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2011-06-06, 04:29 PM
A searing flash of pain bounces through you head as you slowly awaken. Around you the ground seems burned. You clothes are in threads and the rest of your belongings are missing.

And then you remembered.... You were just living your life as it was when suddenly, the world exploded in a fountain of colors and sensations. It quickly turned black as your brain must have shut down to protect itself.

Taking a couple of deep breaths makes the pain dull a bit. Laying on the ground around you are several others, none of them familiar. Then, you hear a scream, a shout of anger as a bewildered man comes charging out of the bushes, swinging a sword above his head....

Battle thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11152422#post11152422)

2011-06-07, 02:57 AM
"The colors! It was exactly the same! The colors and sensations swarming around me. I must be close, I have to be." Sky thought.

2011-06-07, 09:05 PM
Alistair had been working late again, transcribing a book on the architectural wonders of various keeps located on the borderlands. It was a fascinating discourse, one he had read before, but as always it was easy to get caught up in reading through it again. Fortunately, his spells assisted him in copying the text into another tome, leaving him free to peruse the remainder of the book.

Just as he was reading the chapter describing the transition from classic stone walls to parapets, his eyes suddenly became heavy. He glanced over at the pen which suddenly dropped to the desk with a finality that seemed more than a bit odd.

Shaking his head, he reached for a glass of water nearby. However, his lean turned into a slide across the desk, which succeeded in knocking over the water and leaving Alistair collapsed on the floor. As his eyes fluttered, he heard a melodious voice, speaking urgently to him ... it was faint, as if across a great distance.

"Close your eyes, dear Alistair, and enter slumber deep
Rest your thoughts so that your mind may yet be yours to keep
Prepare yourself for trials ahead, the world will change this night
Then you shall rebuild what was lost, and make the wrong things right."

With a mumbled response, he tried once more to push himself up, then a wave of colors flashed across his eyes before he fell into darkness.

When the clergyman awoke, a sudden stabbing pain made him groan, raising his arm across his eyes to keep the light from hurting him. Blinking, he glanced around and saw three others stirring as he did, in various stages of stupor and confusion. The ground around him seemed scorched and barren, while the robes he had been wearing the night before were naught but tattered cloth.

He started to clear his throat and speak to the others when a wild looking man suddenly leapt from the bushes and charged towards them, his sword swinging in wide sweeping arcs.

"What manner of sorcery is this?!" he whispered to himself, eyes widening in fear ...

OOC: Continued in the Battlethread - PS, went with Blue instead of Royal Blue

2011-06-08, 09:35 AM
The barbarian is dead. He has crudely fashioned leather armor, a longsword which is of good quality, but poorly kept and a sack on his back. In the sack you find 10 pieces (that would translate to 10 gp) worth of dried meat, nuts and roots (preservable food), some strings used for trapping, a flask of water and some flint.

The clearing you are in is over 500 feet in diameter and surrounded on all sides by thick decideous forest. The only landmarks would be the blackened patches were you appeared, close to the side of the clearing.

2011-06-08, 09:55 AM
the primal rage left his mind as quickly as the blood drained from the body before him, briarscale was filled with a deep remorse over his actions. He had failed again to control the base instincts that were involved in his shifting, and this time there was a deadman to show for it.

Stepping back from the body he shifted back to his lizard form letting the predatory form slip into the lizard shape(or was it lizard slipping into the predator form he was starting to question which was his real form anymore these days), and looked around taking in the clearing they found themselves in, and the new companions he had seemed to have found.

knowledge nature to see if he knows about this clearing in any way [roll0]
survival to spot any tracks in the area, and get a rough sense of where they are / North's direction [roll1]

turning the three taller humans Briarscale, figured it was time to see if they were all working with the barbarian or not. "ok first things first, if any of you humans are working with that one, were going to have problems. second what just happened to us? there was a big flash and next thing I know all the other lizards around me have become humans. and swamps don't just become forests.

2011-06-08, 10:01 AM
After looking at some trees and mosses you quickly determine where north is. However, you also realize this forest is unlike any you are familiar with.

2011-06-08, 10:19 AM
Hmm, that sword would be useful, not to mention the snares. Sky thinks, while deep from his stomach a growling sound emerges: Hunger, and much of it, he hadn't eaten since yesterday (was it yesterday?), and could really use some food right now. He had been able to oppress the feeling by drinking plenty of water, before this whole thing happened, but that was all.

I need to figure out some way to get to that sword, the armor, the snares and the food, without being detected, snatch them away right under their noses, and all of that, without getting blasted by that strange looking shadowball.

Please god, help me with this almost impossible task and so he made a small silent prayer before thinking of a plan.

2011-06-08, 11:54 AM
Alistair visible brightened as the magic of his diety healed the horrible wounded man in front of him. The warlock's eyes fluttered open, and his body filled with tension as he stared at Alistair for a moment. But before he said anything, he quickly sat up and looked around.

The sound of snarling and rending filled the air, drawing Alistair's attention back to the battle at hand. However, when he looked at the barbarian, he saw only the scaled cat standing over the now-dead assailant, both bodies covered in gore.

Shuddering, Alistair rose slowly, noting the heavy panting and adrenaline-charged shaking, wondering if the lizard had entered into a similar berserker state - if so, he and the others might need to run.

But with visible effort, the cat turned back into the lizard and turned back to the humans. "ok first things first, if any of you humans are working with that one, were going to have problems. second what just happened to us? there was a big flash and next thing I know all the other lizards around me have become humans. and swamps don't just become forests."

Alistair released the breath he had been holding - rationale thought was a good sign. He glanced at the others and shook his head. "I am not ... well, I suppose now it would be was not ... with that man. I do not wish to fight anyone."

"I, too, do not know how I came to this place. I was working on transcribing a new book for our library, a fascinating treatise on the changes in architecture throughout history, when I fell asleep. I seem to remember someone talking to me, but ..."

Alistair trailed off as he tried to remember what the voice had said. Everything seemed so fuzzy from the night before. Shaking his head, he continued. "Well, hopefully I'll remember later. Regardless, the next coherent thing I recall was waking up next to you all. When that man struck you," Alistair nodded to the warlock, "I decided I needed to make a choice of who to support. Hopefully my selection will not come back to haunt me. The last was said with a tight smile.

Alistair waited for a moment, to see if the other's stories were similar to his. He looked around the clearing, taking it in fully for the first time. The open space, surrounded by desiduous trees, the blast mark in the area where he woke up, the dead barbarian cooling in a pool of his own blood ... Alistair stiffled a gag for a moment, turning his head. While everyone saw death in some shape or form, Alistair rarely saw it this close and personal.

He continued to cast his gaze around, and found himself watching the young human, who seemed furitive and nervous. Smiling gently, he cleared his throat. "Hello there, lad. What is your name? I am Alistair, scribe and scholar to Lirr, Mistress of the Manuscript. What might I call you? And the rest of you?" Alistair's gaze took in the remaining people in the clearing.

Actions Looking around the clearing, trying to get a bearing on what happened. Here are a few skill checks:
KS: Nature (Find north, figure out what part of my known world has these kinds of trees): [roll0]
KS: Arcana or Religion to determine what made the scorch marks (both have the same bonus, so whichever skill works best: [roll1]

2011-06-08, 12:15 PM
Takeing in what alistair said with a blank stare, listening while looking around more, noticing the burns on the ground. am I crazy or are there four burnmarks on the ground? Is someone missing from the party? shaking his head briar scale continued no, I must still be groggy from the burst, it was probly this poor confused soul. motioning to the body.

Realizing he was talking to himself he turned back to the others I'm sorry I've spent alot of time on my own, led to a few.. habbits, you can call me briarscale, and you our energy throwing friend what might you name be? And are you feeling well?

2011-06-08, 12:24 PM
Sky distinguished common, coming from the lizards mouth : "ok first things first, if any of you humans are working with that one, were going to have problems. second what just happened to us? there was a big flash and next thing I know all the other lizards around me have become humans. and swamps don't just become forests."

The moment to grab the weapon was almost near, the creepy lizard had turned away from it to talk to the other two humans, it seemed he wasn't aware of Sky's whereabouts. Sky had to strike NOW.

The other man sounded quite intelligent and gentile while answering, using mostly words complicated enough so that any other person wouldn't understand. But one of the things that life had taught Sky is that most of intelligent creatures were not that friendly at all. "I decided I needed to make a choice of who to support. Hopefully my selection will not come back to haunt me.

Wait does that mean he also isn't aware of who are the good guys and who the bad ones?
Sky wasn't sure what to do now, but at that moment the intelligent looking man spoke to him: "Hello there, lad. What is your name? I am Alistair, scribe and scholar to Lirr, Mistress of the Manuscript. What might I call you? And the rest of you?"
The fact that he was discovered, and directly spoken to, made Sky jump up, and execute the only action that he had already prepared: Dash as fast as he could to grab the weapon. And so he did.

Sky used all his strength to make his fastest possible dash towards the weapon, putting every effort in outrunning the reaction of the lizard. As he ran he silently prayed: Please god, please don't let me be hit by an energy-ball like the barbarian did

*when I posted this, darkillini hadn't answered yet, so see it as a simultaneous action*

2011-06-08, 12:34 PM
ok im not crazy says briarscale as he notes the dash the young human makes. that's being said id really not like fighting again today, there's been enough violence and unfortunate bloodshed today. So il just say you can't out run me, so please talk to us. the last parts he tries to emphasis. (Though as an un charismatic lizard, I guess most things he's saying come out slightly threatening and hiss like, which I just realized I haven't been doing, will fix that for pure lizard flavor.)

2011-06-08, 01:04 PM
Everything seemed to be moving so quickly. Isryn was usually more alert, but that blow had taken a lot out of him. Even though no more than a stinging scratch remained of the original gaping wound, he still felt weak and dazed. Still, best to put his best foot forward, as it were.
Taking a few moments to collect his thoughts, he began to talk in a quiet voice.

"Um... I'm sure it won't, sir. You have my thank-"

His furtive attempts at speaking were quickly lost, though, as a young human came running from the bushes nearby, making a mad dash for the barbarian.
Isryn instinctively ducks out of the way as he passed, scrambling to his feet moments later in an attempt to regain some part in these strange events.


2011-06-08, 01:08 PM
Sky looks startled around him. The inhuman hissing sounds the lizard just made had scared him more than he was already. At this moment his primeval instincts took over and he stepped at a safe distance from the lizard creature, holding the sword in front of him, anxiously gripping it till his knuckles became white. He then began fastly analizing his situation, and saw that at best it was 2-on-1, and he didn't have any place to hide or run to.
He strongly believed that the lizard was indeed capable of outrunning him. The only option remaining was to fight, and so he stood in his battle-stance and tried to say something, but talking while being scared and startled isn't easy and so he mumbled:
Blwn hld mwl, stlwm nundl

Suprised by his own voice he thought he was done for. He knew from experience, the creature that makes the most threatening sounds generally gets the lead in the fight, and mumbling didn't sound threatening at all.

2011-06-08, 01:19 PM
"Everyone... just calm down for a moment!"

Isryn continued without heeding the others responses, simply blundering on in an attempt to keep the situation from escalating any more, especially with this boy so eager to start a fight.

"Does anyone even know what is going on? I mean, what happened?"

Isryn felt his voice begin fading in a combination of sudden self-awareness and confusion.

"There's no need to fight..."

2011-06-08, 01:35 PM
Alistair's simple attempt at kindness and keeping things calm resulted badly. The young, apparently spooked by his words, suddenly darted from his crouching position to grab the sword from the dead man. The others all stood somewhat nonplussed, staring in surprise. The lizard, Briarscale he called himself, warned the lad against further violence. The warlock called for them to stop as well.

However, the boy continued to stand nervously, holding the sword tightly, as if he had already decided that combat was the only solution here. Alistair wanted to stand calmly and be the voice of reason, but having what might amount to another berserker waving a sword at them made that difficult. Given what the lizard had done to the first man, Alistair was surprised that the boy would take such an aggressive stance.

Fighting was not Alistair's forte, nor were diplomatic solutions. He approached things form an academic stand-point, having primarily book knowledge rather than practical experience with most things. That being said, he kept away from the boy and simpy kept his hands out and open. The young man's words had been complete gibberish, of no language that Alistair knew.

"I hope you can understand what we are saying, but I agree that we should stop this madness. We all saw where blind aggression led this poor soul," Alistair nodded in the direction of the dead barbarian, "And I for one do not see a need to repeat that course of events. If you wish to keep your distance, fine. If this is about the sword, I have no claims to it ... I simply ask that you lower it away from our direction."

As he spoke, Alistair thought about what the warlock had said, and how intent the boy had been on gaining the sword ... or perhaps it was re-gaining? "Do you know something of what's going on boy? Or was this man an acquaintance of yours?" Alistair would pause to see if the boy responded. If he didn't at first, he would try again in Elvish and Dwarven.

2011-06-08, 01:50 PM
"I hope you can understand what we are saying, but I agree that we should stop this madness. We all saw where blind aggression led this poor soul, and I for one do not see a need to repeat that course of events. If you wish to keep your distance, fine. If this is about the sword, I have no claims to it ... I simply ask that you lower it away from our direction.
Do you know something of what's going on boy? Or was this man an acquaintance of yours?

Sky shook his head in a gesture saying: "No". Wait, what? Why did he answer? But what "the intelligent man" (was it Alistair?) said actually made sense to him, so maybe they didn't want to hurt him, maybe they were in the same situation as he was. In any case, he was offering him to take some distance, not something an enemy would do. But then again, the lizard did hiss at him that he was faster, meaning that, even though he changed into a panther, he was indeed after the sword, otherwise, why would you hunt down a 16 year old kid?
Sky tooks some steps backwards and lowered his weapon, but still ready for action. Not wanting to repeat the mumbling from a few seconds ago, he decided to not speek at all, and just pointed at the lizard, making gestures to move backwards.

2011-06-08, 02:05 PM
Noticing the kid pointing at him with the sword, indicating him to move back. Cemented in his mind that this kid was scared out of his wits. He figured his previous comment was not the best opening. Best to placate the kid now, nobody wants to fight a kid.
take it eassy young one. No one wantss to hurt you. If you want the sword your free to have it, I've no need for such toolsss. I thought you were going to take the food and run, which would have been a problem. For now can you at least give us your name? You ssseem to understand common, ssooo I think you undersstand me

Briar thorn backs away from the kid slowly hand/claws where the kid can see them (though tries to stay the same distance from the remainder of the pack in case the kid freaks out and tries to bolt with the only supplies)

2011-06-08, 02:08 PM
Alistair was relieved when the boy answered, both because he wasn't with the man and it indicated he could understand common. He nodded absently as Briarscale spoke, and stood quietly waiting to see if the boy answered ... or what would happen next.

2011-06-08, 02:13 PM
His voice didn't seem to be working properly.
He cleared his throat and tries again
He pauzed to look at the reaction of the people in front of him, and then continued
"Which of you did this?" Sky said, while pointing at the burn marks on the floor.
"No wait, more importantly, how can I trust you? I saw your shady-ball hit the man. And I saw you" pointing at the lizard "just rip him apart."
His voice lets him speak, although you can still hear a faint trace of trembling in it.

2011-06-08, 02:22 PM
yesss, yess I did. And I regret having done it a life losst so pointlessly is a waste. mentions briarscale as he looks down at the ground. Looking back up he saysas for trusst, who's pointing a sword at who?

2011-06-08, 02:28 PM
"It is becoming increasingly apparent that none of us know what has happened... Sky. If I knew what those-" Isryn gestures to the scorched patches of ground "-were, I'd tell all of you in an instant. I'm sure that if any of us did, the rest of us would know by now."

"That man was trying to kill me, so I defended myself. So did that fellow. I'm glad that we did, because if we had not, I would be dead now, and possibly them as well. Can you really blame us for that?"

"Why don't we end this fruitless standoff? No-one wishes any harm on anyone else here. I believe that we are all fine with you holding on to the sword for now. The best way to find out what has happened here and hopefully get back to civilization-or wherever we came from- is to work together, right?"

2011-06-08, 02:56 PM
Alistair listened to the others speaking, waiting for them to answer the boy's questions. He nodded at the warlock's last statement. "Well said, sir. I am uncertain as to what has happened to use, or why we are here as I said earlier. However, I am certain there is a purpose to our presence ... we simply need to find it and pursue it."

Glancing at the others' tattered clothes and his own, he nodded to the dead body. "The is man seems to be both armed and clothed. Perhaps there is a settlement nearby where answers may be found. But before we leave, should we not bury him? Or perhaps a pyre would be more suitable? Certainly, he does not seem to be of a culture that would practice mummification or similar preservation techniques. Besides, we obviously don't have the appropriate tools or supplies for such an endeavor ..."

Alistair trailed off as the others stared at him. Clearing his throat, he went on, a slight flush marking his embarrassment. "That's not important right now. I do have a question for you, sir," Alistair looked at the warlock. "I did not catch your name ... what shall we call you?"

2011-06-08, 02:56 PM
"I-I guess... Burying seems the best option" Sky answered.
"And I'm sorry for pointing a sword at you, but the teeth and the magic-dark-ball and the man, raging at us...
I-I-I a sigh was clearly audible

His stomach groaned again.
"I don't want to be rude, but does anyone of you maybe have some food? Or can I get some of that?" Pointing at the food on the ground (with his hand)
The sword is hanging loosely in his hand beside him.

2011-06-08, 03:08 PM
Alistair nodded, accepting the apology at face value. He shook his head at the question of food. "I have no food, but I could provide water." Looking around, he frowned slightly. "Of course, it usually helps if there are cups or bowls available."

2011-06-08, 03:11 PM
Isryn let the question hang in the air for a few moments, breaking eye contact. After a few seconds, he looks back at the archivist.
"Isryn. Isryn Wraith. Sorry, I didn't hear you say yours, either. I was a bit... stunned after that injury."

"And now that you two have mentioned it, I'm a bit hungry as well. I guess the food our assailant had would be better than nothing."

