second. She holds up a small hand, as if to ward off off an expected blow.

Well, crap. Sorry if I'm about to offend any of the lawful-types in the group, but Godot really does want to try to get out of this situation with as little bloodshed as possible, and this would seem to be the most likely way to do so.

I think I noted that she'd stopped about 10' short of Kulthiel. If need be, she takes an additional 5' step back to get well away from him, and casts Dominate Person on him. Will DC 26 to negate. If it's successful, she will immediately give him a telepathic command to stop, and to quietly say the names of the other members of his team who are in the square.

She will also use, as an immediate action as needed, Wings of Cover to block an attack, should it come.

2011-06-23, 01:52 PM
Having missed the beginning of this conversation, Derk is now confused. There was apparently a misunderstanding...always a pity. The mercenary now demanded to be allowed to die with honour, a respectable yet foolish wish. Derk plays with the thought of granting the man his wish. Godot, however, also had a point: nobody has to die here. Derk strongly agrees on that.

As Godot tenses and takes a step back, Derk broadens his stance, providing a little bit of shelter for the gnome and sending a clear message, mostly to Godot, but also to the mercenary. Anyone getting at you will have to go through me.

He stares at the mercenary and calmly speaks. Nobody has to die, enough lives have been lost already. I respect your quest for honour in life and death and even share that path. Conceding right now would not have me regard you as a less honourable man, however, for what it is worth. Imagine the honour in the deeds you can perform in life if you live today.

2011-06-23, 02:09 PM
"It looks like folly will prevail after all. Oh well, it was a good try." Sthrer sighs and levels her bow.

2011-06-23, 02:57 PM
"Put down your bow, archer."
Simon removed his sword from his scabard, and held out his hand to Derk, wanting the soldier's blade. "There is no honor in one against many. He should die with honor. I shall do battle with him, if that is the course he wishes. Give me his sword, so that we may be done with this."

2011-06-23, 03:08 PM
Umbriel sighs. She understands the man's words, and sympathizes with them. She has done things she would not herself have chosen, for honor and for duty: she would go to her death willingly rather than forswear her oaths, knowing that an honorable death would not be an end to her service. She winces involuntarily when Godot speaks of refusing to return the warrior's blade and let him fight: rational, perhaps, to a Chaotic, but to deny him his choice of death... she shakes her head slightly, and mutters into her spell, "If he desires to meet his gods with honor, denying him that chance is not what I would choose. Keeping the others' blades, well enough - I too would not gladly see them returned to the gith to be used again, at least not until we are sure we are gaining something worth the cost - but all beings should be allowed the choice of their death." She does not believe their gods would judge the other warriors' souls harshly because their foes refused to return their blades, given their deaths in honorable battle against an enemy who outmatched them, but Kuthial clearly feels he has been shamed and needs to redeem himself.

Still, the man is clearly inexperienced at dealing with those who value the uncertainties of "joy" and "freedom" over the security and fulfillment of serving a greater cause with honor - perhaps she can try to bridge that gap, although she has nothing of Godot's mesmerizing presence. It would be potentially very useful to have an eye into a githyanki organization, even one constrained not to reveal much, and dealing with him with honor might allow more information to be gleaned from his allies.

"Kuthial, if your honor forbids further answers, that is your judgement. But I would ask: how much could you tell us, in honor, of the Iron Tower, and how you and your comrades came to be sworn to githyanki? Is the Lady Kith you mentioned of the gith? It might be helpful to my allies to know what they might expect to gain from your parole without requiring you to betray your duty, beyond a reputation as honorable folk themselves."

As Godot holds up a hand, Umbriel's eyes sharpen as she identifies the spell. Her mouth twists in distaste. Compelling another's mind to prevent them from meeting their gods on their own terms seems a close moral equivalent to returning someone from death to undeath for the same reason. Sometimes justifiable, yes. Never to be applauded. But he is a minion of the githyanki... knowledge of their plots might be worth the price.

Togo, I'm not looking for spellcasting ability - that takes time! - just scanning the crowd for active auras. I'll ignore anything below Moderate as I'm sure the square is full of weak auras - looking for Moderate and Strong, especially Conjuration given Godot's words.

2011-06-23, 04:21 PM
He bows.

Your striped companion has the right of it. I ask you to release me from my parole, that I may die with my sword in my hand.

Saffron nods in acknowledgment. "The gazelle does not sue for peace, knowing that the lion is still hungry." She does not subscribe to many of the man's ideas about honor, but she understands there is no value in words when one side has nothing to gain.

2011-06-23, 05:44 PM
I think I noted that she'd stopped about 10' short of Kulthiel.


If need be, she takes an additional 5' step back to get well away from him, and casts Dominate Person on him. Will DC 26 to negate.

Saving throw:

If it's successful, she will immediately give him a telepathic command to stop, and to quietly say the names of the other members of his team who are in the square.

Additional saving throw

The first roll is a fail, so the spell is cast. Your first instruction is against his nature, so he gets an additional save at +2, which he passes, breaking the spell.

2011-06-23, 06:43 PM
Kulthial opens his mouth, but no sound comes out. He nods slowly as Derk speaks.

...Conceding right now would not have me regard you as a less honourable man, however, for what it is worth. Imagine the honour in the deeds you can perform in life if you live today.

Kulthial speaks quietly.

Yes of course, their names...

Beads of sweat break out on his forehead.

Their names... are... NO!

