View Full Version : The many worlds of Sonic the supersonic Hedgehog

Fiery Diamond
2011-06-06, 01:38 AM
First: I put this in media instead of in games because the Sonic franchise is MUCH bigger than just the games and a lot of the interesting things to discuss are from the other, non-game parts.

Sonic the Hedgehog, the most astoundingly widespread across multiple mediums video game franchise I can think of. It has something like half a dozen continuities and the media that contain it include Anime, American Cartoons, Video Games, Comic Books, and I'm sure more. It is, I think very fascinating. I'm not sure how it managed to get so widespread, but I often think of it as comparable to a DC or Marvel character, what with the multiple continuities and widely varying quality of work.

Personally, I like Sonic. I like some parts of the franchise, and I like most incarnations of the character. I like the humor, the way in which in the games and in some of the other series it doesn't really take itself seriously, the coolness factor, and the characters. It doesn't hurt that the old school Sonic gameplay was made of win.

Not all continuities are created equal, however, as not only does quality vary, but just what supporting cast exists and the precise personality of the characters differs as well. The continuities I am aware of:

-Archie Comics (I'm not entirely sure if this is really a single continuity, to be honest, as I haven't exactly read that much. The quality varies wildly. Takes place in a world called Mobius. It has different characters than the games, gradually adding many game characters to it as it goes on.)
-Sonic "SatAM" Cartoon (Bears many similarities to the earlier parts of the Archie Comics continuity, including Mobius, Robotnik's behavior patterns, Princess Sally and the Resistance/Freedom Fighters)
-Sonic Underground Cartoon (Still in Mobius, Robotnik roboticizes and has SWATbots, but Sonic has Sonia and Manic, his brother and sister, instead of Tails and Sally&Co. Also has a more optimistic and lighthearted spin.)
-Sonic X Anime (The first 26 episodes are almost all original material, but have the game continuity cast and Eggman acts as he does in the games. The next 26 episodes are a combination of new material and adaptation of game material. The final 26 episodes are all new material of a significantly different tone than the other 52.)
-The Game Continuities (I lump these together, but I use the plural because... well... they aren't exactly all sequential, nor are they all consistent. The old-school games had a mostly unpopulated world that Eggman was spoiling and didn't have much in the way of characterization. The newer games are set on a sort of alternate version of Earth. One thing Sonic X does is reconcile these two worlds, which is interesting.)
-The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Cartoon (I know nothing about this other than that the art is really bad)
-Sonic the Hedgehog Movie (Movie? Oh, you mean that thing that has a human girlfriend for Sonic [who, instead of being a cool hero, acts like a complete jerk] and horrible voice acting? Amongst other atrocities.)

My favorites:

Sonic X, focusing on the first 26 episodes, but to a lesser extent the next 26 episodes. I did not like what they did with the final 26 episodes.

Pros: Characters, Plot (for the first 26), general coolness, humor
Cons: Cannot watch in English because 4Kids did the dubbing, so must watch subbed, art could use some improvement, the final 26 episodes were a major letdown

The Games, focusing on Old School and the non-Alternate Reality/Time Traveling/Aliens newer games. I confess to not having played many of the more recent ones (by which I mean Sonic Adventure on up, but I do have Unleashed and the Storybook games). At some point I'll get the rest.

Pros: Gameplay, humor, characters, general coolness
Cons: Some modern gameplay is worse, Shadow's origins make him less cool (seriously, aliens?), plot could use some improvement

Sonic Underground. "Way past cool." "I'm waiting." "Chili dog!"

Pros: Hilarious, music, character interaction
Cons: The art scares me sometimes (was Manic raised by a spider? Cuz I'm not sure), plot is disjointed and doesn't end, NO TAILS

Favorite Characters:
Sonic, Tails, Knuckles (all incarnations except for the horrible ones)
Topaz, Tanaka, Chuck, Sam Speed, Messenger Robo (Sonic X characters)

What about you all? How do you love/hate/feel indifferent to Sonic the Almighty Blue Hedgehog of Pure Win?