DC 19 Sense Motive:
If you rolled high enough... you know that he's lying about his name. Shady!

2011-06-08, 03:14 PM
Alistair bowed his head slightly. "I apologize. My name is Alistair. You've met Sky already, and his name," he pointed towards the dusk lizard, "is Briarscale. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Alistair got the distinct impression that the man wasn't being completely honest about himself, but given the circumstance, the cleric couldn't really blame him. Looking a bit closer at the man, he peered at Isryn's scar. "I almost forgot to ask how you are feeling? That was a mighty blow you took."

2011-06-08, 03:17 PM
"Pleased to meet you all." Isryn says with a smile, bowing his head a bit to each of the group in turn.

"And whatever you did worked quite well, Alistair. It's only a scratch, now," he says, showing his side through his torn clothing.

2011-06-08, 03:25 PM
Sky walked over to the food and began eating some of it, careful to not seem to be swallowing instead of just eating.

Sense Motive:

Sense Motive: [roll0]

After his meal is finished, Sky walks over to the wounded Isryn:
"Here, let me take a look at that" he says, a small "Hmpf" escaping his mouth, knowing Isryn was lying. "That one I need to be careful of" Sky thought.

Heal check (RP purposes only, I know It doesn't really do anything):

Heal check: [roll1]

2011-06-08, 03:33 PM
issss a pleasure to meet you as well. SsAs for food and water, the water I can provide as well, as sssome cleansing abiltiessss for food. If we start traveling I sshould be able to find some more to make due with, but for now the preserved food here ssshould be good for todayss having said that briarscale reaches for a small portion of meat to eat.
granted if we are going to be together for a while, we should find some way to split supplies for now. Who will be using the leather armor we found? I've no need for it, as I said earlier weapons and armor are of no use to me. Natures provided me with nice scales and tools.

2011-06-08, 03:34 PM
"It's really all right..." Isryn begins, but yields and allows the ranger to look.

He looks around at his new companions, wondering what could have brought them all to this place.
"So we all just... woke up here? Seems a bit strange, to me. As for supplies, I guess I don't need a weapon, and I'll endeavor to stay away from angry people with swords from now on, so I've no great need of armor, either. Just food for me, really."

2011-06-08, 03:40 PM
aye ssstrange, and thisss forest is naught like any I've ever walked in.

2011-06-08, 03:57 PM
"Seems like none of you actually have a weapon" Sky said.
"If I'm the one who's going to be fighting up front, I'd actually prefer having that armor. And if none of you mind, I know how to set traps, so if no one else knows how to do it, I'll be in charge of these strings and our meat-meals, ok?"
Sky stares at the flint, actually wanting to have it too, but he had already asked too much. He didn't want to seem greedy, and having the snares, the sword and the leather armor would be sufficient.

2011-06-08, 04:05 PM
Alistair shrugged at the question concerning the leathers. "I have no issue with your using the sword or the leathers, Sky. If we are concerned about food and such, we should probably think about finding the closest village."

Glancing around the clearing, Alistair considered the trees and the area again.

Survival check:[roll0]

"Well, I think that way is north ..."

OOC - Not sure what the DC is on finding North, but hopefully either my KS(Nature) or Survival check met it. Either way, Alistair still thinks he figured out which way North is :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-08, 04:07 PM
"If you feel the need to carry nearly all of our equipment, that is certainly fine with me, Sky," Isryn says with a joking smile.

Following the others' examples, Isryn glances around to try to glean any information from the surroundings.
Survival: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Search: [roll2]

2011-06-08, 04:19 PM
"I see you're all searching and looking around, trying to see where we are and where we have to go to, but as I see it, we just have to go to the place this man came from, right? He might have commen from a village, and sincerely I don't think you or I for that matter will find anything." Sky said with a sigh, as he inclined to clean the man's clothes and use it to wrap up the sword with, after wich he placed it on his "belt" as some sort of provisory sheath. He decided to not yet wear the armor, as it was still foul of blood.
"And aren't we forgetting something? Like burying him perhaps?"

2011-06-08, 04:20 PM
While they look around, briarscale searches the clearing for any useable herbs/crystals he could find
[roll0] profession.
also as he goes around the edges of the clear he tries to figure out if he can recognize somewhere there may be water.
[roll1] knowledge nature

2011-06-08, 04:53 PM
"Alistair, you're a cleric, right? Could you ask your god to show us where we are or where we need to go?"

Isryn looks hopeful when asking the first question, but after a few moments appears to shift into a more defensive, worried mindset.

"And... concerning burying this man... would it be worth it? Don't get me wrong, I think it would be plenty nice to bury him and all... but we don't have the time or the equipment. Even if we took a significant amount of time, we probably wouldn't get deep enough to grant him any significant protection from the elements or beasts. We've no idea where we are and only have a few days worth of food at best. Besides, if his village is around here we shouldn't risk them finding us standing over his body, even if we were acting in self defense."

"Why not just give it a blessing, hide it somewhere and be done? I'm sorry if that sounds disrespectful or anything..."

Isryn glances at the ground for a few long moments as he awaits what he is sure will be a negative response.

It's probably not a good thing, but it had to be said...

2011-06-08, 05:04 PM
"I guess there's nothin wrong with trying..." Sky said as he began searching for the north and his location


Survival: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Search: [roll2]


2011-06-08, 05:12 PM
Alistair nodded to the young man. "I believe I mentioned searching for a village before, so I agree that remains a top priority. If we do not find a village and are forced to find shelter for the night, I hope that Briarscale will be able to assist with that ... or anyone else used to living out of doors."

He is staring at the body, slightly frowning, when Isryn asked his question. Hmmm? Oh, yes, I am a follower of Lirr. I suppose I could offer a prayer of supplication. However, there are rites that improve the chances of an answer, rites I would need to consider and prepare for. Until then, I suggest we do for ourselves."

Isryn went on to make a fairly logical arguement for leaving the body. Alistair nodded his head slowly. "You do raise a good point. Using a modified cairn may be more appropriate under these circumstances. And should we find a village, we can arrange for burial later. Perhaps one of you could assist me in gathering some items to create a makeshift grave?"

2011-06-08, 05:42 PM
as dissssrespectful as it may sound, I say we leave the body, it will return to the ground from which it came eventually, no need for us to hurry it'sss trip. if we run acrosss his people we may do more harm then good depending on how we go about the burying. that and it is getting later, we stand the most chance of finding cover for the night if we go now. wasted effort does not help us in this case. says briarscale as he moves to leave the clearing, for now as we only have one pack, i sssay that the supplies get sstored in that, and alistair could handle carrying them, that way the rest of us will be ready incassse we are ambushed along the way.

2011-06-08, 05:54 PM
Alistair frowned. "I supppose we could leave the body," he said slowly. "Perhaps given the circumstances, we should press on before dark ..."

It was difficult to tell if Alistair was more disappointed at the prospect of leaving the body, or not having an opportunity to build a cairn. However, he seems rationale enough and not offended to any who were worried about such things.

At Briarscale's recommendation that he take the pack, Alistair shrugged. "I will carry the pack, if you wish." Glancing at the leather armor, he looked contemplative. "If the armor does not fit Sky properly, we might be able to fashion in into additional packs and pouches for everyone. I have read a bit about sewing and leatherworking ..."

2011-06-08, 05:59 PM
"A cairn shouldn't take long, and we don't seem to be in immediate danger. If we all work at it it should go by fairly easily... but perhaps you are right. We should be going to avoid increasing our chances of anything going wrong."

Isryn gives another glance around the clearing, perhaps a bit more nervously than before.

"I'd also be willing to take a shift with the pack. I'm not carrying anything else, obviously."

2011-06-09, 01:54 AM
"I'd prefer burying him, but in this case I guess we could make an exception, just giving him a blessing" Sky said while looking at the dead man with profound thoughts.

Death is everywhere, all around us, and eventually on us. There's no way to escape it, only to prolong it. I wish it was possible for them to have prolonged it...

Waking up from his thought Sky said:
"I suggest we move into the woods. Being out here in the open would have te same effect as carrying a 100ft high sign saying: We're here!!
As for camping, we have to be doing it soon. We have to build a provisory shelter, a campfire and maybe go searching for some food. Besides, the forest has enough wood for everything, and this clearing has... nothing..."
Sky said, making an inviting gesture towards the woods.

Sky still doesn't trust these people completely, although he's taken a liking to Alistair, he still doesn't fully trust the hissing lizard and the lying energy-ball-firing person. I guess it takes time.

2011-06-09, 11:20 AM
sshhall we be going then? there sseems little we can do here now. mentions briarscale coming back to the center of the clearing we can find more food along the way, as for ssshelter i doubt we will have to find any, sssleeping outside should be more then ssuitable for our need tonight. motioning for all the group to gather he finished by saying which way sshould we go isss what we need to decide. do we go in the direction the crazy man came from, or ssome random direction?

*note taking a 10 on his survival check briarscale can supply food for the whole group while moving at a normal pace (30 ft move speed, due to half of his 60 foot move speed shapeshifted), same with the protection from sever elements fort bonus. he also should be able to tell the weather for the upcoming 24 hours with this take 10 check, *

2011-06-09, 11:36 AM
"I'd prefer to avoid what I'd presume to be an insane barbarian village for the time being. As long as we've at least one-" Isryn gives the boy a dubious look "-competent survivalist, I think we'd do better heading towards... somewhere else. Unless we think we could sneak around whichever village he came from until we get a better fix on our location..."

2011-06-09, 11:41 AM
I can keep us fed, and ssupply some protection from ssever weather we just need to figure out where to go now. pointing at the dead man as for his people I'm torn on finding them, it could be a functioning group, that being said I unfortunately did kill one of them.

2011-06-09, 11:49 AM
"You've got a point there, but a functioning group hardly means civilization. Personally, I'd like to go South. These barbarians and trees and stuff are from the North, right? Anyway, the worst we could do by traveling any direction would be to get out of this forest, and seeing where we are going certainly isn't a bad thing."

2011-06-09, 01:19 PM
When you figured out north, you realized the barbarian came from the south.

2011-06-09, 02:19 PM
"I'm sorry Isryn, but I think heading for the direction the man came from is the best option."
"Firstly, a village means people, and a place, meaning we can pinpoint our location and maybe we're able to gather more info on what happened to us."

"Secondly, forests can be HUGE, and I don't know about you, but I don't like wandering around in a forest I don't know, with maybe even monstrosities-" for a brief moment his eyes flickered towards brairscale
"that are eager to devour us. A village would be the safest option."

"Thirdly, we don't really have any items that are of real help, a village has tools and such to help us fulfill our necessities, and although I can make some things, I don't have all the materials, nor do I have that much time to make them. Besides, the chances that we really encounter a village are really small, so you can almost be assured we won't find one at all." Sky said.

Reasoning was never a problem for him. If it had to do with logic, Sky would be the person wanting to figure it out. That's why he liked animals, they were predictable, safe, and most of all: They didn't try to seek a meaning behind every little word you said.

"Oh, and by the way, North's there" He said while pointing in the opposite direction

2011-06-09, 02:29 PM
"Yes, I realized that just moments after I spoke. I'm really fine with whichever direction except the one which has people trying to attack us."

"However, I would really rather avoid any villages as it is now. You're practically wearing the dead man's clothing, doesn't that make you a bit worried about how any people will react? We could survive out here for a long time as long as none of these monstrosities of yours appear, so I'd just rather not take any unnecessary risks. So far we have had much more trouble from these villagers than wandering monsters, anyway. At least one person from that village obsessively wanted to kill us, and we can't assume that he was the one exception to the rule."

"Besides, they could even be part of the reason we are stranded here..."

Isryn leaves his last statement hanging in the air as he turns away to look at the body.

Why ARE we stranded here? Ye Gods...

2011-06-09, 02:38 PM
Sky sighed, tired of so much discussion"Ok, whatever. Let's go west then ok? I like west."

2011-06-09, 03:13 PM
wesst iss fine with me hisses briarscale as he noticed sky keeps glancing at him. "as for the woods, theresss nothing wrong with them, and theres plenty of food if you know where to look having said that he looks right at sky grins with his sharp teeth and winks at him. do i have sssomething in my teeth?

2011-06-09, 03:20 PM
No, I don't think so, but I'd check for pieces of man-bone if I were you, it doesn't seem that healthy to me Sky answered with a wide grin on his face, while making the sarcasm clearly audible.

2011-06-09, 03:22 PM
Alistair had spent more than a few moments studying the trees - walking over to one and touching the bark, lifting up a leaf, sniffing it, nodding absently as he pondered.

Returning to the others, he caught the tale end of the discussion about which direction to go. He raised his hand for a moment, then spoke. Isryn, I do not think your arguement is defensible, due to a number of assumptions you have made. We do not know that any village the barbarian came from will necessarily share the same opinions. We do not know why he attacked. We do not even know that he came from a village.

Looking around, he shook his head. "Those marks on the ground clearly indicate that sorcery was involved with our arrival, but more than that I cannot deduce. I do not know where we are, and get the distinct impression that none of you know either. What we do know is that at least four people with no previous links and from distinctly different areas have been brought to a strange location, for some as yet unknown reason."

"I think it is clear that we need to find more answers - where we are at, what happened, why are we here? But in order to garner that information, I think it requires sources ... books, people, or any other evidence. For that reason alone, I think we should look in the direction that gives us the best chance for finding answers."

Pausing for a moment, he looked from the trees back to the other. "Have any of you given thought to climbing a tree to get a lay of the land?"

2011-06-09, 03:22 PM
ahh, you've sssome experience in that category do you? il have to reassess my thoughts on you briarscale chuckles to himself. sshhhall we be off then? he says as he moves to go west, preparing mentally to again shift his form.

2011-06-09, 03:40 PM
"Perhaps I've made some assumptions, however, the alternative seems unreasonably... idealistic? This man attacked a group of apparently defenseless, partially unconscious strangers and refused to listen when we tried diplomacy. Any village consisting of multiple people such as that would be one I would rather avoid. Besides, considering what supplies he was carrying he might have been extremely far away, or, as you suggested, some type of hermit or violent recluse. I'd just rather avoid potential trouble. After all, some assumptions or guesses are necessary just to survive. The world is a rather dangerous place."

Isryn glances back and forth between the druid and the scholar for a few moments.

"I'd hate to have us separate into groups... I'm sure our chances would be better together."

2011-06-09, 03:55 PM
"Ok, we need to make a choice. I'm going South, and I think I'm right if I say that Alistair and my scaled friend here are going to join me. Of course only after I took a look at the surroundings"
Sky said while moving to the biggest tree he could find up close.

"Lets try this one" Sky looked a little clumsy while he tried to work his way to the top. On the first branch though, it snapped underneath him, at wich he fell down, producing a loud smack with the "gentle touch" of the ground.
RRRRWAAAAA He yelled, not from pain, but more from surprise. Soon recovering himself, he closed his jaw, silencing his voice, slightly embarassed by the sound he's just made.

Climb check: [roll0]

And if I made it, of course a spot check

Spot check: [roll1]

2011-06-09, 03:58 PM
forgive me i missed your wise commentss ohh one of the bookss. i've no quarell with going to the south, though due to shhaall we sssay misconseptions on my race, i will probably stay in the shape of an animal and be someones pet for most the time if we find this manss village. with that he shape shifts into his predator form taking the shape of a non scaled greyish black wolf. and moves to follow the group where it goes.

2011-06-09, 03:59 PM
Sky searches out one of the tallest trees near the clearing. Bravely he stares at the top and the look it might present from there. He notices on of the lower branches should be a good start. He pulls himself up ... only to shoot through and over it. He crashes to the ground. Fortunatly you weren't that high up yet.

2011-06-09, 04:06 PM
Isryn nods, although a somewhat annoyed expression crosses his face.

"I'm glad to see that you have suddenly made such good friends with Briarscale, Sky. As for the direction we travel, I apparently have no choice but to submit. However... if and when we arrive at the village, I hope you don't expect me to stand and deliver with the rest of you when something goes wrong."

Pulling his face into a somewhat more resigned and determined expression, Isryn gives the clearing one more look, grabs the pack, and prepares to leave.

"I guess I've got nothing better to do than carry the pack for the time being, eh?"

As Sky comes crashing back down into the clearing, he gives a mocking smile, but after a moment it fades, replaced by something resembling concern.

"You all right?"

2011-06-09, 04:13 PM
shifting back momentarily briarscale turns to isryn and mentions for everyone's hearing for now ssouth is as good as any, if there be trouble we deal with it as it comes, remember I'm the one who tore out that poor ssouls throat. I'll be the one they have problemssss with most likley having gotten closer he then whispers to Isryn that being said I'm gonna stick near you if we do somehow find a village, I feel our book loving pal may just be a little naive of the real world. and you seem capable of handling your self and then shifts back to the wolf form

2011-06-09, 04:22 PM
Sky, too overwhelmed by the fact that he fell down from the tree That's strange, I've never fallen that easily from a tree... I suppose it's because this is not my forest, yeah , didn't even notice the tone of concern in Isryn's voice.

"Yes, lets go." He said, while arduously raising up to his feet. Trying to look normal, he smiled and said
"If it bothers you too much I can carry it for you, so that if you decide to leave us at the village, we still have our food"

Bluff check (DC12): (for trying too look unhurt and say all those things while keeping a smile(BTW he's not hurt, I just like RP'ing that :smallbiggrin:))

Bluff check: [roll0]

2011-06-09, 04:35 PM
"Yeah, South is just fine, really. I'm still a bit worried about any people we might come across after a greeting like that, but that's how it goes, isn't it?"

Isryn gives Briarscale one final nod before addressing Sky.

"And don't worry, I'm not going to run off with the supplies. I'd only wished to save another's back. I'd be more than glad to let someone else carry it if you're worried that I'd sneak away or take all the string for myself."

2011-06-09, 04:50 PM
You head south following the trail the barbarian came from, after several hours of walking you find a campsite. A dug out hole under a big tree root is filled with fresh grasses. In front of it is a small campfire, unlit and with cold coals. A pile of animal bones lays nearby.