He shakes his head in defiance.

No, no you witch. I shall not betray them. Witch! You shall not enslave me! "Imagine the deeds I can perform." Hah! I am imagining, I can see it clearly! You will not rest until you have forced me to betrayal, by one means or another. I never should have trusted you.

He backs up 5ft, no mean feat considering he is still mounted, and draws his javelin. Rather than holding it for throwing, he holds it awkwardly like a club, with the sharp steel head pointing upwards at his own head. He looks around wildly, his face flushed.

The square starts emptying again. It seems the local citizens have a nose for trouble.

2011-06-23, 06:49 PM
You have a scan around. You don't see any people with moderate or stronger conjurations auras (except maybe the PCs - I've not checked)

Also, given what's going on I suspect Kuthial's a little too distracted to give a potted history of his life with the gith. He did hear you though.

2011-06-23, 11:25 PM
Saffron sees what is coming. She levels her bow and fires—not at the rider, but at the undead spider. "If you wish to take your own life, I certainly will not stop you, but you are not leaping off into whatever passes for a sunset in this town," she growls.

I don't know what the initiative situation is here, whether I can do this or not before anything else happens, but as soon as I can, I'm destroying that spider.

Assuming that Godot's effect is no longer active:

Attack #1: [roll0]
Damage #1: [roll1]

Attack #2: [roll2]
Damage #2: [roll3]

Attack #3: [roll4]
Damage #3: [roll5]

Attack #4: [roll6]
Damage #4: [roll7]

2011-06-24, 02:57 AM
As the fourth arrow thunks home, the spider wobbles, and then collapses. Kulthial rolls off the back as it goes down and lands on his feat with practiced ease.

2011-06-24, 03:03 PM
Enough! Derk raises his voice. He had now heard what was going on here, what type of man he was dealing with and had made up how he felt about this.

You, he adresses the mercenary, you come here to slay innocent travellers in exchange for money and call yourself honourable? I understand you are unwilling to spill your mouth. However, after wronging us like that, you do not deserve the favour of dying by the sword of one of us. I shed blood only when necessary. He gives Simon an understanding and apologetic look. I agree with you, but I hope you will understand me as well

Derk now adresses his companions as well. I suggest we take his blade and those of his fellows and destroy their undead minions. For all I care, this scum can return to his tower and admit his failure and inform them they were misinformed, for we carry no mirror.

2011-06-24, 03:43 PM
"Witch, am I? But am I a gooood witch or a baaaad witch? And to be honest, I never really thought you trusted me to begin with, although that's rather more a character flaw on your part than mine, if you ask me."

Godot thinks briefly about correcting Derk's assessment of their mirror-ful-ness, but figures that this is neither the time nor the place. Instead she focuses on re-establishing control of the warrior.

Casting Dominate Person again, and this time just mentally telling him to stop what he's doing. Will DC 26 negates.

2011-06-24, 04:11 PM
Save versus dominate [roll0]

He's sufficiently conflicted about what to do, that your instruction is not against his nature, so no additional save.

Kulthial stops looking about him. He stops backing away, but his face, if anything, look even more panicked.

2011-06-24, 04:22 PM
"So," Rhion approaches Kalinor and speaks conversationally, as if oblivious to the things going on right now. "Why would someone hire such an expensive mercenary group to kill you and take your mirrors?"

2011-06-24, 04:24 PM
Derk tries to make sense of the man's shifting attitude towards Godot.

Spellcraft to see if Derk understands what Godot is doing:

...Derk has no clue. That's what you get for playing an int 10 sorcerer based gish.

2011-06-24, 04:58 PM
Umbriel notes the powerful aura of enchantment wind itself around the man as Godot casts her spell again, and this time, it remains in place. She murmurs through the Message, "Godot has him under a spell of mental control, for the moment. Take care; commands against his nature may break her binding." She knees her steed over toward one of the other spiders, wanting to make sure nobody makes off with the bodies of the fallen riders while the party is distracted, and continues to watch the interaction between Kulthial and Godot.

2011-06-24, 05:03 PM
"This is madness--and trust me, I know madness! Kill him, bring him to the authorities, whatever you like. But enough of the mindless acts of 'honor' and use your common sense instead. He is, after all, our enemy. What does upsetting him matter to us?

"Hells with this, I need a drink."

She'll just be off to get a much-needed drink for now. And if the universe feels that much more stable while she's gone? Well, that's not her fault now is it.

2011-06-24, 05:29 PM
She'll just be off to get a much-needed drink for now. And if the universe feels that much more stable while she's gone? Well, that's not her fault now is it.

Where are you going to? Juice! or the beer wagon, or the half-elven cafe, or somewhere else?

2011-06-24, 05:59 PM
"So," Rhion approaches Kalinor and speaks conversationally, as if oblivious to the things going on right now. "Why would someone hire such an expensive mercenary group to kill you and take your mirrors?"

Kalinor looks astounded.

How the...? That's really amazing! How did you know one of our mirrors was stolen? I only just found from Nephira when we arrived!

His looks sidelong at Rhion.

Wait, mercenary group? You mean these guys with the spiders? They were trying to kill me?

2011-06-24, 06:03 PM
[COLOR="Lime"]"This is madness--and trust me, I know madness! Kill him, bring him to the authorities, whatever you like. But enough of the mindless acts of 'honor' and use your common sense instead. He is, after all, our enemy. What does upsetting him matter to us?