You hear streaming water nearby and discover it's a small creek. It has nearby dried up and the water tries to find it's way along the pebbles in the center of it.

After a full day of travel, the landscape hasn't changed much. Trees and more trees with the occasional open space. (the barbarians camp is not in an open space)

2011-06-09, 05:14 PM
briarscale will sift through the animal bones, see if anything is useful (sharp pointy bones for steaks/ nail type things, or a solid thick one for a hammer)

2011-06-09, 05:38 PM
The bones are all from small snared animals, so rabbits and such.

2011-06-09, 05:39 PM
Isryn rinses off his face in the stream and goes to sit up against the tree, speaking in a distracted tone of voice.

"Well, it looks like this is where he came from- or at least where he's been staying for the last few days. Perhaps we should follow the stream instead of continuing south from here on?"

As he speaks he holds his hand in front of his face, apparently concentrating. Occasionally a spark of dark energy floats up from apparently nowhere to dance erratically around his palm before dissipating into the air.

Residual power? No, the contract would have expired a few hours ago, while we were walking through the forest. Why was it still...?

2011-06-09, 06:11 PM
i'd recomend following the creek up river, if we go down ssstream it may dry up compleatly, up sstream it has to keep flowing, and theres no senssse in leaving perfectly good water.

also any sort of settlement would likely be found along a stream/ water sssource. looking around the camp and the stream briarscale notices the pebbles in the stream bed. we may want to take a few stonesss as well, at the leasst it would give our bookworm ssomething to defend himself with from a distance, if he throws it hard enough, it's not a proper ssling bullet by far, but if we fashion ssomething like it eventually it could come in handy.

thats assuming that pebbles could count as something like a skip rock/ thrown weapon.

2011-06-09, 08:11 PM
Alistair had listened to the warlock's response, holding his hands up to make peace. "I agree that any assumptions we make are, at their heart, flawed without any additional information. We are assuming there is a village, and as we both have said, he could be a lone wolf of sorts. Regardless, I am not trying to be divisive - I just wish to find out more about our situation. I do not know how to read tea leaves, I know little of throwing bones, and cannot speak with the animals or the trees here. I am a simple cleric, who relies on knowledge to make informed decisions."

With that said, I agree that we should stay together ... and it seems the consensus is south. Please say you will continue with us?"

The warlock seemed to acquiesce, to which Alistair smiled broadly and attempted to clap him on the shoulder gently. (OOC - Didn't know if you would react badly to someone 'touching' you, so I say attempted here just in case you move :smallbiggrin: )

As Alistair and Isryn had talked, Sky attempted to climb a tree as suggested ... unfortunately he was less than successful and fell loudly, landing with a thud and cry of surprise and anger. Alistair moved to the boy's side. "Are you alright? I apologize ... we should have stood at the ready to support you. Hopefully you didn't hurt anything, did you?"

Sky seemed more embarrassed than hurt, so Alistair let it go and continued to travel with the others. Periodically, he would look for things that he could eat as they walked, hoping to hold a bit of his weight as they traveled. It was easy to see that the others might see him more as a burden than a help, so marching without complaint seemed prudent ... even though his feet hurt and his back ached at the unfamiliar exercise he was getting.

Unless otherwise indicated, Alistair will try to aid our resident hunter (i.e., add +2 to Survival checks); if there are two, I recommend we split up support, or support the best one.
Aid check to Survival (DC10):[roll0]
Edit: Dang, should have just done the survival myself!

Luckily, he was healthy enough, if unused to the rigors of cross-country travel, and was able to press through without complaint. Which was not to say he was quiet, because he would periodically spout off an exclamation.

"Look! It is an olive-treed warbler! Notice the similar size to a barred warbler, but with a slightly longer bill and shorter tail. You can tell it apart from others of its genus due to its large size and distinctive song, with is lower in pitch and slower in delivery than other warblers."

Or ...

"What's interesting here is that this time of deciduous forest biome develops in response to rainfall patterns, vice seasonal variations in temperature. Thus, the dropping of the leaves can occur at any time of the year, and varies based on the availability of moisture. High water tables and other water sources can create a patchwork of leafy and leafless trees within a given region. Fascinating!"

Or even ...

"So Briarscale, is my understanding that your species is tied to dragons. Do you have any insight into how your particular evolutionary branch originally was generated? Was it natural selection, or as in the case of many dragon-kin species, was it related to some sorcerous intervention?"

Eventually, the group found the barbarian's camp, which seemed to reinforce the concept of a lone hermit. Nodding almost to himself, Alistair helped the others search the area, taking note of the bones that Briarscale sifted through. "If I may, Briarscale, let us keep those bones. I may be able to fashion a rudimentary needle of sorts, which could be useful later on if we continue to not find a village or town."

Will help whoever decides to Search the site
Aid check to Search (DC10):[roll1]
Edit: Dang, so much for that ... "Do you see anything?" "Besides your hand in my face? No."

Sighing he looked at the others. "Speaking of which, I find it interesting that the man who attacked us was a full day away from this site. Perhaps we can determine how long he was here, and if something drove him to leave, or if he just decided to move on for other reasons."

As the lizard and warlock discussed the value of following the stream, Alistair nodded in agreement. "I think that is a great idea. Perhaps the stream will lead to higher ground, giving us a better lay of the land." Yawning, Alistair streched for a moment, then looked at the others. "Of course, it's been a long day. Should we set up camp here, after those suited to look for threats do so first? Or are we going to move further along? Either way, I think we should set some sort of watch - I have read that water draws animals, and we don't want another encounter with a crazed hermit again!"

2011-06-09, 09:14 PM
"It's still quite early, you know. However, I'm not used to walking this much, so I'd love a break. Actually, the longer the better. Still, I'd like to go a bit further before we set up camp for the night. Get back to familiar lands as quickly as possible, and all that."

Isryn continues to focus on conjuring magical sparks from nowhere for a few more seconds before reluctantly standing and taking a look around the camp along with the others.

Search: [roll0]

2011-06-10, 12:54 AM
Sky walked the whole day along with the group, occasionally laughing at the comments Alistair made. He was a funny guy, admiring every aspect of the forest, and noting things that Sky mostly knew already from experience, although, he had to say he also was interested about the origin of the lizards species.

While walking he noticed that the two supposedly "magic" ones, weren't suited for walking distances, so he tried to make small talk, distracting them from the fatigue that the walk caused upon them: "Say Alistair, did you know that the berries on that bush are poisonous to any species, except the snow-owl. Now the funny thing is: Nowhere where this berry grows are snow-owls to be found":smalltongue:
"Did you know that the white-furred species of that squirrel over there"pointing at a squirell sitting still on a branch of a tree "is the only one that uses underground tunnels to travel long distances?"

And to Isryn:
I'd like to some day maybe be able to learn how you do those magic tricks, it seems like fun, and useful :smallbiggrin:
And mostly other talk, bound to his magics, cause, you know, Sky didn't really know anything about Isryn really...

Arriving at the campsite, Sky decided to help search it for useful stuff

Help Search: [roll0]

And hearing the opinions of others he mentioned:
"We do know where we are coming from, and we do know where north and south is. I don't think that it's a good idea to follow the stream, as we could easily lose our sense of direction. Lets just keep going south.

As for camping, lets do it here, f I'm correct I see two people that are not used to travelling by foot, and we can't let them continue like this. I know" He said before any of them could reply
"you don't want to be a burden, or just want to keep moving on, but such stamina builds over time and I don't want you two to be all tired tomorrow.

2011-06-10, 10:47 AM
Alistair appreciated the reciprocity of information the young man had. For one of so few summers, he seemed used to living in a world of adults, and appeared knowledgeable about the forest in ways that you simply don't find in books.

During the discussions of where to travel to next, Alistair shrugged at Isryn's recommendation to continue on further, while waving away Sky's concerns. "If it is the will of the group to move onward, I am all for it. However, I am not well-versed in travelling at dusk, or at night. Prudance might suggest setting up a camp while we can all see and gather the things necessary."

"Sky, I am uncertain that I agree with your logic for directional choices. As cardinal directions go, I believe south was only chosen because of the hope of finding this man's settlement. We are now in a situation where there is no immediate settlement, but we have found a body of water - such things historically have drawn the establishment of villages, towns and the like. While this one is small, I would think it in our best interest to stay nearer to fresh water than leave it behind because we are concerned about finding north and south again."

"I, of course am a simple scholar, with little practical experience in these things. We would be fools not to consider the opinions of those more knowledgeable in these matters."

2011-06-10, 11:00 AM
when questioned about his races past, along the trip briarscale became somewhat distance, as if he didn't want to talk about it (though in his predator form he can't talk anyway so:smallbiggrin:) however, upon the mention of being related to dragons a dark look crosses his face for an instant, and then is gone again as he wanders of to gather more food/water on the hike.

this time on follow that creek
in my time in the wild, I I've come to learn that rivers are a blessssing when you find them, we ssshould not over look thisss gift nature has given us. as for camping for the night, I agree i feel it would be smart, we can ssstart again in the morning. I don't know about you, but i can't see in the dark having said his piece briarscale continues to look around the camp, while at the same time watching the sky to try and glimps any sign of what tomorrow may bring

search [roll0]
survival to predict weather for next day, dc 15 (1 additional day for every 5 beat the check by) [roll1]

2011-06-10, 12:05 PM
Isryn mostly stayed silent, deep in thought, but he appreciated Sky's sentiment and responded with a few jokes and comments, even if of only token importance.

Isryn shrugs, casually dismissive of the situation at hand.
"If we'd all rather camp for a while that's perfectly all right with me. Nothing too important seems to be happening now, so I'm just going to duck off into the forest for a moment if you don't mind..." He conspicuously removes the pack with a wink at Sky, drops it in the middle of the camp, and heads off in a vaguely north-ish direction.

Forest Time
Isryn goes about 50 feet before glancing around and listening intently to his surroundings, making sure that no-one is nearby.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Assuming no-one is following:
Isryn gives a deep sigh and sinks to his knees. He holds the position for a few seconds, staring at the ground in front of him and reviewing his thoughts. A feeling of despair seemed to overtake him, and he dropped to the ground on his side. Tears glistened in his half-closed eyes as he blankly stared at the ground in front of him.

After a few minutes, he rose, a new determination apparent throughout his entire frame. Standing, he wiped his eyes with the back of one ragged sleeve and then dusted off his clothing to remove the leaves. He glanced around the clearing once more, as if daring the trees to reproach him for his thoughts and then, sighing again as if to dispel the aura of despair which had gathered around him, makes his slow and thoughtful return to the camp.

2011-06-10, 01:50 PM
"I must say that I don't agree with your choice of moving along the stream, but in company you have to give and take, and in this case I think I'll have to give, so lets follow the stream" Sky said

"I still do think we have to camp here" and so he began searching for small woodpieces to make a campfire with, collecting soft leaves and branches, making a provisory bed, and one extra "If someone else wants one I can teach you how to make it, however I will not search for anymore leaves or branches"

Seeing how Isryn moved away from the campsite, and seeing how the sun began to set, the sky becoming red he thought of going to pray himself (thinking that's what Isryn went to do).
"I'm off to pray to my god, if someone wants to accompany me, you're welcome, just don't expect too much attention coming from me. Besides, I don't really know if anyone except me has the urge to do that." Sky said, directing his words a little more towards Alistair than Briarscale.

Then he walked off the campsite for, like, 2-3 minutes west.
He sought for a big, strong looking tree, drawed a spell-like circle around it (and if anyone followed, he told them to not enter it) and began praying silently to the tree, and his God.

"Please god, let my choice be the wise one. Lead me to the place necessary to discover the truth about my family's dissappearance, and let me be a channel for your voice, and the one of nature. Forgive me for my faults, and help me repeat my virtues."

2011-06-10, 02:24 PM
You find a dead tree, partially cut up, not far from the camp. This must have been the source of wood for his fire.

DC 15 spot check
You see a piece of cloth sticking from the sand. It turns out to be a sack with another 7 pieces of food.

The stream (creek size) runs from NW to SE.

Looking at the sky it looks peaceful and you expect good travelling weather for the next two days.

2011-06-10, 02:24 PM
Isryn returns after about ten minutes, some new resolve now apparent in his eyes. He goes about trying to assist Sky with the sleeping arrangements, but soon wanders off simply looking about the camp.

2011-06-10, 02:28 PM
Once it seemed agreed that they would make camp and follow the stream in the morning, Alistair set about searching for whatever items the others recommended. The environment seemed subtropical, which meant that the temperatures would be moderate for the most part. However, night can bring a drop in temperature in the most tropical of locations, so it was best to be prepared.

OOC - making the assumption that we are not staying right where the other barbarian was. If we are, then the amount of stuff we gather might vary ...

Isryn dropped his back and departed into the woods, murmering something about being right back. Shrugging to himself, Alistair assumed the man had to use the restroom. "Be careful," was the only comment he offered.

After Isryn left, Alistair took time to search for a large number of leaves and would bring them back for whoever needed them (specifically avoiding the direction Isyrn went in). Following what the others seemed to be demonstrating, he attempted to fashion an area for sleeping. Looking at some of the twigs that were around, he frowned slightly. "Are we going to set up a camp fire, or no? There are pros and cons for both, but hopefully the weather will cooperate and remain comfortable enough to do without the heat of an open flame."

Once the 'beds' were functional, Sky stood and indicated he was going to go pray. While the scholar had questions, he let the boy depart to have a moment with his diety. As the cleric and the druid sat for a moment, Alistair turned to Briarscale. "I hope my questions earlier didn't upset you. I noticed your reaction when I suggested there was a connection between the dragons and your species ... if I have offended you, I apologize and hope you will forgive me. I had know idea it was a sensitive subject."

2011-06-10, 03:50 PM
surprised by the apology for merely asking a question Briar scale decides to tell the bookish one his reasons for avoiding the question earlier while sky is not around to judge in a non academical manor
long winded tale reader be warned
curse the dragons. they've naught caussed my people problems from the day they meddled in our creation. I try to avoid thiss disscusion for it cassts my people in a poor light. itss said by our elderss that we oncess looked much like you humans, we lived one with nature, embracing that which it provided. The abilities you've sseen me use to transform are relics of those past dayss, however they were approched by a green dragon matriarch, whoss name hass been forgoten over the agess, who offered our people a choice to forsake nature, for the power of dragonsss, or to face the wrath of her horde for she had wanted our valley for herself, and wished all to be crafted in her image in that vally. while mossst of our people turn from her offer, knowing that nature would provide what we needed to turn back any such hosstility. ssseveral young oness felt they could gain more power quickly, then through living yearsss in harmony with nature. the dragon gave them several vials, which they were bidden to disperse throughout the villeges food and water. having done this they stood back and watched, as my people ate and drank over the next monthss changes began appearing firsst was the sslow weakening that was felt with our natural abilities. next came the more physssical changess you can see on me. at this point we knew we had been betrayed, though that wassnt the worst part. the last change that came over our people was a mental one, they forgot of natures power, and were twisssted in mind to serve the dragon. thisss fate befell many tribess in the area, we became the poision dusk tribe, to forever remember the poisoning that led to the end of our previous existence. for many yearsss we did the bidding of that dragon, desspicible thingss which the young one in our group refrencess we are now known for from that time. However one day the dragon turned on us. having found a new tribe the blackscalessss to use as her followersss we were no longer needed. She sssought to wipe us from existence, in those dark moments was when sseveral among my people found themselves remembering the passst ways, and trying to reach out to natures power again to defend them ssselves. However the affronts we had done, had tainted nature's power, or meybe it was the changes in us that now mad it a more savege force then was remebered. Either way they esscaped the dragon's manipulation and we are again trying to reach harmony with nature again. troublessome though is the taint in the natural powers we have now in my other form i can feel it ssome timess, it becomess difficult to control to ssay the leasst and i find myself not sso diffrent from a wild beasst. That is the story of my people, betrayed by our own, forsssaken by our curssed creator, and losst to us our true abilitiess of old. there is the story of my people. sslightly diffrent from the book verssions no?

having finished his tale briarscale looks around to find a place to sleep, lays down and hums a bit. it should be a nice day tommorow if i can tell correctly, and a good day following that as well.

last thing he will do for the evening is use create water to fill the one canteen they have right now with a gallon of water, any extra he will create in a way the any one around when he does so can cup their hand and get a hand full of water to drink, the rest will just be wasted i guess.

2011-06-10, 04:32 PM
Alistair listened intently, absorbing the story like a sponge does water.

"There is the story of my people. Sslightly diffrent from the book verssions no?"

Alistair nodded, his mind still caught up in the imagery the dusk lizard's words had evoked. He leaned forward and patted Briarscale on the shoulder lightly. "I would be a poor scholar if I took ever historical account written at face value - especially those written by my own race. Yours would not be the first tale that differed from what our books detail ... there are many examples of similar differences in human history. Unfortunately, few of the real stories are as flattering, or as vindicating as your own tale. Thank you for your words - I shall look upon your people with a different eye ... hopefully one that is as unjaundiced as I have tried to keep with you."

As the others returned, and everyone made ready for bed, Alistair asked the question many had probably already considered. "What shall we do for watches? I volunteer to take the last shift. I require a longer period of rest to restore my granted gifts, as well as enjoy saying my prayers to my Lady in the early morning hours. Does anyone else need uninterrupted sleep? And is there a preference between three and four hour shifts?"

2011-06-10, 04:53 PM
"I'll take any shift. I've never placed any particular emphasis on sleeping the entire night before, why should I now?"

Isryn gives his makeshift bed a dubious look before lying down.

"Hmm. Not so bad after all!"

2011-06-10, 05:00 PM
After his prayers, Sky returned to the campsite, only to find a strange mood was now present there. He could hear Briarscale slowly humming a song he hadn't heard before, and Alistair in a state that resembled something like hypnosis. For a moment he felt like he wasn't needed, wasn't wanted anymore. Isryn was nowhere to be found.