"Agreed!" roars Saffron at Godot. "I care nothing for his honor, gnome, but making him dance on your strings when he longs for oblivion is needlessly cruel. Let him die already. It is his wish, and mine for him."

Her bow shifts and transforms itself into a greatsword as she steps toward him. "There is no mercy in a life saved only so that it may be tortured. If you will not release your spell and allow him to die in battle, then I will kill him myself, now, where he stands. At least he will be spared this further abuse."

2011-06-24, 06:41 PM
Derk takes a small step back as if to indicate he would not be part of the latest developments. He also shakes his head slightly, indicating he does not approve.

2011-06-24, 07:11 PM
Simon stepped forward, blade in hand. It really was too bad, that things had come to such a result. But Simon grew tired of the endless discussion. It was time to end this warrior's life with honor. Simon would do so, even if none of his allies would.
I move to crazy man. I slice him, using one of my Smites from Badge of Glory.
Attack Roll-[roll0]
Damage Roll-[roll1]
Also, I'm fairly sure this dude falls on the Evil side. On the off chance he doesn't, subtract 7 from the above damage, and don't add this 2d6.
Holy Damage-[roll2]

2011-06-24, 07:47 PM
Simon slices at the man, and wounds him.
You hit and do 10 points of damage

2011-06-24, 07:59 PM
"There is no mercy in a life saved only so that it may be tortured. If you will not release your spell and allow him to die in battle, then I will kill him myself, now, where he stands. At least he will be spared this further abuse."

Godot murmurs urgently into the link.

"Please! He's no immediate danger to others right now. I just thought we'd want to know how to contact the people who've been hired to kill us. Sheesh. I have no intention of harming him, or holding him thrall longer than needed to get us out of this situation. Then he can kill himself, or decide his own fate. Although...I've seen my share of afterlifes, and what I'm doing right now has got nothing on a few centuries of their 'abuse'."

She looks up at Simon and Derk, and continues into the link.

"We need to find a secure place, away from these unknown observers. Anybody got any ideas? Besides wandering off and getting drunk, that is?"

2011-06-24, 08:02 PM
Derk interprets Simon's actions and does not show any form of judgement. Instead, with a blank expression on his face, he tosses the blade he is holding to the mercenary and gives him a I am out of options nod.

Ranged touch attack to toss the weapon in a way that enables the mercenary to catch it: [rol]1d20+10[/roll]. This may seem superfluous, but Derk tends to suck at these things.

Derk proceeds to make sure nobody else gets hurt by standing in between the fight and the less physical companions.

2011-06-24, 08:04 PM
((Argh, sorry))


Derk looks at Godot while Simon is engaging the mercenary and speaks into the link. I actually don't. But keep close, I will make sure you are safe. Derk looks around and assesses the situation, looking for others that may be in need of protection.

2011-06-24, 09:42 PM
"I have no intention of harming him, or holding him thrall longer than needed to get us out of this situation. Then he can kill himself, or decide his own fate.

"He already made that decision, and you're denying it to him." Seeing Simon take the initiative and Derk toss him the man blade, Saffron steps forward and impales the man on her large sword. In his ear, she whispers, "The fault is mine, I should have given you a clean kill from the start."

Although...I've seen my share of afterlifes, and what I'm doing right now has got nothing on a few centuries of their 'abuse'."

"Then you haven't been seeing the right ones," the tigress grumbles.

Making a full attack with my greatsword to put this guy out of his misery.

Attack #1: [roll0]
Damage #1: [roll1]

Attack #2: [roll2]
Damage #2: [roll3]

Attack #3: [roll4]
Damage #3: [roll5]

2011-06-24, 09:52 PM
Androse Pensive said nothing as he watched from his carpet, eyes - golden as if imbued with the light of the sun; he would have preferred a lengthy discussion with the man followed by his redemption, but the dragon was well aware that his companions could not be so restrained.

And he needed those companions. And so - so he waited, saying nothing, watching to assure the man did nothing to threaten or injure any innocent life.

2011-06-25, 12:35 AM
Umbriel watches the drama impassively. It is not her wont to step into the spotlight; her companions certainly are putting on a marvelous distracting show. Still, she feels a touch of relief at Saffron's actions.

One part of that relief is rational: it would be inconvenient if the Iron Tower began pursuing her personally in the belief that she had forced secrets from one of their pawns. Although those secrets might have been worth the cost... Peace. You know more now than before, and with the bodies and weapons of these warriors, perhaps further information may be gleaned. A chance to learn any more of the ancient enemy's workings should not be thrown away; it is convenient, in that sense, that the unknown enemy used a githyanki organization as their agents.

The irrational part... but she turns her mind away from those thoughts with practiced skill. Some things should not even be brought to mind. Still, she offers up a brief silent prayer to the Lady and the spirits of her ancestors, that should she ever find herself in a like situation, someone will be there to do her the same favor.

She holds her arm next to the hidden pocket in her robes and speaks a command word. Valthrax squawks as she is expelled from the pocket, but quickly clambers up to Umbriel's shoulder and peers around. "Battle over, then? Took you long enough."
"There were complications. Not unexpected, with new companions. Now, I need your eyes: keep a watch on that other spider and the body of its rider for me."

Umbriel waits to see what will happen next, her hands loose and apparently relaxed on her reins. If there are irreconcilable differences amongst the group, best to have them out early. But still... she says quietly through the Message, "I see no auras of notable power in the crowd. Nonetheless, if Kuthial spoke true, we are watched, by agents of an organization of non-negligible power and already some reason to wish us ill. It would be wise to remember that."

2011-06-25, 12:56 AM
Kalinor looks astounded.

How the...? That's really amazing! How did you know one of our mirrors was stolen? I only just found from Nephira when we arrived!

His looks sidelong at Rhion.

Wait, mercenary group? You mean these guys with the spiders? They were trying to kill me?

"You and us. Also, they meant to take your mirrors," says Rhion, debriefing Kalinor in the briefest way possible.

"No offense, but are your mirrors that expensive to be planned over in such a way? Or are we talking about a special, one of a kind mirror, and not the ones you'll be selling?"

2011-06-25, 05:21 AM
Kulthial, acting on instinct, reaches out to catch the spinning blade that Derk throws to him.
Catching the blade [roll0]
Catching it neatly he spins around with the momentum, and then comes up to guard position with the double sword, the javelin dropping to the ground. The doubt drains from his face, and the blades blaze into life.
Saffron attacks, and her blows get easily past his guard, but he still stands, barely keeping his feet.

2011-06-25, 05:34 AM
He counter attacks

Full attack at Saffron
[roll0] ignoring armour and sheild for 1d8+10 and 1 con
[roll1] ignoring armour and sheild for 1d8+10 and 1 con
[roll2] ignoring armour and sheild for 1d8+10 and 1 con

2011-06-25, 05:40 AM
More attacks on Saffron

damage for two hits
[roll0] and 1 con
[roll1] and 1 con

Two more attacks on Saffron with the off hand
[roll2] ignoring armour and sheild for [roll3] and 1 con
[roll4] ignoring armour and sheild for [roll5] and 1 con

2011-06-25, 05:46 AM
Togo, you should probably read the OOC thread before spending any more time posting attacks on me.

2011-06-25, 05:47 AM
Last attack on Saffron

[roll0] ignoring armour and sheild for [roll1] and 1 con

2011-06-26, 07:16 AM
If he had hit one more time, this whole discussion would have been moot because Saffron would have been dead. As it is, I have 6 hit points left.

The prisoner's attacks savagely maul Saffron with glowing ferocity. She grits her teeth, hoping that if she were fighting for her life, she would display the same fervor. She swings her sword back at him, even snapping at him with her powerful jaws. She hopes to end this now.

Full attack:

Attack #1: [roll0]
Damage #1: [roll1]

Attack #2: [roll2]
Damage #2: [roll3]

Attack #3: [roll4]
Damage #3: [roll5]

Bite Attack: [roll6]
Damage #1: [roll7]

EDIT: Three Two of those are threats! I will roll confirmation in the next post.

EDIT 2: Damage for swords is wrong, rerolled in next post.

EDIT 3: I cannot subtract. #1 is NOT a threat at all. Sorry.

2011-06-26, 07:20 AM
The soldier's ferocity finds an echo in Saffron's own, as she tears into the man with savage force.

First, ignore all sword damage from the previous post, I accidentally put my arrow damage (1d8+8) instead of my sword damage (2d6+22).

Damage #1: [roll0]
Damage #2: [roll1]
Damage #3: [roll2]

Now, on to the critical hits:

Crit Confirmation #1: [roll3]
Crit Damage #1: [roll4] <--This was not a threat, I messed up.

Crit Confirmation #3: [roll5]
Crit Damage #3: [roll6]

Bite Crit Confirmation: [roll7]
Bite Crit Damage: [roll8]

2011-06-26, 12:01 PM
At the first blow, her opponent topples to the ground.

2011-06-26, 12:25 PM
"You and us. Also, they meant to take your mirrors," says Rhion, debriefing Kalinor in the briefest way possible.

"No offense, but are your mirrors that expensive to be planned over in such a way? Or are we talking about a special, one of a kind mirror, and not the ones you'll be selling?"

Kalinor looks troubled. Well obviously our mirrors are of the highest quality, and an ornament to any home. And the magical one are pretty expensive. But hiring an interdimensional mercenary outfit to steal one might just be overkill... I mean they'd cost at least as much as it would to buy one, maybe more.

He stops suddenly, thinking.

The one that was stolen, though, that was quite an old mirror. Practically an antique. And magical. Maybe they thought I wouldn't sell it to them if they asked?

2011-06-26, 01:46 PM
Godot freezes as the violence erupts around her again. She stares uncomprehendingly at her colleague's actions. Her mouth opens, and no sound comes out, and her face seems to lock into a mask of horror. The gnome woman slides into a crosslegged position on the ground, staring at the now-dead man.

2011-06-26, 02:11 PM
Medic! Derk turns towards Saffron. Do we even have a medic?

Dangit, Saffron. How are you? Hang in there. If Saffron allows Derk to touch her, Derk uses his Lay on hands on her.

That is 12 damage healed. I know, I suck as a paladin, but it is the gesture that counts, eh? :smallsmile:

2011-06-26, 05:38 PM
Rhion keeps his careful gaze on the man, wondering if he keeps anything to himself or otherwise twisting the truth.

A Sense Motive, maybe?

2011-06-26, 08:14 PM
Rhion keeps his careful gaze on the man, wondering if he keeps anything to himself or otherwise twisting the truth.

A Sense Motive, maybe?

A Sense Motive, maybe?