Thinking this wasn't a great time, Sky decided not to ask and instead began slowly building the fire, not yet igniting it. As the humming continued he silently sat down against a tree, and just gazed into the nothingness, leaving the other two to be. The thoughts of his past and present flashed past him, in no distinguishable order, with no particular meaning. The only thing that remained could be identified in one word: "Loneliness".

At that moment, Isryn appeared, piercing through the state of mind he had created himself. Alistair seemed to think so too, saying:
"What shall we do for watches? I volunteer to take the last shift. I require a longer period of rest to restore my granted gifts, as well as enjoy saying my prayers to my Lady in the early morning hours. Does anyone else need uninterrupted sleep? And is there a preference between three and four hour shifts?"

Sky had not yet thought about that, but decided he wanted to see the new morning arrive. To be able to see he had survived one more day, and so gotten closer to the truth.
"I think I'll take the third three hour watch" ...
"I'd like to see the sun rise"
He said with a monotone yet dubious tone.

2011-06-10, 05:13 PM
As the night settles in, a silent calm comes over the camp. The stream nearby and the fire (if lighted) combine to make a soothing melody of natural sounds to accompany the finely made beds. After such a harsh day, the night turns out to be opposite and it's a quiet, peaceful night without any events of interest.

The dawn comes and shines it's warming beam through the canopy.

2011-06-10, 08:52 PM
As everyone settled down, Alistair used his last spell to heal the last of Isryn's wounds. He would advise everyone to get their fill of water from the one flask they had, then took turns refilling the flask with his and Briarscale's spells. Seeing nothing else to be done, Alistair moved over to his leaf-bed. He had found that sleep came quickly, leaving little time to think on his current circumstances, strange as they were.

When the quick nudge and quiet calling of his name came, he felt refreshed and ready to face the day. He nodded to Sky, then rose and stretched for a moment before he moved forward to find a rock to sit upon. When the first sunbeams struck, he bowed his head and began to pray for guidance and strength to face the new day.

Spells memorized:
0 - Amanuensis, Create Water, Detect Magic
1 - Omen of Peril, Summon Monster I
D - Longstrider

Once the sun was further up, Alistair woke the others and moved to a spot downstream. "I shall return ... I just wish to clean a bit of the trail off my body."

Once he found a good spot, he stripped down and washed himself the best he could, putting his tattered cloths back on -he figured they would dry as they walked.

"I am unable to receive guidance from my goddess yet, but I do know magics that could determine what the fates have in store for a short span of time in the future. The one problem is that I do not have the prerequisite items of focus to cast the spell. Perhaps as we travel and gather items, we will find enough items of worth to attempt the spell. Or better yet, we may find a village and find the spell to be moot."

"Regardless, shall we depart to see what the day's travel brings us?"

Survival Check: [roll0]

2011-06-11, 12:16 AM
"Mmm-huh" Sky mumbled still sleepy in approval
"tell me what you need, and I'll be on the lookout for it"

Sky used whatever water he could from the stream to wash himself with, and to wash the barbarian's leather armor and sword with, and returned to camp, ready for the leave.

2011-06-11, 12:30 AM
Isryn looks around at his companions for a few moments before simply placing his arm over his face and trying to fall back asleep. It isn't until the others have finished with their preparations to go that he finally stirs, stretches in a movement vaguely reminiscent of a cat, and, still yawning, makes his way over to the others.

He begins leaning against a tree at his earliest convenience with half-closed eyes.

"Morning, all. You get up so early..."

2011-06-11, 05:19 AM
Alistair smiled at Sky's offer to help. "The items required to ask for assistance are almost shamanistic in nature ... marked items of value, whether bones or rocks or what have you. It will require time to carve them out ... unless we are fortunate to find a set somewhere!"

When Isryn finally roused to wakefulness, Alistair smirked at his comment. "'Early to bed, early to rise' as they say. Until we start lighting torches or using magic, we'll need to make the most of the daylight hours."

2011-06-11, 06:38 AM
"Mornin' sleepy head. Ready to go?" Sky said as a smile flashed past his face, seeing the cat-like stretching movement Isryn made.
"Care for some breakfast? We still have some nuts and stuff if you want."

He equipped himself with the armor and carried the blade as he had been doing the whole day yesterday.
"Lets find us some nice little town" he said, taking the first step following the stream. "Come on now, we don't want to be late for dinner
The sun was up, the birds sang, the trees wavered with each melody Sky whistled. It was bound to be a beautiful day.

2011-06-11, 12:03 PM
rousing himself from sleep briarscale looks before meditating for several minutes
spells for day:
2x create water, 1x purify food/water
1x cure light wounds, 1x entangle
near the end of his meditation his long shifting shadowy cloak again forms around him.

standing when finished he turns to the others. wass it not a beautiful night. are planss to follow the river remain unchanged yes? If so, with the closeness of water, ad the finding of a decent amount of food i'm not going to be looking for food today i think, nexxst couple of days im going to find one of the essentialsss of my casting ability while we are in such a gorgeouss foressst as thiss. If any of you spot any holly sshout for me. Sssky you seem versued in surviving in the wild as well, I'm counting on you to ssupply some extra food for our suppliesss while im looking.

survival check for finding holly [roll0]

2011-06-11, 12:34 PM
"I'll look as well. Don't expect anything too great, though..."

As they begin to walk, Isryn does his best to find anything edible along the way, although in the end he hardly manages to collect even enough to feed himself.
Survival vs DC 10, every +2 feeds one additional person: [roll0]
He seems a bit more talkative today, making idle chatter in an attempt to keep himself and, hopefully, the others entertained.

2011-06-11, 01:53 PM
"Sure, I can do that" Sky said in response to briar's question
"Though I'll need you guys to take the tempo down, I can't walk and search all at the same time, and help is always welcome"

Survival check: [roll0]
dear god, unlucky rolls...

2011-06-11, 06:40 PM
After the good night sleep, trekking is easy. And with the stream as a guide your path meanders through the forest. After half a day you find a small pool after which the stream continues. The bank of the pool is riddled with tracks.

2011-06-11, 06:44 PM
interessting, there sseems to have been ssomeone or ssomething here recently says briarscale as he crouches to try and identify the tracks

[roll0] survival to identify tracks
or [roll1] knowledge nature

2011-06-11, 07:04 PM
Sky uses the water to refresh himself with, washing his hair and drinking from it, cautions as to not remove the tracks.
"I'm positive I'm able to follow those tracks. They don' seem to be too difficult. Sky said, while already looking which way the tracks went.

Survival check: [roll0]
Ow dear god, come on! A natural 1, really?

"That is, if you know whose those are, and if we want to encounter them.

2011-06-11, 08:40 PM
Isryn stands clear after taking a drink and splashing some water on his face. Best to let the professionals do their job without his interference.

"Do you think that it's people? Nomads?"

The trackers gave no initial opinion on his suggestion, so he begins a quick circut of the area surrounding the pool, having somehow come up with the idea as he walked that a walking stick would be a nice addition to his severely lacking item collection.

Search to find a walking stick [roll0]
Search to find anything else interesting(Isryn gets distracted easily) [roll1]

2011-06-11, 11:01 PM
Alistair followed the others, curious about the floura and fauna they came across during the trek. He would help when asked, and look for the holly as they moved through the forest, knowing that such a task was probably difficult at best.

At the pool, he also took an interest in the signs of others, although it remained to be seen if they were humanoid or animal in nature. He watched as the others studied them, waiting patiently for Sky to point the way.

Survival Check to follow tracks, if they're DC10: [roll0]Otherwise, should serve to search for holly and such.

As he waited, Alistair spotted a couple of pieces of wood that would serve him well - one was the size of a staff, and the other was large enough to eventually carve a holy symbol from. Smiling, he waited with the others.

OOC - Show, last I heard, in this forest we didn't need to make a check to get a club or quarterstaff ...

2011-06-12, 05:13 PM
There is a wide variety of tracks. Many are from small mammals and birds, but you also find plenty of deer tracks.

Apart from those there are also some tracks that stand out. There is a pair of rooster like prints, 4 sets of wolf prints, and 2 sets of boar prints.
You're confident about following the wolf and boar prints. The rooster prints might be more difficult.

Ysrin also finds a stone shaped like a heart.

2011-06-12, 07:14 PM
Isryn makes his way back to the pool as the others finish their attempts at tracking. He drops a heart-shaped rock into an almost-worn through pocket in his ragged clothing as he walks.

"Well, those woods are a lot less interesting than I thought they would be. Find out anything interesting? We're going to be attacked by wolves, perhaps?"

He raises an eyebrow inquisitively, although not very hopeful about the results.

2011-06-12, 08:50 PM
turning as isryn askes his question, Briarscale grins and replies your sskils surprise me, I wass unaware that you were a follower of natures shapesss as well. yes there are sseveral wolvess in the area, at leasst four as well as possibly two boarss and a roster. thosse are the oness that sstand out to me. otherwise theres the average deer, and other crittersss of a foresst. If i had to guesss i would bet that thiss is their central watering hole of the area. If we sstay here i feel were bound to run into wildlife eventually. as he says this he moves to the water hole himself to bath off a little of the dirt and dried blood from the past days

2011-06-12, 09:11 PM
"What?! Are they nearby? Is this really a time to be eating? Umm... they're not really going to attack us, are they?"

Isryn, having asked the original question as a joke, immediately turns serious, almost to the point of panicking. He glances around nervously at Alistair and Sky.

"I mean... shouldn't we be going? Staying out of danger and whatnot?"

2011-06-13, 01:49 AM
"Mwe, it shouldn't be much of a problem" Sky says while he shrugs.
I have no problem dealing with animals, and seeing how this is the water pool for everyone of them, there shouldn't be that much of a risk. I mean: The rooster and the boars are still alive, yes?"
Looking at Alistair and Isryn, Sky rethinks the situation.
"But I'm not really sure how you and Alistair would react in this situation. It seems a little bit too dangerous for you to come close to those animals. As for me-" He looks at brairscale, quickly making a mental picture of his skills
"and briarscale, I think we can manage"

2011-06-13, 01:54 AM
I wasss mearly saying that they likely come through here. In our current sssituation whether or not we could take them asside, I feel it may not be worth the rissk.

2011-06-13, 03:51 AM
Alistair frowned slightly as Sky spoke. The boy seemed overly confident about his abilities ... and assumed a higher level of incompetance in the others than might be worthy. Perhaps it was the way of youths everywhere ... or perhaps it was simply part of who he was. Either way, the cleric wasn't about to argue with the boy over whether he would freak out over exposure to animals or not. His concern was much more practical in nature.

"This area is only half a day's walk from where our attacker set up camp, yes? I wonder if this was where he hunted for food. Perhaps we should consider whether there are benefits to setting up a trap or two here. Given a pool where animals regularly visit, we are provided with an opportunity."

He watched Briarscale head towards the water to bathe a bit. "Not sure if that will help keep animals coming here or not ..." Alistair muttered to himself, waiting for the others to decide whether to spend any time here or continue upstream.

He did wonder at the roosters, however. He had heard of wild chickens before, but did not realize they could be found in the woods running free.

KS (Nature) check to see if it makes sense for chickens to be running around the middle of the woods: [roll0]

2011-06-13, 08:36 AM
You've never heard of normal chickens running loose in the wild. They are to easy a prey for all predators. The other thing that bothers you is the fact that it's just a single set. You would expect many chickens to be where one is.

2011-06-13, 11:26 AM
Come to think of it ... Alistair cleared his throat. glancing around at the others. "Just a moment, friends. It seems I remember reading that chickens and roosters are more domesticated animals, and when found in the wild they would normally be far from a predator-rich environment like the one we find ourselves in now."

He looked particularly to Briarscale and Sky, head cocked thoughtfully to the side. "Either we are closer to civilization than we thought and those tracks belong to a lucky stray, or the chickens do not feel threatened by any prey out here." Alistair sat for a moment, before continuing.

"Of course, if they are not threatened that begs the question why. Either they are protected by someone or something, say a 'shepherd' or farmer who's tracks we didn't see; or some spell or ward of protection, perhaps over this area ... or the tracks are not what they appear to be."


2011-06-13, 12:27 PM
Although Isryn looks visibly relieved when assured by the others that danger isn't imminent, he still remains wary, keeping his eyes on the surrounding forest.

"It doesn't make any sense for a chicken to be out here for no reason. I've never heard of anyone herding chickens, so maybe there's a road nearby, and the chicken fell off of a cart? ... or something? It's either that or it's not a chicken after all and the point is kind of null."

"Well, whatever is going on, it probably merits some kind of investigation, right?"

2011-06-13, 12:39 PM
Wow, am I really that stupid? Of course chickens don't live in the forest! Sky thought while face-palming himself.

"I say we stay here and look for what or who is causing this, OR, we follow the tracks to see where they lead. Also, waiting here gives us the chance to encounter wolves or boars. If we follow the chicken tracks though, we don't know where we'll end up, and we could get lost." Sky said after wich he immediatly recalled his mental picture of the route, as to ascertain himself he could find the way back.

"Isn't this also a good moment to pinpoint this location as a central meeting point? I mean, if something happens we could say we meet each other here, unless we know for sure the other is dead, or if we have waited here for already, let's say 5 days?" A brilliant idea, if he had to say so himself.

"By the way, aren't the chicken and the wolves tracks going the same way, because if they are, it could be one chicken far away from civilization that the wolves are chasing for food, doesn't seem that weird to me" he said, while looking if indeed the tracks of the rooster and the wolves went in the same direction.

2011-06-13, 12:45 PM
I would agree with you that this warentss invesstigation. sadly i don't know how well i could track them, Ssky how do you think you'd do at tracking them? As for the meeting place thatss an extreamly ssmart idea young one. I fully ssuport that. Briarscale states, his estimates of the kids worth out here had been going up since the first day, and did not show a sign of stopping yet.

after washing himself a bit realizing he hadn't eaten for the day yet, and that most of them hadn't either rustled through a pack and took a small portion of food out.

siiss any one elsse feel like joining me actually eating a bite today as we disscuss thiss?

2011-06-13, 01:37 PM
Alistair nodded at the question of investigating. "I think it an intriguing enough situation to justify looking into it further. As you all say, perhaps this is an indicator of a village or town nearby, or even a road, hopefully."

He listened to Sky's suggestion and started to point out that only two of the group was particularly adept at finding their way through the forest, but stopped when Briarscale complimented the lad on his idea.

Well, I suppose we will cross that bridge when we come to it ...

Aloud, he murmured an affirmative to Briarscale's offer for food. It seems he had developed quite an appetite up to this point, and better to eat now before they followed tracks off into who knows where.

While chewing on a piece of jerky, he asked another question. "Sky, Briarscale, can either of you tell how old those tracks are? And do there appear to be multiple sets of the chicken-like tracks of different ages? It might help us decide if we should wait for the creature's return instead of chasing after it ..."

2011-06-13, 02:02 PM
Isryn helps himself to a portion of the dried meat, eating it hungrily at first but slowing down after a few moments as he listens to the others' suggestions.

"I think that these chickens probably weren't being chased. They'd be caught right away, wouldn't they?" Isryn takes another bite, chewing thoughtfully. "I guess the most important question is whether we should stay here or not. I mean, we've got a lot to gain by following the tracks, but also a lot to lose..."

Still chewing, he takes the opportunity to inspect the tracks himself along with Sky.

Survival: [roll0]

2011-06-13, 05:07 PM
You take a closer look at the tracks. They are quite mesmerizing really. Such interesting tracks. .. they look like bird tracks, or perhaps and elephant wearing chicken socks. You couldn't follow these... which ones was it about again?

2011-06-13, 05:54 PM
"mwis whis weawwy twaswy." sky said. Realizing he sounded like a moron, he swallowed his food and repeated:
"This is really tasty. returning tO the matter at hand:
"hey brair, do you see where those are leading to? It seems like in this forest I'm not able to function 100%" he tried to see what his "briar" nickname would cause, or if he could just call him that.

Anyway, I agree with Isryn. Let's wait here. Or do you know how old the tracks are? he asked briarscale

2011-06-13, 06:45 PM
i've no idea how old they are, I get along well in the wild, ssooo I can track rudimentary tracks, and identify trackss but I've not had any True tracking trainingss replies briarscale, not really caring what sky called him. non of them could say my real name in druidic anyway, might as well let them call me what they will he thought to himself. coming back into the conversation he caught the end of sky's statement.
I don't sssee why we should sstay here, all that is here is a convenient location to regroup if need be. other then the water there iss little here. I feel we should keep moving. we've barely covered much ground ssince we arrived in this land, who knowss what we may find.

2011-06-13, 07:15 PM
Alistair blinked, wondering what Sky had heard versus what he had heard.

I didn't realize anyone had said whether we should stay or not ... simply that we should investigate. Ah well ... nothing important ...

Mentally shrugging it away, Alistair waited for Briarscale to finish speaking before adding his own discussion. "If we have come to the conclusion that we are unable to follow the chicken-like tracks, then I too think we should continue upstream. We can always come back to this point if necessary. I would caution against us wandering off into the woods without a plan."

He paused for a moment, hand on his chin as he mused through another thought. "Of course, an alternative idea would be to set this point as a camp for today, and searching out in ever-expanding arcs - I only suggest we consider this course of action if we are convinced some semblance of civilization lies close by. Otherwise, I still vote for continue onward and upward!"

Alistair idly considered some of the wood pieces he had picked up previously, looking for the one that most matched his goddess' symbol.

Knowledge checks to see if there are any other creatures Alistair can think of with chicken-like feet
KS (Nature): [roll0]
KS (Religion): [roll1]
KS (Arcana): [roll2]
and what the heck ...
KS (the Planes): [roll3]
KS (Dungeoneering): [roll4].

2011-06-13, 08:31 PM
"As long as we can make it back to the river, we've nothing to lose by exploring. Perhaps we should just travel as a group, and if we get lost we can just travel back to the river. As long as we do not cross it, we will be able to just travel the opposite direction in order to come back to it. For example, if we travel North we can just travel back South to return. I doubt even we could miss the river."

He pauses for a moment, still looking at the tracks.