Seems basically on the level. He's twisting things a little, possibly sheer habit. He's more skeptical than he's letting on that the mercenaries would be after him personally. He's pretty certain that they would be after the particular mirror he's describing. He doesn't actually know though, and doesn't seem to be hiding any special knowledge about the attackers.

2011-06-26, 09:59 PM
At least the madness is over now.

. . . so, where do we go from here?

2011-06-27, 08:06 AM
Saffron slumps to the ground, blood pouring from her wounds. As the adrenaline passes, she closes her eyes. She had not imagined the man could be capable of such power, given how easily his allies fell. But then, she had no business fighting the man sword to sword, either. She was not a warrior, she was a stalker, a hunter. Her job was to down the prey with as little risk to herself as possible, so why had she taken such a foolish one? She did not care about the man's honor; it was a silly concept invented by creatures who thought themselves better than beasts. If she felt he needed to be put down as a mercy, she should have simply shot him from across the square. So why had she done it?

Pride, of course. It was always pride for her. She always thought she could take any foe, down any prey. It was what had made her a tiger instead of a woman, and it still haunted her yet, if this was any indication. It was natural enough to see a bear caught in a snare and want to end its suffering, but you don't free the bear and try to wrestle it to death unless you are insane. She still has much humility to learn, and perhaps these new allies can help her on her journey.

She stands and shuffles over to where Godot is sitting in shock, and sits down beside her. "I think, perhaps, that I am more of a fool than I gave myself credit for, and you, perhaps, are less of one," she says. "I am sorry. If I could impose on you to keep me from doing very stupid things in the future, I would appreciate it." The last is said to all in the group, not just Godot.

Medic! Derk turns towards Saffron. Do we even have a medic?

Dangit, Saffron. How are you? Hang in there. If Saffron allows Derk to touch her, Derk uses his Lay on hands on her.

She gladly accepts Derk's healing touch. "I think that I require a cleric, actually," she says. "His blade sapped my vitality as well as tore my flesh."

2011-06-27, 08:43 AM
Godot looks up at Saffron, and it's not clear whether the words are fully penetrating. As Saffron finishes, though, Godot's face does change, beginning to sob quietly. She reaches out to clutch at the hunter's shirt, and pulls herself forward into Saffron's lap. She curls up into a small, trembling ball there.

2011-06-27, 08:47 AM
Androse reacted quickly, fluttering down to the ground, leaning to his fallen friend. He felt it was partly his fault - as if his words could have stayed the madness that had consumed everyone, including himself. But because he failed - because he did not know the words - another person was dead, and another badly injured.

2011-06-27, 09:04 AM
"I think our stony friend had some healing capabilities," Rhion suggests from where he stands, sounding a little jaded, but not entirely unconcerned.

2011-06-27, 11:08 AM
"Well, at least it's over now." Sthrer gives Godot a reassuring pat on the shoulder. As reassuring as she can get, at least. "I don't suppose a drink would help, would it? That and some first aid is all I know."

I don't know if a Heal check would be useful, but if it would . . . [roll0]

2011-06-27, 01:15 PM
Well! says Kalinor, At least we're all alive, right? He reaches out an arm to encompass everyone, but ends up reaching towards to Sthrer, and pauses, as if not quite sure if he dare touch her. He blinks a little as it becomes clear his expansive cheer is not being shared. As he notices that people are not only hurt, but upset, he stops smiling.

Well. he tries again, more softly, clearly a little thrown by the abrupt change in mood. I don't think anyone is up for bargaining hard for an innroom this evening. Come back to the compound with me, and we'll see if we can find you some rooms for the night. I'll get some of my men to carry the fallen, all their equipment, and bring those two remaining spider things. If you think they're safe?

He scowls at the rooftops.

I'm not really sure how to bring them down. What bothers me more is how those mercenaries knew we'd be here. I mean we didn't know when we'd arrive. And I certainly didn't intend to arrive with you.

He looks around suddenly.

Oh, I'm glad that I did, of course! But I'm just wondering, why would they be attacking all of us? We've never been together before, and as far as I know, we were intending to go our seperate ways.

He forces a chuckle.

Uh.. you didn't... ah... arrange this, did you? To impress me, I mean, as sort of an audition? Because it worked, I'm impressed, but it would be good to know...?

2011-06-27, 02:46 PM
"Give me a minute, please," Umbriel calls to Kalinor, and guides her steed down to the rooftop next to the spider. "If we can control the spiders, I can use a spell on them to render them able to fly down, or we can have them jump. Let me take a look at their reins." She scans over the rider and spider swiftly, looking for any overt traps. She slides the sharp blade to the ground first, then regards the spider warily as she tries to gently slip the rider's hands off the reins and pull him down from the spider's back.

To her companions, she says through the Message, "I gather some of you have some difficulty with the undead. If we do not wish to preserve the spiders for ourselves or sell them back to their previous owners, I would suggest that a temple of my goddess, the Lady of Book and Bone who is steward of the dead, might be able to put them to good use. For the moment, I ask that you do not harm them. We should also decide what we want to do with the bodies; whether we wish to try to deliver them back to their contacts, or not."

She regards Godot's obvious distress for a moment, but then shakes her head and turns back to the spider. That situation won't be untangled in a minute. Now, let's see here...

Search check for traps, first, taking 10 for 38.

Umbriel is going to inspect the guy's items, especially the spider's reins. The MIC has rules for identifying objects, which I have excerpted below: can we use these?

If so, Umbriel takes 10 on Spellcraft for 41, on Knowledge (Arcana) for 47, and on Search for 38, trying to identify the items's function, starting with the reins (you can also use UMD and Bardic Knowledge, but Umbriel doesn't have those options).

MIC ID rules:

"Knowledge (arcana): A character can attempt a DC 30 Knowledge (arcana) check to determine if she remembers reading of an item at one point during her studies. A successful result might give a hint to the item’s function or reveal every detail about it. This method is most appropriate for legendary items or items that have a traditional shape associated with their function.
Search: You might allow close study of an item to provide some information. A command word could be etched in tiny letters on the inside of a ring, or a feathered design might hint that an item allows its wearer to fl y. In such a case, a successful DC 15 Search check should reveal the clue.
Spellcraft: A character using the detect magic spell can attempt a Spellcraft check to determine the school of magic associated with the item's powers. If the character exceeds the DC for this check by 10 or more, the character magically divines the item's functions, its means of activation, and the number of charges remaining.

Here is another Knowledge (Religion) check, she's specifically trying to remember anything about the ritual that creates husk spiders, how they are usually controlled, whether they are attuned to a particular master, etc.

I will also try to estimate the value of the spiders with Appraise, taking 10 for 27.

She will cast Greater Mirror Image if the spider takes a chomp at her.

She is planning to try to ride the spider unless it's actively hostile or she spots something nasty on the reins.

2011-06-27, 05:39 PM
I am sorry I cannot offer what you require, Saffron, and at the same time happy you accepted the little I can humbly offer.

Derk grinds his teeth as Umbriel proceeds. He speaks into the link: I do not know you very well, but from what I learned you are a well-informed and thoughtful scholar. For now I will take your word for it. This is right now not the time and place to discuss this in length and you have earned the benefit of doubt from me. I do insist however, that we exchange views on the undead matter some time soon. My views are straight but may be too narrowminded from this whole multiversal perspective. I doubt that, though.

Undead and the faith they and, more importantly, the souls that once powered their bodies, deserve. If there is one subject worth opening a good bottle of wine over....

2011-06-27, 07:13 PM

Search check for traps, first, taking 10 for 38.

You don't find any traps

Umbriel is going to inspect the guy's items, especially the spider's reins. The MIC has rules for identifying objects, which I have excerpted below: can we use these?

I don't see why not. It makes it easier than using identify, but I don't want to draw out the process any longer than we have to, particularly on a post game. I reserve the right to require more extreme methods for highly unusal items in future...

Each rider has:
Reins of ascension.
gloves of dexterity +2 dex
bracers of ogre power +2 Str
ring of protection +1 AC
Peircer cloak of resistance +2 sv
lesser fire crystal
breastplate +1 AC
Javelin of lightning
Masterword double swords

Note that the doubleswords stopped being magical when the wielder died, and thus no longer glow. You may want to edit your post accordingly.

Here is another Knowledge (Religion) check, she's specifically trying to remember anything about the ritual that creates husk spiders, how they are usually controlled, whether they are attuned to a particular master, etc.

Ok, husk widomaker spiders are 'intelligent' undead. As such they're either following instructions from a controller, or can act on their own. However, they're very, very, stupid, and can be controlled by a skilled rider. Unlike widowmakers, they're not mindless, they are chaotic evil, and they tend to run amok if not controlled. These look like they are following orders, probably issued by an evil priest of some sort by channeling negative energy, since you can't detect any additional necromantic magic.

You reckon someone could probably create more of these things using the create greater undead spell. You need a suitable dead spider, of course. There's nothing special in the creation that makes it suitable for riding - that must be an instinct of the base creature that gets preserved into it's undead form.

I will also try to estimate the value of the spiders with Appraise, taking 10 for 27.

Erm.. Probably 10,000 each to the right person? You could certainly get more, but it's finding a buyer who actually wants an undead spider that would be tricky.

She is planning to try to ride the spider unless it's actively hostile or she spots something nasty on the reins.

A short hop is fine, activating the reins to bring the spider flying down. Using this thing as a mount for any extended period, and particularly trying to get it to attack anyone, and it might be difficult to bring it back under control without magic or some really good ride checks.

Ah yes - you also find, on one of the bodies, some quick sketches of people. Godot, Simon, Derk, Rhion, Sthrer, Saffron, Amrose are all featured. The picture of you is terrible - they haven't captured you at all well, you fear, and that's surely not your best side. The ninth image is of a man in robes holding a large and ornate book, whom you don't recognise.

2011-06-27, 10:41 PM
"Taking them to the priesthood sounds like a good idea to me. They can take it from there, and good riddance.

"We should probably check the bodies for orders and such. That and any equipment or other things that may help."

2011-06-28, 06:08 AM
Umbriel's face twists in sudden chagrin and distaste as a memory drifts up from the depths. Oh. Wait a minute. That's where I heard of these things before... She takes a reflexive step away from the spider. I suppose I should have expected the githyanki to be indiscriminate in their alliances.

Through the Message she says, "Well. Ahem. Upon reflection, I may have spoken too hastily: perhaps my church would not want these creatures after all." Self-willed, stupid, utterly Chaotic, and spawn-creating. What a combination. Perhaps it would be best to simply remove them from the world. They may be valuable, but she can think of few she'd trust to command them who would desire such minions. "I think I can bring them safely down to the ground - the reins can be used to fly with them - and they are rather stupid, but they should NOT be trusted or left unguarded. Perhaps their destruction will become necessary in time, Derk, but for the moment, let us get to a more private location, where I would be most happy to debate with you. Kalinor's suggestion sounds reasonable to me."