"Does anyone else think that these tracks look strange? It might just be me, but..."

2011-06-14, 01:05 AM
"Yes?" Sky said, waiting for Isryn to finish his sentence. He hated it when people did that. Not finishing their sentences.
"I say we keep looking out for this strange phenomenon. Lets stay here, set up a trap or something, and tomorrow we'll leave again.

He turned to look at how old the prints were (also the other ones) and more important: If they were from different times, meaning the rooster kept coming back.

Survival check: (to see how old the tracks are): [roll0]

2011-06-14, 01:19 AM
having been asked to estimate the age of the track briarscale turns back to them to take a shot at it. he mumbes to himself as he does so in sylvan

open if you know sylvan
well if the weather hasss been like this.. and they were going this way, thisss close to water..

knowledge nature to get a bonus on age check with survival? [roll0]
survival check to tell how old the tracks are [roll1]
*not my best rolls either :smallamused:*

2011-06-14, 03:59 AM
No bonusses through know nature. That is already put in through synergy bonusses.

One of you is Les Stroud and the other seems to be Bear Grills. :smallsmile:

The tracks seem to be several days old with the rooster being the oldest, althrough Sky is convinced that they are older then that.

2011-06-14, 05:02 AM
Alistair was out of ideas of anything else that could have created the tracks. Shrugging, he threw in his vote with Isryn. "Perhaps Isryn has the right of it - as long as we can find the stream again, searching away from it for a half day may not be a bad thing ... especially if it means finding a road or settlement."

Given the length of time since the tracks had been here, Alistair was not convinced that the chickens (or whatever made the tracks) was necessarily coming back soon.

2011-06-14, 06:19 AM
Much too old...
Let's just see what we can find Around here, each a direction. If we find nothing, we can continue walking tomorrow. These tracks are much too old.

2011-06-14, 02:41 PM
we losse nothing by following the trackss, i ssay we spend the resst of the afternoon sseeing if they lead uss to anything. If not we come back here and follow the river futher. any opinions, or objectionss? says briarscale suddenly having come thought of the idea.

2011-06-14, 03:09 PM
Isryn opens his mouth to speak, but Briarscale had already begun. Shrugging, he replies to the druid.

"Personally, I'd like a rest as long as these wolves aren't coming back any time soon."

2011-06-14, 04:28 PM
"See you at dawn!" Sky said, as he began pursuing the tracks he saw.
"Hey Isryn, if you're staying there, you may as well make dinner for us were his last words before dissapearing into the bushes.
Occasionally Sky would stop to think about his past and the second colour-blast thing. He didn't worry about it too much though, life was being kind to him.

2011-06-14, 06:35 PM
alisstar why don't you go with him, itss probly best to keep a healer availiable at any time. Il ssstay with isryn here, it will give me ssome more time to find a sprig of holly to usse my greater abilitiess. briarscale mentions as sky starts to take off. Settling down for a second, ready to try and convince the cleric to go on the trip, if he protested.

2011-06-14, 07:00 PM
Isryn, surprised by Sky's willingness to go off alone, looks taken aback for a moment, but soon realizes that the boy can probably take care of himself in the wild. After hearing Briarscale's recommendation he also looks somewhat surprised, but nods.

"Yeah, it would probably be for the best for someone to accompany him. It's best not to let someone alone for such a long time, eh? I've personally got a bit of a... phobia? about being at the mercy of the forest, but seeing as the most menacing thing we've actually seen was that branch that almost hit me in the face a few hours ago, I'm not too worried about what might happen."

"Of course, that would exclude that crazy man."

2011-06-14, 08:34 PM
Alistair listened, then nodded. "Well, I am not sure how much value I will be to Sky, but I am more than willing to go along with him."

Alistair walked off after the young man, wondering at the sudden turn of events. He hoped Sky hadn't pressed to far ... especially since he didn't seem overly confident about the value of the tracks. Glancing down, the cleric followed what he thought were the chicken tracks, and gripped the make-shift quarterstaff he had found tightly.

2011-06-15, 05:36 AM
Alistair manages to catch up to Sky, just as he is about to lose the trail. Together you manage to stick to it and follow along. The rooster seems to have taken his time and many times it stopped and wandered around, perhaps looking for food, before continueing on. This goes on for several hours.

Then, the tracks suddenly change. The rooster has picked up speed and must have run for a small bit, before they go all over the place, mixing with the tracks of a cat-like animal. Both tracks then carry off into the bush, together. After a 100 ft. the cat tracks stop at a small statue. The stone statue has a very close resemblence to a cat.

The roosters tracks continue on and seem to head in the direction of the pool again.

2011-06-15, 07:03 AM
"Wow" Sky said in astonishment, as he saw theTotem towering above them.So much detail in such a little statue
"Maybe it's from some kind of ancient civilisation" he whispered, not wanting to break the calmness and silence of the place. The Totem seemed to envelopping everything around him.
He stood still and contemplated the Totem, circling around it, looking at the details. He then approached it and began searching for some kind of secret switch or item, hidden in the Totem.
"Maybe something happens if we touch it on the right place" You could clearly see he was interested in the Totem, contemplating everything about it and you could see the childish joy that he almost never showed come up. It had been a long time since Sky could act like the child he was. Growing up from his tenth without time to play and act as any other child, he had missed these moments in his life.
"If the cat's tracks lead to this Totem, the cat one, then maybe the rooster leads to the rooster one. Maybe there are even more! They could form a whole farm made of totems!"

He then noticed the cat's-totem was wounded. "It's.... wounded? Sky said as he looked more focused upon the totem. He lifted it off the ground, as to see what it was made of, and that way be able to repair it.
I don't think it was made to look like it was wounded..."

2011-06-15, 09:57 AM
As Sky searches the statue it, he realizes what a remarkable piece of work it is. Never in your life have you seen something so much resembling the real thing. It even has some wounds, deep scratches across it's fur.

2011-06-15, 11:11 AM
in camp:
Briarscale will spend most of his time searching the area for a new holly sprig to use a a devine focus.

i don't know how many survival checks i get to make since hes only searching for it.. so il roll a few.

*opps didn;t mean to make some of those +80.. regardless the first one the 20 should find it right?

while doing so he talks with isyrn some, I don't mean to pry, but you exhibited quite some sskills back there with the barbaric man. What grantss you such sskills?

2011-06-15, 11:38 AM
Knowledge checks to see if there are any other creatures Alistair can think of with chicken-like feet
KS (Nature): [roll0]
KS (Religion): [roll1]
KS (Arcana): [roll2]
and what the heck ...
KS (the Planes): [roll3]
KS (Dungeoneering): [roll4].

OOC - Hey, y'all, I get the concern - that's the reason I did all these knowledge checks (post #114) before we left ... to see if the scholar had read about something else that has chicken feet.

Alistair stood looking around the area as Sky investigated the cat effigy. He started to speak a word of warning, but the young boy rushed forward to check it out with a childlike zeal. Approaching slowly, the cleric eyed the statue warily, wondering if it was a religious item of sorts. Strange that the tracks would lead straight up to the statue ... could it be a worship sight for intelligent animals, or a pack of shape-shifters?

Suddenly, Sky made to lift the statue up, apparently checking to see how heavy it was. "Ah ... I do not think we should move it just yet, Sky. We have no idea of what that thing is, but it is obviously well-crafted. Amazingly so, with such detail ..." Alistair trailed off as he moved closer to peer at the statue. Whoever had carved this piece was an amazing artist. The cat looked so life-like ...

A warning bell began to ring in the back of Alistair's mind ...

OOC - Alistair is getting a bad feeling about this. What kind of cat are we talking about, lynx, panther, jaguar, mountain lion, tabby, siamese kitty?

2011-06-15, 11:47 AM
Something has been nagging you all the while. Chicken feet and now the stone animal. It just fits somehow.... Suddenly it hits you. This could indeed be the work of a cockatrice. One of those stoning birds. They're supposed to be really dangerous.

The tracks near the statue seem several days fresher than the ones near the pool.

The statue resembles a lynx.

2011-06-15, 11:56 AM
Alistair starts backing away from the statue, looking wildly around the area for the tracks. "Sky, drop that statue, we must get back and warn the others! I am such an idiot, I didn't see it before! The markings, the wilderness locale, the statue ... I fear we are dealing with a cockatrice! One bite can petrify a creature immediately. Quickly, before it gets too dark for us to see. Lead the way!"

Alistair is worried, but at least this isn't a basilisk ... if so, their friends would probably already be dead. Normally, these creatures were territorial. Did that mean there might be more?

OOC - Alistair will encourage Sky to head back ASAP, keeping eyes open for the creature.
Spot Check: [roll0]

2011-06-15, 12:19 PM
"Damnit!" Sky said, Alistair racing after him. He wasn't sure what the beast Alistair just mentioned could do, but hearing Alistairs tone, he could guess it wasn't going to be pretty.
"Those tracks are much fresher than the ones at the pool. He must be close to them!" Sky yelled. Then he thought of the several hours they had been walking to get here, and he said
"Alistair, don't run full speed. We can't continue if we do that. Hustle, fastwalk, don't run, you'll be worn out, and so will I. I can't fight something if I'm that fatigued.
Sky tried to think while running: There has to be a way to get there sooner, or send a signal, there has to be! I hope we make it in time

Of course Sky also looks if some unusual beast is around, while running. Moranica, do I have to make a check to find the way back?

Spot check: [roll0]
Is there some preferences on this forum you can click, to always get 1 on your rolls? If so, please tell me how to unselect it.. I'm getting desperate..

*edit* didn't see the: Lead the way! editing now xD

2011-06-15, 12:39 PM
Isryn pauses for a few moments before he replies.
"Well, skills is one way to put it. To tell you the truth, I'm not entirely sure about them. I made a deal with... and outsider, but that pact ended quite a while ago. I guess my abilities are here to stay, considering, but your guess is as good as mine as to why."

As he speaks, Sky begins looking around the camp for something to supplement their meal with for when the others return.
Survival: [roll0]

2011-06-15, 01:05 PM

Finding the perfect sprig of holly, briarscale gives a cheer of victory.
a beautiful little specimen arnt you, my little deary plucking the sprig, and holding onto it, he can feel his attachment to the surrounding nature again, ahh tiss so nice to know i can reach you still. speaking to the land in druidic.

turning back to isyrn I know the feeling of a pact, that endsss, however like in nature good thingsss return given time, perhapss these abilitiesss were not given to you by this outsider? meyhapssse they were inside you all along and you jusst needed a prodding for them to begin to bloom. did the outsider 'give' you any other abilitiess in this pact?

2011-06-15, 01:08 PM
Alistair simply nodded, letting the youth set the pace. If the tracks weren't too old and the cockatrice wasn't running, he hoped their strides to allow them to quickly over take the beast.

Whether good fortune or bad, they hadn't seen the thing on the way here - hopefully that meant they weren't already lost!

2011-06-15, 01:11 PM
Finding the way back is easier then following tracks, which is a good thing, because the dusk is making visibility worse and worse. This time it's Sky who leads the way and finds the route. It's slow progress though and it is well in the night when you return at the camp, where Isryn and Briarscale are having a nice chat.

2011-06-15, 01:16 PM
Alistair seems very agitated as they emerge from the woods, but once he sees the others relief floods his face. "Friends, it is good to see you! I fear the tracks we followed are those of a dread cockatrice, a chicken-like beast that can petrify you with a bite. We have already found one of its victims. It looked as though it was headed back this way. Have you seen anything as of yet?"

2011-06-15, 01:22 PM
"Hmm. I think it's mostly just access to the power. I guess if I learn enough about it, I'll be able to manipulate the magic better. It's only limited by me, I guess."

Isryn blinks for a moment, lost in thought. He is interrupted by Sky and Alistair bursting back into the clearing.

"An evil chicken? What?"

"I mean, we haven't seen anything. You say those tracks were a monster's?

2011-06-15, 01:41 PM
"I do not think the beast thinks in terms of 'good' and 'evil' but is motivated by basic needs, such as food, water, sleep, shelter, and so on. If we are deemed a threat to any of those, then it will likely attack aggressively. While taking care of this creature as one would a rabid dog would be the norm, without weapons or tools it may be prudent to simply avoid the beast and give it a wide birth and acess to the pool."

He glanced around the area where the two had settled in to wait. "I think I remember them having decent night vision, so we should continue to maintain a careful watch."

2011-06-15, 02:02 PM
surprised by the somewhat fightend looks on their faces, followed by the explination of the beast they had unknowingly been following briarscale says hmm nature doess spawn the strangesst thingss. on the bright sside, ive gained the ability to access more of my natural powerss while you were gone. thinking about the possibility of spending the rest of his days as a stone marker did not agree with him I ssay we leave the area, if it is as you say then to ssstand and fight will not help uss, i for one cannot un-stone some one if it is as you sssay. and only one of us has the ability to fight the creature from afar. For now as it is getting dark i say we move away from the pool and make camp as far from it as we can reach, also if it can see in the dark, not having a fire would only hamper us if it ssshows up. I ssay we risk making one. If it comes down to a fight I will usse my recovered abilitess to try and entangle it with rootss that are around.

2011-06-15, 02:16 PM
Isryn looks unimpressed by Alistair's description of the cockatrice's lack of evil, but nods when he suggests avoiding it. He follows the discussion for a bit before chipping in.

"Yeah, I agree with Briarscale. Probably best to take any chances, especially with these other creatures about. Did you find any signs of civilization, or are we going to have to keep following the stream? Best to choose quickly, if the chicken-thing is coming back soon."

Isryn begins packing up their supplies as quickly as he can.

2011-06-15, 02:21 PM
"Guys, I really like the idea of a campfire and all, but could we just start moving sometime around NOW Sky said nerviously while walking upstream already.
Damn, haven't prayed at dusk. With all these bird-problems it'll take a while before I can pray. I hope He isn't angry.
Glancing back Sky made motions as to keep going. "Come-on, we don't want to "accidentally" bump into this guy.
I'd like some chicken though...
Trying to take his mind of the danger that could be or could not be close to them Sky small-talked to them:
"So how's dinner coming along, Isryn? And briar, how's your holly coming along? Found one, does it look good?

2011-06-15, 02:30 PM
quickly starting to follow them briar scale mentions yess i found one, il be back to finding food tomorrow nowss not the time to think about food, as for now we need to get as far as we can before itss to dark to travel. we won't make much distance before we need to sstop. do not exert yoursselvess too much, else the beasst could have uss without a fight. despite what he said he tosses a few dried berries to sky and alistair to eat as they moved (no sense in then fainting of hunger)

2011-06-15, 02:36 PM
Alistair helps Isryn fill the pack, then readies himself to move further upstream. He pauses, waiting for Briarscale or Sky to take the lead.

As he waited, he thought back to where they found the statue. Did the cockatrice start running because it had discovered the cat, or vice versa? And which direction did the cockatrice head on its way back to the pool? If he could figure it out, he might be able to tell if the cockatrice would emerge from the woods upstream or downstream. It really was a question of simple geometry.

Well, perhaps more than simple mathematics, since there was an element of chaotic free will involved, depending on what might distract the beast on the way back. Besides, most animals could smell water, which would probably lead it right back here ...

Alistair cleared his throat suddenly. "It occurs to me that the beast may find its way back to this spot by scent. If so, should we move to be upwind, instead of simply upstream? Or attempt to cross the stream and set up camp on the other side?"

OOC - How wide is the stream? Is it fordable at the pool?

2011-06-15, 02:41 PM
"I thought you said the beast doesn't just randomly attack people if it isn't necessary? Sky thought of what Alistair had said a minute before
"Yes, I'm sure of it, you did say that"
So there shouldn't be a problem right? Why would he chase us?
Sky relaxed a little more, eating the berries briarscale had tossed him.
"Say, briar, do you maybe have some more wood to spare, for me to make my holy symbol from?

2011-06-15, 03:09 PM
"Actually, I did not say anything about randomly attacking people. I said that it would react aggressively to perceived threats to its basic needs. What I do not recall is if the animal tracks by scent, and if so would it perceive our recent presence as a threat to 'its' watering hole."

Edit:"That being said, since most birds do not track by smell, I suppose it is, as you suggest, a moot point. If I've done my math correctly, the cockatrice should emerge from the woods downstream, so let us away."

2011-06-15, 05:36 PM
letss cross the sstream, the least that will happen then is we shall ssee or hear the beasst coming before itss upon uss. Here climb on and i can take uss acrosss one at a time. having said this briar scale shape shifts into his animal form. and prepares to run and jump the river several times (+5 atribute, +12 speed(encumbered), -3 encumbered=+14 auto succeed on dc 5-6)

2011-06-15, 05:41 PM
Isryn, although somewhat unsettled by the idea, quickly volunteers partly out of a desire to cross the river quickly, and partly because he doubted his own capacity to jump the river.

"So we're heading upstream?"

2011-06-15, 07:13 PM
As the situation turn almost comical, Alistair watched Isryn attempt to mount the small scaled, panther-like creature that Briarscale turned into. Shaking his head with a slight smile, he turned to Sky and motioned across the water.

"I am going to take my chances on jumping. Since it seems to be a simple matter of speed to angle of elevation, I think I can make it ... with a little help."

Whispering to himself, Alistair moved his hands as they glowed with mystic energy. Reaching down, he grabbed a pinch of dirt and flung it onto his feet. Smiling, he stepped back to the edge of the woods, then turned to run forward and jump across the stream.

Casting Longstrider (+10 ft to move). Jump Check: [roll0]; Should be auto-success (+4 for speed, DC 5) - just rolling for the asthetics

The stout cleric manages to make it across, stumbling to his feet and rolling to a halt. The immediate silence is broken by his sudden laughter.

"Well, magic alone does not grace bestow!"

2011-06-15, 08:10 PM
landing prone on his stomach isryn on top of him briarscale quickly drops isryn off and shifts. grabbing his back and stretching out the sore spot, "speak for yourself, are you sure you dont weight more isryn? the last part being said in a joking manor. turning to face sky, he says "you need any help? or you gonna go for it yourself?