She nods to Sthrer. "They were moderately well equipped; if you can fly or climb, girl, come up here and give me a hand. I am not especially expert in the task of hauling bodies or their gear around." She turns back to the body and begins quickly checking for written material or symbols of any kind, although she does not expect to find much. Presumably they would have memorized their orders.

At Kalinor's last question she laughs wryly, and calls down, "I suspected the same of you, actually: that this might have been arranged as a test."

Her expression becomes somber as she looks across to the rest of the group, and the badly injured Saffron. She had misjudged that situation. It had seemed a contest of honor, and so she had not intervened, and Saffron had nearly died as a result, taking her fascinating abilities with her. Godot might be damaged as well, in less visible ways, although at least she and Saffron seemed not to be at irreconcilable odds. Watching the gnome girl curled up in the tiger-woman's lap, meddling least seems best for now. The realm of emotion, the interplay of friendship and rivalry and clashing ideals, has never been her favored domain.

"If the situation is truly dire, I can heal by burning my own life-force," she says into the Message. "Generally, I prefer to choose and shape my battles so that such sacrifices are unnecessary, but if we are to work together, you should know of both my abilities and their limitations. If none of us have the requisite skills to mend your injuries, Saffron, I am sure we can find a healer in a city such as this."

Previous post edited to account for now non-glowing swords. Also, my apologies, I was skimming the page and somehow entirely missed Saffron's rather important post - Umbriel isn't a very compassionate person but she's usually not that oblivious.
Take-10 Search check on the body of 38, now looking for tattoos, any written material, holy symbols, other non-magical items or information.
Also, Chaotic undead, bah! That entirely changes Umbriel's attitude toward the spiders, she had assumed they were mindless or Lawful mounts of their very-Lawful riders :smalltongue:

2011-06-28, 06:52 AM
In response to Kalinor and Umbriel, Rhion mumbles musingly, his voice loud enough to be heard by all.

"For an enemy to be expecting Lord Kalinor and us, someone would have had to see us together. That means we were being spied on before the gate, in the camp. Either by man or magic, though "man" brings up graver connotations..."

2011-06-28, 08:04 AM
"These undead should be destroyed - they are an abomination," Androse said, floating up towards Umbriel using his magical carpet; it would not be able to carry much, but he'd be able to load it with about sixty pounds of gear per trip.

"I can take some of the supplies down," he said simply - clearly uneasy with the idea of those undead monsters still even existing.

2011-06-28, 12:46 PM

Take-10 Search check on the body of 38, now looking for tattoos, any written material, holy symbols, other non-magical items or information.

Maybe bizzarely, you do find something on one of the bodies. Nine quick sketches of people. Godot, Simon, Derk, Rhion, Sthrer, Saffron, Ambrose are all featured. The picture of you is terrible - they haven't captured you at all well, you fear, and that's surely not your best side. The basic appearance and clothing is accurate though. The ninth image is of a man in robes holding a large and ornate book, whom you don't recognise, if only because you can't see much of his face.

2011-06-28, 08:01 PM
Kalinor wactches as the equipment and spiders are rounded up.

If you're coming, I'll lead the way? He motions with one arm down towards the entrance to Silver Street, where the children's boothes have already closed and the streets are filled with a gradually thinning crowd.

Silver street itself is long and straight, showcasing the looming bulk of the Foundary at one end. It is still, however a street of houses and traders, with no monuments and little in the way of civic architecture, and clearly smaller and narrower than some of the grand processionals you can see overhead, in some of the finer parts of the city.

Where Silver Street gets its name from becomes clear, as the street is lined with stalls and shops containing shining polished goods made from tin, steel, pewter, and occasionally even silver.

We need a street about halfway down, according to Nephira's directions... Kalinor announces. ..where a black iron bridge crosses over.

He changes topic rather suddenly.

It's the timing I don't understand. We met yesterday. They had the ambush in place by this afternoon. Noone decides to spend that much money that quickly. Or at least, I've never met anyone who does and believe me I've been looking. So they must have some idea that I'd be there, or you'd be there. But they didn't know the mirror has already been stolen...

He glances around

Actually, that's something I wanted to ask. About that mirror... You wouldn't be interested in helping us get it back, would you? No obligation, of course, but... if you were willing, it might really make all the difference.

2011-06-28, 11:27 PM
Eventually, Godot's sobbing subsides, and she clambers slowly to her feet. Her eyes are downcast, and she shuffles along with the others without comment or upward glance.

2011-06-29, 02:30 AM
"They could have been already spying on you. Or... there could be a snitch in your entourage," responds Rhion casually to Kalinor's theories on the ambush, effectively repeating himself.

2011-06-29, 06:17 AM
"They could have been already spying on you. Or... there could be a snitch in your entourage," responds Rhion casually to Kalinor's theories on the ambush, effectively repeating himself.

Ok, say there was. They can't organise anything until you arrive, last night. Then they..they do what? Get word to people in Sigil, somehow, to organise the ambush for when we arrive. It's tight timing... I guess it's possible though.

He's silent for a few moments.

It means I have a traitor though. Or you do. Are those two going to be ok?

2011-06-29, 07:16 AM
Rhion spares a look at Godot and Saffron, and smiles gently at Kalinor.

"Yes, little though I have traveled with them, I think they are strong women, those two. They will be okay, I'm sure of it. But... it would be nice if a priest would tend to Saffron...

"By the way, I intended for no offense with all the 'traitor' talk. Just wanted to bring out the possibilities, far as they be, so that we would be a little more ready, if the time comes."

2011-06-30, 03:46 PM
Sthrer goes to get some of the supplies. "Perhaps they had divination on their side?"

2011-07-01, 06:14 AM
Descending from the rooftops, Umbriel ensures that the bodies of the enemy soldiers are treated respectfully, with their blades laid at their sides. She takes out a sheet of paper and a quill and ink, and notes down the items recovered from their bodies, relaying their properties to the rest of the group as she does so. "Bracers to enhance physical strength - four sets. Gloves to enhance nimbleness - four sets. Rings to deflect blows - four. Crystals to gift fire to the weapons to which they are attached - four. Enchanted breastplates - four. Javelins that become minor lightning bolts when thrown - four. Cloaks that grant good fortune and empower attacks from above - four. Reins that allow a mount to become briefly airborne - four sets." She breaks off her note-taking to frown at Androse's comment.

"Young man, while it is a common misconception, there is nothing inherently evil in a being whose animation and will stems from negative energy - or mechanical contrivance, for that matter - rather than common life-force. The creation of undead can be theologically perilous, of course, but..." She breaks off what seemed likely to turn into a dissertation on the subject, remembering that they are still in a public street. "In any case, we shall speak later on this matter. Hmph."

As the group begins to move down the street, the old mage hangs back for a moment. Taking a last long glance around the square, she murmurs quietly to the breeze, "If you are watching by magic, I expect you can hear me. If you want these men and their blades back, I doubt you will have much trouble in finding us. If you desire further interaction, a simple message would do: one not relayed at sword-point would likely be received better."

Strolling over to catch up with the group, she joins the conversation with Kalinor. "Hmm. Divination is certainly a possibility. Beyond basic scrying, there are spells that can foretell the near future, with fair accuracy when used cleverly. I did find portraits of the eight of us on their bodies... and one more." She shows the last picture to Kalinor and the other members of the party - a sketch of a man in robes holding a large ornate book, his face obscured. "Do you perchance recognize any identifying features of this man or his book? Alternatively, perhaps it is not a mortal at all - there are deities of magic, knowledge and secrets who might well be depicted in such a way - but then the picture's inclusion with the others is curious."

She does not show the others the portrait of herself. Dreadful artwork. If she was the artist, she would be embarrassed to have something like that attributed to her. Not true to life at all. She stops to briefly check her reflection in the polished goods hanging outside the nearest shop, tucking a few errant strands of hair back into her braid and adjusting her rich robes and cloak.

Returning to the conversation, she asks Kalinor, "Does Nephira know much of the city? Here in Sigil, if anywhere in the multiverse, we should be able to find nearly any required supplies if we know where to look. I know of some items that can cure even debilitating and slow-healing injuries to the body or mind, for example, but not where such might be found here." A brief tilt of her head toward Saffron makes the reason for her words clear.

@Togo: I am completely happy with you requiring more exotic methods to identify weird and wonderful items :smallsmile: (especially since that means we're likely to find weird and wonderful items :smallwink:) And thanks for the tacit reminder that Wee Jas is also the goddess of vanity, intentional or not :smalltongue:

Knowledge (Religion) check to see if the last portrait has any features associated with the iconography of certain gods or saints? [roll0]. Knowledge (Arcana) check for the same about notable mages or scholars of the arcane arts, [roll1].

@everyone else: item list is (per rider),
Reins of ascension
gloves of dexterity +2 dex
bracers of ogre power +2 Str
ring of protection +1 AC
Piercer cloak of resistance +2 sv
lesser fire crystal
breastplate +1 AC
Javelin of lightning
Masterword double sword

Sorry for the silence + massive post, I'm at a workshop at the moment, and time to post is very unpredictable.

2011-07-02, 12:45 AM
"I'd quite like a pair of the gloves and the bracers, and perhaps a cloak. Do the crystals work on weapons that have magic already?"

Sthrer looks over at Saffron and winces. "Perhaps asking someone would be wise. None of us know this place like a local would, I think."

2011-07-02, 01:19 AM
"I believe the crystals should work on already-enchanted weapons. Indeed, more powerful crystals only work in conjunction with weapons that possess powerful magic of their own. On the other hand, multiple crystals on the same weapon will not work: their magical fields tend to interfere with each other."

Umbriel nods to the sorceress. "As for the bracers, gloves and cloak, take them if you wish. If none of our more combative allies need them, I might claim a pair of the bracers for myself: I am not as strong as I was in my younger days." She notes down any items Sthrer takes on her list.

As they examine the items, Umbriel regards the elven woman with curiosity. Touched by the Far Realms, clearly, but not wholly of that strange place. An interesting anomaly. "That was a fine work of ice magic you invoked, in the battle just past," she remarks conversationally. "Do you have a particular area of focus in your spellcasting?"

2011-07-02, 05:44 PM
"I will take one, then. A weapon of both fire and ice will be useful.

"And I tend towards spells that have uses outside of battle. I have a magic bow, and I travel with fighters, so having spells of water breathing, fast running, and understanding people is wiser to my mind."