2011-06-16, 01:04 AM
"I don't know if I'm heavier than Isryn, but seeming how you almost broke your back, 'll just jump. Sky said with a grin on his face.
He took some distance, ran to the river and jumped.

Jump check: [roll0]
Of course, for something completely unimporant I had to make my check...

"Alistair, what did you do, when you sprinkled dirt over your-" He looked at Alistairs feet "....shoes?.

2011-06-16, 01:57 AM
Alistair dusted himself off as he rose, smiling. "It was a simple request to my goddess that effectively lengthens my stride. The additional boost in gait speed allowed me to ensure my successful leap across the stream."

"Not all of us are strapping youths like your self, or physical phenomena like Briarscale."

"Shall we continue?"

2011-06-16, 03:39 AM
"Wait. You mean you could have run faster to Isryn and Briar, to alert them on the cockatrice thingy? Why didn't you!?
Sky looks very unsettled.

2011-06-16, 04:51 AM
Alistair frowned, not particularly pleased with the young man's tone. "The reason is two-fold. First, I would have left you behind and could have potentially come upon the cockatrice alone. Second, I was unable to find the trail back without help."

"The increase in speed is not as great as some mages can produce, unfortunately."

2011-06-16, 07:09 AM
You continue upstream, walking through increasingly dense forest. The stream slowly diminishes in volume and at the end of a long day of walking you reach another small pool. It's a little rockpool with a sandy bank/beach nearby. No tracks can be found on the bank.

For evading the cockatrice you each get 400 xp.

2011-06-16, 09:47 AM
"Let's set up camp here. Not too close to the pool though, you never know, there might be cockatrices around."
Sky was now really intruiged as to what this cockatrice creature really was. In his mind he had already formed a huge and terrible beast, with only his small feet being his weakness. When they found the place to set up camp, he went to search for wood as to make a campfire with and returned quickly.
"You had dinner almost ready, right Isryn?" Sky said, and immediatly realized how pushy he had been about the food.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound like a man scolding his wife, or to show disrespect to you, I'm just really hungry, even after eating those nuts."
Sky sat down and began making the trap from the strings they found on the barbarian.
Talking to himself he said: "Hmmm, let's see. If I put this here, and then twist it this way, then maybe..." He looked very focused.

Use rope check, to make the trap

Use rope: [roll0]

*OOC* Sky goes to wathever place the others want. If they agree with him, they camp close to the pool, if they don't he follows them somewhere else. I don't want to be godmodding here :smalltongue:

2011-06-16, 10:28 AM
"Oh, it's all right. As a matter of fact, I was just working on dinner when you warned us... I couldn't find anything new, but I think I can at least make it more appetizing..."

Isryn removes the plants and spices from the pack that he had gathered, verifies with Briarscale that none are poisonous, and sets about seasoning enough food for the night with obvious flair.

Craft: Toolmaking(standing in for Craft: Cooking) [roll0] -2 for no tools, sorry I forgot about that. So only 12. :smallmad:
Perform: Cooking [roll1]

He gazes at his creation with wide eyes, surprised by his new-found ability to cook anything before calling to the others that dinner is ready.

2011-06-17, 12:05 PM
ssoo Il take first watch tonight. who will take the otherss? I asssume we're going to be sstaying here for the rest of the night? in the morning will we sstill be following the sstream? before going to sleep briarscale does the create water trick again, letting people drink their fill/fill up the water flask. hes surprised to see more water then normal get conjured.

2011-06-17, 12:40 PM
"I'll take second watch, then."

Isryn yawns and begins trying to get the campsite in order for the night.

Survival(if briarscale or sky wants to take the initiative, this will be an assist instead of a check): [roll0]

2011-06-17, 12:45 PM
i'l do that, go get ssome ssleep says briarscale as he notices isryn fumbling, and tripping half asleap already.

ooc: what is this roll even for?
Finishing up, he goes to take first watch shapeshifting into his animal form and blending in with the trees
hide [roll1]

2011-06-17, 01:22 PM
"I'll take the third one, as usual, I like the third watch :smallbiggrin:
Isryn, the meal was GREAT, Loved it!
If you'll excuse me now, I totally forgot to pray, so I'm going to do that now. Sky walked off the campsite for 3 minutes and repeated the process he had done before. When he returned Isryn and Alistair were fast asleep (OOC: If you allow me)
He didn't see briarscale, but he trusted him now. Thinking that briar could be around somewhere he said:
"Night briar. BTW someday you'll have to tell me about your folk, I'd really like to hear."

He prepared his bed and went to sleep:

Survival check

Survival: [roll0]

2011-06-17, 04:20 PM
"I shall take the final post, as we agreed before. Good night all ... safe dreams."

Alistair would eat a little, thanking Isryn for the meal, then roll over and go to sleep, tired from the adrenaline and extra hiking the cockatrice had brought.

2011-06-17, 04:25 PM
It's a quiet night, perhaps to quiet for some, but uneventful nonetheless. As the dawn breaks you see the sky has more clouds today. The weather is changing it appears.

2011-06-17, 04:27 PM
Brairscale looks at the clouds trying to decide what he thinks the weather will be like the next few days.
[Survival] [roll0]+2 synergy due to ranks in knowledge nature. 26 that's 3 days in advance weather :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-17, 04:38 PM
Today you don't expect any rain, but for tomorrow it is likely that rain will come, it could even be a thunderstorm. The day after that will be nice, like any day after bad weather.

2011-06-17, 04:46 PM
Alistair rose, streching, nodding his thanks to Sky. Then he settled in to watch the camp, finding staring at the pool very peaceful. As dawn came, he prayed to Lirr, seeking guidance and solace for the Lady of the Library.

Once everyone woke up the next day, he greeted the others cheerfully and waited to see what the new day would bring. Clouds could be problematic, but at least it wasn't cold.

Survival check to find any hard, sharp rocks that could be used to build tools or as tools themselves: [roll0]

2011-06-17, 04:51 PM
realizing they had about a day until they should expect rain briarscale brings up saying in the location for the day to the others well it sshould be raining tommorow, possibly sstorming. I for one would really perfer if we had ssome ssort of sshelter for that. alsso with the amount of walking weve been doing, would anyone else want a dayss break? it could give you time to work on ssay a symbol for your god alisstair. he then waits for the others to see what their opinions are.

2011-06-17, 04:51 PM
Isryn glances around at the forest for a few minutes before stumbling off toward the river.
"I'll be back soon, guys."

He bathes in the river, forcing himself to stay in the cold water until he is satisfied. Afterwards, he takes the opportunity to take a look at himself in the water. He stares for a few seconds as if stunned before trying to sort his hair into some semblance of order.

Upon his return to camp, he collapses back on his makeshift bed, massaging his feet with an exaggerated look of abject suffering on his face.
"I hope we get back to civilization soon..."

When Briarscale suggests not traveling for the day, he nods vigorously.
"I think I could use a day off, really. I'm not accustomed to traveling this much. At all."

2011-06-17, 05:06 PM
Come on, let's keep going. We need to find out where we are, to return to civilization soon. Besides, leaving the cockatrices living area wouldn't be a bad thing. I ask you to put up one more day, please. Tomorrow, with the bad weather, and tiredness and all, we can rest, ok? Sky said.
He felt to be close to the source of the river and such, to a higher place and the mountains. He wanted to know where they were, and to see what had become of it. Were they the only persons having been teleported? Were there others? He had to know
"Tomorrow you do as you please, kay?" He said, while putting up big eyes.

2011-06-17, 05:12 PM
I can undersstand wanting to continue, but if we keep going we will not have any sshhelter for the sstorm tomorrow. as for the cockatrice, ive seen no signs that its ever come thiss way. and if it hass, I've a sspell ready that will hide us from it. He felt bad knowing that the young one wanted to keep searching, and he couldn't fault anyone for wishing to explore nature. but briarscale thought of the two less rugged types in their party and continued. think of alisstair and isryn, isryn can barely walk after thesse four days and alisstair is probly feeling about the ssame. give them a day, if it's not as bad as i think it will be tomorrow we keep going. I just don't want to be sstuck in a bad ssituation in the middle of relatively unexplored ground, we have at least a day to build a shhelter. use the we may as well take ssome time to gather more ssuplies as well

2011-06-18, 01:26 AM
Alistair listened to the others as they tried to decide what to do for the day. "I am fit, and will follow the stream for as long as we wish to, but given Briarscale's recommendation and Isryn's desire for a rest, I think it most reasonable to take a moment to pause, prepare for the weather and focus on our journey ahead."

2011-06-18, 10:54 AM
Isryn smiles, collapsing back into his bed.
"You are wise beyond your years, young Alistair."

He collapses back into his bed. After a few moments he opens his eyes, almost regretfully and surveys the others.

"I suppose we should start working on some sort of shelter, Briarscale...?"
The look on his face suggests that every fiber of his being is devoted to the hope that the druid will say "no."

2011-06-18, 02:33 PM
I sshhall work on the shhelter, you all can do as you pleasse, though I would ssugesst meybe collecting suppliess to use during tommorowss rainss. Though if you wisshh to help with a sshhelter i will not turn away help. with that he will set about searching for materials/building a lean-to shelter for the following day.

survival checks
i don't know how many i need to make/ how many tries he can make at making a shelter so I'l roll a few here.

2011-06-18, 04:05 PM
Sky thought about what to do that day? He had learned to fight with both hands, so why not try and fight with two weapons?
I think I'm going to go look for some food, for us, and do some other things while I'm at it. Oh, and BTW don't go in that direction, because I'm going to put up a trap there" Sky said while pointing south. He went there and put up a trap.
He then walked of into the forest, looking for some fine wood to craft a shortsword with.


Survival check: [roll0] for gathering food
Survival check: [roll1] for setting snares
Profession (Woodcutter): [roll2] couldn't find the penalties, so if there are any, just substract them.

OoC: If there isn't enough time to do it all, Sky will not look for food, and instead will just focus on gathering the wood for his weapon

2011-06-18, 04:27 PM
As the others began to work on various projects, Alistair stood and gathered a number of rocks of different sizes and shapes, collecting them into a small pile near the campsite. After a few moments of consideration, he pulled out two rocks, one with a sheer, axe-like edge, and another that tapered to a point.

Sitting down with a couple of pieces of wood, Alistair began to whittle, whistling tunelessly as he did so.

Working on a wooden holy symbol (value 100 cps); DC 5 (adding 10 to increase progress)
Craft (Tool) check: [roll0]
Result: 15x16=240, or 2.4 times what Alistair needed ... meaning he should complete it in approximately 3 1/3 hrs.

2011-06-18, 06:00 PM
after several hours Briarscale looks at the coverings he had managed to make, quite proud with his work. He had fashioned a lean-to using two larger trunks of wood which he had found fallen in the woods (they had been so large he had had to shapeshift to drag them back to the camp area) once their he had secured them to two trunks about 10-15 feet apart from each other, and proceeded to weave longer branches with good leaf coverage between the two main supports. in effect he had created a fairly large triangular area which should keep out any rain falling on them, while at the same time allowing them a place to have a fire for the night if it became colder during the stormy day ahead.

he was also pleasantly surprised when he found he had enough extra wood and time to create a smaller lean-to as well a bit aside from the main area where the group could conduct their private biological activities the next day without being hit by the rain.

2011-06-19, 12:42 PM
After resting for a few hours, Isryn apparently comes up with an idea and goes about gathering wood for some unknown project.
25 SP of wood needed...
Profession: [roll0]
That's 2 SP... only 23 more to go.

2011-06-19, 03:15 PM
Sky gathers 24/2/7= 17 sp of wood in one day.

Isryn has a go as well, but must have missed the area where Sky found some good wood. 4 /2 /7= 3 sp of wood.

As soon as the first pieces of wood are brought in by Sky, Alistair gets to work. He crafts a nice looking holy symbol, and uses up 3 sp of wood in the process.

After finishing the lean-to's, Briarscale goes and spends the afternoon gathering food. He brings back enough for 3 people to feed on.

2011-06-19, 04:07 PM
Evening comes swift and easy. The lean-to's provide a comfy shelter, a luxury you haven't had sofar and you sleep well. During the night, the wind picks up and in the early morning the sky remains dark and thick with clouds.

2011-06-19, 04:10 PM
When he comes back, Sky goes to see if the snares had produced some food.
After checking he fastly goes to search for wood to make a campfire with, and also collects some for tomorrow.
At dawn he prays (no matter what part of the day that is. If it has been already he has prayed already)
Back at the campsite he starts helping others to cook.
"Let's hope tomorrow isn't too bad"

2011-06-19, 04:15 PM
"Yeah, it will be nice to get back on the road. I think I'm still going to make the best of today before the rain starts falling, though. Maybe I'll find something more today than I did yesterday."

As he finishes eating, Isryn begins looking around for wood just as he had yesterday, occasionally looking up with a worried expression at the menacing clouds above.

This check might get cut short if it starts raining, but here goes. I hope I have better luck than yesterday...
Profession to gather wood: [roll0]
Well, it's better than what I got before.

2011-06-19, 04:19 PM
hearing the others worried about the following day's weather briarscale speaks up it should be nice tomorrow, the besst dayss follow sstormss having said that he decides to look around before the rain falls for any unusual herbs/ crystals in the area.

profession herbalist/crystal gatherer [roll0]

2011-06-20, 02:54 AM
Snares. [roll0] (1-5 nothing, 6-9 rabbit, 10 deer)

You check the snares, but they turn up empty. One of them must have caught something big, because it broke somehow.

2011-06-20, 05:09 AM
Sky looks at the clouds:"That doesn't seem to be good...
He then fastly proceeds to remake the snares (if not too broken)
After re-setting the snares he goes back to the shelter and begins making his shortsword.

Craft (weapons): [roll0]

(what happens if my check exceeds the wood that we have?)

2011-06-20, 05:13 AM
Alistair nodded his thanks for the wood, taking one piece and working studiously on it. After a few hours, he smiled and stood up, holding what appeared to be a small open, wooden book. "This should make focusing my prayers a bit easier. Now, is there anything I can help with around our camp, or with your efforts?"

Looking around, Alistair smiled hopefully at the others.

2011-06-20, 05:30 AM
Looking up from his work Sky said: "Don't want to bother you, but maybe you could search for some food? Or more wood, seems I won't have enough to finish this... and he immediatly then went back to work.
While working he'd of course make some small with the rest, to know them better, and to be able to learn. For example: "Does your country have any fairytales?

(OOC: I thought it was a good moment to get to know each other, IC...)

2011-06-20, 10:29 AM
"Isryn gives Sky's sword a distasteful look, obviously having wanted the wood himself. He shruggs and goes back to collecting wood for the day.
Well, I hardly collected any yesterday, perhaps I will be able to find more today if the weather holds up...

"I'd appreciate some help with gathering some wood before this storm hits, both for the campfire and for any projects we might have it in mind to craft."

2011-06-20, 11:11 AM
Alistair nodded to both Sky and Isryn. "I shall see what I can find for the day, then." Alistair immediately made off to gather more wood, hoping to provide as much as possible.

Here's hoping! PS (Wood): [roll0]

2011-06-20, 12:36 PM
Taking a brief moment to drink some water Sky mentions: "Isryn, I had already collected wood for the campfire, look in that corner pointing at the wood he had collected yesterday.

OOC: Seriously guys, background :D

2011-06-20, 12:40 PM
getting back from checking the area for herbs, he sits down in their little hut near the others shows what if anything he found, and starts talking. I musst say if theress anything i misss it would be the storehousses of ym village about now.. dried meatss, and any herb you could think to find.. what of you all what do you missss from your previouss life?

2011-06-20, 06:02 PM
Alistair sighed and paused for a moment, his eyes taking on a faraway look. "I miss my books. Not spell books, mystic tomes of power, nor arcane manuscripts that speak of untold mysteries. Just simple books, on any subject. One Thousand and One Eribien Nights, Maidenkornen's Encyclopedia of Mythical and Mundane Beasts, Koch's Guide to the Known World ... for those of us who do not travel regularly, those books were the next best gateway into the world at large."

Alistair turned back to his task, glancing up periodically at the others. "Sky, Isryn? What is it that you miss? Or perhaps who?"

2011-06-21, 08:42 AM
"Interesting... The last time I saw a book was when I was ten" Sky said, remembering his village. The question had raised a lot of memories to emerge from the depths of his mind. He had tried to store them away, remembering them would only show his weaknesses, his fears.

"I-I guess I m-miss my older brother" he said with a trembling, little bit higher voice than normal, yet still smiling. "He was the only one that truly understood me. He taught me how to tie knots, swim, climb trees, and other stuff. He was there for me when I needed it, he was... he was..."
Sky stopped for a brief moment, containing himself, a small tear apeared, which he immediatly removed, hoping no-one would see. "He was chosen, from a profecy. He would do something, something we weren't allowed to know, but he knew all along. He was planning on telling me, despite being told not to. Then, a couple of days later, colors, sensations, the same I witnessed when I woke up next to you guys. I wonder if they're all still there..."

"Oh well, that was six years ago..."

He looked up from his thoughts, a little bit embarassed by the story he'd just told, but feeling good also, having his wories heard, finally.
Looking around the shelter he asked Isryn: "What do you miss most, Isryn?"

2011-06-21, 09:41 AM
Alistair paused for a moment as Sky spoke, the emotions obviously still raw, and found himself thinking back on how they had all gotten there. Interesting that the lad mentioned a prophecy - the cleric could only wonder if there was some connection ...

2011-06-21, 01:55 PM
Isryn sits, immediately slouching into an entirely relaxed position. He thinks for a moment before speaking.
"Well... that's an awfully big question to just ask so suddenly, you know."
Isryn pauses again before continuing, his voice perhaps a bit wistful.
"I guess the... the pulse of the city, perhaps? The food, the music, the company. Everything was just happening, and it was good to be there. Well, those days were over anyway, so..." he glances around. "Well, this is all very nice and everything, but I can't wait to get back to the city."

2011-06-21, 03:46 PM
It's still early morning when everybody sets out to start doing their things. The entire morning clouds thicken and in the distance thunder can be heard. Just before everybody returns the clouds break with a deafening thunder and a blinding lightning strike accompanying it. Rain poors down and boy, are you glad briarscale made that lean-to. Inside you find a dry Sky working on his sword.

As everyone huddles around the campfire the day's work is shared. Sky has made some good progress on the sword (28% done) (1000cp, 3,3 pieces cost, DC 15; 15*19=285cp done, using up 1 piece worth of wood) and the shape is really starting to show. Isryn and Alistair went out to look for good crafting wood. They came back with 2,6 pieces worth of wood. ((11+25)/2/7=2,6) Briarscale went searching for some of the plants that were known to have special properties. He found a good site for them and returns with 1,6 pieces worth of special leaves and bark (23/2/7=1,6).

2011-06-21, 04:32 PM
Isryn inhales deeply, smelling the damp coolness of the rainstorm. The steady patter of raindrops forms a soothing contrast against the snapping fire. He reaches for a piece of wood to begin crafting something, but hesitates and withdraws his hand, leaning back into the lean-to and feeling the rain and the forest all around him.

After a few minutes he breaks the calm of the camp with a few short, quiet words as much for his own benefit as that of anyone else.
"I've always loved the rain..."

2011-06-21, 04:43 PM
aye, tisss a lovely renewal of our world. it also letss you take a bath without any effort the last part briarscale chuckles a bit while saying.

2011-06-21, 05:08 PM
"Now you mention it, I do think I smell terrible..." Sky said, after which he stood up, stripped from his clothes and went outside to wash himself in the rain. After some minutes he stepped back in and after he dried by the fire he clothed himself again. He then continued to work as if nothing had happened.
"Maybe I could've done that later better, seeming how I have to check the snares I put up this morning, at dusk"

2011-06-21, 08:55 PM
Alistair sat within the shelter, listening to the storm without, counting the spaces between the flashes of lightning and the rolling sounds of thunder. The storm must span quite the area, because quite a few strikes were many counts away. However, a couple of strikes were actually close enough to be almost simultaneous.

When Sky stepped out to bath, Alistair frowned a bit, but before he could speak, the boy was gone. Glancing at the others, he shrugged his shoulders slightly. "You would normally assume someone acclimated to life in the outdoors would know better than to bath in a lightning storm. Then again, perhaps not ... or he knows something I do not. Briarscale ... have I fallen victim to an old wives' tale? More hyperbole than substance?"

2011-06-22, 06:15 AM
It is well in the night when the world suddenly seems to explode. A bright flash filters through the lean-to and the sound is deafening. (DC 11 fort save or be deafened for [roll0] rounds)

As you look outside you realise the improvised outhouse has been obliterated. Just above the site where it used to be hovers a small cloud which crackles with lightning and has the dull rumble of thunder reverberating from it.

2011-06-22, 01:05 PM
Isryn shakes himself awake, stands, and immediately dives towards the nearest tree, coincidentally one of those which makes up the lean-to, trying to keep the evil cloud creature from zapping him.

He crouches low, hoping that the cloud... thing isn't aware of their presence.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

2011-06-22, 01:27 PM
Alistair's eyes flew open at the sound of the explosion. Feeling around in the dark, he wondered if Ratal, the local alchemist, was having another one of his 'scientific breakthroughs.' The last one had level the old warehouse he (previously) used for trials and experiments.

As he blinked away the sleep, he realized he was still in the woods, far from familiar places. His ears were echoing with thunder, and he immediately assumed one of the bolts had hit close to the shelter. He noticed the others roused as well, and he moved over to peer outside.

The make-shift outhouse was obliterated. Alistair silently thanked the Lady that no one was using the facility when the lightning struck. Even now, he could see the lone cloud responsible for the blast, hovering overhead.

Wait, what the ... Storm clouds do not naturally occur in solitaire cloud formations, hovering over structures like an angry bee. Alistair rubbed his eyes as he looked again, trying to figure out what was happening.

Edit OOC - Moving to the battlethread, once my turn goes :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-22, 04:51 PM
Alistair sat within the shelter, listening to the storm without, counting the spaces between the flashes of lightning and the rolling sounds of thunder. The storm must span quite the area, because quite a few strikes were many counts away. However, a couple of strikes were actually close enough to be almost simultaneous.

When Sky stepped out to bath, Alistair frowned a bit, but before he could speak, the boy was gone. Glancing at the others, he shrugged his shoulders slightly. "You would normally assume someone acclimated to life in the outdoors would know better than to bath in a lightning storm. Then again, perhaps not ... or he knows something I do not. Briarscale ... have I fallen victim to an old wives' tale? More hyperbole than substance?"

seeing the cloud blast lightning and feeling the impact hit him briarscale turns to alistar as he shifts and quickly says I think one of your wivesss taless decided to come collect itsss duess.

2011-06-23, 11:37 AM
As the cloud-like creature dissipates, Alistair is left for a moment wondering about the nature of elemental creatures such as their opponent. For all that he had read, such coporeal destruction really only served to dismiss the being's true essence, which resided on another plane. But his knowledge about such entities was sorely lacking ... something he would have to ruminate on more as time went by.

For now, Alistair breathed a sigh of relief and moved forward to the others. "Well done, friends! You are truly mighty heroes ... and it has been my good fortune to spend time with all of you. Come, let me see what I can do about those burns."

Heal check (no time for long term care - more flavor): [roll0]
Losing Omen to spontaneously cast CLW on Isryn: [roll1]
I think Sky will recover the point with a night's rest

2011-06-23, 12:33 PM
Isryn flinches away from Alistair's fingers as he inspects the wound.
"Ah- it seems that- eh- they always aim- ouch- for me! Stop that!"

At last the cleric finally cast some spell of healing. Isryn checks his skin before shrugging and giving a crooked grin at the cleric.
"Thanks. I was worried that I'd be scarred for life. You're sure that... storm elemental... thing won't be back?"

Isryn continues his shift as the others get back to sleep, silently carving and staring out into the darkness.

OOC: I'm not actually going to craft anything. Too much work to calculate and record everything and all that.

2011-06-23, 02:53 PM
the rage slipping away again now that the fight was over, briarscale felt himself shifting out of the predatory form, slowly he found himself standing upright again his scales shrinking back to their regular size.

looking at the others he takes a moment seeing alistair healing isryn he turns his attention back to the damage the shockwave had done to himself and suffused himself with healing energy. after a moment he can see the bruising disappear.

using his CLW for the day to heal his damage, heals a min 3 damage so im not even gonna roll the amount.

feeling better he speaks with the others. ssoo what now, ssshall we bunker down for the ressst of the night, knowing their may be otherss of that type out there? itss stil sstorming out there more of them may be coming ssoon, I shhall take the watch. ive a sspell prepared if i must wake you all.

2011-06-23, 03:28 PM
"It's about time for my watch to begin anyway, Briarscale. Why don't you just get some sleep?"

2011-06-23, 04:02 PM
Alistair patted Isryn on the shoulder. "My apologies ... I thought I was being gentle. As for whether the entity will return, I can give no guarantees. It is my understanding that the elemental should have been banished back to its natural realm. Normally, such things are called forth from their home plane ... I wonder if the presence of this construct is indicative of a summoner in this general region, or the power of the storm we just experienced."

To Briarscale's question, he shook his head. "From what I remember reading, they are normally solitary in 'nature' but I cannot say with 100% confidence, since I would not have expected it to be here naturally. My best guess, however, is that we will not see another this night."

Alistair considered it for a moment, then yawned heavily. "Something for me to consider when I have had more sleep. Let us return to our slumber for now, since I think we are planning on moving onward tomorrow, yes?"

0 - Cure Minor Wounds, Light, Detect Magic, Create Water
1 - Endure Elements x2, Summon Monster I
D - Longstrider

2011-06-23, 04:56 PM
The night continues and apart from some lightning and thunder in the distance you are not disturbed again. Dawn greats you with a watery sun climbing the horizon.

2011-06-23, 05:08 PM
the rising sun, and clear skies are a beautiful sight to briarscale, he realized in the past few days he had seen more chances for death then he had in the 4 years before the blast. turning to face the others as they awoke he mentions gentlmen i think we need to disscuss the fact that itss been five dayss now, and the only ssignss of 'civilized' life other then uss has been a incoherent man the firsst day. what hass happened here? and what are we going to do if there iss no one left? pausing for a second to look at the sky and try to determine the upcoming weather.

survival check[roll0] vs dc 15 +5/ additional day fail lizard fails

turning back to the group well we ssaid we would move on today, sshall we continue on following the river?

2011-06-23, 05:12 PM
Isryn stretches, savoring the morning air. He bathes in the river to wash off the events of last night before returning to camp for a light breakfast. He seems thoroughly rejuvenated by the night's sleep, and more than a little enthusiastic about the day's prospects.
"Well! I'm sure we're nearby civilization now! Or at the very least, close to leaving this infernal forest."
He smiles again, savoring the feeling of invincibility which he can't help but feel with the group's recent successes.
"Say, Alistair. What's the first thing you'll do when we get out of this forest? You too, Sky, Briarscale. That is, if you're ever going to step inside city walls."

One almost can't help but get caught up in his new found aura of confidence, so sure of himself is Isryn.


After he hears Briarscale's question, Isryn noticeably deflates, although he retains some of his enthusiasm from before.
"Well, considering this forest, I'd guess that there are just better places to live, eh? Besides, what could have happened?"

"I wonder... say, have any of you heard of any forest like this before? It seems... just huge."

2011-06-23, 06:06 PM
Alistair frowned at Briarscale's comments. "Honestly, is it that odd that we haven't seen anyone yet? I know there are huge expanses of uncharted regions all over the map back in the church library. It is entirely possible to be weeks away from known cities and towns. Until we are able to get a better lay of the land, I do not think we'll know for sure what has happened."

"Of course, there is still the question of how we got here, aside from the obvious answer of 'sorcery' ... and the corollary questions of why we were translocated and why us in particular."

Considering the situation, Alistair was all for continuing to follow the stream, hoping for higher elevation to see more of the surrounding lands.

2011-06-24, 12:58 AM
Sky thought about the questions that his teammates just had launched at him.
"Psssssst, pssssst brair" he whispered. "What the heck is a library?"

He then directed his words to everyone "I don't have the need to go into a city really. If you guys want to though, we sure can. I've survived in forests such as these the past 6 years, I can survive a little bit longer. However, I really am wondering how far this forest reaches. I've only heard from forests this big, in tales about distant lands.

He remained in deep thought...
"What if we are in one of those distant lands? What even if we're not on our... What did you call it, Alistair? You mentioned the cloud not being from our... Maybe we're on.... his...
As this thought envelopped Sky he slightly began panicking, his breathing accelerating.
Not now Sky, it's just a possibility! he thought as he got back to normal.

2011-06-24, 02:17 AM
Isryn manages a dubious look, although the doom and gloom also seems to be getting to him. He eventually shrugs, gesturing towards the river.
"Not much we can do about it, either way. Come on, let's go!"

2011-06-24, 02:23 AM
Sky thought about the questions that his teammates just had launched at him.
"Psssssst, pssssst brair" he whispered. "What the heck is a library?"

it'sss a building where many books are held, often men of great learning can be found there. we did not have them in my village.
having spent time gathering things from camp briarscale takes a long look at the hut he made before turning from it, the huts had been almost exactly like his home villages, and had made him somewhat homesick over the night, to be leaving them again, was almost as hard as when he had left the village four years previously.

aye letss be going from here. timess passing uss by. and he heads to continue along the river.

2011-06-24, 05:15 AM
Travel is hard, with the soggy forestfloor and tree roots trying to trip you everywhere. The small stream merrily meanders along and after a full day going north, dusk is about to settle in. The stream continues further north. During the whole day you saw nothing but forest and plenty of small wild life.

2011-06-24, 08:55 AM
"Ugh, sooo tired. Are we resting here? It seems to be getting dark" Sky said as he sat on the floor.
"Shall we do the usual? I'll then be going to search for wood for our nice little campfire, and pray while I'm at it. Furthermore we need us one of those nice and comfortable improvised beds, briar maybe? As for food, who wants to cook? Who wants to get some water?
Sky then left off to search for some wood for the campfire, hoping the best, but fearing everything would be too wet to make a campfire with.

2011-06-24, 01:15 PM
jussst bring back wood for the fire, i can light it. I figred thingss would be wet today. as for water we can mosst likley do the ssame water trick we have been thiss whole time.

having said this briarscale will look around the area seeing if theres anything odd or out of place in this area.

spot checks [roll0]
search [roll1]
listen checks [roll2]

*we see now where briarscale has his weaknesses :smallwink:

2011-06-24, 01:19 PM
You find it to be a relaxing place, with nothing out of the ordinary.

2011-06-24, 01:22 PM
Checks for the day:
Survival for teh food: [roll0]
Survival for teh places to sleep: [roll1]

Crafts: Delicious food: [roll2]
Flute: [roll3]
Flute: [roll4]
Flute: [roll5]
All rolls are at a -2 penalty, just factor that in.

Well, I had great craft rolls but terrible rolls for everything else. Such is life. But I'm making really great progress on my flute at least! :smallwink: I think I finished it in... 2 hours or so? But I'm probably miscalculating. Yeah, I forgot to divide the results by two.

Isryn, tired from a long day of trudging through puddles, looks as though most of his former energy has left him. He purposefully went out of his way to find something to eat, and found nothing for his effort except a particularly thorny bush, making the whole situation worse. He moans about his misfortune in a mocking tone for a few minutes before tiredly attempting to construct some sort of place to sleep for the night.

Towards night time, he silently sits on a log, whittling at a piece of wood for nearly three hours, caught between suffering and exaltation. Finally, he sets about cooking some form of food and meets with his first significant success: the meal is delicious.

2011-06-24, 03:14 PM
Alistair was quiet most of the day as the group travelled, focusing on not tripping as they moved through the wet forest. The humidity did not make things more pleasant, resulting in a very sweaty and tiring day ... more so than should have been, had the storms not come through earlier.

He considered using his meager skills to assist in finding food as they walked, but Briarscale's successes made that quickly unnecessary. Instead, he found himself thinking about their situation, trying to match the expanse of woods to a know place on the map. He was also trying to figure out the answer to the questions he had posed earlier, still intent on the 'why' moreso than the how (although both were important).

Thus, mentally engaged as he was it came as somewhat of a surprise when the group finally stopped and started handing out assignments. When the group was gathered for a moment, he spoke quietly.

"I know that we have had discussion about the length of travel and likelihood that we could walk for this long and not see someone else. I have based my responses to these questions on the world I know. However, Sky started to ask a question about being on different planes, and it resonated ... what if we are not in a world we recognize? Magic was the source of our arrival, so who is to say the maps any of us could recall even apply to this place we've been translocated to?"

"Perhaps we should start with a simple question, one that has been unasked, I think, since we first met. Where are we all from?"

Alistair waited patiently.

OOC - Moranica, are we all from the same world, or will we find we are all from variants? Since the background was intentionally light for the characters, I don't know that I have a clear understanding if we are in Greyhawk, Eberron, Forgotten Realms, pure homebrew, or some amalgam ...

2011-06-25, 02:19 PM
Night comes swiftly, and before everyone knows it, darkness falls over the camp. Many hours later the veil is lifted by a warm sun driving away the darkness and morning fog.

2011-06-26, 04:40 AM
Uggghhh. This is feeling so pointless... I mean, we have been traveling for what seems like 5-6 days now! Sky said, clearly annoyed.
We have been moving up this stream, and still not encountered any civilization. I mean, IF there is some, wouldn't we already have encountered it? He then climbed up the biggest tree he could find around him, to get a look over the land.
If there's civilization, I want to see it NOW!

OOC:Two consecutive Climb Rolls (hope I make the two DC 15's):

Climb check: [roll0]
Climb check: [roll1]

2011-06-26, 05:19 AM
Forest, more forest, yes forest for the next 2 days at least.

2011-06-26, 11:54 AM
Getting back on the ground Sky couldn't handle it anymore.
"GRAAAAAARRGGHH!! I! CAN'T! HANDLE! THIS! ANY! MORE!" He said, with each word punching and kicking the tree. "NO CIVILIZATION TO BE SEEN!" He rammed himself against the tree. He then fell to the ground, on his knees.
"I'm sorry guys... It's just... We just keep moving and moving, with no real destination, and in a unknown forest. I mean, I knew MY forest, but this one, with the cloud thingy, etc I can't understand..."
He stood back up, and letting a clear sigh escape from his mouth he began walking up-stream.
"Shall we continue?" he muttered, barely audible.

OOC: Did Sky see any mountains or such? Any groundlevel changes?

2011-06-26, 12:14 PM
I've an idea, the next time we ssee a small animal, ssince there have been a few in the area, let me talk to it. I have and will prepare a ssspell to talk with animalsss the next few days and assk what they know of the area.

Having said that briarscale will continue doing his daily food gathering (his halfspeed over land is the average speed) [roll0]

2011-06-26, 03:56 PM
Isryn, surprised by both the contents of Sky's outburst and the tone, does not reply. Instead, he simply motions for the group to stop for a moment and goes a bit off, obviously concentrating hard on something. He places his hands against the trunk of the tallest tree he can find, and simply climbs up the side, held against it by some unknown power. Having reached the top, he stares hard into the distance all around.
After a few minutes, he returns to the ground with a sigh.

Invoke Spider Climb
Take 20 on spot at the top of the tree to find ANYTHING besides this forest.

2011-06-26, 04:03 PM
Just more forest and forest. You think you might have seen something glittering on the horizon. (north)

2011-06-26, 04:33 PM
Alistair watched sadly as Sky's temper tantrum ran its toll. He opened his mouth to speak a couple of times, then stopped. He wasn't sure that anything he had to say would help the young man, who obviously was distraught at being away from civilization ... much more so than the cleric would have thought for someone so used to being outdoors.

Thinking back, he tried to recall the maps from the library. Given that last night's conversation had convinced him they were at least all from the same world; the question remained if they were indeed still in that world.

KS (Geography): [roll0]
Now THAT is funny!

Edit: Alistair sighed aloud. "I am almost positive we are in the expanses of Dangrim Forrest. Of course, those are filled with horrors of every imaginable source, and no traveller has ever survived a single night, let alone five. And it's in the far north. And interspersed with swamps."

Alistair frowned for a moment. "Come to think of it, that doesn't make any sense, does it? I have no bloody clue where we are."

2011-06-27, 07:19 AM
The water in the stream casually finds it's way further to the north.

2011-06-28, 09:41 AM
Isryn returns from the tree.
"Well... ... that's a lot of forest. I thought I saw something way off to the north, but that might just be me..."He turns to Sky.
"Yeah, let's get going."

Isryn tries his best to ignore the thought that he's going to be in nature for a good long while.
"Maybe it was a lake or something...? We could head that direction..."

2011-06-28, 11:54 AM
Alistair watched in amazement as Isryn came back down, stunned by the display. "What was that? It seemed to resemble one of the incantations the mages from the college used to practice, but you were able to do it with naught but concentration ... that is amazing!"

He seems lost in the wonder of Isryn's talents, missing for a moment what the warlock relayed from his climb. Blinking, he shook his head. "Hmmm, what was that about something to the north? A lake, you think? If there are indeed settlements somewhere nearby, the lake would logically be central to their existence. Shall we make for it?"

2011-06-28, 01:36 PM
hearing about a land feature briarscale agrees with alistair yess letss make for the object you ssaw, could be interesssting at leasst. he then goes back looking around for any lil animals who could provide him animals.
(preparing a speak with animals everyday till say otherwise questions for the animals in OOC channel)
spot check for animals to talk to? [roll0]
survival to check weather [roll1] *edit woot nat 20!= 3-4 days weather
survival for next days food [roll2]

2011-06-29, 04:06 AM
need two more survival checks for food.

Weather is good for next couple of days, just as Briarscale predicted, and travel goes well. For three days you trudge through the forest, taking time to eat and sleep when needed. The group has definatly gone a long way since the rough start and everyone seems to have it's own specialties. Some provide the food while on the road and others use their survival skills to build shelters for the night. It is still early morning when the group finally reaches what they saw before. A huge L shaped lake sits before you, on all sides surrounded by forest.

Briarscale gathered some intel along the way by speaking with some of the animals you encountered. This didn't work out at all times though, there was for instance the rabbit that would stop talking about mating and that awesome female rabbit he met last week. The owl who turned out to be slightly spastic and kept turning it's head away, making it very difficult to understand him. And the rather prickly hedgehog. Near the lake however he had lot's more success. A swallow was interested to come for a chat and told you something about all wind directions.

"Over there (N), good for bathing."
"Over there (NE), no good, it's bad place, no go there."
"Over there (E), is animals like you."
"Over there (SE), good for nesting."
"Over there (S), good for more nesting."
"Over there (SW), scary scaly ones. "
"Over there (W), high place. "
"Over there (NW), good for eating bugs."

Lake shape (1 smiley is 1 day square, you are the red one)
:smallbiggrin: :smallbiggrin: :smallbiggrin: :smallbiggrin:
:smallbiggrin: :smallbiggrin: :smalltongue: :smallbiggrin:
:smallbiggrin: :smalltongue: :smalltongue: :smallbiggrin:
:smallbiggrin: :smallbiggrin: :smallmad: :smallbiggrin:

Briarscale gathers some intel through animals along the way

2011-06-29, 11:49 AM
"Wow, we're here. Finally!" Sky's stress faded away as he enjoyed the distance they had achieved.
"WE'RE HERE!" He yelled across the lake. Real happy he went to the side of the lake and looked into the water. "Do you think we can swim here? I'd like to..." He mumbled to himself.
He looked around him looking at the trees that seemed unusually bright, and happy. He didn't see any cities or towns however. He sank back to thinking, as usual.

"Hey Alistair. I was thinking, since I don't know much about this magic anyways... Could it be, that we haven't been moved in space, from plane to plane, nor teletransported, to another place in the world, but we just have, traveled... in time?

I mean, think about it. No cities to be seen, no towns either. Just like in the days, when people didn't come together in groups, maybe even before mankind existed?"
He awaited Alistairs answer and after that he asked the group:

"Hey guys, I don't know about you, but I want to stay here for a couple of days. You know, to take a break from the walking, doing stuff we like? It seems like a very food-full territory and we've got enough water"

KS Geography. It's water, and the territory around it, just to get info of if Sky can swim in it, and what's to be found around water places like this one.
KS Geography: [roll0]

2011-06-29, 12:40 PM
sseems fine with me. il probly build a quick sshelter hear again like before, then I think I'm going to looks around ssome of the thingsss that tassty looking ssparow told me i'd like to check out. dissscreetly to start with for few of them. having said this he looks around the area at what the others are doing for input. he will also relate to them what the swallow told him (just read the spoiler id rather not retype it) and look for any input from them.

campfire stories
the second night of travel for them briarscale felt like having a good laugh, it had been a kind of gloomy atmosphere around camp for a while so he decided to talk about some of the funny things that had happened. "hey sssky remember the firssst time you ssaw us. I musst say i thought you were going to pee yoursself when you were holding that ssword. what were you thinking? he said turning to sky. it reminded me of thiss time when i wasss a young lizzard i wass running through our village and there wass this big roassted boar our hunterss had just cought. and as a youngling i didn't think twice before running up and grabbing a chunk and just walked off eating it. it wassn't long though before i was sitting around and the elderss came by, took two lookss at me and hauled me off for a whippin. they stood me right in front of the whole village and preceded to point out that the next time i decide to eat the seasonal offeringss, i sshould wipe my clawss and sscaless afterwords.. and i was terrified of what they were going to do. they started grabing all ssortss of tools, and such.. and what did they do? they inched closssser and closssser... then they all fell over laughing at the expression i had on my facce.

2011-06-29, 03:12 PM
As the group arrived at the lake, he smiled as Sky's initial enthusiasm was infectious - something as simple as a different view was working wonders on his own deep thoughts. Staring at the shimmering blue water, he zoned out for a bit, part enjoying the beauty of the morning, part racking his brain for memory of an L-shaped lake on any maps he had seen.

"Hey Alistair. I was thinking, since I don't know much about this magic anyways... Could it be, that we haven't been moved in space, from plane to plane, nor teletransported, to another place in the world, but we just have, traveled... in time?

I mean, think about it. No cities to be seen, no towns either. Just like in the days, when people didn't come together in groups, maybe even before mankind existed?"

Alistair shook himself out of his reverie and pondered Sky's question. "I suppose it is possible. If travel between spatial points, and extra-planar points is possible, I do not think it too farfetched to believe that travel between temporal points is possible. I would caution us against making too many assumptions based off of our lack of contact, however. For all we know, we could have passed by any number of settlements by as little as a mile, and never known it. I have heard it said that some elves have entire cities in trees, which would explain the lack of visual cues when you and Isryn looked a few days ago."

The group waited for a few minutes while Briarscale questioned some of the local wild life, and the responses from one bird in particular were interesting.

"Briarscale, how do swallow's normally perceive time? Does 'over there' have any inherent context to distances that we would use? A day's flight, or many days, or some undetermined distance?"

"That being said, it seems there are some important discoveries to discuss. First, it sounds like there are other bi-pedal humanoids, to the east. We also have cautions against the southwest and northeast. Now I do not profess to know what would be a bad place for birds, but I have to assume the scary scaly ones are different enough from Briarscale to warrent a different description - otherwise the bird would simply have said, 'like you only bigger,' yes? Of particular interest would be this high place, to the west. Perhaps Isryn or Sky could climb a tree and see what lies in that direction."

"As for staying for a bit, I do not see any harm in camping here for awhile, in order to gather ourselves, perhaps find some resources to put together some garments that aren't tattered remains. I would recommend we at least survey the surrounding areas and determine if there are threats from any of the directions identified by our bird friend."

2011-06-29, 04:40 PM
A lake usually means more food. Apart from fish it draws in plenty birdlife and other animals.

For this "Briarscale, how do swallow's normally perceive time? Does 'over there' have any inherent context to distances that we would use? A day's flight, or many days, or some undetermined distance?" you could try knowledge nature.

2011-06-29, 04:43 PM
Isryn glances at the lake, feeling the soaring of his happiness at the same time as great dissapointment. He listens as the others talk. When they finish, he nods gravely.
"Well, whatever happened, we're not getting any closer to civilization-wherever it may be- just by walking along here. Might as well stake out a claim until we figure out what's happening, or at the very least which way to walk, eh?"

"Perhaps we should build a few lean-to's?"Despite his conversational tone, Isryn has clearly begun to doubt that they are ever going to find civilization, and his body language shows it. After a few moments, he once again climbs a tree to get a look at the lay of the land.

2011-06-30, 07:23 AM
Sky was energetic. Everything went well, and according to Briar there were even humans close by (or at least something like it). "Hey Brair, maybe it's a good idea to go looking who those people are, tomorrow or something, after finishing the shelter and having a good days rest? I mean, you're the fastest here." He saw Isryn climb up a tree to get a better look at the land. He seemed annoyed, and Sky didn't know why. They had achieved something, right?
"Hey guys, I'm going to lay out some snares, collect some wood, to keep working on that flute, and my sword, and collect some food for us, ok?" He then began making the snares to catch fish. After he was done, he placed the snare, and went to search for wood. If he had time left he told himself he would go searching for food also, but seeing how they got plenty of that, it wasn't a priority.
With the way he was feeling now, probaby everything would go just fine...

Campfire stories

"D-Don't say that, b-briar" Sky said, embarrassed. "I mean, what would you have done? I saw fighting, and a scaled panther thing, of course I'd be scared. Hiding seemed like the best option..." Thinking about it, he mentioned:
"How about you, Alistair? You just went and healed someone who just shot black spheres of energy... " And to Isryn I still want to know how you did that though "Also, I heard from briar that you wanted to see a Librany or something like that? A place where people keep books? Why is that? I mean, isn't life enough? Do you have to read about other lives too?


Use rope: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]
Profession (Woodcutter): [roll2]
Survival: [roll3]
Use rope: Making snares
Survival: Placing snares
Profession (woodcutter): Collecting wood
Survival: Collecting food

(My biggest post ever o.O)
Also, I think Sky will be pretty tired tonight :smalltongue:

2011-06-30, 02:30 PM
briarscale will begin working on the shelter while thinking of where he plans on checking first. survival [roll0] (assuming thats enough)

after a few hours he has reproduced a version of the lean-to that he had made before, which should provide adequate shelter for the others for the next while.

sso heress what im planning on doing. i think for initial sscouting im going to do a lap around thiss lake here, it sshould take me about a week to fully check it out, though if i come acrossss any trouble i may head back earlier.

2011-06-30, 07:52 PM
Alistair nodded to the others remaining, staring after Isryn for a moment before speaking. "It would seem we have a concensus of sorts, to set up a camp for a week or so while Briarscale scouts out around the lake. Given the spatial awareness of the average swallow, I am a bit concerned about the exact distances applicable to your friend's warnings. it could be a league or day's flight for all we know."

Alistair considered for a moment, then spoke. "If you continue to ask local animals as you scout, perhaps you can gain more of a bearing on how far the humanoids, scary scalies, and bad place are."

"Speaking of using your ability to speak to animals, do you think it is possible to use the animals to let us know your status? If nothing else, I think having a cueing system based of types of animals, or types of behaviors exhibted by messenger creatures, would be prudent. Say, sending back a predominantly black animal if you require help. Is that possible?"

Once the decision was made for Briarscale to scout, the group set in to make camp with gusto. The lizard worked on building more lean-tos, Sky set up snares and gathered wood, and Isryn tried to scout out the local area. Uncertain what else to do, Alistair began to gather resources himself.

PS (Woodcutter/Mining): [roll0] Not sure what's available - if rocks and/or metal shards can be found (for making tools and such), then Alistair will look for those. If not, it's a wood hunt!

Edit: Holy cow, I found a piece of wood! Isn't it amazing! It is ACTUAL wood! Here in a forest! Simply astonishing! Yeesh ... the die gods giveth, and they taketh away.

Camp Fire Stories
Alistair smiled at Briarscale's recalling of their first meeting. To Sky's question, he thinks for a moment before responding. "I suppose my decision to heal Isryn was more concerned with the situation than with what he was doing. I am a firm believer that knowledge and power are not in and of themselves evil; what one chooses to do with them can be."

"When I woke up, I saw three others, similarly clad in tattered clothes and all with a look of disorientation and surprise so like my own. A single man, armed and armored, was attacking with no apparent provocation ... despite Briarscale's attempts to diffuse the situation. At that point, I made a judgement call to support those I perceived as victims."

"I suppose I could have been wrong, but my guess is that I would simply have ended up dead, dying, or enslaved by that man, if we had not triumphed."

He listened to the others chat some more, chewing on a piece of root for a bit when Sky asked about a library, and what the purpose was. He could only stare for a moment, trying to gauge if the young man was making fun of him. Frowning slightly, he spoke slowly. "I suppose you could look at the situation that way, but I think you would miss the entire point. Libraries are a monument to knowledge, a collection of writings, pictures, stories, histories, from across the world and across the ages. In a good library, you can find a book on just about any subject you are interested."

Alistair pondered for a moment, hand on his chin, then his eyes lit up. "You, Sky, will live a long life, filled with your deeds and experiences. If someone wrote a book about your life, your memoires, then anyone could see the kinds of things you did. Now, the same can be said of Briarscale, Isryn and myself (although a book on me would be much less exciting than one on the rest of you). Imagine reading all of those books - without having to actually acomplishment the long years of multiple lifestyles, you could experience their lives in a different way. That doesn't mean you cannot live your own life and experience what you wish to experience. But books give us an opportunity, and insight into other lives that we may never see in everyday life."

"Add to the fact that many books save important information for later use. Medical journals, spell books, maps, and so on. The written word gives us an almost editic memory that few people actually have."

Alistair realized that at some point he had stood, his hands and arms moving in empassioned gestures. Blushing, he sat down. "I suppose the easier answer was that I like to read, and find it interesting."

Smiling, he looked at Isryn. "How about you, Isryn? Anything you wish to share? About the first day we met? About your abilities? About your likes and dislikes?"

2011-07-01, 02:50 PM
ssoundss good, air if I need help, ground if you sshould come see yourself. Il be leaving tommorow morning, and im going to head wesst first, if there's any immediate trouble it will be from the sscaled oness, and il check that firssst. briarscale said to the group as he finished up his work for the day.

2011-07-01, 03:51 PM
You are surrounded by forest in all directions, except for the lake part.

Sky sets some fishtraps and finds 1.4 pieces worth of crafting wood.

Briarscale finishes the shelter quickly and it is nearly as beautiful as the last one.

Alistair goes looking for some good stones useful for crafting. Unfortunatly the forest ground is covered with humus and small plants making it very difficult. He comes back with only 0.4 pieces of stone.

2011-07-01, 05:16 PM
Although Isryn doesn't seem to know exactly what to do, he tries to make himself useful by gathering wood along with Sky.

After a bit of work, he quickly notes that the camp, although comfortable, is certainly not reminiscent of civilization in any way. Determined, he sets about putting some semblance of structure into the camp's haphazard layout. He deftly marks a general area in the center of the camp for a more permanant campfire than the previous ones the others had constructed during their travels, carrying stones and moving dirt in a sudden burst of effort.

As Briarscale announced his attention to scout around, Isryn looks a bit worried but otherwise agrees.

Although Isryn listens to the others talk for a while, nodding and smiling where appropriate, he doesn't say much until Alistair directly adresses him.
"Well... there isn't actually all that much to say. I've lived a pretty... average? life. I'm not a scholar, a mage, or a survivor type. I'm just... me. I used to read books on occasion, I play flute sometimes, you know, just... basic stuff? I mean, even my powers are only the result of a recent pact which has apparently stuck with me. He quickly realizes that a lizardfolk, an orphaned teenage ranger, and a religious scholar wouldn't understand quite so much what he was talking about, and changes the subject to the most popular recent topic that night: libraries.
"You know, Sky, libraries aren't all bad, you know. The books only attack occasionally, and the scholars are mostly pretty harmless. You know, kind of like Alistair, but wearing nicer clothes and trying to force you to read some religious text or history of something you'd rather not. A relaxing place, all in all. Although I personally enjoy taverns a bit more, myself.


Lumberjacking: [roll0]
Making a fancy campfire area: [roll1]
One last crafting check for my flute: [roll2]

2011-07-04, 03:50 PM
Seeing isryn settling down with the piece of wood which had quickly taken on the shape of a flute seemed to have started signaling the end of a day to Briarscale. Settling down himself he streatched out letting his tail wrap around the base of a nearby tree which he leaned back against. He mental though about the route he was planning on taking, wavering back and forth between going east to try and find the other humanoids, and going west to check out the scaled ones.
hey what do you guyss think, sshould I check the sscaled oness, or the humanoidss

Other then talking briarscales done doing things for the night.(other then the usual create water trick)

2011-07-04, 04:13 PM
"Well, I don't know much about the scaled ones, really. I'd rather stick with my own kind, but that's just me. Whatever you think will work out best, Briarscale. I'd put our priorities on staying out of trouble, personally."

Isryn glances around the lake, imagining what their village would look like with more people.

"We should build some boats... a fishing village sounds very nice and peaceful, doesn't it?"

2011-07-05, 02:39 PM
Alistair shrugged his shoulders. "I suppose either direction is fine. I would agree that I am interested to see what these humanoids are, but whether they are truly like us, or just similar from the perception of a sparrow will remain to be seen. I am also curious as to what kind of numbers there are, and whether there is a settlement there or they are simple travellers."

"Stay safe and hidden and we'll see you when you get back!"

At Isryn's comments on fishing boats, the cleric raises an eyebrow, but then writes it off as the warlock's odd sense of humor. Settling back, he closes his eyes and falls into slumber.